
180 days ago

Just what is the point of Trustpilot - its reviews are just bent: meet Tom winnithrith

When I owned a restaurant, a long long time ago, supporters of the fraud Quindell (QPP) took to Trustpilot (TRST) to post bogus reviews and ensure we had the worst rating in London. Naturally, even when presented with proof, Trustpilot did nothing about it.It just loved all that traffic coming to its site. Today I bring you another review by a Tom winnithrith. It is of ADVFN (AFN) where Steve and I run two subscription newsletters.


203 days ago

Watchstone – another defeat, more money up in smoke, so predictable

Watchstone (WTG) was once the fraud Quindell (QPP). Now listed on Aquis its business model is to sue all the former advisers to Quenron for enabling the fraud that allowed Quenron to sell worthless assets for vast sums to Slater & Gordon so almost bankrupting the Aussie lawyers. If that sounds insane it is!


252 days ago

Watchstone Group – Quindell as was: how quickly can it spaff its remaining cash ( a £3 billion AIM fraud becomes a £3 million Aquis penny dreadful)

Watchstone Group (WTG), Quenron (QPP) as was, has published its interims today, a shocking tale of how to waste money.


265 days ago

I agree with Gary Lineker: let the revolting Hamas fans march on Remembrance day

Readers of this website can be in no doubt that I stand 100% with Israel and I make no apology for saying that I am hopeful that it kills every single member of Hamas in Gaza. That is a proportionate response to October 7 such was the horror of that day. Regular readers should also know that I think that Gary Lineker is a twit and worse, a man who made £5 million from promoting the Ingenie/Quindell fraud which I exposed. But a broken clock is right twice a day.  The crisp salesman says that the weekly Hamas victory parade should go ahead on November 11 and I agree with him.


390 days ago

BREAKING: Maybe Crime Doesn’t pay: Rob Terry’s Square Cow pub purchase off after local backlash

Oh dear. The plans of Quindell fraudster Rob Terry and his young wife Tracey to buy their local boozer, the Square Cow, and turn it into an upmarket seafood restaurant as part of their Quob Park empire have had to be scrapped after a furious backlash from locals.


541 days ago

ICG-Longbow Senior & Cenkos start the week with a monster lie – you are LIARS

On Friday on the ShareProphets website I published a devastating bear dossier on ICG-Longbow Senior (LBOWand as always, I signed off in my name. I have nothing to hide. I have been a journalist for three decades, longer than Cenkos has been acting for shysters. That dossier detailed the very dodgy CV of a key player and explained why the NAV was a work of pure fiction. Today Longbow has responded with a “portfolio update” which shows that it and its advisor Cenkos (of Quindell infamy) are nothing more than low grade liars.


644 days ago

Massive Vindication for Tom Winnifrith No1 – FCA takes Aiden Earley & the whole Worthington 5 to criminal court

Even the Mrs was laughing this morning as I reminded her of how investors in Quindell and a couple of other frauds I exposed lined up to crowd fund Aiden Earley as he tried (twice) to injunct me and force me to take articles down. We defied the threats  and those articles remain up to this day on this brave and courageous website and the trove of documents I dared to publish were all passed on to the FCA. The FCA has now charged Earley, his brother and 3 others, the Worthington 5, and they appeared in Court yesterday. As I scuttle off for a celebratory ouzo here is what the FCA states:


710 days ago

How would Ed Croft and Stockopedia rate Company X as it files its accounts?

Ed Croft’s Stockopedia is the stock picking system that ranged the Quindell (QPP) fraud as one of the cheapest companies on AIM and said that Globo (GBO) scored 92/100 as a buy. It was a fraud too and went bust. Then there was Wirecard which Stocko pushed aggressively just 3 days before the balloon went up! Two years after the Woodford blow up, Ed is now and expert saying his system could have predicted it.  Whatever. So how would Ed’s system assess company X which has just filed 2021 accounts


812 days ago

Quindell fraudster Rob Terry confirms he is not trans as says that his new business is booming

No doubt the ESG loon fund manager mates of Chris Bailey will be gagging to invest in Quob Park,the new venture of Quindell fraudster Rob Terry, becuaseshowing his commitment to diversity, Rob now confirms his correct pronouns to folks who follow him on Linkedin.  Rob is “he, him” for the avoidance of doubt, as you can see below. And showing that crime does pay, Knob Park is booming and hiring. I can’t wait for the AIM IPO.


923 days ago

Fraud promoter & crisp salesman Gary Lineker on BBC diversity of thought

Retweeting a tweet from a former editor of the Guardian, Gary Lineker wades into battle on behalf of the BBC which, by extorting money from us all under threat of jail,pays him£1.3 million a year for talking about sport. The crisp salesman, who made £5 million from promoting the £3 billion Quindell fraud, argues that BBC staff have a diverse range of opinions. Hmmm.


971 days ago

TomWinnifrith Bearcast - on the Upper Volta Aquis equivalent these shares would be suspended on Monday but on AIM?

I deal with the specifics of ADM Energy (ADME) shares in which must surely be suspended after my second bombshell in 24 hours, another fake sheikh exposed, but this is the AIM sewerr so maybe not. I deal with individuals who enabled this and name them and say why they should not have been in a position to enable this and have some ideas for the FCA, after its recent statement, on Quindell and other frauds.


983 days ago

David Atherton v the wretched Sajid Javid, a posterboy for this useless Government

Some years ago I organised a conference on shares and investors in a £3 billion fraud I was exposing, Quindell, were doing threir darndest to ruin me as if that would protect theor investment. There were the usual death threats which the Police did nothing about becuase not being a celeb or an MP I am not worth protecting. They tried to bankrupt a restaurant I owned with bogus and dreadful reviews. They failed with that and I sold it at a profit. Then they tried to persuade Sajid Javid, who was the minister responsible for business and the media to pull out of the show.


1018 days ago

BREAKING: King of the fraudsters Rob Terry in the clear, USELESS Serious Fraud Office closes Quindell enquiry

After six years the Serious Fraud Office appears to have dropped the enquiry into the king of the fraudsters Rob Terry. This is a damning indictment of the SFO though Terry will maintain it proves his innocence. I despair. Quindell was a fraud. It lied to investors. Its accounts were bent. It engaged in crazy related party transactions which allowed a series of hoods to make tens of millions of pounds but the SFO cannot get a case together. Watchstone (WTG), which is the new name of Quindell, has just announced:


1040 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the short, medium and long term stinks at Eurasia that COULD make it AIM's second £1bn+ scandal

Quindell (QPP) was the first. Maybe there has been another, Anyhow I look in great detail at Eurasia Mining (EUA) but also at a spoof from cash strapped Verditek (VDTK), more on Union Jack Oil (UJO) and signs of trouble at mill for Colin Bird and Bezant Resources (BZT).


1087 days ago

BREAKING BOMBSHELL: Supply@ME Capital - is CEO Alessandro Zamboni dumping his entire holding via an undeclared Equities First type deal

You may remember the Equities First Holdings (EFH) scandal which we did so much to expose? Fine chaps like the fraudster Rob Terry of Quindell (QPP) would take out a loan at a big discount to the value of shares pledged. They did not care as they knew the shares were way overvalued. The “lender,” EFH, would dump the stock at once so locking in a profit and when the shares fell a bit more the borrower would default. Easy! How to dump your entire holding in a worthless company while saying you were not. A document filed at Companies House, below, but natch not admitted to via RNS suggests the CEO of the fraud Supply@ME Capital Alessandro Zamboni has (again) been reading the Rob Terry playbook.


1165 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: More bull market madness and smoke and mirrors

It’s a personally difficult day as I explain. But at least we have great news on the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks front as you can see HERE. Then I discuss shares, ref Tern (TERN), Quindell (QPP) and the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME).


1173 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: for Colin, Matthew and both their dogs - enjoy!

I start with two bits of civic duty today. I end with an appeal to those of you ( 90%+) listening who are yet to donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks, we are now at over £19,000. Help us get past twenty please by giving HERE. Then I have a warning of “incoming” for loathsome Neill Ricketts at Versarien (VRS), discuss Trevor Brown and then at length Bidstack (BIDS) and its clear rule breaking. Then Verditek (VDTK) – looking more and more a zero – Watchstone (WTG) – Quindell as was and the jail cell waiting for Rob Terry, today;s update on that.


1238 days ago

The FCA needs less woke virtue signalling by promoting failure and more diversity, it needs to hire some crooks

The FCA has clearly failed investors on a serial basis over many years: Woodford, all of those mini-bond disasters not just London & Capital Finance, Quindell, the list goes on and on.  So now under new CEO Nikhil Rathi there is claim that it is getting its act together. Frankly, this is woke cobblers, it is rewarding failure, it is not changing a culture of smug and holier than thou incompetence.


1298 days ago

SHOCKER: Buy2LetCars.Com – another massive high yield investment accident regulated by the FCA waiting to happen?

At what point will the Government and MPs wake up to how useless is the FCA. I first warned a leading figure, Sir George Young (now Lord Young), that it was asleep at the wheel – with regard to the £3 billion Quindell fraud – back in 2013. The complacent old fool assured his errant step nephew and second cousin that the regulator knew what it was doing and I had no need to do anything more.  Of course it did not. Belatedly MPs are waking up to the failings of the FCA with regard to London & Capital Finance but there have been a stream of other mini-bond disasters where I have issued explicit warnings over two years and the FCA has done BUGGER ALL to stop them from continuing to raise funds. Some have already gone tits up so losing vulnerable savers hundreds of millions of pounds. Others are car crashes in waiting. I am so angry at the FCA for letting down those who are most vulnerable. 


1302 days ago

How did the companies presenting at the ShareProphets shares conference in May do in terms of share price?

Thanks to reader Paul we have an answer. Normally companies presenting at such events, as they pay to do so, do not always deliver in terms of share price gains. In fact Ed Croft of Stockopedia claims they always do the reverse, they underperform.  That would be unlike big calls from Stockopedia, which tipped Wirecard as a storming buy 2 days before what was obviously Europe’s largest fraud went tits up and also said Quindell was one of the cheapest shares on AIM. Did I mention Globo, Ed had that as a big buy too before it became a zero. Anyhow back to our show in May…


1309 days ago

Christmas Karma Going to Get You - Another scumbag who threatened the Sheriff of AIM, Peter Shea

His company Daniel Stewart (DAN) floated Quindell and a host of other frauds. Rob Terry became an investor in it. His brother threatened to beat me up then ran away when I popped up outside the firm’s Christmas party with a video camera. The oiks he employed abused me then went inside to hide. And as I exposed regulatory scandal after fraudulent client after financial crisis, Peter Shea eventually ordered I be threatened with a lawyer’s letter. Natch I said “see you in Court you fascist Bitchez!” There was no libel case brought!


1355 days ago

Elecosoft - not only has the main guy gone but also, for reasons unexplained, the auditor has changed. More Red flags vicar?

As you know we  have been big bears of AIM promote Elecosoft (ELCO). There were so many red flags when we published a major bear report HERE including Stockopedia of Wirecard, Globo & Quindell infamy having it as atop pick, Vox Markets promotion and highly aggressive accounting. They mounted when ElecoSoft started threatening legal action. Since then the chairman and founder has walked and now this.


1377 days ago

Photo article: a slimline Rob Terry of Quindell - crime DOES pay

If you lost money on the £3 billion Quindell (QPP) fraud it might be better to look away now.  Welcome to Hampshire Life, a publication which describes the king of the fraudsters, Rob Terry, as an “entrepreneur.” The latest issue features an article with a picture of Rob, showing that it is not just his investors who have lost a few pounds, his charming young wife Tracey and their champagne producing vineyard.  Meanwhile the SFO Investigation continues…


1381 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Now Quindell (Watchstone) sues KPMG - this is bonkers, it should be thanking it!

I start with a personal message as to why there may or may not be a break in bearcasts over the next few days. Then it is onto how Watchstone (WTG) – Quenron (QPP) as was – is suing KPMG. This is bonkers. KPMG has made Watchstone shareholders far richer than they should be. I explain that and then discuss how if I was in charge and had a time machine, we would have stopped this fraud ever happening. Without the time machine, what would I do now? 


1407 days ago

Quindell loving clown Tom Dobell “resigned” by M&G – another disastrous call by Hargreaves Lansdown

To be fair to Tom Dobell, his first ten years running the M&G Recovery Fund were pretty spectacular. That was partly because the market tanked as he arrived and then bounced back. Corks, waves etc but still his record was impressive. Today that all seems a long time ago with news that he is being resigned at Christmas.


1431 days ago

After its Wirecard triumph what does Ed Croft’s Stockopedia make of Mystery Company A?

Tipping as a major buy, shares in Wirecard, Europe’s largest fraud and a company every bear on the planet had called out as a fraud, 48 hours before the stock collapsed was perhaps not the greatest day for Ed Croft and Stockopedia. Even worse than the days when the system rated the Globo and Quindell frauds as massive buys. So maybe Stockopedia can redeem itself with a call on mystery Company A which has filed its accounts for calendar 2019.


1445 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: BREAKING, the first member of the Quindell crime gang to face legal action - it should be this week

A source who is 100% reliable tells me that the first member of the Quindell crime gangto face legal consequences will discover the good news this week. I shall keep you posted but I am in the right place to secure barrels of ouzo with which to celebrate. Elsewhere I discuss Eqtec (ETQ) and why an eminent poster on our comments section is wrong to give it a clean bill of heath regarding its fraud. I debate valuing stocks in relation to NAV with respect to mining stocksand investment companies and why it is different. I look at Cineworld (CINE) and bid rumours, Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and lunacy and at the atrocious results from Versarien (VRS) and its startling admission re its illegal taxpayer loan. I also discuss why i am not panicking on gold and the gold shares I own.


1446 days ago

Jew-hating, journalist-smearing, Quindell-owning moron David Dunham still trolling Tom Winnifrith 6 years on

Someone who does not have a Shareprophets subscription (so cannot see what I write or hear what I say) has been in contact to abuse me. The name rang a bell. David Dunham, Daveycaferacer. His latest missive reads:


1446 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I will appear in court for PWC if asked to defend £63m joke Quindell claim

I start with a few notes on Covid hysteria, referring you to my earlier piece on perceived death rates HERE but also to research showing how pointless wearing face nappies is HERE. I look at R4E (R4E) and how Richard Jennings asks me to explain why Dr Green’s valuation of Bluebird Merchant (BMV) is a joke. I am a Good German and oblige. The shares, which I own, are – I believe – very cheap, but the analysis of Green is piss poor. Indeed it is so piss poor that the journalist-smearing old bastard should be fired at once. I look at Watchstone (WTG), Quindell as was, and its £63 million claim against PriceWaterhouseCoopers filed in the High Court today. I shall happily give evidence for PWC. I comment on Avacta (AVCT), Versarien (DOG), and Red Emperor (RMP).


1498 days ago

Has Ed Croft's Stockopedia just served up the very worst BUY call in stockmarket history? Timing is everything

No I am not referring to Ed’s stock picking system concluding that the Quindell (QPP) fraud was one of the 10 cheapest shares on AIM. Nor am I referring to it rating the fraud Globo (GBO) as a 92/100 BUY.  Or to thirsty Paul Scott using the Stockopedia system to serve up classic buys like IQE (IQE) and TrakM8 (TRAK)  This gem from the Stockopedia stock picking system is an even worse call and in fact possibly the worst stock call in history.


1550 days ago

Good news: Watchstone PLC off the hook for the Quindell fraud, great news Rob Terry et al are not!

Companies do not commit fraud, individuals commit fraud. Almost invariably in recent years this has been forgotten. Banks break the rules almost no-one is prosecuted and the banks pay a fine which hurts shareholders a bit but is regarded by the corporate as just another cost of doing business. But why should shareholders pay when they have probably suffered a direct pocket book hit from the fraud anyway? This brings us to Watchstone (WTG), the company once known as Quindell (QPP), a £3 billion fraud which I did so much to expose, getting two lawyers letters, a dedicated put-down company blog and numerous other dirty tricks against me for my efforts. Sound familiar Bidstack (BIDS) morons?


1578 days ago

Two stocks which are clearly slam dunk zeros

Okay, I have been wrong with such calls before. Quindell (QPP) was a total and demonstrable fraud, running on fumes and so just had to be a zero… Then along came those Aussie poltroons from Slater & Gordon, who bought most of its worthless assets, so saving Quindell but train-wrecking their own company. It happens now and again that the corporate world throws up an even bigger fool than your average Bulletin Board Moron on the LSE Asylum. Moreover, these are “challenging” times…


1622 days ago

How did Bobbie Hilliam of Quindell infamy sign off on this China junk from Neill Ricketts & Versarien?

We know that Bobbie signed off on most of the untrue and fraudulent releases issues by Quindell (QPP) so perhaps he will sign off on anything? But the February 4 2019 RNS from Versarien (VRS)? Really?


1629 days ago

Versarien says it comes clean but it does not! A scandalous RNS that stinks to high heaven

Jeepers I know that Bobbie Hilliam signed off on most of the fraudulent releases made by Quindell (QPP) but how on earth has he signed off from today’s cobblers from Versarien (VRS) which may impress the morons but should set alarm bells ringing.  The issue is cash.


1632 days ago

This is so easy: here is another shameless promote of zero substance pushed by Neill Ricketts and Versarien: Zap & Go

If you are an AIM listed company and want t tell lies via RNS your go to Nomad must be Bobbie Hilliam of Cannacord. Hilliam signed off on the RNS statements by Quindell that enabled Rob Terry to commit fraud. Now he is in charge of Versarien (VRS) which has also told repeated lies via RNS.


1633 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: well done Mark Slater (I think)

I think Mark did the right thing at the Future (FUTR) AGM but do not know as my friend might be a former friend as he does not seem to be speaking to me. I cannot think why.  I discuss this and what next for Future. I announce a 4th Rogue Blogger for Woodlarks and as we hit 2% of target beg you to sponsor us HERE. I discuss the strange lack of news from the stricken Gervais Williams Smaller Companies Fund and what it means then look at Eurasia (EUA) en passant, Miriad (MIRI) in some detail and the horrible problem poor Bobbie Hilliam of Quindell (QPP) infamy faces with Versarien (VRS) after today’s shocking expose. 


1633 days ago

BREAKING: Versarien – so how is the launch of mobile phones and tablets with Phonedevil Ltd going? Another lie exposed

As part of the ramp of Versarien (VRS) shares in the summer of 2018 ahead of the September bailout placing, the company announced a string of exciting deals. Hmmm.  Given that revenues from graphene are still negligible maybe it is worth hapless Nomad Bobbie Hilliam of Canaccord asking a few questions. He would not want to get caught with his trousers down as he did with the Quindell fraud would he? Take the 18 June 2018 RNS “Collaboration agreement with MediaDevil.”


1634 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Playing the Chris Akers game & another Versarien question for Bobbie Hilliam of Quindell infamy

In today’s podcast, interrupted by the pest Lucian, I look at Chris Akers and what he knows about Dev Clever (DEV), at Versarien (VRS) and an RNS from February 2017 which I urge its hapless Nomad Bobbie Hilliam at Canaccord to consider carefully as his client runs out of money again, at Andalas (ADL), Eurasia (EUA) and Tesla (TSLA). I consider the woes of Bidstack (BIDS) and a company with even less money, the curious trading statement from Zoetic (ZOE) and then do the maths, again, on UK Oil & Gas (UKOG).


1642 days ago

Letter to AIM Regulation – Versarien (again)

Two days ago Versarien (VRS) was forced by AIM Regulation, following a complaint by me, to ‘fess up that its much vaunted US “hub” was in fact an empty serviced office where nobody works. But in that ‘fess up RNS it made another claim which may or may not have been verified by the hapless Nomad, Bobbie Hilliam of Quindell infamy, now working at Canaccord. Thus, I have again written to AIM Regulation as you can see below.

Versarien, further clarification needed on its sham US Operation

To AIM Regulation
cc Bobbie Hilliam


1660 days ago

Bulletin Board Moron of the week contest: In honour of Neill Ricketts

Just for one week, the contest is being brought back at the request of reader Juicin. The rules are slighty changed in honour of Neill Ricketts of Versarien (VRS). What we are looking for is the most moroniic comment on shares on the LSE, iii or ADVFN Asylums or twitter. But this week you can also add in comments on the private Discord chat room where Ricketts tells lies to investors without his Nomad, hapless Quindell loving Bobbie Hilliam at Canaccord, knowing anything about it! The deadline for entry is midnight on Sunday 12 January ( my birthday). Entries in the comments section below.


1692 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Myself and Olive harvester T2 have an idea for a Quindell reality TV show, whaddya think?

The penultimate day of the Greek Hovel olive harvest saw the three remaining harvesters slaving away until it was almost completely dark. One more day to go and then I shall be free to write a bit more. Pro tem I have a few thoughts on the Quindell (QPP) fraud and also on IMC Exploration (IMC) a dog that should be taken out and shot at once. Its sampling news today was utterly risible.


1696 days ago

Naughty Ed Croft of Stockopedia – whatever happened to GDPR?

Ed Croft of Stockopedia has yet to answer my question on how his system which rated the fraud Quindell (QPP) one of the top 10 stocks on AIM to buy and the Globo (GBO) fraud a 92/100 buy, rates THIS company. Instead I receive a mailing seeming to come from Company REFS which is now owned by my old friend Mark Slater. It gushes underneath a Company REFS logo:


1705 days ago

Top 50 most-read articles and podcasts on the Quindell fraud - this is going to get very topical again soon

A couple of conversations last week make me convinced that the day when the SFO brings the Quindell (QPP) fraudsters to book for what was a £3 billion con is not that long away. We know that the fraudster in chief, Rob Terry, emerged terrified from his second interview with the SFO in July, as I revealed HERE, and that the SFO has been on the case for almost six years. I believe the wheels of justice are finally starting to turn and in that vein bring you a reminder of our 50 most read articles and listened to podcasts on AIM’s biggest ever fraud. I should also say that new documents have fallen into my possession that the authorities do not yet have. They will get them this week AFTER I publish them here as they are explosive. Meanwhile back to the top 50. Enjoy!


1719 days ago

So how would Ed Croft & Stockopedia rate mystery Business A

Having called the mega fraud Quindell (QPP) out as one of the 10 cheapest stocks on AIM and rated the fraud that was Globo as a 92/100 mega buy, the Stockopedia system of Ed Croft is obviously brilliant. Right now Ed is claiming his system predicted the Neil Woodford collapse. Of course it did not but after the event it should have/could have/might have. It is not quite the same as I explained HERE. So here is a clincher for Ed – how would his system assess the worth of mystery company A?


1725 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Hey Ed what scandal are you going to "predict" next? Bernie Madoff? Enron?

I start and end with a request that each Bearcast listener backs the Woodlarks Christmas appeal. Even £2 each and we’d be there. So go on donate now HERE. Then it is onto reports that the stricken Woodford empire may be selling £500 million of healthcare stocks. But at what price? Then it is onto how Ed Croft of Stockopedia, the company that flagged up mega fraud Quindell as one of the top 10 AIM stocks to buy, is claiming to have “predicted” the  Neil Woodford scandal. Of course it did not but no doubt this persuades more folks to sign up to Ed’s flawed system.  Then I crow as I discuss Nanoco (NANO) which I called out as long ago as 2015 and discuss where next for Bahamas Petroleum (BPC) as its open offer flops.


1730 days ago

Aussie poltroon ambulance chasers Slater & Gordon to take on Hargreaves Lansdowne over Neil Woodford

There are some contests where you want everyone to lose: The FSA vs ISIS vs Hezbollah in Syria, the Democratic primary once Tulsi Gabbard pulls out, a tournament involving the English rugby team and the German and Argie soccer teams. You get my drift. And that brings me to Aussie ambulance chasing lawyers Slater & Gordon (SGH) of Quindell infamy. I have a word of advice for S&G.


1741 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: A triumph for Watchstone, the company formerly known as the AIM Mega fraud Quindell

i bet Watchstone (WTG) directors chant “can we play you every week?” when they meet the poltroons who run Aussie listed Slater & Gordon (SGH). I discuss the latest news and where it leaves both companies. Then I look at Purplebricks (PURP), Amur (AMC), you cannot be Sirius Minerals (SXX) and finally Big Dish (DISH). I start with a generous offer to you all! And PS. Make sure you watch Panorama tonight.


1741 days ago

GOTCHA! Another win for the Sheriff of AIM: Peter Shea of Daniel Stewart, Quindell & China fraud infamy no longer in financial services. Its official!

Before it went bust, City advisor Daniel Stewart (DAN) was one of the firms that made the grave mistake of sending me a fascist lawyers letter. Natch I told it to get stuffed. The brother of boss Peter Shea threatened to beat me up but when I pirched up outside his firm’s Christmas Party a few weeks later he scuttled away like the coward he is. Daniel Stewart floated the mega fraud Quindelland numerous China frauds, covering up for firms like Naibu even after it knew it was a fraud.  Our extensive coverage of this company and of its boss Peter Shea continued even as he tried new dodgy tricks this year as you can see HERE. But now we have good news, as you can see below…


1771 days ago

Truly Gamfooked – a China fraud, IPO to delisting in less than 9 months

Gamfook was a Jersey Registered China play. That is always a good sign it was a fraud. It listed on the NEX lobster pot on Christmas Eve 2018 with Daniel Stewart, a firm with a fine history of floating frauds both British (Quindell) but also Chinese.  The tale of what happened next is a scandal.


1776 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Recording with an audience but I can't tell you why

All will be revealed soon. Meanwhile I discuss Eddie Stobart (ESL), Circassia (CIR), Thomas Cook (TCG), Amur Minerals (AMC), Neil Woodford and Watchstone Group (WTG), Quindell as was.


1776 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: It is not the article about the man with the 10 inch cock that matters

Warning: Do not play this bearcast in front of children or folks of a sensitive disposition. In the podcast I reflect on why the Welsh Hovel is currently like Hell on Christmas Eve. I cover the exact role of the house broker on the AIM Casino, i3 Energy (i3E), Quindell (QPP), Providence Resources (PVR), RiverFort Global (RGO) and Iconic Labs (ICON).


1776 days ago

Diversified Gas & Oil plans move from AIM to Main market… so did Avanti & Quindell

Diversified Gas & Oil (DGOC), the largest oil company on AIM and an enterprise whose accounts are being scrutinised by the FRC for a wholesale breach of IFRS guidelines, has announced it plans to move from the Casino to the Premium segment of the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange in Q1 2020. Both Avanti (AVN) and Quindell (QPP) made similar promises to try to keep their shares afloat. Neither actually made it off AIM as promised although, several years later, an almost bankrupt Avanti will be delisting altogether.


1783 days ago

The Court papers showing how Quindell lied to investors ahead of the Slater & Gordon deal

I have already covered the laughable claim made by Watchstone (WTG), Quindell as was, against Slater & Gordon (SGH). Watchstone has made great hay about the conterclaim which ithe gophers of the deadwood press have swallowed hook, ine and sinker. But the actual court papers, below, are damning for Watchstone/Quindell. 


1790 days ago

FREE Podcast: ShareProphets Radio Edition SEVEN with Tom Winnifrith - Matt Earl is explosive

In this seventh edition of the ShareProphets Radio podcast sponsored by Turner Pope, this week, in order I discuss why Burford scrutiny is so welcome then interview Matt Earl, the Dark Destroyer, on Avanti (AVN) , Burford (BUR), IQE (IQE), First Derivatives (FDP), Versarien (VRS), Quindell (QPP)) and Kerry Group. After a few more thoughts from me on scrutiny of smaller AIM stocks I interview Steve O’Hara of Optibiotix (OPTI) and then discuss one area where I disagree with him on strategy.  If you like this and can’t wait seven days for more of the same you should listen to my Bearcast every day.

To listen to episode 6 of Shareprophets Radio click HERE

To listen to episode 5 of Shareprophets Radio click HERE

To listen to episode 4 of Shareprophets Radio click HERE

To listen to episode 3 of Shareprophets Radio click HERE

To listen to episode 2 of Shareprophets Radio click HERE

To listen to episode 1 of Shareprophets Radio click HERE


1790 days ago

Breaking: Rob Terry has now been interviewed twice by SFO – the five Quindell names in line for probable arrest soon

A source acquainted with the Serious Fraud Office Investigation into Quindell (QPP) now known as Watchstone(WTG)  has confirmed that the fraudster in chief Rob Terry has now been interviewed by the Serious Fraud Office twice, the most recent time being in late July.


1790 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The Deadwood press is institutionally corrupt, case study Sunday Times & Quindell today

Liam Kelly of The Sunday Times spins for Watchstone (WTG) in a terribly dishonest way becuase it has been shown an email relating to the Quindell (QPP) era and Slater & Gordon. I will have a real Quindell scoop in a couple of hours not dropped by a PR but coming on the back of real hard work. That is my 6th Wedding annoversary present to myself. All is discussed in today’s podcast.


1790 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: IQE Timber! (Next week)

I start by discussing an interview with Matt Earl for the next Shareprophets Radio show. It will be up later and will knock your socks off. I look at IQE (IQE) and warn you all. I defend myself against an attack on my share tips from pompous twit NoGold. I look at Watchstone (WTG), Quindell as was in light of today’s laughable news and also at Thomas Cook (TCG), which is still 80%+ overvalued.


1804 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Time to fecking panic? If you hold shite yes! Time to write to Burford's Nomad, AIM Regulation etc

A bit better, only 1 coughing fit in 25 minutes. Thanks for all your best wishes. In today’s podcast I discuss the threat of recession and what it means for your portfolio, a grilling for ‘Arry of Kefi (KEFI) for you to take part in, all things Burford (BUR) with references to Avanti (AVN) and Quindell (QPP) and why I’m writing to the Nomad and AIM Regulation this weekend and Corero (CNS) which is a true shocker in every respect. We did warn y’all!


1809 days ago

Breaking: We publish the Gotham City Dossier on Burford - it is a damp squib

We said on Friday that our fellow Quindell (QPP) exposers Gotham City would publish a Burford (BUR) Dossier this weekend. Limp dick deadwood press PR cocksucking journalists, notably at the Sunday Times, published exactly the same story as “news” on Sunday. And they wonder why serving up very sloppy seconds, copied from internet sites,  sees their readership numbers continue to fall? Anyhow the Gotham dossier is live and we republish it in full below. To be honest it is a bit pompous and self praising but when it comes to hard analysis it offers little new.


1809 days ago

Versarien: Letter to Nomad Canaccord and AIM Regulation re share dealing by boss Neill Ricketts

Yesterday AIM uber-ramp Versarien (VRS) was forced to issue a statement about a tweet posted by its boss Neill Ricketts the day before as a result of Thursday’s bearcast and an email I’d sent to regulators that day. But the response itself is nonsensical and raises the very real question of whether Ricketts sold shares in April while sitting on inside price sensitive information. I have thus sent another email to regulators at AIM Regulation (the Oxymorons) and to Bobbie Hilliam of Quindell infamy who acts as Nomad to Versarien at Canaccord.


1812 days ago

BREAKING: Gotham City set to issue Burford short dossier this weekend

Welcome to the party Daniel Yu and Gotham City, such valuable allies in our takedown of the Quindell (QPP) fraud.


1814 days ago

EXPLOSIVE: Quindell fraudsters the net tightens – liquidator moving in on Rob Terry henchman Mark Ford

Last week I broke the news  of the disappearance from public life of Quindell (QPP) fraudster Rob Terry following a conversation he endured with the Serious Fraud Office. But Terry is not the only Quindell fraudster in the soup, far from it. You may remember Mark Ford…


1814 days ago

FRC asked to investigate Burford Capital and auditors E&Y over 6 years of accounts - formal enquiry needed

As you know the Financial Reporting Council are big admirers of my work most recently thanking me for nailing First Derivates (FDP) HERE but inter alia, commending me for my work in exposing the Quindell (QPP) fraud HERE. As such I have been in touch asking that the FRC open a full investigation into the accounts of Burford (BUR) which, I believe, require a material restatement.


1820 days ago

Goals Soccer Centres – the scale of the fraud starts to emerge, staff must surely face jail time

If the Quindell fraudster Rob Terry is, this morning, wondering who his roomie will be when he goes down, perhaps he may be able to discuss accounting fun and games with a member of staff from Goals Soccer Centres (GOAL) which has today fessed up to the scale of its problems as it admits its days on AIM are almost over.


1820 days ago

BREAKING – Rob Terry walks away from public life – did the SFO pounce on the Quindell fraudster last week?

 We know that the Serious Fraud Office investigation into the Quindell (QPP) mega fraud is well advanced. Is this a sign that it is about to get really interesting?


1832 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Versarien is not the new Quindell, it is not a fraud but it will end in tears

I start with a look at how well meaning Government intervention in the free market can often have dire economic consequences. then in light of 24 hours of abuse from Neill Rickets and his cultist followers I look at some of the Versarien (VRS) Red flags. 


1855 days ago

A senior accountant looks at Burford Capital

With the added bonus that kiss of death. disgraced fund manager Neil Woodford is a major shareholder, the bears are certainly sniffing around litigation funding giant Burford Capital (BUR). Our own Nigel Somerville expressed his concerns here. One bear (Paddington) has asked if this is the new Quindell (QPP) in terms of revenue recognition. So I asked a former partner of a big 4 accountants to review the 2018 accounts. He notes:


1870 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - IP Group is surely a stonking Woodford short as its next placing looms

In today’s bearcast I comment on Quindell fraudster  Rob Terry in light of my earlier artice, I look at the FRC, PWC and Redcentric (RCN), ValiRx (VAL), Plutus Powergen (PPG) and at Neil Woodford and IP Group (IPO) which might be next to unravel as the contagion spreads.


1870 days ago

He’s ‘avin’ a giraffe – king fraudster Rob Terry wants to sue Watchstone (Quindell as was) for £14.7m

You could not make this stuff up.  Watchstone (WTG), Quenron as was is trying to sue its founder, the king of the fraudsters, Rob Terry and others for breach of the share purchase agreement entered into by the Company with Mr Terry and others on 28 April 2011 in respect of the sale and purchase of shares in Watchstone Limited. But now Terry is seeking to counterclaim for £14.7 million. His claim is utterly ridiculous but will waste more of Watchstone’s dwindling cash pile.


1876 days ago

Watchstone (Quindell as was), a Canadian legal body blow and the £18 million claim it is hiding

In the dismal annual results for calendar 2018 published on May 9 Watchstone (WTG), Quindell (QPP) as was, claimed to go into great detail on the various legal cases it faces thanks to the activities of its former boss, the King of the Fraudsters, Rob Terry. Except it didn’t. On April 11 it suffered a massive blow in a C$30 million (£18 million claim if faces in Canada from Aviva. This it omits to mention in its finals but luckily I can bring you full court documents and a release from Aviva’s lawyers below….


1902 days ago

Watchstone ( Quindell as was) writes off all goodwill in the part of the fraud promoted by Gary Lineker

Today sees the publication of quite abysmal results from Watchstone (WTG), the company formerly known as Quindell (QPP). It confirms that the Serious Fraud Office investigation into the former management team led by King fraudster Rob Terry is ongoing but there is also bad news for the jug eared virtue signaller Gary Lineker who trousered £5 million from selling free shares in Quenron as the company he promoted, Ingenie, is going down the pan.


1902 days ago

Quindell Fraudster Rob Terry offers you his 2020 sparkling Rose at just £100 a bottle (a 50% "saving")

As the King of the fraudsters, Rob Terry, awaits the next news from the Serious Fraud Office on the Quindell (WPP) fraud he is keeping his hand in with his new venture and its sparkling wine offering, which you can  see below. Okay, Quob Park Premiere Cuvee Rose Millesime 2018 will not be ready for shiping until next year but if you order now this untested plonk will only set you back £100 a bottle rather than £200 the “target price”. Just send your cheques to Mr Terry and what could possibly go wrong? Bargain!


1925 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - the critical conflicts of interest that doom AIM to fail

In this bearcast I look at what a dismal failure AIM has become and examine the inherent conflicts of interest which make such failure ( for investors) inevitable. I reference Management Resource Solutions (MRS), Daniel Stewart (DAN), African Potash (AFPO), Arden Partners, Paul Shackleton, Naibu (NBU), Cantor Fitzgerald, Sefton Resources (SER), SP Angel, BlueJay Mining (JAY), Vialogy, Yourgene (YGEN), Quindell (QPP), Globo (GBO) and more. If you enjoyed this how about becoming a hero and donating to rogue bloggers for Woodlarks TODAY HERE


1956 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: if you wait by the river for long enough...

In today's podcast I explain why Julie Meyer has spurred me to battle on, though I do consider calling it a day now and again. I look at Quindell (QPP), London & Capital Finance, Neil Woodford, and flag up that the FCA has opened or stepped up an enquiry into another company I covered in some detail. You can speculate which, more details when Winnileaks comes good.  I look at Red Emperor (RMP), IQE (IQE), Verseon (VERS) and Blue Jay Mining (JAY). If you enjoyed this, I think, profanity free bearcast, follow a bloke from the Grim North who donated enough to buy a whole house in the welfare safari and support the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE.


1965 days ago

The Corrupt Deadwood Press (The Mail on Sunday), the Celeb (Lineker) and the members of the Quindell gang ride again

The Mail on Sunday and its freebie loving Personal Finance Editor Jeff Prestridge are promoting a new innovative company in telematics and insurance where the virtue signalling crisp salesman Gary Lineker is a brand ambassador and shareholder. Among Ticker’s named clients is Ingenie.. hang on does that ring a bell?


1968 days ago

2000 Morons who want more fraud on AIM ask parliament to ban shorting

Over on the LSE Asylum they are getting terribly excited about a Parliamentary Petition to ban shorting AIM stocks. If they can just find another 98,000 morons to sign (I’d start with the Frontera (FRR), Quindell (QPP) and Cloudtag (CTAG) shareholder lists) then this idea will be debated. Fraudsters must be praying they do.


1979 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Sitting here thinking about the fraudster Rob Terry of Quindell infamy

I consider what Rob Terry is doing now as I contemplate the latest threat to Watchstone Group (WTG), Quindell (QPP) as was. I look back on a few other fraud busting successes but view them as fairly irrelevant. I am more proud of my work for Woodlarks and, in that vein, again urge you to sponsor Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE.  I consider DeepMatter (DMTR), Audioboom (BOOM), Centamin (CEY), Yourgene (YGEN), Big Sofa (BST), I3 Energy (I3E) and Kavango (KAV)


1996 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: KPMG, Grant Thornton, Pinsent Masons - you are corporate scumbags but its not you but your employees that enable fraud

Covering Quindell (QPP), Naibu (NBU), Patisserie Holdings (CAKE), Staffline (STAF), Sefton (SER) and more I look at the role of auditors and lawyers in enabling corporate fraud and what needs to change to stop this.


2006 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The return of Wildes, Roger Lawson and Lucky Lord Lucan

I am plagued today by Bulletin Board Morons reporting me to the FCA, by Roger Lawson and some ungracious comments on fraud busting at Globo (GBO), Quindell (QPP) and Patisserie Holdings (CAKE) and by our former in house Bulletin Board Loon who has returned to really rile me with some vile comments on the holocaust which expose him as the Jew hating vermin that he is - HERE. I comment on Angus Energy (ANGS), UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), Domino's Pizza (DOM), Feedback (FDBK), Photonstar Led (PSL), Starcom (STAR) and Cabot Energy (CAB) . Footnote, Roger is now planning to run an amendment flagging up that I did advise folks to sell/short Patisserie warning "something's not right". Roger you are a gent.


2035 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 6 New Year's Resolutions

Nope Cheryl Cole is not mentioned.  But plenty of other old faves including Quindell (QPP), Globo (GBO), MySquar (MYSQ), Julie "Lingerie on Expenses" Meyer, Big Sofa (BST), Wishbone (WSBN) and Neil Woodford are. There are six resolutions. The first concerns fitness and the walk for Woodlarks where I urge you to donate HERE


2068 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Could Watchstone, the bastard son of Quindell, be a buy?

In today's podcast I look at Tomco (TOM), Watchstone (WTG), the bastard son of Quenron, Condor Gold (CNR), dire numbers from WH Ireland (WHI) and the read across to the FinnCrap IPO, Amedeo Resources (AMED), the Sith Lord Zak Mir and Optibiotix (OPTI) and at Haydale (HAYD)


2087 days ago

Has Jug eared virtue signalling prick Gary Lineker got no shame? Backing the Quindell fraudsters AGAIN

As BBC license fee payers, you will be truly delighted to see how the vast pay cheque given to Gary Lineker is being spent. You may remember that the crisp salesman was appointed as brand ambassador to Ingenie, part of the Quindell (QPP) fraud, now under SFO investigation as the UK’s largest stockmarket swindle for 30 years. Lineker was given millions of pounds of free shares in Quindell which he sold onto poor investors who lost almost everything - having said he'd be a buyer. Well it worked before…


2091 days ago

King fraudster Rob Terry of Quindell infamy announces plans for £1 billion stockmarket listing

I have got more chance of shagging Cheryl Cole than Rob Terry has of achieving a £1 billion flotation of his latest fraud but let us humour the old criminal and examine his plans for OS3 Digital Limited, formerly Knob Park Estate.


2150 days ago

Beer & Popcorn time: The man who backed the Quindell fraudsters moves to oust Insider dealer Yosi Fait from Telit

Davide Serra is a man with a track record of terrible calls. For starters he was pals with call Me Dave Cameron. Then he stuffed other folks cash – the funds he manages – into Quindell and sent pompous missives to the FCA demanding that we fraudbusters who were pointing out the blatant fraud be hung drawn and quartered. Quite simply Serra is a fool and a prick. Natch he has bought up 5% of Telit (TCM), the company founded by the US mortgage fraudster and fugitive from justice Oozi cats, nee Uzi Katz.


2238 days ago

Quindell – KPMG and senior partner William Smith fined by FRC for failings – but not enough, lessons not learned

For its 2013 financial year, the fraud Quindell (QPP) switched its auditors from RSM Tenon – already fined by the Financial Reporting Council as a direct result of my work – to KPMG. But unusually for a firm claiming to be so large it chose the small Southampton office headed up by Senior partner William Smith to check its books.


2269 days ago

Quindell nutter Ian Hislam - Bulletin Board or twitter Moron of the Century

We have received an email from a chap called Ian Hislam who is now officially the Bullettin Board Moron of the Century. I know we still have 82 years to go but this Quindell (QPP) shareholder is surely unbeatable.


2278 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - The Fat Lady arrives at Nighthawk and Dave Whitby's payoff question

In the main bearcast of the day I start by asking what payoff disgraced Dave Whitby got at worthless insolvent POS Andalas (ADL)? And were mugs who backed the latest placing told where much of their cash was going ( i.e. to Whitby). Feel free to contact me if you are an Andalas owning mug. The fat Lady arrives at Nighthawk (HAWK) and looks to be in the wings at Nature Group (NGR) while new problems emerge at Imaginatik (IMTK) - a former Rob Terry fave but I speculate on bigger worries that the Quindell fraudster faces - and at Management Consulting (MMC). I think the fat Lady may well also have an appointment with Widecells Group ( WDC) shortly. I comment on 4 reasons why Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) shares may be falling and on looming results at Optibiotix (OPTI), where we own shares.


2283 days ago

Guess which company was top of the pile when Ed Croft's Stockopedia picked "10 Great stocks" in February 2017?

No it was not Quindell (QPP). That was two years earlier AFTER it had been identified as a fraud. Nor was it Globo although Ed Croft's Stockopedia stock picking system ranked that at 92 out of 100. Oops. No Ed's St Valentine's day 2017 present to his poor followers was...


2285 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Begbies Traynor on Brexit - a worse data abuser than Ed Croft ( well almost)

For the last time I laugh at Ed Croft's joke system at Stockopedia which rates Quindell a storming buy after it is exposed as a fraud and Globo a buy but slates, for instance, Learning Technologies (LTG) - did you see its news today Ed? Then I look at the Begbies Traynor (BEG) red flag report which is remoaners treat and an even bigger abuser of data analysis than Quindell cheerleader Ed Croft. I also cover my pike fishing exploits and Online Blockchain (OBC) - now more than 50% below its placing price and 75% off its year high.


2285 days ago

Republished: Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Guess which stockmarket system flagged Quindell as one of the 11 cheapest value plays on AIM

Darren uploaded yesterday's podcast by mistake becuase he is a fucking idiot. I am considering his future and mine tonight. Here now is today's podcast. To tip Quindell before Gotham City and I started to expose it was perhaps understandable. But to single it out as a stunning value investment afterwards? Who could have been so fecking dumb? As you can see HERE it was the same system also that thought Globo was a cracking investment when some of us very publicly said it was a fraud. Which system could be so bad? Step forward Ed Croft and Stockopedia and he says that Nigel Wray invests in "sucker stocks"?. I explain why Ed's system is bound to have some horrible failures and miss a stack of big winners.  In this podcast I also look at Vitesse (VIS), Tern (TERN), Inspirit (INSP) which has a mega spoof today and Online Blockchain (OBC) where I am just a confused old dinosaur.


2293 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Lyin' Steve now you really are taking the piss

In this podcast I look at Fronterra (FRR) where I'm vindicated and my twitter pest of the week - a detergent salesman - is now even more out of pocket. I look at Greka Drilling (GDL) and at UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) where Lyin' Steve is now really taking the piss with his 0.4p options. Finally I wonder how close is Totally (TLY) to needing a bailout placing. With Allenby of Servision (SEV) infamy and the chap who assisted Quindell (QPP) at Cenkos on board it has a broking dream team in place. I take a detailed look. If you like bearcasts then remember that at UK Investor on April 21 - THIS SATURDAY - one of many highlights will be a live bearcast with myself and Paul Scott. Make sure you book a free ticket HERE using the promotional code WINNIFRITH.


2293 days ago

Bulletin Board & Twitter moron of the week - yes its a Frontera shareholder

Having exposed all the big stockmarket frauds of the past five years on this website (Quindell, Globo, Cloudtag, MySquar, blinkx, Gulf Keystone, Naibu, Daniel Stewart, Sefton, China Chaintek, Aquatic Foods, Cupid, Avanti and the list goes on and on and on) I never cease to wonder at the stupidity of some folks who invest in such stocks. But Frontera (FRR) shareholders are managing to shock me - truly some of them are the dumbest fucks on this planet.


2369 days ago

STRANGE BEDFELLOWS: Julie Meyer cites those who sent me death threats & defend fraud as she defames me on LinkedIn

Poor Julie Meyer. The Times this morning picked up on her increasingly bizarre attacks on ex employees, suppliers owed money and me on LinkedIn "Wow . . . just all I can say is freaking Wow". Indeed Julie. I pointed out to Julie's lawyer that her post on me was defamatory and he said he'd advised her to take it down but, hey ho, it stays up. Anyone who thinks citing the folks who send me death threats, shit in the post and more, because I was exposing the £3 billion Quindell fraud, as witnesses for their side is, I put it to you, keeping strange bedfellows.


2370 days ago

KPMG in the soup again as FRC opens investigation into Carillion

The only UK financial watchdog that is anything other than a poodle has again bared its teeth and again it is the auditors at KPMG that are in the firing line, this time over Carillion (CLLN). Still being investigatred over its role in the Quindell fraud, let off the hook on HBOS, KPMG at least knows how the Financial Reporting Council works.


2376 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Natch the deadwood press showers me with praise over today's Quindell News: pigs will fly first

I start with today's personal triumph on Quindell (QPP). And it is a real personal triumph for me, not that the deadwood press or my critics will recognise that. I then cover Milestone (MSG) - Ho Ho Ho - Pets At Home (PETS), Joshua's fave store, N Brown (BWNG), Worldwide Blockchain (BLOC) and Velocity (VEL) another dog from the FinnCap kennel.


2377 days ago

RSM Tenon (now ArrandCo) & audit Partner Jeremy Filley fined big time by FRC over Quindell fraud thanks to Tom Winnifrith

The Financial Reporting Council has today fined audit firm ArrandCo, formerly known as RSM Tenon, £1 million ( reduced by 30% for co-operating) and audit partner Jeremy Filley £80,000 ( reduced to £56,000) for allowing the fraud Quindell (QPP) to publish fraudulent 2011 accounts. No doubt Snot Gobbler Dan McCrum at the FT is again about to produce a timeline taking credit for this but the FRC has stated explicitly that it widened its enquiries to include the 2011 accounts only because of specific allegation raised by me as you can see HERE.  These fines are down to my work, not that the deadwood press will ever acknowledge that. So how did Rob Terry and his associated in the Quenron gang, cook the books with the help of Filley and RSM Tenon.


2379 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Follow the Bear - top ten shorts reviewed & the sins of KPMG

In today's bearcast I take inspiration from Roger Lawson looking at the sins of KPMG at Carillion (CLLN) and EMIS (EMIS), not to mention Quindell (QPP). What to do?  I look more at Dignity (DTY) and conclude that - having examined numbers from Beyond - the company is fecked. I look at the dumbest snowflake financial journalist going - natch he works for the Daily Mail. And I wonder should one follow the bears, I review the most shorted stocks on AIm and the main market including IQE (IQE), Debenhams (DEB) and Telit (TCM) 


2399 days ago

ShareProphets readers share tips prize competition 2018 - once again semi-naked Quindell owning bimbos can enter

The winner of the 2017 prize competition will be revealed tomorrow. We now though open the competition for 2018 - and once again the prize is a meal with myself. If you dislike me, you can fob that meal off on someone else. All you need to do before midnight on January 1st is to post in the comments section below your stock to buy and your stock to sell for 2018 (from the LSE or AIM Casino and the stocks not to currently be suspended). Steve Moore will monitor and report back monthly on how the competition is faring. Good luck all and especially, should they enter, to our favourite semi-naked Quindell & Cloudtag owning twins Hayley & Kate Whittaker, pictured below.


2429 days ago

Ominous silence from Quindell fraudster Rob Terry - might the SFO have news soon?

Normally the king of the fraudsters, Rob Terry of Quindell (QPP) infamy cannot keep quiet. He is desperate to tell us all about new disruptive developments at his new Ponzi, Quob Park. But as you can see below, the great man's Knob Park blog has been silent for almost three months. Perhaps there is something else on his mind?


2442 days ago

Carole Cadwalladr, the death threats, the Guardian and the Russian meddling in Brexit canard

I see that Guardian journalist Carole Cadwalladr is complaining that she has received death threats after writing what she, without any justification, claimed to be an expose of Russian meddling in the Brexit vote. Let us be clear: Carole is talking shite on the Russians, as she does on almost everything, as I noted here, but death threats against journalists are always utterly wrong. I speak as a journalist who has received death threats.


2445 days ago

Tory MP Anna Soubry you are a collaborator, you are a disgrace and you should stop bleating and lecturing a free press

Arch remoaner Anna Soubry was yesterday bleating about press coverage of her and 14 other Tory MPs who are going to make it as hard as possible to pass Brexit legislation. Soubry views terms like "collaborator" as offensive and links it directly to the fact that she had received 5 threatening tweets on this matter.


2460 days ago

BREAKING: Watchstone fails in High Court Claim against Rob Terry & other Quindell fraudsters but...

This is a small side issue in terms of the greater Quindell (QPP) fraud which will, in due course , see Rob Terry and others go to jail but this week Watchstone Group (WTG) as Quenron is now known suffered a minor setback against Terry and others. We publish the ruling in full below...


2478 days ago

Watchstone files High Court defence against £649 million Slater & Gordon claim on Quindell fraud - we publish docs in full

Watchstone Group (WTG) has filed its High Court defence against Slater & Gordon's £649 million claim against it for having been sold the fraud that was Quindell Legal Services (QLS). I must admit it makes for impressive reading and is robust. The one person for whom it makes utterly grim reading is the King of the fraudsters Rob Terry.


2486 days ago

Purplebricks - what is really going on? More from heroic Chris

Yesterday we ran the gutsy response of Estate Agent Chris Wood to a fascist lawyers letter sent by Schillings on behalf of Purplebricks (PURP) in an attempt to gag him. We are not afraid of the wankers at Schillings having seen them off before when they tried to gag me on behalf of the fraudsters at Quindell (QPP). So let's hear more from heroic Chris. Below he explains why a LPE is certainly not always an E and the idea of portal juggling. Anyone owning these shares is bonkers or Neil Woodford or both. Over to Chris....


2486 days ago

Class action lawyers now have more than 1000 claimants against Watchstone over Quindell fraud - confidential letter a

In its most recent statement Watchstone (WTG) group suggested that the potential class action against it from folks who lost cash as a result of frauds orchestrated by Rob Terry in the Quindell (QPP) era was minimal. Au contraire. The potential liability was estimated at £9 million but the number of claimants has more than doubled to 1,100 according to a letter sent to claimants which they have been told they must not pass on under threat of legal action. Luckily we have the Winnileaks service.


2486 days ago

Purplebricks bullies another critic with fascist lawyers letter from Schillings but Chris Wood bites & fights back

Having received a fascist lawyers letter from heavyweight lawyers Schillings myself I know that it can be quite intimidating. Mine (HERE) was on behalf of the fraudsters Quindell (QPP) and I told Schillings that I would "see you in Court bitchez." I knew Quenron would not dare go through a disclosure process. Estate Agent Chris Wood is armed with the same knowledge and has thus responded robustly to a missive on behalf of Purplebricks. I have chatted to Chris at length today and, as someone convinced, that Purplebricks is a zero I am happy to republish the missive from Schillings  and the response of Chris which adds mountains of evidence to the fact that Purplebricks is a can of worms which is spending ever greater sums trying to gag critics with fascist missives from expensive lawyers. Over to Chris:


2501 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - do not get fooled by Watchstone's cash claims & shoot the scumbag "rebels" at Stratex

Those seeking to oust the board at Stratex (STI) have not been playing with a straight bat as an RNS late yesterday made clear. They are vermin who should be sent packing. Ditto Professor Conroy of Conroy Gold & Natural Resources (CGNR). I have news on his latest courtroom scrape in Dublin and also on the Afren (AFR) whistleblower to whom I make a generous offer. I am warming to Blur (BLUR) after today's placing and am almost tempted to nibble now that ghastly Phil Letts and his even more ghastly Mrs have gone. There is a detailed analysis of interims from Watchstone (WTG) - Quindell as was. Do not get suckered by that headline cash number. It is not real and the shares are a sell. Finally there is an update on the African Potash (AFPO) and Paragon Diamonds (PRG) litigation. 


2510 days ago

PR firm Bell Pottinger goes bust - the curse of Quindell & "evil" Victoria Geoghegan

It seems that PR firm Bell Pottinger will go into administration today and 270 folks will lose their jobs. Fear not most have already had other offers or decided to set up on their own. They saw the ship was sinking and there is no rat like a morally bankrupt PR rat in such a situation.


2520 days ago

Slater & Gordon: Dire results, board sacked, UK exited, Debt for Equity near wipeout - the curse of Quindell

Oh dear me, how long is the shadow caused by the king of the fraudsters Rob Terry and his Quenron (QPP) monster? Slater & Gordon (SGH) the Aussie law firm that bought 94% of Terry's assets in 2015 has now officially been brought to its knees with the board all fired, and shareholders almost wiped out, as part of the end game announced yesterday in Oz.


2532 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Naked women on Twitter, China and the UK property crash and how you can buy the next ASOS

The bit about naked women explains itself but is of course a cue to link to the photo articles on Quindell's & Cloudtag's daftest shareholders, semi naked sisters Kate & Hayley. China and the UK property crash elaborates on the points I made in the property crash bearcast HERE. And then we turn to the question of can you find a thousand bagger, the new ASOS (ASC) . I ask this because of Malcolm's words on IQE (IQE) HERE and because I am just about to make a large new investment - could it be the next ASOS? It won't be but I explain why that does not mean I am not excited.


2537 days ago

Meet the Fund Manager buying into Telit - also Rob Terry's biggest fan at Quindell

Relief for Telit (TCM) bulls came at 4.05 PM Monday with news that Davide Serra had bought 1.6 million shares in Telit last week taking his holding from sub 3 to 4%. He only submitted his TR1 after the weekend but paying 160p-180p AFTER we exposed the, then, CEO Oozi cats as the Boston fraudster he clearly knew better than we did. But where did that name Davide Sella ring a bell?


2539 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast Special - the culture of corporate lying as I say GOTCHA to Telit

Following today's bombshell there can be no doubt that Telit Communications (TCM) is toast. Companies that lie and deceive so industrially in the way I demonstrated earlier HERE will always end in tears.  In this podcast I look at the culture of corporate lying and wrongdoing and what it means for you as an investor. I look at rent boys at BP then at Quindell (QPP), Globo (GBO) and of course, in the main, at Telit


2543 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast on Telit - calling Uzi's next move: this feels like Globo Mk2, here's why

Okay so the Sheriff of AIM has got his man. Uzi/Oozi Katz/Cats has gone "temporarily" (my arse, again) from Telit Communications (TCM). So what happens next? I comment about what was NOT said in today's release, try to second guess Uzi (that is the real one not a bogus ballet dancer/statistician/award winning chef) as to his next move. Then I discuss the underlying business and explain why, to me, it has all the makings of a Globo, not a Quindell,. and why that means that its share price collapsersoonie could be sooner than you think, if banksters HSBC are anywhere close to being on the ball. Enjoy.


2546 days ago

The fraudster's friend Vince Cable talks unmitigated drivel on Brexit

The last time I felt under attack from Sir Vince Cable was when he called on the FCA to deal with myself and fellow critics of that Great British company Quindell (QPP). As, even Sir Vince now knows, Quindell was the UK's biggest stockmarket fraud for 30 years, the regulators have thanked me for my work exposing it but Sir Vince worked hard with Lord Peter Hain of sleaze and others to get me sent to jail for market abuse.To the man who has predicted 17 of the last 4 recessions I say thank you once again for your efforts. Now he calls folks like me, hardline brexiteers, "jihadis" in an article in the Mail on Sunday which, even by the standards of that paper, is lie filled fiction.


2554 days ago

Nomad Cenkos put "on record" re the Mercantile Ports fraud - letter 7, about the land "purchases", SMTM!

When disgraced AIM casino posterboy Mercantile Ports & Logistics (MPL) moves from being a member of the minus 98% club in which it currently sits to being a member of the minus 100% club, I want it known that Nomad Cenkos has been fully aware of massive issues all along and has done nothing other than bank obscene fees. As such we have run a series of letters from a big shareholder to Amber Wood, head of Corporate Governance at Lagos Securities, HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE Now for letter six which puts fragrant Amber and Lagos, Nomad to the Quindell (QPP) fraud as well, on notice for when the final wipeout occurs that they will be held accountable. This letter has also been cc'd to AIM Regulation - I know they are useless but surely even they must realise that Lagos Securities has "form."


2554 days ago

King of the fraudsters Rob Terry promises $1 billion Knob Park IPO - now about those dodgy accounts.

In five year time, the king of the fraudsters, Rob Terry of The Innovation Group and Quindell (QPP) infamy says he will be floating his latest ponzi, Quob Park Estate for $1 billion. Bollocks. There is more chance of me getting lucky with the entire Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders squad within the next 48 hours.  As the SFO investigation into the £3 billion Quenron fraud ratchets up a gear, the only thing Rob Terry will be doing in five years time is praying that his next Roomie at Ford Open doesn't have a taste for ugly older men.


2562 days ago

The Mercantile Ports & Logistics fraud - Arden partners now on the record

Over the past few weeks we have published a string of letters sent by a significant shareholder in AIM listed Norfolk Mercantile Ports & Logistics (MPL) to its Nomad Cenkos so that when Mercantile runs out of other people's money as it surely will, the shamed former adviser on the Quindell (QPP) fraud cannot say that "it did not know." Its role is on the record as you can see in our full coverage HERE. Now that same shareholder has written to Daniel Slater, the analyst at co broker Arden Partners responsible for - arguably - the worst research note of 2017.


2564 days ago

See you in Court Bitchez Odd one out Contest - the result

We asked you a simple question HERE. Look at the mugshots of the dirty half dozen below and tell us the odd one out. For those who could not recognise the ugly sisters they were (top row first, left to right): Dodgy bubble Costis from Greek fraud Globo, Roger Lawson ( who is clearly not a fraudster), the king of the fraudsters Rob Terry of Quindell, lyin' Chris Cleverley of African Potash, Peter Shea of Daniel Stewart and Jimmyliar Ellerton of Sefton infamy. So who is the odd one out? No-one got this one correct.


2569 days ago

Nomad Cenkos put "on record" re the Mercantile Ports fraud - letter 6, about Mr Gandhi the chairman

When disgraced AIM casino posterboy Mercantile Ports & Logistics (MPL) moves from being a member of the minus 98% club in which it currently sits to being a member of the minus 100% club, I want it known that Nomad Cenkos has been fully aware of massive issues all along and has done nothing other than bank obscene fees. As such we have run a series of letters from a big shareholder to Amber Wood, head of Corporate Governance at Lagos Securities, HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE.  Now for letter six which puts fragrant Amber and Lagos, Nomad to the Quindell (QPP) fraud as well, on notice for when the final wipeout occurs that they will be held accountable. This letter has also been cc'd to AIM Regulation - I know they are useless but surely even they must realise that Lagos Securities has "form."


2570 days ago

SHOCKING: London Stock Exchange: Fraud on AIM is nothing to do with us, nothing we can ( or will) do about it

The AIM casino has hosted the London stockmarket's biggest fraud for almost 40 years (Quindell) and a raft of smaller frauds in recent years. One might almost say that fraud is endemic. Yet, in a consultation paper published this week, the London Stock Exchange (LSE) has insisted that it is not within the remit of its own AIM Regulation department to tackle fraud or indeed do anything about it. This shows a complete contempt for investors - we bank the fees, you bank the losses.


2571 days ago

Reader poll: Who has been stupid enough to send Tom Winnifrith a lawyer's letter now?

Don't these fools ever learn? For chancers and crooks like Darren Winters, the shysters at Globo, Blinkx, Quindell and Daniel Stewart and for lyin Chris Cleverley and Lord Hain of sleaze and for so many others, sending me a fascist lawyers letter never works out well. That is not for them at least. But it seems there is one born every day. A new letter is in demanding that three years of articles be removed, that damages and costs be paid and that I put my name to a grovelling apology dictated by this poltroon. Who do you think is daft enough to have sent it? Vote now in our latest poll with a deadline of midnight tonight.


2574 days ago

Exclusive: Watchstone flogs another business back to the old Quenron gang - when will it tell the market?

Suffice to say the big winners from this transaction are the old gang, the associates of the King of the fraudsters Robert Simon Terry, not shareholders in Watchstone (WTG), Quindell (QPP) as was. But its remiss of the new team at Quenron not to keep you updated. So let me assist.

You may remember that among the 191 worthless businesses which formed the Quenron empire was one called Business Advisory Services (BAS). It was bought in 2012 in a shares based deal from Bradley Wingrave, Simon Rand and Mark Read - Mark featured in a number of Quenron deals.


2574 days ago

Lagos Securities put on the record re the Mercantile ports fraud again - letter 5

When disgraced AIM casino posterboy Mercantile Ports & Logistics (MPL) moves from being a member of the minus 98% club in which it currently sits to being a member of the minus 100% club, I want it known that Nomad Cenkos has been fully aware of massive issues all along and has done nothing other than bank obscene fees. As such we have run a series of letters from a big shareholder to Amber Wood, head of Corporate Governance at Lagos Securities, HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE. Now for letter five which puts fragrant Amber and Lagos, Nomad to the Quindell (QPP) fraud as well, on notice for when the final wipeout occurs that they will be held accountable. This letter has also been cc'd to AIM Regulation - I know they are useless but surely even they must realise that Lagos Securities has "form."


2578 days ago

How do Nostra Terra's advisors Strand Hanson really feel about their client? Hint..

We all have nicknames for companies and they usually imply something about how we feel about them. So for me Quindell (QPP) will always be Quenron for reasons that should be obvious. So how does Nomad Strand Hanson feel about its client Nostra Terra Oil & Gas (NTOG)? The hint is perhaps in the image below taken from Strand's latest corporate brochure boasting of recent deals that it has completed....


2578 days ago

Exclusive: Redcentric and the payroll fraud it learned from Rob Terry - how has CEO Fraser Fisher not been fired?

Redcentric (RCN) CEO Fraser Fisher is still in place despite his company having admitted to having grossly overstated its 2016 accounts, something that pushed up the shares allowing him to make a killing dumping stock a year ago. The FCA is investigating this matter as are other agencies which almost certainly means the Serious Fraud Office. So far the fall guy has been the ex FD. But I can now demonstrate that Fraser must have been persoinally aware of at least one major fraud, a type of con the King of the fraudsters, Mr Rob Terry, also pulled off at Quindell and The Innovation Group. 


2579 days ago

Nomad Cenkos (aka Lagos Securities) on the record part 4 - you are aware of the Mercantile Ports lies aren't you?

When shamed AIM casino posterboy Mercantile Ports & Logistics (MPL) moves from being a member of the minus 98% club in which it currently sits to being a member of the minus 100% club, I want it known that Nomad Cenkos has been fully aware of massive issues all along and has done nothing other than bank obscene fees. As such we have run a series of letters from a big shareholder to Amber Wood, head of Corporate Governance at Lagos Securities, HERE and HERE and HERE. Now for letter four which puts fragrant Amber and Lagos, Nomad to the Quindell (QPP) fraud as well, on notice for when the final wipeout occurs that they will be held accountable.


2587 days ago

Exclusive: The full Slater & Gordon High Court Claim against Watchstone for £537m - damning on Rob Fielding, David Curry & the lies Quindell told

Slater & Gordon (SGH) spunked £649 million on buying the worthless, fraudulent assets of Quindell (QPP) in 2015, a deal that has seen its shareholders suffer a 99% wipeout. It has now filed a UK High Court claim against Watchstone (WTG), Quenron as was for £637 million and we have obtained the papers and, in a major scoop, publish the Claim in full below.


2588 days ago

For the Record No 3: Nomad Cenkos YET again put on record about RNS lies by client Mercantile Ports & Logistics

When AIM listed Mercantile Ports & Logistics (MPL) disappears up in smoke having sent tens of millions of UK Investor cash to money heaven, the stink will force Nomad Cenkos to show that it acted in a way that did not bring the Casino into disrepute, as it did when it allowed Quindell to commit wholesale fraud. Thus one shareholder, a veteran of the ports and logistics industry, is putting Cenkos on record now so that it can have no excuse at the death. letter one HERE raised clear questions of fraud. Letter two HERE showed more cases of how Mercantile misled investors. Now the shareholder has followed up again with a third letter to the head of corporate governance at Lagos Securities, Amber Wood, cc'ing in Redleaf, the PR to Mercantile as well as Quindell at the height of that fraud. Do Cenkos and fragrant Amber give a toss about clients lying to investors?  


2588 days ago

For the Record No 2: Nomad Cenkos again put on record about RNS lies by client Mercantile Ports & Logistics

When AIM listed Mercantile Ports & Logistics (MPL) disappears up in smoke having sent tens of millions of UK Investor cash to money heaven, the stink will force Nomad Cenkos to show that it acted in a way that did not bring the Casino into disrepute, as it did when it allowed Quindell to commit wholesale fraud. Thus one shareholder, a veteran of the ports and logistics industry, is putting Cenkos on record now so that it can have no excuse at the death. letter one HERE raised clear questions of fraud. Now the shareholder has followed up with a second letter to the head of corporate governance at Lagos Securities, Amber Wood, cc'ing in Redleaf, the PR to Mercantile as well as Quindell at the height of that fraud.


2592 days ago

For the Record Nomad Cenkos asked to investigate if its client Mercantile Ports & Logistics has committed fraud

There is clear evidence that Mercantile Ports & Logistics (MPL) has misled investors ahead of raising vast amounts of cash on the AIM Casino. Its Nomad Cenkos Securities (of Quindell infamy) appears unconcerned as long as it keeps banking the fees. When this company unravels and goes to zero as it surely will, the shameful way that Lagos Securities has brought the casino into disrepute by ignoring stacks of red flags shown to it, will surely leave it in the merde. A shareholder who happens to be a ports industry specialist has written to Cenkos’s representative for Governance matters Amber Wood (ccing in PR specialist Redleaf which also acted for the Quindell fraud). The damning letter is below. It is truly shocking...


2599 days ago

Beer & Popcorn time: battle of the poltroons - Slater & Gordon serves Watchstone over Quindell con

Oh boy this is going to be fun. It is one of those battles where you want both sides to lose badly. Like Germany vs Argentina at football or a ratings war between Jonathan Ross and Simon Cowell. But Slater & Gordon (SGH) has now formally served Watchstone (WTG) with High Court proceedings claiming breach of warranty and/or fraudulent misrepresentation for a total amount of up to £637 million plus interest. Watchstone says it will defend this robustly. Boy this will be fun.


2613 days ago

It is not often that I cheer the taxman but in the case of the virtue signaller Gary Lineker....

I would like to see a low tax small state Britain. Sadly that dream is not shared by any of the money tree worshipping political parties but I can still hope. Instinctively that makes me view HMRC as the pantomime villain, a body to be hissed and booed whenever it comes on stage to try and get more cash out of hard working folks. But in the case of HMRC vs Gary Lineker, the jug eared virtue signalling poseur, I will not be warning Mr Walker's Crisps that "he's behind you", I cheer on the taxman at every turn.


2626 days ago

The Sheer scale of value destruction of that (failing) UK Oil & Gas Placing - who should be fired?

As we forced it to admit on May 9th, UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), the Horse Hill explorer run by pompous little prig Steve Sanderson is trying to raise c £6 million. The shares before that scoop were 1.2p mid. But having raisred to get the issue away at 1p, hapless broker to frauds like Quindell, Lagos Securities is now struggling to get it away at 0.8p as we revealed last night. Just to put the value destruction in perspective...


2629 days ago

More Good news about Quindell fraudster Rob Terry & Watchstone - SFO demands documents from Slater & Gordon

Oh dear, oh dear, the net is closing in on Roberty Simon Terry, the man behind the UK's biggest stockmarket fraud Quindell. Aussie Poltroons Slater & Gordon (SGH) which has almost bankrupted itself after paying £649 million for most of the worthless Quindell businesses from what is now Watchstone Group (WTG) has made an announcement.

The poltroons state that S&G's UK subsidiary has received a S2 notice from the Serious Fraud Office 


2630 days ago

Quindell fraudster Rob Terry - is he personally on the hook for £50 million as Slater & Gordon sues? If there's a God...

More details of how Aussie poltroons Slater & Gordon (SGH) is suing Watchstone (WTG), Quenron (QPP) as was, for £600 million have emerged in the Aussie press. And for Britain's biggest fraudster of the past 30 years, already under SFO investigation, it is not good news. And top of the morning it is to you Robert Simon Terry.


2652 days ago

Mercantile Ports & Logistics - slam dunk sell (target 0p) as Nomad Cenkos (again) brings AIM into disrepute

Nomad Cenkos was repeatedly warned by myself and others about the fraud at Quindell (QPP). It banked fees of more than £12 million and did nothing to stop the wrongdoing. In doing so it brought AIM into massive disrepute. Now there is evidence that it is turning a blind eye to horrific red flags at Mercantile Ports & Logistics, which at 8.5p is capitalised at £32 million. My target price is 0p but what the hell is Cenkos playing at? I break my break to deal with the errant Nomad - I have a score to settle here since some of the money it raised for the Quenron fraud was used to harass me with fascist lawyers letters..


2657 days ago

Photo Article Wildlife Diversity encounter No 1 & floral wonders at the Greek Hovel

Arriving back at the Greek Hovel I am always terrified as to what forms of wildlife diversity have camped out there while I have been away. I turn up whatever crap music I can pick up on a car radio here in the lower levels of the mountains, open the car windows and try to warn all of God's creations that I am back and they should flee. Of course they know that I am not a hard Greek or Albanian who will kill them all but a total wuss so nothing flees.


2699 days ago

Quindell - when will the Serious Fraud Office think about arresting fraudster Rob Terry? Bad News

There are some folks who think that the failure of the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) to arrest king fraudster Rob Terry of Quindell means that Mr 2+2 can = 5 is off the hook. Think again. A source has been in touch.


2705 days ago

Slater & Gordon joins the Minus 99% club - the curse of fraudster Rob Terry: the end is nigh

When Aussie Poltroons Slater & Gordon spunked £649 million to buy the worthless fraudulent assets of Quindell (QPP) circa two years ago its shares were A$8. They have crashed another 30% today to just 7 cents putting S&G in the 99% club. The signs are growing that the end is not just 90 days away (when it must conclude a debt for equity deal with its banks) but perhaps rather sooner.


2707 days ago

The Curse of Rob Terry - Slater & Gordon more disastrous results, 90 days to wipe-out!

Oh dear. Oh dear. Interim numbers from Aussie law poltroons Slater & Gordon (SGH) are out today and are dismal. The company now has just 90 days to cut a deal with its bankers or it is lights out and any deal will see shareholders wiped out. The shares - A$8 when it spunked £649 million to buy Quindell's (QPP) fraudulent assets - are now just 12 cents. Where's the ouzo?


2718 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast - It's a 7.14 AM ouzo O'Clock as Slater & Gordon crashes again

Oh dear. Oh Dear. Another trading statement from Aussie law poltroons Slater & Gordon (SGH) and it is grim all round. The shares - A$8 when the fraudulent businesses of Quindell (QPP) were bought - are now 20 cents. And they will go far lower IF a debt for equity swap is agreed and that is the best case scenario. The Rob Terry Quenron businesses are now shown as worthless, another day of V for Vendetta, Vengeance and Vindication for the Sheriff of AIM. Crack out the ouzo and make mine a large one!


2736 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The great director share buying spoof, oh Joe you are such a naughty boy

You think that following director share buys is smart? Not always. I start with Coral Products where old Joe Grimond really is spoofing us all with a recycling of a dividend that really should not be paid. Coral also highlights those scallywags at Cairn signing off on another RNS lie just like they do for the fraud  Cloudtag (CTAG). Then I look at Quindell (QPP) in that vein and at Avanti Communications (AVN) commenting on its refinancing completed today. Then it is onto the hot gossip of the cash crisis at Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) where I have another story breaking this weekend. Finally I touch on the troubles at Guscio (GUSC)


2745 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: Watchstone (Quenron as was) Trading statement analysis - on balance a sell

There are two massive uncertainties regarding Watchstone (WTG), Quindell as was. I look at today's trading statement and offer up analysis which suggests that on a best case scenario this stock is more than fully valued but on a worst case scenario it is grossly overvalued.


2752 days ago

If Slater & Gordon did comedy they'd issue a press release like this...oh they did

Following news of the latest investigaton into it cooking its own books, shares in Aussie law firm now trade at 29 cents down from c$8 when it blew £649 million buying 92% the assets of Quindell less than two years ago. Blowing up your balance sheet buying the biggest stockmarket fraud in 30 years is not a smart move. And as such I am delighted to see this release from the Aussie poltroons: 


2761 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - can Paul Scott end my confusion and will Rob Terry be arrested in 2017?

I am watching high quality TV like Midsomer Murders as the Mrs is away. I am bombarded with adverts for online fashion and holiday booking and am terribly confused - I need health guru Paul Scott to help explain what is going on as something is just not right. Then I look at when the criminal gangs at Quindell (QPP), Globo (GBO) and Worthington (WRN) will face justice. At least one might be in 2017. And I ask why Cloudtag (CTAG) morons want to send cash to a convicted criminal who appears to be living in a £3 million house despite BOTH he and his wife going through bankruptcty. It's all very odd.


2762 days ago

Photo Bulletin Board Moron Semi naked twins Hayley & Kate - Full Year Contest : £180 prize

Cloudtag and Quindell owning twins Kate and Hayley are determined that their privacy be respected by us not posting pictures of them getting their kit off which appreared on a website they themselves put up. So here's a picture for you, of them getting their kit off, as we start our 2016 Full Year BB Moron of the week contest with a prize worth £180.


2762 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - AIM down to 876 by the end of 2017?

I start by looking at the RNS releases from Friday, the LSE really must change its rules. Then it is on to AIM - how many companies will be there at the end of 2017 and is the Nomad system just viable any more? In this section I look at Cloudtag, Quindell, African Potash and Globo among others. then I have a couple of New Year's Resolutions and I wish you all a happy New Year's Eve and prosperous 2017.


2771 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - the P to T of AIM fraud

This podcast follows on from A-E HERE, F-J HERE, and K-O HERE. It is perhaps my longest podcast for many moons but are you surprised? Think about what I cover: P is for Potash - as in African (AFPO), Q is for Quindell (QPP), R is for Revenue Recognition as in Redcentric (RCN) and Servision (SEV), S is not for smear (as in Citigate Dewe Rogerson you total and utter bastards) or Strat Aero although both are mentioned but for Sam Antar and T is for Terry as in Rob, 


2773 days ago

Slater & Gordon in new probe - was it cooking the books pre Quindell? I reckon it was.

Oh dear, it just gets worse and worse for Aussie law firm Slater & Gordon (SGH), the near bankrupt owner of the fraudulent Quenron (QPP) businesses. It has now fessed up that the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has served it with two notices to produce documents relating to an “investigation into the accuracy of financial records and accounts of the company for the period between 1 December 2014 and 29 September 2015”.


2774 days ago

Result: Bulletin Board Moron of the Week sponsored by semi naked Cloudtag backer Hayley Whittaker - with more semi naked photos

An eagle eyed reader points out that Cloudtag (CTAG) Moron Hayley Whittaker and her pea brained twin sister the Quindell (QPP) Moron Kate have yet more semi naked photos posted on line. Given how their investments are doing I remain keen to support their modelling careers so am happy to bring you more action pics. Meanwhile to last week's BB Moron of the week contest sponsored by Hayley. There were lots of entrants as you can see HERE but the winner and the new photos are below.


2777 days ago

Photo article: Doing a good turn to assist 5 GCSE Cloudtag Moron Hayley who is better educated then (sic) me

With her 5 low grade GCSE's and diploma in media studies Cloudtag (CTAG) moron Hayley reckons she is better educated then (sic) me as part of a storm of tweet insults she sent me. Poor Hayley must be feeling a bit down given that shares in Quindell (oops, that is what her dim twin Kate backed & insulted me over), I mean Cloudtag, are suspended. So to make her feel better here is her promo photoshoot from the modelsfor facebook site. Always happy to support someone at the start of their career I bring you it in full. I warn you that Hayley is not dressed for going outside in these chilly winter days.


2778 days ago

Photo article: Cloudtag moron Hayley Whittaker has a twin sister - she was the semi naked Quindell Moron

Over the weekend we published details of Hayley Whittaker who abused me on twitter saying she, with 5 low grade GCSEs and a diploma in media studies, was "better educated then (sic)" I am. She also called me a perv and much else and has now threatened to call the Old Bill in to deal with my "harassment". But guess what? Hayley has a twin sister who we have met before. Twin Kate was a Quindell moron who harassed me on twitter by, intera alia, sending me semi naked photos of herself.


2789 days ago

Son of the Knob Park Ponzi: Quindell fraudster Rob Terry launches Quob Park Health

Oh what tangled webs we weave, eh Mr Terry? Not distracted by the ongoing Serious Fraud Office investigation that will see him end up in jail, Rob Terry has a new venture. Natch it is one based on an old fraud but that probably won't deter some folks. 


2795 days ago

Aussie poltroons Slater & Gordon go after Watchstone (formerly Quindell) for £53m - a pox on them both

The Aussie poltroons Slater & Gordon (SGH) who recklessly paid £649 million for the fraudulent businesses of Quindell has announced that it is making a claim on £53 million of that still held in an escrow account by Watchstone (WTG). Slater says that it has obtained an opinion from an independent barrister in respect of the warranties given and the escrow cash and that the brief says it has, on balance, a prospect of success. Oh dear. The only winners here will be the lawyers (other than S&G).


2798 days ago

New Video: Cloudtag - the downfall

Following on from the Quindell, Sefton and US Oil & Gas downfall videos it is time that Cloudtag (CTAG) which will meet the same fate joins the party. Enjoy.


2803 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Detecting Securities Fraud on AIM and how to profit from it

I am off to London shortly where I am giving a talk this afternoon at the Offshore Alert fraud conference. The title is that of this bearcast and I offer up some of the highlights and themes for later. I shall be covering a number of companies including Quindell (QPP), InternetQ (INTQ), Cloudtag (CTAG), Strat Aero (AERO) and the list goes on and on... this is AIM after all.


2813 days ago

I urge you to join me in support of a free press: #BoycottLego and Buy The Daily Mail

Two years ago as I exposed Quindell, the biggest stockmarket fraud for 30 years, supporters of that company ran an organised campaign to get companies not to advertise on websites I ran - this one and ShareProphets.com. It is very easy to persuade companies that you speak for many if you are organised and vociferous and so British Airways, Waitrose, Hargreaves Lansdown and others told Google not to run their ads on our websites. Those backing the fraud, who also sent death threats while the company's expensive lawyers sent fascist lawyers letters threatening me with ruin, were more organised and vociferous than I could be and so they struck a blow against a free press.  That was a blow on behalf of criminals.

Today we learn that a group called Stop Funding Hate has bullied Lego into not advertising with the Daily Mail. The left hates


2819 days ago

Slater & Gordon rewarding failure, balance sheet still crocked

You don't need the brains of Jason Donovan (irony BTW) to see that the purchase of the fraudulent legal assets of Quindell (QPP) by Slater & Gordon (SGH) was a dire error. Surely heads must roll at the Aussie poltroons? Er..no. In fact, with the shares now at A$0.34, down from A$8 at the time of the deal, failure must be rewarded. Speaking at Slater's AGM, chairman John Skippen stated:


2826 days ago

Now it is the Daily Telegraph lifting our (old) stories without attribution: fraudster Rob Terry's vineyard

A couple of days ago I noted how the lamentable London Evening Standard had lifted a cynical bear story from five days previously without attribution and claimed it as its own breaking news. But the Standard is not the only lazy worthless paper on Fleet Street. We now have an even more blatant pinch and this time it is the Daily Telegraph in the dock. No wonder sales of MSM publications are plunging if they run stories that were reported elsewhere on September 27 as their own breaking news on 29 October? This is the tale of Quindell fraudster Rob Terry and his new vineyard funded by the Quob park ponzi.


2826 days ago

Just how useless is a house broker "buy" note: Shamed Canaccord on IGAS

This website has pointed out that AIM listed IGAS has been a slam dunk sell for more than two years but for a good few months as it warned that it would breach covenants on its bonds any moron could see that the writing was on the wall. Except loyal house broker Cannacord, shamed over the Quindell fraud, its research on this has been laughable. It shows that a buy note from a house broker, especially one as shoddy as Cannacord, is just worthless. You will remember how Canaccord fired heroic Kevin Ashton, the world's number 1 tech analyst, when he refused to write a buy note on the Quindell fraud.


2834 days ago

The child refugees at Calais who are adults or far worse

I am still utterly confused as to why a 13 year old boy from the Calais Jungle was allowed to enter the UK because his father, a Jihadi, who entered the UK illegally, lived off benefits for five years and goes back to Afghanistan for holidays has somehow claimed asylum. Surely his father should be given the order of the boot as we really do not need to offer asylum to Jihadi murderers and thus his son has no right to enter the UK. What am I missing?

But what of the hundreds of other children at Calais? There are some who say that none should be allowed in as they are not refugees, they lost that status when they entered the first safe country, somewhere like Turkey. That is surely callous in that some of these kids really do have their closest living relatives living in the UK. They should surely be re-united as families. I am not sure the same applies when the UK relatives are distant relatives, surely the moral imperative of reuniting families must have a limit? Ist cousin maybe, 3rd no way.

On the other side of the fence are rich liberals like Gary Lineker and Lily Allen who blast as racists anyone who say we should not rush to take in all those claiming to be kids. The Mail today carries a harrowing tale of one such liberal who offered shelter to a 13 year old. He turned out to be 21, a jihadist and a nonce who threatened to kill her kids.

Now folks like Lily Allen, and my wife,. will say 


2834 days ago

Disgraced Equities First is back: covert £3m share dumping by Edi Truell at Tungsten

Equities First Holdings is back. You remember those chaps who "borrowed" shares from folks like Andrew Austin at IGAS, fraudster Rob Terry at Quindell (QPP) and Ronald Duncan at Cloudbuy (CBUY). Shares in all three companies crashed and all defaulted on the loans so completing what was in effect a hidden share sale. After almost two years the disgraced shysters of EFH are back and this time it is Edi Truell of Tungsten (TUNG) infamy who is dumping shares but wants to hide the fact.


2838 days ago

Gary Lineker recycles some of his dirty Quindell winnings into a new insurance venture - Neos

Old jug ears got free shares in the fraud Quindell (QPP) as a reward for his role as "band ambassador" for the Ingenie outfit. That was the unit run by Richard King at whose lavish wedding in Somerset jug ears was best man. Lineker sold his shares netting at least £3 million so what to do with the cash? Give it all to charity? Naaaaaaaaah.


2852 days ago

African Potash NED Lord Peter Hain: His history of supporting fraudsters - he was a Quindell fan too

African Potash (AFPO) has still not sued me as it promised to do for pointing out that it had committed wholesale fraud so that, in itself, is a tacit admission that it has engaged in fraud. The senior NED at Potash is Lord Peter Hain who knows a thing or two about supporting the work of fraudsters. Lets go back to March 2015 when Hain was still an MP and Quindell (QPP) was still called Quindell.


2853 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Moron investors in the Cloudtag fraud feel on top of the world

I start with the woes of Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank. Then on to why dogs leave it to the last minute to report results. As such I look at Strat Aero (AERO), Vislink (VLK), IGAS (IGAS), and Wolf Minerals (WLFE). I touch on Inspirit (INSP) as it runs out of cash and is - I gather  - not paying suppliers. I then look at the two frauds: Highlands Natural Resources (HNR) and Cloudtag (CTAG) where the morons are as happy today as the Quindell (QPP)  Morons where when those shares hit 650p. How the morons laughed at the silly old bears as they told us that £20 was on the cards. But of course those backing the Cloudtag fraud insist that it will be different this time. 


2856 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Fraudsters, losers & tossers the lot of them

In this bearcast I refer to my article on the Trump & Clinton debate overnight and what it means HERE and the latest shocking expose of Quindell fraudster Rob Terry HERE.  I warn about bad things happening in Euro land and the worst of tem all is Deutsche Bank. There is a Radio 4 programme tonight on AIM fraud at 8 PM. I am not involved but some fine upstanding members of the community are. that is irony in case the loser Roger Lawson thinks I have forgiven him and ShareSoc for defending the blinkx law breakers by smearing me and Ben Edelman.Elsewhere I look at the role of certain NEDS who are Tim not so nice but fucking dim. I cover the Cloudtag (CTAG) scam, Northern Petroleum (NOP) - placing ahoy _ and Imaginatik (IMTK) as well as China fraud Jiasen (JSI)


2857 days ago

BREAKING: Quob Park Estate Annual Report - Fraudster Rob Terry cooking the books again as shareholders pay for his personal vineyard

The annual report from Quob Park Estate, the new ponzi scheme of Quindell fraudster Rob Terry is out and is a cornucopia of his best tricks of greed and accounting fraud. It is a delight. Leopards do not change their spots.


2863 days ago

5 Questions for insolvency in waiting Avanti Communications

The FRC is already looking at the grossly misleading way that Avanti Communications (AVN) bodged its June 2015 annual results. I reckon Avanti is trying to commit an even bigger crime against prudent accounting with its 2016 numbers and they key is a satellite which is now on the move. But Avanti and its ghastly and morally bankrupt Nomad Cenkos, of Quindell infamy, are trying not to reveal the truth. So have five critical questions for Avanti and the shamed Cenkos.


2863 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Truthful Trump but Democrats lying on terror, The maths on Watchstone now & Alba spouting shite

ISIS seems to have struck again in the USA, in Minnesota but also in New York and across the river in New Jersey. Pathetic weasel words from Democrats will only anger folks on Main Street even more, Trump calls it right again. I cover the amazing weekend poll numbers on Trump the mainstream British media won't report today HERE and HERE. He is going to win. Elsewhere I explain how to value Watchstone (WTG) post today's shock news on the Quindell fraud from S&G (HERE). I look at Mitie (MTO), WH Ireland (WHI), Servision (SEV) and a statement from Alba (ALBA) which is pure 100% cock. 


2867 days ago

Cash strapped Slater & Gordon tries to get £50 million from Watchstone with legal threat

Aussie poltroon Slater & Gordon (SGH) has finally woken up to the fact that the Quindell businesses it bought for £647 million last year were worthless frauds and as such it has today said it is taking legal action against Watchstone (WTG), the renamed Quenron corporate entity. I fear the Aussies are merely throwing a Hail Mary pass and that its case is doomed. Its shares are not 95% down since the deal at just 40 cents for no reason.


2877 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Pronto, Crowdfunding scandal, the SFO & Quindell

I look at the SFO decision on Tesco (TSCO) and examine what exactly it means for the fraudsters such as Rob Terry & Jon Stretton Knowles of Quindell who are now under investigation. And where does it leave smaller AIM listed frauds such as African Potash (AFPO), Cloudtag (CTAG) and Eden Research (EDEN). Then I look at the demise of crowdfunded new media darling of fuckwit millennials - Pronto. This is a massive scandal if anyone cared to look. Did anyone backing the funding back in June of this year know the company was already bust? Companies house shows that is the case HERE. Does crowdfunder Seedrs feel no responsibility to flag up such matters?  There are also read acrosses to listed tech plays such as Clouldtag to consider. 


2877 days ago

Tesco three charged with Fraud by SFO - This gives a timescale for Rob Terry

The Serious Fraud Office (SFO) has today charged three individuals, Carl Rogberg, 49, Christopher Bush, 50, and John Scouler, 48, with one count of Fraud by Abuse of Position, contrary to section 1 and 4 of the Fraud Act 2006 and one count of False Accounting contrary to s17 Theft Act 1968. These are the first charges brought against folks at Tesco (TSCO) for cooking its books. The timescale is fascinating for those interested in the fate of Rob Terry and the other Quenron fraudsters...


2894 days ago

Slater & Gordon warns of FY loss of more than A$1 billion - ta very much fraudster Rob Terry of Quindell shame

This is not quite what Slater & Gordon (SGH) promised its shareholders when buying the fraud Quindell (QPP) in early 2015 - today there was a pre results profits warning. The management tried to polish it up but a turd is a turd however one views it.


2896 days ago

Quindell Fraudster Rob Terry comments on Daniel Stewart - this is comedy genius

Say what you like about fraudster Rob Terry, the man is a comedy genius. I am sure that when he does get sent to prison he will be providing entertainment for his fellow inmates in all sorts of ways. But away from the shower block one way will be as a comedian. Terry's latest commentary on the "blog" of his new ponzi, Quob Park Estate is a comedy classic.


2906 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - the 3 Xs who blow apart most AIM scams and frauds

Firstly I have a problem with my box set of "The Omen" and ask for your help. I then discuss in light of today's three legal scoops with documents falling into my paws ( Strat Aero - HERE, Iofina - HERE and Golden Saint Resources - HERE) the 3Xs who help investigative journalists do their job and my encounters with all three on Quindell and other cases. At a company level I look at: Card factory (CARD), Iofina (IOF), Noricum Gold (NMG), Avanti Communications (AVN) and xCite Energy (XEL) and i also discuss why Cloudtag (CTAG) shareholders are like a swarm of wasps and what that means.  


2908 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus bearcast: Cenkos fined £530,000 over Quindell fraud - assisting crime DOES pay says the FCA

The FCA will say that fining Cenkos (CNKS)  £530,000 over the Quindell (QPP) fraud shows regulation is working. Au contraire. The narrow scope of its investigation, the failure to sanction individuals and the paltry fine show that assisting crime does pay if you work in the City. It sends out all the wrong signals and is a day of shame for the Square Mile as I explain in this podcast.


2914 days ago

And still the Quindell Bulletin Board Morons try (and fail) to put us out of business

The FCA is set to fine Cenkos over the Quindell fraud, the FRC has thanked me as it panned Quindell for fraud, and the SFO is making good progress on the Quindell fraud yet some morons still blame me for the penury they suffer as a result of ignoring our warnings that Quenron was a fraud. These fools really do believe that Rob Terry was a good guy and, unbelievably, are still trying to put me out of business. Step forward a troll on the ADVFN Asylum posting crap under the nom de plume NickyName.


2915 days ago

Tom Dobell at M&G (of Quindell infamy) Officially the UK's worst fund manager again

The most excellent BestInvest has today published its annual "Spot the Dog" Review of British based fund managers and - by value - around half of the cash invested in funds it terms dogs sits at M&G. And the worst fund manager among those managing UK equities only is Tom Dobell at M&G, the man who likes chucking other people's money at fraudster Rob Terry of Quindell over and over again. Among the heroes is, naturally Terry Smith of Fundsmith, the best performer in the "global" category. The full listings of dogs in each sector is fascinating. Well done Dobell, you are, if nothing else, consistent. That is to say consistently useless.


2920 days ago

The bonkers accounts of Quob Park Solutions run by Quindell fraudster Rob Terry & the Watchstone Court case

Part of the Knob Park Group of ponzis run by Quindell (QPP) fraudster Rob Terry, before he is put on trial and sent to prison, Quob Park Solutions has recently published what are the most bonkers set of accounts in Christendom.


2921 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Avanti won't be playing Germany in the invasion of France role play

I am challenged to comment on Cenkos (CNKS) as an investment in light of todays news on its role in the Quindell fraud (HERE). Okay, I do my best. Then it is on to Techfinancials (TECH), Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) and some friendly advice for Malcolm Stacey, Gulf Keystone (GKP), XCite Energy (XEL) and then I end with Avanti Communications (AVN) where I hope you understand the historical analogy.


2922 days ago

Vindication for Tom Winnifrith: Cenkos to be fined up to £700,000 over Quindell fraud - not enough

Sky News claims to have a source who says that Nomad and broker Cenkos (CNKS) is to be fined £700,000 by the FCA for its lamentable failings in the Quindell (QPP) fraud - Cenkos has now admiited that a probe is underway. Whilst I see this as another moment of vindication for my work in exposing that fraud it is simply not enough. The FCA is telling the City's banksters that turning a blind eye to white collar crime does pay. Its coke and hookers all round if this is the best that the FCA can do.


2927 days ago

FastForward and its Yooya metrics this now becomes utterly laughable, beyond parody

Even the Quindell fraudster Rob Terry would have been ashamed of this nonsense. Yesterday I flagged up how the latest ramptastic RNS from FastForward (FFWD) was sheer bollocks in the made up numbers department. Today the company has responded with an explanation which will have you pissing yourself. It is so utterly mad that the company's Nomad must surely be considering its position (or have no shame). This is sheer comedy.


2928 days ago

Scoop: Ingenie Canada to Wind Down Operations - oh dear another Quindell fraud write-off for Watchstone

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear., if my father had not drunk it all, it would be another ouzo moment for the Sheriff of AIM with news that Ingenie Canada is no more. We have been warning for ages that the Toronto based frauds of Rob Terry were falling apart but Watchstone Group (WTG), the rebranded Quindell has been in denial. There you go.


2929 days ago

Why does the BBC still interview Vince Cable: He is Mad & Bad

You would have hoped that having been dumped by the sensible folks of Twickenham at the last election, mad old Vince Cable would scuttle off back into the undergrowth never to be seen again. As a nation, we prayed that the man who predicted 17 of the last 4 recessions and who fought valiantly on behalf of the Quindell fraudsters demanding that the FCA investigate wicked fraud busters would never been seen again. But oh no.


2936 days ago

Tom Winnifrith bonus bearcast - 14 Red Flags you may have missed At Avanti Communications

I would expect the collapse in the Avanti Communications (AVN) share price to continue. You cannot say this site did not warn you. In this bonus bearcast I run through 14 red flags which apply to Avanti and which I managed to jot down in less than ten minutes. Drat! I missed an obvious 15th: the promise to move from AIM to the Main Market. It did not happen. Companies that promise the jump but don't make it (think Quindell) are always red flagged.


2947 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - the FCA has been investigating me for the past few weeks - poltroons

In this podcast I relay to you news of an investigation which has now closed into me and others relating to InternetQ. It shows the sinister powers the FCA has and uses but also the crass stupidity of the regulators in pursuing such an obviously flawed investigation. Not only was I 100% innocent but I was demonstrably so. What makes the fact that these fascist poltroons go after an investigative journalist who has busted so many frauds is that the FCA has not gone after the frauds despite me handing it evidence on a plate. I refer to Quindell, 3DM ( where in its FSA days it actually helped protect the fraudsters), Globo and Sefton This has meant that investors have been screwed as a result. The FCA is not fit for purpose 


2977 days ago

Can the FCA really be so useless that it allows Rob Terry to raise cash on an industrial scale from mug punters again?

It appears that the answer to that question is yes. Terry has not only said he is going to do it but he has told the FCA how he is going to do it. And the chocolate teapots appear happy to let this continue. It is bad enough that Terry boasts that he made in excess of £30 million from the Quindell fraud, but it seems in Britain he can carry on stealing and no-one cares.


2977 days ago

Rob Terry's Quob Park Ponzi gets into Crowdfunding with delisted Daniel Stewart

You could not make this up but fraudster Rob Terry is getting into crowdfunding working alongside Peter Shea, the boss of disgraced ex AIM Casino listed China fraud specialist Daniel Stewart (DAN). It was, of course, Daniel Cesspit that listed Quindell on a fraudulent prospectus and signed off of the fraudulent deals with TMC Southern, that conjured up entirely fictitious profits for Quenron in 2011. The SFO will sooner or later arrest Terry and he's going to jail, but it seems as if Shea is determined to implicate himself by association.


2977 days ago

The £100m scale of the Himex Quindell fraud admitted to - Rob Terry Caption Contest

Watchstone (WTG), Quindell as was, has today admitted to the full scale of the Himex fraud - the Hassan Sadiq Rob Terry con at the heart of Quindell - full details are HERE. In light of this please supply suitable captions, in the comments section below, for the picture below in honour of Robert Simon Terry. Deadline: midnight Sunday.


2977 days ago

The Quindell Fraudsters Reunion at Quob Park - Tim Scurry is back for his 4th Rob Terry fraud

With the Serious Fraud Office closing in on Quindell (QPP) fraudster Rob Terry and his gang, the round up of suspects is going to be made easier by the way more and more of them are pitching up at Rob's new ponzi, Knob Park. The latest gang member to join is Tim Scurry, a Canadian now embarking on his 4th venture with Terry.


2977 days ago

Note 37 from Watchstone: the fraud of Rob Terry, the Naivete of Watchstone & the ghastly truth for S&G

You remember how Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) was going to transform the profits of Quindell (QPP)? Okay, there had always been sub 20,000 successful claims a year but fraudster Rob Terry was accruing profits on the basis that Quindell was going to win 72,000 a year. Yes a 360% market share and the City analysts, mug punters, auditors KPMG et al believed him! Jesus how could they be so thick or corrupt? We did warn them. Anyhow, have a butchers at Note 37 of the Watchstone (WTG) - Quenron as was - accounts yesterday. It states:


2978 days ago

Watchstone confirms the SFO Quindell enquiry still live as full extent of the £100m plus Himex fraud revealed

Himex was the biggest single acquisition fraud perpertrated by Rob Terry at Quindell (QPP) and today the scale of that £100 million plus fraud has been laid bare as the re-branded Watchstone (WTG) has publsihed 2015 results. These show that statements made by new management with 2014 results were rash reckless and misleading but also that the Serious Fraud Office is still going after Terry and his cabal.


2991 days ago

And the only fan of Quob Park Estate giving it 5 stars is....

I would like to say that Quindell (QPP) fraudster Rob Terry has Time on his hands but I imagine that using the words Time & Rob Terry in the same sentence might make him feel uncomfortable. Anyhow I am delighted to see that his new ponzi, Knob Park has at least, well in fact just, one fan.


3007 days ago

Vince Cable on Brexit -what does this dreadful man not understand about democracy?

Vince Cable is the man who has famously predicted 14 of the last three recessions. He is the man who, as business secretary, called on the FCA to investigate and prosecute wicked bears who were bringing down a Great British company called Quindell, now being investigated by the Serious Fraud Office. Cable backed the fraudsters then and now he is showing how, as a Liberal Democrat, he has a strange view of what Democracy means.


3015 days ago

Rob Terry says he made £30 million from the Quindell fraud - another lie

Anyone who uses the phrase "to be honest " or "I'll be honest" before making a statement is usually lying and that brings us to fraudster Rob Terry who uses that phrase in today's laughable interview with the Sunday Telegraph. One claim is that he made £30 million from the Quindell (QPP) fraud. Natch: Terry is lying as he does every time when there is a Y in the day he is speaking. 


3015 days ago

Fraudster Rob Terry of Quindell infamy thinks near-bust Slater & Gordon got a bargain - you couldn't make it up

Fraudster Rob Terry has given an exclusive interview to the Sunday Telegraph which is sheer comedy at numerous levels but shareholders in Slater & Gordon will not be laughing for Terry really kicks them in the goolies. S&G shares were $7.95 when it bought 92% of the Quindell business. A year later they are 29 Aussie cents. But Terry says:


3015 days ago

A NED to keep executives like fraudster Rob Terry in check at Quob Park...cometh the day

Non Executive Directors are meant to be there to keep executive directors in check on behalf of other shareholders. That applies if you are dealing with an honest CEO or a psycopathic fraudster such as Rob Terry of Quindell (QPP) infamy who now runs the Knob Park Ponzi. So which NED's keep the old crook in check?


3015 days ago

Fraudster Rob Terry admits to spunking 450,000 Euro of Quob Park cash as Quindell fraud Biosign goes bust

The tawdry tale of fraud involving Canadian listed penny dreadful Biosign (as of 2 weeks ago bust) and fraudster Rob Terry is finaly drawing to a close. Terry has fessed up to the final chapter on his lamentable Knob Park blog.


3020 days ago

Corero appoints new nomad & broker - that means placing imminent: sell

Corero (CNS) had, in Finncap, an existing Nomad and broker who the City thinks are acceptable although I regard them as complete & utter bastards. But I am even more scathing about Quindell's pals at Cenkos and today Corero (CNS) has appointed those mothers as its new Nomad and broker, 24 hours ahead of its results.


3020 days ago

Watchstone does not want mad Edi's paper, no-one else wants its shite assets

Watchstone(WTG), the company formerly known as Quindell (QPP) has said that it turned down a share based offer from a private company for its hot-potch of useless cash burning and often fraudulent assets. That offer came from Tantalum, a company owned by mad Edi Truell of Tungsten (TUNG) infamy as I noted in bearcast yesterday HERE.


3038 days ago

Photo: Slater & Gordon Due Diligence clever cats in action - should we buy now?

Thanks to reader J for this photo of the top cat from Slater & Gordon (SGH) staring at his screen wondering whether to buy Quindell (QPP)or not. With a deadline of Sunday midnight this is our latest caption contest. Simply post your entries in the comments section below.


3057 days ago

The 4 Companies I have Reported to the FRC - the common thread for Quindell, Eden, Avanti and Servision

I have to date reported four companies to the Financial Reporting Council asking it to investigate accounts which I believe to be fraudulent and or misleading. So where am I with these four and what is the common thread?

The first to be dobbed in was Quindell. The FRC publicly acknowledged that it widened the scope of its enquiries as a result of my letter and Quindell was found guilty on all sorts of counts. Expect disciplinary action AFTER the Serious Fraud Office has made its arrests.

The next three are Eden Research (EDEN),Servision (SEV) and Avanti Communications (AVN) which all stand accused (by me) of unacceptable revenue recognition policies.


3064 days ago

Watchstone subsidiary Maine Finance 2014 accounts finally arrive & look very fishy

There are some folks out there - Evil Knievil - who under under the illussion that what is left in Watchstone Group (WTG) has a value, that somehow the collection of frauds assambled as Quindell that even Slater & Gordon was not dumb enough to buy is worth something. Au contraire. I see that the Maine Finance subsidiary has finally filed its December 2014 accounts with a directors’ report disclosing;


3065 days ago

Now Watchstone accuses Quindell fraudster Rob Terry of putting a swimming pool on expenses

This is the least of the problems facing fraudster Rob Terry. A looming arrest by the Serious Fraud Office and a likely multi year jail term is top of his worries but now Watchstone (WTG), formerly Quindell (QPP), is accusing him of six figure expenses theft.


3067 days ago

I am now warming to Lord Michael Howard of Quindell too

First it was Donald Trump who I started warming too. Now it is Lord Howard, the ex Tory leader now a NED at Watchstone, the company once known as Quindell or Quenron. It is true I really am starting to rather like the man.

With Trump it was very much your enemy's enemy is your friend. If the Guardian, C4 News and BBC loathe someone he really can't be all that bad can he?

With Lord Howard, we may have crossed swords over Quenron, but he is just so amiable. Feeling bored the other day


3069 days ago

Slater & Gordon shares off another 17% at just 26 cents from $8 after Quindell deal - reader poll - when is ZERO

Slater & Gordon (SGH) shares fell another 17.46% today to just 26 Aussie cents. They were A$8 less than a year ago after it spunked $1.3 billion buying the Quindell fraud for reasons it still has not explained. The question is not IF the shares will hit ZERO but when? Is it it by March 31 when it has to renegotiate bank covenants it is set to breach, by June 30 ( year end), September 1 (when I reckon it is out of cash), or October when Auditors must sign off on its horrific FY accounts. Or never. You can vote now in our when does S&G hit A$0.00 poll? Deadline is 7 AM March 3rd.


3069 days ago

Slater & Gordon shares crash to just 32 cents as the curse of Quenron savages value - target ZERO

If you spunk A$1.3 billion buying a fraudulent business like Quenron and leaving yourself drowning in debt as is Slater & Gordon (SGH) your shareholders are going to get 100% fucked it is only a matter of when. 

Ten months ago as the Aussie poltroons bought the Quindell operations S&G shares were A$8. Today they closed at 32 cents. The good news for shareholders


3071 days ago

Bulletin Board Moron of the week Contest (6/2016) - there's no moron like a Quindell moron

The demise of Motive TV (MTV) & the Slater & Gordon (SGH) car crash were obvious triggers for some of the stupidest folks on this planet to talk shite on Bulletin Boards last week. On some threads (LSE Asylum Worthington WRN being a case in point) no trigger is needed for idiocy. There were numerous splendid entrants for last week's BBM of the week as you can see HERE but there could only be one winner.


3071 days ago

Slater & Gordon Beer & Popcorn Results Debacle Podcast Part 3 - why did S&G's board crash the car

In part two of this series I showed why analysing today's interims leads to just one conclusion - shares in Slater & Gordon (SGH) are going to zero or near as damn it. That podcast can be accessed HERE. Now I look at quite why the poltroons who run S&G did the Quindell (QPP) deal in the first place and why they overpaid so monstrously for a fraud


3071 days ago

Slater & Gordon Beer & Popcorn Results Debacle Podcast Part 2 - Car Crash - for S&G insolvency beckons

The interims for the 6 months to December 31 2015 from Slater & Gordon are a car crash. A$1.2 billion was spent on buying the Quindell (QPP) fraud, now the madness of that is laid bare. Slater's board should be strung up with piano wire. The shares are heading to zero or near as damn it. This podcast contains a full results analysis.


3071 days ago

Slater & Gordon Beer & Popcorn Results Debacle Podcast Part 1 - Good news for Watchstone

Slater & Gordon (SGH) interims are out and are disastrous for the Aussie poltroons. The Quindell (QPP) fraud has left S&G on its knees. But before I enjoy another ouzo I start with a look at how this car crash affects Watchstone (WTG) and for it the news is good.


3071 days ago

Avanti Communications - please explain your 100% rum & coke subsidiary accounts?

If a company organanises itself with complex subsidiaries with opaque accounts that simply contradict themselves you know to run a mile. Think Quindell. Now welcome to the world of Avanti Communications (AVN) - target price 0p - and its wholly owned subsidiary Avanti Communications Infrastructure Limited. The numbers just do not make sense.


3074 days ago

BREAKING: Daniel Stewart - Oh Dear Mr Terry it looks like the Cesspit is now drowning in debt

I've got more bad news for fraudster Rob Terry. No, it is not the Serious Fraud Office & Quindell (QPP). That is for later this year but probably Rob won't have to wait that long for the 6 AM knock. This time it is Daniel Stewart which is almost 10% owned by Rob's new ponzi Quob Park Estates. It seems as if the cash burning broker is now out of cash and has had to start borrowing just to keep afloat. Pro tem. Oh dear.


3076 days ago

Slater & Gordon shares suspended - Castlemaine XXXX & popcorn Monday with results

Trading in the shares of Aussie poltroons, the law firm Slater & Gordon (SGH) has been suspended on the ASX ahead of interim results on Monday with the imbeciles flagging that there will be a material write-down of its British assets, notably the fraudulent businesses bought from Quindell (QPP). Oh dear...this is not going to end well for S&G is it?


3081 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 18 Feb: PR Man Paul McManus of Walbrook - stop jerking off, stop smearing me & take the Eden Challenge

I urge you to follow the Quindell (QPP) lunatic Steamy, aka Marc Rowlands and sign a petition to Parliament if only to discredit the whole process. As an aside you now know the 322 stupidest people investing in AIM. I have a challenge for the lying toe-rag Paul McManus who does PR for FRAUD Eden Research (EDEN). I discuss Horse Hill stocks, Servision (SEV), Iofina (IOF) and Greka Drilling (GDL)


3083 days ago

Lord Howard so what do you value Watchstone's 5% stake in the Quob Park Ponzi at?

And there was I thinking that the good Lord Howard and his colleagues on the board at Watchstone (WTG) formerly Quindell (QPP) wanted nothing to do with fraudster Rob Terry. How wrong was I?


3084 days ago

Rob Terry and the Quindell Biosign FRAUD - you will never guess what Quob Park has done?

We covered the total fraud that was Quindell's (QPP) dealings with Canadian listed company Biosign - a fraud the new management has tried to paper over - HERE . You will never guess what has happened now.

You could not make this up. Yes Rob Terry;s new ponzi Knob Park has done a deal with Biosign. Biosign tells mug Canadian investors that:


3090 days ago

Slater & Gordon, Helen Cutler Tribunal is this what the Aussies want to hide at ACH?

I have noted before that Aussie poltroons Slater & Gordon (SGH) are closing down the ACH unit bought from Quindell (QPP) with a book value of £30 million and have admitted that the reason is in part to avoid bad publicity. So is this what they are trying to hide? Perhaps it is this...


3097 days ago

TMC Southern, Quindell, fraud and the Companies House Mystery

I exposed the massive panama pump fraud at TMC Southern and Quindell (QPP) back in August 2014 and Quindell/Watchstone (WTG) now admits I was 100% right - having first said it would sue me for libel. It would be appreciated if the new management might apologise for that. Now we have some answers as to why TMC has not been struck off despite now being late on THREE sets of accounts. Companies house and I have swapped emails.


3098 days ago

Slater & Gordon - shareholder wipeout within weeks? Heads Must Roll

The Sunday Telegraph is reporting that Aussie poltroons Slater & Gordon (SHG) has called in experts to look at a restructuring of its borrowings as the problems caused by the £600 million acqusition of the fraudulent operations of Quindell (QPP) mount. This should come as no surprise to ShareProphets readers - I explained HERE on November 21 2015 exactly why S&G was a ZERO. The shares - A$8 after the Quenron purchase are already down to 62.5 Aussie cents. The fact is that with a market cap of A$222 million but debts of A$700 million it will be out of cash - unless it defers debt repayments - by mid year.


3103 days ago

TMC Southern - the mega Quindell fraud of 2011 now overdue 3 sets of accounts

The fraud that created nearly all of the fictional profits reported by Quindell (QPP) in 2011 was the panama pump involving Mark Ford's TMC Southern. I exposed it HERE in August 2014, got a fascist lawyers letter in response, and Quindell admitted that my allegations were correct in the summer of 2015. But still Rob Terry and his pal Mark Fraud are trying to cover up this ford. Check out Companies House HERE


3103 days ago

Rebranding at the Quindell/Watchstone FRAUD Hubio - photo exclusive

Shot in the Watchstone (WTG) offices in Toronto today..this is rebranding on the cheap. Hat tip to one of our many sources on the inside of this  sinking ship..


3106 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 24 January: Himex this is jail for Rob Terry & bad news for Watchstone + crap AIM investment companies

I am sorry for the delayed podcast but I am only just back from time in the Grim Northern welfare safari with the mother in law and thus can now let myself go with a volley of bad language.  I end with an explanation of who benefitted from the £150 million + Himex fraud at Quindell (QPP) laid bare earlier HERE and how it also affects Watchstone (WTG). Before that I talk of my annoyance on the silly blogger spats and the explain the difference between a cash shell and an investment company and why I regard our work on exposing the latter as invaluable. In the middle segment I have more bad news for oil companies such as XCite (XEL), IGAS (IGAS), Petroceltic (PCI) & Gulf Keystone (GKP) and for the sector as a whole but also for the markets. Dont blame China, we bears are still in the driving seat.


3106 days ago

Quindell - the £100 million + Himex fraud laid bare - accounts finally filed

Himex was the biggest fraud in the Quindell (QPP) Augean stable but until now the scale of that fraud totalling hundreds of millions of pounds has remained hidden because Himex has now FINALLY filed accounts. The company has now changed its name to Hubio Solutions Ltd and snuck out accounts - on my Birthday - which the Serious Fraud Office will just love. It is bad news for Rob Terry but also for Watchstone as it exposes the myth pushed by the bulls that its ongoing businesses have any value.


3121 days ago

Watchstone, aka Quindell, who got the £2 million bonus at Christmas: was it disgraced Rob Fielding?

A hat tip to Drunken Sailor for this post which sets in train the question of the Rob Fielding cover up at Quindell (QPP), now Watchstone (WTG). 


3121 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 9 January: In denial, Paul Scott, Quindell & China nutters

I deal with three sorts of folks who are in denial. Quindell (QPP)/Watchstone (WTG) owning BB nutters who still insist that Rob Terry may be innocent and I may be guilty, Paul Scott who sees value in retail stocks and the China nutters who cannot accept that what is going on is more than a little blip. Once again I warn that this podcast contains strong language.


3122 days ago

Quindell (ie Watchstone) faces Canadian lawsuit - when was it planning to tell us?

Heck,it may have a new name but it seems that the bury the bad news approach of fraudster Rob Terry still pervades at Watchstone Group (WTG), the company formerly known as Quenron (QPP). Perhaps it would like to tell us about the Canadian lawsuit it picked up this week?


3122 days ago

Watchstone £1 Disposal today - what that tells us about the Quindell fraud

Watchstone Group (WTG), formerly known as Quenron (QPP) has today sold its property services business BE Insulated and Carbon Reduction Company for just £1. The statement is telling.


3125 days ago

Get your free copy of 49 Red Flags by Tom Winnifrith today

The Naibu (NBU) Neds have now admitted my fraudbusting was spot on (HERE), The FRC has thanked me for alerting it to Quindell (QPP) frauds (HERE) and so 2015 was a great year of Red Flag spotting for me. Earlier in the year year I published an ebook, dedicated to fraudster Robert Simon Terry, flagging up some of what I look for in Companies that commit FRAUD


3125 days ago

Slater & Gordon trying to bury the Quindell fraud at ACH - admits to reputational risk in internal email

You thought that Aussie poltroons Slater & Gordon (SGH) - target price ZERO - were trying to be clean and transparent when it comes to the crap they bought from Quindell (QPP). Think again. We have obtained internal emails which show that the reverse is true.

The emails come from Adam Baker, head of HR in the UK who is charged with closing down the ACH Unit and firing 75 staff. You will remeber that Quindell bought the ACH unit from convicted Nigerian fraudster Andrew O'Dua in a deal which saw ex CEO Rob Fielding take an undeclared £2 million bung (details HERE).


3127 days ago

Reader Poll - who was the biggest stockmarket villain of 2015?

We have featured a range of total wrong'uns on these pages during 2015 but who do you think was the biggest stockmarket villain of the year?  Rob Terry for the Quindell fraud but also for his Knob Park antics at Imaginatik and Daniel Cesspit or was he the 2014 villain? David Lenigas for the fiasco at Lenigas Cuba and the disgraceful antics of Afriag as well as the Horse Hill fiasco? Peter Landau for finally getting his comeuppance? Criminal and liar Chris Oil who surely gets his collar felt in 2016? Naibu's Houyan Lin? What about Costis from Globo? The AIM Casino short list is in fact a depressingly long list but you can vote from the dirty dozen I have shortlisted below. Deadline midnight 3rd January.


3138 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 23 December: The Conservative Club and its all about earnings visibility

Everything today is delayed by last minute Christmas shopping including the duck fior Christmas day and the stocking presents for the cats and by a visit to the Conservative Club as I explain. In the podcast I again warn David Lenigas and Afriag (AFRI) shareholders that I have a special Christmas Day treat just for them, just as I had for fraudster Rob Fielding of Quindell (QPP) and the convicted Nigerian fraudster Andrew O'Dua on December 25 2014 - HERE.  Elsewhere I look at Sovereign Mines of Africa (SMA), Fitbug (FITB), Game Digital (GMD), Panmure Gordon (PMR), the pensioner muggers WH Ireland (WHI), Levrett (LVRT) and the shoddy scumbags at the Mail on Sunday, Pittards (PTD) and Audioboom (BOOM).


3143 days ago

Fraudster Rob Terry floating a new company on the stockmarket? He is avin a bubble

Yesterday Quindell (QPP) fraudster Rob Terry announced that his Knob Park vehicle had spun out a new subsidiary ( which is this still controlled by Mr 2+2 can = 5) , Quob Park Technologies and that "Quob Park Estate (the parent), along with its partners, will be providing advice around the company’s future development strategy, fundraising and corporate financing activities, including any potential IPO". Rob you are avin a bubble.


3147 days ago

David Lenigas panics over Afriag revelations and signs its AIM death warrant on twitter

Sometimes when the bad guys come under pressure it all gets too much for them and they panic and make a silly mistake. The Quindell "response to a blogger" statement actually gave proof of certain frauds. It was a blunder made in panic. And that brings us to David Lenigas who was so panicked by yesterday's Afriag (AFRI) bombshells and so effectively signed the AIM death warrant of the company with one single panicked tweet.


3147 days ago

BREAKING: YourLegalFriend today files letter of claim for 342 punters against Watchstone/Quindell

I can reveal exclusively that class action lawyers Your Legal Friend has today sent its letter of claim to Watchstone Group (WTG) - formerly Quindell (QPP) - on behalf of an initial claimant group of 342 retail investors. 


3156 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 6 December - working the fraud playbook

In today's podcast I refer you to the earlier piece on Defenx (DFX)  - here - and the critical importance of reading original documents. Then it is the fraud playbook - how companies and investors react when they are caught with their trousers down or attacked just for being overvalued. Companies mentioned include Globo (GBO), Quindell (QPP), Rare Earth Minerals (REM) and Internet Q (INTQ)


3156 days ago

The Buy case for InternetQ from the folks who told you to buy Globo 4 days before suspension - Canaccord

Up until it quit as joint broker to the Fareham fraud, Canaccord had its tech analysts urging clients to buy shares in the POS Quindell (QPP). Four days before the Globo (GBO) fraud saw its shares suspended the same monkeys published a buy note on that stock. And now for the hat-trick.


3156 days ago

Cenkos , Quindell and the Serious Fraud Office..let me help you gents with a leaked email

The Sunday Times today reports that the Serious Fraud Office has demanded boxes of documents and emails from Cenkos, the Nomad to Quindell (QPP) as part of its enquiry. Let me assist you Gents, for Cenkos actively worked to protect this fraud as the AIM regulation team knows full well. You see...I was inadvertently cc'd in on emails between Cenkos and the chocolate teapots.


3157 days ago

Avanti Communications - a letter to the Financial Reporting Council re 2015 accounts

Now that, post the fraud Quindell (QPP) I am such good friends with the only watchdog with teeth, the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) I have written to my pals asking them to investigate whether the 2015 accounts for Avanti Communications PLC (AVN) give a true impression of how the business is doing. I do not think they do. But Avanti also has other worries which is why the shares will crash.

The real problem is that having missed all operationg metrics with an admirable conistency, Avanti is not generating enough cash to cover its bloated PLC costs and humungous interest bill. I reckon that it will be out of cash but loaded with unrepayable debt by next June.

But the accounts for the year to June 30 2015 also trouble me greatly. Hence the letter to the FRC asking them to have a butcher's which is below.


3166 days ago

George Osborne finishes off Rob Terry’s good work – Slater & Gordon is heading for zero

Last weekend I explained HERE how the purchase of the fraudulent and grossly overvalued business of Quindell (QPP) by Slater & Gordon (SGH) earlier this year threatened the Aussie poltroons with a drowning in debt wipe-out – quite simply it is not generating any cash, thanks to Quenron. This afternoon things got worse, much worse. Thanks to Chancellor George Osborne, shares in S&G are now almost certainly heading for zero. It is now the short of the century.

In his Autumn statement Osborne unleased a bombshell on the ambulance chasing industry. I quote


3169 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 21 November: Quindell New Board & Old Board and Slater & Gordon - who is going down?

The Quindell (QPP) fraud has been toxic for all concerned. In this detailed podcast I ask what 2016 holds in store for the old Quindell board, its new board, shareholders in Quenron and Slater & Gordon (SGH). Could S&G be a zero? Yes it could in light of revelations this week.


3169 days ago

An Open letter to the FCA and AIM Regulation – please investigate whether Quindell’s NEW board mislead investors

We know that the old board at Quindell (QPP) serially mislead and lied to investors as it committed wholesale fraud. Most of that board is now awaiting arrest by the Serious Fraud Office. But now to the NEW board, I have today written to the FCA and AIM Regulation asking whether it mislead investors on August 5 2015 in a material way with regard to its Himex subsidiary


3169 days ago

Lord Michael Howard of Quindell answers question at 12th time of asking – but answers wrongly

Twelve times, by email and by twitter I asked former Tory leader Lord Michael Howard of Quindell (QPP) why the new board was trying to bury evidence of the fraud committed by the old board by not filing accounts for Quindell Financial Services – the vehicle ex CEO Rob Fielding used to half inch almost £2 million in a sham deal with convicted Nigerian fraudster Andrew O’Dua. Lord Howard has now responded to THIS article and my question. Sadly his answer is er...not factually accurate.

I asked Lord Howard:


3173 days ago

Rob Terry Best Buddy Hassan Sadiq leaves Quindell as the Himex fraud cover-up continues – URGENT questions for new board and FCA

The fraud at Himex was one of the biggest at Quindell (QPP) and the new board seems intent on burying the bad news. It has made bullish statements about the state of play at Himex knowing full well that it could not justify those statements. Now the unit’s founder Hassan Sadiq, a long term henchman and near neighbour of fraudster Rob Terry, has left the company. This whole thing stinks and the NEW board as well as the old now faces massive questions.


3174 days ago

Quindell, the frauds are being wound down…Ingenie – anyone want an office?

How much did the fraudsters at Quindell (QPP) pay - with ther folk's money - to their mates who owned the duff entity at Ingenie which was going to conquer the world? Remind me did Jug ears Gary Lineker make £5 million or was it only £3 million. How about Rob Terry’s pal Richard King? We always knew it was a load of hot air and now as the Serious Fraud Office prepares to swoop on Terry and others (not Jug ears, I stress) the new board at Quindell is quietly shutting down the fraudulent non-operations. 


3179 days ago

New Quindell Board Burying the evidence of fraud by Rob Fielding – Lord Michael Howard be ashamed

We were told that the new Quindell (QPP) board were the honest guys coming in to clean up the mess and to help the Serious Fraud Office clear up the wrong dealings of the ancient regime. Yet evidence emerged yesterday that instead of doing that the new board including Lord Michael Howard is just trying to bury the evidence of theft from shareholders. I have written to Lord Howard and the SFO to alert them to this and ask why?


3182 days ago

Quindell – good news for shareholders and er…not so good news

The good news first. Subject to Court approval then shareholders in Quindell (QPP) will – thanks to the idiocy of the buffoons at Slater & Gordon – almost certainly be getting a special return of 90p per share in time for the New Year. Now for the not so good news. Don’t spend it all at once.


3183 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 9 November own Goals and other profits warnings

Quindell (QPP) later. For now, in today's podcast I look at Goals Soccer Centres (GOAL), Red24 (REDT), JQW (FRAUD), Kenmare (KMR), Sareum (SAR), Falanx (FLX), LGO Energy (CRAPCO) and Lenigas Cuba (JOKECO)


3188 days ago

Quindell Fraudster & insider dealer Rob Terry shocking revelations about Daniel Stewart

Over at Ponzi Quob Park (QPE), the fraudster Rob Terry of Quindell (QPP) infamy has penned a lengthy post about Daniel Stewart (DAN). It is shocking and begs massive questions.


3191 days ago

Fraudster Rob Terry tweets into life again via the Quob Park Ponzi

The last tweet was September 23. But Quindell (QPP) fraudster Rob Terry and his Knob Park ponzi are again tweeting promising news next week. Might this be an update on his discussions with the Serious Fraud Office or from fraud to farce, news about AIM Casino POS Daniel Stewart (DAN)?


3197 days ago

Quindell fraudster Rob Terry: Go on tell us about your boardroom discussions with Daniel Stewart

Once upon a Quindell (QPP) time the fraudster Rob Terry seemed to be suffering from twitter diarrhoea. But for the past six weeks his new mouthpiece, the Quob Park Ponzi scheme has been almost silent. One might almost suspect that on legal advice the fraudster was being advised to say schtum as he awaits arrest by the Serious Fraud Office. He should not have to wait long. But, meanwhile, what about his discussions with Daniel Stewart (DAN)?


3200 days ago

Pssssst don’t tell them but some bad news for the LSE Quindell morons

They still don’t get it. The FRC has thanked me for exposing fraud at Quindell (QPP) and the former board are being investigated by the SFO as well (it can thank me later for the assistance I have provided). Yet according to some Quindell shareholders on the LSE Asylum I am the guilty party, the devil incarnate. And boy were they looking forward to my day in the High Court today…don’t tell the morons it is off as at least one admits to going along last time to cheer on my then opponent Aiden Earley. I would not want to stop a moron from wasting a morning.


3211 days ago

BREAKING: FRC says extended enquiry into Quindell thanks to Tom Winnifrith, thanks him and says disciplinary action on way

A letter received today from the Financial Reporting Council confirms that it extended its enquiries into the fraud at Quindell (QPP) to take in a wider remit as a direct result of my action. I am thanked for this and it gets better still.


3211 days ago

Life on Marbs 12 starring Quindell fraudster Jon Stretton Knowles – Series Finale

I am on cold turkey already. This was the last episode of the worst ever TV reality series ever – Life on Marbs. Surely even ITV cannot bring this rubbish back. Anyhow what happened in Marbs in episode 12?

Quindell (QPP) fraudster Jon Stretton Knowles turned relationship counsellor again and managed to get Lola back with the moron she had cuckolded. Then JSK opened his new Gentleman’s Club, The Barber Shop with a party. Plenty of Lambos outside said Jon, its looking good. Then off to a bar with the slappers where one bird climbed on top of a topless JSK to lick tequila off his chest. It then got worse. Finally it was the Golden Tarts end of season party. The good news for Marbs?

Having launched his club, JSK is heading off to Dubai. Is that 


3212 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 10 Oct: taking issue with Lenigas, Zak, Golden Saint, Surgical Innovations and CEB

I start with a discussion of World Mental Health day and then move onto David Lenigas and Afriag (AFRI). Then to the matter of trading whilst insolvent and discuss the cases of Quindell (QPP) ten months ago, TXO today and in great detail Golden Saint Resources (GSR). On that matter I raises questions for its Nomad Roland "fatty" Cornish and ask who is the compliance officer at the crowd funder assisting Golden as the chap is clearly the most certifiable imbecile in the Western World. Anyone know?  Then it is onto CEB Resources (CEB) and Surgical Innovations (SUN) where there are two reasons to sell first thing on Monday: fundamentals and Zak Mir tipping it today HERE


3214 days ago

The Ingenie Panama Pump fraud at Quindell – killer details emerge: Are you happy Gary Linkeker?

As the Company’s House filings emerge more details of the various Rob Terry frauds at Quindell (QPP) emerge and the latest concerns Ingenie, the insurance company for whom Gary Lineker made £5 million. This is a panama pump. And it is black and white slam dunk, jail meriting, fraud, not for Lineker who is innocent of any wrong doing but for many others.


3220 days ago

Life on Marbs 11 Starring Quindell fraudster Jon Stretton Knowles - penis is too small

How I suffer. Just for you, dear reader, I have now watched the 11th episode of Life on Marbs, the new ITV reality TV show starring Quindell (QPP) fraudster Jon Stretton Knowles. And it was possibly the most toe curling episode yet. JSK’s bromance with a younger guy is going well and Jon is now going to the gym to keep in shape but worries he still looks old. So an ageing slapper with possibly the most leathery skin on this planet takes him to her Botox/plastic surgeon man.

JSK goes for Botox but then asks about penis enlargement. He is told that he can get an extra 2-3 inches and seems interested. The ageing slapper concludes that he must be a bit undersized but perhaps explains why his only conquest of this series saw the girl (slapper Jordan) burst out laughing as Jon started to “perform” (see HERE). 

Jon then turns his hand


3223 days ago

Some Good News for Quindell – or is it?

At last YourLegalfriend has filed a claim on behalf of clients who lost money from owning shares in the fraud and claim that they lost money because Quindell (QPP) published lies in RNS statements. The shares are off a tad at 96.75p but one could view the RNS as good news.


3223 days ago

CELEBRATE: Daniel Stewart Profits Warning – please post abuse about Rob Terry

Quindell (QPP) fraudster Rob Terry told deluded followers of his new Ponzi Knob Park Estates that shares in Daniel Stewart (DAN) are worth 4.2p possibly 10p. Oh dear. They closed today at 1.4p (off 6.7%% for some reason) and well after hours we got a dire profits (or rather lack of profits) warning.


3226 days ago

Slater & Gordon - where's the annual report? Will the curse of Quindell see shares suspended?

Last year the clowns at Aussie keystone-lawyers Slater & Gordon (SGH) filed an annual report on 19 September. That was within the three months of the June 30 year end dictated by the ASX. This year, is there a Quindell (QPP) induced problemo? No Annual Report has bee published yet.


3227 days ago

Life on Marbs 10 –Quindell fraudster Jon Stretton Knowles shags slapper Jordan and she bursts out laughing

Finally in episode 10 of the world’s worst ever reality TV show, Life on Marbs, Quindell (QPP) fraudster Jon Stretton Knowles gets his end way with slapper Jordan. But as he “performs” she starts laughing. However he consoles her with a “I’ve been JSK’d” T-shirt. What a Gent. Meanwhile the world’s dimmest couple, Alex and Charles, finally split up. In Darwinian terms they were so well matched.


3228 days ago

Quindell fraudster Rob Terry guilty of Market abuse at Imaginatik – I have asked the FCA to Investigate

Rob Terry will, I am sure, soon be arrested by the SFO over the Quindell (QPP) fraud but the crook is not finished in his criminal ways. Via his new Ponzi, Quob (Knob) Park Estates he is clearly guilty of market abuse concerning AIM listed Imaginatik (IMTK) and I have asked the FCA to investigate. Perhaps worried about this Terry has been deleting tweets.

Knob Park has built up a 14% stake in Imaginatik – a company that is only NOT bust – because Chairman Matt Cooper lent it $110,000 to keep the lights on a few days ago.  But that has not stopped Terry talking his book. 

Yesterday Knob tweeted:


3229 days ago

Quindell Financial Services – a lot more for the Serious Fraud Office to Investigate

This company encapsulates the Quindell (QPP) story of serial fraud in the most simple of companies, a dormant £1 company with one share. Yet the three filed accounts are all wrong. The company is then acquired for £1,354,000 just two months after filing accounts showing a net worth of £2,501. Quindell then incorrectly disclosed the acquisition in its 2013 accounts. The new Board then writes off all the acquisition as goodwill. Finally, despite being owned by Quindell since October 2014 QFS is issued with a striking off notice as it's late filing the 2014 accounts and two Annual Returns. And it gets worse…more fun for the SFO as I now explain.


3232 days ago

Quindell fraudster Rob Terry files accounts for Ponzi Knob Park: Questions and More Questions

Finally the Quindell (QPP) fraudster Rob Terry has filed calendar 2014 accounts for his new vehicle Quob (known as Knob) Park Estates. Questions, questions.


3232 days ago

New Short for autumn – Boohoo at 33p, valuation a rum n’coke: first warning shot fired

Sadly for us bears most of the slam dunk mid-cap AIM shorts have already gone our way. We have had great sport with Monitise, Tungsten, Quindell, Range Resources, LGO Energy, Cupid, Globo (still more to come there), Gulf Keystone, etc. We won. The Bulletin Board Morons lost. Only Avanti Communications is still left to topple. It will.  But now I think we have a new quarry to stalk: Boohoo.com (BOO) looks a slam dunk short at 33p.


3234 days ago

TMC Southern – Rob Terry and Mark Ford try to cover up a big Quindell fraud – it won’t wash with the SFO

The fraud Quindell (QMC) has now formally admitted – what I proved well over a year ago and the FCA & AIM Regulation opted to ignore – that Mark Ford’s company TMC Southern was used to create totally bogus profits for Quindell in 2011. In fact its £3.5 million fraudulent contribution – funded by a panama pump of shares – accounted for nearly all the stated £4.1 million profit.  It seems that Rob Terry and Mark Ford are working hard to “bury” this bad news. It will not wash with the Serious Fraud Office.


3235 days ago

Breaking: Quindell fraudster Rob Fielding stepping down with immediate effect at S&G - source

Industry sources say that Rob Fielding, the former CEO of Quindell (QPP) and until yesterday running the businesses bought by Slater & Gordon from Quenron is to step down with immediate effect.


3236 days ago

Life on Marbs starring Quindell fraudster Jon Stretton Knowles Episode 9: JSK gets his naked man but what about the 2 slappers?

How I suffer for you dear reader? I have just watched episode nine of  the worst ever reality TV show, Life on Marbs starring Jon Stretton Knowles, the owner of the Quindell Country Club and a key player in the Quenron (QPP) fraud. To be fair to episode nine it was no worse than the previous eight.

I am sure you will enjoy the fashion show but for JSK the highlight was getting to see his naked man. Life is about tough choices and as he sips a strawberry daiquiri (“because it’s good for you” – JSK) Tango has to choose which of the two slappers he is eyeing up he is going to pursue. The whole thing is just too dreadful for words.


3239 days ago

Who would you like to be Tom Winnifrith’s Christmas victim this year? Nominate away

Last year my three part Christmas Carol series concluding on Christmas day featured the Quindell (QPP) fraudster Rob Terry. In a prior year Evil Knievil featured. I was thinking about this year’s offering today but whose Christmas Carol will I be recounting?

To give you a flavour of what lies in store, the Rob Terry series can be found HERE.

There are so many obvious targets for satire from the AIM casino.


3240 days ago

Life on Marbs Episode 8 – Quindell fraudster JSK’s dire chat up line & desire to see naked man

Bloody hell I suffered, watching to the very end episode 8 of the dreadful ITV reality TV show Life on Marbs starring Quindell (QPP) fraudster Jon Stretton Knowles. The main theme of this episode was how uber-dim Marbs slapper Alex had shagged some himbo two days before her brain dead boyfriend Charles arrived from England. Would their relationship survive?  Heck if the two do breed it is would be a move towards Darwinian species extinction. JSK was on fine form in this show as well.


3243 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 9 September - more nonsense from and questions for Quindell

I start by clarifying certain rumous circulating that I am starting new businesses or getting involved with those who do. Au contraire. Very much au ffing contraire. Then it is onto today's ludicrous announcement from Quindell (QPP). I also cover Sefton Resources (SER), Goals Soccer Centres (GOAL), Auhua Clean Energy (ACE) - a dirty AIM dog if I ever I saw one - Asian Citrus (ACHL), Aquatic Foods (AFG), Daniel Stewart (DAN), Iofina (IOF) and of course Monitise (MONI)

Bulletin Board Morons can line up to apologise to me over Monitise and Iofina ( and of course Quindell) at any time. Don't all rush.


3247 days ago

Life on Marbs staring Quindell fraudster Jon Stretton Knowles 7- Jon's Birthday party, is Rob Terry coming?

Forgive me but in the excitement last week I forgot to keep you posted on episode 7 of the world's worst TV series, Life on Marbs, a reality TV show brought to you by ITV and starring Quindell fraudster Jon Stretton Knowles. Welcome to episode 7 and Jon (Tango to his mates) is planning a spectacular 35th Birthday Party. But...

Has he invited his old pal Rob Terry or is it just the designer vagina slappers from Marbs... Watch below as all is revealed


3251 days ago

Slater and Gordon's FY15 partial results published on Friday made for some very interesting reading.

A Quindellologist from the grim post industrial welfare safaris of the frozen North sends me this fasoinating Slater & Gordon number crunching. Suffice to say that S&G shares remain a stonking sell.


3251 days ago

The latest mad missive from Quindell fraudster Rob Terry of Quob Park – questions questions

Via his new scam Knob Park Estates the Quindell (QPP) fraudster Rob Terry has sent out a new missive which even by his standards is a quite deranged piece of fantasy. It begs just so many questions and almost makes me want the SFO to delay his arrest so that he can keep entertaining us with such nonsense.

Terry admits that the recent stockmarket weakness has affected the value of listed investments. I should cocoa. Quindell is off by a fifth and Daniel Stewart (the largest investment) by 60% from its peak. But this is Terry of creative accounting fame so Quob Park’s NAV is going to be boosted by other sorts of profits. Natch we turn to fraud


3255 days ago

Yes ShareProphets is taking money from Quindell…more fool Quindell

An eagle eyed reader spots that on ShareProphets there is a pop up advert for the new Quindell (QPP) with a short interview with the new head honcho at Quindell. Thanks for flagging this, as I had not spotted it.

The interview is one of those paid for interviews with taxing questions like “are your shares cheap or very cheap? Are you a gifted Chairman or a great Chairman? Is your dick enormous or extraordinarily enormous?” Ok I made that last one up but you get my drift.

Quindell thinks 


3257 days ago

Life on Marbs starring Jon Stretton Knowles, the Quindell fraudster, episode 6 - can you help me?

I knew there had to be some drawback to being in Greece. At last I have found it. You cannot access ITV Player so I cannot discover what delights are in store in Episode Six of the truly dreadful new reality TV series Life on Marbs. How is the new business venture of Quindell (QPP) fraudster Jon Stretton Knowles – aka Tango – going? Are the more charity lingerie shoots and designer vaginas? However...


3262 days ago

Life on Marbs starring Quindell fraudster Jon Stretton Knowles – Episode 5 Lingerie Shoot

In episode 5 of the truly dreadful new reality series Life on Marbs, Lina celebrates giving up smoking by doing a lingerie shoot. Seriously you could not make this up. Meanwhile how is the new business venture of Quindell (QPP) fraudster Jon Stretton Knowles – aka Tango – going? You mean you were not watching last night's show?


3264 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 19 August - who from Quindell goes to prison after SFO News

I am meant to be offline in Greece but I log on and discover the flip flop Turney is writing bullish nonsense on Quindell (QPP). The lad should really stick to writing three articles a day about New World Oil & Gas (NEW). After yesterday's news from the FCA/SFO I discuss who goes to prison with the fraudster Rob Terry and where this leaves the shares. Those who dismiss YLF tend - like flip flop - not to have spoken to them and - as a result - not to understand what is going on.


3266 days ago

Bonfire of the bad Nomads – Cenkos and Beaumont Cornish

There are two very interesting firings today of Nomads. First Teathers Financial (TEA) has binned Roland “fatty” Cornish moving to Grant Thornton and secondly Quindell (QPP) has canned Cenkos (CNK), moving to Peel Hunt.


3267 days ago

Quindell 2014 Results Analysis – this is devastating for the saps at Slater & Gordon

I am grateful to a keen Quindellologist hailing from the Grim Northern post-industrial welfare safaris for this detailed re-analysis of the Quindell (QPP) restated 2014 results. It demonstrates the extent of the accounting fraud by Rob Terry and why he is heading to jail. It also shows how much trouble the saps at Slater & Gordon (SGH) are in and why its shares will continue to tank.


3267 days ago

Rob Terry, Quindell and the Bahamas Financial Criminals LOM Capital Part 2

Yesterday I raised the issue of the Bahamas based market manipulators LOM Capital which had a 2.15% stake in Quindell after its RTO onto AIM on May 17 2011. Hat tip to a reader from the grim post-industrial Northern welfare safaris for taking this matter further but we are now left with new questions for the fraudster Rob Terry.


3267 days ago

Rob Terry, Quindell and the Bahamas Financial Criminals – please tell us all Rob?

So what was Rob Terry doing hooking up with the Bahamas based financial criminals back in 2011 when he floated Quindell (QPP)? Answers on a postcard to the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) I suggest.


3271 days ago

Life on Marbs Episode 4 - Quindell fraudster Jon Stretton Knowles gives slapper Jourdan an ultimatum (& an exclusive revelation)

What you mean you missed epiosde 4 of the wost reality show in the history of TV, Life on Marbs? How could you? Because our boy Jon Stretton Knowles of the Quindell (QPP) fraud gang was again at centre stage. But before we go on I have a JSK revelation for you.


3274 days ago

Picking the Bones out of the Dead Carcass of the NIHL Parrot: Quindell and Slater & Gordon

One of the things that jumps out from the 2014 Quindell (QPP) accounts was the candid level of disclosure about the NIHL business. Rob Terry and the rest of the committing fraud squad would never have given this much info. Schoolboy errors all round from the Newbies. Bearing in mind that previously the first anyone ever heard of this shit was the investor presentation in June 2014 and that which we at ShareProphets subsequently pulled to pieces, the starting point has to be the numbers of claims. 

Page 6 of the 2014 accounts


3274 days ago

Quindell and regulatory failure: an open letter to Business Secretary Sajid Javid MP

This week’s disclosures by Quindell (QPP)  have shown conclusively that the gargantuan body of work which started back in April 2013 by ourselves and colleagues at ShareProphets was on the button. Along the way there were allegations of securities fraud, accounting fraud, VAT fraud, insider dealing, market abuse in what is simply a staggering litany of revelations. The evidence was passed to the FCA, AIM Regulation, the SFO and others in a series of submissions going back to April 2014. Yet the FCA and AIM Regulation utterly failed to act on the evidence handed over. The FCA took until June of this year to open an investigation – we rather suspect because of a me-too response, once it was known that the SFO was involved and that the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) had been looking at Quindell. AIM has yet to confirm any actions beyond a spot of belated flag-waving. 


3274 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - seeking distraction - I am disgusted with the stockmarket

Two bad things today. West Ham kick off what is bound to be another season of Premiership disaster and more importantly my cat Tara seems to be very sick. Seeking distraction I read the Sunday financial press and feel disgusted, a sense of being made nauseous by the stench of corruption everywhere. Afren, Quindell, the financial press, it is tempting just to give up on shares. Is not the whole game rigged by the crony capitalists? It is not. But a lot of it is as I explain in this podcast. I end by explaining why my emails will go unanswered for days and twitter ignored almost completely for the next seven weeks. I have an urgent deadline.

3276 days ago

Quindell - a 363 day old video - how bang on the money in light of SFO & other news

On Wednesday 5th August 2015 Quindell (QPP) fessed up to all sorts of frauds and the SFO admitted that it was starting a criminal investigation. In light of that I bring you two videos which shows some of us were way ahead of the game, and we are not talking about the oxymoron that is AIM Regulation here. The first is from August 5th 2014


3276 days ago

Wake up Lord Michael Howard of Quindell: Ingenie & Himex are worth jack shit – so say its staff!

In the results last week from Quindell (QPP) Lord Michael Howard and colleagues wrote down the carrying value of its two largest legacy businesses Himex and Ingenie by c£38 million but there is still almost £90 million of goodwill in the balance sheet for these divisions plus Solutions (non UK), i.e. Canada.  Lord Howard you are dreaming. You are 'avin' a bubble.

Of course it is worse,


3276 days ago

Rob Terry Not to float Quob Park (wonder why?) and more ramping of Daniel Stewart

The fraudster Rob Terry of Quindell (QPP) infamy is a busy guy as he prepares for the inevitable dawn raid by the Serious Fraud Office as a precursor to a trial and a custodial jail sentence. His latest posting on the website of his new vehicle Quob Park is quite simply delusional.

Terry discusses the merits of getting a public listing HERE and argues that it would be better if Quob Park did not list. Hmmm. We can think of another good reason or fifteen why a listing is not going to happen. How about the fact that Quob’s founder (Mr Terry) is the subject of a SFO Criminal Investigation? Or the fact that PWC has come out and said that the accounts he prepared at Quindell (and even its IPO document) were plain fantasy? Or that Mr Terry misled the poor lambs at KPMG in relation to prior audits? The list goes on. And on. And on.

It is just inconceivable that a Rob Terry entity could gain a public markets listing. Even the AIM casino would say no and no Nomad in town would touch Terry with a bargepole. 

Then Terry goes onto to argue that Quob’s biggest investment – Daniel Stewart


3278 days ago

The Great British Entrepreneur awards con – roll up Aiden Earley, Rob Terry and Jon Stretton Knowles of Life on Marbs (episode 3 now live)

Do you want to win an award as an entrepreneur? Shimples Sheeples, Aiden Earley of Worthington Group (WRN) is here to help. Might I suggest that the Great fraudster Rob Terry of Quindell (QPP) and his old pal Jon Stretton Knowles of Life on Marbs and the Quindell fraud sign up right away.

Episode three of Life on Marbs staring our old friend Jon Stretton Knowles (of Quindell infamy see HERE) went live last night. I tried to watch it but I could not get past the first scene which featured JSK in excruciating toe curling action. If you are made of sterner stuff you can watch the horrors unfold HERE


3278 days ago

Rob Terry welcomes Serious Fraud Office Criminal Investigation into Quindell. Yeah right

I shall admit that the old fraudster has chutzpah but he has today welcomed the SFO Criminal Investigation into Quindell (QPP). He should not as it will see him going to prison. Anyhow via his new fraud Quob Park Estates he had today said he sees Quindell shares worth 172p (in your dreams my son), accused me (0p target) of being short when I was not (that is defamation your criminal tosser since I was not short and gained no financial advantage from the shares slumping) and said he welcomes the SFO getting involved (that’s a lie).  The statement from the crook reads: 


3278 days ago

What should I call the Quindell book? And a few words on Daniel Stewart – the best short in London

When are you going to publish the Quindell book?  I was asked this numerous times yesterday and having chatted to the pizza hardman Darren Atwater, we think that the answer is October. But what to call it?


3279 days ago

BREAKING Serious Fraud Office confirms it is investigating Quindell

We have been telling you this for months but the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) has just announced that it is investigating Quindell (QPP). Oh dear Rob Terry perhaps not a day for dropping the soap jokes is it?.


3279 days ago

Quindell: the biggest stockmarket fraud for 30 years, it 'fesses up - Tom Winnifrith Bearcast part 1

In this part of the bearcast I go through all the frauds admitted to by Quindell today, the bungs, the lies, the non disclosures, the revenue recognition issues, the panama pumps. Most of this has been revealed on this website already but today Quindell fessed up. What we said abut Himex, TMC, Stretton Knowles, the fraudster Rob Terry...it was all true. And that means that Rob Terry WILL go to prison for this. And so will others.

Part two of this podcast - what happens now to shares in Quindell and Slater & Gordon is HERE

I suggest that UK Investor Show Magazine which came out this weekend now looks visionary on this fraud. You can read it here 



3279 days ago

Quindell Results Out - Bearcast from Tom Winnifrith part 2: what next for Quindell & Slater & Gordon Shares

You have to end on a high and so that is it for a while from me. Full stop. Unless Rob Terry is arrested (whch will happen at some stage), I am not filing here any more. Because it does not get much better than today. Quindell has just released its 2014 results and I am 100% vindicted now. And so there is a two part Bearcast. In part 2 (this one), I explain what next for shares in Quindell and Slater & Gordon. One more bearcast and it is ouzo o'clock.

You can listen to the other part of this podcast - the sher scale of the biggest stockmarket fraud for 30 years HERE

I suggest that UK Investor Show Magazine which came out this weekend now looks visionary on this fraud. You can read it here 


3280 days ago

Quindell pays another C$2.5 million to paper over the $7 million Biosign fraud – shame on you Lord Michael Howard

We broke the news of the fraudulent reporting of transactions between Quindell PLC (QPP) in the era of Rob Terry, and Canadian near bankrupt penny stock Biosign on this website 200 days ago – today Quindell has blown C2.5 million to paper over this embarrassing mess.

Biosign yesterday announced: 


3281 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 2nd August - a dying and snearing deadwood press, interest rates and Wandisco

My father is at Church and the the pub and so I am able to record a quick podcast covering three themes. First the snearing and dying deadwood press - something prompted by THIS. Then interest rates. And then Wandisco. For more on Wandisco, as mentioned in the bearcast, Investor Show magazine out this weekend HERE


3282 days ago

Why Rob Terry should & will go to prison, 7 share tips & 6 shares to bet the ranch on

The August Edition of UK Investor Show Magazine is now live and the cover story explains why the fraudster Rob Terry of Quindell (QPP) infamy should, and will, go to prison. There are seven share tips from Tom Winnifrith, Zak Mir and Steve Moore and the ShareProphets writers answer the question "if you had to what stock would you bet the ranch on". Amanda van Dyke explains why she is still a gold bull and there's more..


3282 days ago

Lord Michael Howard of Quindell – assisting a second Serious Fraud Office Investigation – Soma Oil & Gas

Oh dear, Oh dear, poor old Lord Michael Howard, the former Tory leader, does not seem to be having terribly good luck with his Non-Executive Directorship career. To stumble into one Serious Fraud Office investigation (Quindell) might seem unfortunate. To stumble into a second (Soma Oil & Gas), which was announced yesterday, seems like carelessness.

Of course poor Lord Howard had nothing to do with the fraud at Quindell under its ancien regime – we just hope that – now that he is such good pals with the SFO – he wants to come clean on ALL its frauds. And there is no suggestion that as Chairman of Soma Oil & Gas – a private company – he has done anything wrong. 

But the chaps round at the SFO


3284 days ago

Life on Marbs with Jon Stretton Knowles of Quindell Fraud fame - Episode 2 Highlights

Jeepers this is awful. How I suffer for you dear readers in watching this utter shite where the entire cast appars to have a collective IQ of less than 100. Anyhow in episode two John Stretton Knowles, the owner of the original Quindell (QPP) Country club as a result of the fraudulent Skylarks deal, is getting ready to launch his new business.  I can spare you some pain.


3288 days ago

The great multi-year Swinton deal with Quindell ..er it’s all off says Slater & Gordon: more questions for Rob Fielding

Last December I speculated that the biggest insurance partner of the fraud Quindell (QPP), Swinton, was set to cancel its arrangements. On 10th December newly appointed CEO Rob Fielding gave my critics much joy as he announced a new multiyear deal. Oh what a prat Winni is.  The shares surged higher. Oh dear, the deal does not look to be multi-year at all unless 1+ 0 = 2 in the same way that 2+2 can = 5. 


3292 days ago

Life on Marbs starring Jon Stretton Knowles (star of the biggest stockmarket fraud for 30 years) goes live

The quite dreadful new TV reality show Life on Marbs went live with episode one tonight. Its star Jon Stretton Knowles is of course a critical figure in the biggest UK stockmarket fraud of the past 30 years, Quindell. Its shares are 80% down and now suspended with investors having lost billions and the Serious Fraud Office, FCA and others are investigatng. No doubt JSK will be having a chat with the Old Bill soon. In case you missed the debut show...

I managed about 30 seconds 


3295 days ago

Daniel Stewart & Quindell: same ramper, same lunatic shareholders, same harassment of critics – same end game

Last week I had a feeling of déjà vu – it was the Quindell summer all over again. The harassment had begun and I was wondering why.

At Free Speech & Liberty Pizza the phone kept ringing. We’d pick it up and there was silence or music. We’d put it down.  Few minutes later we’d get the same call. Same result. Someone was trying to jam our phones. There were a few patently bogus reviews of the restaurant on Tripadvisor – obvious fabrication.   That was just what happened last summer as Quindell morons thought they could shut me up by putting this place out of business.

As it happens we are trading more profitably than ever. Folks rather like us for standing up for free speech.

Then there was the twitter harassment.


3295 days ago

So what is Quindell really worth? Probably not 0p but it could be

Shares in the biggest stockmarket fraud for 30 years, Quindell (QPP), are currently suspended at 124p valuing it at around £625 million on a fully diluted basis. But what is it actually worth? Some brokers are marking it down to 0p because of the suspension but it is probably not worth 0p – thanks to the folly of the Aussie prats at Slater & Gordon – but it might just be.

Slater & Gordon paid £647 million for nearly all of Quindell’s businesses. That came in very handy as Quindell was technically insolvent without that cash. The deal has helped to crater S&G’s share price as it grotesquely overpaid for businesses that have simply never generate cash. I have S&G down as one of my top ten shorts for summer – see HERE.

But what of Quindell? 


3299 days ago

The new ITV reality show Life on Marbs starring a star of the Quindell fraud – Jon Stretton Knowles

From the makers of the truly appalling The Only Way is Essex (TOWIE) we have a new reality show out this summer Life on Marbs.  Set in the Costa del Crime it features a bunch of men and women whose aim is to shag anything that moves, and who all appear to be rather light in terms of the little grey cells. And its big star is John Stretton Knowles, who may well soon be chatting to the Serious Fraud Office about his role in the stockmarket’s biggest fraud for 20 years – Quindell PLC. Not that ITV seems to know about that.


3301 days ago

Slater & Gordon – update as hopefully warning was heeded - it is going to get worse

First the polite Steve Moore, the rather more brutal TW to follow. SM: Towards the end of last month I noted that as Quindell plc (QPP) had been in the news, the acquirer of its Professional Services Division, Slater & Gordon, had been in the spotlight in Australia – S&G eventually admitting that the Australian Securities & Investment Commission had been in contact with its auditor, though that “we remain very confident in the robustness of our accounting practices”. Hmmm…

I concluded (see HERE) with some general words of investment wisdom from Warren Buffett 


3302 days ago

Laurence Moorse of Quindell – why you should plea bargain 2: the case of Mark Woodbridge of Torex

Earlier today I cited the case of AIT and its FD Gareth Bailey as a reason why disgraced Laurence Moorse the ex FD of the fraud Quindell should rat on Rob Terry and plea bargain. I now bring to the attention of poor Larry, the case of Mark Woodbridge the ex FD of fraud Torex Retail. 


3302 days ago

Laurence Moorse of Quindell – why you should plea bargain 1: the case of AIT

The former FD of Quindell (QPP) Laurence Moore probably made less than a million quid after tax from the fraud. His boss Rob Terry made at least £30 million. Yet poor Larry is like Terry facing wipe-out fines and a good stretch as a guest of Her Majesty. I have urged him before to rat on Terry and the other big crooks to reduce his personal discomfort (think of the showers, Larry) but I now invite him to consider the case of AIT and its FD Gareth Bailey and to think again.


3306 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast Special: fraudster Rob Terry and the Quob park NAV con

Nigel Somerville penned an excellent piece yesterday on Quindell founder Rob Terry's new fraud Quob Park and its confetti issues as it claims to grow its NAV. In this podcast I explore that further and have a number of questions for the fraudster Terry about how he is managing this vehicle. Needless to say its shares should not be touched with a bargepole.


3308 days ago

Breaking: Lord Michael Howard – is this another Rob Fielding brown envelope fraud for you to check out? Quindell Financial Services.

Now that Lord Michael Howard and I are such good mates I wonder if the ex-Tory leader would like to comment on the status of Quindell Financial Services as I have a horrible feeling that this may be another fraud involving ex CEO Rob Fielding.

We already know that the SFO and others are looking at the £2 million bung that Fielding picked up when Quindell bought a worthless company from convicted Nigerian fraudster Andrew O’Dua for £30 million.  But now let’s look at Quindell Financial Services.


3310 days ago

Covering up fraud is complex and the paperwork can catch up on you – Quindell & Rob Fielding

In order to create the momentous fraud that was Quindell (QPP), Rob Terry established 191 subsidiaries. Most traded with each other. Some were issued with Quindell shares which they then dumped to allow them to “buy” bogus services from other Quindell companies. Monies were borrowed and leant so that by late 2014 even Quindell could not keep track of what was going on.


3310 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 5 July: Greece, China, Quindell & house prices

Polls close here in Athens in just over three hours. I shall shortly head off to my local polling station to have a final butchers and then to Syntagma Square to sit underneath the Greek parliament as the results come in. I shall blog away here on ShareProphets as Greece decides whether it is Oxi or nai. Pro tem this podcast covers Greece, China, Quindell and UK House prices.

This podcast is recorded in the most excellent Anthropology cafe in Athens which I heartily recommend - although it really needs to start stocking ouzo

And fear not Champagne Charlie Gibson fans, I had not forgotten about you. Just a reminder of why the Edison analyst is a convicted felon HERE and as a bonus a reminder of how it is not only the poor he screws HERE - and a reminder of why I feel the urge to remind you all HERE


3310 days ago

David Lenigas Saint or Serial Sinner, Quindell worth 0p? and is now Gold’s moment?

The July edition of UK Investor Magazine went live last night. It is free to access and the cover story is “David Lenigas, saint or serial sinner” – a joint effort by myself and the Sith Lord Zak Mir. There are a couple of company profiles, three stocks to buy and three to sell. One of those is Quindell which really could be worth 0p again! And there is more…

Richard Poulden explains why gold really will sparkle this year, Zak Mir interviews Neil Ritson of Solo Oil, there is a share tip from Beaufort and the house view on Greece and why it should vote Oxi.


3311 days ago

Quindell & the TMC fraud that created 140% of stated 2011 profits – much more for Lord Michael Howard to consider

The most blatant and biggest (in relative terms) fraud at Quindell (QPP) concerns the TMC Southern panama pump which created 140% of the reported Quenron profits in the 15 months to December 31 2011. Lord Michael Howard has confirmed that the new board is aware of this monster fraud as are the SFO and FCA and other regulatory bodies. But to demonstrate the duplicity involved I bring you more detail.


3312 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Smoking Guns Bearcast from Athens - July 3rd

I start this podcast with a few developments on the ground here in Greece - tonight sees two mass demos which I shall be attending and reporting back on. Then it is on to Phorm, Provexis, Ubisense, Jiasen ( smoking gun located?) and the other China Norfolks, Netcall and Cenkos where conversation naturally turns to its role in the Quindell fraud and what the fallout will be.

And fear not Champagne Charlie Gibson fans, I had not forgotten about you. Just a reminder of why the Edison analyst is a convicted felon HERE and as a bonus a reminder of how it is not only the poor he screws HERE - and a reminder of why I feel the urge to remind you all HERE


3313 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 2 July - Jiasen pull the other one you frigging Norfolk

What a great day. Lord Michael Howard tightens the noose for Rob Terry and the Quindell (QPP) fraudsters HERE and then China fraud Jiasen says there is no reason for its share price fall. Er...I think we can all think of one can we not? Then on to JQW, China Chaintek and Camkids - watch out fella's the Sheriff is gonna get you. Ditto Phorm which is next up followed by Iofina. there is comment on Premaitha. Then onto how I dont take bribes from companies to write nice things either directly or via UK Investor Show as a Northern slum dweller seems to think. Finally there is an expose of the POS that is CIC Gold and on the scumbags behind it.

And fear not Champagne Charlie Gibson fans, I had not forgotten about you. Just a reminder of why the Edison analyst is a convicted felon HERE and as a bonus a reminder of how it is not only the poor he screws HERE - and a reminder of why I feel the urge to remind you all HERE


3313 days ago

BREAKING: Lord Michael Howard responds re Quindell – the board is now looking at 2011 fraud TMC Southern

Over the past two days I have written twice to Lord Michael Howard, the former Tory leader and now NED at Quindell pushing him to investigate the biggest (relative to reported profits) fraud in Quindell History, the 2011 TMC Southern panama pump. And today the good Lord has replied – the board is on the case! Hooray. The latest exchange of emails between myself and Lord Howard, a politician showing real integrity is below:  


3314 days ago

ATE: A New £75 million or more headache for either Quindell or Slater & Gordon

Oh dear, it seems as if the NBF’s of Quindell PLC, the FCA, are now investigating another huge misselling scandal in the legal profession and that as a result of this – and work being done by the SRA – either Quindell PLC or Slater & Gordon could be picking up a bill for £75 million or more. It never rains…

The furore regards personal injury solicitors automatically incepting after the event (ATE) insurance for their clients – normally in the RTA space - when a case did not warrant it and / or for inflated prices.  


3314 days ago

Lord Michael Howard – will you force Quindell to come clean on its biggest fraud, the 2011 accounts, I ask again

In an infamous Jeremy Paxman grilling (see below) Lord Michael Howard had to be asked twelve times to answer a very simple question. Yesterday I asked the former Tory leader a very simple question. A grubby ex politician seeking well paid post career sinecures might not answer but I hoped for better from the good Lord. So far I have not had a response. And so I have penned a second letter as you can see below.


3315 days ago

A letter to Lord Michael Howard regarding Quindell’s 2011 Results – the biggest fraud of all

Former Tory leader Michael, now Lord, Howard recently joined the board of Quindell (QPP) as a non-exec. The man is actually a Ned at about half a dozen little companies but I am sure that he is not a grubby ex politician using his good name to make a few bob in retirement but actually wants to help these companies move forward. And in that vein I have today written to him about the biggest – proportionate – fraud at Quindell, the 2011 accounts.


3316 days ago

Quindell's pals: Slater & Gordon shares crash as it admits to its own accounting “errors” with additional comment

Slater & Gordon, the Aussie law firm that grossly overpaid to buy the bulk of the fraud Quindell (QPP) has seen its shares crash by 25% to just A$3.78 today as it has admitted that it too has accounting “errors”. The stock traded at A$7.95 on the day it announced the Quenron deal…We told you that the short trade had just moved on…

The ambulance chasers at Slater say that they will co-operate with the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (the Oz FCA) noting: “The company was notified by Pitcher Partners that ASIC intends to raise some queries directly with the company.”  Yes Slater will co-operate. What choice does it have? I can't imagine that it does so with great pleasure.

Slater said


3316 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - 29th June

Oh happy days, oh happy days. Firstly my daughter turns 14 today. Born at just 1lb 4 oz she was a miracle baby and has turnd into a cracking young lady. Secondly the Slater & Gordon/Quindell mess gets messier by the day. Lube up Rob Terry, B Wing awaits. And then I move onto Greece and China to equity market valuations and then on to Progility, HSS Hire and Lamprell.


3316 days ago

Rob Terry, Quindell, the Serious Fraud Office and Slater & Gordon – and accounts delayed again

I have known for months and months and reported it here that the Serious Fraud Office had at least interviewed folk on Quindell (QPP). The weekend press suggests that the SFO is now formally on the matter, something that has massive implications for insider dealer and fraudster Rob Terry, Quindell and possibly for Slater & Gordon. This comes on a day when Quindell warns that its accounts will be delayed – oh dear, oh dear. 

For Terry the SFO news is a disaster. The FCA has the power to fine him a multiple of the proceeds of his crimes but the involvement of the SFO means that a custodial sentence is a gimme. Do not think that the FCA and SFO are at an early stage on this matter they have been on the case for months. In the case of Terry what is interesting is who joins him in the dock. Hapless ex FD Larry Moorse is certain to be there but I’d bet a fiver that ex CEO Rob Fielding will be there too, not least for the £2 million bung he picked up as part of the £30 million deal to buy a worthless business from convicted Nigerian fraudster Andrew O’Dua.  The NEW board at Quindell was made aware of the O’Dua/Fielding scam and did nothing.  It strikes me that all sorts of folks in Hampshire should be stocking up on the KY Jelly as they prepare for life in B Wing.

Quindell itself


3317 days ago

We act for Quindell PLC and Mr Robert Terry its chairman - the first fascist lawyers letter I ignored

On 19 August 2014 Quindell (QPP) put a statement up on its website about someone it dismissed as a "blogger" accusing me - for it was me - of making it all up and promising shareholders that it would take legal action against me. A truly fascistic lawyers letter (in full below) from legal eagles Dorsey & Whitney arrived the same day. It demanded that by 4 PM that day (ie within hours) I must withdraw all artices, sign an apology drafted by Quindell and that if I did not that Quindell would seek an injunction and sue me for damages and costs. Fuck you Quindell, Robert Terry and Dorsey & Whitney, see you bitchez in court.

As I noted at the time, the idea that I would sign a confession drafted by Rob Terry is Stalinist or Orwellian or both. It was like the though 1984 was a blueprint not a warning.

I did not cave and yet Quenron


3318 days ago

Spot the Difference Competition: Quindell and Quob Park Estates - The Rob Terry scams

An easy spot the difference competition for the weekend. I give you the logos of AIM listed Quindell and the new Rob Terry fraud Quob Park Estates. Can you spot the difference? Enlighten us in the comments section below. My entry is:


3318 days ago

In light of FCA enquiry into Quindell will the Fascist Lawyers of Schillings apologise to me? Here's their letter

In light of the recent news about internal, FCA and SFO enquiries into Rob Terry and Quindell (QPP) I was wondering if all those who threatened, smeared and bullied me for exposing this fraud would care to apologise? The most fascistic lawyers letter I got was from the top libel firm of Schillings as the fraudster and insider dealer Rob Terry spent £750 an hour -of shareholders cash - to try to shut me up. That letter can be read below.



3320 days ago

Breaking Exclusive: Oh Dear – more bad news for Quindell, YLF class action ups the ante today

Oh dear, poor old Quindell (QPP). Following news of the FCA investigation and additional internal checks on Rob Terry’s accounting fraud, I can reveal that those plan ing a class action have now appointed a top barrister as they prepare to lodge a claim. This is an additional threat to the special dividend this fraudulent company had promised. 

Your Legal Friend, which is organising the class action, has appointed Philip Marshall QC as Lead Counsel for the potential group action on behalf of Quindell shareholders. Mr Marshall QC has a cracking reputation and track record in the area of financial and investor litigation and already has a similar lead role in relation to significant investor actions against Tesco PLC and RBS Group PLC  being conducted by other respected legal firms. 

YLF commented on the FCA 


3320 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 25 June - is Malcolm Stacey Getafix?

I keep having this odd image of Malcolm Stacey. He lives among the heathen celts of Wales and is a self confessed money tree worshipper, an older man with white hair - he is Getafix, the druid from Asterix the Gaul. Getafix heads off into the woods with his sickle to hack away mistletoe to make potions. Malcolm heads off into the woods to hack away at the money tree and then brews up a potion.

He stands over his cauldron and as Delphic type vapours emerge he intones "I know, buy Advanced Oncotherapy, add more Tertiary Minerals." Sometimes it works and he enjoys a good night at the Punters Return. Other times it does not work and Malcolm realises he took cuttings from the wrong tree. Getafix mutters to himself "but the Money Tree realy does exist" and trudges back into the woods with his sickle to continue his quest. I digress.

In today's podcast I discuss whether money is important to me and whether I am really an alcoholic, look at Trap Oil, Quindell, Slater & Gordon, Red Emperor, Sefton and the POS Mosman Oil & Gas


3320 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 24 June it is ouzo o'clock all day

Ching ching, a day to celebrate.  This podacst starts with two apologies ( one to Big Dave Lenigas) and covers Alecto, Daniel Stewart, Elementis, Afren, Mosman, Monitise and of couse Rob Terry, fraud, Quob Park and Quindell


3321 days ago

Rob Terry under FCA investigation caption contest

Feeling 150% vindicated over the Quindell fraud the first celebratory ouzo beckons and in that vein let's have a Rob Terry caption contest just for fun. Simply post your captions for the picture below in the comments section.


3321 days ago

The fraudster Rob Terry comments on FCA investigating Quindell - ShareProphets Translation service

The FCA is now investigating Quindell and Quindell itself is reviewing some of Rob Terry's dodgy deals. Terry should lube up and prepare for prison as explained HERE but instead the POS has issued a statement via his new fraud vehicle Quob Park which we translate for your benefit.

Terry states and our translation is in bold:


3321 days ago

Quindell shares suspended, FCA investigation, Tom Winnifrith "I'm 100% vindicated" - for Rob Terry prison beckons

Shares in Quindell (QPP) have today been suspended on news that the FCA is now formally investigating and that Quindell itself is now investigating a host of other fraudulent related party transactions over and above the over-statement of profits. The fallout for Rob Terry, Quindell shareholders, ex CEO Rob Fielding and the other crooks in the cabal will be massive. Jail beckons for some. Daniel Stewart is in the merde as Quob Park will unravel. For me I am now 100% vindicated. Or as Rob Terry would have, it 2+2 = 150% vindicated.

To those folks who harassed me with legal threats (Schillings your letter is on display at Free Speech & Liberty Pizza to remind you of your shame), with death threats (also on display), with smears, with attacks and harassment of myself, my dependants, my colleagues, I suggest a moment of reflection. I do not expect apologies, but reckognise that I use the word "fraud" only where I can prove it and months of painstaking analysis - you can see here - proved that. I have now been fully vindicated.

The statement is a horror for Quindell and reads:


3323 days ago

Imaginatik & Quob Park Estate ( aka fraudster Rob Terry) - check out Twitter

In the disgusting and sordid  depths of the AIM Cesspit, the Kingdom of fraudster Rob Terry of Quindell (QPP) infamy the lastest minnow in the headlights is Casino listed Imaginatik (IMTK) - shares in which are up 41% at 8.125p, valuing it at £5.7 million. To see the true Terry stench check out twitter.


3326 days ago

AIM - The Crony Capitalists, the Press, the backslapping continues - I vomit

Rob Terry and his latest Quindell missive, the latest Sefton farce, the China frauds, the sheer level of mendacity, greed and corruption on the AIM casino is at a level which I cannot remember but the authorities do sod all and all the time the Private Investor gets screwed. This week AIM celebrated its 20th birthday and its allies in the crony capitalist cabal on Fleet Street lapped it up. I am sorry to say that my old pal Geoff Foster of the Daily Mail penned a vomit inducing piece HERE which needs "fisking"


3326 days ago

Breaking: Rob Terry accuses Quindell board of hiding facts & destroying value - slashes value for shares

Quob Park Estates the new vehicle of Mr Robert Simon Terry of Quindell infamy has just released a "research report" overnight on Quindell (QPP) which accuses the new board of hiding facts - most notably of hidden share options and staff departures - but also of destroying shareholder value in the businesses that remain. It also discloses that Quob Park has sold all its shares in Quenron though it argues that the group is still worth 172p (down from 210p). The document also tries to rewrite history. The sham of a note is below.


3329 days ago

Daniel Stewart says no reason for share price rise - it lies, the reason is fraudster & insider dealer Rob Terry is ramping the shares ...and also Quindell

Daniel Stewart (DAN) has today been forced to say that it knows of no reason for the increase in its share price and to warn that it's bailout £1 million funding will be at a discount to the current share price. Daniel Stewart lies. The reason the shares are heading to more luducrous levels is that Rob Terry, the fraudster and insider dealer of Quindell (QPP) and The Innovation Group (TIG) infamy is ramping the shares and here is the email that proves it.


3344 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 31 May

In this podcast I start with a look at Quindell - how much money does it really have to spend? Then onto Greece as per the article earlier HERE - this country faces a debt bomb but also a demographic timebomb as I explain. Finally this is the last day of doing a bearcast every day. I shall try to do 3-5 a week but am officially on sabattical as of midnight as I explain HERE


3346 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 29th May

In today's bearcast I can't help but look back as the Evil Empire's 2014 accounts come to light. Then I move on to a few other favourites Quindell ( vindicated), Coms (vindicated) and Sefton (vindicated). A hat-trick of wins on a day when I deposited cash in a Greek Bank. More on that later.

You can access the double share tip I am working on at 3.30 today for as little as £5 by signing up for immediate HotStockRockets access HERE


3347 days ago

The Quindell deal has been a disaster for Slater & Gordon - Here are the maths

Short Slater & Gordon has been a cracking trade ever since it announced the purchase of Quindell Legal Services. For British bears the weakening of the overvalued Aussie Dollar has been a bonus. The maths are shocking (and of course will get worse as the various Quindell frauds unravel). 


3360 days ago

Quindell - Given the Your Legal Friend Litigation (now proceeding) can it pay a dividend?

The "Your Legal Friend" Group Litigation is now going ahead. It is now seeking formal signatories to press a claim and any Quindell (QPP) shareholder who has lost money investing in the fraud can sign up and try get their money back HERE - but this now raises a question as to whether Quindell's board can pay out the special c110p dividend it promised?

YLF is specific as to who it will be seeking to reclaim money from stating:


3363 days ago

Exclusive Zebra news: Another reason to short Slater & Gordon post Quindell deal

I am 100% sure that the reason Slater & Gordon boought Quindell (QPP) is because the Oz firm is going ex growth. It overpaid in order to justify its own ludicrous valuation. Now if you need evidence of what a total pup it bought, a source close to Zebra has contacted me at the hovel.


3366 days ago

Sajid Javid MP front runner to replace crazy Vince Cable – what delightful Quindell irony

The highlight of the election was seeing Vince Cable, the man who has predicted 17 of the last 4 recessions lose his seat. What joy that brought. My cheers could be heard across Kalamata Bay as crazy old Vince was soundly thrashed in Twickenham. Of course it is personal. 

Vince Cable ignored the wholesale fraud at Quindell


3366 days ago

Daniel Stewart gets a Nomad but even Fatty Cornish draws a line with toxic Rob Terry

Nomad Beaumont Cornish, run by Roland “fatty” Cornish may act for China fraud Gate (GATE) and have covered himself in opprobrium over New World and Digital Learning (see HERE) but even fatty draws the line somewhere and that is over getting involved with Rob Terry of Quindell infamy.

Terry is an insider dealer. That is to say he traded shares in Quindell when in possession of price sensitive information (the resignation of Canaccord). He is a fraudster. That is to say he committed securities fraud when on 2 September 2013 Quindell issues shares to party A stating that it was to party B as a reward for hitting performance targets when in fact it had missed those targets by a mile. And there are numerous other frauds Terry committed but this is the easiest slam dunk.

On March 31 Terry


3376 days ago

Daniel Stewart – shares suspended at 4.30 PM today?

The countdown to the possible suspension of trading in shares in disgraced AIM casino broker and (ex) disgraced AIM casino Nomad, and China fraud specialist Daniel Stewart is well and truly on. Thanks to disgraced insider dealer and fraudster Rob Terry of Quindell infamy, the shares could be suspended tonight. Jolly good.

Former Nomad Westhouse quit on April 1


3377 days ago

A Question for AIM Regulation ahead of LSE AGM: Is Rob Terry Lying or are you useless?

At the AGM of the London Stock Exchange (LSE) tomorrow, Lucian Miers, Nigel Somerville and others will be quizzing it over the lack of regulation on its in house casino. I refer to AIM. So here is something I might ask and it comes from the fraudster and insider dealer Mr Robert Terry, formerly of Quindell.


3380 days ago

Video from UK Investor: The Sheriff of AIM on death threats, Rivington, Quindell, fraud and more

This was the session at UK Investor Show I enjoyed the most: Tom Winnifrith as the Sheriff of AIM interviewed by Amanda van Dyke, Nigel Somerville and Malcolm Stacey. Very straight talking on mistakes, on Rivington, on Jim Mellon, on the death threats, on fraud on Quindell and on much more.


3387 days ago

Tom Winnifrith UK Investor Show BearCast - Let's be angry

I have spent a good night with bloggers and Bulletin Board posters at Free Speech & Liberty. Now to UK Investor show. As investors we should be very angry. I discuss how that anger must be channelled with reference to Berkeley Minerals, Quindell and other cases.


3389 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Daniel Stewart Nomad quits, Rob Terry of Quindell stink special

Nomad Westhoiuse has done the decent thing and quit as Nomad to shamed and disgraced Daniel Stewart (DAN) and it is all down to his links with the insider dealer and fraudster Rob Terry of Quindell infamy as I explain in this podcast. I really enjoyed recording this.


3390 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Slater & Gordon and Quindell special

In this podcast I start with a few words on Berkeley Mineral Resources and its quite amazing statement of yesterday (HERE). Hats off to Alex Borelli but why is no-one going to prison?  I then go onto look at Slater & Gordon in light of a very interesting piece of research pubished in Australia overnight by Merrill Lynch on S&G post the Quindell deal.


3391 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bear with a sore head Cast - April 15

Thank you to the uber-foxy PR bird for Symphony, brokers Tim & John, foxy bex and the PR spinner to David Lenigas for last night. This bear now has a very sore head and is feeling fragile. Notwithstanding that I go into battle today starting with the Horse Hill omnishambles notably in regard to Solo Oil, moving onto two Chinese POS stocks warning today, to that specialist in China Frauds Daniel Stewart and its own profits warning. I then look at why Kirkland Lake is to leave the Casino and then also at another China POS stock now on ISDX having been booted off the Casino. A second bearcast on Quindell & Slater Gordon is to follow.


3392 days ago

Breaking: Calling all Morons – want to back Rob Terry of Quindell infamy in his next venture?

Okay, we know that he committed accounting fraud, securities fraud and insider dealing. We know that the FCA and SFO are investigating him but perhaps the QPPSAG want to back Mr 2+2 can = 5, Mr Robert Simon Terry once again? Well I can reveal how to go about it.


3392 days ago

Environmental Recycling, formerly 3DM, still a POS 10 years after we battled last - time for round 2?

The Quindell of 2005 was a company called 3DM. Its shareholders the ThreeDimmers saw the AIM casino stock hyped up to 150p as this former Kazakh loo paper manufacturer told lie after lie. It sent me lawyer’s letter after lawyer’s letter as it tried to bully me into silence. Its cheerleaders, tipster Mike Walters and a City spiv called Johnny Townsend, encouraged all shareholders to report me to the FSA (the FCA of old). But in the end it was 3DM that was censured not once but twice by the FSA (2006 and 2008) for its serial lies. Today that company is called Environmental Recycling (ENRT) and it is still on AIM. Just.


3393 days ago

Ask Tom Winnifrith any question and win a special prize in one week's time

One of the main stage talks at the UK Investor show on 18th April ( yes one week away) is an “ask Tom Winnifrith” session where the Sheriff will be interviewed on the main stage by Malcolm Stacey, Nigel Somerville and Amanda Van Dyke The topics will be wide ranging: Quindell (with new material), frauds past and


3396 days ago

The Bears Move on: Quindell short becomes a Slater & Gordon short

Slater & Gordon overpaid grotesquely for the Quindell (QPP) legal business but the Aussie company is now beginning to pick up the tab as the bears move in. Two of the bear pit panel at UK Investor Show are already short of Slater & Gordon as is well known Aussie bear raider John Hempton of Bronte Capital. Lucian Miers opens the batting for the UK bears.


3401 days ago

Tom Winnifrith’s Easter Sell share tips No 1 – Daniel Stewart at 1.35p

This share price is simply insane. You can defy gravity bit not for long and at 1.35p Daniel Stewart (DAN) is capitalised at £10 million – it is at least 85% overvalued and so is the first of my here Easter short ideas.

The reason that the shares have roofed it is that Rob Terry, the insider dealing – as yet – unconvicted fraudster from Quindell bought a 7.4% stake last week at an average of c0.35p. Some folks reckon that this guy is a genius and can make 2+2 equal whatever you want. He is in fact just a crook.

Rob Terry 


3403 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Quindell bribes, Mosman & Kenmare bashing

Happy Easter to you all. All except Rob Terry that is. In this podcast I end up discussing evidence I have of bribes at Quindell and what I shall be doing with it. I start with a demolition of both Mosman Oil & Gas and also the troughers at Kenmare Resources.

If you enjoy Bearcast you are going to really enjoy my presentations at the UK Investor Show. To book one of the last few tickets for April 18 in Westminster go to www.UKInvestorshow.com 


3404 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 2nd April

In today's tetchy podcast I touch again on Insetco, on Quindell and then move onto Coms, Stanley Gibbons, Motive TV and Daniel Stewart


3404 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - April 1

I start with Aiden Earley and Worthington - Gotcha! It was NOT an April Fool, he really is speaking on "faith & money" at UK Investor Show on April 18. Then on to Quindell, Daniel Stewart, the criminal Rob Terry, Coms, Hunter Resources (sorry bad language in that section but the tools deserve it), Real Good Food, China Chaintek and the other Fujian frauds, Afren, The Innovation Group and then West African Minerals, Mwana, my good friend Jim Mellon and the issue of shareholder democracy.


3404 days ago

Quindell – a six hour suspension as it is caught telling monstrous lies again

Shares in Quindell (QPP) were suspended for six hours today as it was caught out for once again having told investors a pack of lies. It seems that it has sold Slater & Gordon rather more than was announced on Monday. This is just a total joke of regulation – when is someone going to prison?

On Monday Quindell said it had sold its Professional Services Division for £637 million. It retained its Technology unit. Er.. No. Today it fessed up that it had sold most of that as part of the deal too.


3406 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast Extra - Is Quindell's Rob Terry buying into Daniel Stewart

It has just been announced that Mr Rob Terry now owns 7.4% of Daniel Stewart. Is it THE Rob Terry, fraudster, insider dealer and crook? I explain why that Rob Terry owes Daniel Stewart a favour plus there is a follow up on Gulf Keystone.

The shares are now 1.8p valuing this POS ( Daniel Stewart) at c£13 million. It has unrestriced ( ie non reg cap net cash) of c£600,000 and is, at best, making a tiny profit. This is a stonking short.


3407 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast Quindell - Vindication, defiance, apology, analysis

At one level a triumph. Quindell threatened me with libel action becuase I accused it over overstating its profits ahead of and after its rescue bailout in November 2013. I accused it of fraud. It has today said those profits will be restated. It thus raised money on a fraudulent prospectus and folks should go to jail. Those who bought at 660p+ on the basis of those bogus, fraudulent profits and other lies should be demanding that Rob Terry be prosecuted becuase they will never get that money back.

On the other hand the shares will not go to 0p so an apology. Quindell admits - as I asserted - that without the Slater & Gordon deal it is bust. But S&G is committing corporate hari kiri. I look at where its shares are going (down) and where Quenron will head from here.

My critics seem to think it would be a good thing if I retired. I have a clear message for them. In exposing fraud and lies at Quindell I am now vindicated. I have numerous other AIM Casino scalps over the past two years and I want more. And so I shall continue to go after your pals the fraudsters including the uber serial criminal Mr Robert Simon Terry.


3407 days ago

Slater & Gordon Shares suspended – it is buying QLS – what now for Quenron?

Slater & Gordon shares have just been suspended in Australia for 24 hours which means that an announcement for Quindell looms today and amazingly it seems asif it is to pay £637 million in cash for QLS. What now for Quindell?


3407 days ago

Quindell – putting the PWC delay into perspective

In 2014 the esteemed firm of KPMG (Southampton office, three partners) started its audit of Quenron just after Christmas and by March 31 had done enough to allow Quenron to publish the 2013 results – less than three months and the job was largely done. When did PWC start work on reviewing Quindell’s fraudulent accounting policies? Early December 2014.

So that means that PWC, throwing however many staff Quindell’s banks tell it to at the project, has already had just a few days under four months to determine the level of fraud and how big is the black hole at this company in cash crisis.  All of this begs a few questions.


3407 days ago

A director share trade is not always a signal for you to trade– ref Interquest, Volex & Quindell

The conventional wisdom is that you should follow the “insiders” that is the board in terms of buying and selling shares. Sometimes the conventional wisdom is wrong. We can start with buys.

A director share buy is only significant if it is truly material in terms of the net wealth and salary of that director. Looking at many director buys I almost think they are tantamount to market abuse. They are not material and their sole aim appears to be to support the share price. One might refer to the serial Quindell (QPP) buys announced a day at a time after Gotham as a case in point. This was nothing more than an exercise in PR – the willingness of any of those buying back in April 2014 to subsequently dump all their shares at far lower prices clearly demonstrates that.


3408 days ago

The stupidest Quindell Shareholder of the lot has a fiendish plot to destroy Waseem & Tom Winnifrith

The competition as to who is the stupidest shareholder in Quindell (QPP) is an intense one with a crowded field but I think I have a winner from the ADVFN asylum, whites123, who has revealed his cunning plan to destroy myself and Waseem Shakoor. The sheer insanity of it all defies belief and involved Gate Ventures (GATE). Whites123 posts today:


3408 days ago

Tom Winnifrith & the FCA Bearcast 28 March

I seem to have been reported to the FCA again. I discuss this, Vince cable, Sefton, Quindell and the failure of regulation plus a bit about faith (which I do not have) or forgiveness (which I find hard). A company specific bearcast will go live later.


3409 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 27 March

In today's podcast I urge you all to book your seats for UK Investor now as there are fewer than 100 of the 2000 tickets for the big day (April 18) still going. All tickets will be posted early next week. You can book HERE. In terms of companies I cover Quindell, Coms, Teathers Financial, Tower Resources, Gulfsands, JQW ( rapidly looking like my fave China Norfolk) and a POS called Messaging International.


3413 days ago

Bearcast 24 March - a shocking revelation ( or two)

In today's podcast I reflect on all the moron comments on Bulletin Boards every time Ive been threatened with legal action by crony capitalists or outright crooks. I forgot to mention Angus Forrest of Tern in that list but it did not work out to well for him just like threats from Globo, Range Resources, blinkx, Quindell, Cupid, Sefton, TXO and now Worthington as well as the clowns in charge of the LSE Asylum all ended up badly for them. Get used to it folks, I pick my targets carefully and I win! I then have a shock revelation about TXO before going on to discuss eServGlobal, Rosslyn Data, Mosman Oil & Gas and more.


3414 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 22 March

My main podcast of the day starts with the fun and games at Quindell where it seems as if the quisling blogs are in retreat. I go over the maths again. I then look at Centamin as oer Gary Newman's piece earlier and how the Arab world has changed and how that must make us value stocks operating out there. Finally I look at how to deal with the microcaps on the AIM Casino.


3414 days ago

An Open Letter to Emma Kane, boss of Foxy Bex at Redleaf Polhill – are you ethical or crony Babe?

I have had a few battles with Foxy Bex and her colleagues at Redleaf Polhill over the past two years because of its willingness to represent absolute liars and criminals such as the Cupid gang and Rob Terry of Quindell.  Redleaf (and indeed Foxy herself) has now taken on another client which they know full well is run by a liar and a charlatan and which is an investment disaster waiting to happen.

The corporate advisor to this POS Company has taken on board what I have had to say and returned calls in a polite and professional manner. But Redleaf has avoided doing so for a period of eight days. I am constantly told that the team representing this company is “in meetings” but my calls to them and to Redleaf boss Emma Kane are just not returned.



3417 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 20th March

I save the best, Quindell, to the end of the podcast but ahead of that cover Gulfsands Petroleum, Igas, Gulf Keystone, Northern Petroleum, Mosman Oil & Gas, Afren, Digital Globe ( read Steve's piece HERE), Daniel Stewart, Gate Ventures before ending with Quenron and PWC.

If you enjoy this sort of thing you will love UK Investor Show. With fewer than 200 of 2,000 seats left for April 18th book your place now HERE


3418 days ago

FCA asked to investigate Quindell for Market Abuse (again)

If a quoted company issues a statement that misleads investors it and its executive officers are guilty of market abuse. Quindell (QPP) did just that yesterday and thus I have again written to the FCA asking it to launch yet another investigation into Quindell and its chairman David Currie and CEO Robert Fielding. Yes that is the same Mr Fielding who bought RTA for £68.40 in December 2014 and sold it to Quenron for £2 million a couple of weeks later. Quite why he has not been suspended by Quindell’s HR Manager Jill Harrison for that pending a full investigation defies belief. 

The letter reads. 


3418 days ago

Slater & Gordon Bitch Slaps Quindell for a 3rd time for misleading investors

Aussie law form Slater & Gordon must be getting pretty pissed at having to issue Oz RNS releases clarifying the lies issued by Quenron. Once again a Quisling journalist has made definitive statements about an offer made by S&G for Quindell’s QLS unit. The Quisling’s claims are preposterous but in clarifying Quindell does not deny them forcing S&G to publicly bitch slap. So this time, I recap:

Quisling Betaville author Ben Harrington, whose Quenron stories have been 100% wrong to date, cons the fools at the Sunday Times into stating that S&G will offer £640 million plus a defcon of up to £300 million for QLS and that the deal will be announced on 23rd March.

Quenron shares soar 


3418 days ago

Quindell – here we go again with Quisling ramp - RNS translation service

In response to yesterday’s ludicrous story in the Sunday Times and a 30% hike in its share price Quindell (QPP) has again put out a misleading statement about its discussions with Slater & Gordon about QLS. I shall again translate this into English. 

The Quenron statement reads: 


3418 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 16 March

In response to popular demand the "Steve Berry, crony capitalist, placing song" gets another airing. In this podcast I also cover Quindell, Afren, Premaitha (which RMPC owns), Mosman Oil & Gas, Berry's POS Touchstone Gold, Coms and Alba Minerals


3418 days ago

Vince Cable MP, Andrew Tyrie MP and Peter Hain MP – J’accuse ref Quindell

Just when you thought that our MPs could not sink any lower in talking complete bollocks as they engage in populist pre-election vote grubbing, they turn up en masse to surprise you with a new act of idiocy. Leading the charge on this occasion is the economic illiterate business secretary Vince Cable and the matter at hand is Quindell (QPP).

Cable, Andrew Tyrie (the Tory buffoon in charge of the Treasury Select Committee) and the expenses fiddling permatanned Peter Hain of Labour are lambasting the FCA for not dealing with market abuse at Quenron. Yes…I think you know what is coming next.


3421 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 15 March - Quindell again

As I contemplate the aftermath of a disastrous day of rugby (see here) this podcast covers Teathers Financial (TEA) pointing out a few home truths and then Quindell pointing out a lot of home truths in light of today's joke of an article in the Sunday Times.


3428 days ago

Bulletin Board Moron of the Week Competition 14 – Afren, Quindell & Worthington only

Given the sheer insanity of the LSE Asylum Quindell (QPP) thread last week and forthcoming Worthington (WRN) events and the denial among Afren (AFR) shareholders the competition is back but is limited to just these three stocks. Afren is a basket case the other two are fraudulent basket cases. Update: The Deputy Sheriff of AIM insists that postings on Tern (TERN) are deranged enough to be included.


3431 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 6th March

First things first. If you like Bearcast you'll love UK Investor Show so book your tickets for April 18 in Westminster now as they are 80% booked out as of today. You can book HERE. On today's podcast: Quindell and the loon conspiracy theories reach new heights, Worthington, Coms, Hunter Resources, DDD, Aga, APR Energy, Daniel Stewart and ValiRX.


3431 days ago

Breaking:Quindell Cash Crisis – now the ACH Subsidiary faces a winding up order because of unpaid bills

Folks dismissed the County Court Judgement against Quindell revealed HERE at the weekend as a one off but now I alert you to the fact that its ACH Subsidiary (for which it paid £31 million as part of the fraudulent RTA deal) faces a winding up order because it has not paid its bills.

The notice was published in the London Gazette today 


3431 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 5th March

I start with admin matters: I shall be served with an injunction by Aiden Earley, shadow director of the fraud Worthington at 4.30 PM and have a few snippets of bad news for Aiden. I congratulate Brokerman Dan on being named the share blogger of the year. Then to business. In this podcast I touch on Quindell, Move onto William Sinclair, Jiasen ( a China Norfolk), Tern, Sareum and Afren.


3431 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 5 March (part 1) - Quindell & Worthington

Ahead of a day of doctors and lawyers I am doing a two part Bearcast today. part 1 of the podcast covers just two frauds: an analysis of today's news on Quindell and an update on the Worthington situation and Aiden Earley;'s injunction to gag me. I guess that gagging is not working so well is it Aiden?


3431 days ago

Quindell dumps shares in NARS – market source

On 20th November Quindell (QPP) denied that it was actively seeking to sell its 24% stake in Nationwide Accident Repair (NARS). Market sources tell me that Arden Partners has today placed out the stock.


3431 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 4 March

I record from all the best locations - this time it is a hospital!. On the podcast today I feature Afren, Quindell, CCJs, Filtronic, Monitise and Fitbug for which I have a big question. Then to Worthington, I have the Qs Doug ware should be answering about the lies and fraud, will he give an A this afternoon?


3436 days ago

Quindell – Oh Dear – the CCJs start – massive cash red flag

Managing a company that has run out of cash is hard. You must delay paying bills until the last possible moment, keep the banks happy, try to generate cash however but in the end something cracks. If like Quenron you have net debt and are burning cash, you can stretch your average payment terms out to a disgraceful 122 days (and climbing) but in the end someone you owe money to takes you to court and gets a County Court Judgement (CCJ) against you. For investors this is a massive red flag.


3436 days ago

Quindell – Nothing Wrong with the QLS Business Model: Really? Why 0p is still my target

Supporters of Quindell (QPP) and even Paul Scott – a neutral – have taken comfort from the fact that the MD of Slater & Gordon has said that there is nothing wrong with the QLS business model and take that forward to argue that a 0p target for the shares is unrealistic. Here is why they are wrong.


3437 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - 27 February

I feel like a drowned rat as it is tipping it down here in Greece and I have done some manual labour today. Back to business, in today's podcast I look at Quindell, Rightster (make sure you listen to the overnight special on that one HERE), Plethora, Aeorema, Kea, Petropavlovsk, Mosman Oil and Gas and do a special on Pires Investments.


3437 days ago

Quindell – Its bust and playing for time: PWC delayed

After working on reviewing the fraudulent accounting policies of Quenron (QPP) for almost three months – as long as it takes to do an audit – Quindell still cannot publish the PWC report. It promises that it will do so in “another few weeks.” The statement released today is a disaster but for those who need assistance I shall translate what it says into what it actually means.

Quenron is in italics, what each phrase means is in bold


3438 days ago

Quindell: How is PWC’s review of your fraudulent accounting policies going?

On January 12th when giving its misleading trading update Quindell (QPP) commented on the PWC review into its fraudulent accounting policies stating:

The Independent Review is ongoing and shareholders will be updated as appropriate. The Board's current expectation is that the review will be completed by the end of February.

Ok, not to put too fine a point on it


3438 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 25 February

Sorry for late filing, a combination of Greek telecoms and several calls on the dynamite story referred to in the podcast. Today I cover Coms, Quindell, Gulf Keystone, AO World, Ithaca, Driver and the dog Sareum.

Please book your seats now for the UK Investor show now 77% sold out HERE


3438 days ago

Formal Request to FCA to investigate David Currie and Quindell for Market Abuse

On Monday 22 February the fraud Quindell (QPP) put out a statement that misled investors as to the status of its discussions with Slater & Gordon as to the sale of QLS. Slater and Gordon was forced to clarify the situation with its own statement. Shares soared on the Quenron RNS but retreated as S&G revealed the truth. As such this begs the real question as to whether David Currie, the chairman of Quenron and old pal of Mr Robert Simon Terry, is guilty of market abuse. I have written to the FCA today asking it to launch a formal enquiry.


3440 days ago

What the staff at Free Speech Pizza received from a Quindell moron today

For some reason Quindell (QPP) owning morons think I actually work at Free Speech & Liberty Pizza House. I do not - I work from Greece or Bristol. And so it is our staff that receive abuse from the morons. Take this charming email that Maribelle had to deal with today as she worked through a raft of genuine bookings.

What exactly has Maribelle done to whoever posted this as a bogus booking? Maribelle – with two degrees in economics - understands free speech and so you won’t get her quitting because of this sort of abuse.  She is a far better and stronger person than the morons can ever hope to be. And this sort of harassment is not going to stop me from exposing fraud on the AIM Casino. The email reads:


3440 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - A very special double Greek Hovel Prize Edition

I spent the morning starting fires at the Greek Hovel burning off some of the frigana I cut last summer. Photos of myself and George in action will be on TomWinnifrith.com later - but that brings me to a very good reason to attend the UK Investor Show - there are stacks of reasons - as I explian in the podcast. The show is now 75% sold out but you can book your tickets today HERE. Meanwhile I look at Quindell, the shoddy outfit that is Cenkos, Sefton Resources, New World Oil & Gas, Tungsten and Fitbug.


3440 days ago

Slater & Gordon Bitch Slaps Quindell’s misleading statement – no offer made

For the second time Slater & Gordon has been forced to make an official statement to correct misleading statements made by Quenron (QPP). What planet is the fraud Quindell on?

Yesterday Quindell stated that “Discussions are progressing with SGH and the indicative terms being discussed would imply a significant premium to the Company's market capitalisation at the close of trading on 20 February 2015.”

S&G has responded by saying that while talks continue “No offer has yet been put to Quindell and there is no certainty that an offer will be put that is attractive to Quindell or that a transaction will eventuate

You can read the statement HERE

Is eventuate a real word? I do not know. Was the Quindell statement utterly misleading? 


3442 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 23rd February

Recorded outside the Kourounis Taverna in Kambos for reasons I explain this podcast starts with Mariana Resources as I try - and fail - to be charitable. I move into Quindell, Tower Resources, Mar City, Gulf Keystone, APR Energy and Afren.


3442 days ago

Quindell – Slater & Gordon Good News? Er…

The quisling blogs reported at the weekend that Quindell (QPP) has received a £700 million offer for QLS from Slater & Gordon. A statement from Quenron this morning gives hope to the bulls and the shares have shot ahead to 94p but I would not be putting the champagne on ice just yet.

The statement reads: 


3443 days ago

Continuing to fight fraud and lies on AIM and the LSE: This Weekend: Tern, Worthington, EFH and the non-illegal immigrants – please help!

This weekend on ShareProphets we have yet more revelations on Tern, on the Equities First scandal involving Quindell, Igas and others and also on Worthington. This comes at a cost to us, the smear campaign has accelerated with unfounded claims that we employ illegal immigrants and with Worthington making defamatory statements about Tom Winnifrith. More on that shortly! However..

We continue to see the Bulletin Board jihadists attempt to deny us revenues both at The Free Speech & Liberty Pizza House with the smears and also with one loon trying to block our phone line with 50 phone calls a day and also by tryng to persuade advertisers to drop as  - as we saw with the morons  lied to Etihad airlines in order to persuade it not to advertise on ShareProphets.

Those who seek to put us out of business are not now hiding behind claims that it is because I use bad language. It is an pen battle against myself, Nigel, Ben and others because we expose fraud.

We want to continue that fight and indeed to step it up – as Worthington will find out very shortly –and so again we ask for your help. So:


3443 days ago

Wednesday caption contest – winner announced

On Wednesday a reader sent me a photo of a Greek statue with caption perhaps intended for Mr Doug Ware, the CEO of Worthington. I wonder how Mr Ware is getting on consulting with Houyan Lin of Naibu, Rob Terry of Quindell and JimmyLiar Ellerton of Sefton who ran other companies I attacked to see how they can deal with The Sheriff?  I gather Jimmy Liar has a nice mansion in Hawaii – paid for by Sefton Shareholders (minus 99.99%) – perhaps they could all meet up there.  Anyhow I asked you if you could supply an even better caption for the photo below.


3443 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - 20 February

On today's podcast I look at Quindell (long time no speak) and Afren - the calm before the storm next week. I also look at Berkeley Minerals and at Solgold, Pinnacle Tech, Tavistock Investents, Sefton Resourcces/Brokerman Dan and long term dog & Bulletin Board darling Iofina. And there is comment on naughty, naughty Gotham City Research.


3444 days ago

Quindell: Morgan Stanley makes £2 million in less than a week thanks to the morons

Hats off to Morgan Stanley which has made a quick £2 million plus killing in four working days. It correctly identified Quindell (QPP) shareholders as being among the stupidest people on this planet and it has played them like a kipper. It is all perfectly legal and for this Robin Hood in reverse raid on the lobotomy and strong brigade, hats off to the banksters.

On Friday of last week Morgan Stanley picked up a 4.9% stake from Tosca at c61p. It bought a few shares in the market at the same time and so went over 3%, 4% and 5% at a stroke and told Quindell first thing Monday morning.

Quindell rushed out that news at 2.43 PM on Monday, keen


3445 days ago

Wednesday Caption Contest - Dedicated to Rob Terry of Quindell & Doug Ware of Worthington

How is Doug Ware of Worthington getting on consoluting with Houyan Lin of Naibu, Rob Terry of Quindell and JimmyLiar Ellerton of Sefton who ran other companies I attacked to see how they can deal with The Sheriff? Perhaps they should all meet up in Fujian to see how they can wield the "sword of truth" together? Despite Doug's best efforts to get The Old Bill onto me I have made it to Greece.  I knew that the false passport that Mossad provided as we jointly organised the global shorting conspiracy would come in handy one day.

Meanwhile a reader has sent in a picture just for Mr Ware to which he has already added a suitable caption. It is Greek themed


3446 days ago

Worthington – I am going to piss all over you, literally

And so the lawyer’s letter – well email – from Worthington PLC (WRN) to me has arrived. And as with lawyers letters from Quindell, Sefton, blinkx, Globo and others it is now on display at Free Speech & Liberty Pizza House. In fact it is on display in the gents as you can see below.


3446 days ago

Minster Law – The Read Across for Quindell is dire and explains the rush to Deafness

Minster Law is a York based law firm operating in the Personal Injury market and with 800 employees is a material player. And its results for last year are just out and are dire and that has a dramatic read across for Quenron (QPP). 


3449 days ago

Blocking someone on twitter is NOT free speech denial

Anyone can set up a twitter account in minutes. And once on twitter you can shout out to the world what you want. Of course if you call a Police Horse gay, tweet a burning poppy or insult David Cameron the Old Bill might feel your collar if you happen to live in Airstrip One. But if your sole purpose is to insult non-celebs (i.e. Tom Winnifrith, rather than Tom Daley) you can tweet pretty much what you please.

And so it should be. I support free speech to the hilt. Some of the interventions by the Old Bill are disgraceful, a matter I have highlighted here before.

But free speech does not mean that I have to read what folks tweet.


3450 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Investor Denial at Afren, Worthington & Quindell and generally

In this podcast I look once again at the issue of investor denial. The case studies are three companies all worth 0p per share: Afren, Quindell and Worthington. happy listening.


3450 days ago

Red Flag Number 31 ( of 49) from Tom Winnifrith

My latest book is dedicated to the fraudster Robert Simon Terry, the founder of Quindell (QPP) and highlights 49 Red Flags, warning signs you should look for before investing in shares. Number 31 is excessive spend on PR and IR. To get your free copy of the whole book sent to you today fill in the form HERE - meanwhile here is No 31


3450 days ago

The Financial Times claims my scoop as its & then covers it up – scumbags

At 8.47 AM on 12 February I published a bearcast (HERE) with devastating new material on Quindell and Ingenie. As a courtesy I, at once, emailed a link to journalists who had followed this fraud including Paul Murphy and Dan McCrum of the Financial Times.

After noon on 13th February McCrum then ran the same story as his own giving no attribution. It was apparently his scoop - HERE. 

This has been flagged up on the FT’s website with Bryce Elder of the FT weighing in saying that it was an FT scoop, they were working on it for a long time as “proper journalists need tome to check facts etc”.  Fine but who ran the story first????

Mr Elder has form when it comes to lying in print. 


3451 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 14 February - Suspensions at 4 companies needed NOW!

Individuals commit fraud not companies. We have lost that understanding over the past 30 years and that is the great failure of regulation for the banksters and the AIM casino. I discuss this concept and then go on to call for suspensions of individuals as well as trading in the shares for four companies: Quindell, Tern, Alpha Returns and Worthington.


3451 days ago

Evil Knievil closes Quindell and Avanti shorts – biggest position now Concha

The infamous bear raider Evil Knievil says that he has now closed out his short positions in both Quindell (QPP) and Avanti Communications (AVN). He tells me “I may have made a mistake” but he has a neutral position. Both stocks, however, remain on his watch list and he says he may re-enter the fray and it will not be on the long tack. Both he insists are hugely overvalued but calling short term moves is hard.


3452 days ago

Quindell Bulletin Board Moron of the Week 11 – a joint winner

Once again there were numerous entries which again demonstrated that some folk should not be allowed to be in charge of a piggy bank let alone trade in shares. You can see all the week eleven examples of lunacy on Quindell, Worthington and Afren HERE.  As it happens there is a tie for first place with both nominations coming from Juicin Drumroll.

Nomination one is from the ADVFN Asylum:


3452 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 12 February

I urge you all to listen to the earlier Quindell special podcast HERE as that slam dunk shows why the firm is bust and worth 0p. In this audio I also cover Afren, TXO, Gulf Keystone, Bacanora, David Lenigas, Circle Oil and Northcote Energy

To support our continuing campaign against fraud on the AIM casino (but also main market listed frauds) click HERE


3452 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - Quindell accounting and cashflow fraud H2 explained in full

Long, long chats yesterday with a Liverpool lawyer and a helpful reader email allow me, I think, to explain why the underlying cashflow miss at Quindell in H2 2014 was in fact UP TO £85 million ( not the £45-60 million I had demonstrated). And I think the key to the miss is accruals and when Quenron started its Industrial Deafness push and how it accrues for it. This is a bit geeky but I believe explains the mystery in full. It has clear implications for the Rob Terry insider dealing case, demonstrates clear market abuse and also if one reads through to 2015 shows why Quindell is insolvent. I also try to explain why I have never had the surname Cochrane (sorry Quindell Quislings).  And I cover the importance of the Tosca news.

To support our continuing campaign against fraud on the AIM casino (but also main market listed frauds) click HERE


3453 days ago

Is Worthington to follow Quindell, blinkx and Sefton and send me a lawyer’s letter? Round 2 with Pinsent Masons?

Great News! Is it once more into the breach dear friends? Can I add a lawyer’s letter from Worthington (WRN) to those already received from blinkx, Globo, Range Resources, Sefton, Quindell, LSE.co.uk and other scumbags? I wonder. In case you are tempted Worthington “your company is a fraud” – I have seen off bigger scumbags than you and I really do not fear you at all.

Why do I wonder? Two days ago I asked Worthington a simple question by email. “Who are the advisers working on your attempt to get relisted on the main market?

My answer today from Ms Harriet Lucking:

Many thanks for your email and apologies for the


3455 days ago

Maine Finance – New Information on how a Quindell Subsidiary is failing and frauding as the cash runs out

Last week I stated that Maine Finance, a Quenron subsidiary which has racked up a £5 million overdraft so that it can lend money to other Quindell operations had basically stopped paying lead suppliers because the cash has run out. Thanks to information from someone incredibly close to Maine I can now give you the full story. This is symptomatic of what is going on across the Quenron group because there is no cash. 

Maine was started by two men James Eneas and Tony Smith in 2012. With a third investor they set up the operation in 2012 as QSM (UK) Ltd otherwise known as Quotesupermarket.com. Each owned a third of the business. Quindell bought Maine Finance and took the option to buy James and Tony's share in Quotesupermarket.  


3455 days ago

Shocking: Slater & Gordon Interims confirm depth of Quindell cash crisis & investor deception part 2

The detailed interim statement from Slater & Gordon out overnight throws into focus the depth of the cash crisis at Quindell (QPP) and how the bastards have serially deceived investors about this. This is really shocking.

The detailed statement is HERE 

You will note in that statement that there is a bold admission that S&G paid £12.1 million to Quindell in Q4 2014 as part of its deal for file transfer and exclusivity. That would be £10 million plus VAT.

In its January trading statement Quindell included that sum in its £13 million reported cash inflow. That in itself is wholly bogus and misleading. 


3455 days ago

Breaking: Quindell – Grim News from Australia with the Slater & Gordon Interims

Just last week Quisling Quindell (QPP) blogs like Betaville promised us that a bid from Slater & Gordon was imminent. Oh dear. More lies. Hard cheese morons. Slater & Gordon has just released its interims and they do not read well for Quenron.


3456 days ago

Tom Winifrith and Colin Firth say buy Quindell? No Its a Moron breaking the law

The publication of material that you know to be untrue or misleading in an attempt to persuade folks to buy or sell securities is termed market abuse and is a criminal act and that brings me to the latest act of insanity by a Quindell (QPP) owning moron – the creation of the twitter account @tomwinifrith.  You will note that it has only one n and so is not me but you could easily be forgiven for making that mistake.

This account appeared over the weekend and I am naturally flattered that the photo chosen as an avatar – as you can see in the screen shot below - is of Colin Firth rather than Ray Winstone. So far it has issued just one tweet which has been retweeted by six other Quindell morons and reads:


3457 days ago

Memo to Jim “hammer” Sutcliffe and Richard Rose of Quindell – how to spin the PWC disaster

You know that I am just a plain and simple nice guy. Well if you do, don’t tell anyone as I have a reputation to preserve. But as a nice guy I thought I’d drop a memo to the new team at Quenron (QPP), Jim “Hammer” Sutcliffe and Richard Rose about how to spin the looming disaster that is the PWC Report into Quindell’s fraudulent accounting policies.

Memo to the Hammer & Rose


3457 days ago

Red Flag 26 of the 49 Red Flags

My recent book 49 Red Flags serves up 49 ( its actually 50) signs that you should not be owning a given share. The book is dedicated to Rob Terry of Quindell (QPP) who serves as a case study for most of the Red Flags mentioned. You can get a free copy of the book sent to you today by filling in the form HERE. As a sample here is Red Flag 26.


3457 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - when am I vindicated on Quindell & what to do about smears?

A relaxed podcast recorded from the freezing garage where the Mrs has exiled me pro tem. On the agenda is the question of why pizza hardman Darren Atwater is as posh as me when taking this test, what counts as vindication on Quindell (QPP) and how you deal with ongoing attacks harassment and smears.

To support our continuing campaign against fraud on the AIM casino click HERE


3458 days ago

More evidence of the cash crisis at Quindell – Maine Finance Ltd stops taking leads

Quindell (QPP) now exists only because its banks have not pulled the overdraft. Each week a new crisis emerges as it struggles to pay all its bills. Reports are now coming to me from all over this creaking fraud showing how desperate things are. Today: Maine Finance Ltd.

My source here tells me that last month the monthly payment to its finance leads referral company wasn’t made and that hence all their fresh leads stopped.

Maine’s website indicates


3460 days ago

Quindell: An Open Letter to Laurence Moorse: call the SFO now my friend as it’s on the case

I am sure that Laurence Moorse, the insider dealing finance director of Quindell (QPP) is now aware, as am I that the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) is now looking at matters Quenron and in that vein I have again written to the little crook urging him to save himself.

Dear Laurence.


3461 days ago

Quindell, RTA, Rob Fielding and the missing £2 million, new document – Sacking needed now

On Christmas Day I revealed how Quindell (QPP) CEO Rob Fielding had made £2 million for selling a worthless company established by him in December 2013 to Quindell a month later. This should have been declared as a related party deal – since Fielding is a PDMR – but it was not but was instead rolled into a £30 million deal involving convicted Nigerian fraudster Andrew O’Dua. I now have a new document which makes this look even worse – why has Fielding not been fired and the Old Bill called in? 

You may remember that RTA was set up on December 2 2013 with one shareholder, Mr Robert Fielding. It was a shell company with zero assets and was thus worth £68.40 including VAT. These days it is called Quindell ACH and its Annual Return has just been filed at Companies House. And you will see that there was frenzied trading in its shares up until January 8 2014.

First up,


3461 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 4 February

I am in a good mood as a mega hero of mine has just been in touch to dish some dirt on an AIM casino stock...developing. Meanwhile there is comment in this podcast on Quindell, Camkids, Afren and Empyrean Energy.


3463 days ago

Quindell still talking to Slater & Gordon….its shareholders are still screwed

Last week, websites supportive to Quindell (QPP) claimed that there would be a bid for QLS from Slater & Gordon by the weekend because its exclusivity deal with Quenron ran out on Friday. Quindell ignored that comment. Today, with its shares in freefall, it has in a raher panicked way “responded to press comment” and said exclusive talks are still on. So what does that tell us?


3463 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 2nd February: Free Speech & Liberty day!

Heck it is free speech day for me every day. In today's podcast I look at Sefton, Quindell, Afren, Igas, ISG, Insectco, Ascent Resources, Mosman Oil & Gas, Mopowered & Outsourcery


3464 days ago

The week ten Bulletin Board Moron of the Week is announced

I sense that a good number of shareholders in Quindell (QPP) also have stock in Afren (AFR) and Worthington (WRN). If the last of those three is ever unsuspended it is lining up to replace Quenron in my affections when Rob Terry’s creation goes bust. It truly is a POS built on sand. As such if you are hunting for a week 11 winner of Bulletin Board Moron of the week I suggest a good look at the Worthington threads might be in order. In terms of a week ten winner, the full list of rantings from the insane is here but the winners are:


3464 days ago

Quindell…the penny is starting to drop: collapseroonie ahoy, just how bad is the cash position?

It has been a quiet week on the Quindell (QPP) front although none of the ludicrous bull calls have come good: S&G exclusivity ended Friday and we were told that a bid would happen last week and that Quenron had lined up a big bank to advise it. Well …it did not happen and it will not happen.

Slater & Gordon could not afford to pay more than a couple of hundred million quid for QLS and based on its historic acquisition criteria that would be a very full price in relation to what WIP would be once PWC has finished reviewing the crooked books. It was only a week ago that S&G said it had not submitted a bid and given that there are no other potential bidders it would be utter insanity to even contemplate a move until PWC has finished its work.

The fiddles revealed here last week


3467 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 29 January

In today's podcast I look at how the human mind reacts to rising and falling share prices, the case study being Quindell (QPP) which is tanking today - now at 80p, target remains 0p. I look at Mosman Oil & Gas (MSMN) and its proposed Aussie takeover which - as I explain - must now be in terrible trouble - target here 1p. I look at the pointless Forte Energy and Red Emperor and then a read through from Produce Investments.


3467 days ago

Quindell, Avanti and Hurricane Energy – Lucian Miers & Evil Knievil’s top & new shorts

The two leading bear raiders in London, Lucian Miers and Evil Knievil do not always agree but right now both have Quindell (QPP) and Avanti Communications (AVN) as their largest two shorts.


3468 days ago

Red Flags 2 & 3 from Tom Winnifrith’s 49 Red Flags

Over the weekend I published my latest book, 49 Red Flags, how to avoid buying shares that will plunge. As a taster here are Red Flags 2 and 3, featuring Sefton, Quindell and Tern. You can get a free copy sent to you today by filling in the form HERE

Rule Two:


3469 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 27 January

In today's podcast I look at Afren and the next Afren (Igas) and also at Tern and a zillion reasons to sell its shares. I have some pressing questions for Nyota Minerals and look at Quindell and comment on the great news about Kevin Ashton and the UK Investor Show. And I chat about Ocean Wilsons, Mark Slater and the perils of small cap investing.


3469 days ago

BREAKING: New UK Investor speaker announced: Kevin Ashton of Quindell fame

Kevin Ashton was the analyst at Canaccord tasked with covering Quindell. When he handed in a note refusing to say buy or set a price target Rob Terry told Canaccord it would be fired as joint broker if it published it. So Ashston was fired. He is a feared analyst with a forensic mind and great integrity and he will now be speaking at the UK Investor show on April 18.


3470 days ago

Bulletin Board Moron of the Week 10 – in Honour of Motley Fool Quindell Moron Prabhat Sakya

Prabhat Sakya writes for Motley Fool and thinks that Quindell (QPP) is a good yield play on a PE of 1.2 and thus has sold his Barclays shares to buy more Quenron – words fail me. Just to show that morons do not obnly post on the LSE.co.uk I bring you Prabhat’s latest pearls of wisdom as a treat. It is a hoot. Do you think you kind find anyone thicker than Prabhat posting sheer lunacy on a Bulleton Board? If so please post those gems in the comments section below – deadline midnight 1st February.

Prabhat writes:

Last year my portfolio took quite a beating.


3470 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 26 January

In today's podcast I look at Igas (vindicated), Quindell (vindicated), Gowin New (vindicated), Cambria Africa, Flybe, Fitbug, Coms (vindicated) and prepare to have a go again at Ray Zimmerman and ZAI over its next China POS IPO

To get your free copy of my new book 49 Red Flags sent to you today  fill in the form HERE


3470 days ago

Red Flag Number 35 of Tom Winnifrith’s 49 Red Flags Dedicated to Rob Terry

Those who have ordered a FREE copy of my new book, 49 Red Flags, which is dedicated to Robert Simon Terry, the founder of Quindell (QPP), will be receiving their copy today. If you want a copy simply fill in the form HERE. As a taster of what it contains I bring you Red Flag 35, a failure to have truly independent Non Execs. It reads: 


3470 days ago

Prize Reader Competition: Slater & Gordon & QLS Guess the bid

The prize is a free invite to the pre UK Investor pizza and drinks with myself, Evil, Ben Edelman and other speakers which takes place the night before the show (ie Friday April 17th.) Join us as we speak freely before the show. All you have to do is guess how much Slater & Gordon will pay to buy QLS. Now accept that there is an option ( which I am going for) that it will NOT BID AT ALL so as a tie-break please supply the date at which S&G announced either a bid or that it is not bidding.


3470 days ago

Reader Post of the Weekend: 42 on Quindell

As you know City guru 42 (I know who he is) is a famed Quenronologist and his Quindell (QPP) post on the ShareProphets comments section from this weekend merits a wider audience as it really debunks the idea that a fire-sale of QLS to Slater & Gordon will save Quenron. 42 writes: 


3471 days ago

Quindell - The Graphic says it all - cash is very tight

Quindell (QPP) has always been a slow payer of its bills. But we already know that it survives only thanks to bank overdraft. In today's BearCast HERE, I reveal how it has raised emergency cash to keep going with hidden asset sales. The other way of postponing administration is just to delay paying suppliers. The graphic below says it all. It is paying later and later. 


3471 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Quindell BearCast special - Making Money from Nigerian fraud & Mobile Doctors scam

In this podcast I pose some regulatory questions for Quindell and the Ministry of Justice regarding the resigning compliance officer Mrs Helen Cutler, I explain how Quindell made money buying a POS business from a convicted Nigerian fraudster ( and other rubbish deals) and I expose what has gone on with Mobile Doctors and Speedy. This is all very shocking.

Tom Winnifrith's new book, 49 Red Flags, is dedicated to Robert Simon Terry of Quindell and features him prominently. It is published tonight. To get your free copy sent to you tonight just fill in the fom HERE


3473 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 23rd January

In today's podcast I look at the PR/Financial Press corrupt deal. I then move into Quindell, Robinson, Cambria Africa, Frontier Mining, what timber prices tell us about general earnings visibility, Gowin New, a new China POS that had been flagged up to me called JQW (target price 0p), the Wandisco pump and dump and Jiasen International.


3473 days ago

The Quindell Morons and Market Abuse on Twitter re Gotham City Research

And so a new twitter account has appeared in recent days @gothamresearch_ -you may have noticed it and thought this was real Gotham City Research. Boy have those bears changed tack. Er no…this is just Quindell shareholders breaking the law (again)


3473 days ago

Quindell Bearcast - Slater Gordon and the Gotham Dragon starts to wake up

I exposed how Quindell is going to get rogered (at best) by Slater Gordon overnight HERE in this podcast I discuss how this accounting fiddle works, what it means for Quenron's (QPP) dire financial position, it really should be fessing up to that and has not and I also flag up that Gotham City Research is starting to wake up.  For the avoidance of doubt the share price target remains 0p and the fact that the shares are up today shows nothing other than the insanity of man, the bear case has just got stronger still.


3473 days ago

BREAKING: Quindell – Slater & Gordon Comments & the Morons are F**ked!

Oh dear, Oh dear if you are long of Quindell (QPP) you are going to take one hell of a beating tomorrow because Slater & Gordon has just issued a statement in Oz and it does not read well for the fraudsters and the morons. The shares should crater on this news. I do love the smell of napalm in the morning.


3474 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 22 January

In today's podcast I cover David Lenigas firing Hume capital, TXO (toast I suspect), Jiasen & Gowin New ( China toast to come), Monitise (vindication almost complete after latest profits warning), Quindell (loons, toast to come) and Oxford Instruments (shoot the PR, visibility nil, bargepole).

To enable yourself to get a priority booking tomorrow morning to hear Big Dave Lenigas and myself on 2nd Feb register HERE


3475 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Quindell, Soros and Slater Gordon

In this podcast special I look at the lunacy of tracking who owns what in Quindell (QPP). There seem to be all sorts of figures flying around. It is lunacy following this trail. More pertinently I look at the suggestion that the division for sale is QLS and that the purchaser is Slater Gordon. Two sources confirm to me that this IS the case, But before the morons start to celebrate I then go through the maths and that is rather less good news for Quindell. I also point out two new cases of how Quenron has misled investors in a material way.


3476 days ago

Punching the air at Real Man Pizza – now we go on the attack for free speech & great food

Real Man Pizza Company is one of the worst rated Tripadvisor restaurants in London. Over the past year free speech denying shareholders in blinx, Quindell and other POS companies have reacted to my – vindicated – sell calls by posting bogus reviews and boasting about them online. 

Tripadvispor has been shown proof of this but has refused to act. We have not be helped by having only a 1* (on a scale of 0-5) hygiene rating from the Council. That was a result of legacy issues: years of capital under-spend and poor staff training. They knew what to do to follow the rules but could not explain why. 

We have invested heavily in upgrading the place and in our staff and for yonks have been begging for a re-inspection as we have known that we were massively underscored for most of last year. 

The inspector finally arrived last week and gave us 4/5 classification “good”. That is a lagging indicator as we have been at that level for ages. All those reviews claiming the place was dirty, etc were just lies. 

Even last week a bloke posted a review claiming the waiter was drunk. Our waiters are female – they are waitresses. Our


3476 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 20 January - oil prices, oil stocks and time to revisit 0p target for Quindell?

In today's podcast I start with oil stocks and oil prices and discuss why I would not touch any of them with a bargepole - particular mentions of Tangiers Petroleum, Falklands Oil & gas, Rockhopper, Igas, Northern Petroleum and the rampers of Mosman Oil & Gas. I then move onto Quindell discussing whether my 0p target is too low.


3477 days ago

Reader Comment of the Week: 42 on Quindell & PWC

As you know, ShareProphets reader 42 knows Quenron (QPP) better than most and as such his predictions on what PWC will say about the company are worth paying attention to. They make for terrifying reading if you are long. 42 posts:


3479 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 17 January - the frauds at Sefton & Quindell

In this podcast I look at the issue of earnings visibility with special reference to quoted spreadbetting firms, at Quindell and its change of PR and what that telegraphs to you and then there is a detailed report back on Sefton Resources and its latest omnishambles announcement.


3480 days ago

Lse.co.uk – fools & bullies with a clown of a lawyer but NOT originators of market abuse

Okay none of you guessed correctly. My first lawyer’s letter of the year came from Lse.co.uk. Apparently I have damaged its good name and caused it distress. Yes, that is the website which each day carries at least 50 posts smearing me with all sorts of abuse and lies. Next up, Prince Andrew is going to give me a lecture for inappropriate behaviour because my wife is six years younger than I am.

I posted the screenshot below and asked in the article who at LSE was responsible for loading it because it carried bogus reports of broker buy notes on Quindell (QPP) and was thus market abuse. I tried to phone and email but no response. LSE.co.uk states that the data is loaded by Digital Look. Fine – someone at Digital Look has a few questions to answer. I am very glad that the FCA is looking into this.


3480 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 16 January

Today's podcast looks at Swiss Franc fallout and then at Plethora and Quindell. And with that done I can move into fascist lawyers representing morons.


3481 days ago

Quindell – just what is it so desperate to hide at Ingenie?

It is probably the least of the problems of the insider dealing fraudster Laurence Moorse at Quindell (QPP) but he really does seem to be in a spot of bother with Companies House over non-disclosure at Ingenie. What is Larry so desperate to hide? 

You may remember that on October 10 2014 I wrote to Companies House pointing out that Ingenie should – as part of a PLC – supplied full not abbreviated accounts. On December 12 2014 (HERE) CH confirmed it had written to Larry on this matter.


3481 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 14 January

Delayed by meetings, a hangover and finally a series of IT horrors I apologise for the delayed podcast. Today I look at Quindell, Kea Petroleum, Mosman Oil & Gas, Globo, Totally, Deltex, global growth forecasts and equity valuations.


3481 days ago

A letter from the Sheriff of AIM to Jim Sutcliffe, deputy chairman designate at Quindell

Jim Sutcliffe is the deputy chairman designate of Quindell (QPP) and is also a Fellow of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries and in that spirit I have written him a letter which was emailed over today. Let’s see what he says. But I pose a tough question or two for lucky Jim.


3483 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast -13 January

I start this podcast with a correction regarding yesterday's Bearcast and Rapid Cloud (but it is still a sell!). I then move on to Shaft Sinkers, Beacon Hill Resources, Quindell, Alexander Mining, Debenhams and Charlemagne Capital. The Beacon Hill hairdresser revelations referred to appeared HERE


3483 days ago

Quindell: a Letter to Richard Rose

Richard Rose is the chairman designate of Quindell (QPP) In that vein I sent him an email yesterday. He has not replied. It reads: 


3484 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's Birthday Bearcast 12 January

I end with Quindell and an open challenge to Mr Jim Sutcliffe regarding the 100% fraudulent 2011 accounts. Let's see if he really wants to draw a line in the sand or if he is just in it for the grubby money. Elsewhere I look at Shaft Sinkers, Rapid Cloud - a case study in Red Flag accounts -, Lamprell and Northbridge Industrial.


3484 days ago

Quindell – New Gotham City price target prize sweepstake

The valiant corporate campaigners Gotham City called Quindell (QPP) brilliantly with its first report but has now said that its second report is out soon and that it will be slashing its 45p price target. Interestingly last time Rob Terry rebuffed Gotham as he tried to protect Rob Terry. This time will the new management fight to save Rob Terry’s reputation or will it just blame all the crimes Gotham uncovers on Mr 2+2 can – 5? But…


3484 days ago

Quindell – Gotham set to slash its 45p target price – new report on the way

If it was not bad enough that PWC will be issuing a report eviscerating Quindell’s (QPP) fraudulent accounting policies and balance sheet it seems as if famed campaigners for truth and justice Gotham City Research is now about to re-join the party. 

Gotham has this morning tweeted 


3484 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Quindell Bearcast Special - forget the spin look at the cash

Quindell (QPP) is spinning for its life. I examine how it spins what is bad news. The only 2 guys it can find as new NEDS are proven failures. The trading statement is dire. Look at the miss on cash generation in Q4. And look at the real net cash position. This is woeful. The statement on revenues and earnings is telegraphing that PWC is going to be red ink City and the fact that there is no PWC until the end of Febuary shows how bad things are.


3485 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 11 January - the Naibu and Quindell fraud special

A bonus podcast looking at my two fave frauds on the AIM casino - naibu and Quindell. The former is now officially toast - a clear kill for me. The latter will be toast. I suggest a bit of chart watching and explain the striking similarities.


3487 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 9 January - Fraud, Naibu kill, other AIM China stocks & Quindell chairman, PWC & fraud

Really just a few matters on the agenda in this special prompted by the suspension of shares in Naibu (NBU) today. I have been calling this out as a fraud for a year. I win. I look at the read across to China Chaintek, Camkids and Jiasen, to what it says about ZAI Corporate Finance and its other clients and what it says about any other stock I call out as a fraud. I look at Quindell, rumours about a new chairman, PWC and the fact that it too is a fraud. I also have more to say on the matter of free speech.


3488 days ago

Bearcast 8th January - free speech deniers Quindell and other matters

Yesterday 12 journalists were murdered by those who deny free speech. Today on the LSE asylum others who do not believe in free speech are at work. They may not be murderers but they are no less despicable. I start with that matter and Quindell and move on to cover Kenmare, Global Energy Developments, Tern, Igas, Sainsbury and Tesco, Touchstone Gold and Northwest Investment Group.


3488 days ago

Quindell: Bearcast Special: Tosca, PWC, The Daily Mail and more Biosign shockers

All things Quindell in this Bearcast. Congratulations to the morons. You are only 90% down now. Enjoy your day of gloating. Now back to reality and I deal with Tosca, The Daily Mail, PWC and have some more shocking revelations about Biosign in this podcast.


3488 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 7 January

Quindell (QPP) later. For now I look at Boohoo, ASOS, Sainsbury, Majestic Wines, whether online retailers should get a premium to offline retailers and comment en passant on Range Resources and Tern but in detail on IGAS and in total detail on the disgraceful behaviour of Mr Steve Berry and Touchstone Gold. This is truly disgusting and the man has no place on the AIM casino while Touchstone is officially a POS.


3489 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast Quindell & the Biosign fraud - it all goes back to Lava

This is a small piece of accounting fraud by Quindell (QPP). It all goes back to Lava - Rob Terry's first big fraud.  In a nutshell this shows how Mr 2+2 can = 5 ran Quenron with old pals and why there is so much worse to come.

NB In the podcast I erroneously refer to Lavasoft. Of course I meant the now defuncy Lava Systems Inc founded by PH and brought down by RT


3490 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Quindell BearCast - a whistleblower explains the culture of bribery, fraud and lies

The title is self-explanatory. The contents of this podcast are most serious. hapless Nomad Cenkos can verify the lot or it can just admit that it does not give a FF about its regulatory duties.

To pre-order your FREE copy of Tom Winifrith's new book "49 Red Flags" out on Wednesday 7th January, which taks a lot about Quenron (QPP), fill in the form HERE


3490 days ago

ShareProphets Reader Post of the Day: Invetigate on Quindell

Why, we were all wondering, did Quenron (QPP) loan CAN6.8 million to a near bankrupt Canadian software company? Reader Inevitgate has the answer. Shimple, so as to not have to admit that revenues booked in 2012 and 2013 were totally uncollectable and so face a P&L hit. Shimples. Great work. Here it is. 

With respect to Biosign; 


3490 days ago

Quindell – why did Phil Hodgkinson depart on New Year’s Eve?

Who is Phil? He is a big cheese at Quindell Legal Services. So why did he leave the Quenron (QPP) sinking ship so suddenly on New Year’s Eve – filings at company’s house show that his directorship was terminated on that date.

To show how important Phil was I quote from a recent FT article: 


3491 days ago

49 Red Flags – how to avoid investing in shares that will plunge by Tom Winnifrith - pre-order for Wednesday delivery now!

ShareProphets Press' first book of 2015 is by Tom Winnifrith, The Man who exposed the fraud at Quindell. In it, Winnifrith demonstrates the forensic accounting techniques that he uses to expose the secrets that companies are trying to hide. No investor should be without it. The first 100 people to receive the book will be offered a free ticket to the 2015 UK Investor Show on April 18. Don't delay - this will go fast.


3493 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 3rd January

Why do share lock-ins matter? Let me explain and I do so with reference to Quindell (QPP) as this will be something that the Serious Fraud Office needs to examine either before or after Quenron goes into administration. I also have a few words for the motherfuckers at Schillings.


3494 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's Bearcast 2nd January

Leopards do not change their spots. In this podcast I look at the omnishambles which is the fraud Quindell, at Tern (the Deputy is going to get you Mr Angus Forrest!), at Motive TV ( I am going to get you) and at Peter Landau and Black Mountain - I am going to get you Pete Landau. There are also more words of praise for the one and only Paul Scott.


3494 days ago

Reader Comment of the Day – Ref Quindell

Well done Miserly Investor who provides another very plausible interpretation of the RNS today from Quenron (QPP). My own translation from bollocksese into English is HERE. But Miserly posts here on ShareProphets a very sensible comment. His second paragraph in particular is I believe highly relevant. Miserly writes:


3494 days ago

Quindell: Translating today’s RNS from Bollocksese into English

Quindell (QPP) has today issued an RNS which is pure bollocks. Ever keen to help I am happy to provide a translation into English, something which shows both that the new board are as keen to mislead as the old and that this company is up shit creek without a paddle. 

The Quenron statement follows in italics, the English translation is in bold. 


3494 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's NY Sheriff Resolutions and the 10 least wanted men on AIM BearCast

It is a special Bearcast as I make a number of Sheriff of AIM New Year Resolutions. And then I go onto to explain why the following are the least wanted men on the AIM Casino and what I plan to do about it to make their working lives a living hell in 2015:

  1. The Quindell gang
  2. ZAI CF gang
  3. Peter Landau
  4. Paul Shackleton
  5. Justin Farr Jones of Beacon Hill Resources
  6. Roland “Fatty” Cornish
  7. Angus Forrest – DLM/Tern
  8. Andrew “Piggy” Austin of IGAS
  9. The Fujian Gang
  10. Michael Pilsworth of Motive TV

3495 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's last Regular Bearcast of 2014

A final parting shot sees this podcast cover Savannah Resources and mining juniors generally with a shot at those in Mozambique, Quindell, whistleblowers and I wish you all a happy New Year. Don't drink too much. I certainly will not. 


3495 days ago

Having problems shorting Quindell – go to ETX!

I endorse ETX as a spreadbetter because it allows you to short small caps in a way that other spreadbetting firms do not. I have had a number of folks saying they cannot short Quindell (QPP) with their spreadbetting firms. I have just spoken to ETX where you CAN short Quindell. So, folks SIGN UP HERE & PLACE YOUR BETS AT ONCE.

Apply for an account HERE

Then if you make an initial deposit of up to £6,000 to your trading account before close of play today ETX Capital will match this with a sum equivalent of 60% of what you added.

What could be simpler? – you can start right away by apply for an account HERE

* Terms and Conditions are applicable to the promotion, details of which are on the WEBSITE and there are also release criteria applicable to withdrawals.


3495 days ago

Quindell a New Year’s Quiz for you all

There are some new questions now in place for the chumps now nominally in charge of Quindell (QPP) following a bit of post-Christmas digging but also some oldies. As you know I regard this fraud as worthless and it is my number 1 sell of the year (HERE) but for any who are still strong, long and wrong here are ten questions you might want to ask your board. Or perhaps readers might care to post their answers in the comments on ShareProphets?


3495 days ago

Tom Winnifrith’s Share Tips for 2015, No 5 – Sell Quindell, target 0p

Some of you may regard this as boring. There is after all, ALMOST, nothing written below that I have not written before. But I promised my top 5 shorts as part of my 10 tips of the year and Quindell (QPP) is my top short. Quite simply these shares are worthless. And so selling at 42p or whatever you can get is a sure fire 100% win. This is a “niller” at so many levels. Where do we start?

Like all frauds


3495 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 29 December Silence from You Know Who and Noise Elsewhere

Even on a day with no news there is plenty to say. I start with President Petroleum in this podcast but then move on to look at EMED and Gulfsands Petroleum where there are similarities in terms of how failing management seeks to defend themselves from attack. And then, in detail onto Quindell where the silence is ominous re both Mr Fielding and also PWC where I hear that an interim report has been presented.


3495 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast December 28 - Retail Gloom, Liquidity Events and Christmas Pudding 3

I am now preparing for my third Christmas lunch. Duck, goat now goose. Each time followed by Christmas pudding. Ahead of that "treat" I reflect on possible liquidity events next week, tips of the year, Avanti Communications, Quindell, why I am bearish short and medium term, the folly of just publishing buy tips and question why anyone invests in retail any more. I just do not get it.


3495 days ago

Helen Cutler at Quindell, WTF – the Curse of the Sheriff of AIM

Bizarre or what? On 23rd December 2014 I put in a call to Mrs Helen Cutler of ACH Management Services Ltd, the Quenron subsidiary formerly known as RTA Management Services. This was the company that Quenron CEO Rob Fielding set up in December 2013 (costing him £68.40 inc VAT) and then sold to Quindell on 14 January 2014 for £2 million as part of the deal with a convicted Nigerian fraudster as revealed HERE on Christmas day.

I left a message for Mrs Cutler


3495 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 26 December - 'T is the season of Goodwill for Quindell

Following the shock Rob Fielding revelations of yesterday, conversations with three current and former Quindell employees and some early morning reading of the Quenron (QPP) 2013 accounts, notably page 57, I have more shock disclosures about Quindell and its acquisitions and rather tough questions both for the fraudsters and for the bumbling incompetents at KPMG who signed off on such utter gibberish and obvious lies.


3495 days ago

Quindell CEO Robert Fielding: Tell us all about RTA Management Services Ltd and the £2 million?

On 14th January 2014 Quindell announced the purchase of ACH and associated companies for £5 million in cash and 117,812,500 (pre consolidation) shares at 22.5p. We have pointed out before that ACH was 100% owned and run by a convicted Nigerian Fraudster Andrew O’Dua, something Quindell did not mention at the time. But now the spotlight falls on the associated companies and how Quindell CEO Rob Fielding made a quick £2 million. 

The main associated company was called RTA Management Services Ltd and it was set up on 2nd December 2013. It had one shareholder Rob Fielding and no assets. It was a shell. And it was part of the transaction.

I have established that the shareholder list for Quenron post the ACH deal saw the Nigerian Fraudster O’Dua


3495 days ago

Rob Terry's Christmas Quindell Carol Part 3 ( of 3)

After not one but two visitations from the ghostly figure of the grandfather of Christmas share blogging, Rob Terry was jolly glad to be back in his massive four poster bed. His faithful watchdog Cencord slumbered on, snoring loudly and oaccsionally licking his master's toes, but still young Mrs Terry had not returned from her girl’s night out and it was now quarter to midnight.

This created a vague sense of unease


3503 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Christmas Eve Bearcast

Happy Christmas to you all - unless you are a director of Quindell. More on that later.  This Bearcast explains why Ben Turney is 100% wrong to back the board at Gulfsands Petroleum - it should be booted out at once. I also look at Charaat Gold (pathetic placing), Deltex Medical (POS & Profits warning) and at a range of oil juniors notably IGAS, Northern Petroleum, Enegi Oil and IGAS - suggesting a new stress test for your holdings in this sector.


3503 days ago

The Quindell Christmas Carol… Part Two

Yes it was all a dream, Rob Terry muttered to himself as he tried to banish thoughts of the ghostly apparition from his mind. He turned over to young Mrs Terry as if seeking confirmation. But she seemed still to be out with her girlfriends clubbing in Southampton. And she was not the only absentee from the marital bed.

One of his two faithful poodles Canakos had also disappeared. “I’m sure he will be back soon thought Terry, I’ve fed him lavishly for years. If not I’ll wait a few weeks and then announce that he has left.” But at least the ever faithful watchdog Cencord remained on guard, snoring loudly, oblivious to all around him, but occasionally, in his sleep, licking his master’s toes.

Suddenly the windows blew open


3504 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 23rd December

The penultimate pre-Christmas bearcast and the profits warnings are coming through at a rate knots from across all sectors: Cloudbuy, Thorntons, Mountfield - what does that tell you? A brief look at the resources sector's woes and then another clue on what exactly is my Christmas treat for a senior Quindell staffer...when will I ruin his Christmas? Problems, problems...


3504 days ago

A Quindell Christmas Carol …part one

It was the night before Christmas and all was still at the Country Club, Rob Terry called home. The great man himself had decided to call it a day early and was lying (as is his wont) on his enormous four poster bed. Young Mrs Terry had said that she was going out with girlfriends To S.Daddy, a new nightclub in Southampton and so Rob’s only companions were his two faithful poodles Canakos and Cencord who lay snoring at the foot of his bed.

The two watchdogs were definitely off duty that night, as every night, but Rob himself was finding it hard to fall asleep. He tried counting sheep. 1 + 1 makes 2, 2+ 1 makes 3, 2+ 2 makes 5, it went on but to no avail. Pulling on a Quenron corporate Christmas Jumper


3504 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 22nd December

There is not a lot happening so I look back on a couple of golden rules, golden red flags if you like from 2014. And I have an extra special Christmas present for a chap at Quindell. When should I run it to utterly train-wreck his Christmas do you think?


3505 days ago

How dare you attack a great British company with 4000 staff and £1 billion sales say Daily Mail Readers - BearCast Special

Daily Mail Readers are today lashing out at their paper for flagging up that Quindell (QPP) shareholders are signing up in droves to take a class action against the fraud and the fraudsters. This is a Great British Company, paying taxes, creating 4000 jobs and with £1 billion in sales they say. No it is not as I explain below & I speculate on how much Rob Terry and his henchmen have taken out of Quenron.


3506 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast 20 December

In this bearcast I start with the issue of the abject failure of regulation and my support for Class Actions - let market forces deal with the fraudsters where the State has failed. Then onto oil and why M&A action will not save the juniors on the AIM casino. Finally to what happens as a PLC goes into death throes, Quindell, its share price. the motivation of whistleblowers and more.


3507 days ago

Quindell – What will the PWC Report say? A sneak preview..

I am asked by a reader to speculate on what the PWC Report into Quindell (QPP) will say? I guess that the bean counters are almost done by now so IMHO here is what to expect.

First up PWC will look at accruals, largely for industrial deafness. That income is not coming in as expected – hence the statement about Q4 cashflows.  At the H1 stage accruals were in at £308 million and that number would have risen in Q3 and I suspect that in a kitchen sink job as this will be it will all be written off. So let’s call that a £350 million write-down.

Trade receivables


3508 days ago

Quindell – Now tell us about the Gotham judgement fellows? And what about suing me?

Back on 9 September 2014 Quenron (QPP) announced that it had defeated the brave ad heroic campaigners for truth and justice known as Gotham City Research in a libel case. Of course like everything else Quindell announced that was not exactly true but what is happening now?


3509 days ago

Quindell – why will it not answer questions about sleeping arrangements at the management away day?

Via his PR I have asked Robert Fielding, the CEO of Quindell (QPP) questions about the sleeping arrangements at the recent Quenron management away day at a luxury hotel in the Lake District. No comment is the response. So I tried a different tack

I contacted Mrs Jill Harrison the head of HR at Quenron (see below). Once again there was no response.

What is it


3510 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast Special: How to lie and mislead investors via RNS and RNS Reach

Just a quick podcast special looking at how companies lie and mislead investors via RNS and also RNS Reach. The latter & its true (lack of) import is explained. Case studies Blur, Optimal Payments, Quindell (natch) and Outsourcery


3510 days ago

And now at 32p the Quindell Bulletin Board Moron of the day (DMajor) thinks smearing me helps

Quenron (QPP) shares are now down to 32p. 0p or suspension or both looms and is coming soon. Even the dumbest fuck in the universe must understand that. But no, Tom Dobell at M&G and the posters on the LSE Asylum just reckon it is corporate governance or in the case of the latter it is all down to me. Today’s moron DMajor explains Quenron’s share price collapse by posting six sentences containing three howling spelling mistakes or grammatical errors and NINE lies about me.

The post was sent over by a keen reader. I am not asking the LSE to take it down – let the morons expose themselves.


3511 days ago

Life as CFO in a failing company like Quindell: someone who has been there explains

What is it like being Laurence Moorse, the FD at Quindell (QPP) as it goes down the swanny. I asked a gentleman now FD of a successful AIM listed company but who in a former life was parachuted into a quoted entity that he pretty soon realized was a can of worms, to explain. The experience still haunts him. His recollection will give you some idea of what life is like in Fareham right now.

What would my life be like? In a word, Shit! Actually 3 words. Unbelievably fucking shit. What would I be doing with my time? Simple, I would be focused on 2 areas (broadly defined and mutually overlapping) but here goes: 

The Day Job 


3511 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Emails Rob Terry of Quindell & Cohorts with advice

In light of today’s revelation that a Class action is heading towards Quindell, the fraudster Rob Terry and others I have just sent a friendly email to Terry, Laurence Moorse and folks whose firms may well become co-defendants in a class action suit:  Peter Shea of Daniel Stewart, Bobbly Hilliam at Cenkos, Emma Kane at RedleafPolhill and Victoria Geoghehan at Bell Pottinger. Gents & ladies it is payback time...hope you all have good lawyers.

Ref class action 

Dear All 


3511 days ago

EXCLUSIVE: Lost Money on Quindell: Class Action against Quindell PLC, Rob Terry, Laurence Moorse to be launched

Law firm YourLegalFriend will tomorrow launch an initiative aimed at pursuing both Quindell PLC and its current board of directors as well as Rob Terry in order to get back the vast losses suffered by investors in Quindell.

Yourlegalfriend is a well-established firm of lawyers run by Colin Gibson, a KPMG-trained accountant (nearly 10 years with the firm), who was later a listed company FD then CEO on first a main list then an AIM listed company for a total of around 8 years.

I have spoken to Mr Gibson and he understands the issues and is serious in pursuing this matter.  I have urged him to widen the action into pursuing Canaccord, Cenkos, Daniel Stewart, Redleaf PR, Bell pottinger and KPMG and he states that as more evidence emerges that the scope of the action is likely to be widened. The release that will be issued tomorrow follows. I urge all Quindell shareholders who have lost money on this fraud to contact Mr Gibson and his team first thing tomorrow.




3511 days ago

Quindell – The Silence on the Nomad issue & share suspension is deafening

If Quindell (QPP) was not in serious trouble with its Nomad Cenkos and facing an imminent suspension of trading in its shares it would have issued an RNS today. It did not. That deafening silence must set alarm bells ringing in the heads of even the dimmest of shareholders - are you reading Tom Dobell at M&G because that means YOU!

The Sunday Times said yesterday that Quindell was urgently seeking a new Nomad. Improbably sources close to Quindell said this was because it wished to draw a line in the sand. As I explained yesterday this is patent bollocks – see HERE.

My sources tell me that Cenkos has indicated to Quindell


3511 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast - 15 December, Quindell not mentioned once!

It's a first. A daily podcast not mentioning Quenron (QPP) at all. But for the record its shares dived by 7.2% to close at just 38.5p. Only 38.5p to go to fair value. Instead I discuss Ludorum, Mysale, Naibu, China Chaintek, Enables IT, Ultrasis, Touchstone Gold, Beacon Hill, LGO and why I remain an equities bear. However I reveal a very small AIM company in which we have just made a material (for us) investment.


3511 days ago

Quindell Bulletin Board Moron of the week (7) – the Result

As ever the standard of entries was very high. As I sit here in a very much open Real Man Pizza Company I reflect on the poster who has it on “good authority" that RMPC has gone bust, unlike Quenron (QPP) where he is still “long and strong.”  To read all 36 nominated examples of sheer idiocy click HERE.  But there has to be a winner:


3511 days ago

A letter from Rob Terry of Quindell to Ray Zimmerman of ZAI Finance

I am really trying to be helpful here to Quindell (QPP) because I am just such a nice guy and its Christmas and West Ham are almost safe from relegation and that sort of thing. And in that vein I have drafted a letter for Rob Terry to send to Ray Zimmerman, the boss of ZAI Corporate Finance. It reads:

Dear Mr Zimmerman,


3513 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard #94 - Christmas & why West Ham needs to send me to Greece (urgent plea) edition

In my weekly video postcard I have a few thoughts on Christmas including my Christmas Tree competion which you can enter HERE. I then turn to West Ham and make an urgent plea to Fat Sam and the West Ham board - pay for me to live in Greece until May and we can win the Premiership. Here's why.

In my weekly video postcard I look at why PLC fraud has become harder to hide  in the internet era but also at how companies that have committed fraud behave in their final months. Yes I am looking at Quindell again and that video can be watched HERE


3513 days ago

The Empty Quindell Box at the Emirates - £72,000 a good investment: make Larry an offer!

What was Quindell’s (QPP) worst investment? It is hard to know. £2.77 million for Skillwise (sept 2013), a company with no assets bought by its previous owner the day before for £68.40 including VAT is a prime contender. The £150 million spent on the cash consumptive shite that is Himex must be another. But how about a luxury executive box at the Emirates?

Yes, the ability of Quenron to waste shareholders cash knows no limits. I would have thought that having to watch Arsenal all season is a good enough punishment for some crimes but reckon that Rob Terry deserves an far stiffer sentence when he finally meets justice – at least a decade inside and a £19 million fine, for reasons I explain HERE.

But Quindell does indeed have a box at the Emirates. If you are a glutton for punishment,


3513 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Himex the biggest fraud in the Quindell fraud on 2 counts

Today's Quindell podcast concerns Himex which, within the stable of frauds that is Quindell (QPP), is the biggest fraud inflicted on investors. There are two levels at which this is a fraud and recent actions by Quenron show how desperate it is to cover this up. All is revealed today


3514 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 12 December

I am starting to feel quite ill and am looking forward to getting back to Bristol and heading off to bed with two cats as hot water bottles and a stiff whiskey. That is not a typo, emember my genetic origins. Ahead of that today's podcast exposed Paul Farrely MP (Lab) as a useless POS, puts the Tories on the spot on AIM regulation and covers Naibu, Daniel Stewart and the new Daniel Stewart (ZAI), Hargreves Services and Quindell. I also look at tech stocks to short: Blur, Wandisco, Mopowered and Outsourcery


3514 days ago

Another problem for insider dealing Laurence Moorse at Quindell

I guess the in-tray for Laurence Moorse,  the insider dealing Finance Director at Quindell (QPP), is getting to be a little on the bulging side: folks owed £180 million by the cash strapped company demanding immediate payment; letters from the FCA, letters from AIM regulation, the PWC memos on his dodgy accounting and now to add to his woes …Companies House has confirmed that its on his case.


3514 days ago

Reader Comment of the day: what is Quindell trying to hide at Himex?

Thanks to Paulie Walnuts for this gem on Quindell (QPP). What on earth can it be trying to hide at Himex? The scale of the panama pump perhaps? Over to Paulie:

The accounts for Himex are not overdue. QPP/ Himex appear to have pulled off a wonderful wheeze, whereby they’ve extended their accounting period to an 18 month period ending 30/9/14, so those accounts don’t now have to be filed until 30/6/2015.


3515 days ago

Rob Terry of Quindell should face AT LEAST 7 years in prison and a £19 million fine – how many times has he insider dealt?

The chocolate teapots that are the SFO/FCA have prosecuted just 46 people for insider dealing and 29 have been found guilty and not one has been sent to prison. But the scale of Rob Terry’s Quindell crimes mean he should be the first. I suggest he face the maximum 7 year prison stretch and a fine of £19 million (fines can be unlimited) – the question is how many times has he dealt on inside knowledge.

We know when he made a net 7 million quid on November 5th from share sales ( which he said were buys) that he did so knowing that Canaccord had quit as joint broker – information not released to the market. That is slam dunk insider dealing.


3515 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast December 11 - Ready to get beaten up by Daniel Stewart goons

I am preparing to film a crony capitalism special video outside the "champagne" Christmas party of disgraced soon to be ex Nomad Daniel Stewart. Its staff have publically said they want to beat me up for pointing out that they are wankers who float frauds. Maybe they were lying about that too. I also cover the new Danial Cesspit, ZAI Corporate Finance, Pressfit (DS client), Oracle Coalfieds,Ultrasis, Naibu, IGAS and, of course, Quindell ( a fraud floated by Daniel Stewart).


3516 days ago

Quindell the Death March accelerates – when will the shares be suspended?

What is happening at Quindell (QPP)? Blind panic is what is happening. That death is the outcome is now beyond all doubt, the only question is when and how. To win a bottle of freshly pressed olive oil from my Greek place enter our “when will Quindell shares be suspended sweepstake” here. This is fascinating as so many parties are involved.

One thing that could cause an immediate suspension of the shares is the resignation of Nomad Cenkos. No other Nomad will take this on and I have just had a source on the phone saying that Cenkos wants to resign, will resign and it is just a matter of timing. So who knows when a Cenkos triggered suspension could occur, but it could be at any stage.

Secondly there are the banks.


3516 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast - 10 December

I am back in Clerkenwell at Real Man Pizza if any Quindell morons or Daniel Stewart employees want to come and "deal with me". On the Bearcast today, Sefton Resources, dead cat bounces, Kenmare Resources, insider dealing, Mwana Africa and of course the fraud Quenron.


3516 days ago

Rob Terry of Quenron dumps 24 million shares – what more do you morons need to know?

Rob Terry told the Quindell morons that he would buy shares at 180p. Today it was announced that he had sold c24 million of his 37 million shares at c40p. What more do you morons need to know?

So you know that this lying, insider dealing, fraudster


3516 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast Rampage as Rob Terry dumps his Quenron shares

No apologies but this Bearcast contains strong langauge. Fraudster Rob Terry has dumped nearly all his Quindell (QPP) shares. It is time for the morons to apologise to me as I am now 110% vindicated. I discuss lessons learned (other than do not mess with the Sheriff) and also what folks should do next. Start by apologising to me and my staff then have a measured go at Terry, AIM Regulation, Cenkos, Daniel Stewart, Canaccord and KPMG.


3517 days ago

An Open Letter to Laurence Moorse at Quindell – do a Sam Antar my friend

Sam Antar was the finance director at Crazy Eddies, the biggest Wall Street fraud of the 1980s. Sam avoided prison by turning Queen’s evidence (or the US Equivalent). And he has saved his soul by now making his career exposing other fraudsters. In the spirit of Christmas I have some career advice for Laurence Moorse the FD at the fraud Quindell. My letter to Mr Moorse follows.

Dear Laurence.


3517 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast - 9 December

The last Bearcast from Greece. In this issue I cover Iomart, Coms, Tesco, ASOS, Concha, Fitbug and of course Quindell


3517 days ago

When will Quindell shares be suspended? Prize sweepstake

Another big fall today and the end is surely nigh. Quindell (QPP) exists, pro tem, thanks only to the support of its banks, the fraud is there for all to see with custodial sentences on the agenda for Terry et al in 2015.  When we wonder will the shares be suspended pending clarification?  Let’s have a sweepstake. And there is a prize.


3518 days ago

What the Quindell RNS really means – it means 0p, and here is why

I could not have put this better myself. Posting on the Motley Fool, the incredibly astute Waz Shakoor (who is short of the stock) explains it in the clearest terms. This is going to 0p. Hat tip to Waz who writes:

Writing an RNS can be a real art form, as can interpreting what has been written. That is why the initial reaction to a seemingly positive RNS can often whither away as more experienced investors get their teeth into the exact words that have been used. In the case of AIM, one also has to bear in mind what the NOMAD (if it has any sense of responsibility) will put its name to.

Today's RNS is a classic from Quindell:


3519 days ago

Quindell Warning Bearcast: Implications for Rob Terry, Cenkos, shareholders - what next?

I have just had a Quindell (QPP) shareholder on the phone. Not any old shareholder but a veteran of class actions. I warn you KPMG, Rob Terry and Cenkos you are potentially in big trouble, this man is very serious and knows exactly what he is doing. Ahead of that I examine what happens next for Cenkos, Rob Terry and shareholders. It is not pretty. And I now have new questions for the FCA about the scale of Rob Terry's insider dealing.


3519 days ago

Quindell Profits/Accounting/cash warning - dependent on bank support - bearcast rampage from Tom Winnifrith

All my work since I first used the word Red Flag in April 2013 has been vindicated. My scoops of this weekend on Quindell (QPP) have been shown as true - today's statement is a total disaster for Quenron. Bulletin board morons who abused and threatened me get your sorry arses round to Real Man Pizza today to buy a large pizza and expensive bottle of wine and give my fantastic staff a large tip to say SORRY. The following points stand out:


3519 days ago

Oi Quindell are you sure your customers still love you? Tell us about Swinton

Quindell (QPP) insists that its suppliers and customers still have faith in it and that none at all have been spooked by its shares falling 90%, its founder Rob Terry being sacked and investigated for insider dealing and the fact that Quenron is paying suppliers ever later. Of course that is patent bollocks so Quenron tell us about Swinton?


3519 days ago

Weekly Financial video postcard #63 by audio - Quindell

Rain stopped play. I cannot record a movie. Anyhow I have a face made for radio and so this week's video postcard is an audio in which I set out the stark choices facing Quindell (QPP) directors tomorrow: prison or telling the painful truth.


3519 days ago

Why did Quindell buy a business from a convicted Nigerian Fraudster for £30 million Part 2

On Friday I speculated that Quindell might have spent £30 million buying a business (ACH) off a gentleman who might have been a convicted Nigerian Fraudster HERE. I think we can now say that the Gentleman in question WAS ALMOST CERTAINLY the convicted fraudster.  Give that ACH (now known as Quindell ACH) is regulated by the Ministry of Justice do you perhaps think Quenron might wish to clarify the matter?


3519 days ago

Quindell Quiz of the day

This is a very easy one. I tried it on Victoria Geoghehan (pictured), Quenron’s (QPP) new PR bird at Bell Pottinger but she said “no comment”. Apparently her expertise is crisis management which, as far as I can see, means her firm getting paid £10k a month to answer all difficult questions with “no comment.” Fuck me, I am in the wrong game here. Anyhow back to the quiz.

I give you a picture below of the Quenron senior management team. The easy question here is “why is this not entirely accurate?”

As a hint


3520 days ago

Weekly video postcard #93 (by audio) - reflections on three weeks in Kambos

I look back on three weeks at the Greek Hovel, on life in Kambos and on the conclusion of the olive harvest. Rain stopped me recording since I need light to film and the vreki is heavy - so my thoughts are by audio

My weekly financial video postcard is by audio as well and looks at Quindell and can be listened to HERE


3520 days ago

I Demand the FCA & AIM Investigate David Currie and Robert Fielding of Quindell for market abuse and breaching AIM Rules

The stand in bosses of Quindell, The captains that will see the ship go under are Mr David Currie and the insider dealing Rob Fielding. Together with the insider dealing Finance Director Laurence Moorse they know that cash is well below market forecasts and that profits forecasts will not be met because there are gargantuan write-offs off goodwill and bogus revenues looming – that I proved today HERE.

In not communicating this to investors via RNS they are breaching AIM Rules and arguably committing market abuse. As such I have written today to AIM Regulation and the FCA, cc’ing in the money grabbing bastard chumps at Nomad Cenkos, requesting that Quindell make an immediate statement fessing up to its true financial position but also that Mr Currie, Mr Moorse and Mr Fielding be investigated for breaching AIM Rules and potentially also market abuse. I write:

Dear Sirs.


3520 days ago

Quindell the Whistleblower Part 2 – the true balance sheet position

In the wake of the exit of Rob Terry, the Quenron (QPP) CEO Rob Fielding communicated with CEOs of companies within the Quindell Empire and other senior staff and my whisteblower was in on what happened and the admissions are wholly at variance with market forecasts – this is damning.


3520 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Quindell Bearcast Special - The implications of today's revelations

Today's revelations on Quindell (QPP) are shocking. How do the Morons feel now knowing about the wage deferral, that they were mislead about the cash position on October 13 (market abuse) so they bought shares and Rob Terry, Laurence Moorse and Steve Scott were able to sell. How do they feel about that? You guys were suckered. Now you need to stop getting angry with me and start directing your anger towards a board that has stolen your cash. 

But it is worse. The Company now knows that market forecasts re cash generation in H2, re the cash position and re profits are all hopelessly wrong. It has allowed meaningless staff memos to be leaked to reassure you but in fact its senior staff already know the grim truth. It is again a breach of all sorts of rules not to have told investors. But sadly you folks were kept in ignorance and have averaged down. You now need to show anger against Quindell for that. And against Cenkos for not keeping its cienmt in line. Cenkos has made £12 million from Quindell in the past 12 months and has real questions to answer.

On Monday these shares should be suspended and Quindell needs to admit the grim truth. The suspension should only be lifted if Quindell avoids administration which is unlikely and when it can fathom out the depth of its problems.

Following that perhaps I might get an apology from those I have tried to warn since April 2013 but in earnest since March this year. "Dear Tom, we are sorry for the death threats, the abuse, the lies we spread about you and Real Man, we are booking a table next week and will leave an enormous tip as a way of sayng sorry, yours A Moron" 


3520 days ago

Open Letter to the FCA & AIM Regulation – Quindell and Market Abuse on 13 October 2014

Market abuse covers many sins but one is to give a misleading impression of the value of securities as a result of false statements.  Quindell had told investors that it would achieve cash breakeven in Q3 2014. In fact it managed to beat this target thanks to a number of covert measures which hid the true picture. This is market abuse (FCA) but also a breach of AIM Rules. I have therefore written to both the FCA and AIM Regulation and cc’d in the hapless chumps at Nomad Cenkos demanding an urgent investigation.  I write:

Dear Sirs.


3520 days ago

Quindell Whistleblower Part 1 – The wages Scam, market abuse & Christmas payday laid out

I was contacted yesterday by a senior management figure with the Quenron (QPP) group. We spoke at length and in part two of this series I will serve up a series of bombshells for you. But let’s start with a minor bombshell – the issue of when Quenron staff have and will get paid and of market abuse by Quindell.


3521 days ago

This guy wont win any friends …for telling the truth in the asylum

On the asylum that is the LSE Quindell Bulletin Board the morons hate me with a passion and revel in posting bogus reviews of the excellent Real Man Pizza Company in Clerkenwell. I guess this poster will not win any friends: 

Posts: 39
Off Topic


No Opinion



View Thread (6)


Today 18:35

A mate and his wife went to Real Man for a meal last week. Sadly I'm embarrassed to report that they had "one of the best pizzas they'd ever had"! I guess there's no accounting for taste! Sammy


You can book a table to enjoy excellent pizza at 91-95 Clerkenwell Rd on 0207 242 3246












3521 days ago

Another ouzo, 1033kg of olives and real excitement

I am rather dreading heading back to the Greek Hovel tonight. I left at 3 PM as the electricity had gone again. I fled naturally to the Kourounis taverna where lovely Eleni assured me at 4 that it was back on. I sha;l find out shortly but have my torch ready just in case. But I postpone the trip back with another ouzo.

I hung around in Kambos because at 5 PM George the head olive picker arrived with the first 25 sacks from the Greek Hovel. We deposited them at the Olive Oil factory in the centre of the village and I now have a yellow slip saying that I have deposited 1033 kg ( just over a tonne) of olives. There is at least another half a tonne to arrive tomorrow as we finish up the harvest. Bags are stacked at the hovel and the only trees left to harvest are on the flat area next to the house. We are almost done.

So tomorrow we finish. It is Christmas pudding with Nikko, Vangelis and the others, steamed by Eleni. And we are done. And I had a Quindell whistleblower on the phone as a bonus. That job is almost done too. More on that tomorrow.


3521 days ago

Quindell, the £30 million and the British Nigerian Fraudster (a coincidence I'm sure)

I wanna tell you a shtoree.  And it involves your favourite fraudulent AIM listed firm Quenron (QPP), £30 million and a gentlemen called Andrew O’dua who is a British Nigerian er…entrepreneur.

On 14 January 2014 Quindell announced the purchase of ACH Manchester in a cash and shares deal worth at the then price c£30 million. The statement reads:


3521 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast - 5th December

I am in a good mood. The olive pickers are picking and I have a great Quindell article to come. Oh dear. It relates to today's Quindell Quiz. ETA 3 PM ish. Elsewhere I look at IGAS ( a warning for piggy Austin), Naibu, China Chaintek, Pressfit, Stellar Resources, ReThink (a scandal), ValiRx (a dog) and am cheered by the news that someone from Daniel Stewart last night told a colleague of mine that he wanted to beat me up. These folks who float fraud after fraud don't like it up 'em do they?

We have 50 free copies of Tom's Book "The 49 Golden Rules of Making Money from Shares" which covers these issues and others to give away today. For your copy fill in the form HERE


3521 days ago

Quindell and Iter8 – the case of the gaps in the CV

Today Quindell (QPP) has announced that it has issued c100,000 shares that it should have issued a few months ago to the vendors of Iter8 a POS Canadian company it bought last year. The company was founded and run by Mr Tim Scurry whose CV is fascinating. Yes its hand-outs for a Rob Terry mate par excellence.


3521 days ago

Quindell Quiz Friday

This is a very simple one for you all. I would like you to explain who Andrew Femi Odoula is? I know and have put calls into the PR firm now representing Quindell (QPP).


3523 days ago

What a Quindell Moron does in his spare time…blackmail and lie

When will these thick bastards realise that what happens to my business will not alter the fate of Quenron (QPP)? I keep accusing it of fraud and lying and although it blusters it will not actually sue me for libel because it is a fraud run by liars. And it will go bust. So as the Morons watch their life savings disappear here are a couple of things that they do.

A couple have written to Chapel Down because the maker of fine English Wines is sponsoring the ShareProphets Seminar on Monday 8th so there is free champers on offer as well as myself, Amanda van Dyke and 3 companies presenting. You can book a seat by emailing your name and address to [email protected]. The Morons have told Chapel Down that they do not like its involvement with ourselves and so will sell their Chapel Down shares unless it pulls out.



3523 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast 4th December - Once again Angry Edition

Once again I am angry for reasons that I shall go into another time. But on that basis I let rip in this podcast at African Consolidated, Acta SPA, Quindell and then review the various clients of disgraced Daniel Stewart whose shares may be suspended soon: Valirx, Peer TV, Naibu (a cert), Pressfit and China Chaintek.I also discuss the abject failure of AIM in dealing with those individuals responsible for listing frauds.

We have 50 free copies of Tom's Book "The 49 Golden Rules of Making Money from Shares" which covers these issues and others to give away today. For your cooy fill in the form HERE


3523 days ago

Avanti Communications the new share price Quindell

In a private note sent to clients yesterday but not published one of London’s sharper brokers asked the question, in share price terms is Avanti Communications (AVN) the new Quindell (QPP)? He writes:


3523 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast Special - Understanding Tangible Net Assets

Just to try and explain what TNAV is but also to take issue with a brewing scandal on the AIM Casino which is the way that audit forms have failed to review carrying values in a most grotesque if not negligent manner. My case studies are three companies now at death's door all of which have boasted of mammoth asset backing: Sefton Resources, Beacon Hill Resources and Quindell and I reference recent conversations with my pal Sam Antar.

We have 50 free copies of Tom's Book "The 49 Golden Rules of Making Money from Shares" which covers these issues and others to give away today. For your cooy fill in the form HERE


3523 days ago

Quindell – the RNS It Must Issue Thursday 7 AM: Clarification of Financial Position

Quindell (QPP) shares fell sharply at the close today thanks to reports that a respected trade body was warning its members that Quenron might not pay its debts. Quindell now needs to put out an urgent release at 7 AM and here is what it needs to issue:

Quindell PLC - Clarification of Financial Position 


3523 days ago

Trade Body warns members on Quindell’s ability to pay debts – just how bad is the cash crisis?

It is 13 years to the day since the fraud Enron went bust. Right until the last it insisted that it was in rude financial health. Ditto Quindell (QPP). But some of its trade suppliers are not so sure. The National Association of Bodyshops has today explicitly warned its members of the dangers of doing business with Quindell.

The release HERE is explicit:

The National Association of Bodyshops (NAB)


3523 days ago

Quindell Bulletin Board Moron of the Day – Or is it parody? It is hard to tell these days..

Are these folks certifiably insane or is this parody? You really just do not know these days but this post has it all: a blinding faith in Rob Terry, total lack of historic knowledge, ludicrous bid story, technical analysis, total innumeracy and the Harriet Green to be CEO story. Could this be the most brainless Bulletin Board Moron yet or is just an attempt at humour. Given how many loons here are out there I suspect the former and Jerry2Toes is the Bulletin Board Moron of the day. From the ADVFN Asylum I bring you: 


3523 days ago

I want this company to float on the AIM casino – Snake Oil Limited

Okay the company is dormant. It does nothing at all. But at least it is honest about that fact unlike most companies on the Casino.

It has net assets of £1 (which is a lot more than many companies on the Casino if their accounts were not quite so bent). And the name…Snake Oil Ltd. Perfect. This company could pursue a buy and build strategy taking over so many companies on AIM and with its name it would be open about what it does.

Sadly I do not think it is floating but if Cenkos is looking for a new client to replace Quindell when it goes bust…

Nominations for who


3524 days ago

So where is that injunction Quindell bitchez? Its bully boy lawyers letter to me in full

On August 19 2014 Quindell (QPP) threatened me with a bully boy lawyer’s letter demanding inter alia that I sign a grovelling apology drafted by it, pay its lawyers bills and damages and that it would get an injunction against me to stop me accusing it and Rob Terry of being a fraud. As with all fraudsters you will note that Terry was using the company’s lawyers (i.e. not his cash but shareholder’s cash) for his case. I now publish that letter in full. And I ask the liars, crooks and frauds at Quindell where is that injunction?


3524 days ago

Quindell – the Buying silence is deafening: questions? Questions?

Quindell (QPP) shares have dived again today to just 57.75p. Remember when they were 600p plus and all those analysts who now refuse to tell you to buy said that the shares were worth £10 plus? Oh Daniel Stewart, Canaccord and Cenkos where are you now, you bent motherfuckers? The questions today concern the lack of buying.


3524 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast 2nd December - New China AIM POS Revealed

Rain delayed play on the olive harvest but is now back underway again but without me for this afternoon as I have business to attend to in Kalamata and you, my dear listeners, to satisfy with the revelation of a NEW China AIM stock capitalised at £88 million which shouts out red flag. I also comment on Forbidden Technology, Tyratech and growth stocks that stumble, on Ortac Resources, Beacon Hill Resources and raise a few points about the fraud souffle that is Quindell


3526 days ago

Tom Winnifrith, talking Death Threats, Red Flags, Forensic Accounting, Quindell & More at UK Investor on April 18

Quindell is unravelling at a rate of knots. Once the biggest stock on AIM probably will not exist by the time of UK Investor on April 18 2015. And the man who exposed the lies and fraud was Tom Winnifrith. For his efforts he received bullying lawyers letters from Quindell and death threats from its shareholders. And that has spurred a special new session at UK Investor 2015.

Already Tom was down to do a session with Dan Levi (Brokerman Dan) in a 250 seater room on the true story of Sefton and how they unmasked that fraud. That session is still going ahead.

But now, with a special STAR guest to be announced soon – Tom will take to the main stage to discuss Quindell, Death Threats, dealing with Corporate bullies and how you seek out Red Flags. He will illustrate this point with previously unseen material to be revealed only at UK Investor Show.

If you book your seats for UK Investor Show you can get a 25% discount on your seat simply by entering the promotional code SP25 at www.UKInvestorShow.com

Quindell will not be Tom’s last battle. He


3526 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast 1st December as the Olive Harvest gets underway

The Olive harvest at the Greek hovel is finally underway and so it is a late BearCast. On the agenda: Beacon Hill, Radiant Growth (a Daniel Stewart special), Xplorer (a disgrace), Petroceltic, Rose Petroleum, Quindell (a fraud) and New World Oil & Gas (a total shocker).


3526 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast Special - Quindell just how grim is the cash position?

Right now we are focussing on Rob Terry's lies about share trades and about how he and Fidelity are racing to offload their worthless stock in Quenron (QPP). But there is another pressing issue which is just how grim is the cash position. I put it to you that while Mr Terry's personal bank account might be bulging, back at Quenron the position is dire and that is why Mr 2+2 can = 5 is so keen to offload his stock at almost any price. I explain why the game is almost up.


3527 days ago

When will Quindell pay its staff for December? Serious Question

At RMPC we normally pay staff in the last week of the month but in December we will pay my heroic colleagues on the 15th or thereabouts. Nearly all companies pay staff early in the festive month so that they can pay for the vile consumerist event that Christmas has become. I am sure Quindell staff were paid early in 2013 as the company had just completed a £200 million placing. But what about 2014?

We know that in Q3 Quenron


3527 days ago

Setting the record straight on who has lost credibility & on some of the Quindell smears

Just a short podcast setting the record straight on some of those smears against me by Quindell morons - no doubt assisted by the company. And also asking who really has lost credibility here?


3527 days ago

Quindell a Court Judgement from the Himex case in the US in full. Hmmmmm

Well I can’t say that Quindell’s attempt to get a summary judgement on this little matter is going terribly well. I bring you in full the judgement of Judge Travis J Laster from 14th October 2014. You can draw your own conclusions but I put it to you that it provides little encouragement for the morons.


3527 days ago

The ShareProphets Christmas Charity Single…Feed the Morons

Tomorrow I will be calling rock stars from across the bear community as we need to think of those less fortunate than ourselves. It is time to record our charity single… Feed the Morons. The message has gone out to Gotham City, Evil Knievil, Paul Scott, Lucian Miers, Paddington Bear, Matt Earl, John Hempton of Bronte, Sam Antar, Muddy Waters, Citron Research, Nigel Somerville, A Huntsman, Dan McCrum, Paul Murphy, Pizza hardman Darren Atwater, Cockney Rebel and Kevin Ashton. We gather tomorrow in Clerkenwell to raise money for those facing a bleak Christmas, Quindell staff and shareholders as we record Feed the MoronsDo they know it’s Christmas?.

Apologies to Midge & Bob but here we go..


3527 days ago

Weekend Competition on ShareProphets – The Collective Noun for Quindell Shareholder is?

A group of Lions is a Pride. A group of Sheep is a Flock. It is a troop of baboons. It is a destruction of wild cats, it is an implausibility of gnus and a storytelling of Ravens.  So what do you call a group of Quindell (QPP) Shareholders? Reader Chris suggests “a catastrophe” or a “mugging”  “a catastrophe of Quindell shareholders” has a good ring to it but perhaps you can do better? Post your entries in the comments section on ShareProphets, deadline is midnight Sunday.


3527 days ago

Quindell Red Flag of the day 2 – Overland – give your mates shares and then bury the bad news

The stench of fraud, corruption, lies and deceit at Quenron (QPP) is now obvious to all but the biggest moron. In their desperation the shareholder morons (assisted by Quindell itself) throw ever nastier and more misleading rubbish at the critics, notably me.  My response, I am not flinching I fight lies and smears with proof of FRAUD. Let's reveal another scandal at Quenron.  This will horrify you. Meet Overland and meet Jason Cale. 

On 26 September 2012 Quenron completed the purchase of Overland by issuing 140 million shares so valuing it at £14 million. The deal was originally announced on April 19 2012.. The September statement reads:


3527 days ago

Quindell Red Flag of the day – Let’s Look at Isaas Technology Ltd

I have not looked at a subsidiary account at Quenron (QPP) for a while but just to save the SFO/Administrator some work in due course here’s another one, Isaas Technology Ltd a company bought in March 2013 for £4.5 million in shares. Hmmmm.

I refer you to the Quenron August 2013 investor presentation as it started the ramp up for the £200 million rescue placing of that year – see HERE for the lie packed document in full.  We were told (page 13) that we had a warranted EBITDA for 2013 of £1.6 million and that current run rate was £1.7 million.  That fits in with the Quenron stated policy of paying a maximum of 5-7 times profit.

I now refer you to the 2013 audited accounts


3527 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast special - That Quindell "contract loss" explained

Quindell (QPP) denied on Friday that it had lost a contract with a leading North West based Claims Management Company. Hmmmmm. In this podcast I look at the nature of what that contract originally meant and why the contract has not been terminated (yet) but what is really going on. The reality is that the cash crisis at Quindell and the need to fiddle its stated cash position is forcing Quenron to take actions of which investors have no idea. Let me enlighten you all.


3528 days ago

Another TWO bullyboy lawyer’s letters from Cannacord – boy they are ashamed about Quindell

We have received not one but two MORE bullyboy lawyers letters from Canaccord. The adviser to Quenron’s abortive move to the main market and until last week co-broker to the fraud that is Quindell does not even want us to quote from its recent volte face note on Quenron. You will no doubt have seen Canaccord notes on other matters quoted verbatim widely all over the media. So why is it so ashamed of this research report?

You will remember that on 21st October Canaccord published a note advising folk to buy Quindell with a 362p target. But last week it withdrew its recommendation and forecasts. It warned of major goodwill and accrual writedowns and raised concerns about the working capital position. In essence it appears to now agree with much of what I have been saying for months.

Canaccord argues we are breaching copyright.

One defence is the public interest and you might ask Canaccord the following questions:


3528 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's EVEN MORE ANGRY Bearcast - 28 November

The Albanian olive pickers have still not arrived and may well be replaced with Greek workers later today. I am now very angry. Will I make it home by Christmas at this rate? In this podcast I look at Range Resources (RRL) - suspended again and reveal the REAL story of my battle to tell you the truth about this POS - Beowulf Mining, Kalimantan Gold, Daniel Stewart, Naibu, Pressfit, China Chaintek, Gulfsands Petroleum and of course the fraudsters at Quindell


3528 days ago

Quindell: Panic & Bluster in today’s RNS, The Death March accelerates

Yesterday afternoon the poodles at iii ran a story claiming that Quenron (QPP) had lost a major contract and stating that there was a real cash crisis. Quindell has responded with an RNS which is bluster and reeks of panic. The statement reads: 


3529 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Red Flags – Bulletin Board Morons publish Real Man Pizza Accounts!

RMPC is a private company and so feels no need to report bogus profits to ramp its shares like er…Quindell (QPP). It will make no difference to the fate of Quindell (insolvency) whether RMPC survives or fails. But since some utter moron (Goldust88 from the LSE Asylum) has posted highlights of our August 31st 2013 accounts raising six red flags about me, which other cretins have plastered on other asylums, I might as well respond.

I start with the post of the moron in full. And I answer in podcast format. As you will see he not only talks bollocks but shows such profound misunderstanding of basic accounting & tax law that her demonstrates why he is destined always to lose money on shares.

The cretin posts:


3529 days ago

New Reader Poll – when will Quindell shares be suspended pending Clarification?

The poodle reporters on Interactive Investor have hitherto not dared to annoy their readers by criticizing Quenron but even a poodle has teeth and today it has reported that Quindell has lost a major contract and – worse – cannot pay suppliers until the New Year. In other words tits up time looms. Hooray! That will be another celebratory Metaxa for me please Eleni. So when does the RNS arrive. You vote – deadline midnight UK Time, 2 AM Greek Time. 


3529 days ago

Get the Serious Fraud Office to Investigate Rob Terry of Quindell – sign the petition

Of course this is the UK and the SFO are bloody useless just like the FCA and AIM Regulation. If this was the US there would have been a dawn raid on Quindell with arrests at homes across Hampshire give the wholesale fraud at this POS AIM casino company. However… 


3530 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's ANGRY Bearcast - 27 November

The bloody Albanians have again not turned up - will the olives ever get harvested? And so this podcast is angry and covers Transense Technology, Sefton Resources, Maple Energy, Fitbug, Quindell, crony capitalists, investing companies and the AIM Casino and why shares are not suspended that should be


3530 days ago

The wankers at Canaccord send pompous lawyers letter as it hides its shame on Quindell

When Canaccord was ramping Quindell with its crap research notes it was happy for them to be plastered all over the internet. It fired analyst Kevin Ashton who wanted to say sell and ignored his dossier on crimes at Quenron as it just wanted to earn vast fees and commission for acting for Quenron or raising cash for it. How times have changed.

It seems that Canaccord does not want folks


3530 days ago

Explaining the difference between cocaine and washing powder to a Northern git

On top of my fireplace at the Greek Hovel in a picture I published the other day is a large bag of white powder. At once the self-styled Northern Barons my good pals Doc Holiday and Brokerman Dan were tweeting in a frenzy that I had a large stash of coke with me. Dan reckoned I was going to dose my Albanian workers tomorrow and get the olives harvested at record speed. I am sorry to disappoint the Northern gits. 

For behind the bag is a box marked Tide. This is a product called “washing powder” which in the South of England we use to wash our clothes. In the North I guess they just hang their shell suits out in the rain until they are marginally less grubby and then leave them to dry next to the pigeon loft. The next time that my good friends trek down from the welfare addicted wastelands of the Grim North I will try to explain to them what this is all about. 

The picture below is of the washing powder but also a larger bag of yellow powder which is Sulphur which I use on the edge of the garden to keep snakes away.  For readers in the Grim North who might not understand what a snake is it is a bit like a Quindell shareholder. That is to say it has a small brain but some varieties are poisonous and no-one likes any of them. The only difference is that snakes can be worth a bit of money.


3531 days ago

Quindell "one of the most interesting tech plays of 2014" claims its PR bimbos - will Rob Terry chicken out on Thursday?

Redleaf Polhill, the PR firm for the fraud Quindell (QPP) is holding its "tech showcase 2014" next Thursday in the City with five of what it terms "the most interesting plays" presenting. And yes, you have guessed it! One of those interesting plays is Quenron. I am almost tempted to delay my Greek trip by 48 hours to go along for the free booze, canapes, coke, hookers and the chance to hear Rob Terry present and field some questions.

But I have a sneaking feeling that Rob might not be there either because he has quit, because Quenron has collapsed or beacause he just could not face the humiliation and ridicule. I am also not entirely certain that given the active complicity of Readleaf in a smear campaign against me, that the unprincipled crony capitalist PR bimbos would even allow me to attend. Presumably they would argue that it is just for "proper" investors like Tom Dobell at M&G or for thick as shit journalists like Harriet Denys who wont ask tough questions.


3531 days ago

Quindell - can it be saved like The Innovation Group? A Bearcast Special with Tom Winnifrith

The default position of Quindell (QPP) bulls is that in a worst case scenario it can be saved as was the Innovation Group (TIG) when the fraudster Rob Terry exits stage left. They might not get all their cash back but they would not lose everything. In this podcast, I examine this proposition and conclude that it is rather different this tme and hence why 0p is the only end game for Quenron. 


3531 days ago

The Business Ethics (lack of) of conman Rob Terry of Quindell & his mobile number for you all

I have demonstrated that Rob Terry and Quindell (QPP) have committed accounting fraud, Securities fraud and lied to investors on a serial basis.  The shares are tanking because last week Terry said he was buying shares when he was in fact selling in size. The man is a conman and his company has from the start been one big con. If you still own shares just look at the character of the man. I take you back to 2011.


3531 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast Special on Quindell (Fidelity Blinks), IGAS and its Scumbag Nomad Jefferies

Fidelity is dumping its shares in Quenron (QPP) and I explain what this means. Jefferies is defending IGAS (IGAS) by doing nothing and I explian why it is so foolish to do so. This will explode in the face of IGAS and its piss poor Nomad. A quick ten minute blast - no holds barred stuff.


3531 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast - 13 November

This is my longest podcast in this series to date as in the last ten minutes I got rather excited about the growing stink at Touchstone Gold. Before that there is comment on Quindell, African Minerals, Jubilee Platinum, Volex, San Leon Energy, profits warnings and Coms.


3531 days ago

The Equities First Holdings LLC Scam - how it works

For those who think the directors of the 5 AIM Casino Companies doing business with Equities First Holdings LLC took out a loan here is a bit of required reading. And if Cenkos thinks that the stock "loaned" by Rob Terry of Quindell (QPP) has not been dumped ages ago then its chumps should read this too.


3532 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast Special - The Equities First scandal - jail time & disgrace

In this BearCast Special I explain exactly how Equities First Holdings LLC operates. When it sells the shares AIM directors transfer to it and why that means that ALL of the AIM directors involved have broken the law. That is Quindell (QPP), IGAS (IGAS), Cloudbuy (CBUY), IQE (IQE) and Angle (AGL). There then follows the misleading statements. But then I turn to the negligence of Nomads, Cenkos, Canaccord and Hanson Westhouse and why that should be career ending for some. And the to why Equities First and its employees should be struck off by the FCA.  This scandal is enormous and for many involved professional disgrace is the least of their worries.


3532 days ago

The Russians are entering Berlin...Quindell, the downfall Part 2

In response to a number of requests I have created another Quindell  (QPP) downfall video featuring all your favourite characters in this gripping tale: Rob Terry, Laurence Moorse, Cenkos, Equities First Holdings LLC, Steamy, bullyboy lawyers Schillings, Canaccord, Daniel Stewart, foxy Bex at Redleaf PR, Paul Murphy and Dan McCrum from the FT, the FCA and of course the press chearleaders for the bulls, Shares Magazine and Zak Mir.

My last Quindell downfall video was recorded when the shares were 138p. You can watch it here.

The shares are now 69p. 


3532 days ago

Tom Winnifrith reported to the FCA by Quindell moron ff2345 – can all the morons please also report me?

I am shitting bricks. Not. It seems that the Bulletin Board Morons are again reporting me to the FCA for market abuse because of Monday’s Quindell (QPP) Presentation HERE. The morons forget that I made a formal request to the FCA to investigate me for market abuse over Quindell weeks ago – natch I have heard nothing. But for once I support the morons in their actions and would encourage all Quindell shareholders to report me and here’s why. 


3532 days ago

Olive harvest postponed to Thursday

The Albanians led by Foti did not show up at 8 AM as promised. Bad news for me and bad news for Quindell, Fitbug, etc as I had more time to write and record a sizzling Bearcast (sense the anger). Actually it is jolly cold up on the mountain at the Greek Hovel so a bit of me is relieved to have postponed the outdoor manual labour – I plan to work alongside my team as part of my learning curve.

And so I find myself sitting in lovely Eleni’s Kourounis taverna which is a bit warmer than the hovel, catching up on work. We have racked down Foti and the harvest now starts on Thursday. By when it is bound to be even colder. But for now, warmth, writing and Eleni’s home cooking beckon here in Kambos.


3532 days ago

Rob Terry you criminal low-life you have a margin call – Quindell must make a statement NOW

Fair dues to Ron Duncan at Cloudbuy (CBUY) – he has done a similar deal to the Quindell fraudsters with Equities First Holdings LLC claiming to buy shares when he has in fact sold. But in his statement this morning he has at least fessed up to what price his margin call will be at. Rob Terry and his fellow fraudsters at Quenron have not done this but I can tell you it is c69p. And so with the shares having touched 67p earlier Rob just got a phone call… welcome to Rob Terry...who wants to be a millionaire.

Hello is that Mr Terry, Rob Terry?
Yes it is I, Mr 2+2 can = 5 speaking
It is Equities First Holdings LLC here and I am sorry to say but you now have a margin call do you want to


3532 days ago

What would I do next if I was Rob Terry of Quindell?

Mr 2+2 can = 5 is my opponent. I seek to expose fraud on the AIM Casino. Rob Terry has engaged in wholesale fraud from the day Quindell (QPP) joined AIM via a RTO on April 28th 2011. Within weeks he was buying a worthless shell company from his lawyers Blake Lapthorne for £150,000 in order to inflate Quindell’s profits by hiding legal costs. And TMC Southern was selling shares gifted to it by Quindell in order to fund bogus purchases from Quindell which ended up being responsible for more than 100% of Quindell group profits in 2011. The frauds and lies have got bigger since but now the game is up as lies are exposed and the shares are tanking. So what is Rob thinking now?

Mr Terry knows that the game is almost over. At some stage within months the shares will be suspended or at 0p and Mr Terry will be “helping with enquiries” – it is just a matter of when as I explain graphically HERE.


3532 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast (with a sore head) - 11 November

I many not be at my sharpest but I am not pulling any punches as the Quindell scandal deepens. This podcast covers Quindell, Daniel Stewart, Cenkos, KPMG, the lies, the fraud, the implosion and what the fallout will be. I also look at blinkx ( dire results & another Sheriff win), warn you about African Minerals and look at stocks on a PE of less than 1.


3532 days ago

EXPLOSIVE: Quindell the end game, when & why it hits 0p - Tom Winnifrith video presentation

Recorded at the ShareProphets seminar on Monday 10th November 2014 The Sheriff of AIM explains when and why the fraud that is Quindell (QPP) will go tits up causing investors to lose 100%. It is all pretty straightforward as frauds go.


3532 days ago

Open Letter: Dear Cenkos – A statement needed NOW regarding your fraudulent client Quindell

I have this morning tried to shake off the most almighty of hangovers caused by the Quenron (QPP) celebrations of last night, by penning an open letter to Cenkos, Nomad ((pro tem) to the fraud Quindell. Cenkos needs to force Quindell to make a statement now regarding margin calls that Rob Terry, Larry Moorse and Steve Scott must be facing.

Their loan agreements with Equities First Holdings LLC which allowed them to dump vast amounts of shares pretending that they were buying have a default clause agreement which means that if the Quenron share price falls below a certain point the three crooks, I mean directors, must either default, hand over more shares to Equities First or hand over cash.  I am sure that they will go for option two (handing over more worthless shares) which Equities First will then dump. But investors need to know this information and need to know now. Hence the letter to Cenkos which natch I have cc’d in to AIM Regulation and the market abuse team at the FCA. It reads.

Dear Sirs.


3532 days ago

Quindell: Oi Cenkos! Another thing: when does Rob Terry have to put up margin?

Sorry to bother you again Cenkos, you bunch of incompetent and sleazy money grabbing crony capitalists, but perhaps you can help us all by stating at what price the fraudster Rob Terry has to put up margin on his “loan” ( aka share sale) agreement with Equities First Holdings LLC.


3532 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast 10th November

Not yet off his face celebrating vindication on Quindell, Tom Winnifrith outlines further thoughts on Quenron itself but also loks at the whole issue of what really makes for balance sheet backing. In that vein he looks at Serco ( warning today). He then looks at the other stocks caught up in the Equities First Holdings LLC scandal, notably IGAS (IGAS) and also comments on Weatherley International, Northern Petroleum and Verdes Asset Management


3533 days ago

Steve Scott’s Quindell Share Sales – the Game is Up for Quindell

The Daily Mail applied the coup de Grace for Quindell (QPP) last night with revelations about share sales by Steve Scott, Rob Terry’s second oldest business associate (after Mr Sadiq of Cosy/Himex infamy) and a Quenron NED. This really is devastating.

Last Wednesday it was announced that Scott as well as Terry and his FD Larry Moorse had bought shares. By Friday it was clear that in fact the “loan arrangement” with Equities First Holdings was in fact a mechanism whereby the three amigos sold shares at 80% of their market price to Equities First and merely had an option to buy back the same number of shares in two years’ time. We do not know how many shares the three men have sold but it is at least enough to fund the purchases, the suspicion is that it will be far more, in other words this is a way of them getting cash out while hoodwinking investors that they were actually buying shares.


3533 days ago

The Quindell Equities First Scandal – will IGas be the first Domino to topple?

Quenron (QPP) is not the first company to do business with Equities First Holdings LLC – step forward IGAS Energy (IGAS) which for reasons I shall explain below may well be the first domino to topple in what is brewing up as a mammoth scandal. 

On 16th January 2014 IGAS issued a release “Director share purchase”

IGas, one of the leading producers of onshore hydrocarbons in the UK, has received notification that the Chief Executive Officer, Andrew Austin, has purchased 300,000 ordinary shares in the Company ("Ordinary Shares") at a price of 135.38p pence each. 

To fund the acquisition of shares Andrew Austin has entered into a loan facility, and has transferred up to 7.5 million shares as security.  Andrew Austin is required to redeem the shares at maturity when the loan is repaid at the end of the three year term and it is his full intention to do so.  Under the terms of the facility the lender is contractually prohibited from short selling or voting the shares during the term of the loan.  The loan facility has been arranged by Meridian Equity Partners and the funding provided by Equities First Holdings, a securities-based capital provider for institutional and individual clients. 

Following this purchase, Andrew Austin is interested in 10,967,075 Ordinary Shares representing 5.41 per cent of the issued ordinary share capital of the Company.  The total issued share capital of the Company comprises 202,633,228 ordinary shares of 10 pence each.


As has now been established elsewhere by “transferred” Mr Austin actually means “sold” – that is to say the shares were moved into the hands of Equities First and title passed to the yanks.


3533 days ago

Tom Winnifrith: BearCast Special - Equities First - the lies of Rob Terry, Quindell & Cenkos - D-day for all 3 looms

Lets nail this once and for all. The RNS put out by Quindell (QPP) on 5 November 2014 suggesting that Rob Terry had increased his holding in Quindell (QPP) was a lie. Cenkos signed off on that as Nomad. Cenkos issued a note on Friday 7 November 2014 and was lied to by Quindell. I demonstrate why Quindell is lying and explain how Equities First Holdings LLC works. I cite sources which are refered to below. Cenkos needs to come clean on Monday or it is royally in the merde alongside Quenron


3533 days ago

BearCast Special - The History of The Innovation Group (Quindell Mark 1)

In response to a request from a number of readers I outline a history of The Innovation Group 2001-2003 which was run by Quindell (QPP) players Rob Terry and Steve Scott. If this is not a lesson for all Quenron shareholders on what will happen next, nothing is. 


3533 days ago

Financial Video #58 - Rob Terry is a liar, a conman and a fraud please please sue me for libel edition

Quite simply Robert Terry and Quindell (QPP) have lied to investors engaged in securities and accounting fraud and so Mr Terry is a con man. He has let it be known to the morons that he is going to sue Tom Winnifrith for libel. Tom says "Go ahead, make my day bitchez." He explains why thje fraudster Rob Terry  is acting in this way and the various other empty threats he will employ as he tries to flog as many shares as he can before Quenron goes tits up. The Sheriff of AIM is not flinching.


3533 days ago

Quindell Bulletin Board Moron of the day – Dave (on ShareProphets) who thinks I am jealous of Rob Terry

I flag this up as an example of the truly deranged minds who are backers of Quenron. David posts on ShareProphets:

Hi Tom

Well you are clearly a Quindell fan and have a very unhappy life.  Jealousy is not a good thing and you are clearly a very jealous man.   Robert Terry has set up and runs is a highly successful business employing thousands!  You run a pizza business, which has a poor rating and you are that confident of you statements, jibes, innuendo and facts that you own nothing in your own name.  This suggest you are far from confident.  You make snide comments inviting them to sue you, but you know that there is no point as you have NOTHING.  You are a nothing and a loser who despite his privileged upbringing and education, you have amounted to NOTHING! ZIP ZERO!


Take a long hard look in the mirror at what you have become, and realise that unless you change you will shorten your life as all the anger and hatred is no good and just consumes you.


Hmmmm – not sure growing up with a single parent, school fees paid by charity, etc. is exactly privileged. Materially


3533 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's Saturday BearCast 8 November

A few interweb problems here in Eire, so I have nipped up to Darina Allen's Ballymaloe house to book supper for tonight - a mega culinary treat for the Mrs and myself and to upload another hard hitting recording. On the agenda is Quindell and how soon its shares could be suspended for the Equities First Holdings LLC farce. Also a discussion of the whole issue of suspension and where the AIM casino will go post this scandal. There are some hard questions here for many. Then I also look at African Minerals (target price 0p).


3533 days ago

IQE, IGas caught up in the Equity First/Quenron scandal – best to stand aside for now

By next week it is more than likely that Quindell (QPP) shares will be suspended as the Equities First Scandal reaches boiling point as I explain again in today’s BearCast. That begs questions about IQE and IGas.


3536 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast for 7 November

I have only just driven across Ireland and arrived at Ballymaloe to record this but there is plenty to discuss in this hard hitting podcast. Oh yes it is very hard hitting indeed. On the agenda: Quindell (end game) and Cenkos (lies), Coms ( a bombshell revealed), Radiant Growth, China frauds and Daniel Stewart, Sefton, APR Energy (political risk generally) and African Minerals (vindication and 0p on the cards). Ouch, its stinging all round.


3538 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast Special: Quindell fallout 2 - the Dismal serial failure of AIM Regulation

According to The Times today, the Sheriff of AIM has for the past five years been a fellow called Marcus Stuttard - no offence, phoney Sheriff, but you are useless. You are Inspector Clouseau and your team are the Keystone Cops. You could not spot a felon if I took you on a guided tour of Rob Terry's next home, that is to say Wormwood Scrubs. Your inaction against miscreant Nomads and companies that tell lies and commit fraud is legendary across the globe. That is why the AIM casino is viewed as such a joke. In this podcast I look at how and why Mr Stuttard and his team have failed us all so badly and why they are simply not fit for purpose.


3538 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's bonus BearCast as Rob Terry forced to quit - what next for Quenron

"Bulletin Board Morons, Cenkos Securities, Steamy & the QPPSAG, Zak Mir at t1psTV, Alan Green, Redleaf PR we have beaten them all, we have beaten them all. Rob Terry, can you hear me? Rob Terry your boys took a hell of a beating! Your boys took a hell of a beating!” And so today’s BearCast special begins. Rob Terry has been forced to quit Quindell but has he really left – what next for this company which is a fraud…


3538 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast the Quindell fallout - Fleet Street is part of the problem not the solution

I am not in a fit state to write much today so I shall communicate via BearCasts. There will be a regular podcast later but ahead of that I shall run a series of Quindell fallout specials. I start with the role of the dying industry that is Fleet Street and the deadwood press. It is part of the problem of crony capitalism and corruption on the AIM casino not the solution as I try to explian here.


3539 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast 17 November, the coke, champagne and hookers are on ice edition

Tonight we party. I am a very happy bear. The Real Man Christmas party is now a V Party. that is V for Victory and V for Vindication. Quenron (QPP) is on the ropes. In today's podcast I cover Quindell, President Petroleum, Tern and my old "mate" Angus Forrest, Camkids and China frauds, Cenkos, Forte Energy, mining juniors and more.


3539 days ago

Quindell Bulletin Board/Twitter Moron of the week (5) – winner announced

Once again we were inundated with entries for the Quindell Bulletin Board Moron/twitter moron of the week contest. I was almost tempted to give a retrospective prize to this comment from March from a Mr R Terry of Hants “The only question is whether Quindell goes in the FTSE 100 or the FTSE 250, a main market listing is just a tick box exercise.” Rob that was a stormer but this week’s entries were even better – you can see all of the madness HERE  And so to the winner.


3539 days ago

Quindell - Now the PR spinners at Redleaf Polhill quit the sinking ship - new reader poll on which adviser quits next

Well done to foxy Bex and her colleagues at PR outfit Redleaf Polhill, until now the spinners for the liars, fraudsters and insider dealers at Quindell (QPP). Foxy and her team have today quit joinng Canaccord on the list of ex-advisers to this POS. And it gets better..

I have just spoke to Redleaf and its invitation to Quenron to present at its annual tech showcase on Thursday has been withdrawn. So Rob Terry won't be standing up and telling a pack of lies later this week.  And so now we ask the question who will be next to quit. Vote now with a deadline of 4.30


3539 days ago

Insider Dealing added to Rob Terry’s Rap Sheet – Canaccord quits Quindell: Terry going to prison, Quindell to 0p

Rob Terry you are a liar, a fraudster and now I also accuse you of insider dealing. I shall not rest until you go to prison you low life vermin criminal. For today we discovered that you and your FD Laurence Moorse and NED Steve Scott sold vast numbers of Quindell shares while withholding price sensitive information – that Canaccord, your joint broker and sponsor of your failed main market listing application had quit.

The rats at Canaccord told Quindell they were quitting on 21st October giving one month’s notice. Quindell has today brought forward that departure date to immediately. Or rather I suspect Canaccord has done its maths and demanded to go at once.


3540 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast Special - Quindell cash Crisis, The Sunday Times - Suspension Monday?

The Sunday Times has today unearthed evidence of the cash crisis at Quindell (QPP). Listeners to bearcasts here will not be suprised by this news. So what does Quindell do now? Will the sad excuse of a Nomad that is Cenkos let it respond or must the shares be suspended at once. In an angry and hard hitting podcast I lay out what lies ahead as the shit hits the fan and the shares become worthless. Events are now moving at light speed, the word "vindication" is on my lips.


3540 days ago

Quindell, tax, fraud & Sam Antar (my hero) - Tom Winnifrith BearCast special

In this podcast I explain why companies that engage in fraud are happy to pay tax from the reporting of bogus profits. It sounds insane but that is the way frauds operate. My hero Sam Antar of Crazy Eddies infamy explians it suoerbly on his website and I discuss both Sam and also Quenron and what is going on here. I also try to explain how tax losses are used and applicable and will not be there to save Quindell


3540 days ago

Memo to HMRC re Robert Simon Terry of Quindell

Al Capone was never prosecuted for his real crimes, it was the tax man who got him. I shall be making dam sure that for his lies and fraud Rob Terry of Quindell (QPP) does not get off so lightly. However I am equally concerned that all directors of the AIM Companies who have done deals with Equity First Holdings LLC do not try to avoid Capital gains Tax on the shares they have sold. A formal note on all of them will go to HMRC in due course but pleasure before business, let’s start with Robert Simon Terry of Quindell. This article will be sent to HMRC.

As he thinks about filling in his 2015 tax return Mr Terry might think that the £7,465,596 he received from Equities First LLC on November 5 2014 should be viewed as loan proceeds and this should be tax free. I would very much hope that Mr Terry tries that on because he will then face potential charges of tax evasion to add to his rap sheet.


3541 days ago

Video Postcard #89 - The Real Man Christmas party & back to the Greek Hovel Edition

On Monday I head off to London for the 3rd Real Man Christmas party. I reflect upon those who attended two years ago and how the list has grown. And then I am off to Greece to return to the Greek Hovel and I think about my hopes, my concerns, my worries and my excitement about that trip: snakes, motorbikes, the lovely Eleni and all that lies in Kambos.

In my weekly financial video postcard I forgive the Quindell shareholders who have threatened and abused me during the past six months. They have my sympathies as they face wipeout and I have a few words of advice, even for the folks who sent me death threats. That video can be watched HERE


3541 days ago

Quindell Bulletin Board Moron of the Day – Tycoon Ted – but sentiment is changing as it does with all frauds

I despair. Quindell “needs to sort me out” – so says Tycoon Ted on ADVFN. Well why doesn’t it launch legal proceedings as it threatened three months ago if I did not shut up and grovel? Or does Ted think it should just have me killed. What do you think Ted? Ted posts:


3541 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast Special - Himex the biggest fraud within Quindell

The most fraudulent acquisition made by Quenron (QPP) was that of Himex. It really is a worthless POS but has been used to boost profits and cashflows at Quindell simply via fraud. However it will start to unravel by New Year's day and this podcast explains why. DCD Holdings, Rob Terry, Hassan Sadiq and Elizabeth Dawson are you listening to this Cosy (pun, geddit?) little message from the Sheriff of AIM?


3542 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast 14th November

Its back to the regular BearCast now although I suggest that you all listen to my Quindell, how grim is the cash position special HERE from a couple of hours ago. In this edition I look at the ongoing Equities First Holdings LLC scandal rocking the AIM Casino, IGAS, Optimal Payments and of course Quenron. I then look at old favourite CPP, Cyprotex and Reach4E. I will have a look at Concha over the weekend, apologies on that one I forgot to "deal with it" today.


3542 days ago

Friday Quindell Caption Contest - Jobs Going at the Country Club Edition

Are you a member of the QPPSAG and worrying about how to explain to the Mrs that Christmas is going to be cancelled until 2021? Are you employed by a well known Fraudulent company based in Fareham and worried that you are about to lose your job? Or are you a board member at Quindell facing an enforced career change within the next few days? I am here to help, The Sheriff can reveal that one Hampshire based business is hiring aggressively. Yes it is the Country Club!


3542 days ago

Our Readers Reckon Rob Terry’s Quindell margin call was 69p (and they are right) so what did Rob do?

Quindell (QPP) has yet to fess up as to what price Rob Terry, Larry Moorse and Steve Scott face margin calls on their Equities First Holdings LLC “loans”. But having reflected upon the matter I agree with our readers who overwhelmingly reckon it is 69p on which basis Mr 2+2 has already faced an unwelcome phone call from the hoods in Indianapolis.

We asked our readers to say what they reckon the margin call on the deal was struck at and you voted:


3542 days ago

So where is that injunction Quindell bitchez? Here is its bully boy lawyers letter to me in full

On August 19 2014 Quindell (QPP) threatened me with a bully boy lawyer’s letter demanding inter alia that I sign a grovelling apology drafted by it, pay its lawyers bills and damages and that it would get an injunction against me to stop me accusing it and Rob Terry of being a fraud. As with all fraudsters you will note that Terry was using the company’s lawyers (i.e. not his cash but shareholder’s cash) for his case. I now publish that letter in full. And I ask the liars, crooks and frauds at Quindell where is that injunction?


3548 days ago

Video Postcard #88 - Peace & Reconciliation in Northern Ireland Edition

I am just back from Eire and wayching the UTV news on Friday night the ghastly old muderer Martin McGuinness appeared demanding that he have his cake and eat it with regard to reconciliation in Northern Ireland. This is the theme of this week's video postcard.

On my financial video postcard I again accuse Rob Terry and Quindell of being liars and frauds and invite them to sue me for libel. That video can be watched HERE


3550 days ago

Dear AIM Regulation...as per our Quindell Conversation earlier (a BearCast Special)

I enjoyed another good chat with my pals at AIM Regulation today regarding Quenron (QPP). I know they enjoyed the earlier explosive Bearcast on Quindell and so for them and for the FCA here is a little recap of what we discussed. Dear AIM Regulation, I remain your obedient servant, Tom Winnifrith, The Sheriff of AIM.


3550 days ago

BearCast Special on Quindell – Rob Terry’s stock is all being sold he is not a net buyer – Equity First Explained

You folks all think Rob Terry, Larry Moorse and Steve Scott are buying Quindell shares. WRONG! Their net positions are going down and going down fast. This is End Game. This is the rats getting out with what they can before the balloon goes up while you guys think they are buying. It is probably legal but this is not what it seems.

I have been approached by an AIM CEO and also by a fund manager both familiar with how this works and thanks to those men, who now walk down the avenue of the righteous, this is crystal clear. The MO of Equity First Holdings LLCand its background is not in doubt. I suggest a little bit of further reader for those in doubt:


3550 days ago

Quenron Caption Contest – The Three stooges Issue

As they discuss how all their shares are about to be flogged to Bulletin Board Morons who reckon they are buying we bring you an exclusive shot from the Quindell boardroom of Rob, Steve and Larry in action. With a deadline of Friday midnight how about you suggest a suitable caption for the picture below. For what it is worth:


3550 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast 6 November

I commend you al to listen to my earlier BearCast special on Quindell the truth about yesterday's announcement - HERE. Thanks for all the kind words about it.  Moving on I discuss cash or lack of it, NPV and why that is all that matters. En passant I cover Globo, Monitise and blinkx but then move on in real detail to Corero and in less detail to Sweet and Sefton.

To hear more from me about the Quenron End game and for free pizza and champagne book in for Monday's seminar - details HERE


3550 days ago

Rob Terry invests not a cent to buy a million Quindell shares – what bollocks

Quindell (QPP) bulls have today celebrated the news that chief fraudster Robert Terry and sidekicks Laurence Moorse and Steve Scott have bought 1.575 million Quenron shares at c123p. However they rather miss the point that the trio have not actually risked a cent of their own cash. This is the latest smokescreen and is such a curious transaction it only makes the sell case even stronger. Within the stock puffed up to 133p on the back of this nonsense it is another chance for the bears. 

The deal Terry (who is buying 1 million shares) has arranged is that the cash for the trade is provided by Equities First Holdings LLC,


3550 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast November 5th

In today's podcast I look at Mosman Oil & Gas, Quindell, Independent Oil & Gas as well as the Horse Hill debacle.


3550 days ago

Quindell does not realise that its defence blog against me is now a key part of the prosecution case

Quenron sent its first lawyers letter demanding a grovelling apology signed by me but written by the fraudsters, a promise never to write about it again and a retraction of all my articles on 19 August.  As you may have noticed, I have told Quindell where to stick that letter and I want it to serve Court papers on me as that will start the process of disclosure. As of today, after two and a half months no papers have been served despite me upping the ante with specific allegations backed by proven factual evidence of both accounting and securities fraud.  Quindell really does not want disclosure to get underway does it. Shall I give you an example of why?

Having established that the 18 million shares it issued on 2 September 2013 were not issued to who Rob Terry said they had been issued to and that he lied about why the shares should have been issued at all as he engaged in securities fraud, would Mr 2+2 can =5 like to reveal a few details about the c 9 million shares issued by Quenron in October 2013?


3554 days ago

Fraudbuster John Hempton of Bronte has words of encouragement for Quindell Morons as he warns target price is 0p

As the stench of death gets ever more ghastly at Quenron (QPP) it seems that every new day this corpse in waiting attracts the attention of a new celebrity bear raider. A couple of weeks ago Muddy Waters chipped in. Today it is the legendary John Hempton of Bronte Capital who has been tweeting words of “encouragement” to the morons. That is before he warns that the shares are going to 0p.

He starts with:


3554 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast 3rd November - the Sefton lessons for Sefton, Quindell and others edition

Shares in Sefton Resources (SER) are among the big fallers today- nowat 0.11p vs 2.5p when i started attacking this fraud more than two years ago.  There are some lessons from that "campaign" for shareholders in the fraud that is Quindell. But there are wider lessons brought home by today's latest catastrophic news, viz the reality of real asset backing and the failure of auditors. I also cover Quenron and its share price and the  turn my fire on Touchstone Gold - a crony capitalist pointless POS vehicle, before discussing Globo and why its shares are so grossly overvalued -a point made in more genteel terms by Steve Moore earlier today HERE


3554 days ago

Quindell Bulletin Board/Twitter Moron of the Week 3 – A winner is announced

The standard of entries in last week’s Quenron (QPP) Bulletin Board/Twitter moron competition was staggeringly high. There are some incredibly stupid folks out there on this shareholder list. If we add in the classic entries from week one (HERE) and week two (HERE) we are half way to a nice little Christmas stocking filler book “In their own words, the dumbest people ever to buy shares” The full list of entries in week three was glorious but the top four are, IMHO:

For sheer malice and nastiness:


3554 days ago

Follow Quindell Director Robert Bright – you are ‘avin a bubble – with Paul Scott comment

To great excitement another Quenron (QPP) director stepped up to the plate and bought shares on Friday – Robert Bright snapped up 100,000 shares. Well done Bob, in the context of your wealth…this means jackshit.

Bob’s trading record in Quenron is not that hot. This purchase was at 131.5p. The last one was at 300p and the one before that was at c250p. So anyone following the purchases is not exactly quids in. Bright has made a fortune in a 35 year City career at HSBC and elsewhere and so his £40,000 NED salary at Quenron is chickenfeed as is his total holding of 225,040 shares.

If the Quenron board really believed that on a forecast 2015 PE of 1.3 this stock was cheap, that it was worth £3.5 billion as fraudster Rob Terry claims it would collectively be buying of millions of shares. And it would not do so at one director a day just to generate PR it would all have ploughed in after the most recent (laughable) trading statement. This is all PR hogwash. At this point I hand over to a post I noticed by the UK’s top share blogger Paul Scott:


3554 days ago

Saturday caption Contest – Rob Terry of Quindell Edition

In light of today’s damming podcast showing that Rob Terry has committed securities fraud, the caption contest today is in honour of the Quenron (QPP) founder, Mr 2+2 can = 5 himself. 

The picture is of Wormwood scrubs and we invite you to post your suitable captions in the comments section below with a deadline of midnight Sunday. 

For what it is worth my entry is:

 “On arrival at his new Country Club, Rob Terry explains to his guards that he got 2 years for accounting fraud and 2 years for securities fraud but that 2+2 can = 3


3554 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast special - The Securities Fraud committed by Rob Terry, Laurence Moorse and Quindell explained

This should be explicit enough for all concerned. AIM Regulation IS investigating and I expect the FCA andSerious Fraud Office to be on the case too. I explain clearly how Quenron (QPP) and its bosses Laurence Moorse and Rob Terry have committed securities ( as well as accounting) fraud. If they disagree sue me and I shall see the bitchez in Court. But I rather think that Terry et al are going to end up in a rather different Court anyway. For a change, might Bulletin Board Morons rather than attacking me just try to show any factual errors in this damning expose.


3554 days ago

The End game for Quindell

First the good news. At the 10th November ShareProphets Seminar I shall present on “The end game for Quindell: when and why it will go to 0p” – there are a number of scenarios so it is a when not an if and I shall explain them all in detail. If Quenron goes to 0p before then – which is conceivable – I shall do a song and dance routine instead.

To book your seats for this talk plus free pizza plus talks by Obtala, Interquest and MX Oil just email your name and address to [email protected] – places are limited to 50.


3554 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast 31st October

Equities are up. In this podcast, I discuss why but why this is not the start of a bull market. It is temporary coke and hookers time in the City and on Wall Street but only for a while. Next up I look at: Fitbug, ULS Technology & the failings of AIM, Arian Silver and other gold and silver producers, Coms and in detail following a chat with a former bull and insurance guru, Quindell.


3554 days ago

Pompous Bulletin Board A ’Hole of the week Senor Grande calls on ShareProphets for Tom Winnifrith to be sacked

Quindell (QPP) owning moron Senor Grande has like his fellow whack job Filthylucre repeatedly promised to boycott this site and never come back. And then both come back like moths to a flame, just to say how much they hate it. The latest comment from Senor Grande is an utterly pompous demand to sack me which merits a wider airing and a detailed reply.


3554 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast 30th October

In this podcast I start with a broad macro sweep following a chat with Evil Knievil earlier. The end of QE (pro tem), interest rates and how this will all affect equities and other asset classes. I then move on to some observations some general but some specific about Quindell, Fitbug, Monitise, Globo, blinkx and Independent Oil & Gas.


3554 days ago

Join ShareProphets in our campaign to get LSE Bulletin Board Asylum to unban deluded Ramper QPP1000

Dreadful news for followers of the Quenron (QPP) saga – the LSE asylum has banned the most deluded ramper of all time QPP1000 from posting on its boards. We have begged the LSE to reconsider and allow this most entertaining of total nutters back in the interests both of free speech but also for sheer entertainment value.  We ask al ShareProphets readers to join us in our campaign to get QPP1000 unbanned. After all, who could forget such gems as:

The fact is – we cannot beat them at their own game because they will always be able to print more money than we can so that their central bank can make more dodgy loans to banks and hedge funds who then set about trying to ruin competitor companies on behalf of their masters. It’s called “ Superior Economic Growth Model “ don’t you know ? Cheers,



3555 days ago

Correction: I did not murder Quindell Non Exec Tony Bowers, the shocking CV of his replacement revealed

Version 2 with one correction: Yesterday afternoon Quenron (QPP) announced that its non-executive Deputy Chairman Tony Bowers had passed away. It did not take long for a Bulletin Board Moron to accuse me and others of murder. On the ADVFN board J777J posted:  “Was this stress related and therefore the shorts have blood on their hands?”. Whatever… Here’s what I think of Bowers and a shocking fact about his successor.


3557 days ago

Mr Noone says buy Quindell with a 655p target because he is paid to write bollocks

In the interests of balance I bring you a buy note on Quindell (QPP) today. “Analyst” A. Noone at commissioned researcher GECR reckons that the shares are a buy (no change of stance) with a 655p target. He is of course talking utter bollocks. Commissioned research means that the company pays for the hogwash so oddly enough the note does not tackle issues of accounting fraud, lying to investors, how the Q3 cashflow and cash numbers were “bodged” etc.  To quote the UK’s top share blogger Paul Scott: 


3557 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast 29 October

I am feeling a lot sharper than yesterday and this is podcast is no holds barred stuff on why I am still bearish on the markets, on Monitise, Quindell, Photonstar LED, Fitbug and more.


3557 days ago

Semi naked Quindell shareholder and contractor Kate Caption Contest

One of the more surprising tweets I received last week was from a lady in the grim north called Kate  (@modelsforkate) who had for some time been a self-confessed Quindell (QPP) shareholder and did not like what I was writing so took nearly all her clothes off in protest and send out a tweet inviting me to “kiss her ass”. Whatever. It has subsequently emerged that Kate’s enthusiasm for Quenron might be influenced by the fact that she earns fat fees sending clients to its ambulance chasing whiplash and industrial deafness centres. But let’s still give Kate a platform. As such I bring you her selfie and invite you to post suitable captions below. Deadline midnight tonight?

For what it is worth my entries are:

“facing yet another margin call one Quenron shareholder is forced to pawn her entire wardrobe”


“How do you like my new clothes, this is the ball dress and is called the 2+2 can =5 empress range”


“One of the better lookers of the thousands of folk who have been screwed by Rob Terry”

Over to you, let rip in the comments section below.


3557 days ago

Real Man Supports the Westminster Group Ebola appeal – will you?

Real Man is not unaware of the Ebola crisis occurring in West Africa. I see that some pompous arses object to my use of the phrase “I’d rather drink a pint of warm Ebola” than (buy Quindell shares etc.) but that is because the English language is a joyful tool allowing such illusions to make a point not the preserve of pompous self-righteous prats (see my tweet hate mail at the weekend). 

As it happens we have a long relationship at the restaurant with our friends at Medicins Sans Frontieres. And as such we are delighted to support an emergency Ebola appeal launched today by Westminster Group (WSG) an AIM listed company operating in the Ebola heartlands.

Real Man Pizza Company in Clerkenwell will donate 20p per pizza sold all week ( ending 1 Nov) at the restaurant to the Westminster appeal.

We hope that you too will donate, and it does not need to be cash.

Full details can be found here.


3557 days ago

Weekend caption Contest: Quindell/QPPSAG Edition Results

The weekend caption contest threw up some cracking entries which you can see here.  But congratulations to the winner, larboulois, for:

You should have a word with that Quinron outfit if you’re hard of hearing, Sir.

I understand they’ll cut you a really good deal on any successful claim you might win and you’ll get your payout in Quindell shares based on a very reasonable forward price of £6.00 per share which will then ten-bag before year end.

Quids in Sir, quids in.


3557 days ago

Quindell Bulletin Board/twitter Moron Week 2 – winner announced & I do not eat children

Again what a cracking week have enjoyed from the Quenron (QPP) owning morons who post on Bulletin boards or tweet.  The sheer stupidity of these fools defies belief and you cannot help but laugh as you read their deranged thoughts, interspersed with a few posts from our own home grown prize loon Kebab/Kulbas/KB.  You can read the full list of fantastic entries HERE

But there has to be a winner. I greatly enjoyed the various entrants from folks alerting us to posters who think that I am a CIA agent, Real Man is a sole trading Indian takeaway, that I changed my name by deed pool from Cochrane, etc. But my paymasters at Mossad insist that I keep that smokescreen going.

DiscoStu almost won with:


3557 days ago

Podcast Special with Tom Winnifrith - what does NAV really mean and is it a buy signal

Does asset backing mean asset backing? Not always 10p can be worth 10p or 5p or 0p - wthout wishing ti sound like Rob Terry - it all depends on what the asset backing comprises. Tom explains this key metric of investment analysis looking at 4 specific companies: Golden Prospect, Naibu, Paternoster Resources and Quindell as well as Mark Slater's share purchases after the bursting of the dotcom bubble.


3557 days ago

Weekend Caption Contest - Quindell QPPSAG Emergency Summit Edition

As the QPPSAG gathers for an emergency meeting this weekend to discuss whether shares in Quenron (QPP) will hit £3 by Christmas or make it to £5, we have managed to get a picture of group leader Steamy and one of his loyal followers on the way to the summit. we ask you to suggest a suitable caption by midnight on Sunday.


3557 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast - the 7 reasons why Quindell shares should be suspended on Monday

There are numerous reasons why the fraud that is Quenron should be booted off the AIM Casino altogether but recent developments would force a responsible regulator and a Nomad who gave a dam (so maybe that does not apply to Cenkos) to suspend the shares first thing on Monday.


3557 days ago

Quindell & the Himex shares – something looks very fishy indeed here

The Quenron (QPP) shareholder register as at 30th June has thrown up another couple of stinking fish carcasses. They concern Himex.

Point one is the complete absence on the register of Mr Sadiq – the founder – and his Mrs, Elizabeth Dawson. They picked up 7.33 million shares in February between them but I cannot find their names at all. Perhaps I am missing something. Of course they are largely locked in but at Quenron that means nothing and I now have it double sourced that both Sadiq and Dawson have sold heavily and in beach of lock-in. Perhaps Quenron might care to comment?


3557 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast 24 October

Have I mentioned Quindell (QPP) yet today? You want more? Okay it gets a mention in the podcast as does Forte Energy and the whole issue of death spirals. The Horse Hill stocks are all mentioned as is Omega  Diagnostics, the nature of bear markets and the importance of earnings visibility.


3557 days ago

Who has been dumping Quenron shares? The insider deals Quindell does not boast about

The Bulletin Board Morons insist that the calamitous share price decline at Quindell (QPP) is down to wicked shorters, me, the CIA etc. and point to the purchases of stock by the board. But folks you have been conned, let me reveal who has been selling aggressively (to you, you fools) and driving the share price down, it is the Country Club insiders.


3557 days ago

Mobile Doctors worth £140 million – Quindell ‘avin a bubble part 2

I explained yesterday why Rob Terry of Quenron (QPP) was telling a total lie when saying that his Mobile Doctor’s operation is worth £140 million – as you can see HERE. Certain Bulletin Board Morons have offered Mr 2+2 can = 5 a “Get out of Jail card” on this one but let me explain why they are wrong and why Rob is still lying. 


3557 days ago

Quindell, why its going bust, when its going bust and is there any escape - BearCast special

All frauds eventually run out of other people's money and so it will be with Quenron (QPP). For it is a fraud as I explained in full detail in this video. So when will Quindell go tits up?


3557 days ago

Paul Scott gives a tits up date for Quindell

As you know I regard Paul Scott as the UK’s top share blogger. Not only is his analysis top notch but his turn of phrase is excellent. And he’s a nice guy as a bonus.  As such I bring you a short post he made earlier on Quenron (QPP) and its joke interview with Shares Magazine. Top stuff Paul!


3557 days ago

Tom Winnifrith, Quindell & market Abuse Update & reader Poll result

At the weekend I asked the FCA to investigate me for market abuse regarding Quindell as I reported here. Well what has happened so far?

Firstly I have reported Quindell (QPP) to both AIM Regulation and the FCA today for telling whoppers about the profits of Mobile Doctors and leading them to believe that a £140 million share buyback was on the way. There is more chance of me getting to shag Cheryl Cole (or whatever she is called until her next divorce) tonight than there is of such a buyback.

Our readers were polled at the weekend as to how the FCA would respond to my request. They said:


3564 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast 23rd October

A wide ranging podcast today covers themes general and specific: Northern Petroleum, Foxtons, UK house prices, Ultrasis, Quindell, Diamondcorp, political risk and South Africa, It will be different this time (it won't be), dead cat bounces and more


3564 days ago

Quindell’s Rob Terry tells a £140 million Lie to Shares Magazine – Mobile Doctors Red Flag Strewn Annual Report Out

Rob Terry of Quenron (QPP) is today once again exposed as a liar of monumental proportions. Even the money-grabbing leeches round at Nomad Cenkos should by now be considering their position as I expose today’s £140 million lie told by Mr 2+2 can = 5.

Shares Magazine promised its readers a hard hitting interview. Bollocks! This is a blow job on paper. No questions about TMC, Himex and the accounting fraud. None about the RNS lies. This is cock-sucking journalism, an embarrassment to our trade.  But the gem is a lie that Mr Terry tells unchallenged about his cash position. Let me quote from Shares magazine: 


3565 days ago

Quindell – Let’s Put the Canadian Telematics lies into context

Quenron (QPP) earlier this week announced a telematics deal with one of the top three insurance companies in Canada. Of course that was a lie. Quindell has told lies in RNS statements on a serial basis so that is no shock. The partner is Aviva Canada which is in fact the 15th largest insurance company in Canada. It is the third largest player In the Property & Casualty sub sector but what Quenron said in the RNS was just another lie.


3566 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast 21 October - Quindell & Beacon Hill edition

Just two stocks in today's podcast. Both are discussed for company specific reasons. But the interest has wider application that just Beacon Hill Resources (BHR) and Quindell (QPP). The points made have wider import.


3566 days ago

Quenron – Another Hot Air RNS - this time in Canada

Quindell (QPP) has announced what it believes to be a major deal. Oddly certain Bulletin board morons who have in the past been leaked confidential lawyer’s letters by Quenron have been pre-announcing this for days making a mockery of AIM rules re the release of supposedly price sensitive information. But that is the least of Quindell’s crimes.


3566 days ago

Monday's Global Shorting Conspiracy Prize caption Contest

Following the shock revelation on the LSE Bulletin Board asylum that my writings were driven by the fact that I was employed by the CIA which is in charge of the global shorting conspiracy against Quenron (QPP), I have a new caption contest for you. All you have to do is provide a caption for the image below, explaining in the style of an LSE posting Quindell moron how this fits into the global conspiracy which, alone, is causing Quindell shares to slide. Easy. A bottle of wine goes to the best entry received by midnight tonight.


3566 days ago

London & South East Bulletin Board – what do you not get about free speech? Ref Quindell

I have noted before that the LSE Bulletin Board, Quindell (QPP) thread is an online lunatic asylum where some of the stupidest folk in Christendom post complete gibberish - apparently there is a post there today claiming that the "global shorting conspiracy" is being organised by the CIA and that I am a CIA agent. But this sinister part of the interweb just became more ludicrous.

For we now discover that one poster – who tweets as @creaturemoney – has had his LSE account suspended because he dared to post a link to my Quindell expose video. Yup for posting a link to a video which exposes lies and fraud and so does not suit the “long and wrong” loons who control that board he is now banned.  Yet it is deemed perfectly acceptable by LSE for two contributors to the very same thread to go publish this exchange:


3566 days ago

Quindell Bulletin Board/Twitter Moron of the week – prize competition week 1: the result

A couple of days ago I asked you to post the dumbest tweets/Bulletin Board Posts you could find from Quindell (QPP) shareholders with the only proviso that our own demented poster Kebab/Kulbas could not enter his own posts. Boy are we spoiled for choice. The prize is a bottle of wine – another reason Kebab cannot win since his mummy would be cross if we sent alcohol to a minor. You can see the full glorious list of entries HERE but the winner is:


3566 days ago

BearCast 18 October - Financial Crime on AIM, Tom Winnifrith reports himself to the FCA for market abuse on Quindell

An unusual bonus podcast from me today. In this bearcast I discuss the whole issue of lies and financial crime on the AIM Casino but also the abject failure of AIM Regulation and I will tomorrow be asking the FCA to formally investigate me for market abuse on Quindell. I hope that Rob Terry will also ask the FCA to investigate me.

The nuts and bolts are in today's shock Video HERE. Either I am making it up and am thus guilty of market abuse. Or it is true in which case Rob Terry and Quindell are guilty of wholesale lying and accounting fraud. The facts back me up. And so that is why I want the FCA to investigate me formally for market abuse. If it finds me not guilty as it will then it has no choice but to act against Quenron. As such I say bring it on. I want the formal investigation and I challenge Rob Terry to ask the FCA to conduct such an enquiry.


3566 days ago

Quindell and the Claimed Customers that er….are not

Oh dear, even the Insurance Times now scents blood and this week started investigating some of the companies that Quindell (QPP) claims to do business with. No doubt the Insurance Times will be viewd by the Bulletin Board Morons as part of the global shorting conspiracy run by pizza hard man Darren Atwater from Clerkenwell.

Quenron claims to do business with 1000 insurance companies some of them big names. But it appears that some do not actually do business with it any more whilst in other cases the actual business done is trivial. Most appear to be genuine customers but surely Quindell would never over-egg the pudding would it?


3566 days ago

Friday caption Contest – AIM Casino October 2014, Wall Street 1929 Edition

It’s Friday and so it is time for a caption contest  There is no prize simply post your captions  for this wonderful and still relevant today cartoon from 1929 in the comments section below by midnight tonight. For what it is worth my Quindell (QPP) themed entry is:


3566 days ago

Quindell Legal Services – More Red Flags Vicar? Part 2

The video of my presentation “Quindell, how it has committed accounting fraud, has not generated a cent of cash despite what it claims and why it is worth 0p” should now appear tomorrow. Pro tem here is part 2 of the Quindell Legal Services – More Red Flags Vicar series. QLS served up so many Red Flags it needs two articles. Part One can be found HERE. Now moving on.


3566 days ago

Bearcast from Tom Winnifrith - 16th October

I guess my warnings about equities being overvalued are being vindicated. Sorry Malcom S. and Wilderides! And naturaly I start with that. However there are other matters to discuss in this podcast:

The nature of dead cat bounces, Monitise, Quindell, Sirius Petroleum, oil stocks and my lunch yesterday and more...


3566 days ago

Quindell Director Share Purchases are all PR – as good a sell signal as last time

Back in late April Quindell (QPP) shares were on the slide post Gotham and the board responded with a PR campaign of share buying. It was PR puffery. But folks fell for it.  And so we have today seen a second NED in Quindell buying shares. Let me explain why this is all bollocks.

In April there were 9 different RNS statements issued by Quindell relating to director share purchases at between 19p (that is 285p in today’s money) and 23.5p (352.5p). It can hardly be said that with the shares at 136p that was a good call worth following.


3566 days ago

Reader Post of the day 2 – The Most Excellent 42 on the Quindell Cash Crisis

Quindell (QPP) faces a cash crisis which is forcing it to resort to quite desperate measures as I outlined HERE and HERE earlier today. Its position is dire. And now our most excellent poster has weighed in with this critical note. As you await for tomorrow’s big daddy video which explains why Quenron has committed accounting fraud, has never generated cash and is worth 0p I bring you the awesome 42 with his latest offering.


3566 days ago

The Bears Scent Death at Quindell – King of the US Bears Muddy Waters weighs in

Quindell (QPP) took on the bears and Quenron is losing. I first cited red flags about this fraud in April 2013. A year later Gotham City Research took it apart and now the shorters are upping the ante. The smell of Death is clear and now the best known US Bear Muddy Waters has also chipped in via twitter.


3566 days ago

Reader Comment of the day: TurboMuncher on the Quindell cash Crisis

It is abundantly clear that Quenron (QPP) now faces a cash crisis of monumental proportions. I am sure that the FCA is now monitoring its Regulatory capital position with extreme concern. And if you want to know what happens when this becomes an issue have a look at Daniel Stewart HERE. I flagged up earlier today, one way in which Quenron is hiding this time bomb from investors – by delaying salary payments HERE – but the other obvious way is by not paying its bills, something you would not be able to gauge from the cobblers in its trading statement of Monday. But poster TurboMubcher has the data and puts it into context for you in an excellent post:

Do I get a thumbs up for the Dun & Bradstreet lead, T-Dubya?!  ;)


3566 days ago

Quindell – it needs to come clear on the paydate change & how it affects cash claims

Hapless lapdog broker to Quenron (QPP), Cenkos has admitted that its client has “streamlined” its payroll procedures, Quindell has not clarified what occurred but in light of its claims about its cash position it needs to do so fast.

Quindell claims that net cash was pretty much unchanged between end June and end September at £19.7 million. However it claimed in August when publishing its interims that net cash had increased in July which means that it fell in August and September despite the company netting a windfall of up to £10 million from flogging shares that it had issued to itself when buying PT Healthcare.

I put it to you that the underlying cash position is grim, may well because Reg cap if not operational issues and that trends in recent months are adverse. The Reg cap issue is – I am sure – being monitored closely by the FCA.

However we now come to the issue of when staff are paid.


3566 days ago

Quindell Morons of the Day Special – LSE Board

The slump in the Quenron (QPP) share price following yesterday’s disastrous trading statement has brought the Bulletin Board morons out in force. I spent a happy half hour last night having a butcher’s at the LSE Board. I felt rather like one of those Victorians who used to head down to the asylum to gaze at the lunatics in action. I know it’s a bit voyeuristic but just now and again it is entertaining to see these loons in action.

First up is jub_ahmed2002 with this little gem:


3566 days ago

Tom Winnifrith’s BearCast October 14 – Quindell and much more

The morning after the night before.  That is to say my presentation yesterday on why Quenron (QPP) is worth 0p a share. The full video of that will go live within 36 hours ( as will the 3 PLC presentations) and I discuss a bit of this and other Quinnovation Group matters in this podcast. But there is more, much more.


3566 days ago

Quindell Red Flags on Overload as Maine Finance Ltd files its annual report

This came onto my desk yesterday and is a true horror story (unless you are a bear).  Of all of the stinking Quenron subsidiary accounts to emerge so far this is arguably the one that stinks the most. But I still have plenty more to go through so I will not award the “stinkiest Quenron subsidiary accounts 2013” title just yet. I covered the POS that is Maine Finance Ltd in a preliminary way yesterday night in a 40 minute presentation showing clearly that Quindell was a fraud and worth 0p. The video of that talk and accompanying slides will go live within 36 hours and the 2 PLC FDs in the room were horrified by what they heard. But back to Maine Finance Limited.


3566 days ago

Gotham City Breaks Cover – says 45p target too high, Quindell behaving as if on verge of bankruptcy

Valiant corporate crusaders, brave seekers of truth and scourge of whitecollar crime, Gotham City has broken cover after months of silence. In the wake of Quenron’s (QPP) disastrous trading statement released today and Gotham does it mince its words. It has just posted two tweets in the past 90 minutes which read:


3566 days ago

Quindell Trading Statement – Folks are starting to see what Bullshit it all is

Quite simply I have never read such complete and utter bollocks in my life. As I write Quenron (QPP) shares are down by a couple of pence at 151p. That is despite it issuing a trading statement which was meant to appear extraordinarily upbeat. In the old days the stock would have jumped by 20% on this sort of bull. But these days investors seem to be waking up to the fact that it does not add up, that the company is talking patent bollocks and that the cash situation is clearly critical. Chuck in the Red Flags from subsidiary accounts which are landing thick and fast and this one is now in a a rapid spiral towards death.

And so what crap is talked in the statement? Where does one start? At the top my friends.


3566 days ago

Quindell Bulletin Board Moron of the Day: Mr Palmer LSE Board – his “obligation” is to destroy me”

Oh dear, The Quenron (QPP) shareholder list does contain more than its fair share of complete and utter nutters. On an almost daily basis I am alerted to a post which has been made by someone who really is truly bonkers. I was entertained to see some cretin on ADVFN discuss the “TW Red Flags” on Quenron – apparently having a strong opinion which is not buy is deemed a Red Flag.  However, The Bulletin Board Moron of the Day is “Mr Palmer” on the LSE Board. On a day when another Quindell nutter who boasted on twitter of having a "hitlist" which included myself and Dan Levi has been reported to the Old Bill (not by me as I regard the Met as useless), Mr Palmer takes centre stage.


3566 days ago

Reader Post of the Day - 42 on the Quindell Trading Statement

I know who poster 42 is and he knows more about Quenron (QPP) than any analyst currently covering the stock in the City. His comment on the trading statement today is bang on the money (or rather lack of it). I shall post my own thoughts later once I have gone through a couple more bogus subsidiary accounts. 42 writes:


3566 days ago

Quindell Legal Services – More Red Flags Vicar? Part 1

And so Quindell Legal Services, the biggest part of the Quenron Group (QPP) has filed its accounts. Also of interest is the fact that it filed two annual returns for last year. Would Quindell care to deny that it had a spot of bother with its capital adequacy forms filled in with the FCA? That might explain a few of the red flags but not all.

The first thing to note is that Companies House stamps the accounts for calendar 2013 as received on October 1st. that is a £150 fine for Quenron. It is small beer although it is good that someone is making money from the company. But it is indicative of a badly run enterprise.

I note also that KPMG – which earned £60,000 for compiling this document that contradicts itself – did not actually attach a signature to its sign off.


3566 days ago

Quindell & Compass Costs: the numbers do not add up and this stinks: the worst filing yet – FCA problems now looming?

The Quenron (QPP) subsidiary accounts are now landing thick and fast at Companies House and I am ploughing through them but have unearthed the stinkiest yet – Compass Costs. The numbers stated are different in different places, there is revenue missing and there is a curious dividend paid. It stinks to high heaven and since Compass is part of an FCA regulated entity (Quindell Legal Services of which more later) this is certain to attract FCA attention.

Compass Costs was, according to the Quenron RNS, bought on April 2 2013 and is “one of the UK's leading legal costs consultancy and costs drafting firms.” The consideration was 80 million shares which according to Quenron was worth £14 million since the agreed price per share was 17.5p. This was, of course, bollocks as the share price then was 8.7p so the real price paid was £7 million. But remember those two numbers 14 and 7. 


3566 days ago

SHOCKER: Why Ingenie IS a subsidiary of Quindell and so why Quindell DID breach the Companies Act with the abbreviated accounts

Various Bulletin Board Morons have argued that Quindell (QPP) was within its rights to file smaller company accounts for Ingenie so keeping vast amounts of information from you all. And here is why yet again the morons are 100% wrong, I am right and Quindell has broken the law.

I start with the company’s act which states that if a company is a member of a group which includes a PLC MUST file full accounts.  The Companies act defines group as


3566 days ago

Reader Comment of the Week – Once again it is Forty Two on Quindell

Some of our posters really know their onions. I know full well who “Forty Two” is and he knows Quenron (QPP) better than any serving City analyst. His comments after the Friday Ingenie shocker HERE should be read in conjunction with that piece to gain an understanding of how The Quinnovation Group operates. 42 says:


3567 days ago

Tom Winnifrith’s BearCast 11th October – stockmarket & oil price crash special

Normally BearCast is just a weekday podcast feature. However in light of the plunge in global stockmarkets and the oil price on Friday I have served up a special. I make explicit warnings about how you should protect your wealth next week.  This website was termed “Prophets of Doom” by another website which has encouraged you to buy shares generally and crap like Quindell (QPP) in particular. We are being vindicated in a massive way across the board. In that spirit I urge you all to listen hard.


3567 days ago

Quindell – Ingenie (abbreviated) accounts filed: what is Quenron trying to hide now?

Quindell subsidiary Ingenie Ltd (of Gary Lineker fame) has filed its calendar 2013 accounts at Companies House but this is a spectacular own goal as it has hidden the full ghastly truth from investors. In the words of Alan Hansen “shocking defending” by Rob Terry. 

In 2012 Ingenie used the same small firm of auditors as in 2013 to file its accounts HERE. It displayed a company and group P&L and Balance Sheet. For 2013 it has shown only a consolidated balance sheet – nothing else, claiming a small company exemption. 


3569 days ago

Quindell - a fraud which has never & will never generate a cent of cash & is worth 0p - full Tom Winnifrith video

On Monday night I gave a 40 minute presentation in Clerkenwell in which I showed the frauds Quindell (QPP) has perpetrated, demonstrated why - despite what it says - it has never and will never generate cash and so why its shares are worth 0p. I defy anyone to explain any factual errors in this presentation. The video of that presentation is below.

I will be giving another controversial presentation on Monday 27th October also in Clerkenwell. To ensure that you can priority book for what will be another sell out register HERE


3579 days ago

Video: 11 Ways AIM Companies artificially boost profits to mislead investors

The final talk at the first ShareProphets seminar was by me and looked at 11 ways that AIM companies artificially boost profits to mislead investors. It featured Sefton (SER) and Quindell (QPP) heavily but other real life examples were given.  I thought that it wasa half decent presentation and the audience seemed to approve.,  To ensure that you get priority booking for future seminars (the next one on 13 October is now booked out but we will start taking bookings for 27 October  next week) with 4 talks at each plus free pizza and booze register HERE.


3579 days ago

Today’s Quenron Red Flag from Companies House - Quindell Resourcing

Aha, another one of the 191 Quenron (QPP) subsidiaries has published its accounts at Companies House, Quindell Resourcing Ltd, formerly known as Metaskil Ltd. And needless to say the numbers just do not add up.

But first – which Metaskil is this? Quenron bought Metaskil Group Limited on October 10 2012. It stared at the time:


3579 days ago

Quindell Twitter Moron of the Week – Ron Clifton

As the Quenron (QPP) share price slips away losing more and more of the hard earned savings of the morons who have invested in this company which has demonstrably lied to its shareholders in a serial fashion, the morons response is sheer comedy genius. Today’s twitter moron of the week is Ron Clifton @CliftonPlace who is possibly the thickest of all the Quindell morons on twitter.


3579 days ago

Let’s pretend we are taking legal action say the PLC casino “players

”What do the following companies have in common: blinkx, Globo, Quindell, Range Resources and Sefton Resources? It is a two part answer. 

The first is that all five have sent me at least one lawyer’s letter as they did not like what I have written. The second is that the share prices of all five halve fallen SINCE they sent the letter (as well as after my articles).

The reality is that companies that issue lies in an RNS


3579 days ago

Rob Terry now about those 9.178808m Quindell shares – a Multiple Choice Question for you

I established without doubt on Sunday that the Quindell RNS regarding the issue of 18 million shares on September 2nd 2013 was a great big fat whopping lie told by the company led by Rob Terry. This now begs the question about the issue of a further issue of 9.178808 million shares on October 21 2013. Just to whom were they issued and why? This is exactly the sort of issue my lawyers are dying to get into under the disclosure process if the Quindell bitchez ever get around to suing me for libel.

I start on 2 September 2013 when Quindell – at this point desperately short of cash – issued an announcement regarding Quindell Property Services which reads:


3582 days ago

Reader Post of the Day: Level 42 on Quindell

Sometimes our reader comments merit a wider audience and knowing the identity of Level 42 and how well he knows Quindell, I bring you his little burst of insights on how Quenron operates. This was posted at the bottom of yesterday’s explosive revelations about 360GN HERE.  L42 writes: 


3582 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard #83 – The murder of Alan Henning, ISIS, our lying leaders and what real justice means

This week I am back in Bristol and my video looks at ISIS, the murder of poor Alan Henning and how we should react. 

I discuss how my Aunt was murdered and how one cannot gain justice and retain the moral high ground without going through justice. But also how our leaders are all lying to us about what is going on and how our safety is ever more compromised by their actions.

My financial video postcard covers why Quindell is getting more nervous, making more errors and getting more desperate as the truth emerges. It can be viewed HERE


3582 days ago

EXPLOSIVE: 360GlobalNet Accounts out – Quindell shown to have bought Shit Company, issued shares to itself & dumped them and lied to investors

At last the accounts of Quenron (QPP) subsidiaries are starting to emerge at Companies House and you can see why Rob Terry and his FD Laurence Moorse were so tardy in filing because they are a true can of worms. The first which has arrived is 360GlobalNet Ltd which is 60% owned by Quindell and this stinks to high heaven. Even the pathetic QPPSAG must surely now be hearing the alarming bells ringing? Or perhaps they all have Industrial deafness. 

By way of background reading for the Quenronologists the 2013 accounts for 360GlobalNet can be found HERE and the annual return (which lists shareholders) can be found HERE

The stated history according to Quindell is that it acquired a 3% stake at an unspecified time and increased that to 19%on 28th February 2012 at a price of £2.15 million (£900,000 in cash and the rest in shares). That was not actually strictly true as I explained HERE but let’s pretend it was and continue.


3582 days ago

More Quindell Bollocks – Withyouin5 – all hype no trousers

Another Quindell (QPP) subsidiary has filed its accounts at Companies house. This is not a smoking gun (that’s coming later) but just a demonstration of why so much of the Quenron hype is all bollocks. Welcome to Withyouin5.com Ltd – which is 74% owned by 360GlobalNet Ltd which is itself 60% owned by Quenron.

If one reads the Quenron hype this thing is big. I refer you to the Q1 Trading statement dated 16 April 2014:


3582 days ago

The first Quindell lie of the day exposed – Quindell Property Services

The annual reports have started to arrive at Companies House for Quenron subsidiaries and I have a stormer of a revelation for you later. Naughty naughty Rob Terry you will not enjoy that one. But as an appetiser and while Mr 2+2 can = 5 sweats on that one I thought I would just point out to you a blatant lie told by Rob Terry to investors which he has admitted to! I have only just noticed. Bad me.

Let me take you back to 2nd September 2013 when Quenron announced that it was issuing some shares relating to the deferred consideration of QPS. It stated:


3582 days ago

Quindell’s RNS from 18 September 2012 – Quintica Red Flags

There is speculation that Quenron (QPP) subsidiary Quintica is horribly late in filing its annual report which was due on May 30th. Actually it changed its year end so the report was due to be filed 30th September 2014. It has not been but it is only a bit late not horribly late. However, I just wanted to point out that the release announcing the deal was a tad on the misleading side. 

On 18 September 2012 Quindell announced: 


3584 days ago

The Jew Hating Quindell Moron threatens to pay me a visit…here’s when I am free you Nazi scum

I have noted before how active QPPSAG member, the Jew hating DaveyCaferacer posts some utter crap about Quenron (QPP). It now seems he threatens to “pay me a visit.” From the asylum that is the LSE Bulletin board he writes:

If any Hedge Fund bases any of their investment decisions, even part of their decision on what the Blogger says on anything an amateur blogger who runs a sub-standard "Celitic" Pizza restaurant, they have serious issues,

Am back in the UK on Saturday after 2 years in the U.S. and have an agenda to have a meeting with The Blogger, who has not only illegally published my personal details on his website, but also contributed to the market abuse that the FCA have done nothing about. I'll be paying the Celtic Pizza Chef a visit next week if anyone would care to join me.


Oooh er missus.

Jew hating bigot, I am


3585 days ago

Reader Post of the Week: D Cooper on Quindell

Each week we aim to bring you the most illuminating post by a reader on this site which we think merits a wider audience. And the winner this week is Dominic Cooper who brings some added insight into the world of Quenron , following today’s Red Flag Orgy. Mr Cooper writes:


3585 days ago

18 More Red Flags for Quindell – I stopped counting at noon (there may be more)

Quindell (QPP) has even more subsidiaries than I thought. And now the subsidiaries are starting to have subsidiaries. And more have been started this year. Think of rabbits breeding. You start with just one pregnant female and pretty soon you are swamped. Okay the interbreeding causes a few problems down the line but that is Quenron in a nutshell.

By noon I had counted 18 subsidiaries of Quindell PLC or subsidiaries of subsidiaries which were meant to have filed their annual accounts (for calendar 2013) with Companies House by 30 September 2014 bit had not done so. That will be a small fine for Quenron but at least it stops me poking around for a while. It is particularly the accounts of Ingenie which I expect to be most illuminating.

Bulletin Board Morons


3586 days ago

Report Back on ShareProphets Seminar: Premaitha, Fox Marble, AAA and myself on Quindell

Contrary to suggestions made here and elsewhere by some of my greatest admirers, the first ShareProphets seminar was packed out with just over 50 folks gathering in Clerkenwell on Monday and – I think – having a good time. The next seminar is on Monday October 13 and you can ensure you get priority booking by registering HERE.

The doors opened for free drinks at 6 PM and the first talk was at 6.30 and was by Chris Gilbert of Fox Marble (FOX). Chris explained very clearly what Fox does in Kosovo – mining marble – claiming that there was minimal political risks and going through the maths of mining, polishing and cutting and selling the different types of marble. In a sense this is a bit of a play of global GDP growth but the critical point is that Fox has to produce the stuff, get its factory up and running asap to boost margins and deliver sales contracts.


3586 days ago

Quindell – No Nuclear Hand Grenade, but there is the TMC nuclear land-mine and more, it is when not if Quenron blows up…

I am afraid that my lead hit a dead end so there is no nuclear hand grenade for Quindell (QPP). Yet. However ….

1. There are a large number of subsidiaries who had to file accounts by yesterday. I guess we start trawling them when I have the energy. So far trawling Quenron subsidiary accounts has proved most illuminating and one can only wonder what we will find this time.

2. The analyst at Cenkos, Ms Andy Bryant, 


3586 days ago

Daniel Stewart – what a total joke: shares suspended

Daniel Stewart (DAN) earns its living as a Nomad and broker to AIM listed stocks. That is to say it charges fat fees for advising them on how to play by the AIM rules, for listing them and for raising money for them. It has no standards so was responsible for bringing Quindell (QPP) to the Casino and also acts as Nomad to China fraud Naibu (NBU) and tried to float China fraud Fraspens in August but seems to have failed. Today Daniel Stewart’s shares have been suspended.

On 30 May its auditors of 15 years (Keelings) quit and Daniel Cesspit appointed PriceWaterhouse Coopers to check its books. We know that results for the year to March 31 2014 will have been covered in red ink.


3589 days ago

Quindell Owning Morons – I warn you about tonight

There have been posts made on several Quenron (QPP) Bulletin Board threads from folks suggesting that they were planning to attend and disrupt tonight’s presentations in Clerkenwell or to have a go at me as I shall be speaking. Just a warning to any morons who are tempted.

You would find my talk education as I am presenting on 10 ways that AIM companies flatter profits to mislead investors and the Quinnovation Group has provided me with valuable source material. However…

To attend you need to have pre-registered. If you have not done so and your name is not on the list you will be thrown out.


3589 days ago

Quindell – No Reason for the Share Price Movement: Bollocks & I refer you to 2002

Quenron (QPP) has today sought to reassure investors that there is no reason for its shares to be collapsing. There is. I shall come to that in a second. But first, here is what the Quinnovation Group has to say:

The Board of Quindell Plc, a market leading global provider of professional services and digital solutions, notes the recent share price performance and confirms that it knows of no reason for such falls.  

As originally planned, the Company will update the market on or before 15 October 2014 on its trading for the quarter ending 30 September 2014 and the continued positive progress being made by the Group in respect of all key performance indicators including cash performance.


Whatever. The way Quindell presents its accounts it can make most metrics including sales and profits whatever it wants. No-one believes them


3589 days ago

Does everyone lose their jobs if a holding company goes tits up? Ref the Quindell 4,000

I see that various Bulletin Board Morons accuse me of threatening 4,000 jobs at Quindell (QPP). Just for them, I offer a basic lesson in markets and economics.

For starters Quindell will not go tits up or prosper and join the FTSE 100 (ho, ho, ho) because of what I or anyone else writes. In the long run if it generates the cash that its lackey retained analysts at Cenkos and Canaccord predict it will prosper. Of course it will not and that is why it is doomed. Ultimately it is not about press comment but about cash generation or, in Quenron’s case, lack of it.

I do not wish unemployment on anyone and the vast majority of jobs will in Quindell’s case not be lost. If the Holding company – that is Quenron PLC – goes bust then head office staff in finance, the board, HR , etc. will lose their jobs. You are talking dozens of folk here.  The administrator will then attempt to sell the individual business units. There are c 54 subsidiaries.



3590 days ago

Quindell Takes You to the Cleaners Spot the Difference Contest – Winner announced

On Friday I asked you to provide suitable captions in our Quindell (QPP) Spot the Difference Competition. The two photos below show the storefront of one profitable and cash generative operation where you don’t lose your shirt and …the logo of Quenron. And the winning caption is:


3590 days ago

One man who has made money out of Quindell

Yes you can make money out of Quindell (QPP). That Rob Terry with his seven figure salary and bonus and perks package is doing okay. But the ordinary man on the street can make money too. And here’s how:

I bring you a tale from the Portsmouth evening news showing how one man made £14,157 net from Quenron. It reads:


3591 days ago

Quindell now at 136.5p – 75% off highs where next & a reminder of 8th August

Shares in Quenron (QPP) plunged last week to close last week at 136.5p. They are now more than 75% off their highs. Where do we go next? Down obviously. The question is when not if they hit 0p. And here’s why.

I shall ignore the fact that I am working on something which if I can stand it up will be a monumental nuclear hand grenade. If I can stand it up that will be lobbed into the pot on Tuesday afternoon. But what do we know already?


3592 days ago

Has Quindell Taken You to the Cleaners? Spot the Difference Competition

Fascinated as I am as to where Quenron (QPP) got its logo, I am indebted to an American reader who has come up with another suggestion as to where Mr 2+2 can = 5 got his inspiration from. In our latest spot the difference competition, please simply post your entries in the comments section on ShareProphets. Deadline midnight tonight (Friday)


3592 days ago

Quindell – has it sold more shares in itself without telling us so?

We know that as at June 30th 2014 Quindell (QPP) held 6.67 million shares which it had issued to itself to buy PT Healthcare in Treasury. One assumes that it did not deal in a closed period so they were still there as at August 22nd. Are they there now?


3593 days ago

Quindell Bulletin Board Morons of the day: Nicky Name and dailylarma

I have just been sent this exchange from two complete morons who are long and wrong on Quindell (QPP). As their wealth slips away they seem to think me stopping writing and/or beng executed will stop them facing financial oblivion. Fools. On two counts.


3593 days ago

Tesco & Quindell, accruals and dealing with dissenting analysts

Both companies have engaged in aggressive accounting with regard to accruals. One has already been shown to have overstated profits, managers have been fired, the forensic accountants are in and the Serious Fraud Office is now said to be looking into the matter. The other is Quindell (QPP).

There are two big differences between the two. One is that Tesco (TSCO) has admitted that it has overstated profits. Quindell is yet to fess up. The other is the scale of the overstatement. In the case of Tesco £250 million reduces profits forecasts by c23%. Quindell will book almost 40% of its revenues this year on an accrual basis. This has the scope to wipe out its stated profits completely.

But there are similarities too and most striking to me is how both companies have dealt with difficult analysts and also hard questions from the press.


3594 days ago

Two Final Moments of Triumph at the Greek Hovel

I saved the last of the frigana for after lunch. Two sessions in the morning left me with one last patch to clear. But first a major problem: My bike was leaking oil.  The man at the garage said “go to Kalamata tomorrow” as I bought my second bottle of the day. But I am a changed man.

Three months ago I would have phoned John the bike man in a panic. Today once back at the hovel I got underneath the bike and diagnosed the problem. Tubing had come loose. And I fixed it. Triumph one.

Triumph two came just before dusk as I finally removed the last frigana bush on the property. 2000


3594 days ago

Quindell Leaks Confidential letter as part of smear campaign & scores another massive own goal

As I noted at the weekend HERE Quindell (QPP) sent a letter from its new lawyers almost two weeks ago. I have asked it to justify statements in that letter it has failed to do so. But it gets worse. Quindell has now leaked that letter to the pathetic QPPSAG and it is being quoted verbatim albeit selectively on Bulletin Boards. That is a massive OWN GOAL by Mr 2+2 can = 5. My legal team is over the moon.


3595 days ago

Now RSA shouts about fraudulent industrial deafness claims – ref Quindell

The Bulletin Board Morons do not seem to understand that if an Industrial Deafness case is lost Quindell (QPP) earns nothing it just incurs cost. So the mushrooming of bogus claims will not generate any cash for Quenron although it is happily accruing income on the basis that it takes on and wins 6,000 cases a month. Given that the number of claims settles has not risen above 20,000 across the while UK for many years, it is inevitable that at some stage it will have to write back all or nearly all of its accrued income from ID, prompting a profits warning. It will also mean that Quindell runs out of cash. The only question is when?

As such as a reminder of what is going on I bring you an article from The Times out today flagging up statements made by Insurance giant RSA. It reads:


3596 days ago

Quindell & Its Legal Threats to me update…all very odd but I am not gagged! Watch this space!

On 19th August 2014, Quindell’s (QPP) lawyers wrote to me giving me eight hours to agree to withdraw all articles about Quenron, sign a grovelling apology written by them ( how fucking Stalinist) and not to write again. Otherwise I was threatened with a number of measures including injunction and a libel case. I replied within the deadline that I would see the bitchez in Court.

I heard nothing until September 10th when I got another letter from a different firm of lawyers. It stressed that the original firm was still handling Gotham -  since that is nothing to do with me, do I care? – but that a new set of bully boys were now on the case. I am not allowed to report its letter since it was sent in confidence however I can report that it has withdrawn the threat of an injunction and has yet to serve me with any papers regarding an action– it is now more than a month since its first letter. That is a great pity since we could then have started the process of seeking disclosure of matters which would show quite clearly that The Quinnovation Group has indeed committed accounting fraud.


3596 days ago

Memo to Rob Terry of Quindell – You should have a chat with the King of fraud Sam Antar

It was 5 AM in the morning one day last week before I finally got to have a good long chat with Sam Antar, the FD behind one of the biggest Wall Street frauds of the 1980s, Crazy Eddies. Poacher turned gamekeeper, Sam now busts white collar crime and is an SEC whistleblower. He also blogs and tweets in a most amusing way. Have a look at www.whitecollarfraud.com  @samantar – naturally enough we discussed – at great length – Quenron (QPP).


3596 days ago

The big daddy of fraud busting Sam Antar sends tweet to Quindell

Sam Antar was at the heart of the biggest fraud on Wall Street of the 1980s – he was FD of Crazy Eddies. But he plea bargained, escaped jail and has endeavoured to set amends ever since by expositing corporate fraud, accounting wrongdoing and by assisting the SEC in fraud busting. He is THE big daddy of fraud exposure, if he goes after someone it makes my efforts or those of Gotham City seem like those of kids in the park. And yesterday he tweeted to a certain well known AIM listed British company.


3597 days ago

Do Bulletin Board Morons Ever Learn or Ever apologise – discussion with top blogger Paul Scott

It was only the other day that a Bulletin Board Moron owning shares in Naibu (NBU) referred to me as Winnifraud, accusing me of making it all up. Hey presto come Friday there were dire interims and t is clear that it is not me that is the Norfolk and the moron saw his investment slump in value by another 40%. Worse is to come as I shall reveal later today.  But this follows the same pattern as we have seen with Range Resources, Sefton, Vialogy, Globo, Quindell, Iofina, blinkx, Gulf Keystone, Outsourcery etc. etc. Folks like myself and Paul Scott, the great share blogger, point out obvious reasons to sell and all we get is abuse. Paul posted this on ShareProphets yesterday re Naibu


3597 days ago

Quindell Caption Contest - Numerous Brilliant Entries but the winner is...

Yesterday I asked you to supply captions for the cartoon below. There were numerous superb entries and it is worth checking out the comments section on the original article for a good laugh HERE. But the winner is...


3597 days ago

Secret Footage of Quindell's Accounts Department calculating Industrial Deafness Accruals

ShareProphets has obtained some secret footage of the finance team at the Quinnovation Group calculating how much to accrue for Industrial Deafness. We apologise for the fact that our video footage was shot in black and white but we hope this makes the process clearer.


3597 days ago

Quindell Prize Caption Contest - win a lunch with Tom Winnifrith

Easy peasy. To win a lunch with me on 30th September at Real Man all you need to do is supply the funniest caption for the cartoon below. Feel free to go with a non Quindell (QPP) theme but the Quinnovation Group or Quenron as it is sometimes known seems an easy target.


3597 days ago

Quindell Bulletin Board Moron and Jew hating Bigot of the week – CriminalMind aka Daveycaferacer

Posting as Criminalmind on the ShareProphets thread I am sad to see that one Quindell owning moron is not only a total moron but also a prize bigot to boot. It took me about five seconds to find out that the same poster had posted bigotry of a similar vein but under a different name on my personal blog and that as Daveycaferacer he is an active member of the pathetic QPPSAG. Do steamy & his fellow loons condone overt anti-semitism? Will they condemn one of their number for being a Jew hating bigot? 


3597 days ago

Quindell and Jonathan Stretton Knowles, or is it Jon, or Stretton-Knowles – curiouser and curiouser: More Quindell Horseshit

I flagged up HERE the very curious case of Skillwise and Jonathan Stretton Knowles. But doing some digging this becomes all the more mysterious and smelly. It really stinks even by Quindell (QPP) standards.

To recap. Skillwise was a shell company established in August 2013 and bought on the 16th of that month by someone Quindell opts not to name for £68.40 (including VAT). It had no assets and was worth £68.40 (including VAT). On September 2nd it was bought by the Quindell group via a now wholly, but then 51%, owned subsidiary by the issue of £2.77 million of Quindell shares.

Quindell stated in its ham fisted attempt to rebut some of the Red Flags


3597 days ago

Quindell – It is obvious this will end in disaster says Paul Scott & Gotham Update

I have noted before how I regard Paul Scott as the UK’s top share blogger. A trained accountant his judgement is, nearly, always bang on the money. And he is a nice chap although his recent Greek travel exploits seem a bit wishy washy to me – next time Paul fewer whinges about mosquitoes and tweets about cocktails, more frigana cutting! Anyhow, he posted a comment on Quindell (QPP) yesterday which is bang on the money and reads:


3597 days ago

Quindell Claims Victory over Gotham in libel case. Bollocks. And I shall see you in Court Bitchez

Quindell (QPP) has today declared victory in its libel case against Gotham City. As ever with Quindell it is not telling investors the real story. It has disproved none of the Gotham allegations in Court and almost none out of Court and this is why…

The case was brought in the UK Courts. Quindell knows full well that under the Speech Act passed in the US in 2010 (see here) the judgement is 100% unenforceable in the US. As such it can witter on about a hearing in November will set damages etc. But in reality it won’t be able to enforce collection of a cent. Gotham has not withdrawn its tweets or its report. Has Quindell sought to achieve that it would have had to take legal action in the US where libel laws are far more writer friendly/bully boy crook unfriendly than in the UK.


3597 days ago

Quindell – I go undercover to see just how laughable its industrial deafness numbers are

Quindell’s numbers for accrued revenue on Industrial Deafness will prove to be fantasy, in my opinion. That will mean massive writebacks of revenue and profits already booked, that all earnings forecasts are wrong and that a company threatening cash crisis is on the way by early 2015. Prompted by a former senior Quindell staffer to whom I have been speaking I went “undercover” today to show why.


3611 days ago

Quindell now in “discussions” with Companies House over subsidiary accounts – what’s it trying to hide?

So what is Quindell (QPP) trying to hide now? I guess that Rob Terry is getting a bit pissed off that I keep unearthing red flags in the regulatory filings of his 54 subsidiaries ( or is it 57, you kind of lose count). But in trying to reveal as little as possible it seems that the Quinnovation Group is now in a spot of bother with Companies House.


3611 days ago

E-mail Pest of the week & guess what he wants me to stop writing about?

Do you think that Mr Richard Woodhouse owns shares in a certain highly discussed AIM stock? I do. This charming fellow has just sent me this unsolicited email:

[email protected] 

Hopefully QPP will nail you in court and you may finally pipe down. So so boring... People are bored of the QPP thing now. Personally I think you are an attention seeker with low self-esteem. Drop a few lbs matey and lose a chin or two... you will feel a lot better about yourself and then won’t have to ruin peoples investments with your 'revelations' to make yourself feel good. Enjoy your bank holiday. 


As it happens


3611 days ago

Quindell & Himex: how many shares in itself has Quindell sold this time? And More.

The last time that the vendor of Himex sold a business to a Rob Terry run company it was sold for £50 million. At the same time certain other related businesses were lobbed into the pot and all in all it cost The Innovation Group c£60 million all in goodwill which was all written off within a year. Cosy was a cosy deal for some but not for Rob Terry believers – as explained HERE. Will it be different this time? I now refer you to the 2014 interims from Quindell and the year to March 2013 results for Himex which you can see HERE. Red Flags for lunch anyone?


3611 days ago

Quindell, the RAC, those red flag infested interims and a missing £15 million

Hat tip to poster Dalesider here on ShareProphets.com for alerting us to the fact that the Quindell (QPP) interims throw up another red flag and it concerns the much hyped deal with the RAC. Quindell says it is being restructured, I worry about the missing £15 million and wonder if the deal is in tatters as a result of Quindell’s cash crisis.

We start back in April when the Quinnovation Group (my little joke, I meant Quindell but for an explanation go HERE) announced that it was hooking up with the RAC to go into telematics.  The strict financials was that a new company was being set up – Connected Car Solutions. I quote from that release:


3612 days ago

Why does Tom Winnifrith not work for a proper newspaper rather than just blogging?

Bon, A Quindell (QPP) owning Moron, asks on this website why “If Tom Winnifrith is such a brilliant investigative journalist does he not work for a top newspaper, he is just a blogger” It is a very fair question and has a several part answer.

I start by saying that I have served my time in the mainstream press: Evening Standard, Agence France Extel and Investors Chronicle staff, freelance contributor at Mail on Sunday etc., etc. But that was then and this is now.

The first reason not to go back is that no paper would hire me. My style is to use words that are “un-paper like” such as moron, and “sucking PR cock”. Moreover newspapers – as you may have noticed – are not into investigative journalism in the way that I practice it. For their (largely failing) business models it does not make sense to pick away day by day at fraudulent companies as I do. How many frauds on AIM has the deadwood press exposed in the past year? Er


3612 days ago

Where did Quindell get its logo from? Spot the Difference Competition

Have you ever wondered where Quindell got its logo from? I think I have the answer for you in today’s spot the difference competition between the logo of Quindell and that of the satirical US website The Onion


3612 days ago

I am considering suing Antony Bowers of Quindell and Redleaf Polhill PR for libel

I have been discussing with my legal advisors the possibility of suing Quindell (QPP) chairman and RedLeaf Polhill the PR agency that drafts Quindell’s releases for libel. This is not because I seek mammoth financial redress but because PR agencies and Company executives need to understand that smearing journalists is not acceptable.

In its rebuttal of my allegations to which Bowers put his name Quindell accused me of a number of things. The onus in terms of libel is on it to prove these points


3612 days ago

Friday easy Quiz from the Sheriff – you all got it wrong: Quindell was NOT the answer…but shareholders be warned

I set what I thought was a very easy prize quiz on Friday offering to buy the winner lunch at Real Man. All you had to do was name company xxxx. You all said it was Quindell (QPP). And you were all wrong. Quindell shareholders you should be very frightened.

The task was to identify company xxxx based on two quotes. The first is how it described itself. The second was an analyst’s sell note. The quotes are:

XXXX offers market-leading solutions for insurance companies, enabling substantial cost reduction through improved efficiency of claims processing. Integration of insurers' claims systems into the downstream supply chain increases control over the whole claims process, reducing 'claims leakage' where supply chain inefficiencies generate additional costs of 10-20%.” 

 “XXXX has been highly acquisitive, undertaking 16 acquisitions and investments over the past nine months. We believe that acquisitions were undertaken at premium prices, with an implied overall multiple of 6x sales. In at least three cases, it appears that companies involved in these deals have also been customers of XXXX. The potential, as with any acquisitive company, for financial performance to be temporarily decoupled from underlying trading concerns us.”

You all said Quindell. Not quite.


3612 days ago

Quindell & LSI (2013) Ltd – lawyers are on the case

Feel like another red flag for Quindell (QPP)? Here’s the good news I have one for you! Lawyers appointed by the official receiver to LSI (2013) Ltd are now investigating its transactions with Quindell  – let’s go back to May 2013.


3612 days ago

Quindell – Another Shock Body Blow from the Government revealed: Oh dear.

What you mean Rob Terry has not told you about new Ministry of Justice Plans that will whack his medico legal business at Quindell (QPP). Well there’s a surprise. But if Rob cannot be bothered to warn you, I can.

I refer you first to an article that appeared yesterday in that much read publication “Litigationfutures.com” – what you are not an avid reader? Catch up folks. It reads:


3612 days ago

Quindell, The Skillwise Deal and Jonathan Stretton Knowles – how about Rob Terry tells us the truth this time?

Getting the truth out of Quindell (QPP) is like pulling Dragon’s Teeth. But here we go again on Skillwise Consulting, a newly formed company bought by Quindell owned Brand Extensions (run by Mark Ford) for £2.75 million on 1st September 2013. Remember the date.

I mistakenly suggested that the fellow who had trousered the £2.75 million was Ford himself. Quindell said that this was incorrect in its rebuttal of me stating that the purchase was via the issue of 1.2 million (consolidated basis) shares and explains it in full as saying it was:


3613 days ago

Quindell – The Two Questions about the interims a bull must ask

I emain ungagged despite the Orwellian legal threats made by Rob Terry & Quindell (QPP). Naturally the question I want answered by Quindell was which company was the 41% customer in 2011 – was it TMC Southern?. To see why that is critical and a potential nuclear landmine for Rob Terry read HERE. But there are two pressing questions anyone still daft enough to own Quindell shares must ask from the interims released yesterday.


3613 days ago

Quindell Interims – Accruals, selling shares it issued to itself and more in red flag feast

Who was the 41% customer of Quindell in 2011? Was it TMC which had a spare £5.5 million (more than 100% of stated PTP and cashflows) thanks to the Quindell shares it was issued with and flogged? I only ask because of a revelation regarding Quindell flogging shares it issued to itself in today’s interims. That stands out but what about those accruals? Boy oh boy. 

So earnings come in at 30p and Quindell insists that it will hit all targets. I expected nothing less. But I serve up for you a stack of red flags.


3613 days ago

Quindell Morons Smear Campaign – these people are just so incredibly stupid

I see that on the Bulletin Boards Quindell owning morons have a new smear against me from 2010. It is just a pity that they are so clueless they cannot get their facts right. Our own demented loon of a poster Kebab has happily reposted it here while the guy who sent me a death threat on twitter – James Beckwith has now moved on from bogus restaurant reviews to tweeting the failed smear to me.

Here is Mr Beckwith:

Beckers ‏@Beckers1992 


3613 days ago

Why is TMC Southern not declared as a related party to Quindell in 2011

In yesterday’s half-baked attempted rebuttal of my recent allegations against Quindell (QPP) the company inadvertently let something critical out of the bag and it now begs a quite enormous question about the 2011 accounts. I refer to TMC Southern.

I had stated that Rob Terry was old pals of the management at BASL which was bought for £8.2 million in June 2011. That is because Quindell had asserted in its original RNS:  “

"A 10 year long business relationship also exists between the vendors of BASL and key members of the company’s management team

I wrongly believed that to be Rob Terry and accept that it was not. Quindell makes clear that the 10 year relationship is with Mark Ford.


3613 days ago

How to get back to the UK from Greece – Jihadists and Ebola concern me

I am a nervous traveller at the best of times. But right now the thought of flying into London really scares me. The Mrs left today. I had to drive her half way across the Peloponnese so that she could catch a ferry to Zakynthos to get a direct flight to Bristol. But it was cheaper than a flight from Kalamata, my local airport here in the Mani, and her plane did not land at Gatwick.

Bristol gets mostly domestic, Western European and holiday flights. The Mrs can pick me up from the airport and the passport line is not three hours long.

Gatwick is a schlepp of a bus/train trek away from Bristol and I am convinced that my flight will land just between one directly in from Sierra Leone and another from Turkey packed with British born men with beards who have just spent a few months in Syria and Northern Iraq. I thus face being stuck in the passport queue with a mixture of returning Jihadists - just looking for a chap with an Israeli army T-shirt on to behead - and highly contagious Ebola virus carriers.

It is s 35 minute cab ride from The Greek Hovel to Kalamata. It is an additional five hour bus, taxi, ferry, taxi ride to Zakynthos. But the idea is growing on me.

PS The Mrs suggests that just in case there are any Quindell Moron type jihadists reading this I should not publicise my final travel plans until I have landed. As ever she is a wise woman.


3613 days ago

Quindell – where is your injunction you threatened…you see I am working on a new Himex article?

On 19th August Quindell (QPP) send me a fascistic lawyer’s letter demanding that by 4PM that day I agree to never write about it again; withdraw all articles and that I sign a letter drafted by them accepting I was wrong. If I refused to accept Quindell threatened to get an injunction to stop me writing. I said See you in Court Bitchez!

An injunction can be sought within days. It is now two and a half weeks later and no injunction has been sought? Why? Because Quindell knows that it is guilty of accounting fraud and I would win any court case. I just ask about the injunction as I am working on a major Himex article for tomorrow.

If the Quinnovation Group sought an injunction


3617 days ago

Official Request to Financial Reporting Council to investigate Quindell

Unusually among UK watchdogs and regulators the Financial Reporting Council is NOT a chocolate teapot. It has teeth. It will use them. And it will happily work with other agencies such as the FCA if they need to be drawn in. It is there to monitor accounts of all UK listed companies. I have today asked it to formally review the accounts of Quindell (QPP). The letter follows. 


3618 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard #78 – Quindell, Frigana and Bombing the Shit out of ISIS edition

I have sent in my latest video postcard and start with my new obsession chopping down the frigana at the Greek Hovel, It is all going very well and golden browning piles of the stuff now litter the property. 

I move onto Quindell (QPP) where I make it clear that the evidence of fraudulent accounting in the 2011 accounts is now explicit as I explained HERE. The question is what happens next?

Finally to the Islamofascists of ISIS and I explain why – although it may be appealing to go for the “bomb the shit out of them” option it would be a grave long term error on the part of the West.


3618 days ago

Quindell & Himex – just a bit of background

You thought Quindell (QPP) had gagged me with its threats? You misjudge me badly. When Quindell’s lawyers have read this please would they remember to ask your clients “did TMC contribute 41% of 2011 Quindell Turnover?” Think disclosure and bring on the legals, bitchez! Tomorrow I shall comment on the interims and then my wife arrives at the Greek hovel for our wedding anniversary week and I largely down tools until September. But for now I have started looking at Quindell’s biggest acquisition Himex. By way of background…

Himex was started in 2012 by Hassan Sadiq and his Mrs, Elizabeth Dawson, with a mysterious backer DCD Holdings. They invested less than £10,000 to start it up. DCD invested £4000 and its stake at the time Quindell bought out the final Himex shares was valued at £60 million


3618 days ago

CEO Fraud and Investment Decisions – Reader Poll Results

At the weekend we asked our readers for their view on CEOs who commit fraud. And yes this does refer explicitly to Rob Terry at Quindell (QPP) who really must answer the simple question posed in today’s article HERE as well as numerous others as a matter of urgency. We asked how you viewed fraud in investment terms. You said:


3618 days ago

Quindell – what Percent of 2011 sales came from the covert sale of Quindell shares? Almost 50%? And More than 100% of profits?

Quindell concedes that in 2011 one customer accounted for 41% of revenue. In Gotham City’s detailed report on Quindell (QPP) it stated that this customer was SMI Telecom. That was the one point where Quindell stated explicitly that Gotham was wrong. For indeed I bet you £5 (that is not £2 + £2, but £5 in case Rob Terry wants to take the bet) that this company was TMC Southern and that this means that 41% of Quindell’s sales were simply round-tripped proceeds of the sale of Quindell shares. Let me explain.


3618 days ago

Quindell Red Flag of the day (it’s a big one) – TMC (Southern)

Gosh this is complicated. The Quindell (QPP) relationship with TMC Southern owned by Mark Ford (see HERE and HERE) is incredibly hard to untangle but one thing is clear: the numbers just do not stack up. Annual returns and reports conflict and there is an awful lot of cash which seems to have gone somewhere? Where? Read on…

The annual report for TMC Southern for the year ended 28 April 2011 is HERE

The 2012 Annual Report for TMC Southern is HERE

Please look at the balance sheet in the 2011 report. Is there anything missing? Er…yes.


3618 days ago

Quindell Red Flag (small one) Note 20 2011 Annual report – that Chris Farrelly chap again

This is just a small Red Flag but it is a tad confusing none the less. I refer you to note 21 of the 2011 Annual Report from Quindell (QPP):

Included above within gross trade receivables due from third parties is £28,014,000 (2010: £nil) relating to debts subject to discounting. Included in other receivables is £250,000 representing the rights to the beneficial interest in 52,000 A ordinary shares in Sandbourne Systems Limited. This  expenditure  has  been  shown  in  the  cash  flow  statement  as  a  cash  outflow  in  respect  of investments.

Hang on a second


3624 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard from Tom Winnifrith #77 – Three Big Treats Edition

There were three pieces of good news for Tom this week. The arrival in Greece of his Mrs, continuing weight loss and Quindell (QPP) threatening legal action. Tom discusses the third at length in his weekly video postcard.


3629 days ago

Quindell Lawyers Letter Received – it’s Stalinist and I shall see you in Court Bitchez

I have this morning received a lawyer’s letter from Quindell (QPP) as has ShareProphets. It does not cite any specific factual errors made by me but none the less demands that I withdraw all articles on ShareProphets, put my name to an apology and admission of God knows what else drafted by Quindell and that I never write about the company again. Is this not a tad Stalinist?


3630 days ago

Open Letter to Peter Shea CEO Daniel Stewart cc AIM Regulation re Quindell & fraud

Peter Shea is CEO of Daniel Stewart a firm that listed Quindell (QPP), acted as its Nomad and broker from May 17 2011 to January 31 2012 and which was paid handsomely in cash, shares and warrants for its efforts. As Nomad to Quindell it was responsible for ensuring that it did not do things such as hand cash to pals of Rob Terry or lie to shareholders but did it do its job?


3630 days ago

Quindell Fraud and the Golden Hello Argument – 20 years in prison for Rob Terry? Simon Hall Associates…Fraud Number 7

A bull of Quindell (QPP) puts it to me that the SIX cases where I have shown that Quindell uses shareholder cash or issued shares to but worthless companies from pals of Rob Terry can be defended with the Golden Hello argument. I am afraid that “J the Bull” might simply push Rob Terry out of the frying pan and into the fire. I refer now to fraud 7 Simon Hall Associates. But I also raise the issue of potential breaches of the tax laws for which the maximum penalty for Rob Terry is 20 years inside.

Quindell itself used the Golden Hello argument when defending the Gotham City allegation that it had paid £1 million in cash to buy the shell company Simon Hall Associates on 11th May 2012. Quindell stated:


3630 days ago

Reader Poll – Is it acceptable to give shareholder cash to the CEO’s mates?

Over the past few days we have uncovered evidence that on no less than FIVE, sorry make that SIX,  occasions Rob Terry handed cash belonging to Quindell (QPP) shareholders to his mates in return for worthless assets. Does this matter? I think it does but others may disagree. What do you think? Poll closes midnight on Monday. Vote now below.


3630 days ago

The Quindell Rob Terry Fraud of the day: Sun UK Limited

This is the gift that keeps on giving. Already I have unearthed FIVE transactions by Quindell PLC (QPP) where it has bought worthless companies off mates of fraudster Rob Terry with Quindell shareholders cash or shares. I am in a good mood as I trawl through another 51 subsidiaries so here is a sixth fraudulent deal for you, meet UK Sun Limited.


3630 days ago

Fraudster Rob Terry of Quindell, the BestPriceHotDeals scandal – new revelation it gets worse

Yesterday I revealed HERE how Fraudster Rob Terry had sent £139,000 of Quindell cash helping out a mate by buying 50% of BestPriceHotDeals.com  - an almost worthless e-tailer of garden equipment – from a pal of his Mr Farrelly. I am afraid this gets worse with a new revelation.

Mr Farrelly runs an IT business Sandbourne. I now bring you its annual return HERE which lists the shareholders. Top of the list is Gillian Baker, long term Rob Terry Crony at his Lava and The Innovation Group and then head of IR at Quindell until last year. And scroll down and whoa……Mr 2+2 can = 5, Rob Terry himself is on the list.

So to get this straight:


3631 days ago

Quindell: Rob Terry Fraud of the day – BestPriceHotDeals.com Red Flag Number One Zillion

Fraud is using shareholders cash on things that do not benefit shareholders. Rob Terry at Quindell has now been shown to have spent vast sums of shareholders cash buying worthless companies off his mates. That is fraud. I have already outlined a series of fraudulent deals and here is another one – BestPricedHotDeals.com


3631 days ago

Quindell owning Moron James Beckwith moves from death threats on twitter to bogus restaurant reviews

Last week Quindell (QPP) owning Bulletin Board Moron James Beckwith told folks on twitter that he’d like to put a knife to my throat – see HERE. This week he has a new game, joining all those other Quindell owning morons who delight in posting bogus reviews of Real Man Pizza Company on Tripadvisor.


3631 days ago

Quindell and the £150,000 sweetheart deal with its lawyer Mark Hepworth – I have now contacted his employer

Earlier today I revealed that Quindell had bought a company of which the sole active director and founder was its lawyer Mark Hepworth but which had no business and is still today dormant – that company was Utility Supplier Services and is described as a firm engaged in “the distribution and supply of electricity. You can read that story HERE

I can now reveal that this company – which has never since its date of incorporation on 13 May 2011 – traded once cost Quindell £150,000 – it is in the 2011 annual report (page 53).



3631 days ago

Quindell Red Flag of the Day: Now let’s turn to Utility Supplier Services Limited and Lawyer Mark Hepworth

Quindell (QPP) Bulletin Board morons it is me again. I have been looking at another of Quindell subsidiary and it begs a few questions for you but also for the Southampton based law firm of Blake Lapthorn and Mark Hepworth a partner there. It’s another Red Flag day for Quindell.

Utility Supplier Services is described as a firm engaged in “the distribution and supply of electricity”. It was set up on May 13 2011 just after Quindell’s IPO with one active director Mr Mark Hepworth. Hepworth quit in December of that year after it was sold to Quindell for an undisclosed sum.

The odd thing is that this company appears to have never traded in its life. It has not bought or sold one single lightbulb


3632 days ago

Quindell Bulletin Board Morons – Abusing Me Strengthens Me, It won’t save you

The attacks on me from shareholders in Quindell (QPP) continue. Yesterday say them produce & circulate a defamatory video alleging inter alia that I had an undeclared short position, that my restaurant was unprofitable, that I was very ugly, that all women hated me and that the Quindell Share price was zooming ahead. How very profound. Ugly is a matter of opinion, all the other points are demonstrably untrue.

The video talked about my past career failings. As those slip further and further into history I am not sure of their relevance but I do not hide them. Funds I managed had an okay 2010 and stormingly successful 2011 but a disastrous 2012 – and I was in charge of them until April 2012. Clearly my time at Rivington was not a great success in its later stages although I am not sure that I am entirely to blame. Whatever, I lost my job and my entire net worth and was left worth minus £250,000. I have learned a painful lesson.

But that was a while back.  Heck I may be ugly but I have a stunningly pretty younger wife so you think it bothers me? I know that I have no short position in Quindell. And the Real Man Pizza Company restaurant is profitable.


3632 days ago

Formal Request to FCA and AIM Regulation to investigate whether Quindell has committed fraud

I have today written to the AIM Regulation team and to the FCA urging both bodies to investigate whether Quindell PLC (QPP) has defrauded its shareholders by paying large sums to buy either companies that have failed to generate any cash for Quindell (indeed they have burned it) or companies that were worthless shelf companies from mates of Quindell founder Rob Terry. Bulletin Board Morons might not like this but it is their company and their cash (as owners of the company) that has been spent and this needs to be formally investigated.

The Letter Reads:


3635 days ago

Quindell and the Business Advisory Service Limited Acquisition - £8.2 million more for Rob Terry’s pals

Gosh I wish I was a pal of Rob Terry’s. Then Quindell (QPP) could offer millions of quid for my business irrespective of its true value. Heck it’s only shareholders cash.  Actually that' a joke, I'd rather drink Ebola than work for Rob Terry. Earlier I reported Quindell to its auditors over a series of sweetheart deals with Terry’s pal Mark Ford. Now I turn to Business Advisory Service Limited.

This outfit was bought for £8.1 million in shares and £100,000 in cash on June 21 2011. Who were the vendors? They were old pals of Rob Terry’s. We do not know who but Quindell itself stated in the RNS:


3635 days ago

How many worthless companies has Mark Ford sold to Quindell? KPMG asked to investigate if fraud took place?

I have today written to the senior partner at KPMG, Mr Simon Collins, asking him to check whether there was undetected fraud in the 2013 accounts published by Quindell (QPP) and audited by his firm. By fraud I mean the payment of cash and shares to a long-time associate of Rob Terry to buy companies that were essentially worthless. Such payments would be fraudulent. The payments would also be fraudulent were it to be shown that the company had some value but nowhere near that paid and that the purchase price could not be justified.

The Letter Reads:

Quindell PLC audited by KPMG – has fraud occurred on your watch?

Dear Mr Collins.


3636 days ago

Quindell back to 2011 again and an easy question for Mr 2+2 can = 5

Sorry to be a pedant but I have to ask – who was Quindell’s (QPP) largest trading partner in its IPO year of 2011? Quindell has never made this clear and its use of language on the Gotham denial puzzles me. Perhaps Mr 2+2, Rob Terry, can assist? And while he is about it can he expain why he is so keen on handing over millions of quid belonging to shareholders to buy shelf companies worth £68.40 from his old pal Mark Ford ( spelt with an R) - see HERE.

That 41% of sales came from one customer is not disputed and this massive ramp up in reported sales helped turn the Country Club into what it is today. Gotham City alleged that this customer was a related party SMI Telecom. Quindell’s response was:


3636 days ago

Quindell Infamy they’ve all got it In for Me – 2 press comments of note

This is not today’s Quindell (QPP) main article, the Bulletin Board morons are going to have to wait a bit longer for today’s red flags. However I bring them a couple of press comments to keep them occupied pro tem.

The first is from the Sunday Times. I think it is self-explanatory. But I think rather shows whose side the press is on. And no I did not plant it.


3636 days ago

Red Flag of the day: Quindell And that Mark Ford fellow again – BE Insulation (UK) Ltd

I gather that my first Mark Ford article HERE has had some effect round at the Country Club. Skillwise, the shelf company with no assets bought by Quindell from (I think Mark Ford) for £2.76 million in cash on August 30th 2013 has finally appointed some directors (Rob Terry and Laurence Moose). And it has extended its year end. So I guess some revenues will be put through it and it will not be struck off. But while we are on the subject of Mark Ford, let’s move onto BE Insulation (UK) Ltd.


3637 days ago

The Unfilled threat to sue me, Evil Knievil and others – an obligation to short

During my career I have had countless letters from companies threatening to sue me for libel. Bear raider Evil Knievil has had a good few too. I am not sure how Evil is doing but I have not yet lost a case.  And have only once or twice caved by taking an article down. The behaviour of companies that resort to legal action is telling. And incidentaly those that have threatened me have nearly all, already, gone tits up.

Good companies do not attract hostile comment from folks like myself, Evil, Gotham City and other bears. We only make specific allegations of wrong doing when we can a) prove them and b) when they are material from an investment point of view. If per chance we get it wrong a good company has nothing to fear. It simply points out factual errors and we will always correct any mistakes made – well I will anyway. And a good company can afford to do – as Rob Terry of Quindell – says he is doing just sit there and “let the results do the talking.” The share price will follow suit and bears will be burned.

Bad companies respond by going to their lawyers.


3639 days ago

The Official Rob Terry & Quindell Downfall Video

All the players in the Quindell (QPP) tale are in there: Rob Terry, Laurence Moose, Mark Ford, PR girl Foxy Bex, Steamy from the ridiculous QPPSAG, Cenkos, Kevin Ashton, Daniel Stewart, Gotham City, ebola, the UKLA and Canaccord. I hope you enjoy watching as much as I enjoyed producing this video.


3639 days ago

The ethics of Rob Terry at Quindell – let’s go back to 2011 and also to his old pal Mark Ford

If you are a bull of Quindell (QPP) then that must largely be because you trust its founder, Mr 2+2 can = 5 Rob Terry. After all almost 40% of the revenue Quindell books this year will be accrued (i.e. not even invoiced but just based on what Rob Terry thinks will come in). He has bought businesses for massive prices from old friends based on what they might do (Himex and of course Brand Extension as exposed HERE yesterday).  So you trust Rob Terry.

Ok, The Innovation Group crashed as did his prior venture but you reckon he has learned his lessons and THIS time he is playing it differently. I happen to disagree. Right from the launch of Quindell onto AIM in 2011 via an RTO the then Country Club business engaged in business practices which were simply not sustainable and which – to any impartial observer – scream out Red Flag ahoy!


3639 days ago

Stanley Gibbons Property Sale – That is Real Asset backing: Buy & TNAV explained re Quindell

Stanley Gibbons (SGI) has announced it has exchanged contracts on a £4.5 million sale of its freehold property at Adelphi Terrace in London, with completion scheduled on or before 17th November. The company added that by this time all of its specialist collectibles trading and auctions divisions will be co-located at its Strand premises. 

This property rationalisation is a result of the November 2013 acquisition of Noble Investments - “improving operating efficiencies across the enlarged group”. We previously commented on substantial asset backing for the valuation – noting stock estimated to be worth over £100 million at retail prices and net cash. The 31st March 2014 balance sheet included “freehold land and buildings” of £3.13 million, so this is a further addition to asset backing. 


3639 days ago

Quindell and ANOTHER (misleading) Trading Statement as the shit hits the fan

On 14th July Quindell (QPP) issued a trading statement. Its interims are on 21 August. And so today it issues, er um yet another trading statement. Why? Because its shares are in free fall. The statement implies that all is well and the shares have clawed back some of their losses but it simply fails to deal with the bear case. My stance is still sell with a 1p target. Here is why you should view this as a selling opportunity. 

The statement says that in July targets for cash conversion, EPS, EBITDA were met and “operating cash flow” turned positive in July meaning net funds increased It reaffirms it is on target to meet forecasts but says that “Certain contracts being restructured to ensure the optimum return on cash resources but both profit and cash guidance are not dependent on any upside from these initiatives.”


3639 days ago

Quindell and that £2.75 million & £1.75 million pissed away – who is Mark Ford, the shocking tale of Brand Extensions and Skillwise

In the run up to September 30th Quindell (QPP) faces not only a critical cash crunch but also the unpleasant task of filing annual returns for a host of associate and subsidiaries and these will – I guarantee – prove to be a veritable red flag forest. The first of these reports is now in, Brand Extension, and this will shock even the #QPPSAG as they ask where shareholders cash has gone. Do Nomad Cenkos and broker Canaccord – to whose compliance department this article is going – have no qualms about this company?


3639 days ago

Quindell four times as likely to go bust as Greece, but Piers Linney an even worse bet say ShareProphets readers

At the weekend we set up a poll asking which of ten candidates were the most likely to go bust. The results are not terribly surprising save for the touching faith folks have in Greece.

Our readers said that the most likely to go bust were:


3639 days ago

Evil Knievil’s top three shorts and targets: Quindell, Mothercare and Globo

Infamous bear raider Evil Knievil believes that equity markets will have a poor next few months but his short portfolio is based on company specifics. In a conversation just now we discussed his biggest three short positions. And they are: 


3642 days ago

Today’s Death Threat on Twitter for Tom Winnifrith

nother day at the office and another cheery missive from a Quindell (QPP) shareholder who is a member of the #QPPSAG – check out the twitter feed of James Beckwith. 

James tweets: 

James lives in Basingstoke and has a lovely girlfriend Sarah Connor


3643 days ago

FCA Hushes Up Reasons why Quindell did not get premium listing but read the reasons…Ooooh er missus

As I expected the FCA has today rejected my Freedom of Information Request to discover why Quindell failed to make it off the AIM Cesspit and onto the main market. But look at its reasoning. Ooooh er missus…

The letter from the FCA Reads:

Freedom of Information: Right to know request

We refer to your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“the Act”), for information as follows :

“… ALL the reasons for the failed application and hereby under FOI request that you publish or send to me a full copy of the UKLA rejection letter sent to Quindell PLC on or about 11th June 2014”

Your request has now been considered.


3644 days ago

Quindell – A Question, an Answer and a Cut in Target Price to 1p

Today’s shock news about the RAC has sent Quindell (QPP) shares diving – they are now at 180p. The whole thing stinks. You can read my initial take HERE. But I now move on.

Quindell had stated that as of July it would be installing 50,000 black boxes with the RAC a month. By the time of its 14 July trading statement it must have known that the number installed was then NIL and would be NIL in July. Yet it did not inform investors. That is a clear breach of AIM rules.

The number is still NIL because


3644 days ago

Quindell – The Great Unravel begins: RAC deal hits the buffers: FT – Questions of (lack of) cash

The Financial Times today reports that the much heralded Quindell (QPP) deal with the RAC has stalled big time. This is the start of the great unravel for at the bottom of it all is cash. Or lack of it. The FT states:

Quindell, the UK IT outsourcing services provider, has run into trouble over one of its biggest contracts, a joint venture with the RAC to put tracking devices in cars which was aimed at revolutionising the insurance industry.


3646 days ago

Quindell – Er...Perhaps you might explain who runs Intelligent Claims Management?

I am only asking? It just seems that it appears to be two men who think that they are CEO of Intelligent Claims Management (ICM) and the company website is not terribly helpful. Perhaps – if he is not too busy digesting the latest bad news on whiplash – Mr 2+2 can = 5, Rob Terry might unmask the imposter. Oh… and answer another pesky question on shares while he is about it.

Intelligent Claims was bought for 27,083,333 (pre consolidation) shares in August 2012. The vendor was Intelligent’s founder, CEO and (with his Mrs) co-owner Karl O’Hare who stated at the time:


3646 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard #74 – Eco-loos and blowback edition

My weekly video postcard finds me sitting on my newly constructed eco-loo. More on that in a later photo article.

The main theme of this postcard is the folly of Western meddling abroad. It was the great Dr Ron Paul (pictured) who coined the term blowback. The theme runs through Iraq, Afghanistan and is now playing out in Syria, Libya and the Ukraine.

When will our leaders learn and stop lying?

The Christopher Booker article I refer to is HERE

My weekly financial video postcard covers the uncertainty of earnings where margins are apparently supra-normal. Yes this means Quindell & ASOS. I also look at why the market mood has changed. It can be viewed HERE

Tom Winnifrith has just published his new e-book, The 49 Golden Rules of Making Money from oil, gas and mining shares. You can buy it on Amazon for £6.25 or you can order a FREE copy HERE


3651 days ago

Paul Scott’s Red Flag Spreadsheet

This is a truly brilliant spreadsheet from Paul Scott, the person I rate as the UK’s top share blogger and an all-round nice guy to boot.  In saying all round this is not a reference to his figure although….  Paul does not write for this site and is fiercely independent in his views but he has graciously allowed me to publish this anyway. And so especially for followers of Quindell (QPP), Globo (GBO), Outsourcery (OUT) and a good few others…


3652 days ago

Quindell & that Canaccord Note – Just how aggressive and realistic is ID revenue recognition

How much revenue will Quindell book for Industrial Deafness work this year? And how much cash will it earn. The answer according to its own house broker Canaccord is £228.4 million (well over 25% of group sales)  and er….zippo. This begs incredibly serious questions about the revenue recognition policies of Quindell in this new, Quindell untested, area.

The Canaccord note – which you can view here until we give into Canaccord bullying and take it down – covers this issue on page 25. Its historic and forecast numbers are on a quarterly basis  summarised below


3652 days ago

Quindell and ALL the reasons for the failure to make it to the Main Market – FOI Update & questions on share sales despite lockins?

Quindell (QPP) has steadfastly refused to give ALL of the reasons why the UKLA refused to allow it to move off the AIM Cesspit – where it belongs – and onto the main market. It cited one clause of the listing rules as being “particularly” to blame but will just not say what all the reasons were. And so I submitted a Freedom of Information request to the FCA weeks ago. That was acknowledged then in a standard way.

I had expected this to be rejected but lo and behold I have just received an update email stating that it is “being considered” and apologising for delay but stating that I would get a decision “shortly.” I still expect a rejection in the end but there must now be a chance that I shall soon be publishing the reasons for the rejection in full. Oh goodie goodie…that will be fun.



3652 days ago

Quindell & Industrial Deafness – how the “industry” works and why that means Quindell’s numbers do not add up

In 2014 Quindell (QPP) will book revenue of £228 million (28% of group sales) from Industrial Deafness claims where it will generate not a cent of cash. Those revenues are based on the estimates provided by Mr 2+2 Can =5 Rob Terry and his fellow directors and will ensure Quindell hits EPS forecasts. But anyone looking at this industry must recognise that Terry is bullshitting. Here’s why. Meet The Hearing Clinic.

The Quindell assumption is that as of June it will do 6,000 cases a month. It assumes it will them all. And that it will earn £9,000 per case. Assuming a 15 month average conclusion (the industry average is 20-36 months) it is booking £6500 of revenue for EVERY case taken on within 12 months.

Last year there were less than 20,000 successful cases in the whole of the UK. That number has been static (actually falling a bit) for a while. There were however 60,000 failed cases as ambulance chasers moved into this area from whiplash.

That should tell you that Quindell has not got a hope in hell of generating 72,000 winning cases a year.

So where are the new claims coming from? 


3654 days ago

At last...I have a real fan!

You might think if you read Quindell Bulletin Boards that I have no admirers at all. But I can reveal that without doubt I now have one really great fan.  There may be more but there is one at least.


3657 days ago

Sorry to be a pedant but Quindell & Cash Collection and Canaccord (yet again)

I am sorry to be a pedant but why is it that the joint broker to Quindell (QPP) Canaccord appears to think that ithe company's projections for cash collection in the critical QLS division are wildly optimistic?

I refer to page 25 of the recent note from Canaccord - you can download it HERE pro tem, before Canaccord bully us into taking it down.

Now according to Mr 2+2 can = 5, Rob Terry, in the recent trading statement:


3660 days ago

Quindell Bulletin Board Morons of the Day – Surely if Darwin was correct these folk wouldn’t exist?

As I wait for a new video to be sent back to London I check out the abuse I am getting from Quindell (QPP) shareholders on twitter and on this website. I am struck by just how stupid some of our fellow human beings are. You really wouldn’t want many Quindell shareholders on your pub quiz team would you? 

First up is James Beckwith who besides glorifying in the bogus crap reviews posted online about my restaurant (hmmm if trade goes down which it is not, I sack a waitress – what does that achieve chaps?) seems to believe that the precipitous collapse in Quindell’s share price is down to me?

I am flattered that this idiot thinks that I am at the heart of a global conspiracy and have so much power. These folks alternate between “bigging me up” and in the next breath saying I am a failed tipster, human being etc. and that no-one listens to me. Well make your mind up folks. Mr Beckwith tweets: 


3660 days ago

I may be fat but will not be soon, you will always be a moron

And so I replied to a Quindell (QPP) shareholder who tweeted the constructive suggestion that I was a bit of a fatty. Fair cop I am. I have put on a few pounds over the past two years since hitting fighting weight in the summer of 2012. I blame married life, owning a restaurant with great food, having to drink with Zak Mir etc., etc.

However, I am now back in Greece and on a truly Spartan regime. There is the weight loss caused by manual labour in the sun at the Greek Hovel I cannot say that in the UK I do much manual labour in the sun or otherwise. There are the pounds shed as I pace the one secure room in the hovel late at night wander what on earth is making all those noises outside.

I have not had a drink in ten days


3660 days ago

Quindell & Himex – More Questions: can a Bulletin Board Moron assist with answers?

Oh gosh this is complicated. Perhaps I am just a bit stupid and a Bulletin Board Moron can assist with answers to the questions about Quindell’s (QPP) relationship with Himex because it is all jolly complicated. Let’s start in July 2013 when Quindell bought a 19% stake in Himex for £1.8 million in cash and 64.8 million shares. Easy...

We maybe not because Quindell stated that the shares were issued so that “Himex will use the investment to accelerate growth”. That is Quindell speak for the shares were issued not to the owners of Himex but to Himex itself.

Now I note that as of the recent trading statement Himex was a subsidiary but Quindell had ZERO shares held in Treasury. 

As at July 2013 Himex


3661 days ago

Waiting for the storm in Kambos

I popped into Kambos to meet a nice couple from Somerset who first bought here seven years ago and who had a few handy hints on dealing with our Greek friends. We chatted about the locals about olive grove tending – to water or not to water and about other matters. As I was in the village I thought I’d use the Kourouni taverna wi-fi to send videos back to London.  But it seems as if a storm is brewing.

The sky is dark and it is just five O’Clock. The air feels fresher having been stifling all day and the thunder is rolling in. I can see flashes of lightening. How long before it breaks and we are deluged with rain? How will that affect the track back to the hovel? But will the roof leak if I am inside the Greek hovel? I guess the conversation about watering the olives is now a little redundant.  On balance I shall sit it out in the taverna as I have a stonking new Quindell piece to complete before tomorrow.


3662 days ago

Ref Avanti Communications, Globo, Quindell, blinkx etc LISTEN to Vin Murria in this video

And so Avanti Communications (AVN) has served up a duff trading statement as we warned you 9 days ago in our top 10 stocks to short feature HERE.  Which tech dud will be next? Globo (GBO), Quindell (QPP) - ref Himex or perhaps blinkx (BLNX)? Again! To understand how to make money from tech stocks listen to the maestros in the video below from UK Investor Show, notably Vin Murria, the Queen of tech who is on top (outspoken) form.


3662 days ago

Why did Quindell not issue an H2 2013 profits warning? Back to that Canaccord Note – can someone explain?

Quindell (QPP) did not issue an H2 profits warning for 2013. Instead it hit targets and managed to get away a £200 million equity raise. Without that cash it would have gone bust in January. But my attention is drawn to the recent Canaccord buy note (page 18) which begs the question of just how Mr 2+2 can =5, Rob Terry, managed to hit his numbers and avoid a profits warning.

Around two thirds of Quindell’s reported profits in 2013 came from Quindell Legal Services (QLS) with the number very heavily second half weighted. And in 2013 nearly all of Quindell’s business was RTA related. Now read what the Canaccord note (remember Canaccord is joint broker so “onside”) states:


3663 days ago

Quindell – Canaccord talking utter cock on PT Healthcare – raising more red flags

Oh dear. How Canaccord must wish that it still had a proper analyst covering Quindell (QPP). But Kevin Ashton asked too many hard questions of Rob Terry and so found himself on gardening leave. His replacement – Arun George – published a 54 page note yesterday (slashing his target price by 70% and slashing earnings forecasts – see HERE) but absolutely tied himself in knots on PT Healthcare. This is a shambles from the house broker and begs even more questions.

Arun states on PT:


3664 days ago

Quindell – Just a few other things to mention – target still 20p: SELL

Having slept on the matter I am more than happy to retain my sell stance and 20p target on Quindell after yesterday’s trading statement. On the basis of Quindell adjusted earnings and cashflow forecasts the shares rocketed yesterday but I have more questions than ever and I see the shares are falling steadily today as serious investors start to ask serious questions. My core concern remains cash as I explained yesterday HERE

I note that all those folks tweeting me yesterday with #QPP or #QPPSAG saying what a prat I was and pointing out how the shares were soaring have yet to tweet me to flag how they are falling today. How odd. I would urge you to read the piece I posted earlier on various press comments as that should raise real concerns if you are a Quindell shareholder. That can be viewed HERE

My new issues to raise.


3664 days ago

Quindell – Three ( make that 4) critical pieces of press comment you might have missed

You think I am the only bear of Quindell (QPP)? Think again. I draw your attention to some press comment from the past 24 hours and in one case the comments section below. Read all this you bulls and tell me that this is a “sleep sound” investment.

Let’s start with the Law Gazette. Its reporting of the results is anodyne but look at the comments below. And yes these are lawyers speaking. Read the comments and assure me that as a Quindell shareholder you still have 100% faith in the sustainability of the current business model.


3664 days ago

Canaccord slashes Quindell target price by 70%, cuts EPS forecasts – but says BUY in 54 page note

What happened to Kevin Ashton the Canaccord analyst who refused to publish a buy note on Quindell (QPP)? He was put on gardening leave. A new gopher is in place and he has resumed coverage with a buy stance (quelle surprise as Canaccord is joint broker) and 354p target. That is a 70% cut in target price. Earnings forecasts for 2014 and 2015. It would be fair to say the Mr Ashton would have regarded such a target price as wildly optimistic. Perhaps that is why Canaccord suspended him.

And new analyst Arun George serves up a caveat or two. Try this one


3665 days ago

Quindell the Trading Statement - SMTM

Suddenly bulletin board morons tweet me in a way that suggests they need to up the medication urgently. Quindell (QPP) shares have leapt by 33% or more to 244p on the back of a trading statement. Those folks who lambasted me for being bearish at 250p and above reckon I have lost all credibility, blah, blah, blah. Whatever… The statement reads well. Superficially – that is to say if you just look at Quindell defined EBITDA, sales (including huge accruals) and EPS numbers. But I have a number of issues and remain a seller with a 20p target and here is why…


3666 days ago

Quindell & Himex – The Valuation does not stack up says Industry Veteran

Quindell (QPP) values its 85% stake in its Himex operation at $240 million. Well that is what it paid and in the balance sheet that sits almost entirely as goodwill. Quindell has made great claims about Himex but do they stack up. I think they do not. And here is why.

A poster posted this on ShareProphets yesterday in the comments below THIS ARTICLE. I have spoken to the man and cross referenced and his credentials are impeccable. He is actively involved in telematics in two US states and is a veteran of the market. He writes:


3667 days ago

Quindell & Himex – That Nasty Delaware Court case

You may well have seen this before but in case you have not, you may want to have a butchers at this court case filed in Delaware in March this year against Himex, its directors and Quindell (QPP). You will no doubt be aware that the founder of Himex was Rob Terry’s business partner in his first (failed) large scale business venture, then sold his next business to The Innovation Group (TIG) when run by Rob Terry – it was a write off.

Then he set up Himex.


3667 days ago

New Reader Poll: What will the Quindell Share Price be at Christmas?

Are ShareProphets readers as bearish about Quindell (QPP) as our writers? We just wondered what you thought. So before you vote here’s some guidance.

I am the most bearish published writer with a 20p target price (although I am considering a downgrade). Heroic Gotham City has


3668 days ago

Financial Journalism should be accurate not balanced – yes this is ref Quindell (and blinkx, etc.)

I note that the FT is now getting it in the neck from Bulletin Board Morons for running articles on Quindell (QPP) and other POS Aim stocks which are deemed not to be “balanced.” Welcome to the club ladies and gentlemen.

Financial journalists should take a view on any given stock. If a publication served up a stream of articles concluding “we don’t know” or “hold” then you have to ask what is the point? We should say whether any stock is going to go up or down.

If a publication consistently gets it wrong then market forces will dictate that it perishes. No-one will bother to follow its advice or read it and it dies. Those whose who take a view and get it right more often that they get it wrong (no-one apart from Bulletin Board Morons gets it right ALL the time) will survive and flourish.

Financial journalists have a duty


3668 days ago

Cenkos, Canaccord, Daniel Stewart all say buy Quindell but do they mean it? Er……

Cenkos, Canaccord and Daniel Stewart are the three City firms that have made most money from listing Quindell (QPP), advising it and helping it raise cash. For these three City firms Quindell has been an enormous money spinner. And the last published research reports from these three fine houses all advise investors to BUY Quindell stock with price targets a multiple of where the shares are now. But ….

While these firms want their clients to buy shares in Quindell as it keeps the gravy train on the road would these firms risk their own capital investing in the company? Facts speak louder than words.

I start with Daniel Stewart.


3668 days ago

AIM Awards 2014 – Nominate Kevin Ashton NOW for the Quindell note he did not publish & humiliate Canaccord

This October the Crony Capitalists who make money from AIM will gather to celebrate another year of making money as Nomads, brokers, PR advisers, lawyers and overpaid directors at a lavish awards dinner. The poor investors whose wealth has been transferred to the crony capitalists will not need to get their DJ’s cleaned as awards for “excellence” are handed out. But if any pissed off peasants want to revolt we suggest you nominate now for research of the year Mr Kevin Ashton.

Mr Ashton was a star analyst at Canaccord - the firm that sponsors this particular award and which earns big fees acting for Quindell (QPP). Mr Ashton refused


3668 days ago

Post the Gowex fraud, Gotham City new attack on Rob Terry and Quindell

In the wake of its 5 day kill of 1.4 billion Euro capitalised fraud Gowex, Gotham City Research has renewed its attack on Rob Terry and Quindell (QPP). It has not before used a five letter word beginning with F in connection with the AIM posterboy. It has now.


3668 days ago

Quindell: The SEVEN Critical PT Healthcare Questions it STILL WON’T ANSWER!

Why oh why will Quindell (QPP) not answer these SEVEN critical questions about the acquisition of PT Healthcare? What is it not telling us? Over to you Mr 2+2 can = 5: answers please. Or maybe broker Killik might care to answer these questions before urging its clients to buy? Perhaps analyst Kevin Ashton of Canacord might care to answer? Oh no...he's not there any more, I do wonder why?

By way of background PT Healthcare first came onto our radar on September 26th 2013 when Quindell bought an initial 26% stake in what was described as “leading provider of healthcare and rehabilitation services with over 100 physiotherapy and rehabilitation clinics across Canada.” Quindell insisted that the deal was “highly accretive “as EBITDA in the year to March 31 2013 was c $7.7 million. Hmmm –one senses the I number since all clinics are owned on leases – was rather large.


3668 days ago

Killik – Buy Note on Quindell at 211p

For the avoidance of doubt I think this note from broker Killik is unmitigated drivel. Quindell (QPP) has not answered a number of key Gotham points. Quindell’s cashflow looks incredibly weak. Killik refers to a “number” of Red Flags. There is a very large number. As to major shareholders doing Due Diligence, I guess they did with Gowex too. Maybe Killik can explain how many shares Quindell issued to itself to buy PT Healthcare and how many it has dumped without telling us? Anyhow in the interests of balance I bring you a buy note from Killik. My stance remains sell with a 20p target. Killik writes:


3668 days ago

Would I prefer rats or snakes in my bedroom? Report from the Greek Hovel Number 1

As you know I am this summer starting the reconstruction of a Greek hovel snapped up by the Mrs. Please do not regard this as an investment. There is more chance of making money from Quindell (QPP) shares than from buying hovels in Greece. Actually that’s a lie. There is zero chance on both counts.

I shall post updates all summer of my progress but I start with the news I received two days before arrival. That is to say that our lovely estate agent Susan from The Real Mani ( who - as her name suggests comes fro an Isle of Man family) reported back on Tuesday that when visiting the hovel she had encounter a rat in the only room that is (vaguely) habitable – the room henceforth known as my bedroom for the summer.

Hmmmmm. I try to look on the bright side. If there are live rats in my bedroom at least it means that the snakes have not managed to penetrate that part of the building. Things can only get better from here.


3673 days ago

Rob Terry Of Quindell is a 2 + 2 can = 5 Person…It's Official..Really

I am sorry to go on but I could not resist this gem. If you ever wondered how Rob Terry and Quindell (QPP) managed to capture between 75% and 150% (depending on which stats you use) of the UK Industrial Deafness market from a standing start just ask Rod Cameron, “Executive Assistant to the Founder and Chairman of Quindell PLC.” Ooooh er missus.


3673 days ago

Quindell: Damned if I comment, damned if I don’t – Fidelity ups stake so what?

If I comment on Fidelity increasing its stake in Quindell (QPP) I am damned as an obsessive. If I say nothing I am damned as a coward. So I am damned either way but for what it is worth…

Fidelity – one of the three institutional holders of Quindell has today announced that it has increased its stake by 199,644 shares.  That takes its holding to exactly 10% requiring it to issue an RNS. That has caused the shares to spike to 214p as Bulletin Board Morons see this as a vote of confidence. Whatever. As Fidelity’s quarterly performance is reviewed today that will help a bit.

If Fidelity really believed in this company 


3673 days ago

Quindell – Sorry to be a pedant but Mr 2+2 can = 5 seems to have forgotten to issue some more shares

To forget to issue shares which you said you were issuing once is arguably excusable. To forget to issue shares that you said you were issuing a second time starts to look like carelessness. Why oh why do the vendors of businesses to Quindell (QPP) not seem to care that they are not being issued with the shares they are owed. I forced a statement on this matter with PT Healthcare (see here) now I turn to Iter8.


3673 days ago

Quindell owning Twitter Moron says “I have the money to shut Tom Winnifrith up”

Quindell (QPP) owning twitter moron Keith Allen does not like what I say about the company. And his response appears to be overt threats. For the avoidance of doubt I do not respond to threats and will not be cowed into silence.

I bring you today’s trail with starts with a general tweet to those who choose to follow me, from me. The rest is self-explanatory.


3673 days ago

AIM Cesspit Awards 2014 Results & Dinner

The Sheriff of AIM is feeling rather fragile today in the wake of the AIM Cesspit awards dinner. Do not expect a great deal of output from me today. I had a good time and think that others did too. The wine and beer flowed freely, Evil Knievil and Lucian Miers gave good talks and David Lenigas pitched in with his thoughts on Nomads. A brave Quindell (QPP) shareholder turned up and was teased a bit but took it well. But you want to know who won.

The Winners


3673 days ago

Sorry to be a total pedant but has Quindell been selling shares in itself on the quiet?

I am sorry to be a bore but I have another question about Quindell (QPP) and shares. Yesterday I asked if it had issued 6,666,666 shares to itself to buy shares to increase its stake in PT. It has not answered THAT question. Before that I wondered why it had not issued shares for iter8. It has not answered THAT question. Now I ask if Quindell has been dumping shares in itself without letting us know?  I cannot believe that it has but perhaps Quindell might clarify this matter too.

In the annual report (page 69 Note 1) Quindell States:


3673 days ago

Quindell the most likely company to sue Tom Winnifrith: Reader Poll and Tom’s Response

Last week we asked readers to vote on which company they thought would be next to send a lawyer’s letter to myself, Tom Winnifrith. The readers have spoken clearly - exactly half of those taking part think that Quindell (QPP) is about to piss its shareholders cash away with a legal threat.


3673 days ago

Gowex – Gotham City gets a Euro 1.4 billion KILL after 5 days – Now back to Quindell?

When Gotham City published its damning report on Quindell (QPP) supporters of Rob Terry’s firm were quick to rubbish Gotham as a two bit operation with conflicted interests which did not know what it was talking about. On July 1st Gotham turned its fire on Gowex a US and Spanish listed firm with a market capitalisation of Euro 1.44 billion saying that its shares – then Euro 19.91 were worth zero. Today the CEO has admitted that it was all a fraud and the company has gone bust. It took just Five days.

Of course Gowex initially denied all of Gotham’s charges. It said that Gotham had got ait all wrong, reporters were briefed that Gotham was conflicted and it noted “The independent stockbroker analysts have published target prices ranging from €17 to €31 per share. The market consensus is at a value of €23.97 per share.” Hmmm might be some downgrades (to zero) tomorrow I suspect.

Yup six brokers all loved the stock (including Singer N+1 from London).  So when folks tell you a stock must be a buy because respected brokers say so just think of Gowex.

And of course Gowex was going to sue Gotham for libel – see HERE – so when a company says it is going to sue a bear


3673 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard #70 – Off to The Greek Hovel & The Political Paedophile Cover Up Edition

This may be my last video postcard for a while. The Mrs has bought a hovel in Greece and I am off late on Thursday night to start its renovation. It really is a hovel and right now has no internet and is a 15 minute drive from the nearest habitation. But I will work hard on getting connected ASAP.

And then I shall keep you updated on gripping matters such as the construction of an eco-loo and a humanure system and on bush clearance and digging out an earth floor or tow. Oh.. and on the snake situation.

From humanure I turn to the Westminster paedophile cover-up. It is a cover up and everyone on Fleet Street knows who is being protected and why the ripples could spread far and wide.  The age of those directly involved is no defence as I explain.

My weekly financial video postcard starts with a discussion of those bears who have attacked Quindell (QPP) and blinkx (BLNX) inter alia. Tom explains why they need to be more transparent. Having said that, I also explain why bears play such a key role in protecting investors on AIM. This video can be watched HERE


3677 days ago

Has Quindell issued shares “to itself” again? Time to come clean on PT Healthcare

We still await answers from Quindell (QPP) on why it has apparently NOT issued shares it said it would for the purchase of iter8 (see HERE) but now attention turns back to PT Healthcare where the questions mount by the day. But will Quindell answer them. And if not why not?

I revealed in June that Quindell had not actually issued 6,666,666 million shares to increase its stake in PT on March 28th as it had said it had done. Belatedly Quindell then issued the shares but lied as it did so see HERE. But to whom did it issue those shares?

We pointed out that the original tranche of shares issued to PT were not issued to the vendors but to PT itself (which is controlled by Quindell because Quindell has an option to go to 100%, now owns 49% and is also providing the funding to keep PT going) PT appears to have sold some of those 31.5 million shares (pre consolidation numbers) last Autumn without Quindell telling us as I pointed out HERE.

So to whom were the second tranche of shares issued? To the vendors of PT or to PT itself. Put another way has Quindell issued shares to itself? 

Page 85


3680 days ago

Weekly Caption Contest – Goats in the Olive Groves Edition

No prizes for last week’s contest as the standard of entry too low. Jon Pickles where for art thou? To be honest my mind is a bit of a blank. As I describe in the Tomograph this week I am a bit frazzled as I work 28 hours a day ahead of a summer clearing trees and installing basic sanitation in the hovel in Greece that the Mrs has bought. And so my mind wanders to three months sitting in the hovel pondering how to get the eco-loo and humanure system up and running and watching the world go by at a Greek pace of life.

I shall naturally relay the full details of how a humanure system works to you all exclusively on this website. It will be gripping reading I assure you.

And so in that vein, I invite you to post suitable captions for the picture below in the comments section beneath this article. The deadline is next Friday night.

For what it is worth my mind is so frazzled that the best I can come up with is a rather predictable:

“Hey we are goats not sheep, the Quindell AGM is in the next field.”


3680 days ago

Watch Evil Knievil, Matt Earl and Lucian Miers on video at the UK Investor Show 2014 – how right they were

You may not like short sellers but the bear raider panel at the UK Investor Show 2014 called things right on a range of stocks from blinkx (BLNX), to Globo (GBO), to Quindell (QPP) as you can see in the video below. Evil Knievil, Lucian Miers and Matt Earl (The Dark Destroyer) have all promised to return for another main stage masterclass at UK Investor Show 2015 on April 18.

The 2015 show will also feature Nigel Wray, Paul Scott, Ed Croft, Mark Slater, Ben Edelman, Amanda Van Dyke, Dominic Frisby, and Vin Murria – in fact 50 big name speakers. Tickets are now on sale at £60 (Golden Ticket) and £12 (Investor ticket).

But you can buy early bird tickets at a 50% discount up until midnight tomorrow (Monday 30th June) HERE.

The 2014 video is below…


3680 days ago

Quindell – Industrial Deafness: Humouring a Bull but the Maths still Don’t Stack Up

I am urged by various bulls to reconsider my questions on Quindell with reference to data provided by the Institute of Actuaries on Industrial deafness. I have referenced that data and it bears out my thesis 100% in that it shows that there is not a cat in hell’s chance of Quindell hitting its target of 72,000 cases a year settling at £9,000 + on average.

A bull posted on the comments thread:

I suggest you read this. Very interesting and numbers are rising and well above the 20,000 you quote. If you look back as well they were peaking at 85,000. Could we be returning to those days. Most likely given this is probably the new whiplash.

Okay Mr Bull lets go to the paper from the actuaries which you can find here – pages 44 and 45 are what to look at.


3680 days ago

Quindell: Buy, sell or hold? The answer will NOT surprise you

On 15th May I asked whether Quindell at 20p (300p in today’s money was a buy sell or hold? I concluded that the odds were that 20p (old money) was probably the right price but the truth was I did not know. It was not a share one had to own. In light of a series of new facts, I have changed my mind and my target price is now sub 20p ( new, post-consolidation, money).

My conclusion in the first piece you can read HERE was:

So if you hold the shares do you carry on holding? Well again if you say that you have a 80% chance of making 10% and perhaps a 10% chance of making 100% + but also an outside chance of making MINUS 95%. Is that really the best home for your money? On a risk reward basis there have to be better homes.  This is not a stock one has to own. As a cautious soul I think I’d rather sit on the side-lines and watch events unfold until there is more clarity one way or t’other. 

So what has changed?


3680 days ago

Quindell and Silverbeck Rymer - Oh how interesting

My attention is drawn to an article in the Daily Mail from 2011 which I suggest that all Quindell (QPP) followers might wish to consider. Back in June 2012 Quindell bought Silverbeck Rymer for £12 million in cash and 96.666667 million Quindell shares.


3681 days ago

Quindell - Are you listening: Can you please verify your Industrial Deafness claims

Quindell (QPP) announced just before its AGM a mammoth and instantaneous change of business in its largest division (Quindell Legal Services, QLS) a – shift into industrial deafness. I find its numbers startling and would like to know the assumptions that it makes to justify its claims.

Quindell has claimed that as of June it will be generating 75% of divisional profits ( and QLS is 75% of group profits) by processing 6,000 deafness claims a month on which it will earn an average fee of £9,000 with most cases settling in 9-12 months. It says that it will source business from clinics who do an initial pre-screen. Okay. That sounds great. Until you start talking to folks who have been operating in this sector for years. Which I have been doing all day.


3681 days ago

Quindell – What happened to Indoor Golf City?

What was Indoor Golf City? And what has happened to it? Just another little nagging question for Quindell (QPP).

I refer you to the 2012 annual report where we see that Rob Terry earned £890,000 but also that:


3681 days ago

Quindell – Small Scale Director Share Purchases mean Jackshit – In fact they are a sell signal

Rob Terry has today announced that he has bought £31,667 worth of shares in Quindell (QPP) at £1.90. Yesterday the new CEO bought a few shares. These purchases are all PR – designed to restore investor confidence in shares that are tanking. It is a smokescreen. This is a sell signal and here’s why.

£32,000 is peanuts for Terry. Remember that in 2013 Rob earned £1.32 million (including a £720,000 bonus). In addition as disclosed in the accounts “During the year, the Group made sales of £1,000 to, and purchased goods and services totalling £77,000 and fixed assets of £90,000 during the year from Advance Data Simulations Limited, a company controlled by R Terry.”  I have no idea what all that is about but I suggest to you that £32,000 is small beer for Terry.

We have been here before. 


3683 days ago

Quindell and my/our alleged Vendetta – Just putting the record straight with some facts

Some Bulletin Board Morons seem to think that this website obsesses and has a vendetta against Quindell (QPP). Well just to reassure the Rob Terry worshipping freaks out there, here are some stats.

During the past year this website has written articles on 645 different companies one of which is Quindell.

Of the 3,671 articles just 83 have featured Quindell – that is 2.2%.  On an average day on the ADVFN Bulletin Boards between 7 and 8% of all posts are about Quindell.


3683 days ago

Quindell & PT Healthcare part 2 – more questions

Over the weekend I asked why Quindell had NOT issued 100 million shares to increase its stake in PT healthcare on March 28 as it had said that it had done? It answered that today by finally issuing the shares and telling a lie. I then fired over more questions on PT which Quindell refuses to answer.

On 26 September 2013 Quindell stated that it had bought a 26% stake in PT by issuing 31,551,270 shares. But strangely it seems not to have issued the shares to the owners of PT but to PT itself which was – by dint of monies leant to PT by Quindell and by dint of the option agreement to buy the other 74% - deemed as being controlled as of September 26th by Quindell.

This is odd.


3683 days ago

Mr Contrarian is a Genius – A Song for Quindell

Blogger Mr Contrarian is our official genius of the day with his Song for Quindell (QPP). This should be sung to the tune of Michelle by The Beatles.

Given that he is such a total genius we recommend that you check out his blog HERE and follow him on twitter @MrContrarian 

Quindell, a sell
These are words that go together well
Quindell, a sell


3686 days ago

Quindell Freedom of Information Request made to UKLA regarding failed move to main market

This article on Quindell (QPP) should be self-explanatory. I have this morning made a Freedom of Information Request to the FCA/UKLA regarding the failed attempt by Quindell (QPP) to make it onto the main list and off the AIM Cesspit. The reasons given for the failure in the RNS of 11th June and the AGM Q&A on 19th June 2014 seem to differ. I would like this matter cleared up once and for all and argue that it is in the public interest that it should be.

My request submitted today reads:


3686 days ago

A formal Request to the FCA & AIM regulation regarding Quindell and Cenkos regarding the PT lie

The rules of AIM are pretty simple and are based on the underlying principle that you cannot tell a blatant lie to investors. To do so is arguably market abuse and it is certainly a breach of AIM rules. If the AIM Cesspit is to have any credibility those who break the rules must be punished and punished publicly. I have therefore written this morning to both the FCA and to AIM Regulation asking both to launch an urgent investigation into both Quindell PLC (QPP) and its Nomad Cenkos after today’s PT healthcare RNS farce/lie.

The letter follows.

Dear Sirs.

As a great supporter of the work you do to retain the high standing of the AIM casino I feel duty bound to bring to your attention the activities of Quindell PLC and its Nomad Cenkos. To issue statements via RNS or in an annual report which are not true


3686 days ago

Quindell tells a blatant and demonstrable lie today – re PT

Quindell (QPP) has today issued an RNS which is a blatant and demonstrable lie. Go on sue me Rob Terry – your company has lied. The issue is the 100 million shares it was meant t have issued to increase its stake in PT healthcare from 26% to 49.9% on March 20 2014. Over the weekend I pointed out that it had in fact NOT issued these shares as it claimed in its prelims and annual report HERE.

Today Quindell has stated (the underline is mine): 


3687 days ago

Quindell Red Flag of the Day – About those missing 100 million PT Healthcare shares?

As you know I am thick as two short planks and so I am sure that there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for what appears to be another red flag in the ever growing red flag forest at Quindell (QPP). Perhaps a Bulletin Board moron out there can enlighten me regarding the missing 100 million shares? 

On 26 September 2013 Quindell announced that it had bought 26% of PT Healthcare by issuing 31,551,270 shares. Do not worry about what it does, Rob Terry told us that it would be earnings enhancing so that’s alright. Quindell said that it had an option to buy the rest of PT for 242 million more shares which lapsed on April fool’s day 2014.

Now please turn to page 18 of the Quindell Annual Report which must be an accurate document sine it is signed off by KPMG. On that page Rob Terry states that:


3688 days ago

Bulletin Board Moron of the Week: IfonlyIknew (LSE –Quindell board)

The global conspiracy theorists are at it again. Clearly Quindell (QPP) shares are falling only because of the concerted and organised attack involving myself, Gotham City, EvilKnievil and no doubt Mossad and numerous others. Nothing whatsoever to do with the numerous red flag, the industrial deafness numbers that don’t stack up, the UKLA rejection, etc., etc. The Bulletin Board Moron of the week, IfonlyIknew on the LSE Quindell thread serves up a classic.


3688 days ago

Exclusive: Quindell: Evil Knievil, The Lawyers Letters and the FCA

Post the report from Gotham City on Quindell (QPP) the colourful insurance come technology come country club company made great play of how it had issued a number of lawyer’s letters to those involved in what it saw as a “co-ordinated attack”. One recipient of such a letter was bear raider Evil Knievil.

Mr Knievil had not at that point spoken to Gotham and filed his letter from Quindell’s uber-expensive City lawyers in his dustbin. He has not responded. Two months later Quindell has not sent him another missive.  Come on Rob Terry this is poor form.


3689 days ago

Quindell – what do lawyers think of Rob Terry's maths? My target price is adjusted

I think you know what I think of Quindell (QPP) but to take account of the share consolidation I have now adjusted my target price…to a hell of a lot lower than it is today!. But what do you think that the UK's lawyers make of its various announcements of late?

My attention is drawn to the must read publication The Law Gazette. 


3689 days ago

Quindell – 1 Himex Question Answered, but a new one posed and a new er..untruth revealed

Yesterday I posed a number of questions about the purchase of a 19% stake in Himex in July 2013 by Quindell (QPP). Thankfully one question – has been answered by folks who are not Bulletin Board Morons. But that throws up another question and – having slept on it – I realise that I missed out one er…untruth - from that July RNS.

The original article is HERE.

The question answered is how come Quindell did not issue any shares to buy the stake (as per annual report) when it claimed it was paying £9.5 million via 64.8 million shares and £1.8 million in cash?


3689 days ago

Quindell: Who is right? It or the ONS (The Government) – those industrial deafness statistics

One of the reasons that Quindell (QPP) had its application for a main market listing canned by the UKLA was that its business had changed so quickly. We are still waiting for Quindell boss Rob Terry to tell us ALL the reasons for his regulatory rejection.  But the speed of change at the main “profits” generator Quindell Legal Services is breathtaking. Numbers presented to City analysts yesterday leave me utterly baffled. I am, of course, thick as two short planks - perhaps a Bulletin Board Moron might care to explain it all to me.

Back in August 2013 


3689 days ago

Quindell Bans Media from AGM but I guess 1 Journalist will be there…The Sheriff of AIM

What has Rob Terry got to hide from the press? It is reported that the Quindell (QPP) boss has banned the media from attending tomorrow’s AGM shoot-out. Why on earth would he do that? Perhaps he does not want press reports of institutions questioning him on corporate governance? Or nasty questions about how Quindell projections do not tally with Government data (see my exclusive of earlier today) or perhaps it is questions about the UKLA debacle, the 2012 accounts restatements or untrue RNS statements that he would rather Fleet Street did not pick up on. But…


3689 days ago

Quindell AGM -Pre shoot-out video

Ahead of the Quindell (QPP) farce of an AGM today, I recorded a short video with a few thoughts and questions for the company.


3689 days ago

Quindell AGM - they exclude the Sheriff of AIM from AGM Video

I showed my Contract Note. Quindell (QPP) knows that I am a shareholder but they would not let me in. The shares are in a nominee account. PR Bird Foxy Bex was there and she knew it was all kosher. They had a shareholder register with me on it. They could have let me in but did not. Why cannot Rob Terry face tough questions?


3689 days ago

Quindell AGM: The FT and the Sunday Times also excluded

My new best pals are Henry from the FT and investigative business reporter John from the Sunday Times. They too were both excluded from the Quindell (QPP) AGM.

Neither had ever been excluded from an AGM before. Both are pissed off


3689 days ago

Quindell AGM Video 4 - Final Thoughts from the Street

And then myself and the chaps from the FT and the Sunday Times were also booted out of the building. Not even allowed to wait to interview folks coming out of the AGM or management as they left. Why is Quindell (QPP) running so scared?


3689 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard #68 - free speech and the intolerance of the left edition

I return to the dual themes of free speech and the intolerance of the left when it comes to dissent in this week’s video postcard.

I have had to record early when too tired after Thursday’s Quindelliferous day in order that Darren can get away to celebrate his wedding anniversary. But the message should still be clear.

If you support free speech feel free to come along to the AIM Cesspit awards dinner at Real Man in Clerkenwell on 30th June with myself, Evil and Lucian. Tickets can be bought for £40 HERE

My weekly financial video postcard looks at the way that Quindell deals with the press and analysts. It is almost unparalleled in my 25 year career and it can be viewed HERE


3689 days ago

Quindell – what did anyone actually learn at the AGM?

Thanks to Quindell (QPP) excluding me and also the Fleet Street guys there were very few questions at the AGM which would have troubled Rob Terry greatly. What did we actually learn from what went on there and from the accompanying trading statement?

One thing I learned is that Fleet Street is now very bearish on this company. PR bird Foxy Bex now refuses to answer any tough question she is posed whether being harangued by me on video or asked politely by the nationals. The FT, The Times and the Sunday Times all sent reporters to the AGM and all were turned away. I spoke to all three yesterday and they are not bullish. The editor of Questor on the Telegraph is a total bear. He did not turn up at the AGM because when he tried to go to the last “Teach-In” he was barred. What is Quindell so afraid of?


3689 days ago

Quindell Prize Caption Contest Results & New (Roy Hodgson) contest

Last week on both Shareprophets and here I asked you for captions to the picture below. The winner can join me for lunch at Real Man Pizza on me.

Among the best entries were:

“Is QPP flagging a dead horse?”  - Steve Brown

“The UKLA come up with a cracking idea for an eye catching cover to the next Quindell Annual Report” -   The Sheriff of AIM

“Employees of the latest Quindell acquisition get ready to start walking in front of cars as part of the new Telematics solution” – RT

But the winner comes from trashbat who can contact me by email to arrange a date with this entry


3694 days ago

Quindell Revenue Recognition: Discuss

Do Quindell (QPP) shareholders really understand the company? Well perhaps they want to discuss with me revenue recognition?

In a supermarket revenue recognition is simple. I buy some milk for £1.50. I pay and at that point it goes into the P&L as a sale. The cash might arrive that second or three days later as my credit card company coughs up. But there is little debate about revenue recognition.

In a media business based on advertising I sell an advert and book that as revenue on the day as I issue an invoice. There should be little doubt although if an invoice has not been paid after three months I would make a provision against it so that while it appears as revenue there is an equal entry in my bad debt provision line on a P&L so there is no impact on profits. If I subsequently get payment I release the provision in the next accounting period so get a profit then albeit with no corresponding revenue. There can be some debates here but it is simple enough.

Now we come to Quindell. I refer you to the statement on page 47 of its 2013 annual report:


3694 days ago

Twitter Moron of the Week –Mike Bowen a bull of Quindell, Coms & blinkx

You could not make it up. Some folks cannot but help pick overpriced glamour stocks which crash. Meet Mike Bowen who tweets as @lookatbowen and who first spring to my attention as he tweeted @tomwinnifrith the only person certifiable is you Tom  Oooh er missus. I guess he owns Quindell (QPP) then.

For the avoidance of doubt I am prepared to accept that there is a case to be made that I am certifiable. Warning folks about overvalued stocks does not make you popular. Buying shares in Quindell just to go to the AGM and ask hard questions might be construed as foolhardy. But whatever. I prefer the description “eccentric.” But as it happens on a portfolio of all the stocks the Bulletin Board Morons love (blinkx, Globo, Iofina, Cupid, Gulf Keystone, Coms, Range Resources, Sefton and of course Quindell) I was RIGHT to be bearish.

Now meet “sane” Mike Bowen.


3694 days ago

Quindell: Himex and the missing shares – can anyone explain?

I know that I am not as clever as the average Bulletin Board Moron when it comes to Quindell (QPP) but its apparently contradictory statements have me baffled. Perhaps one of the Rob Terry worshipping Bulletin Board Morons out there might help me explain why apparently contradicting statements regarding the Himex acquisition are not a red flag?

I start with the RNS of July 17 2013 when Quindell announced that it had bought 19% of Himex. I quote:


3695 days ago

Quindell: Cash, the UKLA and Looking ahead to a Shoot-out at the Not so OK AGM

The AGM of Quindell PLC (QPP) will be at 10 AM on Thursday 19th June and as a loyal shareholder ( as of Monday) I shall be attending and am planning my questions as of now. A few months ago this would have been a love-in with his fan club taking turns to praise CEO Rob Terry, I wonder if the mood may have changed. I still expect that The Sherif of AIM will be lynched by Bulletin Board morons as I ask my questions. On what you ask?

There is so much to ask about. Having proved that the RNS about the acquisition of a 19% stake in 360Globalnet issued in February 2012 was er….untrue (see HERE) there is a lot of mileage in asking about other aspects of the 360GN and QPS deals.  Maybe I will, maybe I will not.

One might centre in on why Rob Terry wanted to sell some of his own shares at 40p pre Gotham while telling mug punters that the stock was worth 50p – as we revealed exclusively yesterday HERE



3695 days ago

Weekly Prize Caption Contest – Quindell Special

Heck there could only be one subject for this week’s caption contest. Although the legacy of peace, love and stability that the war criminal Blair left in Iraq runs a close second.

As ever, post your caption for the picture below in the comments box below by Friday at 9 AM. The winner can join me at Real Man Pizza for lunch or dinner on me.  All you have to do is come up with a wittier entry than my own. Get posting.

For what it is worth my entry is:


3695 days ago

EXCLUSIVE: Rob Terry and the Quindell attempted Directors Share Dumping he and Canaccord didn’t tell you about

Rob Terry of Quindell (QPP) has always been so bullish about his stock urging us all to buy. And he buys shares too – he’d never try to sell would he? Oh yes, I have now seen and email which reveals a very dirty secret indeed. This will shock you to the core. But before we come to the attempted dump let’s deal with the pump.

On March 4th 2014 Quindell PLC used shareholders funds to pay for soft-soap interviewers BRR to record a podcast with Terry in which he was asked a series of very easy questions. So where does Rob think the share price (then in the low 40s) is going? Over to you Rob as he discusses the move to the Main Market from AIM:


3695 days ago

Quindell - Gobsmacking exclusive out tomorrow - this will appall you all

I have tonight seen an email relating to QPP (QPP) which will shock the market. I need to sleep on this, how to approach this and how to pen my prose. Howver Rob Terry be warned, you are now officially "in sights". The Sheriff of AIM is after you and this looks dreadfully grim for you...


3695 days ago

Rob Terry of Quindell in his own words on a Full Listing and WHY DID IT FAIL?

Rob Terry of Quindell (QPP) did a soft interview with BRR on 8 March 2014. You know the sort where the company pays to be asked easy questions. When asked about a full listing (which failed today see HERE) and how long it would take Terry said:

It’s more of a tick box process than anything else, just a compliance process, because we’ve been a public company of a certain scale but we need to ensure the criteria’s met.”

So if it was like a slam dunk piece of piss to get through, what the hell went wrong Rob?  I now refer you back to the statement from earlier today:


3695 days ago

Gulf Keystone tanking as Mosul falls to Al – Qaeda: a dreadful day for the Bulletin Board Morons

The two stocks most beloved by Bulletin Board Morons are Quindell (QPP) and Gulf Keystone (GKP). I have got death threats, shit in the post, a hate campaign against my restaurant for questioning both companies. I am not gloating about the losses suffered by “innocent shareholders.” But the losses suffered by those who have tormented me trying to gag free speech and legitimate questioning cause me no sorrow. Quindell shares have plunged today as it failed to move from the AIM Cesspit to the main market (see HERE) but Gulf is also down by 12.5% at 79.3p: blame leverage and Al Qaeda.

To leverage first. The last time I looked 98% of IG clients were long of Gulf and its clients were overwhelmingly long of Quindell too. The slump in the Quindell share price will be causing margin calls across investor-land and that will trigger forced sales elsewhere. Gulf and Quindell are the mainstays of most Bulletin Board Moron portfolios. 

Adding to Gulf’s woes is news that Al-Qaeda had taken control of Mosul in Northern Iraq.


3695 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard #67: Iraq, the Islamofascists and blowback edition

The calls for intervention in Iraq to stop the uprising by Islamofascist nutters grow louder by the day. We were wrong to invade Iraq illegally in the first place (thanks a bunch war criminal Blair) and we would be wrong to intervene in the latest mess.

In this video Tom explains the Ron Paul theory of “blowback” and the folly of Western intervention at every level.

Tom’s financial postcard covers Quindell, Tern and why an RNS lie on the AIM Cesspit always matters. It can be viewed here.


3695 days ago

Quindell: UKLA rejects Rob Terry’s application to join the main market – the shares will stay on the AIM Cesspit

As it happens I was just having a long chat with my good pals at the UKLA (part of the FCA) today. What fine fellows they are. So they have turned down Quindell’s application to move up from the AIM Cesspit to the main market. Rob Terry tries to spin it as a minor issue but this is a disaster. Across the UK Bulletin Board Morons are feeling the pain as the shares have plunged to 12p. Guys you should have listened to The Sheriff of AIM with my many red flag warnings (another one today HERE) rather than slating me. You can all buy me a drink after the AGM next week to say sorry. 

The statement is a gem.  Quindell states:

Considering the significant growth of the Group in recent years the Company has today been advised that it has not been able to satisfy Listing Rule 6.1.3 at this time, and particularly, the criteria in Listing Rules Guidance Note 6.1.3E (5) which states that an applicant may not be eligible if its business has undergone a significant change in its scale or operations during the period of the historical financial information, being the last three years' audited accounts.” 

Rob Terry added:


3695 days ago

Quindell – I am sorry to be such a pedant but about an untrue RNS...

I am busy gemming up on Quindell Property Services (QPS) ahead of the AGM of Quindell (QPP) which I am going to next week. I expect to be lynched by Bulletin Board Morons and will update my will over the weekend. I am sorry to be a pedant and you may regard this as trivial but there appear to be some jolly interesting things about this deal. This may take several articles to explain fully but let’s start with what is the bulk of QPS, that is the 360globalnet business, 360GN.

The first we hear about this is on 28 February 2012 when Quindell announces in an RNS that it has increased its stake in a business where it was a co-founder from 3% to 19% by handing over £900,000 in cash and £1,250,000 in shares (16,666,667 shares at 7.5p) so £2,150,000 in total.


3701 days ago

Quindell – I have bought shares (norra lot) and am going to the AGM to ask questions

I am getting tired of Quindell’s (QPP) lamentable failure to answer basic questions, notably in regard to Quindell Property Services (see HERE and HERE) and hence I have done something I thought I would never do – I have bought shares in the company. Norra lot.


3702 days ago

Canacord & Quindell: WTF is going on?

Canacord is joint broker to Quindell (QPP). When Gotham City published its dossier Canacord withdraw its “buy” recommendation on the stock and said that its stance was “under review”. Almost two months later it is still “under review”. WTF is going on?

Quindell’s other broker Cenkos has reinitiated its coverage with a “buy” stance. I have discussed the nature of broker research on corporate clients recently HERE and I would frankly expect BOTH of Quindell’s paid brokers to be saying BUY. So what is Canacord analyst Kevin Ashton – a sharp and decent fellow – not saying Buy?


3702 days ago

Quindell: Sorry to be a bore but about that full listing?

Call me a pedant if you wish but I am drawn to statements made by Quindell (QPP) regarding its move from AIM to a full listing and I wonder if it might be appropriate for the company to clarify matters for those like me who take an interest in its affairs. On 31 March in an RNS Quindell stated that: 

Prospectus will be submitted to UKLA by mid-April, with listing targeted before the FTSE indices review in early June

Now the pedant in me


3702 days ago

Video: Tom Winnifrith Quindell Special

I am tired of arguing with shareholders in Quindell (QPP) on twitter. Some folks will insist that 2 +2 equals 5 forever. And so I have recorded a video just to set the record straight.


3707 days ago

Lucian Miers & Tom Winnifrith Video: Globo, blinkx, Avanti Communications, Iofina and Quindell

Two weeks ago Tom Winnifrith and Lucian Miers recorded a series of four videos which first appeared on their Nifty Fifty website. This video covers Globo (GBO), blinkx (BLNX), Avanti Communications (AVN), Iofina (IOF) and Quindell (QPP).

The other two videos cover companies including Gulf Keystone (GKP), Mothercare (MTC) and Naibu (NBU) but can be accessed only on the Nifty Fifty.


3708 days ago

Rob Terry of Quindell and his £720,000 cash bonus – a shocker or not?

I see that the Sunday Times has had a go at Quindell (QPP) CEO Rob Terry for picking up a £720,000 cash bonus last year given that the share price has halved in recent weeks. The Newspaper is right but for the wrong reasons.

Bonuses should not be linked to share price performance. We all want to see a CEO present a case well so the shares go up that is part of the job. But to link a bonus solely to short term share price movements merely encourages ramping and is not the way to deliver a sustainable long term growth in shareholder value. So in my view a bonus should not in any way be linked to the share price.

As it happens


3709 days ago

Quindell: Very Serious Question for Rob Terry re shares given to his old mucker Paul Stanley

I have written before how I understand very fully how Quindell (QPP) CEO Rob Terry wants to hang out with those few people who stuck by him after he presided over the near collapse of The Innovation Group. But there are limits and this brings me to some statements issued by Quindell regarding Quindell Property Services (QPA) which just do not stack up. Rob now has very serious questions to answer.

On 3rd May 2013 Quindell announced the:

acquisition of Quindell Property Services Limited ("QPS"), a newly formed Group providing disruptive outsourcing and technology solutions to the property insurance market place.


  • Acquisition and controlling stake in innovative SaaS based claims outsourcer for shares at a premium
  • Fast tracks Quindell's expansion into global property insurance claims market
  • Earnings neutral in the current year and significantly earnings enhancing for 2014
  • Potential for £10 million profit before tax from property services in 2014


The terms of the acquisition have been satisfied by the immediate issue of 65,978,572 Quindell shares representing approximately 1.6% of the Group's issued share capital, and further issues of up to 21,111,111 shares issued contingent on the business achieving £2m of profit for 2013.“

I have underlined a couple of phrases for your benefit.


3709 days ago

Financial Twitter Moron of the week – A Quindell Moron

It is not just on the Bulletin Boards that financial morons lurk, twitter abounds with them. As such my Moron of the week comes from the twittosphere and is, needless to say, a shareholder in Quindell (QPP).

A close runner up for the award was @Lon_Don who tweeted to the 201 folks who follow him for a nonstop diet of tweets about one subject only, er Quindell…

 @TomWinnifrith is a Troll. #QPP #Quiindell

Hmmmm. How incisive. A Troll apparently is someone who causes emotional upset by online harassment. I do not follow Mr. Lon_Don and have never contacted him. He on the other hand chooses to follow me on twitter and to read my words. He does not have to but he makes an explicit choice to do so and then complains that what I write upsets him. Whatever…

Mr. Lon_Don is a multi-brained frigging genius when compared to @IanHislam a man who looks like one of those 1930s leaders from the Hitler Youth and whose 35 followers are treated to a nonstop diet of tweets about er... Quindell. He describes himself as “A thinker. A gambler. A long time dead.”  Whatever. He is certainly a gambler. As for the state of his brain, he may well be correct.

His tweet


3710 days ago

Quindell – Another Question (sorry) re shares and Paul Stanley

Once again I return to the issue of shares issued for Quindell Property Services – the company bought by Quindell (QPP) on May 3rd 2013. I have already flagged up serious apparent anomalies with the shares issued for this deal which Quindell has declined to clarify – see HERE. But there is more.


3712 days ago

The Co-Ordinated Director Share Purchases – A sell signal – ref Kenmare & Quindell

Bulletin Board Morons always tell me that I cannot be right in saying “sell” because a raft of directors have just bought shares. Au contraire – some patterns of boardroom buying are clear sell signals in themselves.

Let’s take Kenmare (KMR). About two months ago after serving up a dog’s dinner set of annual results five directors bought shares. The purchases ranged from 25,000 shares to 209,000 at between 13.2p and 14.89p. In total 509,000 shares were bought.

There is enough liquidity in Kenmare that they could all have bought on the same day and issued one RNS to that effect (each RNS costs £75 to issue). But they did not. The purchases were deliberately spread out so that four distinct RNS releases were issued on four separate days. It was just a PR campaign.

In truth the scale of the purchases (call it £70,000) paled into insignificance with boardroom pay of just over £2 million last year. When a company goes to such lengths to stress how directors were buying you know it is a sell signal, PR puffery and little else. If Kenmare’s directors really believed the stock was cheap they would have bet the ranch on it. They did not.

And as it happens


3723 days ago

Quindell: Buy, sell or Hold – this may surprise you

I see that over on Stockopedia* someone writing anonymously as a bull of Quindell (QPP) has slammed those who post anonymously suggestions that kit is a sell. Whatever… Mr Steamy001 (perhaps that is his real name?) also describes me as “one of Quindell most vocal detractors.” Hmmmm - I ask questions and perhaps that is viewed as a bad thing in some circles? But would I short the shares now, at 21p?

At 30p or 40p the valuation seemed to me insane. Even if one ignored all the red flags valuing a stock that had just reported free cashflow generation of c£5 million at £2 billion or £3 billion just seemed bonkers. My good pal Mark Slater who had bought in at 7p was selling at these levels purely on the basis of valuation. I make no apology for suggesting that such valuations were crackers. I was right. They allowed no margin for error or uncertainty

I know that on the Bulletin Boards the idea of selling Quindell at any price filled some folks with horror, it was viewed as being akin to eating your own babies or chucking live fluffy puppies into an incinerator. But all stocks are ultimately for selling if they get ahead of themselves.

At 21p this is a much harder call. There are to me three possible scenarios here:


3726 days ago

Quindell – Can you please explain how the maths stacks up?

Probably I am not as clever as your average Bulletin Board Moron but here is another case of why I just do not understand maths Quindell (QPP) style. I have asked the company to explain the following which is based 100% on documents from the Quindell website…It has had four days to comment but has not done so. 

My studies are of Quindell Legal Services (QLS) which in 2013 was the vast bulk of the business. I now urge my dear readers to visit the 2013 full year results presentation document on the Quindell website at http://www.quindell.com/images/uploads/irdownloads2014/20140331_investor_roadshow.pdf - go to page 22.

You will see


3729 days ago

You MUST sack Tom Winnifrith NOW! The threats and blackmail used by those who oppose free speech

I have noted before how for daring to dissent from a cosy consensus that shares in certain stocks but notably Quindell, Globo and blinkx, are screaming buys I have received death threats, stalking and shit in the post and on the internet. But now those who seek to deny free speech have started an economic war and are actively seeking to ensure that I face economic ruin. Such folks will fail because most people believe in free speech but to see what they are up to read on.

You already know about the bogus reviews from folks claiming to have got food poisoning etc at my restaurant. It is okay, our local customers are loyal and love the place so we will survive. I might have to fire a waitress if these lies persist but I guess free speech deniers do not care about that.

The other tactic of free speech deniers is to write to ADVFN demanding that it fire me. As it happens while I have jvs with ADVFN it does not employ me. Myself and the merry band of writers I work with could work without ADVFN but would rather not do so and luckily Clem Chambers, the boss of ADVFN is a great believer in free speech (a concept defined here if you do not understand it) so the bullying and blackmail he faces from the free speech deniers will not work. However I now show you a letter sent to Clem the other day. The numbers 1-11 are my notes that are below. 


3730 days ago

Is the whole world asleep post Eurovision?

Did you watch? I found myself at a party hostyed b y a Greek couple and attaernted by various friends of the Mrs.  The Greek guy, delightfully politically incorrect, was loudly cheeriong on the incredibly sexual (in a cheap porn sort of way) Polish entry with no musical talent whatsoever.  Elsewhere opinion was divided

The only songs that were vaguely memorable and that I might want to listen to again came from Holland, Finland, Italy and Sweden. Greece was memorable as it had only two words “Rise Up” but that did not make it good. That a trans-sexual with the fifth best song won easily says a lot about an event which now makes Old Compton Street look like the Road to Wigan Pier.

Whatever. It will all be forgotten – the songs included – by next weekend. And it was fun while it lasted.

This morning I am up and raring to go but it seems that the only other soul who is awake is Quindell’s head PR bird with whom I have exchanged emails about my next piece. The rest of the world slumbers on. Were Evil, Lucian, Paddington Bear et al camping it up at some Eurovision bash? I somehow doubt it but you never know.


3731 days ago

Quindell – The Company (at last) Comments to Shareprophets re Bond Issue Position

Well done Quindell (QPP). It has finally offered a comment on the suggestion from a source of mine that it was considering a bond issue in 2014.  To those poltroons who suggested that Quindell would not bother speaking to me, only “proper” journalists – sorry fellas but I have been in this game since 1992 and given that tens of thousands of folks read my stuff, firms do comment. PR companies call me all the time as they want me and the 32 other writers here to write about their companies because folks read our material in ever growing numbers. So stick this statement where the sun don’t shine.


3731 days ago

Amended: Quindell – Why the Feck won’t it answer a simple question about its balance sheet needs?

On Friday I was researching two articles where the conclusion is likely to be bearish

I put questions to the two companies conc.erned: Quindell & AN Other. AN Other’s PR folks could not have been more helpful. We have agreed that the company has until 2 PM on Monday to give me a formal response and I will hold fire until then. At which point the company knows that I will be unleashing a thermo-nuclear critique. Bonza. Until Monday I have agreed not to name the company so refer to it as AN Other.


3734 days ago

Quindell: I can smell the desperation Mr Terry: The Diminishing Power of non news

In happier BG (Before Gotham) days for Quindell (QPP) the release of an RNS announcement saying that a non exec had scored a 3 under par round at the local Country Club would have seen the shares zooming ahead. But, as I have noted before in relation to Globo, once the faithful start to ask questions non-news ceases to have any effect.  Indeed it can be counter productive as punters start to smell the desparation. Which brings me to today’s RNS. 

Don’t ask me how but I knew that Rob Terry, a loyal reader of Shareprophets, was in Canada. Rob, I am watching you. Our spies are everywhere. And from the Dominions Rob announced 


3736 days ago

Quindell: Direct Line statement begs a question or two

Quindell (QPP) is the gift that keeps on giving – another day and another question or two. This one thrown up by an IMS from insurance group Direct Line (DLG) on Thursday. I merely report and ask the questions. 

You may remember that in October 2013 Quindell announced a £150 million three year deal with Direct Line. At the time it stated:


3737 days ago

A final bitter taste of Greece - a "sharp" waiter at the Athens Sofitel

It turns out that I have an hour or two to kill at Athens airport and so naturally decide to go to the Sofitel hotel, to sit outside rent an hour’s internet use to write another article about Quindell and have a coffee. I know that it will be expensive (11 Euro) but I will enjoy writing, smoking and having a coffee in the warm late afternoon air. 

I write first and then go online to ensure that my whole hour is used wisely. Naturally Sofitel cuts me off after 45 minutes. But the articles are written and I ask for my bill and hand the chap a ten euro note and a 5 euro note.

In the west a waiter would return promptly with 4 Euro change (if he is sensible as one 2 euro coin and two 1 euro coins) and would probably expect a tip of a euro at least. But this is Greece and after more than five minutes the waiter has not returned.

I wander inside and he is sitting behind the bar polishing glasses not serving anyone. “My change” I ask and he hands over a plate which was sitting next to him with for Euros on it.  No fucking tip for you Stavros.

The game he plays is simple. Some folks will have to rush to catch a plane, others will be to embarrassed to ask and so five times out of ten he will get to trouser 4 tax free Euros by behaving as he has done.  Only once in a lifetime will he get a chippy Brit who: demands his change, gives no tip and then posts an article on the Internet saying that the Sofitel hotel Athens charges ludicrous prices and should be having a few words with Stavros the waiter about the way he does business. 

Natch nothing will change, this is the side of Greece than leaves a bitter aftertaste as does my encounter with a bent taxi driver just minutes before.

I love Greece and will be back soon, but not everyone is so forgiving.


3737 days ago

Quindell: Explaining the Difference Between a Broker & a Nomad for Bulletin Board Morons

The Bulletin Board Morons insist that Cenkos, Nomad to Quindell has endorsed the company by publishing a ludicrous buy note with a 90p target. Sorry folks but you do not understand the system and miss the point.

In the City integrated investment banks operates with Chinese Walls between departments. That is to say Cenkos the broker must operate as if it was a different form to Cenkos the Nominated Advisor.

A broker publishes research and helps companies raise money by issuing shares. A Nomad is responsible for regulatory matters. Ultimately it reports to the AIM team and is responsible to the AIM team for ensuring, inter alia, that e very RNS issued by a company has been verified and it’s true.

Hence post the Quindell rebuttal of Gotham


3738 days ago

Quindell – More Questions Prompted by the Most Dismal of flim flam Statements on Friday

I had rather assumed that Quindell (QPP) would unravel slowly. I am starting to think that the big collapseroonie in the share price might happen rather sooner than expected and Friday’s utterly dismal statement only strengthens that view. But let’s start with Gotham City. 

Quindell has stated that it will be taking legal action against Gotham for its 74 page dossier. I have now been in touch with Gotham and it seems 100% clear that its attitude might be summarised as “see you in court, bitchez!” It is not backing down and indeed seems to be spoiling for a fight.  If Quindell does not go ahead and sue Gotham for libel then its credibility will collapse. If it does, I suggest that this will be a dirty, distracting and costly fight where Gotham will throw mud and some, at least, will stick. 

We already have the FT reporting that Quindell has removed from its website an address for its New York Office which Gotham appeared to show did not actually exist. It strikes me that this is not exactly the sort of antics you expect from a pukka blue-chip company.

And then there is the matter of the rebuttal


3740 days ago

Exclusive: Evil Knievil goes short of Blur – reopens Quindell short

No not the pop group, but the AIM listed tech stock whose shares have already collapsed by 50% after certain issues with revenue recognition came to light. 

But bear raider Evil Knievil reckons that there is more bad news to come for Blur (BLUR) and 


3746 days ago

Is Rob Terry of Quindell fighting shadows?

Quindell (QPP) has issued a statement saying that it will issue a statement later today refuting the 74 page dossier published earlier this week by Gotham City. So far so good. But it also states that "Legal action has already been initiated by the Company against those responsible for what it believes to be a coordinated shorting attack and reports are also being made on this activity to the appropriate regulatory authorities" Having spoken to one person who has received a lawyer’s letter from Quindell, I ask the question “is Rob Terry now fighting shadows?


3764 days ago

Quindell – Simple Question unanswered

I put a very simple question to foxy PR bird Bex regarding Quindell (QPP) yesterday which Quindell is so far refusing to answer. As to why I can but speculate. 

The question was “which analysts attended the post results meeting this week?”


4068 days ago

Nice work if you can get it - Rob Terry at Quindell: but what is Indoor City Golf Ltd?

At last, the annual report of AIM Cesspit listed Quindell PLC is out this morning. This is the company that said it had raised £17.5 million in November but er.. had not actually raised the cash. Its CEO is the twitter and share price obsessed Mr Rob Terry. I have not had time to dig deep, but a few things stick out – one of which is Mr Terry’s remuneration. I guess he is paid a bonus related to how many tweets he sends?!

Terry is well rewarded.  His basic pay in 2012 was £402,000 and he got a cash bonus of £488,000 making a total of £890,000 up from £407,000. Inflation busting or what?

 In addition, there is a note saying that Quindell made sales of £7,000 but bought goods and services totalling £99,000 from Indoor Golf City Limited, a company controlled by twitter obsessed Bob. Indoor Golf City?


4075 days ago

Where is foxy PR bird Bex of Cupid fame?

I have noted before that foxy PR bird Rebecca Sanders-Hewett (Bex) knows how to pick ‘em when it comes to clients from the Cesspit. Not only does she spin (i.e. not return phone calls) for Quindell but also for Cupid as well in her capacity as a PR fluffy at Redleaf Polhill.

I do hope that all is well with Bex as I note that while her name appears on the latest hot air release from Quindell it appears not to be on the profits warning release from Cupid – where the team is now fronted up by the top PR spinner at Redleaf, Ms Emma Kane.

Does Bex only do good news releases? Does Cupid feel that it needs a true heavy hitter on board and that Bex is just too soft and cute to deal with nasty writers like myself who are not intimated by threats of legal action and continue to warn that the shares are a sell? Will Emma, unlike foxy Bex, return phone calls or is it Redleaf company policy not to speak to journalists who do not kiss PR arse and ask awkward questions?

Anyhow best wishes to foxy Bex. I know that she is a keen reader of this blog so now that she has a bit more time on her hands maybe she might send me a full list of companies that she personally acts for. I wonder if she only acts for screaming shorts? I’d like to find out.

Meanwhile you can read my thoughts of a few days ago on Quindell ( a sell) HERE and a piece today on why Cupid shares should plunge from 61p to 10p in due course HERE

Hang in there Bex





4090 days ago

Financial PR firms & the AIM Cesspit (another fight picked)

Oh dear, I fear that I won’t be getting very many Christmas cards from the financial PR industry this year. My book on how many I will receive is currently running at 1-2 but on balance I’d be a seller. I seem to have offended yet another operative because I am not in the business of writing universally nice articles. Such is the self-importance of these folks that they think I actually give a damn. In for a penny…. Let’s examine the role of financial PR in the AIM Cesspit.

You may remember that I had a bit of a falling out with uber-prude PR bird Kay Larsen of College Group who seems to think that I have a thing against sheep shaggers, oops sorry meant to say Welsh people - not that any of them are in fact animal molesters - and also publish pornography. College Hill is now not returning calls made by staff at www.Shareprophets.com . Does this stop the 19 writers on that site covering companies daft enough to pay College Group £10,000 a month to manage its media relations? Not in the slightest. Does it affect our coverage? Er…not in the slightest. Companies who think that writing a cheque to some daft parasites each month means that they can manage how and where they are covered are just kidding themselves.

And so to my next fallout which is with YellowJersey PR, which makes me think somehow of custard and cowardice. Its gripe is that it represents Arian Silver (AGQ) where, on www.shareprophets.com  I have flagged up its various funding issues like a failure to get a placing away. 

In case you missed that scoop it appeared here

That is apparently not the sort of coverage YellowCustard’s clients want.  I am sorry to hear that. And so


4092 days ago

Quindell Portfolio Reaction to Statement from Evil & Myself

AIM Cesspit listed Quindell Portfolio has yet again put out a statement saying that there is no reason for its share price tanking other than wicked shorters and the press getting it wrong. Sorry fellows here is a good reason “you do not fxxxxxg well answer valid questions.”

My top question has always been “To whom was the £15 million loan on the year-end balance sheet made and why?” There is no reason why Quindell should be making loans so what the hell is going on. I contacted Quindell via its foxy PR bird Bex this morning and was told I would get a call back with an answer. I have had no such call. Others have asked broker Cenkos. No joy. I tried the company direct. No joy.

And that is the problem with Quindell.



4095 days ago

AVN, RPO, SXX, QPP, XEL, GKP, CUP, ASC - the Great Conspiracy Revealed

They do not like it up ‘em. Shares in some of the darlings of the AIM Cesspit have taken a bit of a hit of late and some folks, the believers, believe that this is the result of a great conspiracy involving myself, Evil Knievil, Lucian Miers, Zak Mir, Red Evans and others. How about a quick look at the facts.

It is almost flattering to think that our wee band could wipe £300 million off the market value of Quindell (QPP). If only we were so powerful. As it happens Zak, myself, Evil and Lucian were all bearish on this company and we have been proved right. We are not always right but here we were correct. But the whole world is asking valid questions of Quindell now and that is why the shares have tanked. It is just that we called it correctly first. Is it a crime to be right and to ask valid questions?



4096 days ago

Quindell Statement: Reaction from Evil and myself

With its shares having tanked from 14p a few weeks ago to just over 7.41p with most of the falls following annual results on Tuesday, Quindell Portfolio (QPP) – hitherto a darling of the AIM Cesspit – has put out a statement late last night. It is a truly dismal effort. In the words of Evil Knievil “it is not an invitation to short but now an obligation.”

The statement, crafted by foxy PR bird “Bex” SH who also acts for Cupid (CUP) reads:

The Company is aware of recent press speculation regarding the equity swap and an active short position in relation to the Company’s ordinary shares. In light of this, the Board wishes to clarify that further to its recently reported record results, the Company has a strong balance sheet and continues to trade profitably with significant traction in the insurance sector.   The Company knows of no valid reason for the recent share price decline. Furthermore, the equity swap asset, which has also been subject to speculation, accounts for a small part of the Group receivables and is not a material contract in relation to the size of the Group.  This was issued as part of the funding for the acquisition of Accident Advice Helpline, announced on 3 December 2012 and was deemed to be the least dilutive funding mechanism at this time. It is not currently being exercised, and the Company believes that the counterparty will continue to not make any material transactions in respect of the Company’s ordinary shares unless the share price is at substantially higher levels.

Er… in plain English what on earth is all of that about?



4096 days ago

Paddington Bears & Foxy Rebecca S-H

And so it is off to see the deluded lefties of Sheep Street, my family in Shipston, Warwickshire. It should be an easy enough trip from Paddington to Moreton in the Marsh on the 7.22. But that assumes that First Great Western are remotely competent. Oh no.

At 7.15 we were warned of 20 minutes delays due to “a failure of railside equipment” at Hayes. At 8 PM it was 35 minutes. And so on. It is now 9.24 PM and at least I am now on the train but I doubt, if my taxi driver is still awake at Moreton that I will make it to Sheep Street before midnight. First Great Western I detest you.

And so how to kill almost three hours at Paddington? I have written a couple of pieces which, like this, I shall load on Friday. But by chance I bumped into a well-known bear (who else would you meet at Paddington) and so we enjoyed a drink and a discussion about Quindell (QPP) and Cupid (CUP). I sense things are moving apace on both stocks, both of which – as it happens are represented by foxy PR bird Rebecca S-H. She does know how to pick ‘em.

More on both of those fine upstanding members of the AIM cesspit community to follow.
