C4 News

2512 days ago

Photo Article: 5,000 democracy hating poltroons march and the BBC and C4 treat this as mass revolt over Brexit

5,000 folks marched through London yesterday to demand that we stay in the EU. The speakers included some poor incoherent dishevelled Irish chap who I thought was a Big Issue seller invited onto the platform as part of a drive for diversity but turned out to be Bob Geldof. Though the folks, most of whom seemed to be notably physically unattractive and/ or significantly overweight showing, once again, that politics really is show business for ugly people came up with all sort reasons for protesting its clear that all wanted stay in the EU.And that is how they felt before the nation vote the other way year. These remoaners just cannot accept democracy. 


2534 days ago

It is not Trump out of touch on Confederate memorials but the fake news liberal media - C4's Kylie Morris smears again

Of all of the liberal media harpies covering the US election, beltway Kylie Morris of Channel 4 fake News was the most openly partisan as I exposed time and again HERE. Her crowning glory was to make up words for Donald Trump to smear him as a racist HERE. Like her fake news colleagues Kylie cannot get over the defeat of crooked Hillary so she fights on, twisting the truth to smear POTUS. The pulling down of Confederate staues and war memorials has been one of her finest hours.


2569 days ago

Channel 4 News - Fake News from Israel

As the flagship fake news liberal elitist broadcaster in London it is no surprise that Channel 4 hates the State of Israel with a passion. And to that end the channel that just loves its fake news had a field day yesterday as three Palestinians opened fire on security guards at the sacred Islamic site, the old Temple. The terrorists were shot and killed but not before they had killed two Israeli guards.


2617 days ago

Katie Hopkins fired - Tim Allen fired - when will a left wing gobshite get fired?

Radio station LBC yesterday fired right wing loudmouth Katie Hopkins. I don't agree with a lot of what the Daily Mail columnist says but quite a few folks do. She is outspoken and a hate figure for the free speech hating intolerant liberal left. Over in the US comedian Tim Allen saw his long running hit show Home Improvement canned two weeks ago by ABC. Other less popular shows have not been axed. But then Tim is that rarity from Hollywood, a Republican and a Trump supporter to boot. Hollywood rejoiced at Tim's downfall.


2620 days ago

Photo Shocker: Who are the real victims of Manchester - liberal media elitists C4 reckon its Muslims celebrating violence

Listen to the mainstream press and, natch, the real victims of the Manchester terror attack are the poor Muslims of Britain who - the liberal media rushed to assure us - are set to suffer a barrage of hate crime. So far Katie Hopkins has been reported to the Met 934 times for tweeting so that the "real victims" can rest more easily. Sod the 22 kids and teenagers who are dead or the dozens lying injured and maimed in hospital. Sod their families, C4 News rushed off to Manchester's "Curry Mile" to meet the real victims, as you can see below.


2707 days ago

Jon Snow of Channel 4 fake News bleats about Donald Trump exclusion but why not?

Jon Snow the uber liberal presenter of Channel 4 Fake News took to twitter last night bleating about how his channel was being denied access - along with others - from White House press briefings. I pointed out why this was fair on the part of the new administration. But do so again in more than 140 characters. Snow regards this ban as an attack on the free press. But why the hell should Trump pander to a new outlet which specialises in fake news about POTUS. I cite below a slam dunk and vile fake news C4 special from the last campaign.


2733 days ago

Fake news maestro Matt Frei of C4 gets to nail that black Trump supporting vicar for backing racism again

One of the highlights of the US presidential campaign for those of us who really dig fake news from the established liberal media was Matt Frei of C4 News lecturing Trump supporting pastor Mark Burns for supporting Donald Trump. White Frei patronised the poor pastor as only a Guardian reader could do as he explained to him, assisted by a stack of made up alternative facts why he was backing racism

Pastor Burns countered with facts but over at Channel 4 Fake News they live in a post fact era and Burns was backing racism and that was it. Frei put the darkie in his place by ignoring facts and just repeating the mantra that Trump is a racist. That showed him did it not? Boy, the whole C4 team must have creamed themselves with that interview.

The good pastor is obviously a glutton for punishment as he has come over to Britain for a holiday and found himself face to face with little Frei again.


2746 days ago

Jon Snow allows the black queer liberal millionaire to "own" persecution in Trump's America

As part of the wall to wall Donald Trump hatefest that C4 News is running this week, liberal media establishment posterboy milli9onaire Jon Snow last night found himself interviewing Jonathan Capeheart, a black and senior reporter on the Washington Post. Capeheart will earn a good wedge on the flagship liberal beltway cat litter of choice so its safe to assume he is a dollar millionaire. On the day after Trump won he cried on C4 news so upset was he.


2746 days ago

Jon Snow & Kylie Morris of C4 News - just do not understand what freedom of the press means in Donald Trump's America

Channel 4 News this week is wall to wall Trump bashing ahead of the great handover day on Friday. Just now and then we get a bit of remoaning about Brexit but the main focus is nailing The Donald. Having engaged in serial fake news reporting of the actual campaign as I pointed out here on numerous occasions, with beltway liberal Kylie and little Matt Frei the worst offenders, C4 just won't let go.


2836 days ago

The Hypocrisy of the liberal Media as Donald Trump blasts rigged election

As soon as debate three was over the liberal media had their line "Trump won't accept General Election result - a threat to democracy". It was what Hillary said and it was the line that liberal worms on our TV screens such as the loathsome Matt Frei on C4 News repeated endlessly, Frei, who likes telling black folks they are racist for voting for Donald Trump, told us all that he was truly disgusted and that this was a new low point in American politics, it threatens democracy, yadda, yadda, yadda. We had never heard this before. Except that ... we had.


2873 days ago

Listening to Radio 4's Today & C4 News engage with fuckwit millennials can be like watching your parents have sex

I stress that I did not watch my father and mother in action but one imagines that even contemplating the idea of such a spectacle is the most toe curlingly embarrassing act one can consider. That is until you listen to middle aged and elderly TV and radio news presenters pandering to fuckwit millennials as they try to play Daddy Cool.

Over on Channel 4 News old Jon Snow and his portly pal Krishnan are always talking about the exciting "Grime" scene. For those of you who are not as cool as Jon & the Boyz of the C4 possy


2883 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard - 8 Reasons why Donald Trump will defeat Hillary Clinton on November 8

The British media, lead by Beltway liberal Kylie Morris on C4 News and by the BBC are not reporting what is actually going on in the US Presidential race just what they would like to be going on. They have called Trump wrong all along in terms of actual ballots cast and they are still wrong. In this podcast I offer the eight reasons Trump will win.


2899 days ago

The British liberal Media wants to bury Trump so ignores the polls - The Donald is surging

The British liberal media and many of its ideological cousins from inside the Beltway want Donald Trump to lose the Presidential election and so all pretence of impartiality is out of the window. Right now the media is ignoring the latest Clinton scandals and Crooked Hillary's refusal to come clean on her health issues. Instead the narrative is of Trump failing so badly that senior GOP figures want him to withdraw, a campaign in chaos. The only problem is that this is just not true.


2915 days ago

Show you support the law, visit a Byron Burger Bar today - here's where to find your local store

A couple of weeks ago the great cuase of the liberal left was to protest about how democracy is only good when the little people vote the right way and to demand another referendum on Brexit. Those without useful jobs have now found a new cause, demanding that we all boycott Byron's Burger Bars because this chain decided to assist the Home Office in obeying the law. Byron's crime is not to support crime.


2926 days ago

Nice attacker lone wolf theory crushed: five arrested - liberal media's five stages of denial

When poor Jo Cox, the late Labour MP for somewhere Grim in the North was murdered the British Liberal media did their utomost to pin the ghastly crime to the Brexit campaign. So what if the killer had spent ages in an asylum was on medication and called social services in a right old state the day before? That did not matter. Not once was the phrase "lone wolf" used. If the liberals could not link him directly to Brexit it was enough to find a few posters erected several hundred miles away by UKIP and Leave or a few harsh words from Boris Johnson and claim these "turned the poor chap".


2987 days ago

New poll again shows UK liberal media 100% wrong on Trump as GOP voters unite, Dems splinter, the Donald gets record traction with non-whites

The liberal British media could not get enough Republicans to go on camera saying how they's rather suck Bill Clinton's cock than vote for Donald Trump. Inside the bubble that is Washington DC, folks like Kylie "beltway" Morris of C4 news span the narrative again and again that the GOP would splinter and not back Trump and so he could not win. As such the latest polls show at every level that Kylie et al really just cannot get this contest any more wrong.

The headline is a good place to start on the latest ABC/Washington News poll. Trump is on 46%, crooked Hillary is on 44%. Yes Trump is winning. But its the breakdown that is more fascinating.

What percentage of Republicans who did not vote for Trump in the primaries will vote for Hillary in the General? It is just 11% ( down from 20% in March). So 11% of c40% of GOP voters are backing crooked Hillary - that would be just over 4%. The rest are backing The Donald. that looks like a pretty united party to me with pretty much everyone bar Mitt Romney, and the effete Country Club Republicans who lead the party to electoral disaster in the past two contests, backing Trump. 

But over with the Dems it is rather different. 20% 


2991 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: Ignore the British liberal media, why Trump will beat Clinton in November

A new poll show The Donald leading the loathsome Clinton woman for the first time. The British liberal media told you Trump would not win the Republican nomination. Folks like Kylie Morris of C4 News could not see outside of the beltway and got that totally wrong. The same folks said with Trump the GOP choice the lyin' Hillary was sure to win. They are wrong again as I explain. in this podcast.


3054 days ago

Economic illiteracy and bias with Helia Ebrahami on Channel 4 News

I am beginning to think that C4 News is targetted at those crazy folks out there who think that the BBC is a right wing monster controlled by the Tory party. You have to be pretty flaky to hold such a world view but C4 was always out there trying to reach out to minorities. And I guess paranoid Marxist fruitcakes are - across the Nation - a minority though on most liberal arts university campuses they are a dominant majority. 

Sometimes C4 News pretends to be impartial. Sometimes it lets its prejudices slip in. And at other times it is just up front and unfair. The fun is in spotting what game it is playing with each report.

In reporting on what today's UK Budget would have in store we got a sneak preview from Business Correspondent Helia Ebrahimi. Being a business correspondent on the BBC or C4 is a tough gig in that you must report on a system that you fundamentally disagree with, you have to be polite to a load of frigging evil capitalists and, worse still, totally innately evil Tories. But Helia is up to the challenge.

And thus


3066 days ago

I am now warming to Lord Michael Howard of Quindell too

First it was Donald Trump who I started warming too. Now it is Lord Howard, the ex Tory leader now a NED at Watchstone, the company once known as Quindell or Quenron. It is true I really am starting to rather like the man.

With Trump it was very much your enemy's enemy is your friend. If the Guardian, C4 News and BBC loathe someone he really can't be all that bad can he?

With Lord Howard, we may have crossed swords over Quenron, but he is just so amiable. Feeling bored the other day
