329 days ago
I suggest that Call Me Dave does indeed think that we oiks are just plain stupid and bring you, as evidence, a tweet he sent yesterday. It is just such nonsense, such a total canard, but I suspect he thinks if he repeats it often enough, the masses will fall for the lies of the media and political class GroupThink. Yes it is Russia again.
570 days ago
I start with the IRA man who is hopping mad at me yet again. Then I look at how the whole political/media class should be in the dock in the Covid enquiry as they all called for what has caused our inflationary crisis. Then it is Tingo (US:TIO), a detailed look at Audioboom (BOOM), Purplebricks (PURP), Versarien (VRS), Tern (TERN), Chill Brands (CHLL) and the regulatory threat to UK vaping. Finally, my last big Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks training walk this Sunday will be c22 miles. It will be very hot this weekend and I have a thirsty Irishman here for supper on Saturday so may be somewhat the worse for that on Sunday morning, so think of real pain ahead and leave the 93% who have not donated & meanie Magna Carta and make a donation HERE
616 days ago
The Coronation weekend is over but as I drive around the villages around Wrexham and Chester I am struck by how much of the celebratory bunting and flags stay up. Even here on the Welsh side of the border, the red white and blue of the United Kingdom cannot be dodged. My Indian born parents-in-law, old enough to have been born under British Rule, still fly their Union Flags as do so many others. But for years flying such flags was expressly frowned upon by the liberal establishment that runs the media, academia and most of the political class.
633 days ago
I start with Matt and the other speakers at ShareStock. It is exactly five months away and – as of today – 60% of the seats are bagged so book yours now HERE. Then it is onto house prices and the affordability issue and why the entire media and political class just don’t get it: Government is the problem not the solution. Finally is Matt right about Asos (ASC). I fear it is a high risk trade at this juncture.
710 days ago
Throughout the covid scamdemic mask jihadists in my home village and the political and media class insisted masks stopped the spread of covid. I showed with hard data time and time again that masks did not work. Yet still some folks carry on masking. For them, here is a video with a stack more hard data. Ha! You’ve been had! As for LinkedIn and other social media platforms which censored my mask coverage, now that I and others are vindicated, how about an apology you free spech deniying liberal-fascists?
740 days ago
As chancellor, Rishi Sunak was applauded by almost everyone except me for the vast amounts of taxpayers money he chucked at the hospitality sector during the scamdemic. His reckless spending – either supported by the Labour Party, the SNP, the Lib Dems, the media class, or attacked for not being enough, created the inflation nightmare. But did it work? Look at the shocking chart below.
752 days ago
One of the many things that those inside the global warming GroupThink cult are unable to explain is why we should believe 30-50 year forecasts about climate change when the ones made 20 years ago have already been proved to be utterly wrong. It is as if we based our response to covid on the work of Professor Ferguson whose forecasts of hundreds of thousands of deaths from avian bird flu, swine fever, etc had proved so completely bogus. Oh, we did because“experts” inside the GroupThink are always right… but back to global warming.
828 days ago
My late uncle had a facebook page, thanks to his eldest son and, though he died more than three years ago, I wake up to a reminder to wish him Happy Birthday. He would have been 85 today and would, no doubt, have thought the world had become an even sillier place since his death. For starters there have been massive advances in the numbers of women with penises ands facial hair over the past three years. And our Universities have made great strides in purging Shakespeare and other dead white authors from the curriculum and eradicating folks with any link, however obscure to the evils of colonialism from the history books. All hail progress!
879 days ago
If it was just down to Ukraine or printing vast amounts of new money all of Western Europe would be in the same mess. But it is not as the graphic below demonstrates. UK electricity is vastly more expensive than anywhere else in Europe? Why?
932 days ago
First off, I am not a Putin apologist. That I must stress this, is a sign of the Group Think at play. I walk through the rewriting of history from World War Two to 2014, addressing the catalogue of lies we are fed by the political and media classes. It is not in my name. We must all consider the facts, and stand up to this – just as we should all have done during the Covid Group Think. Those of us who did challenge that Group Think, were told we had blood on our hands. We are now vindicated - it is the Group Think leaders who should be in jail. Before you slate me on Ukraine, listen to this podcast and consider the facts I present, not the lies you are being told.
1130 days ago
As this wretched Government in England and the even more wretched one in Wales implement more and more draconian and ludicrous policies it emerges today that there are just 10 folks across the UK in hospital with the Omicron variant, yes that is the new strain of Covid that we are told will overwhelm the NHS. Yes, that NHS – envy of the fecking world,let’s all bang pots in the street- where only 4% of beds are currently filled with Covid patients. But, of course, what we are not told is how many of the ten were admitted with Omicron or were there for some other reason and were subsequently diagnosed with Omicron. This is madness – consider what the NSPCC says today about lockdown, something Michael Gove and most of the political and media classes are pushing for.
1186 days ago
The murder of Tory MP David Amess is shocking and horrible and, naturally, one thinks of his family. But the reaction of the media and political class has been telling, a sign of just how completely and utterly out of touch they are with we dirty plebs. The same could never have been said of East End born David Amess but he was an unusual fellow inside the Westminster bubble.
1228 days ago
That is not what she actually said that thaat is exactly what Nana meant as she opined on the Government’s plans to hike National Insurance payments to pay for more care for old folks. As I outlined HERE this is nonsense, it is robbing from the poor and young to subsidise older flks who have benefitted from years of house price inflation which keeps young folks and the poor ever further from owning even a tiny flat.
1228 days ago
New Zealand premier Jacinda Ardern is a woman who, in the eyes of the liberal left who dominate the media and political classes, can do wrong. God fearing Texas Republicans are in the eyes of the same people an abomination who, in recent weeks have been branded and compared, unfavourably, with both the Nazis and the Taliban. Check twitter, yes #TexasTaliban really has been trending for well over a week. The issue driving this is abortion.
1230 days ago
For what seems like an eternity, ever more restrictive and ludicrous rules have been imposed on us in an attempt to tackle a plague with a 99.97% survival rate on the basis that we must “follow the science.” Of course that was tommyrot.
1337 days ago
That I need to preface this article by saying that all deaths are regrettable is a reflection of the hysteria that the Covid GroupThink has created, which thus drives a mob torching of anyone challenging that GroupThink. But here are some bald facts. In April 2021 – a cold month – the England death rate was, at 851.2 people per 100,000, the lowest since the ONS started tracking mortality rates in 2001. 38,899 folks died in April, 6.1% below the five year average.
1360 days ago
If we do not all wear our masks and social distance back here in Blighty then look at India and it will happen here say the Covid jihadists and those in the media and Political GroupThink. As ever data is not their strong point. Do not get me wrong, the scenes from India are shocking. But this is not covid-apocalypse hell.
1386 days ago
The data below is from the ONS and covers England and Wales. 2020 data is provisional so maybe tweaked a bit but with that caveat you will note a couple of things. Or if you are Boris Johnson and everyone else in the political and media class GroupThink you will ignore a couple of things which show how we citizens, we Winston Smiths, have all been taken for fools. Clearly more folks died in 2020 than in the years immediately before that. Suicides were up, untreated cancer deaths were up but Covid is responsible for most of the uptick. But for those who talk of the new plague, it is not that much of an uptick is it? More critically…
1429 days ago
The Welsh Government has found £170,000, in these times of austerity, to spunk on a report into statues, buildings, and street names that are linked to slavery or are racist in other ways. Naturally, folks like Sir Francis Drake, Nelson and Wellington are all in the firing line because their tangential or fairly minor connections to the slave trade must completely overshadow matters such as saving the nation from invasion and foreign domination. But it is my local town of Wrexham which shows up the monumental stupidity of this exercise, masterminded by the certifiably insane first minister Mark Drakeford and rubber stamped by the grossly overpaid pygmies of the Sennedd, in greatest detail.
1601 days ago
I called it for Trump in September 2016 when the media classes wrote him off. I am not calling it for him yet, but it is looking better and better, hence more fake news reports from the BBC and the rest of the Mainstream Media to the contrary. I examine what the polls say in detail, debunk a right-wing conspiracy theory and look at the four key variables that will determine the outcome and, bad news for the liberal media, all four trends are playing Trump’s way.
1603 days ago
As I wander down to the bridge to go and pick up my car from the garage in England where it is failing its MOT, I am accosted by a stalwart of our local Church here in the last village in Wales. “We’re going back,” he says. I stare blankly. “Back to Church, services start in a few weeks.” The devil is in the detail.
1604 days ago
Big Nose and our daughter Olaf are on the train to her mother in West Wales and I am on the phone to the latter. She has a medical exemption and is a proud non-mask wearer. We agree that it is rubbish. Her mother shouts over that she is also a rebel. This top City lawyer goes round M&S not only not wearing a mask but also heading the wrong way on the social distance arrows trail.
1615 days ago
Heroic Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon (JDW) has again waded into battle against the media and political classes in their GroupThink bubbles, this time on Covid. He offers up some hard data on his bars and infection which appears to challenge the narrative we are told, which is justifying policies that throttle his industry. Well done Tim. The great man writes:
1701 days ago
I outlined at the weekend how the Government will now lie about Covid 19 in a most brazen fashion and will make appalling policy decisions which only compound previous blunders, simply to cover up those initial blunders. The media and oposition almost all went along with the GroupThink response to Coronavirus so find it hard to offer questions now, other than on minor issues of implementation. But some in the media go further spinning outright lies on behalf of the Government in its hour of need. Today’s Daily Telegraph serves up a real shocker as you can see below.
1711 days ago
After this is all over there should be a national enquiry into why our entire political and media class is swamped by liberal arts graduates with no concept of how to analyse data and the collective intelligence of a bumble bee. It should be let by my cats who have greater predictive skills than Professor Neil Pantsdown, our, until recently, expert in chief whose always wrong computer models drove the groupthink of our leaders. Let me be clear I have no time for Boris et al on this matter as I noted earlier today HERE. However…
1724 days ago
I explained some time ago how the political and media classes have been captured by the biggest case of GroupThink in history. There was a better way as I showed HERE. And now I bring you one chart which should cause even the most zealous advocate of lockdown to change his or her mind. Remember that the effect of the lockdown policy has been to cause the biggest economic slowdown since 1665 which will, in itself, cause untold misery and deaths.