Lucian Miers

2 days ago

Are you coming to Sharestock on September 7?

Sharestock is looming. The date is September 7. The lawn is getting into shape. A team of helpers led by my two eldest daughters are lined up as are the speakers. All we need now is you! For what, I increasingly think, will be my last ever show. 


36 days ago

Chatroom warriors celebrate as Lucian Miers stiffed (geddit?) by Futura Medical trading statement

Before they celebrate too much the gerbils should realise that even though the shares are up by 34% today at 37.1p the bard of the Boleyn is still way ahead on is short bet. But perhaps the trading statement marks a turning point for this producer of Eroxon, a treatment for Erectile Dysfunction which most customers appear to think is useless.


71 days ago

Diversified Energy - new Short Dossier from SnowCap, this is a £500m potential zero

As you know Lucian Miers is short and I have been a bear for almost five years, even getting the FRC to rap the knuckles of Diversified Energy (DEC) for dodgy accounting. The latest bear dossier to come out is a good read and reinforces my view that this will end in tears for the bulls and is a zero. Enjoy.


89 days ago

Versarien shares now 99.95% down from September 2018 peak – a cartoon from the heyday

Just over five years ago the shares were 182.5p. Today they are struggling to hold 0.09p. You must forgive my schadenfreude as this company’s biggest critic but its shareholders, egged on by repellent founder Neill Ricketts, trolled me – as did Neil himself – on twitter, discussed having me killed in chatrooms and also plotted to get my wife sacked by her University. So I delight in how such folks have lost a fortune. You may remember how one such poltroon produced cartoons mocking and lambasting myself and also Lucian Miers. As a reminder, here is one gem. It has not aged well.


100 days ago

Canadian Overseas: Lucian urges people to do the maths on the blizzard of shares that could be issued

The $2.5million placing at 0.15p by Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) has now gone ahead. Death spiral provider Anavio is not investing it is merely putting up some cash to allow it to forward sell and convert as much of its outstanding convertible loan notes as possible before Canadian goes bust. Lucian Miers says, do the maths….


107 days ago

Speaker line up almost there – it’s time to book your seats at Sharestock 2024 on September 7 at our farm in Wales, now almost 50% sold out

As of today just under half the seats for the third Sharestock event on 7 September are now booked. If you have been before you know why but this year’s event will be bigger and better than any yet. Here is why you should make sure you have a seat HERE today.


110 days ago

It was 11 years ago today that Britain's Greatest Leader passed away - a video tribute to Lady Thatcher

My friend Lucian Miers  and I drank English Champagne after standing for hours outside St Paul’s to pay our respects and watch the funeral of Margaret Thatcher on 17 April 2013.  We mourned as some freaks celebrated as I reported back with photos HERE. But it was even years ago today that Mrs thacher died. The video below is a reminder for younger viewers of what an amazing leader she was and of the pygmies who have led us ever since.  


165 days ago

BREAKING: Another day and Eurasia Mining is in Court yet again!

This time, as you can see below, it is, for the second time, up against large shareholder Queeld Ventures, a dodgy outfit Lucian Miers flagged up as being of concern HERE.


180 days ago

Will Geoff Wilding at Victoria face huge margin calls and what will he do?

Both Lucian Miers and I have been long term bears of carpets roll up play Victoria (VCP) for a host of reasons, one of which is the “colourful” CV of head honcho Geoff Wilding. Another reason is the massive number of acquisitions some of which appear to make no sense at all. A third is its inability to generate free cash while always reporting stonking profits and a fourth, derived from that, is the debt and liability laden state of its balance sheet.


199 days ago

BREAKING: Victoria plc: 10 questions for the auditors

An outfit called Brevarthan Research has today posted 10 Questions for Grant Thornton or any successor auditor to Victoria (VCP).Anyone owning shares in this carpets rollout has been warned by myself and Lucian Miers often enough. But now holding on is sheer financial mascochism. Brevarathan writes:


203 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the day SYME is 0p looms

I start with a few BBC/Israel matters and health advice from Lucian Miers. Then I look at Silverwood (SLWD), a disaster from the VSA Capital (VSA) stable. Then Supply@ME Capital (SYME) as the fraud approaches end game, Harland & Wolff (HARL), Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX), Doc Holliday and ECR Minerals (ECR) and Upland Resources (UPL)


241 days ago

Photo Article No 3 Sharestock 2023 - Lunch

Chef Vijay made the food for my wedding ten years ago and the Christening of Jaya last year. Though not present himself he sent a charming young lady and everyone tucked in from the youngest ( Jaya and Joshua) to er….Peter Hambro there were no complaints.


241 days ago

Photo Article Sharestock 2023 No 1 - Joshua, Jim, Jam, Kinane - the day kicks off

At 8.30 the first folks arrived to a lawn basking in glorious sunshine and breakfast was served: croissants with a range of home made jams, plus plenty of coffee, tea and orange juice. The bar did not open until 9.30 in a vain effort to keep Lucian Miers under control.


318 days ago

Some real research on Futura Medical – a stonking short

No we have not tried its product Eroxon nor indeed felt the need to do so although Lucian Miers is a grandpa these days. Eroxon is a supposed treatment for Erectile Dysfunction and recently Futura Medical (FUM) followers have got terribly excited about gaining regulatory approval in Saudi Arabia.


348 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: By Jove, Lucian Miers is bang on the money

In today’s podcast I discuss Alien Metals (UFO), Hydrogen Utopia (HUI), Optibiotix (OPTI) and an email exchange with Steve O’Hara, inflation, Iconic (ICON), Futura Medical (FUM), Haleon (HLN) and Lucian’s research into curing erectile dysfunction among men of his age. 


367 days ago

Tom Winnifrith video ShareShow Number 27 featuring Steve O'Hara of Optibiotix and Lucian Miers

I am back with these bonus video shows. I am still re-adjusting myself to zoom so if my face looks a bit funny there is a reason. In this show I interview Steve O’Hara of Optibiotix (OPTI) and short seller Lucian Miers on 4 short ideas. I also comment on Versarien and the inevitability of Neill Ricketts dumping his shares. I hope you enjoy the show. 


368 days ago

Versarien – another placing at just 1p, death merely postponed!

Just 1p! Yes you read that right. Gone are the days when Neill Ricketts was dumping shares at almost £2 and mug punters used to discuss whether fair value was £10 or £100 and how to get myself and Lucien Miers killed. That is in the past. Today Versarien (VRS) has raised just £650,000 gross to keep the lights on for another three months. But it is still screwed.


384 days ago

A graphic display of why Cakebox will struggle over the next year

I realise that the cakes made by CakeBox (CBOX) are not strictly comparable with those you can buy at Tesco, Aldi, or for metropolitan elitists like my pal Jonathan Price, Waitrose. Cakebox cakes contain no eggs so are great for Hindus (1.7%of the population) and vegans ( 4.5%). And there are some with a sweet tooth and, almost certainly type 2 diabetes, like Lucian Miers who really dig the taste. But…


396 days ago

The billion dollar fraud Tingo – the weakest rebuttal in history & an explicit warning for US investors from Tingo itself

Yesterday, bear raiders Hindenburg weighed into the battle with Tingo (US:TIO), the billion dollar fraud masterminded by Chris Cleverly, the cousin of foreign secretary James. The dossier HERE showed that Tingo’s claimed operations either did not exist or had a skeletal presence which shows that its claimed revenues and profits are just bogus as, almost certainly, is its claimed cash. Tingo has responded with what Lucian Miers calls “one of the most feeblest rebuttals I have seen ( and I have seen a lot)”. Meanwhile Tingo itself has a warning for American investors.


397 days ago

BREAKING: Now Gabriel Grego goes short Tingo - he knows about companies claiming "net cash"

Gabriel Grego has just tweeted that he has shorted Tingo (US:TIO) joining other bears such as Fraser Perring, Lucian Miers and a stack of US bears who all see this as a zero. Natch mug punters have responded with abuse as they always know better, especially as Tingo is drowning in cash and auditors never get that wrong do they? Er..


407 days ago

24 hours to go another thank you from Woodlarks & the Rogue Bloggers – 1 last ask & some bad news as we hit £20,000

June 17th and the 34 mile walk from Winchester Cathedral to the amazing Woodlarks camp in Surrey is now just ONE days away. It looks like the 12 ( no 11) of us walking will be sweating under a hot sun on what will be our last trek for Woodlarks. We are all very grateful that so many of you have donated allowing us to reach, with gift aid, £20,000 raised. Thank you to all who have given Woodlarks much needed funds. But…


513 days ago

One last time, Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks Annual 34 mile walk – we are on!

This will be the sixth walk and we have agreed the last. Maybe Lucian and I will do something different next year, maybe not. The old boy did turn 60 last year. The date is now set for June 17 and we will walk the 34 miles from Winchester to the Woodlarks camp. So far those signed up are:


516 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Could Cineworld be a zero by the end of next week?

I end by thanking the kind reader whose gift of a bottle of Metaxa has just arrived. The Mrs says thank you as well. Elsewhere I chat to Lucian Miers and discuss Cineworld (CINE) – after yesterday’s legal hearing – and Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL). then it is onto Tern (TERN), Bluebird Merchant Ventures (BMV) and what Versarien (VRS) is so desperate to hide. The references in that section are to the great film Zulu.


520 days ago

Canadian Overseas Petroleum – deliberately confusing release as death spiral shares issued at just 7.3p

I cannot remember the last time that I saw such a duplicitous dishonest company, this has to be one of the easiest shorts out there at the moment!” says Evil Banksta of Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL). He is not alone, Lucian Miers has also called in from the grim North today, outraged as to how the FCA allows Canadian to publish the sort of misleading piffle it has today.


537 days ago

Revealed:Lucian Miers’s UK shorts, big and small – 1 a zero by end February

Yesterday, as I am in the grim North, I met up for a quick pint with Lucian Miers at a boozer which had the most abominable customer service I have encountered in years. Hell’s teeth they made Darren Atwater’s approach to customer service and that of the entire French population, seem Nobel prize winning. I digress. After discussing historic abuse at public schools we moved on to Ukraine and then to Lucian’s portfolio of shorts.


541 days ago

Calm Down Gary Newman: Audioboom is still a sell

I see that, on twitter, comrade Gary Newman of this parish is suggesting that he is tempted by Audioboom (BOOM) largely because he sees there being more and more demand for his friend and colleague I urge him to sit down in a dark room, dream about kissing poisonous spiders in the jungle, and think again. Today’s 2022 trading update adds to the bear case as outlined by Lucian Miers in his tip of the year HERE, it is no reason to buy.


541 days ago

Just under 9 Months away – Sharestock now almost 50% booked out! Grab your seat now

The big tent is now booked for ShareStock on September 23 this year. It will seat around 100 folks but already almost 50 of those seats have been reserved. And it is now wonder given who is speaking and all the other attractions. We might even have a jetty for you fisherman to try to grab a salmon or a pike on the day. That project is in hand. But the speakers are lining up.


541 days ago

Vindicated Again, ITM Power – is the warning a kitchen sink or is there more to come?

A long call with Lucian Miers has just ended. As you may know he has moved from leafy Hampshire to the grim North of Yorkshire and has blundered out for a walk only to find himself in the middle of a snowstorm. Let us pray that he makes it back safely to his new home, without the need for the local Moors rescue team to unleash the whippets. We talked of ITM Power (ITM) where the great bear has increased his short position after today’s dire warning. But is that right?


661 days ago

BREAKING: Jim Mellon, Matt Earl and Malcolm Burne join the fun – Sharestock 2023 now open for bookings

Some folks said that I did not give them enough notice about ShareStock 2022 so they were on holiday, could not find anywhere to stay or had accepted a prior engagement. So for 2023 I am giving you almost a year’s notice of an even more unusual event! We start with some amazing new speakers:


665 days ago

Bidstack ticks all the boxes for the bears

I start with a sort of Lucian Miers-style checklist for short candidates. How many boxes does Bidstack (BIDS) tick?


666 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - could Argo be a zero by Christmas? Hell yeah!

I start the podcast with a few macro musings then onto the Lucian Miers stock check list for bears and bulls before looking at Argo Blockchain (ARB) and how it could be a zero by Christmas.


670 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Talking with Lucian Miers, THG and Versarien, both possible zeros

In today’s Bearcast, I discuss banksters’ bonuses and the evil Tories, (MADE), Checkit (CKT), musicMagpie (MMAG), Versarien (VRS) and THG (THG).


693 days ago

Tom Winnifrith: New shorts, old shorts, no recordings no holds barred in just 8 days

It is 8 days to Sharestock when 70-80 folks will spend the day in a tent on a raised garden on the banks of the River Dee, eight m,iles from Chester but in Wales! There will be free drinks all day and up to four meals of locally produced food. There is salmonand pike fishing, prize croquet but this day is for those who want to make more money from shares. It will be fun and entertaining with no speaker, least of all me, pulling their punches.


693 days ago

TUI will be the next Thomas Cook, a zero: Lucian Miers

Next time TUI (TUI) threatens to go bust the German Government will be in no position to bail it out given how many other large German companies will be on their uppers by this winter. So says Lucian Miers who is short of the stock in a material way.


693 days ago

Cake Box Told y’all! Disastrous warning and it will get worse

Lucian Miers may have become a big fan of Cake Box’s (CBOX) egg-free mega calorie cream cakes but it seems that others are taking a different view. You have been repeatedly warned that this was a disaster in waiting and today there is a catastrophic profits warning and it is only going to get worse. How jolly glad the CEO and his Mrs who sold 3 million shares at 350 to poor dumb sheeple fund managers last November and 3.75 million 170p in September 2020 will be to have banked £16.88 million as the shares are now just 98p. And things will get worse.


702 days ago

New shorts, old shorts, no recordings no holds barred in 16 days time

It s just 16 days to Sharestock and I bought the big tent for it yesterday!. It will not just be about shares to short. Peter Hambro will talk about gold and how to play it. Chris Bailey will talk about making money from long only value investing in a bear market and 3 CEOs will face a 15 minute grilling from me, including Optibiotix boss Steve O’Hara and Cathal Friel of Open Orphan. But the short sellers presenting are legends.


703 days ago

BOOM BOOM - when is the lack of profits warning at Audioboom which will expose its painfully thin balance sheet?

Bear raider Miles Dyson and I chatted the other day. Lucian Miers says that – apart from me – Miles is his new best buddy. His work on Audioboom (BOOM) suggesting fabricated user numbers is compelling as you can see here. But last night he unearthed a hammer blow which, as I shall explain below, will have devastating consequences for the share price.


706 days ago

Just 21 days to go: Book Now!

Yes it is just 21 days to the most unusual event in the share calendar – ShareStock. On September 10, sixty to eighty folks will be sitting in tents on an elevated lawn by the banks of the River Dee listening to legends from the investment world give talks and them chatting to them informally, one to one, in the drinks tent.


710 days ago

ShareStock – No Video Links this is a personal experience!

“Can I do my chat with you via video link?” said the least well-known person attending Sharestock on September 10 as a CEO speaker? “No! You are uninvited” said I. He missed the point about this event, it is personal. You can listen to all the speakers on stage but then collar them in the drinks tent before or afterwards for a one to one chat.


721 days ago

ShareStock – Final speaker announced, and there will be no videos

Somebody had the cheek to ask if I will record videos of ShareStock. Er, no!


723 days ago and Fevertree and others – don’t wait for the coup de grace!

After Fevertree’s (FEVR) recent profits warning, Lucian Miers says that he has closed his short. Not that he expects the shares to surge higher just that he sees greater opportunities out there for the teddies. I am not so sure.


731 days ago

Fevertree warns – told y’all, worse still to come

Lucian Miers and I both warned that this would happen as, I think, did the Dark Destroyer Matt Earl. Chris Bailey is a non-drinker and disagreed. Never trust a non-drinker, as my pal Evil Knievil (not a non-drinker) would say. On 19 May Fevertree (FEVR) told us to expect flat FY EBITDA of £63 million to £66 million. Today, less than two months later…..


743 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Will Lucian Miers survive Thursday Night?

As a Scottish Catholic, Lucian Miers will support Norway this Thursday. I think this is unwise, as we are sitting amongst the Northern Ireland supporters. I’ll have to explain to fellow members of the GAWA that Lucian is a Fenian, hence his sudden love-in with the land of Quisling. On shares, I look at Edenville Energy (EDL) and its new board member, Paul Ryan (remember him?). Then, I discuss Central Copper Resources, Cineworld (CINE), and Purplebricks (PURP), which, ceteris paribus, will go bust in a year.


767 days ago

Avacta – an aide memoire for Lucian Miers

As we marched on Saturday, the Rogue Bloggers discussed this and that. As he sobered up, even Lucian Miers joined in the conversation, and asked whether he should short Avacta (AVCT). The answer is yes, and here is why.


775 days ago

It is not about the rear-view mirror – add to Fevertree short

Lucian Miers wrote here a couple of weeks ago about Fevertree (FEVR) where he remains short. There may be some people laughing at him as the fizzy drinks group fairly promptly served up a trading statement suggesting that it was on track to meet forecasts. But that is looking in the rear-view mirror. What is important is what happens going forward.


775 days ago

Photo Article: Rogue bloggers for Woodlarks reach 14 miles

The next target is lunch, which is 3 miles away. We are, I calculate, on track to catch Brian Basham at c. 3 pm. My fellow rogue bloggers, even the hungover Lucian Miers and reader, N, who has an incredibly heavy backpack, are in fine form. I am not. Something isn’t right, and I am just taking on more liquids at this stage. I have confessed to Nick Richards that, for the first time, I may not make it to the finish line this year. Nevertheless, I am focused on the next three miles, which take us just past halfway. Master Miers, a barking-mad commie, is keeping at the back to help me along, entertaining me with his bonkers worldview.  He makes our in-house Euro loon, Jonathan Price, seem rather sane.  Think of my suffering, as Master Miers explains why rich people’s houses should be nationalised, and donate to Woodlarks HERE


775 days ago

Photo Article: The Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks set off from Winchester Cathedral

There are two late dropouts: reader Sam and Andrew Bell. Fleet Street legend, Brian Basham, has gone AWOL. So, it is just me, reader N, Steve Moore, and a very hungover Lucian Miers (along with his communist son). Lucian’s hangover has delayed us by 35 minutes, but now, we are off! If you have yet to donate, please do so HERE.



780 days ago

New star speaker announced for ShareStock on September 10 – watch out Argo Blockchain!

I am pleased to announce the 5th of our six main stage speakers. Do join us for Sharestock, the share show with an all-day bar, held in North Wales (by 30 yards). Joining me, Gabriel Grego, Chris Bailey, Lucian Miers and 4 CEOs is…


796 days ago

Lucian Miers: Amigo the simplest UK slam dunk short, target price 2p ( now 6.35p)

Lucian Miers’ (the bear raider) top three UK short positions are:


854 days ago

Andrew Bell signs up for Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks – will it be 4th time lucky for the great man?

To date, controversial mining boss Bell, has managed 18 miles, 31miles and 3 miles (the last three). But on June 11th he will try to make it 4th time lucky and complete the 34miles Winchester to Woodlarks walk. He joins myself, writers Lucian Miers, Steve Moore, three of our readers Jonathan Price, Nick and Sam plus 80 year old Fleet Street Legend Brian Basham and his long suffering trainer. So that makes nine rogue bloggers so far.


871 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Lucian's top 4 shorts & my 10 shares to collapse by Christmas reviews and an oil price warning

The gardening photos from the Welsh hovel will appear later on my own site. Before then I review the  4 retail stocks of the Lucian Miers apocalypse: Versarien (VRS), Supply@ME Capital (SYME), Eurasia (EUR) and Chill Brands (CHLL) and then my 10 stocks to collapse by Christmas. One has fallen so far it is probably not a short now though I would not buy it while three look set to go to zero, possibly as soon as next week in one case. My 10 are Supply, Chill Brands, Versarien, Avacta (AVCT), Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT), Amigo (AMGO), Cineworld (CINE), Argo Blockchain (ARB), Verditek (VDTK) and Tern (TERN). I also look at the oil price and consider whether those sitting on gains might bank a few profits. 


874 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Sitting on the fence with Lucian Miers

I start with Ukraine, Russia and all that macro shite and say a few things which challenge the Western narrative and which some of you may disagree with violently. I cover Ferrexpo (FXPO), Amur (AMC) and Eurasia (EUA) in this section. I mention Cineworld (CINE) and then discuss today’s news from Optibiotix (OPTI) and, en passant, Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) where I am buying more shares this afternoon. 


902 days ago

A resting banker explains why Cineworld is a zero

Lucian Miers and myself have repeatedly called out Cineworld (CINE) as a compelling short and those who have followed our calls have prospered. But the FT, the home of almost every wrong call in history from backing the UK joining the Euro to selling its gold in 1997, runs a story “Cineworld debt pile set to save cinema operator from bankruptcy.” You might think this is a reason to buy. Au contaire. A resting banksta writes to me to explain.


909 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel - Damson vodka crumble

As I am on the Lucian Miers diet I cannot drink anything from the two bottles of damson vodka I decanted the other day. But I had a brief break in the diet, as I plan to step up the excercise part of it next week, as you can see below.


910 days ago

Photo Article: Lucian goes to Cake Box Eastleigh as the company serves up weedy response to bear case

Today we were told that the COO of Cake Box (CBOX) had bought £50,000 ofshares yesterday. Compared to the £10.5 million dump by his boss in November it is peanuts. Showing rather poor form, Dr Jaswir Singh made the purchase BEFORE rather than AFTER the company put out a weedy and patronising RNS trying to refute the bear case as explained HERE on Sunday.  Surely the good Dr was aware that a refutation was coming and thus had price sensitive information? While Dr Singh was dealing like a dervish, Lucian Miers went to visit the franchise stores in Eastleigh and Southampton. The photo below is from Eastleigh.


910 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast – a Fake Sheikh hunting competition for detectives among you

I start with a weather report from Chez Atwater, refer to this article, and ask any cultists to explain. Then there is a fake sheikh (or not)-hunting competition regarding ADM Energy (ADM). Finally I ask if we bears really will have a long promised tea party in 2022 as slimmer of the month Lucian Miers suggests. Heck, he is even thinking of shorting Tesla again.


927 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: A sleazy PWC report does not excuse grotesque NED share option greed at Optibiotix, it stinks

I start with a few minutes on Woodlarks. This may be my last year doing the Rogue Bloggers Walk but myself, Lucian Miers and Jonathan Price are minded to do it once more in May or June. On the basis that it could be a last hurrah and that you may want to consider a way of shifting that Christmas belly bulge how about you join us in 2022? Then onto Optibiotix (OPTI) where its NEDs have behaved in a most disgraceful way with free money share option troughing. As a loyal shareholder this is another kick in the gonads for me and I urge Steve O’Hara to sack three of the four of them and replace them with one new, less greedy, individual. Actually I’d go for all four booting out chairman Neil Davidson as well.


971 days ago

My Tickets for Euro 2022 confirmed – the pretense was unbelievable as daughter and I join the GAWA

Yes, dear daughter, you shall go to the Women’s Euros along with myself and Lucian Miers, the normal West Ham supporting team. But this time we shall be joining the GAWA, that is to say we are off to see Northern Ireland take on Norway who are rather good. I fear the worst, but we must all travel in hope in the Green & White Army.


1027 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the Agony and the Ecstasy

I sart with a chat I had with my friend Lucian Miers on Demetri Kofinas and financial nihilism. Honest, it is more interesting than it sounds. Then to gold and why one might be losing faith. Lucian has.  Then to two stocks I own Kefi (KEFI) and MyHealthchecked (MHC) and one that I do not and which is on its way down the plughole: the fraud Chill Brands (CHLL).


1036 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: can anyone interpret my new nightmare, a Saint (Vin) and a sinner (Lucian) and his toxic 4

I am up early thanks to a new nightmare. Can anyone interpret it? Are you out there Joseph? I then look at saint Vin Murria and Summerway Capital (SWC). Then I discuss Lucian Miers big Joe Retail toxic four (Chill Brands, Supply@ME Capital, Tern and Eurasia), why things are going his way, which will crack first and why and what the fallout will be. A regular bearcast will follow later.


1054 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast - Probing Lucian, as he prepares to do porridge, on the big five UK shorts - what triggers the end game?

Yesterday I was reviewing Lucian’s big 5 small cap shorts with the great bear over breakfast. Breakfast BTW was porridge with home made stewed apples (from the Welsh Hovel) in cinnamon. In the podcast I discuss last night’s culinary fare but then probe Lucian on what he sees as critical mid and end points for each of his 5 UK small cap big shorts: Tern (TERN), Versarien (VRS), Chill Brands (CHLL), Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and Eurasia Mining (EUA)


1054 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Preparing the fatted pig for Lucian Miers

This is my shortest bearcast ever. Having picked Lucian’s brains I promise you two tomorrow


1055 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Lucian Miers' big 4 UK small cap shorts

On each of the four there is borrow and Lucian is short. There is a 5th where he has a small short but borrow is hard to obtain. I go through all five and explain why they will all see a share price collapse if not a total wipeout.


1055 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel - Lavender cordial (home made)

The one hundred lavender bushes that line the approach to the Welsh Hovel are largely decorative. Next year they should be almost three foot tall and I hope even bushier than this year making a real “wall” of colour and smell.  But already the smell as you wander past them on the way up to the rhubarb at the top of the garden is strong and wonderful. But the plants have uses too.


1055 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Should Lucian Miers and I buy shares in Versarien or go to Zagreb?

I start with what should have been Joshua’s first day at school but for the utterly inexcusable laziness of the teachers. Then I mention Versarien (VRS) before moving onto the fraud Chill Brands (CHLL), a bt of CV analysis at Nanosynth (NNN) and a discussion of the latest nonsense from Eurasia Mining (EUA) where again I compare it with Jubilee Metals (JLP).


1119 days ago

Photo Article from the Greek Road Trip - back to 2012 in Zitsa and the world's greatest baker, I feel awful

It was in the small town of Zitsa that Lord Byron sheltered from a thunderstorm when riding with his friend Cam Hobhouse in 1809. Poems from that episode duly followed. My Aunt L, to whom I chatted today from Delphi on Cochrane matters, married a Hobhouse but it was not that 1809 sheltering or Byron that took myself and Joshua to Zitsa yesterday. 


1124 days ago

My friend Lucian Miers will be with the German supporters in Glasgow tonight

Though he boasts of his East End heritage, my friend Lucian sometimes says, in his very posh English accent, that he is Scottish as his family has some estates up there funded, one suspects, from the slum housing they once owned in the West Ham heartlands. Lucian is about as Scottish as Rod Stewart or the late Duke of Edinburgh. But tonight he will be filming with a German TV crew in Glasgow.


1143 days ago

Funny Money, odd placings, smells all wrong...

Lucian Miers wrote about one aspect of Eurasia Mining (EUA) that smells all wrong to him the other day. My friend and colleague is yet to get any satisfactory answers on that matter. But here is another oddity.


1145 days ago

Tern is a slam dunk short and there is borrow!

Even in these crazy times when shares in insolvent frauds go up, some things just have to be a slam dunk short. The good news with this one is that there is borrow. Lucian Miers is already short so I suggest you join him in taking free money off morons who are buying Tern (TERN).


1149 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: does anyone care about corruption or misuse of taxpayer cash anymore?

I start with thoughts about yesterday’s walk, especial thanks to Jonathan Price, Steve Moore, Robert Lewis and Lucian Miers and his son, the other five rogue bloggers who managed all 34.2 miles. Lucian as the logistics meister who also got another stack of relatives to join us deserves especial credit. Thank you to all who sponsored us, it is not too late to donate here. Then onto what I see as corruption, the misuse of taxpayer cash by so many in the corporate world. It is legal but immoral but I sense no one really cares which saddens me.


1155 days ago

Photo Article: Six Rogues for Woodlarks at 6am at Winchester Cathedral

It is 6:00am and the Rogue Bloggers number six. Lucian Mier’s son joins us. Andrew Bell is a no show. Our target is to raise £48,000 but any more would be a bonus… As of now, we are at £47,200.89, Please support the Rogue Bloggers and Woodlarks with a donation HERE.


1156 days ago

Saturday 29th May I walk 34.2 miles – will you please sponsor me and the other Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks?

I seem to have pulled some muscles in my back and shoulder and am in a bit of pain which will make tomorrow’s 34.2 mile walk from Winchester Cathedral to Woodlarks even more “fun”. But walk I shall as the quite amazing charity said that it needed to cover its costs in this year when its revenues have been eliminated by lockdown by us raising £48,000. So I will walk and I will finish. I won’t be alone but ask that you do your part and sponsor me as we seek to raise that £48,000. To those who have already done so, I say thank you, to the rest of you…


1165 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Malcolm you might be right short term but you are actually wrong

With Gift Aid, we are either at £30,000 or just £1500 short of that on Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks. Lucian is walking the 34 mile course today so think of the rain and please donate HERE. My friend Malcolm Stacey is a naughty old bull. I discuss his column today HERE and why he is just wrong.


1165 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 26: A two and a half hour bear special with Lucian Miers and David Scott

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, sparky interviews with two great bears and some thoughts from myself. First up is the Bard of the Boleyn Lucian Miers followed by David Scott of Andrews Gwynne. Stocks to short and buy, asset allocation, macro-economics, it is all covered You can access the show HERE 


1188 days ago

Photo Article: Woodlarks Training walk number 6 - it was actually 22.5 miles as I laugh at a masked copper

As ever, my training walks for Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks start the same way. I am aware that the actual walk is now just five weeks away and it will be a gruelling 34 miles with a 6 AM kick off at Winchester Cathedral. But I must finish the walk and ensure my fellow rogue bloggers finish too. Woodlarks urgently needs us to raise £50,000 to ensure its survival and so please do donate HERE.


1193 days ago

The Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks have now raised almost £13,000 – can you help at all? Please say YES!

For the second year on the trot, the Woodlarks camp for the disabled cannot run low cost unique holiday camps for folks who would otherwise, almost certainly not get a holiday. This unfashionable charity is another victim of lockdown and so now needs £48,000 to ensure it survives iunto 2022 when we hope it can re-open. So for the 4th year the Rogue Bloggers will be walking and begging!


1205 days ago

Photo Article: Woodlarks Training walk Number 3 - 16 miles

The good news is that we should be up to 12 rogue bloggers for Woodlarks by the end of the weekend. The bad news is that Lucian Miers has walked the course and it is indeed 34 miles, not the usual 33, and the last 1.5 miles are all uphill, just when one is ready to collapse. And thus I must train ever harder as this walk is the most important I have ever done and I must finish.


1208 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Lucian's 3 UK shorts and a big 5 figure sell and buy in my pension fund

I discuss Joshua’s future career, gooseberry planting and two discussions and missives to regulators. Then the three UK shorts of Lucian Miers: TUI (TUI), Cineworld (CINE) and Versarien (VRS). then a five figure sell in my SIPP and how the cash was redeployed with a buy to treble!


1238 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 21: 2 1/2 hours of cannabis, bears, Lucian Miers and a new stock I've bought into

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, some sparky interviews with Ed McDermott of FastForward Innovations (FFWD) on cannabis stocks and his company. This is, I think, the most interesting CEO interview to date. Then I discuss a new share I have invested a five figure sum into on behalf of the company. Finally there is bear raider turned bull, the bard of the Boleyn, Lucian Miers. You can access the show HERE


1266 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: as insanity rages I look at the thoughts of 3 great sex symbols and investment legends: Becks, Lucian Miers and Malcolm Stacey

I start with a joke about Lord George Young and the late Jimmy Savile prompted by a discovery my sister made today in Shipston. Then I look at IQE (IQE), Cineworld (CINE) and the scandal that is the David Beckham linked pot IPO.


1266 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Lucian Miers adds to his only UK short position and why

In today’s podcast, I look at Iconic (ICON), Eden Research (EDEN), Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and Zoetic (ZOE). I also look at macro madness in UK short caps and look at what happened in 2001 and 1721, both of which were very similar to today.


1286 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - I am NOT losing my faith in gold

I note the comments on gold by Lucian Miers HERE and Nigel Somerville HERE. Are the bulls in retreat? Well I am not and I explain why. Like Lucian, I am attracted to non-gold metals, even if Colin Bird is involved, but I am still c25% weighted in gold and happy to be so.


1287 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 15: Stuart Ashman runs what could be a 20 bagger and Lucian Miers on his longs and shorts

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, some sparky interviews with Staurt Ashman of Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) where I am 130% up in seven months but think the shares could 20 bag from here and bear raider Lucian Miers on macro economics his cooling feelings on cold and warming feelings on bitcoin and his big longs and shorts. Then there are a few thoughts on companies you must NOT own, including the latest nonsense from the scallywags at Powerhouse Energy (PHE).You can access the show HERE


1308 days ago

Shareprophets share tips of the year – No 8 a buy from Tom Winnifrith & Steve Moore at N50

Between December 24 and January 3, the entire team here at ShareProphets is serving up our tips of the year (22 in total).  No 8 is a collaborative buy from Tom Winnifrith & Steve Moore on their N50 website.


1408 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 11: Almost 3 hours of AEX Gold, me on a new stock I've bought and why SYME is a con and a zero and Chris "3 brains" Bailey

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new, I hope, weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, some sparky interviews with  Chris “3 brains” Bailey on his dirty secret, the real economy why UK shares are so cheap, on gold and his 3 top picks. There is also a detailed interview with the boss of AEX Gold (AEXG) who is not really 13 years old plus I discuss a new stock I have bought into heavily and also why Supply@ME Capital (SYME) has this week hoisted its biggest red flag yet, is a scam and is worth 0p. You can access the show HERE


1410 days ago

Amigo – how should shareholders vote?...

Lucian Miers: I wrote recently that I thought that Amigo Holdings (AMGOwas a prime candidate for bankruptcy by the year end. While I still think this is the case, I have closed my short for now as I expect a lot of volatility as this wonderfully entertaining soap opera reaches a crucial stage later this month…


1410 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Reasons for lateness today and flagging up a likely absence

I address this point first. The poems to which I refer can be found HERE. Then I look at Amigo (AMGO) where my pal Lucian Miers has got it 100% wrong before considering Pensana Rare Earths (PRE) where folks were right to ignore the advice of HotStockRockets. This play on green shite will, I sense, head far higher.


1414 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 10: Almost 3 hours of Andrew Bell, Matt Earl of Boohoo infamy and myself on more red flags from the liars at Verditek

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new, I hope, weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, some sparky interviews with bear raider Matt Earl on the markets, the real economy and on 2 stocks where he is short (IQE & Boohoo) and one where he might be soon (Future PLC). we focus on Boohoo. There is also a detailed interview with Andrew Bell of Red Rock Resources (RRR). Its shares are 0.82p and what Bell says is ground breaking. I am on record as saying I shall eat my hat on video if the shares are not 1.26p before Christmas. I now reckon 1.65p is achievable and this is explained very clearly. Finally I return to the liars at Verditek (VDTK), why it is drowning in red flags and more. You can access the show HERE


1420 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 9: Almost 3 hours of Lucian Miers, Myself on Dev Clever and Harry Adams of Kefi

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new, I hope, weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, some sparky interviews with bear raider Lucian Miers on the markets, the real economy, his longs and shorts and gold and with Harry Adams of Kefi (KEFI) ahead of the most exciting six weeks of his career. Listen carefully to what Harry says, having just bought more Kefi a couple of weeks ago I am delighted with certain matters he raises. Finally, I look at Dev Clever (DEV) and why it should face a full stewards!. You can access the show HERE


1445 days ago

The Greek Hovel August 2020: Day 4 the Arrival of Uncle Johnny

He is not in fact anyone’s Uncle. In India, an older man is always termed an uncle so Joshua has lots of uncles including both his godfathers, Johnny and Lucian Miers, Uncle Brokerman Dan and the list of unsuitable and disreputable “uncles” goes on and on. However, this uncle is in fact a relation. He is something like the third cousin of the Mrs but for historic reasons, these distant families were quite close.



1445 days ago

BREAKING: Versarien admits its UK taxpayer loan breaks the rules: Lucian Miers writes to Alok Sharma

It appears that a second charge has been registered at Companes House by taxpayer backed Innovate UK for its £5 million loan to Versarien (VRS). This means that if Versarien defaults taxpayers may well not get all their cash back. That on its own seems a clear breach of Innovate UK rules and a reason why this loan should not be made. But there is worse. In its quite atrocious results today Versarien itself gives a reason why the loan application is illegal. Lucian Miers has written to Business Secretary Alok Sharma to flag this up.


1474 days ago

Tom Winnifrith: I am going to buy a new stock as a result of MineProphets… and it's not gold

On Saturday 18th July, anyone serious about mining stocks will be tuning in to MineProphets. The conference will last all day, but the 30 videos plus will stay up until just after Christmas. Tipsters, CEO and a swathe of mining gurus and experts will be presenting, and most of those who do present will also be there on the day to chat to attendees in dedicated chat rooms. And, already, I have one stock that I am almost certain to buy.


1487 days ago

July 18 MineProphets Online Conference book your seat now

Is now the time to buy gold aggressively or has that ship sailed? What about silver, uranium, rare earths? We have assembled a panel of true experts ready to present to you on how to make money from mining stocks and all will present at on July 18. You can book your seat HERE.


1491 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Jet2 (part of Dart Group), this is all wrong

I speak as a now ex customer but also as a journalist. My issue has been resilved and I’d like to thank the Dart Group’s (DTG) FD & PR team for assisting. But broader questions about cancellations and refunds remain unanswered. I discuss this and then a chat with Lucian Miers which covered the markets, Wizz Air (WIZZ) and Carnival (CCL). I look at Trafalgar (TRAF), Katoro Gold (KAT), Victoria (VCP) and Elecosoft (ELCO).


1510 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Shareshow No 2: Well over 2 hours of Matt Earl, Aidan Bishop and why Purplebricks is a zero

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new, I hope, weekly show. This costs 99p per episode to access and you can either listen or watch very sparky interviews with bear raider Matt Earl with Boohoo (BOO) centre stage, Aidan Bishop of Big Dish (DISH) and Bluebird Merchant (BMV) and myself explaining why Purplebricks (PURP) is a zero. You can access the show HERE


1521 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Shareshow No 1: almost 3 hours of Lucian Miers, Colin Bird and a devestating expose of Novacyt

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new, I hope, weekly show. This costs 99p per episode to access and you can either listen or watch very sparky interviews with bear raiders Lucian Miers and Colin Bird of Jubilee Metals (JLP), Xtract Resources (XTR) and Galileo Resources (GLR) as well as a devestating new expose of Novacyt (NCYT) explaining why its shares will collapse by 90% and why its CEO’s interests are directly opposed to that of shareholders.  You can access the show HERE


1592 days ago

Tom Winnfrith Bearcast - a long chat with Lucian Miers

I had a long chat with Lucian Miers who is right now in Cambodia ( cue cheap Gary Glitter jokes from morons on ADVFN). We discussed coronavirus and the state of the markets. What to buy in the FTSE 100 and his shorts: De la Rue (DLAR), Versarien (VRS), Easyjet (EZJ), IQE (IQE), Apple, Tesla and Purplebricks (PURP) and also the ethics of bailouts and what Governments will be allowed to do., I also comment on Finablr (FIN) and panic selling in Big Sofa (BST)


1603 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Recording a podcast with a Senior Versarien whistleblower tonight!

Sadly Lyin’ Neill Ricketts of Versarien (VRS) has not been in touch about my offer to record a podcast but I have a former senior executive turned whistleblower to interview instead and I shall do that tonight and it will go live, togerher with a chat with Lucian Miers in the next edition of ShareProphets Radio out soon, Elsewhere I discuss NMC Heath (NMC) and lessons learned,  Zenith Energy (ZEN) and Anglo African Oil & Gas (AAOG), whether Tullow (TLW) could be a sero, Aston Martin (AML), Cobra Resources (COBR) and finally ask when Telit (TCM) will serve up a profits warning. Surely it is due.


1640 days ago

FREE Podcast: ShareProphets Radio Edition 23 with Tom Winnifrith and Lucian Miers

My guest in this week’s show which is sponsored by Open Orphan PLC (ORPH) is my old pal, the Godfather of my son, the Bard of the Boleyn, Mr Lucian Miers. We discuss how a bear can make money in this market, Tesla (TSLA), Versarien (VRS), NMC Health (NMC), Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks (please do sponsor us HERE), AFC Energy (AFC), Vast Resources (VAST), Finablr (FIN) and much more including a few of Lucian’s top US shorts.  I also have a question about those who invest in frauds and who harass me and my family. If you are such a troll maybe you can enlighten me? If you like this podcast and can’t wait seven days for more of the same and are tired of being a cheapskate you should listen to my Bearcast every day.


1641 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I write a perfect script for a Versarien owning moron as I fall out with Lucian

In today’s podcast I look at Versarien (VRS) and explain why Lucian Miers and I have fallen out over this one on the latest edition of ShareProphets Radio. I look at Tern’s (TERN) bollockese trading statement and ask “when’s the placing” or “Show Me The (lack of) Money”. I look at the (bad) news from UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) regarding Horse Hill and for me the numbers still do not stack up even with the shares having slumped to 0.675p. Finally, I hope I did enough to stop Steve Holdsworth from cancelling his subscription, so Steve how about making a small initial donation by way of thanks to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE


1651 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the Bulletin Board Moron being paid £1,000 a month by an AIM Company to ramp - how widespread is this practice?

Natch, if one believes the morons, it is only folks like myself, Steve Moore and shorters like Lucian Miers, Carson Block and Waseem Shakoor who commit market abuse by, er, telling the truth. Is it wrong for companies to pay morons as well as whore bloggers to ramp. Having now discovered one company where this is going on I discuss just how big this issue is and whether and why it is a scandal.


1651 days ago

Good companies just do not behave like this – non financial red flags at Eurasia and Versarien

Lucian Miers and I have covered Versarien (VRS) many times, looking at the maths as to why the shares, at 79.5p having fallen back a good bit, are still monstrously overvalued. It was one of Lucian’s sell tips of the year HERE and he, and I, reckon that fair value is sub 10p.  Eurasia Mining (EUA) is another AIM casino ramp which, on fundamentals, looks to be massively overvalued. I would not be a buyer of the stock even if it fell by two thirds from the current 4p.


1658 days ago

Photo Article: Joshua & I on Woodlarks 2020 Rogue Bloggers training walk No 1 - Moel Famau

On June 13, myself, Lucian Miers and Brokerman Dan will do our third rogue bloggers for Woodlarks walk. This year the route is different and longer, the 34 miles from Winchester to the camp. If you want to join us (last year there were 14 rogue bloggers in all) email me at [email protected] and we can chat. Meanwhile we hope to raise more than last year’s £55,000, knowing that Woodlarks gets by on just £115,000 a year) so please start to donate HERE. Feeling a bit fat after Christmas, I have started training already. Yesterday Joshua, myself and the Mrs headed to the biggest hill around here, Moel Famau as you can see below.


1668 days ago

The ShareProphets share tips of the year 2020 - No 16 a sell from Lucian Miers

During the first seven days of Christmas each of the team will serve up two share tips (buys or sells). I will serve up 4. That makes 20 in total. Enjoy our share tips of the year 2020. Sixteenth up is a SELL from Lucian Miers who is short of the shares in the company below.


1671 days ago

The ShareProphets share tips of the year 2020 - No 11 a sell from Lucian Miers

During the first seven days of Christmas each of the team will serve up two share tips (buys or sells). I will serve up 4. That makes 20 in total. Enjoy our share tips of the year 2020. Eleventh up is a SELL from Lucian Miers who is short of the shares in both of the companies mentioned below.


1713 days ago

FREE Podcast: ShareProphets Radio Edition EIGHTEEN with Tom Winnifrith: stick another bird on the board to cover up that fraud

There are no guests in this week’s show which is sponsored by Open Orphan PLC (ORPH). It is just me and I start with the tale of Lyin’ Chris Cleverley, the lying fraudster cousin of Tory Party chairman James. Lyin’ Chris runs listed companies and there is no doubt he is a liar and a fraudster so why has the FCA not acted? Then it is onto PureCircle (PURE) a billion dollar fraud, where after six years, myself and Lucian Miers are utterly vindicated. I invite you to read its 2018 annual report and despair at the woke world of best practice in corporate governance. If you like this and can’t wait seven days for more of the same and are tired of being a cheapskate you should listen to my Bearcast every day.


1725 days ago

The best time to kick a man is when he’s down - ref. Sirius Minerals

Lucian Miers calls in from Cambodia where he is escaping the nonsense of the election campaign, to ask is Jo Swinson really as dim as she seems and is Mothercare (MTC) bust. I am afraid that I have no answer to either question…


1726 days ago

Versarien – a Guy Fawkes cartoon from a moron

In the absence of any real news or even fake news to support the utterly ludicrous valuation of uber-promote Versarien (VRS), not even a response to the press reports from Friday, its talented moron cartoonist has been at it again as you can see below. Natch Neill Ricketts is the hero and myself and Lucian Miers are about to get burned. Whatever…


1762 days ago

Lucian Miers & Tom Winnifrith feature in another cartoon by Versarien owning moron Roger the Grouch

Shareholders in Versarien (VRS) need something to cheer about as the wheels start to come off this ludicrous promote. Step forward moronic shareholder but talented cartoonist Roger the Grouch with this Rugby World Cup themed offering. I think I’m the fat bear, Lucian the squashed one. Natch ramper in chief Neill Ricketts is the hero..


1769 days ago

FREE Podcast: ShareProphets Radio Edition TEN with Tom Winnifrith and Bear Raider Lucian Miers - who is swimming w

Just one guest in this week’s show, which is sponsored by Yorkville, the bear raider Lucian Miers who has been doing due diligence at the coal face on the cannabis market. We discuss pot stocks and GW Pharma (GWP) in particular, the We Work flop and its macro significance, Versarien (VRS), Sirius (SXX), Tesla (TSLA), Purplebricks (PURP) and Greggs (GRG).If you like this and can’t wait seven days for more of the same you should listen to my Bearcast every day.


1771 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Shame on PWC & Numis, Hat tip Jim Mellon and ouzo for a vindicated Lucian Miers

Jim Mellon says he loves listrening to my podcasts and has sent over a very interesting article following the pulled We Work IPO which I discuss at length. The into PureCircle (PURE) which Lucian has called brilliantly, notably here. Yesterday’s shock warning tells us so much about the disgraceful apathy of folks like Numis and PWC when evidence of aggressive accounting was there for all to see over many years. I discuss another company shown to be swmming with no trunks. It will not be the last.


1788 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: with respect Liberum you are talking cock

In today’s podcast I start with a couple of reflections on the joys of modern life involving Andrew Monk of VSA, cannabis and the tossers at Barclays Bank (BARC). I look at Burford (BUR), Falanx (FLX), IQE (IQE), Xaar (XAR), Providence Resources (PVR) and Lansdowne Oil & Gas (LOGP). I forgot to mention Restaurant Group (RTN) but Chris “Three Brains” Bailey, again, covers it very well HERE and he is right. It is a slam dunk sell. Lucian Miers reckons it might just be a zero.


1808 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Cough, cough but at least I enjoy radio silence from the spiv Lucian Miers

I am not well as the repeated coughing implies. I have self diagnosed and think I may have bronchitis. Anyhow apologies for more coughing today. In the podcast I look at Tomco (TOM), Conroy Gold (CGNR), Sports Direct (SPD) and at Kier (KIE).


1812 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Lucian Miers is a spiv but is Neill Ricketts now a self-confessed insider dealer?

Yesterday I raised issues for Versarien (VRS) HERE which forced a statement today. But that statement itself now begs the question of whether Neill Ricketts is an insider dealer. Another email to the shamed Nomad Bobbie Hilliam (of Quindell infamy) at Canaccord and to AIM Regulation is on the way. I also look at Burford (BUR), Kier (KIE) and Verseon (VERS).


1818 days ago

FREE Podcast: ShareProphets Radio Edition THREE with Tom Winnifrith

In this third edition of the ShareProphets Radio podcast sponsored by Riverfort Global Capital, this week, in order I discuss the political threats to the UK stockmarket, interview the UK’s best known chartist Zak Mir and then discuss all things Versarien (VRS), the most overpromoted stock on AIM,  with bear raider Lucian Miers. Enjoy. If you like this and can’t wait seven days for more of the same you should listen to my Bearcast every day.


1826 days ago

FREE Podcast: ShareProphets Radio Edition TWO with Tom Winnifrith

Once again, please excuse my croaky voice. In this second edition of the ShareProphets Radio podcast sponsored by Riverfort Global Capital, this week, in order I discuss the cowardice of a well known AIM CEO, interview bear raider Lucian Miers on a wide range of subjects including Tesla, Neil Woodford and WPCT, IQE, Purplebricks, UK Oil & Gas, Thomas Cook and cannabis, I then interview value blue chip investor Chris Bailey on, inter alia, Tesla, EasyJet, Imperial Brands, Woodford, Burberry, Dignity, and St James Place. Enjoy. If you like this and can’t wait seven days for more of the same you should listen to my Bearcast every day.


1868 days ago

BREAKING: Versarien Patrick Abbott update – oh dear he now faces up to 20 years in jail, lawyer quits

Oh dear, oh Dear. You may remember how on March 21, Versarien (VRS) announced with great fanfate that it had appointed Patrick Abbott to spearhead its US expansion. Lucian Miers then pointed out that Mr Abbott faced a few legal problems. And so on April 4 Versarien stated:


1914 days ago

Cartoons: A Versarien shareholder may be a moron but he's talented & laughs at we bears

Lucian Miers and I are the targets of a takented shareholder in Versarien (VRS). Okay the guy is a moron but his cartoons are good. The hero of each picture is piss taking Neil Ricketts.  The villains are we bears.


1972 days ago

Photo Article: Woodlarks Training Walk Number 2 - the half way point reached - banana bread is my reward

Thanks to a little confusion on my part, which resulted in me wandering around the area close to Temple Meads for an extra half mile, the half way point on my second training walk for the 33 mile rogue bloggers for Woodlarks trek in May, was what I know as Lucian's breakfast joint.


1993 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - this is the next mega financial scandal & the FCA has been asleep at the wheel

In today's bearcast I look at the woes of Lucian Miers, at Yourgene (YGEN), Interserve (IRV), Greatland Gold (GGP) - do the maths its placing ahoy! - WH Ireland (WHI) and FinnCrap (FCAP). Then I explain what will be the major financial scandal of 2019 hitting well over a hundred thousand folks where the FCA is only belatedly waking up to the problem, a problem it helped to create.


2022 days ago

Flybe shares collapse – takeover at just 1p per share by Virgin & Stobart: you were warned

Oh dear, Oh dear. Is that the smell of burned Bulletin Board Moron fingers I detect? Flybe (FLYB) shares were 16p last night. This morning it has announced an agreed takeover from Virgin and Stobart (STOB) at just 1p per share. And that is generous. Lucian Miers and I did warn you.


2030 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: a tale of two Morons - Craig the IOG shareholder and a chap called Neil

In today's bearcast I have a hot rumour about Neil Woodford and I look at a moron called Craig who owns shares in Independent Oil & Gas (IOG) and is a classic moron. I look at that company at Circassia (CIR) - a Woodford dog - and at Gear4Music (G4M). Tomorrow I take my family and my son Joshua's godfather Lucian Miers to the London Stadium to see mighty West Ham in the cup so I'm not sure when Saturday copy will arrive.


2032 days ago

A twitter gem - Polixenes13 on the Tesla car crash waiting to happen

Most material on twitter is unadulterated junk. But there is the odd gem. In the case of Tesla (TSLA) where the sell side analysts are all paid bulls, some of the best insight is on twitter. Like Lucian Miers, I regard this company as an accident, no an outright car crash, just waiting to happen. In that vein I bring you a most instructive series of tweets yesterday from @Polixines13 who knows his or her onions.


2044 days ago

Are you free on May 25? Fancy a stroll for Woodlarks? Or can you spare a few quid?

In 2018 in the first Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks 33 mile walk, myself, Brokerman Dan and Lucian Miers raised more than £25,000 (£32,000 with gift aid) for the amazing, if unfashionable, Woodlarks Charity which provides unique holidays for severely handicapped young people and adults. Without the Woodlarks camp very few of those folks would get a holiday at all.


2118 days ago

Fitness Regime derailed by Coach Brian Basham but basically on track

You may remember that my coach for my Woodlarks walk was 75 year old Fleet Street legend Brian Basham who himself completed the London marathon last year. My coach was in town yesterday and we met up for lunch. Uh Oh!


2166 days ago

Photo article from the Greek Hovel – disaster averted

As you know, young Joshua, is obsessed with Thomas the Tank Engine and friends. The highlight of his year was meeting Thomas on the Watercress Line  with godfather Lucian Miers.  The Bard of the Boleyn gave him a plastic Percy which makes real noises and that goes everywhere. But for some reason his favourite train is bossy Gordon. He is also very fond of my Mother-in-law.


2180 days ago

Lucian Miers: Bloodbath on Tesla Street - my worst trade in 10 years (or maybe not?)

Yesterday started badly for the bears when it emerged c/o the FT that the Saudi Sovereign Wealth Fund had built up a stake of 3-5% in Tesla (US:TSLA) via market purchases. It then got worse as CEO Elon Musk tweeted, yes tweeted rather than announcing via a formal announcement, that he was considering taking the company private at $420 a share and had funding.


2185 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - which is naughtier: Lyin' Steve Sanderson's UK Oil & Gas or Jim Mellon's FastForward?

In this podcast I look at FastForward (FFWD), Optibiotix (OPTI) - ouzo from Cynical on its way - Tern (Nigel will be celebrating with ouzo tonight) and UK Oil & Gas (UKOG). Tomorrow Lucian Miers has the treat of all treats for his godson Joshua so there may be no bearcast or maybe there will be a very early one.


2190 days ago

Photo article: Horse Hill to Woodlarks: Brokerman Dan in underwear and the final stretch

The 33 mile walk from Horse Hill to Woodlarks was actually a bit longer for myself and super-fit Dan Levi, Brokerman Dan. At about fifteen miles Dan and Lucian Miers were striding ahead and myself and Andrew Bell were somewhat lagging. We came to a junction and the sign clearly said head left, downhill. And so we did that. Worrying that we might have made the wrong decision I called Lucian who assured us that it was okay to follow the sign at the gate. He said Dan and he would wait.


2191 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast special with Brokerman Dan and Lucian Miers

This was recorded the night before the great Horse Hill to Woodlarks walk and is a great podcast covering Dave Lenigas, Paul Scott, a raft of jokes, short tips, long tips and so much more. If you have not yet donated to our walk, if you enjoyed this please get your wallet out and give some cash NOW HERE.


2191 days ago

Photo Article: 4 Rogue Share Bloggers walk from Horse Hill to Woodlarks - No 1

This is the night before at our hotel in Dorking. Andrew Bell had yet to pitch up so this is Brokerman Dan, Lucian Miers, myself and Joshua standing in for Bell. Joshua hit the bottle hard, Lucian followed suit. Myself and Dan kept a clear head as we start walking at 5.30 AM. To help us raise £25,000 or more for a great cause - and if we raise more than £25,000 to ensure Dan walks the last of 33 miles in his underwear, please make a small donation HERE


2194 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: Why I walk for Woodlarks, how I got involved and why it matters so much

On Saturday I shall try to walk 33 miles from Horse Hill to Woodlarks with Brokerman Dan and Lucian Miers, my fellow rogue bloggers. In this podcast I explain why I got involved so many years ago, what Woodlarks does and why all of you should donate to this great charity HERE. Please take 12 minutes out to listen and then make a donation.


2196 days ago

My penultimate appeal for your cash – five days to the Woodlarks walk, more than £15,000 now raised – we want & Woodlarks wants and needs twenty!

Yesterday was my last big training walk – 22, 23 or 24 miles in the Somerset hills. I am not sure how long it was as the signs were dreadful and I got a bit lost.  But I made it and feel confident that this Saturday coming up I can do the 32 miles from Horse Hill to Woodlarks with fellow rogue bloggers Brokerman Dan and Lucian Miers.


2196 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I shall make this simple - how close to insolvency is Cabot & are its ex CEO and FD insider dealers?

You have less than a week of me berating you but as we celebrate Optibiotix (OPTI) reaching 100p ( twice) today I ask you to spare a tenner for a great cause. We are more than 80% of the way to hitting our £20,000 walk for Woodlarks target so ahead of 32 miles of pain for myself, Brokerman Dan & Lucian Miers please donate HERE. Elsewhere I look at IQE (IQE), Frontera (FRR), SalvarX (SALV), Pantheon Resources (PANR), Golden Prospect Precious Metals (GPPM) and finally what may be a major scandal at Cabot Energy (CAB).


2196 days ago

Getting half lost in the Somerset hills – my last big training walk before the monster on Saturday

On Saturday myself, Brokerman Dan and Lucian Miers, aka the rogue bloggers, will walk 32 miles from the infamous Horse Hill “Gatwick Gusher” oil well to Woodlarks, aiming to raise £20,000 for that amazing charity. Reminder – Woodlarks needs that cash to up its income from just £126,500 last year, to close its deficit and keep doing its amazing work providing holidays for handicapped folks who would otherwise get none.  Yesterday was my last long training walk…



2196 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast- is this ex Jim Mellon stock the biggest joke valuation going?

Ok, I am back from a 22-24 mile walk which I shall write up tomorrow but if you could smell my feet? I know many of you hav e donated to Woodlarks ahead of next Saturday's 32 mile stroll by myself, Brokerman Dan and Lucian Miers and we have now raised £14,267.88 but to those who have not donated, PLEASE DO SO NOW HERE. In today's podcast I discuss the CBI talking Brexit shite again - it does NOT speak for British industry. I remind you we have no house view, ref Sosandar (SOS). I raise two questions arising out of a Saturday lunch Joshua and I had with Highland Natural Resources (HNR), notably who will back my new goat lending business. And I look at an ex Mellon stock, Okyo Pharma (OKYO), its valuation is a 100% rum and coke and I explain why.


2199 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - The £172k court case Safestyle is keeping quiet about & why Chris Bailey's City pal is wrong

I recorded this on my last night in Greece. As you listen I shall be starting the trek back to Bristol. I appeal to those yet to donate to the Woodlarks charity walk by myself, Lucian Miers and Brokerman Dan to donate HERE - we are at 69% of our £20,000 target and every cent pledged will make a difference. Thanks to a reader for spotting a court case involving Safestyle (SFE) which is utterly shocking - I reckon this makes the stock uninvestable. I then take issue with the analysis of a City pal of Chris "three brains" Bailey on the matter of fraud.


2217 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Supplying the IDF means Versarien can do no wrong in my view but...

I am now fully recovered from yesterday's 27 mile training trek in the 30 degree heat - something I describe in full HERE. If you don't like me or the Israeli army or Versarien (VRS) and enjoy my suffering please donate to the Woodlarks charity walk on July 28 - we are now just £31 from 50% of our target fund raise. Be generous HERE. On the podcast today I look at Versarien, UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) where Lucian Miers is taking one hell of a beating from big Dave Lenigas, MySquar (FRAUD) - 7 days to courtroom drama - 88 Energy (88E) - you were warned - Mosman (MSMN)  and Frontera (FRR). I also look at new leverage limits on spread betting coming in on 29 July and what that means in nanny state Europe and the UK.


2217 days ago

27 miles in up to 31 degree heat – yesterday’s practice trek for Woodlarks.

It is now less than four weeks until myself and Brokerman Dan try to walk from Horse Hill to Woodlarks to raise money for this charity which I have backed for 16 years and which does amazing work as you can see HERE.  Dan is far fitter than I am and sent late night texts on Friday saying that he had  managed a 21 mile walk but was a wreck and needed a lighter rucksack. I know it is hot up in Manchester what with all those fires on the Moors but I think he is kidding me. It is all psychology. My plan was to do 26 miles on Sunday.


2225 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Tesla, Tern, Lucian Miers, a stockmarket bubble and another BJ for Neil Woodford from the Mail on Sunday

On my 24 mile walk with Lucian - a bit of a disaster as the last five miles were unplanned and very painful as described here - we discussed Tesla, Tern and the stockmarket bubble. I ponder that and then discuss a total Blow Job splash for Neil Woodford in the Mail on Sunday, a disgraceful day for "journalism."


2225 days ago

19 Mile Training walk for Woodlarks, another disaster: poor Lucian Miers

In the build up to my 32 mile charity walk for Woodlarks on July 28, I planned to build on last week’s 15 miler stroll with 19 miles and it all started so well. My pal Lucian Miers drove over from Winchester first thing and at 8 AM we started walking from just near Bristol Temple Meads. According to my calculations the Bath Bristol Railway path was 13 miles and Bath to the Hop Pole Inn on the other side was 6 miles largely along the Kennet & Avon Canal.


2227 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the fraudster's best friend in journalism, Ben Harrington, does his master's bidding again

In today's podcast I cover in detail Telit (TCM) and also look at MySquar (MYSQ) partially in light of today's stunning news HERE. I look at Audioboom (BOOM), Frontera (FRR), Woodford Patient Capital Trust (WPCT), Prime People (PRP) and 88 Energy (88E). Tomorrow I will be bored to death by Lucian Miers, he will drone on about West Ham for 6 hours as we complete a 19 mile training walk from Bristol along the Avon to a few miles past Bath. I am building up to my 32 mile walk for Woodlarks with Brokerman Dan on 28 July. Think of my suffering tomorrow and please donate a small sum HERE.


2229 days ago

I could not put him off, Lucian to join me on 19 mile training walk Saturday

Though he is an on-off smoker and a man not averse to a bottle or three of wine at lunchtime, my friend the bear raider Lucian Miers, the Bard of the Boleyn, is becoming a bit of a health freak these days. “I can’t file Friday as I am on a three day walk across the downs”. That is his catchphrase these days. And to think that it used to be “get another bottle in, I’m just nipping outside for a fag.”


2269 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Should I walk from Wormwood Scrubs with Brokerman Dan?

I start with two discussion held this morning, one with Lucy Wray and the other with Brokerman Dan. I end with a discussion with Lucian Miers. In between I discuss Faron Pharma (FARN), Wey Education (WEY) which - sorry Andrew Monk - is talking A grade bollocks, Inspirit (INSP) , Pathfinder Minerals (PFP), Challenger Acquistions (CHAL) and Frontera Resources (FRR). 


2272 days ago

UK Investor Show Video 2018 The Bears session Lucian Miers, Matt Earl, Tom Winnifrith & Nigel Somerville

And the next video is the bears with myself, the Dark Destroyer Matt Earl, the Bard of the Boleyn Lucian Miers and a cameo by Nigel Somerville on Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO). On the agenda Telit (TCM), Tesla (TSLA), Mitie (MTO), IQE (IQE), RM2 (RM2),Avanti Communications (AVN), AIQ (AIQ) and a good stack more.


2301 days ago

On the 5th anniversary of her death: a lesson from Britain's greatest Prime Minister for bedwetting millennials on The Money Tree

It is five years since the death of Margaret Thatcher, our greatest ever Prime Minister. A couple of weeks later, with my friend Lucian Miers and tens of thousands of others, I stood in silence on Ludgate Hill as her coffin passed by on its way to St Pauls. As we celebrate her life, here's a short video for the snowflakes, Maggie explains that there is no such thing as public money. Don't rush off to find a safe space in which to cry, you pathetic bedwetters but the money tree really does not exist. Take a lesson on that from a woman who grew up in a room above a corner store enjoying almost none of the luxuries, handouts and "rights" that you take for granted.


2460 days ago

Joshua Christening Photos

I was just looking at a memory stick the Mrs was playing with and up came numerous glorious photos of the Christening of my son Joshua this summer. I know many of you sent us best wishes for that day so I share just three of them


2478 days ago

Could UK Oil & Gas head back to 1p? Waseem Shakoor muses

My good pal the bear raider Waseeem Shakoor posted a few thoughts on UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) this morning over at ADVFN. He, like Lucian Miers, is now well in profit but staying short at 4.6p. I explained in bearcast why he is right to do so. Here is Waseem...


2478 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: if you thought Cloudtag & MySquar showed investors were bonkers meet Helios & Matheson

I start with a trip down memory lane this October 13th. It's back to 1987. can you remember why? Then, if you thought punters in Cloudtag (CTAG) or MySquar (MYSQ) were bonkers ( well they are) then meet Helios & Matheson. This tale will have you in stitches. Unless you are a MySquar moron in which case you will probably see it as an investment opportunity. Then it is onto UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), the Frogs selling and the slump to 2p or less. BTW Lucian Miers is now well in the money and added to his short yesterday. I explain why i3 Energy (i3E) is doomed and will crater soon and also go into the mounting woes of Conroy Gold & Natural Resources (CGNR) after this morning's news.


2542 days ago

Lucian Miers chats to US Marshalls Office Massachusetts - Katz case not closed - a most generous offer to Telit boss

As followers of Naibu (NBU) know there is nothing stopping the CEO of an AIM listed company being in prison while remaining in office. After all this is the world's most successful growth market and the head of the Oxymorons at AIM Regulation, Mr Marcus Stuttard, really is a top banana. As such fans of Telit Communications (TCM) will not worry a jot about this bombshell from infamous bear raider Lucian Miers, the Bard of the Boleyn.


2554 days ago

Lucian Miers continues his World War Two analogy as UKOG shares slide like a dead German body on a Russian ice lake

Oh how the Lucian Miers baiters were having fun a couple of days ago as UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) shares hit 11p. The Bulletin Boards were full of folks gloating about impending poverty for Lucian and for bears such as Waseem Shakoor. The biggest morons were adding to their holdings as they talked of ever more fanciful targets. Oh dear, as wre speak it is those who averaged up who are now hurting and hurting badly. The shares are just 6p-6.15p.


2557 days ago

Lucian Miers continues his world war two theme as UK Oil & Gas shares surge again

Lucian Miers' 3.1p short call on UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) seems to be, at present, right up there with most of the share tips of the market abuser Chris Oil in the pantheons of duff calls. The shares surged yesterday to 7.25p-7.3p. Ouch.


2564 days ago

UK Oil & Gas - It is great fun to laugh at Lucian Miers but....remember Sound Energy

Lucian Miers advised shorting UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) and went short himself at c3.1p, boasting that twice before he had made a packet on the short tack with this perennial darling of the educationally sub-normal wing of the provisional private investor army. The shares are now 4.65p and the Bulletin Boards and the comments section on this website are full of posts by folks laughing at my old friend, the Bard of the Boleyn. So has East London's most feared short seller lost his marbles as well as a vast amount of dosh?


2587 days ago

Photo Article - Joshua's Christening was today

There will be a couple more photos later in the week but for now just one from what has been a great day. I have been hard at work all weekend cooking for folks last night, baking a birthday cake (more on that later in the week) and preparing for what was a lovely and special day for myself, the Mrs and Joshua - his Christening. Hence there has been little in the way of writing.


2611 days ago

Fusionex - the rats start abandoning the sinking ship, the shares crash 64%

After hours on Friday Fusionex (FXI) a company from the Norfolk province of Malaysia announced that it was planning to delist from the AIM casino. This has always been a "wrongun" and myself, Lucian Miers and the great Kevin Ashton warned you many times to sell - over the weekend I listed 11 red flags the City crony capitalists were happy to ignore. Today the shares have crashed 62% to just xxp and the rats have started to abandon ship.


2619 days ago

Waseem Shakoor explains all to Frontera owning morons once again...

The great bear raider Wassem Shakoor has termed Frontera (FRR) as one of the three most overvalued bits of crap on AIM. Another is MySquar (MYSQ) where Lucian Miers has just published a devestating expose HERE. Back to Frontera where Waseem has stuck it to the Bulletin Board Morons today. He writes:


2653 days ago

Video: The Bears Session at UK Investor Show 2017: Two well known stocks set to collapse

In this video from the storming success that was the 2017 UK Investor Show, Graham Neary, Lucian Miers, Tom Winnifrith, Matt Earl, and Gabriel Grego select two well known stocks set to collapse. And make sure that you keep April 21 2018 free for next year's UK Investor Show.


2745 days ago

A photo just for Lucian Miers

When wandering around the book town of Hay on Wye a few years ago my father told my late step mother that "all the books here are by people no-one has ever heard of and are read by no-one". She took great pleasure in finding six copies of one of his books in the first shop they visited. Naturally dad was keen yesterday to see if I could see any books by him or any other relatives.


2756 days ago

Harvest Minerals - by jove the internet troll Lucian Miers is right: this is a sell!

I revealed yesterday how the ramptastic boss at uber-pump Harvest Minerals (HMI), Mr Brian McMaster, had branded Lucian Miers as an "internet troll" for having the temerity to (rightly) call the shares as a sell at 21.5p. The outrageous behaviour of this spivvy promoter makes me look at the shares, now 17.25p to sell, and I have to say that it is "red flags ahoy" - Lucian is 100% correct.


2757 days ago

Lucian Miers branded "internet troll" by Harvest Minerals as its uber-ramped shares slide fast

In an article just before Christmas Lucian Miers explained very clearly why at 21.5p shares in uber-ramped harvest Minerals (HMI) were a slam dunk sell. He makes hard and valid points - including that a placement is looming - HERE. The shares are now 17.5p to sell. And so a loon has emailed Brian McMaster who runs Harvest and posted his reply on the LSE Asylum. Brian the ramper fails to answer Lucian's points, fails to deny that it is placing ahoy but instead brands Lucian an "internet troll." McMaster writes:


2761 days ago

Buy Character Group

Following positive results at the start of December, shares in Character Group (CCT) went on to exceed 530p. However, following news of director share sales they slid to a 495p offer price at which point in December we tipped them to our readers on the Nifty Fifty website we run with Lucian Miers. The shares are now 510p and still a buy.


2762 days ago

ShareProphets Share Tips of the year Number 22 - sell Plus 500 says Lucian Miers

Lucian is still on his grand tour of Eastern Europe but before he left he told me his two sell tips of the year for 2017. The first, natch, was Cloudtag (CTAG) HERE. The second, at 384.5p, is Plus 500 (PLUS).


2762 days ago

ShareProphets share tips of the year number 13, sell Cloudtag says Lucian Miers

Lucian is off on a tour of Eastern Euroland but when asked what his top sell tip for 2017 was he was in little doubt - at almost any price the answer is Cloudtag (CTAG) with a target price of nil. Actually Lucian does not see the shares hitting zero. However...


2778 days ago

Lucian Miers writes to AIM Regulation re forward selling by L1 and Cloudtag market abuse

Bear raider Lucian Miers has again challenged the Oxymorons at AIM Regulation to take swift and firm action against Cloudtag (CTAG) for market abuse but has also raised the issue of forward selling by death spiral provider L1 Capital. This is effectively running a naked short and should thus be illegal. Miers writes: 


2803 days ago

Sirius Minerals - the fun only beginning: Shore Cap note

If only to annoy Lucian Miers who must count his short of Sirius Minerals (SXX) and his betting on Crooked Hillary as among his two worst trades of 2016, I bring you the latest thoughts of broker Shore Cap. As ever all the usual disclaimers apply, that it is to say most brokers talk cock but maybe on this occassion Shore Cap does not. Over to the talkers of cock: 


2872 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Happy Birthday Lucian Miers - Negative Feedback for Feedback

Happy birthday Lucian, it looks as if my son is hanging on to avoid joint parties in the future. Theresa May has a new idea on tackling fraud. Suffice to say what she proposes will damage industry and Britain PLC. I have another suggestion - enforce existing rules. Mrs May fails to understand the psyche of most fraudsters but also how useless the fraud busting agencies of the state are. I then move onto bad news for my good friend Jim Mellon at his latest AIM Disaster, Billing Services (BILL), then I cover XCite Energy (XEL) and read throughs at IGAS and Iofina (IOF). 88 Energy (88E), China fraud Zibao (ZBO) and the smelly business at Feedback (FDBK)


2878 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The Cloudtag boss and swapping stolen documents for cash in a Motorway Service Station

I start with the cot which is still driving me mad. Meanwhile it looks like the Mrs is going to term and is coming home tonight so I must cover up evidence of two days of bachelor life, that is to say myself & Oakley not being that tidy. In company matters I comment on Strat Aero (AERO) but will do a longer piece later, on Wishbone Gold (WSBN), on Tower Resources (TRP) and on Cloudtag (CTAG). The mad nutters who ramp this on twitter are now accusing poor Lucian Miers of being part of a paedophile ring (he is not) for daring to suggest that this over-ramped POS is not a buy. I am reminded of when I first came across the man behind this worthless company. 


2899 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Visiting a listener in Warwick Hospital, it's all part of the service

Actually it is not a service I provide to every listener but I explain why Maurice Byrne gets a premium deal. I mention the great con that are today's A-Levels with hard and shocking data analysed HERE. I have chatted to both Lucian Miers and Paul Jourdan of Amati about the markets, about  Lucian's tiny short portfolio and about Paul's three big Gold picks. I look at Physiomics (PYC), African Potash (AFPO) and Highlands Natural Resources (HNR) - target 0p for the later two.


2900 days ago

Sirius Minerals at 36.5p worth 60p says Broker Shore Cap

If only to tease my pal Lucian Miers who was short of Sirius Minerals (SXX) and cannot have prospered as a result I'm delighted to bring you the note published today after yesterday's interims. Shore is a corporate advisor to Sirius so the research cannot be considered utterly impartial but so far it is Shore Cap 5 Lucian Miers nil. Shore opines:


2955 days ago

Photo article: Ouzo O'Clock in Kambos Greece on the UK's Independence Day

last night I met an amazing woman here in Kambos. More on that later but I am in awe. Then it was watching the Brexit results on the BBC on the internet as the smug biased lefties had to come to terms with how the great unwashed had given them and the rest of the elite a total kicking. I tried to get two hours sleep but a drunk comrade from the Eurosceptic trenches, Lucian Miers, woke me up. So I worked a bit and then slept. By 2.30 PM it was ouzo o'clock. So I headed to Miranda's as you can see below and raised a class to Boris, Priti, Nigel, Michael et al but also to my late grandfather Sir John Winnifrith and my Uncle, Chris Booker, who was in a fine mood today. Cheers to you all.


2978 days ago

Sirius Minerals at 19p worth 50p says Shore cap - the broker note in full

Whether broker Shore cap is talking tummyrot or not is not the issue. We all know that most broker notes are toilet paper. But just to annoy my pal Lucian Miers who is short I feel the need to give this Sirius (SXX) report more publicity.


2996 days ago

Video: TW, Evil Knievil, Lucian Miers, Matt Earl - the Bears Avanti special at UK Investor Show

And so the four bears wandered onto stage for the final presentation at UK Investor Show. We majored in on why Avanti Communications (AVN) was a 0p stock but we covered many other stocks besides. Enjoy


2999 days ago

Free Speech explained for the 8th time, for Bulletin Board Moron Duck & Dive

For the 8th time - the first perhaps for our many new readers - I feel the need to explain what free speech really means.  I do this for Duck & Dive, a poster here, who seems to think that we are obliged to approve & publish his comments here which are defamatory and make untrue allegations about this website. 


3000 days ago

Sirius Minerals shares to more than double!

Okay the research note claiming that shares in Sirius Minerals (SXX) will zoom from 18p to 40p is made by its own house broker Liberum. On that basis it is - like all house broker buy notes - to be taken with many pinches of salt. But just to annoy my pal Lucian Miers who is short and to show we are happy to offer a variety of views. To be clear, I personally have no view.


3000 days ago

Baby Bear, Graham Neary - Welcome aboard the good ship ShareProphets

I rather think that the lineup of main writers is now complete. Joining myself, Malcolm Stacey, Amanda Van Dyke, Lucian Miers, Steve Moore, Nigel Somerville, Gary Newman, Chris Bailey, Thierry Laduguie, Evil Banksta and Cynical Bear we now - as of today - have Baby Bear, aka Graham Neary on board.


3007 days ago

UK Investor Show Fight: Lucian Miers he hits who he wants! Don't mess with the Cockney Boyz!

West Ham supporters will appreciate the reference to one great Cockney Hero, James Tomkins but now another legend of the East End whose veins also  flow claret & blue has shown why you don't mess with the Cockney boyz. I refer to an incident after UK Investor Show last night which saw the rozzers called.


3018 days ago

Want to join Tom Winnifrith & Lucian Miers as we storm London Stock Exchange AGM 27 April?

The complacent and overpaid useless bastards who run the London Stock Exchange (LSE) hold an AGM at the Bankers Hall on Cornhill in the City at 10 AM on 27 April. I shall be there with a share certificate and passport and so cannot be denied access. Last year the press office lied to me and blocked my entry.


3021 days ago

Tom & Lucian Miers preparing for a boozy lunch

We were meant to record a video. In fact we did record but something went wrong and the Conservative Club with its cheap beer beckoned. And thus the video short letter appears as a contemporaneous note.


3026 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 13 April - Cheap boozing with Lucian Miers at the Conservative Club

Have I mentioned that Finncap are complete and utter bastards? If I forget to do so in this bearcast please refer to my FinnCap and Wandisco special earlier HERE. Lucian is popping over tomorrow but I shall try to record a sober bearcast before he arrives. On today's podcast I look at Fastjet (FJET), Strat Aero (AERO), Premier Foods (PFD), Hellenic Carriers (HCL) and Outsourcery (OUT), the demise of which will certainly be an ouzo o'clock moment.


3027 days ago

Solgold - Lucian Miers goes short but closes UK Oil & Gas short (pro tem)

Solgold (SOLG) has served up another RNS today which may excite the Bulletin Board Morons but that is perhaps an encouragement to bear raider Lucian Miers who is now short of the stock, selling at c4p.


3043 days ago

PR Genius Reg Hoare of Plus 500 infamy I wouldn't presume to tell you how to run your business but...

Yesterday I ran an email from PR Genius Reg Hoare who acts for Plus500 (PLUS) which tries to set the record straight after Lucian Miers' article the previous day. At the end of his email Mr Hoare states "I wouldn't for one moment presume to tell you how to run your Share Prophets web-site, but" he then tells me how to run my business. Ok Reg, I wouldnt presume to tell you how to run your fecking PR business but...


3044 days ago

PR Genius Reg Hoare says Lucian & Times of Israel wrong on Plus 500

All PR folks are geniuses. Reg Hoare does the PR for Plus500 (PLUS) and reckons Lucian Miers has it all wrong. I am a fair man so am happy just to print Reg's email in full. Over to the genius who writes:


3093 days ago

Doc Holiday to join Lucian Miers & Tom Winnifrith at LSE AGM protest, will you come too?

The scouse blogger Doc Holliday has today said that he will be stealing a few hubcaps so that he can buy one share in the London Stock Exchange (LSE). That will alllow him to join the protests at its AGM in late April about its wholesale failure to tackle fraud and PLC lies on the AIM Casino. So that makes three comrades pledged to attend: Doc, myself and Lucian Miers. Will you come too? Here's the deal...


3145 days ago

Video: Tom Winnifrith, Lucian Miers, Matt Earl and Graham Neary 8 stocks going to Zero from Gold & Bears

This was one of the sparkiest sessions at Gold & Bears and I loved it. Each of myself, the bard of the Boleyn (Lucian Miers), the Dark Destroyer (Matt Earl) and Baby Bear (Graham Neary) selelected two stocks we thought were going to zero and explained why. They were: Fastjet (FJET), AO World (AO), Gulf Keystone (GKP), Slater & Gordon (SGH), Avanti Communications (AVN), Plus500 (PLUS), Tungsten (TUNG) and - bugger me - I can't remember Matt's other pick. Watch the video to find out, its a stormer.


3165 days ago

15 More tickets for Gold & Bears on Offer for Saturday as new SuperBear stocks to zero session takes shape

We have now had a few last minute return tickets become available for Gold & Bears on Saturday and you can get your hands on them today. We will email them out tonight. And with speakers from across the world lined up Saturday looks set to be explosive. The SuperBears 7 big name stocks to go to zero session with myself, Lucian Miers, Graham Neary and the Dark Destroyer Matt Earl is set to really get the lawyers excited!


3169 days ago

6 days to Gold & Bears – just 4 seats left – BOOK NOW

As of today there are just 4 seats left unbooked for the 2015 Gold & Bears Show on November 28 in London. So book a free seat now for a fireworks event with Jim Mellon, Gabriele Grego (Globo’s nemesis), John Hempton, Sam Antar, Evil Knievil, Lucian Miers, Amanda, Dominic Frisby, 50 CEOs etc., etc. To get a free ticket for one of the last seats


3173 days ago

Harriet Green of CityAM – hey bimbo, do you want a job in PR or are you just thick and lazy?

Just when I think that the deadwood press can sink no lower in terms of churning out PR bilge along comes along Harriet Green of CityAM. She has just blown off Jonny Hon of Gate Ventures (GATE) infamy with a slavish profile making him out to be Asia’s equivalent of Pope John Paul 2nd. Does this bimbo want a job in PR or is she just too dim and/or lazy to do some basic research. Lucian Miers has sent her an email. 


3231 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 22 Sept - Joshing with Paul Scott as Lucian bashes sheep shaggers

How can I think straight when Corrie live is on tonight? Anyhow, I continue my debate with Paul Scott on (BOO). He thinks I'm wrong HERE but I suggest a few points he may wish to consider. Then Lucian Miers flags up the curse of Welsh folks called Williams involved with PLCs - David at Avanti Communications (AVN), Jim and Tony at Arian Silver (AGQ) but is David at Tungsten (TUNG) a sheep shagger? And what about Chris Oil? We need to know. I discuss Arian in its own merits plus Europa Oil & Gas (EOG), Mosman Oil & Gas (MSMN) and in detail Premaitha (NIPT).


3295 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 19 July - 10 top shares to short for summer

Okay, the sabbatical really does start this week so maybe not that many bearcasts from now. But for today I explain why the market will be harder for non profit stocks and on that basis I start with a reference to my 21 stock death list of last month (Afren looks to be the first to fall) HERE but also refer to the excellent must read piece by Lucian Miers yesterday HERE. And then I launch into my 10 top shorts for summer. Companies mentioned are:


3316 days ago

Exclusive: Lucian Miers writes to AIM Regulation & ZAI Corporate Finance re the China fraud Gate Ventures

Bear raider: Lucian Miers has written to AIM Regulation about China fraud Gate Ventures (GATE) and has cc'd in ZAI Corpoate Finance which is widely believed to be the only Nomad prepared to consider acting for these shysters now that Roland "Fatty" Cornish has quit in disgust. Lucian's letter does not pull its punches and is below.


3359 days ago

Mitie - Evil Knievil's biggest short and why he's excited ahead of Monday

Mitie (MTO) is now the biggest short position of The UK's second best known bear raider (after Lucian Miers, natch) Evil Knievil and the fat man says that he is expecting a big win on Monday.


3367 days ago

Video interview from the UK Investor Show Blogger's Cafe: the UK's leading bear Lucian Miers

Lucian Miers is now widely recognised as the most astute bear in Britain giving his enormous attention to detail and meticulous research. He puts the forensics into short selling. At the UK Investor Show as well as dominating the main stage bears session, Lucian recorded a short video interview. He can be followed on twitter @Lucianmiers and writes a weekly short letter on the Nifty Fifty website


3371 days ago

I did not go into journalism to see small PIs burned but to nail bad guys & I won’t change just to win New World popularity

That New World Oil & Gas (NEW) is an omnishambles is clear. Ben Turney has one route for going forward (see HERE) which has made him the hero of the LSE Asylum and the twitter lynch mob. I regard his actions as morally reprehensible but publish his articles anyway as I support free speech. But his case is both misleading and shocking in that it targets the very folk that I thought he, Brokerman Dan, Nigel Somerville, Malcolm Stacey and others who have written on this website wanted to protect – ordinary punters.

Ben, the asylum and the lynch mob seem to think that those who are now short of New World are wicked shorters. I see comments that it is “my shorting friends”. Au contraire, the professional shorters like Lucian, Matt Earl and Evil have nothing to do with this. Neither are any City brokers running a naked short.

If Ben and his new pals understood how the City works


3380 days ago

Video: The Three Bears at Uk Investor - Evil Knievil, Lucian Miers and Matt Earl

The last minute intervention of free speech deniers and Nomad to POS Coms and Tungsten, Charles Stanley, deprived us of the great Kevin Ashton but the bear pit at UK Investor Show still went with a bang thanks to Lucian Miers, Matt Early, Evil Knievil and myself, Tom Winnifrith. Enjoy the video.


3383 days ago

The London Stock Exchange...I’m coming for you on April 29...calling the peasants to arms

On April 29th the London Stock Exchange (LSE) holds its AGM and this is a call to arms to all you peasants out there, that is to say ordinary decent private investors who have been shafted and screwed by the way that the LSE has mismanaged AIM turning it into a crime infested casino. It is time to hold the Board of the LSE to account.

I have bought 2 shares in the LSE so will be attending as a shareholder as will Lucian Miers who owns one share. The Deputy Sheriff of AIM


3393 days ago

Should I go to the London Stock Exchange AGM to ask about China frauds?

Whaddya think? Lucian Miers reckons that we should both buy a few shares (and this time I will have full documentation) and head along to the London Stock Exchange (LSE) AGM on April 29th to pick a fight over Naibu (NBU) and the other China frauds. Should we go?

The LSE owns the AIM casino


3396 days ago

The Bears Move on: Quindell short becomes a Slater & Gordon short

Slater & Gordon overpaid grotesquely for the Quindell (QPP) legal business but the Aussie company is now beginning to pick up the tab as the bears move in. Two of the bear pit panel at UK Investor Show are already short of Slater & Gordon as is well known Aussie bear raider John Hempton of Bronte Capital. Lucian Miers opens the batting for the UK bears.


3409 days ago

Fewer than 100 seats left (of 2000) for UK Investor on April 18 – book now!

News of new speakers at the UK Investor Show including legendary fund manager Mark Slater has seen a surge in demand for seats for the show of the year on April 18. There are now fewer than 100 of the 2000 seats left for grabs so if you want to attend book your seat now at

I will be doing three or four talks on the day. One with the bears (Evil Knievil, Matt Earl, Kevin Ashton) and one with the value investors (Nigel Wray, Paul Jourdan and Paul Scott) both on the main stage. I have a side room presentation on Sefton where I name some names who need investigation and then a main stage Sheriff slot with Amanda Van Dyke and Malcolm Stacey.

There are also main stage presentations by:

*Luke Johnson of Pizza Express, C4 and The Sunday Times on why City research is so useless and who are the new regulators

*Saved Javid MP on taking the City and business forward

*Ben Edelman with more bad news for blinks and other shocks from the Web Sheriff

*Ed Croft of Stockopedia on stock picking to make money with Thierry Laduguie and Chris Bailey

*Tech stars Stephen Streater, Lorne Daniel, Jason Drummond and Paul Kavanagh on making money in tech

*Amanda van Dyke and David Lenigas lead a session on making Money from resource stocks

To book your tickets go to 

There are also 14 special 1 hour analysts sessions on topics ranging from shells (Adam Reynolds) to mining ( Amanda again), to biotech (Steve Moore) and tech (Lorne Daniel again).

And there are 110 PLC stands with 70 of the PLCs also doing 20 minute presentations on the day.

And 25 of the UK’s top share bloggers will be taking it in turn to man the Bloggers café where you can chat informally to any of them

This will be my best and most controversial show ever and that is why there are now fewer than 100 of the 2000 tickets still going. All 2000 tickets will be sent out next week so to book yours go now to www.UKinvestorshow


3410 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 26 March

I have a terrible migrane and am off to bed. Before I go a podcast covering the China Norfolks, Sierra Rutile, asylum madness and Teathers Financial and in detail Corero Networks. Oh, there is also a joke from Lucian Miers.

If you like this knockabout style you will love my two ( or maybe three) presentations at UK InvestorShow on April 18 in Westminster. As of now fewer than 100 of the 2000 tickets are still available. Book yours now HERE


3428 days ago

April 18, Westminster, The Investor show of the year 80% sold out – book your seats today!

The final gold tickets went last week. There are now fewer than 500 of the 2000 £12 investor class seats left for the show of the year and at current rates they will be gone within weeks so book your seats TODAY for UK Investor Show 2015 and here are 5 reasons why – you can book HERE.

1. The main stage line up is awesome. Starting at 9 AM with Sajid Javid MP it moves on to take in 45 speakers including: Mark Slater, Luke Johnson, Paul Scott, Ed Croft, Evil Knievil, Chris Bailey, Paul Kavanagh, Lucian Miers, Kevin Ashton, Matt Earl, Tom Winnifrith (me), Dave Lenigas, Nigel Wray, Nigel Somerville, Ben Turney, Amanda Van Dyke, Thierry Laduguie, Paul Jourdan, Richard Poulden, Clem Chambers, Charlotte Argylle, Dominic Frisby, Lorne Daniel, etc ending up with Ben Edelman to close the show.

2. More than


3451 days ago

Afren Shares tank as bid talks off – still a sell at 5p – target 0p

You cannot say that Lucian Miers, the Great Waseem and myself did not warn you often enough! Bid talks with SEPLAT are officially off and Afren (AFR) shares have tanked to 5p. Next stop 0p. To those who responded with abuse, enjoy poverty suckers but it is still not too late to get out.


3467 days ago

Quindell, Avanti and Hurricane Energy – Lucian Miers & Evil Knievil’s top & new shorts

The two leading bear raiders in London, Lucian Miers and Evil Knievil do not always agree but right now both have Quindell (QPP) and Avanti Communications (AVN) as their largest two shorts.


3474 days ago

Avanti Communications – Statement Needed NOW! Shares are a sell BTW

Both Lucian Miers and myself are pretty bearish on Avanti Communications (AVN) on fundamentals as explained HERE by me and HERE by the Bard of the Boleyn. I’m pretty sure that after results on the 5th February, analysts will again reach for their red pens as forecasts are once again missed or fudged. The company is drowning in debt. But reports in that must read publication suggest there is perhaps a major "problemo" with Hylas 3 and an RNS is needed NOW.


3476 days ago

Avanti Communications – worth a short ahead of February 5th results

Lucian Miers had Avanti (AVN) down as one of his two top shorts for 2015 and so far it is looking a cracking short. Results are looming on February 5th.


3477 days ago

Bearcast Special: Sirius, Webis and the utter disgrace that is Director's Talk

Robert Tyerman vs Lucian Miers: the Sirius debate. I explain on whose side I am on. In this podcast I also cover Webis which I forgot to mention earlier. Notwithstanding the fact that my old friend Jim Mellon is a major shareholder I have a few words to say. The meat of this podcast is the disgrace that is Directors talk. This website should be exposed and boycotted and I explain why. The Ben Turney piece i refer to in this section is HERE


3480 days ago

Exclusive: Lucian Miers goes short Monitise at 21p

I can reveal that infamous bear raider Lucian Miers has gone short of Monitise (MONI) even though its shares are now languishing at multi year lows of 21p.


3481 days ago

Lucian Miers: 3 oil shorts

Infamous bear raider Lucian Miers is of the view that the oil price is not going to spike higher in a hurry and that this is going to cause real pain across the sector. He has made money shorting Afren (AFR) where the debt looks company consuming at current oil prices but perhaps the bid will save it so Miers has closed that position. However...


3483 days ago

Lucian Miers goes short China Chaintek at 60p – target price 0p

The suspension of trading in shares in China fraud Naibu (NBU) will make bear raider Lucian Miers a stack of cash as he was a long time short. So who is next?


3526 days ago

The ShareProphets Christmas Charity Single…Feed the Morons

Tomorrow I will be calling rock stars from across the bear community as we need to think of those less fortunate than ourselves. It is time to record our charity single… Feed the Morons. The message has gone out to Gotham City, Evil Knievil, Paul Scott, Lucian Miers, Paddington Bear, Matt Earl, John Hempton of Bronte, Sam Antar, Muddy Waters, Citron Research, Nigel Somerville, A Huntsman, Dan McCrum, Paul Murphy, Pizza hardman Darren Atwater, Cockney Rebel and Kevin Ashton. We gather tomorrow in Clerkenwell to raise money for those facing a bleak Christmas, Quindell staff and shareholders as we record Feed the MoronsDo they know it’s Christmas?.

Apologies to Midge & Bob but here we go..


3566 days ago

Reader Poll Results – which of the Bear Portfolio stocks will crash most by Christmas

At the weekend we updated the ShareProphets Bear Portfolio compiled by myself, Matt Earl, Lucian Miers and Evil Knievil. So far our average sell is down by 18.2% in just over three months. Better days lie ahead. But which of the ten stocks we expect to slump do readers think will crash most by Christmas. You said:


3566 days ago

Reader Poll – which of the 10 stocks in the Bear Portfolio will crash most by Christmas

So far the bear portfolio of Matt Earl (the Dark Destroyer), Evil Knievil (the fat man), Lucian Miers (the Bard of the Boleyn) and Tom Winnifrith (the Sheriff of AIM) is down by an average of 18.2%. Today one stock leaves the portfolio (New World) having duly collapsed and in its stead goes African Minerals (AMI) which will collapse. But which of our 10 shorts do you think will slump most by Christmas. The deadline for voting is midnight tonight as things are moving rapidly with at least one constituent.


3566 days ago

The Matt Earl, Evil Knievil, Lucian Miers, Tom Winnifrith Summer Bear Portfolio revisited and updated view

Back in the summer, July 9, the 4 Bears sat down and compiled our top ten shorts for the summer. There has been one disaster – Concha (CHA) – but despite that an average loss (gain for us) of 18.2% per short is not bad. So where do we stand now?

I speak not for the others but for myself and based on conversations we have had of late. Would we buy any of these stocks? Certainly not. Which in my view are still shorts?


3651 days ago

The ShareProphets top 10 Stocks to Short – Reader Poll on next to Slump Results

Two weeks ago Evil Knievil, Matt Earl, Lucian Miers and I served up our top ten stocks to short this summer and why – HERE. Avanti Communications (AVN) has already done the decent thing and issued a profits warning. We asked our readers at the weekend to vote on which of the ten would be next And the results are:


3660 days ago

Reader Poll – Which will be the next High Profile share price collapse from our Top 10 Shorts

Ten days ago, Lucian Miers, Matt Earl (The Dark Destroyer), Evil Knievil and I served up our top ten shorts in London. One of them, Avanti Communications (AVN), has already done the decent thing and issued a profits warning. So who will be next to see its shares price slump. Who do you think it will be? 

As a reminder, the original article is HERE. 

Deadline for voting is midnight Sunday in case one of the ten wishes to fess up on Monday Morning


3668 days ago

Evil Knievil, Lucian Miers, Matt Earl and Tom Winnifrith – the top 10 stocks in London to short for summer

Anyone who was at UK Investor 2014 knows that the Bears session (HERE) saw some great calls. And so ahead of a long sweaty summer I asked Evil Knievil, Matt Earl (The Dark Destroyer) and Lucian Miers for their top 5 shorts of the summer and for good measure I add in my own. Between us we have thus compiled the top ten stocks to short in London!

Starring with the heavyweight – Evil Knievil. His top 5 are:


3680 days ago

Ed Croft of Stockopedia to headline at UK Investor 2015 - watch his 2014 video

Ed Croft of Stockopedia is the latest big name to sign up to speak at the UK's leading one day investor show, UK Investor. Ed will be doing a main stage presentation with a top chartist on fundamentals versus technicals, looking at the wider debate plus analysing key stock picks of Nigel Wray and Mark Slater plus some audience suggestions. Ed will also be doing a solo lunchtime session in a 250 seater breakout room. Remember the 50% off early bird ticket offer ends at Midnight on Monday 30th June. Do you remember Ed's star turn from 2014?

Ed is joined on the main stage 2015 by Nigel Wray, Vin Murria, Mark Slater, Ben Edelman, Amanda Van Dyke, Matt Earl, Lucian Miers, Evil Knievil, Dominic Frisby, Charlotte Argyle (picture) and many others. We already have 35 big name speakers and a really big name has today agreed to join them...more on that later.

There are also now 60 of the 110 growth companies booked in to attend.

Details of all this can be found at 


3687 days ago

Buy your tickets for the AIM Cesspit dinner on June 30th NOW

I am afraid that the two free tickets for the AIM Cesspit dinner offered thirty minutes ago have both been snapped up. But you can still buy tickets for the dinner on June 30th in Clerkenwell for just £40. The evening includes a three course meal, half a litre of wine per person and talks by Evil Knievil, Lucian Miers and a few words from me. We will also be handing out the nine AIM Cesspit Trophies.

You can book your ticket and select your menu options HERE

And remember to vote in the Cesspit awards – you can do so HERE.

Best wishes


The Sheriff of AIM


3689 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard #68 - free speech and the intolerance of the left edition

I return to the dual themes of free speech and the intolerance of the left when it comes to dissent in this week’s video postcard.

I have had to record early when too tired after Thursday’s Quindelliferous day in order that Darren can get away to celebrate his wedding anniversary. But the message should still be clear.

If you support free speech feel free to come along to the AIM Cesspit awards dinner at Real Man in Clerkenwell on 30th June with myself, Evil and Lucian. Tickets can be bought for £40 HERE

My weekly financial video postcard looks at the way that Quindell deals with the press and analysts. It is almost unparalleled in my 25 year career and it can be viewed HERE


3703 days ago

The Danger of Getting Too Close to Companies - ref Vatukoula and others

Lucian Miers says that he does not like to meet companies. He is all too aware that part of the job of a CEO is to butter up potential investors, or to persuade bears not to go short. CEO’s are paid large sums to be charming and persuasive and Lucian is concerned that they will manage to schmooze him into making a bad call. I take a different view.

Maybe Lucian is cleverer than I am but I am invariably unable to figure out exactly how a company works, what drives its growth, determines its cash collection, etc. unless I meet the company. The annual report and all the RNS statement in the world are not, on their own, enough to give me a full understanding of how a company runs.

And then there is the x factor – management. 


3707 days ago

Lucian Miers & Tom Winnifrith Video: Globo, blinkx, Avanti Communications, Iofina and Quindell

Two weeks ago Tom Winnifrith and Lucian Miers recorded a series of four videos which first appeared on their Nifty Fifty website. This video covers Globo (GBO), blinkx (BLNX), Avanti Communications (AVN), Iofina (IOF) and Quindell (QPP).

The other two videos cover companies including Gulf Keystone (GKP), Mothercare (MTC) and Naibu (NBU) but can be accessed only on the Nifty Fifty.


3709 days ago

The Mrs has moved me out to the garage

It was something about being untidy. Oh and loud conversations with Lucian Miers about the same “boring stuff.” Anyhow the Mrs has issued a diktat. My office is now in the garage rather than the kitchen or living room.

It is not so bad out here. The garage is effectively a storage room as it backs onto a grassy path which no-one uses. It is light and spacious although a good part of it is taken up housing possessions deemed surplus when combining the households of two folks who only hooked up twenty years into adult life. I think it might get a little cold in the winter and I might beg for a Yuletide transfer back into the house as the snow starts to fall.

But pro tem I am now banished to the garage. Oakley, my three legged cat may be next. He has again disgraced himself in the matter of his lavatorial habits and is currently suffering an ASBO, allowed only in the kitchen. I sense that any more transgressions could see him joining me in the garage.


3709 days ago

Book Your Place at the AIM Cesspit Awards Dinner on June 30th

On Monday 30 June we will be handing out nine trophies in the 2014 AIM Cesspit awards. All those who have made the Aim Casino the crony capitalist den of iniquity that it is will be honoured.

There will be guest speakers present: Evil Knievil and Lucian Miers and everyone should have fun. No lawyers will be allowed to attend so you can say what you want.

The meal offered is a three course (pizza and pasta) offering featuring such delights as the Range Resources (RRL) pizza, a bit fishy and with very little oil.

Tickets for the event, which starts at 6 PM, cost £40 and that includes the three course meal, coffees and ½ litre of very drinkable French wine.  Attendance is restricted by the size of The Real Man restaurant at 91-95 Clerkenwell Road, London EC1R 2BX and so book early to ensure you get a seat.

You can book your ticket and select your menu options HERE


3716 days ago

Nominate now for the AIM Cesspit 2014 awards!

It is time to highlight and celebrate the very worst of AIM with second annual AIM Cesspit awards sponsored by At an awards ceremony and dinner in Clerkenwell on June 30th (Monday) compered by The Sheriff of AIM, real trophies will be presented to those who have helped make AIM the Cesspit it is and we will be entertained by guest speakers Lucian Miers and Evil Knievil. There are seven awards.

Two are objective mathematical awards and the rest are awards where the winners will be decided by the investing public. The Cesspit year runs from May 1st 2013 to May 1st 2014. The awards are:


3717 days ago

Lucian Miers & Tom Winnifrith on The markets

On Wednesday infamous bear raider Lucian Miers and Tom Winnifrith recorded a series of four videos. The first covers the markets. The second and third cover “old favourites” for the bears: Globo, blinkx, Avanti Communications, Gulf Keystone, Naibu and Iofina. The fourth covers some new Lucian shorts.

The three videos subsequent to this will appear on the Nifty Fifty website later today.


3717 days ago

Gulf Keystone – The Yield to Maturity on the Bonds is an increasingly terrifying sell signal on the shares

I have noted before how the yield to maturity on Gulf Keystone (GKP) Bonds was a terrifying sell signal on the equity. For folks who have ignored me I have bad news: it is getting worse.

Before Gulf managed to get away its last $250 million bond issue the YTM on its existing 6.25% bonds was a terrifying 15% - well into junk bond territory. However the most recent IMS seems to have ignited fears that Gulf might just need yet another refinancing as Lucian Miers flagged up HERE.

And so the YTM 


3742 days ago

MORE Speakers - 23 now in lineup for UK Investor Show 2015 - 27 more to come

It is now a day less than a  year until the 2015 UK Investor Show but following the smash success of the sell-out 2014 show, the UK's leading investor show is already able to announce the first 31 speakers who have agreed to appear in 2015! And there are 27 more names to reveal as the show moves up into superdrive

Our new speakers are Matt Lofgran of Nostra Terra and Matt Suttcliffe of Alaxander Mining and they join on stage Nigel Wray, Evil Knievil, myself (Tom Winnifrith), Clem Chambers, Vin Murria, Ben Edelman, Paul Scott, Lucian Miers, Steve Moore, Robert Sutherland Smith, Cathal Friel, Andrew Bell, Marcus Hanke, Amanda Van Dyke, Matt Earl, Thierry Laduguie and..

NEW For 2015: Charlotte Argyle, Ben Turney, Jason Drummond, Cassandra Harris and BrokerMan Daniel

Some failing shows manage only a handful of speakers but UK Investor Show delivers both changes each year AND the big names. Over the coming weeks we will announce more big name speakers as we plan an increased number of sessions as we take on more floor space. Brace yourself for a 50 speaker show!



3744 days ago

Steve Moore finally gets this twitter thing figured out

Steve Moore who started working with me when he left University and has been in comrade in arms ever since has – after one false start – finally got the hang of this twitter thingy. I do wonder if he is a 90 year old disguised as a young person some times. 

Steve co-edits the Nifty Fifty with myself and Lucian Miers and is also a contributor to 

To follow his tweets search him out at @SMooreN50


3747 days ago

Iofina – A question for AIM Regulation & the FCA: when did the directors know? Target Price now 10p

Back down from the Greek Mountain, my mind is deeply troubled by yesterday's events at Iofina (IOF) and I have fired off a couple of emails to my new best friends at the FCA and also to AIM regulation asking if they can assist. Meanwhile I have chatted to Lucian Miers and as a result set a (generous) target price of 10p – the shares are now 24.75p. 

I first remind you of a timeline of events. On 26th and 27th of March I posted two articles HERE & HERE which, inter alia, suggested that Iofina was almost out of cash but also noted that Iodine prices had tanked and that trading must also be dire. I predicted that a profits warning was inevitable.

Yesterday, 22nd April, Iofina duly served up that warning and also stated that on 30th March cash was $2.3 million. It did not disclose what trade payables were not did it say what net cash was as at 22 April. In these days of electronic banking surely it knows what cash it has on a daily basis?


3756 days ago

UK Investor Show 2015 – First 21 Speakers announced for April 18: Get your early bird ticket NOW

It is still just over a year until the 2015 UK Investor Show but following the smash success of the sell-out 2014 show, the UK's leading investor show is already able to announce the first 21 speakers who have agreed to appear in 2015!

They are: Nigel Wray, Evil Knievil, myself (Tom Winnifrith), Clem Chambers, Vin Murria, Ben Edelman, Paul Scott, Lucian Miers, Steve Moore, Robert Sutherland Smith, Cathal Friel, Andrew Bell, Marcus Hanke, Amanda Van Dyke, Matt Earl, Thierry Laduguie and..

NEW For 2015: Charlotte Argyle, Ben Turney, Jason Drummond, Dominic Picarda and BrokerMan Daniel

Some failing shows manage only a handful of speakers but UK Investor Show delivers both changes each year AND the big names. Over the coming weeks we will announce more big name speakers as we plan an increased number of sessions as we take on more floor space. Brace yourself for a 50 speaker show!

And there will also be 110 stands for PLCs to exhibit and present from. Already we are almost 20% booked out and we will start announcing those exhibiting very soon.

There are two classes of tickets:

A Golden Ticket guarantees you a front three row seat in any of the days 110 sessions plus a pass to the after show party with CEOs, speakers and journalists. It costs £60 (inc VAT)

An Investor class ticket gains access to any session at the show and costs £12 including VAT.

BUT you can buy either type of ticket with a 50% early bird discount if you book NOW. You can buy your early bird tickets HERE


3769 days ago

Book before 4.30 PM Wednesday (TODAY) to get last seats for UK Investor on Saturday

You can book one of the last twenty or so seats at UK Investor either online HERE or by calling 07761030374 until 4.30 PM TODAY (WEDNESDAY) and we guarantee to get your ticket in the last post first class today. If you want to see real fireworks BOOK NOW.  What fireworks you ask?

Ben Edelman the Blinkx destroyer is making a rare UK visit and will publicly rebut the Blinkx statement of Monday. Already Ben has halved this company’s market cap – what damage will he do live on Saturday?

Nigel Wray, Britain’s Buffett, gets grilled by Ed Croft about his portfolio and whether a machine could do better

Evil Knievil, Lucian Miers, Matt Earl and myself will launch full frontal assaults with new material on Globo, Quindell, Gulf Keystone and Avanti and a couple of new targets…

Richard Poulden and I will debate the UK House Price crash. Is it inevitable? Of course it is!

Dominic Frisby & Amanda Van Dyke will be joined by four gold company CEOs. Is gold just a useless yellow metal and are gold stocks even more useless?

David Lenigas and 3 other oil CEOs will be put on the spot in the oilers lunch

The 90 Growth PLCs with stands will be presenting at CEO level in special breakout rooms 

At the bloggers café those share tipsters you love and hate will be there writing, tweeting and taking your questions

Book one of the last few seats by 4.30 PM Wednesday (TODAY) either calling me direct on 07761030374 or online HERE. I shall be able to take calls and get tickets posted guaranteed first class delivery in tonight's post at Mount Pleasant if you meet that deadline.

If you are coming to London for the whole weekend and fancy a relaxing meal the night before, myself Steve Moore and a raft of speakers will be at Real Man Pizza Company at 91-95 Clerkenwell Road, EC1R 5BX on the Friday night.

Bring your ticket along and there is a 20% discount on your bill and myself, Steve Moore, my wife and others would be delighted to have a relaxing pre-show chat.

I look forward to seeing you this Saturday (perhaps Friday as well) at the UK Investor Show.

Best wishes 

Tom Winnifrith

Book one of the last few seats by 4.30 PM Wednesday (TODAY) either calling me direct on 07761030374 or online HERE. I shall be able to take calls and get tickets posted guaranteed first class delivery in tonight's post at Mount Pleasant if you meet that deadline.


3770 days ago

Lucian Miers & I record a Video: Gulf Keystone, Avanti Communications, Naibu, Globo, Blinkx and More

This video interview between Tom Winnifrith and Lucian Miers was recorded and published first on their Nifty Fifty website. In light of developments at a number of stocks featured it merits a wider audience.

On the Agenda

1. Gulf Keystone
2. Avanti Communications
3. The Market generally
4. Naibu
5. Globo
6. J Sainsbury
7. Blinkx


3773 days ago

If Gulf Keystone Stays Below 100p for three days, 70p will be hit in short order – Lucian Miers + New Bond warning

Bear raider Lucian Miers has a small short position taken recently in Gulf Keystone  (GKP)but says that he will increase that short markedly if Gulf shares stay below 100p for two more trading days. And he has issued a stark warning about the Bond issue underway.

The stock closed Friday at 98.75p – its lowest since September 2011 and Miers has studied the charts and reckons that failure to get through what was previous support at 100p would be the precursor to a sharp fall to 70p or below. 

Miers reckons


3782 days ago

Tickets to UK Investor Show on April 5 Start going in the Post Today – still 10% of seats left!

Praise the Lord that I am in Bristol not London today as various other folks are right now stuffing envelopes with letters, tickets, full speaker line up details as we start to post out tickets to the UK Investor Show on April 5 in Westminster. All tickets ordered as of today will be sent by last post Friday with most going out TODAY.

With 44 big name speakers lead by Nigel Wray, Ben Edelman, Vin Murria, Terry Smith, Evil Knievil and Lucian Miers the show is known as the UK’s Number One Investor Show. The full list of presentations can be found HERE.

There are also 90 growth companies attending not only manning booths but also in most cases doing 20 minute presentations for those really interested. Ranging from Advanced Computer Software, to Minoan, to Leni Gas & Oil, to Amara Mining the full list can be found HERE

We still have 10% of the seats available so if you wish to join 1,500 other active investors in London on April 5 please book your seats NOW HERE

I hope to see many readers of this blog in Westminster on April 5

Best wishes


Tom Winnifrith


3791 days ago

BONUS Session announced for UK Investor show: “UK House Prices will Crash by 2020”

Surely 12 sessions and 44 speakers is enough for the UK Investor Show on April 5 in Westminster? Well it is but we had forgotten something: UK residential property. Problem fixed – we have squeezed in an additional debate with a bull and a bear.

You can read full details of the 44 speaker line-up headlined by Ben Edelman, Nigel Wray, Vin Murria, David Lenigas, Terry Smith, Mark Slater, Evil Knievil & Lucian Miers HERE

The debate is between two libertarian thinkers trained in economics. Richard Poulden will argue that there will be no crash. I shall argue that there will be one.

This is our sixth annual debate and the score is currently 3-2 to Richard. 

Our debates are informal if information packed. Hence we kick off this one at 9.20 AM as a sort of warm up for the main talks which start at 9.50 AM.  Doors open at 9 AM.

The show is as of today 81% sold out. If you want to get a ticket (while stocks last) you can book HERE


3806 days ago

Ben Edelman – The man called the Web Sheriff by Bloomberg to headline at UK Investor Show on April 5 – Get your ticket now

The big news today is that a true mega star has agreed to fly to Britain for one day only to headline at The UK Investor Show in London on April 5. Meet Ben Edelman. If you are a Blinkx (BLNX) shareholder you will already have done so – you have lost more than 50% of your money since he produced a detailed report on the company. 

Professor Edelman will make a rare London appearance as the headline speaker at The UK Investor Show on April 5 in Westminster

Edelman shot to prominence in the UK with his recent analysis of Blinkx.  Edelman argued that Blinkx adware sneaks onto users’ computers, violates regulatory requirements, and overcharges advertisers.  Blinkx denies the allegations. Its share price continues to slide.

Much of Edelman’s recent work examines the activities of Google.  In 2010, he uncovered the Google Toolbar continuing to track users’ web browsing even after users asked that the toolbar be disabled and even after the toolbar disappeared from view.  His most recent article examines Google’s Mobile Application Distribution Agreement terms – previously-secret documents that he says impede competition by alternatives apps and services, and drive up prices to consumers.

Recently labelled the “web sheriff” by Bloomberg, Edelman will be speaking on the questionable business practices of a variety of Internet companies, ranging from giants like Google to smaller firms including Blinkx.

Edelman joins a 42 strong main stage line up on April 5th including Nigel Wray, Terry Smith, Vin Murria, Evil Knievil, Mark Slater, Dominic Frisby, bear raiders Lucian Miers and Matt Earl and blogging supremo Paul Scott.

A full list can be found at

Edelman is quoted as saying: “My visits to London are all too rare, but the British market has led the world in many kinds of advertising integrity - I look forward to showing an informed audience a variety of controversial behaviours, including some material not previously seen elsewhere.”

We have now sold more than 60% of the ordinary tickets for the event and all bar a handful of the golden tickets which come with bonus features such as an invitation to the after show champagne party at Maribelle’s. You can get your tickets at

And there are still a few surprises left for the show, notably on the shareholder activism front. Watch this space.

This year I shall not be compering the event – that baton passes to my old friend co-presenter on Show Me The Money, Louise Noel. Okay Louise was the main presenter I was just there for my (then) looks. Okay to talk about the market knowledgably. I digress. The fact that I am not on stage so much means that I plan to be able to join friends such as Malcolm Stacey, Brokerman Dan, Doc Holiday, Steve Moore, Malcolm Palle of Mining Maven and others in the bloggers café, chatting to anyone who is interested about shares that may interest them. As well as tweeting away #ukinvestorshow – I hope to meet many of you there.

But the star attractions are others: Wray, Lucian Miers, Matt Earl, Evil, Slater, Vin Murria, Amanda Van Dyke, Dom Frisby, Brian Basham and now of course Ben Edelman.

On that note I hope that if you have not done so already you book a ticket for the show and look forward to seeing you on April 5 in Westminster:



3809 days ago

Just 15 Golden Tickets left for the UK Investor Show – big announcement within 72 hours

The UKInvestor Show already has 42 big name speakers but this weekend it will announce its biggest and hottest name speaker yet. Flying in from the US just for the show this man will set the cat amongst the pigeons. Watch this space! 

Meanwhile we are pleased to announce that there are just 15 Golden tickets for the show left. These tickets give attendees guaranteed seating at any talk plus an invite and transport to the after show champagne reception with key speakers and attending CEOs. 

More than half of the ordinary tickets which give access to all events at the show have also been reserved.

You can book golden or ordinary tickets HERE

The speaker line up already boasts names like Nigel Wray, Terry Smith, Vin Murria, Lucian Miers, Mark Slater, Ed Croft, Lucian Miers, the dark Destroyer Matt Earl, Cassandra Harris, Dan Levi, Paul Scott and Evil Knievil - for a full line-up go HERE 

And with 90 growth companies exhibiting, the show will also provide a fantastic opportunity for investors to find out more about stocks they may be invested in or size up potential new investments. The stand line-up can be found HERE

More details of the speakers and of how to book both classes of tickets can be found at



3816 days ago

Amazing 37 Speaker Line Up at UK Investor Show on April 5 – Book Tickets now

37 big name speakers, experts in everything from tech stocks to gold to value investing to emerging markets to shareholder activism. The variety and expertise is there for all to see. That is the line-up for UK Investor Show on April 5 in London – no wonder that most of the tickets have already been booked. So who is speaking?

Well what are you interested in?  On the main stage…hosted by Louise Noel:

Value Investing?  There is a session with Ed Croft of Stockopedia, Nigel Wray and Paul Kavanagh of Killick.

Shareholder Activism? There is a session with Roger Lawson of Share Soc, blogger and activist Paul Scott, music teacher and activist Nigel Somerville and Richard Hemans of the Vialogy action group

Emerging markets? The Legendary Terry Smith is on stage

Growth Investing? There is a Mark Slater Presentation

Already most of the tickets for this event have been sold. So to book yours NOW click HERE

Tech Stocks? A panel session featuring angel investor Cassandra Harris, Vin Murria of Advanced Computer Software ( the Queen


3832 days ago

Naibu – The Question is do you believe? Evil Knievil vs. Lucian Miers (I'm with Lucien)

Naibu (NBU) has today issued a trading statement boasting that its sales in 2013 zoomed ahead by 15% and that with increased production capacity due onstream in February 2014 this year would be even better. If you believe that the shares are stonkingly cheap. Bear raider Evil Knievil does. Bear raider Lucian Miers, bear Matt Earl (The dark Destroyer) and I do not.


3844 days ago

Want to join the Pizza Party with David Lenigas & The Rare Earth Metals CEO on Thursday 23rd

As you may recall David Lenigas, the serial AIM entrepreneur suggested a new pizza recipe to me and as a result we now serve a pizza named in his honour at The Real Man Pizza Company in Clerkenwell. And next Thursday Mr Lenigas is paying us a visit. Fancy joining him?

As an after lunch treat, the bard of the Boleyn Lucian Miers is threatening to join us for “a coffee”.

If you fancy popping along please drop me an email ([email protected])so that I can ensure seating is available. It might be just the three of us but David has made this an open invitation via twitter


3874 days ago

Lucian Miers popped in for a very quick drink last night...

Just a quick drink said Lucian, who was already well refreshed aster launch with Evil. I am bringing Matt Earl ( the dark destroyer) and A.N. Other who has asked to have his identity protected and not be be quoted on anything. Just a quick drink, Lucian promised.

I don't feel very well this morning and am watching hangover Despina Vandi music videos as I ponder the day ahead. I do not think that it will be a terribly productive one. But hey, it is Christmas.


3879 days ago

Only 120 Free Tickets worth £12 for UKInvestor Show left

Tickets for the UK’s premier investor show, UK Investor worth £12 each are on offer at no cost at all in a special Christmas offer. But while we did have 500 to give away we now have only 120 left – after that the price goes back to £12. So grab your free ticket now.

The show is on April 5 2014 in Westminster and stars men like Nigel Wray, Terry Smith, Lucian Miers, Zak Mir, Matt Earl, Tom Winnifrith, David Lenigas, Steve Moore, Matt Sutcliffe, Alpesh Patel, Thierry Laduguie, Malcolm Stacey, Dominic Frisby, Richard Poulden plus the Queen of Mining Amanda van Dyke. In all, there are more than 30 big name speakers and 90 growth companies presenting.

Yup, that will be 90 growth companies there at CEO level for you to meet and quiz.

You can get full details on the speakers and companies at

 We had 500 free tickets but now have just 120 left to hand out: To get your free ticket click HERE

After these have gone it is back to £12 a pop.


3884 days ago

There are still more than 300 £12 tickets to the UK Investor Show to give away for free thanks to Accendo

Thanks to Accendo markets we have five hundred £12 tickets to the UK’s top investor show, UK Investor Show to give away for free.  Well we had 500. There are now just over 300. The event takes place on April 5 in Westminster London and the free tickets will be allocated strictly on a first come first served basis. 

We already have 60 growth companies booked in to attend and present at the show and another 30 will be signed up by April 5th. And we also have more than 30 main stage speakers confirmed including Terry Smith, Nigel Wray, Lucian Miers, Clem Chambers, Amanda Van Dyke, Dominic Frisby, David Lenigas, Roger Lawson, Matt Earl, Tom Winnifrith, Steve Moore and many more.

This is without doubt the UK’s top investor show. Full details can be found at and you can buy tickets on that site. 

Or you can, thanks to Accendo get a ticket for free but hurry as this offer is limited to just 500 tickets.

To get your free ticket click HERE.


3889 days ago

Trade 5 in my Christmas spreadbet challenge with ETX – Sell Cupid

I had never done a spread bet in my life until eight days ago. But I have just completed my fifth trade – selling Cupid (CUP) at £4 a penny at 54p. My stop is set at 64p. 

Steve Moore & I have both opened accounts with ETX and been given £50 to trade small cap shares. If we were to trade Forex or indices we could get another £450 free. This is not a special deal for us you too can get your free trades with ETX starting right now.


All you need to do to trade is to open an account which you can do in minutes – CLICK HERE

Any profits that I make on my Christmas trading challenge will go to the Woodlarks charity. So far I am afraid to say I am ahead on my Range short but behind on my @UK ( now called Cloudbuy – CBUY) long. So there is no Christmas windfall for Woodlarks. Yet.

Why short Cupid? We have zero earnings visibility here and the recent departure of founder and CEO Bull Dobbie is very odd as Lucian Miers explained here 

Anyhow, for me Cupid shares will slump. It is not a matter of if but when.

Most spreadbetters won’t allow you to bet on stocks as small as Cupid. ETX will which is why we teamed up with them.

You can start spreadbetting small caps with ETX right now HERE but to get up £500 free to trade with you need to open an account TODAY


3911 days ago

Paul Scott shorts Globo and 13 reasons why

Paul Scott is very much an independent thinker – he is his own man. No doubt some Bulletin Board Morons reckon that anyone who is shorting Globo (GBO) is all part of some wicked plot involving the usual suspects: Cawkwell, Miers, Earl, Winnifrith, the late Saddam Hussein, etc. Au contraire, it is just that any sentient being knows this is going down.


3925 days ago

Globo – Matt Earl the dark destroyer weighs in as the company issues bizarre statement

AIM listed Globo (GBO) is a stock that both Lucian Miers and Evil Knievil are shorting. I reckon that it is a slam dunk sell as does the Closet Chartist. But the dark destroyer is top analyst Matt Earl who has today published a seminal piece of forensic analysis. Anyone not selling after reading Matt’s article is mad. And an RNS out today is bizarre.


3927 days ago

Dominic Picarda joins speaker line up Falanx, Amara, ETX and Viscount Minerals book stands - just 15 Golden Tickets left

There are now just 15 golden tickets left for the UK Investor Show on April 5th while normal tickets are selling fast - why?

The speaker line-up gets stronger by the week. This week FT & IC Columnist Dominic Picarda became our latest big name recruit. Dominic will chair one of the main stage sessions and will do a 100 person breakout room session on how to use ETFs to create a growth portfolio.

There are a maximum of 100 seats for any breakout session. Gold ticket holders get to reserve a seat at whatever main stage or breakout session they wish in advance.

We are also delighted to announce that spreadbetting form ETX has become a main sponsor of the show while three more PLCs - Amara Mining, Falanx and Viscount Minerals (a new silver play from legendary Kaare Foy) have come on board to man a stand and give 20 minute breakout presentations on the day.

Book NOW to ensure you get your spot

All of that goes to show once again...

There is only one investor show worth attending if you want to hear an array of big name speakers in sparky debate and meet dozens of growth companies. And this year the UK Investor Show has a new venue, the Queen Elizabeth centre in central London.

The date for your diary is 5 April 2014

More than 25 big name speakers are already signed up to appear including Britain’s Buffett Nigel Wray, legendary Terry Smith bear raiders Matt Earl and Lucian Miers, gold gurus Amanda Van Dyke and Dominic FrisbyEd Croft of Stockopedia, Dominic Picarda, John Walsh, Alpesh Patel, Richard Poulden, David Lenigas,  controversial mining analyst turned entrepreneur Matt Sutcliffe, infamous bloggers Brokerman Daniel and Doc HolidayClem ChambersTom Winnifrith and Roger Lawson

The full list of speakers grows by the day and can be found here

As ever Britain’s most interesting small cap companies will also not only be manning stands but also each giving a 20 minute presentation. Six months ahead of the show more than FIFTY companies are already booked into attend at CEO level including Alliance PharmaStanley GibbonsEMEDLeyshon Resources1Spatial, Amara Mining, Falanx, Leni Gas & Oil, Nostra Terra and many more.

You can find the list of those companies already booked in to attend here.

This year there are two classes of tickets. 

An entrance pass costs £10 + VAT and gives entrance to the show and to all speaker sessions (subject to seating availability).

A Golden ticket costs £50 + VAT. There were just 75 available. A golden ticket gives you the right to reserve a front seat at any one of the 80 sessions running throughout the day. It also entitles you to come along to a champagne reception with a number of the keynote speakers and presenting CEOs afterwards with transport to the venue arranged.


Book NOW to ensure you get your spot

As each day goes by we will add more speakers and companies to those attending. We do not just claim to have companies attending unlike some also ran events, we name them. To keep updated on out growing roster of star speakers and growth companies presenting follow us on Twitter @ukinvestorshow

Book NOW to ensure you get your spot

On behalf of ADVFN and myself, the joint organisers of this show we look forward to seeing you on 5 April 2014 in Westminster.

Best wishes


Tom Winnifrith

PS Remember there are now just 15 golden tickets left and that standard tickets are also selling fast. Some show give away tickets because they offer no value. UKInvestor is different. To book your ticket now go HERE


3934 days ago

An acid trip with Pinsent Masons - the sixth and final chapter. Or is it?

Back in the Clerkenwell rabbit hole I was sitting with the dormouse. In the corner Lucian Miers was slumped on a chair. Having come up to London to view an exhibition of Japanese pornography he had been on the cheap lagers and had somehow found his way to the rabbit hole. Thank you for the Chianti I said to Lucian but he merely slumbered, mumbling something in his sleep about how it was all art really.

“So it is all over” said I to the dormouse.  He smiled and opened a box marked “direct from Afghanistan” and pulled out two crudely hand rolled cigarettes the size of a cigar. He passed one over and I tried to light it. Damn. My lighter was on the blink again.

The dormouse opened a big box marked “Money” 


3953 days ago

Monday 30th: Today’s the last day to book your discounted early bird ticket to the show of the year – UK Investor Show

It’s the last day to get a 50% discounted early bird ticket to the investment show of the year – UK Investor 2014 on April 5.

We know that other investor shows are free. They have weak speakers and the sort of companies that pitch up to present are of little interest to me or you. On April 5 in  the UK’s top location, the QE2 Centre Westminster the UK Investor Show will boast an all start line up of speakers and already 39 of the 80 companies set to man a booth but also present are booked in.

This is a show for serious investors and we do not want time wasters attending and clogging up the aisles: so we make a small charge to attend.

You can buy an ordinary ticket (normally £12 inc VAT) or a golden ticket (£60 – and which brings a range of perks including a place at a champagne reception afterwards with key speakers and CEOs) at half price until Monday midnight (TONIGHT) ONLY at the website.

So who is speaking?  We have a value investor panel led by Ed Croft of Stockopedia, Nick Leslau and Nigel Wray plus Paul Kavanagh of Killick with 1 more tbc. There is a gold panel led by Dominic Frisby and Amanda Van Dyke with Richard Poulden and analyst turned CEO Matt Suttcliffe with 2 tbc.  There is a bears panel lead by Evil and Lucian Miers with 2 tbc.

Terry Smith ( a real hero of mine) will do a stand alone talk on how to make money from Emerging Markets. 

There is a bloggers panel led by myself with Brokerman Dan, Doc Holiday and 2 tbc. There is an oil lunch panel (with free sandwich) with David Lenigas, Matt Lofgren, Paul Atherley and 2 tbc. Mark Slater will be flying solo. There is a traders panel led by Clem Chambers and Alpesh Patel with 2 tbc. And there is one more solo speaker of whom more next week.

You have just a few hours to book your early bird half price ticket and can do so HERE

There are also big name breakout sessions for 100 people where the 75 gold ticket holders get priority booking. These include Amanda Van Dyke, Roger Lawson of Share Soc and Evil Knievil ( with me)

You have just a few hours to book your early bird half price ticket and can do so HERE

And then there are the companies each of whom will man a stand but also do a 20 minute presentation in a smaller side room. The list of those attending grows by the day and can be found at but already includes: EMED, EnablesIT, Stanley Gibbons, Inspirit, Nostra Terra, ECR Minerals, Conroy Gold, 1Spatial, Leni Gas & Oil, Alexander Mining, Red Rock Resources, AfriAg, Regency Mines, @UK, ADVFN, Alliance Pharma, Ariana Resources, GLI Finance, Asher Resources, Fastnet Oil & Gas, Kibo Mining, Eurasia Mining, Leyshon Resources, Noricum Gold, Ortac Resources, Symphony Environmental, Killick & Co, Mechan Controls, Minoan, Sound Oil and of course Woodlarks. More companies will be announced every week…

Hundreds of serious investors have booked already. I hope that you will join them and to see you on April 5th in Westminster but remember to get a 50% discount on your ticket you need to book now on a secure online form HERE.

Best wishes


Tom Winnifrith


3968 days ago

Looking back a year tomorrow as Malcolm Stacey joins us from Sharecrazy

A year ago tomorrow, the website I set up in my bedroom published a defamatory and malicious piece about me in the name of Steve Moore, James Faulkner and Richard Gill. Our connection was utterly severed and I found myself working alone in the world running just this, my personal blog. Boy has the world changed.

As you may know Steve Moore was on holiday when that piece appeared and when he discovered what had gone out in his name and without his consent or knowledge, he resigned on principle. Then there were two of us. Soon after Darren Atwater took a pay cut, quit and moved to join us. Then Lucian Miers followed suit. Then Robert Sutherland Smith. Paul Nicholson, from the Isle of Man has hooked up with us since. And tomorrow, a year to a day since that infamous episode Malcolm Stacey – the founder of joins our merry band with his debut piece on


In the space of one year


3978 days ago

UKInvestor Show – THE Show of the year – Tickets now on sale at 50% discount

There is only one investor show worth attending if you want to hear an array of big name speakers in sparky debate and meet dozens of growth companies. And this year the UK Investor Show has a new format and a new venue, the Queen Elizabeth centre in central London. The date for your diary is April 5th 2014

But to get a 50% discount on your ticket you need to book before September 30th HERE

More than 20 big name speakers are already signed up to appear including Britain’s Buffett Nigel Wray, legendary bear raiders Evil Knievil and Lucian Miers, gold gurus Amanda Van Dyke and Dominic Frisby, Ed Croft of Stockopedia, controversial mining analyst turned entrepreneur Matt Sutcliffe, infamous bloggers Brokerman Daniel and Doc Holiday, Clem Chambers, Tom Winnifrith and Roger Lawson.  


3997 days ago

New tip on my Nifty Fifty within 24 Hours and the old t1ps team 100% reunited as one at RMPC

While thousands ( sometimes tens of thousands ) of folks read my scribblings here and on a far more select audience read what is on my premium site, the Nifty Fifty, which I produce with Steve Moore and Lucian Miers. My best ideas go there first. It is expensive but you pay for getting the best ideas first.

In our heyday at t1ps Steve Moore and I had a great track record. Over 11 years and c 240 tips our average gain was c 42.5%. Of course t1ps is now written by a couple of fellows who were still at primary school when the sire was launched. They claim the record of Steve, myself (and Robert Sutherland Smith) as their own in marketing material but it is OUR record. I can assure you that we never outsourced to primary schools.

Robert Sutherland Smith has been writing with me here and at for a couple of months now and the news this week is that he will also be leaving t1ps for good at the end of September


4049 days ago

AIM Cesspit 2013 awards winners announced

The wine flowed freely at the awards dinner. So freely that my speed of writing today has been not even snail’s pace. Non-existent is the word.  I found myself playing the straight man in talks by Lucian Miers and Evil Knievil which were funny and hard hitting. From the floor various CEOs and other types chipped in. The food, naturally, was superb…as you would expect at The Real Man Pizza Company.


4055 days ago

Two free tickets to £75 AIM Cesspit dinner with Evil Knievil & Lucian Miers on 24 June on offer

THE CEO of an AIM listed company offered at the weekend to pay for 6 private investors to attend the AIM Cesspit awards dinner/Sefton legal case fundraiser with Evil Knievil and Lucian Miers on Monday 24th June in Clerkenwell London. Those 6 seats were allocated on a first come first served basis but two of the winners have now pulled out.

As such I have two free tickets on offer.

They will go to the first or readers to email a request for the seat to [email protected]

I look forward to seeing two of you on Monday


4060 days ago

West Ham Season Ticket Renewal…Against My Better Judgement

I truly dithered about this one but already I find myself looking forward to a new season at Upton Park. I guess it is like dating. You break up with your bird (not that I have, as far as I know) after 8 months of pain and anguish. You were not having fun for a lot of the time and frankly sometimes she was just taking the piss with the sheer misery she inflicted on you. And she was pretty expensive too. Having a season ticket at West Ham can be like being forced to spend most Saturday afternoons heading round a shopping centre being forced to buy new clothes for the bird or worse still for you and then afterwards having to go to some overpriced vegetarian, alcohol free restaurant. The sheer misery of it all is interrupted only briefly when you find a new Ramones T-shirt to buy to add to the collection. But it is a rare moment of joy.

I stress that my partner inflicts none of this on me but I know that some birds regard that sort of thing as fun. And watching West Ham, knowing that you have forked out £650 for a season ticket can be like that.  Jeepers. Losing at home to Wigan in the Carling Mickey Mouse Cup. That was torture. The game at Reading on 29th December will long stay in my mind as a masterclass in making a ninth rate team look like Brazil.  But: You are my West Ham, my only West Ham you make me happy when skies are grey you’ll never know how much I love you until you take my West Ham away.

And so after you split up with one bird and enjoy a short break of freedom, of being allowed to wear clothes with holes in them and of being able to wash up dishes before you eat rather than afterwards, what do you do?


4067 days ago

Guest Post Lucian Miers - PureCircle is an accident waiting to happen

I have taken Quindell Portfolio (QPP) off my “accident waiting to happen” list as it is now in the slow motion car crash category after a set of prelims that contained some very strange items, followed by two obfuscatory “clarification” statements.

This leaves a vacancy and so I have added my old friend Purecircle (PURE) to the list at 355p with a market cap of £592 million. It came to the market in 2007 as the world’s largest supplier of a product called Rebaudioside A (REB A) which is derived from Stevia leaves which are a natural, no calorie sweetener. Basically for every 30 kg of leaves grown, 3kg of crude extract would be produced in the company’s extraction plant in China and then moved to its refinery in Malaysia where it would be processed into 1kg of Reb A, a natural high intensity sweetener (NHIS) which was set to be a mass produced commodity as an alternative or complement to sugar.

That was the plan in the AIM admission document but like most battle plans, the plans you get in such documents rarely survive first contact with the enemy.



4067 days ago

AIM Cesspit awards dinner with Evil Knievil & Lucian Miers

When: Monday 24th June 7PM

Where: Real Man Restaurant in Clerkenwell

Registration: It is £75 a ticket and you can order tickets and your food on the evening HERE

The AIM Cesspit awards 2013 will be handed out to those companies that have disgraced themselves most gloriously on the junior market on 24th June. The occasion will be a special dinner which will also aim to raise money to assist Tom Winnifrith in fighting the libel case brought against him by Sefton for pointing out how it has mislead investors on a serial basis.

The guest speakers are infamous short sellers Lucian Miers and Evil Knievil.

There is a special menu which you can view HERE

You can book your ticket or tickets HERE


4071 days ago

Vote now in the AIM Cesspit wards 2013 ( I have)

Vote now in the 2013 AIM Cesspit awards.

The trophies will be handed out on June 24th at a  special dinner hosted by Evil Knievil and Lucian Miers which will also raise funds for the campaign to fight Sefton Resources as it attempts to stop its activities being exposed by using bully boy lawyers.

You can book your seat here.



4074 days ago

AIM Cesspit awards and Sefton libel case fundraising dinner with Evil & Lucian - book now

What are you doing on Monday 24th June from 7PM?

How do you fancy hearing talks and jokes from Evil Knievil and Lucian Miers?

How do you fancy seeing the 2013 AIM Cesspit awards handed out to the companies and CEOs who have made the bottom end of AIM the joke that it is?

Would you be inclined to make a donation to the costs incurred by myself in battling Sefton Resources and other AIM companies, exposing the way that they have misled investors on a serial basis? Interested?

The awards will be handed out at a dinner at the Real Man Restaurant in Clerkenwell. Our guests of honour who will both give talks on the night are bear raiders Evil Knievil and Lucian Miers who will discuss fraud and investor deception on AIM.

We will announce the 2013 AIM Cesspit awards to those CEOs or companies who have done most to discredit the market over the previous 12 months.

There is a special menu for the day.

The total cost for the evening is £75, 80% of which will go towards the costs of battling Sefton and one or two other AIM listed companies that seem not to like facing the cold light of truth.

I look forward to seeing you on the 24th in Clerkenwell.

You can reserve your seat and choose your menu options here.



4074 days ago

Register now for the Weekend Tomograph out Sunday: AIM Cesspit awards dinner & terrible week issue

This was meant to be a relaxing half term family week. Hence fewer articles, no midweek Tomograph and general jollity. It turned out to be a total horror show. But progress has none the less been made with my good friend Darren the hero of the hour.

That will all be discussed in the Weekend Tomograph which will also have information on how to vote in the 2013 AIM Cesspit awards, of an awards dinner with Evil Knievil and Lucian Miers and much more.

To ensure that you receive your edition of the Tomograph on Sunday evening please REGISTER HERE


4074 days ago

Evil Knievil Lucian Miers Cupid Update

This has been well spun by AIM Cesspit pin-up boy Cupid (CUP) but yesterday’s trading statement was a disastrous profits warning. 

On March 5th folks were expecting half year EBITDA in excess of £6 million (up from £5.9 million in 2012).  Just 86 days later we are told EBITDA will now be just £2.5 million which means a pre-tax loss. Bear raiders Evil Knievil and Lucian Miers are both short. Their current take:update#sthash.ZHiUiIbm.dpuf


4080 days ago

May Spreadbet Magazine live featuring Tom Winnifrith, Zak Mir, Lucian Miers and Gold

The June Edition of Spreadbet Magazine is now live and features Tom Winnifrith on the failed AIM system, Zak Mir, an interview with Lucian Miers and a cover feature on gold. You can download it for free by clicking here. 



4095 days ago

AVN, RPO, SXX, QPP, XEL, GKP, CUP, ASC - the Great Conspiracy Revealed

They do not like it up ‘em. Shares in some of the darlings of the AIM Cesspit have taken a bit of a hit of late and some folks, the believers, believe that this is the result of a great conspiracy involving myself, Evil Knievil, Lucian Miers, Zak Mir, Red Evans and others. How about a quick look at the facts.

It is almost flattering to think that our wee band could wipe £300 million off the market value of Quindell (QPP). If only we were so powerful. As it happens Zak, myself, Evil and Lucian were all bearish on this company and we have been proved right. We are not always right but here we were correct. But the whole world is asking valid questions of Quindell now and that is why the shares have tanked. It is just that we called it correctly first. Is it a crime to be right and to ask valid questions?



4096 days ago

Quindell: More red flags than on a May Day in Moscow

Shares in AIM listed Quindell Portfolio have slumped to 7.12p following a disastrous results presentation. But that still values this strange stockmarket beastie at more than £400 million. Folks cannot say that they were not warned about this… On my new website, myself, Lucian Miers and Evil Knievil (SBM editors ‘pal’!) all warned folks to get out well before the current debacle. Personally, I still see the shares as a strong sell – there are just too many red flags here.

Supporters will tell you that the stock now trades on a PE of 5 and that the recent slump from 13p is all down to wicked short sellers and scumbags like me spreading disinformation. Er…no. I list below the red flag issues which should tell you that this will end in tears for the bulls and obscenely excessive bacchanalian celebrations round at Real Man Pizza Company for the bears.


4100 days ago

Lucian Miers says he feels like entering a Witness Protection Scheme: Gulf Keystone

I have not dared look at the Gulf Keystone (GKP) Bulletin Board threads since myself and Zak Mir went openly bearish. The more I look at this the more I am bearish. Bear raider Lucien Miers outed himself as a bear over the weekend and he has dared look at the thread on ADVFN.

None of the points he raised is answered in any way. Instead there is a torrent of abuse for him (and also again myself, Zak and Shareprophets). Lucian thinks we should all now enter the witness protection programme. You can read all of our thoughts at – we are not deterred and will not be deterred from writing again.


4111 days ago

Baobab - when is the placing suckers?

Calling AIM listed wannabee iron miner Baobab Resources (BAO) as a sell at 35.75p on February 4th and again on 29.125p on 21st February managed to generate stacks of abuse on the Bulletin Board but with the shares at 13.625p today I have been 110% vindicated. The point is that this company has sod all cash and high bills and that a placing is needed. Fast. The shares remain a sell until its now near critical financing issues are addressed. To both the Bulletin Board Morons and the fellows who run Baobab I ask how is the placing going?

Incidentally Lucian Miers is short of this stock and you can see him explain why in his UK Investor Presentation here.



4111 days ago

Make a diary date for the UK's only serious investor show - April 5

Okay you have missed the only show worth attending for this year. Shucks. But following the amazing success of UK Investor Show 2013 we have now set a date for UK Investor Show 2014. So put it in your diary now: April 5th2014.

And in response to the success of the first show we have secured a larger venue in Central London for the 2014 event. More details to follow.

If you did miss the 2013 event videos of the main speakers and of 12 PLC presentations were recorded and are now starting to go live.
You can watch gold guru Dominic Frisby & access his slides HERE

You can watch small cap legend Mark Slater and access his slides HERE

And you can watch infamous bear raider Lucian Miers HERE

Later today UKIP leader Nigel Farage MEP goes live on ADVFN with short seller Evil Knievil to follow shortly afterwards


4117 days ago

Getting Life in balance – time for a Holiday

I have not had a holiday since last summer and I am absolutely shattered – mentally and physically. And so my partner (whom some of you met at UKInvestor Show) and I are off to Greece for a week or two – as a liberated woman employed by the State it is only fair that she pays. Naturally I shall write for a few hours a day but mostly this is swimming, walking & winding down. It’s time to think.

You have to learn your lessons and


4117 days ago

CPP - Slam Dunk short at 4.7p target 1p or less

Earlier this week Zak Mir indicated that if CPP (CPP) shares closed at above 7.35p they would go to 12p and that the shares were a good risk reward buy at 7p – see HERE. There is more chance of the Pope opening a strip joint in the Vatican than of this happening.  This company is worth 1p at the very best and is a slam dunk short. We should point out that Lucian is actually short.

CPP has stated very openly in an RNS on 17th April that it is, to use the technical term, absolutely buggered.


4118 days ago

The Funeral of Margaret Thatcher - My perspective from outside St Paul's

I report back merely on my experiences standing about 100 yards from St Paul’s. The doors closed after the coffin entered the Cathedral and I wandered back to Real Man Pizza to drink English Champagne with Lucian Miers, to record a joint video and to toast our greatest ever Prime Minister.

I was standing by St Pauls for around five hours to ensure that I had an almost front row perch. By 6.45 there was already a good enough crowd. But it was clear that it was going to be much larger. But still the reporters persisted in asking anyone they could find if they were disappointed with the turnout or how they felt about those who had celebrated Lady Thatcher’s death. That was the narrative of, at least some of the fourth estate.

Among the early birds were a group from the Falklands showing their flag proudly, there was a Canadian flag, union flags and even a Scottish Saltire. Behind me were a group of Americans come to pay their respects.

But by ten thirty when the Coffin left St Clement Danes the entire route was packed as you can see from the photo below.

The narrative of the reporters then changed. They carried on interviewing folks in the crowd but swarmed like bees around honey when they managed to find the odd individual protester such as the gentleman below.

I asked this fellow what he did. He was a retired teacher. So after a lifetime of poisoning impressionable minds with lefty filth he has now living on the sort of final salary pension scheme we in the private sector can only dream of. His sort of pension scheme costs a multiple of the cost of a funeral which was approved and costed by the last Labour Government. But facts do not matter to hate filled bigots like him. 

He was a minority. The crowd was just a mixture of folk. I was next to a couple of scousers (very right wing chaps from the Freedom Association), but there people of all ages, all colours, all classes there. Thatcher gave them opportunity to progress in a way that stuffy paternalist old school Tories like Howe and Heseltine (who stabbed her in the back in the end) or David Cameron will never do or understand. They were just there to say thank you.

As the coffin approached your feelings were mixed. Some people cried. Others clapped. Others stood in silence. I did not really know what to do. I sort of half clapped but could not really work out how it was best to show total respect and to say thank you.

And then the coffin passed into the church. Five and a half hours waiting, standing on my feet for just a few minutes. Was it worth it? Of course. I had to show my respect. I would not have forgiven myself had I not done so.


4119 days ago

Lady Thatcher’s Funeral – I shall be there: Light blogging for 24 hours

I had planned to leave London on Sunday but that all changed. I will be heading down to the Strand to mark my respects to Britain’s greatest ever Prime Minister – a woman who saved this country. A woman of principle. I am not sure how many folks will line the route nor if it will be disrupted by unkempt lefties, ignorant young people or worse but I shall be there anyway.

Lucian Miers is trekking up from the boonies to join me. I guess the crowds will build early so I shall work late at Real Man and then head off well before the crack of dawn to bag a place for Lucian and myself.

Uncle Chris (Booker) says that his wife queued to pay her respects at Churchill’s coffin and so this time I am there for the Booker’s who cannot make it. My own family of deluded lefties have rather different feelings but I guess I am also there for little step sister Flea who, to her credit, is a true child of Thatcher.

Afterwards I shall return to Real Man, feeling – I suspect – rather tired so it may be a light blogging day ahead.


4121 days ago

Quindell Portfolio - Contract win or not?

I know nothing about AIM listed Quindell portfolio (QPP) other than Lucian Miers regards it as an accident waiting to happen (as he explained here.) and that I share his unease at its aggressive manner of stock promotion. Today’s RNS only increases that unease. It is flagged up as “Major contract win with leading UK broker” but… -


4125 days ago

Project x is live! The launch of

It is time for the workers to take control. Well at least in the world of financial writing. We have had enough of writing about stocks that do not interest for folks who mess us around and do not treat us with respect. For the avoidance of doubt I am not referring to ADVFN who are top bananas. But the workers co-operative has today launched – our own project x.

Comrades Zak Mir, Steve Moore, Lucian Miers, Aubrey Brocklebank, Adnan Siddique, Sam Bottell, Dru Edmonstone, Brokerman Dan, Doc Holiday, myself and others to be revealed will all be writing there. There is data on the stocks you follow, alerts on when comment appears on stocks that interest you, and a lot more to come. And it is totally free, just go register at and answer the confirmatory email sent to the address you give and you are in.

The writers will write about what THEY want. There is no Big Brother dictating what they should cover or say. Free speech, free comment, no holds barred. Game on.

I look forward to your feedback on the site, we will tweak it as we go alive but it is now live and almost 100% bug free.




4126 days ago

Change of Speaker Line Up at UKINvestor Show this Saturday – in honour of Margaret Thatcher

We are lucky to have a speaker already lined up at the UK’s top investor show which takes place this Saturday April 13th who knew Margaret Thatcher well. In fact we have several but in light of the sad demise of Britain’s greatest Prime Minister we have moved Christopher Booker, the founder of Private Eye and celebrated Sunday Telegraph columnist to the main stage during the afternoon to talk about “The Margaret Thatcher I knew – nearly always right in the end.”

I chatted to Booker – who is my uncle and godfather - this morning and our reflections on the Iron Lady covered her Euro scepticism, the treachery of her colleagues, the lie that she supported apartheid, her conversion from a supporter of global warming theory to becoming an ardent global warming sceptic and many other issues. Booker will cover how and why her views changed on these and other topics and how our leaders today might perhaps reflect on this.

The revised speaker line-up on our main stage is now:

10 AM Opening Remarks
10.10-11 AM Nigel Wray & Nick Leslau
11.00 – 11.45 AM – Tom Winnifrith with bear raider Lucian Miers
11.45-11.55 – the short debate: Is AIM doomed Tom Winnifrith vs Richard Poulden
11.55-12.40 – Comedian and gold guru Dominic Frisbey on gold
1.40-2.35 PM – The Traders session: Clem Chambers, Alpesh Patel, Zak Mir, Evil Knievil and John Piper
2.35-3.15 – Christopher Booker
3.45 – 4.30 Mark Slater
4.30-5.15 Nigel Farage MEP ( who will I am sure also mention the Iron Lady)

We still have a handful of tickets going for the show due to late cancellations. If you wish to attend email your postal address with postcode and how many tickets you require to [email protected] and the tickets will be despatched first class at once.

I look forward to seeing you on Saturday 13th April at Excel.

Tom Winnifrith



4142 days ago

Weekend Video Postcard number 33

I may have become a bit of a chinless wonder on this video. Normally I cut off the top of my head. This time I did the reverse. But the light looks good and the sound works and the content...I think I am on form and this is one of the most interesting video postcards for ages. You may disagree. Whatever. It is 15 minutes long.

On the Agenda

1. How companies react to short sell advice or negative comment, lessons learned: Minmet, Cupid, 3DM, Sefton, Caradon

a) The FSA, Evil Knievil, Lucian Miers, market abuse
b) Spin re bids
c) The sordid PR person/established media axis of corruption
d) Play the man not the ball

2. Internet companies, commodity goods, no room for many players

3. The freedom to write - launch of new website.


4145 days ago

Lucian Miers quits ShareCrazy and Makes Nifty Fifty debut today

The Bard of the Boleyn, infamous short seller Lucian Miers has quit his writing gig at ShareCrazy and will today make his debut as a columnnist on the Nifty Fifty website run by myself and Steve Moore. Lucian is perhaps the sharpest brain in UK short selling. He may not have the profile of some shorters but he is the numbers man.

Lucian will as of today be the man charged with delivering the Nifty Fifty weekly short letter, ideas on the bear tack. And we are also planning on doing the odd video together exclusively for the Nifty Fifty. Lucian is, of course, also one of the 25 big name speakers at

Steve and I can now focus 100% on share to buy. So far 24 stocks have joined the five model portfolios we run with one of those positions closed as of today. It was Steve and myself who ran t1ps for 12 years delivering an average gain per share tip of 42.7% over 241 tips. We aim to do better with Nifty Fifty where we are stocking to a maximum of 50 live recommendations at any one time.

Nifty Fifty also provides detailed updates on all the stocks we follow – so far today there have been updates on three stocks with two more set to go live shortly.

To access the Nifty Fifty now that Lucian is on board to complete the team click HERE



4183 days ago

Avanti Communications Interims – The Company is Delivering, Evil, Lucian and the bears have been shown to be wrong

Bear raiders Lucian Miers and Evil Knievil are meeting for lunch today. I know, as I was invited but my liver is not up to it. However the main course should be humble pie. The bears predicted that Avanti would miss its targets at the interim stage. Moreover the results demonstrate very clearly that it is already more than two thirds of the way to hitting 2014 (not a misprint) numbers and that it continues to win business. The shares are a buy at 265p and could move sharply as the bears are squeezed. I sense that margin calls could well be served up at Evil towers today in time for pudding.


4187 days ago

GMA Resources – Reversal and Share Price Over-reaction: Lucian Miers right to be short

AIM listed GMA Resources (GMA) has just returned from an eight month suspension. A cash shell (with not a lot of cash) following the failure of its last hydrocarbon business venture it has now announced a RTO which will see it owning 90% of two mining assets in Kazakhstan. The shares returned from suspension on February 5th and promptly soared to 0.9p which in effect valued the business at £700 million. That forced the company to issue a statement re-explaining its share structure – in effect saying its stock was overvalued. The shares still trade at 0.24p but are still at least 60% overvalued.

The company plans a 500 for 1 share consolidation. Thus existing shareholders will post consolidation own 1.236 million shares. The vendors of the Kazakh assets will be issued with 148 million shares which on the basis of the agreed RTO values the transaction at £40 million. But on the basis of the current share price the market capitalisation post issue is actually £184 million.


4187 days ago

Guest Post: Steve Moore on Ocado

Steve Moore and I worked together at ever since he left University. He is a very talented young analyst and a man of utter principle which is why he quit t1ps. He is now working with my on my Nifty Fifty product but also writing off his own bat and I am keen to support that. Apart from anything else he talks a lot of sense. As such I bring you a piece he published on Ocado today. Both Lucian Miers and I agree with his conclusion.

Shares in Ocado Group (OCDO), the FTSE-250 online grocer, have jumped higher today on the back of its announcement of results for the 53 weeks ended 2nd December 2012. However, with the shares at a current 115p, capitalising the company at more than £700 million, the following reviews today’s results and considers whether the share price run from 58.5p in November looks to have long-term legs…

The results showed an adjusted pre-tax profit of £1.8 million, from a prior year loss of £2.4 million, on comparative revenue 11% higher. However, on revenue for the 53 weeks of £678.6 million, the statutory pre-tax figure was a loss of £0.6 million as the company recorded £2.4 million of ‘exceptional items’ including “staff and other operational costs associated with the opening of Customer Fulfilment Centre 2 and a non-food distribution centre in Welwyn Garden City”.


4188 days ago

UKInvestor Show – April 13th – just 50 seats left

That is the news as of tonight. On a day when two more PLCs signed up to present (Ariana Resources and The Innovation Group) we did our sums and there are now just 50 seats out of 2,500 left unallocated for what is clearly the UK’s leading investment show.

It is hardly surprising that two months before the event, nearly all the seats are allocated given the all star speaker line up:

Nigel Wray, Nigel Farage, Mark Slater, Evil Knievil, Lucian Miers, Nick Leslau, Richard Poulden, myself, Dominic Frisbey, Clem Chambers, Amanda Van Dyke, Christopher Booker, Mike Hall, Roger Lawson, Simon Denham, John Piper, David Buik, Steve Moore, Robert Sutherland Smith, Paul Atherley, Jan Nelson, Ronald Duncan, Craig Brown and the list goes on and on…

And with companies booking in at a rate of one a day almost 50 of the 80 PLC stands are now reserved and you can check out a list of some of the big name exhibitors HERE.

And so what are you doing on April 13th? At some stage tomorrow we will close the lists and start running a “reserve” ticket list for folks who MIGHT get a seat if we have a cancellation. That is a MIGHT.

We have just 50 seats left to allocate. You can still grab one of them if you book now HERE.

I hope to see you all on April 13.

Tom Winnifrith


4191 days ago

Baobab Resources – Good News in the Price, follow Lucian Miers and sell

After many years of scratching around Southern Africa for a project with real prospects AIM listed Boabab (BAO) appears to have found something that could be a winner in the form of the Tete pig iron/vanadium/titanium target in Mozambique. With iron ore stocks all rallying sharply in the past two or three months on the back of hopes of resurgence in Chinese demand, Baobab shares have raced ahead to 35.75p which values this company at £106 million. This is a stock that has now got far ahead of its fundamental value and I can reveal that last week well known bear raider Lucian Miers opened up a short. That is a good call which you should follow.


4222 days ago

Lucian Miers – A Bear with a Very Sharp Brain profiled

Lucian Miers often finds himself overshadowed by the larger than life figure that is Evil Knievil (Simon Cawkwell). The two men sometimes share ideas and bear raids but on other occasions they disagree. They are very much their “own men.” I sense that perhaps because of his casual and light hearted approach to life, folks underestimate Lucian. That is a mistake.

Known as East London’s most feared short seller, Lucian is about as much of a cockney as myself or Prince Charles. His family used to own rather large amounts of real estate in the area around Upton Park and hence “the Bard of the Boleyn” is a devoted West Ham supporter. But he is (like Cawkwell) quite a posh public school educated fellow. And like Cawkwell he did not quite make it passed the final interview when it came to applying to Oxford. That is not to say that Lucian is not very clever, just that he is perhaps not a true academic.

The highlight of Miers career as a stockbroker was his short selling of Pan Andean Resources as the world and his wife bought the stock on the back of hopes (and puff pieces in the Daily Mail) for South American drilling success, Miers took the trouble to call the site of the well on the phone to be told that it was dry and that the directors were at that stage flying back to Ireland.


4239 days ago

Mark’s In: Mark Slater completes all star line-up at UKInvestor Show on April 13th

f you want to hear quality speakers there is only one UK Investor show to attend next year and that is The UKInvestor Show held on April 13th at Excel in London. The speaker lineup is now almost complete with news that Mark Slater, the most successful fund manager of his generation is on board.

Mark joins as the other main stage speakers: Nigel Wray (Britain’s Buffett), Nick Leslau (property legend and secret millionaire), bear raiders Lucian Miers and Evil Knievil, gold guru Dominic Frisby and UKIP leader Nigel Farage.

And that is not all: The trader’s session (also a main stage event) is chaired by Steve Moore and stars Clem Chambers, Alpesh Patel, Simon Denham, John Piper and Zak Mir (plus one name to reveal shortly)

And in the breakout rooms we have the Goddess, Amanda VanDyke on making money from mining stocks, Stanley Gibbons boss Mike Hall on alternative investments, Roger Lawson on shareholder activism and Christopher Booker on how global warming costs you so much.

There is the Poulden v Winnifrith debate (10 minutes of main stage comedy) and 80 companies presenting at CEO level.

No other show comes even close to assembling such an all star lineup.

There are just 2,500 tickets on offer. They go strictly on a first come first served basis. Already more than a fifth are gone ahead of the official launch of the show campaign in the New Year. Treat yourself to a free gift this Christmas. To book your free seat and to get more details click HERE.


4243 days ago

UKIP leader Nigel Farage MEP joins headline speakers at UKInvestorShow on April 13th

UKInvestor Show is an event about making money but I have always thought such a show needs one non investment speaker and I am delighted to say that Nigel Farage MEP emailed this morning and he is up for it. The leader of UKIP will talk about how staying in the EU costs all of us so much and why we should leave now.

And so on April 13th at Excel we now have a main stage line up of Nigel Wray (Britain’s Buffett), Nick Leslau (property legend and secret millionaire), bear raiders Evil Knievil and Lucian Miers and Dominic Frisbey, Mr Gold and Nigel Farage. And there is one other surprise for you on the main stage.

The traders session ( also a main stage event) is chaired by Steve Moore and stars Clem Chambers, Alpesh Patel, Simon Denham, John Piper and Zak Mir ( plus one name to reveal shortly)

In the breakout rooms we have the Goddess, Amanda VanDyke on making money from mining stocks, Stanley Gibbons boss Mike Hall on alternative investments, Roger Lawson on shareholder activism and Christopher Booker on how global warming costs you so much.

There is the Poulden v Winnifrith debate (10 minutes of main stage comedy) and 80 companies presenting at CEO level.

You have to admit that is a cracking line-up. No other show even comes close. If you want to hear a master investor speak this is the only show worth attending. To register for your free ticket on a first come first served basis go HERE.


4246 days ago

For Oakley it is Goodbye Leg Day – Light blogging ahead

I admit that one reason for light blogging is that I was led astray by Lucian, the Goddess and a few others at the Real Man Christmas drinks. I feel a bit fragile today. I am too old for all of this. But there is another reason for light blogging – Oakley (my cat) is back on the Vet’s operating table as we speak.

Greedy vet one clearly feels a bit guilty about the fact that he has stiffed me with an £846 bill and the operation has failed. Oakley’s leg was so weakened by the tumour that the skin cannot heal. And as such Oakley is off to a charity vet today. I shall leave without £140. Oakley will leave without one of his legs.

I know that he is just a cat. And I am all too aware that there are humans in much worse shape. But it is still not a day that I expected to come. It has all happened rather quickly.

I was trying to think of some convoluted and clever sentence involving the flag of where Oakley was born (the Isle of Man) – the triskelion , three legs. But I am a bit too hungover and worried to string words together. I am told that the Old Boy can have a good quality of life with three legs but somehow that seems a little hard to believe. To misquote animal farm “three legs good, four legs better.” It will all be over soon and then back home for a restful Christmas. Extra duck for Oakley.


4256 days ago

West Ham vs. Chelski Match Preview

There is good news. Since West Ham almost never win when I go to Upton Park you will be glad to hear that I am not attending today’s game (Kick Off 12.45). My tickets (Trevor Brooking lower) are with the Bard of the Boleyn, my disreputable pal Lucian Miers and an even more disreputable friend of his dragged from a gutter somewhere plus the (ultra posh) Goddess who makes the second visit of her life East of Canary Wharf. She seems to think that she might support Chelski (not knowing anything about football) but perhaps her second visit to The Academy might dissuade her. I do hope she does not scream an inappropriate comment at an inappropriate time.

The bad news is that despite my absence anything other than a Chelski win is very unlikely. Yes the team with no history


4266 days ago

CPP Group: Straight Sell at 26.75p – Bid Won’t happen, Lucian Miers on the case

There are five things that you need to know about AIM listed AIM Listed CPP Group (CPP). None of them should make you wish to do anything other than sell the shares as soon as possible. Firstly the company has just been hit with a £10 million fine by the FSA, secondly its balance sheet is now severely holes, thirdly earnings visibility is nil and finally a takeover approach it says it has received will almost certainly come to nothing. On a risk reward basis that makes the shares a great short at 26.75p – a level which values the group at £46 million. Oh the fifth? My friend the infamous bear raisder Lucian Miers has this down as his top trading short on AIM right now. Lucian is usually right. To the FSA first.


4267 days ago

West Ham versus Stoke City: Match Preview

My good friend Mr Rowley from Stoke has fled to Nepal to miss this game. I have handed my tickets to Lucian Miers as my presence at the Academy does not tend to bring West Ham good fortune. So that is a reason for optimism. But, as Lucian points out, our record against sides from grim Northern shit-holes is a poor one and so he fears for the worst. I am afraid that despite our recent form so do I.


4304 days ago

Ray Winstone’s East London & The Sweeney 2012

As regular blog readers know I have a boxed set of every episode of The Sweeney – the original 1970s series starring John Thaw and Dennis Waterman. It is one of those DVDs that I can always pull down and watch to cheer me up in bad times. And so I approach the release of the new movie, the Sweeney, starring Ray Winstone in Thaw’s role ( Inspector Regan) with some trepidation.

Part of the appeal of the original series ( other than the violence, the wit and the nostalgia for a past era) is the repartee between Regan, Sergeant Carter (Waterman) and their boss ( the solid and straight Haskins, played by Garfield Morgan). They all come from different backgrounds.


4351 days ago

Range Resources Correction: Fair Price not 2.4p but 1.18p: Lucian Miers now shorting + Zoltav thoughts (sell)

Sincere apologies but thanks to a well known website beginning with A, I have been using the wrong issued share capital in calculating a valuation for AIM listed oil penny share Range Resources (RRL). There are not 1.129 billion shares in issue but 2.357 billion. Oh dear. This does nothing to alter the sell case I have expounded for some days except to make it more pronounced. I have revised the previous articles published to reflect this minor data error on a website beginning with A.

I stand by my conclusion that I would not buy this stock at any price until it agrees a new debt facility as it is almost out of cash. Moreover if that facility is agreed I would only buy at 0.75p or less in order to give me enough upside potential to justify the risk since my estimate of fair value falls – using the correct shares in issue – from 2.4p to 1.18p. Ouch.


4395 days ago

Banning Shorting Achieves Nothing

Those who short shares, bear raiders are almost universally disliked. And for good reason. Whilst all of us involved in the stock market are ultimately motivated by the desire to make money, at least those of us who buy shares are creating a more liquid secondary market allowing companies to raise capital to expand, create jobs etc. And so we serve some purpose. Those who short serve no purpose in that sense. Moreover when a share you own is being whacked by shorters it is easy to start shouting at your screen, “Damn Evil Knievil/Lucian Miers/ A.N. Other Teddy – you are a: insert the sort of words John Terry might use. But that does not mean that shorting should be banned. Au contraire.


4421 days ago

Adventis up 81 per cent today: which loon is buying shares?

Adventis (ATG) shares are up 81% today at 0.5p in decent volumes. I am sure that Lucian Miers et al are adding to their shorts. But whoever is buying is a total loon. Just a reminder of the facts.


4425 days ago

How much would I pay NOT to go to Olympic Swimming?

I have just had it explained to me what attending the Olympic swimming involves. I am trying to work out how much I would pay NOT to attend.

Apparently you have to start with a train journey through the parts of London Lucian Miers knows well. The tubes will be jam packed, sweaty and horrible. You then emerge and form an orderly queue before entering an arena you cannot leave until lunchtime and even then only for a brief interlude before the swimming resumes.

There is no smoking in the arena. And no movement lest you disturb the swimmers. You cannot bring in your own food and drink but must pay hugely over the odds for refreshments provided by sponsoring companies. Unlike at Lords, I fear that attempts to smuggle in decent quantities of decent wine will be unsuccessful. Watching swimming is mind-numbingly dull at the best of times but under such conditions it sounds like sheer torture – surely there is something in the Geneva convention about this?


4428 days ago

On the Cheap Lager with Lucian Miers

Well not exactly. Lucian started with a pint of “Village Idiot” – which Evil might think appropriate but is some sort of real ale. I had a pint of cider and then we enjoyed a bottle or two of Rioja. No lager. No kebabs. Just a pleasant night out in Oxford. The Village Idiot is served in the Turf – a pub my paternal grandfather frequented in days when students were not meant to go into pubs – the Turf has 4 potential exits so allowing for rapid escape. One day I shall write a bit more about his student days in the 1920s.
