
442 days ago

A letter to the Vice Chancellor of Lancaster University about its cover up for the Hamas praising Praising Professor Simon Mabon: 2 questions

I have just dropped an email to James Fuller who runs the office of Professor Andy Schofield the Vice Chancellor of Lancaster University regarding the cover up for Professor Simon Mabon. Mabon is the man who praised Hamas on October 8, a day after it committed the worst mass slaughter of Jews since 1945. The Metropolitan Police has now stated that using the imagery endorsed by Mabon is something it considers to be a crime. And thus, cc’ing in hapless press officer Vicky Tyrell, I have asked the office of the Vice Chancellor, two critical questions. My email reads.


467 days ago

A British Jew in her sixties describes how she feels today – in short terrified

When folks like Ash Sarkar, Yanis Varoufakis, Peter Tatchell, various BBC and Guardian journalists and seemingly the whole of liberal arts academia take to the airwaves or twitter to slam Israeli apartheid, to serve up fake history, to talk of Israeli atrocities as Israelis lie slaughtered on the ground, it has consequences. When Steve Bell serves up yet another blood libel cartoon in the Guardian and is not sacked it has consequences. Many British Jews now live in terror. Here is the testimony of one lady I know, now in her sixties, a most amazing, loving and wonderful woman who just does not deserve anything like this. She writes:


1083 days ago

Whoopi Goldberg doubles down on the “acceptable” form of racism and because she’s a celeb liberal she’s only cancelled for 2 weeks

Actress and TV host Whoopi Goldberg piped up yesterday to say that the Nazis did not kill six million Jews because of racism but just because man can be evil and inhumane to other men. You see, according to Whoopi, most Jews and most Nazis were white so it can’t be racist can it? This is so blindingly obviously wrong at every level. Jews were killed because they were Jews. It was racism. And downplaying that, or pretending the holocaust was not, as we say today, a “racially motivated crime” is racist. But then in liberal circles in the West, anti-semitism and holocaust denial is not really considered proper racism any more, after all the Israelis are mainly Jews and, everyone in Islington, Hollywood or on most campuses agrees that the Israelis are ghastly fascists. Whoopi then doubled down!


1088 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - It is Holocaust Memorial Day again

I start with reflections on how my generation has first hand contact with survivors and victims but young folks do not. Perhaps that is why so many of them are blase about anti-semitism.  Light a candle tonight. We will. Then onto an RNS about me not mentioning me. Optibiotix (OPTI), Eurasia Mining (EUA), Doc Martens (DOCS) and Challenger Energy (CEG). I said I’d mention madness incarnate but forgot to.My reference ws to Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT) , up 28% today at 2.7p valuing a company with sub £200,000 cash and no assets at all at £65 million. Insane. 


1101 days ago

Fraud promoter & crisp salesman Gary Lineker on BBC diversity of thought

Retweeting a tweet from a former editor of the Guardian, Gary Lineker wades into battle on behalf of the BBC which, by extorting money from us all under threat of jail,pays him£1.3 million a year for talking about sport. The crisp salesman, who made £5 million from promoting the £3 billion Quindell fraud, argues that BBC staff have a diverse range of opinions. Hmmm.


1336 days ago

Video - this is why British Jews now feel abandoned and terrified, it is time we non Jews must say #JeSuisJuif

For one younger reader, please note the way that those who hate Jews in this video use the words Zionists and Jews interchangeably. When folks say they do not hate Jews just Zionists, they dissemble. They hate Jews. This video puts Britain to shame. It is no wonder that so many Jews feel terrified as never before. Why do we need Israel? Because at some point, if we as a nation do not stand up for the Jews, it will become just too terrifying for many folks to be Jewish in this country and in France and much of Europe. 


1344 days ago

Now the woke Independent whips up anti Jewish feeling with misleading headline

The fashionable left wing media just hates Israel and in cases that crosses the bridge into anti-semitism. Take this headline today from the Independent which suggests that merely for making the statement “free Palestine” a school kid has been suspended. There will be folks who read the headline and instantly start yakking on about Jewish conspiracies. But what really happened? It’s grim up North.


1344 days ago

And now the Met Police gives succour to the Jew Haters

The video below shows a WPC at a Palestine rally attended by Jew-haters and others chanting “Free Palestine”. It is a sackable offence for a Police officer to express political views and after a new media pile on, this WPC has now been suspended pending an enquiry. The statement “Free Palestine” is an explicitly political statement. Some, like Hamas, take it to mean wipe out all the Jews and have a one state solution that Hitler would have been proud of.


1346 days ago

The vile “rape your daughter” antisemitism in London today is only encouraged by folks like Sadiq Khan, the BBC and Keir Starmer

The placard below comparing the Jews to the Nazis was hoisted at the pro Palestine march in London yesterday. Nobody on the march appeared offended. So many of them hate all Jews that they are happy with such sickening words. Natch the Police did nothing and so today we have seen cars flying Palestinian flags driving through Jewish parts of London urging folks to rape the daughters of Jews and worse. The video is below.


1463 days ago

I really can't stand rap but this Joe & the Jews video is a must watch

It is very clever and, as anti-semitism becomes a growing problem, notably in academia, it’s timely. Enjoy.


1640 days ago

You don't have to be Jewish to boycott twitter for 48 hours from 9AM Monday - I shall

I waste too much of my life on twitter anyway and so I am more than happy to take a 48-hour break starting at 9 AM on Monday. I urge you all to do the same. Rap artist Wiley – a man with an MBE who I admit to having never heard of – last week posted a stream of vile anti-semitic tweets. His manager was so disgusted that he quit. Folks complained to twitter which responded by removing only some of the tweets and giving Wiley a short ban. Twitter should not be offering a platform for a jew-hater and should not allow his messages of hate to remain. 


1667 days ago

Picture Article: The bravest sportsman on earth - a lone woman defies the mob

Everyone should agree with the spirit behind Black Lives Matter. However, the idea of taking a knee to show support for an organisation that wants to end capitalism, defund the Police and which engages in knuckle-dragging anti-semitism fills me with horror. Oddly, the liberal media lauds our sportsmen and sportswomen for their bravery in taking a knee in respect to that organisation. It is not brave at all. The real bravery is in calling out millionaire ball jugglers as hypocrites, for they are millionaires only because of capitalism. The bravery is saying “no” because you do support the Police and you don’t hate Jews. Imagine the guts this sportswoman below showed in doing just that. Forget the cowards of the Premier League, this woman is my hero. 



1668 days ago

Supporting #BlackLivesMatter as an idea is made harder when the BLM organisation wades into the gutter of anti-semitism

Just five minutes ago, I explained at great length why everyone should support the idea behind BlackLivesMatter and why it is not the same as the statement WhiteLivesMatter. However, it becomes harder to support BlackLivesMatter – the organisation – as its protestors attack the Police and say that they wish to defund the Old Bill, or when its organisers say they wish to end capitalism. As each statue of great men such as Grant, Lincoln or Guy topples, some who may sympathise edge away. And now comes the ant-semitism. If the tweet below was sent by an ordinary citizen there would be calls for Police involvement.


1821 days ago

Photo Article: on #HolocaustMemorial Day a candle burns here in Wales

I wonder if, in places like bourgeois East Oxford where at least one house in every street flies a Palestinian flag all year round, how many candles are burning this Holocaust Memorial Day. I suspect rather more will be burning on Friday as the chattering classes mourn our exit from the European Superstate founded a few years after the last failed attempt at European unification.


1886 days ago

Abortion up to birth is state sponsored murder: another reason no-one should vote Labour

Yesterday I flagged up one moral reason not to vote Labour (anti semitism) HERE and one economic one, the almost certain probability that its plans would bankrupt the UK, HERE. Maybe the prospect of having to eat your cat does not phase you so how about the idea of state sponsored murder?


2154 days ago

Labour and the Jew Haters - problem not solved post Chris Williamson, meet Erica Wexler

Only after a huge public outcry has Labour MP Chris Williamson been suspended from the party for suggesting that it had apologised too much on the matter of its own anti-semitism problem. Of course Williamson weill be back sooner enough but Labour now claims it has dealt with the problem. Ten minutes on twitter checking out the reaction of its own supporters to the Williamson news should be enough to nail that canard. I warn you that some of it is pretty ugly Jew hatred. Here is a relatively moderate Labour supporter in action. Meet singer-songwriter Erica Wexler...


2492 days ago

She escaped the Nazis as a child but the Jew Haters got Mirielle Knoll today

Aged nine, Mirielle Knoll somehow managed to evade the SS and their, depressingly enthusiastic, French collaborators as they rounded up 13,000 Parisian Jews and took them to the Vel' d'Hiv cycling track from where they were sent on a one way trip to Auschwitz. Mirielle survived the war. 


2493 days ago

The real problem with Jeremy Corbyn's forced "mea culpa" on anti-semitism in the Labour Party is the Chakrabarti report

As the Board of Deputies plans a protest at Westminster against anti-semitism in the Labour party the hand of Jeremy Corbyn is forced. After months of making excuses for all sorts of Jew Haters within his ranks now he faces the sort of PR disaster which forces him to admit that "there are pockets" of anti-semitism within the party. Deep pockets many of us would say.


2500 days ago

Jeremy Corbyn will be horrified by his defenders over Russia

What do the following have in common: right wing Sunday Times polemicist Rod Liddle, Conservative Sunday Telegraph columnist Chris Booker, right wing blogger Tom Winnifrith and his (closet) reactionary father of the same name and Right wing polemicist Peter Hitchens of the Mail on Sunday? When it comes to Jeremy Corbyn quite a lot...


2520 days ago

#NeverAgain - I challenge you to watch this video and not shed a tear

In the current climate anti-semitism has become almost acceptable in certain, mainly left wing, circles in Britain. As such, the right of the Jewish people to a safe space that is Israel cannot be challenged. We say #NeverAgain and this video explains why. I challenge you to watch and not have a tear in your eye well before the end.


2536 days ago

Naughty Naughty Krishnan smears the Brexiteers as Jew haters on Channel 4 Fake News

The liberal remoaning elite have spent the past year bleating on about Russian interference in the Brexit referendum. Loons like, person of the people, Carole Cadwalladr of the Guardian and all the folks at Channel 4 fake News have droned on ad nauseam. Sure there were only about 1000 tweets from Russian state related accounts on Brexit but that caused all 17.4 million of us to vote the wrong way. There is no evidence but that will not stop the Russian "exposes".


2626 days ago

The true motivation of some of those who demanded the blood of Priti Patel - meet blood libel endorsing academic Mona Baker

I have never hidden my admiration for Priti Patel. She is the sort of aspirational Tory who could widen the franchise in the way Disraeli and Thatcher managed. Her parents arrived in the UK with nothing and worked hard. Priti went to a state school and modest university (Keele) and has worked hard. Her gut instinct on the role of Government, the EU, law and order and so many other issues marks her out aqs a real Tory in an era where the party is dominated by the privileged, the conceited ands the incompetent. Having said all of that I accept, sadly, that for breaking the ministerial code and for being a little economical with the truth when exposed, she had to resign. But those baying for her blood include some awful Mona Baker who is an academic. 


2710 days ago

What do I have in common with Melanie Phillips? we are Jew haters - the moment the bonkers left admits defeat

For those who do not know of Super Mel she is one of Britain's best known Jewish columnists and has written wonderful stuff for decades on anti-semitism and on the State of Israel. For the avoidance of doubt she opposes the former but supports the latter - which is also my view. She is a true heroine of mine. I have also written extensively on these topics over many years. I know that on the day of judgement St Peter will find many faults with me but on this count I reckon I do fairly well unless, rather surprisingly, St Peter stands with Ken Livingstone on these issues. But oh no, both Mel and I are Jew haters.


2762 days ago

Video: the whitewashing of anti-semitism in the Labour Party

If folks like me say that Jeremy Corbyn's Labour party is so infected with the virus of anti-semitism that it has become institutionalised I am accused - as an out and proud right winger but also as a proud Zionist - of smearing. The video below is remarkable in that it is produced by and features a raft of fully paid up Guardian reading, left wing academics, many indeed are Labour Party members. It is a truly shocking expose of the evil at the heart of the British left.


3181 days ago

Labour and the Jew haters... Hamas speaks up for Corbyn and against the zionists

Comparing Israeli and former West Ham soccer star Yossi Benayoun to Hitler's Nazis, suggesting the evil Jews need to go to America, the tweets and quotes from Labour activists that demonstrate clear hatred of the Jews go on and on. As things stand five of the comrades face an enquiry but that list will grow. With each new revelation the idea of voting Labour becomes ever more unthinkable. But at least Jeremy Corbyn still has some friends...

I refer, of course, to Hamas,


3190 days ago

Murder is fine as long as the murderess is a sweet 12 year old and the victims are wicked evil Jews: anti-semitism is the new cool

The loathsome Daily Mail has a new pin up, Gaza born Dima al-Wawi. She looks really sweet and the headline shouts out:

Hugs, tears and the haunted face of a 12-year-old girl broken by jail: The moment the youngest Palestinian to be imprisoned by Israel is freed after being locked up for two months for carrying a knife near a Jewish settlement

Broken by jail. Those wicked fucking Jews how low can they sink? Lock up = Bastards. Those fucking Jews, they are the new Nazis. Oh the knife?

It seems that Dima was not only near a Jewish settlement but actually heading towards it - she was stopped at the gate by a security guard and a local resident who


3647 days ago

Today is World Holocaust day, It is 70 years on – Never Again: spare a couple of minutes for thought

There is a candle burning in my house today as we think about what World Holocaust Day means to us. For today is the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. I spent some of the weekend discussing what happened there with my daughter and the issues it raises for all of us today as we confront an alarming increase in anti-semitism but also the demonization of those following another religion, Islam.


3775 days ago

Quindell Bulletin Board Moron and Jew hating Bigot of the week – CriminalMind aka Daveycaferacer

Posting as Criminalmind on the ShareProphets thread I am sad to see that one Quindell owning moron is not only a total moron but also a prize bigot to boot. It took me about five seconds to find out that the same poster had posted bigotry of a similar vein but under a different name on my personal blog and that as Daveycaferacer he is an active member of the pathetic QPPSAG. Do steamy & his fellow loons condone overt anti-semitism? Will they condemn one of their number for being a Jew hating bigot? 


3859 days ago

Video Postcard #69 – The racism that some folks find acceptable – anti-Semitism

Prompted by the shocking attach of anti-Semitism in Manchester this week I ask why this form of racism is deemed acceptable in some quarters.

Anti-Semitic attacks in Europe are at the highest levels since the 1930s despite the large drop in Europe’s Jewish population that happened between 1939 and 1945.  Why is this?

Part of the reason is that low level attacks – snide press comment for example – go ignored. That has to stop.

Tom’s financial postcard looks at the dangers of acquisition led growth, especially in the current climate and that video can be watched HERE


3890 days ago

4 Dead at the Belgian Jewish Museum – The silence is Deafening

On Saturday a gunman shot four people dead at the Jewish Museum in Brussels. This was an overtly anti-Semitic attack. A couple of hours later, two Jewish men were savagely beaten as they left the synagogue in Paris. Again they were targeted as Jews. Throughout Europe violent attacks on Jews and the desecration of Jewish sites, notably cemeteries, have been rising sharply for years. But few seem to care.

For this is the racism that seems almost acceptable in some quarters. How often have you seen the Star of David burned in street protests across Europe? Is anything done? Of course not. A recent survey showed that 35% of those in France held anti-Semitic views, in Greece the number was 67%. In Latvia where last month a school proudly hung the word “JudenFrei” – the term used by the Nazis for an area that had been “cleansed” above its doors - the figure was 28%. Against such a backdrop is it any wonder that physical attacks on Jews as well as less overt discrimination is on the increase.

In part this must be down to feelings in some quarters that Israel has over-stepped the mark. I do not hold that view but I am fully aware that others do and their views on the Jewish State may fuel their views on Jews in general. But in the end even if one abhors Israel that can be no excuse for discriminating or persecuting an entire community who share a faith with most Israelis but are not part of that State.

The increase in anti- Semitism in recent years in part comes from our own silence. Amazingly


4206 days ago

Boris Johnson in bed with the Jew Haters

What is it with being Mayor of London that makes you want to get into bed with Jew haters. Red Ken was pals with so many rabid anti-Semites I lost track. But it now seems that Boris does not care who he bunks up with either. No… not that sort of bunk up. I refer to his dealings with Emirates Airline (who I am now boycotting). Emirates you are Jew hating swine and I am ashamed that Boris has any dealings with you.


4245 days ago

Patrick Mercer MP is a crook and now also exposed as a bigot – why is he still an MP? Is anti-semitism okay?

Sleazebag Tory Patrick Mercer MP has been caught on camera taking bribes. He is a crook. A common criminal. And yet while resigning the Tory whip he says that he will “do the honourable thing” and remain as an MP until the next election, collecting a full pay & perks and then he will stand down to collect a full pension. Does this make you happy?

Before the last election there was a lot of talk from politicians about recall – the idea that if your local MP was caught taking bribes or having an affair with Rebekah Brooks ( most folks in London seem to have one stage or another) the voters could effectively boot him out. Oddly once the swine returned to the Westminster trough there was rather less talk of this.

But Mercer is more than a common thief he is also a bigot as this video shows. His references to a “bloody Jew” are offensive and mark him out as an A1 prize bigot.  Naturally though when Lib Dem and labour MPs and Lords have also made blatantly anti-semitic remarks and got away with it nothing will happen. Had he said “ bloody Moslem” maybe it would have merited more attention.

Once again the sad fact is that in 2013 Britain, anti-semitism is the socially acceptable form of racism.

And in 2013 criminal bigoted men are still allowed to sit as MPs.

Once again I despair.



4299 days ago

Justin Bieber – prize shit, “the world revolves around ME”

I have never knowingly listened to a song by Justin Bieber. I am therefore not what is termed a Belieber. But this little shit is now on my radar with news that he visited the house where Anne Frank hid from the Nazis for two years before eventually being sent off to a death camp, and left a message in the visitor’s book saying that he hoped that Anne would have been a Belieber. Where to start?

Perhaps with the state of Holland and much of the West today where the holocaust is trivialised by a liberal elite who loathe racism unless, of course, it is the frigging Jews are who are at the end of it. Chuck in open anti-Semitism from certain elements of the Muslim Community and David Ward MP and the collective attitude to an event that wiped out two thirds of European Jews is pretty reprehensible. 

These days, as Mark Steyn once noted, if the play about Ann Frank appears in Holland as the Nazis search the house, half of the audience is shouting out “ she’s hidden in the loft, go get her.” 

Bieber is I am sure not an anti-Semite. He clearly does not have a thought in his head about anything but himself. He is the uber-celebrity – all that matters is ME. And so for him it is perfectly natural to relate Anne Frank’s tragic life and suffering to er….him. Asked for Thoughts on the sad death of Margaret Thatcher, Justin replied “I am sure she was a true Belieber.” As for impending war in Korea, Justin stated “They need to start Beliebing …and follow me on twitter.” The world centres on ME, whether that be Justin ME, Madonna ME or Simon Cowell ME. 

Will any of those celebs be remembered in fifty years’ time? I do not know. But at the rate we are going I rather fear that in fifty years’ time we will not be allowed to view Anne Frank as we should, as a victim of true evil – will she be remembered either?


4329 days ago

Friday Caption Contest Lord Ahmed (prize shit & convicted killer) issue

As I noted earlier today Labour peer Lord Ahmed killed a man by crashing his Jag into the man’s stationary car while texting away at 70 miles an hour. Ahmed reckons that service 16 days for this killing was harsh and only happened because he was a victim of the worldwide Jewish conspiracy. Labour has suspended this repellent anti-Semite but this is an easy call. What next. Julius Streicher, ooops I mean Lord Ahmed, made this claim on a video which I am sure Ed has seen. Either Labour believes in one nation or it does not.

And so this week’s caption contest comes with no prize just the chance to insult and abuse the spineless Ed Milliband as he decides whether he wishes to lead a party with at least one principle or to keep Lord Ahmed and those who agree with his vile views on board.  So please leave your entries for the picture below in the comments section.

My entry is:  “We are the party of one nation…except for the evil frigging Jews

Milliband if you wish to prove me wrong you know what to do with the despicable Lord Ahmed.

Last week I asked you for a caption to this picture of the General Belgrano


4330 days ago

Lord Ahmed is a prize shit – does Labour believe in a global Jewish conspiracy?

In 2009 Lord Ahmed, a Labour peer was sent to prison for just 12 weeks ( but served just 16 days) after he smashed into a stationary car, having sent a series of text messages while driving his Jaguar on the M1 at 70mph. The other driver died.  Personally I regard that sentence as a joke. 16 days for killing someone because you were driving recklessly? I would have been thinking in terms of years.

But Lord Ahmed thinks that he was hard done by. In an interview given a year ago on Pakistani TV, which cropped up this week the total shit said that he was given a harsh sentence  only because of a conspiracy by Jews  “who own newspapers and TV channels”. The judge, he added, had been specially chosen because the Jews wanted to punish him for supporting the Palestinian cause.

This murder trots out the sort of nonsense you might expect in the Protocols of Zion, he pedals lies in a way aimed at inciting hatred against Jews and the Labour party is okay with that? To be fair it has suspended him but if he did indeed say this then Labour must either boot him out or it too is signing up to what is just unacceptable.

The problem is that in deluded lefty circles anti-Semitism is cool. Not the sort that denies the holocaust. It is not yet acceptable to pretend that Auschwitz did not happen when munching your bruschetta in Islington. But David Ward MP (Lib Dem) is still a member of that party despite saying that the holocaust was comparable to the situation in Gaza. As I have noted before that trivialises the greatest act of genocide of the 20th Century (if not all time) and is just abhorrent.

The left collectively has a choice. Either it decides that it is fine to bait the wicked Jews, incorporates the Protocols of Zion into 2015 manifestos and states that trivialising the murder of 6 million men, women and children is fine. Or, it shows a genuine commitment to an equality and nondiscriminatory agenda and tells folks like Ward and Ahmed that with their views they have no place in British politics.

They will not. The Lib Dems and Labour will fudge the issue. Too many of their core supporters loathe Israel with a passion. And too many of that number extrapolate that into a loathing of with wicked Jews which involves spouting conspiracy theories and hatred as if they were discussing the weather or whether West Ham will defeat Chelski this weekend.


4425 days ago

How do you deal with a “Jewish Conspiracy” person?

You meet someone. You get on fine enough. They seem tolerant, interesting and then…”It’s the Jews, they pull all the strings.” What do you say? How do you react? Clearly they cannot be a reader of this blog if the run that line past me.

There is the short term and the long term. I once dated a bird and got along well until she tried to explain that the number of Jews killed in the holocaust was greatly exaggerated and it was really all part of a plot by the Jews to secure a homeland. I did not try to argue. But that was it for that relationship. There are some boundaries you cannot cross.

My short term reaction was to go for a cigarette. Leaving the room allowed me to calm down and to think about what to say. I returned calmly and said that I had a problem with that. I was asked if I was Jewish. Aaaaaagh.


4439 days ago

Sad Git West Ham supporters I despise – but the climate does not deter anti-semitism

Not only did my beloved West Ham lose at arch rivals Spurs but some of the travelling West Ham supporters engaged in patently anti-Semitic abuse. I think you know my views on Spurs ( intense dislike) but also on anti Semitism ( rabid dislike). My mind is filled with various thoughts.

I know what will have been said or rather hissed. There is a hissing noise mean to be reminiscent of the gas chambers. Adolf Hitler is Coming for you – a variant of Tottenham Hotspur we’re coming for you, will have been chanted. I remember hearing “There’s only one Adolf Hitler” being chanted at a Spurs game a long time. I cringed with shame.


4564 days ago

Visiting The Corfu Synagogue – the Meaning of Holocaust

I have written before about Joe Levy, godfather to Olivia and my very good friend. We met when he was the handyman who looked after – among other things – a house in Swiss Cottage converted into six flats where I lived with Olivia’s mother. The two houses I bought/co-bought after that were redesigned by me and Joe put my ideas into practice. He is truly a faultless human being, bar his support for Chelsea. He was born here in Corfu and is, as you may have guessed, Jewish.

Yesterday I followed the sign to the “Jewish Quarter.” There is no real quarter just a synagogue which is in impeccable condition, is fully renovated and was being cared for by a rather fat old lady who was talking animatedly in Hebrew to some Israeli visitors. Needless to say she also spoke perfect English. The building is more than 400 years old. And in 1940 there were around 2000 Jews living on the Island – among them Joe Levy then still wearing nappies.
