663 days ago
Back in August of last year the sight of a parched Lake Vyrnwy in the hills about an hour from where I live was a posterboy for those predicting more and more droughts thanks to man made global warming. As someone who remembers my local reservoir drying up in 1976 but refilling very quickly the next year I thought that this was media bull at the time and with data from United Utilities and a site visit I have demonstrated a number of times that I was right and the MSM was talking GroupThink cock. But the mainstream media has not apologised, indeed over at the Guardian they have doubled down.
704 days ago
The narrattive is that women’s soccer is getting massive crowds every week. It is, of course, a complete lie as I have demonstrated time and time again. At some point I will do a piece on the attendances at WSL side West Ham Ladies and how they show what a joke the economics of women’s football has become. The entire media class colludes with this lie, terrified of being branded as sexist. Today the England National Side, the Lionesses, beat Italy 2-1 in the Arnold Clark cup today at Coventry’s CBS Arena and then boasted of the attendance, a record for this ground. This is just so 1984.
736 days ago
As I write, the snow, which has fallen for the past two nights, exposing my son for the seventh time in his seven years on this planet to something cultists said he’d never see, is melting and the flood waters here on the river Dee in North Wales are actually receding. But still my fields are flooded as you can see HERE. More importantly we now have data on reservoir levels in the United Utilities region which includes this part of Wales. This data is now the highlight of my week and again shows what tosh the global warming cultists in the mainstream media GroupThink were talking last summer.
745 days ago
In August 2022 Lake Vyrnwy, about an hour from where I live in Wales, was the posterboy of the Global warming GroupThink cult as I recalled here. I took my kids to the lake today and combine those photos taken with hard data from United Utilities to show how the GroupThink are just so wrong. Not that the BBC or anyone in the Mainstream Media will report it.
781 days ago
The British mainstream media, led by the appalling Daily Mail has, from the start of the war in Ukraine bigged up Russian Casualties, bathing in the blood of every dead Russian. Day after day there are videos straight from Kiev showing Ukrainian snipers getting kills at record distances, drones blowing up Russian tanks or some other heroic act meaning more Russian mothers will be mourning their sons this Christmas. But there is a big omission.
992 days ago
Biy do I like economist Steve Hanke. He concludes this interview with a claim that 95% of what appears in the Mainstream Media is wrong or irrelevant. As I work on my next Ukraine podcast, how right the good Professor is.
1012 days ago
When he was alive, this was an annual ritual. Now Christopher Booker is in a better place, there is no reason for this to stop. The photo is of climate change, or rather, the lack of it, here in Southern Greece.
1016 days ago
In any study, you need a control group. When it came to train-wrecking your economy, driving folks to suicide and causing untold misery through mask-wearing, social-distancing, and staying away from dying relatives, the European control group was Sweden. The MSM did the bidding of the experts and a united political class, warning that Sweden would see mass deaths and that the streets of Malmo and Stockholm would be piled high with bodies. Well, not quite, but the language was apocalyptic. Ultimately, we dissenters were wrong, and citizens should only ever “follow the science”. Or else, it would end badly for us all back in Airstrip One.
1079 days ago
This is Orwellian. A LinkedIn link to THIS ARTICLE which discusses hard data on the effectiveness of mask wearing in stopping spread has been removed and if I persist in spreading “misinformation” LinkedIn says that “Repeatedly creating content that doesn’t comply with our Professional Community Policies could lead to your LinkedIn account being restricted.” I have appealed the decision on the basis that what I report is hard fact from which there can be only one logical conclusion. The facts are…
1096 days ago
The BBC and, to a lesser degree, the rest of the mainstream media insist on giving equal prominence to women’s football as to the men’s game. Anyone who points out that not only are standards in the women’s game much much lower than in the men’s game but also that the amont of interest in it is a fraction of that in the men’s game is atttacked as a sexist bigot. Speaking as someone who has already bought tickets to see Northern Ireland’s womens team in this summer’s European championship, is this member of the #GAWA allowed to point out another inconvenient truth? No? Well I shall anyway.
1149 days ago
Shots 63 to England nil to Latvia. Shots on target 30 nil to England. Fastest England hat-trick in history. A new record goal scorer for England. Yes it is women’s football and the fact that England gets to play opponents who would struggle in a game at the weekend on Hackney Marshes shows why all these records and cricket scores are utterly meaningless. But you will not be hearing that in from the deadwood press. So who pays to watch this mockery of competitive international sport?
1161 days ago
Because the CEO of NightCap (NGHT) is a bird, the financial press feels obliged to overlook the manifest corporate governance failings of this overvalued disgrace to AIM. Anyone criticising the greed and absurd conflicts of interest of Dragons Den star Sarah Willingham is naturally a sexist beast all of whose views can therefore be dismissed. As such no member of the mainstream media will report on section 12.1 of the IPO prospectus from December 2020. They are too scared. I’m not.
1399 days ago
Back in 2016, some of us of a conservative leaning questioned whether the Democrat candidate for President, crooked Hillary Clinton, had health issues. The mainstream media sneered about alt right fake news and ignored this completely. And then crooked Hillary collapsed in New York and they were forced to admit that we might have been right all along. I remember doing an interview with that fine news channel Russia Today discussing that very issue of the media corruption and Hillary’s health. What is it with the Dems and picking old folks with health issues?
1417 days ago
To celebrate #InternationalWomensday, Scottish Widows is all over the internet blathering on about the #genderPensionGap and natch the more woke elements of the Mainstream Media are lapping it all up. While Scottish Widows may win some woke Brownie points if one cares about actual facts you can quickly see why it is talking utter bollocks.
1432 days ago
I must be the least well known person ever to record a podcast with the celebrated conservative journalist James Delingpole. I doubt his regular listeners will ever have heard someone count to ten in Vlach before. To say our discussions were wide ranging is an understatement. Delingpole was a great friend and ally of my late uncle Christopher Booker and we start and end with him. In between, it’s Neil Woodford, fraud fighting, the corruption of the MSM, death threats, lockdown madness, Wales madness and a disagreement on the enrichment of Ireland. And much more. You can judge for yourselves HERE.
1446 days ago
On Thursday 4th February at 7 AM a CBD company Cellular Goods announced its plans to raise £8 million on a £20 million valuation and join the (sub) Standard List, home to so many frauds and dogs. The night before, Sky News came up with the “scoop” that this news could be revealed as soon as the following morning and that David Beckham had invested and would soon sign a deal to promote the CBD skin product. Oooooooh a nice photo of Becks and blow off comment with no questions asked, this is the corrupt MSM and a PR drop all over again as I noted with the other listed company where Becks has “invested”, Guild Esports (GILD) the other day HERE.
1458 days ago
The BBC and the mainstream media are not reporting it but today the Information Commissioner gave testimony to the House of Commons DCMS Select Committee which demonstrates the true degradation of British Journalism. This reminds me of a talk last Autumn at, my alma mater, Hertford College Oxford.
1458 days ago
Let’s be clear, as a resident of Wales, I support Scottish (and Welsh) Independence for the reasons explained HERE. I might add, that with Scotland heavy net takers from the Union, in terms of tax and spend, the rest of us would be much better off if the jocks buggered off as soon as possible. Having said all of that, the demands from Nicola Sturgeon and her inner circle for a new vote should be exposed for what they are, part of a scandalous cover up.
1493 days ago
Old Ron Paul, my ultimate libertarian hero, would be proud of his son today. Senator Rand gave a speech which tears apart the lunacy of Modern Monetary Theory, the money printing that is happening in the US and, on steroids, here in the UK. The left leaning mainstream media, notably, the ghastly and innumerate BBC, lavishes praise on Rishi Sunak for his wisdom in pursuing these policies, indeed the media and political classes enage in obvious GroupThink in supporting Sunak’s folly. The fourth estate needs to listen to Rand and then to challenge the Government rigorously. Of course it will not. MMT is madness. Senator Paul explains why, in language so simple even a BBC economics correspondent can understand it, and also has the real answers. Enjoy
1502 days ago
As the BBC, the Met Office and others bang on about man made global warming, they always cite the “experts” and their “expert predictions”. It has now been 32 years since the first experts warned that the Maldives at c 1yard above sea level would be submerged. So perhaps, if it is not an inconvenient truth, it is worth revisiting that one.
1554 days ago
Can Trump win the General Election? I discussed how he could HERE and this morning things look a little better for POTUS. I see the Economist says Joe Biden has a 92% chance of winning. Its writers must be sharing Hunter’s crack pipe. The same publication says the Dems are more than 80% likely to win the Senate. I explain why, as things stand, I am scoring it at 51-49 for the GOP as I look at the eight swing races. Then it is onto two breaking bombshells from last night that is not the Borat sting on Mayor Giuliani which the MainStream Media is focussing on. But Iran exposed by the FBI, not Trump’s friends, as batting for Biden and more damning evidence on the #BidenCrimeFamily – this time fingering Creepy Joe himself. The MSM and twitter/facebook are working hard to supress this and I demonstrate how, but this is seeping out and let’s see how Trump plays the debate tonight. The Donald has the big Mo right now.
1608 days ago
I called it for Trump in September 2016 when the media classes wrote him off. I am not calling it for him yet, but it is looking better and better, hence more fake news reports from the BBC and the rest of the Mainstream Media to the contrary. I examine what the polls say in detail, debunk a right-wing conspiracy theory and look at the four key variables that will determine the outcome and, bad news for the liberal media, all four trends are playing Trump’s way.
1639 days ago
I start with some family memories from 1893. I hope that my son and his grandchildren are able to look back to these family memories from July 2020 and laugh. I fear they may cry. I consider a journey that my son and I made yesterday from a village by the Dee in Wales to South Warwickshire, to Ratby near Leicester and back to Wales again. I consider the madness of quarantines, vaccine orders and masks, of thousands of suicides, early cancer deaths and of economic ruin. I consider the complicity of the entire mainstream media and political classes and the madness of GroupThink. We will look back on this with true horror.
1672 days ago
Yesterday, the Labour party sacked Rebecca Long Bailey from its Front Bench as she endorsed an article, in the little read online rag the Independent, by an actress who thinks we care what celebs think and which contained a clear antisemitic trope. Yet many in Labour are rushing to her defence, including Guardian columnist Owen Jones and the Corbynite journalist Ash Sarkar whose tweet is below.
1677 days ago
In the period January 1 to June 4, there were around 160 million interactions between US cops and US citizens. That resulted in 429 citizens being shot by the Police of whom 88 were black. Blacks were over-represented in this category but they are also disproportionately represented both in terms of victims of violent crime but also perps. This is not exactly genocide as some in BlackLivesMatter claim. Yet some in the media do not view it this way. Meet Holly Baxter of a failing British Deadwood Press turned, as a result of crashing sales, internet-only rag The Independent.
1677 days ago
Some tweets do not age well. This gem below is from Ms Faima Bakar, a journalist on the tawdry free publication The Metro, and it came out on Thursday of last week. Events in Reading, on Saturday, will surely make even more folks who reflect on Ms Bakar’s work despise the dying, deadwood press and its out of touch, intolerant, liberal, elitist values.
1683 days ago
Rayshard Brooks was a black man shot dead by a US cop last week. The cop appears trigger happy in shooting to kill and, in my view, has quite rightly been sacked. But the reporting of the incident shows once again why fewer and fewer of us trust the mainstream media. Take this gem from Australia’s Daily Telegraph.
1758 days ago
Laughably, the BBC is trumpeting an opinion poll showing how its reportage of the Coronavirus “pandemic” is the most trusted among TV stations. When this is all over, we will laugh at just how the entire Mainstream Media failed us, wallowed in GroupThink and failed to challenge our blundering and lying leaders. You can see this for yourself with an easy test…
2470 days ago
Our leaders, Mrs May, the fag Macron and Donald Trump said they had PROOF that President Assad bombed Douma with gas. On that basis they bombed not jihadists but Assad controlled areas of Syria. The only "proof" we have seen are videos shot by the White Helmets, folks who work only with jihadist Al Qaeda and ISIS forces. But on the other hand we have shown on the ground reports from British journalist Robert Fisk HERE and a US camera crew HERE which give hard evidence that there was no gas attack. Now comes the most shocking evidence yet and it comes from Russia Today as you can see below.
2508 days ago
For a good while before she got thumped in the 2016 General Election a number of us pointed out that crooked Hillary Clinton kept on falling down and clearly had serious health issues. Natch we were dismissed as Alt-Right fruitcakes or Russian Trolls by the mainstream, liberal media. But the crooked one just keeps on falling on her fat arse. Here she is in India this week. Just when will the MSM admit that we critics were right all along and that their denial and failure to report issue during the campaign was the fake news.
3013 days ago
This is simple. The DNC and the Clinton campaign are running the dirtiest General Election campaign in history. Videos 1 (HERE) and 2 (HERE) from Veritas made that clear. Now there is a third video, below, with clear evidence of cheating. But still the mainstream press will not report on it which only gives more credence to the charge that the liberal establishment will do anything to assist the Crooked one.
3015 days ago
This video is even more explosive than video one which showed how Hillary Clinton and the DNC are cheating on an industrial scale by paying to create violence at Trump rallies to discredit The Donald. They also "fake" attacks on women at Trump rallies. This time we turn to old fashioned vote fraud and here we see senior Dems on tape admitting how they are engaging in it.
3015 days ago
This video is explosive. It shows how Hillary Clinton and the DNC are cheating on an industrial scale. In part one of the Veritas expose we discover how the Dems create violence at Trump rallies to discredit The Donald. They also "fake" attacks on women at Trump rallies. Hillary says this is made up but a) it is utterly compelling, b) two of the folks on the video, notably Bob Creamer - a fraudster married to a Dem Congresswoman so a very senior player - have already "resigned" from the Clinton campaign. Not the actions of innocent men. Natch the mainstream media has not played this video at all - can you remember the BBC or Channel 4 even commenting on it?