2547 days ago
Boy did the liberal media love the defeat of GOP Candidate Roy Moore in the Alabama special election for the Senate. John Snow on Channel 4 Fake News described Alabama as the state that helped make Trump President. Le Monde described it as a referendum on Trump. The BBC was already planning the coronation of a Dem in the 2020 White House race. Fake news folks.
2595 days ago
The British liberal media are still wiping themselves down having been unable to contain their excitement as crooked Hillary Clinton allowed them to the chance to give fawning interviews as she plugged her Godawful book "What Happened?" As such they seem unable to report the big stories in US politics like Hillary's collusion with the Russians.
Instead we are treated to Jon Snow on Channel 4 and the various BBC libtards telling us that the Republican Party has had enough of Trump as two senior senators line up to attack him. The truth is that Jeff Flake of Arizona an d Bob Corker of Tennessee are the sort of Country club Republicans who backed Romney and McCain enthusiastically but did not really mind that Obama won since they agreed with President Hopey Change on most things.
2690 days ago
As they do their utmost to shift the debate on BBC pay not to the gargantuan overspend on both stars and ordinary common or garden autocue readers but to the "gender pay gap", the liberal media luvvies also spin the line that at least the BBC should be praised for its transparency. This is contrasted with we evil capitalists in the private sector who are deemed opaque. It is all so pathetic.
2698 days ago
There is a strong contest to be the maddest and most extreme Brexit denier in public life. Normally Tory MP Anna Soubry is a strong contender, turning up on the BBC or C4 twice a day to offer up a few post fact era words to explain why she cannot accept the democratic will of the nation. But this week Soubry started to look positively sane when compared to two chaps who really are yesterday's men.
2748 days ago
James Delingpole tweeted yesterday: Never thought I'd say this but Theresa May's Conservatives are so uninspiring it almost makes you yearn for the useless Dave. Rod Liddle asked "Is this the worst Tory Campaign ever?" I am not sure I know the answer Rod but as I go to vote in a seat the Tories should be gaining from Labour I do so almost not caring who wins.
2810 days ago
Gina Miller, Nick Clegg, Tony the war criminal Blair, Michael "Brexiteers are Nazis " Heseltine. Apparently it is that they are silent. You might have thought that the BBC and C4 gave these folks every opportunity to yak on about what a disaster Brexit will be, but oh no, as the tweet below shows.
2829 days ago
This is a delight. Millionaire liberal media elitist Evan was wetting himself on the BBC's fake news flagship Newsnight as he got to interview two delightful ladies who are black and voted for Donald Trump. Evan started by saying that since black folks did not vote for Trump so he was puzzled by these ladies.
2863 days ago
Since 1947 The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists have once a year recalibrated an imaginary Doomsday Clock tracking how close we are to midnight, the point at which man destroys the planet. To mark the election of Donald Trump the clock was pushed forward 30 seconds to two and a half minutes to midnight. How the Guardian, Channel 4 and the BBC loved it "He's going to kill us all". Did any of these screaming hysterical liberals watch the last episode of the current series of Endeavour?
2882 days ago
Ms Daly is the TD for North Dublin and is of the Corbynite class of barking mad but when President Obama came to Ireland in 2013 she nailed him perfectly and also put a fawning media and local political establishment firmly in their place. Speaking in the Dail, Clare says it as it is and watching the video below I rather warm to the old fruitbat.
2883 days ago
Channel 4's coverage of American politics has been lamentable during the past year as I have documented many times. Kylie Morris was consistently awful but it was Matt Frei who served up the worst fake news nonsense. But the programme's anchor Jon Snow hit new lows last night as he was bested by Pulitzer prize winning Glenn Greenwald on the subject of the 35 page Trump dossier that CNN had "broken" that day.
2883 days ago
The source of the utterly unverified allegations against Donald Trump pumped out by CNN today and duly gobbled up by the liberal media elite is originally a former British spy. As it becomes increasingly clear to all - other than the BBC and C4 - that this really is fake news, the Ministry of Defence has issued a D Notice stopping the British Media from naming the ex spy. What a farce.
2964 days ago
Crooked Hillary Clinton is still the favourite to win the November 8 Presidential Election. But her allies in the liberal media who refuse to air damning video exposes - such as this one - showing how she is just not fit to run the Dog Pound let alone be POTUS, are already pondering what outfits to wear for the victory party. The media is telling you that the contest is over and if you are a Republican you might as well not vote as your party is imploding. Au contraire my God Fearing, gun owning, tax paying, hard working friends in the conservative family.
2965 days ago
This video is explosive. It shows how Hillary Clinton and the DNC are cheating on an industrial scale. In part one of the Veritas expose we discover how the Dems create violence at Trump rallies to discredit The Donald. They also "fake" attacks on women at Trump rallies. Hillary says this is made up but a) it is utterly compelling, b) two of the folks on the video, notably Bob Creamer - a fraudster married to a Dem Congresswoman so a very senior player - have already "resigned" from the Clinton campaign. Not the actions of innocent men. Natch the mainstream media has not played this video at all - can you remember the BBC or Channel 4 even commenting on it?
2975 days ago
A poll out pre the weekend debate had Hillary Clinton 11% ahead of Donald Trump as the "sex tapes" scandal was pushed as hard as possible by the Liberal mainstream media. Over here in the UK you are being told by the BBC, C4, ITV and the rest that Hillary is 11 points ahead and a slam dunk winner. That is just not true.
2977 days ago
After the past 48 hours Donald Trump needed to crush Hillary Clinton in the second debate. And the Donald did just that. He played a blinder. Crooked Hillary had a very bad day at the office.
2997 days ago
Channel 4 News anchorman Jon Snow had the pleasure last night of interviewing a man who is not really a household name even in his own household, that is to say Tim Farron the leader of the Liberal Democrats. Farron was both inconsistent and uninspiring but it was Snow who made the real spectacle of himself, showing sneering contempt for seventeen million of his fellow citizens.
2998 days ago
The weekend saw a slew of new polls and the headline is clear: Donald Trump is surging ahead of Crooked Hillary Clinton in the race to be the next President. Two weeks ago I gave eight reasons why The Donald would win HERE and things look to be on track. The real shocks, however, are in the detail, notably how Trump is surging among black voters. How can this be? Beltway liberal media pundits like Nick Bryan and, in her US stint, Emily Maitlis at the BBC and the loathsome Kylie Morris at C4 told us repeatedly that blacks hated the racist Trump. How will they spin this now?
3039 days ago
The liberal British press and the BBC/C4 have spent the past few days delighting in reporting that the Donald Trump campaign for President is in meltdown. This must be about the zillionth time that the press pack has assured us that The Donald could not hope to win a single primary/primaries that matter/the GOP nomination or the White House.
The liberal media has been wrong all along, reporting what they want to happen not what is happening, and so I would not bet the ranch on them being right this time.
Even the most dismal of candidates, and that would be a fair description of crooked Hillary, gets
3054 days ago
By the end of the last week most of the media had to admit that the GOP convention had ended well for Trump. Lyin' Ted Cruz was dismissed as a sore loser and a nasty piece of work for his non-endorsement and the Trump speech went down well.
3059 days ago
On Monday night Mrs Trump made a bit of a goof by lifting around 35 seconds of words from a speech by Michelle Obama. One sixtieth of Mrs Trump's speech was plagiarised, the culprit was a lowly speech writer no-one in the wider electorate gave a dam but the liberal British Media loved it. You could see the visibile smirks on the faces of Emily Maitlis on Newsnight or beltway Kylie Morris of Channel 4. Okay it was a bad day for the GOP let the liberals have their fun. But today is Wednesday...
3150 days ago
Beltway liberal Kylie Morris of C4 News led the British liberal media, after Wisconsin, in saying Donald Trump's campaign had problems. Less partial commentators (me) suggested we wait for the New York Primary where rump would win big. Kylie covered that contest by interviewing rapid Democrats saying what a stinking racist Trump was or, yesterday, the craziest man she could find among Trump supporters - a religous nutter from Long Island blowing a ram's horn and misquoting the Old Testament. C4 viewers could be under no illussion: Trump had no mainstream support in New York State. Well here are the actual numbers from the primary.
Trump 60.5% and 89 delegates, Kasich 25.1% and 3 delegates while Cruz, the candidate the Country Club establishment want to foist on the GOP got just 14.5% of the vote and no delegates.
So what do we know now? Kylie may not have worked this out
3158 days ago
Listening to beltway liberal Kylie Morris on C4 or to the BBC's legion of taxpayer funded reporters it is clear that black Americans hate Donald Trump because he is a racist. That is a given right? No disputes it is what David Cameron might term a fact. Er... don't tell Kylie but it is not actually what the hard data demonstrates. Kylie's telling porkies again.
3185 days ago
Out on the stump in a working class town in Ohio, one could sense the discomfort of Channel 4 News reporter Kylie Morris as she encountered rust belt workers from the real world. Gosh they paint their dogs in funny colours for St Patrick's Day she noted. I am sure she thought it all rather naff, rather white van man, but didn't quite say that on camera. But then salvation for Ms Morris as she stumbled across two big fat lesbians. However, much to the consertanation of the beltway liberal the bull dykes were voting for Trump.
But, an uncompreheding Kylie stammered: what about what he says about the blacks and the hispanics?
3191 days ago
You could sense how the BBC, Channel 4 News, The Guardian and the rest of the British liberal media creamed themselves last week as leading figures from the Republican establishment lined up to slam Donald Trump. For a moment the liberal media forgot that folks like Mitt Romney and John Mccain were evil right wingers, in their book anyway, and lauded them as great statesman.
As one, the only question the media pack lead by Emily Maitlis on Newsnight and the beltway liberal warrior Kylie Morris on C4, asked was "have the big beasts left it too late". That was, of course, the wrong question.
In case the liberal media had forgotten,
3366 days ago
And the political classes, the folks living inside the Westminster bubble, wonder why the other 99.9% of the population think that they are scoundrels beneath contempt?
Earlier this year C4 stung Lord Malcolm Rifkind and Jack “I love illegal wars” Straw getting both to admit on camera that they would lobby for cash. I quote that good socialist Straw on camera:
I got in to see the relevant director general and his officials in Brussels … and we got the sugar regulations changed,” he said. “I mean … the crucial thing about this, it’s all, it’s public that the regulations have been changed, but the best way of dealing with these things is under the radar”
That was on behalf of a firm that had paid him £60,000. Straw added
3618 days ago
Naturally I am shocked over the massacre of journalists at Charlie Hebdo in Paris by Islamofascist gunmen. It is an assault on free speech, it is sickening and it must be deplored but watching C4 coverage of the event last night the cowardice and duplicity of the Western Media was there for all to see.
First up were the range of voices singing the praises of the publication for daring to challenge cultural norms, standing up to religious intolerance and to racism for fighting for free speech and calling for the Front Nationale to be banned. Er…hang on a sec…
Personally I do not find some of the crude jibes made at all religions by this publication very clever, funny or brave. Let’s face it Jews and Christians are not going to react by hacking heads off in protest, that sort of behaviour is the preserve of the Islamofascists. However, amongst the trendy liberal elite it is deemed clever and almost the norm to mock those of any faith (but especially the Christian faith) as if they were some relic of a former age, like those who support fox hunting, hanging or who believe in a flat earth. I admire those with faith. I cannot believe but almost wish I did. I find the principles of Christianity as far more appealing than those of the chattering classes.
As such while I regard much of what Charlie Hebdo lampooned about the faith I’d like to have offensive, crude and not very clever. Sure, attack the Church where it fails (like in child abuse) but to attack folks just for having faith or the faith itself in a sneering manner – how very Islington.
But I defend its right to publish this bollocks because I believe in free speech. And that is why I am perplexed by how the liberal elite think that Charlie Hebdo trying to get the Front Nationale banned is worthy of praise. Okay it fits in with the modern liberal agenda but it is hardly in the Mill or Gladstone tradition of supporting free speech is it?
That I loathe and despise everything that the party of Le Pen stands for is a given. But