Matt Hancock

501 days ago

And folks wonder why State schools lag… trivial snowfall stops play (in state schools only)

Here in the last village in Wales the snow has been falling for a couple of hours. On the grassy bank outside my kitchen there is, perhaps, half an inch of global warming. On the road down to my house and other roads in the village it is yet to settle at all. But, quelle surprise, the village school has already cited ef ‘n’ safey reasons for a full shutdown.


519 days ago

A man whose firm is paid to act for a company run by insider dealing market abusing crooks lectures a pious and ethical business on ethics

I have commented HERE on the scandal of the £216 Lush blow up involving Andrew Monk’s VSA Capital (VSA). That is the VSA which is happy to act for the crooked insider dealing market abusers at Caracal Gold (GCAT).as it finds itself under a full blown FCA Enquiry. So who better to lecture, in the tweet below, the ethical chaps at Lush on corporate ethics than Mr Monk? What next? Nadhim Zahawi lecturing us all on why we should pay more tax? Matt Hancock on the sanctity of marriage? David Moyes on how to manage a football club? 


631 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Insanity at Ocado while the curse of loathsome ex Tory MP Tony Baldry strikes again

In today’s podcast I look at Cineworld (CINE), Ocado (OCDO), Versarien (VRS), Rosslyn Data (RDT) – going right back to its fraudulent prospectus c.o Cenkos – and Westminster Group (WSG) where the curse of Baldry of the fraud 3DM infamy strikes yet again. Talking of vile Tory MPs, I mention Matt Hancock at the end. At least with Baldry his fingers were only in the pork barrel.


927 days ago

How did thrice jabbed Matt Hancock catch covid a second time? Disraeli explains

The former health secretary whose office handed a £26 million PPE contract to Matt’s best chum who owns his local boozer, has despite being thrice jabbed, caught covid for a second time. How come? Disraeli has the answer. Or maybe it was Charles James Fox.


987 days ago

For the mask jihadists in my home village and elsewhere - they dont stop Covid spread: read the inconvenient (for you) truths

I am berated by mask jihadists here in my home village of Holt for my refusal to wear a face nappy. My national leader here in Wales, a deranged chap of low intellect called Mr Mark Drakeford, tells us we have to wear one everywhere, even in a open air school playground when we pick up our kids. Yet if you ask them for data to back their views all they can say is “most doctors say“or “the experts say”. They cannot cite one single study to back up their extreme claims. My GP will not treat give me a flu jab unless I mask up, but nobody at the Village Surgeries Group, over the border among the English infidels, can offer me one shred of evidence as to why a twice jabbed chap who also has antibodies from surviving covid is more likely to transmit the disease to other twice jabbed folks if not wearing a mask. There are no facts to justify this fascist diktat. Well chaps you want some facts?


1061 days ago

What if Matt Hancock was gay and Phillip Schofield was straight?

I ask this in a hypothetical sense as Hancock is clearly straight while Schofield is finally being honest about being gay. And I think I know the answer to my question but what do you think?


1120 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - the 3 reasons Matt Hancock should have resigned this morning whatever his job

I start with l’affaire Hancock and what it says about standards in public life, whether politics or the corporate world in Britain today. For three reasons, not including the fact that he is useless or the act of infidelity, he should be fired. He will not be. I then consider late results with reference to Ariana (AAU) and the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME) which is now – perhaps – just three working days from slipping down the plughole leading to the sewer of insolvency.


1126 days ago

A journey from Wales to Greece - even those making the odd challenge to my mask refusal now have no authority thanks to Matt Hancock

The reasons Matt Hancock should be fired are not that he is useless and incompetent, although he is both, or that he has betrayed his wife and kids, though he has. One suspects if those criteria were applied across Government then there would have to be a monumental reshuffle, starting at the very top.


1183 days ago

Does the tide of Tory sleaze matter? As ever, the late Christopher Booker has the answer

Gosh I miss my late uncle Chris and our hour long, weekly, chats that would just go on and on skipping from topic to topic almost seamlessly. He may have founded Private Eye but we both did the jokes. We both have a history of falling out with folks and made sure that we had no such bust ups so if we disagreed as we did just now and again there was always a workaround. So we disagreed on Brexit as he regarded me as a “no deal” hard line fruitcake and I wore that badge with honour. But rather than debate it we just agreed that Theresa May was the worst Prime Minister in history, laughed and moved on. Back in the nineties those chats would see us spending some time on Tory sleaze. You remember that MP who shared a bed with another chap and said he was doing it to save money? The jokes wrote themselves back then.


1209 days ago

The Tories politicise Easter - it is just a bit tacky

I am glad when politicians of any party say Happy Easter or Merry Christmas rather than, not wishing to cause offence to those of other faiths who will not be offended anyway, saying “Happy Egg day” or “Happy Holidays.” I really do dislike that phrase Happy Holidays when it is wheeled out for the days folks get off work ONLY because that is the time of year Jesus was born. Okay he probably was not born then for reasons I have discussed before but you know what I mean. However, this year, Tory MP after Tory MP has taken to Twitter to politicise, to appropriate, Easter and Good Friday, for themselves. I bring you one such tweet from Edward Timpson MP.


1254 days ago

I have my misgivings but my appointment for covid jab now fixed – as I feel ever more sceptical about lockdown

I am not wildly happy about having the jab. It has not been tested on folks who, like me, have had Covid. We also do not know if there are any serious long term side effects on all sorts of patients – yes, I know that all vaccines can produce some side effects. And having already had covid, all the evidence suggests that God has already vaccinated me and so there is no need for a second dose organised by the stupidest man in the Western world, Welsh first minister Mark Drakeford. But…


1263 days ago

Flying to Heathrow from Portugal can now be a more serious crime than many rapes says Matt Hancock

The Government’s latest covid travel restrictions are non-sensical,smash the young and the poor disproportionately and the penalties for flouting them are offensive. Matt Hancock, you are a disgrace.


1282 days ago

Photo Articles from the Welsh Hovel - this time the floods do reach the house

Before tedious, Guardian-reading loons yak on about how global warming, sorry climate change, is not the precursor to widespread droughts in Britain – as we were told up until c 2010 – but now causes floods, I offer a few facts. The river Dee, as I write, is 9.624 metres deep here which is the highest since October 2000 (9.36 metres). But it is less deep and the area less flooded than in 1949 before all that global warming nonsense was invented. Rivers flood from time to time, get over it. Having said all of that, this flood is a pain as you can see below.



1287 days ago

It is not we lockdown sceptics who have blood on their hands, it is you Matt Hancock

We lockdown sceptics are, increasingly, accused by the mainstream media and our political leaders of having “blood on our hands.” By lockdown sceptics, I refer not to lunatics such as Piers Corbyn who claim that Covid does not exist, but those of us who ask questions about government policies which are illogical and, in many cases, do more harm than good. Demonstrably, some aspects of lockdown mean that government ministers like Matt Hancock, egged on by the entire political and almost all of the media class, do, quite literally, have blood on their hands. Take the case of 23-year-old Kimberley Eccles.



1288 days ago

BREAKING: Is this the BBC's worst reporting yet on Covid? People you are being lied to

Like others who have had Covid, I am pretty sure that my vaccination from God is about as good as the one Matt Hancock wants me to take but the Government seems desperate to make us think otherwise and the BBC is acting as its propaganda arm in this aim. Yesterday, it reported – as you can see below – that a new study showed that having Covid could protect folks for at least five months! Putting this 5-month figure in one’s mind is an utter deceipt.



1291 days ago

Today's Orwellian Covid Cops are in Avon & Somerset - man fined for eating a kebab in a car

Britain’s Police forces are increasingly drunk on the new lockdown powers they have been given by our airhead, but authoritarian, Home Secretary Priti Patel. My family and I managed to break five of her daft laws today with acts that have seen fines handed out by cops from various forces in recent days, such as sitting on a bench or drinking a cup of coffee, without the Rozzers catching us. But some poor sap from Bristol was not so lucky. His crime is shocking.


1302 days ago

Here's a rare collector's item - what would you bid for a Jimmy Savile clock?

Arguably, it would be more useful than a Matt Hancock clock which isn’t even right once a day, let alone twice. As you can see below, purchasing a clock which honours a man who the BBC used your money to protect and reward over many years although many staffers knew – as did the whole of Fleet Street – that he was a nonce, is a bit hard on Amazon. For some reason, the firm that used to make them has discontinued production. Why do I undertake this search you ask? My interest was spurred on as I searched for a clock to buy for my kitchen on Facebook marketplace and came across this £100 “John Lennon” clock below. But it was not a Beatle that stared out at me. It is not this sort of clock which I seek. 


1305 days ago

The most shocking Covid death stats yet – ones that expose the crimes against the nation of the political and media classes

Death, like taxation and the sheer awfulness of Mrs Brown’s Boys, is something that cannot be avoided or denied and must be confronted by all of us in the end. When you bring a child into this world, you know that one dreadful day you will have to explain to it that he or she will in the end die. It is awful and unavoidable. We all die in the end.


1305 days ago

Matt Hancock must ban Stairs across the UK now to protect the NHS as "fascists" quote NHS stats that don't fit the Ministry of Truth's approval

The data below record the number of deaths of folks under 60 since the start of the year who did not have any underlying health issues. As you can see, Covid claimed 377 such lives. But 655 people died from falling down stairs. This is simple: we must protect the NHS even if it causes the economy to crater. When will Matt Hancock ban stairs across this land, or make it a criminal offence to use stairs? Will the Old Bill have license to enter folks’ homes to impose fines of £10,000 if they suspect that people might be using stairs?  And if not, why the hell not?


1307 days ago

Protect The NHS – Do not leave your house in England & Wales today under any circumstances ahead of Bella

There may be ice on the road and pavements today or even snow as Bella sweeps the country. You may slip. You might hurt yourself. Your car may skid. You may be injured. It is vital that we all protect the NHS by agreeing to 24 hours of house arrest. Surely, even though ICU bed usage across the country is at lower levels than it was this time last year, such a National clampdown ahead of a  dose of global warming, is the logical extension of the policies of bonkers Boris, the little twit Matt Hancock and Mad Mark Drakeford since March.


1313 days ago

Who will "vaccinate" more Britons this week: God or Pfizer & Matt Hancock?

I ask you not as an expert virologist, like Piers Morgan or Christopher Biggins, but as one who spends his working days looking at numbers and who has a simple question for the real experts.


1314 days ago

The Stupidity of Matt Hancock – has he never read Defoe or studied the history of his home town Chester?

I note that Matt Hancock has a First Class degree in PPE from Oxford and admit that I cannot match his Geoff. I only achieved a Desmond from the same place in the same subject and, at the time, I remember thinking that I was jolly lucky not to have racked up a Douglas. I am pretty sure that my late uncle Christopher Booker had the same feeling after coming away with a second from Cambridge where he read history.


1314 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Matt Hancock you have now become a compulsive liar - Olaf escapes to Wales

I start with Joshua’s Advent calendar, where window 20 leads neatly to Lyin’ Matt Hancock and the illegal escape of daughter Olaf and her mother Big Nose to stay with Olaf’s grandmother in West Wales. Then I discuss the difference between contrarian investing and bad investing with reference to Peter Brailey’s article today on oil stocks. Finally I flag up what to expect from 23rd December on this website. Get your camera ready!


1317 days ago

Tier 3 stops Covid spread, Tier 2 does not – a question of logic for the lockdown fanatics

Daily, on our TV screens we are assured by “public health experts” whose jobs at the Ministry of Truth are safe, whatever happens to the economy, that tier 3 measures are more effective than tier two measures in controlling covid. That is to say numbers often rise enough to push a tier 2 district into tier 3 and then as controls tighten that district can return to tier 2 and eventually to tier 1.  But there is a massive logical flaw in this claim which the media, collectively, fails to spot.


1317 days ago

Okay Mr Hancock, you lying worm, so this is all to save the NHS? The data shows that is a lie too

Earlier, I pointed out that the number of deaths per 100,000 Brits so far this year is far from the highest of recent years. If you believe Matt Hancock or Mad Dog Mark Drakeford, there is an epidemic of deaths on a monumental scale and to stop that we must wreck the economy, destroy civil liberties etc. You should not believe either of these charlatans.  Their next excuse for lockdown is that we must save the NHS which, they claim, is swamped. That too is a just a monstrous porky.



1318 days ago

The chart from the ONS which shows the complete insanity of the "experts" Matt Hancock, Mark Drakeford & the other criminals

The argument for the biggest assault on our civil liberties since World War Two and for actions that are wrecking the economy, causing suicides and job losses to soar and bankrupting businesses across the land is that we must act now to save lives. The monumental folly of this is demonstrated in this one chart below with data sourced from the ONS. Read it and then I challenge any one of you to disagree with me that all those responsible for lockdowns and other measures should be put on trial for their crimes.


1318 days ago

Mark Drakeford plunges Wales into Christmas misery and New Year recession – he is insane

To make Matt Hancock appear like a logically thinking quick witted genius is a task which is almost impossible, as I noted yesterday. But there is one man in the British isles who can do it, that is to say the first minister of Wales, Mr Mark Drakeford. This poltroon should have been, as I have already flagged up, taken away by the men in flapping white coats many months ago for his utterly illogical lockdown response to Covid. As I sit here at my window, gazing out at the river that runs at the edge of our garden and fields and which keeps the English infidels, on the other side, away, the rain sodden principality appears utterly cursed.


1320 days ago

London in Tier 3 – The Tories fail their PPE logic paper horribly: how thick is Matt Hancock?

As you may know, my occasional panic attacks consist of a nightmare that I have somehow managed to go back to Oxford as a mature student but, sitting in Schools facing finals again, I realise that I have done even worse than last time and that my Desmond will be removed and I am, if lucky, heading for a Douglas. One of the papers I must face is logic. Observing recent events, if I am compared with the current crop of Oxford-educated poltroons running the country, I reckon I might come top of the class and be set for a Geoff.


1326 days ago

As one sinner, James O’Brien, repenteth the case for not taking the Covid vaccine grows

The pompous, virtue signalling, radio presenter James O’Brien this morning apologised to his listeners on LBC for suggesting that all those questioning the Covid vaccine were swivelled eyed lunatics pushing alt-right crackpot conspiracy theories. Well thank you James, now how about an apology to those of us voting for Brexit? How about you admit we were not all alt-right freaks?  Okay back to Covid.


1341 days ago

Avacta makes some progress on missing the Covid boat – shares slide but valuation still bonkers

Today, from AstraZeneca (AZN) and the City of lost causes, we have news on a third vaccine against Covid-19. There will soon be a fourth and a fifth and at some stage lots of folks will ignore concerns about potential long term side effects to get vaccinated against a disease which kills 0.05% of those under 70 who catch it. And a bedwetting world can breathe a sigh of relief and, even idiots like Matt Hancock, will realise that we will not need mass testing and we can get on with our lives.


1342 days ago

Video: 15 Minutes of Margaret Thatcher that all students plus the fake Tories in power today should have to watch

Boris Johnson, Princess Nut Nuts, Rishi Sunak and Matt Hancock all need to watch this video as you have forgotten what capitalism and freedom of speech really means. As for students attending the Marxist Madrassas we used to call Universities, this should be compulsory viewing. From 1977 the great William Buckley interviews the greatest… Margaret Thatcher, a woman who understood why all freedoms were so vital.



1343 days ago

Matt Hancock thinks 1984 is a wet dream as his department smears and lies

The tweet exchange below marks Matt Hancock and this Government out as brazen liars. Not for the first time you may say but this exchange is truly sinister and unpleasant.


1370 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Even by the standards of Welsh Labour Carolyn Harris MP is terrifyingly stupid

In today’s podcast I recount three crossings of the border out of house arrest Wales into free England and on a visit to a local store. I discuss Carolyn Harris MP on kettles, a woman who makes Matt Hancock seem like Einstein. I discuss what a dead cat bounce actually is with reference to Malcolm’s article of earlier and also why I’m glad fund managers are telling MP’s where to stick it when it comes to who should run (BOO)


1374 days ago

Ahead of my father's funeral: Arguing with a sister and the vicar about mask wearing – here is what the CDC says

If you have actually looked at scientific studies, at facts, at hard data, you will by now be convinced that wearing masks will not stop you either catching or spreading Coronavirus. But folks find all sorts of reasons for not actually studying the data as I discovered when discussing my father’s funeral with the vicar and a sister. I am still unspeakably angry with Boris Johnson and Matt Hancock for the way we must tell people they cannot be with his family next week. But it seems the vicar and at least one sister goes along with the GroupThink.  Among their arguments for not only wearing a muzzle themselves but also for being cross with we refuseniks were:



1380 days ago

Covid Imbecile of the year Mark Drakeford closes the Wales England border which is 30 yards away

The competition to find the stupidest politician in the age of Coronavirus is fierce indeed. Up until now, it was the leader of Bournemouth Council who declared a “state of emergency” when her socially distanced public lavatories could not cope with a Bank Holiday weekend.  At that point, I wished a plague of locusts on her town to let a woman who made Matt Hancock look like Albert Einstein know what a real emergency looks like. But now the lady from Dorset has been trumped by a congenital idiot closer to home, the First Minister of Wales, Mark Drakeford.


1380 days ago

Matt "the Poltroon" Hancock - please explain why can I watch this soccer game?

The last time I saw Brislington Ladies was in a home game in Bristol in the FA Cup against West Ham ladies. About half of the crowd of 80 or so were emigre “cockneys” such as myself delighted to be able to support our side in the South West. The mighty Irons won 6 nil. I see that Brislington Ladies are again in FA Cup action this weekend, this time against Cheltenham Town. And what is more, certain folks can pay to watch the game live.


1396 days ago

Lies, damned lies and covid statistics from the Government and the deadwood press

In order to justify its civil liberties and economy wrecking lockdown, social distancing and mask policies, the Government needed to say there might be a “second wave”. And lo and behold if you believe Matt Hancock or the other half of this GroupThink madness, that is to say the BBC, ITV and the deadwood press, now we have it. Except that we do not.


1408 days ago

Covid Britain goes the full North Korea - has Boris Johnson not heard of Thalidomide?

Since the start of lockdown, the number of Brits under the age of 60 with no known underlying health conditions who have died within 28 days of testing positive of Covid is just 307. In other words, the number of folks who actually had no underlying heath condition and actually died of Covid while under 60 is far lower. In the same period, UK total deaths were more than 300,000.


1434 days ago

Photo Article: eating out in Covid Wales - has anyone got a number for Tony Blair or Matt Hancock?

Our local bistro here in Wales is a Greek South African joint so on the former basis, not the latter, it merits our support. Besides which, the owners are good folk and Joshua is in love with the waitress and it is a mutual feeling as they both share a passion for starting to talk about Christmas sometime in July. And so today my son and I had a modest lunch out.


1489 days ago

The NHS must sack Olivia Butterworth now for slamming a victim of domestic and sexual violence

No one is still quite clear what Olivia Butterworth does to justify her six-figure salary as Head of Public Participation for NHS England. We know that she tweets out lies about the Tories to bash them and thinks that celebrating Virtual Pride is more important than treating cancers. But what does she do? Well, it seems she attacks women who have suffered domestic violence. If this was a male employee of the NHS, an ordinary Joe administrator, he’d be getting a P45 today, but will the NHS show a true commitment to equality and fire Ms Butterworth?
