Peter Tatchell

197 days ago

Peter Tatchell lives in an Orwellian post truth world when it comes to Russia and the Zaporizhzia nuclear power plant

As you can see below, Peter Tatchell blames President Putin for a drone strike on the Zaporizhzia nuclear power plant in Ukraine, saying it risks a nuclear catastrophe and is a war crime. Folks have flocked to like his tweet.  Those fucking Russians is there nothing they will not do….except…


340 days ago

Britain's leading gold analyst takes to twitter with his usual understated and utterly objective analysis

If we have ever given the impression that Mr David Lenigas is a run of the mill Aussie penny share promoter, we would like to apologise. He is clearly Britain’s Number 1 gold analyst and a national treasure like his fellow Aussie Mr Peter Tatchell. I wonder if Dave and Pete know each other?


452 days ago

Must NatWest boss Alison Rose now resign over the Farage affair at Coutts

I discussed the scandal of the closing of Nigel Farage’s bank account by Coutts on political grounds in a podcast yesterday HERE. Like the heroic Peter Tatchell who has opined on this matter, I really disagree with Farage on many things, but I argue that what Coutts has done is scandalous. But this scandal now looks like it is ratchetting up and very well could cost Dame Alison Rose, the boss of NatWest (NWG) which owns Coutts, her job. Here’s why.


484 days ago

The National Trust celebrates Pride, my Bennite grandfather Sir John Winnifrith spins in his grave again

The month of June, now known as Pride Month, or a quarter of the 30% of the year appropriated by 3% of the community, is drawing to a close. Scenes of naked men flashing all at young children taken to parades in America this weekend just gone, by parents who should be in jail are all over the internet. I marched against Clause 28 but the overt sexualization of toddlers in this way is surely wrong? Or maybe my values just belong in the last century as the decadent est marches full steam towards Sodom & Gomorrah.


579 days ago

Peter Tatchell define unanimous as in 75% - it is not drag that offends anyone, it is overtly sexualised shows in front of kids

I see my hero Peter Tatchell is tweeting a headline from the Pink News on how Britons “unanimously reject calls for bans on drag shows.  Tatchell thinks that those who oppose drag shows are “far right” and a tiny minority. I sense some fake news and a fake poll here. And I am right.


597 days ago

Peter Tatchell proclaims the end of "heterosexual dictatorship" but , as has happened before, his maths dubious

The great civil liberties campaigner Peter Tatchell is, as I have noted before, not the greatest maths guru on earth. But Tatch is delighted with a new poll from America which, he argues, shows that the dictatorship of we straight folk over the oppressed LGBTQA+ community is drawing to a close. Well er… not really Tatch. Lies, damned lies and statistics and all that.


645 days ago

Tom Winnifrith postcard - the data lies you are being fed by the BBC and others: Northern Ireland does not want a United Ireland

I refer to another data manipulator, the LGBT campaigner Peter Tatchell HERE. But this is about Ulster and how you are being lied to about Catholic majorities, and the desire for Ulster to be part of a United Ireland if not now then inevitably in the future. I look at the hard data from the 2021 census which the media GroupThink, always sympathetic to the Republican cause, manipulate to post a false narrative. I also discuss the true history of the IRA and the Troubles and what are kids are not being taught as they are encouraged to romanticise evil. Maybe those of us who back Ulster might need to start explaining the real history and facts of “the troubles.” 


653 days ago

Lies, damned lies and census statistics from the heroic Peter Tatchell

For his work campaigning for LGB rights when nobody else was and for his heroic support of free speech, Peter Tatchell is a great hero of our time. But when it comes to Maths he really should go to one of Rishi Sunak’s planned brush up classes.


790 days ago

Britain’s top objective mining analyst, Mr David Lenigas suffers a spot of amnesia

We have already apologised a number of times for any suggestion made on this website that Mr David Lenigas was a penny share promoting spiv rather than an objective mining analyst who is so honest and insightful that he must be regarded as a national treasure. But in that vein, the third greatest living Australian after Mr Peter Tatchell and Mr Barry Humphries, appears to have suffered a spot of amnesia when issuing the tweet below yesterday.


1091 days ago

The woke shall devour the woke, it is always the way: 48 Wonder Women bingo and Oxfam

It is always the way that the woke of one generation will be devoured by the woke of the next. Who could imagine that feminist icon Germaine Greer and the heroic gay rights campaigner Peter Tatchell might find themselved “no platformed” on British campuses, the marxist madrassas at the cutting edge of the woke revolution? The “crime” of both Greer and Tatchell was not to understand the pyramid of victimhood and thus to question even some of the demands of those currently perched at the top of the pyramid, the Transgender community. As we discovered yesterday with lesbians who do not want to have sex with a “woman with a penis” such challenges are just not allowed and are, at once, branded as hateful and bigoted.


1145 days ago

Absolutely Loving Hating Peter Tatchell

I challenge even those who dislike Peter Tatchell, who loathe his methods or who just don’t like homosexuals, to watch this film and not come away from it both liking and admiring the man. Those of us who think that that day, just over 50 years ago, when Peter arrived in Britain to escape being drafted by Australia to fight in Vietnam, was a very fortuitous day, for it has given us a true national treasure, start in a different place. Wherever you start, I suggest you go to Netflix as I did yesterday for a most riveting film.


1211 days ago

Remember how the cash-strapped National Trust promised not to be so woke? #BoycotttheNationalTrust

After its chairman, the loathsome Tim Parker, was forced to pack his bags, I suggested that without a clear out of the entire top management the Trust would continue in its woke ways while firing staff and failing to protect Britain’s land and historic buildings citing a cash crisis. Hey ho, it did not take long for me to be vindicated as you can see below.


1214 days ago

My Hero Peter Tatchell goes all Guardian on we mask refuseniks - what happened to free speech & liberty Peter?

The attitude of the Guardian is that if it does not agree with you, you must be an alt-right freak. If it can’t smear you by what you say it smears you by association. It uses the same – utterly flawed – logic that links vegetarians to war crimes via Adolf Hitler. And I am sorry to see my hero Peter Tatchell who has done more to fight for freedom than anyone else in Britain today, disappearing down the same rabbit hole.


1288 days ago

LGBT - becomes LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP: whatever!

Natch it is in uber woke Canada and natch it is the lazy and overpaid teachers who are behind this but I bet even my hero Peter Tatchell would struggle, without a guide, to tell me what exactly LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP stands for. Whatever, welcome to 2021 and in Canada this is how your taxes are being spent. 


1320 days ago

My Grandfather spins in his grave again and would sadly conclude that it is time to #BoycotttheNationalTrust which he once ran

My grandfather, Sir John Winnifrith, loved the National Trust and was thrilled to be its Director General helping it to preserve old buildings and countryside. For him, as a socialist, part of the joy was that this would open up an opportunity for the less privileged to access the rich history of Britain. Today I am sure he is again spinning in his grave as the organisation goes further and further down a woke cul-de-sac.


1362 days ago

Everybody deserves a lawyer however rotten or evil they are – the harassment of Dinah Rose by the woke warriors

Dinah Rose is a leading QC. She is also President of Magdalen college in Oxford but for how much longer? Rather like SNP MSP Joan McAlpine, Ms Rose is a solid lefty with impeccable woke credentials but now she is in the eye of a storm. Her crime? Doing her job.


1428 days ago

Go woke go broke: The British Legion advertises for a "Head of Diversity & Inclusion" at £55,000 per annum - no more poppies for me

I buy a poppy in remembrance of my Great Uncle Francis Cochrane who died while fighting the Germans in North Africa in 1942. I hope my cash helps an ex serviceman or servicewoman in need. But does it?


1431 days ago

First they came for the Brexiteers, then they came for the conservatives and when they came for Suzanne Moore there was no-one to save her

This week, the journalist Suzanne Moore was forced out of her highly paid job at the Guardian. Her crime was to question certain of the more radical demands of the trans agenda in relation to women‘s rights. Moore was not fired. No, this is 1984 so instead vast numbers of her colleagues wrote to management saying her views upset them. Knowing she was in peril of being written out of the script, Moore walked.


1432 days ago

As we celebrate Transgender Remembrance day I wonder when is Christian Martyr Remembrance Day?

Today is Transgender Remembrance Day. That is not to be confused with March 31 which is the Transgender Day of Visibility which is needed because organisations such as the BBC absolutely never ever mention the transgender community (0.2% of the population). Today we remember those who have been killed for being trans. My hero Peter Tatchell tweets:


1490 days ago

A woke BBC reports on the woke National Trust slavery & colonialism apology with fake news

The National Trust has finally published its widely flagged report into which of the houses it has been bequeathed are tarnished by associations with slavery or the evil that is colonialism. My late grandfather, Sir John Winnifrith, will be – yet again – spinning in his grave.  The report is a predictably dire and academically flawed document but the sort of exercise in self-flagellation that has become compulsory for guilty white, Guardian reading, liberals in 2020. If the report itself was not bad enough, the coverage of it by the BBC was excruciating and another reason why we must #defundthebbc. But we must now also #DefundtheNationalTrust.



1500 days ago

No Mr Tatchell, there is a third way to enjoy Covid free safe sex

As you know, my admiration for civil liberties and LGBT rights campaigner Peter Tatchell knows no bounds. A photo of the Great Man with daughter Olaf sits in my study. However, on the subject of how not to catch Covid and still have sex, he offers us a binary choice, as you can see below. I suggest that there is a third way.


1511 days ago

Tom Winnifrith bearcast: what interests me today is the lesbianisation of history

I am prompted by my hero Mr Peter Tatchell and having checked with another hero, Mr Kelvin MacKenzie, that I am not misquoting him, I shall be penning a piece tonight on this fascinating subject. Elsewhere I look at Pendragon (PDG), Nostra Terra Oil & Gas (NTOG), Wishbone Gold (WSBN), Tern (TERN), Dev Clever (DEV) and Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and why the FCA MUST act against the last two enterprises on my list today.


1511 days ago

The False Lesbianisation of our history is just getting boring: from Queen Anne to Mary Anning

My friend and journalistic hero Kelvin Mackenzie once said something along the lines of “you sell newspapers by putting lesbians on the front page.” I asked him today if this was a true quote and he said that he could not remember but it is the sort of thing he would have said on his glory days on the Currant Bun. But perhaps you can have too much of a good thing, especially when the lesbians you are outing are a) dead and b) not lesbians.


1523 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I dump one stock and buy another to get my money back and explain why

I shall explain which I am selling and which I am buying and exactly why in the bearcast. Enjoy. I also look at the latest Covid data which spells death for Catenae (CTEA) and doom for others and, with a hat tip to the great Peter Tatchell to covid profiteering by Burberry (BRBY). I look at Plutus Powergen (PPG) in detail, and also at share trades that have happened but others that are not happening which explain why Supply@ME Capital is shaping up to be such a scandal and one where the FCA has disgraced itself by its actions and is still disgracing itself by its inactions. I also explain why comrade PL is taking nonsense on ESG spend adding value.


1552 days ago

The Queen is not racist but being the Queen is, heroic Peter Tatchell loses the Black Lives Matter plot

My fellow Republican and heroic campaigner for LGBT rights, but also for free speech, Peter Tatchell, rarely gets it wrong. But on the matter of #BlackLivesMatter and Comrade Elizabeth Windsor, I fear that the heroic one has rather lost the plot. I assume, by his logic, that the Kings of Lesotho and Brunei are also beneficiaries of institutional racism. An incriminating tweet from the heroic one is below. 


1576 days ago

Now Mayor Khan starts to erase gay white men from history as he creates a new fake history for Stonewall

As I warned Cambridge don, Dr Gopal, one day you will cease to be seen as a revolutionary and new revolutionaries will come along and devour you like a dinosaur.  Comrade Sadiq Khan, Mayor of Stab City, rather proves my point today as he tweets about the 51st anniversary of the Stonewall Riots in New York. Of course, Mayor Khan is already active in erasing old history, pushing to pull down statues and rename streets. If you can do that, it will be even simpler for this simple man to make up a new history.


1577 days ago

Black Lives Matter, White Lives Matter, White Lives Don’t matter – free speech & double standard in 2020

Before anyone kicks off because they may not like my conclusion, let us be clear, Black Lives Matter as a slogan is fine. However, White Lives Matter really is, at best, meaningless gibberish. You need to put this into context.


1683 days ago

Heroic Peter Tatchell has a handy hint for fighting Coronavirus

As you may know I am a great admirer of the free speech campaigner and pioneer of the gay rights movement Peter Tatchell. But when it comes to fighting the coronavirus I am not sure that his handy tip (below) is one that the Prime Minister will be advocating any time soon.


1720 days ago

Only the sort of idiot who works for Oxfam would delight in the UK's first ever gay road crossing

Gay rights and civil liberties campaigner Peter Tatchell is my hero and a photo of him with my daughter Olaf sits proudly on my desk. Can you believe that Tatch turned 68 the other day?  I marched against clause 28 and will take no lectures on tolerance of the LGBT community from anyone. But the decision of Haringey Council to build a gay pride rainbow road crossing outseide of a local school is just daft virtue signalling.


2189 days ago

Islingtonite daughter Olaf, Peter Tatchell, liberty and free speech

Islington dwelling daughter Olaf seems to be in charge of securing public speakers for a posh girls school debating forum. She asked if I knew any funny and controversial speakers. I offered up friends such as James Delingpole of Breitbart and Dominic Frisby but was told that they were Alt-Right, fascists or just not acceptable. I am sure you get the picture. In this world anyone to the right of the Guardian is Alt-Right and should not be offered a platform


2193 days ago

#PeoplesVoteMarch – rampant marcher inflation and rank hypocrisy all round

Like 17.4 million other folk I put my feet up yesterday content to know that we won the #PeoplesVote on June 23 2016. But large numbers of snowflakes, Guardian readers, state sector employees, gobshite celebrities and other folks who looked like they were out on day release marched through London to tell us that we plebs had voted the wrong way on Brexit and must vote again. So how many marched?


2200 days ago

The BBC goes full on gay #fakenews after Belfast cake bakers verdict goes against its group think agenda

I have noted in an earlier piece why I am delighted, if a bit surprised, that Ashers bakery in Belfast has won its court case, allowing it not to be forced to bake cakes carrying political messages with which it disagrees, in the case in support of gay marriage.  As the great Peter Tatchell showed, backing the Christian bakers does not make you a bigot just someone who believes in key civil liberties.


2204 days ago

This is why Peter Tatchell is such a hero – he backs the bigoted bakers at Ashers on principle and for liberty

As I have noted before, the LGBTI and civil liberties campaigner Peter Tatchell is a national treasure. I don't always agree with him but today he again showed why he is a man of absolute principle. The case is Ashers, a baker in God’s chosen lands of Ulster, which refused to bake a cake for a same sex wedding. A lower court ruled that it was wrong to do so but at the Supreme Court today the bigoted bakers won their case. Step forward Tatch, a man who helped found the Pride march in London and who has been at the forefront of the gay equality movement for decades,  in their defence, Tatch says:


2211 days ago

Peter Tatchell plays Project Fear with the LGBTI Community on Brexit - shameful

I have written numerous times of my tremendous admiration for the pioneering campaigner for gay rights, in the days before it became LGBTI rights, and as one of our greatest living defenders of civil liberties, Peter Tacthell. Overlooking the fact that he is actually Australian, Tatch has become a national treasure. And it is in that context I find his tweeting demanding a second referendum on Brexit so sad. The fact is that he his scaring folks with untruths as you can see below. 


2303 days ago

Girls cant wear skirts but boys have to – the madness of UK Education in 2018 in the gender wars

In thirty years time we will look back on the transgender and gender wars of 2018 and ask what on earth were the experts and the screaming, if small, mobs of virtue signallers hoping to achieve. I hope we will look back with a sense of shame.


2317 days ago

So are gay folks rich or poor – Peter Tatchell having his cake and eating it?

I am confused. This morning the Peter Tatchell Foundation run by the great and heroic civil liberties campaigner Peter Tatchell has launched a new report and sent out the following tweet. Of course Tatch is right that any tourist spot that is homophobic is kicking itself in the gonads and it is also acting in a way that is morally unacceptable. However it is the claim that the LGBT community has far more dosh to splash than we poor straights that interests me.


2357 days ago

How high can Oxford University rise in the silliness table? It may be top already..

I do not look back at my old University with some of the unbridled love that others show. Indeed, at times of stress, my nightmare is of again sitting finals and being even more at sea than I was the first time around. About once a week James Delingpole remarks about how our alma mater has gone to the dogs and, he has a point, it does seem to be a nest of silliness these days.


2399 days ago

Campus Cowardice & Intolerance - the death of free speech - Monty Python at McMaster

Across the West the story is the same. Offended snowflakes object - or in some cases far worse - and craven academics cancel events or no platform speakers. This is a matter I am now all too familiar with after giving this most excellent talk at Bath Spa University. It is surely only a matter of time before some liberal arts faculty somewhere organises a book burning. Today's demonstration of the Orwellian nature of the liberal arts campus of today comes from McMaster University in Hamilton Canada.


2466 days ago

Putting Peter Tatchell on the spot - should there be fewer gay MPs?

Let's be clear, Peter Tatchell is a heroic campaigner for free speech and LGBT rights and, as I have noted before, he is a hero of mine. But he seems unable to answer a question I posed him last night? It is very simple.


2471 days ago

The Minefield of transgender vocab - the phrase "born male" is now deemed defamatory.. whatever

One of the few joys of the transgender madness, promoted by the elitists of the liberal media, and now raging across the West is seeing uber PC lefties such as Germaine Greer and Peter Tatchell fall foul of this new lobby, no platformed and accused of bigotry becuase they just cannot keep up. Want to avoid such a fate? Thankfully I can help.


2489 days ago

A true hero Peter Tatchell absolutely owns his fellows lefties on sexual harassment

If there is one man who deserves a New Year's honour in 2018 it is the veteran LGBT and free speech campaigner Peter Tatchell. He will not be on a list packed with airhead celebs, sporting cheats, party donors and professional arse-lickers to the establishment. For, like me, Tatch is a Republican and so has refused honours for that reason and because he, rightly, views the system as rotten and corrupt.


2595 days ago

The National Trust has Sir John Winnifrith spinning in his grave yet again

My late grandfather was, inter alia, Director General of the National Trust after his retirement from the Civil Service. He saw its mission as very simple: to preserve fine old buildings and outstanding areas of countryside. For the Trust nothing else mattered and that single mission is why so many of us have supported it over the years. These days the NT has my grandfather spinning in his grave about once a week.


2603 days ago

Robbie Travers vs Esme Allman - free speech dies another quite insane death at Edinburgh University

I have noted many times before how free speech no longer exists on campuses across the West. If you pursue a politically correct strict liberal orthodoxy you can say what you want. Anything goes. All men are animals and wannabe rapists, white folks must be ashamed of all their crimes and so are innately evil racists. Heterosexuals should be under-represented in Parliament. Trans is the new normal. Its okay to say you want to assassinate President Trump. The Jewish state acts like Nazis and has no right to exist. All those statements are, to me, obscene and/or untrue but on campuses across Britain and the US they are repeated and accepted as fine every day. 

Those who dare to disagree whether they be evil conservatives such as Ann Coulter or uber-liberals like Germaine Greer or the great Peter Tatchell ho just slipped up (usually on Trans issues) then you get no platformed. Try saying something really controversial like the British Empire did a lot of good (which it did), Britain did more to abolish slavery than any African state has ever done (again true) or that climate change is pure fiction (which it is) and as an academic, your career is toast even if the remarks are made in private.

The latest lunacy comes from Edinburgh where a spiky law student Robbie Travers responded to news that the Americans just dropped a vast bomb on ISIS fighters with a facebook post


2693 days ago

The fascism of the Corbynistas - newspaper burning on election day, what next book burning?

In the 1930s Nazi Germany organised the burning of books that the State considered degenerate. The state, or rather the party, got to decide what everyone else should read. Back then the British left stood for free speech. How that has changed.


2786 days ago

The pathetic feminists of the West - how they demean the plight of women who really suffer

Emmeline Pankhurst, Countess Markievicz, hell even Germaine Greer, these were feminists who fought for something important and fought bravely. And still the struggle is not over. In many parts of the world women are treated shamefully, as sex slaves, as second class citizens as folks who have no rights. Think of FGM, think of the battles of Saudi women to have a voice and to avoid execution for crimes that are not crimes if you are a man, think of the way ISIS treats female captives. Gosh there are some real battles feminists - whether male or female - still need to fight. 


2827 days ago

Happy Birthday Peter Tatchell - enjoy your bus pass old man

I would be lying if I said that I agreed with everything that Peter Tatchell said or wrote. I do not, for instance, believe that cottaging is a basic human right which the State should allow. Have sex with whom you want but whether you are straight or gay you should, in my view, not engage in sex in public as that infringes on the rights of others. Having said all of that, freedom of speech is what makes living in Britain vaguely tolerable and over the past forty years Tatch has used that freedom to great effect campaigning not only on LGBT issues but on exposing the actions of Robert Mugabe and many other good causes. 


2836 days ago

The liberal left shows its love of free speech with some more death threats & by banning unheard speeches

Once upon a time, on both sides of the Atlantic, those on the liberal left believed in free speech and liberty. Back in the era of Mccarthy it was we on the right who were, correctly slammed, for stifling debate. I like to think that was an glitch in that for most of us who believe in a small state, freedom of expression is a given, it is part of the DNA of our thought set. It is the Big State loving left that wants to decide what the little people should think and say.


2852 days ago

An honours system that rewards Posh Spice and Party Donors is corrupted beyond Redemption - Peter Tatchell is right yet again

Peter Tatchell has the odd whacky old view but surely no-one can doubt his heroic work as a civil liberties campaigner over many years. many of his bones have been broken as he put his body on the line for his beliefs and, for me at least, he is one of the great heros of our age. Tatch has been offered a new year's gong several times but as a man of rigid principle he has refused on exactly the same grounds as I would refuse in the, exceedingly unlikely, event that I was offered a gong.


3536 days ago

Blocking someone on twitter is NOT free speech denial

Anyone can set up a twitter account in minutes. And once on twitter you can shout out to the world what you want. Of course if you call a Police Horse gay, tweet a burning poppy or insult David Cameron the Old Bill might feel your collar if you happen to live in Airstrip One. But if your sole purpose is to insult non-celebs (i.e. Tom Winnifrith, rather than Tom Daley) you can tweet pretty much what you please.

And so it should be. I support free speech to the hilt. Some of the interventions by the Old Bill are disgraceful, a matter I have highlighted here before.

But free speech does not mean that I have to read what folks tweet.


3551 days ago

Spot The Odd One Out Competition: Win Greek Hovel Olive Oil

This is easy. All you have to do is name the odd one out and why. The deadline for entries is noon on Monday 2nd. Simply post your answer in the comments section below. The prize is a bittle of Greek Hovel olive oil. 

So which is the odd one out and why? (hint the picture is a clue)

Voltaire, Peter Tatchell, Schillings the lawyers, Mark Steyn, David Cameron, James Beckwith, Guy Aldred.



3614 days ago

Heading through 5,000 twitter followers – so ffing what?

I started tweeting about two and a half years ago and the number of folks following me as grown pretty much from day one – which growth has accelerated in recent weeks on the back of Quindell I suspect. Apparently I am in the top 1.2 million most followed folks on earth. Big deal.

I read the other day that more than half the twitter accounts created in 2013 are already inactive. You can buy thousands of twitter accounts for just a few dollars. Okay you are tweeting to people who don’t exist but in Willy waving contests some folks think it matters.

I am open about my twitter account. Occasionally there is some banker with folks on twitter. I have enjoyed baiting Peter Tatchell, who I admire greatly, but who can be a prize loon


4109 days ago

The Royal baby – do I care? And Peter Tatchell who I admire greatly

And so the royal baby is born and I wonder do I really care? Do I understand the hysteria? I have to admit that I just cannot make up my mind on the monarchy although I respect the Old Queen greatly. But more on Peter Tatchell later.

As a meritocrat I can see no earthly reason why I should believe in monarchy. It is an anachronism. However when I consider who we would have had as a head of state had there been no monarch I quickly get out the bunting and start singing God Save The Queen. President Heath? President Kinnock? President Wicked Witch? I will stick with the current set up thank you.

If I am in any doubt as to where I stand I simply look at the terrible deluded and embittered lefties wheeled out by the BBC and The Guardian to celebrate the Royal Birth by saying we should abolish the monarchy. If Polly Toynbee
