Rogue Bloggers

389 days ago

Photo Article: Woodlarks, the Rogue Bloggers meet up as 1 group, lose Andrew Bell and cross the finish line

The final Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks trek has ended. About a mile and a half before the finish, Dr Sam, Steve Moore and reader Nick from Islington caught the old geezers bar Andrew Bell who had wandered into a pub to emerge at Woodlarks a bit later in a taxi. The remaining walkers now in increasing pain, especially me, somehow managed the last bit which really is 90% uphill and met up with heroic Woodlarks supremo  Nick Richards, posed for a group photo and headed up the drive to an enthusiastic reception from campers and carers. That always warms my heart and it is that reception I try to think about in those last painful miles. We have now raised, with gift aid, more than £27,000 so thanks to you all. If you have so far forgotten to give you can still donate HERE.


389 days ago

Photo Article: Woodlarks, it's 6.30, five miles to go and this awaits the Rogue Bloggers

Incredibly, the Health Nazis have still not caught the old geezers but my knees are failing. Five miles to go and the hill I have dreaded all walk looms. You can see father and son Diver at the top. I am taking the photo. Onwards and upwards. We have now, with gift aid, raised more than £26,000. Thank you everyone, if you have yet to donate please help us to help Woodlarks with a contribution HERE


389 days ago

Photo Article: Woodlarks, with only 9 miles left to go, guess who has appeared?

The Rogue Bloggers have only 9 miles left to Trek. But someone who wasn’t there 25 miles ago has now joined in, Mr Andrew Bell. With fresh legs he is in fine form and , as is his wont, tells me how cheap are shares in Red Rock Resources (RRR). Where have I heard that before? We have now raised , with gift aid, more than £26,000 Please help us to help Woodlarks with a tenner  here.


389 days ago

Photo Article: Woodlarks, the lead Rogue Bloggers pass Jane Austen’s house at 21 miles

Reader Dr Sam who had been meant to start with the old geezers at 4.15 AM decided to start with the Health Nazis at 7 AM instead. But he was late for that too so started alone. Just after our lunchtime we heard that caught up with the Health Nazis well before their lunch break Meanwhile the old men hit Alton and the house of Jane Austen, 21 miles done, at 2 pm. Onwards and onwards. We have now, with gift aid, raised more than £26,000 Please Help us to help Woodlarks with a tenner  here.


389 days ago

Woodlarks Photo Article: The Rogue Bloggers make it to Lunch at the farm shop at 12.03 (19 miles)

It’s 12.03 and the old man’s team has reached lunch break at19 miles. Just 15 to go. Lucian listens to the cricket, I lag at the back trying not to think about feet or legs. I suspect Group Two, the Health Nazis,  are catching up fast. Onwards and more onwards. We are, with gift, aid at £26,000 You can help Woodlarks with a donation here.


390 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Scoop!

In today’s Bearcast I discuss my pal Jon’s imaginary g/f the air hostess, Andrew Bell’s imaginary g/f and today’s walk. If it has slipped your mind you can still add to the £26,500 raised by the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE. Then onto my massive Avacta (AVCT) scoop which demands a statement Monday and is another reason that my bearish stance has been vindicated. Again. More ouzo for the Sheriff.


390 days ago

Woodlarks Photo Article: The lead Rogue Bloggers are at 14.5 miles, the Fast Group, the Health Nazis catching up fast

The Old Man’s group are at 14.5 miles: the two Miers (pictured) and the two Divers and lagging at the back, Tom Winnifrith.  The light rain of earlier has stopped and it’s getting hotter by the minute. We stock up on fluids and press on with the Fast Group of Health Nazis in pursuit. We have now raised almost £26,000 with Gift Aid Help us to help Woodlarks with a donation here.


390 days ago

Woodlarks Photo Article: The Rogue Bloggers are off

No sign of Andrew Bell or Dr Sam for the early start. Bean counter Nigel and son Xavier arrive two minutes late. And minus bell we are off. We start the morning off at £23,400 plus gift aid. You can help Woodlarks with a donation here.


390 days ago

UPDATED: 13 hours to go another thank you from Woodlarks & the Rogue Bloggers – 1 last ask & some bad news as we hit £26,000

June 17th and the 34 mile walk from Winchester Cathedral to the amazing Woodlarks camp in Surrey is now just ONE day away. It looks like the 12 ( no 11) of us walking will be sweating under a hot sun on what will be our last trek for Woodlarks. We are all very grateful that so many of you have donated allowing us to reach, with gift aid, £26,000 raised. Thank you to all who have given Woodlarks much needed funds. But…


390 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: IOG, Nigel Wray and Alliance Pharma and Canadian Overseas - there is a link

I start by mentioning tomorrow’s activities. many, many thanks to the 300+ folks who have donated. If I have not reminded you enough and you have forgotten to sponsor the rogue bloggers for Woodlarks there is still time HERE. Then I mention a knobhead called Robbie. Then it is onto Odey share overhangs, mentioning Shanta (SHG) en passant, IOG (IOG), Wray and Alliance Pharma (APH) in days gone by, Canadian Overseas Petroleum Limited (COPL) and finally two minnows on the brink of going under, I suspect: Deepverge (DVRG) and Microsaic (MSYS).


392 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I agree with Chris Bailey

I look at the hot sun outside and think of the hot sun we are promised on Saturday as we do the last 34 mile Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks walk. With gift aid we are now at c£17,500. If you can help us get towards £20,000 with even a £10 donation please do so HERE. In a long podcast I discuss base rates in the UK, inflation, recession , Crispin Odey and his collapsing empire, San Leon (SLE), Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX), Eurasia (EUA), Cineworld (CINE), Supply@ME Capital (FRAUD), and M & C Saatchi (SAA). I also look at Robert Walters (RWA). and its long term threats as a commodity player.


392 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Who do you think is doing that deeply discounted placing?

I am told it is a stock I am very bearish on and which already has a death spiral in place but who is it? I also cover Tingo (US:TIO), Powerhouse Energy (PHE) which also needs a placing Versarien (VRS), Genflow Biosciences (GENF) and Predator Oil & Gas (PRD). The Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks have now raised £17,250 all in. Thanks to all who have donated, there is still time to do so HERE, please do!


393 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Tingo supporters play the Jew hating card at Hindenburg & where have Bidstack's followers all gone as Tern tells a porky

Thanks to all who have donated to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks. With six days to go we are now, all in at heading for £17,000. Thanks to all who are helping a great cause but there is still time to donate HERE. Then I look at Tingo (TIO:US) and this filthy material HERE from the Nigerian Guardian, at Tern (TERN), Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL), death spirals and at Bidstack (BIDS) which has STILL not published its numbers.


394 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: will the bird from Deloitte ignore my email?

I refer to THIS email regarding the Tingo (US:TIO) fraud. I explain why I do not think that Anna Marks can afford to ignore it and not take action. Thanks to all who have donated to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks over the weekend. All in, we are now at nearly £16,000 in total. I explain why this is such a great cause, please keep donating HERE and thank you to all 190 of you who have donated.


395 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Let's end the Deepverge farce, thanks to Gerry Brandon surely it is a zero?

The rogue bloggers for Woodlarks have, with gift aid, raised well over £13,000 with another £1,000 pledged but not yet showing. Help us get to £15,000 before the weekend HERE. In today’s podcast I look at Versarien (VRS) and why grant applications cannot save it, Mercantile Ports (MPL), Vast Resources (VAST), Supply@ME Capital (FRAUD) and Deepverge (DVRG).


396 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: A challenge for Euroloon and fellow Hammer Jonathan Price, Tingo's joke of all jokes EGM & the inevitable fallout from the growing Odey sex scandal

Forgive me, I start with last night’s football and West Ham’s triumph. I explain just how I will suffer on June 17th and its nothing to do with blisters. To the 90% who have yet to give to rogue bloggers for Woodlarks please think of the looming pain, 16 hours of non stop regurgitated Cadwalladr, and donate HERE. Then I look at: the Odey sex scandal, the Eurozone in recession while a free Britain is not, more on the fraud Tingo (US:TIO) including its 5 minute no Q&A (as promised) GM, at Zamaz (ZAMZ), BarryRoe (BEY) and then at house prices and housebuilders. 


396 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: a great new shorting idea from ouzo man

So now 90% of you have not contributed to the rogue bloggers for Woodlarks appeal as we welcome student X, our 12th member. Please do donate HERE. In the podcast I mention West Ham and discuss IOG (IOG), the FRAUD Tingo (US:TIO), Powerhouse (PHE) and Bellescura (BELL) from the Adam Reynolds stable.


396 days ago

Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks – 90%+ of you yet to donate: c’mon how about just a tenner as 11 prepare to walk

We have two new volunteers for June 17th and the 34 mile walk from Winchester Cathedral to Woodlarks. The far more photogenic of the two is pictured below.


397 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Talking to Harry Adams and £1600 a month for doing SFA

I start with a TV recommendation, Murder in Steeltown, it is superb. Then it is Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks where, with gift aid and a kind – as yet unbooked – pledge, we are now 25% of the way to target at £12,500. If you are among the 91% of listeners yet to donate please do so HERE. Then it is onto the Universal Basic Income pilot. Gosh the Tories are idiots. Then it is Versarien (VRS), Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Chill Brands (CHLL), ASOS (ASC), Deepverge (DVRG), Microsaic (MSYS) and the moral bankruptcy of Turner Pope.


397 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The Sunday Times says ASOS on bid alert - what total bollocks and disgraceful "journalism"

I start with Lucian’s 24 mile suffering while I did not suffer from walking but, once again, from being the pantomime villain of the village facebook site. In short, to the 92% of you yet to donate please give to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE. Then I move on to ASOS (ASC) and Eden Research (EDEN).


397 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: cutting a deal with the IRA man and is it okay for Amur to tell a slam dunk fib on AIM?

I start by explaining the result of that deal, viz me being a sweaty wreck. Then it is onto Rurelec (RUR), Tingo (US:TIO) and Amur Minerals (AMC). Finally, if not too hungover tomorrow I shall aim to do a 20+ miles training walk, my last training walk for the June 17 Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks. If you are among the 92% of bearcast listeners yet to donate, please do so HEREIn advance I thank you.


397 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Oh no, the IRA man has another go at me

I start with the IRA man who is hopping mad at me yet again. Then I look at how the whole political/media class should be in the dock in the Covid enquiry as they all called for what has caused our inflationary crisis. Then it is Tingo (US:TIO), a detailed look at Audioboom (BOOM), Purplebricks (PURP), Versarien (VRS), Tern (TERN), Chill Brands (CHLL) and the regulatory threat to UK vaping. Finally, my last big Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks training walk this Sunday will be c22 miles. It will be very hot this weekend and I have a thirsty Irishman here for supper on Saturday so may be somewhat the worse for that on Sunday morning, so think of real pain ahead and leave the 93% who have not donated & meanie Magna Carta and make a donation HERE


397 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - it is Tingo-tastic day

With two exposes today it is a Tingo (US:TIO) – tastic day for me. I discuss why I am so interested and why this is a zero. Then it is onto More Acquisitions (TMOR), Westminster Group (WSG) and its scallywag chairman Tony Baldry. Then Ascent Resources (AST) and Amur Minerals (AMC), finally I look at the pretence I expect to be announced tomorrow by Supply@ME Capital (SYME). Finally, Andrew Bell’s imaginary g/f is real! I have spoken to her and she WILL join the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks on June 17. More on the fragrant Mercie later, please do donate HERE


402 days ago

Photo article, the last 1.5 miles of the 34, after six years my last Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks walk

The final Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks trek has ended.  You can see the photos starting from 4.15 AM yesterday over on ShareProphets HERE. They are all ex paywall.  But as a taster these are the last 1.5 miles….


402 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: A lesson for Malcolm on "cheap" PEs, Phil Schofield and the real scandal at ITV & Tesco's John Allen and the witchhunt

I start with the suffering I am about to endure at the Chapel holiday camp and urge you to consider the pain and donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE. Then it is onto Malcolm’s earlier piece on PE’s and shares and why he may be wrong. Then to what appears to me to be a vile #MeToo witch hunt against Tesco (TSCO) chairman John Allan and then onto ITV (ITV), Phil Schofield and the real scandal and why more heads should roll.


404 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - I have a share to buy idea: what am I missing?

The annual weekend from hell looms. Think of my suffering and please donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks where, with gift aid, we are now over £10,000 but still more than 95% of you have not donated, you can do so HERE. In the podcast I discuss Lucian’s suffering at the Supply@ME Capital (FRAUD) teach in and why its shares are collapsing, Versarien (VRS), Tern (TERN), Pan African Resources (PAF), Boohoo,com (BOO) and Revolution Beauty (REVB)


407 days ago

24 hours to go another thank you from Woodlarks & the Rogue Bloggers – 1 last ask & some bad news as we hit £20,000

June 17th and the 34 mile walk from Winchester Cathedral to the amazing Woodlarks camp in Surrey is now just ONE days away. It looks like the 12 ( no 11) of us walking will be sweating under a hot sun on what will be our last trek for Woodlarks. We are all very grateful that so many of you have donated allowing us to reach, with gift aid, £20,000 raised. Thank you to all who have given Woodlarks much needed funds. But…


414 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Some sanity from Ireland, madness in the UK and why I smell and the Mrs suffers

I start with the domestic issues caused by the lack of gas and how the Mrs is the real victim after my 18 mile walk yesterday. Think of her sleeping next to a smelly me yesterday, her suffering and then donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE. In the podcast I discuss Chill Brands (CHLL), Supply@ME Capital (SYME) now valued at almost £100 million, Bidstack (BIDS), Eden Research (EDEN) and Lansdowne Oil & Gas (LOGP).


414 days ago

Photo article: rogue Bloggers 18 mile training walk to wonderful waterfall but disaster back at the Welsh Hovel so article problems

As I left the Welsh Hovel this morning I thought that I smelled gas at the top of the street. I thought little of it for an 18 mile training walk was planned and I had left early without any procrastination. I pressed on.


414 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Shell faces up to the idiots at the Church of England, here's my solution

Tomorrow is an 18-20 mile training walk for Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks. Please do think of how that will hurt, and to avoid more about Brokerman Dan’s underwear donate HERE. Then I look at the Chill Brands (CHLL) Blackpool spoof after today’s shocking expose HERE and why this can only happen on the Sub Standard List on the FCA’s watch ( no sniggering at the back!) Then woke campaigners like the wretched Church of England, Shell and light beers ( two of them).


414 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast:Tory sleazebag David Williams of Avanti does it again - now 98% vindicated on Arqit

Faking a product demo to gain funding is fraud and Williams boasted about doing that so the Tory scumbag should not threaten me, as he has threatened others, with a lawyers letter for calling that out as an act of fraud. I discuss his antics at Avanti (AVN) and then Arqit Quantum (US:ARQQ) about which I warned at $37.41 on December 3 2021 HERE and at $5.65 on 17 June 2022 HERE. Its shares are now 73 cents but the company is still valued at $90 million. My target is zero. I discuss in detail. Then it is onto IQE (IQE), Mirada (MIRA), Future (FUTR) whose £1.06 billion market cap is a joke. I looked like a right prat on this one for a while but you cannot defy gravity forever. Which brings me to Cineworld (CINE), Cellular Goods (CBX) and today’s total spoof from Chill Brands (CHLL) which the morons have fallen for hook, line and sinker. Do they never go to Companies House? Finally: it is 30 days to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks and less than 4% of you have donated. I repeat the Brokerman Dan underpants threat, please do make a donation HERE


429 days ago

Mr. Percy Thrower Reporting back after a 16 mile Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks training walk

There were three reasons to procrastinate about starting a training walk this weekend. The first is that if you were lying in bed next to a gorgeous younger wife would you want to get up? The second is that walking a long way by yourself, up and down a main road to Wrexham, is not that interesting. You can think about various things but there are only so many things you can think about or talk to yourself about. My training walk, avoiding the killer cows of years gone by is dull. The third reason…


435 days ago

Photo article - back on the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks training walks - fun in the Welsh rain

II have let the training slide after that Greek Easter holiday. But the 34 miles Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks walk is coming up fast (June 17) and so this morning there was no alternative. I procrastinated a bit but, in the end, donned an anorak and headed off into the rain. The photo below is of the track behind the back of the village where I live to Frog Lane.


473 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: My first lawyers letter for more than a year & even the chaps at Sheffield United don't deserve a Tingo backed takeover

I discuss that lawyer’s letter c/o the fools at Reabold (RBD) and will respond tomorrow. Thanks to a big donation I shall post pictures of Andrew Bell’s imaginary g/f who we hope will join us on Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks. To see more please donate HERE. Then to the takeover of Sheffield United by a man in bed with proven scoundrels and whose US listed company’s finances stink. I called this out at ShareStock last year and they stink even more today. If the soccer authorities allow this deal to go through they are bonkers.


474 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Andrew Bell insists his imaginary g/f is no April Fool

Did you spot my April Fool story today? I start with that and end with Andrew Bell’s imaginary g/f. If Donations to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks (currently £2605 + an unbooked £500 pledge) go above £3,000 by Sunday, I will publish photos of her supplied by Bell and she is a looker, if perhaps imaginary). Donate HERE. In the main bearcast I discuss at length UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), the stench of David Lenigas related party deals and the lies of Lyin’ Steve Sanderson plus, in detail, the bailout of Genedrive (GDR) at 6.32 PM last night


483 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - an amazing apple from Wales

I start with a few ramblings on turning the Welsh Hovel into a homestead and an apple I have just eaten. I end with a reminder that 98% of you have yet to donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks. I am sure that you can each afford a tenner, please do donate HERE. Then I look in detail at Strix (KETL) and explain why Versarien (VRS) really is screwed. Unless you have dealt with banks when running a struggling company – as I have – you just won’t get why. I also look at BSF Enterprises (BSFA), Wishbone Gold (WSBN) and Inland (INL).


483 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Catriona and Matthew's Dog will love it: Tortilla Mexican do the maths while FYB with Skinbiotherapeutics

I start with Tortilla Mexican Grill (MEX) where, as is his wont, young Steve Moore was far too generous yesterday in calling at an avoid. I do the hard maths and it is in deep merde. Then it is onto UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), Pennpetro (PPP), Predator Oil & Gas (PRD) and the bloody useless FCA. Finally Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) before, principally to annoy poster Magna Carta, a few words on why I ask you to donate today to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks - you can do so HERE


487 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: six little small cap piggies

I end with a discussion about myself, Andrew Bell, his imaginary marathon running g/f and Cheryl - please donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE. Before that I look at six piggies filling me with despair, are there no rules or basic morals at all any more: Braveheart (BRH), Nanoco (NANO), Caracal Gold (GCAT), Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT), ScotGold (SGZ) and Andrew Monk’s VSA Capital (VSA). Has Andrew told anyone today that he went to Oriel College Oxford?


488 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The Rogue Bloggers are now 8 (+2 fantasy women) & the wooden floor that protects female failures like Sharon White & La Willingham

I start on journalist ethics, that is to say not selling shares before advising readers to and a chap called Magna Carta who reminds me of the weeds in my strawberry patch. Then onto Rogue Bloggers where Andrew Bell says he is joining us and bringing a fantasy woman. I shall bring Cheryl. Please donate HERE. Finally, referring to Sarah Willingham and Dame Sharon White of John Lewis infamy (see the Daily Mail article I refer to HERE) I suggest that a glass ceiling for women in business has been replaced by a wooden floor.


488 days ago

Photo Article: Third Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks Training Walk

Instead of heading straight to the petrol station on the Wrexham Ring Road and back, I took a diversion from just inside the village boundary, a walk across the fields to Frog Lane, something advertised as ½ mile. My plan was to do the walk and back on both legs of my walk to the petrol station so adding 2 miles to last week’s nine miles. Plans, plans, plans.


488 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: is Inland totally 100% fecked?

I managed my 11 mile training walk for Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks. Actually I reckon it was twelve. Anyhow I am back and weeding the strawberries. No rest for the wicked. If you sense the pain in my legs please donate to this great cause HERE. Then I discuss Inland (INL) and more red flags. It is either the cheapest stock on the market or a zero and I know what my money is on.


490 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The next Prime Minister gives a kiss of death to Ceres Power

Tomorrow is my third training walk for Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks. I am targeting 11 miles and will post a picture of the service station on the Wrexham roundabout which is my turnaround point if we can get donations well above £1,000 before I leave. I can’t say fairer than that, please donate HERE. In today’s podcast I discuss Deutsche Bank ( the next Credit Suisse?), the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME), nanosynth (NNN), Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Ceres Power (CWR), Genflow Biosciences (GENF) and Celadon Pharmaceuticals (CEL) and lock in expiries in a thin market.


491 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: And today's big new shorting idea is...Celadon Pharmaceuticals

I start with a grumpy old man rant about standards in public and corporate life covering a lying Boris, Wildcat (WCAT) and Osirium (OSI) before moving onto the missing £20 million and the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME). I cover Amigo (AMGO), Versarien (VRS) and the liquidity trap, Inland (INL), Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) before I turn my fire on Celadon (CEL). Finally I urge you to donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks as I outline my third training walk on Saturday. C’mon you can afford a tenner HERE


493 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the dash to trash

I start with a discussion of St Patrick’s day and drinking. I shall not be doing that today but after another training walk for Woodlarks early tomorrow I might have a few while watching Ireland, I hope, trounce England. Please feel free to donate to Rogue Bloggers HERE as you conisider my 10 mile walk to Wrexham and back tomorrow. Then I look at Bidstack (BIDS), Versarien (VRS) and Genedrive (GDR).


507 days ago

Photo Article - The reason no articles yesterday, my first training walk for Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks, schoolboy errors

I had hoped that Darren would have added all the photos I sent him from the top of Moel Famau, a large hill the other side of Mold. But, he is not a Good German and I shall sack him later. Instead you can see me below with my chunky two year old daughter Jaya on my back and try to imagine views, stretching miles and miles, out into the Irish sea.


513 days ago

One last time, Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks Annual 34 mile walk – we are on!

This will be the sixth walk and we have agreed the last. Maybe Lucian and I will do something different next year, maybe not. The old boy did turn 60 last year. The date is now set for June 17 and we will walk the 34 miles from Winchester to the Woodlarks camp. So far those signed up are:


767 days ago

Avacta – an aide memoire for Lucian Miers

As we marched on Saturday, the Rogue Bloggers discussed this and that. As he sobered up, even Lucian Miers joined in the conversation, and asked whether he should short Avacta (AVCT). The answer is yes, and here is why.


768 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: For Mrs P, this why I am walking today and is it placing ahoy at Argo Blockchain?

In today’s podcast, I discuss Argo Blockchain (ARB) and why, later today, I shall be wading through 34 miles of nettles. If you can, please donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks, HERE.


775 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: who is the biggest twit: Boris, Harry Adams or Mark Steward of the FCA?

It is just two days until Rogue Bloggers, and we have raised more than £20,000 (with gift aid). Let’s try and reach £25,000. I discuss rain, nettles and the inevitable pain on Saturday. Please donate, HERE. Then, the twit of the day contest: Boris v Harry of Kefi (KEFI) v Mark Steward, who has disgraced himself on Genflow (GENF).  I then discuss Nostra Terra (NTOG) (praise be the lord), with a target price of 0p; the fraud, Supply@ME Capital (SYME); another Steward screw-up; and ITM Power (ITM).


775 days ago

Photo Article: The Rogue Bloggers cross the line at Woodlarks

We crossed the line at 9.15, where heroic Nick Richards was on hand to meet us. Job done – thank you for all the donations. If you are yet to donate, please do so now. Now, for some elderflower champagne.



775 days ago

Photo Article: Rogue Bloggers and the three bears, as we finally catch Brian Basham

We sped past Jane Austen’s house and into Alton, where I bring you a picture of three bears. No delays for the five rogue bloggers and, at 4.10 pm, with 11 miles to go, we caught up with 78-year-old Fleet Street legend, Brian Basham, and his trainer J, who had left Winchester five hours before us. We are now just nine miles from Woodlarks, and the group is again splitting into fast and slow. Amazingly, I am in the fast group. If you are yet to donate to this fantastic cause, please do so HERE.


775 days ago

Photo Article: Rogue bloggers for Woodlarks lunchbreak

At 17 miles, we are now halfway. Brian Basham, who started just after midnight, is now a couple of miles ahead of the main group; so, we are stopping for lunch. I wish my friend, Jonathan Price the euro loon, were here joining me, as I am struggling a bit. His Guardianista thoughts are always a reason to march on and end the suffering. The next stop is four miles away, and it is hard to think beyond that. Again, everyone else eats as I nibble at my half-eaten breakfast sandwich. I feel rotten. If you have yet to donate, please do so HERE.


775 days ago

Photo Article: Rogue bloggers for Woodlarks reach 14 miles

The next target is lunch, which is 3 miles away. We are, I calculate, on track to catch Brian Basham at c. 3 pm. My fellow rogue bloggers, even the hungover Lucian Miers and reader, N, who has an incredibly heavy backpack, are in fine form. I am not. Something isn’t right, and I am just taking on more liquids at this stage. I have confessed to Nick Richards that, for the first time, I may not make it to the finish line this year. Nevertheless, I am focused on the next three miles, which take us just past halfway. Master Miers, a barking-mad commie, is keeping at the back to help me along, entertaining me with his bonkers worldview.  He makes our in-house Euro loon, Jonathan Price, seem rather sane.  Think of my suffering, as Master Miers explains why rich people’s houses should be nationalised, and donate to Woodlarks HERE


775 days ago

Photo Article: Rogue bloggers for Woodlarks update: Basham located at breakfast time

We marched past the beds of watercress, and are now just 15 minutes behind schedule. At the first rest break – the Cricketers Arms – Lucian is apologising for last night’s excess to his Mrs. Fleet Street legend, Brian Basham has been in contact. Two hours ago, he was 45 minutes ahead of where we are now. The pursuit is on. If you have yet to donate to this great cause, think of the suffering that lies ahead: 25 miles still to go! Please donate HERE.



775 days ago

Photo Article: The Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks set off from Winchester Cathedral

There are two late dropouts: reader Sam and Andrew Bell. Fleet Street legend, Brian Basham, has gone AWOL. So, it is just me, reader N, Steve Moore, and a very hungover Lucian Miers (along with his communist son). Lucian’s hangover has delayed us by 35 minutes, but now, we are off! If you have yet to donate, please do so HERE.



775 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: with a hat tip to reader, Jim, on the Isle of Man

Given it is hammering down here in North Wales, I bet Mr Mellon is somewhere far sunnier than Port Erin. The graphic below is from him, and I discuss it in detail. Then, I look at those determined to ignore clear warnings, ref Petropavlovsk (POG). I cover incomplete and thus, potentially deceptive, RNS statements ref. Nostra Terra Oil & Gas (NTOG), before assessing Fulham Shore (FUL) in detail. With gift aid, we have now raised £19,700 for Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks - please help us reach the £20,000 landmark today (D-3 days), HERE. Finally, my podcast on falling out with Dominic Frisby, 1939 and all that can be accessed, HERE.


778 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Time to double up on the Shield Therapeutics final collapse, the money's almost all gone!

On 18 February, at 25.5p to sell, the big bear call was greeted with abuse from BB savants, who, unsurprisingly, always know better.  Shares in Shield (STX) are now 14.6p, and the final collapse to c. 5p is now set to begin. Double up on your shorts.  In this podcast, I discuss Argo Blockchain (ARB); Nostra Terra Oil & Gas (NTOG) and its unsavoury CEO, Matt Lofgran – praise be the Lord; then, I look at Genflow Biosciences (GENF), as its shares continue to tank; Challenger Energy (CHAL); Eurasia Mining (EUA); and Petropavlovsk (POG), where the target remains 0p.  Finally, I remind you that Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks is just 4 days away, and we are at 34% of the target. If among the 92% of listeners yet to donate, do give a fiver (or a tenner), HERE.


779 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - why Genflow is the most uninvestable stock in London and what now for a house price crash?

Today we are donating £2500 to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks. I don’t ask you to follow suit but if you are among the 93% of listeners yet to donate to this cause with just 6 days to the event how about giving a fiver here? Then onto Genflow (GENF) in light of the Hindenburg dossier HERE. Then after observations from Chris Bailey earlier on Barratt (BDEV) I look at house prices and house builders.


779 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Versarien will go to zero but is it a short?

I discuss Manchester vs Geneva airport and why you should not believe everything you read in the Daily Mail.  In a week’s time I will be, I hope, three quarters of the way through Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks. If you are among the 93%of listeners yet to donate please do so HERE.  Then I look at Neil Woodford and Harcus Parker finally filing its claim against ACD Link. Finally it is Versarien (VRS


782 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - lied to by Barclays, and fleeced by EasyJet

I discuss both these corporates, and remind the 94% of you yet to support Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks: please do so, HERE.  Then, I discuss Stuart Ashman of Skinbiotherapitics (SBTX), who has made me look like a complete git (again), as he withdraws from ShareStock. But, I will announce another BIG-name speaker tomorrow, and will replace Stuart. So, make sure you book your tickets, HERE.  Then, I look at Cellular Goods (CBX) and Guild ESports (GILD), the David Beckham dogs. 


782 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - So utterly angry as a weekend of torture approaches

I explain my anger, and why the weekend ahead will be sheer torture. Think of my suffering and donate to Rogue Bloggers, HERE. Then, put 10 September in your diary, and keep it free. More on that next week, when I shall be in Frogland with Joshua and Olaf. In today’s podcast, I cover Versarien (VRS), Audioboom (BOOM) and Advance Energy (ADV). 


792 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Ding Dong the Bird is gone!

First of all I ask that the 94% of you yet to donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks do so HERE so that we surge past 25% of target ( without gift aid) tonight. Go on. Then I look at Jubilee Metals (JLP), Restaurant Group (RTN),Purplebricks (PURP), Vast Resources (VAST), BT (BT.A) and the windfall oil tax and why the Tories have utterly lost the plot.  Then at Genflow (GENF) and Nostra Terra (NTOG) and the massive scandal I exposed today HERE & HERE.   


794 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Tortilla Mexican Grill just does not taste right and as for Chilango

I start with the usual. 94.5% of you have yet to donate despite the cows, nettles and thorn bush of the weekend. Go on, just a tenner for Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks, you know it makes sense. Please donate HERE. In today’s podcast I discuss Vin Murria and M&C Saatchi (SAA), the scoundrels at Ince (INCE) and Deepverge (DVRG), Vast Resources (VAST), Audioboom (BOOM) and then I take a very detailed look at Tortilla Mexican Grill (MEX) as it buys Chilango. This looks all wrong and another membr of the 2021 IPO hall of shame. 


795 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I don't give a feck what Nick Train says about Hargreaves & Neil Woodford, he misses the point and has called this horribly wrong

I start with the cows, my red face and pain. Read all about it HERE and then urge you to leave the 95% and make a donation to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE. Then I discuss Hargreaves Lansdown (HL.), Neil Woodford and whining underperforming fund manager Nick Train of Lindsell Train


796 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - who'd have guessed that David Beckham was not a stock picker?

As you grow old, you should learn from investing. In that vein, I discuss my 1997 encounters with Adonis Pouroulis of Chariot Oil & Gas (CHAR), and why I’d not touch Chariot with a bargepole. I also discuss investing in a bear market, what we should do and the irrational decisions others will make, looking at AAA, Asimilar (ASLR) and Audioboom (BOOM). I then examine Guild ESports (GILD), and what I believe is an upcoming placing at 1p. That will also kick Cellular Goods (CBX) in the golden balls. Finally, I discuss renting out the Greek Hovel, as you can see HERE, and urge the 95% of listeners yet to donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks, to do so HERE.


796 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - a Google search for buy furniture online

In today’s podcast, I look at: Vast Resources (VAST) and the bogus bear squeeze; Eurasia Mining (EUA); Powerhouse Energy (PHE); Kinovo (KINO) and the fallout from my scoop yesterday, which is now confirmed; (MADE); and why Petropavlovsk (POG) is a zero. Also, do grab a (free) ticket to UK Investor on Saturday; tomorrow, I shall give the question you must ask one of the presenters. The Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks have now raised 21% of their target. To the 95% of listeners yet to donate, please do so HERE.


797 days ago

Photo article: Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks training walk - agony as the cows attack

On June 11, myself and seven other rogue bloggers will walk the 34 miles from Winchester Cathedral to Woodlarks. I can now say that I will complete the walk after yesterday’s training effort of 23 miles. But that is three weeks away so now is a great time to sponsor me HERE. To encourage you to donate, let me tell you about the pain of yesterday and show you the reason: the cows, or bulls as they were advertised.


799 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: is it game over for Petropavlovsk?

In today’s podcast, I cover Eurasia Mining (EUA), (MADE), Vast Resources (VAST) and Petropavlovsk (POG). I have more shocking news on Kinovo (KINO), whose shares should be suspended, and discuss FinnCrap (FCAP). I promise never to mention the company again if its CEO, smug Sam Smith, donates £100,000 to rogue bloggers for Woodlarks. Of course, she won’t. So I must ask the 95% of Bearcast listeners yet to chip in: please make your donation, HERE  We are now at 20% of target – go on, make it 21% by tomorrow!


800 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: okay, I lied!

In this podcast, I discuss a double dose of suffering – but not that which I promised – and beg you to donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks, HERE. I also discuss two companies where something stinks badly: HUI International (HUI) and Audioboom(BOOM). And, yes, I have seen the story in the loathsome Mail on Sunday. It stinks, too!


801 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Elon Musk, you are not a Messiah but a very naughty boy - Twitter bid on hold

In today’s podcast, I discuss Elon Musk and Twitter; Vast Resources (VAST) & associated scumbags; Optibiotix (OPTI); Condor Gold (CNR) and why comrade Jim Mellon must pay up soon; and the complete and utter Irish jackanory spouted by Hydrogen Utopia (HUI) and Powerhouse Resources (PHE): those holding shares in either company are certifiable.  We are now just £68 away from £10,000 in the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks (plus gift aid) fundraise. On Sunday, I really will do a 20-mile training walk. If you are amongst the 96% of listeners yet to donate, please do so today, HERE.


802 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: My £5 bet with Cliff Weight of ShareSoc

Cliff admits he will lose, so has decently added £5 to his Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks donation. Why not join him? Leave the 96% of listeners yet to donate, and chip in today, HERE. The bet is on Zephyr Energy (ZPHR), where Cliff is long (and wrong). I offer him the chance to double up with a bet on Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT), following its bonkers RNS yesterday. But I think he is too smart to take that. I also look at Versarien (VRS), Eden Research (EDEN), Kefi (KEFI), and Amur Minerals (AMC), on a day of water triumph at the Greek Hovel. How I wish I was there.


804 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel: Before and after lavender shots

The garden I created in the area once known as the jungle sits about 4-6 foot, depending on where you are, above the lane that leads to the Welsh Hovel. You may remember that last year I lined it with lavender bushes. Then came the weeds.


809 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Beer & Popcorn with Peter Wall and the Argo Blockchain comedy show

I discuss today’s minor triumph regarding the rule breaking Tory Toff Earl of Shrewsbury and if inflation is not hitting some of us. I look at Vast Resources (VAST) and Avacta (AVCT) but in far more detail Amur Minerals (AMC) and then Argo Blockchain (ARB). There was no Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks training walk yesterday as I was aching so much from 10 hours gardening on Saturday. Instead I did another eight hours gardening here at the Welsh Hovel. I will post some photos later but I promise you that my body really ached today. Please enjoy my suffering but do not remain among the 97% of listeners yet to donate to this amazing cause, please make a donation – if only a fiver or a tenner – today HERE


809 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast – The first stock my pension bought is...

You will think me mad but let me explain. Before that I discuss the growing scandal at Kinovo (KINO) and who should pay. I also discuss gardening and walking. I tortured my body with a full day of the former today (and I am not done yet) but am not sure how I will torture myself tomorrow but torture myself I shall. So please if you are among the 97% of listeners yet to donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks please do so HERE. Finally some thoughts c/o Peter Schiff on inflation.


811 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Dead cat bounces & thieves in the nights and an Italian job for Joshua and myself

I start with a warning of a three day possible bearcast break in the summer and explain why. And of how the cat has stolen all the e’s. Then it is onto the local elections and a warning for complacent Tories about the thief in the night. Then Cathie Wood and ARK which really is going down the plughole.  I look at new Sub Standard List IPO Kendrick Resources and give it the Bird. I cover bitcoin, Argo Blockchain (ARB), McColls (MCLS), Kinovo (KINO) – where somebody should be sacked – Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT) and Powerhouse Energy (PHE) . I explain what Steve Moore should do on his weekend “lads break“in Skegness.  Oh to be young again.  Irony.  I forgot to say thanks to all those who have now donated to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks. I shall be training hardagain this weekend with a day of gardening and an 18-20 mile walk. Think of my suffering and if you have donated, I thank you, If you are among the 97%of listeners who have not PLEASE DO SO HERE


812 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I don't know what option would make me more angry

The reference is to the fact that there is only 1 candidate in the local elections where I live and he is a king sized dickhead. From that I move onto interest rates and why they should have been increased by more than 0.25%. Of course we should not be in this inflationary mess anyway. Then it is onto  Vast Resources (VAST), Trainline (TRN), Seraphime (BUMP),Parsley Box (MEAL) and musicMagpie (MMAG). I will try to complete my long promised share purchases tomorrow and to discuss them then.Thank you to all who have donated to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks.  We are now at 15% of target but still 97% of Bearcast listeners have yet to chip in. Come on, just a fiver or a tenner: please do donate now HERE. PS The reference to Kirstie Allsop and a podcast is about this one HERE


812 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: BP "record profits" a $23 bn loss & windfall tax economic illiteracy

I start on BP (BP.) and the crap talked about record profits, its actuall losses and a windfall tax.  Then I look at the Love Hemp (LIFE) scandal and who should go to jail.Then at madness at Vast Resources (VAST) and McColls (MCLS) and at why I cannot recommend a purchase in Minoan (MIN) and have not for a long time but will not stick the knife into a man who helped save my life. I look at why some Open Orphan (ORPH) shareholders should sue  Finally I have a look at Boohoo (BOO).  PS I will mention my new share purchases tomorrow if I can sort out a bit of paperwork. And PPS Thanks to the new donors to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks.we are now at 11% of target ( £5,582) but still98% of listeners have yet to donate. I am sure you can afford a fiver or a tenner, please give now HERE


812 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - okay here is why Avacta and Vast are BOTH still joke valuations & why I should not sack myself

In today’s podcast I forgot to thank those who have donated to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks over the weekend. I thank you now. But c98% of listeners have yet to donate. I am sure you can manage a fiver or a tenner please do give now HERE. Then I answer a call to sack me for a Staceyesque “crime” and discuss Jubilee Metals (JLP),Yooma (YOOM), Love Hemp (LIFE) and the utter cretins at Aquis Regulation, Vast Resources (VAST) and Avacta (AVCT).


812 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - on record profits warnings

I forgot to mention Woodlarks.  Thanks to those who donated  yesterday but I must keep nagging you all. Still 98.5% of bearcast listeners are yet to donate, surely you can spare a fiver! Please donate HERE.  In the podcast I consider why profits warnings are at record levels and how long they will stay at such levels and what that means.


813 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I have not sacked Malcolm Stacey but as for Colin Bird

In this Bearcast I start with the pain I feel right now after a training walk knowing that 99% of Bearcast listeners have NOT donated even a fiver to the rogue bloggers for Woodlarks article. My first big training walk is described (with photos) HERE and you can make that donation HERE.  Then it is onto JubileeMetals and 2 reasons why I expect the shares to head to 25p very soon. Finally,you may have noticed Malcolm Stacey’s absence. I explain all. I don’t think I am being unreasonable.


817 days ago

Photo Article The first serious Woodlarks training walk, 2 schoolboy errors

The Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks walk is looming. It is June 11.34miles. And my training to date has been poor.  So, at 6.24 AM I set out for a little stroll as you can see below.

I am doing this to raise cash for an incredible charity. As you enjoy my real suffering below please do make a donation HERE


821 days ago

Now at 4% of target - please donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks: Jim's in!

It is nowjust  7 weeks away and I really must start training as soon as I am back in Wales. I hope that my fellow walkers( Miers, Basham, Basham’s trainer, Bell, Moore and two readersof this weebsite who seem frighteningly keen and fit) are better prepared. Anyhow, train I will for it is a great cause and we have now raised 4% of our £50,000 target but fear not I shall be begging almost daily from now onwards.  


854 days ago

Andrew Bell signs up for Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks – will it be 4th time lucky for the great man?

To date, controversial mining boss Bell, has managed 18 miles, 31miles and 3 miles (the last three). But on June 11th he will try to make it 4th time lucky and complete the 34miles Winchester to Woodlarks walk. He joins myself, writers Lucian Miers, Steve Moore, three of our readers Jonathan Price, Nick and Sam plus 80 year old Fleet Street Legend Brian Basham and his long suffering trainer. So that makes nine rogue bloggers so far.


855 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - the last ever recorded in Shipston

I explain why and about a bit of a mishap as I left Wales. The it is onto musicMagpie (MMAGafter this piece earlier,  Parsley Box (MEAL),  Chill Brands (FRAUD), Online Blockchain (OBC), TrustPilot (TRST) and Knights Group (KGH). After my enforced training walk thismorning you can donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE on the news of our new star walker


866 days ago

Photo Article: Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks - Serious Training starts, walk 1

My pal Matt is over from New Zealand and suggested a gentle seven mile Saturday stroll along the Sandstone Trail in Cheshire followed by lunch at the Pheasant. I thought that sounded easy enough and so said “why not” and that I would carry Jaya, a chunky sixteen month old, on my back. I had never encountered the Sandstone Trail before.


866 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Optibiotix & chatting to Steve O'Hara as Lemming Investor walks away

There was no Bearcast yesterday as I was a) knackered after a tough Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks training walk and then b) a bit pissed after Ireland’s triumph over the infidels. You can now donate to the 2022 Rogue Bloggers walk on June 11 HERE. In today’s podcast I discuss Optibiotix (OPTI), a long chat with Steve O’Hara and an, in my view, mistaken, but for him massive, call by Lemming Investor. I also cover SkinBiotherapeutics (SBTX). The Russia/Ukraine podcast I refer to is HERE


907 days ago

Photo article from the banks of the river Dee - the first signs of spring

I have abandoned the young mums group on Tuesday’s as I just seemed unable to make any small talk with alll the other primary carers. It’s partly down to my own lack of social skills and partly down to the fact that I was the only person in the room not to have certain shared experiences as a young mother. Instead I am starting my training for Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks with a weekly walk with Jaya on my back.  To date I have been doing two and a half miles every day and that will continue. But now, Tuesdays and one weekend day will see a longer bonus walk.


908 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel - Damson vodka crumble

As I am on the Lucian Miers diet I cannot drink anything from the two bottles of damson vodka I decanted the other day. But I had a brief break in the diet, as I plan to step up the excercise part of it next week, as you can see below.


926 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: A sleazy PWC report does not excuse grotesque NED share option greed at Optibiotix, it stinks

I start with a few minutes on Woodlarks. This may be my last year doing the Rogue Bloggers Walk but myself, Lucian Miers and Jonathan Price are minded to do it once more in May or June. On the basis that it could be a last hurrah and that you may want to consider a way of shifting that Christmas belly bulge how about you join us in 2022? Then onto Optibiotix (OPTI) where its NEDs have behaved in a most disgraceful way with free money share option troughing. As a loyal shareholder this is another kick in the gonads for me and I urge Steve O’Hara to sack three of the four of them and replace them with one new, less greedy, individual. Actually I’d go for all four booting out chairman Neil Davidson as well.


1149 days ago


I am walking today, thanks for all your support. If you are yet to donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks, please please do so HERE. This podcast also covers the latest spoof from Lyin’ Steve Sanderson and UK Oil & Gas (UKOG).


1149 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Apparently I know nothing about tax

Okay, tomorrow is the big day. If you are yet to donate please do so HERE as the Rogue Bloggers are now just over £2,000 off target. In today’s podcast, I discuss at length issues arising from the Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) and Optibiotix (OPTI) issue where Steve O’Hara says a man who took a company to the Isle of Man knows nothing about tax! Then onto the fraud Zoetic (ZOE), company specific issues and the wider one, raised by promoter David Lenigas today, of the increased risk caused by margin buying of small caps.


1149 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: does anyone care about corruption or misuse of taxpayer cash anymore?

I start with thoughts about yesterday’s walk, especial thanks to Jonathan Price, Steve Moore, Robert Lewis and Lucian Miers and his son, the other five rogue bloggers who managed all 34.2 miles. Lucian as the logistics meister who also got another stack of relatives to join us deserves especial credit. Thank you to all who sponsored us, it is not too late to donate here. Then onto what I see as corruption, the misuse of taxpayer cash by so many in the corporate world. It is legal but immoral but I sense no one really cares which saddens me.


1149 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - taking apart a broker note on Argo Blockchain

Two days to the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks walk and £2,500 needed. Please donate HERE. In today’s podcast I look at Optibiotix (OPTI), Bidstack (BIDS), Argo Blockchain (ARB) and day 2 of the Zoetic (ZOE) fraud not answering a simple but critical question.


1149 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Why will Zoetic not answer this 1 question?

The good news is that Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks is, 3 days ahead of our walk, now less than £3,000 away from our £48,000 fund raise target. If you are yet to donate, please do so HERE. In today’s podcast, I discuss Amigo (AMGO), Wishbone Gold (WSBN), Zoetic (ZOE), Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) and Optibiotix (OPTI).


1154 days ago

Photo Article: Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks – 15 have crossed the finish line

It is 9:46 pm and 15 Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks have crossed the line. Our target is to raise £48,000 but any more would be a bonus… Please support the Rogue Bloggers and Woodlarks with a donation HERE.


1154 days ago

Photo Article: Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks, only 1.5 miles to go at 9:03pm - 3 more join

It is 9:03pm and the Rogue Bloggers are at Farnham station, with only 1.5 miles to go. Now joined by veteran rogue blogger Brian and Lynn Basham, and Lucian’s brother-in-law rejoins us. 


1154 days ago

Photo Article: Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks, only 3.5 miles to go at 8:12 pm Andrew Bell arrives

It is 8:12pm and the Rogue Bloggers have only 3.5 miles left to trek. Andrew Bell finally arrives and reader Andrew joins the crew. Our target is to raise £48,000 but any more would be a bonus… Please support the Rogue Bloggers and Woodlarks with a donation HERE.


1154 days ago

Photo Article: Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks, 26 miles out – only eight miles to go, at 5:52pm

It is 5:52pm and the Rogue Bloggers are at 26 miles out. Lucian’s brother-in-law out after 12 miles. Rest of us now eight miles from Woodlarks. Our target is to raise £48,000 but any more would be a bonus… Please support the Rogue Bloggers and Woodlarks with a donation HERE.


1155 days ago

Photo Article: Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks, 21 miles at Jane Austen's House at 3:04 pm

It is 3pm and the Rogue Bloggers are at Jane Austen’s house. So far they have walked 21 miles. There are now 13 walkers. Still no sign of Andrew Bell. Our target is to raise £48,000 but any more would be a bonus… Please support the Rogue Bloggers and Woodlarks with a donation HERE.


1155 days ago

Photo Article: Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks nine miles at Alresford at 9:25am

It is 9:25am and the Rogue Bloggers are at Alresford. So far they have walked nine miles. There are now 10 walkers. Still no Andrew Bell but joined by Miers family and friends. Our target is to raise £48,000 but any more would be a bonus… Please support the Rogue Bloggers and Woodlarks with a donation HERE.


1155 days ago

Photo Article: Six Rogues for Woodlarks at 6am at Winchester Cathedral

It is 6:00am and the Rogue Bloggers number six. Lucian Mier’s son joins us. Andrew Bell is a no show. Our target is to raise £48,000 but any more would be a bonus… As of now, we are at £47,200.89, Please support the Rogue Bloggers and Woodlarks with a donation HERE.


1156 days ago

Saturday 29th May I walk 34.2 miles – will you please sponsor me and the other Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks?

I seem to have pulled some muscles in my back and shoulder and am in a bit of pain which will make tomorrow’s 34.2 mile walk from Winchester Cathedral to Woodlarks even more “fun”. But walk I shall as the quite amazing charity said that it needed to cover its costs in this year when its revenues have been eliminated by lockdown by us raising £48,000. So I will walk and I will finish. I won’t be alone but ask that you do your part and sponsor me as we seek to raise that £48,000. To those who have already done so, I say thank you, to the rest of you…


1158 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Why does anyone on this planet believe a word that Lyin' Steve says any more?

Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks is now motoring towards £44,000. If you are still to donate please do so here. It might shut me up. Then I discuss: UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), where rebel shareholders can be contacted HERE, Amigo (AMGO), Plutus Powergen (PPG) and the stinky Greek deal of pot play Kanobo (KNB) which I view as a major red flag. 


1160 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Peter Hitchens on inflation

I start with good news: Rogue Bloggers for woodlarks have now raised £42,781.89 so are just over £5,000 short of our target. I describe my training walk today and fears that R Lewis Esq may be a bit lof a girlie swot in the walking department. Anyhow, if you are yet to donate please do so HERE. Then, prompted by Peter Hitchens, I discuss inflation. It is not bnenign and as it grows it will hurt many. The signs of its menace are all afround us. So what do we do?


1160 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the tawdry Daily Mail costing its readers a packet & the investment skills of Mr Snoop Doggy Dogg

Firstly: it is exactly one week to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks and we are just a couple of hundred quid from £41,000 raised (our target is £48,000). If you have yet to donate, how about getting us past £41,000 tonight, HERE. Then I consider all aspects of the IPO of Oxford Cannabinoid Technologies (OCTP).


1162 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Photo Bearcast: the Police come to visit me at the Welsh Hovel

Oh dear. What have I been accused of now? All is revealed in the photos below. I end by thanking you all as we are now at nearly £40,000 for Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks. Thanks to all who have donated. To those still to chip in, as we are just c£8,000 short, please do so HERE. Sunday’s training walk will be the most grim yet. In the podcast, I look at Amigo (AMGO), Evil Knievil’s “scum” comment, Hurricane Energy (HUR), Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) and Novacyt (NCYT).


1162 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - a smug dinosaur who thinks bitcoin is a joke

I start with good news on Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks - see for yourself HERE. Then a few words about incredibly exciting work today at the Welsh Hovel. Then onto bitcoin, China and Argo Blockchain (ARB), which links to Zoetic (ZOE) which really is starting to collapse. Then onto the arrogance of the City, Neil Woodford, Andrew Monk and Hurricane Energy (HUR).


1162 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Make money the easyJet way by borrowing my cash without my permission at zero cost.

The good news is that Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks inches closer to target. The bad news is we inch there so if you are yet to donate please do so HERE. In today’s podcast, which will please Matthew and his dog, I discuss Easyjet (EZJ), Amigo (AMGO), Zoetic (ZOE) and the fifth stage of moronism – Trainline (TRN), Bahamas Petroleum (BPC) and Purplebricks (PURP).


1162 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: We Oxford men are all good fellows but...

I start with a few notes on work at the rain soaked Welsh Hovel and end with thanks to you all as the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks total is almost at £29,000. If you are yet to chip in, how about you get us close to or past £29,000 tonight HERE. Then I discuss Simec Atlantic Energy (SAE), whether fund managers are always right and why they are sometimes out of their depth, Tern (TERN), Kefi (KEFI) and First Derivatives (FDP).


1165 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: This dinosaur still does not get it

We are now well over £30,000 (with gift aid) for Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks so that is 70% of our target, if you are yet to donate please do so HERE. In the podcast I discuss MyHeathChecked (MHC), Zoetic (ZOE), bitcoin, Tesla (TSLA) and Argo Blockchain (ARB).


1165 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Malcolm you might be right short term but you are actually wrong

With Gift Aid, we are either at £30,000 or just £1500 short of that on Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks. Lucian is walking the 34 mile course today so think of the rain and please donate HERE. My friend Malcolm Stacey is a naughty old bull. I discuss his column today HERE and why he is just wrong.


1165 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: More bull market madness and smoke and mirrors

It’s a personally difficult day as I explain. But at least we have great news on the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks front as you can see HERE. Then I discuss shares, ref Tern (TERN), Quindell (QPP) and the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME).


1165 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - will Fergie stay schtum? A much needed change in rules for departing executives

I start with a discussion of my 27 mile training walk today. Gosh it was hard going in the Cheshire mud so as you think of my suffering, thank you if you have already chipped in, please donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks NOW HERE. Then it is onto the idea of what departing executives should have to say rather than accepting gagging orders. Paul Ferguson of the fraud Zoetic (ZOE) is a case study. I reckon he will say nowt and bank a payoff instead. That should not happen.


1172 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Explaining with hard data and FACTS why Zoetic shares will collapse from 63.5p to buttons

I thank those who have been so generous so far but if you have not yet donated to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks consider a fat middle aged man walking 27 miles in the Cheshire rain tomorrow and please give a few quid HERE. In this podcast I look at one company, at hard facts about its share ownership, about its sales about what it has not said and at peer group valuation analysis. At the end of it all, I challenge anyone to disagree with the conclusion that the shares will collapse over the coming months from 63.5p to buttons. Re the declaration, the share I own is Imperial Brands (IMB).


1172 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Contacted by 2 bullies within 14 minutes of each other with the same demand: coincidence?

I start by asking you to consider a fat old man walking 27 miles in the rain this Sunday and then to make a donation to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE. Then 1 man who harassed victims of Harvey Weinsten for the old pervert and one who discussed having me killed contact me within 14 minutes of each other with an identical demand. Coincidence?  Can I now say #MeToo and that this is all rather unpleasant? Then I discuss Bidstack (BIDS), Nightcap (NGHT) and finally London & Associate Properties (LAS) and my old pal the quite amazing and great Baron Phillips.


1172 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: for Colin, Matthew and both their dogs - enjoy!

I start with two bits of civic duty today. I end with an appeal to those of you ( 90%+) listening who are yet to donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks, we are now at over £19,000. Help us get past twenty please by giving HERE. Then I have a warning of “incoming” for loathsome Neill Ricketts at Versarien (VRS), discuss Trevor Brown and then at length Bidstack (BIDS) and its clear rule breaking. Then Verditek (VDTK) – looking more and more a zero – Watchstone (WTG) – Quindell as was and the jail cell waiting for Rob Terry, today;s update on that.


1174 days ago

Photo Article from a 27 mile training walk for Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks

On Saturday 29th May I will be one of the Rogue Bloggers setting off at 6 AM from Winchester Cathedral to walk the 34 miles to Woodlarks. It is a great charity and it urgently needs your help so please do sponsor it today HERE.  So on Sunday I did my longest training walk yet, from my front door here in wales, along our fields, across the bridge and then on the English bank to the centre of Chester and back again. The proof that I made it to Chester is a shot of the amazing houses on the other side of the Dee a bit before my half way point.


1178 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: even by the standards of Roland "Fatty" Cornish this is an utter disgrace

There are a lot of disgraceful things happening today and so this is a long bearcast and Matthew and his Dog will enjoy it. In it I cover: the fraud Supply@ME capital (SYME), the Zoetic (ZOE) fraud, the utter shocker at Live Company (LVCG), where Fatty  covers himself in shame, Sarah Willingham’s Nightcap (NGHT), a gotcha! for me but more smoke and mirrors and valuation anomalies from Ms W and finally Braveheart Investment Management (BRH). In the excitement I forgot to mention uber dog Bidstack (BIDS) which is now down to its last seven weeks cash and where a bailout placing must be imminent. If you enjoyed today’s show, how about backing the Rogue Bloggers HERE?  


1178 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Why today's Supply@ME Capital expose is so explosive & damaging for the FCA

As ever, I urge the 95% of bearcast listeners yet to donate to give today to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks.  Now I must warn you that Matthew and his dog may not approve of this podcast, nor will the FCA as  in light of today’s expose  I discuss its role in enabling the Supply@ME Capital (SYME) fraud. I discuss the failings of the standard list and also why the end of lockdown will see more businesses go bust and I explain why the fine details of  revenue recognition are not – as folks like Zak Mir seem to think – accounting porn for Geeks but really do matter.


1178 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: In Neill Ricketts I do NOT trust, Glaxo, Emma Walmsley, greed & ESG bollocks

I discuss Abi the teenage curtain twitcher snitching on me HERE and also my training walk today. Please, please, please do donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE. Then into Versarien (VRS), Glaxo SmithKline (GSK), executive greed and ESG nonsense.


1180 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast – the crazy world of trying to buy a bungalow for the Mother-in-law, a bubble within a bubble

I start with house hunting with my mother-in-law in what is a bubble within a bubble. It has to end in tears. Then I look at Nightcap (NCAP) and the disgrace of its IPO on the AIM sewer becomes even more disgraceful after today’s expose HERE.  Tomorrow a modest 15 mile Woodlarks training walk is planned. we are at more than 33% of the Rogue Bloggers target but 94% of you are yet to donate. Go on, please give generously today HERE.


1185 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 3 stockmarket disgraces and Bob Monkhouse and the funniest joke ever

Talking of disgraces, 96% of listeners have yet to donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks, please do so today HERE. I have a message from Nick Richards for the 4% who have been generous. The stockmarket disgraces I cover are the fraud Zoetic (ZOE), Anemoi (AMOI) and Abingdon Heath (ABDX) – where there really must be a Steward’s on its Christmas IPO, which I panned at the time. I also look at Scotgold (SGZ) and discuss why Andrew Monk called SUPP/WPCT so badly wrong.


1185 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The NFT monster bubble and the tears already starting at NFT Investments

96% of you are yet to get your credit card out. I really do have a Dan Levi in his underpants picture and am not kidding about publishing so please do donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks now HERE. Then it is onto NFT Investments and NFT’s and the scandal I covered HERE.  I look at previous bubbles and try to put it into context. All those involved: the promoters Jonathan Bixby & Michael Edwards, scumbag broker Novum and Aquis should hang their heads in shame. They won’t. They are preparing to do it all over again and soon.


1188 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: So this is how I am making cash from the green shite Malcolm yaks on about

Tomorrow sees a 23 mile training walk. It is nothing to do with the fact that the mother-in-law has just arrived but a recognition that Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks and that 34 miles is now just 5 weeks away. Think of the pain tomorrow and please donate HERE – we are now at just under £14,000 please to give what you can afford.  In the podcast I look at the green madness of Malcolm Stacey, Boris Johnson and creepy Joe Biden and why I do not believe in any of it how I shall make money from it.  Then I discuss the scam, I exposed today, of claiming that a dual OTC listing will push share prices higher: it will not!


1188 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: More regulatory fails by the wretched, woke bedwetters at the FCA this St George's Day

I comment on St George’s Day HERE. In a long podcast I look at Versarien (VRS), Audioboom (BOOM) – misleading again – Bluebird Merchant Ventures (BMV), Bitcoin and Argo Blockchain (ARB), Bahamas Petroleum (BPC) and the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME). And we are now just three hundred quid shy of £14,000 for Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks, please donate HERE.


1188 days ago

Photo Article: Woodlarks Training walk number 6 - it was actually 22.5 miles as I laugh at a masked copper

As ever, my training walks for Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks start the same way. I am aware that the actual walk is now just five weeks away and it will be a gruelling 34 miles with a 6 AM kick off at Winchester Cathedral. But I must finish the walk and ensure my fellow rogue bloggers finish too. Woodlarks urgently needs us to raise £50,000 to ensure its survival and so please do donate HERE.


1188 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Putting Steve O'Hara straight on Institutional investors

My video with Optibiotix (OPTI_) boss Steve is with Darren and the show should go live tomorrow. But I pick up on one point and that is the behaviour of IIs vs PIs.  Then with that also in mind I look at Savannah Resources (SAV), comment on Big Sofa (BST) and then on the fun and games at Versarien (VRS) which could well bring my 0p target a lot sooner than I had thought.  We have now raised more than £15,000 ( with gift aid) as the rogue bloggers for Woodlarks. Thank you to Jocelyn and Vin for two big donations today, can you please also be generous and donate HERE


1193 days ago

The Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks have now raised almost £13,000 – can you help at all? Please say YES!

For the second year on the trot, the Woodlarks camp for the disabled cannot run low cost unique holiday camps for folks who would otherwise, almost certainly not get a holiday. This unfashionable charity is another victim of lockdown and so now needs £48,000 to ensure it survives iunto 2022 when we hope it can re-open. So for the 4th year the Rogue Bloggers will be walking and begging!


1195 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Atalaya vs Kefi

I start with a few comments on paedophiles as yet another one is brought to my attention from Warwick School. Then it is on to the tawdry world of insanity that is Valereum (VLRM), a true nest of ramping snakes. I then cover Sosandar (SOS), Atalaya (ATYM) and Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI). Finally, (BOO) has made a very generous donation to rogue bloggers for Woodlarks and we are almost 1/4 of the way to target. Please make a small donation tonight to get us to that 25% mark, we are just £600 short, HERE.


1201 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: what would you ask Steve O'Hara?

The 98% of you yet to donate to rogue bloggers for Woodlarks will not have seen the offer made by Optibiotix (OPTI) boss Steve O’Hara. You can both see his offer and make a donation as you think of the misery that looms for Andrew Bell on 29 May HERE. In the rest of the podcast I discuss being snitched on by some cottage burning freak, Ridgecrest (RDGC), Bluebird Merchant Ventures (BMV) and Alba Minerals (ALBA). 


1201 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: What is the point of Neil Davidson?

I am in complete agony after a 20 mile training walk for Woodlarks. Feel my pain and please make a donation to rogue bloggers today. Then I make a few more observations about Optibiotix (OPTI) and its chairman.


1203 days ago

Photo from the latest Woodlarks training walk of ShareProphets Reader Robert Lewis.

We are now up to eight rogue bloggers for Woodlarks with J, the son of reader Jonathan Price joining the party. That means one more person for the “having to talk to Dan Levi rota” so spreading the misery of hearing about the evils of Brexit and why disgraced Guardian fantasist Carole Cadwalladr is a genius, more widely. That is all good news. But think of how we will suffer on the day, even if it is now for less than 2 hours each and make a donation HERE. Meanwhile we continue with our training walks. As I look at the snow falling here in Wales I am glad I did my weekly walk yesterday. But here is a photo from Robert in Cornwall as he made it up to 15 miles.


1205 days ago

Photo Article: Woodlarks Training walk Number 3 - 16 miles

The good news is that we should be up to 12 rogue bloggers for Woodlarks by the end of the weekend. The bad news is that Lucian Miers has walked the course and it is indeed 34 miles, not the usual 33, and the last 1.5 miles are all uphill, just when one is ready to collapse. And thus I must train ever harder as this walk is the most important I have ever done and I must finish.


1209 days ago

Photo Article: training walk number two for Woodlarks, 13 miles with only five in rain

I have just finished my third training walk for Woodlarks, which was 16 miles. This is the photo record of walk two, 13 miles along the same route. I start walking along our fields by the Dee here in Wales. This is the view up across the second, smaller, field up to the Church whose doors I am no longer darkening. This field has a bog in the centre for about eight or nine months a year and is thus a bit of a wildlife haven.


1217 days ago

The view on Comrade Robert's Woodlarks training walk yesterday

Robert is one of seven rogue bloggers for Woodlarks this year. Yesterday he managed 12 miles in the glorious sun as he stepped up his training ahead of our 34 mile stroll in late May. Today I am hoping to do 13 miles in a very wet and miserable Wales. Looking at the sun and the amazing view Robert enjoyed, I am rather jealous…



1292 days ago

Christian Aid & the Samaritans can feck right off, they will not get a cent of my cash

I wrote in my weekly Tomograph Newsletter HERE this morning that, by this June, I hoped that over the space of four years, myself and my fellow rogue bloggers would have raised more than £200,000 for the amazing, if unfashionable, Woodlarks charity. That would cover about two years of its bare minimum running costs and absolutely every cent I have raised will go for the purpose it is intended for, enriching the lives of severely disabled young people. There is zero going on management or other purposes. How unlike some bigger names.


1503 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: are we at peak oil pessimism as BP drinks the Green shit Kool aid?

We have now hit £48,000 with gift aid for Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks so I thank you all. In today’s show I look at Novacyt (NCYT) and Avacta (AVCT) and sticking with the corona bubble theme at Primark and shopping today and the problems furlough is now creating.  I look at Metro (MTRO) and then finally at the big news from BP (BP.)


1505 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: #IstandwithPawPatrol

I start with a few thoughts on history as I chat at length to my old teacher. Then it is onto the campaign to scrub Joshua’s hero, Chase, from history. Finally I discuss what I shall be doing in, I fear, the rain from 4.30 AM tomorrow. If you have yet to donate to rogue bloggers for Woodlarks please do so as we are now wiothin spitting distance of raising enough to ensure it survives. Please give just a tenner with gift aid ( or more) HERE Then I look at US Covid 19 data at Avacta (AVCT) where there is a dual threat to the share price and at Novacyt (NCYT) where implosion is accelerating. Finally a detailed look at IQE (IQE). 


1509 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: who will win the US election this year and why it matters

You may not like my joy at Donald Trump beating crooked Hillary Clinton in 2016 but I called the vote correctly and explained in detail how and why I thought The Donald would win. It matters big time for equity investors who wins the General Election in November but also who triumphs in House and Senate races. I offer up my first detailed thoughts. Then I look at Amigo (AMGO), Intu (INTU), Novacyt (NCYT), Avacta (AVCT) and Open Orphan (ORPH). Finally, we are now at an amazing 65% of our keep Woodlarks alive rogue bloggers appeal target. With my big walk now just 5 days away thank you to those listeners who have donated. To those who have not please do so HERE.


1515 days ago

Woodlarks walk – Training Update, a 19km stroll with my daughter, ice cream for Joshua

The sunshine was glorious and my teenage daughter was here at the Welsh Hovel to help drag her aged father around the track we have cut in the grass around three of our fields. Quickly I established some good news.


1521 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I have sold all my Open Orphan shares now and explain why

First of all i hope you listen to the first of my now weekly long premium video podcasts which went out late last night HERE. It was a lot of work recording as I explain in this bearcast. It also gives background on my thinking on Covid-19 and that brings me to Novacyt (NCYT) which has company specific issues which will blow it up as I explain in yesterday’s show and Open Orphan (ORPH) which is very well run and a great company but where I have sold my last shares. I explain why. I also look at Asiamet (ARS), Bluebird Merchant Ventures (BMV), 4D Pharma (DDDD) and Big Dish (DISH). Finally if you have yet to donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks , the great day looms and we are now at 31% so please donate HERE 


1528 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: This is a crazy world

I discuss rocketing unemployment – and we ain’t seen nothing yet, shares making higher ground and folks paying to lend money to the Government. It is all insane yet, on balance, I remain a bull of shares. Then I look at how nothing has changed with regard to executive greed citing three examples I have covered elsewhere today. There is a fourth which makes what I outline today seem like a nothing issue. It is linked to shameless stock promotion and I will expose it all at the weekend in a new premium, i.e. we charge 99p, podcast to replace Shareprophets Radio. Media models based on advertising and sponsorship are, in my view, dead. I think 99p for a 2 hour video & audiocast is a fair price but what do I know? Finally, we are now at 20% of our target at Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks. Help us get to 23% by tomorrow, please donate HERE


1599 days ago

FREE Podcast: ShareProphets Radio Edition 26 with Tom Winnifrith, bear raider Lucian Miers and the Versarien whistleblower

I have two  guests in this week’s show which is sponsored by Open Orphan PLC (ORPH) .I also discuss Coronavirus and the markets an d my own experiences as a (failed) whistleblower. My first guest is Petrick Abbott, formerly head of Versarien’s US operations who sets the record straight on why he left and spills the beans on what is really happening, or not, at his old employer. Then I chat to Lucian Miers about the markets, his top 3 US shorts, Apple, NMC Health (NMC), De La Rue (DLAR), IQE (IQE), Tullow (TLW), Telit (TCM) and Versarien (VRS). I am walking 34 miles for Woodlarks with Lucian and others this June 13 and I  ask you to sponsor we rogue bloggers HERE.  If you like this podcast and can’t wait seven days for more of the same and are tired of being a cheapskate you should listen to my Bearcast and enjoy our cracking writen exposes and analysis every day HERE.


1615 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Eurasia owning morons lay into poor Gary Newman for speaking the truth with hard analysis

In today’s bearcast I discuss how little shorting actually takes place on the AIM Casino, I look at Eurasia (EUA) where the slience is deafening, Versarien (VRS) and at Hammerson (HMSO) where Andrew Monk should thank me for warning him off but should NOT be tempted to bottom fish after the dividend is cut this week. And 8% yield, post cut, is still illusory. Finally, I again ask you to sponsor the , now 5, Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE


1616 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - So what really did happen at Great Western & is Zenith near toast?

In today’s podcast I look aty one theory about the past 48 hourse at Great Western Mining (GWMO). i shall be asking the FCA to investigate. I pass on a rumour about Zenith Energy (ZEN) which, if true, will rapidly accelerate its already inevitable demise and I explain why directors of Dev Clever (DEV) should be in jail. Hell’s teeth, Dev’s year end is November 30 not December 31 as I thought, making this case of securities fraud even worse than I describe in the bearcast. Lock em up starting with boss Chris Jeffries. Again I shall be contacting the FCA.  I also look at NMC Health (NMC) and Novacyt (NCYT). Now that we are at 5 rogue bloggers for Woodlarks, with more rogue bloggers gto be announced soon, surely all listeners can spare a tenner to donate HERE


1616 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Malcolm stop dithering and sell your Tertiary, it is a dog that treats shareholders with contempt

In today’s podcast I look at Tertiary Minerals (TYM), Sunrise Resources (SRES), Bidstack (BIDS), NMC Health (NMC) and Sirius Minerals (SXX). Now that we are at 5 rogue bloggers for Woodlarks surely all listeners can spare a tenner to donate HERE


1658 days ago

Photo Article: Joshua & I on Woodlarks 2020 Rogue Bloggers training walk No 1 - Moel Famau

On June 13, myself, Lucian Miers and Brokerman Dan will do our third rogue bloggers for Woodlarks walk. This year the route is different and longer, the 34 miles from Winchester to the camp. If you want to join us (last year there were 14 rogue bloggers in all) email me at [email protected] and we can chat. Meanwhile we hope to raise more than last year’s £55,000, knowing that Woodlarks gets by on just £115,000 a year) so please start to donate HERE. Feeling a bit fat after Christmas, I have started training already. Yesterday Joshua, myself and the Mrs headed to the biggest hill around here, Moel Famau as you can see below.


1882 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the stench of exploitation makes this uninvestable

Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks is now just £124.82 shy of its £50,000 target. If you are yet to donate, today is your last chance so please do so HERE. I have another warning from the crooked leprechaun Brian McDonnell of US Oil & Gas (USOP) and i discuss why, at every level, Amigo (AMGO) is uninvestable at almost any price.


1887 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Brian McDonnell you poisonous & crooked leprechaun I shall see you and your USOP bitchez in Court!

Firstly, we are now at more than 99% of our Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks target. If you have yet to donate please do so NOW HERE. Next year there are a few changes planned as I discuss. I then discuss my friendship with Richard Poulden and how it affects my writing. Finally Brian McDonnell, the liar and crook who runs the worthless fraud US Oil & Gas (USOP), I am planning a legal and media circus in Dublin to end your career, that of your mentor Liam McGrattan and Niall, Bertie and your other cronies. You want to play ball bitchez?


1887 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The placed Neil Woodford "scoop" in the Sunday Times - read through the spin, it could be endgame by July 1

Firstly a few words on Woodlarks. Your generosity has secured its funding for another year. So thanks to all who supported the rogue bloggers. Photos of myself and other old codgers crossing the line are HERE. If you have yet to donate we need just £690 more to hit £50,000 so please donate HERE. Then it is onto Woodford and taking out the spin of the stories in today’s Sunday Times it looks really grim and I explain why it could be end game by early July and also why I think we loyal Woodford Patient Capital Trust (WPCT) shareholders were misled at the recent AGM.


1887 days ago

Photo Article: The veteran rogue bloggers complete the walk to Woodlarks

From the Farnham golf club two and a half miles out the young folks (plus Jonathan Price, minus Steve Moore) were sent ahead to finish as promised at 8.30. Andrew Bell’s knee collapsed and he had to complete the walk by taxi and the old men slogged on.


1887 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Why I think Malcolm Stacey is wrong on Bigdish & good riddance you mendacious old hag

In today’s bearcast I explain why I disagree with Malcolm on Bigdish (DISH) this morning. I look at IQE (IQE) and the growing risks after today’s statement and there is a final appeal on Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks. we are now less than £4,000 shy of the £50,000 target, if you have yet to donate please do so HERE


1887 days ago

Less than 24 hours to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks, £46,000 now raised a final appeal for £4,000 more

God willing, on Saturday at around 7.30 – 8 PM, 14 Rogue Bloggers & a trainer will complete the 33 miles from Horse Hill to Woodlarks. So in less than 24 hours time I shall be walking, somewhere along the Pilgrim’s Way.


1887 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: So Roger Lawson & the share selling twit from Accesso, just how do you want to control me?

Roger Lawson of ShareSoc has not reacted well to yesterday’s article HERE but still refuses to say how he wants me and ShareProphets to be curbed and controlled. Over to you comrade and I think you really are talking bollocks. Then it is onto Red Rock Resources (RRR), Georgian Mining (GEO) and some hard questions about potential AIM Rules breaches at Westminster Group (WSG), run by loathsome ex Tory MP Tony Baldry of 3DM infamy. I remind you to risk a milkshake from a wretched lefty and vote the right way today. And I make another plea to those bearcast listeners yet to be heros, please donate now to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE.


1887 days ago

Our second female rogue blogger signs up, now we are 14 and it may be more - will you join us even for a few miles?

Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks gets bigger by the day – do you fancy joining us even for the last few miles?


1893 days ago

Our first female Rogue Blogger signs up - now we are 13

Health Nazi Andrew Monk has pulled a muscle. He says he will still do the 33 mile walk on Saturday but will struggle. He will certainly struggle to keep up with our latest recruit. Now we are 13.


1893 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: Stockopedia, Optibiotix & Optiva not trying to bribe me!

Broker Optiva has made a very generous donation to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks. Given how beastly I am about it (as is Levi) that is very generous. I suggest you follow suit HERE. Stockopedia has done another poor hatchet job on Optibiotix (OPTI). I explain why it is just a piss poor and pointless piece. The shares, at 89p are a BUY at up to 90p and will be 125p+ in a very short order.


1894 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: shameless ramping by David Lenigas as he jumps onto the pot bubble

In today’s bearcast I look at Afriag (AFRI), Big Dave’s UK pot play, at Management Resource Solutions (MRS), Eve Sleep (EVE), First Derivatives (FDP), Purplebricks (PURP) and Thomas Cook (TCG). Now re Rogue Bloggers we are no at almost £44,000 and heading towards our £50,000 target. If you are yet to donate please do so HERE. To all those who have donated, many, many thanks.


1894 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Transgender "genocide", IQE profits alert and Monkey facing wipeout

WARNING: Our apologies, this Bearcast has distorted sound from after ten minutes, when Tom recorded it. It is still audible. We’ll try to fix it for tomorrow’s Bearcast. I start with a short bit on the wild use of language and yes the trans “genocide” is my starting point. I look at IQE (IQE), Thomas Cook (TCG) and classic red flags – Eight Peaks Group (8PG), Yu (YU.), Bushveld (BMN) and Tesla (TSLA). If you have yet to donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks (another announcement tomorrow), please do so HERE.


1895 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Woodford and another £10m down the Proton Partners pan - a new valuation scandal

Today’s Bearcast is late and I did no training walk as I feel a touch under the weather. On Thursday I quizzed Neil Woodford about Proton Partners International (PPI) and he bull-shitted for England. On Friday he chucked another £10 million of other folks cash down the Proton pan which opens up a whole new can of worms in terms of valuations which I discuss in detail. Neil has yet to donate for Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks despite my polite AGM request and 70% of bearcast listeners have not chipped in either. Please rectify that HERE


1896 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Advice for Andrew Monk on how to be a spiv

I start with a comment on the amazing generosity of one person donating more than £11,000 to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks yesterday. It was not Neil Woodford though I did ask. Anyhow: to the 75% of you yet to donate think of me this weekend on a) my last training walk ahead of 33 miles next weekend and b) entertaining a visiting mother in law. As you think of my weekend, please donate HERE. In the podcast I discuss Woodford’s latest bad news, Maistro (MAIS), Blur as was, UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) and Staffline (STAF). I also offer advice to Andrew Monk on which 1 AIM stock he should buy today for his mother’s IHT Portfolio.


1896 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the Sheriff battles Neil Woodford at WPCT AGM

Today’s bearcast is a full report on the AGM of Neil Woodford’s Woodford Patient Capital Trust (WPCT) which I’d score as a win for me against the great fund manager and his chairman Susan Searle. I did manage to get Cheryl Cole into the debate and I did ask Neil woodford to donate to rogue bloggers for Woodlarks, as you can do here,, but I also took the board to task on a number of other matters and managed to get Neil pretty riled. Happy days.


1896 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Defrauded of £36 by Rentalcar/Europcar and fecking livid

I explain the nature of the fraud and why I am so livid. My anger is compounded by Wrexham Council and its inability to sign roadworks which wasted half an hour of my life. Then I find I agree with David Lenigas on something: can life get any worse? I discuss Argo BlockChain (ARB), PureCircle (PURE), Cabot Energy (VAB), Watchstone (WTG) and Toople (TOOP). Maybe I have a second question for Neil Woodford, will anyone pay £250 for me to ask it? If you are yet to donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks we are now at £27,000 raised so please chip in HERE.


1896 days ago

A question I shall put, in person, tomorrow: Dear Mr Woodford – how about you give a bit of the £37m to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks

At 10.30 AM tomorrow I shall be in the City of Lost Causes for the AGM of Neil Woodford’s investment trust dog Woodford Patient Capital Trust (WPCT) where, as the loyal owner of 10 shares, I have a few questions for Britain’s most conceited fund manager.


1900 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The analyst who said a corporate client was "not bust yet"

I start with a tale from my early career and then cover Mosman Oil & Gas (MSMN) – the two are related – Iofina (IOF), Portmerion (PMP) and its profits warning, but is it a buy? And finally I look at Audioboom (BOOM) and worry that another placing will be needed soon. Finally, we are over £20,000 now but most bearcast readers are yet to donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks, If you have donated I thank you. If not, please go HERE TODAY 


1901 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Oi Peterhouse you Vermin - acting for a man who jokes about my mother's suicide

In today’s bearcast I look at Neil Woodford’s latest woes, Afriag (AFRI) and the vermin like behaviour of its morally bankrupt advisor Peterhouse, Sabien (SNT), Argo Blockchain (ARB) – whose directors are also the sort of filth you scrape off your shoes  and 8 Peaks Group (8PG) (ditto).  After all of that I ask you to cosnider my weekend training walk HERE and in light of my entirely self inflicted suffering back the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE


1902 days ago

Photo Article - a Woodlarks training walk up the River Dee

In twelve days time I will walk 33 miles from Horse Hill to Woodlarks with 11 other rogue bloggers to try to raise £40,000 for a charity that really needs that cash. So if you are yet to sponsor me please do so now HERE. Sagturday saw a training walk allowing me to explore the area around my new home, the Welsh Hovel, on the River Dee.


1902 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Confessions of a non estate agent & is the Corbyn threat discounted?

Recorded in the sauna that is my car, this bearcast comes in two parts. First are we as investors hyet discounting the political risk that comes not from Brexit but from Corbyn and a coalition of chaos with the SNP for I do think that is the probable next Government. Secondly, confessions of a non estate agent, yes Purplebricks (PURP) again. Now how about the 75% of bearcast listeners yet to donate to rogue bloggers for Woodlarks chip in and take us over the half way mark today? You can do so HERE


1902 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 2 schoolboy errors of a desperate man, Mr Neil Woodford

In two weeks time I shall be at, or around the 18 mile lunch break point in the 33 Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks walk with 11 others. As soon as today’s podcast is loaded I am off on a training walk from the Welsh Hovel along the River Dee, switching after three quarters of a mile to the English side. There will be photos later. As you consicder that PLEASE DONATE TO ROGUE BLOGGERS FOR WOODLARKS TODAY HERE. In the podcast I discuss the desparation of Neil Woodford and the bad choices he is being forced to make as a result. 


1905 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: If you back fraud & evil DO NOT donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks & Woodford talks Brexit cock

I start with Neil Woodford, via the lackies like Jeff Prestridge at the Mail on Sunday talking bollocks on Brexit, the markets and his doomed funds. Then it is onto someone who has given £50 to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks. Get in touch you POS and I shall refund you personally as you lie in bed with fraudsters and other scum. If you are not on the side of financial gangsters and wan t to back a good cause please do so HERE


1905 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - explaining gross margins at Optibiotix

I start with missing cat news – it is mixed. Then I look at Optibiotix (OPTI) answering reader questions on gross margins, Management Resource Solutions (MRS), Bidstack (BIDS) Metro Bank (MTRO), BCA Marketplace (BCA), Alien Metals (UFO), Bould Opportunities (BOU), and an apology on Woodford Patient Capital Trust (WPCT). Now, to the 80% of Bearcast listeners yet to do the decent thing, please donate HERE. We are now at 38% of our target so all donations welcome as young Steve Moore says he may join the rogue bloggers.


1913 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast – Leon Hogan takes a Marechale bath: Rejoice! Rejoice!

In today’s bearcast I start with missing cat news (there is some hope) and end with news of the ultimate cruel an unusual torture for Andrew Monk. Think of the poor man and donate to rogue bloggers for Woodlarks HERE. I cover Marechale Capital (MAC) and AIM bad boy Leon Hogan, Maestrano (MNO), Redhall (RHL), Management Resource Solutions (MRS), Bould Opportunities (BOU) and Octagonal (OCT). Go on think again of poor Monkey and get the (now) eleven rogue bloggers over the £15,000 mark HERE


1914 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: a Missing cat and an attempt to shut down this website

It has not been a good day. Firstly the Mrs left a door not fully closed and two cats have become one, Quincey has gone AWOL. Then I had to watch a crazy cat woman Carole Cadwalladr video for the sake of Woodlarks. Finally we have suffered a DOS attack. Someone does not like our exposes of fraud and malpractice. We will not be silenced. As you consider my Cadwalladr suffering please donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE. In the podcast I cover Neil Woodford, Xeros (XSG), Eight Peaks (8PG), Alien Metals (UFO), African Battery Metals (ABM), Countrywide (CWD), Purplebricks (PURP) and the quoted housebuilders.


1914 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: an endearing tale about Brokerman Dan

I should say that the old rogue has been most helpful in starting to bring the Welsh Hovel back to life and I relay a take from Sunday. Inn just 26 days time he and I will be on the rogue bloggers for Woodlarks trek and, at the risk of repeating myself, to the 85% of bearcast listeners yet to donate, I WANT YOUR MONEY NOW!!! I gather Dan used to use that phrase quitye a bit in a professional capacity in days gone by. Anyhow please donate HERE. In the podcast I discuss Alien Metals (UFO), TrakM8 (TRAK), Optibiotix (OPTI), Yourgene (YGEN) and the scandal that is Ferro-Alloy Resources (FAR).


1914 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Of fads & Frauds, welcome to crowdfunding

I start with a few words on yesterday’s training walk. Suffice to say it was uber grim but i am now fully recovered. More details of that HERE and please donate to the rogue bloggers HERE. Then onto fas and frauds, yes it is crowdfunding, a scandal in the waiting.


1914 days ago

Richard Jennings is 100% right (on this) - sack the board at Argo Blockchain at the EGM

Richard Jennings is wrong about a good few things. Very wrong. But on certain matters (cats, Greece, donating money to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks) he cannot be faulted. And his logic in arguing to sack the board at Argo Blockchain (ARB) is 100% correct. We will be casting FIML votes in favour of the resolution to do so and we urge all others to do the same. Over to the Align Research boss to explain why:


1914 days ago

Tom Winnifrith: I'm now at 15.5 of 24 miles & the weather is truly dire, enjoy my misery & sponsor a rogue blogger for Woodlarks?

As you read this my feet are suffering as I undertake my first training walk here in the Grim North. I am at 15.5 of 24 miles, the wind is howling, the rain driving and it is very cold. The weather is atrocious but I shall plod on, heading back from the Bickerton Poacher, where I enjoy a brief rest, to the Welsh hovel. Because Woodlarks is a great cause. And the real test, the 33 mile Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks walk on May 25 – four weeks away.


1914 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Greensmith dont be such a knobhead when I scoop a placing by your POS client

This website is placing scoop central. For the avoidance of doubt we do not engage in market speculation we report fact. Peter Greensmith you know that to be the case and are being a knobhead for pretending otherwise. Yes this is a bad language special covering Audioboom (BOOM), Bidstack (BIDS) and Westminster Group (WSG). I also cover Inspirit (INSP) and FairFx (FFX) and explain what has been occupying me today: we have two new cats. Finally as I prepare for a 24 mile training walk on Saturday do the decent thing and donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE


1914 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Psst - does anyone want to buy a bucket shop?

In today’s bearcast I cover Optibiotix (OPTI), Vela (VELA), Woodford Patient Capital trust (WPCT), Ascent Resources (AST), Mosman Oil & Gas (MSMN), Management Resource Solutions (MRS), Bidstack (BIDS) and Optiva/Novum and a hot City rumour. Also I have a message for 90% of listeners – please be a hero today, my 21 mile training walk for this weekend has been planned so donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE


1923 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Naughty naughty Lord Razzall (again), another mini bond blow up and yield, reward and risk

I staert with a few thoughts on Eazster and on the hollow words from our wretched Prime Minister Theresa May on protecting Christians who are under attack. I then have a few more words on lying Mail on Sunday journalist limp dick Jamie Nimmo. Finally with a hat tip to Jamie’s paper for breaking another mini bond scandal, MJS Capital, I discuss shamed Lord Razzall and the idea of what a high yield really tells you on a bond, a share or a house.On this day of gioving please make a donation to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks. 90% of those who listen almost every day to this podcast are yet to chip in, please correct that HERE!


1925 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: chatting to Nigel Wray on the crisis of capitalism & more Yourgene anger

Happy Easter weekend to you all. Ahead of more renovation work on the Welsh hovel I ponder a chat with Nigel Wray about why it is always a stockpickers market and about the real crisis facing capitalism, executive greed and abject returns. I have a few more comments about Yourgene (YGEN) where I am even more angry. And ahead of my next training walk I urge you to make an Easter donation to the Woodlarks rogue bloggers HERE


1925 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Mr Angry on the Yourgene front

In today’s podcast I look in detail at Managenent Resource Solutions (MRS), Yourgene (YGEN), First Derivatives (FDP) and hapless Neil Woodford and the crashing yield on his Equity Income Fund. How soon will that force Hargeaves Lansdown (HL.) to drop him? And I discuss my plans for weekend training walks as I urge you to become a hero as we surge through 25% of our Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks target HERE


1925 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Not grabbing Mrs Chav's Pussy and as Julie Meyer threatens myself and Nigel Wray - how I will respond

In today’s podcast I explain what happened with Mrs Chav’s pussy and also about how the move to Wales and the Grim North went and why this is now a bigger project than the Greek Hovel. I cover Bould (BOU) and systemic market abuse, Telit (TCM) and its dire results and the threats to Nigel Wray and myself from Julie Meyer. I gather the Times has also been threatened and it is standing its ground. How do you think I will respond ahead of a 5PM deadline?  Meanwhile we are now at 25% of our £40,000 rogue bloggers for Woodlarks target and i urge you to check out the rioll call of heros ( even if you are a dripping lefty who thinks my world view stinks) and join them HERE.


1925 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I'm not insensitive to lesbians but, listeners: should I grab Mrs Chav's pussy?

As the day of the great move to the Grim North beckons I wrestle with the moral dilemna: should I grab Mrs Chav’s pussy before we go? I then explain why I was NOT insensitive to lesbians in yesterday’s bearcast. Finally I look at how to commit securities fraud on AIM in a way that is almost certain to escape detection or conviction. I do not advocate you do what I say but i suspect some already are. Now about about you help us to get over 20% of our Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks target tonight? I need donations of just £70 HERE


1925 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: My fecking feet are killing me & will Neil Woodford's Waterloo be in Guernsey

I start with a discussion abiut a 19 mile rogue bloggers training walk today and about Woodlarks which I compare to the big name charities. I beg you to join the roll call of heros HERE. Then I look at Neil Woodford and events in Guernsey and explian in detail the role of the FCA and the ACD and why this could collapse very soon indeed. I discuss why no IFA worth his or her salt can risk not advising clients to redeem.


1925 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - an email to my dear friend the China fraud specialist Paul Shackleton

In today’s bearcast I read out an email sent to Paul Shackleton (and AIM Regulation) regarding Management Resourse Solutions (MRS) following today’s bombshell HERE. I look at Plus 500 (PLUS), AFC Energy (AFC) and First Property (FPO) whose CEO is outed today as a Brexit Party candidate. I also do read out the roll call of heros who have sponsored Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks. Tomorrow I am attemptng to do a 22 mile training walk so as you think of my pain why not be a hero too and sponsor all nine  rogue bloggers HERE


1936 days ago

Nine Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks update – last year we raised £26,000: in 2019, so far…

Thank you to all of you who have donated to the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks appeal this year. As you might just know, the rogue bloggers (nine confirmed so far) will walk the 33 miles from Horse Hill to Woodlarks on May 25 and we realy want you to sponsor us HERE


1943 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Scoop central - the heroin dealer, the pot play & the blockchain company & Big Sofa and Levis

There is a real spring in my step as I consider a new business idea and as the scoops just flow in. I start with Argo Blockchain (ARB), the pot plan and  the convicted heroin dealer. Then I out Big Sofa's (BST) new customer. I look at Cabot Energy (CAB) as it dissembles again. I pick a fight with the man Gary Newman thinks is a genius, Andrew Monk, over RedT Energy (RED) and then look at the shock placing byu Independent Oil & Gas (IOG) and where that leaves Rock Rose (RRE). If you enjoyed this bearcast please follow uber generous Rob and make a small donation to Rogue Bloggers for Wodlarks HERE


1947 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Some cracking news for Neil Woodford, I'm a shareholder now!

The threat of a photo of Dan Levi's Y Fronts post sore bottom training walk remains, so please donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE. In today's podcast I look at Condor Gold (CNR), the struggling explorer backed so heavily by my good friend Jim Mellon. It looks to be in real trouble. Then good news for Neil Woodford. As of today I am a loyal shareholder in his Patient Capital Trust (WPCT) and looking forward to the AGM greatly. I have a favour to ask of Bearcast listeners living close to Oxford who fancy a day out in the City of Lost Causes in late May or early June.


1947 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Talking of Dan Levi's sweaty underpants - Mirriad has a statement

Look I am serious. Start donating to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE or I will show a photo of Dan Levi's underpants after his latest training walk which caused sores in places you do not want to think about. On the markets I look at Goals Soccer Centres (GOAL), UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), Mirriad (MIRI), Debenhams (DEB), Optibiotix (OPTI), and Online Blockchain (OBC). 


1947 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Oi Neil Woodford where did £90m go in one day? And the sores on Dan Levi's bottom

In today's bearcast I speculate how Neil Woodford's flagship dog, his Equity Income Fund, appears to have lost £90 million since the weekend.  I look at RM2 (RM2)  - largest shareholder Mr Woodford - where a statement is needed as insolvency beckons, at Motof Bio (MTFB) and at Big Sofa (BST). I also discuss Dan Levi's bum and the problems generated by his latest 20 mile training walk for Woodlarks. If you'd rather I desisted from any further discussions of this nature make a donation to the Rogue Bloggers walk for Woodlarks NOW HERE


1949 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Minoan, be careful what you wish for

In today's bearcast I look at Minoan (MIN) as Richard Jennings of Align threatens to call an EGM, at RockRose Energy (RRE) and Independent Oil & Gas (IOG), RedT Energy (RED), SpaceandPeople (SAL), Majestic Wine (WINE) and at Motif Bio (MTFB).  If you enjoyed this, almost 100% profanity free, bearcast, follow a bloke from the Grim North who donated enough to buy a whole house in the welfare safari and support the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE.


1950 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: after 30 years of kissing Neil Woodford's arse Jeff Presstrip becomes the penultimate rat to abandon ship

Yesterday's bearcast explained the massive red flag of Neil Woodford having to sell his crown jewelsd, shares in Imperial Brands. Today, his most devoted follower on the sewer that is Fleet Street, Jeff Prestridge of the Mail on Sunday has, after 30 years of loyally kissing Woodford's arse at least once a fortnight, abandoned ship. The ship once swarmed with parasitic and, often unthinking, rats. Now there is just one left, Hargreaves Lansdown. I explian what this all means. If you enjoyed this, almost 100% profanity free, bearcast, follow a bloke from the Grim North who donated enough to buy a whole house in the welfare safari and support the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE.


1952 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: Wrestling with my conscience on Yourgene, Down Syndrome and abortion

We own stacks of shares in Yourgene (YGEN). I am in no doubt that they are very cheap and will head sharply higher and soon. But I am wrestling with my conscience here and in light of it being World Down Syndrome Day yesterday I explain why.  If you enjoyed this, almost, profanity free bearcast, follow a bloke from the Grim North who donated enough to buy a whole house in the welfare safari and support the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE.


1953 days ago

Tom Winnfrith Bearcast: Brexit bollocks, the real threats to the economy, Crest Nicholson's dividend and Charlie & Lola

Charlie & Lola let me down so sorry for the Joshua interruption today. In this podcast I discuss Brexit and the real threats to the UK economy and then look at Crest Nicholson (CRST), its dividend and, I think, illusory yield. If you enjoyed this, almost, profanity free bearcast, follow a bloke from the Grim North who donated enough to buy a whole house in the welfare safari and support the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE.


1954 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - crunching the numbers after today's dire results & profits warning from IQE

In today's bearcast I take a very detailed look at IQE (IQE) and explain why the shares are worth 40p max, potentially half of that. I also cover Blue Jay Mining (JAY), Yourgene (YGEN), Tomco (TOM), Cloudbuy (CBUY) and F40 member POS Walcom (WALG). If you enjoyed this, I think, profanity free bearcast, follow a bloke from the Grim North who donated enough to buy a whole house in the welfare safari and support the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE.


1956 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: if you wait by the river for long enough...

In today's podcast I explain why Julie Meyer has spurred me to battle on, though I do consider calling it a day now and again. I look at Quindell (QPP), London & Capital Finance, Neil Woodford, and flag up that the FCA has opened or stepped up an enquiry into another company I covered in some detail. You can speculate which, more details when Winnileaks comes good.  I look at Red Emperor (RMP), IQE (IQE), Verseon (VERS) and Blue Jay Mining (JAY). If you enjoyed this, I think, profanity free bearcast, follow a bloke from the Grim North who donated enough to buy a whole house in the welfare safari and support the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE.


1956 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: maybe it really is time to call it a day

In today's extra long podcast I reflect that one day folks like Julie Meyer will win and I shall call it a day. I have lasted two years longer than John Hempton predicted. I also look back on a curious fraud from my early days back in, I think, 1995.  I look at Tomco (TOM), Range Resources (RRL), RedT (RED), Columbus Energy (CERP) and VSA valuations, Goldstone Resources (GRL), Verseon (VERS) and Domino's Pizza (DOM). If you enjoyed this, I think, profanity free bearcast, follow a bloke from the Grim North who donated enough to buy a whole house in the welfare safari and support the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE.


1956 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Atlantic Capital & IQE you guys really are shysters & jokers

I start with a soddy attempt by spivs at Atlantic capital to secure new customers to fleece with thir crap CFD advice - c/o ADVFN a report on IQE (IQE). I explian why it is shite. Then I turn to allegations that Debenhams (DEB) and Domino's Pizza (DOM) issued RNS statements that were somewhere between misleading and untrue. I have sympathy with one of the accused but none for the other. If you enjoyed this, I think, profanity free bearcast, follow a bloke from the Grim North who donated enough to buy a whole house in the welfare safari and support the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE.


1959 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 19 miles in the mud and dog pooh

I start with a recount of what is my longest training walk yet as I build up to the 33 mile Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks stroll on May 25. As you think of me wading through mud and dog pooh, gosh I loathe selfish dog owners, please make a donation to this great cause HERE. Then I look at Interserve (IRV) and dumb bleaters and at Metals Exploration (MTL), Tim Blackstone's fave hound, and why its latest bombshell surely calls for a change in the AIM casino rules when it comes to Nomad Resignations.


1959 days ago

Photo article - I've never seen this beastie in the wild before today

Today, I went on my latest training walk ahead of the 33 mile Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks Trek in May. BTW, if you have not yet sponsored me do so HERE. Anyhow, on today's 19 miler I was at about the five mile mark passing under the road bridge over the Avon just shy of Hanham Weir, when I spotted a small furry creature by the path.


1960 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Which is most fecked - MotifBio, RedT or Inspirit?

I apologise for the RedT (RED) tip it shows the arrogance and incompetence of AIM boards at their worst. Is it more fecked than Inspirit (INSP) or Motof Bio (MTBF)? I look at all three and also at Bahamas Petroleum (BPC).I f you enjoyed this, I think, relatively profanity free bearcast, follow a bloke from the Grim North who donated enough to buy a whole house in the welfare safari and support the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE.


1961 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Totally & Condor balance sheets under extreme scrutiny

I start with a look at PCGE (PCGE) and what CCJs actually mean before having a look at results from Capital & Regional (CAL) and what they say about the state of retail property. Look at the gaping chasm between the share price and NAV! Then a detailed look at the balance sheets of Condor Gold (CNR) and Totally (TLY), the latter using my new interest, non debt debt. If you enjoyed this, I think, profanity free bearcast, follow a bloke from the Grim North who donated enough to buy a whole house in the welfare safari and support the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE.


1962 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: If you take tips from BB morons you deserve all you get

I start with a few thoughts on Brexit and equity valuations. Then I discuss allegations of systematic market abuse via Bulletin Boiards and twitter and reflect on how you should make your own investment decisions. Finally a few words on the Winx debacle in Alaska, Red Emperor (RMP), Pantheon Resources (PANR) and 88 Energy (88E). If you enjoyed this, less than PC, bearcast, follow a bloke from the Grim North who donated enough to buy a whole house in the welfare safari and support the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE.


1963 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Do 13 year old mothers today still use Mothercare?

In today's bearcast I discuss I3 Energy (I3E), Redde (REDD) and hapless Neil Woodford, Concepta (CPT), Optibiotix (OPTI), Yourgene (YGEN), Big Sofa (BST), Mirriad (MIRI) and Mothercare (MTC). If you enjoyed this, less than PC, bearcast, follow Jim Mellon and support the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE.


1964 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - it is all about earnings visibility

In today's bearcast I look at Widecells (WDC), RM2 (RM2), Kier (KIE), Tomco (TOM), Northern Bear (NTBR), Driver (DRV) and Regency Mines (RGM). If you enjoyed this bearcast, follow Jim Mellon and support the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE.


1965 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Why Hargreaves Lansdown CAN'T tell its clients to dump Neil Woodford and why the yield on EIF is set to crash

I start with the utterly shite journalism of Jeff Presstrip in the Mail on Sunday which disgraces our profession as I explain HERE. Then it is onto Neil Woodford and two issues. First why HL just cannot tell its dumb clients to sell and, secondly, why the yield on the flasgship EIF will plunge from 4.1% today to something starting with a 2 within a year, if the fund still exists. That is by no means a given. If you enjoyed this bearcast, follow Jim Mellon and support the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE.


1967 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: from a failed fund manager to a failing one (Neil Woodford) - about those %s and the FCA

In this bonus bearcast I discuss breaches, intentional and otherwise and all the sorts pf percentages that the FCA will be demanding Neil Woodford provide on, I suspect, a now daily basis as his funds continue to implode. I play our various scenarios but none look good for Neil.  If you enjoyed this bearcast, follow Jim Mellon and support the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE.


1967 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: happy International Women's Day with Myra Hindley

I trust that you are celebrating this day in a culturaly appropriate manner. I merely commend to you the tweet of the activist Titania McGrath and also commend to you her book "Woke" which out yesterday. I have given copies to the Mrs and daughter Olaf to celebrate IWD with them. I also look at Own Goals Soccer Centres (GOAL), idiot knobs and Big Sofa (BST), Andalas (ADL) and Flybe (FLYB).  If you enjoyed this bearcast, follow Jim Mellon and support the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE.


1969 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 17 million F*ck Offs

Forgive the title. It is the new song by my pal Dominic Frisby which you can see below. It covers Brexit and is, I think, rather funny, no: it is pure genius. In my podcast, I look at Red Emperor (RMP) and the other Winx plays, Mirriad (MIRI), FinnCrap (FCAP), Akers Biosciences (AKR), Independent Oil & Gas (IOG) Nautilus Marine (NAUT), a real dog, and finally I have a hot deeply discounted placing rumour on I3 Energy (I3E). If you enjoyed this bearcast, follow Jim Mellon and support the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE.


1970 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Mirriad needs to fess up, Debenhams does not discount what lies ahead

I cover WH Ireland (WHI) and the crisis engulfing the small cap world in a serperate bearcast HERE but touch on its downfall in the main bearcast. I look at Mirriad (MIRI) which needs to fess up as to how much cash has not yet been spunked, Rose Petroleum (ROSE) and insolvent Cabot (CAB) and the panic sells created by the demise of City Financial Investments, the bid for Independent Oil & Gas (IOG) and at Debenhams (DEB) where the worst is yet to come. If you enjoyed this bearcast, follow Jim Mellon and support the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE. 


1971 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: WH Ireland is a shit-show (as predicted) but this is an industry in crisis

In this bonus bearcast I comment on today's lack of profits warning from WH Ireland (WHI) and the bailout placing now underway which I had predicted. I look at WH Ireland and its woes but it is symptomatic of an industry in crisis. FinnCrap (FCAP) must warn sooner or later and most of the rest of the Nomad/brokers already have. What is needed is massive wage cuts across the board. Thankfully for supliers of coke and hookers, that will not happen which means a structural and cyclical crisis will claim more casualties soon. If you enjoyed this slating of the City's broken business model why not support the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE.


1971 days ago

Photo Article: Woodlarks Training Walk Number two - part 4, through the mud to the finish

Having got my sums wrong (again), I was delighted when, at last, the viaduct which takes the Bitton railway over the river Avon, came into sight. I was still six minutes ahead of the schedule I had set myself and so, if my new sums were right, would reach the finishing line, the pub at Hanham Weir, shortly before the Mrs and Joshua arrived at two thirty. So I walked down from the railway line towards the path by the river. Uh Oh...thick squelchy mud, I couldn'r go over it, I could go round it I had to go through it. Squelch, squerch, Apologies to the Bear Hunt for that.


1971 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I'm a professional cynic but my heart's not in it, for today at least

In today's podcast I look at Rightmove (RMV), Cluff Natural Resources (CLNR), Red Emperor (RMP), Pantheon Resources (PANR), 88 Energy (88E) and Gear4Music (G4M). Now I want you to consider Jim Mellon. I am not always that kind to him but he has today pledged a material sum to sponsor the Rogue Bloggers walk for Woodlarks for which I thank him greatly. If Jim can do that so can you, I am sure all listeners can spare a tenner (or more) so please donate HERE


1971 days ago

Photo Article: Woodlarks Training Walk Number two - part 3 on to Bitton

Refreshed by a cup of warm tea and a slice of banana bread at Lucian's breakfast cafe, the half way point of my 16 mile training walk, as I gear up for the 33 mile rogue bloggers for Woodlarks trek on May 25, I strode on, along the line of the old Bristol Bath railway line towards Bitton.


1972 days ago

Photo Article: Woodlarks Training Walk Number 2 - the half way point reached - banana bread is my reward

Thanks to a little confusion on my part, which resulted in me wandering around the area close to Temple Meads for an extra half mile, the half way point on my second training walk for the 33 mile rogue bloggers for Woodlarks trek in May, was what I know as Lucian's breakfast joint.


1972 days ago

Woodlarks Training walk Number 2 - 16 miles in rain wind and mud - Part 1

You know what fun I have with training walks. Getting wet. Getting lost. Scrambling up nettle infested steep hills as a result of getting lost. It is all part of the build up to May 25 and the 33 mile Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks Charity walk. Today I have just finished my second serious training walk. After 11-12 miles to Swineford last Saturday , today I have just completed 16 miles. It would have been 15.5 but er...I got lost.


1972 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast Exclusive: twit James Hurley of The Times demands an apology for calling out his false claim - he can stick it where the sun don't shine

First of all. I deal with James Hurley who is obviously a pompous little prat and a total knobhead.  Then it is onto Neil Woodfotd where, belatedly, the deadwood press is waking up. I do the math on his remaining FTSE 100 holdings. I am a bit tired. having done a 16 mile training walk for Woodlarks in rain, wind and mud today so as you think of an exhausted 51 year old man slowly recovering please support the rogue bloggers for Woodlarks HERE


1975 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the FCA must be having kittens over Neil Woodford, if it was anyone else it would have moved in by now

I start today's podcast with an expansion on the themes in today's Tomograph, why I am so depressed about the currupt and rotten state of the West. I discuss Kenmare (KMR) and naked NEDs and then look at Neil Woodford with reference to today's IPO of Proton Partners (PPI). If this was any other fund manager the FCA would have moved in to replace him by now. If you enjoyed this podcast please support the EIGHT rogue bloggers for Woodlarks with a small donation HERE


1976 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: An official statement re Cheryl Cole and "imminent" action

Please remember that i do occassionally lapse into Parody thus while the first few minutes of this podcast concern the nation's sweetheart and most talented chanteuse, my real concern is the scandal at Blue Jay Mining (BYAY) unearthed by today's RNS. I cover the role of shamed promoter Old Mother Michael Walters, disgraced broker John Meyer of SP Angel of the Mysquar (MYSQ) fraud shame and of course the company itself. There should be a full investigation and heads need to roll after almost two and a half years of the market being misled. If you enjoyed this podcast please support the EIGHT rogue bloggers for Woodlarks with a small donation HERE


1976 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Liars, damned liars and AIM CEOs

In this bearcast I comment on Bluejay Mining (JAY) although my main commentary on it is in a seperate podcast HERE, Metals Exploration (MTL), and Nostra Terra (NTOG). I also look at Ted Baker (TED), TekCapital (TEK) and Alien Mining (UFO) with its new Nomad, London's worst, Roland "Fatty" Cornish.  If you enjoyed this podcast please support the EIGHT rogue bloggers for Woodlarks with a small donation HERE


1978 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Sitting here thinking about the fraudster Rob Terry of Quindell infamy

I consider what Rob Terry is doing now as I contemplate the latest threat to Watchstone Group (WTG), Quindell (QPP) as was. I look back on a few other fraud busting successes but view them as fairly irrelevant. I am more proud of my work for Woodlarks and, in that vein, again urge you to sponsor Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE.  I consider DeepMatter (DMTR), Audioboom (BOOM), Centamin (CEY), Yourgene (YGEN), Big Sofa (BST), I3 Energy (I3E) and Kavango (KAV)


1980 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: No! Neil Woodford, this is not a fix and Malcolm Stacey ignores Anna Soubry's arse

I start with a brief discussion of my first longish Woodlarks training walk. 12 Miles done and dusted. As you consider my rather smelly feet please make a small donation to rogue bloggers for Woodlarks HERE. Then I  look at Provident Financial (PFG) and mention BCA Marketplace (BCA) and Purplebricks (PURP) en passant before commenting on Malcolm Stacey's article of earlier on penny shares.


1981 days ago

Photo article: my first training walk for Woodlarks Part 2 - now half way

On May 25 I shall again join the rogue bloggers ( now at 8) walking 33 miles from Horse Hill to Woodlarks to raise money for this amazing charity. Serious training started today with a 12 mile walk from my front door to the Swan at Swineford with a slight detour to the cashpoint machine in my local high street.


1981 days ago

My first training walk for Woodlarks of 2019 - off to Swineford, donate today! Part 1

You know what fun I have with training walks. Getting wet. Getting lost. Scrambling up nettle infested steep hills as a result of getting lost. It is all part of the build up to May 25 and the 33 mile Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks Charity walk. Today is the first serious training walk: 12 miles from my front door to a pub in Swineford. I shall carry a camera, my laptop and a phone so will post photos along the way…


1981 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: this podcast really is an aphrodisiac according to 1 listener (at least)

I cover the matter in the tiitle at the end of this podcast and also remind you that tomorrow is my first long training walk for the 33 mile Woodlarks trek in the summer where we now have EIGHT rogue bloggers signed up and where I ask each bearcast listener to think of me tomorrow and donate a tenner HERE.  In the podcast I discuss my unhappiness over City behaviour at Reach4Entertainment (R4E), Yourgene (YGEN) and ref Chris Oil. I stress that I own shares in Yourgene and Reach and both are cheap notwithstanding my unhappiness. I look at Haydale (HAYD), Flybe (FLYB) and Chesterfield (CHF)


2044 days ago

Are you free on May 25? Fancy a stroll for Woodlarks? Or can you spare a few quid?

In 2018 in the first Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks 33 mile walk, myself, Brokerman Dan and Lucian Miers raised more than £25,000 (£32,000 with gift aid) for the amazing, if unfashionable, Woodlarks Charity which provides unique holidays for severely handicapped young people and adults. Without the Woodlarks camp very few of those folks would get a holiday at all.


2045 days ago

Photo Article: The Woodlarks Christmas Grotto which ShareProphets readers Funded yet again

Many thanks to you all for responding to this appeal. Once again, ShareProphets readers allowed Nick Richards and his team to turn the Woodlarks campsite into a magical Christmas paradise where 200 handicapped kids came to meet Santa and get a really high quality present. Once again your generosity changes lives and I thank you.

We can't show the kids in the photos but we can show you what Nick created. If this warms your heart please think about giving a few pence to our big annual appeal, the rogue bloggers walk on May 25 which you can read about here


2188 days ago

One final Horse Hill to Woodlarks Rogue Bloggers photo - the finishing line

This was the moment I had been thinking about for most of the 14 hours and 33 miles to keep me going but I could not have imagined the wonderful reception we would get at the Camp as you can see below.


2188 days ago

Gaudy Night looms – it sounds like murder

There is no actual murder in the Dorothy L Sayers novel, Gaudy Night. But as my old Oxford college prepares to throw a Gaudy, a black tie reunion dinner, for folks in my year and the two around it, the book springs to mind. It is, I think, now in Greece so perhaps a summer re-read is due. I am not saying that I would like to see any of my peers murdered, not even conspiracy obsessed loon Carole Cadwalladr.  It is just that I have no desire to see them – and I’d bet a fiver that the feeling is mutual.


2189 days ago

Photo article: Horse Hill to Woodlarks: Brokerman Dan in underwear and the final stretch

The 33 mile walk from Horse Hill to Woodlarks was actually a bit longer for myself and super-fit Dan Levi, Brokerman Dan. At about fifteen miles Dan and Lucian Miers were striding ahead and myself and Andrew Bell were somewhat lagging. We came to a junction and the sign clearly said head left, downhill. And so we did that. Worrying that we might have made the wrong decision I called Lucian who assured us that it was okay to follow the sign at the gate. He said Dan and he would wait.


2194 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: Why I walk for Woodlarks, how I got involved and why it matters so much

On Saturday I shall try to walk 33 miles from Horse Hill to Woodlarks with Brokerman Dan and Lucian Miers, my fellow rogue bloggers. In this podcast I explain why I got involved so many years ago, what Woodlarks does and why all of you should donate to this great charity HERE. Please take 12 minutes out to listen and then make a donation.


2201 days ago

A third rogue blogger joins the 32 mile Woodlarks Charity walk – now get donating!

Thank God for small mercies. Now we can start a rota on who has to listen to Brokerman Dan blathering on about blockchain and what a frigging genius Clem Chambers is. For now there is a third rogue blogger joining us as we walk the 32 miles from Horse Hill to Woodlarks on July 28. He is a man who knows Horse Hill well…
