Tony Blair

51 days ago

D-day: Should Eisenhower have been tried for war crimes?

Of course the answer is “no.” Okay, troops following his orders killed up to 20,000 French civilians but nobody, that I am aware of, is suggesting that old Ike was guilty of a war crime.  But here is the rub: Allied Forces did not text French civilians suggesting they leave areas near the Normandy beaches,they did not drop millions of leaflets warning them to scarper, the bombardment that proceeded the landings was not pin point accurate and targetted it was, as they say about Gaza “indiscriminate.”


397 days ago

BREAKING: Is this another member of the Tingo pack of cards Rogues gallery?

When America invaded Iraq, it handed its troops a pack of cards featuring the 52 most infamous war criminals it was hunting out. Oddly it did not include Tony Blair on the list. Could one create a Tingo (TIO) pack of cards, Dozy Mmobousi is the King, Darren Mercer is the joker and, obviously, Lyin’ Chris Cleverly is the knave. Alex Lightman is, on this occasion, just a two a penny of hearts. But are there other players? Meet Farouk Rabiu Mudi


852 days ago

The Mrs and so many others rush to defend war crimes in Ukraine, and the "Russia targets civilians" myth

Anyone dissenting from the GroupThink frenzy – one whipped up by our leaders and the mainstream media – is dismissed as a Putin asset, a Russian poodle and an apologist for fascism. Thus, one must believe that Ukraine is the epitome of angelicity, and that Putin is indeed committing war crimes against civilians, the likes of which we have not seen since World War Two.


916 days ago

The curse of sleazy Lord Drayson – Sensyne shares crash on cash crisis - worse to come!

He took an £850,000 bonus for staging the AIM IPO of Sensyne (SENS) even though he had promised his Nomad which had then assured institutional investors, that he would not. Then Lord Drayson used more company funds to pay off a whistleblower. This man, enobled by the war criminal Sir Tony Blair after, in a wholly unrelated way, donating vast sums to New Labour, is a festering wart on the backside of the corporate world.  One hopes that a cash crisis will deal with this wart once and for all. Natch I have been a bear of this stock all along, unlike hedgie Matthew Scarborough of Gatemore who did his darndest to get me to pump this stock days before the scale of the current crisis started to become apparent.


1022 days ago

In defence of Tony Blair on tax as the jackals of the Tory press smear the old war criminal

I am no fan of Tony Blair. I view him as a war criminal and believe that what he did as Prime Minister in the Cool Britannia era was largely a disaster. His business dealings stink, all in all, he is a total rotter as is his utterly ghastly wife, the Wicked Witch. However, folks like Andrew Pierce of the Daily Mail are harassing the old scumbag today on grounds that are simply wrong.


1307 days ago

Jew hating Labour “Lord” Nazir Ahmed commits blood libel against Israel with fake news and photos on twitter and folks lap it up

He was made a Lord by Tony Blair but is one of the few Jew haters with whom Labour has actually parted company. He is not actually a member of the house of Lords any more having been booted out of the chamber last month because of a spot of bother with rape and sexual assault allegations. There are also a couple of child rape charges outstanding.  He has form as a Jew hater claiming that when he was convicted of killing someone by dangerous driving in 2013 that was just a Jewish conspiracy. Today he has sent the tweet below which, as I write has been retweeted 253 times and liked 412 times. It is fake news with fake pictures and a blood libel against the Jews.


1365 days ago

Buying Brie & Burgundy – #IstandwithFrance and with the admirable President Macron

I have, in the past, viewed President Emmanuel Macron as a poseur in the mould of Tony Blair. He was, I thought, Europe’s equivalent to the ridiculous Justin Trudeau. His views on the rights of French fisherman to plunder British waters and his “helpful” interventions in the process of Brexit have not endeared the child husband to me. But maybe I was wrong.


1434 days ago

Photo Article: eating out in Covid Wales - has anyone got a number for Tony Blair or Matt Hancock?

Our local bistro here in Wales is a Greek South African joint so on the former basis, not the latter, it merits our support. Besides which, the owners are good folk and Joshua is in love with the waitress and it is a mutual feeling as they both share a passion for starting to talk about Christmas sometime in July. And so today my son and I had a modest lunch out.


2106 days ago

#PeoplesVoteMarch – rampant marcher inflation and rank hypocrisy all round

Like 17.4 million other folk I put my feet up yesterday content to know that we won the #PeoplesVote on June 23 2016. But large numbers of snowflakes, Guardian readers, state sector employees, gobshite celebrities and other folks who looked like they were out on day release marched through London to tell us that we plebs had voted the wrong way on Brexit and must vote again. So how many marched?


2107 days ago

Photo Article - #PeoplesVoteMarch, not really very big is it?

As I sit with an ouzo in Greece, a country with 49% youth unemployment and where pensioners mist live on 9 Euro a day thanks to the EU, back in London, about 100,000 generally very affluent middle class folks are marching to overturn the wishes of 17.4 million of their fellow citizens. The organisers and the BBC and the rest of the liberal media claim this is a big demonstration but that is just fake news.


2252 days ago

Can anyone explain what this weekend's GDPR non compliant spam from Julie Meyer means?

Once again, this weekend, there is no hand waving video from the flat Julie Meyer shares with her sex toys claimed on expenses and books about following Tony Blair and Jesus. Why not I wonder? Instead she has spammed her 100% non GDPR compliant list ( I got two) with the following which strikes me as A grade MBA gibberish. It is all about creating value, something hundreds of unpaid staff, suppliers and tax men know Julie is so good at. Can any reader explain to a simpleton like me what the following is all about? 


2262 days ago

Julie Meyer sends out newsletter - it's defamatory & delusional - why no video?

There was I hoping for one of those hand waving videos filmed inside the rented flat where Julie Meyer lives with her sex toys and books praising Jesus and Tony Blair. Perhaps Julie would care to explain why she did not shoot a video this week to put all those nasty rumours to bed. Over to you sister... But as you can see below she has spammed her wholly non GDPR compliant mailing list with a letter which is quite simply bonkers and also defamatory.


2293 days ago

Theresa May - you are as bad as Blair, Britain is not safer because you bombed Syria - you lie!

The war criminal famously justified his illegal war in Iraq with the claim that British interests could be attacked within 45 minutes by Saddam Hussein's army. That was a lie. Blair claimed attacking Iraq made thee UK safer. Of course in unleashing ISIS and acting as a recruiting sergeant for jihadists everywhere it made Britain far less safe. Blair lied. But over Syria Theresa May has lied in the same way. I quote the most useless Tory PM since Ted Heath on why she ordered the RAF to bomb:


2293 days ago

Syria - just what if there was no gas attack? Fisk is in Douma

Robert Fisk of the Independent does not always get it right, hence the term Fisking, but the Middle East veteran is not a man to generate pure fake news and right now he is on the ground in Douma, the scene of the alleged chemical weapons attack by President Assad and his first report last night begs the question of whether Theresa May, that fag Macron and President Trump are lying war criminals, like Tony Blair.


2296 days ago

Bombing Syria: Tony Blair is delighted but what have you achieved Trump and May?

Perhaps you remember that Tony Blair lied to the House of Commons about Saddam Hussein having WMD which could hurt Britain within 45 minutes and so got us involved in an illegal war. 179 British servicemen are dead as a result, hundreds are maimed for life, thousands of innocent Iraqis are dead, ISIS got its big break. There is so much blood on Blair's hands that any decent society would, at the least, shun him and should really send him to the Hague for trial.


2349 days ago

New Video from Tony Blair fan Julie Meyer of Ariadne - she's either lying to the camera or to the Maltese Regulators

I just love the way that Julie Meyer MBE has a book about the war criminal Tony Blair displayed prominently behind her as she records her latest video. Like Julie he was a man who boasted of doing God's will - as he launched a bloody illegal war - and like Julie he was a man we always believed. Trust me, I'm Julie, oops, I meant Tony. Sadly this latest video demonstrates Julie is lying to someone.


2505 days ago

Euro Loon Lord Adonis displays glorious elitism as he rants about his Brexit agony

Lord (Andrew) Adonis is one of those folks who wants we dumb commoners to keep voting on Brexit until we realise the error of our ways and vote the same way as clever people like him and the man who enobled him, the war criminal Tony Blair. So what is the worst thing about Brexit? His Lordship tweets to enlighten us...


2527 days ago

Emmanuel Macron spends 26,000 Euro of taxpayer cash in three months on make-up - let the sans culottes use cake

It has emerged that in the three months since being elected French President, Emmanuel Macron has spent 26,000 Euro of taxpayers 'cash on his make-up. As it was revealed that over-taxed Froggie citizens had coughed up two bills to a personal makeup artist called Natacha M; one for €10,000 and another for €16,000 Macron's aides said that her services hads been needed as “a matter of urgency”. Hmmm. Really? What emergency does the odious little Queen imagine that might be?


2567 days ago

Nick Clegg vs Tony Blair who is the maddest Brexit denying remoaner of the week?

There is a strong contest to be the maddest and most extreme Brexit denier in public life. Normally Tory MP Anna Soubry is a strong contender, turning up on the BBC or C4 twice a day to offer up a few post fact era words to explain why she cannot accept the democratic will of the nation. But this week Soubry started to look positively sane when compared to two chaps who really are yesterday's men.


2648 days ago

Backing Emmanuel Macron is a vote against the elites, the establishment: the mainstream press with more fake news

Following the first round of the French Elections the liberal press was quick to spin the line" the results are a a vote against the establishment, against the elites". The spin here was that both Marine Le Pen and Tony Blair clone Emmanuel Macron were outsiders, anti establishment candidates while the traditional parties of Government had been beaten badly. This was spin. It was fake news designed to assist Macron. Marine Le Pen's job before the second round is to demolish that idea and so far she is doing a fairly good job of doing just that.


2654 days ago

Are there "shy" Le Pen voters out there in France? You can bet there are

In the US election I flagged up the phenomenon of the "shy" Trump supporter. I reckoned that 3-4% of voters were prepared to back Donald but would not fess up to pollsters and that is why I predicted the Donald would win the swing states just as the corrupt liberal media and pollsters assured us that crooked Hillary would win. So are there shy Le Pen voters in France? You bet there are.


2679 days ago

Photo article: Remoaning academic says Brexit opponents "silent majority" - pity her poor students

Gina Miller, Nick Clegg, Tony the war criminal Blair, Michael "Brexiteers are Nazis " Heseltine. Apparently it is that they are silent. You might have thought that the BBC and C4 gave these folks every opportunity to yak on about what a disaster Brexit will be, but oh no, as the tweet below shows.


2715 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: In (partial) defence of Colin Bird at Xtract Resources

This will not make me popular. If you want to see me going for someone who really deserves it I stick the boot into the war criminal and Brexit denier Tony Blair in a podcast on Tom HERE. As to Colin Bird of Xtract Resources (XTR) which we own thanks to the blinding stupidity of Gary Newman & Steve Moore, the lynch mob is out after last week's hugely discounted placing. I am not defending my friend Colin entirely, nor am I tipping the shares, but I think some folks are not giving him credit for some of what he has done to rescue a company that was bust and are not putting his actions in context as I explain in full.


2715 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: say what you like about Tony Blair he can, like no other, unite the Nation - We all hate him

Tony Blair has weighed into the Brexit debate with a speech that has demonstrated why, with the possible exception of Mr Rolf Harris, he has an unrivalled ability to unite the nation. We all despise him and indeed his whole wretched family. In today's postcard look at into why this is and what the old war criminal actually said why that is just so utterly wrong and indeed nauseating, at every level. Warning: this audio contains mention of Mr Blair having sex with the Wicked Witch, a thought some listeners may find disturbing.


2800 days ago

Mariana Mazzucato - Sussex University Economics Prof & BBCQT panelist - she is utterly bonkers

Post Trump the BBC tries hard to show it is balanced by having an American on the Question Time panel. Naturally it always chooses a nutso liberal democrat so that he or she can join the other panelists and hand-picked audience of Guardian readers in saying that the victory of Trump reminds them all of Adolf Hitler and is awful. Heaven forbid that Question Time might actually invite on an enthusiastic Trump supporter to represent the 59 million. So this week's token yank was Mariana Mazzucato who actually teaches over here at Sussex University. God only help her students.


2823 days ago

Gotcha! Tony Blair crony Labour Lord David Evans goes at Advanced Oncotherapy "with immediate effect" - 6 days after I reveal share dealing scandal

There is no explanation at all given for today's resignation, with immediate effect, of Lord David Evans from the board of Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO). If it had been planned, as a result of illness or some other matter, it would have been announced with other board changes on October 10 and 27. Make no mistake: the reason that Evans has "resigned" is my scoop of 6 days ago regarding his share dealings - Congratulations you Blairite low life you have met The Sheriff of AIM.


2857 days ago

Pepsi - the Channel 4 News LGBT star from the Calais Jungle: a wet dream for Jon Snow

It was a total wet dream for liberal media luvvies Matt Frei and Jon Snow of Channel 4 News as they discovered Pepsi in the Calais Jungle. Originally from Indonesia, Pepsi had started adult life fighting as an Islamofascist terrorist before he moved to Libya where he came out as a homosexual which under the Gadaffi regime was, apparently, fine. But the Western backed rebels who ousted Tony Blair's pal Gadaffi were not so progressive when it came to gay folks so Pepsi, we are told, had to flee to Italy as an illegal immigrant. Actually he could have fled anywhere or even taken a plane back to Indonesia. He opted to illegally enter Italy and Europe but C4 gossed over that detail.

In Italy, Pepsi decided to start dressing as a woman but says he still likes to be described as male.

Clearly the place where Pepsi would fit in best is swinging London and thus Pepsi hiked it up to Calais 


2865 days ago

Alex Tspiras PM of Greece says EU betrayed his country - no Alex you betrayed your people

It is a bit off the radar screens of the mainstream media right now but life in Greece grows ever more miserable. Nothing works. The poor are getting poorer and hope has just gone. But of course PM Alex Tspiras, a man reminiscent of Tony Blair in all the worst ways, will accept none of the blame.


2906 days ago

Getting a phone lecture from "Freddie" on behalf of Owen Smith MP - a traitor

As a loyal member of the Labour Party since last summer I once again get to choose who will lead our great party over the precipice. Ooops. I meant to even greater electoral success. Whatever...last night I got a call from "Freddie" on behalf of Owen Smith MP, the man who is challenging the great leader, Comrade Corbyn on behalf of the Blairite traitors.


2919 days ago

Tom Winnfrith Postcard - IRA murderers such as Adams and McGuinness must ensure Para C is not prosecuted

A 65 year old retired British soldier Para C faces the possibility that he will be prosecuted for the killing of an IRA leader Joe McCann who was guilty of what were almost certainly war crimes. Meanwhile folks who we know have blood on their hands - notably Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness, today politicians, but back in the 70s IRA bigwigs, know they can never be prosecuted under a deal agreed with their fellow war criminal Tony Blair. I discuss what happened back in 1972 and the nature of reconciliation and what Adams and McGuinness should do now if they really believe in peace.


2919 days ago

If Corbyn wins Labour Leadership we will get 2 parties- can I join both this is so much fun

Being a member of the Labour Party is so much fun. Seriously it is the cheapest form of entertainment going. Okay, when I say entertainment, it is rather like having front row seats at an illegal dog fight where both contestants emerge bloodied and unfit for anything but, now that fox hunting is illegal, if you like blood sports join the Labour Party.

One of the joys are the almost daily emails from all levels of the party and from the competing factions. Each sender competes with his or her rivals or superiors and inferiors in the party hierarchy to be the most sanctimonious and pious on issues that no-one on this planet cares about, with an occasional undertone of sheer nastiness sometimes about the Tories but usually about fellow Comrades. 

The other joy is, of course, 


2928 days ago

Pledge £10 today to ensure that Tony Blair faces trial for his war crimes

The establishment will not prosecute Tony Blair for starting a wholly ilegal war in Iraq. He was blasted by Chilcot. But while squaddies who might have killed one person or a few in error in the heat of battle face trial for war crimes, Blair, who has the blood of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and 179 British soldiers on his hands after a cold calculating decision, will not be charged. Those who run the show look after their own. We can today start to change that.


2933 days ago

Nice: a reminder of the lies of two former Prime Ministers that shame Blair and Cameron

As the bodies are prepared for burial the war of words as to who is to blame for the outrage in Nice is underway. Fresh from calling for a ban on guns in America after Dallas, the liberals are now calling for a ban on lorries in Europe. Okay they are not. No-one ever accused the liberal left of being consistent in its prejudices or thought processes. But if you wander around the Internet you can see more or less everyone gets blamed somewhere.

At this point I'd just remind you of the words of two former Prime Minsters and I start with the war criminal Tony Blair.


2942 days ago

Tom Winnifrith postcard: Chilcot exposes the them & us divide: Blair must face trial

I was profoundly struck by the accents of those commenting on Chilcot last night. My own views are clear - Jack Straw  & Tony Blair are war criminals who must face trial, as I explained HERE. The accents of all the players in the drama of yesterday told us again of a divided nation that is Britain, the establishment and the rest of us. That was also part of the story of the Brexit vote. If the establishment brush this under the carpet the feeling of anger and insurgency will only be fuelled.


2943 days ago

Chilcot: Where's the justice? Why can't Blair and Straw face trial for war crimes?

British Squaddies continue to face trial for war crimes where individuals or a few folks died. Yet hundreds of thousands have perished as a result of the war the UK and US launched against Saddam Hussein. And the Chilcot report makes it clear today that Tony Blair was a key architect of that war, urging on George Bush to invade with British involvment, for two years before the troops actually went in. It makes it clear that Blair, at best dissembled, and at worst lied to Parliament and to the Attorney General as well as to the Britsh People to get us into that war.

Jack Straw is also exposed as having suppressed one report and sexed up others in order to get us into war. The truth was a casualty of his campaign to start a war for which there can be no justification at all. 

If I were a juror and was asked did these two men take actions which caused their country to enter an illegal war, an illegal invasion of another sovereign nation I would - on the basis of what appears in Chilcot - find both men guilty without hesitating for a second.

That makes me unsuitable 


2946 days ago

The establishment tells we plebs to sod off again: Blair walks on war crimes, squaddies in the dock

Britain in 2016 feels ever more like 1792 France. Cherie Blair or Theresa May will soon be saying that we the great unwashed should not worry "let them eat cake" and hundreds of celebrities will put their names to a petition saying what a good idea that is.

It is one rule for the establishment and one for the rest of us. Day after day we are reminded that the millionaire political, business, celebrity and media elite can get away with murder, literally in the case of Tony Blair, while the rest of us just get screwed. No wonder Britain is so angry.

The 40,000 silly people at yesterday's MarchforEurope do not represent that anger. Overwhelmingly middle class Southerners they, or their parents at the bank of Mum & Dad, have done very well as property owners enjoying the post 2008 asset bubble created by QE and funny money interest rates. For those in the Midlands and North where property prices in the post industrial towns have not rocketed, where there have been no real wage rises - unless you are a middle class employee of the State - there has been no financial windfall since 2008. They are excluded. Shafted financially and with no-one speaking up for them. Indeed for ten days now they have been told by large sections of the media and by the middle class liberal establishment that they are ignorant and racist and that their views should somehow be ignored.

And now we discover that when the Chilcot Report in finally published this week, it may slate Tony Blair and Jack Straw for lying and starting an illegal war but they will suffer no consequences. You and I might think that lying to Parliament 


2947 days ago

40,000 very silly young people #marchforeurope. Oh no they don't

As the earnest young people, mostly loathsome students, gather in London today they claim that they march for Europe. it sounds good to be an internationalist showing solidarity with a whole continent. MarchfortheEU does not sound quite so good. The EU is after all, as even its supporters in the remain campaign admitted, inefficient, corrupt and far from perfect. Moreover it is loathed across the continent.

Switzerland has just withdrawn its application to join. In France, Austria, Greece, Italy, Holland, Sweden and Denmark there are growing calls for their own referendum and signs that in many of those countries folks will vote to leave. For what these young people fail to see is that across Europe there is a widespread feeling that the EU serves an business, bankster, media and political establishment very well but for the ordinary Joe, for the 99% it sucks.

Here in Greece, youth unemployment is 60%. It would be far higher


2952 days ago

EU Referendum War Criminal Tony Blair caption Contest Result

After Independence day and Lyin' Dodgy Dave Cameron going can life get better? Maybe? How about when Chilcot finally publishes his report in two weeks and exposes Tony Blair and Jack Straw for the vile war criminals they are? Ahead of that we asked for captions for the picture below and as you can see HERE our readers were really very kind to phoney Tony. The winner is...


2954 days ago

Should I back #KeepCorbyn ? Where is hashtag #VoteAngelaEagle ?

The loathsome Margaret Hodge has put down a motion of no confidence in comrade Corbyn as leader of our great Labour party. It is obscene that a millionare, whose family trusts use every trick in the book to dodge tax, and who as leader of Islington council branded as homophobes those who exposed the industrial scale peadophilia taking placing in Council homes on her watch, is a Labour MP at all. What message does that send out to the millions of traditional Labour voters who are abandoning the party in droves? Anyhow, the nonce apologist, is now playing Judas.


2955 days ago

EU Referendum caption Contest: War Criminal votes for Remain edition

The deadline to enter this caption contest is in 45 minutes. Only kidding Tony, let's call it midnight tonight. It seems that our favourite war criminal, Mr Tony Blair reckons that folks will follow his lead and has thus circulated this charming picture below. Apparently Islamic hate preacher Anjem Choudary also voted remain because the EU stops folks being deported for trial elsewhere. Do your best in the comments section below...


2985 days ago

If Tony Blair did irony he'd propose a new Middle East war 5 weeks ahead of Chilcot - Oh what?

On July 6 the long awaited Chilcot report into the Iraq war will be published. Many of us are convinced that the war was illegal and that "trust me I'm Tony," as well as the loathsome shit Jack Straw, repeatedly lied to MP s as well as to us all. Mr Blair's claim about Weapons of Mass Destruction was clearly just a blatant lie. And thus it has been leaked that Blair as well as Straw will get a thorough roasting from Lord Chilcot.


2999 days ago

David Cameron, the Heir to Blair - today's Brexit lie about World war three is just fantasty lying

I cannot remember when I first described David Cameron as the heir to Blair. I think it was in 2012 but it may have been at the time of the funeral of Lady Thatcher, whose shoes Dodgy Dave is not fit to lick. Today's comments on Brexit are fantasy lying league stuff which is right up their with with the war criminal Blair's comments on Weapons of Mass Destruction.


3046 days ago

Eurosceptics are stupider than those against Brexit - BBC does not challenge ludicrous claim

If you want to leave the EU it is just because you are not as clever as those folks who want to stay in. It is easy. There was I thinking that I could be descriobed as at least averagely smart with my Oxford Degree as could Pixie Lott with her straight A's at GCSE. But it appars not. We are thick because we back Brexit and the BBC sees no reason to challenge this extraordinary assertion.


3056 days ago

BBC creams itself as top US General tells porkies to scare us off Brexit but the polls say Project Fear is failing

This morning, the BBC and the rest of the liberal media cannot get enough of Lt General Ben Hodges who has warned we Brits that we must not vote for Brexit as it could damage NATO. What on earth is a US Soldier doing intervening in a British Election rather defies belief, how would Obama feel if a British General made the equally factually innaccurate claim that Mrs Clinton was a lying, deceitful old dyke and so urged folks to back the GOP this November?

Hodges, who is the top yankee soldier in Europe, seems to think that without Britain the EU could unravel. And if that happens NATO will unravel. Frankly it does not make much of a case for staying in the EU if we are told that if one of its 28 members quits it will fall apart.

Moreover do you need the EU for NATO? The latter was formed in 1949. A small common market did not get going until 1957 but the vast majority of NATO members were not part of that. The Evil Empire itself


3060 days ago

Shocker: War Criminal Tony Blair tells the truth about the EU as he argues against Brexit

The old war criminal Blair has again spoken out in the EU Referendum debate and although phoney Tony has lied about so many things for so many years, for once -as he argues that we should stay in - he tells the truth.

Blair's candid admission is that he seems to acknowledge thart his support for the "in" campaign may not actually win it any votes and indeed might actually assist those pushing for Brexit. The old liar stated: "I don’t know whether its the right time for me on the campaign trail. That carries with it negatives as well as positives"

Indeed it does. Mr Blair is a proven liar who will also formally be shown to be a war criminal when his attempts to delay publication of the Chilcott enquiry into the illegal Iraq War are finally overcome. Blair has amassed a vast fortune advising despots, dictators and human rights abusers around the world. And even if he did not shag Wendy,


3159 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard #134 - Bombing Syria is wrong at all levels - not in my name

I am sure that pretty soon the RAF will start to bomb ISIS in Syria. David cameron has lied to the nation just as Tony Blair did over Iraq. This is wrong at every single level. It is not in my name.


3220 days ago

I was nice to Euan, son of war criminal, Tony Blair – I feel sick

On the Monday of last week two young journalism students wandered into Free Speech & Liberty pizza and came over for a chat. We talked of the ethics of journalism, the corruption of our profession, of libertarian idealism and later that night they came back and I discovered something appalling.


3245 days ago

Feeling rather proud of the Labour Party – it was today the conscience Britain seems to lack

Okay my motives for handing over £3 to join Labour might not have been the purest. I have done the decent thing and voted for Comrade Corbyn but today I actually felt a real pride as Labour – notably Harriet Harman – took on this Government on the issue of immigrants and state sponsored executions.

Please do not think that I admire much of what Harman stands for and has stood for in the past. But today she spoke for the conscience that this nation seems to have forgotten it had, as a smug David Cameron announced that a British drone had executed two British born ISIL jihadists in Syria.

The House of Commons voted two years ago not to intervene militarily in Syria. I am sure that the two men killed were plotting bad acts and the world is no worse place for their demise.  But the State cannot go around without any mandate simply executing its own citizens. Harman


3253 days ago

Tony Blair is Christmas come early for Comrade Jeremy Corbyn - Keep up the good work Tone

The war criminal Tony Blair has again spoken of the dangers Labour faces if it elects Jeremy Corbyn as its leader. Comrade Corbyn must be delighted.

Blair’s intervention comes on a day when his tax minimisation arrangements come under further scrutiny. There are growing calls for Lord Chilcott to publish his report into Blair’s illegal war based on his lies about WMD. And there is further evidence of his links to a man most labour folks despise more than any other, Rupert Murdoch. In short Blair must be among the most loathed figures within the People’s Party.

Every time he urges the comrades to vote for anyone other than Corbyn, our boy Jeremy


3316 days ago

Weekly Postcard #118 - How to deal with ISIS

There is only one real story dominatng the papers this weekend: events in Tunisia, Kuwait and France, the blood lust of ISIS. How should we react? Firstly we must accept that we in the West created ISIS. War criminal Tony Blair must be held to account, put on trial. But we must also respond. This is a "just war" and bombing alone is not enough. With regret we must deploy boots on the ground. And we must take a far harsher line with our fellow citizens who sign up to fight for the Islamofascists.


3366 days ago

What did you and other Tories do in the riots of 1997?

In 1997 the war criminal Tony Blair won a landslide victory at a General Election. As a right thinking voter do you remember how you protested?

I remember going out and celebrating with champagne with my lefty colleagues at the Evening Standard. Heck it appeared to be on expenses and that is Democracy. But perhaps you went and protested outside Tony Blair’s Islington townhouse. Did you daub obscenities on a war memorial? Did you push a policeman in N1? Did you make a placard saying “no gratuitous overspending in my name – I will stop you filthy commies!” Do you remember those riots when we refused to accept the democratic will of the people? 

Er, thought not. We had jobs to go to and just carried on accepting that we had lost. A bit of a contrast with the reaction of the left in 2015 don’t you think?


3473 days ago

You cannot libel a dead paedophile: politician Leon Brittan is Dead

Check out twitter #LeonBrittan. The former home secretary covered up Westminster & Elm House paedophile activities but was also widely believed to be an active nonce himself.


Fleet Street has known this for decades. It has been all over the internet for years. Now the fun starts. I wonder what tributes will be paid to the man by the politicians of today? How many of them are implicated in the cover up, in the rapid departure of Brittan from front line politics here, to a sinecure in Brussels where the money grabbing toad could coin it in big time.

What of the other politicians involved


3694 days ago

Tony Blair wants us to intervene in Iraq again – WE MUST put the War Criminal on Trial to solve our problems

We should never have invaded Iraq. As a nation we cannot afford foreign escapades. There was no moral urgency to invade and the consequences have been predictably calamitous – we have suffer almighty blowback, a concept I discuss in my weekend video HERE.

Tony Blair prompted that invasion. He is endeavouring to suppress papers which will, show that it was almost certainly illegal to invade.

Now the war criminal (someone who starts an illegal war is a war criminal) wants us to invade to stop the ISIS Islamofascists from running riot. I am in no doubt that ISIS are truly awful people. Some of their actions are also war crimes.

But Blair must accept that he has created ISIS. Saddam Hussein


3695 days ago

Weekly Prize Caption Contest – Quindell Special

Heck there could only be one subject for this week’s caption contest. Although the legacy of peace, love and stability that the war criminal Blair left in Iraq runs a close second.

As ever, post your caption for the picture below in the comments box below by Friday at 9 AM. The winner can join me at Real Man Pizza for lunch or dinner on me.  All you have to do is come up with a wittier entry than my own. Get posting.

For what it is worth my entry is:


3791 days ago

Barraco barner 17 GCSE twitter girl is dumb but Britain is dumber still

If barraco barner is our president why is he getting involved in Russia, scary tweeted 20 year old Gemma Worrall (@gemworrallx) a 20 year old receptionist at a Blackpool beauty salon the other day. This tweet from a bird who is not a bad looker but is quite obviously thick as two short planks is now attracting worldwide attention.

Woolly-minded liberals say that at least she is showing an interest in politics and should be applauded for that. Gemma says she is now going to look more closely at events in the Ukraine. Those of us who are less charitable are minded to say that she is obviously just stupid both for her spelling of the name of President Obama and for thinking that he ran the UK.

Taking the third way, to quote the war criminal Blair, I do not think that Gemma is in relative terms that stupid although in absolute terms she is obviously thick. After all she has 17 GCSEs and two A-Levels (in Travel & Tourism).  For that I like to think Gemma has done us all a service.

If this brainless bint has amassed 17 GCSEs that shows that, as some of us reactionaries have been suggesting for years, that these qualifications are so easy to gain that they are almost worthless. I imagine that there are tens of thousands of other imbeciles who are applauded for their “hard work” in racking up their GCSEs by their bone-idle liberal teachers but who are, in fact, just as thick at Gemma. GCSE’s are worthless pieces of paper.

Then we turn to A-Levels.


3847 days ago

Is it time for me to stop loathing Clinton?

I just spotted that my profile still describes me as, among other things, as Clinton loathing. I wonder, is it time to move on. Old Billy is now out of politics allowing to spend all his time raking in the cash a la Blair, groping interns or whatever turns him on the most. That would be a hard call I suspect. Surely I should move on to loathing Obama for his economic recklessness, love of the Big State and of illegal wars and crushing basic principles of civil liberty?

Hmmmm. I thought about this for a few seconds. Clinton covers not just old Bill but his loathsome Mrs as well and she spouts more than her fair share of total hogwash on issues like women’s rights and global warming (oops I meant climate change). She is even more into involving the US in illegal, unafordable and in the end disastrous Middle East military ventures than her old man and I have not heard her speak up much about the Big Brother tendencies of the Obama regime.

And Old Bill still pops up now and again to rouse the faithful to go vote for folks who love trees more than  unborn kids, argue that every welfare programme is a way to create jobs and who think that Big Government is the solution not the problem.

I rather hope that after his second term ends in shambles Obama will head off into the sunset. I rather fear that the Clinton’s will be around for a while to come. 

No need to change my profile then.


3876 days ago

How low can war criminal Tony Blair stoop? The Mandela Funeral

Most attention in the “reasons to loathe and despise politicians” discussion following the funeral of Nelson Mandela has focussed on Call Me Dave, Obama and the Danish PM ( Neil Kinnock’s daughter-in-law) taking a “selfie.” It was a lapse of judgement and showed an unnerving degree of disrespect. But compared to the War Criminal Blair, Dave was model mourner.

Naturally Blair was at the funeral to pay his respects. But Mammon is more important than Mandela…to Blair at least. And as such he found this global convention a good opportunity to introduce his latest billionaire “client” to Barack Obama. The photos of the handshake suggest that eve the President was mildly embarrassed.

But, hey Tony, why let a spot of grieving get in the way of business? Even by the abject standards of Blair such behaviour has to mark a new low. At what point will he stop getting invited to anything to spare the blushes of the world?

Incidentally, on the subject of war crimes…


3876 days ago

Tony Blair and Iraq: ever more blood on his hands

We still have not seen the Chilcot enquiry into Iraq. It is still being suppressed as the folks in power work out how to spare the blushes of many, principally the man who led us into this war, Tony Blair.

Blair’s excuse for war was that Iraq possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction which needed to be destroyed. That was, of course, a lie. And Blair knew that it was a lie yet he repeated that lie to the House of Commons and to his people to get away with starting an illegal war. For that he deserves to be put on trial for war crimes. If only to deter future British PMs from making the same cardinal blunder but also because justice demands that Blair stands trial.

Those folks who seek to defend Blair will these days say “The WMD issue is blurred but Blair is justified at least in moral terms because he got rid of an evil regime.”

The WMD issue is not blurred it is clear cut. Blair lied and that makes the war illegal. But was it moral? 

The late Saddam Hussein was a wicked man. There is evidence that he tortured and killed his own people but on a relatively minor scale. More seriously he clearly did use chemical weapons against the Kurds. His genocide against the Marsh Arabs in the early 1980s was obscene but the West never mentions that one because Saddam was on our side then (against Iran) and we gave him the weapons and turned a very obvious blind eye.

So Saddam will not be sitting at the right hand of Nelson Mandela, ooops I meant Jesus, as of now. But what have we replaced the Saddamites with?


3890 days ago

Video Postcard from Tom Winnifrith #53 – Freedom of information applies only to little people

This is the last week when you will see Tom Winnifrith wearing his Movember tash. 

To sponsor Tom’s efforts to raise money to fight prostate and testicular cancer go HERE.

This week’s theme is how the powerful  in this case Nick Clegg and Wendy Deng’s friend Tony Blair) use the law to try to stop us finding out what they are up to in a way that we would not be able to do.

FOI applies only to little people.

This is so Orwellian.


3891 days ago

Tony Blair not shagging Wendi Deng, the ex-Mrs Murdoch – quote of the century

I was way ahead of the curve in reporting that Tony Blair had NOT been shagging Wendi Deng, the ex Mrs of Rupert Murdoch. We did this way back in June HERE

But it seems that the Nationals are NOW busy reporting the numerous times that the old war criminal stayed chez Wendi but clearly did not shag her. Hell’s teeth! If one was married to a sex kitten, the bolshie bombshell, Cherie why on earth would any man stray?

Blair is apparently having a bit of a tough time as he tries to get certain elements of the Chilcot enquiry into the Iraq war suppressed.

Apparently the old War Criminal reckons that this might show that he told a pack of lies.  And it is in this vein that I bring you the quote of the Century from today’s Mail:

Several of Mr Blair’s close friends have asked him directly if he had an affair with Ms Deng. He has vehemently denied it to all of them.

One of those who challenged him said: ‘I believe Tony. He would never do such a thing and he is not a liar.’


Well that settles that then… 


3904 days ago

Friday Caption Contest on a Sunday – Jumaa Kater Saleh Edition

Don’t’ know who Jumaa is yet?  Is that

 a)      Because Theresa May has cracked down on the UK’s insane asylum laws and so there is no problem

b)      Becuase you have not read the sane Sunday press

c)       Because you read the Guardian/Observer/Independent and think that our immigration/legal aid/welfare system is an unmitigated blessing so have not been told about Jumaa?

Ok, to the chase: Jumaa arrived in the UK illegally in 2004 in the back of a lorry. He cannot speak proper English. He has never worked. He has always lived on benefits. And he raped a 13 year old girl and two other minors. He is a paedophile.

So is the UK:

a) putting him in prison for a long time and then sending him back to Sudan because Theresa May has cracked down on the UK’s insane asylum laws?
b) Sending him straight back to Sudan?
c) having jailed him for just two years it is now paying him vast amounts of compensation for keeping him in prison longer as we tried to deport him and thus infringing his human rights?

Guess what? It is c. No kidding. Apparently Jumaa has cost the British taxpayer £350,000 since are arrived here. And Theresa May is useless. Well that second item won’t be news to you.

In honour of this case I ask you for captions to the picture below. Please post your entries in the comments section.


For what it is worth my caption is: 



3911 days ago

Caption Contest – War Criminal Tony Blair’s Poppy Appeal Edition

At 11 AM today the world fell silermnt as we remembered those who have their lives for this country in wast justifiable and wars illegal – step forward Tony Blair on the latter count.  What was the war criminal thinking at 11 AM today and what will he be thinking at 11 AM on the 11th day of the 11th month tomorrow?

As such I offer you up a picture of David Cameron’s role model at PM as he wears his poopy with pride. What is Blair thinking? Please post your suggestions in the comments section below by Friday

For what it is worth my entry is:


3916 days ago

Who should be burned as an effigy on your bonfire tonight? Kate McCann? President Assad or Obama? Polly Toynbee?

As we start to discover the latest damning revelations about sleazy MPs and their expense fiddles it seems harsh to burn an effigy of poor old Guy Fawkes tonight. He was the last man to enter Parliament with honest intentions. So whose effigy should it be?

Judging by the comments on my latest article on the McCann parents about half the population think that an effigy of Kate McCann should be burned. About the other half seem to believe that anyone who dares say a word about the sainted McCann’s should be burned. Forget effigies they should actually be burned.

Which is the bigger war criminal? President Assad or President Obama or for that matter Tony Blair? What about en effigy of Polly Toynbee – the old witch has been poisoning the body politic with her muddle headed thoughts for years, she has to be a contender.

Me? I am just too much of a nice guy. I am more worried about how the cats will react to the fireworks than whose effigy should be burned. But there are many folks more deserving of the effigy treatment than poor old Guy Fawkes.

Oh, push me. For her unique contriubution to driving through insane human rights legislation, for her vile condoning of Hamas, for supporting her war criminal of a husband, for being a filthy freeloader and for being wrong on every great issue and sanctimoniuous with it, for her sheer avarice ...I'd burn an effigy of the Wicked Witch herself, Ms Cherie Blair.


3918 days ago

Tom’s Video Postcard #48 – mega payoffs for failure at the BBC and across the public sector issue

This week’s video postcard covers just one topic – the culture within the public sector and BBC of rewarding failure with mega payoffs. It is taxpayer’s cash that is being pissed away and it is unjustifiable and unsustainable.

Dave “heir to Blair” Cameron has done nothing to deal with this. Why not?

Tom’s weekly financial video postcard covers Vialogy, Vipera, the “booming” UK economy and where to find stockmarket value and can be watched here.


3938 days ago

Escaping from the Grim North back to Civilization

We departed the Grim North (Nottingham) at 5 PM on Sunday. Sadly during my stay I did not sample local culinary delights such as Cock-on-a-stick (Nottingham) or Pikelets and Wrights Pies (Stoke). Instead it was wonderful food from the mother-in-law, who showed great self-restraint and managed to praise Tony Blair only once during our visit). And there was no time to go out and visit the abandoned factories and look at the poor folks who cannot afford shoes as they searched the garbage cans for their next meal. An opportunity missed.

Getting back to the civilised south was the problem. As we moved down the M42 traffic slowed and then ground to a halt. Perhaps there was a problem at passport control as the few thousand Northerners with a work ethic jammed the gates as they headed back to paid employment in the bountiful south after a weekend with the wife, kids and whippets? Actually it was a lorry on its way back from bringing emergency relief to the folks in Stoke, that had jack-knifed and left us stranded in the pitch black for almost five hours. 

At last the Old Bill cleared the hard shoulder and we made our escape finally arriving in Bristol at 12.30. Downton Abbey was videoed and that treat awaits tonight.


3982 days ago

Syria – War would be wrong

I am proud of our MPs. I never thought I’d write that but in voting not to go to war 285 of them did the right thing. And at so many levels.

At a practical level we do not have definitive evidence that it was the Assad regime rather than the Islamofascist/Al Qaeda inspired opposition that used chemical weapons. If I was a betting man I’d bet heavily that it was Assad but there is no proof. Waging a war without proof, relying on Dodgy dossiers is oh so terribly Tony Blair and it is wrong. That is why Blair is a war criminal and brought shame on the UK. To his credit Cameron did not behave in that fashion.

And at another practical level what will missile strikes achieve? They will kill people but will they knock out the portable carriers of chemical weapons? No. Will they cause regime change? No. Will they suck others into a wider conflict? Possibly yes. Will they kill people innocent & guilty?  Yes. Will they stop massacres? No. What, I ask the appalling John Kerry will missile attacks achieve?

Whose side should we be on in Syria? That of the butcher Assad or Al Qaeda? Bother are appalling and evil. John Kerry and David Cameron might feel up to playing God but I don’t.

As the great Ron Paul has been pointing out for years


4010 days ago

Weekly Video postcard - The Poisonous legacy of Blair edition

In this week's video postcard Tom discusses just one subject - the greed and truly poisonous legacy of the war criminal Tony Blair, probably the most loathsome man ever to have been Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

Tom's financial video postcard this week covers gold and the disconnect between physical and paper markets as well as a suggestion that investors in a raft of AIM stocks should sue the LSE. You can watch that video here.


4036 days ago

Sir Andrew Murray and Call Me Dave heir to Blair

Well done to a professional sportsman for earning vast amounts of dosh playing Tennis very well. That he hails from a country that has not had a decent male player since 1936 (i.e. Britain) makes the achievement of Andy Murray all the greater. Well done Andy.

However Call Me Dave’s reaction that no-one deserves a knighthood more than (Sir) Andrew is just cringe making. What about the real heroes? Folks who Cameron sends off to Afghanistan or Iraq and come back with their legs blown off? I never understand the honours system – it seems a corrupt way for the political classes to reward donors and lavish praise on folks in a way that appeals to the masses in order to kiss arse for votes.

Okay, give Andy a gong when the gongs are handed out if you must. But talk about it then. Don't just leap on a bandwagon when Murray is hot just to suck up to the electorate in such an overt manner. It is cringeworthy.

The war criminal demeaned honours with his populist touch. Cameron is, as ever, the true heir to Blair.


4058 days ago

Friday Caption Contest on a Sunday – Wendi Deng Edition

News that 147 year old media mogul Rupert Murdoch is to divorce his stunning 44 year old wife of 14 years Wendi Deng has got the media speculating. I would naturally cover it in the style of a Murdoch paper: facts wrong, extreme sensationalism and with no pretence of balance.

And so naturally one wonders what, fifteen years ago, attracted the phew what a scorcher Ms Deng to the filthy old man then aged only 133? But what folks are wondering now is why the split? Already Tony Blair’s office has had to state that the old war criminal is not having an affair with Wendi. Heck, if you were married to the Wicked Witch what could possibly make you want to stray?

And so this week there is again no prize on offer other than glory and a chance to be rude about figures who ask for it but post your captions for the picture below in the comments section by midnight on Friday.


For what it is worth my entry is:

“That rare entity… a working couple who have not been screwed by Tony Blair”


4074 days ago

Arming the Islamofascists in Syria – are we mad?

I see that the EU is lifting its embargo on arms sales to Syria at the insistence of Britain and France. Why UK trade policy should be dictated by the Evil Empire escapes me but that is not the issue here – the concern is that the UK is set to give weapons to the FSA ( the coalition fighting President Assad). This is sheer insanity.

For the past few months the Western powers have tried to show that Assad is a truly evil man committing war crimes on a daily basis. It is surely only a matter of Time before Tony Blair pops up to suggest that he has Weapons of Mass Destruction capable of hitting Britain in 45 minutes. The agenda all along has been to supply arms to the rebels.

Of course evidence on the ground shows that both sides in Syria are committing atrocities on a daily basis. William Hague may feel able to play God and decide that one side is better than the other but I cannot. Both seem utterly loathsome.
One thing that is clear


4094 days ago

The Wicked Witch (Cherie Blair) pisses away US taxpayer’s cash big time

It is not just the UK foreign aid budget that is a joke. Under the auspices of the vile Clinton woman US foreign aid spending clearly also out of control. One of the war criminal Blair’s charities picked up £550,000 in 2011 but in 2012 it was the Wicked Witch herself who trousered it big time picking up a donation of £405,000 from the grateful US taxpayer for one of her charities.

Accounts for the year to Oct 31 2012 show that the Cherie Blair Foundation for Women enjoyed an income of £1.8million, and almost doubled its staff in 12 months, from six to 11.

The charity has cash in the bank of almost £1.5 million. Its wage bill rose from just over £258,000 in 2011 to £437,000 in 2012. But bear in mind that staff numbers rose during 2012 and thus the total wage bill is now likely to be running at an annualised rate of at last £500,000. Chuck in employers NI and we are heading towards £575,000. The firm uses Farrar’s (the most expensive law firm in London) to do its legal work and it has luxury offices overlooking Hyde Park. How much is spent on marketing? How much on other admin expenses?

The Wicked Witch boasts that it is helping women entrepreneurs out in Africa. Sure. But I wonder what percentage of every £1 the US taxpayer and other mugs send in how much actually goes to help female entrepreneurs out in bongo bongo land? 50%? I doubt it.

The reality


4126 days ago

Margaret Thatcher does not want to jump - video

If David Blair or Tony Cameron was asked by an interviewer to jump in the air becuase it might win a few votes their response would be "how high." Margaret Thatcher was different. Watch and wonder.


4126 days ago

MPs troughing it again on Thatcher Debate – disgrace: she’d be appalled

Margaret Thatcher was adamant that she did not want a flypast by the RAF at her funeral. She said that was a waste of money. Money, she always said was the taxpayers cash and should not be wasted. She would thus be horrified to hear that Call Me Dave has said that greedy MP’s can claim up to £3,750 in expenses to attend a special Parliamentary debate in her honour. If they want to attend fine. They damn well should. But not at the expense of taxpayers.

Millions of those who pay the taxes that funds the swine who trough at Westminster will be paying our own way to the funeral, to mark our respects. We may be travelling to London or taking time off work or booking a hotel room or whatever and that is our call. It is our money.  What will this debate achieve? Nothing. What will it waste? Cash. Taxpayer’s cash.

Cameron’s mind-set with regard to who extricating cash from the great unwashed and wasting it shows once again that he is the heir to Blair and not to the Iron Lady.


4127 days ago

Margaret Thatcher 1925-2013 – Our greatest ever PM

There will no doubt be wild celebrations in parts of Islington, Bristol and bastions of the Guardian reading Middle Classes tonight.  After a long illness. Margaret Thatcher has died of a stroke today. This death will divide the nation.

I am watching the BBC’s coverage and it ignores her achievements totally. It is spiteful and worthless reporting.  The left will blame her for all sorts of matters and will delight in her demise. Already I see tweets saying “the witch is dead.” Expect a torrent of tasteless and unpleasant comments and myth perpetuation over the coming days. Thatcher had that effect – she polarized opinion.

That the left hated her with such a passion was down to the fact that she delivered so much of what the left claims as its own ground. And so the left claims to represent “women” but Thatcher showed that a woman could rise to the top based on ability and without positive discrimination. The left claims to look after the poor. But whereas Milliband, Brown, Blair etc are all solidly working class, it is the Tories who have delivered the leaders from truly humble origins (Heath, Major and above all Thatcher).

The left keeps its client state poor. Thatcher gave opportunity to that client state to get a better life: to earn more based on work and ,merit by breaking Union power and abolishing collective bargaining; to own their own home via council house sales, to save more by cutting taxes. That was revolutionary and Britain needed a revolution because in 1979 after the Winter of Discontent, Margaret Thatcher took control of a country on its knees: bankrupt and with no sense of national pride. Thatcher faced opposition from a left determined to keep the poor poor and from patrician Tories who did not wish to upset the status quo. Bravely she drove through change in society by ensuring that the State did less not more.

She was not always right. In her early career it was she who did away with large numbers of grammar schools. I suspect she regretted that. She did not stand up to Mugabe in his early years when the mad old kook could have been stopped. Again, I sense that she regretted that. But on the big calls Maggie was right and that is why the Left cannot abide her.

All those Guardian readers celebrating today were, if my age or older, proudly wearing CND badges and trooping off to Greenham during the cold war. Folks like Tony Blair, Paddy Pantsdown and Baroness Ashton may pretend otherwise but the lefties were wrong about how to win the Cold War while Maggie Thatcher and Ronald Regan were right. Many of those same lefties would have caved into the Argies in 1982. Thatcher stood firm, although some of those around her wobbled. For her it was a matter of principle. Thatcher was right about the ERM and the Euro. She was branded an out of touch nationalist for her views but her views were based on pure economics and she was once again right. She was right. The deluded lefties were wrong. History is on squarely her side.

In parts of the North they say that they cannot forgive her for closing the coal mines and other State subsidised rust belt industries. But the same folk lambast today’s politicians for bailing out the banks. Thatcher understood that there is no such thing as the Government’s cash. There is money paid over by the taxpayer and that cash cannot be wasted. Subsidising an industry which just cannot make a profit, whatever the industry is waste. It is taking money from those who are creating wealth and paying it to others who are not. Whether the recipients are bankers or miners Thatcher understood that such an action was wrong.

Today’s conservatives do not dare cut Government spending or taxes or foreign aid because they are afraid of being confrontational. They have forgotten what principle means. Thatcher never forgot principle and based every decision about it.

Margaret Thatcher was without doubt the bravest politician of the 20th century. She was without doubt the most principled politician of our lifetime. She was a truly amazing woman. And she was right about almost everything.

To celebrate any death shows that you have no heart.  We should pity those who celebrate the passing of Margaret Thatcher. This woman shaped the lives of a generation. She saved the UK from the bankruptcy and humiliation of the 1970s. She engineered a renaissance of Britain which all of her successors have done their best to dissipate.

Our greatest leader, Margaret Thatcher 1925-2013 RIP


4131 days ago

Cameron heir to Blair – you could not make it up

David Cameron has told reporters that North Korean nuclear missilies could hit Britain. There is of course absolutely no evidence for this at all. Unless those missiles are launched from France. And even then while North Korea has missiles and an A-Bomb there is no evidence that it has the technology to put a big one together with a missile.

And so Cameron is lying about the threat to the UK from a Weapon of Mass Destruction. Gosh that rings a bell or two.  Oh yes… Cameron’s bogus claim is to support the idea that Britain need a replacement for Trident, its independent nuclear missiles.  And it was is hero the war criminal Blair who famously claimed that Iraqi WMD posed a 45 minute threat to Britain. As the late poor Dr Kelly knew then and we know now that was a lie.

Perhaps Call Me Dave could rope in his mentor’s press secretary Bad Al Campbell to create a dossier to back up his claims?


4134 days ago

What Cyprus actually means – the New post Euro Order

Cyprus is a small island and it was easy to ignore or play down events at first but the situation is now out of control. We live in a new world order, the post Cyprus order and you need to wake up to the reality of that fast.

The Euro was never an economic project. It was a political one. And as such the “believers” brushed aside any economic objections and sought to ensure that everyone joined the club. Some countries were not fit to join (Portugal, Eire Spain, Italy, France, Greece, and Cyprus) but that mattered little. The leaders of those countries and the ECB agreed to lie in order to gain entry. 

This was a concerted lie by the political elites across Europe – a class distinct from the folks they nominally represent. And so today as the Euro collapses the political elites of Poland, Rumania and elsewhere are still applying to sign up. Hey, I know the Titanic is going down but is there any chance of me jumping off a floating currency lifeboat and getting on board your fine vessel? Madness.

And one reason that it is madness is that we have no idea how Cyprus will play out. The initial plans for state bank robbery have been shelved and so if you have less than 100,000 Euros in your bank account that money is, pro tem, safe. But it is impossible to withdraw it in more than small tranches. If you have more you will lose some of it. Perhaps 40% or 60% or potentially all of it.  The idea that bondholders should lose everything if a bank fails seems fair to me. The idea that depositors should lose cash is just obscene.

What will be the effects?

For one you will see a growing scandal of how the political elite looked after its own and its friends.


4140 days ago

Nauseatingly Abu Qatada Gets to Stay in the UK and You Pay

For all the posturing by hopeless and useless Tory wannabee leader Theresa May and others the reality is that terrorist Islamofascist hate preacher Abu Qatada is staying in the UK. The Court of Appeal has backed his claim to stay. And that means that he will stay here in a large house (funded by you, the taxpayer), receiving thousands of pounds of benefits for him and his family each month ( funded by you), making no effort to work or get a job, preaching hate and almost certainly assisting evil terrorists. The UK law is quite simply a joke.

There are those who say that the Government should simply over-ride law and stick him on a plane back to Jordan or just get him bumped off. But once you give the State the power to ignore the rule of law for one individual (albeit a total scumbag) it can then use such arbitrary powers as it wishes – the Rubicon has been crossed. Pretty soon you will find whistleblowing bearded scientists lying dead in the woods. Oh, okay we have been there already. You will find folks arrested for shouting dissenting views at the Prime Minister. Oh, okay we have been there already.  But you get my point – you cannot trust the state with arbitrary power to break the law.

And so we just have to recognise that the law sucks and get the daft Human Rights legislation driven through by the Wicked Witch and her husband the war criminal Blair amended. If that is not possible within the EU then the case for leaving gets ever stronger.  But change the law and then kick him out. Meanwhile, sickeningly, we all pay for his benefits.

As for Theresa May. Heck we all know that she wishes to lead the Tory party and she talks tough. But does she actually do anything useful at all?


4144 days ago

Friday Caption Contest – Celebrating the Euro Edition

What was it that Chris Huhne, Tony Blair, Lord Howe, Paddy Pantsdown etc. said about how disastrous it would be if Britain did not join the Euro?  No doubt the guilty men will apologise one day to those they labelled xenophobes for disagreeing with them. Perhaps they might care to explain to the good folk of Cyprus how they have benefitted from Euro membership?

In light of this the prize for the wittiest entry to this week’s caption contest is 1 Cypriot Euro or 2 Cupid shares – whichever is worth less. Actually I shall offer a real prize: an It’s Time to Leave T-shirt.

As ever you can buy your own it’s time to leave T-shirt as well as a range of other politically incorrect T-shirts, mugs, sweat-shorts and hoodies HERE

And brownie points to anyone who turns up at the UKInvestor Show on April 13th wearing such apparel.

So post your captions to the picture below in the comments section. The deadline for entries is next Friday morning

My entry is: “There is a surprisingly large turnout at the annual meeting of the Cyprus friends of Germany Society”

Last week I asked for captions to a picture of Ed Milliband. The standard of entries was so depressingly low (my own included) that there is no prize. And I’d rather not have another picture of this hopeless figure on this site so let’s just draw a line under the episode.

Now that he is friended me on Facebook, can Jon Pickles please return with a vengeance for this week’s contest.


4150 days ago

Bethan Tichborne Deluded Lefty – but (ref Voltaire) I stand with you so: David Cameron you have blood your hands

Bethan Tichborne is a prize deluded lefty. This 28 year old attended a demonstration in Oxfordshire against Call Me Dave and the wiucked Tory cuts (i.e. public spending going up) and carried a placard which stated that Cameron had “blood in his hands” for cutting spending on folks with disabilities. She appears to have shouted the same message to Dave.

And she has now been accused and found guilty of using threatening words or behaviour likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress. Judge Tim Pattinson said when convicted Bethan that her comments that Cameron "had blood on his hands" could "hardly be more insulting to anyone, whether a politician or not".

Bethan also tried to climb a barrier at which point the Police allegedly beat her up. I shall take that one with a pinch of salt.

Bethan and I disagree violently on cutting benefits. I do not think Call Me Dave has blood on his hands on this count. Bethan is wrong. But, on the Voltaire principle I also believe in free speech and it is quite disgraceful that she was arrested, charged and convicted for making a politically motivated comment. I am not sure where Bethan stands on the Iraq war but I believe that for that Tony Blair certainly has blood on his hands for that episode. In a free society we have to be allowed to make such comments.

The case of Bethan Tichborne suggests that life in Airstrip One is ever less free.

Just to make my point I shall tweet this article to David Cameron. @David_Cameron – Mr Cameron you have blood on your hands. PS you are a spineless and hopeless Prime Minister to boot. Bring back Maggie.


4156 days ago

Secret Courts an illiberal abomination – what is Nick Clegg thinking of?

I am not sure what the Lib Dems are meant to stand for these days and in a couple of years’ time they will be an electoral irrelevancy anyway. But I always thought that a party with the word Liberal in its name might have some sort of core beliefs in the liberty of the citizen against an all-powerful state. Unless I have read my John Stuart Mill very incorrectly I think that should be the case.

However, under current plans which the Lib Dems in parliament have largely supported, the law will change to extend secret hearings across the civil justice system. In a secret hearing defendants or claimants will not be allowed to be present, know or challenge the case against them and must be represented by a security-cleared special advocate, rather than their own lawyer. Right now these procedures are used in tiny numbers of immigration and deportation hearings, but the Government wants to extend them across the civil courts in cases deemed to involve national security.

Now, I am sure you can spot the flaw in this proposal. It is the State that decides when the security of the State is threatened. In a country where burning a poppy on twitter and where calling a police horse “gay” have both been deemed by the State to be offences, I simply do not trust the State.

That may trivialise the point. What about the whistleblower? The David Kelly figure. As the law stands now he is just murdered in the woods, sorry I meant allowed a public trial if charged. But as the law may stand in future someone who exposed how a crazed leader started an illegal war with a pack of lies about Weapons of Mass Destruction


4159 days ago

David Cameron claims Thatcher legacy – absolute cobblers

Speaking today David Cameron said that There Is No Alternative to his austerity plans. TINA was a Thatcher phrase. Of course Thatcher cut back a bloated state and cut taxes. David Cameron has presided over increased Government spending, an ever more bloated deficit and tax increases. Merely using the catchphrases of a great Prime Minister and a real Tory will not make make Cameron even a half decent PM or a real Tory – for that he needs to implement real Tory policies. Cameron is no heir to Thatcher but is the heir to Blair. Merely pinching the Iron Lady’s rhetoric won’t change that. In fact it is rather nauseating.


4163 days ago

Scumbag Tories in Grantham betray Margaret Thatcher

64 days ago I wrote of my visit, no pilgrimage, to Grantham, the birthplace of Margaret Thatcher, the most remarkable Prime Minister of the last century, if not of all times. Grantham is an unremarkable little town and it is Thatcher that is the only reason to put it on the map. Yet there is no statue to this great woman in the town and that is something Labour councillors wished to rectify. Yes, you read that correctly. Well done the people’s party.

Yet when it came to the vote on a Tory run council not one conservative voted in favour of the idea. Are they ashamed to honour the greatest leader of their party and the most famous person from their town? Do they not appreciate the economic advantages of talking up Thatcher town in terms of attracting increased visitors? Or are they Call Me Dave Tories who would rather spend the cash on a statue of Tony Blair or a new centre for hosting civil partnerships/helping Romanian immigrants claim benefits/windmill on the town hall roof?

If you find yourself in the Grim North and wish to visit Grantham you too can – as I did nine weeks ago – stand outside the small corner shop where Lady Thatcher was born and grew up, with just one small plaque on the wall to note this fact. And if you see a local Tory councillor while you are there remember to kick his stick away and tell him why he is a total scumbag.

Tom in front of shop

Maggie plaque


4173 days ago

Friday Caption Contest – How Heather Frost spends your taxes edition. Giddy Up

I sense that Heather Frost, the welfare scrounger who breeds like a rabbit and says that a new free £400,000 eco mansion may not be good enough for her has made one or two of us want to vent a bit. I am sure that you have not forgotten the story here.

As such while I was tempted to run a photo of Call Me Dave in his new Indian headgear instead I bring you a picture of what Ms Frost spends £200 a month of YOUR money on. No it is not a juror in the Chris Huhne trial (far too bright for that) it is her horse.

The prize for the wittiest caption posted in the comments section below is am Its Time to Leave T-shirt. You can, of course, buy your very own It’s Time to Leave T-shirt here.

For what it is worth my entry is:

“It’s not just Dobbin who is being taken for a ride every day of the week by Heather Frost”


4179 days ago

Friday Caption Contest: Heir to the War Criminal Edition

In the week that David Cameron decided that the middle classes deserve to be taxed twice so that the State can pay for care that folks are capable of affording themselves we have to honour the leader of the SDP, oops I meant Conservative Party. All he needs to do now is to start an illegal war or two and accept some dodgy donations to party coffers and he would be the true heir to Tony Blair.

I gather that “Don’t blame me I voted for David Davis” T-shirts are now a collector’s item. As folks increasingly wonder what exactly is the point of the Conservative Party I ask you to offer up captions for this picture. The winner will receive an “It’s Time to Leave” T-shirt which you can also order (along with the mug & hoodie) here.

For what it is worth my caption entry is:


4202 days ago

Register now for Free share tip plus EU lies and madness special Tomograph at 3 PM Today

Just a reminder that my Tomograph Newsletter goes out bi-weekly and the Wednesday shares edition containing that free share tip.

It will be out by 3 PM today and will also include an article on today’s spineless promise sod all speech from Tony Blair, oops I meant to say David Cameron on the EU plus another piece on the latest fascist edicts from the Evil Empire.

Want that free share tip plus an Editor’s Choice of the best of the past week plus a the EU special? There won’t be a link on the site!

The only way to get all of that is to


Planned delivery time on Wednesday is 3 PM.



4223 days ago

The Gaping Divide between the Political Elite and Plebs like us in 2013: The EU

In case you missed it, yesterday was the 40th Birthday Party of what we used to know as the European Economic Community (EEC) but is now simply known as the Evil Empire. No doubt in the slums of Athens and Madrid as youth unemployment hits 60% they were having a party to celebrate. Back here in the UK our political and media elite were strangely quiet on the matter because they are – for the most part – supporters of the EU in one form or another but aware that the plebs feel rather differently.

In years gone by, we Europsceptics were a minority. Our predictions that the Euro would be a disaster on economic grounds and that the Evil Empire would seize powers from Britain were dismissed by the bien pensants as the rantings of a crazed Xenophobic, little Englander, sort of racist minority. Yet sadly for Lords Howe, Hurd, Pantsdown, Mandelson, etc and for Tony Blair himself we sceptics have been proved 100% accurate in our predictions. And consequently popular opinion among those who pay for this folly (the pleb, taxpaying class) has moved strongly our way. As such the “guilty men” can no longer equate euroscepticsm with racism etc as they know they are insulting well over half the electorate.

The debate among the political/media classes in the UK


4228 days ago

The Wicked Witch Cherie Blair gets a CBE, £60k to the Tories gets you a gong too – Pass the Honours List sick bag

Bradley Wiggins gets the New Year gongs headlines. But it is the CBE for the Wicked Witch that has caused early morning nausea chez Winnifrith. Cherie Blair has been honoured for her charity work both through the Cherie Blair Foundation and directly as patron of various good causes. Fair enough. But that the Wicked Witch had the time and money to do these things is a result of the vast earnings her husband the War Criminal makes from advising dodgy regimes across the globe and her own vast earnings as a lawyer profiting from the daft human rights legislation that she pushed for and the War Criminal passed into law.

It is thanks to “human rights” legislation that the War Criminal and the Wicked Witch drove through that Abu Qatada is spending Christmas in his luxury state funded house milking the benefits system. It is thanks to that legislation that murderers are going to get IVF treatment paid for by you and me. The list goes on and on.

The damage done to this country by the Wicked Witch is immeasurable.


4235 days ago

Friday Caption Contest – Christmas Edition

I have just completed my first shift as a waiter at Real Man Pizza Company. Sadly for the Bulletin Board morons this is not an ongoing feature of my life just a response to a hectic pre-Christmas Friday. I think I am not a very good waiter. Now devoid of energy and polishing off a glass of red I offer a picture of two well known gentlemen. One is a character that some people believe in and who always delivers and the other is Prime Minister David Cameron.

To win an “It’s Time to Leave T-shirt simply post your caption entries in the comments section below

You can always buy your own It’s Time to Leave T-shirt, mug, hoodie, sweatshirt of thermos flask here.

For what it is worth my entry is:


4241 days ago

Call me a Doctor - I just agreed with evil Blair spin doctor Alastair Campbell

Tony Blair’s evil spin doctor Alastair Campbell is on the radio and the man who created the dodgy dossier is talking about fraccing. He is in favour. I agree with him. This is a first. Call me a doctor – I am deeply troubled with this development.


4243 days ago

Friday Caption Contest - Tony Blair costs you £2 million edition

The British taxpayer is to cough up £2 million in hush money to some poor bloke we picked up in Hong Kong and sent back to Libya to be tortured by Tony Blair’s murdering pal the late Colonel Qadaffi. The poor chap was sent back on a flight with his family three days after the man who wishes to be the President of Europe met the man who organised Lockerbie and sent guns to the IRA to secure oil concessions for British Companies in Libya. I guess it is all part of what the late Robin Cook termed “New Labour’s ethical foreign policy.”

In order to win a “Its Time to Leave” T-shirt please post suitable captions to the picture below in the comments box. The deadline is a week today

You can of course buy an “It’s Time to Leave” T-shirt, mug, thermos flask, sweatshirt or hoodie here.

My entry is:


4247 days ago

It is Published TODAY and Can be Downloaded NOW – Letters from the Chestnut Tree cafe!

Well here goes. My first e-book is live. You can now snap it up on Amazon or (better still) direct from the publishers, Harriman House. Letters from the Chestnut Tree Cafe (Thought crime in Britain and Greece, 1984 is finally here) is a collection of my best essays from the summer plus a sprinkling of a few other thoughts.

No doubt you all know where the Chestnut Tree Cafe is? It is in Airstrip One in Orwell’s 1984. I am a cynic about Government and deeply worried about free speech and Civil liberties issues. That seems to have been the theme of my writings but there is a good dash of Greek economic chaos, Tony Blair Jokes and much else besides.

I can’t say that it is a laugh a minute but those who have read it said there were enough jokes to keep them amused. You can snap up your e-copy at Harriman House HERE


4253 days ago

Starbucks and Google – The Stench of Political Hypocrisy and Short sightedness

The political class is today delighted as Starbucks appears to be caving in and agreeing to pay more tax. No doubt Amazon and Google will follow suit. My warning here is that what is going on will cost British jobs and it stinks of high hypocrisy. And yes Margaret Hodge MP I am talking about you.

I start with Hodge who has appointed herself as witchfinder general sniffing out big American companies who pay tax rates of as little as 1% in the UK. You may remember that this was the vile woman who ran Islington Council at a time when an institutionalised paedophile ring operated in its care home system. When this started to be exposed she attacked those doing the exposing as homophobes. Her reward for allowing little kids to get buggered by council employed nonces was to be made Children’s Minister by Tony Blair. You could not make it up.


4278 days ago

Happy Birthday Bram Stoker – father of Dracula

Bram Stoker was born this day in 1847 In Clontarf Dublin – the place where I now and again play rugby with John Teeling. Like all the very best of us he is of Donegal Church of Ireland stock (on his mother’s side at least). His two claims to fame are that he stole the heart of a woman who was at the time dating fellow Dubliner Oscar Wilde and, his only great work: Dracula.

Clearly Mrs Stoker made a good call on dumping Wilde given that he clearly would rather have “batted for England.” But Stoker’s own sexuality has also been the subject of some speculation. Rather like my late godfather Roger whose first wife decided to become a lesbian and then the mother of his daughter made the same call, perhaps it was just that Mrs Stoker was drawn to a certain type of man.


4281 days ago

No Effigy on the Fire tonight – who would you put there?

I strode in, and as I suspected, amongst the middle class lefties present at this bonfire night I was the only poppy wearer I could see. One nil to me. It was a good bonfire and some of fireworks zipped away as they would in a Harry Potter film. There was a chair on top of the bonfire but no effigy. I assume the deluded lefties did not wish to offend catholics or any other minority present. I was mildly surprised that Call Me Dave was not burned tonight. Perhaps Jimmy Savile could have been sent up in flames. In paedo obsessed Britain surely that would have met with popular acclaim?

I suggested to the various deluded lefties present that next year they might burn an effigy of Polly Toynbee or the Wicked Witch herself. Naturally I was accused of sexism.


4285 days ago

Sefton Resources Does a Tony Blair as it pumps stock ahead of Death Spiral share issue

War criminal, intern exploiter and former Prime Minister Tony Blair used to take great delight in announcing the same event a number of times in order to “work the spin cycle.” AIM listed penny share dreadful oil explorer Sefton Resources (LSE: SER) is playing the same game with an RNS today designed to show momentum but which shows nothing of the sort. This stock is still virtually worthless – my target price is 0.01p – but let me explain what is going on here.


4375 days ago

Off to Buthrint and another Blair joke

According to Virgil’s Aenid, the City of Buthrint in Southern Albania was established by folks associated with Troy as a miniature Troy. Of course this is all cobblers. The Aenid is essentially a story of a journey. Rather like another book entitled “A Journey” it is pure fiction dressed up as historical fact.

According to the great Roman author, when Aeneas fled Troy with his band if followers he popped in here to find a mini Troy before heading off to Carthage for his fling with Dido before moving onto Rome via Scicly. Of course, in Rome, the Trojans hook up with the Latinus tribe and the rest is history. Yup. If you believe that you also reckon there were WMD in Iraq capable of hitting British bases in Cyprus within 45 minutes. And no-one would fall for that would they?

But it suited the folks in Buthrint, then known as Buthrotum in honour of a bull that escaping sacrifice tried to swim here from Epirus and then died on the beach here (this time not a Blair myth but one from Teucros of Cyzicus), to be associated with Troy and thus Rome as the Roman empire expanded. Thus while the place pre-dates Rome, its glory rose after Caesar landed in 44 BC.


4376 days ago

The Blair Experience – Have Not Albanians suffered enough?

I celebrated becoming one of the top 18 million most followed folks on twitter (titter ye not, after 7 weeks I have way more than the mean number of followers) by wandering off in search of the Mosque here in Sarande. More on that tomorrow but it was hard to find and I kept ending up at the synagogue (ruined for 1500 years). Perhaps that tells you something. Eventually, post Mosque, I got lost again and found myself at the tourist office where I enquired about buses to Butrint, my next stop and how I go from there to Zitsa. The place was also a bookshop and so I had a butchers. Dad, sorry to report that none of your Albanian epics are on sale.

Prominently displayed was Mein Kampf in both German and Albanian. What is the market for Hitler’s crazed blueprint for a Nazi world among Albanian speakers? I hope that it is rather small. And which Germans want a copy? Does that guy giving the interesting salute to the Kraut team at the Olympic opening ceremony, holiday in Albania and feel the need to brush up on the basics of racial purity? The mind boggles, but both versions were positioned where you could not avoid seeing them.

Under Hoxha the Albanians were not allowed any exposure to Western media bar the films of the late Norman Wisdom, known here as “Pitkin.” As far as I can see Wisdom only had one joke.


4384 days ago

Cherie Blair – a reason to go on twitter

I re-tweeted this a few minutes ago (thanks Mark Wadsworth) but if you are not on twitter it is an example of why you should be. If you are not following me please do @tomwinnifrith – the tweet sums up all that is worst in a Marie Antoinette way about the wicked witch.

She is a freeloading wife of a war criminal who has made millions thanks to daft human rights legislation he passed which makes life in the UK ever more miserable. Across the political spectrum she is held in complete contempt. As such, you cannot but laugh at this tweet:

“Cherie Blair likes the idea of her family becoming a “Kennedy style dynasty”. So do I, but probably for different reasons.”

Boom. Boom. If the wicked witch feels the need to talk about anything perhaps she might discuss the actual tax rate that her husband and she pay on their earnings. That, I really would like to hear.


4419 days ago

Call Me Dave – a prize git on Carr, Morality and Tax

David Cameron says that Jimmy Carr’s tax avoidance scheme is morally wrong. But he admits that it is not illegal. And so he says that he is looking at new legislation (general tax avoidance rules) to make it illegal. David Cameron is a prize git and with this attention seeking outburst he shows it once again.


4427 days ago

Goodbye Port Erin – No fallout with Jim Mellon

Another day, another non job junked – I have quit the board of AIM listed Port Erin Biopharma Investments (PEBI). Why? I hope that I have made clear that going forward I shall only work a) with people I like and respect, b) where I earn a decent wedge and c) where I enjoy what i am doing. Port Erin fails 2 of the 3 tests.


4437 days ago

Jubilee Weekend – Part of our Denial

I am not an ardent monarchist. For a start I was brought up to support Ireland at everything. And at an intellectual level if we did not have a Monarch I cannot think we would create one. Except, of course that the alternative is an elected head of state – Queen Cherie Blair, King Trust Me Tony – I would not be a fan. But neither am I an ardent Republican. The Queen is devoted servant of her people, Prince Philip is a hoot and although he has a stack of daft ideas I cannot help but view Prince Charles as likeable. All seem good folk and I wish the whole family a great celebration. But can I really get enthused myself? No.
