Owen Jones

200 days ago

William Wragg, Grindr, The Honey Trap and the latest Tory sex scandal – I am so reminded of a Private Eye cartoon from 1963

In the house of my late uncle Christopher Booker the walls feature a number of original cartoons from the publication he co-founded, Private Eye.  Yes kids… the professional celeb and media tart Ian Hislop did NOT found Private Eye. My favourite is one that is very much in my mind today amid news of the latest Tory sex scandal, one from the Profumo era of 1963, drawn by Willie Rushden.


211 days ago

Owen Jones and rape: the Guardian's man sinks to a new low of Jew bashing

Guardian columnist Owen Jones famously demanded more proof that Hamas raped Israeli women on the October 7 pogrom. There were no live videos so that was not enough for little Owen. Eyewitness accounts did not count as he knows that Jews all lie about this sort of thing. What a shit Jones is. But in case you thought he could sink no lower, think again and it is also on the subject of rape.


371 days ago

Can Owen Jones really be this stupid: the Guardian posterboy blames Homophobia in Gaza on the British Empire in 1936

Little Owen Jones has this morning defended his chums who run Gaza, that is to say Hamas, from the charge of Homophobia by blaming the British Empire for oppressive laws in the rogue State. His logic is so terrifyingly illogical that Jones makes my cat seem like Einstein.


474 days ago

Of course Grind can boycott GB News but it should not and so I am going to #BoycottGrind: Explaining again for twitter trolls

I wrote an article earlier explaining why folks should boycott the price uncompetitive seller of coffee pods and operator of coffee bars Grind. I am a loyal customer but will not be one going forward. On twitter, a stack of folks who had not read what I had written behind a paywall lined up me to attack me for what I had not said. It’s a free world, you can show yourself to be an arse by behaving that way if you want to.


1189 days ago

Giles Coren, the late Dawn Foster, Owen Jones, cancel culture and the sad decline of Fleet Street

Dawn Foster was a young journalist who has died aged just 34. Surely we can all feel some understanding for someone dying so young? Not Giles Coren of the Times but he is not really the villain of this piece.


1219 days ago

Owen Jones & The Guardian cannot bring themselves to mention one elephant in the victimhood room in Batley & Spen

Guardian columnist Owen Jones has written a detailed piece on why Labour may lose the Batley & Spen by-election. Not only is its white working-class vote deserting it but so too, it seems, are the Muslims. Around 86% of Britain’s 3 million Muslims voted Labour in 2019 and in Batley 20% of the electorate is Muslim and they are not happy. Jones explains why but fails to mention one gigantic elephant in the room.


1265 days ago

These SinnFein/IRA scum do not speak for Liverpool however much they rewrite history

The tweet below shows some scousers honouring the 40th anniversary of the death of Bobby Sands, terming him “The People’s Own MP.” I suggest to you that these Fenian scum, whose souls will surely burn in hell, are rewriting history and also do not speak for the vast majority of Liverpuddlians, most of whom will be horrified by this.


1308 days ago

From IRA victim Máiría Cahill another poem that won no prize in the Martin McGuinness Peace Foundation contest

Máiría Cahill waived anonymity to expose her sexual abuse at the hands of the IRA. She is a brave person unlike Easter Egg distributor Gerry Adams and his utterly unlamented late partner in crime Martin McGuinness. The “Peace Foundation” honouring the Butcher of Londonderry, who almost certainly did personally kill people for the IRA, is running a poetry contest. Sentimental fools such as Joe Biden or Owen Jones who like to romanticise the evil Fenian bastards should read Cahill’s entry which, oddly, has won no prize. The BBC which frequently rewrites history so that our kids can be taught a false narrative should broadcast this poem. Everyone should read this poem.


1348 days ago

I never thought I'd say it but Je Suis Anthea Turner

Fading celeb Anthea Turner has learned a valuable lesson for 2021 – never tell the truth if it might offend anyone. The poor woman tweeted out the common sense point that most of those who were not old or frail who have died from covid were largely obese or unhealthy from self-inflicted illnesses. I write this as a fat diabetic. What Anthea said is true but that is neither here nor there in 2021 Britain. She was quickly set upon by a pack of twitter hyenas, folks who sniff out folks saying anything that might offend anyone, including, natch, the Guardian’s Owen Jones, the witchfinder general of the woke legions on twitter. His supporters piled on en masse.  Pretty soon, Anthea, facing the ruin of what is left of her career, was forced into issuing a grovelling apology. 


1353 days ago

The left still doesn't understand free speech - tries to shut down GB News before its first broadcast

If you want to watch TV news in the UK, your choice is essentially the BBC, ITV, Sky or Channel 4 “fake” News. All were overtly anti-Brexit, anti-Trump and are left-leaning – the presenters do not hide their views. On a range of issues including the bogus religion of global warming, the demands of the Trans community, the “largely peaceful” riots of BLM and the need to mask up everywhere and not challenge lockdown, the broadcast media sings from the same hymn sheet. For many of us who supported Brexit, don’t want our teenage daughter sharing a post basketball shower with a six foot girl with a beard and a cock called Barry, who – like just under half the Yanks – supported Trump or who might have voted Tory last time (apologies to folks here in Wrexham, I do regret it), there is no news broadcaster for us. Andrew Neil will soon launch GB News.



1384 days ago

Do you fire someone for tweeting a call to murder?

Earlier this year, a BLM/ANTIFA demonstration in Washington DC turned ugly, stores were being burned and looted, a church was attacked and a British DJ tweeted out about the demonstrators “shoot them.” Was she fired?



1387 days ago

Bracing myself for incoming flak from the lockdown jihadists on the village facebook page

The last time I posted on the Facebook page of the last village in Wales was to say that if folks wanted to walk across our fields then they would be more than welcome to do so. At the height of lockdown, it seemed a decent offer and I had even cut back the grass so folks could do so in a socially distanced manner. That was met with overt hostility from some who saw this as an act of wicked selfishness.


1406 days ago

Ash Sarkar, did you really go into journalism to do this?

I do not agree with the politics of communist journalist Ash Sarkar and she says some remarkably silly and insensitive things. But, as a believer in freedom, I defend to the utmost her right to say and write as she pleases, just as I defend other figures such as Sasha Johnson of BLM. Her right is to offend me with her ludicrous views. I also have a lot of sympathy for Ash for the way that she is attacked.


1493 days ago

Now smoking banned in your own study by Orwellian Local Council in Hammersmith, London

My late Uncle Christopher Booker did not believe in the idea of passive smoking. It was one of the few areas where we disagreed. I cannot see that inhaling other folks’ smoke can be good for you although, as an ex-smoker, I really do rather enjoy the smell of forbidden pleasure and the evidence that it causes massive harm if done in limited amounts is far from compelling. However, the two reasons to ban smoking in the workplace are a) that you may make the working environment of your colleagues less pleasant and b) that you might just be damaging their health.


1522 days ago

Photo Article: eating out in Covid Wales - has anyone got a number for Tony Blair or Matt Hancock?

Our local bistro here in Wales is a Greek South African joint so on the former basis, not the latter, it merits our support. Besides which, the owners are good folk and Joshua is in love with the waitress and it is a mutual feeling as they both share a passion for starting to talk about Christmas sometime in July. And so today my son and I had a modest lunch out.


1579 days ago

Making up blood libels about Israel is not a legitimate criticism of the Jewish State

Yesterday, the Labour party sacked Rebecca Long Bailey from its Front Bench as she endorsed an article, in the little read online rag the Independent, by an actress who thinks we care what celebs think and which contained a clear antisemitic trope. Yet many in Labour are rushing to her defence, including Guardian columnist Owen Jones and the Corbynite journalist Ash Sarkar whose tweet is below.


1594 days ago

First they came for the statues, then they came for the comedy: as Fawlty Towers is banned the woke revolution rolls on

Though, as I demonstrated earlier, he invested not a cent in slaving, the statue of philanthropist Thomas Guy is now officially for the melting pot. First they came for the statues. Then they came for the comedy. I have just played the video below to my woke Islington based daughter Olaf and she laughed loudly.


2339 days ago

The hypocrites celebrate referenda, the Irish celebrate murder

On Friday, the Irish voted to legalize abortion at up to 12 weeks. It is now Sunday and the BBC - my only English language TV here in Greece - is still covering this story with a manic obsession. "What a modern nation Ireland has become: a gay PM, abortion on demand, the Church in tatters, cue picture of joyous crowds." Okay, it does not mention its joy at the collapse of the Irish church but it makes its views clear with pictures of nuns scuttling away from polling stations looking miserable.


2339 days ago

The man in jail since Friday who we cant name but you all know - reasons for us all to be fearful

Since Friday a young man, whose name you must all know by now, has been languishing in prison in very real danger of being attacked by his fellow inmates. I cannot say who he is because the Judge who sent him down for thirteen months has imposed draconian reporting restrictions. But you all know his name - it is all over social media and a video of his arrest has been watched 1.5 million times on youtube already.


2352 days ago

Erdogan vs Trump - the rank hypocrisy of the British left

I think that I am abroad when President Trump visits the UK. Were I not to be overseas I would regard it as my duty to head to London in my "Hillary for Prison 2016" T-shirt to show my support for the leader of the free world. For every ghastly lefty going, notably Guardian squit Owen Jones and useless Mayor Khan, are promising to launch mass protests against The Donald.


2392 days ago

Dead heroine and villain Winnie Mandela - The Guardian injects its usual poison into the debate

There is no doubt in my mind that the appalling way that the evil apartheid regime treated the late Winnie Mandela and her children is a very legitimate mitigating factor for Winnie as she trudges her way on the long march towards a meeting with St Peter. Indeed the evil of apartheid and the way it treated all dissenters and all black Africans is another factor St Pete will take into account. But I very much doubt that he will be utterly forgiving and, I am sure, that Mrs Mandela will show no sense of repentance. Natch the Guardian, the newspaper of the liberal elite, thinks she did nothing wrong and it goes further, in its usual poisonous way, as it tries to silence debate on this matter. .


2409 days ago

Putin wins big time - Owen Jones reacts for the London liberal left - did no-one teach him any history?

Yes there were clear electoral irregularities in the Russian Presidential Election. But rather like Nixon in 1972 Vladimir Putin did not need to cheat to win.The headline number is that Vlad got 75%. Whether the real; number is 65% or 55% who cares, he won and he won easily. 

For the fact is that an awful lot of Russians like Vlad.


2484 days ago

Imagine earning £500,000 a year for spouting utter nonsense - star Guardian virtue signaller Owen Jones on Iran

Guardian columnist and celebrated virtue signaller Owen Jones earns £500,000 a year for writing material which is, far too often, directly contradicted by facts. Here is his take on demonstrations in Iran which have left more than 20 dead.


2489 days ago

A true hero Peter Tatchell absolutely owns his fellows lefties on sexual harassment

If there is one man who deserves a New Year's honour in 2018 it is the veteran LGBT and free speech campaigner Peter Tatchell. He will not be on a list packed with airhead celebs, sporting cheats, party donors and professional arse-lickers to the establishment. For, like me, Tatch is a Republican and so has refused honours for that reason and because he, rightly, views the system as rotten and corrupt.


2492 days ago

Todays episode of why an out of touch BBC is just not fit for purpose.

Even Jeremy Corbyn and the odious little arsehole Owen Jones of the Guardian have stopped lauding Venezuala - where the people are now starving -  as a socialist paradise on earth. Heck, even the mad Marxist "economist" Paul Mason has stopped citing it is a case study to show how Britain could prosper under Labour. But some folks are beyond saving. Remember that it is your license fee, extracted under threat of jail, that pays for BBC Radio 4 which still gives a platform to folks spouting patent rot. The tweet below needs no further comment from me.


2550 days ago

Owen Jones on the violence of abortion - what a truly loathsome man so typical of 2017 Britain

On today's Marr Show on the BBC, the guest lefty was the loadmouth Guardian columnist Owen Jones whose bon mot was on the matter of abortion. His horror was at the "violence" of denying a woman a right to have an abortion. Words almost fail me.


2673 days ago

Jon Snow of Channel 4 Fake News - the tweet that shows why he is so prone to pushing lies

All journalists have opinions. None of us can be truly impartial as we have our own views and prejudices. If you are a columnist, that is to say you write opinion that is why you do what you do. The views of Polly Toynbee, George Monbiot and Owen Jones are well known. They are Big State money tree worshipping lefties and argue that line. On the other side Mark Steyn, Melanie Phillips or Peter Hitchens take a different tack. I do not hide my own libertarian take on life. But none of the above are reporting news and when doing that your prejudices do matter. You should bury your on news when reporting FACT.


2705 days ago

Photo Article: Okay I have cast my vote but do so with no enthusiasm at all

James Delingpole‏ tweeted yesterday: Never thought I'd say this but Theresa May's Conservatives are so uninspiring it almost makes you yearn for the useless Dave. Rod Liddle asked "Is this the worst Tory Campaign ever?" I am not sure I know the answer Rod but as I go to vote in a seat the Tories should be gaining from Labour I do so almost not caring who wins.


2806 days ago

One third of freelance journalists are having a lifestyle subsidised by the taxpayer & yet they bleat

One of the handful of lesbians who have broken my heart by rejecting my advances oh so cruelly tips me off how the organ for journalists, The Press Gazette, is bleating on about poor freelancers. Good God these guys are idiots.


2824 days ago

Who will the Lefty Wimmin & Islington poseurs want to win: The Daily Mail or Melania Trump?

You know when your kids ask you "Daddy would you rather jump into a room full of poisonous snakes or an aquarium full of great white sharks?" and you just say " It is not a choice I expect to make? This morning lefties across Britain and all those pampered posh liberal nitwits (and my daughter) from the Wimmin's March wake up facing just such a choice.

During the US election a deranged Hillary Clinton supporting blogger Griffin Webster Tarpley posted a (100% fake news) story suggesting that the wonderful and intelligent six language speaking Melania Trump had been a high class hooker. Britain's Daily Mail duly repeated this lie and


2833 days ago

Jon Snow allows the black queer liberal millionaire to "own" persecution in Trump's America

As part of the wall to wall Donald Trump hatefest that C4 News is running this week, liberal media establishment posterboy milli9onaire Jon Snow last night found himself interviewing Jonathan Capeheart, a black and senior reporter on the Washington Post. Capeheart will earn a good wedge on the flagship liberal beltway cat litter of choice so its safe to assume he is a dollar millionaire. On the day after Trump won he cried on C4 news so upset was he.


2856 days ago

Photo Article: My Dad gets a Christmas Card from the Guardian and it annoys him but what about Cyril the rabbit?

Among the dozens of Christmas cards that my father has hanging across the beams and above the aga and on the mantlepiece here in Shipston ,is the one pictured below from The Guardian. It thanks him for being a loyal reader in 2016 as he has the BBC's sister publication delivered every day. 


2865 days ago

The Mrs would not allow me to call our son Ebenezer as Scrooge gets an awful press

I thought it was a good name. Unusual and reminiscent of an era when Britain made things, was a truly prosperous nation and before we all demanded shelter from cradle to grave in the safe space underneath the great Money Tree. But the Mrs disagreed. And so our son is called Joshua not Ebenezer.

I saw a production of the Christmas Carol last week and poor old Scrooge got a really hard time. In the first party of the tale he is a hero, a wealth creator, a provider of employment, the sort of man we can all admire. Then those pesky ghosts arrive and in the space of a night they turn him into a Guardian reading liberal with a spine made of Jelly. The play ends with him giving Bob Cratchit a huge pay rise.


2941 days ago

Another academic who views the "Little people" with contempt and disgust - Scott Bellows

The Colombian referendum really has got the liberal elite out in force showing their contempt for the "little people" when they vote the wrong way. In the comfortable groves of academia, a haven for lazy and overpaid folks who engage in an intolerant form of group think, the sparks were flying. We have already met Dr Caroline from Sheffied University who thinks we "should never have referendums on things that really matter" now meet Scott Bellows from Durham. Scott, the Prof, tweeted:


3109 days ago

My #4Demands - not quite what the workshy, money tree worshipping People's Assembly want

The British people voted for a Tory Government last year but those on the left reckon they were cheated. First past the post works fine when the left win but when the wicked & evil Tories win we need electoral reform. Whatever. So now we face a group called The People's Assembly which is marching today, making #4demands. It claims to speak for the people but has an agenda the Britsih people rejected overwhelmingly.

Charlotte Church, Russell Brand, Owen Jones, Jeremy Corbyn and a host of other millionaires will be there . I will not. It is one of the benefits of not living in London that I get to avoid contact with those sort of champagne socialists and thousands of bone idle smelly and lazy folks from the non-productive sectors who think everyone else should fund a society based on entitlements. 

I am sure that we have our share of such deluded folk here in Bristol but thankfully they have all gone on a middle class outing to London today: "Rah, rah, rah we're 


3501 days ago

The rabble who mobbed Nigel Farage’s car do not understand free speech

I do not support UKIP and I find much of what Nigel Farage has to say on matters such as immigration truly nauseating but those folk who mobbed his family car yesterday are even more nauseating.

Ben Gurion said that for Israel to be a grown up country it needed both prostitutes and fascists. Mr Farage is not a fascist but would have understood the sentiment. In a mature country we tackle the economic illiteracy at the heart of UKIP, we point out why its policies on immigration make no sense and are just fundamentally nasty. One engages in a free debate. You do not mob the car in which he and or his family sits.

I find the views of Polly Toynbee or Owen Jones even more offensive and repellent than those of Mr Farage but


3567 days ago

Oxford University Press and the Pig ban – More fools than anything else

The City of my birth contains more than its fair share of deluded lefties who worship at the altar of political correctness while singing the praises of the great Money Tree in the sky. They may not be bad folks but they are fools and their sanctimony drips out in a most annoying fashion.

And so this week the Oxford University Press announced that henceforth it would not be showing images of pigs or sausages lest it offend Muslim readers. How many Muslims were offended by a picture of Peppa or Winnie the Pooh’s little pal? Sod all of course. The middle class lefties probably know very few Muslims. The Muslims live in the poorer bits of East Oxford, the folks at the OUP wouldn’t dream of crossing over Magdalen bridge and leaving leafy West Oxford.

Many of us find the writings of Polly Toynbee and Owen Jones offensive


3936 days ago

Solving Britain’s housing “crisis” – why lefty cheerleader Owen Jones is 100% wrong

Self-appointed leader of the angry young left Owen Jones reckons that we need to build a million new homes in the next few years to solve a housing crisis. By “we” Owen – as ever means The Money Tree/the ever grateful taxpayer. Heck you pay for your own house so why not pay to build one for someone on Benefits Street as well? Bargain. Except that Owen is 100% wrong on this. To be fair so are most of the political classes – there is no need to build a single new home. 

My starting point is the Empty homes statistics for 2012 (the most recent currently available). These showed 920,000 empty homes across the UK. This excludes those unfit for habitation, due for demolition and – critically – an estimated 300,000 empty homes above shops. So the real number is c1.2 million homes.

But how, I can hear Owen whining, do you propose getting those homes back into use? Actually it is very simple. Even a deluded lefty with a tenuous grasp of economics should be able to understand the solutions.


3950 days ago

Owen Jones in my Christmas Stocking – eeeek

Santa (aka the Mrs, formerly known as the Deluded Lefty) included in my stocking a book called “Chavs” by Owen Jones. The Mrs was not fully aware of quite how loathsome Mr Jones is but surely the fact that at the top of the back cover is a quote from Guardian Harridan Polly Toynbee about how wonderful this book is must have been a giveaway.

Toynbee is, as you know, wrong about everything – the Toynbee Rule.

And so the book is dreadful. Mr Jones seems to think that quoting the opinion of some frightful lefty establishes what that frightful lefty believes as a matter of fact. That is even when it has been shown that the factual evidence shows that the views of the frightful lefty in question are just not borne out by hard reality.

I can understand when the students of the Mrs (studying sociology at a former Poly) cite the author of the Spirit Level to demonstrate the “fact” that inequality of wealth causes unhappiness all round. They are just 19 and are not a self-proclaimed one-person think tank for the Left. But when Owen Jones makes the same sort of claim you wonder what fuckwit offered to publish his book? Surely it would have been cheaper to have bought a few essays from her students off the Mrs and republished them?

Jones purports to show how the Middle Classes demonise all working class folks as chavs.
