1186 days ago
How many unsolved robberies, murders and rapes were there in God’s chosen county of Essex last year? I don’t know the answer but it is good that the Essex cops can take time off from tackling actual crimes to send out their tweets regarding Trans Day of Remembrance (#TDOR), one of the 109 special days for the 2.7% of the population who are LGBTQA+.Not only are the fuzz wasting resource with this pointless virtue signalling but ithe useless rozzers can’t even get their facts correct as one respondent to the idiotic tweet points out, as you can see below.
1276 days ago
Heck I would not have voted for him and warned folks he would be a disaster so don’t blame me. This journalist warned that Joe Biden had failing mental facilities during the election when a fawning BBC, Channel 4 and the rest of the liberal media insisted that this was an alt-right lie and it was perfectly normal for a Presidential candidate to refuse to take any open press questions or suffer any real scrutiny. Now folks: you reap what you sow. Afghanistan is the biggest humiliation America has faced since Vietnam. In fact it us more humiliating given the speed of the collapse from stability to helicopters on the embassy roof. And the lying by Joe Biden and others is off the scale. Surely it is worthy of impeachment, now that this is just a vehicle for political disapproval not a tool for removing a criminal President and given the relatively trivial matters that found Donald Trump, or indeed Bill Clinton, facing such an outcome?
1613 days ago
The constitution is clear. If a Supreme Court Justice dies, the sitting President nominates a replacement who must be ratified by the sitting Senate which right now means a Republican President and Republican majority in the Senate. But guess what, creepy Joe Biden appears to think that the US Constitution does not matter. Anyone thinking of voting for this senile old coot should be alarmed.
1775 days ago
I start by suggesting you read about the clownish Emma Priestley, AIM’s most incompetent boss HERE. Then I take great joy from the news that Channel 4 is having to make big cost cuts, but comment on its moral bankruptcy in taking state aid while still paying stars a packet and also what this tells us about companies such as Audioboom (BOOM). I look at the latest daft idea from my local Tory MP, Sarah Atherton, about the taxpayer funding a dying industry. I discuss a chat with Paul Jourdan of Amati, why I think house prices will crash but the bull case for shares. I look at the new dot.com bubble, the Corona bubble discussing, inter alia, Novacyt (NCYT), Tiziana (TILS) and Omega Diagnostics (ODX).
2083 days ago
Back in the Studio, Anne Applebaum, a well known sufferer from Trump Derangement Syndrome, had just made the ludicrous claim that had Donald Trump been President in the early 1940s his isolationism would have meant that the USA would not have joined the fight against the Nazis.
2335 days ago
Naturally the BBC, Channel 4 “fake” News and the rest of the liberal media presented a hopelessly one sided account of the Senate testimony of Christine Blasey Ford and the man she accuses of groping her 36 years ago, would be Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. But normal folks can see through all this.
2380 days ago
I noted the other day, how Donald Trump’s approval rating among black voters was at 29% which was just astoundingly high. The latest Rasmussen poll puts that figure at 31% which, if you check the data here , makes him the most popular Republican leader among blacks since the 1950s.
2387 days ago
As I am sure you can remember, the liberal media, spearheaded in the UK by the BBC’s repellent Jon Sopel and Beltway Kylie Morris and Matt Frei of Channel 4 Fake News, demonstrated, to their satisfaction, if not that of anyone else, that Donald Trump was a racist back during the Presidential campaign of 2016. The Democrats and Hillary paid a few visits to the ghettos and sung Kumbaya and all was well.
2433 days ago
Stranded in the car with the Mrs, I found myself forced to listen to the Jeremy Vine show on BBC Radio 2 as it discussed Donald Trump with the author, the Guardian writing metropolitan liberal elitist Christina Patterson. Listeners who liked Trump were invited to call in so that Christina could brand them as racists because she thinks all Trumpsters are racist. Keep it up liberal moron! Every such statement makes #Trump2020 even more of a shoo in.
2540 days ago
For more than two decades the mad dog eating commies of North Korea have been trying to perfect missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads to the USA. Us President after US President has said how cross he is and if the dog eaters don't stop being so naughty they will impose more sanctions for China and most other folks to ignore.
2565 days ago
I am very excited by working through the most wonkish of data sets to show Channel 4 was serving up A grade fake news as it reported on the drought in SA last night. More on that HERE. I start with the BMR (BMR) scandal where i am an angry small shareholder. The problem is that this is not an isolated incident, I look at Telit (TCM), MySquar (MYSQ) and Sefton (SER) where crime really did pay. Then I look at an Optibiotix (OPTI) share sale and indicate at what point i will, again, be buying. I look at a share sale in BCA Marketplace (BCA) and why that is such a massive red flag compounding the thesis explained in my major report of last Autumn, The Big Short.
2590 days ago
Until yesterday the most toe-curling interview in the history of Channel 4 Fake News was when little white liberal Matt Frei hectored a black pastor about why it was racist to vote for Donald Trump, a man the vicar supported wholeheartedly. But Cathy Newman has now trumped that with an interview with Canadian shrink and best selling author Jordan Peterson. The full 30 minute car crash is below and from start to finish demonstrates why the liberal media elitists have so completely lost the trust of the wider population.
2668 days ago
Throughout last week direct evidence of Russian Collusion by Hillary Clinton designed to sway the 2016 election emerged. So useless Special Prosecutor Mueller - a man linked directly to the Clinton/Russia Uranium One scandal - had to do something on the Trump enquiry. Today two men have been arrested. If this is the best that the opponents of Donald Trump can come up with he is in the clear.
2678 days ago
As she plugs her tawdry lie packed book "How I lost the election even though I was a brilliant candidate and it was everyone else's fault but I won really" Crooked Hillary Clinton tells every fawning liberal media interviewer in turn that the Russians worked hand in hand with Donald Trump to rig the poll and cheat her out of victory. After nine months of exhaustive investigations and any number of lurid smears not one shred of evidence has been produced to justify this assertion made to and by unquestioning MSM "journalists" . Indeed even the emails coming from the DNC and published by Wikileaks did not come from Russian hacking as Hillary asserts. But this is not the real Russian scandal.
2713 days ago
You may not remember the name but surely you remember the wall to wall coverage in late August 2016 when a Polish man was "murdered" in Harlow, Essex. On the state Broadcaster Pravda Daniel Sandford led the main news bulletins claiming this was a ‘frenzied’ race-hate murder by feral youths, triggered by Brexit. Ramming home this core message we had comments supporting that agenda from the local MP and a Polish diplomat. There was no question of "waiting for the facts" as we are all urged to to after each terror attack - though we all know that it was not Colonel Mustard wth the bucket bomb in the library. The liberal media had an agenda and Mr Jozwik's corpse would support that agenda.
2713 days ago
Once again, Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon (JD) has let rip with a devestating attack on the EU and its attitude to Brexit. It comes as JD unveiled a 43% increase in Full Year Profits achieved, as the fake news broadcasters at Channel 4 and the BBC would say "despite Brexit." Over to our hero of the day, Tim Martin:
2713 days ago
Of course we must not jump to conclusions. That is the preserve of fake news liberal media outlets like the BBC, Channel 4, CNN and The Guardian as they report about racist Donald Trump supporters berating a poor Muslim woman in New York - or not as it turned out. So let us make no assumptions of guilt although if we had to place bet, there would be one grouping that was an odds on favourite.
2740 days ago
The BBC, Channel 4, the Guardian and the rest of the liberal media on both sides of the Atlantic have been gagging to interview Nobel Prize winning former US Vice President Al Gore about his latest film. But at the Box Office, An Inconvenient Sequel Truth to Power is bombing. The liberal elitists may love but the great unwashed is turned off. Why? Perhaps it is because Al Gore's net worth has soared to $200 million thanks to his work, jetting across the world to fight man made global warming. Or perhaps it is because the facts show clearly that his first opus magnus, An Inconvenient Truth, was just plain wrong.
2768 days ago
With no real majority at Westminster, Mrs May's pathetic Tories are unable to push through any of the so many radical changes this country needs to make to avoid going bust. The chances of radical change on any issue that matters are zippo. Or so I believed. You thought that the useless Cons were out of big ideas? Think again. Today's Sunday Times reveals dramatic new proposals to tackle the needs of the transgender community. I just despair.
2787 days ago
It was the second lead story on the BBC News last night. The metropolitan elitists, the liberals inside the Westminster media bubble, spluttered with indignation as they talked to liberal minded colleagues inside the Washington Beltway. It is the story everyone is talking about they agreed. Of course that was more fake news too. Out there in the real world no-one really cares what President Trump tweets or perhaps, judging by the RTs, a lot of folks like what he tweets. Unlike 99% of liberals he has a sense of humour.
2793 days ago
All journalists have opinions. None of us can be truly impartial as we have our own views and prejudices. If you are a columnist, that is to say you write opinion that is why you do what you do. The views of Polly Toynbee, George Monbiot and Owen Jones are well known. They are Big State money tree worshipping lefties and argue that line. On the other side Mark Steyn, Melanie Phillips or Peter Hitchens take a different tack. I do not hide my own libertarian take on life. But none of the above are reporting news and when doing that your prejudices do matter. You should bury your on news when reporting FACT.
2800 days ago
In the UK the narrative from the liberal media fake news outlets let by the accursed BBC is that Donald Trump and his Republicans are enmeshed in scandal, in league with the accursed Russians and loathed across America. So what if the FBI has cleared Michael Flynn? So what if there is scant or no evidence that Donald Trump obstructed justice let's shriek on about a new Watergate anyway. Fake news tells you that Trump is on the ropes and so an special election in Georgia's 6th Congressional district was hailed as a "referendum on Trump". The vote was yesterday.
2856 days ago
As you know I measure my fluctuating weight by the waist size of the trousers that best fit. 32 inches and I am back where i was at 18 when Abbe Aronson broke my heart, something that still traumatises me to this day. I was also at 32 when the Guardian newspaper, in a very rare moment of vision, described me as "the housewife's favourite" as I presented SMTM on Channel 4. 44 ( or was it 46) was my bloated peak. I started this holiday in 36 inch jeans.
2887 days ago
As they prepared to lay the coffin containing the remains of the murderer Martin McGuinness into the ground in a place which the craven liberal British media termed Derry but which we know as Londonderry, the old killer's comrade in arms Gerry Adams screamed to the crowd "Martin McGuinness was not a terrorist". They howled their appreciation. Adams continued "Martin McGuinness was a freedom fighter". The fenians howled some more. But of course Adam was lying - not that the liberal British media dared to flag that up.
2887 days ago
My coverage of Channel 4 Fake News has been extensive. It just makes up lies and pretends they are facts. But yesterday it reached a new height of fake news and then tried to cover it up. A proper editorial organisation would have a full enquiry and heads would roll. But this is channel 4 fake news, which allows US reporter Kylie Morris to state that Donald Trump had promised to make America "more white" which he quite simply had not done. This is fake news central. Yesterday it was the Westminster terror attack.
2887 days ago
The platitudes are raining in from Westminster. The journalists who live in the bubble that surrounds Halitosis Hall are downing us with the same nonsense. In an urge to offend no-one we are being spun lies from the Ministry of Truth. The response from the elites to the awful attack in Westminster was predictable but none the less disappointing in the extreme as I discuss in this podcast. Channel 4 is worthy of its own special condemnation for its fake news coverage of the incident HERE.
2903 days ago
In the budget yesterday, hopeless Chancellor Hammond stated that he did not expect to be running a balanced budget until 2025 - his even more hopeless predecessor had - without much justification - predicted he'd be in balance a few years earlier. Channel 4 Fake New seized on this as a statement that the wicked Tories planned eight more years of austerity. Time and time again this mantra was repeated without challenge. It is, of course, just a fake news invention.
2904 days ago
The March edition of the UK Investor Show Magazine is live featuring 7 share tips, company profiles, interview with Richard Poulden of PCGE, why we fight fraud & fake news on Channel 4, Donald Trump, Marine Le Pen, a look at the banksters and much more.
2938 days ago
I have made it clear that the issues raised by Channel 4 with regards to the way Boohoo.com (BOO) treats warehouse staff and exploits vulnerable immigrant workers are serious. I am so shocked that I am boycotting the retailer. Ho Ho Ho - do you honestly think I have ever used it? But other real customers are enraged not just by what appears to be the unacceptable face of capitalism. Boohoo is censoring its facebook page removing any hostile comments. That in itself is seen as being shifty. Truly, Boohoo is crap at PR.
2940 days ago
I am no fan of Channel 4, Most of its reporting is shocking. But the Dispatches programme today was superb journalism. It exposed Boohoo.com (BOO) and to a far lesser extent ASOS (ASC) for the way they treat management. Boohoo was truly shamed. Its management were shown to be shifty and deceitful in their responses to a film footage which showed quite sickening exploitation of workers and indeed law breaking. If I was a customer I'd shut my account down at once. There are legal and financial implications (bad ones) but the biggest will be reputational damage. How will the snowflake generation who are Boohoo customers react? Looker at #BoycottBoohoo on twitter and have a guess. All this is discussed in a bonus podcast.
3019 days ago
I stayed up all night and as a result am knackered. I am happy because I wanted Trump to win as I explained HERE. I am even happier because I have time and time again, even on Monday HERE, shown you why the polls were wrong. And thus as predicted here in early September, the eight reasons why Trump was going to win proved valid. I look at the polling industry and the disgraceful behaviour of the media including BBC star Emily Maitlis and Matt Frei and Kylie Morris, both of Channel 4, in this campaign. I was right and almost the entire mainstream press here in the UK was just plain wrong. Shares have tumbled this morning, I explain what is next for America and for equities there and in the UK and finally, if the establishment ignores this warning as well as Brexit, I predict that Europe will see upset next and explain why so many of us in the 99% remain very angry deplorables.
3023 days ago
I stayed up all night and as a result am knackered. I am happy because I wanted Trump to win as I explained HERE. I am even happier because I have time and time again, even on Monday HERE, shown you why the polls were wrong. And thus as predicted here in early September, the eight reasons why Trump was going to win proved valid. I look at the polling industry and the disgraceful behaviour of the media including BBC star Emily Maitlis and Matt Frei and Kylie Morris, both of Channel 4, in this campaign. I was right and almost the entire mainstream press here in the UK was just plain wrong. Shares have tumbled this morning, I explain what is next for America and for equities there and in the UK and finally, if the establishment ignores this warning as well as Brexit, I predict that Europe will see upset next and explain why so many of us in the 99% remain very angry deplorables.
3059 days ago
The Hungarian referendum on immigration left me feeling pretty disgusted by all involved. All the players appall me.
The liberal media wags from the BBC and Channel 4 were delighted to interview a raft of fat old Hungarians dressed in national costume heading off to vote. One woman insiated in sitting on the back seat of the car facing backwards with her ample arse in the air so as not to crumple her hideous dress which reminded us of folks in old Nazi propaganda movies from the thirties. Naturally 99% of those voting wandered to the station wearing jeans and looking normal. But the media wanted to show that all those voting to stop migration were old, inbred and stupid. We have seen that agenda before.
3073 days ago
Channel 4 News anchorman Jon Snow had the pleasure last night of interviewing a man who is not really a household name even in his own household, that is to say Tim Farron the leader of the Liberal Democrats. Farron was both inconsistent and uninspiring but it was Snow who made the real spectacle of himself, showing sneering contempt for seventeen million of his fellow citizens.
3113 days ago
Yet again the British media was last night pumping out more stories about Donald Trump gaffes. The beltway classes think that what he says is big news and has The Donald sunk in the Presidential Race. By my calculations that is about the 9,784th time that the BBC, Channel 4, the Guardian and the liberal press pack have written the Trump political obituary. One day they will be right. But so far they have been wrong 9,783 times with no apology. The bigger stories which they are not reporting are the growing scandals surrounding crooked Hillary.
4013 days ago
White Dee is a character from the Channel 4 shows “Benefits Street”. Until 2007 she worked for Birmingham City Council but was then sacked for stealing £13,000. Has she repaid that dosh or gone to prison? Of course not, this is Britain in 2014.
Today she rakes in £200 a week in benefits tax free and is unable to work because she is “too depressed”. Of that £200 she reckons that £120 goes on junk food for her and her family and then there are the 20 cigarettes a day. I expect they are bought “under the counter” but that will still be another £35.
She cheerfully admits that there are folks out there working really hard to clear £100 a week but White Dee is too “depressed” to join them. Heck £200 a week tax free is the equivalent of £12-13,000 a year working and so why the hell should she work. I do not blame her for choosing a life of being a scrounging parasite, I blame our welfare system for not forcing her to work. That would make her depressed.
Instead she is apparently planning to trouser £60,000 appearing on celebrity Big Brother or to run for parliament as an MP (she supports Labour natch). At least as an MP she would feel at home with the other state fund parasites and thieves at Westminster.
And so I invite you to look at this lazy lardball below and as you think about getting up early tomorrow morning to go to work, think about how she is living off your taxes. Post a suitable caption in the comment section below by next Friday:
For what it is worth my entry is:
“Another victim of the austerity programme of the wicked Tories contemplates how she is being made to suffer."
4249 days ago
Some folk seem upset about Channel 4 running a Daily call to prayer for the 30 days of Ramadan which starts next week. C4 is a private company and can do what it wants. It has indeed been a pioneer in trying to support those perceived as oppressed minorities and in many cases its work has been laudable, although I think that giving the Jew hating Islamofascist nutjob who runs Iran a Christmas slot opposite the Queen was perhaps a step too far.
But as I say it is a private company it can broadcast what it wants. Since I cannot remember the last time I watched anything it aired anyway, I cannot say that I would be the right person to boycott it in protest. That is if I cared. Which I do not.
But always keen to be helpful it strikes me that this is an ideal opportunity to perhaps foster greater understanding between oppressed minority groups and so drive forward the struggle for a more tolerant and understanding society.
There are some folk out there who have suggested that some elements of the Islamic community are not terribly supportive of the gay rights movement and the campaing for homosexual equality. Notwithstanding pictures of gay men swinging from cranes in Iran, Egypt and Gaza and the wave of gay bashing seen in parts of East London in the name of Islam, I am sure that this is all a big misunderstanding.
And as such, to drive this point home, following his outstanding work in covering the Eurovision Song Contest might I suggest that C4 recruits Mr Graham Norton to lead the call to prayer each day? If he is unavailable Mr Dale Winton used to be a very sympathetic host of Supermarket Sweep and perhaps he is a man to get the backing of the wider Moslem community.
Tolerance, brotherly love, etc…bring it on.