481 days ago
We are yet to see apologies from the BBC, the leader of the SNP, Jeremy Corbyn, Yanis Varoufakis and the others who blamed Israel for blowing up the Al-Ahli hospital in Gaza. As synagogues burn , Jews face fresh attacks and mobs attack Western embassies maybe such bien pensants might reconsider their actions. I do not say that the IDF is without sin but on this occassion it appears that it was. Islamic Jihad, unintentionally, was the culprit. Maybe you doubt me?
482 days ago
I have catalogued a number of examples of clear BBC bias with regards to Gaza and Israel on this website as you can see HERE and HERE. But last night there was an explosion at the Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza. Hamas immediately blamed an Israeli air strike and said 500 were dead. The ghoulish Jeremy Bowen appeaed on the BBC saying the whole hospital had been destroyed and the BBC – without checking the claims of Hamas – blamed the Israelis. Across the region there are huge protests and ever more violence and talks between President Biden and Arab leaders about peace have been cancelled. However…
490 days ago
In Sydney they lit up the Opera House with Israeli flags to show solidarity after the weekend pogrom by Hamas where the death toll is now over a thousand including 40 babies found killed, usually by beheading, at a Kibbutz this afternoon. The babies are not combatants. Killing Jewish babies is what the Nazis did to stop the “virus” spreading on another generation. Even the Nazis did not usually behead the babies. Most decent folks in the West are repelled by what Hamas did but in Australia a crowd of several hundred gathered near the opera house…
700 days ago
I start with a rant about the fecking GPs and the bloody teachers as approx. 0.0 inches of snow accumulates and my father in law has to go to hospital again. I am so bloody angry about both. Then it is onto the collapse in the share price of Atlantic Lithium (ALL) – about which I explicitly warned you all just under four months ago HERE – after a bear dossier was published: see below. Then I look at Red Rock Resources (RRR), some of the #IWD jokes including one from Jeremy Corbyn and one from Guild Esports (GILD). Finally it is ouzo o’clock as musicMagpie (MMAG) serves up dire results and warns of tough times ahead. Footnote: at 4.15 PM Atlantic shares were suspended “pending an announcement”
922 days ago
Today’s Emmanuel Goldstein in the two minute hate on social media, in the MSM and at Westminster is, not for the first time, Jeremy Corbyn. His “crime” is suggesting that the UK should not be sending any more weapons and cash to Ukraine. Before you condemn the Marxist old loon what is your alternative?
1326 days ago
The attitude of the Guardian is that if it does not agree with you, you must be an alt-right freak. If it can’t smear you by what you say it smears you by association. It uses the same – utterly flawed – logic that links vegetarians to war crimes via Adolf Hitler. And I am sorry to see my hero Peter Tatchell who has done more to fight for freedom than anyone else in Britain today, disappearing down the same rabbit hole.
1331 days ago
Guardian columnist Owen Jones has written a detailed piece on why Labour may lose the Batley & Spen by-election. Not only is its white working-class vote deserting it but so too, it seems, are the Muslims. Around 86% of Britain’s 3 million Muslims voted Labour in 2019 and in Batley 20% of the electorate is Muslim and they are not happy. Jones explains why but fails to mention one gigantic elephant in the room.
1365 days ago
The BBC, Jeremy Corbyn, Keir Starmer and idiots across the land talk of the conflict in Gaza and Israel as if the two sides were morally equivalent and indeed, in many cases, suggest that Israel is the real villain. Israel is, of course, targeting only military installations to defend its citizens from attack. Hamas opts to site its military in civilian areas to use its civilians as a human shield and to score PR goals if they are killed by an Israeli bomb. Hamas just wants to kill Jews. Any Jew. Just as many as possible. You will not see this sort of material on the BBC or on any British University campus but if you doubt what I say about Hamas then watch this video below to hear and see what it really thinks. And then ask yourself which side in this conflict wants genocide and is driven by pure evil and which side is just trying to save its men, women and children from a second holocaust in 100 years.
1368 days ago
The marches yesterday for Palestine were not vast but were attended by folks like Jeremy Corbyn and will no doubt get widespread MSM coverage. But here is one photo from London everyone should see as it shows loud and clear the revolting Jew-hatred driving many to protest.
1377 days ago
The tweet below shows some scousers honouring the 40th anniversary of the death of Bobby Sands, terming him “The People’s Own MP.” I suggest to you that these Fenian scum, whose souls will surely burn in hell, are rewriting history and also do not speak for the vast majority of Liverpuddlians, most of whom will be horrified by this.
1415 days ago
A newspaper drops into the letterbox here at the Welsh Hovel, the last house before you hit the river which separates us from the infidels in England. If you start at the back, the paper is in Welsh, at the front it is in English. It is the election newspaper from the cottage burners of Plaid Cymru urging me to back its candidate for the Senedd on May 6. Of course I shall do that for reasons I explained here but if I was starting to waver…
1523 days ago
Well here it is folks, the court order in the case of Julie Meyer MBE vs heroic PR man Henry Gewanter. As tends to be the way in matters of money, Ms Lingerie on Expenses is the defendant. You will note what the court says about the behaviour of Ms Meyer, the quantum of costs, interests and damages awarded against her and also that the deadline was paying was 8 December. Has she paid? Oddly no. Leopards do not change their spots and there is more chance of Jeremy Corbyn converting to Judaism and asking to join the Israeli Army than there is of Julie actually obeying the court. Enjoy.
1530 days ago
There is a new poll out today which shows that the red wall is collapsing. A year ago in traditionally Labour seats like Wrexham, where I live, the Tories were on 48% with Labour on 39%. Now Labour leads by 47% to 41%. Of course, there are four years to the next election but MPs such as the ghastly Sarah Atherton, in these parts, should see that the writing is on the wall. Like so many folks here in Wrexham handed P45s thanks to insane lockdown policies – supported by silly Sarah –, folks like Ms Atherton will themselves be encountering a P45 in due course.
1778 days ago
I start with a look at dividends in general and why they should be cut or axed but I discuss as per today’s most excellent article from Chris “Three Brains” Bailey Imperial Brands (IMB) and Shell (RDSB) in particular. I am tempted to buy both becuase i think their shares will go up AFTER an inevitable dividend cut. I discuss what a moron Jeremy Corbyn is and my anger at an Oxford institution wanting Government cash. I look at Zenith Energy (ZEN) wondering if it has found more fake sheikhs drawn to the AIM Casino and also at AIQ (AIQ) – which continues to amuse.
1908 days ago
The Mrs will almost certainly vote Labour as she always does, happy in the knowledge that a victory for Jeremy Corbyn will mean an immediate 5% pay rise for here and all other underpaid and overworked sociology lecturers. I have pointed out that after five years of following Venezuala style economic policies she will be eating our cats but that is one good reason not to vote Labour. Quincy and Sian are, out of pure self interest, rooting for Boris. There are numerous freasons not to vote Labour contained in its extremist and economically illiterate manifesto, but the over-riding reason why no-one with any conscience can risk Labour winning is anti-semitism.
2141 days ago
I start with a question for wretched PM Theresa May - which of your assessment's of Jeremy Corbyn was correct? I then look at the strange events at Brave Bison (BBSN), take aprt Audioboom's (BOOM) joke trading statement, look at Jersey Oil & Gas (JOG), Management Resource Solutions (MRS) and, finally, thirsty Paul Scott favourite TrakM8 (TRAK). Now how about you all follow the good Craig and donate a "one-er" HERE
2274 days ago
Steyn is a genius and he sums up the difference between the UK's worst ever Prime Minister and the worst ever leader of the opposition superbly over at www.SteynOnline.com . The great man writes:
2274 days ago
On this day we should remember the anniversaries of 25 folks murdered by the IRA. They were civilians, largely in Birmingham. There were two 17 year olds with their lives ahead of them, numerous other young folks on a night out in a pub, a man away from his pregnant wife who never got to see her give birth or his kid grow up, a factory worker, a railwayman, the list goes on and on.
2283 days ago
It's trebles all round on Malcolm in the Punter's Return becuase, as you can see below, we have indeed found and located the Magic Money Tree. The nation's problems are all over, vote Corbyn, sit back relax and await paradise on earth.
2287 days ago
World War One ended 100 years ago this week and so, quite rightly, the media is giving wall to wall coverage to ceremionies and other tributes. It was a ghastly and pointless conflict but we should honour the fallen in that conflict and others and show our respect. Of course some Cambridge students and pampered Serbian soccer players at Manchester United will not. That is a sad reflection on them. But there is one Rememberance day event the liberal elites, the BBC and its sister paper the Guardian will do their best to ignore. They want you to forget.
2291 days ago
This is a demonstration of the great political divide in our household. The Mrs drinks her Fair Trade organic ethically sourced tea from her Jeremy Corbyn Strong and Stable mug, I drink my mass produced capitalist coffee from my Iron Lady/Iron Duke mug celebrating two great Prime Ministers. And as you can see below Joshua has today smashed one mug.
2321 days ago
Our Winnileaks Matt Earl special on First Derivatives (FDP) has set the cat amongst the pigeons. But I have bad news for the men from God's chosen lands of Ulster who run First. I have more and hope to air soon. Ho ho ho. Get the ouzo and ice ready. In this podcast I also cover spoofing at BlueJay (JAY), Fastjet (FJET), Frontera (FRR), the scandal at Indigovision (IND) which is enough to have us all voting for Jeremy Corbyn, Mayan (MYN) and, in some detail, Condor Gold (CNR), the gold dog which has sent so much of the cash of my good pal Jim Mellon to money heaven. I fear Jim will have to get his wallet out again soon.
2330 days ago
Come home to a real fire...buy a second home in Wales. You remember the sketch. Anyhow, the Mrs and i are looking and pondering because, as you know, she wants to pursue her career and I want to rear goats. The exercise, however, throws up very real questions about house prices. Moving on I look at Bushveld Minerals (BMN), Optibiotix (OPTI), Avanti Communications (AVN), Imaginatik (IMTK), Redhall (RHL) and Mitie (MTO) another company whose former boss helps to make Jeremy Corbyn's quite insane policies seem almost desirable.
2380 days ago
It is not a complicated journey from Bristol to Birmingham but it is ffing expensive. Had I got up before 6 AM I would have saved £8 but for the sake of a bit of a lie in I caught the 8.30 and my return ticket cost a whopping £117.80. adding insult to injury Cross Country trains is making me pay an extra £2 for an hour’s internet access. To put this in perspective, I can get to London and back from £75 which is about the same distance and the wifi is free.
2387 days ago
There are some who try to suggest that former IRA members like Gerry Adams or the late Martin McGuinness should be remembered for bringing peace to Ulster. There are those who say that talking to such men was a heroic act by Jeremy Corbyn. Those folks probably cannot remember "the troubles" or if they have heard about it it is with a false narrative of one sided British brutality. On this day I ask you to remember the small town of Claudy and what happened there 46 years ago as you watch and listen to the ballad of Claudy.
2394 days ago
The quite revolting badge below was on sale at the Tolpuddle rally at the weekend, addressed by Jeremy Corbyn and attended by the great and good of the Labour movement. If this is not offensive and anti semitic what is? But did Corbyn et al object or do anything about it? Natch they did not. And they wonder why Jewish folk have a problem with Labour?
2513 days ago
Aged nine, Mirielle Knoll somehow managed to evade the SS and their, depressingly enthusiastic, French collaborators as they rounded up 13,000 Parisian Jews and took them to the Vel' d'Hiv cycling track from where they were sent on a one way trip to Auschwitz. Mirielle survived the war.
2514 days ago
As the Board of Deputies plans a protest at Westminster against anti-semitism in the Labour party the hand of Jeremy Corbyn is forced. After months of making excuses for all sorts of Jew Haters within his ranks now he faces the sort of PR disaster which forces him to admit that "there are pockets" of anti-semitism within the party. Deep pockets many of us would say.
2518 days ago
One of the big lies that our children are told in school and university and which the liberal media ram down our throats is that public sector workers are paid less than we folks in the productive sector and have had lower pay rises over the past few years. Those lies are exposed as lies with hard data as I did in my, Bath Spa lecture HERE, the "what happened next" story of which I will relay one day and which will horrify you. But the lie has worked. If enough folks repeat a lie often enough it becomes an Orwellian truth.
2526 days ago
This will not make me popular but I have to say that my fellow Russianophile and guest on RT, comrade Jeremy Corbyn, is taking the correct, if massively unpopular line on the alleged Russian Chemical attack in Salisbury. I don't care if old Jezza is still on the payroll of the Czech secret police he is right.
2551 days ago
If you are my age then you look at the photo below and are forced to admit that it is a jolly good joke about Jeremy Corbyn given recent revelations. If you are a snowflake you probably have no idea just how vile the Eastern block was how they oppressed and murdered their own folk and how evil their spies were. You were not born then. For the same reason, you probably also have no idea what bastards the IRA were and how they brought carnage to the streets not only of Northern Ireland but of Britain too. And so you still think that Comrade Corbyn is a nice old man. More fool you.
2573 days ago
There are two big lies told by folks like Jeremy Corbyn about the NHS and they have been told so often most of our fellow citizens believe them to be true. This podcast explains why they are not, whatever the greedy doctors tell us. The lies are:
2603 days ago
Even Jeremy Corbyn and the odious little arsehole Owen Jones of the Guardian have stopped lauding Venezuala - where the people are now starving - as a socialist paradise on earth. Heck, even the mad Marxist "economist" Paul Mason has stopped citing it is a case study to show how Britain could prosper under Labour. But some folks are beyond saving. Remember that it is your license fee, extracted under threat of jail, that pays for BBC Radio 4 which still gives a platform to folks spouting patent rot. The tweet below needs no further comment from me.
2617 days ago
There is no doubt that my angelic one year old son Joshua will be blessed with a visit from Santa Claus on the night before Christmas for he has been a good boy. The Mrs will be equally blessed for she has been a good girl. Notwithstanding the fact that he has just vomited in the kitchen, my three legged cat Oakley will also be rewarded with a stocking. Indeed, Santa will be a busy fellow. The mother-in-law is joining us to brighten up my Christmas and I gather that Santa will also be visiting her. to reward her for her good deeds in 2017, The only question is will daughter Olaf, be so lucky? She is a godless creature delighting in liberal delusions who thinks that Christmas is just one great consumerfest and nothing to do with Jesus. Should Santa really reward such heathens? But back to Joshua...
2627 days ago
I start with a look at whether some current assets are really current assets, taking my inspiration from my earlier analysis of Jim Mellon's flagship dog Regent Pacific. I explain why getting this right is so important in endeavouring proper company analysis. Then it is onto Friday's market sell off caused by what even ABC now admits was 100% fake news about Donald Trump. I look at the tax plans of POTUS which are inspirational and compare them with the rhetoric coming out of Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Party. I increasingly think Corbyn will win the next election and explain why that would be such a disaster. Tomorrow there may be no bearcast as I am travelling but I plan to do a double video share tip for paying subscribers only
2778 days ago
Of course it was an appalling tragedy. Of course ones heart goes out to those who died and to those who were injured and to those who grieve after the Grenfell Tower fire. But four weeks on the demands of the survivors grow louder and they are in many cases just plain unreasonable. Anyone who dissents from their demands for justice (on their terms), free unicorns and whatever else is their "right" is flamed as an uncaring, heartless bastard. At the risk of being viewed thus...
2778 days ago
In 2013, Sally Jones a, then, 45 year old former punk rocker who has never worked in her whole life moved to Raqqa to join ISIS with her younger husband. happily he was wiped out by a US drone strike but living off his widow's pension Sally, or Umm Hussain al-Britani as she would rather be known, has continued to fight the good fight. Until now.
Her young son was shown on video being taught how to behead infidels. She ranted on line about wanting to behead Christians with a blunt knife and to kill Jews. She and her late lamented husband were shown to have been involved in more than a dozen attempted terror attacks in the West. Working for ISIS in Raqqa she is believed to have recruited dozens of other Western women to the cause, persuading them to also flee to Raqqa.
But now Sally has let it be known that she wants to come "home".
2784 days ago
If folks like me say that Jeremy Corbyn's Labour party is so infected with the virus of anti-semitism that it has become institutionalised I am accused - as an out and proud right winger but also as a proud Zionist - of smearing. The video below is remarkable in that it is produced by and features a raft of fully paid up Guardian reading, left wing academics, many indeed are Labour Party members. It is a truly shocking expose of the evil at the heart of the British left.
2796 days ago
As the Queen wandered among the victims of the Grenfell Tower tragedy yesterday I could not help wonder at what a really very good human being she is. I write as a diehard republican but I cannot help but but admire Elizabeth Windsor. And everyone else seems to do so too. My mind then went back a couple of decades to the death of Diana, Princess of Wales. How differently the Queen was viewed - for a few days at least - back then but how the mood was so similar.
2800 days ago
The students flocked to Jeremy Corbyn after he promised to scrap tuition fees. It was a great bribe what was not to like? Vote Labour and save £9,000 a year. Fabbo. Of course it was based on money tree economics as were so many other Labour pledges and that is the inherent dishonesty at the heart of Labour. In the end they would run out of other people's money. But on this issue the Tories are even more dishonest.
2808 days ago
This is not pretty. Commie journalist Paul Mason says that Diane Abbott is only criticised by nasty racists. Au contraire. She is criticised by all and sundry because she is too lazy to do her homework and too stupid to understand her brief. This interview with Sky is a total car crash. Does anyone seriously think that this woman is fit to be Home Secretary by Friday. I know she shagged the boss but is there any other reason why Jeremy Corbyn has not fired this useless old bag? If Labour thinks she is fit for a high office, or indeed any office, it is 'avin' a giraffe. Watch this and you just have to vote Tory.
2808 days ago
Until yesterday the one thing we could all agree on was that Jeremy Corbyn was a man of principle. Okay he was on the wrong side almost always but the bearded old loon stuck to his guns. But it seems that with the election four days away he has announced a big U Turn. I can't think why. Oh yes, the General Election is four days away...
2809 days ago
This is a one off. Last night's BBC Question Time leaders special and the reaction of the deranged supporters of team Corbyn has enraged me and goaded me into this bearcast special. Quite simply, if Jeremy Corbyn is elected and implements the policies he proposes he will bankrupt Britain. Will the last wealth creator left in the UK please turn the lights off. Only folks with no real world experience who do not understand how money works could advocate this madness.
2812 days ago
If you are an entrepreneur whose business makes a profit then having risked your capital and sweated blood to create such a profit is it not right that you get to spend those profits? Of course it is. 70% of businesses starting today will go bust within the next five years. That is the risk so you need a reward. If there is no reward why would anyone start a business? Reduce the reward fewer folks will take the risk. It's so simple even Jeremy Corbyn should get it. But he does not.
2819 days ago
This is a human tragedy, it is a mass murder, the story is of shattered and broken lives. However there is still going to be a General Election on June 8 and it is a legitimate question: will this attack make an impact? The answer I suspect is that it will though folks may consider it tasteless to speculate about it, it cannot be ignored. Terror attacks are just not good news for Jeremy Corbyn.
2843 days ago
The drunken career politician and all round poltroon Jean-Claude Juncker, aka the President of the Evil Empire, is the source of a leak of a meeting he had with PM Theresa May. He aims to embarrass her - in fact his leak, and the ludicrous demands made by EU leaders for pre-divorce Brexit negotiations, are Mrs's May's best presents since Jeremy Corbyn was re-elected as leader of the Labour Party.
2851 days ago
And you wonder why fewer and fewer folks trust a word they read in the deadwood press, especially the loathsome Daily Mail. It is only one week since I picked it up HERE on its 100% fake ISIS news from Syria. Now it is making things up again and once more it appears to be at the behest of Tory Central Office. The headline screams " Tory lead is slashed in half after tax U-turn: Bombshell Mail on Sunday poll shows May plummeting by 11 points ...denting hopes of a landslide." Bollocks.
2880 days ago
And so Martin McGuinness is dead. I welcome no death - as I explained here with reference to this unrepentant murderer of many - but equally I would agree with Norman Tebbit that old Martin is right now suffering agony in a particular part of hell reserved for the truly wicked. Martin's crime, in the eyes of St Peter and indeed many on this earth, is not so much the killing many innocent folks but a failure to accept that this was a sin, that he had sinned and to show remorse. For that McGuinness can only be viewed as evil and damned to burn in hell for eternity.
2954 days ago
Jeremy Corbyn has today announced that he would like to cap the pay of the very rich. He did not specify exactly what the cap would be but he made it clear that this included top businessmen and soccer players.
This will no doubt win great plaudits from vast numbers of public sector workers who, these days, are the bedrock of what little support Labour has. A few - but too many - of these folks are in the 1% that Corbyn is believed to be targetting (those earning more than £164,000 a year). but most are not. They are however well paid and with far better job security and pensions and shorter hours than similarly educated and skilled folks in the private sector. And the non risk taking, state funded affluent middle classes buy into the politics of envy.
3052 days ago
There are two parts to this bearcast. First I look at Government Debt and GDP over the past 8 years in the UK , France, the US and Greece and where all four are heading - it will startle those like Jeremy Corbyn, Chancellor Hammond and Malcolm Stacey who still believe in the money tree. Then I look at the great sell indicator that is a broker buy note and explain why.
3072 days ago
The September edition of the UK Investor Show magazine is live and as its two lead features reveals the top seven shareholdings of my family trusts, names and shames 5 AIM listed frauds and contains a raft of share tips and 3 sells (to zero) plus an exclusive interview with Richard Poulden of Wishbone Gold (WSBN), a challenge to PM Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn involving Keith Vaz and much more. You can access the magazine now and at no cost below. I, Tom Winnifrith, am now on leave, Steve Moore will be editing the next issue.
3079 days ago
I asked you to submit captions for the picture below and the entries were all suitably filthy and on predictable themes. thank heavens Diane Abbott was not in the shot or I really might have started to get a little squeamish.
3082 days ago
It seems that Labour MP Keith Vaz is in a spot of bother what with the rent boys, the poppers and the cocaine. But one cannot say that his judgement is always poor. Vaz is one of the highest profile Labour MPs to come out as a supporter of Jeremy Corbyn as the man to lead our great party forward to electoral triumph. In that vein please feel free to submit your captions to the picture below in the comments section with a deadline of midnight Monday 5th September.
3101 days ago
Phew! If Billy Bragg had abandoned his support for Comrade Corbyn the game really would be up. But it was all a Murdoch smear. The Bard of Barking was quoted in the evil Murdoch Press as saying that Corbyn was sort of 20th Century and cannot reach ordinary people. The Times interpreted this as saying that Billy had ditched Jezza. Au contraire, comrade Bragg is a true purist. Just because he knows that Jeremy Corbyn is utterly unelectable that won't stop him backing him all the way.
Say what you like about Billy Bragg
3122 days ago
Now i know where I have seen Owen Smith MP before he announced that he wanted to be leader of the Labour party. He used to star as Penfold the assistant of Dangermouse as you can see below.
3130 days ago
The issue of Britain's nuclear deterrent is a one that shows our political class at their most base and deceitful. For once, Comrade Corbyn is bang on the money in his opposition and, in what is becoming par for the course, Theresa May seems just incapable of telling the truth.
3137 days ago
It looks very likely indeed that by tomorrow the post Brexit political pantomime will move on to Comrade Corbyn vs Blairite Kulak Angela Eagle in a battle to become the new leader of the Labour Party. The kulak MPs are backing Eagle but we loyal party members, including the massed battalions of my fellow exploited workers who joined with me last summer, appear to be standing firm with our man Jezza. But I admit that I am wavering.
3148 days ago
Jeremy Corbyn has just emailed we loyal Labour party members urging unity. It seems like only yesterday that my local MP Kerry Mccarthy emailed me to urge lack of unity, viz sacking Corbyn. In fact it was yesterday. Whatever. Fraternity, Liberty, Unity, Comedy - we march on togther.
3148 days ago
It does not matter who gets to lead the Tory party. Hitman Boris Johnson may be out of the race but his pal Michael Gove is in and it looks as if it is neck and neck between the Gover or Euro traitor and Sharia law in Britain supporter Theresa May. Theresa, don't have my arm chopped off for saying this but here's hoping it is Gove. But it does not matter. Seriously the Tories could pick Roy Hodgson as their leader or even bring back Dodgy Dave and they would still win the next election
We loyalists who joined the People's Party last summer to help get Comrade Corbyn elected have done a sterlintg job as it appears that within a year of us manning the barricades in fraternal solidarity with our comrade workers, the Labour party may either split in two or plausibly oust comrade Corbyn and engage in fratricide. It is all a very entertaining summer panto.
Earlier today
3148 days ago
There is a report out today into anti semitism in the Labour party and at its launch the, pro tem, leader of the Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn made a remark which is simply not acceptable. While he remains a member of the Labour party, let alone, its leader no Jewish person in Britain can surely consider voting Labour. Corbyn stated:
Our Jewish friends are no more responsible for the actions of Israel than Muslims are for Islamic State
So Jeremy "some of my best friends are Jewish...but" Corbyn, I guess your old pal Red Ken Livingstone will be proud of you today.
3153 days ago
The loathsome Margaret Hodge has put down a motion of no confidence in comrade Corbyn as leader of our great Labour party. It is obscene that a millionare, whose family trusts use every trick in the book to dodge tax, and who as leader of Islington council branded as homophobes those who exposed the industrial scale peadophilia taking placing in Council homes on her watch, is a Labour MP at all. What message does that send out to the millions of traditional Labour voters who are abandoning the party in droves? Anyhow, the nonce apologist, is now playing Judas.
3170 days ago
The political, media, big business and banking establishment are united in their determination to deliver a vote to stay in Europe. David Cameron, Jeremy Corbyn, Goldman Sachs, the CBI and the BBC are working together but amid growing evidence that we, the people, are rising up to vote for Brexit new cheating was announced today. The establishment will break all the rules to ensure their view prevails whatever the "little people" actually vote for..
3202 days ago
Comparing Israeli and former West Ham soccer star Yossi Benayoun to Hitler's Nazis, suggesting the evil Jews need to go to America, the tweets and quotes from Labour activists that demonstrate clear hatred of the Jews go on and on. As things stand five of the comrades face an enquiry but that list will grow. With each new revelation the idea of voting Labour becomes ever more unthinkable. But at least Jeremy Corbyn still has some friends...
I refer, of course, to Hamas,
3220 days ago
The British people voted for a Tory Government last year but those on the left reckon they were cheated. First past the post works fine when the left win but when the wicked & evil Tories win we need electoral reform. Whatever. So now we face a group called The People's Assembly which is marching today, making #4demands. It claims to speak for the people but has an agenda the Britsih people rejected overwhelmingly.
Charlotte Church, Russell Brand, Owen Jones, Jeremy Corbyn and a host of other millionaires will be there . I will not. It is one of the benefits of not living in London that I get to avoid contact with those sort of champagne socialists and thousands of bone idle smelly and lazy folks from the non-productive sectors who think everyone else should fund a society based on entitlements.
I am sure that we have our share of such deluded folk here in Bristol but thankfully they have all gone on a middle class outing to London today: "Rah, rah, rah we're
3241 days ago
I have made my views on why lazy teachers are almost as wicked as the greedy junior doctors clear here. As such this photo of Jeremy Corbyn addressing the bone idle bastards of the National Union of Teachers a couple of days ago just screams out for a caption contest. Do your worst in the comments section below. The deadline for entries is midnight Tuesday. Unless you are a Teacher in which case it is whenever you are back from yet another holiday.
3242 days ago
The Easter holiday teacher union conferences are always good for a laugh as the idle bastards compete to see who can make the most preposterous claim. It is always a tough contest as, even when compared to the greedy junior doctors, this is a profession where almost everyone seems to be completely deluded.
An early entrant for the mad prize came with a suggestion that teachers should mark pupil's work in pink rather than red as it set out a more sympathetic message to those students who were less able. Frankly why bother marking course work at all just give all the little darlings straight A*s at GCSE and as long as they have learned that Hitler was the most evil man ever who cares?
Having spent useful time discussing what colour crayons the profession should use the teachers moved on to the main issue: How over-worked and stressed they all are.
The starting salary
3348 days ago
I start with back news, not good but at least I have a handy tip for dodging passport control. Then it is onto the son of the late Brian Schneider of OEM infamy. He wants you and I to pay far more tax from our legitimate earnings though he has lived a privileged life - and still does - thanks to the proceeds of crime. He is a leading Jeremy Corbyn organiser. Right on Comrades. I look at Petropavlovsk (POG) and the idea of buying shares for the bid. I move onto a new biotech IPO, Levrett. I explain why its a bargepole but also how the coverage of this in the Mail on Sunday (Simon Watkins) shows again the corrupt nexus between certain financial journalists and the PR world with an aim to dupe you, the investor. Then it is onto Jabba The Hutt's Afriag (AFRI) where I follow on from today's bombshell HERE and the follow up HERE by explaining the real problem it - and AIM - now faces.
3357 days ago
We were all told that a Labour disaster at Oldham West would see the Party's MP's ignore the mandate of party members and launch a coup against Comrade Jeremy Corbyn. Sadly for the Blairite, pro-war elements within the party, Labour triumphed in the poll - its share of the vote went up by 7.5% to 62%, UKIP gained a few votes the Tory vote halved. So Labour is stuck with Corbyn but there are two ways to look at this.
3390 days ago
Comrade Corbyn is in trouble again for stating that World war One was pointless. In doing so he shows no disrespect to anyone and is, as it happns, factually correct. Yet unthinking right wingers score cheap points. Other right wingers such as shock jock Jon Gaunt engage in Poppy fascism. Did the war of 1939-45 give us the right to wear what we want?
3390 days ago
There is a seething anger in both the UK and the US among those who are not in the 1% but are hard working decent folk. We know that capitaism is not working as it should but also that the State makes things worse. Rising house prices may act as our Soma for now but not forever. Donald Trump, Globo, Jeremy Corbyn, The Kids Company fraud, David enigas all feature in this week's postcard from Tom Winnifrith
3419 days ago
For the left the NHS is a sacred cow. That is wrong. The right's sacred cow is defence but it does not think rationally. Comrade Jeremy Corby is right to say we do not need Trident and should go further and argue for big cuts in defence spending. And those on the right should applaud such clear thinking and fiscal responsibility and stop living in the past.
3435 days ago
So what. Jeremy Corbyn was newly single. Diane Abbott was single. It was 1974, a lifetime ago. Yet the Tory press is in a frenzy revealing details of what appears to have been a brief affair. So bloody what?
Clearly the Tory press has known about this for a while and has been saving it for the “right time”.
Personally I have rather more interest about who exactly the then Tory leader Mr Edward Heath was bedding at the time. His trips to Jersey on his yacht are – arguably – of greater national concern than Comrade Corbyn entertaining Ms Abbott on a romantic tour of the tractor factories of Eastern Europe. The Tory and mainstream press seem rather less concerned with Heath's sexual adventures.
Pathetic is a word that springs to mind. Boring and banal are two others. What a pathetic country we have become.
3436 days ago
Jeremy Corbyn was right not to sing the Natonal Anthem and its a poor song anyway - that was my earlier podcast today which you can hear HERE. In terms of the markets it is all my Christmases at once - a chance to comment on friends including the greedy bastards who run Vislink (VLK), fraudster Rob Terry, Daniel Stewart (DAN), Imaginitik (IMTK), ValiRx (VAL), Motive TV (MTV) and also on SeaEnergy (SEA) and Avanti Communications (AVN). Then there is comment on the bad AGM result at Hotel Corp (HCP) - victory for the crony capitalist bastards on the board - all that is wrong about AIM. And I start with words of praise for my pal Jim Mellon noting events at Copper Development (CDC) and also at Glencore (GLEN) - is this a Burmah Castrol moment?
3436 days ago
I am sure that this podcast will not make me more popular but like Comrade Corbyn I stick to principle rather than craving cheap adoration. God Save the Queen is a lamentably poor national anthem and I compare it to those of other countries, notably Ireland. It celebrates servitude not freedom. Surely that is not what it means to be English or British? Corbyn showed no disrespect in not singing this song at the Battle of Britain memorial service and the attacks on him are cheap and unpleasant. I now put on my tin hat and wait for the abuse.
3440 days ago
In this podcast I answer yesterday's quiz question and then celebrate the election of Comrade Jeremy Corbyn to the leadership of the Labour party. The Tories are in thrall to big business and crony capitalists and Comrade Corbyn at least ensures real questions are asked as we sleep walk over the abyss on so many fronts. I then put Comrade Dan Levi straight on insider dealing laws with relation to his latest spurious allegations about flip flop Ben Turney. Then there is a wider look at the markets.
3440 days ago
On Thursday night Malcolm Stacey attempted to gain entry to Jeremy Corbyn’s last campaign rally but was foiled and failed to meet the bearded one. Does that mean that his search for Corbyn’s Money Tree is at an end?
3441 days ago
Malcolm Stacey arrived in Islington last night in his pursuit of Comrade Jeremy Corbyn’s famous Money Tree. He felt that he was close to his quest. But did he get to meet the great bearded one?
As you know Getafix Stacey is worried. His potions based on cuttings from the money tree do not seem to be working. Why are shares in Advanced Oncotherapy not at 50p despite being featured here twice a week? Why is the FTSE 100 not at 8,000 as predicted? Perhaps the Money Tree he has been using in the depths of the Welsh forest is a fake or has lost its powers. But another old fool (sorry we meant respected druid) has emerged in North London.
As he wandered up Upper Street in Islington, wading through the litter of discarded granola bar wrappings, Malcolm sensed that the London of his youth had changed. This un-nerved him slightly but he took consolation from the fact that he was just minutes away from the last rally of Comrade Corbyn’s campaign.
Gone were the ramshackle shops of old. Next to the stern sign from the local council “anyone caught smoking cigarettes will be shot with
3442 days ago
In today’s Sun Newspaper Comrade Harriet Harman says that she did not realise that she was not old or posh enough to lead the Labour party. This is, of course a clear dig at Comrade Corbyn. It is also a very silly and unfair slur.
Let’s ignore the blatant ageism and deal with the supposed crime of being posh.
3442 days ago
Good news. The Quest is hotting up. Getafix is worried. His potions based on cuttings from the money tree do not seem to be working. Why are shares in Advanced Oncotherapy not at 50p despite being featured here twice a week? Why is the FTSE 100 not at 8,000 as predicted? Perhaps the Money Tree he has been using in the depths of the Welsh forest is a fake or has lost its powers. Fear not…for another old fool (sorry we meant respected druid) has emerged in North London and Malcolm seems to have tracked him down.
Comrade Jeremy Corbyn is a true believer in the Money Tree. And tonight the great man will be holding his last rally as he seeks to become leader of the Labour Party. The event is in Islington North London where almost everyone seems to believe in the Money Tree. Malcolm is heading to N1 as we speak to find this new mystic. Can Malcolm find him and will Corbyn reveal where he cuts twigs from his Money Tree… watch this space, Getafix is in hot pursuit.
3443 days ago
Getafix is worried. His potions based on cuttings from the money tree do not seem to be working. Why are shares in Advanced Oncotherapy not at 50p despite being featured here twice a week? Why is the FTSE 100 not at 8,000 as predicted? Perhaps the Money Tree he has been using in the depths of the Welsh forest is a fake or has lost its powers. Fear not…for another old fool (sorry we meant respected druid) has emerged in North London
Comrade Jeremy Corbyn is a true believer in the Money Tree. And so Malcolm Stacey has headed off to find this new mystic. The trouble is that Corbyn is elusive, rushing round the country speaking to massed crowds. Can Malcolm find him and will Corbyn reveal where he cuts twigs from his Money Tree… watch this space, Getafix is in hot pursuit.
3453 days ago
The war criminal Tony Blair has again spoken of the dangers Labour faces if it elects Jeremy Corbyn as its leader. Comrade Corbyn must be delighted.
Blair’s intervention comes on a day when his tax minimisation arrangements come under further scrutiny. There are growing calls for Lord Chilcott to publish his report into Blair’s illegal war based on his lies about WMD. And there is further evidence of his links to a man most labour folks despise more than any other, Rupert Murdoch. In short Blair must be among the most loathed figures within the People’s Party.
Every time he urges the comrades to vote for anyone other than Corbyn, our boy Jeremy
3453 days ago
I am roused by Jeremy Corbyn, Paul Scott, Paul Mason, Russell Brand and a poster here to discuss what is wrong with capitalism, why it is sick and not working. The solution? Stop bastardising it. We need pure capitalism not crony capitalism, run just for the 1%, but to make life better for all.
3467 days ago
Just a week ago Tara the cat appeared to be a death's door. Now I am £900 worse off but she seems fit as a fiddle.
She semed delighted to see me on Friday morning when I picked her up from the vets, though I was still reeling at the bill. She has a big bald patch on her tummy from the scan and is now on medication six times a day. But that ends in a day or so. She does not appear treatment and has bitten and scratched her impoverished owner several times as I have given her drugs to drink or pills to swallow.
But she is now eating normally, in fact
3497 days ago
Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour MP for Islington North is a principled man, not swayed by focus groups, but a steadfast campaigner for true socialism. And the recent polls show that he may well be the next leader of the Labour Party. We welcome this and send fraternal greetings to comrade Corbyn: this blog is coming out as a proud support of Jeremy to lead the people’s party.
Of course the bearded old nutter