Greta Thunberg

14 days ago

Florida Hurricane meets global warming nutters and dumb journalists at the Daily Mail

My thoughts are naturally with those like the sister in law of my colleague Darren sitting in the path of the massive storm about to hit Florida. We will, as a family, pray for them tonight. The liberal media and the usual suspects such as Chris Packham, David Attenborough and, when not cheering for Hamas, the Doom Goblin Greta Al Thunberg, naturally see this storm as a sign of global warming or climate change or whatever they call it these days. And thus it is described as “unprecedented”. But…


48 days ago

After the coolest summer in nine years the Met Office, BBC and other cultists look very silly: time to admit the global warming hoax is over?

We were all told it was the warmest spring on record. I exhausted my supplies of wood, keeping my family warm by the stove into April. Readers across the UK tell a similar tale. As George Orwell put it in 1984 “ The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” In this case the “party” is the Met Office and the media and political class GroupThink with, natch, the BBC at the forefront. So after that “warmest spring” what was forecast to happen next?


65 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel: already almost ready for November Fifth!

Most of the remnants of the tree chopped down in my garden are slowly being split into firewood. As my wood shed fills up I am taking photos and will bring them all when the job is completed later this week and I can revel in my manly glory. But those branches thatwere too small, the leaves and the sawdust is now piled high on the bonfire site. They will damp down during the Autumn but i staill have some old pallets and other junk from the barns to clear to make space for chickens and goats. So, as you can see below Iam well prepared for bonfire night. But…


198 days ago

The Doom Goblin's Global Warming myth, data from Iceland, Dublin and Sweden the GroupThink cannot explain

I start with reader and fellow olive harvester T who is on holiday right now in Iceland. He says that “global warming is causing us some problems.  Average temperatures in April are 1 to 7 and slightly lower in March.  It was minus 7 at lunchtime and snowing hard. A few days ago we were at a glacial lake.  Apparently in 100 years the glacier has retreated a couple of km. Elsewhere a historical notice board pointed out the glacier has advanced 20km since 1000 AD.”


280 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel for the Doom Goblin: It is THAT day again

Despite claims that 2023 was the hottest year on record, using spectacularly bodged data, the arctic sea ice seems to be rather off message: it is now at its highest level for 21 years. Oddly the BBC’s various global warming correspondents have yet to take a private jet to report on that. Perhaps they are all at Davos with Greta Thunberg. Meanwhile closer to home I bring you two pictures that greeted my family at the Welsh hovel this morning, yes that is global warming you see in the farmyard and on the road up to the village.


289 days ago

Global Warming: a footnote from 1852 as Sweden is colder than at any time in the life of the Doom Goblin

Global warming, we used to be told, causes droughts, such as the one at Lake Vrynwy eighteen months ago. But then it rains a lot and we are told that is down to climate change as global warming is now known when it involves cold weather. With England suffering severe floods this, the cultists, insist is down to man made carbon emissions and we need to stop using planes (unless we are politicians or celebs with private jets) and slaughter all the cows to stop them farting. Well hang on, with a hat tip to Liz Kershaw, read the diary entry below:


368 days ago

Now the Doom Goblin Greta Thunberg is protesting, standing shoulder to shoulder with the baby killers in Gaza

For some reason stopping the fake science of global warming is linked to the plight of Gaza, at least according to the Doom Goblin Greta Thunberg. As you can see below she says she stands with Gaza. That would be the Gaza which elected as its Government Hamas, an organisation that 11 days ago butchered 1400 Jews, literally finishing off the Nazis work in shooting a holocaust survivor in the back of the head, decapitating babies, burning families alive, raping and then cutting the throats of teenage girls in front of their families. Yes that Hamas.


476 days ago

The Highlands of Scotland and a Mediterranean climate - what is the cause?

Sizzzling summers, wine growing, blue skies, the mediterranean dream all in the Scottish Highlands. But what would cause this?  Natch: followers of the doom goblin Greta Thunberg, King Charles III, the BBC et al would scream man-made global warming. But hang on folks…


477 days ago

As Keir Starmer dissembles on North Sea Oil, Barryroe says set to go bust thanks to similar “green” economics

The Labour leader is today sitting on the fence as he announces his party’s new policy for the North Sea. When the People’s Party gets into power, it will stop all new drilling, it says, in order to tackle what it terms “the climate emergency” says Sir Keir Starmer as he takes a knee, not this time to BLM but to the followers of the Doom Goblin Greta Thunberg.  Except, that is, that Sir Keir will not stop all drilling


637 days ago

Here are some temperatures the BBC is not reporting on: can you think why?

Oddly the BBC’s climate change correspondents are not reporting on temperatures in Siberia this week. You may remember their pitiful attempts, aftering being flown in on a private plane, to show you how global warming is melting the tundra a couple of years ago. But following on from its fake news on the death of European skiing thanks to global warmingg, oddly the BBC has not been back to Siberia.


642 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Elon Musk businessman of the year or just a mega crook on a roll?

After all Time Magazine made Hitler man of the year 1938 and – I think – made Great Thunberg, the Doom Goblin, Person of the year as well. As folks in Europe and America freeze to death in coming years they will look back on both awards in an unkind way. So what of The Times making Elon its businessman of the year? As Ouzo man starts shorting Tesla (TSLA) again is this a Hitler moment? I also look at Asiamet (ARS), at whether UK retail had a better Christmas than expected and at Quantum Blockchain (QBT), surely a pre-placing pump is underway. 


643 days ago

After two nights of global warming falling here in Wales – the latest reservoir data is out and exposes the cultists yet again

As I write, the snow, which has fallen for the past two nights, exposing my son for the seventh time in his seven years on this planet to something cultists said he’d never see, is melting and the flood waters here on the river Dee in North Wales are actually receding. But still my fields are flooded as you can see HERE. More importantly we now have data on reservoir levels in the United Utilities region which includes this part of Wales. This data is now the highlight of my week and again shows what tosh the global warming cultists in the mainstream media GroupThink were talking last summer.


650 days ago

Another week of rain here in Wales and in the North West of England for the global warming nutters to ignore: new reservoir data in

I am sorry if this sounds a bit obsessive but I like dealing in facts, that is to say what has happened, hard data.  Those in the Global Warming GroupThink, the followers of the Doom Goblin Greta Thunberg and employees of the BBC engage in wild speculation. And so I return to my specialist subject of reservoir levels here in Wales.


666 days ago

Because man made global warming is bollocks – the quotes, as a greenie, I recycle every winter

One of the many things that those inside the global warming GroupThink cult are unable to explain is why we should believe 30-50 year forecasts about climate change when the ones made 20 years ago have already been proved to be utterly wrong. It is as if we based our response to covid on the work of Professor Ferguson whose forecasts of hundreds of thousands of deaths from avian bird flu, swine fever, etc had proved so completely bogus. Oh, we did because“experts” inside the GroupThink are always right… but back to global warming.


713 days ago

Britain needs to give a trillion quid to poor countries for our leading role in Global warming – fact free bollocks

The good news for the Charity War on Want, which has made this ludicrous claim, is that Scotland has committed to pay £2 million as compensation for its historic carbon emissions to poor countries around the world. As soon as it can scrounge the money off England under the Barnet formula, the cheque is on its way. The bad news is that the other £999.998 billion that War on Want reckons the UK owes is not on its way as we are already almost bankrupt. Mind you the useless Tories egged on by the BBC and others are still  thinking about it.


724 days ago

Fact check: the global warming grifters at the BBC, the Red Cross and elsewhere salivate as Pakistanis drown: what about 1841? Or all the other floods

1,717 Pakistanis have now drowned in the big floods this year and naturally the misery and suffering of this event should be no cause to celebrate. But for grifters like the Doom Goblin Greta Thunberg, the BBC and the Red Cross (HERE) events out East have been a cue to whip up hysteria and demand action. And, of course, money. But the facts: do they matter any more?


743 days ago

Happy Birthday Uncle Christopher Booker

My late uncle had a facebook page, thanks to his eldest son and, though he died more than three years ago, I wake up to a reminder to wish him Happy Birthday. He would have been 85 today and would, no doubt, have thought the world had become an even sillier place since his death. For starters there have been massive advances in the numbers of women with penises ands facial hair over the past three years. And our Universities have made great strides in purging Shakespeare and other dead white authors from the curriculum and eradicating folks with any link, however obscure to the evils of colonialism from the history books. All hail progress!


781 days ago

Back to the 1970s and Butterwell Farm as the media predicts thousands of deaths from cold this winter

I am not denying that the fuel crisis will hit a lot of folks hard this winter. If our entire political and media class had not driven this nation down the path prescribed by the uneducated doom goblin Greta Thunberg and had we not prolonged the bloodshed in Ukraine we would not be in this mess. But that is for another day. The GroupThink will – on both counts – be shown to be in the wrong just as they were on masks and lockdown. But will thousands die in unheated homes as we are told by the media and the Labour Party each day? I remember my childhood in the 1970s.


848 days ago

Photo Article: The hypocrisy of virtue-signalling Glastonbury

The event was hydrocarbon-powered. Greta Thunberg, the doom goblin, flew in to address the masses as they cheered her on. Natch, they were all sitting beneath Pride banners, waving their Ukrainian flags. Below is what they left behind.


957 days ago

Versarien- Sustainable concrete pods my arse, the borish Neill Ricketts is delusional

You don’t need to be Greta, the doom Goblin, Thunberg to know that in today’s environmentally friendly RNS Reach (i.e not financially significant) announcement from Versarien (VRS), the loathsome bore Neill Ricketts is talking out of his fat posterior. Here’s why.


1006 days ago

150 years of temperature from Rochester New York - spot the global warming hoax

The world is getting hotter, we will all burn to a crisp, this is not a debate it is all settled science say the cultists. Don’t be a denier, listen to the Doom Goblin Greta Thunberg, who skipped nearly all of her High School learning because she is an “expert” who can see carbon emissions. Whatever, here is some more data for you and it looks like another inconvenient truth.


1025 days ago

An inconvenient truth from the Arctic Seas for the global warming nutters

Back in 2003,the Doom Goblin Greta Thunberg was only one. Why pluck this year from history? Simple because, as you can see below, Arctic Sea Ice is now at its greatest extent since 2003 and is on track to beat that 18 year high and head back to levels not seen since the last century. Perhaps our uber green Prime Minister, Mr Boris Johnson, might care to explain the justification of vicious, regressive, green taxes which screw the poor folks of Britain in order to fight global warming in the context of this record sea ice? Over to you Boris. You can ask a friend or even your ghastly Mrs, Carrie Antoinette, if you wish.


1070 days ago

Is nature telling the Doom Goblin Greta Thunberg and others that this winter will be an inconvenient truth?

As I have noted previously, as we observe extreme cold in Russia and China, in “The Long Winter” by Laura Ingalls Wilder,  an admrable libertarian but now like most dead white authors now officially a racist, nature warns the Ingalls family that the “extreme weather” occurring without man made carbon emmisions will be brutal. So what is in store for the UK this year?


1073 days ago

Good morning Doom Goblin Greta Thunberg, Carrie Antoinette & Boris: care to explain this global warming in Mother Russia?

Man-made carbon emissions are causing the world to get warmer and we must act now if we are to restrict that growth to 1.5% or 2.5% or whatever. So say the cultists after jetting back from COP26. These are, of course, the same cultists who warned us in 1988 that the Maldives would be under water by 2010, that within a few years of 2000 kids would ever see snow again, etc, etc, etc. We can discuss whether climate change – which has always happened – is caused by man made carbon emissions with reference to the Medieval warm period or the Maunder Minimum at another point although if you want to pass Geography GCSE these days such discussions are not recommended. Those who set the curriculum, the BBC, wretched Boris Johnson and others say that the science is settled so do not mention temperatures in 1200 or you are a vile denier one step removed from those operating the holocaust death camps. In that vein…


1075 days ago

Question: What is the difference between Christmas & Diwali? Hint it is all down to global warming & when will the caterpillar genocide begin?

For the avoidance of doubt I am delighted that people of faith celebrate their festivals however they want but it seems that those who run our lives, that is to say the sleazy meddlers at Westminster, take a different view and that is the answer to my first question as I celebrate the wankfest that is COP26.


1078 days ago

Photo article: You don't have to hate the Jews to want to save the planet at COP26 but it seems to help...

Well over ten thousand protested at the weekend outside COP26. For folks like the crazed doom goblin, Greta Thunberg, facts do not matter. More must be done to screw the poor with green taxes and wreck Western economies. Sorry I meant to save the planet. For the doom goblin, global warming is the only issue. But among her fellow protesters?


1079 days ago

Why believe expert warnings in the Guardian on climate change when the old ones were so utterly wrong?

The article below from the wretched Guardian is from 2004. Experts told George Bush that global warming would see most of Europe flooded as sea levels soared while London suffered a climate like Siberia. Food shortages caused by the burning planet would cause nuclear wars. The Grauniad said that these warnings from experts would force President Bush, a sceptic, to mend his ways and fall into line with the scientofic consensus.


1091 days ago

The woke shall devour the woke, it is always the way: 48 Wonder Women bingo and Oxfam

It is always the way that the woke of one generation will be devoured by the woke of the next. Who could imagine that feminist icon Germaine Greer and the heroic gay rights campaigner Peter Tatchell might find themselved “no platformed” on British campuses, the marxist madrassas at the cutting edge of the woke revolution? The “crime” of both Greer and Tatchell was not to understand the pyramid of victimhood and thus to question even some of the demands of those currently perched at the top of the pyramid, the Transgender community. As we discovered yesterday with lesbians who do not want to have sex with a “woman with a penis” such challenges are just not allowed and are, at once, branded as hateful and bigoted.


1121 days ago

The Great Barrier Reef, global warming, Peter Ridd and free speech denial

If you listen to folks like David Attenborough, Prince Charles, Greta Thunberg, the BBC or other global warming cultists, there are certain key iconic symbols of their religion. There are the Maldives which we were first told would be underwater within 20 years in 1992 as a result of global warming and thus rising sea levels. Oddly every single Maldive island is still above water, the population of the Islands has grown dramatically and sea levels are unchanged. But still we must take action because we have only 20  years to save them.  Then there is the Great Barrier Reef.


1261 days ago

Extreme weather is caused by global warming says the BBC, the teachers, Carrie Antoinette & the rest of the GroupThink: WRONG!

If you challenge this narrative you will fail Geography GCSE. You will face calls to be barred from the BBC as a denier. In the Government of Carrie Antoinette and her concubinator Boris you will make no progress. The political, media and education elites are gripped by a GroupThink which allows no challenge, even with hard data. So here is some hard data in a detailed study looking at the “extreme” weather of 2020 and its causes. You may be shocked to discover that Greta Thunberg et al are talking utter horse. Enjoy.


1308 days ago

University of Winchester firing staff to save cash but spunking £24,000 on a Greta Thunberg statue

No I had never heard of the University of Winchester either. It is not quite up there with Oxford. In fact it is not even up there with joke marxist madrassas like Bath Spa. Two years ago its staff went on strike as Winchester announced it was cutting 10% of teaching posts because of a funding crisis. Last year it warned that it needed more voluntary redundancies as covid threatened. However…


1332 days ago

Bitcoin isn’t getting greener: four environmental myths about cryptocurrency debunked

This article from a team at Newcastle University does raise the question of the sheer pointlessness of the pursuit of bitcoin, especially by a generation that is keen on berating we oldies for ruining the planet. When will Greta Thunberg et al turn their fire on cryptocurrencies? It reads:


1365 days ago

Even my wife laughed at this Joe Biden, Greta Thunberg and Guardian newspaper joke

As you know, the Mrs, the woman formerly known as The Deluded Lefty, is, like 99.9% of sociology lecturers, not an enlightened forward-thinking person like her husband. But even she laughed at this parody tweet below poking fun at three of the favourite targets of we enlightened souls.



1381 days ago

Photo Article - the end of something Christopher Booker adored as I think of him with four things he despised

I wrote before Christmas of the joy when a cheddar cheese arrived from the wife and son of my late Uncle Chris Booker. Something that has happened for all my life continues. In return, I sent a Yarg as I always do. That Cheddar was about eight inches high and, as you can see below, is now almost all gone. About a week ago, four things I know Chris despised, combined to make me think of him and that Christmas present.


1745 days ago

Photo article: Another reason why the National Trust would have my grandfather, Sir John Winnifrith, spinning in his grave

My paternal grandfather, Sir John Winnifrith, was a Bennite so I’d imagine we would not see eye to eye on everything although, as an ardent Eurosceptic, we would have agreed on some things. I have noted before on this website, how as Director General of the National Trust, he thought the organisation’s remit was to preserve historic buildings and landscapes. Today the Trust is almost as woke as Prince Harry and wastes vast sums preaching to us all and annoying many of us who might be minded to back it. I am, for that reason, not a member.


1746 days ago

Simon Reeve & the Caribbean – more BBC bias on global warming fake news

I noted yesterday how the second show in Simon Reeve’s BBC jaunt around the Caribbean had airbrushed history to create a civil war where only right wing corporate funded militias did bad things. The programme ended with the presenter meeting a very short race of indigenous people in Colombia.


1750 days ago

Carbon Emissions (the ones Greta can see) cause global warming right? How about we just look at the facts

as someone who believes that sun spot activity is critical to the earth’s temperature I rather fear that we should all be stocking up on our thermal underwaer. But that is not what is taught in Geography GCSE or what the BBC lectures with us as “settled science.” The global warmists like Greta Thunberg believe that increased carbon levels caused by many’s activity will lead to higher temperatures. This is a prediction ( ie what will happen) but is stated as a fact (what has happened). Anyone who challenges this world view is slated as akin to a holocaust denier. Indeed I remember some Guardian reading fanatatic screaming those exact words to myself and uncle Christopher Booker as we did a presentation many years ago.  But there is a little inconvenient truth, i.e the facts.


1750 days ago

Uncle Christopher Booker would have loved this – The Met Office and BBC spin global cooling as global warming

My late uncle Chris would have loved this. It is one of those moments when I really want to chat to him as we would both have been laughing within seconds. It is not the fact that the UK is getting cooler but the way that in utterly Orwellian fashion the BBC and the high priests of the global warming cult, the Met Office, spin cooling as warming.


1759 days ago

As the BBC drools over Greta Thunberg another lie she tells, an inconvenient truth from Australia

The BBC is today wetting its knickers in public. It sent a journalist to interview Greta Thunberg, that is to say not to challenge her in the slightest on all the falsehoods she spouts, but that journalist travelled by plane. Quick: go get Elton to plant a few trees for the Beeb.  The real scandal here is that the BBC, CNN, the Guardian and the rest of the liberal media accept as gospel, obvious lies spouted by Greta. Let’s look at the terrible bush fires ravaging Oz…


1768 days ago

Photo Article: My late Uncle Christopher Booker arranges his normal Christmas Present

There are times when I feel just why isn’t Uncle Chris here to chat. He would have loved the Panorama show in October as he generously shared in my minor triumphs. The death of Bob Willis, the General Election farce. The ghastly Greta Thunberg show. The joke that is the Impeachment of Donald Trump. Anna Soubry losing her deposit. I should have been chatting to him. When I arrived at the Greek Hovel for the olive harvest in late November I would always report to him on how much global warming already lay on the high Taygetos behind us. Those were mountains he knew well and which we had planned to climb together.


1890 days ago

Greta Thunberg and the Emperor’s new clothes

Project Greta Thunberg is a fraud. I do not blame the poor 16 year old Swedish girl who predicts that we have just months to save the planet from irreversible global warming, for she is quite obviously very unwell and also being manipulated. She is part of a fraud but right now the great and the good simply sit back and bask in the glory of the liberal media as they admire Emperor Greta’s new, planet friendly, clothes.
