
73 days ago

Excruciating embarrassment at the Service station, but I will continue to stand up for Israel

On a day when Jaya joins me on the school run, after picking Joshua up from Kings we stop off at a BP/Asda service station. I get a black coffee and the kids share a sandwich and chocolate bar in a £3.75 meal deal. It is now a ritual. Today as I waited for my coffee to pour another Kings boy came up to Joshua and started talking.


146 days ago

Shamed to be of Irish descent again; what is it about them and the Jews?

Sometimes I feel unbelievably proud to be of vague Irish descent. But sometimes I feel nothing but shame. When the girls of the national soccer team sing tribute to the IRA I am revolted. But it is Israel and the Jews where the Irish seem to score particularly badly right now. Is there something in the water turning so many folks into raging antisemites? Meet Dublin Senator Gerard Craughwell.


316 days ago

Another old friend lost? I am a “fascist” for not slating the Jews

When 1200 Jews were slaughtered by Hamas on October 7 my friend of twenty five years T did not write me an angry email saying how he supported my articles expressing my horror. He did not mind that 10 of them were British Jews or that 2 British Jews were taken into Gaza as hostages by the Hamas rapists. But today T has been in touch to slate me as being a “fascist” for supporting the Jewish State after the tragedy of Israel accidentally killing seven aid workers, three of whom were Brits.  A man with a history degree does not seem able to understand that in the context of real fascism that is just such an utterly offensive thing to say.  Our exchange follows and I just despair. I guess I have lost another friend.


326 days ago

Owen Jones and rape: the Guardian's man sinks to a new low of Jew bashing

Guardian columnist Owen Jones famously demanded more proof that Hamas raped Israeli women on the October 7 pogrom. There were no live videos so that was not enough for little Owen. Eyewitness accounts did not count as he knows that Jews all lie about this sort of thing. What a shit Jones is. But in case you thought he could sink no lower, think again and it is also on the subject of rape.


382 days ago

Was this the worst #HolocaustMemorialDay tweet from a Politician? David Eby the premier of British Columbia

In my podcast on Saturday I discussed how folks like Sadiq Khan, Brighton Council and that poltroon who is running Scotland into the ground gave extensive comment about Holocaust Memorial Day without using the J word. Yes, let’s not show any sympathy for the Jews and talk about Srebrenica instead.  To be fair Brighton Council has now apologised. But it has not disciplined the person responsible. Words are cheap. The tweet was sent with intent and whoever sent it should be fired. Actions are what count. Over in the Socialist hell hole that is Canada, the top politician in British Columbia went further. His tweet, as you can see below is abhorrent.


384 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast on Holocaust Memorial Day: as Sadiq Khan cannot bring himself to mention the Jews who died, I consider the lies we tell our kids about Bosnia

The timeline below is funded by you the taxpayer and is used to tell our kids about Srebrenica in Bosnia. They are taught fake history. I discuss why so many folks, especially the young, fail to grasp what a holocaust really is, what genocide really is and why it is more than ethnic cleansing. In part this is a history lesson for the young in part a sad tale about why fewer and fewer folks will say #NeverAgain and mean it. The candle may flicker in this house this January 27 but across Europe and America the candles are going out. I refer to this article from two years ago about Srebrenica


405 days ago

BREAKING: #BoycottLush if you don’t support those who decapitate babies, call for Jews to be gassed and the raping of women as an act of war

Last night a crowd waving Palestinian flags chanted “gas the Jews” outside the Sydney Opera House. Not Israelis, Jews. Today it emerged that 40 Israeli/Jewish babies had been slaughtered at Kibbutz Aza by Hamas, many decapitated. The civilized world says “We stand with Israel.” But at the Lush store in Dublin the sign below appeared, surely Lush is sacking those responsible. Er…no .


441 days ago

The Ceasefire ends in Gaza and the Orwellian BBC disgraces itself yet again

As ever, the Mrs. puts on Radio 4 over breakfast to push my blood pressure up. I suspect it is all part of a cunning plan to make her a wealthy young widow. “Just a little bit more woman’s hour, that should bring on the coronary,” I can almost hear her saying it to herself.


448 days ago

Dublin Riots: guess how long it took for someone to blame the Jews?

So an “Irishman”, apparently, one of those Paddy’s born in North Africa, pulls out a knife and stabs a woman and three kids in Dublin.


461 days ago

Proof that Suella Braverman was 100% correct - some of the hate crimes not dealt with by the Police today on the #PalestineMarch

The BBC is creaming itself as the Metropolitan Police has arrested 90 far right thugs marching with the horrible hooligan Tommy Robinson and just 12 folks marching for Palestine. You can guess the narrative about today’s peaceful protest for “peace” and how the far right is the real threat to peace. Well up to a point. Robinson and his ilk are vile but what actually happened on the main march?


466 days ago

Video: Welcome to Colombia Untisemity - how Israel views woke University students in the West ( with humour)

With places such as Lancaster University refusing to action Professors like Simon Mabon who openly celebrated the Hamas attack which saw the biggest one day slaughter of Jews since World War Two, is it any wonder that Israel – and all other right thinking folks despair at life on Western campuses?  Often the best way to combat this is with comedy and Israeli satire show “What a Wonderful Country” does that superbly in the video below. Enjoy.


471 days ago

Elon Musk – your systems do not work and twitter/X is home to overt Jew hatred which you refuse to stop

I reported the account @Middlesexkid to twitter/ X this afternoon and, within minutes, received an acknowledgement that it was reviewing my suggestion that it contained hateful content relating to a particular group, that is to say Jews, at 2.14 PM. At 2.16 PM I was told that “After reviewing the available information, we determined that there were no violations of the Twitter rules in the content you reported. We appreciate your help, and encourage you to reach out again in the future if you see any potential violations.”


472 days ago

Have I just lost my best friend because #IstandwithIsrael ?

I wrote the other day, HERE, about how I was taking a financial hit because of my support for Israel and the wider Jewish community. Hell what does money matter? I shall not be silenced. But now, perhaps, a more personal hit.


473 days ago

Grifters at Avaaz, useful idiots for Hamas and those poor Peruvian kids again

Sure as eggs are eggs the grifters at woke organisation Avaaz are spamming away about Gaza. Every cloud has a siver lining for Avaaz and its extremely well paid staff thanks to its gullible followers. Today’s spam starts with a picture of two kids in Gaza in tears. Yup, you guessed it, like the IRA Sinn Fein Capo, Mary Lou McDonald, Avaaz uses a picture of two Peruvian children taken in Peru to make the point. After that lie…


475 days ago

Another fake image from IRA Sinn Fein in support of Hamas - this time its Mary Lou McDonald

It now appears that the image that evil blood soaked old bastard Gerry Adams begging, and you could not make it up, to an end to bombing in Gaza, this one, was photoshopped. You would have thought that Adams had plenty of photos in his professional accomplishments scrap albulm of bomb carnage in Northern Ireland to use but he used a made up one. Mary Lou McDonald the head of Sinn Fein/IRA in Eire also wants an immediate ceasefire, or put anther way Israel not being allowed to take out the folks responsible for the 7 October pogrom, meaning that they wil be free to slaughter more Jews.


476 days ago

Don’t get me wrong I don’t like Hamas but I’m going to smear you and cancel my subscription!

This website is free to access, it is just a hobby started as therapy at a low point in my life almost 12 years ago. You can donate to support its work by hitting the button on the top right hand corner of the website if you wish but if you don’t it matters little, the website remains free to access and over the years almost 3.5 million times someone has read an article here. Its work in recent weeks is largely writing about the aftermath of the biggest mass killing of Jews since World War Two. I earn my living by running a website which exposes fraud and other stock market wrongdoing and which charges a very reasonable small subscription. My coverage of the pogrom has seen a raft of folks cancel their subscription at and here is an email from one charmer explaining why.


482 days ago

BREAKING: Does the University of Lancaster condone a celebration of the Hamas attack on Israel? Professor Simon Mabon does

Simon Mabon is a Professor of International Politics at the University of Lancaster. He is such an expert that the BBC interviews him regularly, only yesterday he was on BBC 5 Live giving a less than balanced view on what is happening in Israel and Gaza. His twitter account has now been closed to non followers so the BBC’s Jeremy Bowen can still see his tweets but you and I cannot. Unfortunately for the Prof some pesky Jews got there first!


484 days ago

If you still really think the wicked Israelis bombed the hospital in Gaza watch the video below

We are yet to see apologies from the BBC, the leader of the SNP, Jeremy Corbyn, Yanis Varoufakis and the others who blamed Israel for blowing up the Al-Ahli hospital in Gaza.  As synagogues burn , Jews face fresh attacks and mobs attack Western embassies maybe such bien pensants might reconsider their actions. I do not say that the IDF is without sin but on this occassion it appears that it was. Islamic Jihad, unintentionally, was the culprit. Maybe you doubt me?


484 days ago

What does "From the River to the Sea " mean? Hint look at at the map in the photo below!

No doubt well meaning, middle class lefties as well as islamic militants routinely chant “From the River to the Sea….Palestine will be free”. Free of what?  the answer is in the map helpfully displayed at the last London protest.


493 days ago

The Hamas victory parties in London and Sydney last night, the West needs to root out these vermin

In Sydney they lit up the Opera House with Israeli flags to show solidarity after the weekend pogrom by Hamas where the death toll is now over a thousand including 40 babies found killed, usually by beheading, at a Kibbutz this afternoon.  The babies are not combatants. Killing Jewish babies is what the Nazis did to stop the “virus” spreading on another generation. Even the Nazis did not usually behead the babies.  Most decent folks in the West are repelled by what Hamas did but in Australia a crowd of several hundred gathered near the opera house…


494 days ago

Gerry Adams you blood soaked old bastard - why not feck off to Gaza you disgusting POS

It is okay to say you support  Palestine. I do not. But the Mrs claims to do so although her understanding of the history of the Middle East is like many folks with her views, not quite as deep as that of those of us who studied it as Oxford.  But there is a time and a place and as Hamas waged a pogrom this weekend slaughtering and raping women and children, shooting or cutting the throats of  folks just for being Jews, it would be somewhat insensitive to shout your support that loudly.


590 days ago

Reasons to defund the BBC Number 345 - more Jew hating you pay for with your license fee

The Board of Deputies has already complained about this interview between BBC reporter Anjana Gadgil and formmer Israeli PM Naftali Bennett. The transcript is below and should be a sacking offence for Gadgil. Of course it will not be for the BBC is the media outlet who brought us Tala Halawa who said that Hitler was right about the Jews. It knows whose side it is on…


748 days ago

Banning the Russians from Holocaust Remembrance Day as we rewrite history just as the Nazis did

Its 2023 so everything has to be a political statement about what is happening now, even when it is remembering events of 78 years ago, the liberation of Auschwitz. And so, on Holocaust Remembrance day we all look back and remember.


770 days ago

Jeremy Bowen – what a POS: the BBC, Israel and a partial stance

When Palestinans elect Hamas to lead them, when they vote for an organisation committed to driving the Jews out of Israel, the BBC reports that Hamas has won an election. When Israel elects a right wing coalition led by Bibi Netanyahu which is committed to a two state solution, the mainstream media reports that the frigging Jews have elected a ultra-right wing coalition which threatens to set the region in flames.  That was the tone of the discussion on the “impartial” Radio 4 flagship Today Programme today, centred on an interview with Jeremy Bowen. Who is he?


1192 days ago

The Marxist Madressas & the hatred of free speech and of the Jewish state in Britain 2021

Just as the clocks chimed 13 the Israeli ambassador to London, Tzipi Hotolevy, pulled up at the London School of Economics to give a speech. A rabble of students waving Palestinian flags greeted her. Abuse was hurled at her in volleys like the volleys of rockets fired from others who wave the Palestinian flag in Gaza, targetting not military targets but just trying to kill Jews. Any Jews will do.  But for those indoctrinated in one of the Marxist Madrassas that we used to call Universities here in Britain there is only one side in the Middle East that commits evil, that causes global warming, and whose spokesman must be silenced because free speech does not apply to them. Tzipi gave her speech but thanks to the JC, watch the video below as she left and be ashamed of what our country has become.  



1313 days ago

Losing my shirt and my temper as England lose deservedly & those I come to despise

We can talk of awful fouls and the penalty curse but should not deny that Italy played better football and deserved to win the European Championship. No doubt many of us are still in denial on that matter today but the statistics do not lie. I say this as someone who came into the tournament not supporting England for a range of reasons but who was won over by the charm of the young squad and of the manager and by the way it seemed to unite and give joy to the whole country. All of those involved in England did their country proud. I shall now go back to supporting Northern Ireland, but in this tournament the match against the Hun was the key turning point for me.


1330 days ago

Bidstack still to confess to slumping trade, placing needed within weeks or its bankrupt but mad conspiracists blame Israel & Tom Winnifrith

Shares in Bidstack (BIDS) have slumped to just 2.95p today. There are two reasons for that but mad Jew-hating loons on the Bulletin Boards think there is a third. Of course, blame the wicked Jews for everything. Just why does this company attract such total lunatics? Do you remember cross-dressing IT freak Mike Turner from Northants? 


1360 days ago

Video - this is why British Jews now feel abandoned and terrified, it is time we non Jews must say #JeSuisJuif

For one younger reader, please note the way that those who hate Jews in this video use the words Zionists and Jews interchangeably. When folks say they do not hate Jews just Zionists, they dissemble. They hate Jews. This video puts Britain to shame. It is no wonder that so many Jews feel terrified as never before. Why do we need Israel? Because at some point, if we as a nation do not stand up for the Jews, it will become just too terrifying for many folks to be Jewish in this country and in France and much of Europe. 


1361 days ago

BREAKING: BBC Reporter Tom Bateman happy to praise the work of Israel coverage of Hitler-loving Jew-hating colleague Tala Halawa

The BBC is still “investigating” its rabid Jew-hating reporter Tala Halawa who reckons Hitler was right to murder 6 million Jews. Quite why it has not fired her 48 hours after her abhorrent views surfaced or why it hired her in the first place is a mystery to me and another reason why we should #DefundtheBBC. But it is worse. Her colleague Tom Bateman sent this tweet below just before the scandal surfaced. It is still there. I would have thought that folks at the BBC would distance themselves from such a rabid anti-semite but it appears that folks like Tom are standing by her.  And that is a flashing red sign of the prevailing culture and bias of the BBC. Perhaps it is worth asking Tom if he is also a fan of Hitler when it comes to the Jews and also how he ensures that his work in reporting on events in Israel is completely partial.


1362 days ago

Mind Your BBC language: "racist" covid variants & my wife's family

My wife’s family originated in India. Her parents were born there and would say that they were Indian. My father’s father’s family originated in Kent and would say that they were Kentish Men or Men of Kent. I can never remember which is which; it is to do with which side of the Medway you are born on. But when it comes to Covid and the BBC


1400 days ago

Remind me why I go to jail if I DO NOT fund an organisation that engages in blood libel against the Jews?

Yes, of course that organisation is the state funded broadcaster and purveyor of very unfunny woke comedy, the BBC. You know the sort of comedy where a black comedienne makes a joke about killing all white people and the audience laughs because genocide is such a laughing matter. This time the programme is Have I got More News for You where actor David Tennant told a witty scripted gag about how, in Israel, only Jews get the covid vaccine and Arabs don’t. Okay it is not funny at all and it is also 100% untrue. It is just another blood libel from the woke left about those pesky Jews.


1479 days ago

The most shocking statistics of ignorance today as #Weremember

In case you missed it, today is the 76th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz and thus it is Holocaust Memorial Day. At 8 PM tonight we will light a candle at the Welsh Hovel as I hope that you all will wherever you are. It is important that we remind the younger generation of the sheer horrors of what went on, so that man’s inhumanity to man cannot be expressed in such a vile way again. The problem is that people are forgetting or perhaps just don’t know at all.


1487 days ago

I really can't stand rap but this Joe & the Jews video is a must watch

It is very clever and, as anti-semitism becomes a growing problem, notably in academia, it’s timely. Enjoy.


1499 days ago

The caring left celebrates murder in Washington - met celeb Arthur Chu

Like every sane person, I deplore the invasion of the Capitol by protesters yesterday. But unlike the Black Panthers who invaded the Capitol in 1968, these folks were not armed. And the murder of protestor Ashley Babbitt was surely something we can all deplore. Watch the video. This is a cop killing of a young woman that was simply wrong. No-one other than vile LBC presenters would see this death as a good thing, surely? Never underestimate the caring left when it comes to just how much love they show for their fellow man.


1501 days ago

Another reason to #DefundtheBBC – Jesus was a black Palestinian! The BBC lies & demonises Jews

In the run-up to Christmas, the loathsome BBC ran a show “Heart and Soul” which contained a segment “Black Jesus” which asked us to see the great man as a “darker skinned Palestinian.”


1510 days ago

Jew hating Labour “Lord” Nazir Ahmed commits blood libel against Israel with fake news and photos on twitter and folks lap it up

He was made a Lord by Tony Blair but is one of the few Jew haters with whom Labour has actually parted company. He is not actually a member of the house of Lords any more having been booted out of the chamber last month because of a spot of bother with rape and sexual assault allegations. There are also a couple of child rape charges outstanding.  He has form as a Jew hater claiming that when he was convicted of killing someone by dangerous driving in 2013 that was just a Jewish conspiracy. Today he has sent the tweet below which, as I write has been retweeted 253 times and liked 412 times. It is fake news with fake pictures and a blood libel against the Jews.


1576 days ago

“Professional journalist” Ramsha Khan threatens to sue this Israel supporter for libel, showing how truly worthless is her degree and then....

Last month, Ramsha Khan tweeted that having graduated from City University’s journalism course she was “now a professional journalist”. That prompted me to write an article saying how after 30 years of writing for a living, getting lawyers’ letters, death threats, buckets of online trolling and harassment etc, I guess with no degree I was not by this definition a “professional journalist”. Nor was my late uncle Christopher Booker. His Cambridge degree was in history, mine something worthless from Oxford. Neither of us was taught how to be a journalist in a degree course. It seems Ramsha is upset and has sent a threatening email this morning which, naturally, I publish in full below:



1692 days ago

Supporting #BlackLivesMatter as an idea is made harder when the BLM organisation wades into the gutter of anti-semitism

Just five minutes ago, I explained at great length why everyone should support the idea behind BlackLivesMatter and why it is not the same as the statement WhiteLivesMatter. However, it becomes harder to support BlackLivesMatter – the organisation – as its protestors attack the Police and say that they wish to defund the Old Bill, or when its organisers say they wish to end capitalism. As each statue of great men such as Grant, Lincoln or Guy topples, some who may sympathise edge away. And now comes the ant-semitism. If the tweet below was sent by an ordinary citizen there would be calls for Police involvement.


1694 days ago

Making up blood libels about Israel is not a legitimate criticism of the Jewish State

Yesterday, the Labour party sacked Rebecca Long Bailey from its Front Bench as she endorsed an article, in the little read online rag the Independent, by an actress who thinks we care what celebs think and which contained a clear antisemitic trope. Yet many in Labour are rushing to her defence, including Guardian columnist Owen Jones and the Corbynite journalist Ash Sarkar whose tweet is below.


1845 days ago

Photo Article: on #HolocaustMemorial Day a candle burns here in Wales

I wonder if, in places like bourgeois East Oxford where at least one house in every street flies a Palestinian flag all year round, how many candles are burning this Holocaust Memorial Day. I suspect rather more will be burning on Friday as the chattering classes mourn our exit from the European Superstate founded a few years after the last failed attempt at European unification.


2478 days ago

The Institutionalised Bias of the BBC comes through loud and clear from Barnet

I will go to jail if I do not pay the poll tax that is the BBC license fee, monies needed to pay auto-cue readers enormous sums. That sticks in the craw but at least the BBC should be impartial should it not? So over to its coverage of the UK local elections and the studio wants to hear what is happening in Barnet.


2503 days ago

Now about those "civilians" the "evil Jews" butchered for protesting on the Gaza border

Hamas, the rulers of Gaza whose leaders still openly talk of driving the evil Jews into the sea and who happily fly Nazi flags alongside their own as you can see below, continues to organise protests on the Israeli border. Thanks to the liberal media's hatred of Israel it has been a PR triumph. But the truth...


2772 days ago

Contacted by a well known Jew Hater who thinks I've got it wrong

Dick Zinnendorf is a well known American Jew Hater. His lies and smears against Marco Rubio were a lowlight of the last election. And it seems he does not like what I write either and has sent "a letter to the editor". That would be me. Nazis like Dick may not believe in free speech but, like the Israeli state, I do so here goes. Dick, may your soul burn in hell and I shall continue to fight against anti-semitism, for the Israeli state and to expose Jew haters like Dick until I drop, however many fascist letters they send me..


2778 days ago

To our shame, being racist in 2017 Britain is acceptable as long as its the Jews you hate: Ebrahim Bham speaks tomorrow

Following on from the "Jews caused Grenfell Tower" Al Quds day march you would have thought that the British Authorities might try to put a temporary ban on public demonstrations of overt Jew hating. Oh no. This form of racism appears to be perfectly acceptable in Britain today. Is it any wonder that across Western Europe Jews are packing up and heading to the one place they feel safe, the only democracy in the Middle East: Israel?


2797 days ago

Finsbury Park terror attack - humanity appals me but impresses me

Last night a white man driviing a white van ploughed into folks standing outside the Finsbury Park Mosque. One man is dead, ten are injured and the terrorist is in police custody. Yes he is a terrorist. Folks may say that he has mental health issues but the sort of people making that excuse fail to accept it as a defence when someone committing a terror attack is a Muslim. The man carried out an act of terror and apparently shouted out "I want to kill all Muslims" - he's a terrorist. That the attack took place outside a Mosque that has been a hotspot for extremism and hate makes no difference and is no justification.


2901 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: from Jewish Vlachs to Avanti Coms - a business that can never ever work so is toast

I answer an email from a reader who reckons the Vlachs, (world's greatest living expert, or so he says, Dr TJ Winnifrith), are really Jews and that opens up a wider issue of Jewish settlements in Greece. Then the main issue of the podcast, why Avanti Communications (AVN) will go to Zero? Quite simply its business model is flawed. There are other red flags to consider but I strike at the crux of the matter.


2994 days ago

Norbert Hofer of Austria - Europe's first fascist leader since Franco?

Many on the left are, these days, prone to label any populist right wing leader as a fascist. Or when that loses its meaning since it now covers so many folks they use the term Nazi instead. There is no evidence that Donald Trump or Nigel Farage or the editor of the Daily Mail want to gas the Jews or invade Albania and Ethiopia but hell why not lump them with those right wingers of old. And thus we are today being warned that Austria might elect Europe's first fascist leader since Franco in the shape of Norbert Hofer.


2995 days ago

Half a Cow, Mad Vegans, Daft Millennials and the new £5 note

It appears that the new five pound note contains traces of tallow which is fat from a cow. Very small traces as I shall demonstrate below but that has not stopped more than 100,000 snowflake millennials signing an online petition calling for the notes to be withdrawn and the bankers responsible to be hung drawn and quartered. 

Okay I made the second bit up but an awful lot of folks are getting angry on behalf of vegans, Hindus, Jews and all sort of other minorities. As it happens the Jews are quite cool about it. The board of deputies says no Jews would have a problem unless they tried to eat the notes. How sensible but elsewhere the faux anger grows. It is the sort of faux anger 


3136 days ago

Nice - the BBC really does not want to say the obvious: It was ISIS which did it

Somehow I managed to work out how to tune my father's TV onto the BBC News Channel. Newsnight had been too busy bashing the Tories to give more than a brief mention to a story that broke before it went on air and which now leaves almost 80 people lying dead in France. Sof dozens of dead froggies, lets remind ourselves again how across the world liberal media pundits think Boris Johnson is frightful. The interweb was miles ahead of the Beeb's flagship show once again but over on the news channel there was now full coverage.

I went to sleep at 1.30 AM by which time the BBC had at least accepted that it was not an accident ( circa midnight) and was most definitely a terrorist attack. Jeepers you don't say. One Belgian terrorism expert had stated the bleeding obvious that it was an attack by ISIS but the BBC itself was making no such claims instead insisting that we have no idea who was responsible.

Hmmm. The wicked Jews? 


3220 days ago

Do most British students hate Jews and back ISIS? Their vile new leader does

Only total losers get involved in the National Union of Students. Your university days should be about sex, drugs, alcohol and a bit of learning, not the NUS. As such it is always a taxpayer fund irrelevancy lead by utter lunatics who are utterly unrepresentitive of 99% of students. But the election of its new leader, the Jew hating, ISIS condoning Malia Bouattia, sees the NUS plunge to new depths. Truly she is vile.

Ms Bouattia


3223 days ago

The pope goes to see lesbians today but miracles wont happen

The Pope is today spending two hours on the Greek Island of Lesbos to meet a camp full of economic migrants, that is to say folks from a range of countries, but mostly Syria, who fled the safety of Turkey to pitch up in Europe. Now they are set to be sent back to Turkey in a sordid deal involving a 6 billion euro bribe and are protesting. I am not sure what the Pope hopes to achieve but I have bad news for his holiness: miracles don't happen.

It is pretty horrid seeing the folks


3335 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 27 December - the chickens will come home to roost for fake stockmarket capitalists in 2016

Tomorrow I shall be in New York with my daughter and her uber-mad lefty godparents. Yesterday I spent the day with my wife's family including her barking mad (Greek) brother in law.  He has numerous good qualities and is very likeable but a couple of major blind spots. I managed to control myself as he claimed that the evil Jews were behind 9/11 and controlled global banking. Then he moved onto capitalism. He has it wrong but so does the stockmarket from the FTSE 100 down to the AIM casino. In 2016 chickens will come home to roost for both.


3673 days ago

Weekly Postcard #97 - 70 years on the lessons of Auschwitz

70 years ago next week Auschwitz was liberated by the Red Army. For two of my daughter's godparents - Iska Alter and Joe Levy - that has special meaning. I reflect on the lessons we should learn for Jews, Muslims and how we treat our fellow man. What does "never again" mean to you?


3683 days ago

UKIP sinks to new lows with its charter it wants ALL Muslims to sign

In 1930s Germany the Jews were in the early stages marked out by having to wear a yellow star. Today UKIP MEP Gerard Batten has just demanded that all Muslims sign a charter saying they denounce violence.  Go on fellows just form an orderly line. My stomach turns.

Who does UKIP describe as a Muslim? Is the utterly non-believing but Muslim born (public school and Cambridge educated) husband of my dear cousin Heather going to have to sign the charter? What about their kids, brought up by their devoutly Christian mother and non-believing (but Muslim born) father? What about their kids? The Nazis used to get terribly worked up about these sort of issues. Will UKIP give an exemption to Muslims who have fought for this country just as the Nazis initially did for WW1 Jewish veterans?

Will this stop one act of terror? 


3690 days ago

The Liberal Media, Charlie Hebdo, the cowardice and duplicity over the Paris massacre

Naturally I am shocked over the massacre of journalists at Charlie Hebdo in Paris by Islamofascist gunmen. It is an assault on free speech, it is sickening and it must be deplored but watching C4 coverage of the event last night the cowardice and duplicity of the Western Media was there for all to see.

First up were the range of voices singing the praises of the publication for daring to challenge cultural norms, standing up to religious intolerance and to racism for fighting for free speech and calling for the Front Nationale to be banned. Er…hang on a sec…

Personally I do not find some of the crude jibes made at all religions by this publication very clever, funny or brave. Let’s face it Jews and Christians are not going to react by hacking heads off in protest, that sort of behaviour is the preserve of the Islamofascists. However, amongst the trendy liberal elite it is deemed clever and almost the norm to mock those of any faith (but especially the Christian faith) as if they were some relic of a former age, like those who support fox hunting, hanging or who believe in a flat earth.  I admire those with faith. I cannot believe but almost wish I did. I find the principles of Christianity as far more appealing than those of the chattering classes.

As such while I regard much of what Charlie Hebdo lampooned about the faith I’d like to have offensive, crude and not very clever. Sure, attack the Church where it fails (like in child abuse) but to attack folks just for having faith or the faith itself in a sneering manner – how very Islington.

But I defend its right to publish this bollocks because I believe in free speech. And that is why I am perplexed by how the liberal elite think that Charlie Hebdo trying to get the Front Nationale banned is worthy of praise. Okay it fits in with the modern liberal agenda but it is hardly in the Mill or Gladstone tradition of supporting free speech is it?

That I loathe and despise everything that the party of Le Pen stands for is a given. But 


3845 days ago

Some hateful and vile twitter comments from deluded western liberals because #IstandwithIsrael

Heck I believe in free speech but I do rather worry about the sheer stupidity of some of those who support Hamas, an organisation whose charter calls for Israelis to be swept into the sea. But I the West liberal opinion is pretty much behind Hamas which allow folks to spout such twitter comments as these:

Tracy ‏@BSfromPS  32m

Ok, Winnie, whatever you say.  Shouldn't you be out killing innocent children about now? @TomWinnifrith @oc_f1fan @DreyfusJames

Sir Jack Splatt ‏@JacksplattJack  15m

@mrD80385887 Maybe Jews need to understand us, we have had enough of their bullshit, understand? @BSfromPS @TomWinnifrith @oc_f1fan

Back to Tracy responding to a tweet from someone other than me about why she hides her face on twitter..

Tracy ‏@BSfromPS  22m

BUT, Winnifred, I would hide MINE if I were you. You look like a child predator. @DreyfusJames @TomWinnifrith @oc_f1fan

And best of all

Chris Erion @oc_f1fan  ·  28m

@TomWinnifrith The IDF has committed more evil crimes than the Nazis ever did or could.

I rest my case.


3853 days ago

Doriemus: Disposal Makes Sense. The shares are a buy and comrade Brokerman Dan is wrong

Doriemus (DOR) became an oil company via a RTO of AIM listed TEP Exchange. On Friday it was announced that the TEP business is to be sold to managers for £1. My friend Brokerman Dan (Dan Levi) reckons this is a gross cheek and says he is bidding £1000.

Dan is right about most things. On the matter of Middle East politics he stands firmly with Hamas whose formal charter talks of sweeping the Jews into the sea and which last week described Jews as cockroaches. He is profoundly wrong on that matter as I explain HERE. He is also wrong on Doriemus and the sale but on pretty much everything else he is correct. And I should say that the self appointed spokesman for hs fellow Manchester slum dwellers is generally a thoroughly good chap.

In 2012 TEP 


3862 days ago

Spot the Difference Contest – ref Hamas lies

My views on the situation in Gaza are pretty clear but are summed up in my weekly video postcard HERE.

I have been subjected to a hailstorm of abuse on twitter. One fellow said Israel should show moral superiority by defending itself without attacking rocket sites in Gaza. Hmmm think about that one. He was one of the more reasonable fellows.

Meanwhile Social Media is flooded with pics from Gaza supplied by Hamas and dutifully carried without verification by Israel haters such as the BBC. In that vein I invited you to play “spot the difference” on one picture currently doing the rounds to show how wicked the frigging Jews are. This is an alternative to the caption contest.

Entries in the comments section below

For what it is worth my entry is: "If the BBC says it was the wicked Jews who killed those kids both times surely we must believe it."


3863 days ago

So who thinks that the Jews are cockroaches? Who are you backing? Israel or Hamas?

I noted the other day that there is no moral equivalence between Hamas and Israel. Hamas fires rockets to kill Jews. It does not target it just wishes to kill Jews. Israel sends in planes to target rockets. The fact that Hamas puts its rickets in schools, hospitals and residential areas means that Israel kills civilians. Hamas uses its own people as a human shield. Hamas seeks civilian death, Israel seeks merely to prevent civilian death.

Yet still folks here in Britain line up to defend Hamas and attack Israel. Have they watched the latest Hamas video posted on YouTube (now removed) in Hebrew? It is a war song including the line:


3914 days ago

4 Dead at the Belgian Jewish Museum – The silence is Deafening

On Saturday a gunman shot four people dead at the Jewish Museum in Brussels. This was an overtly anti-Semitic attack. A couple of hours later, two Jewish men were savagely beaten as they left the synagogue in Paris. Again they were targeted as Jews. Throughout Europe violent attacks on Jews and the desecration of Jewish sites, notably cemeteries, have been rising sharply for years. But few seem to care.

For this is the racism that seems almost acceptable in some quarters. How often have you seen the Star of David burned in street protests across Europe? Is anything done? Of course not. A recent survey showed that 35% of those in France held anti-Semitic views, in Greece the number was 67%. In Latvia where last month a school proudly hung the word “JudenFrei” – the term used by the Nazis for an area that had been “cleansed” above its doors - the figure was 28%. Against such a backdrop is it any wonder that physical attacks on Jews as well as less overt discrimination is on the increase.

In part this must be down to feelings in some quarters that Israel has over-stepped the mark. I do not hold that view but I am fully aware that others do and their views on the Jewish State may fuel their views on Jews in general. But in the end even if one abhors Israel that can be no excuse for discriminating or persecuting an entire community who share a faith with most Israelis but are not part of that State.

The increase in anti- Semitism in recent years in part comes from our own silence. Amazingly


3994 days ago

Weekly Prize Caption Contest: Peace & Love on its way to the EU’s fave murderous Islamofascist regime edition

It did not gain much coverage in the UK press but last week the Israeli Navy intercepted a boat called the Klos C which was on its way from Iran, carrying a very special cargo, ultimately destined for the Hamas regime in Gaza.

This is the regime which receives vast amounts of funding from the EU every year. It is a regime which, according to the EU and other apologists for any crime committed against Israel is peace living and only acts in defence. So what was the Klos C carrying?

It was carrying missiles with the ability to hit any spot within the State of Israel and to kill Jews. For that is what Hamas is committed to. Of course when the Israeli Defence Forces intercepts ships with cargos ultimately bound for Gaza to stop deathly weapons getting through this is viewed as an act of aggression by its apologists in the West.

And so I ask you for suitable captions for this picture, the winner getting a discount voucher to Maribelle's

For what it is worth my entry is: “Fresh from creating harmony to the Ukraine, EU foreign minister Baroness Ashton issues a message of thanks to the people of Iran for their assistance in creating a one-state final solution to the problems in Palestine.”

Last week I asked you for captions to this picture of a man born with a silver spoon in his mouth who has never done a useful day’s work in his life and also of Prince Phillip.

The impartial judge (my cat Tara) reckons that the best entry came from me, viz:

 "Okay that is Fergie taken care of now where should we put Boris Johnson?"

I hope that you can do better than me this week – post your entries in the comments section below.


4218 days ago

Why does the EU hate Israel & Just Love Terrorists?

Last week the EU took three decisions regarding Israel which are in short despicable and take the Jew hating stance of the Evil Empire to new levels. Led by the former CND activist and total non-entity Baroness Ashton (the EU Foreign Secretary), the Evil Empire has plunged to new depths.

The first two measures impose trade sanctions on Israel. Any goods produced beyond the 1949 Armistice lines will now have to be flagged up with specific labelling and any entity with an address beyond those lines will be deni8ed any EU contracts or funding. The 1949 Armistice lines are not Israel’s borders but merely the point at which Arab armies were halted as they tried to wipe out the Jewish state at birth. So areas which the UN recognises as Israeli and which are Israeli under International law will be targeted by the EU.

Frankly, economically successful Israel does not need money from bankrupt Europe and so can stand on its own two feet. But having to wear a “yellow star” on your goods has kind of sinister undertones.

The third measure is the truly vile one. You will remember that in the West we are meant to be fighting a “war on terror”, tracking down the sort of evil which sees rockets fired on innocent men women and children and suicide bombers head onto buses? Remember that?  Well I guess it doesn’t matter to the EU if those innocent men, women and children are only frigging Jews.

The EU


4230 days ago

Boris Johnson in bed with the Jew Haters

What is it with being Mayor of London that makes you want to get into bed with Jew haters. Red Ken was pals with so many rabid anti-Semites I lost track. But it now seems that Boris does not care who he bunks up with either. No… not that sort of bunk up. I refer to his dealings with Emirates Airline (who I am now boycotting). Emirates you are Jew hating swine and I am ashamed that Boris has any dealings with you.


4449 days ago

How do you deal with a “Jewish Conspiracy” person?

You meet someone. You get on fine enough. They seem tolerant, interesting and then…”It’s the Jews, they pull all the strings.” What do you say? How do you react? Clearly they cannot be a reader of this blog if the run that line past me.

There is the short term and the long term. I once dated a bird and got along well until she tried to explain that the number of Jews killed in the holocaust was greatly exaggerated and it was really all part of a plot by the Jews to secure a homeland. I did not try to argue. But that was it for that relationship. There are some boundaries you cannot cross.

My short term reaction was to go for a cigarette. Leaving the room allowed me to calm down and to think about what to say. I returned calmly and said that I had a problem with that. I was asked if I was Jewish. Aaaaaagh.
