David Cameron

187 days ago

Another day and another Tory MP in a sex and corruption scandal – I think again of Christopher Booker of Private Eye and 1963

It was only a couple of weeks ago when the hapless Tory MP William Wragg was exposed for exposing himself on Grindr and then being blackmailed that I made reference to Uncle Chris, the late Christopher Booker HERE.  The image from Private Eye of the Court of SuperMac dressed as if for the fall of Rome, which hangs in the downstairs loo at The Old Rectory, is again in my mind. It is as if Tory MP’s get an automatic account with the gay dating app Grindr when they are elected. Again, another Private Eye joke springs to mind.


243 days ago

Does David Cameron think we are that stupid?

I suggest that Call Me Dave does indeed think that we oiks are just plain stupid and bring you, as evidence, a tweet he sent yesterday. It is just such nonsense, such a total canard, but I suspect he thinks if he repeats it often enough, the masses will fall for the lies of the media and political class GroupThink. Yes it is Russia again.


1119 days ago

100% pointless homework for 10 year olds now that lockdown is over

After two years of failing their students, hiding behind a zoom camera, the bedwetting teacgers are back and what I offer up is homework for 10 years olds.  Reading, ‘riting, ‘Rithmatic? No. History or Geography? No. It is, of course LGBTQ studies and studies of a particularly inane bent. 


1250 days ago

Simec – Timber! Who’s a clever boy then Peter?

I gather that it is ouzo on cornflakes time at Peter Brailey’s this morning as Simec Energy (SAE) shares have gone into meltdown on the back of a disingenuous but unmistakeably bad statement – something clever old Peter predicted HERE. The stench of David Cameron, Lex Greensill and Tory sleaze is at the heart of the problem.


1271 days ago

Does the tide of Tory sleaze matter? As ever, the late Christopher Booker has the answer

Gosh I miss my late uncle Chris and our hour long, weekly, chats that would just go on and on skipping from topic to topic almost seamlessly. He may have founded Private Eye but we both did the jokes. We both have a history of falling out with folks and made sure that we had no such bust ups so if we disagreed as we did just now and again there was always a workaround. So we disagreed on Brexit as he regarded me as a “no deal” hard line fruitcake and I wore that badge with honour. But rather than debate it we just agreed that Theresa May was the worst Prime Minister in history, laughed and moved on. Back in the nineties those chats would see us spending some time on Tory sleaze. You remember that MP who shared a bed with another chap and said he was doing it to save money? The jokes wrote themselves back then.


1303 days ago

As we consider Batley Grammar and the Mohammed cartoon, here’s the late Christopher Booker on Charlie Hebdo in 2015

I sometimes find myself searching my emails for something or other and stumble on something completely unexpected. Tonight I stumble on the raw text of what my uncle, the late Christopher Booker, submitted to the Sunday Telegraph for January 16 2015 after the Charlie Hebdo massacre. I am not sure if the Torygraph tweaked it but here is the original and in exposing the pious hypocrisy of the great and good back then, we might all reflect on matters such as the drowning silence of the left in defence of free speech in Bradford today. But also, as Chris notes, on why certain sections of the Moslem community do feel so justifiably angry and that can vent in various ways. I commend to you a great piece of journalism.


2071 days ago

General Knowledge Quiz – which country are most Syrian refugees heading to right now?

The UK? Germany?  Trump’s America – after all the US did lead the fight against that bastard Assad? Think again. The answer is not something you will see reported widely in the Western Media for it is ….


2119 days ago

Christmas in Syria – the story the guilty Western Media cannot bear to broadcast

There are just two countries in the Middle East where Christians can celebrate their faith openly, as part of a supportive community and with no fear of having their head chopped off.  One is Israel, which is also the only country in the region where there are gay pride parades. But suggesting that Israel is a beacon of tolerance in a sea of bigotry is not part of the group think narrative for the liberal media elites here in the West. So what about the other place where Christianity is not a high risk activity?


2120 days ago

The BBC on Nigeria – beyond parody

Taxpayer funded, BBC Radio 4 has just run a long report on the problems Nigeria faces. It started with David Cameron slamming the country as being corrupt back in 2016. This, the BBC argued, was unhelpful. It was a bad thing to say. I am not normally one to defend Call Me Dave, but on this occasion.


2151 days ago

Photo Report: Day 2 of the olive harvest at the Greek Hovel

And so to day two of the olive harvest. We merry band of three all have our jobs. As you can see below, Shareprophets reader Bernard really is wearing shorts and a T shirt as, during the day it is hot enough to do so. He trained as an engineer and so, naturally, he is the twerker specialist.


2857 days ago

Mass on December 25 in Aleppo cathedral after 5 years and yet we are still backing the wrong side in Syria

Here in Bristol we prayed for Christians around the world who were suffering for their faith and we prayed for peace in Syria. And on Christmas day I hope we all rejoiced as the cathedral of St Elijah in Aleppo held its first Christmas service in five years. What joy that must have brought to the 100,000 Christians still left in Aleppo.

The Western media reported this rather sheepishly. Because it exposes the folly and wickedness of the policies of our Government in Syria, policies that the Western media has lapped up and promoted with lies and bias throughout. Here are the facts.


2858 days ago

The Call Me Dave sham exposed big time this Christmas

David Cameron's rich, tax-dodging, stockbroker father paid for him to go to Eton from where he went to Oxford. One proper job ( well sort of) was arranged for young David after Oxford, a stint as the PR man for Carlton Communications. Then he started to climb the greasy pole. With a Mrs who was even more minted by dint of inherited wealth, the Camerons were clearly in the 1% not the 99% and never had to worry about money.


2929 days ago

Ched Evans - where are the apologies from Nick Clegg and David Cameron now?

There is little doubt that Mr Ched Evans, the soccer player, is not exactly a role model for our era. But as of yesterday he is also a man who served a jail sentence for a rape of which he is not guilty. Now is the time when certain folks need to think very carefully about their actions and to say sorry.


3013 days ago

Blood on the hands of Hollande, Cameron & May - when will they accept they back the wrong side in Syria

The papers this week carried graphic images of a 12 year old boy being beheaded in Syria. Ghastly, I hear you cry. ISIS must be stopped. Thank God we are doing our bit by backing rebel fighters in the Free Syrian Army. Problemo: it was those rebel fighters that did the beheading.

This is no surprise to readers of this website. Back in 2012


3016 days ago

Begbies Traynor - Not Really trained in logic when it comes to Brexit are we chaps?

My father would suggest that those who run insolvency firm Begbies Traynor (BEG) really are not scholars and gentlemen when it comes to their latest pronouncement on Brexit and how UK firms are struggling. I am kinder so shall leave it with an observation that, unlike my father, myself and David Cameron, the Begbies fellows probably did not study logic at Oxford.


3020 days ago

Nice: a reminder of the lies of two former Prime Ministers that shame Blair and Cameron

As the bodies are prepared for burial the war of words as to who is to blame for the outrage in Nice is underway. Fresh from calling for a ban on guns in America after Dallas, the liberals are now calling for a ban on lorries in Europe. Okay they are not. No-one ever accused the liberal left of being consistent in its prejudices or thought processes. But if you wander around the Internet you can see more or less everyone gets blamed somewhere.

At this point I'd just remind you of the words of two former Prime Minsters and I start with the war criminal Tony Blair.


3044 days ago

Brexit: Turkey the Truth that David Cameron and Sadiq Khan are just quite simply lying about

When Turkey joins the EU its 75 million citizens will be able to travel and live in any other EU country. Turkey is a poor place ruled by David Cameron's pal the homophobic, sexist, fascist beast Erdogan and I do not blame any Turk for wanting to leave. And polls say that millions will leave and that Britain is a favourite destination. The only way to avoid millions of Turks - understandably - pitching up in the UK is to leave the EU. David Cameron - and last night Sadiq Khan - have repeatedly lied to the British people about this.

Cameron says


3058 days ago

The Establishment is trying to steal the EU Referendum - new grotesque cheating announced today: why we must all vote for Brexit

The political, media, big business and banking establishment are united in their determination to deliver a vote to stay in Europe. David Cameron, Jeremy Corbyn, Goldman Sachs, the CBI and the BBC are working together but amid growing evidence that we, the people, are rising up to vote for Brexit new cheating was announced today. The establishment will break all the rules to ensure their view prevails whatever the "little people" actually vote for..


3058 days ago

Thunderstorms and flooding in the UK and here in Greece: Brexit must be to blame

I gather that back in the UK you have all had a spot of bother with thunderstorms and tornados. Has David Cameron managed to blame a surge in support for Brexit yet? Just watch out little people, if you back Boris and Priti you are all going to drown and here are a list of 100 experts who support that claim. Okay 98 of them are on the EU payroll in some way, shape or form but they are frigging experts and you are little people who cant be trusted to make your own minds up. So either start building an ark or vote the right way!

As it happens the mountains above Kardamili are also covered in dark clouds


3062 days ago

Dodgy Dave and the sneering elite respond to Brexit camp immigration plans with more lies

In today's Daily Telegraph the columnist Allison Pearson describes how when debating Brexit with multi-millionaire PR man Roland Rudd (brother of dimwit cabinet minister Amber) she was told that "Allison does not want any immigrants coming to this country". The traditional retort to those to question any aspect of immigration policy is "you're racist"

As Pearson points out, the Rudds were kids of a millionaire stockbroker and then went to posh public school and Oxford (just like Dodgy Dave Cameron himself). They have never experienced the downside of immigration: downward pressure on wages for lower earners and problems getting access to schools and healthcare in certain areas or pressure on the housing list. For them as affluent employers and consumers immigration is all upside. And thus the rich and middle classes have for years branded anyone who queried our policies as racist. The most excellent Priti Patel, who also thinks current policies are crackers, came up with the same analysis.I guess Priti is a racist too. Heck so many of us who didn't grow up in millionaire households seem to be racists these days.

And that matters in terms of Brexit at two levels.


3063 days ago

Video: Michael Gove wins Brexit debate hands down: Unelected Elites - You're fired!

After David Cameron's car crash on Sky yesterday, this evening Michael Gove had his turn and by the end the audience was 100% onside. He was superb and this short video is the highlight.


3079 days ago

Now lyin' David Cameron is back to the "ISIS wants Brexit" lie - what has got into him?

The polls show that only 21% of folks trust David Cameron to tell the truth on Brexit? I say only 21% but what is amazing is that anyone trusts Dodgy Dave at all as every day he says something about the referendum which is just patently a falsehood. Today's classic was his comment on what happens if we vote to leave:


3080 days ago

Dodgy David Cameron should Resign NOW as he is exposed as lying monstrously to us all over EU referendum

The Daily Mail has obtained a letter which is political dynamite and shows that David Cameron has lied on a monumental scale over the EU referendum. If he was a man of honour he would resign at once. But he is instead Dodgy David Cameron.

Eleven days before calling the poll Cameron was negotiating with the other EU nations on a deal for Britain. Dodgy Dave told Parliament and us all that if he did not get the deal he wanted he would campaign for us to leave the EU.

But at the same time, it emerges 


3086 days ago

David Cameron, the Heir to Blair - today's Brexit lie about World war three is just fantasty lying

I cannot remember when I first described David Cameron as the heir to Blair. I think it was in 2012 but it may have been at the time of the funeral of Lady Thatcher, whose shoes Dodgy Dave is not fit to lick. Today's comments on Brexit are fantasy lying league stuff which is right up their with with the war criminal Blair's comments on Weapons of Mass Destruction.


3087 days ago

David Cameron tells the truth and is panned...he should stick to lying

Yesterday Dodgy Dave claimed that leaving the EU increased the risk of World War Three. That was a slam dunk 100% lie and some people pointed that out but on the whole he got an easy ride. 

Today David Cameron was revealed to have said that Nigerian and Afghanistan are corrupt. Well that is not an opinion that is a fact. According to Transparency International only 16% of the world's countries are more corrupt than Nigeria while Afghanistan is ranked as among the top 1% for corruption. It is in a neck and neck race to be the most corrupt country on this planet.

Naturally the UK gives both countries oodles of aid to be stolen. International aid is as


3105 days ago

Ched Evans - Time for the populist scumbags Cameron, Clegg et al to beg for forgiveness

When neanderthal footballer Ched Evans was found guilty of rape back in 2012 it seemed to me that the evidence was wafer thin and that this was a miscarriage of justice as I noted after his release HERE. But after the verdict, it was clearly right he served time. However I was appalled that wankers like David Cameron and Nick Clegg sought to win votes by barring him from plying his trade after release which happened in October 2014. 

Ched has indeed been unable to earn a living since his release but today his conviction has been quashed following new evidence and there will be a new trial. If Ched gets off he will be very angry about losing four years of earnings - given how short is a soccer players career. But he should be especially livid about how Cameron et al


3115 days ago

Pssssst Don't Tell the British liberal media elite but blacks don't hate Donald Trump for being a racist

Listening to beltway liberal Kylie Morris on C4 or to the BBC's legion of taxpayer funded reporters it is clear that black Americans hate Donald Trump because he is a racist. That is a given right? No disputes it is what David Cameron might term a fact. Er... don't tell Kylie but it is not actually what the hard data demonstrates. Kylie's telling porkies again.


3115 days ago

Send the £10 million EU propaganda back to Cameron costing him 70p a time

Like many folks I am still shocked that David Cameron saw fit to use £10 million of taxpayers cash to send out EU propaganda. He termed the glossy booklet as containing facts but as any Latin scholar knows the word FACT is derived from the past tense "it has happened". CMD's glossy booklets contained predictions which thus cannot, by definition, be facts. They are opinions and dubious ones at that.

So what do do with your booklet when it arrives? I suggest 


3117 days ago

Odd One Out Contest: Ms Sophia Loren, Mr David Cameron, Mr David Furnish & Mr Popeye the Sailor man

This is a very simple odd one out contest. Just look at the pictures of three celebrities and one person famous for being married to a celebrity and name the odd one out. I shall make it easy by saying that the correct answer is nothing to do with gender, why they are famous or being a cartoon. Answers in the comments section below will be approved subject to the UK's ridiculous legal system.


3117 days ago

David Cameron and another tax dodge - this time it is £200,000: taxes are for little people

In order to persuade us all that he has done nothing wrong David Cameron has published his tax papers going back to 2009. The only problem is that they demonstrate explicitly that he avoided paying tax ( £70,000of tax) by a legal sleight of hand. You and I would not only have not known about that trick but also not been in line to inherit the sort of vast sums that Cameron and his sisters inherited. We are the little people. We pay taxes at normal rates.

Cameron's old man left him £300,000 direct. That woukd be £300,000 of money from the Blairmore Trust where returns were increased by not having to pay tax becuase it was based offshore. And that money went to Call Me Dave tax free. 
Most of Cameron's old man's cash went to Cameron's mum ( that would also be offshore cash as per the Panama Papers). 

A few months after CMD picked up the £300,000 ( tax free because it was under the £325,000 IHT exemption limit), Mrs Cameron senior handed CMD


3118 days ago

Tom Winnifrith postcard - the week we saw David Cameron, Polly Toynbee & the elite for the frauds they are

Here in Shipston my father is competing with his old friend Maurice on who can be more reactionary. That brings up how we all dealt with some junk mail. The podcast covers how the past week has shown the media and political elite circle wagons encompassing those on both left and right. The real battle is between them and we little people, the taxpayers, the 99%.


3119 days ago

So David Cameron finally Comes Clean on the Panama Papers and tax - Oh no he doesn't

Finally at the fifth attempt David Cameron says that he has come clean about the offshore Blairmore Trust set up by his late father and exposed in the Panama Papers. Or has he come clean?


3121 days ago

Panama Papers: 4 times David Cameron refuses to answer the question re his tax dodging dad - why not?

David Cameron's late dad set up offshore trusts to avoid tax. It was legal but in the view of many of us a tad seedy. Did Call Me Dave or his family benefit personally? Cameron has now issued four statements but not answered the critical frigging questions.

In statement one Cameron said it was none of our business, in statement two he said he owned no shares or offshore Trusts, statement three saw CMD saying his family and he were not benefitting from the trusts and statement four said they will not benefit from them.

But the specific questions we really need to have answered are:


3121 days ago

Panama Papers: Tory Fat Cat Dominic Grieve: "save the banksters in offshore tax havens"

I am not sure that this shows how "in touch" Mr David Cameron's Tories are with the zeitgeist but his former Attorney General Dominic Grieve MP does not want a hasty reaction to the Panama Papers because he thinks we must protect the, now threatened, species that is the offshore bankster. 

Like many on the right, I find the idea that multi millionaires, like David Cameron's late father can pay sod all tax becuase they use offshore shell companies while folks like you and I pay the full whack a bit distasteful. It is sordid and patently unfair that "taxes are for little people". Conservatism should be about meritocracy and opportunity for all not just helping a small financial elite get even richer.

Of course one way to get the small super rich spivs back onshore is to lower UK tax rates and I am a big supporter of that.

But equally it does seem just wrong that crown colonies are allowing the uber rich to pay sweet FA and -as the Panama Papers make clear - to allow other rich folk to engage in money laundering. The former is distatsteful, the latter illegal.

Could we clamp down on what goes on in crown colonies like the BVI, Jersey and the Isle of Man? Yes we could. We could, for instance


3126 days ago

66% of Britons are officially thick - new poll re Steel Workers in Port Talbot

Sky News and the usual ramge of spokespeople for the deluded left are creaming themselves that a new poll show that 66% of our fellow citizens think we should nationalise the Port Talbot steel works to save jobs. Or put another way two thirds of Britons are oficially thick.

Perhaps if the question were rephrased we might get a different answer. How about:

"Do you think that the Government should close your local hospital in order to spunk a million quid a day keeping a few thousand sheep shaggers off the dole?"



3127 days ago

David Cameron you might save UK Steel by doing less not more

King Canute has cut short an Easter break, where he pretended not to be posh, to fly home to deal with the steel crisis. You see the sky is falling in and chicken little pretends that by calling an emergency summit he can fix it just like that. It is all make believe of course. This is the fantasy world of Call Me Dave where our super-hero has to be see rolling up his sleeves and doing something.

The problem is that Tata wants to leave the UK steel business as it is losing money hand over fist. What can Dave do to save 15,000 jobs in the welfare safaris? History shows that he will consider chucking taxpayer cash down the pan to ease the problem. Sure he might save a few jobs, pro tem, but it is an incredibly expensive way for a Government running a huge deficit to make a point.

The reality


3136 days ago

David Cameron & the EU will you stop your new Turkish pals from gay bashing poor Sir Elton John?

As we prepare to hand over 6 billion Euro to Turkey and to give 75 million Turks free travel across Europe it seems that nothing that the country's fascist President Erdogan does can raise any objection from the EU or from David Cameron. 


3138 days ago

Tom Winnifrith postcard: Iain Duncan Smith 100% spot on regarding welfare reform, a principled hero, smeared by Cameron & the left

The resignation of Iain Duncan Smith has forced those on the left and followers of David Cameron and George Osborne to twist logic and engage in smears to try to counter the former minister. But IDS is 100% right about how and why welfare needs reform. His analysis of what was a mean spirited and nasty budget last week and of the flaws in Chancellor Osborne's budget is simply correct. Why the hell should those in the top 11% of earners get tax breaks paid for by the handicapped today and by our kids inheriting even more Government debt tomorrow?


3156 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast - Call Me Dave's Dodgy Dossier on EU Brexit - it is just lies

The Government of David Cameron has today published a document considering the impact on trade and food prices of an EU Brexit. This dodgy dossier contains lies from start to finish as I explain in this podcast.


3166 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 20 Feb - Who do you think you are kidding Mr Cameron, if you think old England's Done

Mr Cameron went to Brussels asking for little and came back with less. He is lying if he says otherwise and should be viewed with contempt. The reporting of this episode by the biased BBC and especially the loathsome Kayta Adler was a disgrace and reason enough not to pay your license fee. 80% of FTSE 100 bosses and the CBI said they would back Cameron even before he got his "deal". In this podcast I explain why these suits do not speak for British business and why all folks on the left or right or those who believe in liberty, freedom & truth should tell Cameron where to stick it and vote for Brexit.


3247 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard #134 - Bombing Syria is wrong at all levels - not in my name

I am sure that pretty soon the RAF will start to bomb ISIS in Syria. David cameron has lied to the nation just as Tony Blair did over Iraq. This is wrong at every single level. It is not in my name.


3300 days ago

Weekly Postcard #126 - Britain has blood on its hands for the way we support Saudi Arabia

We, or at least our leaders have blood on our hands. We support the House of Saud which in turn commits wholesale human rights abuses, war crimes, supports terrorists, exports extremism and treats migrant workers in an overtly racist way, as slaves with no rights. Yet David Cameron is taking British support to new levels. There is a better way.


3316 days ago

So what if David Cameron smoked pot at Oxford? I really worry about those that did not

It now seems pretty clear that Call Me Dave did not stick his todger in a dead pig while at University but did smoke pot. So did I. On one occasion in a lavatory with a future Labour female cabinet minister in the days before she became a dreary sanctimonius bore. As far as I can remember the only folks who did not smoke pot were the religious maniacs and the thoroughly dull boatie health Nazis.

That Cameron acted like more or less every other student perhaps shows that he is perhaps just a bit more normal than most of the arseholes in politics. In a way I’d rather have a Prime Minister who has been a normal human being at one point in his life rather than some humourless wonk who lectures us all about how we should live while never having lived a normal life himself.

It is also alleged that Call Me Dave attended a party in London in 2008 where folks hoovered up cocaine.


3333 days ago

Feeling rather proud of the Labour Party – it was today the conscience Britain seems to lack

Okay my motives for handing over £3 to join Labour might not have been the purest. I have done the decent thing and voted for Comrade Corbyn but today I actually felt a real pride as Labour – notably Harriet Harman – took on this Government on the issue of immigrants and state sponsored executions.

Please do not think that I admire much of what Harman stands for and has stood for in the past. But today she spoke for the conscience that this nation seems to have forgotten it had, as a smug David Cameron announced that a British drone had executed two British born ISIL jihadists in Syria.

The House of Commons voted two years ago not to intervene militarily in Syria. I am sure that the two men killed were plotting bad acts and the world is no worse place for their demise.  But the State cannot go around without any mandate simply executing its own citizens. Harman


3387 days ago

My friend Getafix, Malcolm Stacey you are just so wrong about fox hunting

Oh dear. It seems that old Getafix was imbibing the Money Tree potions last night and has decided that David Cameron is a suspect leader because he supports fox hunting. Cameron is indeed a suspect leader for all sorts of reasons (lying about giving us a vote on Europe, the new business destroying National Minimum wage, global warming, etc.) but fox hunting?


3401 days ago

New UKIP Attack video - the 2 faced David Cameron Special

For the n'th time I do not support UKIP and neither does the druid Getafix although I see today that he has joined the forces of Euroscepticsm - welcome aboard Malcolm. However, UKIP attack videos are a hoot and the latest one exposes the two faces of Call Me Dave when it comes to a Brexit referendum as you can see below.


3453 days ago

Weekly Postcard #111 - Scotland, there is only one end game and only 1 answer now

Nicola Surgeon thinks David Cameron has a problem. He does. Does he in Canute like fashion try to save the Union or does he listen to the welfare addicted people of Scotland but also of England and accept the end game now. He might start down that road by giving Scotland and England full fiscal autonomy. As an English taxpayer that would be a mammoth bonus.


3496 days ago

Amanda does not understand the Seagull issue and is cross with me

I wrote yesterday that I was considering voting Labour because it is only the People’s Party and its local standard bearer Ms Kerry McCarthy that understand the critical important of tackling the seagull menace here in Bristol East and have pledged to put it top of their agenda. My good friend Amanda is cross with me and has sent me a stern email.

Whilst I accept her point that the economy, Europe, crime and other matters are important I am still in two minds. Perhaps her reaction is symptomatic of how out of touch folk in London are with life in the rest of the country? What with their underwater yoga classes and other funny ways I cannot expect them to appreciate the true Seagull peril we face here in the boonies. And only Kerry and the People’s party seem to appreciate this.

On the other hand the smile on the face of the deluded middle class lefty  that is the Mrs when I announced that I was thinking of back Ed Miliband thanks to the sterling efforts of Kerry McCathy has made me think again. I cannot give her that pleasure. Okay, fear not Amanda I have stopped floating and am back with the Tories. But I would like them to stop blathering on about things like the economy and to let us know how they plan to tackle the big issue we face down here. What about the Seagulls Mr Cameron? What are you going to do about it?


3551 days ago

Spot The Odd One Out Competition: Win Greek Hovel Olive Oil

This is easy. All you have to do is name the odd one out and why. The deadline for entries is noon on Monday 2nd. Simply post your answer in the comments section below. The prize is a bittle of Greek Hovel olive oil. 

So which is the odd one out and why? (hint the picture is a clue)

Voltaire, Peter Tatchell, Schillings the lawyers, Mark Steyn, David Cameron, James Beckwith, Guy Aldred.



3565 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard( as audio) #96 - two more reasons why as a conservative I despise David Cameron edition

On both civil liberties and on economics/business matters David Cameron has recently shown himself as an opportunist but not a conservative. I refer to his email snooping demands and to his obscene suggestion that business passes on a (temporary) dip in oil prices to its workers with a (permanent) hike in wages. I despair and I despise the man ever more


3574 days ago

Ched Evans is being treated disgracefully and David Cameron & Nick Clegg are populist tossers

I never thought I’d find myself writing in support of a convicted rapist but the footballer Ched Evans is at the centre of a witch-hunt egged on by vote seeking and spineless politicians which makes me feel rather ashamed to be British.

The transcript of the trial makes it clear that Mr Evans is a prize sleazebag. He insists that when he climbed into bed with his pal and a bird the pal had pulled, that the oral sex he offered to pleasure her with was at her invitation and that she consented to full sex thereafter. The next morning the victim bragged by text that she had bagged “a big one”. The next evening she reported Mr Evans and his pal for rape. The pal (who went first) got off, Evans served 30 months.

There is a very legitimate debate about the leniency of sentence. I would regard two and a half years for rape as shockingly light. However based on the court transcripts I am not convinced that I would have been able as a juror to have found Mr Evans guilty beyond all reasonable doubt of rape. Yes he is a sleazebag but a rapist? I am not so sure.

But he was convicted. He served his time and now he is out. Yet it seem as if the media and political establishment is determined that he never ply his trade again. He is not allowed to play abroad because he is on the Sex Offender’s register and when a UK club tries to sign him it faces such a barrage of hostility that it walks away. Nick Clegg was first to jump on this populist bandwagon.

David Cameron spouted some rubbish about how he could not take his son to watch a match in which Ched was playing. What utter nonsense. Posh Dave is a faux footie fan. A few weeks standing outside the posh seats at any club and he’d know from the chants that very few soccer players can be held up as role models. “Andy Carroll’s ‘avin a party, time to get the vodka and Charlie


3669 days ago

Most ShareProphets Readers Expect Dave Cameron to be next PM but 2% of you are delusional Lib Dems – Reader Poll Results

We asked, at the weekend, who you, our readers, expected to form the next Government. The bad news is that a fifth of you think the nightmare scenario of a Lab/Lib coalition is on the cards. Time to emigrate methinks. Most readers thank that one way or another Call Me Dave Cameron will get to stay in No 10 and 2% of our readers are officially delusional thinking that the Lib Dems will form a majority Government. The full results are:


3691 days ago

ISIS not Muslims but Monsters says Call Me Dave – he lies

Call Me Dave stated today that ISIS fighters were “not Muslims but Monsters.” I sounds like a good sound bite but the only thing is that it is untrue. 

ISIS fighters are in fact ALL Muslims. They are also Monsters, on that Cameron and I agree. This s not saying that all Muslims are monsters. Very few are. Just like very few Jews or Christians are monsters.   

Extremists of most religions tend to be fairly unpleasant fellows and in this respect ISIS fits the bill perfectly.  But to try to suggest that they are not Moslems is just plain untrue.


3761 days ago

Weekly Caption Contest: Leon Brittan Edition

Everyone on Fleet Street or anyone who can use google knows the answes so why won’t David Cameron allow a full public enquiry to ask the questions relating to paedophile activity and cover-ups at Westminster in the 1970s and 1980s?

In that vein I ask you to post suitable captions for the picture of former Home Secretary Leon Brittan in the comment section below. Deadline Friday close of play.

For what it is worth my entry is: “It’s just Jimmy Saville’s address book, Cyril Smith’s police record and a few sketches of young girls by Rolf Harris…can you file these documents for me in the usual place please?”


3845 days ago

The Gay Tory Researchers and their Orgies – the ONLY scandal is that the taxpayer is footing the bill

The papers are full of lurid details of the personal activities of the lads and lasses who work at the Conservative Policy Unit. Apparently gay and straight alcohol fuelled orgies are par for the course. I do not care. What folks do behind closed doors is 100% their own business. So what if some Tory researchers and MPs like casual gay sex? Who cares? This is 2014 not 1914. It is not as if what they are doing is even illegal anymore.

Yes I find some of their activities distasteful. It is very brave of them to “come out” and admit that they work for a party that contains Maria Miller, wants to gag the press, supports secret courts and intervention in Syria and pisses away tens of billions on welfare, joke University degree courses, foreign aid, etc., etc. Being one of Cameron’s conservatives is pretty embarrassing but they are consenting adults so, though I find it distasteful they have every right to be 2014 Tories.

But there is a scandal here. And as ever it is the brazen way that the political classes abuse the taxpayer. The CPU is funded


3848 days ago

Maria Miller axed but for how long? The political class just do not get it

And so finally the greedy pig Culture Secretary has quit as a minister. This vile woman is an expenses cheat. Someone who has stolen taxpayer’s cash for vast personal enrichment. In the private sector she would not have been demoted (from minister to MP) but fired. And then prosecuted. And would never worked in her chosen career again. But she is an MP so it is different. The greedy pig Miller will be back.

Who says so? Call Me Dave Cameron says so. He looks forward to welcoming her back to Government. Like David Laws and many others before him the thief gets a temporary demotion and when we poor saps, the plebs, the peasants, the taxpayers who pay for this stinking farce have become a bit less angry, the crim will be allowed back into Government. Cameron has said so explicitly.

I am not sure what makes me most angry. Is it the thievery of Miller? Is it the way


3850 days ago

David Cameron, Maria Miller and Tory sleaze – Christmas comes early for UKIP

The Tory party can normally rely on the support of hard working folks who just want to keep more of what they earn and make a better life for them and their families. Today it is sending a message out that it does not give a flying fuck about those folk, as long as its fat, out of touch, sleazy inner circle are looked after. The Tory party and David Cameron will not be forgiven for Maria Miller.

The Culture secretary has made a million quid profit flogging her house. It was the taxpayer who funded that “investment” as Maria Miller fiddled her expenses. Maria Miller stole money from hard working taxpayers to make herself even richer.

So out of touch, stupid or arrogant is David Cameron that he does not see how the continued presence of Mrs Miller as an MP let along a minister is a complete insult to the very folks who normally are his core constituency.

It is clear that a lot of Tories cannot sense that anger but instead blather on about how this is a media storm whipped up by papers who are hostile to Miller over gay marriage or Leveson. They assume that with these patent smears they can deflect attention from the key issue her: Mrs Miller has made a million quid by bending the rules and using taxpayer’s cash. And we the peasants are furious.

Thatcher or Tebbitt would have realised this


3850 days ago

A Year to the Day RIP Margaret Thatcher, chatting to a cabbie

Just a quick note reflecting that it was a year ago today that Margaret Thatcher died. She did not get everything right but was, in my view, our greatest Prime Minister. At the time I greatly mourned her passing and stood near St Pauls on the day of the funeral to show my respects.

I was reflecting on her achievements yesterday after a chat with an ex Tory voting cabbie. He was a man to rather disproved stereotypes when it comes to cabbies. For instance he thought UKIP’s immigration policies all wrong – he admired those who came her from Europe to do the jobs lazy Brits on welfare simply will not do.

We both admired Thatcher greatly. She was a woman who had taken a proper job outside politics. A woman who showed how the Tory party could be one of meritocracy not simply a part of the establishment and of career politicians. Yes, the contrast is with Call Me Dave Cameron. The Tory party was the first to be led by a Jew, it was the party that expanded the electoral franchise most aggressively, and it was the first to be led by a woman. This was the party that used to believe in assisting poorer working class voters by liberating them economically with lower taxes, the ability to buy their council house, the freedom not to join a Union.  I hope and expect that the first major party to have a non-white leader will be the Tories.

The Tories should be the party of opportunity. Thatcher appreciated that and so was able to connect with many outside the traditional conservative tent. Call Me Dave is cut from a rather different cloth.

RIP Lady Thatcher


3888 days ago

Weekly Prize Caption Contest - Phil The Greek & Call Me Dave Edition

This photo cropped up somewhere on the internet of Phil the Greek and our beloved leader David Cameron. It is just too good to pass up on. And so please go ahead and post suitable captions in the comments section below. The deadline for entries is Friday afternoon and a Maribelle's voucher goes to the winner

For what it is worth my entry is: 


3901 days ago

Maria Miller MP – Another Political class expenses Pig, spinning madly and playing the system at our expense

In a shameful piece of journalism, The Daily Mail today carries a piece stating that Culture Secretary Maria Miller is set to be slammed by the Parliamentary Standards Commissioner Kathryn Hudson for fiddling £90,000 of expenses.  Who planted this story? I bet you a fiver it was the spin department of Maria Miller. To a trained journalist it is so obvious that this THIEF is spinning hard, albeit in an incredibly amateurish fashion, to keep her nose in the trough.

The article cites sources, friends of Miller, Tory MPs but makes it clear that it has not been spoken to be team Piggy Miller. The article protests too much.

The substance of the piece is that Hudson has indeed found Miller guilty of fiddling her expenses But…


  1. She will not have to pay the money back so this is not really that serious, just a little misunderstanding
  2. Many Tory MPs think Ms Hudson does not understand the rules
  3. Most Tory MPs are sympathetic to Ms Miller
  4. Dave Cameron is desperate to keep as many women on his front bench as possible – given recent accusations of sexism.

Clearly the only person who benefits from this story appearing is Maria Miller in that one is left with the impression that the Watchdog might just be a bit incompetent, that the crime is not really that serious and that if she does get axed from the cabinet it is only because she was a woman and that most MPs are essentially on her side.  As such it is blindingly obvious who planted this story and who all the “sources are”. Shame on the Daily Mail for running such crap.

Looking at the points in order.


3908 days ago

Weekly Prize Caption Contest – havn’t the poor bastards in Somerset suffered enough edition?

What is worse than having your house flooded out? Or indeed being in any sort of human tragedy? It is having a troupe of politicians coming to see you afterwards.  And so this week Cameron, Pickles, Farage some Lib Dems you have never heard of and ex Labour Minister Chis Smith (now running the Environment Agency) have all trouped off to Somerset to “see for themselves”, to show they care and to offer vague promises they know they cannot keep.

If I am ever involved in any great human tragedy and am lying on hospital or am waist deep in flood water my one request is that no politician comes to visit me. It will only make me feel more angry and resentful.

And so to win a 50% off token for Maribelle’s I offer this picture of UKIP leader Nigel Farage as he paid homage to the flood victims. I shall be dealing with his ludicrous but populist suggestions later. Please post your captions in the comments section below.

For what it is worth my entry is:

I am NOT a politician so you can trust me…it is this long



3920 days ago

A Small Businessman writes to David Cameron (Con) and Chuka Umunna (Lab) – you do not get it!

Sirs. Yesterday the two main political parties were at a conference organised by the Federation of Small Businesses and pitched their plans to rejuvenate the SME sector. Given that the House of Commons contains almost no entrepreneurs but is stacked with career politicians it is no surprise that both of you, David Cameron and Labour business spokesman Chuka Umunna, spouted total bollocks. I write as someone who runs an SME.


3955 days ago

It had to happen eventually – Vince Cable is 100% right about something: immigration

I never thought I would be writing this but I suppose it had to happen eventually: I find myself agreeing 100% with what our thoroughly deranged Business Minister Vince Cable had said. The man is just bang on the money. The subject is immigration.

Cable, who I accept is mad as a hatter 99% of the time, says that the Tories are running scared of UKIP and so are engaging in wolf whistle politics on the subject of Romanian and Bulgarian immigration after Christmas. As Cable, Call Me Dave Cameron, the frightful Theresa May and Nigel Farage all know full well, the numbers arriving here will not be gargantuan. None will be able to claim benefits for quite some time and so those coming here will be those willing and wanting to do low paid jobs.

British business needs such folk because our welfare system is far too generous and so has created a whole layer of society which is fit only to undertake unskilled/low skilled labour but refuses to do so.  In making that point Cable is again bang on the money. The Business Secretary understands that for GDP to grow as it should we need these immigrants.

The facts are:


3990 days ago

David Cameron, Pornography, My Wife and Yours

David Cameron came into power promising to roll back the State. Yesterday he announced what has to be the most Nanny State measure in history. I concerns my wife, your wife and pornography. It shows Call Me Dave at his very meddling worst.

As ever with a politician seeking to allow the state to intrude into your private lives, Call Me Dave comes up with a claim that he is fighting an evil so wicked that anyone who opposes him is by definition evil themselves. In this case the evil Call Me Dave is fighting is not terrorism but paedophiles.

Stage one of Call Me Dave’s fight against online nonces is to get Google and other providers to remove certain search terms from their web engines. Stage two is that from late 2014 anyone wishing to access adult content via an ISP will have to opt in to do so. In other words, according to Call Me Dave, you will have to ask the Mrs if she minds you downloading porn.

Of course this is all spurious.


3999 days ago

Caption Contest – War Criminal Tony Blair’s Poppy Appeal Edition

At 11 AM today the world fell silermnt as we remembered those who have their lives for this country in wast justifiable and wars illegal – step forward Tony Blair on the latter count.  What was the war criminal thinking at 11 AM today and what will he be thinking at 11 AM on the 11th day of the 11th month tomorrow?

As such I offer you up a picture of David Cameron’s role model at PM as he wears his poopy with pride. What is Blair thinking? Please post your suggestions in the comments section below by Friday

For what it is worth my entry is:


4005 days ago

Tom’s Video Postcard #48 – mega payoffs for failure at the BBC and across the public sector issue

This week’s video postcard covers just one topic – the culture within the public sector and BBC of rewarding failure with mega payoffs. It is taxpayer’s cash that is being pissed away and it is unjustifiable and unsustainable.

Dave “heir to Blair” Cameron has done nothing to deal with this. Why not?

Tom’s weekly financial video postcard covers Vialogy, Vipera, the “booming” UK economy and where to find stockmarket value and can be watched here.


4069 days ago

Syria – War would be wrong

I am proud of our MPs. I never thought I’d write that but in voting not to go to war 285 of them did the right thing. And at so many levels.

At a practical level we do not have definitive evidence that it was the Assad regime rather than the Islamofascist/Al Qaeda inspired opposition that used chemical weapons. If I was a betting man I’d bet heavily that it was Assad but there is no proof. Waging a war without proof, relying on Dodgy dossiers is oh so terribly Tony Blair and it is wrong. That is why Blair is a war criminal and brought shame on the UK. To his credit Cameron did not behave in that fashion.

And at another practical level what will missile strikes achieve? They will kill people but will they knock out the portable carriers of chemical weapons? No. Will they cause regime change? No. Will they suck others into a wider conflict? Possibly yes. Will they kill people innocent & guilty?  Yes. Will they stop massacres? No. What, I ask the appalling John Kerry will missile attacks achieve?

Whose side should we be on in Syria? That of the butcher Assad or Al Qaeda? Bother are appalling and evil. John Kerry and David Cameron might feel up to playing God but I don’t.

As the great Ron Paul has been pointing out for years


4105 days ago

Call Me Dave on “Exporting Gay Marriage” – wrong on every count

Call Me Dave this week boasted that he wanted “to export gay marriage” around the world. I support the idea that gay men and women should be allowed to get married and divorced just like straight couples. Why should the misery of this institution be the preserve of heterosexuals? Spread the pain. But at every level David Cameron MP just shows himself up as a member of a metropolitan Elite with a particular world view which makes me despise ever more.

My starting point is that as a libertarian I believe that you have every right to do whatever you want with your own body. As such there should be no differentiation in law between gay folk and straight folk. Homosexuality, like playing Hockey, watching Golf or going to Ibiza has never appealed to me personally but whatever floats your boat. So


4123 days ago

MPs are still sleazy expenses grubbers – nothing changes

I noted here six days ago that MPs (who earn between 4 and 7 times the national average wage) reckon that if they don’t get a £10,000 pay rise they will be forced to fiddle their expenses again. But of course I got my sums wrong. It is even worse that I first thought.

For we learned at the weekend that 150 of the Westminster swine are claiming £50 a week for transport costs for their kids. That is deemed a legitimate expense. £2,500 a year tax free – that is worth £4,500 as a higher rate taxpayer. How many other "little" fittles like that are there which are all 100% legit under rules created by the MPs themselves? One suspects quite a few. And it all adds up.

As a bonus we also discovered that speaker John Bercow managed to claim £84 travel expenses for a journey of exactly one mile. Ironically it was a journey to visit the body set up to oversee MP’s expenses.

The political classes are right now thrashing about in a row about how Labour is bankrolled by Unite and the seeming corruption within Unite designed to fix election meetings. I do not give a damn about this. Or about the various corporates and dodgy hedge fund managers who bankroll the Tories. The real issue is that the entire political class is venal, corrupt and out of touch.

The battle is not between Labour and Tory or between Call Me Dave and Miliband. It really makes no difference who is in charge. Both accept the ultimate supremacy of the Evil Empire, pander to the moral sensibilities of a metropolitan elite and are happy to see the deficit remain out of control as Britain goes bankrupt every more quickly.  

The battle is between the political classes who are robbing the citizenry, making Airstrip One ever less free while feathering their own nests and the rest of us.

Every time a new expenses scandal emerges or there is another episode of beltway sleaze newspaper columnists (part of the political media beltway class and inveterate expense fiddlers themselves)  write “they still don’t get it do they?”   Er… they never got it and they never will and any pre-election suggestion otherwise is mere pretence.


4132 days ago

Friday Caption Contest on a Sunday - Syria Madness Edition

I was tempted to lead on the news that a Tory MP who I had never heard of was given a standing ovation and embraced warmly at a meeting of his local association this week. For saying that the EU was a joke? That he believed in low taxes, reform of the welfare state or that he took a tough line on law and order? Be serious this is Call Me Dave's new look Tory Party and so it could only be one thing...Daniel Kawczynski outed himself as the UK's first openly bisexual MP. Great..like we give a damn who you shag but it would be kind of pleasing if you could cut the deficit/stand up to the EU, etc.

Now if an MP were to out himself as the UK's first MP not to fiddle his expenses that really would be something. Anyhow it has made Dave Cameron happy. Whatever. But instead I turn to red blooded heterosexual MP William Hague, aka the foreign secretary who would like to be a real macho man ( a great song by those other neo-Cons the YMCA) and get us all involved in the war in Syria. Wow after all the success we have had with our interventions in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Egypt (in flames this weekend) lets make it five straight wins and send lots of weapons (paid for by the UK Money Tree) off to the Islamofascist rebels in Syria.

Please post your captions to this picture in the comments section below by 9 AM on Friday.

For what it is worth my entry is:


4158 days ago

Rebekah Brooks and Andy Coulson what a strange affair in Downing Street

My old pal Dan Levi named the Downing Street shaggers on his website last night and so since we are both being sued elsewhere (by a cesspit oil company Sefton) for libel I am happy to stand in the dock with him again and also name them. As it happens numerous other websites and folks on twitter have done the same so it will be a packed Court.

I am Spartacus and I hope others will today be Spartacus forcing Cameron to come clean and admit what vast numbers of people already know.

The Government has bullied the mainstream media into silence by suggesting that revealing this may prejudice the forthcoming trials of Brooks and Coulson. Both face separate charges in relation to phone hacking. I fail to see why allegations that the two were shagging is relevant to that.

The reason the Government and David Cameron personally is terrified about this appearing is that he appointed Coulson as his spin doctor in chief instead of a safer pair of hands from the BBC on the advice of….the charming Rebekah. Rebekah was a good pal of his, lending him her horse to ride as they partied together in rural Oxfordshire. LOL.

And of course Rebekah’s lawyer is….David Cameron’s big brother Alex.

Cameron looks like a buffoon with incredibly poor judgment. Chatting to Christopher Booker about this yesterday we remarked how this seemed eerily reminiscent of the last days of the MacMillan Government. An out of touch elite just cannot help but make itself look dirty and shabby as well as incompetent. While the Country faces appalling problems, Tory MPs like Patrick Mercer take bribes and then “do the honourable thing” and stay in Westminster trousering salary + expenses for another two years and Call Me Dave tries to hush up an episode which makes his judgment look incredibly poor.

The honourable thing for Call Me Dave to do is to make a personal statement: “these are the facts, I made an error of judgment for which I apologise – I was hoodwinked, and regret it all.”

If he did that I suspect many of us might almost feel sorry for him. Trying to hush up something that, by the weekend, even crofters married to their cousins on otherwise uninhabited Scottish islands will know, arouses only contempt.

Parliament works for us not the other way round...or had you forgotten that Dave?


4159 days ago

Downing Street Affair - Have you figured it out yet? Surely you have

Call Me Dave is still trying to gag the press with legal threats. But if you have not noticed the odd giveaway on twitter, Guido Fawkes is giving you some bloody obvious clues as the the two folks involved in the Downing Street Affair.

Yes, sitting in a quiet side street in a sleepy Warwickshire town I know the names. I am amazed if everyone else does not. For the avoidance of doubt David Cameron is not one of those who were shagging away from home. But...

If one looks at the link to the original Guido story the image of the Mail on Sunday splash has the letters ACRB.png on it. How odd.

If one looks at the unfunny cartoon on Guido's website today you will see that it contains the letters LOL - famously Cameron thought this meant Lots of Love when texting which individual currently facing trial?  Laugh Out Loud. What can he mean by this?

Figured out Guido's ACRB reference yet? So who is the other half? He was apparently working in a highly sensitive position within Downing Street at the time of the affair. He is not now. It is the timing of the affair that is most difficult for Call Me Dave to deal with - that is why it is explosive.

I was chatting to a journalist today. Had my phone been hacked you would have heard us discussing the implications of this all.

In the old days the News of the World would haved printed it all.

Call Me Dave really needs to just come clean and deal with it as his attempts to keep a lid on this are making him look ever more ridiculous.


4160 days ago

The Downing Street Affair – Cameron is dreaming if he tries to gag the story

We now all know that the two folks who had an affair that Dave Cameron reckons could rock his Government are a) a man and a woman ( hence no Lib Dems involved), b) both Tories, c) both married, d) both reasonably well known ( another reason no Lib Dems involved) and neither is currently in the cabinet.

Both have already been named in internet speculation although most folks have not got a perfect match yet. It is however only a matter of time before the twittersphere or a foreign paper has this all out in the open. Yet Cameron reckons that using the British Courts to silence UK Newspapers might stop this coming out.

Sorry Dave, I know this is painful but you might as well come clean now. Being seen to try to cover it all up will not help. I know the revelations will be painful for innocent parties but you really have no choice.


4181 days ago

Register now for the weekend Tomograph: 2 more reasons to despise David Cameron, AIM Cesspit edition

Just a reminder that my Tomograph Newsletter goes out bi-weekly with its Weekend edition set to go out late on Sunday evening.

And of course the Wednesday edition is the only way to get an alert to my free share tip of the week.

The weekend issue this time is a Two more reasons to despise David Cameron/AIM cesspit edition.

The only way to get all of that is to REGISTER HERE

Planned delivery time is late Sunday evening


4181 days ago

Friday Caption Contest on Sunday – US Oil & Gas Edition

What a week. I feel that I have given David Cameron both barrels in the Tomograph and so what else to feature in this week’s caption contest? The retirement of that miserable old toad Sir Alex Fergie? Nope I have sworn to leave that alone since the mainstream media is obsessed by it? The looming bankruptcy of Spain? Prince Harry in the US? Nope it has to be the tragedy come comedy that is US Oil & Gas (USOP).

The prize for this week’s caption contest? Rather like the prize for owning USOP shares there is none.  But feel free to post whatever caption you feel appropriate in the comments section below for this little picture.



For what it is worth my entry is


4187 days ago

David Cameron The Downfall ( c/o UKIP ) spoof video

Another day and another "Downfall parody". This time it is Call Me Dave in the comedy spotlight as he contemplates his humiliation at the hands of UKIP.

It is not bad at all.


4189 days ago

David Cameron: an out of touch, principle free liar – a Godsend to UKIP

David Cameron: an out of touch, principle free, liar – a Godsend to UKIP

147 net gains for UKIP on Thursday was a political earthquake. The political classes are scared. They do not like it up ‘em.

Like most folks I was first attracted to UKIP over the EU. It wants out of the Evil Empire and so do I. Does it have any other policies? Yes. Do I agree with all of them? No. But where we disagree on matters like immigration UKIP at least accepts that the current system (easy entry + free welfare) is a joke and unworkable.  UKIP would make entry impossible & keep welfare, I would make it automatic but scrap the welfare.

My point is that UKIP is instinctively right in that it sees – as do – most folks in Britain – that there is a vast problem. In its DNA UKIP is on the right track. The established parties have – for years – made it clear that the immigration system needed minor adjustments. They have lied about the scale of immigration, tarred anyone who questioned the system as a racist and then occasionally made tiny changes which stop skilled workers coming here ( who we want) in order to win grubby votes and Daily Mail headlines.

And so when David Cameron or Ken Clarke or any of the other mainstream politicos of all three parties tarred UKIP as racist in the past they meant it. That is what they actually believed. When they now say they are “listening” and must “connect with the views of those who voted UKIP” it is just another big fat lie. It is a lie born out of desperation.

And that brings us to David Cameron


4206 days ago

The Funeral of Margaret Thatcher - My perspective from outside St Paul's

I report back merely on my experiences standing about 100 yards from St Paul’s. The doors closed after the coffin entered the Cathedral and I wandered back to Real Man Pizza to drink English Champagne with Lucian Miers, to record a joint video and to toast our greatest ever Prime Minister.

I was standing by St Pauls for around five hours to ensure that I had an almost front row perch. By 6.45 there was already a good enough crowd. But it was clear that it was going to be much larger. But still the reporters persisted in asking anyone they could find if they were disappointed with the turnout or how they felt about those who had celebrated Lady Thatcher’s death. That was the narrative of, at least some of the fourth estate.

Among the early birds were a group from the Falklands showing their flag proudly, there was a Canadian flag, union flags and even a Scottish Saltire. Behind me were a group of Americans come to pay their respects.

But by ten thirty when the Coffin left St Clement Danes the entire route was packed as you can see from the photo below.

The narrative of the reporters then changed. They carried on interviewing folks in the crowd but swarmed like bees around honey when they managed to find the odd individual protester such as the gentleman below.

I asked this fellow what he did. He was a retired teacher. So after a lifetime of poisoning impressionable minds with lefty filth he has now living on the sort of final salary pension scheme we in the private sector can only dream of. His sort of pension scheme costs a multiple of the cost of a funeral which was approved and costed by the last Labour Government. But facts do not matter to hate filled bigots like him. 

He was a minority. The crowd was just a mixture of folk. I was next to a couple of scousers (very right wing chaps from the Freedom Association), but there people of all ages, all colours, all classes there. Thatcher gave them opportunity to progress in a way that stuffy paternalist old school Tories like Howe and Heseltine (who stabbed her in the back in the end) or David Cameron will never do or understand. They were just there to say thank you.

As the coffin approached your feelings were mixed. Some people cried. Others clapped. Others stood in silence. I did not really know what to do. I sort of half clapped but could not really work out how it was best to show total respect and to say thank you.

And then the coffin passed into the church. Five and a half hours waiting, standing on my feet for just a few minutes. Was it worth it? Of course. I had to show my respect. I would not have forgiven myself had I not done so.


4209 days ago

The Witch is Dead Song – Farage is instinctively right on Thatcher songs, Clegg & Cameron useless & spineless

The lefties wanted the tune from the Wizard of Oz to hit Number 1 as a way of celebrating the death of Margaret Thatcher. It hit number 2 in case you care which I do not. The debate was should the BBC play it?

Cameron and Clegg said it was distasteful, shocking etc but that it was er..up to the BBC. They dodged the issue. Nigel Farage of UKIP said it was disgusting and disgraceful etc but as a believer in free speech, for him it was clear. If morons push this up the charts by buying it the BBC had to play The Witch is Dead.

You would have thought that as a liberal Cleggy would have stumbled on this obvious truth. But then again he likes Secret Courts and wants to gag the press.  Call Me Dave is no believer in free speech but instinctively Farage gets it right. Thatcher would have approved.

At number six in the charts is “I am in love with Margaret Thatcher”. I like the sentiment but the tune is awful. If you can bear it listen here


It is not a patch on "I'm in love with Ann Coulter" which is a great song and we are all in love with Ann Coulter aren't we?




4213 days ago

Margaret Thatcher does not want to jump - video

If David Blair or Tony Cameron was asked by an interviewer to jump in the air becuase it might win a few votes their response would be "how high." Margaret Thatcher was different. Watch and wonder.


4218 days ago

Cameron heir to Blair – you could not make it up

David Cameron has told reporters that North Korean nuclear missilies could hit Britain. There is of course absolutely no evidence for this at all. Unless those missiles are launched from France. And even then while North Korea has missiles and an A-Bomb there is no evidence that it has the technology to put a big one together with a missile.

And so Cameron is lying about the threat to the UK from a Weapon of Mass Destruction. Gosh that rings a bell or two.  Oh yes… Cameron’s bogus claim is to support the idea that Britain need a replacement for Trident, its independent nuclear missiles.  And it was is hero the war criminal Blair who famously claimed that Iraqi WMD posed a 45 minute threat to Britain. As the late poor Dr Kelly knew then and we know now that was a lie.

Perhaps Call Me Dave could rope in his mentor’s press secretary Bad Al Campbell to create a dossier to back up his claims?


4235 days ago

The Death of Freedom, I am hacked off with Airstrip One – but am I covered? Is Guido covered?

Yesterday David Cameron climbed down and agreed to the demands of Labour, the Lib Dems and Hacked off Campaigners like Hugh Grant (who was not at the time getting a blow job from a roadside hooker) and has agreed to State regulation of the press. Indeed it is worse than that since the new body set up will also cover anyone who publishes news related information in the UK. So that might get my Dad involved. The Shipston on Stour Parish newsletter is within the scope of this new legislation and should my father wish to moralise about the domestic arrangements of local celebs Tessa Jowell MP and David Mills, now happy reconciled as of one week after she stepped down from front line politics, Jowell could in theory report my poor father to the new regulator. And any blog is potentially within this remit if its primary discussion matter is news related – which includes celebs and hookers.
The press were not involved in agreeing the new Royal Charter and oppose it. But most big news organisations will eventually sign up to the code although the Telegraph appears to be. If you do not and the political stooges who manage it find you have breached you could face company destroying damages. And as things stand you may have to pay damages if you are hauled before the new body and found innocent.

This is therefore a fundamental assault not just on the press but on free speech.

It is a sad day. It will make it easier for the same MPs who have pushed through this legislation to lie, cheat and steal. It will make it easier for celebs to portray one image and get you to buy their merchandise while doing whatever they wish on the side. It will make it less likely that the crimes of future Jimmy Savile’s, expense fiddling MPs, hooker using politicians (Archer) or celebs (Grant) will be exposed. It truly marks an acceleration towards the world of Airstrip One.



4236 days ago

A free press will today be killed by a corrupt elite – but freedom will thrive online

Today the three party leaders will sit down and agree to ever tighter controls on the press. Assuming that he is not getting a blow job from a hooker at the time, Hugh Grant will then invoke the name of Milly Dowler and a 300 year tradition of a free press will draw to a close.

If you trust your politicians to behave with honesty and integrity that is perhaps fine. If you are happy for celebs like Grant to give you the hard sell on their latest movies or useless designer products without knowing why their public image is a sham that is again fine. If you are happy for scandals involving taxpayers cash being wasted, paedophile rings run within local councils and at the BBC to stay hidden and protected, then that is fine.

I suspect that none of us are happy that scandal and corruption will now become harder to expose. I am not.

The established press has done itself no favours. Phone hacking was a disgrace. It was also illegal under existing laws. There is no need for a new law to (in due course) get the collar of Piers Moron and others felt. And the press/Westminster cosy club


4237 days ago

Bethan Tichborne Deluded Lefty – but (ref Voltaire) I stand with you so: David Cameron you have blood your hands

Bethan Tichborne is a prize deluded lefty. This 28 year old attended a demonstration in Oxfordshire against Call Me Dave and the wiucked Tory cuts (i.e. public spending going up) and carried a placard which stated that Cameron had “blood in his hands” for cutting spending on folks with disabilities. She appears to have shouted the same message to Dave.

And she has now been accused and found guilty of using threatening words or behaviour likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress. Judge Tim Pattinson said when convicted Bethan that her comments that Cameron "had blood on his hands" could "hardly be more insulting to anyone, whether a politician or not".

Bethan also tried to climb a barrier at which point the Police allegedly beat her up. I shall take that one with a pinch of salt.

Bethan and I disagree violently on cutting benefits. I do not think Call Me Dave has blood on his hands on this count. Bethan is wrong. But, on the Voltaire principle I also believe in free speech and it is quite disgraceful that she was arrested, charged and convicted for making a politically motivated comment. I am not sure where Bethan stands on the Iraq war but I believe that for that Tony Blair certainly has blood on his hands for that episode. In a free society we have to be allowed to make such comments.

The case of Bethan Tichborne suggests that life in Airstrip One is ever less free.

Just to make my point I shall tweet this article to David Cameron. @David_Cameron – Mr Cameron you have blood on your hands. PS you are a spineless and hopeless Prime Minister to boot. Bring back Maggie.


4237 days ago

Cyprus – State Sponsored Socialist Theft in the Eurozone – it could happen here

Cyprus has become the fifth Eurozone nation to get a bailout but this one is different. At the insistence of the Germans one condition of the bailout is that private citizen’s pay and they will do so via a tax of up to 10% levied on all bank deposits in the Mediterranean island. This is pure socialism in action – the idea that the legitimate savings made by an individual as a result of fully taxed income can just be seized by the State. It is a horrific precedent.

For having established that the State can effectively seize whatever it wants whenever it wants you rather accept that you have no private property or savings. You can work your socks off, pay taxes to support those who do not work, save prudently so that you will not be a burden on the State or your family in the future and then one day the State just seizes your money. Heck why stop at 10% of bank deposits? Why not seize land, houses, etc.? The precedent is now there and this is an EU precedent.

David Cameron wishes to remain part of an organisation which thinks that State sponsored theft of private wealth is acceptable. I do not and nor, I suspect, do most British people. If the Conservative party and for that matter the Lib Dems and Labour support State sponsored theft that is fine they should be honest about it and we can all vote UKIP. But will the established parties stand up to the political elite in the Evil Empire and say


4247 days ago

David Cameron claims Thatcher legacy – absolute cobblers

Speaking today David Cameron said that There Is No Alternative to his austerity plans. TINA was a Thatcher phrase. Of course Thatcher cut back a bloated state and cut taxes. David Cameron has presided over increased Government spending, an ever more bloated deficit and tax increases. Merely using the catchphrases of a great Prime Minister and a real Tory will not make make Cameron even a half decent PM or a real Tory – for that he needs to implement real Tory policies. Cameron is no heir to Thatcher but is the heir to Blair. Merely pinching the Iron Lady’s rhetoric won’t change that. In fact it is rather nauseating.


4253 days ago

Eastleigh: The Message for Call Me Dave on a night of UKIP Glory, Lib Dem Relief and Tory Humiliation

The Lib Dems held on but UKIP was surging. A couple more days and UKIP would have snatched it. In the end it was wasted Tory votes that let the Lib Dems in as Call Me Dave’s party came third in what is his 40th target seat. Labour was always irrelevant here, its own disaster is not an issue.

The Lib Dems will be greatly relieved to have held onto what should be one of their safest seats albeit in very tough circumstances: Chris Huhne off to do porridge and the current sex scandal. For now Clegg hangs on but if he is shown to have lied about his knowledge in the sex pest cover up he may still face the chop. This is not the start of a Lib Dem recovery, Rennardgate may well still drag that party to Thorpe style lows.

UKIP is now coming second in both leafy southern towns like Eastleigh but also GMSH’s like Rotherham. There is a growing disgust with the entire political class and UKIP is the big winner from that. All the established parties should be worried but they are so arrogant and out of touch that the corrupt establishment will not change tack.

But the big losers right now are the Tories. As long as Call Me Dave stays as Tory leader it is only a matter of time before UKIP gains an MP. For the Tories are in trouble.


4258 days ago

Call Me Dave Cameron wrong on Inheritance Tax and Wrong on Paying for Care

This article first appeared in my bi-weekly free Tomograph newsletter. I guess it now merits a wider audience. If you would like more of the same sent to you by email (including a free share tip in the midweek issue) sign up HERE. In the old days when the Conservative party was led by a proper Tory ( i.e. Margaret Thatcher) it used to believe that the individual should be given the freedom to take responsibility for himself or herself. That meant the State not relieving you of too much money but also not being expected to cosset you, but providing a safety net for those who genuinely needed it. Those days are gone.

We saw this in dramatic form this week as Call Me Dave scrapped plans to increase the IHT threshold but at the same time caved in on giving more state funding for residential care for the elderly. He was wrong ( as per usual) on both counts, pandering to the electorate and in so trashing further any idea that he is a man of true conservative principle.


4265 days ago

Why UKIP is the ONLY sane and honest vote in Eastleigh

I am not a UKIP member nor can my support be taken for granted – generally I despise all politicians and which they would just stop introducing laws and go away. And with that caveat I approach the looming by –election in Eastleigh with the conclusion that the ONLY sane and the ONLY honest vote is for UKIP.

The election is caused by liar and criminal Chris Huhne (Lib Dem) having to stand down because he is almost certainly heading for prison. In terms of Government and policy it will change nothing. We will still be ruled by this wretched Tory Lib Dem coalition and Labour will still be offering a principle free crackpot populist opposition. And as such an Eastleigh resident can vote with a clear conscience and on principle.

I start with why each of the candidates from the main three parties does not deserve to win a single vote before turning to UKIP.


4267 days ago

Friday Caption Contest: Heir to the War Criminal Edition

In the week that David Cameron decided that the middle classes deserve to be taxed twice so that the State can pay for care that folks are capable of affording themselves we have to honour the leader of the SDP, oops I meant Conservative Party. All he needs to do now is to start an illegal war or two and accept some dodgy donations to party coffers and he would be the true heir to Tony Blair.

I gather that “Don’t blame me I voted for David Davis” T-shirts are now a collector’s item. As folks increasingly wonder what exactly is the point of the Conservative Party I ask you to offer up captions for this picture. The winner will receive an “It’s Time to Leave” T-shirt which you can also order (along with the mug & hoodie) here.

For what it is worth my caption entry is:


4273 days ago

The Cameron EU Budget Cut is a Lie

David Cameron tells us that he has secured a deal which will ensure that the maximum the EU is allowed to spend between 2014 and 2020 is lower than in the previous seven years – that he has secured budget cuts. This is a lie. And here is why.

The headlines look impressive. The total number falls from £994 billion in commitments (how much the EU is allowed to spend) in the 2007-13 period to £952 billion next time around. Great. Well done Dave. But then look at the fine print and GNI ( essentially inflation since there is never any real terms growth in Europe) adjusted numbers. The last budget was originally set at 864 billion Euro. But each year there us an annual locked in GNI adjustment. And so that 994 billion Euro number is adjusted for 2011 prices.

And the 2014-20 numbers will also get adjusted as time goes along and thus you can bet your last pound that the total number by the time we reach 2020 will be way over a trillion and way over what is projected now. In other words when Call Me Dave talks about a cut what he in fact means is an almost slam dunk increase. And in absolute terms


4283 days ago

Register now for the midweek Tomograph: free share tip. Mali folly and another reason to despise MPs edition

Just a reminder that my Tomograph Newsletter goes out bi-weekly and the Wednesday shares edition containing that free share tip.

It will be out by 2 PM today and will also include an article on the latest reason to thoroughly despise MPs plus a free share tip and a piece on the folly of Call Me Dave’s latest act of military bravado.

Want that free share tip plus an Editor’s Choice of the best of the past week plus these two exlusive articles? There won’t be a link on the site!

The only way to get all of that is to


Planned delivery time on Wednesday is 2 PM.



4290 days ago

Register now for Free share tip plus EU lies and madness special Tomograph at 3 PM Today

Just a reminder that my Tomograph Newsletter goes out bi-weekly and the Wednesday shares edition containing that free share tip.

It will be out by 3 PM today and will also include an article on today’s spineless promise sod all speech from Tony Blair, oops I meant to say David Cameron on the EU plus another piece on the latest fascist edicts from the Evil Empire.

Want that free share tip plus an Editor’s Choice of the best of the past week plus a the EU special? There won’t be a link on the site!

The only way to get all of that is to


Planned delivery time on Wednesday is 3 PM.



4311 days ago

The Gaping Divide between the Political Elite and Plebs like us in 2013: Foreign Aid

I have consistently advocated that the UK scrap its entire foreign aid budget on dual grounds. Firstly Britain is almost bankrupt and we cannot afford to be generous. And secondly foreign aid never helps those it is meant to help, it is merely a transfer of wealth from poor folks in rich countries to (the Swiss bank accounts of) rich people in poor countries. You can check out a couple of my pieces on this matter HERE. and HERE. to show that I am not exactly new to this subject. But today comes a damning report on this matter from the think tank Civitas. It is not the conclusions which are worth noting (they are hardly surprising) but what it says about the gaping gap between our political and media elite and the rest of us. You and I. The plebs.

The Civitas study shows that our foreign aid budget which is set to increase by 30% this year as spending on so much else is pared back, does not actually help poor people on the ground. That is damning. But more damning


4314 days ago

The Government’s misguided attempt to rig an over-valued housing market

This Government, like all Governments, wants to rig the housing market. It calculates – correctly – that it garners short term electoral gain by pushing up house prices even if this involves wholesale pissing away of taxpayer’s cash and ultimately also directly and negatively impacts on the standard of living. One day this almighty con must stop. UK house prices are too high and Call Me Dave might reckon that he can buck the market that he can beat nature, but like King Canute he, or some other Prime Minister will ultimately fail in a spectacular fashion. This is a great con trick played by the political classes on you with your money. We all lose in the end.

Oh okay, before anyone quibbles about UK house prices being too high:


4315 days ago

The Wicked Witch Cherie Blair gets a CBE, £60k to the Tories gets you a gong too – Pass the Honours List sick bag

Bradley Wiggins gets the New Year gongs headlines. But it is the CBE for the Wicked Witch that has caused early morning nausea chez Winnifrith. Cherie Blair has been honoured for her charity work both through the Cherie Blair Foundation and directly as patron of various good causes. Fair enough. But that the Wicked Witch had the time and money to do these things is a result of the vast earnings her husband the War Criminal makes from advising dodgy regimes across the globe and her own vast earnings as a lawyer profiting from the daft human rights legislation that she pushed for and the War Criminal passed into law.

It is thanks to “human rights” legislation that the War Criminal and the Wicked Witch drove through that Abu Qatada is spending Christmas in his luxury state funded house milking the benefits system. It is thanks to that legislation that murderers are going to get IVF treatment paid for by you and me. The list goes on and on.

The damage done to this country by the Wicked Witch is immeasurable.


4316 days ago

Friday Caption Contest: No-one wants Piers Morgan Special

The special relationship between Britain and America is under its most severe threat in decades. Stateside, a petition calling for Piers Moron to be deported has garnered enough signatures for President Obama to have to consider it. The world’s most hopeless chat show host, self-confessed phone hacker and “lucky” share punter during the City Slickers affair points out that 99% of Americans have not signed the petition. Alan Sugar responded on twitter by saying that those were the people who had not heard of Morgan.

But as this petition grows in size daily, other petitions are springing up demanding that he not be allowed back into Britain. The grounds seem unclear other than the fact that he is a loathsome human being and we would be better off without him.

I would just about consider an Abu Qatada Piers Morgan a good deal for Britain but it is pretty marginal. Perhaps if America agreed to take Russell Brand as well?

In order to win an “It’s Time to Leave” T-shirt I offer this picture of two grinning gentlemen. On is a proven loser with no friends very occassionally seen in the House of Commons. And so is the other.

Please post your entries in the comments section below.

You can of course buy your very own “It’s Time to Leave T-shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts, coffee mugs and Thermos flogs in my online store here.

For what it’s worth my entry is:

Brown: “ I’d like to replace the £9 billion I lost on bullion sales and you say you know Britain’s best gold digger – can you get Ms Mills’ telephone number for me?”

Last week I asked you for captions to this picture:


4323 days ago

Friday Caption Contest – Christmas Edition

I have just completed my first shift as a waiter at Real Man Pizza Company. Sadly for the Bulletin Board morons this is not an ongoing feature of my life just a response to a hectic pre-Christmas Friday. I think I am not a very good waiter. Now devoid of energy and polishing off a glass of red I offer a picture of two well known gentlemen. One is a character that some people believe in and who always delivers and the other is Prime Minister David Cameron.

To win an “It’s Time to Leave T-shirt simply post your caption entries in the comments section below

You can always buy your own It’s Time to Leave T-shirt, mug, hoodie, sweatshirt of thermos flask here.

For what it is worth my entry is:


4325 days ago

Being on welfare is NOT a job

And so it is suggested by some in the Tories that those on welfare should not get cash but a card which would allow them to buy anything they wanted except booze, cigarettes and Sky TV. Deluded lefties are bleating that this is demeaning for hardworking folks who are just temporarily out of work and that the Tories thus hate the working class. Bollocks.

If you are temporarily out of work you will get another job. You then get off welfare and then start paying taxes. At which point you will resent that cash going to folk on welfare who spend it on luxuries. Welfare is meant to be a safety net not a way of life. It is not a job.

If you plan on being unemployed for a long time or forever that is fine. Well it is not actually. But I cannot see why


4333 days ago

Maria Miller MP – you are a greedy, sleazy pig – quit and pay back the £90,000

Maria Miller MP is a former advertising executive. Her husband is a partner in a City law firm. So they are minted. But some greedy pigs just cannot get enough (of other folks cash) and the Culture Secretary is just such a pig. She should quit as an MP now and hand back £90,000 she has claimed as expenses in a way which may be legal ( it may not) but is just downright sleazy. If Dave Cameron wants to clean up politics he should fire this woman at once. He does not. And he will not.

In short Miller claimed £90,000 in expenses for here “second home” in London which is where her patents live.


4337 days ago

Friday Caption Contest – O Come All Ye Conservative Party Faithful Edition

I was tempted to try to find a caption to reflect today’s news from David Cameron of his new flagship policy to reach out to address the key concerns of hard pressed middle England in these austere times. That is to say, allowing gay marriages in Church.

Having won such praise for our last caption contest featuring the Butcher of Londonderry I considered that in this season of goodwill we revisit Ulster which is still part of the United Kingdom but where, in an act of pure sectarian malice designed to provoke, the Union Flag will not now be flown over City hall in Belfast except on special occasions. If there is a problem what do you do? Send for an O’Clinton of course. The family that has brought peace, love and happiness to folks in Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Libya and the Lewinsky family, can do anything and so the vile Clinton woman met up with Martin McGuinness ( who must have been gutted that the EU rather than he won the Nobel Peace Prize) to sort it all out.

But I cannot think of anything funny to say about McGuinness any more. And so I fall back on the Doha Climate Change conference where Dave Cameron came up with another big vote winner: give two billion quid to African dictators to build wind farms to tackle global warming.

In light of this I ask you for your captions for this photo taken today. To win one of our “It’s Time to Leave” (the EU) T-shirts (which you can buy here.) please post your entries in the comments section below to this picture:

My entry is:


4344 days ago

UKIP Triumph – A tipping Point? And the Establishment spin and dirty tricks

UKIP was never going to win any of the three by-elections last night. The mainstream press knew that but happily suggested it might in order that the political and media establishment in the Westminster bubble could say that UKIP had not done as well as expected. UKIP is not a party of the establishment and it will thus get no favours from the established media. The way that papers such as the Telegraph took the spin from the established parties is the sort of dirty trick UKIP will have to get used to as it grows. And it will grow.

I write this not as a UKIP member or indeed committed supporter. Pro tem I am clearly a sympathiser. I think that the party has a good few loons in its ranks. Don’t they all? It strikes me that it can appear not to be libertarian at times on social issues. That may be unfair on it, but it is the impression one gets. However on a range of issues, notably the EU, smoking in public places and deficit reduction it is, for me, bang on the money. And though it wants to have MPs, right now it has nothing to do with the sleaze club of Westminster to which the other three main parties all belong.


4345 days ago

Happy Christmas Mr Bloody Vet - Poor Oakley, Poorer Me

I thought that some Doctors were greedy but vets! Ouch. My oldest cat Oakley has a bit of a problem. And so the old boy ( pictured in his red black moriah) had to go to the vets today. Consultation and a couple of tests …that will be £220. Ouch. But it gets worse.

He has a tumour. It is benign but growing and is now affecting his leg and causing droplets of blood to fall on the carpet. An operation is needed urgently. That will be another £600. Ouch and double ouch.


4345 days ago

Leveson: Death of a Free Press or Just An Accelerated Death of Newspapers

So the Leveson Report is out. And it is pretty grim reading. It will delight Hugh Grant, Max Mosley, Nick Clegg and the other illiberal folk who want the press muzzled. It will delight the political elite who resent their sins being revealed. And it will, I suspect, hasten the demise of the traditional newspaper industry.

Leveson proposes legislation which will see a body containing no MPs or journalists but a fine body of establishment grandees there to ensure that newspapers do not breach certain rules. If they do they will face crippling fines Ofcom will review how this body works every two years. The information Commissioner will be given greater powers to prosecute newspapers for breaches of data protection.

Hmmm. Ultimately who appoints these independent grandees…politicians. David Davies MP (the man who should have led the Tories rather than Call Me Dave) is spot on:


4348 days ago

Tories Rule out UKIP Pact – 10 Reasons why that is Good News for UKIP

It was not UKIP that called for a pact but a Tory MP who wears the silliest syrup on this planet – Michael Fabricant. But Downing Street has today ruled out a pact between the Tories and UKIP.

That is good news for UKIP. I took me about one minute to think of 10 very good reasons why I’d be less likely to vote UKIP if they aligned themselves with the Conservative Party.

Before I start, if anyone in Islington Social Services is reading this, I am not a UKIP member or even a loyal supporter so there is no need to deny me access to my daughter on the grounds that she is half Welsh and so may be damaged by my views.

Ten Good Reasons


4350 days ago

EU leaders knock back £120 a bottle Chateau Angelus Premier Grand Cru wine but cannot save money?

EU Leaders held a crisis summit last week to try to agree a budget. Our own David Cameron was told that there was no way that the Evil Empire can save money. We all know that this is utter bollocks. It is the little things that give it away.

At the summit the leaders were offered as a drink Chateau Angelus Premier Grand Cru. It is red Bordeaux and a bottle of 1992 (not the greatest year) costs £120 a pop. The Evil Empire is no doubt congratulating itself on its restraint in not serving the 1982 vintage which costs £220 a pop.

With waste it is the little things that give away the attitude of the wider organisation. Does a CEO doodle on used envelopes or on expensive embossed headed notepaper? One shows a keen respect for cost, the other shows that someone cares not a jot about spending other folks cash. The EU wine menu says it all. I would recommended a nice ChapelDown Pinot Noir from Kent which can be bought at a trade price of sub £10 a bottle for the next summit.

That the world’s largest donor of foreign aid, an employer of 40,000 people in Brussels, an organisation that spends 60 billion a year subsiding uneconomic lifestyle farmers in a continent with too much food thinks it needs to spend more is patently ludicrous. The decadence of the crisis summit says it all.


4351 days ago

Friday Caption Contest – Abu Qatada Edition

I have rather lost track on how Abu Qatada’s claim for a far bigger council house and £10 million compensation is going. But the Islamofascist lover of terrorism continues to enjoy liberty and a lavish lifestyle in a country he despises thanks to its taxpayers. Even Call Me Dave seems to think that there is something not quite right about all of this. But meanwhile we must not infringe the human rights of this repellent human being. That is Al Qatada not call Me Dave.

And so without infringing the human rights of the bearded nutter (since the Kent Police will probably arrest you for it) I ask you for suitable captions to this picture (and I challenge Jon Pickles to get Prince Harry in here).

The winner will receive a Piss off Argentina T-Shirt which of course you can buy exclusively here.

My entry is:The BBC’s new Middle East correspondent gives his balanced opinion on the state of play in Gaza


4358 days ago

Who are the mad 14% of our fellow citizens?

An IPSOS Mori poll out yesterday shows that 48% of Britons agree with Call Me Dave that the EU budget should rise only to match inflation. 31% want the EU budget to be cut. But 14% want it increased in real terms.

Cripes. As you walk down the street today be warned that 1 in 7 of those you pass are certifiably mad. They want to hand over more money Britain does not have to the Evil Empire. I wonder what percentage of our fellow citizens believe in the tooth fairy. Or in Santa Claus. Presumably the same sort of headcases. About 14%. How many believe in Nick Clegg’s promises? You are aving a larf. No-one can be that mad surely?


4360 days ago

Danny Nightingale vs. Abu Qatada: British Justice in the Dock

You all know about Abu Qatada. He is the latest beardy weirdie Islamofascist who hates everything about Britain but likes living here with his wife and five little Islamofascists. The benefits and free housing flows in and so far this gentleman has cost us £3million. No matter that he supports Al Qaeda, arrived here on a forged passport and is wanted in Jordan on terrorism charges, the British Courts yesterday ruled that he cannot be sent back to Amman to face charges.

It’s against his bleeding yuman rights. Evidence that had been obtained as a result of torture might just seep into the prosecution’s hands so he gets to stay, at our expense. Now meet Sergeant Danny Nightingale, an ex SAS soldier


4360 days ago

Guilty Confession: I watched I’m a Celebrity (again) – Nadine is winning friends

I am going away today to a place without a TV in case I get hooked but I admit that I watched I’m a Celebrity once again yesterday. And I watched the whole show. I cannot offer an excuse but I offer the observation that Nadine Dorries MP is winning friends and the posh boy Old Etonians (David Cameron and Sir George Young) who suspended her from the Tories are looking increasingly silly. What will they do if she wins?

Yesterday Nadine found herself up against the wimpish airhead actress from Coronation Street in a contest eating such horrors as a rotten egg, a piece of camel foot and a kangaroo testicle


4361 days ago

Nadine Dorries in the Jungle – I admit I watched

I am not exactly the target audience for I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here. For starters I have an IQ greater than 75. And I am also handicapped in that I have no idea at all who most of these celebrities are. I am also a bit confused as to which one is Ant and which is Dec. I have never known and never wanted to as they both strike me at utter morons. But in the interests of research I managed to survive about twenty minutes of the show last night before retreating to start watching Series Five of Brothers & Sisters on download. That is the last series, post car crash and I am gripped.

Back in the Jungle my observations are


4362 days ago

Africa’s Hitler (Mugabe) steals $2 billion and still gets £80 million of YOUR cash

We all know that the UK foreign aid budget is a costly disgrace this country cannot afford. Across Africa our money is allowing tyrants to rob their people with the aid we pump in a real disincentive to reform. We help no-one with our efforts but Call Me Dave is so desperate to be seen as “nice” that he keeps on writing cheques. Well Mr Cameron please explain Zimbabwe to me.

A report out today from Partnership Africa Canada, a member of the Kimberley Process, the world regulatory body on the diamond trade, says that Mugabe and his cronies have stolen $2 billion from the Marange diamond fields which lie within his country. That $2 billion has been looted over a period of six years so let’s call that $330 million a year. Funds from diamond sales of that order should have shown up in the State Treasury but have not. They have, of course, headed off to Switzerland. Mugabe says that the report is false. The authors of the report say that the $2 billion number is a “conservative estimate” and it appears that Hitler’s own finance minister Tendai Biti backs up the claims from PAC.

Now what does this tell us? Well first a quick word about Hollywood, deluded lefty celebs and the film Blood Diamond starring Leonardo di Caprio.


4365 days ago

Friday Caption Contest – Spoiled for Choice but the EU & Merkel win

So much in the news, if not yet in the newspapers, this week I am spoiled for choice. Surely a few cheap Obama/Romney jokes, Greek strike jokes, Angela Merkel jokes, EU diktats on children’s gender neutral TV jokes or just David Cameron again spring to mind? I am spoiled for choice.

So, to win a Piss off Argentina T-shirt I offer you this picture and ask you to post your non entries in the comments section below

For what it is worth my entry is:


4368 days ago

Paedophile Scandal at BBC and Westminster – it is the establishment cover up and faux outrage that truly revolts

And so in today’s chapter of paedogeddon Home Secretary Theresa May and PM David Cameron claimed to be disgusted by the allegations made against a senior Tory of the Thatcher years ( who everyone now knows the name of but we cannot say) and a new enquiry into events in North Wales children’s homes has been ordered. Over at the BBC an enquiry is underway into allegations made against arch nonce Jimmy Savile and 29 others, some of them celebrities. The Old Bill has very publicly dragged Gary Glitter and Freddie Starr in for questioning and claims that other celeb arrests are imminent. Suddenly the establishment is desperate to be seen to be outraged, shocked and doing something.

It just does not wash. This is faux surprise, faux outrage and bandwagon mounting par excellence but I sense that no-one really believes any of it any more.


4368 days ago

Nadine Dorries MP Suspended from Tories – what a pathetic mess of snobbery and sleaze

Nadine Dorries MP has today been suspended from the Tories for agreeing to appear on “I’m a celebrity Get Me Out of Here.” Oh bully for you David Cameron. I am no defender of this appalling woman but that she is heading off to Australia to make a fool of herself (while still trousering £6,158 for representing the folks of Mid Bedfordshire as their MP) is hardly a hanging offence is it?

The point about Mad Nad is that she has done far worse before and got away with it. Moreover some of Call Me Dave’s pals in the party have done far worse in recent weeks and also got away with it.


4369 days ago

No Effigy on the Fire tonight – who would you put there?

I strode in, and as I suspected, amongst the middle class lefties present at this bonfire night I was the only poppy wearer I could see. One nil to me. It was a good bonfire and some of fireworks zipped away as they would in a Harry Potter film. There was a chair on top of the bonfire but no effigy. I assume the deluded lefties did not wish to offend catholics or any other minority present. I was mildly surprised that Call Me Dave was not burned tonight. Perhaps Jimmy Savile could have been sent up in flames. In paedo obsessed Britain surely that would have met with popular acclaim?

I suggested to the various deluded lefties present that next year they might burn an effigy of Polly Toynbee or the Wicked Witch herself. Naturally I was accused of sexism.


4369 days ago

Does Anyone NOT know the Newsnight alleged paedophile Tory yet? New Media wins again

Since Newsnight bottled it last week and refused to name high profile Tory was an alleged paedophile abusing boys on North Wales (still alive so he might sue) new media has done its worst. As I predicted.

If you are one of the few folks in the UK who does not know his name I challenge you NOT to be able to discover it on Google within five minutes. I have seen several tweets today


4372 days ago

Caption Contest: Does David Cameron have a backbone edition

And so, 51 Tory MPs showed they have some principle and voted against their party. Call Me Dave Cameron is now mandated to reject the 6.8% proposed EU budget increase. Will he show backbone? Will he show principle like when he promised us all a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty. And then, er … defined promise in a Nick Clegg manner and changed his mind? All will be revealed.

But in honour of our great leader this week we invite suitable captions for this picture – “I vow to thee, my Country”:


4374 days ago

Michael Heseltine: Serial Judas, Unapologetically Wrong on Most things and Wrong again today – read the Reagan quotes

I have to admit that I thought that Michael Heseltine was dead. But much to my surprise I discover that “Tarzan” is very much alive, heading up a task force established by Call Me Dave to work out how to kickstart the economy and getting it as wrong today as he has almost throughout his political career. I suppose that one should not speak ill of the brain dead but for Heseltine I can make an exception.


4374 days ago

Ireland Aid money to Uganda stolen by PM, Britain culpable too – Fantasy World

You could not make this up. Just how stupid are the men and women who run the UK and Ireland? The Irish have just suspended its aid to Uganda after a £10 million package from the Irish, Norway, Sweden and Denmark meant to help the poor and needy somehow ended up in the personal bank account of Ugandan Prime Minister Patrick Amama Mbabazi.

No British cash was nicked by just as a precaution the £4 million in aid we already give to Mr Mbabazi’s office has been suspended. However other aid programmes (another £94 million) will continue. Where does one start?

Let us start in Ireland. In case whichever midget is running Eire today has not noticed your country is frigging bankrupt.


4379 days ago

David Cameron, an EU spokesman, the Biased BBC's Today programme and your cash

My half hour taste of the BBC yesterday, via the Today programme, still hurts. The episode in question concerns the EU’s plan to increase its budget by 6.8% this year, David Cameron’s faux outrage, the lies told by an EU spokesman on the show and the dismal lack of balance provided by a biased BBC. I have discussed the matter with Christopher Booker and the whole business is a disgrace.


4389 days ago

Welfare Handouts a Livelihood, forgive me Lord I defend call Me Dave Cameron

Forgive me Dear Lord, for I am about to defend call Me Dave Cameron against the charge that he sounds like a Conservative. I know that he is not and that he will not do what he says but, and I cannot believe that I am writing this, he is attacked unfairly.

Call Me Dave apparently says that he plans to cut certain benefits as part of his valiant attempt to cut the deficit to prevent Britain going bankrupt. Blah, blah, blah.


4391 days ago

GOTCHA!: Global Warming is a Scam – Case Closed ( new Met Office data emerges)

My uncle Chris (Booker) is in India where my cousin Nick lives and so has missed the story of the year – the death of the global warming scam. As one of the bravest and fiercest critics of this costly farce he will be mortified. I am sure that when he arrives back in the UK on Wednesday he will be straight into battle. But data which has emerged from the Met Office ends this debate. Al Gore, Call Me Dave, Chris Huhne, the BBC, the Guardian etc – GOTCHA. It is all over for you now. How about you personally start paying back the gazillions taxpayers have pissed away on your fantasies at once.


4397 days ago

88% of Scots net takers from State – THE defining issue for the WHOLE West

The leader of the Scottish Tories, the feisty Ruth Davidson, has set the cat among the pigeons with a claim today that 88% of Scots are net takers from the State. The reaction is predictable. But this is not a Scottish issue. She articulates THE defining issue for the whole of the West, not just for the crackpot Socialist economic basket case North of Hadrian’s wall. How we react determines our fate. I fear for the worst.


4408 days ago

Attacking Foreign Aid Spending – The Daily Mail does not get it

The Daily Mail today has a real go at Call Me Dave for boasting to the UN about how the UK is spending ever more cash on International aid. This will play well with its readers but misses the point. There are folks out there who reckon that scrapping the £11 billion or so we piss away on foreign aid each year will make a difference. It will not really.

Do not get me wrong. I do not think that the £11 billion the Department for International Development (DFID) spends, no wastes, each year can be justified. 40% of Africa’s military spending is effectively funded by aid programmes. The poor in Africa see very little benefit, the elites in some pretty vile regimes line their pockets and our cash goes to prop up these regimes. Just as I do not believe in military intervention to affect regime change in the Middle East (waste of money and it just makes them hate the West even more), I do not believe in financial intervention via aid to Africa as that inevitably stops regime change. In the end aid is always a transfer of wealth from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries.

But where the Mail goes horribly wrong is by pretending that were we to abolish DFID tomorrow we could stop cuts in public spending elsewhere. It goes into tedious detail about how many regiments could be saved, nurses not fired


4409 days ago

Piss off Argentina – Yet Again

They are at it again. Argie President Kirchner has again demanded that the UK discuss the future of the Falkland Islands with her. What does this silly woman and her countrymen not understand. The Falklands are not called the Malvinas and are British.

Speaking to the assorted dictators and despots who sit in the UN General Assembly the silly woman claimed that

Next year it will be 180 years since the UK illegally usurped our Malvinas Islands. We reiterate this is not a bilateral issue between the UK and us, this issue has become a global issue – there have been many resolutions all asking the UK to sit down at the table and talk to Argentina, but they refuse we just request compliance with the UN resolution.

Ok. Let’s get the facts straight.


4409 days ago

Nick Clegg gets it right (for once) – universal benefits must go

Life is pretty grim when Nick Clegg is the party leader who is closest to getting it right on benefits. But well done to him for saying that rich pensioners should not get free TV licenses, bus passes and winter fuel allowances. Of course he does not go far enough but it is a start.

Just a reminder. The UK will have the biggest budget deficit in the EU next year. For all the talk of wicked Tory cuts we are hurtling towards a situation where our state finances are in a worse state than those of Spain, France, Italy etc.


4418 days ago

I warm to Nigel Farage after pathetic attack in Telegraph

As official attack poodle for David Cameron, the Daily Telegraph has today had a go at UKIP and its leader Nigel Farage.

Any mockery of UKIP has to be balanced by due respect. The low handicappers are now the only game in town when it comes to anti-establishment Right-wing politics. They hold 12 MEPs in the European Parliament and took 3.1 percent in the 2010 general election. If we had proportional representation, UKIP would probably own a batch of MPs and be a querulous part of the coalition. Smoking would be permitted in the House of Commons and the national anthem would be played in cinemas. Augusto Pinochet would feature on the £5 note.

So Farage believes that his movement stands a genuine chance of subverting the morally compromised Lib Dems and emerging as the new third party. But he’s mistaken if he believes that swapping the pound symbol for a Bentley or a bull dog will do the trick. UKIP still needs to confront that golf club stereotype.

Well I guess that changing that stereotype is going to be simple when the Daily Telegraph presents such a mature and balanced analysis of its main policies isn’t it?


4426 days ago

Big Brother will watch you as never before - the evil Communications Data bill

I sense that I am a bit off the pace here but I have only just twigged that David Cameron is attempting to pass the most illiberal piece of legislation in British history. Indeed, The Communications Data Bill is the sort of fascist measure that East Germany’s Stasi would have found of great interest.


4431 days ago

Peter Lilley MP takes apart Stern and the Government on Climate Change

A new report out today completely discredits the Stern Review, the report on which UK Government policy on climate change is based. Authored by Peter Lilley MP and produced by the Global Warming Policy Foundation it demonstrates clearly that if we continue down the present path, the sole result will be the impoverishment of British taxpayers and businesses. Critically, it does not question the bogus science of climate change, merely the policy response to it.


4432 days ago

Cameron to End Dithering, Oh please.....

Prime Minister David Cameron has responded to criticism that he is a “mouse” with a firm commitment to end “dithering” in Britain. I gather that Ed Milliband will respond with a manifest pledge to create a culture of decisiveness. Nick Clegg will respond with a cast-iron promise to “make Britain bold again.”

Actually I made up the Clegg/Milliband responses


4432 days ago

Baroness Warsi – the New Louise Mensch & a Christmas Prize for me

I saw an advert for Christmas goods yesterday – that is 1st September. It strikes me that Christmas is still rather a long way away. Do I win a prize for the earliest Christmas spot of the year? Or did someone pick up on something in August?

Meanwhile I see that the gap left by the imminent retirement of Louise Mensch MP for the “thickest Tory politician” is rapidly being filled by Tory Party chairwoman Baroness Warsi. I do not know much about this frightful creature and what she has ever done outside politics apart from the fact that she plays the professional Northerner. From what I can see she has not really been a great party chairperson and is now pleading to keep her job because she can “reach out to women, ethnic minorities and Northerners” and so help Call Me Dave with the next election.


4453 days ago

The Olympics – The Legacy Lies Begin (as usual with David Cameron)

It would be churlish of me not to admit that the Olympics brought joy to many. The faces of the athletes and the volunteers smiling and cheering and of many in the crowd were uplifting. For all my cynicism about money and drug cheats (the latter already vindicated in the ladies shot-put), a cynicism which is undimmed, I admit the Olympics made many folks happy, at least temporarily. However, we now come to the financial impact. It is clear now that for London as for every other Olympic City this was a financial disaster. £9-15 billion pissed away and the real economy tanks for the duration. Not good. We now, as taxpayers, pick up the tab.

To soften that blow you are already – as predicted here – seeing our political elite (led by David Cameron) blathering on about legacy benefits ( which are of course all impossible to measure) as if to pretend that the overall financial impact was not as bad as nasty mean spirited people like me suggest. Over the coming weeks and months I expect to be writing regularly as one “legacy benefit” after another is wheeled out and then is easily shown to be illusory. But we have two early runners and riders in the “bogus legacy benefits stakes.”

The first is the idea promoted by Dave Cameron and Seb Coe that the Olympics will encourage kids to take up sport, be fitter, etc, etc. Well er… that is not really true is it?


4455 days ago

Dan Hannan MEP on poverty – Right Thesis Wrong Target

Tory Euro MEP and obsessive tweeter Dan Hannan is normally bang on the money. He wants Britain out of the EU, a smaller state, lower taxes, more civil liberties. Whilst he shares David Cameron’s deluded love-in with the Olympics, on almost every other matter his assessment is a) correct and b) invariably different to that of the Prime Minister. I still cannot figure out what he is doing in the Conservatives.

His latest run in with the left is on the issue of poverty. Hannan, rightly, regards poverty in absolute terms. The left regard it (wrongly) as relative. Thus Hannan has been slated all over twitter as some sort of wicked capitalist who wants to make poor people poorer and the rich richer. In a sense he does. If one defines poverty in relative terms then the least redistributive system of taxation will increase poverty. Conversely the most redistributive will reduce it.


4472 days ago

Gauke, Cameron, Morals and Tax – scrap VAT and National Insurance

I see there is a bit of a stir back in blighty about folks paying tradesmen in cash. No questions answered. Nudge, nudge wink, wink. We have all done it. I admit to it. The bill is £100 + VAT. I get my cheque book out and the chap says “tell you what, let’s call it £100 in cash.” Since I cannot personally reclaim VAT I am £20 better off. The chap can of course reclaim VAT but if he is generating more VAT-able revenues than he has VAT-able costs all he is doing is acting as an unpaid tax collector for the Government.

Of course there is the suspicion that he may not declare all of that £100 for tax purposes and so we who play the game are perhaps abetting him in that matter.

The controversy came about after David Gauke MP, a junior Treasury minister, said that paying in this way was “morally” wrong. This echoes Call Me Dave saying that Jimmy Carr’s 100% legal tax reduction schemes were “morally wrong.” As I noted at the time Cameron was a fool for trying to bring morality into politics. I do not like his moral code when it comes to telling barefaced lies (we are tackling the deficit, bringing peace to Afghanistan, etc, etc) but it is not for me, him or anyone to impose my moral values on anyone else via legislation. That is a very slippery slope.


4473 days ago

Despising David Cameron – the Bradley Wiggins moment

It is no secret that I regard our Prime Minister David Cameron with open contempt. I cannot remember ever thinking that he stood for much and as time has gone by what little he once stood for has been forgotten and abandoned. There has been so much that Cameron has done or not done which leads me to view him with contempt, but on Sunday his reaction to the victory of Bradley Wiggins in the Tour de France really just summed it up for me.

But before we turn to Cameron and Wiggins I ask you to humour me and watch Howard Roark speaking in his own defence in his trial in Ayn Rand’s The Fountainhead.

I assume since you are reading this blog that you believe in the freedom of man


4478 days ago

UK Government Spending “cuts” – Call Me Dave tells outright lies yet Again

In an exclusive interview with the Daily Telegraph, our beloved leader, the Right Honourable David Cameron MP, says that he is prepared to extend public spending cuts until 2020 in order to “deal with our deficits” because he is a responsible politician. No Dave you are a complete bare faced liar. To quote:

Asked whether the austerity programme would now last a decade until 2020, the Prime Minister replies: “I think it’s going to be…this is a period for all countries, not just in Europe but I think you will see it in America too, where we have to deal with our deficits and we have to have sustainable debts. I can’t see any time soon when…the pressure will be off.

“I don’t see a time when difficult spending choices are going to go away.”

Er… yes. I now attach a table from the website www.UKpublicspending.co.uk


4485 days ago

Appeasing Hitler all over again (in Africa)

Appeasing Hitler in the 1930s did not work. We offered concessions and the nasty old Nazi just came back for more. But at least we learned a lesson right? Er no. It appears that the West (the EU actually) is planning to appease Africa’s Hitler, Robert Mugabe by lifting sanctions on Zimbabwe in the hope that this will make old devil less unpleasant. That the opposition MDC has welcomed the move says a lot about them (they are brave but useless) but does not make this right.

Is it fair to term Mugabe Africa’s Hitler? Without a doubt.


4488 days ago

Louise Mensch MP on Drugs: Dumb & (now) Dumber

I have been wanting to write about Louise Mensch MP ever since I pointed out what a daft bint she was (here) a couple of weeks ago. I am delighted that she has presented me with an opportunity so soon. My desire to have another crack is partly driven by just how silly a person this MP is and partly because I was accused of misogyny in having a pop at her and Chloe Smith MP last time around.


4490 days ago

The Spirit Level – More Toynbee Twaddle

I am urged by a thoroughly delightful reader from Bristol to check out a book published two years ago called The Spirit Level, the central thesis of which is that the greater inequality of wealth within any given society, the greater the chronic health and social problems caused to both rich and poor within that society. And Britain, the book claims, is suffering from this problem badly. Apparently Call Me Dave and Ed Milliband think it is a great book and have said so publicly. I am not sure what Bono thinks but my guess is that he thinks its fab. And Polly Toynbee? The Old harridan cannot get enough of it – she misquotes it liberally to further her own hyprocital and misguided agenda. So using the Toynbee test the book must be a load of twaddle. It is.


4491 days ago

The Margins on Sun Tan Lotion – I am in the Wrong Business

I am aware that Call Me Dave does not know the price of a pint of milk. But I wonder if he has any idea what a bottle of sun tan lotion costs? As a fair skinned fellow I am well advised to slap on the Factor 30 and as I am now venturing out for a daily run, swim and for a bit of lying in the sun I thought I better buy something. So after the morning run I did just that and handed over a 20 Euro note expecting most of it back. Bloody hell. It was 19 Euros for spray on and 16 Euros for cream. Either…


4503 days ago

Syria & Egypt – The Folly of the West: Blowback

How long ago was it that we were reading in the liberal media about nice young Egyptians urging President Mubarak to quit via facebook and twitter? Gushingly the BBC poured its love on these nice young people who would take Egypt into a new age of liberal democracy. And the western powers (led by that idiot Hilary Clinton, but with the full support of our own idiots , Hague, Cameron, Milliband and the dwarves who run the Evil Empire in Brussels) told Mubarak to step aside. Some of us predicted what would happen next and lo it came to pass. It has not taken long.


4506 days ago

Call Me Dave – a prize git on Carr, Morality and Tax

David Cameron says that Jimmy Carr’s tax avoidance scheme is morally wrong. But he admits that it is not illegal. And so he says that he is looking at new legislation (general tax avoidance rules) to make it illegal. David Cameron is a prize git and with this attention seeking outburst he shows it once again.


4507 days ago

Jimmy Carr – hypocrite yes, pest yes, villain no

If you had asked me to put a face to the name Jimmy Carr two days ago I would have failed miserably. But now, at last I know, what that annoyingly smug man who is always on the telly is called. I have learned something new and completely not worth learning. I have also learned that Mr Carr tells jokes about bankers avoiding paying tax whilst at the same time uses clever accountants to avoid paying tax himself. I have also learned that Mr Gary Barlow (hitherto regarded as some sort of saint in celeb land) plays the same game.

As far as I know Mr Barlow has never offered his views on ones fiscal duties and so he is no hypocrite. For Mr Carr I think that the case on hypocrisy is pretty much a slam dunk. But so what? I find it amazing that someone as annoying and not that funny earns as much as he appears to do but given my belief in market forces who am I to argue?


4507 days ago

Piss Off Argentina

The incredibly ugly woman who is President of Argentina (Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, if you care) has attempted to confront Call Me Dave over what she calls the Malvinas. History is written by the winners so I shall stick with the Falkland Isles. To give him credit CMD told the old trout to piss off and that is exactly what Britain should do if the Argies try anything on once again.


4521 days ago

Baroness Warsi – Is she a Rotten woman from a Rotten Establishment?

I do not care who paid for Baroness Warsi’s various jollies abroad. I would not pay to go to a backwards kleptocracy like Saudi Arabia so I can sympathise with her not wishing to cough up for her fare to Riyadh. And so what if her business partner was once a member of some Islamofascist grouping of nutters. That is, in my view, no reflection on the chairwoman of the Conservative party. But…
