
901 days ago

Masks don't work you bloody covidiots - hard data: California vs Texas

Idiots like our first minister here in Wales, Mr Mark Drakeford and the mask jihadists here in my home village of Holt still insist that we must wear masks to stop or slow the spread of covid. Yet hard real world data is more and more against them. Last week I discussed New York vs New Jersey. Before that it was three states in Dixie and before that Wales vs the infidels in England. Nows I bring you another chart the BBC and other hard line maskers just cannot explain.


932 days ago

Draconian Lockdowns and forced mask wearing don't stop covid - again Welsh hard data shows the folly of the GroupThink

Over the past few days I have shown time and again the growing mountain of hard statistical evidence that shows – as some of us have been saying for a very long time – that all the measures imposed by Government to try and control the scamdemic just do not work. Instead the collateral damage they cause ruins lives. Still the those inside the GroupThink of the media and political classes plough on, unable to admit their horrific blunders. Writing as I do, 30 yards inside Wales, once again our dear leader, the criminally insane Mr Mark Drakeford, has shown the folly of GroupThink. Consider the graph below.


955 days ago

Dealing with the mask fascists at Heathrow Airport as they lie and defy logic

I got into a cab at 5 AM at the Welsh Hovel not wearing a mask. At Chester train station nobody batted an eyelid. I changed trains at Crewe and again nobody cared. Most folks on the train to Euston were not wearing face nappies. The Heathrow Express is out of action so I took a cab from Euston to Heathrow and wandered into the building still maskless. But then I went to check in a 20kg bag full of books which I am moving to the Greek Hovel.


968 days ago

The rank mask hypocrisy of my local GP surgery staffed by mask fascists

Last time I attended the Village Surgeries Group practice just over the border in Farndon, among the infidels of England, it refused to give me a flu jab unless I masked up. I started to discuss exemptions – something legally you cannot question even as a gauleiter with the NHS – but no dissent was brooked. Today I took my daughter for her one year jabs and, for her, wore a mask albeit below the nose.


971 days ago

A mask fanatic friend writes to me … seriously you could not make this shite up

I have an old friend B who is a good man and not dumb at all but he is a complete mask fanatic and he could not wait this morning to send me a link to a news article about how, as of Tuesday, folks in England will get fined £200 for not wearing a face nappy in Asda. No face nappies are needed in JD Wetherspoon but Botswana covid does not drink so that is all right. Follow the science comrades. It gave my old friend B such pleasure to spread the news of more draconian laws, I was almost happy for him. But…


971 days ago

Punching bad Germans is funny says lefty Radio 4 comedian Jenny Eclair

If a comedian appears on any BBC Radio 4 show the two things that you can guarantee is that they are 1) left wing and 2) Not in the slightest bit funny. “Trump, Nazi, wanker”. Cue screams of laughter from elitist London audience. And then there will be a blatantly racist and sexist one about Trump’s Mrs being dumb as proven by her accent and how she clearly slept her way to the White House. Cue more howls of laughter from the moronic London middle classes. So that brings us to Jenny Eclair…


983 days ago

Masking, covid passports DO NOT stop covid spread: the 50 million person test in Central Europe

I have already brought you data from the British Isles  and also from the USA showing that mask mandates and covid passports do sweet FA to stop the spread of the plague with a 99.9% survival rate. Now here is a case study from central Europe involving more than 50 million folks. Will the mask jihadists and lockdown fanatics accept that this is a statistically significant sample?


988 days ago

Photo article: And so a woman stops her car in the village to scream at me...

No this was not the teenage mutant snitcher queen Abi Lancelotte or one of the Holt village mask jihadists for I was wandering back from the school drop off which, though in the open air, sees most parents mask up as they enter the playground. Natch, I do not.


1075 days ago

The covid lunacy of Greece (and British Airways) as we prepare for a most holy day – a Greek Covid Test centre

The Mrs and I needed to pass a covid test within 72 hours of a flight back from the Hellenic Republic in order to be readmitted to Britain. And that meant finding a test centre open on a Saturday and a trip to Kalamata. A day ahead of the Great religious celebration what better way to spend the day.


1078 days ago

The covid lunacy of Greece as we prepare for a most holy day – a Greek Post Office

Here in the little mountain village of Kambos, the closest settlement to the Greek Hovel,  we shake hands, few wear masks, there is no social distancing and all the other pointless measures our leaders ignore themselves but insist we sheeple follow are largely ignored. But as you head into towns there is a more deferential approach to the diktats from those who know better. Hence, I borrowed a mask from the Mrs as we headed into Kardamili to post three cards and a letter.


1098 days ago

The mask jihadis of Holt insist that I hate this entire village near Wrexham – I am their Emmanuel Goldstein

I should stress that there are few out and out loons in the village of Holt in which I live when not here in Greece. But, as there are in every village in England and Wales, there are some and the covid scandemic has allowed such souls to flourish showing virtue as they boast of wearing masks in the bath and tut tutting at anyone who dares question the cult. As I did yesterday with my “modest proposal.”


1127 days ago

My Hero Peter Tatchell goes all Guardian on we mask refuseniks - what happened to free speech & liberty Peter?

The attitude of the Guardian is that if it does not agree with you, you must be an alt-right freak. If it can’t smear you by what you say it smears you by association. It uses the same – utterly flawed – logic that links vegetarians to war crimes via Adolf Hitler. And I am sorry to see my hero Peter Tatchell who has done more to fight for freedom than anyone else in Britain today, disappearing down the same rabbit hole.


1127 days ago

A journey from Wales to Greece - even those making the odd challenge to my mask refusal now have no authority thanks to Matt Hancock

The reasons Matt Hancock should be fired are not that he is useless and incompetent, although he is both, or that he has betrayed his wife and kids, though he has. One suspects if those criteria were applied across Government then there would have to be a monumental reshuffle, starting at the very top.


1172 days ago

Photo Article: The Greek Hovel August 2020 the last Day - 16

I got an email this morning from our friends the mad lefty Guardian reading champagne socialists L&G who live in a village up in the mountains behind Kambos, when not battling for the People’s Party back in England. We last saw them back in August as they settled in for another six weeks of Greek sun as we headed back to England. Thanks to travel restrictions it seems that they are still there having enjoyed 10 solid months in the Hellenic Republic.


1188 days ago

Reasons to defund the BBC Number 789 – The anti lockdown march that did not happen and the disinformation correspondent

Sometimes it is what the BBC does say that marks it out as not fit for purpose. Think its wildly partial coverage of the Brexit debate or perhaps of its collective take a knee not to the idea of racial justice but to the extremist and corrupt BLM organisation, which even most black folk think racially divisive. But sometimes it is what it refuses to cover that makes the case to #defundthe BBC so clear cut. Did you know that there was a demonstration in London this weekend? You will not have done so if you watched the BBC.


1188 days ago

Photo Article: Woodlarks Training walk number 6 - it was actually 22.5 miles as I laugh at a masked copper

As ever, my training walks for Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks start the same way. I am aware that the actual walk is now just five weeks away and it will be a gruelling 34 miles with a 6 AM kick off at Winchester Cathedral. But I must finish the walk and ensure my fellow rogue bloggers finish too. Woodlarks urgently needs us to raise £50,000 to ensure its survival and so please do donate HERE.


1210 days ago

The Church Bells Ring Once again this Easter Sunday but I am not answering the call to prayer

The Mrs abandoned our church in Wales, as it voluntarily shut its doors completely during lockdown, heading to a small Methodist, mask-free chapel in England where they have sung throughout. She was raised a Methodist so it is perhaps going home, not an outright defection. The place has an active Sunday school which Joshua loves and so she is making a permanent switch. On Friday, I went there for a treasure hunt for the kids. Thirty adults and their kids mixed freely, without masks, in a field and also inside the chapel. We shook hands. We stood together. It was life as part of a Christian community, or indeed a community of humans, as it really should be. But what of me and worship?


1213 days ago

The data which shows the farce of house arrest, masks and lockdown

The data below is from the ONS and covers England and Wales. 2020 data is provisional so maybe tweaked a bit but with that caveat you will note a couple of things. Or if you are Boris Johnson and everyone else in the political and media class GroupThink you will ignore a couple of things which show how we citizens, we Winston Smiths, have all been taken for fools. Clearly more folks died in 2020 than in the years immediately before that. Suicides were up, untreated cancer deaths were up but Covid is responsible for most of the uptick. But for those who talk of the new plague, it is not that much of an uptick is it? More critically…


1286 days ago

A brave business worth backing if you fancy a trip to the North Yorkshire Moors

I have cousins in Scampston, Pickering and near Whitby and so know this part of the world well. It is gorgeous. A year ago, we were, in fact, on holiday in Pickering for a week – the whole family loved it even though Joshua was not impressed that the steam train was not running. If you are tempted and think that there is no basis at all for mask madness and lockdown lunacy and are looking for somewhere to stay, I suggest you need look no further than Rosedale. Back this business.



1292 days ago

Now big media, Facebook, comes for Ron Paul... stop pretending this is about anything other than gagging dissent

To we libertarians former Congressman Dr Ron Paul is our idol. The good doctor has campaigned against pointless US wars, for sound money and budget responsibility, against the Patriot Act and for free speech and to protect the constitution for years. In recent times he has questioned the efficacy of masks and lockdown but also suggested that the damage they cause to liberty and the economy is not worth it. He is a good guy. He is not inciting violence, he abhors it. He is a brave voice often castigated by his own Party, the Republicans, and one that should be heard. But facebook does not want that voice heard. Big tech is now deciding who can or cannot question Government but it is only libertarians and conservatives who it is muzzling.


1299 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: rejoice, rejoice, rejoice - Three Brains has recovered!

I start with the new nickname for baby Jaya and why I am double sleep deprived. Men of my age really should not be fathering babies. Then to the great news, I have spoken to Chris Bailey and he is recovered and plans to start writing again this week. I discussed gold, inflation, market madness with Chris and relay our thoughts. Then I ask you to consider your mask wearing habits and discuss Remote Monitored Solutions (RMS). Finally can you top £150 for a bid for something worth 2 Euro which will not arrive for 6 months? Please do so before midnight HERE.  And the reason I may need to seek asylum in England is explained HERE.


1305 days ago

The most shocking Covid death stats yet – ones that expose the crimes against the nation of the political and media classes

Death, like taxation and the sheer awfulness of Mrs Brown’s Boys, is something that cannot be avoided or denied and must be confronted by all of us in the end. When you bring a child into this world, you know that one dreadful day you will have to explain to it that he or she will in the end die. It is awful and unavoidable. We all die in the end.


1320 days ago

Why is it that those on the left are natural mask fanatics - meet Miashadow7606

Wearing a mask will not save you from catching or spreading anything. Don’t trust me but trust the science your leaders and the media do their best to suppress. However, there are some right old zealots out there. Meet Miashadow7606.


1321 days ago

Graphic - lockdowns don't work and British deaths 2000 vs 2020

The chart is so simple that my cat could understand it, although it seems to be beyond the wit of Guardian-reading lockdown fanatic and mask jihadist Mr Darren Atwater. Point one is that lockdowns make no impact on the number of Covid deaths. Those who can ignore the hard factual evidence from Sweden HERE or Greece HERE and insist that lockdowns make sense will, like my Best Man, still not be persuaded. For them, facts do not matter. Point two is even more interesting.


1327 days ago

A sign of the times: yeast now just 20p at the mask-free store

Back at the height of the first lockdown to beat Covid and save the NHS, I was rationed as to how much flour and yeast I could buy at any one time as, in droves, folks started home baking.  As I noted at the time, if one reads Defoe’s account of the Great Plague, people assumed in 1665 as they assumed in 2020 that changes in the way we behaved would be permanent. They will not be.


1328 days ago

We're all criminals! A song for 2020 by Right Said Fred

Yup that Right Said Fred. I’m too sexy from 1991. I kid you not. The Freds are still going and in this era of masks, lockdown and “strongly encouraged” vaccination, they have emerged as spokesmen for freedom. I’m not sure what their politics are but, as a libertarian, I’m struggling to disagree with their active tweeting @TheFreds at this moment in time.  With apologies to Dominic Frisby, the song below released last week must be the theme track for 2020.


1343 days ago

Award winning liberal journalist Karen Attiah spreads fake news via Twitter which censors real news: welcome to 1984 again

Karen Attiah has a blue tick on her Twitter account so Twitter tells you to trust what she says. She is the National Association of Black Journalists Journo of the year, has 200,000 Twitter followers and a highly paid gig at the uber liberal Washington Post.  So Twitter allows her to tweet out what is divisive and dangerous fake news as if it is gospel as you can see below.


1360 days ago

You need to wear a mask said the man in the freedom store I’ve used for six months – so I lied

There is a store in these parts which has allowed me to shop without a mask since this madness begun. I have thus become a very loyal customer. I am not sure why it takes such a libertarian approach, some of its staff mask up while others do not, but its common sense behaviour earns my respect. However, today, as I wandered in, a man said loudly “Where is your mask? You need to wear one.”



1368 days ago

The vicar sends me a stern email about Dad's funeral - the Church of England is failing its parishioners monstrously

I have been sent a stern email by the Vicar in Shipston about tomorrow’s funeral for my father. She knows my views and position but reminds me that the Church is only following the law in requiring us all to muzzle up and not sing. Naturally I have replied but the attachment below, the Church’s guidance on Covid prevention, strikes me as a monstrous deception which, in time, it will be forced to recognise and will come to regret.


1370 days ago

Mark Drakeford you insane little man – this is why I had to break your asinine rules for Wales twice this morning

Clinically insane sufferer from little man syndrome, Mark Drakeford, rules a land now into its third day of house arrest. Its third day when shops are not able to sell what are deemed non-essential items such as clothes for my four year old and also for another baby due shortly, or a card to send to someone suffering a bereavement, or a computer.  Today my laptop broke down…


1395 days ago

The Numerous Logic fails in Boris Johnson’s Coronavirus policy

One would have thought that with all those Oxford PPE graduates in Government, someone would have done a paper on logic and spotted that nothing makes sense.  But it seems not. Dear cabinet members, you are transported in time and are back in Schools and once again sitting Prelims and here is question one on the logic paper.


1408 days ago

Covid Britain goes the full North Korea - has Boris Johnson not heard of Thalidomide?

Since the start of lockdown, the number of Brits under the age of 60 with no known underlying health conditions who have died within 28 days of testing positive of Covid is just 307. In other words, the number of folks who actually had no underlying heath condition and actually died of Covid while under 60 is far lower. In the same period, UK total deaths were more than 300,000.


1410 days ago

A history lesson for dim, liberty-hating, Tory MP Simon Hoare

Do you remember the Tory party of old?  The one that really loved the idea of individual freedom and a smaller state taking less of your money in tax and not telling you what you should or should not do. I rather forget when the rot set in but today the Tories have abandoned the idea of a small state and as for individual liberty, this Government revels in destroying it. On the basis of no hard data whatsoever, we are, on the one hand, ordered to mask up and not meet more than five friends. But on the other hand, we are “strongly encouraged” to go back to working in offices (without masks and in groups of whatever size) whether we like it or not.


1426 days ago

Tom Winnifrith postcard: A journey through England as Coronavirus madness stalks the land in August 2020

A month ago I recorded my first podcast recounting a breakout from Wales and a trek through England HERE. The route this time is different and the insanity ratchets up as we are ordered to don masks. I recall a weekend spent in Nottinghamshire and the folly of thinking that we are all better people.


1433 days ago

Meet a mask and lockdown fanatatic, don't bother debating facts, it's pointless, just play Covid Bingo

Yesterday, an old friend refused to consider that masks should not be compulsory for all. His thesis was, in part, based on the fact that someone he plays table tennis with had died of it. With such folks, or with the lockdown fanatics, there is no point mentioning Sweden, or pointing out hard data, or steering them towards authoratitive studies that challenge their narratives. Instead just sit back, let them rabbit on, and play Covid Bingo. Enjoy.


1453 days ago

The Greek Hovel August 2020 day 1: The Coming out photo of the Mrs as we head straight for the Kourounis Taverna

No this is not, as a former Indian girlfriend would have said, the Mrs announcing that she bats for Pakistan. This is about generating a photo for her Facebook page which shows that she is pregnant. Well there you go… 25 weeks now. Apparently some folks did not know! I digress. Rather than head up to the hovel, our first stop in Greece – after the snake repellant store in Kalamata – was at the Kourounis taverna run by lovely Eleni. There is bad news in that there is another new restaurant in town to tempt away trade already impacted by Coronavirus but that story can wait for another day.



1458 days ago

That Oxford Nightmare revisited – Layla Moran in Room 101 edition

Long time readers will know that my displacement nightmare activity involves my return to Oxford University. For reasons that are always slightly different, the story starts with me, rather foolishly, deciding that my 2:2 was not a true reflection of my academic genius and somehow I manage to persuade my old college to take me back for another stab at it. Somehow, I then contrive to screw it all up again and suddenly I am sitting in Schools, staring at an exam paper realising that this time around, notwithstanding widespread grade inflation, I’d be lucky to get even a Desmond.


1466 days ago

Coronavirus cartoon of the day, the mask fascist!

I need add no real comment to the cartoon below, other than to say that the Government’s policy of face nappies is a proposterous joke deigned to distract us from its economy & civil liberties wrecking blunders of the past few months.
