
2 hours ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: Kamala insults Jesus, Trump serves up french fries, it is now all over bar the shouting

Insulting Jesus is not a smart move in most of America. But cackling Kamala has done just that. I flag up numerous sigs that her campaign is starting to implode. Is it all over for the Dems in Congress as well?


9 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: Tampon Tim becomes Touchdown Tim, is this terminal for both the Democrats and Ukraine?

I discuss events on the ground in Ukraine and the USA where we might already be at end game on both counts if the latest Walz allegations are true..


18 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: Kamala's $750 kick in the teeth, Doug's girlfriend beating and other October events

I discuss three events which have happened and one that, sadly, might and how the first three are marginally bad or in one case very bad for Kamala Harris. I feel more and more confident that Donald Trump is winning the race to the White House.


20 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: Another big defeat for Ukraine while JD Vance wipes Tampon Tim but does it matter?

I start with events in Ukraine. President Zelensky’s “Victory Plan” could not be more misnamed. Then it is onto the US election and last night’s VP debate. Does the triumph of JD Vance matter? Not a lot. But the polls and the behaviour of Kamala Harris suggest that President Trump has momentum and is, if anything, n ow in the lead. I am already calling the Senate and the House for the GOP, I now sense it is time to start thinking about victory in the Presidential race as well. Get ready to drink bucket loads of  BBC and other liberal tears in 33 days time.


34 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: I'm a lifetime burden on the state because I was FAT

My latest blood test results are in and things continue to go the right way but I shall be a lifetime burden on the NHS because I was fat. RFK is right: obesity will destroy the West and we must stop pretending otherwise.


44 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: as Ukraine collapses Kamala Harris is in the last chance saloon in the debate tomorrow

A day ahead of the Harris vs Donald Trump debate I look at the state of the US elections and the increasingly desperate war in Ukraine where Russia is clearly winning, another potential headache for the Biden Harris team


58 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: one poll in Michigan showing Harris 2 points up should have the Dems panicking

It is the data behind the headlines that is telling. No doubt folks like Carol Vorderman and the BBC will be creaming themselves with this swing state poll.  They should not be. The data behind it is very good news indeed for Donald Trump as I explain.


60 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: Ukraine collapsing in Donbas as RFK backs Donald Trump after the Democrat Coronation Convention

As I repeatedly point out the Ukraine war and the US Election are closely linked and, as ever, the BBC, ghastly Jon Sopel and the rest of the liberal media class mislead you as to what is going on on both fronts. I discuss bad news for Ukraine and how, I sense, the Kamala Harris honeymoon is over, certainly after Robert Kennedy jnr today, as I predicted he would,  threw in the towel in the swing states and backd President Trump. the polls, Financial betting all tell a similar tale. 


63 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: Russia Ukraine war and the US General Election, an explosive fortnight on both fronts!

It is all happening on both fronts with shocks from left field.But what happens next? I discuss in detail and as things stand I reckon the US winner will be….


69 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: the empty woodshed after the warmest spring and the Nordstream bomber exposed, it is so 1984

We know that what we are being told is just not true but if the media and the State tell us often enough maybe we will start to doubt what we see with our own eyes, what we hear with our own ears and what logic dictates. From an empty woodshed I reflect on what the Met Office termed the warmest spring on record. And on news out of Poland regarding the Nordstream explosions of two years ago.


72 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: Jon Sopel's wet dream, Ukraine defeating Russia and cackling Harris defeating Trump, REALLY?

Of course Ukraine and the US election are linked. The ex BBC man Sopel has severe Trump Derngement Syndrome and is looking at polls and getting very excited. But are Trump or Russia really losing? The podcast explains why not.


87 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: I've got covid again, would having 9 jabs have saved me? I discuss a catalogue of lies

I have covid for a third or fourth time. I felt fairly horrible on Friday night but a day of rest, fluids, vitamin C and zinc leaves me feeling much better. A friend who has had nine jabs also has covid. I had two a long time ago and regret that bitterly. I discuss the claim that having more jabs makes the covid caught less serious in light of the data and the history of GroupThink and expert lies.


93 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: Ukraine war & US election series...sleepy Joe calls it quits

Today Joe Biden pulled out of the race.I look at this, his replacement as the Democratic nominee, Kamala Harris and what a fascinating slew of polls last week tell us about the race. I also look at shifting sands in Ukraine. 


98 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: the war in Ukraine and the US Election, old Joe stumbles on, Donald Trump is shot and JD Vance picked

I start with Ukraine and what changes there are are not good for the West and President Zelensky. I look at what is changing in Europe and what happens next. Then to the US election, a legal win for Trump, Biden stumbles again and again but may survive as a lame candidate thanks to the shooting of Trump. It bought old Joe time. Then I look at JD Vance and what he brings to the ticket, locking down the Northern swing states. And Elon Musk’s money enters the game, what does that mean?


105 days ago

Video: Poking Bears And Black Swans

Analyst Dave Kranzler has a number of stark warnings of doom for stockmarket bulls but starts this podcast with a discussion of the Tucker Carlson Vladimir Putin interview, something I shall be covering later in my next Russia/Ukraine podcast.


113 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 3 gold miners, a surprise lunch guest who I cannot name and a zero which is yet another triumph

I cannot name the guests for whom I cooked lunch but it has delayed me a bit, In the podcast I discuss Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Ariana Resources (AAU), Amaroq (AMRQ) and Dispensa (DISP), today’s triumph where nothing stacks up.


114 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: The US Election: polls, polls, polls - whichever way you look at it it is disastrous for the Democrats

I focus onMichigan, recent polls but also those in 2020 and 2016. That is awful for Joe Biden. But what if he is dumped? I look again at polls on how Donald Trump shapes up against other Democrats. But those pollls fail to take into account two big elephants one of whom is Kamala Harris and that makes things even worse for the Dems. As things stand the GOP will control all four branches of Govrrnment from 2025 as this is shaping up to be a self-inflicted bloodbath for the team in blue.


116 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: US and UK Elections and Ukraine - the latest Nigel Farage Russia smear and when not if Joe Biden is axed

After a disastrous debate for Joe Biden I lookat two polls appearng before it all of which suggest he may well be axed within weeks as the Democrat presumptive nominee, then I look at the latest Farage Russia smear and the UK election likely outcomes and at what is happening in Ukraine and the delusional peace terms of the West and of the cokehead Zelensky.


125 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: UKOG minus 99.99% who benefits from it not being killed off years ago?

In this podcast I discuss Live Company Group (LVCG) as the Oxymorons ignore the strict rules yet again and UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), always a worthless company with worthless assets managed by a liar. Who has lost out from it not being killed off years ago?


130 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: George Orwell, Ian Hislop, The Reform Party, the BBC and its Verify Unit

My Dad wrote a book on 1984 and was upbeat. I am not sure that he, and his pal Bill Whitehead, would be so upbeat today. In this podcast I discuss Orwell, the BBC, its Verify Unit, Hislop on Orwell and the Reform Party of Nigel Farage, Trump and Putin.


133 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: The EU Elections, the UK & US elections and Ukraine

I start with the results in Europe and what they mean for Ukraine but also what they hint at in the UK and US elections. In the UK I believe that Reform is now ahead of the Tories in the North, the Midlands, Wales, East Anglia and the South West. I discuss its likely vote (large) and seats (small) and just how few seats the wretched Tories will win. In the US I discuss two now convicted felons: President Trump and Hunter Biden concluding neither conviction alters the November race much but the failing mental health of Hunter’s Dad is becoming more of an issue. I suggest that 4 states considered swing states are now firmly Republican while at leat two, maybe more, considered likely Dem are now “in play”.The polling data looks ever more grim for President Biden and his candidacy in November is increasingly less of a given. In Ukraine it gets worse and worse for Ukraine as I detail.


153 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: Israel, the ICC and the US election

Normally, in this podcast series, I start with the Ukraine war and how it is going and what that means for the US election. I give Ukraine a few minutes then it is on to Israel, the ICC and its arrest warrants. I explain why it is all wrong and why folks like Labour MP Zara Sultana are either misguided as to facts or Jew haters or both.  President Biden agrees with me but it will not save him in the Election, if indeed he is still running at that point. I discuss an amazing poll out this week and how the Gaza conflict is helpful for Trump not Biden. It is looking ever bleaker for Biden.


159 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: USA Election and the Russia Ukraine war - the grim news for Presidents Biden and Zelensky accelerates

I start with a few words on President Carter. Then on the ground in Ukraine things are looking ever more grim and that only adds to the woes of President Joe Biden.I discuss some amaing recent poll data on the swing states, three of which now look rock solid red, why blacks and hispanics are swinging towards Trump and wonder what real 5 way polling in Virginia, Minnesota and New Jersey would look like: are these blue states now swing states?


174 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: Russia, Ukraine and the American Election

In the latest of these series I start in Ukraine where things are getting rapidly worse for the home team. I look at what is happening and what will happen next. That is linked to the US election where I look at the swing state polls, discuss the Trump show trials and how US voters perceive then, Robert Kennedy jr and who his candidacy hurts most and conclude that things are looking ever better for President Trump. Things can change but as things stand the smart money is so much on trump that I ponder what happens if polling trends continue theoir recent run up to the Democrat convention. Will Biden throw in the twel at that point? What happens then?


174 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Today's bombshell is so damning and Malcolm not the only clueless lefty in Wales

I start with why Malcolm is talking tosh on tobacco stocks and inflation and move onto Tata in Port Talbot. The bulk of the podcast covers my damning expose of NightCap (NGHT) which is the sort of journalism which really excites me and makes me think I’d never retire. It is shocking and I explain what should happen next, for any Allenby employees listening!   


182 days ago

Bingo, Bongo, Bango profits warning, I hate the language and the valuation sucks

I am being lectured today by a hipster accountant who says that I really need to get down with the kids and understand social media influencers, after my podcast yesterday. Perhaps it is because I am something of a dinosaur, or at least someone who looks back to the 1980s with a nostalgic longing, that I have always been a perma bear of technology stock Bango (BGO) which has today served up a ghastly trading statement. But it is not just the content but the wording which, at every level, is a red flag.


195 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Dickheads set up Canadian Overseas SAG, a clear sign the Fat Lady should start gargling

I start with some Welsh singing for Darren as he turns 56, then it is Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL), Endeavour Mining (EDV), Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO), Online Blockchain (OBC), Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT), Tern (TERN), Reabold Resources (RBD), Mark Slater and Jubilee Metals (JLP).It is January 5 not December 5 as I said twice in the podcast. Apologies. Long covid.


201 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: is the Trump Biden election now too close to call?

That is what Betfair/The Daily Mail is now suggesting. I look at what the latest polls actually say, whether you bshould believe them and what is driving them. I do not agree with the Mail’s conclusion though I sense a very little bit of a tightening where it matters in the swing states but cannot really explain why as there are two factors right now which should be hurting Biden. 


201 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Burying bad news the day before burying bad news day

In today’s podcast on a day of travel drama for the Mrs and Joshua I discuss: Chill Brands (CHLL), Ben’s Creek (BEN), VSA Capital (VSA) and Reabold Resources (RBD).


201 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Mr Market has really got the Christmas spirit

In this podcast there is more to please Catriona and Matthew’s Dog than to please Nigel Wray. Be warned. It covers: Horizonte Minerals (HZM), Technology Minerals (TM1), Canadian Overseas (COPL), WH Ireland (WHI), Supply@ME Capital (FRAUD) and its sister company Regtech Open (RTOP) and Tern (TERN).


205 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: Russia, Ukraine and USA and a flashback to Syria and how we were lied to then

No doubt this will be seen as being Assad as well as Putin apologies. It is neither, it is just I dont like being lied to and misled by the politocal and media class GroupThink. I discuss events in Ukraine and the US election campaign and how, as ever, they are linked.


214 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: A message from a “thoroughly odious “ man, i.e. me

I have decided who will be the subject of this year’s Christmas Carol. Hint: he has been known to mention how well educated he is. In today’s podcast, recorded before a Tingo-Tastic ouzo vindication moment, I discuss Canadian Overseas (COPL), Verditek (VDTK), Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and the morons and RBG Group (RBGP).


214 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: feeling depressed about the beating of Rod Liddle in a post fact world, Labour fantasists on the boat people and Robotyne in Ukraine

I start with this tiny village in Ukraine and the blood still being spilled there. It is everything that is worst about this terrible war and which the Western hawks pretend is not happening. Then it is onto Question Time, Rod Liddle, mental health and Labour canards about stopping the boat people. It is all so depressing. 


216 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The 2 reasons why Avacta is a SELL and a chance meeting with a snake

The snake photo will appear shortly on my other website but I recount the tale at the start of the podcast. Then it is onto Helium One (HE1) and then in more detail Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) and, in the greatest of detail, Avacta (AVCT).


222 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: talking to Kefi and the hidden lack of profits warnings: Nightcap and musicMagpie are zeros

The olive harvest is done and I am freezing here in Greece. In today’s podcast I look at Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), NightCap (NGHT) and musicMagpie (MMAG).


226 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: USA, Russia and Ukraine, dont believe the media GroupThink: Trump is winning and so is Russia but painfully slowly

I start with the US elections and then as to what is happening and what will happen in the Ukraine war. On both counts the British media are lying to us all. Russia is winning but it is making ground so slowly and at such a cost that threats that it will be in Kiev, let along Poland,  if we do not hand over more cash and arms are just untrue. Meanwhile Trump is still a hot favourite to win.


237 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: USA, Russia and Ukraine, the next episode

In this podcast i cover what is happening on the front line in Ukraine, the panicked and illogical reaction in the West, how a Trump win would force Ukraine’s hand, the Michigan Primaries and the latest polls all of which point more and more to a Trump win in November, what could derail that and what could make it more certain.


240 days ago

Letter to the FCA: Wildcat Petroleum & Lying

Last night Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT) was forced, by the FCA, I Suspect, to issue a groveling RNS admitting that its Chairman and CEO Mandhir Singh had, in effect, lied to investors on a Director’s Talk podcast. But this is the tip of the iceberg. I have written to the FCA which is the regulator of the Standard list.


245 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: what can we all learn from the Empresaria profits warning?

In today’s podcast I look at why charting is folly, musicMagpie (MMAG), Tintra (TNT), Empresaria (EMR) and numerous lessons we can all learn and Lift Global Ventures (LFT) run by brown envelope man Zak Mir and why its results are so utterly misleading.


251 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Yet again its another win for me and another defeat for crooked Chris Cleverly

In today’s Bearcast I discuss the fraud Tingo (US:TIO), Ariana Resources (AAU) where I disagree with my bullish fellow shareholder Nigel, Victoria (VCP), Gear4Music (G4M) and Argo Blockchain (ARB).. My Ukraine/Russia podcast is HERE


256 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Alison Rose is still a greedy pig, chatting to O'Hara & more

In today’s podcast I look at NatWest Group (NWG), Optibiotix (OPTI), Technology Minerals (TM1), Argentex (AGFX) and have a new angle to the Upland Resources (UPL) scandal.


260 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Eurasia, Boohoo, Vast and Verditek - all very possible zeros but when?

In today’s podcast I start with another couple of thoughts on the war in Ukraine and why a peace deal could see Eurasia Mining (EUA) have to ‘fess as to the lack of any real bidder and go to zero. I also look at a raft of other possible zeros discussing the reasons why for Verditek (VDTK) where my analysis suggests it is already essentially insolvent, Tintra (TNT), Mosman Oil & Gas (MSMN) and Boohoo.com (BOO). I also comment on the pre bailout pump at Guild ESports (GILD) – oh and a new speaker at ShareStock has been announced HERE.


260 days ago

TomWinnifrith Bearcast: Eurasia 'fesses to the winding up order but that is not why I think its going to zero

In today’s podcast I rush a little as I prepare for a Bonfire Night party. I start with Eurasia Mining (EUA) then its onto crypto, Sam Bankman Fried and will the market still be a wild west.


264 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: another DOS attack, who hates what I have written and exposed now?

Is it some Hamas loving lecturer at Lancaster University or backers of Upland Resources (UPL)? Who knows? Anyhow we fight on. In the podcast I discuss Upland, Equals (EQLS), Caracal Gold (GCAT) and ASOS (ASC).


268 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Upland and Kefi

In this podcast I deal with Upland Resources (UPL) – target sub 2p on Monday, 0p in the end – and Kefi Gold & Copper ( KEFI) – target way above current levels – looking at calls for share suspensions, false attacks on bears, the role of the FCA and panicked investors.


269 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast on Holocaust Memorial Day: as Sadiq Khan cannot bring himself to mention the Jews who died, I consider the lies we tell our kids about Bosnia

The timeline below is funded by you the taxpayer and is used to tell our kids about Srebrenica in Bosnia. They are taught fake history. I discuss why so many folks, especially the young, fail to grasp what a holocaust really is, what genocide really is and why it is more than ethnic cleansing. In part this is a history lesson for the young in part a sad tale about why fewer and fewer folks will say #NeverAgain and mean it. The candle may flicker in this house this January 27 but across Europe and America the candles are going out. I refer to this article from two years ago about Srebrenica


275 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: the Doomsday clock, more material Russian gains in Ukraine and the 2023 global warming myth

I report what the media and political GroupThink just are not saying. Russian gains in Ukraine are accelerating, nuclear war is not set for next year  as discussed in this podcast  or in 20 years as the press report today. The Doomsday clock reset coming on Tuesday is laughable and 2023 was almost certaintly NOT the warmest year on record. I reference my article HERE and a cracking piece on the Daily Sceptic HERE


281 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: America & Russia again, Iowa, President Trump, Ukraine, the Daily Mail predicting WW3 next year

In the second of these Russia and America in 2024 podcasts, the first was HERE and is already playing out, I look at the Iowa result and what it means for Trump, Florida’s De Santis and South Carolina’s Nikki Haley, the latest news from Ukraine and what it means and the Daily Mail being played, as you can see below, with fake news about World War Three.


291 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast interview with Doc Holliday of ECR Minerals

The old scouse scallywag was in fine form. I make no secret of strongly disapproving of a couple of his business associates but Doc seems almost plausible on the matter of ECR Minerals (ECR). My stockbroker is instructed to have me shot if I try to buy shares in a non dividend payer but there is, I suppose, a case here for having a small dabble ahead of Doc’s share issuance target day. Forgive a brief phone interruption, enjoy.


292 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: It's short as lurgy strikes family Winnifrith

So in this short podcast I start by explaining confusion of birthdays and death days, long covid is my excuse. The Israel and Whataboutery. Then Optiva has not gone bust, setting the record straight. Finally a daft idea from Labour to bail out folks like Sarah Willingham. PS Sarah when is the lack of profits warning?


292 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: The fall of Harvard, the fallout from the sacking that should have happened with Pauline Gay and the miserable BBC GroupThink

In this podcast I discuss why Pauline Gay was not sacked earlier after stating that it was okay, in context, to call for Jews to be killed and also for mass scale plagiarism. The fact that Harvard is still going to pay her $900,000 a year is a disgrace and I also look at other issues emerging from the Harvard she helped to create and also at the BBC disgracing itself yet again. 


300 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: Russia and the USA in 2024

From the war in Ukraine to the General Election next year. Will the war end? Will Donald Trump win the Presidency again? For the avoidance of doubt I’d like to see President Tulsi Gabbard but it will not happen and I am not a Putin apologist just a realist. Ukraine is losing.


343 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: I'm still no Putin apologist, but I was right all along, you were lied to and Ukraine is losing its war with Russia

I have to start with usual prefaces: I am no Putin apologist, he was wrong to invade Ukraine. But I hate all wars and also being lied to by a media and political class GroupThink and – as I have flagged up on this site numerous times – we were all lied to.  I called out those lies. Many smeared me as a Putin apologist for doing so. I hope now they see the error of their ways. The harsh reality is that Ukraine is now losing ground and running out of men and women to fight for it. I explain various reasons why there has to be a peace and I curse folks like Boris Johnson who prolonged this war for two years so needlessly. They have blood on their hands.


354 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: can Kefi ever please ouzo man and the whining shareholders?

Enjoy the heatwave, it is still raining here in Greece. I have done a podcast on that and on the BBC’s claim that the Hellenic Republic will soon be a desert HERE. Then it is onto Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Wandisco (WAND), Blackbird (BIRD), Eden Research (EDEN) and Invinity (IES), currently being ramped by Andrew Monk in Canada.


357 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 10 years of servitude is tomorrow

Of course I mean utter domestic bliss. But I may not be writing that much on Friday. In today’s podcast I discuss why PensionBee (PBEE) is a short, Tingo (TIO) and its Q2 numbers, Cellular Goods (CBX), Union Jack Oil (UJO) and also Ashington (ASHI), Roquefort (ROQ) and the FCA.


385 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Yes, i still think Jubilee Metals could be 20p+

Last year’s big bear calls at ShareStock were Tingo (TIO) and Pantheon Resources (PANR).Didn’t we do well!!! There are now just 7 seats left for Sharestock 2023 on September 23rd.If you want to enjoy a great day out and get this year’s big bear calls BOOK HERE NOW. On the podcast I discuss Tingo, Ariana Resources (AAU), Jubilee Metals (JLP), Chesterfield Resources (CHF) and Angling Direct (ANG).


405 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: for Catriona & Matthew's Dog: FECK YOU BILL GATES

I start with IT issues which see the Kerim Sener interview delayed. My language and mood is foul. In the podcast I discuss Ariana Resources (AAU), Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL), Verditek (VDTK) and, in some detail, Tern (TERN), predicted NAV by Christmas sub 3p, target price by the start of 2024, 2p.


407 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I can't name my source but that does not invalidate the thesis

In today’s Bearcast I discuss the Tingo (TIO) fraud and my bombshell expose of late last night, contrarian investing with the fraud loving Tom Dobell and Mosman Oil & Gas (MSMN), the definition of a bad asset. There are now just 15 tickets left for ShareStock on September 23. So if you want one book fast HERE. Be warned, Matthew’s Dog and Catriona will love this podcast.


436 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: By Jove, Lucian Miers is bang on the money

In today’s podcast I discuss Alien Metals (UFO), Hydrogen Utopia (HUI), Optibiotix (OPTI) and an email exchange with Steve O’Hara, inflation, Iconic (ICON), Futura Medical (FUM), Haleon (HLN) and Lucian’s research into curing erectile dysfunction among men of his age. 


440 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: How long do you need to sign a death spiral FFS? Is there a problem

In today’s podcast I discuss Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) and Darren, Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Versarien (VRS) and companies on the brink and Bidstack (BIDS) and its death spiral. or not.


442 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Optibiotix vs Versarien, with small caps flying which will double first?

In today’s podcast I look at interest rates, unemployment, a prescient Bearcast on Wilko last November, and flying small caps, what next and what should you do?


455 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Is IOG or Rishi Sunak the bigger zero?

In today’s podcast I discuss the idea that you can cure inflation without pain, public sector pay hikes and folks paying their mortgage with a credit card. I look at the idea of abolishing inheritance tax in such a context: does Rishi Sunak really have a death wish for his party? Then it is onto Zoo Digital (ZOO) again and onto IOG (IOG).


477 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Now the Avacta witch-hunt starts

In today’s podcast I discuss Avacta (AVCT), musicMagpie (MMAG), Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Ariana Resources (AAU), Colin Bird’s African Pioneer (AFP), the culture at Odey and why ALL its staff should pay (footnote it is RAB not Odey that owns shares in Kefi, apologies long covid strikes again), what a Labour Government really means for business and investors and Joshua’s school sports day later on.


494 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Dear Jonathan let me explain logic to you, I did not NOT say all Ukrainian women are hookers

Think of my suffering. On June 17 I shall walk 34 miles and be lagging at the back of the pack with my friend Jonathan Price who will have 16 hours to explain to me why Brexit was a disaster, how 17.4million of us are dim or Xenophobic or both and how the fraudster Carole Cadwalladr is the greatest living journalist. Think of my suffering and please donate HERE as we approach ( with gift aid) £10,000 raised for Woodlarks. In today’s podcast I discuss Pantheon (PANR) – target price 6p? – BSF Enterprises (BSFA), Versarien (VRS) – shares up 50% today – and Cineworld (CINE), still 100% overvalued. .I also look at Cellular Goods (CBX) and the state of seaweed to carbon zero technology referencing THIS ARTICLE.


530 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: It's oooooooooooooooooooo-uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuzo time!

In today’s podcast I start with a few words on the Wrexham victory parade then discuss Versarien (VRS), Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Mirriad Advertising (MIRI), Braveheart (BRH), Solgenics (SGN), Tern (TERN) and UK Oil & Gas (UKOG).


534 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The 2 Sheriffs of AIM head to head on ScotGold — sadly it's the bogus one in charge of regulation

In a long podcast today I consider: Alien Metals (UFO), Supply@ME Capital (FRAUD), ScotGold (SGZ), Itsarm (ITS), Versarien (VRS), Microsaic (MSYS), Cellular Goods (CBX), Persimmon (PSN) as a buy and the pathetic bogus Sheriff of AIM, Mr Marcus Stuttard.


550 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: ouzo tonight as Deepverge forced to fess up, next up Tern: about that placing?

In today’s podcast I look at Deepverge (DVRG), another triumph, Amigo (AMGO), Cineworld (CINE), the spoof at Genflow Biosciences (GENF), Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT) and Tern (TERN) where a statement is needed.


554 days ago

Tom Winnifrith postcard: As Kosovans stand trial, a few lessons about Ukraine, the Western Media and political GroupThink and war crimes

I am NOT a Putin apologist, or a Serb apologist or a denier of Russian war crimes. But in light of what is finally happening with regards to KLA actions in Kosovo 20 years ago and how the media covered that horrible war, might you not think twice about how what is happening in Ukraine is presented?


579 days ago

Video: The World is Functionally Bankrupt

Gold bugs will enjoy this podcast. Writer Robert Moriarty explains where the money is really coming from to bail out the recent failures in the banking system, noting that the $200 billion figure has ballooned to $2 trillion. Bob says that the Federal Reserve has effectively committed to printing $2 trillion in a week, which is unprecedented.


579 days ago

Video: Bank Crises, Fed Pivots, and The Hard Landing Reality

Chris Irons is a podcaster whose language is worse than mine. His Quoth the Raven podcasts are spikey but he is usually correct. Irons says he is surprised by the lack of fear in the markets, which, he says, is questionable considering the current circumstances.


583 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: If President Donald Trump is arrested on Tuesday put your bets on a Republican clean sweep in November 2024

The Donald reckons he will be arrested over alledged payments to porn star Stormy Daniels on 21 March 2023. I discuss that case, the sad weaponisation opf the law in American politics and what it all means for the 2024 elections in this podcast.


603 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast share tip

This is a bonus podcast. This tip is a share which I expect to more than double within a year and could be a five or even ten bagger on a three year view. And of course I mean the 27th not 25th.


607 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: buy, sell or hold Jubilee Metals?

In today’s podcast I look at Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL), Mr sock’s Zenith Energy (ZEN) and Jubilee Metals (JLP) where my SIPP has a big interest. Should I buy more, sell or hold?


625 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Not sure when the next one is

I am on a road trip from tonight on Warwick School business so am not sure when the next podcast is. Maybe tomorrow, maybe Friday or even Saturday. Then there is the news that 45% of ShareStock seats now taken – book yours for September 23 HERE.  Ahead of that I have some very bearish macro ponderings about the state of the UK, then cover Caracal Gold (GCAT), Predator Oil & Gas (PRD), the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME), Deepverge (DVRG) and – in depth – Inland Homes (INL)


631 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Revolution Beauty's bosses should be in jail, if this is not massive fraud what is?

In today’s podcast I discuss the naivete of the spider kisser over Coro Energy (CORO) but my main focus is on the fraud at Revolution Beauty (REVB). How on earth are Tom Allsworth and Adam Minto not heading for jail. And as for the shares….


637 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - a long term investment I shall never see, its for Joshua and will probably fail

I start with that investment c/o my pal Dave from Chester Zoo, Then I look at Eurasia Mining (EUO), Okyo Pharma (OKYO), Eden Research (EDEN), Nanoco (NAN) – which I may have misnamed in the podcast – Cellular Goods (CBX) and Frontier Developments (FDEV). Tomorrow I have a Julie “Lingerie on Expenses” Meyer treat for you all. It seems she has been a naughty girl (again).


638 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the argument for not selling rubbish like Red Rock and Wishbone

I start off with why the Times‘ demands for a Sheriff of Tipsters smacks of glass houses and throwing stones. Has its own tipster declared all conflict of interests. Then onto gold, looking at my portfolio and why I have not sold Red Rock (RRR) and Wishbone Gold (WSBN) yet despite my grave governance reservations and their failure to monetise assets whose quality I start to doubt. So why not sell and reinvest in a higher quality play I own like Centamin (CEY), Ariana (AAU) or even Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI). One reason was the illness that laid me so low I just forgot. But there are others which I explain in the podcast, my second of the day after this photo/podcast from Lake Vyrnwy which has given me great pleasure.


644 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Is this the time that Bidstack's James Draper really does go to jail - questions about the interims

I start with some nerd like comments about river and reservoir levels in North Wales. Bear with me. This will be interesting I promise. Then Bidstack (BIDS) and what questions today’s shocker begs about the pre-placing interims. Surely the Nomad ( SPARK) and AIM Regulation must investigate. Then Okyo (OKYO) where post podcast recording the company has published interims on its website. Technically it missed the deadline and the FCA – whose conversations with me I discuss – must take this further. As it happens the interims are truly appalling and red flag strewn as I discuss HERE Then I discuss Lucian’s two big oil shorts: Pantheon Resources (PANR) and Canadian Overseas (COPL). He is right on both IMHO. Finally a few words on Helium One (HE1)


650 days ago

The 30 most read articles of 2022 on TomWinnifrith.com

For what it is worth these are the 30 most read articles on this website during 2022. And there are some bloody good pieces here using the sort of hard data that the mainstream media ignores as it carries on spouting GroupThink gibberish. Enjoy.


655 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - back on the sick bed

I have no idea what this lurgy is but I cannot throw it off and feel dreadful. In today’s podcast I cover Truspine (TSP), Vast Resources (VAST), Bens Creek (BEN) a zero for 2023, and San Leon (SLE).


666 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: a vital Christmas question for ALL of you as I discuss a £250m blow-up in waiting

I start with a question for you ALL. Answers please in the comments section below. Then there is a detailed analysis of the cash position of Dev Clever (DEV) capitalised at a suspension price of £249 million. Follow my logic, I reckon it is surviving only by not paying bills and is bust.  I explain all. Please take note shareholders in Asimilar (ASLR). I hope it does go bust as that will pose serious questions for a list of colourful characters who I name and shame in the podcast.


666 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - you are just too kind says a fellow Argo Blockchain bear and 2+2 does not always equal 4

Thanks for all the kind wishes about my health and that of Joshua, we seem to be on the mend. In today’s podcast I discuss Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX), Argo Blockchain (ARB) and – in detail – Victoria (VCP


694 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Posh Spice Ltd now owes £60m but Bulb has cost every taxpayer £232

In today’s podcast I look at two business failures and the lessons we can all learn from them. In many ways Bulb is a bigger scandal than FTX and it has already cost the UK taxpayer £6.5 billion.


694 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Oi Sam Smith stop getting your leg over and go back to FinnCrap - it's falling apart without you!

The legover reference is HERE. I am still very much under the weather with all the symptoms of covid. I am feeling a bit better but not well enough to do more than a few hours work today. Thanks to Steve for taking care of things. In the podcast I discuss Devro  (DVO) – who said young Steve and I could not tip a waiter? Then FinnCap (FCAP) then finally the dire sentiment towards mining stocks. Is it really that bad out there?


701 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Is Cliff Weight sniffing out insider dealing at N4 Pharma?

I start by referencing a podcast on public schools HERE and saying why I am at a funeral today. Gone are the days when the BSD at ShareSoc offered to help out those chaps at Globo (GBO) get the show back on the road. In new hands there is a suggestion of odd share dealings at N4 Pharma (N4P). I look at that and then the fundamental case against this stock. I also look at Parsley Box (MEAL) and CEO spoofing and at Eco Atlantic (ECO) and the dangers of punting on an E&P play ahead of a well.


701 days ago

Video: Quoth the Raven - The World is Turning To Gold Amidst Armageddon in Crypto

One of the few serious financial podcasters who swears more than me is Chris Irons, aka Quoth the raven. His latest soundings on gold and shitcoins are music to my ears.


702 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Time to switch my email off for a week thanks to 'arry Adams

In today’s podcast i discuss Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Pantheon Resources (PANR), the residential housing market, Purplebricks (PURP) and the housebuilders and retailers in general, Sosandar (SOS), Joules (JOUL), Made.com (MADE) and Boohoo (BOO). I reference an articlle on greedy nurses and different types of averages and how they mislead HERE


713 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: DFS will survive but surely it is a cracking short and here is why

Have a great bonfire night tonight. In today’s podcast I discuss DFS (DFS) in great detail – it looks like a cracking short. Then Deepverge (DVRG) where Gerry Brandon needs to SMTM and finally Revolution Beauty (REVB) which will be either a zero or a penny stock but not until after Christmas.


719 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Insanity at Ocado while the curse of loathsome ex Tory MP Tony Baldry strikes again

In today’s podcast I look at Cineworld (CINE), Ocado (OCDO), Versarien (VRS), Rosslyn Data (RDT) – going right back to its fraudulent prospectus c.o Cenkos – and Westminster Group (WSG) where the curse of Baldry of the fraud 3DM infamy strikes yet again. Talking of vile Tory MPs, I mention Matt Hancock at the end. At least with Baldry his fingers were only in the pork barrel.


720 days ago

ITM Power, the best time to kick a man is when he is down

A couple of years ago I did a podcast suggesting that the share price of ITM Power (ITM) was truly bonkers.  In the mad rush to buy “green” investments it then got a bit more “truly bonkers”. That is the problem with bubbles, they can just keep on expanding far longer than most folks think, defying all logic.  And green energy clearly is a bubble.


722 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: this is a bloody good one if I say so myself

Sometimes I switch off my PC thinking that was not a very good podcast. Most days I am content but today is one of those days when I think “that was a bloody good podcast” I start of with why this website is not free and how you need to change business models if the world changes and then as to the strange idea that we have a “house view” on any given stock. That is with reference to ITM Power (ITM) which I then cover in detail (more ouzo for me and for Peter Brailey, cold cabbage water for comrade Malcolm Stacey of the 6th Guardianista peaceand flower power corps). I also look in detail at the spoof from Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO), Deepverge (DVRG) en passant, but which is covered in more detail HERE, and Bidstack (BIDS) after my bombshell expose c/o Winnileaks earlier. A good day’s work. Now I can go and weed my onion patch in peace. 


725 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: a new share bought by my pension

I end the podcast discussing what it is and what my short and long term targets are and why. I start with Brent Hoberman and when we crossed swords first and why he is such a wanker. That was back in the days of Lastminute.com (LMC) and it showed me how the British establishment always looks after its own however much they screw up. Brent was the founder of Made.com (MADE) which I discuss. Then it is onto Union Jack (UJO), Angus Energy (ANGS), IGAS (IGAS) and Uk Oil & Gas (UKOG) and fracking. I look at Bezant Resources (BZT) as wretched Colin Bird prepares for his next bailout with all the usual ramping. Finally, TP Group (TPG)


725 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: Who painted the Earl of Abingdon & is Deepverge's Gerry Brandon spoofing about being fired as CEO to get bailout placing away?

The mystery of the Earl of Abingdon remains and it is why I am late with the first of two podcasts today. Then onto Deepverge (DVRG) the firing of Gerry Brandon (real or spoof), the 100k screw by Mrs Brandon and the placing about which the company cannot but help tell a porky.


732 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the old Etonian dressed as a Nazi, Lyin' Chris Cleverly, the chancers Tatnall & Longley - the party at Technology Minerals

In today’s podcast I discuss coverage of my friend Richard Poulden and Valereum Blockchain (VLRM) which is now utterly toxic. I mention Wishbone Gold (WSBN) en passant. I look at Verditek (VDTK) where AIM Regulation must now step in to tackle fraud then at IOG (IOG), lessons from the demise of Toople (TOOP) and then an expose of the  events at Technology Minerals (TM1) where you really just could not make it up.


743 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: How can you tell when a company could go bust?

I use as case studies in today’s podcast Tern (TERN), Argo Blockchain (ARB) and Bidstack (BIDS) two of which could be singing a duet with the Fat Lady by Christmas notwithstanding receny refinancing news.


749 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Why I can't buy the bereavements line from Hot Rocks & Gavin Burnell of Globo infamy

In today’s podcast, pre Joshua book fair, so a tad rushed I look at Amur Minerals (AMC), the growing Bezant (BZT) scandal, Gavin Burnell & Hot Rocks (HRIP) and Tortilla Mexican (MEX)


751 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: BREAKING: Interims from Bezant and Caerus do not add up, have Colin Bird & Fatty Cornish misled us all?

Yesterday saw interims from Bezant (BZT) and Caerus  (CMRS). Has Colin Bird deceived us all? Have King of the spivs Jon Bellis and London’s worst nomad, Roland “fatty” Cornish signed off on a work of complete fiction? I think they have and that Bezant shares should be suspended ASAP and Bird’s career of penny share hustling broughtto an immediate close. All is  explained in today’s podcast. 


753 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - could Argo be a zero by Christmas? Hell yeah!

I start the podcast with a few macro musings then onto the Lucian Miers stock check list for bears and bulls before looking at Argo Blockchain (ARB) and how it could be a zero by Christmas.


754 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Time for eco loons to head to Devon to strip naked and confront David Bramhill again

In today’s podcast, I look at Darktrace (DARK) as its shares slump again, Avacta (AVCT) , Novacyt (NCYT), UK base rate rises, nanosynth (NNN) and the dishonesty of journalist smearing and trolling Union Jack Oil (UJO). PS, Matt Earl, the Dark Destroyer, tells me that he has added to his Darktrace short today.


757 days ago

Tom Winnifrith postcard: The 23 September UK Budget: Economic illiteracy, utterly inequitable and unfair and NOT what Mrs Thatcher would have done

In this podcast, I reflect on the Kwasi Kwarteng, Liz Truss mini budget. I am amazed and how badly the right wing commentariat has called it for it was mean and unjust and economically illiterate. It is not what Mrs Thatcher would have done and was a betrayal of her brand of conservatism and of the poor, working and middle classes too. It was just awful at every level and should form the basis of an electoral rout for the Tories in two years which will be fully deserved. 


764 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Poulden, Lenigas, the Alien Motley Crew - I've had it with Aussie mining chaps taking the piss with related party deals on AIM

In today’s podcast I end with a few ShareStock logistics matters ahead of Saturday. Before that: Wishbone Gold (WSBN), Alien Metals (UFO), Avacta (AVCT), Asimilar (ASLR), TrustPilot (TRST), Ceres Power (CWR) and Deepverge (DVRG).


790 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: A 1st hand account of Christmas Day 1914 on the Western Front from the Rev Douglas Winnifrith

One of three brothers who all became vicars ( until one was defrocked and sent to prison) , Douglas Winnifrith was my great great uncle and in this podcast I bring you his account – written up in a 1915 book – of Christmas Day 1914 on the Western Front.


790 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Ironveld breaks AIM Rules again, chatting to 2 CEOs, Argo ducks a question (twice)

I start with a reference to this personal podcast about Christmas Day 1914 HERE. Then it is onto Ironveld Resources (IRON), Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX), Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) and Argo Blockchain (ARB) and it is one of two more reasons given to book your seats at ShareStock on September 10 NOW HERE


790 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Today I bought shares in ...

All is explained in the podcast but my pension has gone to nil cash after this trade. Then I look at Eden Research (EDEN), musicMagpie (MMAG), Cineworld (CINE), Boohoo.com (BOO) and Revolution Beauty (REVB). As of today 72 chairs will be needed for ShareStock on September 10. I am scrabbling to get them so if you want to attend please book early in case I need to do more scrabbling. Book HERE


800 days ago

Video: The rush to buy gold is inevitable and will shock everyone says Quoth The Raven

The only financial podcaster who swears as much as me ( perhaps more) and is almost as outspoken as me is Chris Irons, aka Quoth the Raven. In his latest podcast with Palisade Capital he does not hold back.


808 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: sexual harassment, expense abuse and a disastrous IPO

I am today alone at the Greek Hovel, for reasons I explain. Walking up and down snake hill, I must have sweated off 15 lbs! In the podcast, I start with a look at Boohoo (BOO), ASOS (ASC) and the issue of earnings visibility, as business models are forced to change. On my return, I spoke to a whistleblower from a 2021 IPO roll-call-of-shame company; I relay some of the specific accusations made. I’m not sure when to name the company, and how I should play it. But I will do so when back in the UK. The said accusations compound a dire financial position, about which I have warned you numerous times.


846 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Gary Newman wrong to slam DDDD for being transparent and honest ahead of bailout placing

I start with a logistics issue, which may see Matthew and his dog suffer cold turkey on bearcasts for 3 or 4 days over the summer. I am working on it. Then, to 4D Pharma (DDDD), where young Gary is wrong in condemning the company; Lamprell (LAM); and Deepverge (DVRG), where I make reference to the earlier podcast special. 


846 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: Once Again, Deepverge Grotesquely Misleads Investors

Last year, AIM sewer poster boy,  Deepverge (DVRG), did a placing at 30p. It had misled investors on trading, and its ghastly CEO, Gerry “the arse” Brandon, slated me as not understanding investment. Today, the shares are 10.5p, after awful finals in which, as I explain in this bonus podcast, the company again – by omission rather than act – materially misleads investors. If you own this stock, lube up; there is more pain coming your way.


855 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Am I panicked by Skinbiotherapeutics?

I am more panicked by the IRA man objecting to my bonfire. Heck, it is not as if it were the 12th July, and I were wearing my bowler hat with an orange sash, is it? In today’s podcast, I look at Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX); Eurasia (EUA) and a Kraut moron; Supply@ME Capital (SYME); and Argo Blockchain (ARB). 


856 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Have I told you what I am doing tomorrow? A big thank you to so many of you.

Yes, I will be wading through nettles, but all for a good cause. To those who have donated, many thanks. With gift aid, as I record, we have now raised £25,600. If you are yet to donate, please help us reach £30,000, by giving a few quid HERE. Talking of nettles, I describe various home-grown triumphs, here at the Welsh Hovel: next week, I hope to make some nettle beer, as well as more elderflower cordial – what do you think? In the main podcast, I discuss discretionary consumer spending; Parsley Box (MEAL); ProCook (PROC); Altyn Gold (ALTN); Optibiotix (OPTI) and a chat with Steve O’Hara, who, of course, you can meet HERE; and AEX Gold (AEXG).


870 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - So utterly angry as a weekend of torture approaches

I explain my anger, and why the weekend ahead will be sheer torture. Think of my suffering and donate to Rogue Bloggers, HERE. Then, put 10 September in your diary, and keep it free. More on that next week, when I shall be in Frogland with Joshua and Olaf. In today’s podcast, I cover Versarien (VRS), Audioboom (BOOM) and Advance Energy (ADV). 


888 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Elon Musk, you are not a Messiah but a very naughty boy - Twitter bid on hold

In today’s podcast, I discuss Elon Musk and Twitter; Vast Resources (VAST) & associated scumbags; Optibiotix (OPTI); Condor Gold (CNR) and why comrade Jim Mellon must pay up soon; and the complete and utter Irish jackanory spouted by Hydrogen Utopia (HUI) and Powerhouse Resources (PHE): those holding shares in either company are certifiable.  We are now just £68 away from £10,000 in the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks (plus gift aid) fundraise. On Sunday, I really will do a 20-mile training walk. If you are amongst the 96% of listeners yet to donate, please do so today, HERE.


898 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: No Ulster DID NOT vote for a United Ireland

That is what the media and the liberal elitists wish to tell you but it is a a lie. Shame on them all for parroting Sinn Fein/IRA. Parties supporting a United Ireland actually lost seats on Thursday.  I explain the media’s disdain for Unionism, what actually happened and why there should, therefore under the terms of the Good Friday Agrement, be no poll on a United Ireland whatever IRA/Sinn Fein and their ignorant apologists such as Piers Morgan and the BBC suggest. 


899 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I don't know what option would make me more angry

The reference is to the fact that there is only 1 candidate in the local elections where I live and he is a king sized dickhead. From that I move onto interest rates and why they should have been increased by more than 0.25%. Of course we should not be in this inflationary mess anyway. Then it is onto  Vast Resources (VAST), Trainline (TRN), Seraphime (BUMP),Parsley Box (MEAL) and musicMagpie (MMAG). I will try to complete my long promised share purchases tomorrow and to discuss them then.Thank you to all who have donated to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks.  We are now at 15% of target but still 97% of Bearcast listeners have yet to chip in. Come on, just a fiver or a tenner: please do donate now HERE. PS The reference to Kirstie Allsop and a podcast is about this one HERE


900 days ago

Video: Five Drivers For a Commodity Bull Market

Biy do I like economist Steve Hanke.  He concludes this interview with a claim that 95% of what appears in the Mainstream Media is wrong or irrelevant. As I work on my next Ukraine podcast, how right the good Professor is.


902 days ago

Tom Winnnifrith podcast: The death of Roe vs Wade, an attack on abortion in America, or maybe not?

The liberal media are telling you that thanks to evil Presdent Trump loading the Supreme Court, Roe vs Wade may be overturned so meaning the end of 49 years of legal abortion in America. As ever that is just not is what is happening and at every level the Guardian/BBC/ Kirstie Allsop – with whom I was arguing about this on twitter – narrrative is just wrong. I try to explain why and – only because I am a man – have to start with my own personal involvment with abortion in order to justify what follows.


910 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Kefi should sack 2 old men in suits and hire Amanda Van Dyke & ANO

I start with good news concerning my mother-in-law, which suggests my current living – where folks pay £5.99 a month to hurl abuse at me – is maybe not such a desirable career. Then onto Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), and what I have told ‘arry Bloody Adams should happen next, in light of his latest e-mail to me. Then onto Vast Resources (VAST) and Eden Research (EDEN), not Pharma as I misspoke in the podcast. Finally, Gear4Music (G4M), which is enough to turn fanboys Paul Scott and Malcolm Stacey to drink.  Vindicated yet again as a bear, I warn of worse to come, following today’s bullshit-heavy trading statement.  


910 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: You want me to be angry with 'arry fecking Adams of bloody Kefi? You will not be disappointed

In today’s Bearcast, I start with Guild ESports (GILD), and a collapsing party house of cards. I refer to the David Williams of Avanti infamy shocker - it is still a cracking short. Then I comment on Petropavlovsk (POG), where I am surprised no one has feigned offence at my earlier headline.  There is a bit on NightCap (NGHT), but most of this podcast covers Kefi Gold and Copper (KEFI). Matthew and his dog will be delighted by that section.


919 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Happy Easter to you all, here are 4 ways to clean up London share markets at a stroke

Happy Easter to you and your families.  Today’s podcast looks at four ways, some very easy indeed, to clean up London’s share markets, the AIM sewer and the Standard List. I cannot see any argument against what I suggest, but maybe you can think of a few.


937 days ago

TomWinnifrith Bearcast: My SIPP buys more Optibiotix, Bluebird vs Kefi, & much more

This is a very long podcast, covering: Optibiotix (OPTI); Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX); Kefi (KEFI); Bluebird (BMV); Ten Lifestyle (TENG); CakeBox (CBOX); Deepverge (DVRG); Petropavlovsk (POG); Eurasia (EUA); and Amur Minerals (AMC).


944 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Diary Date April 5, unusual prayers with Joshua, twitter fails and the 3 xs

The failure of Twitter to clean up the sort of filth that makes it a sewer relates to this tweet.The matter of unusual prayers is discussed at the end of the podcast. The diary date is for THIS EVENT and the I chat about the 3xs, not my ex wives but the sources an investigative journalist needs. One 3x was in touch on Friday ….


944 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 3 dogs and an arse

In today’s podcast I look in detail at Deepverge (DVRG) whose CEO Gerry Brandon is a 100% arse and whose most recent RNS is utterly deceptiive. I also look in detail at musicMagpie (MMAG) where a placing will be messy but is a slam dunk cert if the Fat Lady is not to make an appearance and at Cineworld (CINE) which remains a slam dunk short. 


944 days ago

It’s safer to stick to small caps as a bear and this is the next Omega

There now seem to be serious peace talks in Ukraine with both sides, apparently, prepared to give a little to stop the bloodshed. I know too many folks are beating the war drums and bursting with pride every time a British missile takes out a Russian tank but they are mistaken as I explained in a podcast HERE. As a human being I pray for peace and an end to the killing. If there is peace all stocks will melt up, but especially the big caps.


954 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Optibiotix & chatting to Steve O'Hara as Lemming Investor walks away

There was no Bearcast yesterday as I was a) knackered after a tough Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks training walk and then b) a bit pissed after Ireland’s triumph over the infidels. You can now donate to the 2022 Rogue Bloggers walk on June 11 HERE. In today’s podcast I discuss Optibiotix (OPTI), a long chat with Steve O’Hara and an, in my view, mistaken, but for him massive, call by Lemming Investor. I also cover SkinBiotherapeutics (SBTX). The Russia/Ukraine podcast I refer to is HERE


958 days ago

Video: Perspective from on the ground in Russia

All credit to Palisade Radio for this podcast with Peter, a chap on the ground in Russia in St Petersburg. You will not hear or see this sort of thing in the mainstream media as we now hear only side of the conflict and anyone suggesting there may be another point of view faces a firestorm of hate.  Peter has a background in economics and finance while also being a private investor in both stocks and cryptocurrency and was just old enough to remember the collapse of the Soviet Union and recollects the emotions of family during that time.


962 days ago

Tom Winnifrith bonus Bearcast: Trevor Brown, the pumping and dumping, today's Braveheart warning ,this just cannot go on

This podcast covers Trevor Brown, Braveheart (BRH), today’s shocking warning, Remote Monitored Systems (RMS)/Nanosynth (NNN), Peterhouse Corporate Finance and why AIM Regulation needs to say that enough is enough and bring this sordid shit show to an end.


982 days ago

A free to access podcast from Tom Winnifrith for shareholders in Omega Diagnostics

I guess you are all feeling a bit shafted right now and are wondering who to blame and what to do next after today’s debacle. Contrary to what you might read on certain Bulletin Boards I do not celebrate the pain of most Omega Diagnostics (ODX) shareholders, just those who abused and insulted my 100% accurate warnings of the bailout placing and other matters. For those chumps, it is schadenfreude all round. So what should you, as an Omega shareholder, do now? I answer that question and them discuss the legality of my reporting and indeed the morality of the reporting plus I explain exactly who shareholders should be angry with on a number of matters and why. Enjoy.  My regular daily podcast, behind the paywall, will go live later today. If you are not yet a ShareProphets subscriber and do not want to get caught out again as you have been today, you can rectify that HERE


998 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Lucian doing due diligence in Eastleigh as Wrexham is too posh for Cake Box

This podcast contains reference to various chats with Lucian on the markets, millennials and on Cake Box (CBOX) after yesterday’s bearcast & the Maynard Paton expose. I discuss what Trustpilot says about the company HERE and Lucian’s road trip to do more due diligence. Re Lucian I also discuss other big blowups that will happen this year and bitcoin. Then there is Amigo (AMGO), Chill Brands (TOAST), MyHealthchecked (MHC), Novacyt (NYCT) and Argo Blockchain (ARB) in light of today’s NFT nonsense but also the collapsing bitcoin price.


1002 days ago

Video - the decade of the Greater depression

Some folks talk of how this will be an inflation-fuelled roaring twenties as if inflation is a good thing. But, as I explained in Bearcast yesterday, history shows how it rips society apart. The poverty it causes for many is an evil.  Doug Casey, the libertarian author and speculator, follows this theme in the latest podcast from Palisade Capital. He may be more eloquent than I, certainly he delivers fewer “ers”.


1011 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Naming the shareholders Union Jack Oil is paying the spooks to troll

I name all those shareholders or their BB or Twitter names that Union Jack Oil (UJO) is using shareholder cash to troll in a most thoroughly unpleasant way as I exposed yesterday. I also comment on THG (THG), Cineworld (CINE), Tintra (TNT), Versarien (VRS) and then on the bursting of the Covid testing bubble with particular reference to Omega Diagnostics (ODX), Avacta (AVCT) and Novacyt (NCYT) which has its own BIG question to answer. Plus, of course, MyHealthChecked (MHC). I reference vaccination and covid rates in Israel in the podcast which is covered in more detail HERE.


1016 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Welsh school teachers are a total fecking disgrace

Will Joshua ever make it back to school? There appear to be suggestions that Wales’s bone idle teachers will postpone his education in why white privilege makes him an automatic victim by yet another day. In the podcast I discuss why Cliff Weight is wrong about share options, the Chill Brands (CHLL) spoof and then took a detailed look at AIM China play Univison Limited (UVEL) which looks tome to be a zero. Have you looked at what this loss making indebted POS spunked £949,000 on during the first half?  In signing off on interims,Nomad Spark Advisory is ‘avin’ a bubble.


1036 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: All together now - Why are we waiting? We are suffocating, etc, etc, etc

In today’s podcast, I discuss Christmas cheeses past and present, Bluebird Merchant Ventures (BMV), Guild E-Sports (GILD), Boohoo (BOO), Ince Group (INCE) Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and Eurasia Mining (EUA).


1040 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Schoolboy error - for whom the bell tolls

Never record a Bearcast underneath a bell tower just before the hour. I explain my new studio and why I had to use it and you can here the bell toll. In the podcast I discuss Omega Diagnostics (ODX) and have some breaking news on ADM Energy (ADME). Suffice to say you’d be crackers to own either share.


1058 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: You ain't seen nothing yet on ADM: it's a zero

In today’s Bearcast I refer to my earlier podcast on the Botswana variant market sell off but take that forward to specific stocks to be buying and shares to be selling as a result. Then I look at Optbiotix (OPTI) and whether Steve O’Hara has been a naughty boy, ADM Energy (ADMEand my expose of earlier HERE – you ain’t seen nothing yet - and Union Jack Oil (UJO).


1082 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Let's Go Brandon! Let's Go Brandon! Let's Go Brandon!

I discuss today’s US elections, what will happen and what it means. Suffice to say Let’s Go Brandon! Then I look in detail at the forthcoming IPO of ProCook Group Limited which you can access on Primary Bid HERE. I would not. I also look at Kefi (Kefi), Sensyne (SENS) and Berkeley Energia (BKY). There is more on Let’s Go Brandon and on US politics in a podcast special on my own website HERE


1105 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: a day of childcare hell

To say that I am cross by today’s turn of events would be an understatement. Hence this podcast is short and late and somewhat bad tempered. It covers Asos (ASC), Anglo African (AAAP), Tirupati Graphite (TGR), and Orcadian (ORCA) with another comment on the oil price and oil shares.


1115 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Which high profile journalist said last night "TW was brave and TW was right!"

Jeepers, the answer will shock you but is a reminder that Fleet Street does read this website avidly.  In the rest of the podcast, as my son spends the day vomiting I discuss a work life balance that is becoming increasingly daft. Then I head back to work looking at Ariana Resources (AAU) where I disagree with Nigel and probably lose another friend (Kerim Sener),  Chesterfield Resources (CHF), Boohoo.com (BOO), AO World (AO.), Parsley Box (PUKE), Mercantile Ports (MPL) and Primary Bid and what it needs to change.


1115 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: a day for ouzo on my fecking cornflakes, lunchtime sandwich and evening pasta and salad

In today’s podcast I look at a raft of utter triumphs for me as a bear: Rosslyn Data (RDT) – no longer run by a former pornographer – Supply@ME Capital (FRAUD), Chill Brands (CHLL), Braveheart Investment Management (BRH) and Parsley Box (PUKE).


1123 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Is it because they think I'm English I asked as Wrexham Council came visiting?

I put then straight that i was of Irish descent but my local village council are having a go at me again and so sent in two officers of Wrexham Council. To be fair they agreed with me and think the villagers are, again, acting like total poltroons in harassing me whereas the previous owners were allowed to dump asbestos and so whatever they wanted. I explain all in the podcast but suffice to say I am angry. Then I look in detail at Tern (TERN) and go far further than Lucian did earlier HERE. Then onto Union Jack (UJO) where nothing  ow makes sense. I also look at the crazy world of Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT) once more and add my tuppence worth on the scandal that is Seraphine (BUMP).


1127 days ago

TomWinnifrith Bearcast: A challenge to Sharesoc this Wednesday - will you challenge a Neil Woodford enabler live on air

Today was Joshua’s birthday party so I am pretty whacked. In the podcast I look at how we fail to tackle financial crime – just 67 arrests by the dedicated unit responsible in H1. Then to ShareSoc. Will it on Wednesday blow off Jeff Prestridge as he blew off Neil Woodford? Or will it face him down and put one of the main enablers of what went on via his yellow journalism on the spot? I suggest some questions that Cliff Weight needs to put to Mr Presstrip. Or what abut listener Steve, would such an online showdown cheer you up?


1128 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Union Jack & MyHealthChecked in the doghouse, congratulations to Matthew, his Mrs to be and the dog

Forgive the late bearcast but I was cooking amazing grub for relatives today including long lost cousin C. On the subject of families, congratulations to listeners Matthew & his dog who frequently request more swearing as Matthew has got engaged. In the podcast I discuss two no-one is watching O’clock statements yesterday from MyHealthChecked (MHC) and from Union Jack Oil (UJO). I do not mince my words on either. 


1128 days ago

TomWinnifrith Bearcast - why did I write that article about Union Jack?

I am a bit of a sweaty wreck as I prepare for a weekend of hell. I explain why. In the podcast I deal with Unon Jack Oil (UJO)  and my article of earlier and of the issue of who CEO’s should do interviews with. In the end of course the share price is driven not by how much time is spent ramping the stock but by whether a company generates cash and how much.


1175 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Pure unadulterated bull from the Zoetic fraud

While I was recording bearcast Zoetic (ZOE) announced that since promising results in July on May 17 – by when it would already have done much of the audit work – it had discovered all about covid so would not now be releasing, what will be piss poor, results (for the year to March 31 2021) until this month. Good news travels fast, bad news is delayed. The real reason for the delay is explained in this podcast. I also cover discussions with the regulators on UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), Supply@ME Capital (SYME), the John Story episode and getting the shyster resigned from Escape Hunt (ESC). I speculate on what he did next. And there is a final appeal for Ian Westbrook. Do not let the loathsome pig Neill Ricketts win by default please donate HERE


1184 days ago

Tom Winnifrith bonus bearcast - the shares I bought today

It is one company on AIM, it is for my pension and my reasoning is explained in full in this bonus podcast.


1184 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Could Argo Blockchain explode within weeks?

A frantic morning of tidying sees Joshua and I ready to face the Mrs, we head to Athens shortly. Ahead of that I suggest a new gender test for the Olympics. In the main podcast I look at bitcoin, Argo Blockchain (ARB), Fevertree (FEVR), coping on a meltdown day, Nightcap (NGHT) and St James House (SJH).


1198 days ago

No Justin "the Clown" Waite of Vox Markets you are not the Messiah, you are a very naughty boy

Hat tip to a reader who, for some reason, was prepared to listen to a string of podcasts by Justin Waite and had still retained enough of his sanity at the end to pass on this little expose about the unscrupulous clown.


1237 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Why will Zoetic not answer this 1 question?

The good news is that Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks is, 3 days ahead of our walk, now less than £3,000 away from our £48,000 fund raise target. If you are yet to donate, please do so HERE. In today’s podcast, I discuss Amigo (AMGO), Wishbone Gold (WSBN), Zoetic (ZOE), Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) and Optibiotix (OPTI).


1246 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bumper length Bearcast - is it because I am a Dirty Old Man?

Good news. We are now at £44,456.89 so almost at the £48,000 target. Please, if you are yet to donate do so today HERE. In the podcast I cover Sosandar (SOS), Amigo (AMGO), Online Blockchain (OBC), Telit (TCM), Argo Blockchain (ARB) and “guru” Michael Saylor, Bidstack (BIDS) and Colin Bird’s Tiger Royalties (TIR) which is a right old dog.


1250 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Photo Bearcast: the Police come to visit me at the Welsh Hovel

Oh dear. What have I been accused of now? All is revealed in the photos below. I end by thanking you all as we are now at nearly £40,000 for Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks. Thanks to all who have donated. To those still to chip in, as we are just c£8,000 short, please do so HERE. Sunday’s training walk will be the most grim yet. In the podcast, I look at Amigo (AMGO), Evil Knievil’s “scum” comment, Hurricane Energy (HUR), Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) and Novacyt (NCYT).


1252 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: This dinosaur still does not get it

We are now well over £30,000 (with gift aid) for Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks so that is 70% of our target, if you are yet to donate please do so HERE. In the podcast I discuss MyHeathChecked (MHC), Zoetic (ZOE), bitcoin, Tesla (TSLA) and Argo Blockchain (ARB).


1264 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: is Labour still pissing in its own bath? Jersey and Northern Ireland suggest that it is

Labour took a hammering across the UK last night and in this podcast I consider this rather crude analogy first used by one of its own leaders with regard to how it views the folks who were its core supporters. with reference to Northern Ireland and Jersey I argue that it cannot close the gap that now exists with its core and as such it can never hope to regain power and in Wales – as has already happened in Scotland – it may well become an irrelevancy. I refer to this piece on Tory sleaze from last week. One day that will matter but maybe it won’t for a very long time.


1273 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Ignoring Brokerman Dan's advice on underwear for walks as I do 24 miles today

The photos later (not of underpants), the walk is done but I paid the penalty of ignoring dan’s golden rule. We have now raised more than £14,000 and as you think of my pain today will the 96% of bearcast listeners who have yet to donate please do so here. Otherwise I will talk about Dan’s underpants again. In the rest of the podcast I take issue with ex soccer player Andrew Johnson on tax and then look in detail at the claims made by Versarien (VRS) about its graphene enhanced face nappies and why they do not stack up at two levels and, as such, why there really should be a UK product recall.


1275 days ago

The 30 most read articles in almost nine years as TomWinnifrith.com reaches a landmark of 3 million page views

Okay that is not a huge number. Despite being behind a paywall my main site, www.ShareProphets.com has achieved almost ten times as many reads in one fewer year. But some might be surprised that my ramblings on rebuilding and living in hovels in Greece and Wales, on life on both, on politics, on jokes and on all sorts of other matters, mainstream and obscure, get any readers at all. So this is a modest landmark. When this website started it was therapy for me at a very difficult time in my life and I’d be lucky to get 30 page impressions in a day. 


1282 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The Blessed Maggie will be spinning in her grave

I look at my coffee cup and – as the Iron lady would – I despair at the world of today. I then consider events and the valuation of Iconic (ICON), Argo Blockchain (ARB) where share dumping directors had no idea a placing was imminent – and the fraud Zoetic International (ZOE). I hope I pleased Matthew and his dog today, if you enjoyed the podcast you know what to do HERE


1288 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I really want to battle with a moronic AIM CEO threatening to sue a BB poster

Right now my main battle seems to be with the snitchers here in Snitcher-on-Dee where I take no prisoners again today - HERE. In this podcast I discuss why this CEO is a moron but how I really want to see him in Court. Then I ask more questions about the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME) which Mr Paul Vann declines to answer, look at Eurasia Mining (EUA) and produce a detailed analysis of the ramp du jour that is Totally (TLY). PS I trust listener Matthew and his dog are impressed by this podcast in his honour.


1291 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: seeing through a purple fecking mist

I refer to the painting of a window at the Welsh Hovel which occurred as I was out doing a 16 mile Woodlarks training walk. I am utterly livid so please give a few quid to Woodlarks HERE, as you consider both my anger and my sore feet. In this podcast I look at professional media tarts like Peter Hargreaves bleating on about retail punters being mugged on the Deliveroo (ROO) float. Then at signs of the bubble of everything this time in relation to residential housing.


1314 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Woodlarks and my fat belly, Julie Meyer & the 3 Xs, and the myth that diversity must make a business better

I start discussing my weight, as HERE, the annual Woodlarks walk and how my use of Optibiotix (OPTI) shakes is going. Then onto Sam Gyimah and the diversity in business myth. If you are listening in Scotland, do not discuss this podcast with your other half at supper tonight or else! Then onto today’s shocking news about Julie “Lingerie on Expenses” Meyer.


1339 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: On the road to Wigan Pier, 2 more big vindications and reporting to the SEC

I start the Mrs and George Orwell then with the podcast that went live today with me as the guest, not of Cheryl Cole or Princess Anne as was suggested, but of James Delingpole and it is – I think – very entertaining. Then to the final vindication of 2 big exposes from October 2019 HERE and HERE. these both show the failings of the FCA and I compare and contrast whistleblowing to the floor shitters with whistleblowing to the SEC which I did today re the fraud Zoetic International (ZOE)


1373 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 2 rotten calls by me, the defence and how about Dave Sefton sues ME for libel?

Today’s podcast is late for reasons I explain. Sorry. In it I discuss Xtract Resources (XTR), Asiamet (ARS), Iconic (ICON) and Remote Monitored Systems (RMS).


1386 days ago

Bonus podcast from Tom Winnifrith: Why Georgia matters so much today for the gold price and for the future of the US

This is massive for US politics, the US economy and for we gold bugs. There are two Senate races being decided in Georgia today. I explain why they are occurring, why they are causing gold to spike, what are the implications of the results and what they will mean for 2022 and 2024. The reference to the 2020 General Election fraud is HERE


1390 days ago

The 10 most popular podcasts by Tom Winnifrith from 2020

A bit of history for woke morons and a lot of lockdown scepticism based on hard facts, feature often in my 10 most listened to podcasts from the year just ended. 


1393 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: This is utter insanity, use it as a chance to exit your dogs

In today’s podcast I look at Powerhouse Energy (PHE), Supply@ME Capital (SYME), Pires Investments (PIRI) and Chris Akers, MyHealthChecked (MHC), Inspirit (INSP), Octagonal (OCT) and Remote Monitored Systems (RMS).


1397 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Hat eating delayed by a day or 2 so here are my 2021 macro assumptions

Fear not I will eat my hat on video just give me a day or two. In today’s podcast I look at my macro assumptions for 2021 and a few stocks that come out of them as obviuous longs or shorts, Natch Red Rock Resources (RRR) of hat eating infamy is in the former category big time. No sniggering at the back. And talking of videos, there is another coming on New Year’s Day which will enrage our in house Euro loon Jonathan Price.


1419 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Joshua pukes in church, will Zoetic shares puke later

That put an end to his nursery day half way through the practice for the Carol service. Anyhow he is now back here with me and Maddie Moate and recovering. In today’s podcast I discuss a change of name from Concepta (CPT) to My Health Check (MHC) and Wishbone (WSBN) en passant then am upset that Powerhouse (PHE) is still not answering my questions about related party (no sniggering at the back) transactions. Then in more detail DeepVerge (DVRG) and Zoetic (ZOE)


1437 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: for Pete's sake SELL, SELL, SELL Synairgen

In today’s podcast I look at Synairgen (SNG), Nakama (NAK) and the wider macro read across, Tern (TERN) and UK Oil & Gas (UKOG)


1442 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Excuses, excuses, excuses & Julie "Lingerie on Expenses" Meyer

This, very short, podcast gives my excuses for today’s relative silence from me and warns you on why the next week may also be silent.


1447 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Prepping for my own act of defiance this November 5

As you can see here, I shall be engaging in a small act of defiance tonight.  In the podcast I discuss UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) - forced by myself to ‘fess up today about what is happening at the Gatwick Dribbler. I look at Trainline (TRN) and explain why the soon to be ex CEO is not a crook, at Guild Esports (GILD), Bluebird Merchant Ventures (BMV) and at Jubilee Metals (JLP).


1455 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Verditek, I told y'all!

I start with a few words on my preparations for tomorrow’s funeral which will mean my absence from this site for a day.  Then onto the election in America where our boy is on a bit of a roll - a full analysis of recent developments is in a special podcast HERE.  Then it is on to Verditek (VDTK), Versarien (VRS), Covid shorts and longs including, sorry Three Brains, Carnival (CCL). Finally a look at grossly overvalued Mirriad (MIRI).


1456 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The £15m going to David Beckham from the Guild Esports IPO

I start with a few notes on  preparations for Thursday’s funeral following my piece on mad Covid rules and Dad’s ceremony HERE. Then I look at Verditek (VDTK) and Versarien (VRS) where the wheels realy are coming off. Then it is onto a defence of my friend Tim Blackstone and my analysis of Metals Exploration (MTL). Finally I look, in real detail (hence the length of this podcast), at Guild Esports (GILD) which was much hy;ped by the deadwood press at its IPO a few weeks ago partly because David Beckham was investing in it. I expose why that is so utterly misleading, Becks will make a killing from this IPO but I suggest mug punters will not. This whole thing stinks.


1456 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Bedwetting brokers do protest too much & I do not see why my taxes should fund executive greed at ADVFN

In today’s podcast I start with PrimaryBid and the way brokers are crying foul on the London Stock Exchange backing it financially. Then onto, quite good, H2 numbers from ADVFN (AFN) but my real disquiet at the way my taxes are going on supporting the lifestyle of an overpaid board.


1458 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 2 hours to house arrest here in Wales

For reasons which are nothing to do with the insanity of Mark Drakeford, I cannot work properly today at the Welsh Hovel hence this bearcast is short.  I explain those reasons and hope to be back to normal by Saturday. In the podcast, I discuss that impending lockdown and also last night’s debate between Donald Trump and China Joe Biden and what it means for November 3.


1463 days ago

Podcast: This is how President Trump could win on November 3

Whereas all the MSM pundits and pollsters called 2016 wrong, I called it for Trump and explained why from weeks before the poll. So what of 2020? In my last podcast, I moved from too close to call to Biden slight favourite.  But I am looking hard at the polling in the key swing states and for three reasons I can now see a path for Donald Trump to win. I am not calling it for the great man yet but I move my stance back to too close to call and explain why. The earlier podcast on the Biden crime family emails is HERE and has taken a new twist tonight with Delaware Police being asked to review under age porn and messaging on Hunter Biden’s laptop. This will not play well for the Dems with socially conservative folks or with older voters in the swing states. Surely even the BBC has to report this now?


1464 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Phil Richards, COIs and a nasty golden blast from the past

A week exactly since my father’s death I accept that my work is substandard and apologise. It is hard to lift myself from this slough of despond. In today’s podcast I cover Inspirit (INSP), Wishbone Gold (WSBN), Kefi (KEFI), Boohoo (BOO), Amigo (AMGO), Contango (CG0) and i-Nexus (INX).


1469 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast from Shipston - L&G needs to read about witch hunting in 1640s England

If the title is not immediately clear as to why it is relevant, listen to the podcast and it soon will be. 


1488 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Is Matt Earl wrong on Boohoo? I fear that he may be

I warn you that my Mahmud Kamani impression when he meets the new ESG director forced upon him contains strong language. It had to, to be accurate. I discuss, in this podcast, the liars at Supply@ME Capital (SYME), William Hill (WMH), Restaurant Group (RBG), Hammerson (HMSO) and Boohoo (BOO) plus my act of mask rebellion in Wrexham yesterday as I stocked up on loo rolls. You – and the Mrs – mocked me last time but it is better to be the first lunatic over-reacting then the first sane person forced to pay £5 and limited to 1 roll each!


1489 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Bravo! David Lenigas tells the truth about dishonesty at the bottom end of AIM

I have been distracted today as you can see HERE. In today’s podcast I cover Wishbone Gold (WSBN) and Big Dave’s honesty. I look at Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and its latest dishonesty, Cineworld (CINE), Biome Technologies (BIOM)  and at Versarien (VRS).


1490 days ago

Tom Winnifrith bearcast: Check out these glassdoor reviews for Avant Garde!!!

I have today been quite busy on family matters, see HERE, which I find fascinating. I appreciate others may not! In the podcast I look at the general market meldown in the face of the Government going economy wrecking bonkers over Covid. I look at Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and Avant Garde,  Verditek (VDTK) and its idiot investors, Big Dish (DISH), Trainline (TRN), Bidstack (BIDS) FinnCap (FCAP) and a cracking trading statement but questionable morals and Iconic (ICON) and the perils of the sub Standard List.


1495 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: sorry Colin enough is enough I am out

In today’s podcast I consider my dining experience in Chester last night and then look at Carnival (CCL), Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and its jail bait CEO and the 1 question its diehard supporters cannot answer. Moving on I consider Xtract Resources (XTR), Tiger Royalties (TIR) and the loathsome spiv Jon Bellis of Novum who has now pushed me over the edge, I look at Novacyt (NCYT) and TrakM8 (TRAK), once the beau of Britain’s thirstiest share blogger


1516 days ago

A celebrated composer explains to BBC Songs of Praise Boss Cat Lewis why her words on Rule Britainnia are grossly offensive and factually incoherent

I explained in a long podcast HERE why Rule Britannia was not racist, imperialist, or a reference to the slave trade and why the BBC has it so wrong. Songs of Praise producer, Cat Lewis, is one BBC staffer on a bloated stipend who is still battling in a way which is both offensive and ignorant as I flagged up HERE. My work has prompted celebrated composer, Graham Lack, to offer me his thoughts which I am delighted, at his request, to publish below.  I wonder if Cat or anyone at the woeful BBC might be able to respond to what follows. Somehow I doubt it.


1533 days ago

Video: WARNING Red-Hot Gold Stocks Will Cool Off in August

ordan Roy Byrne is the only chartist we take seriously and he has a warning for you all. Jordan thinks a correction is coming. GDX & GDXJ hit major resistance levels and breadth indicators are extremely overbought. We highlight support levels in Gold & Silver. All is explained in the latest podcast from Palisade Capital.


1538 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: masks in Manchester to a water deprived Kambos and the Greek Hovel

I will start writing up my Greek diary tomorrow when I feel a bit more rested after the travel. But in this podcast, I give you a taster of a few of my thoughts and of life here in Kambos where I shook a man’s hand for the first time in months yesterday. I also look at the latest Covid madness from bonkers Boris and at BP (BP.) and the question of its dividend. Of course it should be slashed and if it is, I’d expect the shares to bounce.


1545 days ago

Tom Winnfrith Bearcast: can anyone translate Clem's Online Blockchain for me?

I have recorded a long Coronavirus podcast on my own website HERE. On today’s podcast on shares, I look at Versarien (VRS), Supply@ME Capital (SYME), Online Blockchain (OBC) and Sound Energy (SOU) and the sordid world of the whore blogger Malcolm Graham Wood.


1583 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the answer to too much debt cannot be even more debt

I start with two points of order on my next premium podcast (out later tonight) and on July 18 ( more details tomorrow). Then I look at Walcom (WALG) and lessons learned, Tomco (TOM) and lessons not being learned as who gives a flying wotsit about criminality on AIM, and at Cineworld (CINE) where there are four reasons to stay short.


1609 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - the rise and fall of Pizza Express

Yesterday’s training walk was just five miles but I had Joshua on my back for 2/7 of the circuits around the Welsh Hovel. And one neighbour saw me, chatted and pledged £200 to Woodlarks. Please make your pledge today HERE. In the podcast I discuss why , I think, Malcolm is wrong on consumer spending and Pizza Express, its rise and fall, a tale for our times.


1613 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: So it will be 50 laps of the fields as I struggle with the share dealing timeline at AJ Bell

Myself and some friends from here, the last village in Wales, walked the track around the 3 farthest fields at the Welsh Hovel and it is 1.1 kilometres long. That means that on June 13 I shall walk the circuit 50 times exactly raising the money Woodlarks needs just to survive into 2021. Today I did three laps as I faced a busy day. Tomorrow it will be ten. Please donate a few quid today HERE. In the podcast I consider in long detail the timeline of major share dealings at AJ Bell (AJB) which just does not look right to me. There are a stack of questions going begging. Then it is onto Eurasa (EUA) and what will happen on Friday. Will SP Angel again show that it will act for anyone or will AIM Regulation wade in to ensure Eurasa is booted off the AIM Casino? I discuss that matter in detail.


1624 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Malcolm's BT woes & peak Corona madness at Filta

I start with the ShareProphets shares Conference on Saturday. Darren should have sent the tickets last night. He will send today so need to email me. I have just recorded Vin Murria’s main stage show and really you must not miss the Queen of Tech. Get your ticket HERE. On today’s podcast I look at BT (BT.A), Filta (FLTA), Uru Metals (URU) and the madness at Anglo African Oil & Gas (AAOG).


1624 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - The dirty dirty dirty dog of an AIM shell that is Anglo African Oil & Gas - insanity runs riot

Among others I interviewed this morning for Saturday’s ShareProphets Shares show was Luke Johnson. It was another cracking video which I reflect upon. Suffice to say with 85% of the content now on tape it will be a great event so get your ticket now HERE. I look in today’s podcast, inspired by Luke, at commercial property including Hammerson (HMSO) and Into (INTU) and how this all plays out. It is not quite as you may think. I also look at Catenae (CTEA) and the utter insanity at Anglo African Oil & Gas (AAOG).


1634 days ago

FREE Podcast: ShareProphets Radio Edition 29 with Tom Winnifrith - my Bidstack smearer will be getting letters regarding a legal claim for damages from 8 Parties

I have no guests in this week’s show which is sponsored by Open Orphan PLC (ORPH) where things look increasinly promising. Check out its new corporate presentation HERE. I start with events at Bidstack (BIDS) detailed in free to read articles HERE and HERE where one gender fluid shareholder will, I can reveal in this podcast, shortly be served by eight parties he defamed. That is 8 seperate libel cases he must fight. It should be ruinous. But why is Bidstack lying? I discuss. Then it is onto why shares in general are racing higher. Is that justified? I discuss the forthcoming Shareprophets Shares show on May 9 with its quite amazing speaker line-up. Book your ticket for 70 hours of amazing video content for just £9.99 HERE.  Then I look at why Versarien (VRS) also tried to bamboozle investors over the nature of its dealings with Rolls Royce (RR). If you like this podcast and can’t wait seven days for more of the same and are tired of being a cheapskate you should listen to my Bearcast and enjoy our cracking writen exposes and analysis every day HERE.


1634 days ago

This Really is Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: St James House surely the fat lady is gargling now?

This is my day of peak recordings – 7 hours of interviews and bearcast underway. I kid you not. apart from bearcast it is all great material for the Shareprophets shares show on May 9. I have just done the Jim Mellon recording which should knock your socks off. Poor man, he is trapped in lockdown in the Isle of Man but seems to be bearing up well. Anyhow, buy your ticket HERE. In this podcast I look at Eurasia Mining (EUA), Scancell (SCLP), 13 Energy (I3E), Arden Partners (ARDN), Petra Diamonds (PDL) and Intu (INTU).


1638 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: TrakM8's numbers are so unclear they really could turn a man to drink

I start with my excitement about the video I have just recorded with Carson Block of Muddy Waters for the Shareprophets shares show. Lawyers alert!. It was brilliant stuff. I end by saying I recorded a PLC video for the show earlier.  I am incredibly tempted to buy the shares heavily. Anyhow both videos and 70 others will go live on May 9 so book your ticket HERE. In today’s podcast I look at Novacyt (NCYT), Avacta (AVCT) fake news in the Mail on Sunday, Urban Exposure (UEX) and in very real detail that old Thirsty Paul Scott fave TrakM8 (TRAK) where today’s numbers ring massive alarm bells.


1643 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Versarien's tie up with Rolls Royce - I can reveal how much dosh RR is putting up

I start with a few words about how business is setting the pace on ending the Coronavirus lockdown and wonder if the Government’s hand will be forced. On the subject of Covid 19 my latest podcast is live HERE and explains why I believe the Government has made the biggest blunder in history.  I then reveal what Versarien (VRS) does not want you to know about its “hook up” with Rolls Royce and ask if SP Angel is earning commission on the death spiral and if so why is it not being declared? I look at Tullow (TLW), Open Orphan (ORPH), Novacyt (NCYT) and Collagen (COS). And I suggest that you really should buy a ticket to watch the greatest ever line up at a British investor show HERE.


1649 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: What Connects Peter Hitchens, Dom Frisby, Evelyn Waugh and that other great literary giant Roger Lawson?

The answer is in this podcast which starts with two service announcements. I have today also posted a new Coronavirus podcast, the 6th in a series, looking at the data on BAME victims on my own website HERE. In the bearcast i take a detailed look at Collagen (COS) and at Premier Miton (PMI). 


1650 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Coronavirus podcast 6 - BAME folk are suffering far more than whites, the conspiracy theories and the data

Not only in the wider population, but also among NHS staff, it is clear that BAME folks are dying in far greater numbers, relative to the population as a whole, than they should. Yesterday I debunked the nation that NHS staff were dropping like flies (they are not) in a way that is beyond doubt connected to their employment. Today I tackle this issue which is likely to be even more controversial.


1650 days ago

FREE Podcast: ShareProphets Radio Edition 28 with Tom Winnifrith a Coronavirus & stockmarket special

I have no guests in this week’s show which is sponsored by Open Orphan PLC (ORPH). Instead it is just me discussing all things Coronavirus. My own views on the pandemic and on the Government’s disastrous, GroupThink driven, response are well documented in a series of podcasts and a couple of articles on my own website HERE. my views are not the issue it is the economic and stockmarket fallout. I discuss the bubble led by stocks like Novacyt (NCYT) and why it MUST burst but also stocks to buy and why I am nervous of the market rally. If you like this podcast and can’t wait seven days for more of the same and are tired of being a cheapskate you should listen to my Bearcast and enjoy our cracking writen exposes and analysis every day HERE.


1651 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Coronavirus podcast 5 - the dodgy data of the Mob who will not brook NHS criticism and who insist PPE blunders are killing doctors & nurses

The mob is now suffering industrial scale GroupThink when it comes to Coronavirus and especially when it comes to the NHS. We must all line up once a week to applaud NHS staff, we must accept how hard they are working and how the NHS is uber-efficient, and we must lambast Government for failings of testing and providing PPE to staff which has caused too many of them to die. This is the line and any dissenter is attacked as despising NHS staff or wanting old folks or doctors to die. But the hard data justifies nothing that the mob insists and the Mainstream Media and Government in a craven way just go along with it all. Please do listen to what I actually say before lambasting me for what you think I might say. Then perhaps read  GroupThink (available here)  by my late uncle Christopher Booker to place this insanity in context. 


1662 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Now really is an ideal time to talk about FTSE 350 and also AIM executive greed

I start with a swipe at the failings of the deadwood press and the behaviour of the soccer Premier League. More on the former in a podcast on my own website later this weekend – a promise for comrade Euro Loon Jonathan Price. Then a look at Debenhams whose demise I regard as a silver lining from the Covid 19 cloud. I think Zombie firms should all perrish. But the main part of this podcast looks at Executive Greed and with firms asking either investors or the taxpayers for a bailout now is an ideal time to lance this boil. 


1670 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: As Boris gets Coronavirus the Doomsayers cannot have it both ways

Natch I wish the Prime Minister a speedy recovery from Covid 19. I am sure that like almost all healthy victims he will recover and refer you to my two podcasts HERE and HERE as to why the Doomsayers are engaing in GroupThink but really cannot have it both ways: the virus cannot be both highly contagious and highly lethal. I discuss why the three day shares rally, now reversed today, cannot be justified in terms of the likely curve of corporate earnings recovery. I look at Next (NXT), Optibiotix (OPTI) and dual listings, Dev Clever (DEV) & Royal Mail Group (RMG)


1672 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Apologies NoGold is a misunderstood genius & if I were to construct a China based fraud...

In today’s bearcast I start by apologising to someone who is not a pest at all. Then I again discuss Covid 19 and have another podcast on my own website up today which has some relevance to this. I look at surging markets and am sceptical, at Yourgene (YGEN), Genedrive (GDR), FastJet (FJET) and at Versarien (VRS) which has announced a big China deal which cannot be a fraud given the involvment of top nomad SP Angel in doing due diligence and honest as they come Neill Ricketts in constructing the deal.


1672 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Coronavirus podcast number four- have up to 50% of us caught it already? Not even an expert like Richard North knows

Yesterday I discussed what my late Uncle Christopher Booker, the author of two very relevant works you really should read during the lockdown, , Scared to Death (available here) and GroupThink (available here) would have macde of the pandemic. I am not sure that my Uncle’s long term collaborator Richard North appreciates the irony of his response to that podcast which I discuss here. 


1673 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the Good, the bad and the complete & utter bast*rds, I refer to Mike Ashley

I start with a few minutes on how the Covid 19 pandemic has brought out the good in many people and the very worst in others. I’ve today done another podcast on Coronavirus which I am proud of on my own website HERE. I look at soaring markets and gold and asset bubbles I discuss IQE (IQE), Photo-Me (PHTM) and Ascent Resources (AST)


1673 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Coronavirus podcast number three - what would my late Uncle Christopher Booker have made of the pandemic?

As the author of two seminal works which are ideal reading while we self-isolate, Scared to Death (available here) and GroupThink (available here) Chris would have been a perfect commentator. Some of his friends like Peter Hitchens and James Delingpole seem to suggest that the cure may be worse than the disease or at least ask the question. I, though self isolating for reasons I explain, tend to agree with them. Oddly the executors of my uncle’s literary estate my cousin Nick and Booker’s long time collaborator Richard North think Covid-19 is the real deal. I start my discussion in a small Somerset village chatting to my Aunt.


1674 days ago

Podcast - the mega bull case for silver

Bullion Dealer Gregor Gregersen may be talking his own book but he makes a very powerful case for being a silver mega bull.


1674 days ago

Open Orphan - WSJ article of note re Coronavirus

Check out what Cathal Friel of Open Orphan (ORPH) had to say about the 24 room isolation unit his company owns in the free ShareProphets Radio podcast last week HERE. Last year the utilisation was 25%, right now it must be c100% and one can only imagine the daily rate. In light of that, an article from the WSJ is below. 


1676 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: saying what no one dares to say about Coronavirus

I start with good news about my daughter Olaf and her recovery from Covid 19. I end with a report on life at the last house in the last village in Wales and how we are coping and the community is pulling together. Good capitalists will be rewarded. Then I discuss data from the UK and Germany and what it may or may not tell us and then ask a question about keeping folks alive which no-one dares to ask but perhaps we should?


1680 days ago

FREE Podcast: ShareProphets Radio Edition 27 with Tom Winnifrith, Cathal Friel of Open Orphan and 11 stocks to go to zero

I have I guest in this week’s show which is sponsored by Open Orphan PLC (ORPH) and it is the company’s chairman Cathal Friel. I think I gave him a hard time on certain matters but I came away a very happy shareholder. I discuss Coronavirus and the market crash and why I would now be a selective buyer of blue chips right now. But i accept facts have changed and in that light I also cover 11 stocks which could well be zeros and I explain why. If you like this podcast and can’t wait seven days for more of the same and are tired of being a cheapskate you should listen to my Bearcast and enjoy our cracking writen exposes and analysis every day HERE.


1680 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: when will smug Sam Smith serve up her next profits warning & Richard Branson is a prize shit

I start with my first proper training walk for Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks. Think of my sliding through the mud on my backside and make a donation HERE. The it is onto bailouts and wbhy you and I, ordinary taxpayers, should not bailout folks who own Carribean Islands and pay no UK tax, i.e. Richard Branson. Finally I look at when FinnCrap (FCAP) will serve up its next profits warning and why the shares, now just 17.5p, should plunge to 6p. And I am being generous.


1680 days ago

Podcast: Coronavirus vs the markets, the read across for oil, gold and silver

Newsletter editor David Skarica talks a lot of sense in the latest podcast from Palisade Capital. He starts by comparing Covid 19 to the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918 and discusses why it was under-reported.


1680 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: I'm now self isolating as my daughter gets Coronavirus and why the Government statistics are total fantasy

My daughter Olaf seems to be recovering well with her mother in London. That is the good news but I discuss how she must have contracted Covid 19 and the abject failure of Queens College Oxford to show a duty of care and just how useless 111 was when contacted. I look at why the Government statistics on Covid 19 are sheer fantasy as it has been stalking us for far longer than Boris admits. And finally I explain why my family and I are now in self isolation and locked down here in North Wales for the next three months and how we must adjust how we live as a result. By the way I shall do my 34 mile charity walk on June 13 come what may but I sense there will be no team hugs at the end. You can sponsor me HERE.


1687 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: well that did not take long for Telit to fess up and FinnCrap still 65% overvalued

In today’s podcast I look at Telit (TCM) whose, forced, trading statement does not stack up. I look at Finncap (FCAP) where the share price collapse is only just starting, at Bahamas Petroleum (BPC), Mirriad (MIRI) and at Versarien (VRS) and THAT INTERVIEW.


1688 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: reflecting on who Coronavirus will kill should I buy Dignity shares?

In today’s podcast I start with an apology to Mitch Tarr for perhaps marginally misquoting him. But that turns into a demand that for all sorts of reasons BigDish (DISH) fires its chairman Jonathan Morley-Kirk, who should be in prison. Then I look at Coronavirus and Dignity (DTY) following a discussion with my GP sister. Then it is onto Sirius Minerals (SXX) and finally to why Brexit “bad boy” Arron Banks is a hero both for dealing with the ghastly Carole Cadwalladr and for his actions at Iofina (IOF) which I support for reasons I explain in great detail.


1691 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 5 weeks to save Bidstack with a bailout placing

In today’s podcast I look at the overall market bloodbath asking whether we see capitulation and a buying opportunity or if things could get much worse. I look at Bidstack and the speed at which it must complete a bailout placing, at Blue Jay Mining (JAY) and the antics of its disgraced Nomad and broker SP Angel, at Versarien (VRS) and the true import of today’s free podcast and finally at AFC Energy (AFC) one of the most overvalued stocks on AIM.


1691 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Recording a podcast with a Senior Versarien whistleblower tonight!

Sadly Lyin’ Neill Ricketts of Versarien (VRS) has not been in touch about my offer to record a podcast but I have a former senior executive turned whistleblower to interview instead and I shall do that tonight and it will go live, togerher with a chat with Lucian Miers in the next edition of ShareProphets Radio out soon, Elsewhere I discuss NMC Heath (NMC) and lessons learned,  Zenith Energy (ZEN) and Anglo African Oil & Gas (AAOG), whether Tullow (TLW) could be a sero, Aston Martin (AML), Cobra Resources (COBR) and finally ask when Telit (TCM) will serve up a profits warning. Surely it is due.


1692 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Common misconceptions about fraud & will Neill Ricketts do a podcast with me?

A start with a few more thoughts about yesterday’s dire warning from Versarien (VRS), going on to say why the FCA should now get involved. I explain 2 scenarios which might lead to the company going bust within weeks rather than suffering a slow death and I challenge its boss Neill Ricketts to record a podcast with me. Then, following an exchange on the comments section last night about the frauds One True View and Appbox Media I discuss common misconcepions about fraud.


1704 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Malcolm stop dithering and sell your Tertiary, it is a dog that treats shareholders with contempt

In today’s podcast I look at Tertiary Minerals (TYM), Sunrise Resources (SRES), Bidstack (BIDS), NMC Health (NMC) and Sirius Minerals (SXX). Now that we are at 5 rogue bloggers for Woodlarks surely all listeners can spare a tenner to donate HERE


1704 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Update from flood central, just when will IQE issue its Coronavirus warning

This really is today’s bearcast despite my introduction. Thanks for the kind messages about the flooding, the waters are now recedng fast. In today’s podcast I look at China and the Coronavirus and ask WHEN IQE (OQE) will warn and if that will force a discounted placing. Methinks it will. I then look at the rioles of brokers (does research mean anything)? and Nomads (rules on quitting) in general and specifically in relation to Versarien (FRAUD). Then I discussa crazed TW hater and Optibiotix (OPTI) and how ultimately all comment on a company cannot determine its real value. In that vein I also look at Novacyt (NCYT) before finally looking at the worthless joke that is Conroy Gold and Natural Resources (CGNR). And I announce a fifth rogue blogger, Praise the Lord. Please donate something to the Woodlarks appeal HERE


1709 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Cambridge, 14 March, £83, Lingerie on Expenses - She's back! Bargain!

hey what better way to mark International Women’s day than to hear an overpaid BBC nobody interview someone who  says she is “ A self-confessed believer in the human spirit, she is ‘ridiculously and overwhelmingly happy with the opportunities that she has to develop and how she can play into the amazing world that we live in.” Yup, you know who is back. Elsewhere in this podcast I discuss Versarien (VRS), whose Nomad DID resign, ValiRx (VAL), Sound Energy (SOU), Petra Diamonds (PDL), Novacyt (NCYT), Nostra Terra (NTOG) and Laura Ashley (ALY). I also ask you to be generous and give to a great cause today HERE


1709 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: If you cannot be Sirius at least be up front with those who have lost millions

In this podcast from the Welsh Hovel as it is battered by Storm Dennis I discuss Nostra Terra (NTOG) ahead of a podcast with former site editor Flip Flop Ben Turney on Monday, Gervais Williams and his rile in this sorry tale and his problems and the fate of Sirius Minerals (SXX) and why certain tedious establishment suits need to start being honest with folks who have lost millions.


1709 days ago

Are you a Bidstack owning moron seeking the company of like minded morons?

Tired of Bulletin Boards where, just now and again, someone dares to point out inconvenient truths like the fact that CEO James Draper is a liar and the fact that the company needs a bailout placing within months? Would you rather discuss with like minded souls whether you will invest your Bidstack (BIDS) derived millions in a fleet of Porsches orf a fleet of Ferraris? Fear not! Here is the answer, a bear free paradise for you and your fellow morons to tell lies to each other and say how wonderful the latest podcast with Justin the Clown Waite was.  Fear not, bears will not be permitted to join and spoil your paradise. Fabbo.Hat tip BC.


1709 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Sosandar placing, you were warned but for some folk it will be a shock and is enough to turn a man to drink

In today’s podcast I look at the shocking behaviour of Sosandar (SOS) and at the even more shocking behaviour of some shareholders in Novacyt (NCYT), shares in which are grotesquely overvalued. I also look at Zoetic (ZOE) where my predictions have come to pass, and at United Carpets (UCG) which should, IMHO, delist from AIM pronto.


1709 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Rejoice, Rejoice, Rejoice!

This podcast is dedicated to all those trolls who have given me and my family such grief over certain stocks. I discuss Indaba and crony capitalists and a bloke who did the wrong course at Oxford. I look at Versarien (FRAUD), NMC Health (NMC), Bidstack (BIDS), Intu (INTU) and Nakama (NAK).


1717 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I know of no reason for the share price decline. Really? You is 'avin' a Turkish

In today’s podcast I look at Victoria Oil & Gas (VOG), NMC Health (NMC) & Muddy Waters, Versarien (VRS), i3 Energy (i3E) & G3 Exploration (G3E). Have a good weekend and give a few quid to a good cause HERE!


1717 days ago

Video: The trend tells me that gold is going to make an all time high

Analyst John Roque argues that any important move in an asset class should have a long-base setup. Gold has built up an impressive base over several years, and this strongly suggests that it can push past its 2011 highs.


1717 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: the 7 stages of bulletin board madness & grief - ref the fraud at Versarien

Yes i am calling out Versarien (VRS) for fraud and explain why. Feel free to take legal action Neill Ricketts, I shall see you bitchez in court and triumph. The meat of this podcast looks at the seven stages of madness and gref in the life of a Bulletin Board thread covering a Norfolk, with Versarien as my case study. Enjoy.


1721 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Playing the Chris Akers game & another Versarien question for Bobbie Hilliam of Quindell infamy

In today’s podcast, interrupted by the pest Lucian, I look at Chris Akers and what he knows about Dev Clever (DEV), at Versarien (VRS) and an RNS from February 2017 which I urge its hapless Nomad Bobbie Hilliam at Canaccord to consider carefully as his client runs out of money again, at Andalas (ADL), Eurasia (EUA) and Tesla (TSLA). I consider the woes of Bidstack (BIDS) and a company with even less money, the curious trading statement from Zoetic (ZOE) and then do the maths, again, on UK Oil & Gas (UKOG).


1722 days ago

FREE Podcast: ShareProphets Radio Edition 24 with Tom Winnifrith and the Dark Destroyer Matt Earl

My guest in this week’s show which is sponsored by Open Orphan PLC (ORPH) is my old pal, the Dark Destroyer Matt Earl. We discuss how a bear can make money in this market, Tesla (TSLA), NMC Health (NMC), Finablr (FIN), Burford (BUR), IQE (IQE) and in real detail Mark Slater, Sam Antar and Future (FUTR) in the wake of Matt’s bombshell dossier of last week. If you like this podcast and can’t wait seven days for more of the same and are tired of being a cheapskate you should listen to my Bearcast every day.


1725 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - It is Brexit Day!

45 years of family pain comes to an end at 11 PM tonight. But the Mrs has hidden the EU flags i was going to burn. I shall make one out of paper for my bonfire. Pictures later. In today’s podcast I also look at French Connection (FCCN), Toople (TOOP) and Oracle (ORCP)


1728 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - My Slimbiome arrives this afternoon

In today’s podcast I discuss Optibiotix (OPTI), how the critics have moved the goalposts and the ghastly Daily Mail. I also look at Big Dish (DISH) where ennui is setting in, at misleading interims from the worthless cur that is Plutus Powergen (PPG), at serial confetti issuer Zenith Energy (ZEN) and then at Eurasia Mining (EUA) where, after this post, I should say Optiva is now denying it is doing a placing. But frankly, it’s still a matter of when not if.


1741 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Now another CEO wants my critical voice silenced

In today’s podcast I discuss Mark Slater, his pay and his views on the pay of others. I look at a row between Justin the Clown and Gary Newman. Suffice to say the Clown is acting like a total tit and is 100% wrong. I discuss Kier (KIE), something missing in the Sheikh on the Make scandal at Oracle Coalfields (ORCP) – not just brain cells in the case of those buying the shares, and at Plutus Powergen (PPG) and its free speech-denying boss.


1743 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: its all about cash cash cash you fecking morons

In today’s podcast I discuss four companies: Shareprophets Ltd which is not insolvent (whatever the morons say), Lekoil (LEK) which might be, Eden Research (EDEN) which could be and should be and Telit (TCM) which is not but is still grossly overvalued.


1750 days ago

FREE Podcast: ShareProphets Radio Edition 22 with Tom Winnifrith on the subject of lying from the Daily Mail to five cited CEOs

There are no guests in this week’s show which is sponsored by Open Orphan PLC (ORPH). It is just me once again sitting in the Welsh Hovel. As I note in the podcast the reason why I think Open Orphan is such a good company with undervalued shares is explained HERE. In part one I look at corporate lying citing a number of different examples and why some lies matter more than others, some are red flags but not killers others are investment case killers.  Then I offer up a number of macro reasons to be very cautious on all asset classes this year. Do not believe the idea that Bojo will usher in the roaring twenties. He got my vote but that is tosh..If you like this podcast and can’t wait seven days for more of the same and are tired of being a cheapskate you should listen to my Bearcast every day.


1752 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the disastrous news about Cheryl Cole, my own "lazy" journalism and entering the raging Hurricane Energy row

I start and end the podcast defending the editorial style and approach of this website, based as it is on free speech and on nailing crooks, from two seperate attacks. In between I enter the raging Hurricane Energy (HUR( battle with my own, balanced and detailed, thoughts and comment en passant on the big news today: Malcolm Stacey’s severe case of  #TrumpDerangementSyndrome and the real shocker, the terrible news about Cheryl Cole. 


1755 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Could Sound Energy go to zero? With James Parsons still pulling the strings anything is possible

In today’s podcast I start with a bit of abuse for the welfare junkies of the Greece of the North as they enjoy yet another day of idleness. Then I look at G3 Energy (G3E), Nostra Terra Oil & Gas (NTOG),  Sound Energy (SOU), Anglo African Oil & Gas (AAOG), Big Dish (DISH), RedX pharma (REDX) and Bidstack (BIDS)


1755 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: let's scrap all the rules for companies and allow outright lying

Firstly I hope you all have a good New Year’s Eve and wish you all, even NoGold and Roger Lawson, the best of luck for 2020. In the podcast I look at BigDish (DISH), Bidstack (BIDS) and Bango (BGO).


1758 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the scalp of 1 chairman claimed today now here are TWO More that I want ASAP and why

Thanks to Winnileaks I think the position of one of the two is now utterly untanable. The other is sunk by his own RNS. In today;s podcast I look at Iconic (ICON), Anglo African Oil & Gas (AAOG), Big Dish (DISH) and Silence Therapeutics (SLN). I also look at the FCA fine handed out to Kevin Gorman and suggest that David “Sam” Hutchins formerly of Global Resources Investment Trust (GRIT) deserves the same treatment for the reasons I exposed earlier in the year. 


1769 days ago

FREE Podcast: ShareProphets Radio Edition TWENTY ONE with Tom Winnifrith - what does it mean to generate cash, fake & real claims

There are no guests in this week’s show which is sponsored by Open Orphan PLC (ORPH). It is just me once again sitting in the Welsh Hovel as the flood waters rise. I start with a red flags special on Iconic Labs (ICON). The company is an irrelevant and wofrthless POS but the red flags are interesting. Then it is onto a company where I demonstyrated compelling red flags six years ago but I’ve had to be patient. Finally, using Fulham, Shore (FUL) as a case study I look in real detail at why claims that company’s generate positive operating cashflow can be so misleading and why this is so important.If you like this and can’t wait seven days for more of the same and are tired of being a cheapskate you should listen to my Bearcast every day.


1772 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Tin hat on time as the Morons and greedy City w*nkers are exposed again and don't like it

In today’s podcast I look at the lessons from the Oracle (ORCP) debacle, at gold miners and how M&A will destroy value over the next 24 months, at Kefi (KEFI), Ariana (AAU) and at long term AIM uber dog Sareum (SAR)


1772 days ago

Podcast with Rick Rule - this consolidation for gold tells me this market is extremely healthy

Rick Rule is the head honcho at Sprott, the world’s best known resource investor so knows his onions. He argues that the current pattern for gold, one of climbing the wall of fear, and then slowly lurching higher and backfilling is an excellent sign for this market.


1774 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: All about Bidstack, a stock that remains at least 90% overvalued

I am sorry to say that NoGold has not yet been in touch about the £50 he owes me. Shame, shame. In today’s podcast I look at Bidstack (BIDS), the lies, the dire warnming it is sitting on, the role of a house broker, the looming cash crisis and the joke valuation.


1774 days ago

Podcast - we are still at the beginning of a big bull market in gold

Analyst Ronald-Peter Stöeferle looks back at gold’s performance during 2019 and discusses how it operates as a seventh sense in the market. Gold is revealing issues and projecting an increase in recessionary and inflationary concerns. Both of these topics are quickly becoming contrarian perspectives as the Economist magazine recently noted in their Special Report that “We have reached the end of inflation.” Sentiment for gold remains negative despite gold reaching all-time highs against fifty currencies. All of this is indicating that we are still at the start of the bull market.


1774 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Has Justin the Clown's IPO been pulled & a funny thing happened on the way to the polling station

I start with me voting and the Mrs not being able to vote here in Wrexham earlier today. Then there are two reports I have had that the Vox markets IPO has been pulled, I wonder if Justin the Clown will mention this in his podcast or will he be too busy blowing off Neill Ricketts of Versarien (VRS) whose abject results I discuss. I look at IP Group (IPO), Purplebricks (PURP), Premier African Minerals (PREM) and Bidstack (BIDS) wondering if it will serve up its overdue warning after hours tonight? Finally there is a plea on behalf of my cats.


1777 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Bidstack shame for Justin the Clown as the coward stays silent & Ted Baker Told y'all

Will Bidstack (BIDS) be £1 at Christmas as Justin the Clown predicted or will it crash with a lack of sales & profits warning. We know it is the latter, Justin is not stupid, just tied in by a busted business model at Vox which I again challenge him to discuss with me in a podcast. So far it is silence from the cowardly clown. I look at Futura Medical (FUM), cue flopping willy jokes, Ted Baker (TED) where I told y’all what would happen and Mothercare (MTC), ditto


1779 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Timber at Tullow & it could get a lot worse, when's the Bidstack warning & a very cowardly clown

On today’s podcast I have to say that Justin the Clown is being a coward. Tweet him at @sharepickers (the boy does irony well) and tell him not to be such a chicken and do the podcast with me on whether the Vox Markets accounts he signed off on are a total joke and is his company a worthless POS I urge you to enter the Greek Hovel olive oil contest HERE - the deadline is midnight. Then I look at Bidstack (BIDS), Versarien (VRS), Tullow (TLW), Open Orphan (ORPH) and Integumen (SKIN).


1779 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: win 1/2 litre of Greek Hovel olive oil on election day & a personal challenge to Justin the Clown

On today’s podcast I discuss Brokerman Dan, the Tory canvasser and the half way house for heroin addicts. I issue a podcast challenge to Justin the Clown as I discuss the joke Vox IPO, I look at a pathetic deadwood press ramp for Woodford Patient Capital Trust (WPCT) and offer up another reason to shut down all open ended property funds. And i have a prize contest for election day, deadline to enter is Monday midnight.


1783 days ago

Podcast: I’m Still Bullish on Precious Metals & My Gold Target is $1800

Analyst David Hunter says that he is one of the more bullish analysts on the street for gold. Gold reached $1560 this year and is nearly finished a consolidation phase. A further rally could happen soon, and he has raised his targets for gold to $1800 and $26 for silver.


1796 days ago

Podcast: Gold is an Attractive Asset for Today's Monetary Environment

Analyst David Wilson thinks gold is going to continue to run.


1796 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Plutus Powergen commits market abuse AGAIN as it goes down the pan

In today’s podcast I look at the British Journalism Awards and Neil Woodford ( no shocks here folks), Union Jack Oil (UJO) and that planned placing, Tissue Regenix (TRX) as the FD walks, FastForward Innovations (FFWD), and at Plutus Powergen (PPG) , dire news and surely looming insolvency and yet more evidence of not gviving a flying wotsit about stockmarket rules.


1800 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I apologise you might not be morons you might be criminals instead

In today’s podcast I look at Brady (BRY), Westminster Group (WSG) the dog run by disgraced former Tory MP Tony Baldry of 3DM infamy, Inspirit (INSP), Koovs (KOOV), Neil Woodford dog Verseon VERS) where it must surely be almost lights out time and at IQE (IQE).


1800 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: That Brokerman Dan can talk complete nonsense

In today’s podcast I start with Brokerman Dan on rising flood levels and global warming then it is onto The Daily Mail, Scottish Widows and sheer bollocks on the Gender Pay Gap. Then a look at the General Election polling and what it means for shares. Finally a look at Riverfort Global (RGO). You may hate what it does now but it is sustainable and the shares are bloody cheap.


1800 days ago

FREE Podcast: ShareProphets Radio Edition EIGHTEEN with Tom Winnifrith: stick another bird on the board to cover up that fraud

There are no guests in this week’s show which is sponsored by Open Orphan PLC (ORPH). It is just me and I start with the tale of Lyin’ Chris Cleverley, the lying fraudster cousin of Tory Party chairman James. Lyin’ Chris runs listed companies and there is no doubt he is a liar and a fraudster so why has the FCA not acted? Then it is onto PureCircle (PURE) a billion dollar fraud, where after six years, myself and Lucian Miers are utterly vindicated. I invite you to read its 2018 annual report and despair at the woke world of best practice in corporate governance. If you like this and can’t wait seven days for more of the same and are tired of being a cheapskate you should listen to my Bearcast every day.


1803 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Lucky Lord Lucan don't bludgeon the Angus share price to death, it's time to 'fess up

In today’s podcast I look at two utterly absurd proposals from Labour on broadband and on Inheritance Tax. Insanity. I also warn No Gold that he better get his £50 ready for me on December 13. Then I look at Angus Energy (ANGS), Optibiotix (OPTI), Neil Woodford disasters Kier (KIE), Eddie Stobart Logistics (ESL) and Non-Standard Finance (NSF). Then at Veltyco (VLTY) which is clearly insolvent. 95p to 1.5p in two years, thank God it had a female CEO to demonstrate the benefits of boardroom diversity for some of that period. Incidentally that CEO Ms. Blau earned 220,000 Euro for just seven months work so did a great job of closing the #GenderPayGap.  Rejoice! Rejoice!


1803 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I really am going to have to go to the FRC about this one

In today’s podcast I look at PureCircle (PURE), the roll call of shame and who should be publicly executed. I also look at Dev Clever (DEV), Tissue Regenix (TRX) and, once again, at Blackmore Bond a mini bond car crash which appears imminent and is another part of what will be one of the biggest financial scandals for years.


1807 days ago

FREE Podcast: ShareProphets Radio Edition SEVENTEEN with Tom Winnifrith: why only mugs invest in junior mining & oil stocks

There are no guests in this week’s show which is sponsored by Open Orphan PLC (ORPH). It is just me and I start with a phone call from a young man urging me to buy a cannabis stock. Then I look at why you are bound to lose money in junior mining and hydrocarbon plays. Finally I discuss the Golden Rule of Investing: Don’t buy shares that are almost certain to go down. If you like this and can’t wait seven days for more of the same and are tired of being a cheapskate you should listen to my Bearcast every day.


1807 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the stupidity of investors, ref Sirius and Brady

In today’s podcast I consider the view that the Tories are certain to win thanks to the partial withdrawal from the General Election fray of the Brexit Party. I look at Brady (BRY), Sirius (SXX), Infrastrata (INFA), Iconic (ICON), Tissue Regenix (TRX), Mereo Pharma (MPH) and Eco Animal Healthcare (EAH) which might just offer some value now.


1807 days ago

Podcast: A Financial crisis is on the way and will push gold much higher

Analyst Sam Laasko says that 2015 was the bottom of the bear market for gold, and he doubts that we will ever see those levels again. Gold may retest the 2016 highs over the next month and then head higher by the end of this year.


1813 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Forgive me while I point out how fecking clever I am - ref Defenx

On today’s podcast I look at Defenx (DFX), Big Dish (DISH), ask whether Mothercare (MTC) is heading for 0p, comment on  Versarien (VRS), Kier (KIE), Petra Diamonds (PDL), Egdon Resources and other UK onshore oilers, frackers or not and at Woodford Patient Capital Trust (WPCT)


1814 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's Bearcast: The shit at GRIT, Andrew Bell talks bollocks and why Funding Circle is a zero

In today’s podcast I discuss Global Resources Investment Trust (GRIT), Red Rock Resources (RRR) and Funding Circle (FCH). Warning this podcast contains some strong language.


1817 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: ref the photo below, questions, questions & more questions for Versarien

In today’s podcast I look at the news for Neil Woodford dog Xeros (XSG) and what it says about the company, its new Nomad and Broker FinnCap (FCAP) and about the hapless auditors at Grant Thornton Leeds. Then with reference to the photo below it is questions, questions, questions for shameless share ramper Neill Ricketts and Versarien (VRS)


1817 days ago

FREE Podcast: ShareProphets Radio Edition SIXTEEN with Tom Winnifrith: 5 companies that have lied to or misled investors & on a repented sinner, what was he to do?

There are no guests in this week’s show which is sponsored by Open Orphan PLC (ORPH). It is just me and I start with yet more repentance from me. Sorry if this is boring and repetitive but some folks just dont seem to get it. Then onto what the General Election means for investors. Finally a look at 5 companies which have lied/misled by act or ommission or just committed plain fraud and the common thread that links them all, well nearly all. If you like this and can’t wait seven days for more of the same and are tired of being a cheapskate you should listen to my Bearcast every day.


1817 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Rejoice! Rejoice! Fat Yob Mike Ashley and George Soros both lose millions today

In today’s podcast I look at Crest Nicholson (CRST), pox on AIM St James House (SJH), Cyancannode (CYAN), Yourgene (YGEN) and shocking share options, Big Sofa (BST) Goals Soccer Centres and Carpetright (CPR). Blame Brokerman Dan for this podcast being late and for me being a dirty and smelly wreck as I explain in the show.


1831 days ago

FREE Podcast: ShareProphets Radio Edition FOURTEEN with Tom Winnifrith: The A to Z of the Rise and fall of Neil Woodford

There are  no guests in this  week’s show which is sponsored by Open Orphan PLC (ORPH). it is just me, at the end of a momentous day in the world of financial services. First up I discuss Thomas Cook (TCG) and grandstanding by limp dick MPs, executive greed, the failings of NEDs and fund managers and the heroin that is debt. Then the vast bulk of the show is devoted to Neil Woodford. What went right and what went wrong and why? Why the FCA is cuplable and why Woodford should go to jail. What were the warning signs everyone bar this website ignored? Who else is to blame? Why Hargreaves Lansdown (HL.) must be broken up. What will happen to each of the 3 vehicles Woodford was fired from or quit yesterday and how much cash investors wil get back.If you like this and can’t wait seven days for more of the same  and are tired of being a cheapskate you should listen to my Bearcast every day.


1835 days ago

A second letter to AIM Regulation re Bidstack PLC – where is the formal lack of profits warning?

I have already written to AIM Regulation and the FCA about Bidstack PLC (BIDS) about the way its CEO James Draper materially misled investors in a podcast with Justin the Clown on August 8 2019 with regard to half calendar year results.  I trust that action will be taken. But I now have cause to write again on the matter of the full year lack of profits warning the company should be issuing and is not. The letter follows.

Ref Bidstack PLC and a profits warning it is failing to issue

To AIM Regulation:
cc Mark Brady, Nomad at Spark


1840 days ago

FREE Podcast: ShareProphets Radio Edition THIRTEEN with Tom Winnifrith, Chris Bailey and the legendary Gabriel Grego

There are two guests in this week’s show, First up I discuss the clown who runs Sirius Minerals (SXX). Then I welcome Chris Bailey. We discuss where value lies in the market and has the mood music changed, SIG (SHI),  Metro Bank (MTRO), Funding Circle (FCH), the crazy share price of Diageo (DGE) and much more. Then my second guest is the legendary bear raider Gabriel Grego of Globo and Folli Follie Fame. We discuss his latest triumph Bio-On and much more. If you like this and can’t wait seven days for more of the same  and are tired of being a cheapskate you should listen to my Bearcast every day.


1842 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I've got more chance of getting lucky with Cheryl Cole than Bidstack has of meeting forecasts

In today’s podcast I discuss the ominous silence from Brady (BRY), dare to disagree with Chris “three brains” Bailey on SIG (SHI), look at Bidstack (BIDS) and consider the, incomplete, Q3 trading statement from Audioboom (BOOM), pondering when its next bailout placing will be.


1844 days ago

FREE Podcast: ShareProphets Radio Edition TWELVE with Tom Winnifrith, Kirsty Fuller of Big Sofa, Adam Reynolds a cat and a rat

There are two guests in this week’s show, First up I discuss recent events at Bahamas Petroleum (BPC). then I discuss sexism in the City and Big Sofa (BST) with its boss Kirsty Fuller. Then it is on to Adam Reynolds where we cover Sosandar (SOS), Optibiotix (OPTI), Big Sofa (BST), Yourgene (YGEN) and Concepta (CPT). It is during this segment that the cat and the rat feature.  If you like this and can’t wait seven days for more of the same you should listen to my Bearcast every day.


1849 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I'm a b*stard they say but I'm happy to explain simple accounting terms to Neil Woodford

In today’s podcast I discuss Brady (BRY), Mobile Streams (MOS), Woodford Patient Capital Trust (WPCT) and its financially illiterate advisor Nomates,  Sirius (SXX0 and Bahamas Petroleum (BPC)


1849 days ago

FREE Podcast: ShareProphets Radio Edition ELEVEN with Tom Winnifrith and Andrew Bell of the Brexit Party and Red Rock Resources

Just one guest in this week’s show, Andrew Bell of Red Rock Resources (RRR) and The Brexit Party. we discuss UK politics, gold, AIM’s woes and Red Rock. Before Bell I look at recent bond flops and the looming liquidity crisis. After Bell I look at share options with reference to Falanx (FLX) where we shareholders have been kicked in the goands. If you like this and can’t wait seven days for more of the same you should listen to my Bearcast every day.


1849 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I'm cancelling my sub because you are so horrid to Versarien

In today’s podcast I look at the ludicrous idea of Tax Justice UK and Oxfam for a new wealth tax like the Spanish one. Whatever. Then I look at Intu (INTU) and finally at Versarien (VRS).


1849 days ago

Podcast: gold & silver bull market still has a long way to run

Investor and fund manager Matt Geiger starts with a discussion of the nickel market and its performance over the past year. The long-term demand picture looks good as E.V. adoption rates continue to grow, and Matt suggests that lithium-ion batteries should instead be called nickel-ion batteries. He thinks the market will embrace the improving nickel narrative.


1849 days ago

Podcast: Monetary Policy Will be the Main Driver for a Higher Gold Price

Entrepreneur Ian Ball warns ( don’t we all know it) that it’s hard to create value in junior mining today, and there are a lot of headwinds even with the increase in the gold price. Permits are difficult to obtain and usually take longer. Junior miners need to be able to generate cash in a down market and ride it out without having to issue equity. But…


1850 days ago

Podcast: The value proposition for uranium is stronger than ever

Enrepreneur Jordan Trimble says the recent market pull-back has only improved the fundamentals for uranium. The sell-off is good for the sector as it has created a near term opportunity that investors should be watching


1858 days ago

Podcast: The data shows us that uranium is heading much higher

Analyst and entrepreneur Brandon Munro discusses the improving tone of the uranium industry that he is seeing while attending the London World Nuclear Association Symposium. Russia’s export program has an improved order book, and US regulators are working hard on initiatives to support their industry. China and India are resuming their reactor build programs by both announcing new reactor plans. There is a strong sense of anticipation throughout the industry.


1858 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: which thick fecks are buying shares in Thomas Cook?

The Independent Newspaper thinks that I and 17.4 million others need a better education. Does anyone read that rag anymore? In today’s podcast I look at Neil Woodford’s Woodford Patient Capital Trust (WPCT), notably its holdings in Autolus and Purplebricks (PURP) in light of data out today, Eve Group (EVE), Nigel Wray’s Simba, Thomas Cook (TCG), i3 Energy (i3E) and Iconic Labs (ICON). 


1858 days ago

Podcast: Precious Metals offer tremendous value for investors as worlds heads for recession

Analyst Tavi Costa sees the current business cycle as being almost over and is waiting on an overall downturn in equities. Two-year yields reveal that we are near the top of the cycle. In the US, manufacturing reports are trending lower, and non-farm payrolls have had a sizeable downward reversion. 90% of the yield curves in Canada have already inverted, and many other countries are similar.


1864 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: It is not the article about the man with the 10 inch cock that matters

Warning: Do not play this bearcast in front of children or folks of a sensitive disposition. In the podcast I reflect on why the Welsh Hovel is currently like Hell on Christmas Eve. I cover the exact role of the house broker on the AIM Casino, i3 Energy (i3E), Quindell (QPP), Providence Resources (PVR), RiverFort Global (RGO) and Iconic Labs (ICON).


1864 days ago

Podcast: Jamie Strauss - the recent move in gold tells me we are in a new bull market

Gold runs in the veins of veteran financier Jamie Strauss, one of the biggest names in the London mining scene. Jamie argues that the commodity sector is steadily advancing and beginning to take advantage of machine learning and automation. Also, the financing of projects now requires a lot more due diligence as sophisticated investors and streaming companies require it. All of these changes are making the sector very exciting.


1864 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: a statistic that damns the AIM Casino as the failure it is

Fake Sheriff of AIM Marcus Stuttard and colleagues what a shit-showeryou preside over. Thanks to Adept Technology (ADT) we have a stat that damns you. I discuss this, the comedy/tragedy that is Providence Resources (PVR)/ Lansdowne Oil & Gas (LOGP) and their Chinese pals. I look at IP Group (IPO), its results, its balance sheet and its association with the stench of Neil Woodford. Apologies to the fragrant Lizard for my words. And I chat about chatting to Carson Block of Muddy Waters about Burford (BUR) and other matters.To get the Carson Block podcast downloaded to your phone register HERE


1870 days ago

FREE Podcast: ShareProphets Radio Edition EIGHT with Tom Winnifrith, Frisby, Bramhill & Friel

In this eighth edition of the ShareProphets Radio podcast, sponsored by Yorkville Advisors, in order I discuss my guest next week (the biggest name yet on the show) and Burford (BUR) and the more genberal issue of revenue recognition. I then chat for about an hour to liberatrian comedian, songwriter and singer, Brexit Party activist, gold & bitcoin guru Dominic Frisby. Prepare for a few laughs.  Then it is Cathal Friel of Open Orphan (ORPH), where I am a shareholder, and finally David Bramhill of Union Jack Oil (UJO). After that section I discuss nearology with reference to Union Jack, UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) and more generally.  If you like this and can’t wait seven days for more of the same you should listen to my Bearcast every day.


1871 days ago

Podcast: Smaller Explorers Will Provide Multiple Returns in this Gold Market

Entrepreneur and author Nick Germain feels that the cannabis and crypto markets have drawn some interest from new investors. There is a bit of an uphill battle with attracting young investors to invest in resources, but that may improve.


1871 days ago

Podcast: More upside still to come in gold and silver

Technical analyst JC Parets has been bullish for the last year on precious metals, and a part of his thesis was a call for a weaker dollar. However, the dollar index has been flat while gold and silver have shown a great deal of relative strength. If the dollar weakens, that would likely boost the uptrend in metals while if it strengthens that may weaken gold.


1875 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The stench of Neil Woodford makes IP Group uninvestable whatever Jefferies says

In today’s podcast I look at Mobile Streams (MOS), Xeros Group (XSG), what causes Neil Woodford to call it a day and how the stench of his activites makes IP Group (IPO) uninvestable at any price whatever broker Jefferies says in a note today.


1875 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: with respect Liberum you are talking cock

In today’s podcast I start with a couple of reflections on the joys of modern life involving Andrew Monk of VSA, cannabis and the tossers at Barclays Bank (BARC). I look at Burford (BUR), Falanx (FLX), IQE (IQE), Xaar (XAR), Providence Resources (PVR) and Lansdowne Oil & Gas (LOGP). I forgot to mention Restaurant Group (RTN) but Chris “Three Brains” Bailey, again, covers it very well HERE and he is right. It is a slam dunk sell. Lucian Miers reckons it might just be a zero.


1877 days ago

Podcast: The gold stocks are only just getting started

Fund Manager John Newell discusses how historically gold will often go through long periods of sideways action and then breakout fairly rapidly once overhead resistance is overcome. Eventually, there is a waterfall decline, and then the cycle tends to repeat. Today there is little overhead resistance left in gold.


1877 days ago

Podcast: The 1 technical analyst we rate, Jordan Roy Byrne sees gold going to $1700 short term

He is the one chartist we rate and he is clearly still bullish on gold and precious metals. In his latest podcast with Palisade Capital the great Jordan gives us an overview of the latest COT results. The Net spec position is currently at an extreme.  He cautions that gold may keep running up in spite of the COT spec positions.


1878 days ago

Podcast: Rick Rule - big institutions are positioning themselves for a gold bull market

Rick Rule of Sprott Asset Management, the world’s best knowm resource investors, cut his teeth in a bull market a time when anyone can look like an expert!


1878 days ago

Podcast: Massive six year base will lead to higher move in gold - $1800 on the cards

Technical analyst Louise Yamada makes the observation that twenty years ago there were more stocks on the market than today. This is due primarily to companies buying back shares. Recently companies have cut back on buying back shares but that is a significant reason for the market moves over the past decade.


1878 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: First Derivatives tells me to take down (legitimate) articles so instead here are some explosive court filings from the US

FTI Consulting, PR for First Derivatives (FDP), wants me to take down legititmate articles asking legitimate questions. If Roger Lawson had his way I’d have to take them down. Luckily the ShareSoc supremo can’t gag a free press so instead I publish some more, explosive, court documents about First Derivatives in full, below and in this podcast I explain why they matter. 


1886 days ago

FREE Podcast: ShareProphets Radio Edition SIX with Tom Winnifrith, Harry Adams of Kefi, resources guru Gary Newman and the world of PC mattresses

In this sixth edition of the ShareProphets Radio podcast sponsored by Riverfort Global Capital, this week, in order I discuss PC nonsense in the world of matresses and also the folly of Nigel Wray and Neil Woodford in this sector, I give Harry Adams of Kefi (KEFI) a right old grilling, I look at the pointless ramping of AIM rubbish via other podcasts and paid for research and then discuss all things resources & other matters with guru Gary Newman. If you like this and can’t wait seven days for more of the same you should listen to my Bearcast every day.


1887 days ago

Podcast: Billionaire Investor Frank Giustra says Biggest Gold Bull Market of All Time Starting Now

In media and in mining Frank Giustra has a Midas touch. He believes that we are on the third and final phase of the gold boom cycle that started back in 2001, and the next cycle will be the largest of these moves.


1891 days ago

Podcast: We have a long way to go in this gold bull market - to $2700 oz

Analyst Chantelle Schieven says, “When no one wants to talk to you about gold, you know you’re at the bottom of the bear market.” When investors are attracted to other assets, then gold often gets overlooked. Gold is now becoming noticed again, and we see the change in the public interest.


1891 days ago

Podcast: We Are at the Beginning of a Three Year Up Cycle for Gold

Technical Analyst ( I know, groan) Tim Ord says he studies long-term market cycles, and there are 8 and 16-year cycles within precious metals. These cycles picked up the 2000 low and the 1987 low. Currently, both cycles are headed up and show a possible top around 2022-2023. That will likely be the next major point where gold consolidates. The trend is definitely upwards, and we will most likely test and possibly break all-time highs. He expects a powerful rally over a one to two-year time frame.


1891 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Time to fecking panic? If you hold shite yes! Time to write to Burford's Nomad, AIM Regulation etc

A bit better, only 1 coughing fit in 25 minutes. Thanks for all your best wishes. In today’s podcast I discuss the threat of recession and what it means for your portfolio, a grilling for ‘Arry of Kefi (KEFI) for you to take part in, all things Burford (BUR) with references to Avanti (AVN) and Quindell (QPP) and why I’m writing to the Nomad and AIM Regulation this weekend and Corero (CNS) which is a true shocker in every respect. We did warn y’all!


1896 days ago

FREE Podcast: ShareProphets Radio Edition FIVE with Tom Winnifrith and a saint and a sinner

In this fifth edition of the ShareProphets Radio podcast sponsored by Riverfort Global Capital, this week, in order I discuss the morality of short selling or writing bearish articles, I interview a saint ( well in stockmarket terms) Malcolm Stacey who though a moral man is highly opininiated and has a tip or two, then I discuss Burford (BUR) then it is part two of the Sam Antar interview in which the king of the fraudsters looks at today’s fraudsters, Elon Musk & Tesla, AliBaba, we cover Burford and useless accountants and so much more. Enjoy. If you like this and can’t wait seven days for more of the same you should listen to my Bearcast every day.


1900 days ago

NEW FREE Podcast: ShareProphets Radio Edition FOUR with Tom Winnifrith (and the king of the fraudsters)

In this fourth edition of the ShareProphets Radio podcast sponsored by Riverfort Global Capital, this week, in order I discuss bad convertible loan/death spiral funding looking at the recent RNS from Kefi (KEFI), I interview David Bramhill of Union Jack Oil (UJO) and then bring you part one of two part interview with the greatest living and funniest fraudster Sam Antar of Crazy Eddie’s infamy. Enjoy. If you like this and can’t wait seven days for more of the same you should listen to my Bearcast every day.


1902 days ago

Podcast:Big Base Breakout for Gold is Here

Analyst David Keller argues that as humans, we want certainty in our decision making and investors like to believe that experts exist that know what will happen. In reality, this is not likely to be the case. Investors and experts tend to be wrong around half of the time. The game is to recognize when you have an incorrect position. Most people take a position and then worry about the risks when things start going wrong.


1906 days ago

FREE Podcast: ShareProphets Radio Edition THREE with Tom Winnifrith

In this third edition of the ShareProphets Radio podcast sponsored by Riverfort Global Capital, this week, in order I discuss the political threats to the UK stockmarket, interview the UK’s best known chartist Zak Mir and then discuss all things Versarien (VRS), the most overpromoted stock on AIM,  with bear raider Lucian Miers. Enjoy. If you like this and can’t wait seven days for more of the same you should listen to my Bearcast every day.


1906 days ago

Podcast: Gold is Going Higher, We are in Another Bull Market

Libertarian author Doug Casey ikes to look for the general market trend and remains not only a gold bug but today a gold bull. He feels there is a lot of upsides since all of the currencies of the world are just floating abstractions issued by bankrupt governments for political purposes.


1913 days ago

FREE Podcast: ShareProphets Radio Edition TWO with Tom Winnifrith

Once again, please excuse my croaky voice. In this second edition of the ShareProphets Radio podcast sponsored by Riverfort Global Capital, this week, in order I discuss the cowardice of a well known AIM CEO, interview bear raider Lucian Miers on a wide range of subjects including Tesla, Neil Woodford and WPCT, IQE, Purplebricks, UK Oil & Gas, Thomas Cook and cannabis, I then interview value blue chip investor Chris Bailey on, inter alia, Tesla, EasyJet, Imperial Brands, Woodford, Burberry, Dignity, and St James Place. Enjoy. If you like this and can’t wait seven days for more of the same you should listen to my Bearcast every day.


1914 days ago

Podcast: I Think Gold will Eventually go to $5000

In this podcast fund manager Brent Johnson  argues that Gold’s recent breakout is significant, but he thinks that we will revisit $1380 once more. When we bounce off that level, the bear market will likely be over. He recommends everyone own some gold but cautions that doesn’t mean it will pay off in the short term. People should own gold as insurance against the hubris of governments and bankers. 


1914 days ago

Podcast: I'm calling for $1500 gold and $26 silver and shares to crash next year

Analyst David Hunter is sticking to his target of $1550-$1600 for gold, which he predicts will be reached around early September. For silver, he feels that $26 is still a definite possibility. He says, “When people become more interested in gold silver will head higher. Silver usually underperforms on the downward moves in gold and outperforms when gold rallies.”


1914 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: A car crash occurs as I prepare to bite my lip

My liver survived the visit of Jono relatively unscathed, today I have new guests and will be biting my lip hard. Ahead of their arrival I discuss Aston Martin (AML), Kier (KIE), Westminster Group (WSG) and Dev Clever (DEV). If you have a spare couple of hours later I urge you to listen to my free weekly podcast which is most excellent and can be found HERE


1919 days ago

FREE Podcast: ShareProphets Radio Edition 1 with Tom Winnifrith

Excuse my croaky voice. In this inaugural edition of the ShareProphets Radio podcast sponsored by Riverfort Global Capital, this week, in order I discuss the pot bubble, interview Nigel Somerville on Neil Woodford, flag up my next 3 FRC PLC victims, interview outspoken broker Andrew Monk, discuss why CSR is a waste of cash and interview Steve O’Hara of Optibiotix (OPTI). Enjoy. If you like this and can’t wait seven days for more of the same you should listen to my Bearcast every day.


1928 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Some Bulletin Board Morons are just so fecking moronic

In today’s podcast I cover Dev Clever (DEV), Yourgene (YGEN), Anglo African Oil & Gas (AAOG), Grand Vision Media (GVMH), Thomas Cook (TCG) and the bastard who sent me a lawyers letter as I carried my Uncle’s Coffin.


1942 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Olaf turns 18, Chris Oil turns his portfolio and Boris turns to sordid bribery

In this podcast I reflect on the birth of my daughter Olaf (Olivia) at just 26 weeks, weighing 1lb 4 oz all those years ago as she turns 18 today. I look at Boris Johnson’s proposed stamp duty bribe and why it is wrong at every level. I answer the questions I raised yesterday, about Chris Oil’s share trading in Union Jack Oil (UJO) and I discuss the “news” (it won’;t be to you dear listeners!) that Neil Woodford’s Equity Income Fund is being gated for a lot longer than the first announced 28 days.


1942 days ago

Podcast: We are in a Gold Bull Market that may well last 20 Years

As the only technical analyst with any credibility at all, we listen to Jordan Roy-Byrne. Jordan is not sure how long thislatest bull move in gold will last, but it could be a big one that lasts at least the next six months to a year. 


1952 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the debt markets are screaming out that Thomas Cook shares are toast

Sorry for the late podcast but I have spent most of the day renovating another room in the Welsh Hovel. I may post some pictures later but it is far more entertaining than even writing about Neil Woodford’s woes or Julie Meyer’s lingerie. In today’s podcast I look at Thomas Cook (TCG), Audioboom (BOOM), Kier (KIE), Staffline (STAF), Dev Clever (DEV) and the Woodford Patient Capital Trust (WPCT), where, of course, I remain a loyal shareholder. Ho. ho. ho.


1984 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Advice for Andrew Monk on how to be a spiv

I start with a comment on the amazing generosity of one person donating more than £11,000 to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks yesterday. It was not Neil Woodford though I did ask. Anyhow: to the 75% of you yet to donate think of me this weekend on a) my last training walk ahead of 33 miles next weekend and b) entertaining a visiting mother in law. As you think of my weekend, please donate HERE. In the podcast I discuss Woodford’s latest bad news, Maistro (MAIS), Blur as was, UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) and Staffline (STAF). I also offer advice to Andrew Monk on which 1 AIM stock he should buy today for his mother’s IHT Portfolio.


1989 days ago

Podcast: A New Uranium Bull Market is Approaching

We have a small exposure to Uranium via Berkeley Energia (BKY) but its shares are driven by the Spanish approval process more than the uranium price. But I can’t say i’d be averse to a bull market in yellowcake. 


1989 days ago

Tom Winnifrith & Joshua bearcast: A scoop on Eight Peaks where I reckon my co presenter is the ideal new CEO

Because i am such a fucking feminist I enjoy my 8th day of juggling full time parenthood and work. The net result is that my two year old son Joshua co-presents today’s podcast. I explain why he has the requisite skills to be the next CEO of Eight Peaks Group (8PG) where we have major revalations about how management have screwed shareholders this weekend. I also comment on Bidstack (BIDS), Purplebricks (PURP) and Surface Transforms (SCE). joshua is donating his presenter “fee” to a good cause, please follow his lead HERE


2013 days ago

Podcast: A Recovery for Uranium is Now Unfolding

We have a small exposure to Uranium via Berkeley Energia (BKY) but its shares are driven by the Spanish approval process more than the uranium price. But I can’t say i’d be averse to a bull market in yellowcake. 


2013 days ago

Podcast: The Uranium Bull Market Has Only Just Started

Entrepreneur Brandon Munro remembers the last uranium bull market and how much of it was focused around Australia. He says, “Paladin was an incredible ride in 2005 when it moved from four cents to two dollars.” That period was a wild intensely informative ride, and it taught him just how much leverage can come to uranium stocks.


2024 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Reviewing my portfolio

In this podcast I look at the  growing mini bond scandal as I flag up another ponzi waiting to collapse today HERE. Then I do a review of my own bull portfolio: Optibiotix (OPTI), Yourgene (YGEN), Concepta (CPT), Big Sofa (BST), Wishbone (WSBN), Kefi (KEFI), Reach4Entertainment (R4E), Falanx (FLX), Fox Marble (FOX), Berekely Energia (BKY) and Argo Blockchain (ARB). I did not mention Fox in the podcast so I'll do a seperate update later. Finally: why have you not joined the roll call of heros HERE? I say a few extra fucktards on that count.


2030 days ago

Podcast: Dominic Frisby: Bullish on Gold When It Breaks 1360

I accuse Dom Frisby of using a very old photo on this occassion. How do you plead Frizzers? This podcast with the great libertarian and gold guru is nothing if not wide-ranging.


2033 days ago

Podcast: a much higher gold price is coming

Copper has always been a favourite metal for geologist turned broker Barry Dawes, being the third largest metal in terms of consumption and continues its historical pattern of long term growth. China and Asia use an enormous amount of copper and shortages are developing. This should result in a boom in copper prices and then new exploration.


2034 days ago

Podcast: Now is a Pivotal Time for Gold Investors

Author Danielle DiMartino Booth argues that it is iimportant that people understand the way central bank policies affect their lives. Her recent book reveals how the Fed has lost its way due to creating monetary policy based on market patterns and politics instead of economic metrics. She argues that the Fed is increasingly becoming backed into a corner ever since the money printing of 2008 with the introduction of “Zero Interest Rate Policies” and “Quantitative Easing.” Now the Fed has again become dovish over seemingly small corrections occurring in the markets.


2040 days ago

Podcast: Junior Mining Stocks have bottomed out

Geologist and analyst Mickey Fulp feels the gold market has bottomed and that a new bull market is developing albeit slowly. Once the rally begins, he argues, it will quickly move the mining equities. They are positive on the price of gold, due to global economic outlook being weak, geopolitical risks like Brexit and Venezuela, as well as U.S. and China trade talks. Central banks continue to buy, and a dovish Federal Reserve will likely have one interest rate hike in 2019 are all bullish factors for gold.


2040 days ago

Tom Winnfrith Bearcast: Brexit bollocks, the real threats to the economy, Crest Nicholson's dividend and Charlie & Lola

Charlie & Lola let me down so sorry for the Joshua interruption today. In this podcast I discuss Brexit and the real threats to the UK economy and then look at Crest Nicholson (CRST), its dividend and, I think, illusory yield. If you enjoyed this, almost, profanity free bearcast, follow a bloke from the Grim North who donated enough to buy a whole house in the welfare safari and support the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE.


2040 days ago

Podcast: gold and silver WILL head to new highs

Fund Manager Lawrence Lepard argues that inflation is in the process of returning, and the Fed is losing credibility. More people realize that the money system itself is terrible. Unlimited credit is a temporary solution to regular markets, and the end-point of this process could be hyper-inflation. He believes investors will begin to chase gold as the broader markets are likely not headed to new highs. The technical picture for gold is looking good. Commodities are very cheap right now while stocks are almost certainly over-priced.


2050 days ago

Podcast: Uranium Will Continue to Climb Higher (as will zinc)

Banker Alex Molyneux argues that uranium is an attractive commodity that utilizes long-term contracts; however, that can result in pricing that doesn’t reflect the underlying product. Lately, uranium has been rising from mine closures, and due to the way, KazAtomProm and Cameco operate.


2054 days ago

Podcast: We are Back in a Bull Market for Gold

Economist David Rosenberg says that assessing commodity valuations is far more difficult than evaluating the bond or equity markets. Sentiment is important, but commodities each respond to different factors. For example, precious metals respond differently from industrial commodities which rely on global growth.


2055 days ago

Podcast: Commodities and gold Set to Move Much Higher

Veteran find manager David Brady believes gold will bottom and rally once the Fed reverses policies. Until now all we have seen is a verbal reversal, the Fed has not yet switched gears.


2061 days ago

Podcast: big moves (up) are coming for gold and silver

Analyst David Hunter notes that Gold and silver peaked in 2011, since then we’ve been in a long consolidation period. He is very bullish on gold, and he is calling for $1550 for gold and Silver to $26 by mid-year. The dollar is likely to roll-over soon, and he expects the US dollar index to decline to around 86.


2062 days ago

Podcast: Everybody Needs Some Exposure to Gold

Fund manager and commentator Jesse Felder argues that precious metals have become particularly hated. Looking at what is hated is a good way to find opportunities. Gold still brings a lot of skepticism even though the fundamentals are clearly suggesting the need to own it.


2063 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the FCA must be having kittens over Neil Woodford, if it was anyone else it would have moved in by now

I start today's podcast with an expansion on the themes in today's Tomograph, why I am so depressed about the currupt and rotten state of the West. I discuss Kenmare (KMR) and naked NEDs and then look at Neil Woodford with reference to today's IPO of Proton Partners (PPI). If this was any other fund manager the FCA would have moved in to replace him by now. If you enjoyed this podcast please support the EIGHT rogue bloggers for Woodlarks with a small donation HERE


2063 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: An official statement re Cheryl Cole and "imminent" action

Please remember that i do occassionally lapse into Parody thus while the first few minutes of this podcast concern the nation's sweetheart and most talented chanteuse, my real concern is the scandal at Blue Jay Mining (BYAY) unearthed by today's RNS. I cover the role of shamed promoter Old Mother Michael Walters, disgraced broker John Meyer of SP Angel of the Mysquar (MYSQ) fraud shame and of course the company itself. There should be a full investigation and heads need to roll after almost two and a half years of the market being misled. If you enjoyed this podcast please support the EIGHT rogue bloggers for Woodlarks with a small donation HERE


2063 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Liars, damned liars and AIM CEOs

In this bearcast I comment on Bluejay Mining (JAY) although my main commentary on it is in a seperate podcast HERE, Metals Exploration (MTL), and Nostra Terra (NTOG). I also look at Ted Baker (TED), TekCapital (TEK) and Alien Mining (UFO) with its new Nomad, London's worst, Roland "Fatty" Cornish.  If you enjoyed this podcast please support the EIGHT rogue bloggers for Woodlarks with a small donation HERE


2069 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: this podcast really is an aphrodisiac according to 1 listener (at least)

I cover the matter in the tiitle at the end of this podcast and also remind you that tomorrow is my first long training walk for the 33 mile Woodlarks trek in the summer where we now have EIGHT rogue bloggers signed up and where I ask each bearcast listener to think of me tomorrow and donate a tenner HERE.  In the podcast I discuss my unhappiness over City behaviour at Reach4Entertainment (R4E), Yourgene (YGEN) and ref Chris Oil. I stress that I own shares in Yourgene and Reach and both are cheap notwithstanding my unhappiness. I look at Haydale (HAYD), Flybe (FLYB) and Chesterfield (CHF)


2071 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Bloody half term

My daughter Olaf is on half term and bored so has called twice to discuss the great issues of the day. Being an Islington leftie she reckons that ISIS supporting nutter and her son should be allowed back into the UK. I disagree.  In the podcast I also look at  Footasylum (FOOT) and the lardbucket loud-mouth wild card when it comes to being short retail, at Yourgene (YGEN), Falanx (FLX), African Battery Metals (ABM) and Red Rock (RRR), Victoria (VCP), Motif Bio (MTBF) and Plexus (POS). To go heckle Zak Mir, drink as much free booze as you can and grill Andrew Bell next Monday book your seat HERE


2073 days ago

Podcast: Ronald-Peter Stöeferle - The Perfect Storm for Gold & Mining Stocks - $2,300 here we come

Analyst Ronald feels that we are in a perfect storm for gold as his inflation indicator began to rise this January. One should load up on inflation-sensitive currencies, mining equities, physical gold, and the commodity sector in general. The combination of monetary tightening and rising rates is going to lead to recessionary risks and the economic numbers show a dramatic cooling.


2075 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the bloke who did not beat me up makes a critical point re share buybacks

In this podcast I discuss Plus500 (PLUS) again and also share buy backs in general and specifically. I also look at Motif Bio (MTFB) and the general issue of who should sit on a smaller company board. This podcast comes to you from my mother-in-law's in the Grim North.


2075 days ago

Podcast: The Long Term Gold Chart is Really Exciting

As you know, Jordan Roy Byrne is the only technical analyst we take seriously ( sorry Sith Lord Zak Mir). As such we note that Jordan  points out that the signs are close for declaring a new bull market in gold. The indicators are all showing positive. Both GDX and GDXJ have surged in their long term moving averages. We still need to rally up to the resistance levels but we are so close and the evidence is mounting. Lastly, he is looking for the ratio of gold compared to the stock markets to rise which is a classic bull market sign. All this is explained in the latest podcast from Palisade Capital.


2078 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - do you remember the City slickers?

In this podcast I look again at Chris Akers, that tweet and Sabien (SNT). I look at Plus 500 (PLUS, Debenhams (DEB) and at UK Oil & Gas (UKOG).


2082 days ago

Podcast: Silver Juniors Will Provide Huge Leverage - this is like the early stages of the 1970s bull market

Newsletter editor and broadcaster David Morgan contrasts today’s market with that of the bull market of the 1970s. Back then the coinage had just separated from the silver standard to today’s fiat standard. People at that time understood this would lead to problems. However, few recognize this fact today. He says, “From a value investor perspective, you need to consider that on an inflation-adjusted basis; silver is cheaper than it has ever been.” This is due to the amount of money printing in the world today.


2096 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - IQE the profits warning number crunching & denial and blame at Frontera

As I predicted, IQE (IQE) served up another profits warning yesterday. I do a bit of number crunching in this podcast which also looks at the way Frontera (FRR) holders deal with their grief, given the Rolls Royces they were promised by the company's liar of a CEO


2096 days ago

Podcast: Gold is Going to Have an Incredible Run - $1900 within three years

Pundit Frank Holmes says, “Gold has been so resilient all year especially when you look at real interest rates.” Due to negative interest rates in other countries, the dollar has held up reasonably well. When they talk about rates peaking gold will hit $1500 in the blink of an eye. The supply of gold is shrinking, and the costs are getting more expensive which is settings us up for a beautiful gold cycle. Gold is going to have an incredible shine and pass through the 1900 level in the next three years."


2098 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Arden's message for FinnCrap and a shamed cabal of promoters at Blue Jay: where's the beef?

In today's podcast, recorded before a trip to see Joshua's goat, I look at Frontera (FRR), Flybe (FLYB),  FinnCap (FCAP), Blue jay Mining (JAY) and Blue Star Capital (BLU)


2098 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Extreme bad language mainly about that f*cker Boris Johnson

Make sure your kids do not listen to this podcast. Today I cover the latest bonkers idea from Malcolm Stacey, NetFlix (NFLX), tesla (TSLA), IQE (IQE), Dods (DODS), Flybe (FLYB) and Totally (TLY). I also explain why I am even more of a f*cking feminist than before, as of today.


2104 days ago

Podcast: Explosion in Gold Price on the Horizon

Author David Skarica is not sitting on the fence.  David feels the general markets and the way quantitative easing was structured are the reason gold has underperformed. This money instead went into financial markets, real estate, and art. Gold is a fear trade, and over the last few years, we have had mass complacency.


2109 days ago

Podcast: Explosive upside for gold and silver

Entrepreneur Lior Gantz claims that the outlook for Gold and Silver is improving dramatically. His thesis is that recent market action has resulted in a rebound. In September mining stocks hit 52-week lows, and the regular markets are now entering bear market territory. Inflation is on the rise and many states are hiking their minimum wage. Recent US Dollar strength is actually a bearish sign.


2112 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: defending my friend Luke Johnson as the deadwood press prepares another attack

In today's podcast I look at Brighton Pier (PIER) in some detail and am almost tempted to make a small speculative punt on my pal Luke Johnson. I look at Debenhams (DEB) and Marks & Spencer (MKS) and at Imaginatik (IMTK). Finally I have a few questions ( again) about Wey Education (WEY). Oh. There is also a sexist joke in there and if you are offended I really don't give a damn.


2112 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: Finncap Je t'accuse re the AAOG debacle - everything that is wrong with the AIM Casino

In this bonus podcast, recorded at a Motorway service station, I look at the Anglo African Oil & Gas (AAOG) debacle and THREE massive failings by the Nomad and broker FinnCrap (FCAP). I raise questions about FinnCap it cannot answer but also show why this eiposde flags up the conflict of interest issue which is the cancer destroying the whole of AIM. The home truths will make uncomfortable listening for many.


2120 days ago

Podcast: Gold to roof it, Deutsche Bank to fail, it's back to 2008 says Jaime Carrasco

Fund manager Jaime Carrasco is a bundle of New Year cheer. Not! He assumes that markets are manipulated through excess money printing and suppression of some like gold and silver. Investors would likely be less interested in markets if the price of gold were much higher. Precious metals reveal the underlying market risks and the year ahead will probably bring additional risks but also opportunities.


2132 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: I'm sure the FCA now in daily contact with Neil Woodford - how close are we to end game?

Happy Christmas Neil Woodford. I am sure that the £7 million you earned last year will be some consolation in what must be trying times. In this bonus podcast I explian why I think the troubles for Woodford are far worse than folks think, what, I believe, the FCA is doing and how close we are to end game. There are two scenarios and both are ugly.


2139 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: tales of total woe from my local estate agent - and how to profit from it on the short tack

I visited my local Estate Agent yesterday about selling the house of the Mrs here in Bristol. He is a clever, honest and experienced chap who has done TV work and who I've known for a a while. I relay his numerous tales of woe which, I think, are symptomatic of the wider market, whatever headline data we are fed. If I am right how do you play the dire times ahead on the short tack? I discuss house builders in general, Barratt (BDEV) - if I said Bovis in the bearcast I meant Barratt -, Purplebricks (PURP) and BCA Marketplace (BCA) in this bonus podcast.


2150 days ago

Tom Winnifrith bearcast: Spooooooooooooooooooof from Audioboom, is a Woodford dog on death row & Gabriel Grego's new mega short dossier

Gabriel's dossier should appear here 2.15 PM London time. It is explosive. In today's podcast I discuss Telit (TCM) and shamed FinnCrap, Halosource (HAL) and hapless Neil Woodford, Audioboom (BOOM) and a backfiring spoof, Tomco (TCM), Yourgene (YGEN) and the weather here in Greece as the olive harvest draws to a close.


2155 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: are bitcoin & the other cryptocurrencies dead?

You may wish to watch my UK Investor City forum gig with bitcoin nutter Dominic Frisby HERE to frame what is in this podcast, the title of which is self-explanatory.


2164 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Misquoting Dr Johnston ref Mercantile Ports and FastJet

In today's podcast I look at FastJet (FJET) - you were warned - Mercantile Ports  & Logistics (MPL) - ditto - and Babcock (BAB) where the corrupt deadwood press do their best turd polishing today.


2168 days ago

Video - gold stocks could crash

Or they might not. But the potential is there warns the only technical analyst/chartist on this planet we pay any attention to, Jordan Roy-Byrne in the latest podcast from Palisade Capital.


2178 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: okay you asked for it, I hope this makes you happy

I start with a reader request. I do as you wish. In this podcast I cover MySquar (FRAUD), ADVFN (AFN) and Totally (TLY) in the battle of the anorexic Ethiopian super model balance sheets, Avanti Communications (AVN), Purplebricks (PURP) and ripping off customers as a business model, and also Angus Energy (ANGS). Post bearcast I have just had a good chat with Tim Steer who has a book out soon. More on that when it is published. 


2183 days ago

Video: Rick Rule: upside in the uranium price is absolutely inevitable

Rick Rule from Sprott, the world's best known resource investor, is a major bull of Yellowcake and explains why in the latest podcast from Palisade Capital. Rick feels that it’s too early to draw any conclusions from the recent market action arguing that, technically, these price fluctuations are not that aggressive. He is encouraged by golds recent performance but two weeks of data is not worth anything but amusement.


2189 days ago

Video: We Are Feeling Tremors of the Impending Earthquake in the Bond Market - could gold hit $5,000 as a result?

Fund manager Jaime Carrasco feels that recent market activity is a good signal of what is coming. He says, “There aren’t many safe havens left, and one of the few is precious metals.” In this latest podcast from Palisade Capital, Jaime mentions that the Comex chairman commented that gold should be above $5000. The paper market has been suppressing the price of gold through derivatives. People need to understand they are living in a complete facade and when this game is over, there will be a re-balancing.


2194 days ago

Podcast Evidence: Is James Parsons of Sound Energy the most shameless ramper on AIM

I accept that there is stiff competition for the title of the most shameless ramper on AIM. But could James Parsons of Sound Energy (SOU) claim the title? I bring you a podcast below which is almost sordid. Sound is apparently a low risk ten bagger. Whatever.  Parsons has a devoted following of Bulletin Board Morons who will, no doubt, lap it all up. At 38.7p the market cap is £407 million which is even more of a rum and coke than the podcast below.


2195 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - pricing and dating bailout placings at Cabot Energy and Asiamet

In today's podcast recorded in my makeshift studio, which is a car half way up a Greek Mountain, I note a landmark for this site, 20 million page views, then cover Rockfire (ROCK), Asiamet (ARS), Cabot Energy (CAB), CyanConnode (CYAN) and a mega scandal, Anglo African Agriculture (AAAP), Concepta (CPT) & Futura Medical (FUM)


2196 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: So you are the man obsessed with Julie Meyer said the chap at Gatwick & don't be an ARS do the maths

In this podcast recorded in my car in a side street of Kambos I discuss my journey to the Greek Hovel and being recognised by a man at Gatwick. Fame! Not! Then I look at Versarien (VRS), Asiamet (ARS), First Derivatives (FDP), UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) and the most terrifying stat of all from the Chinese bubble - a warning for you all.


2202 days ago

Video The Bull case for Uranium - Part 2

Earlier this week, Michael Alkin started to present the compelling bull case for Uranium (HERE). Now he continues theme c/o the latest podcast from Palisade Capital...


2203 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Stockmarket crash bonus bearcast

Well folks you cannot say that I did not warn you. In fact it was just last weekend when I posted my most recent explicit podcast warning HERE. But it was one of many. In this podcast I look at what is causing the sell-off, what happens next and what stocks will be battered the most, both as a class and naming specific names.


2209 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - First Derivatives More to Come (ho, ho, ho - crack out the ouzo)

Our Winnileaks Matt Earl special on First Derivatives (FDP) has set the cat amongst the pigeons. But I have bad news for the men from God's chosen lands of Ulster who run First. I have more and hope to air soon. Ho ho ho. Get the ouzo and ice ready. In this podcast I also cover spoofing at BlueJay (JAY), Fastjet (FJET), Frontera (FRR), the scandal at Indigovision (IND) which is enough to have us all voting for Jeremy Corbyn, Mayan (MYN) and, in some detail, Condor Gold (CNR), the gold dog which has sent so much of the cash of my good pal Jim Mellon to money heaven. I fear Jim will have to get his wallet out again soon.


2214 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Musk, May and (other) madness

In today's podcast I discuss the latest news from Elon Musk and Tesla (TSLA) and why it is still a short, Theresa May trying to woo the wrong businessmen, gender pay gap bollocks in the Mail on Sunday and the theft Bulletin Board Morons approve of and ADVFN (AFN) cuts its own throat by not tackling, copyright theft.


2249 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Elon Musk pulls "funding secured" Tesla bid, lies and heads for jail - Tesla shares to crash, a zero possible

Natch the news came not via an official statement but via a blog post at 11 PM, no-one is watching o'clock. Musk is a slam dunk for jail, the rest of the Tesla (US:TSLA) board may join him, and Tesla is finished, it could well be a zero. All is explained in my latest podcast.


2252 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Justin the Clown who proves he cannot count to ten live on air interviews a shameless John Meyer of SP Angel

This may be the main bearcast or it may be a bonus. It all depends on how I feel and daughter Olaf feels after I pick her up at 4.30 AM Athens time in the Greek capital. In this I look at Falanx (FLX), the red flag of a rapid change in advisers ref Halosource (HALO) but also in more general terms and then at a shameless performance by John Meyer of SP Angel as he is interviewed by Justin the Clown over Bluejay (JAY). Meyer is at best an idiot, at worst he is covering up for what appears to be market abuse by his employer in relation to Bluejay shares. I will not let this one go. The clown's podcast is torture to listen to but can be found HERE if you feel you deserve 20 minutes of torture.


2255 days ago

Podcast: Precious Metals Capitulation, Sentiment Has Changed Drastically in the Last Month

Brett Heath sees severe capitulation across the board from the metals to the majors and down to the juniors. Most of the majors are at or near 52-week lows. This looks like scary times, and both gold and silver are incredibly volatile right now.

In the latest podcast from Palisade Capital, Brett says that sentiment has changed drastically from just a month ago. He says that what we have seen for the last two years is gold stuck in a channel. It was looking like gold and silver were setting up for a very good run, but that did not materialize. He warns that the market may continue to be oversold for some time.

With this latest market decline,


2258 days ago

Podcast: Crash day in silver and gold

It is not a good time to be a precious metals bull. In the latest podcast from Palisade Capital David Morgan discusses the recent drop in silver and how it is another “spike low.” He argues that these massive down days are often very sudden quick drops and that these “spikes” are a good entry and exit point if you’re looking to get into the market.


2272 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - which is naughtier: Lyin' Steve Sanderson's UK Oil & Gas or Jim Mellon's FastForward?

In this podcast I look at FastForward (FFWD), Optibiotix (OPTI) - ouzo from Cynical on its way - Tern (Nigel will be celebrating with ouzo tonight) and UK Oil & Gas (UKOG). Tomorrow Lucian Miers has the treat of all treats for his godson Joshua so there may be no bearcast or maybe there will be a very early one.


2275 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: David Lenigas does the decent thing but Cynical Bear still has not

The action of Big Dave and the inaction of Mr Bear are explained in full. The podcast covers: Optibiotix (OPTI), Avanti Communications (AVN), Anglo African Agriculture (AAAP), Westminster Group (WSG) and IDE Holdings (IDE).


2281 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: Why I walk for Woodlarks, how I got involved and why it matters so much

On Saturday I shall try to walk 33 miles from Horse Hill to Woodlarks with Brokerman Dan and Lucian Miers, my fellow rogue bloggers. In this podcast I explain why I got involved so many years ago, what Woodlarks does and why all of you should donate to this great charity HERE. Please take 12 minutes out to listen and then make a donation.


2299 days ago

The first bubble was crypto, now its cannabis, next up commodities

James West has made money from the Canadian cannabis bubble, but...


2309 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Sorry I made a mistake yesterday

The mistake in yesterday's podcast was on Telit (TCM). In fact it is even worse than I thought! The good news is that sponsorship of the walk I'm doing with Brokerman Dan for Woodlarks has now topped £9,000. I explain here why this walk makes the difference bewteen Woodlarks having to cut services or carry on, please do give a tenner today. This afternoon sees Joshua and I on another training walk, my second in two days. Think of my pain and COUGH UP HERE. In a long bearcast I predict that, after today's shocking news, FastJet (FJET) will be sold for £1 and explain why. I look at Havelock Europa (HVE), 88 Energy (88E), Lyin' Steve Sanderson's UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), Frontera (FRR), Andalas (DOG), Mysquar (FRAUD) and Audioboom (BOOM).


2320 days ago

Podcast: Doug Casey - uranium may be my favourite commodity right now

Buy shares in Berkeley Energia (BKY)!  Okay that is what I think, you want to hear from veteran investor and libertarian thinker Doug Casey.


2321 days ago

Podcast: Uranium - the start of a big move

In this week's podcast from Palisade Capital, Daniel Major discusses the current uranium market, and he sees a lot more enthusiasm in private placements. Many companies and groups of long-term investors are increasingly interested in the sector.


2323 days ago

Podcast: Eric Sprott - This is when gold will begin its climb

Okay the man behind the world's best known resource investment group is talking his own book. But he is more often right than wrong.


2335 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Okay I look a bit of a prat but Optibiotix buy case stronger than ever

In today's podcast I look at Falcon Media (FAL), Avanti Communications (AVN), Echo Energy (ECHO), Fishing Republic (FISH) - Gary Newman can you help us out here, Woodford dog Xeros (XSG) and Optibiotix (OPTI). Now the Woodlarks charity walk. We have now raised just over £4,000 (nearly £5,000) with gift aid. A big shout out to Mark McDowell who pledged £666 yesterday (clearly a reference to Brokerman Dan). But 97% of Bearcast listeners are yet to chip in, I am sure you can all spare a tenner so please donate NOW HERE. To those who have donated already, thank you.


2339 days ago

Uranium is the Horse that Starts Slow, But Wins the Race

Joseph Grosso runs a uranium company so, of course, he is talking his own book. But Steve and I have tipped Berkeley Energia (BKY) so agree with the thesis outlined in the latest Palisade Capital podcast.


2341 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - it is Ouzo O'Clock! Folli Follie suspended

Hooray. After this week's doorstepping and podcast special and the work back in Bristol this is a great day. I suspect it is game over and discuss the probable demise of Folli Follie. Never buy a stock on a PE of 1. Elsewhere I look at rumours concerning Nomad Northland, at Echo Energy (ECHO), the fraud MySquar (MYSQ), my letter to Julie Meyer HERE, Sound Energy (SOU), Westminster Group (WSG) - with its revolting chairman ex Tory MP Tony Baldry - and Frontera (FRR) and its latest pre placing ramp. Now come on chaps, if you enjoy bearcast - and I know 1000 of you do every day - please donate £10 NOW to the Woodlarks charity walk - HERE


2344 days ago

Folli Follie doorstepping photo & podcast special

For reasons to do with burly security guards explained here I could not record this at Folli Follie. That is probably good as I can now explain the similarities with another Greek fraud (Globo), the looming deadlines and the unresolved questions which make this company likely to implode. That is not to say it does not have some real operations, the photos below are of its flagship store at 19 Ermou St in Athens, which I visited on Monday


2374 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast special with Sam Antar - my best recording of 2018 is with King fraud

There are three things you need to know about Sam Antar. 1 He was the king of committing fraud back in his day and is open about it. 2. He is incredibly funny. 3. He is now a king fraudbuster. When I met him he had just received a cheque for an eye-watering amount from the SEC for giving them a fraud on a plate. He is in short a genius. And outspoken. Is Marc Cohodes listening? Sam is a genius. Enjoy.


2387 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast - setting the record straight on Britain's greatest PM, Margaret Thatcher

Yesterday was the 5 year anniversary of the death of Lady Thatcher. I celebrated by publishing a short video of the Iron lady explaining a few home truths. There have been numerous comments made by those ignorant of the facts of life in the UK in the 1970s and 1980s. In this podcast I set them straight.


2394 days ago

Video: Gold Breakout Above $1400 Coming in Next Two Months

Eric Muschinski is an ex broker and hedge fund player who for seven years has penned the “Gold Investment Letter” so this call in the latest podcast from Palisade Capital may be seen as talking his own book but it is argued along rational lines. 


2395 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the investment case for gold and two shares I am likely to buy next week

Tomorrow is the birthday of the Mrs so there may not be a bearcast. If not I shall be back on Wednesday morning ahead of a flight to New York on Global Shorting Conspiracy business. In today's podcast I look at why gold like my Wisdens is an investment. Then I discuss two shares in AIM stocks which, for very different reasons, I am considering buying next week and I'd like to thank one of my colleagues for - perhaps - giving me a chance to do so very cheaply. If you like bearcasts then remember that at UK Investor on April 21 one of many highlights will be a live bearcast with myself and Paul Scott. Make sure you book a free ticket HERE using the promotional code WINNIFRITH


2415 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: So I told the dentist you guys are all Laurence Olivier not Dustin Hoffman

I am £155 and two teeth worse off after my encounter with Sir Laurence. I explain all. I am still not 100%. In the podcast I look at Milestone (MSG) where I have a hot rumour, Sabien (SNT), BlueJay Mining (BJAY), Tiso Blackstar (TBGR), Blenheim Natural Resources (BNR) and Telit Communications (TCM). Make sure you get your free ticket to UK Investor on April 21 using the promotional code WINNIFRITH when booking an investor class seat HERE - if only to hear a live 40 minute bearcast with myself & Paul Scott being recorded!


2415 days ago

Hat Tip to Easyjet CEO Johan Lundgren for taking me seriously as a customer

You may remember that in a podcast (HERE) on 4th March I recalled a horrific 22 hour trip from Kalamata, via Athens Airport, to Bristol made hellish not just by snow but by the behaviour of EasyJet (EZJ) staff who repeatedly lied to me and fellow passengers. last night I sent that podcast to EasyJet CEO Johan Lundgren with a note:


2420 days ago

Andalas, Alan Green's podcast and the shitty bottom end of AIM sleaze

Andalas Energy (ADL) should be issuing a statement about its own solvency and other matters flagged up HERE. This company, as it stands, is insolvent. But this is AIM so instead....


2425 days ago

The Disconnect Between Gold and Gold Stocks Will Flip

In the latest podcast from Palisade Capital, Florian Siegfried discusses where we are in the gold cycle and that we are past the bottoming in gold. In January 2016 we had the big run up until August, and since then things have been trading sideways. There were significant gains in miners, and some of this sideways action is profit-taking. The overall equity markets have seen good rallies, and the dollar remains weak. There is a disconnect between mining shares and the price of gold. We need to see fresh money rotate into gold stocks.


2431 days ago

Copper to see All Time Highs in this Cycle

Stock promoter Anthony Milewski talks his own book a great deal in this latest podcast from Palisade Capital however hidden underneath the pig swill are a few gems on cobalt, nickel and especially copper.


2432 days ago

Video: Inflation Is Beginning To Rear Its Ugly Head

Ignore what Ed Karr says about ramping his own stocks. What he says about inflation, a word unfamiliar to younger readers, is of real note. In this podcast from Palisade Capital, Karr discusses how you need to time the market cycles correctly. Gold is currently catching a pretty good bid, particularly with the recent dollar decline. We have seen an increase in volatility recently, and things are looking pretty good for precious metals. We could break through the 1350 level this year, and 2018 is shaping up to be an excellent year for gold.


2432 days ago

Is Gold About to Breakout?

Gold has rallied back close to trendline resistance. Will it push through this time? That will depend on if Gold can breakout in real terms (against stocks, currencies) as its strength over the past year has been driven by only US$ weakness. This is the question answered by the only half decent technical analyst on this planet, Jordan Roy Byrne in his latest Palisade Capital podcast.


2438 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: If Luke Johnson is a dinosaur so am I

In this pre hovel visit podcast I look at the Envy ratio, life inside a bubble, a dying industry (news) and reflections on Luke Johnson's thoughts of today and our past shared experiences.


2439 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: you don't sweet talk a journalist by patronising him

I had a call from Amur Minerals (AMC) yesterday to correct my bearish view. I did not appreciate the tone, I'd rather not be lectured.  I explain why I am still short term bearish although also put the company's view. I also explain to the woman dubbed the Harvey Weinstein of European tech, Julie Meyer MBE, why she has yanked the wrong tiger's tail. Elsewhere I comment on Saffron (SRON), Haike Chemical (HAIK) and Graphene Nanochem (GRPH). And now it is off to Greece. God willing tomorrow's podcast will be from Kalamata.


2456 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: Sabien Polishes a turd with its interims - a lesson in why a balance sheet can mislead

Sabien (SNT) has released dismal interims today. It boasts about its cash position but how has that been achieved? This short podcast is a lesson in how balance sheets can deceive to flatter. This company deserves to go under.


2460 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Is your portfolio in a bear market, mine almost is so I discuss it

I start with a look at the portfolios of those who are crowing as they have aced it for months. I have a warning for them. Then I look at my own portfolio, at the issue of short vs longer term performance at the individual stocks at risk reward and at why I am happy. Under discussion: Mark Slater, Neil Woodford, Optibiotix (OPTI), Reach4Entertainment (R4E), Falanx (FLX), Concepta (CPT), Big Sofa (BST), Premaitha (NIPT). I failed to mention Sosandar (SOS) but I am very happy there too. My HMD podcast I refer to is HERE


2461 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Turning down a date with a hot blonde chez Winnifrith, I'm getting old

Okay it was Julie Meyer. Whatever I think of her she is fairly hot in a weird sort of way. Anyhow I explain all in today's podcast. I then move onto IGAS (IGAS), UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), Avanti Communications (AVN), Sabien (SNT)  - statement nbeeded Roland "Fatty" Cornish?  And finally to Paternoster Resources (PRS) - black bag needed Amanda Van Dyke? PS My NHS Lies podcast I mentioned is HERE


2461 days ago

Podcast: The 2 monstrous lies about the NHS and its "need" for more money

There are two big lies told by folks like Jeremy Corbyn about the NHS and they have been told so often most of our fellow citizens believe them to be true. This podcast explains why they are not, whatever the greedy doctors tell us. The lies are:


2470 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - we capitalists give ourselves a bad name

In today's podcast I consider Julie Meyer and Ariadne, Provident Financial (PFG), another Neil Woodford dog, UtilityWise (UTW), OnlineBlockcrap (OBC), Mayan (MYN) and Carillion (CLLN) and how we capitalists keep on scoring own goals.


2475 days ago

50th Birthday Podcast - Reasons to feel utterly depressed and its not about getting older

I have many reasons to be happy. In many ways the world has improved dramatically in my lifetime. But a few recent events leave me feeling more reasons for extreme pessimism than at any other birthday. I reflect on it all in this birthday podcast. Thank you, by the way, for all the kind wishes.


2475 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 50 today and feeling grim

I plan to record a podcast on www.TomWinnifrith.com on this special day on why I feel more grim about what happens next. In bearcast I cover  AIQ (AIQ), Nighthawk (HAWK), Telit (TCM), Ferrum Crescent (FCR) and Petards (PEG)


2486 days ago

Tom Winnifrith New Year's Day Bearcast - 6 themes for the year ahead

In this podcast I look at the threat to free speech & how it does hit financial markets as well as the wider world. I look at the end of the ZIRP and silly money era and how to play it, Unicorn hunting. I look at the advent of a selective bear market, at the unwind of the Consumer debt-fest and how to play that, I look at gold which will, I think shine, in 2018 and how you should play that. And finally I touch on the real threat to your wealth and how to prepare for a Corbyn government.


2497 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: We end the year with pure farce - Legendary Investments

I am still furious, in fact more so than ever. Bah fucking humbug. Christmas is cancelled. In today's podcast I look at Legendary Investments (LEG), Columbus Energy (CERP), McCarthy & Stone (MCS), Vela (VELA) and Optibiotix (OPTI) - no it will not be a pound by Christmas but I am pondering buying more shares.


2501 days ago

Embrace Bitcoin – When Commodities Move Just Imagine the Potential!

I am not so sure. But here is the raging bull case put by Peter Spina. In this podcast he discusses the cryptocurrency space and how it is similar to the dot-com boom of the late 90’s. No one knows how all of this will play out, but it is all but certain that crypto will play an essential role in world finance. Spina feels that both gold and cryptocurrencies are complimentary. You should be careful and protect your wealth in precious metals and only speculate in the crypto market. It is a new technology with much potential that creates a much more free and open marketplace. But...


2508 days ago

Tom Winnifrith photo bearcast - the best of British, the worst of British this Christmastime

Excuse the late Bearcast but my journey back from my father's in Shipston in the snow covered Cotswolds was long and eventful as I discuss in this podcast. In a valley on the Road between Stow and Cheltenham I took part in and saw the best of selfless Britishness, folks acting with a true Christmas spirit. And also the worst, in spades. The photos give some idea of the scene as I explain what went on. Normal service resumes tomorrow.


2523 days ago

Tom Winnifrith photo Bearcast - my friend the Greek Hovel cat is back & setting the record straight on Adam Reynolds

This podcast was interrupted by the sight of my friend the feral cat. Three years ago I gave a black and white feral kitten who had wandered up to the hovel some milk. I am not sure if it is the same creature but now and again a black and white cat stalks the hovel in search of snakes and rats to eat. I hope its the same cat. Anyhow I am excited to see him again and got a picture as you can see below despite him, being feral, not being that friendly. The podcast itself covers Adam Reynolds and the Adam Reynolds stocks many of which we own. I do this in response to Cynical Bear's ill informed mud slinging of earlier.


2524 days ago

A Move in Long Term Uranium Spot Price will Drive a Buying Frenzy

 Since we own some shares in Berkeley Energia (BKY) I hope that Daniel Major is right in his thesis.  In this podcast hel discusses the long-term potential of uranium and why the industry needs higher prices to fill the supply gap. The short-term issues are that 75% of the industry remains near or below the cost of production. Companies currently can’t afford to replace their resource. Cameco has taken the lead in closing down one of the best mines saying that it’s cheaper to purchase uranium from the market. Cameco’s announcement was a major event for the uranium industry.


2530 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: More reflections on UKOG & Falanx as I pine for Greece and the fit young mums

Sadly illness is still rife in this house so for this Thursday it is no coffee for me with the fit young mums. At least I shall be in Greece in five days time and that must be restorative to my health. In this podcast I start by looking back on UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) and its death spiral. I explain exactly how it works. Then a few further thoughts on Falanx (FLX) and why I am not selling our shares at this price. Then I look at Alexander Mining (AXM), another mega spoof from Clem Chambers, this time at ADVFN (AFN),  at "Nomates" disaster RM2 (RM2)Fishing Republic (FISH) - a good zero bet -  and at Regal Petroleum (RPT) which seems to be in a spot of bother in Ukraine.


2533 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast - UK Oil & Gas admits it needs to frack as death spiral announced : SELL

UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) has today announced a £10 million death spiral and some bad operational news. Natch the BB Morons are clinging to various spoofs in the release which I point out in this bonus podcast as well as explaining why these shares are now a slam dunk sell.


2537 days ago

It Is Time for Gold to Shine

Greg Orrell has 30 years experience in the resource sector. In this podcast he outlines where we are in the resource space and where we are going. He looks at this market as a hedge against financial uncertainty and currency risks.


2544 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I really want to be sick, no I am not joking

No I really want to be sick. The day started so well with Joshua, myself and more fit young mums making a paper image of Colin the Dog. But then I just got sick so hence the lack of content from me today. After this podcast goes up it is back to bed. On bear cast today a demolition of minus 99.5% lifestyle company Arian Silver (AGQ), 13 Energy (i3E), today's spoof from Magnolia (MAGP), a "fucked if I know" response from me on R4E (R4E) - a share we own - and a look at today's dire news from one of Jim Mellon's many AIM dogs FastForward (FFWD).


2555 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: When will fraudster Erik Schaer and his fraud MySquar threaten to sue me

Erik, your company MySquar (MYSQ) has committed securities fraud so I guess that makes you a fraudster. Do you think that is libellous or will you accept that I have a solid defence, viz I write what I have already proved to be 100% true: Go on you criminal low life scum please threaten to sue me? In this podcast I ask more questions about MySquar and suggest that Beaufort Securities might just put Erik out of his misery. The shares are now 1.8p to sell and 0p is inevitable.I also look at another zero in waiting BNN (BNN) where today's whitewash stinks., Finally we have a profits warning at Carpetright (CPR) which tells you all you need to know about the British consumer and his nightmare on debt street. I once again discuss BCA Marketplace (BCA) in this context. The big short. 


2562 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The FT takes dictation from PR man for Telit again and spouts hogwash ... and other morons

Remember when the FT said Inmarsat (ISAT) was going to bid 140p a share for Avanti Coms (AVN) then at 30p now at 7.26p offer? Today it had a scoop on Telit (TCM) which the company has commented on. There is a grain of truth in the FT scoop but so much of what it writes is just PR spin as I demonstrate in this podcast. I hope the journalists responsible feel soiled and dirty. As for Telit I explain the various scenarios and why the downside is huge whatever happens. I cover UK Oil & Gas. A moron reckons he is going to make money by not paying to read ShareProphets and buying more UK Oil & Gas shares instead. Since his silly email the shares have lost another 14% and are now 4p bid. Next stop 3p then 2p then whatever. Truly the moron will be rich. Not. Then I rant about how troubled Interserv (IRV) lied to investors regarding the reason why its FD left and why that matters. 


2562 days ago

Precious Metals Video Update: Gold & Gold Stocks Bounce

So gold and gold stocks have started to rally. What next? Over to Jordan Roy Byrne for his technical analysis with the latest podcast from Palisade Capital


2593 days ago

Bitcoin is Going to Drive Gold & Silver to All Time Highs

I still really do not understant bitcoin but it seems to grip fellow libertarians like Dominic Frisby and, in this case, resource guru Doug Casey. In this Palisade Capital podcast, Doug discusses the commodity markets and why the most important thing is what they do cyclically. Most commodities are down 50% since 2011 and the dollar has lost 20%. Commodities remain quite cheap, particularly gold, silver, and copper. He discusses Junior miners and why now is a good time to get into these markets.


2596 days ago

Gold To Test 2011 Highs, Look for Autumn Breakout

In the latest podcast from Palisade Capital, gold guru David Skarica discusses the volatility in the market and the reasons for a coming decline. A fight over the budget, tax cuts, or the debt ceiling could create further problems. The technical foundations of the market have been crumbling in recent months. Gold is doing well although a bigger rally has not happened since the general market has held up.


2600 days ago

Gold and Gold Stocks Remain Under-Owned and Under-Appreciated

Adrian Day is, like me, an Austrian when it comes to economics and that is why, in this period of monetary lunacy and fiscal recklessness, gold has such an attraction for him. He is very bullish indeed. He argues that this year we've seen gold swing up and down several times, each time we have gone higher and had higher lows. This is a bullish pattern. It’s extremely encouraging that gold has held up well above 1300. Central banks are going to be very cautious from here.


2603 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: The Utter Motherfuckers who run Interquest say a final "fuck you" to loyal shareholders

Gary Ashworth the founder and chairman of Interquest (ITQ) was once someone I once counted as a friend.  No more and never again. Gary has behaved like a total prize shit with his 42p per share attempted MBO and a statement at 4.01 PM today was a final fuck you from Gary, CFO David Bygrave and the other complete and utter bastards behind the MBO. Gary I despise you and your pals as you have behaved beyond badly. Today's RNS is a case study in telling shareholders that their views do not matter and that they are about to be ( once again) utterly shafted.  This podcast contains a lot of bad language but perhaps that is the only language that prize shits like Ashworth understand.


2607 days ago

Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies, ICOs the Beginning of a New Tech Sector Bubble

I really do not get this bitcoin shite at all, however much my pal Dominic Frisby tries to explain it to me. I just fear it will end in tears but I am cognisant that some folks have made a complete killing on it so far. In a podcast with Palisade Capital, sector guru Michael Pole makes some bold calls. Is this just the start of the gold rush or are we close to dotcom bust in 2001? 


2622 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Oozi Cats and the FBI & why Telit could well be tits up within weeks

The failure of the LSE to insist that hapless Nomad FinnCap forces Telit (TCM) to bring in a firm like KPMG to conduct a full forensic review will hurt it even more when this company goes tits up as I noted in a letter to Stock Exchange boss Donald Brydon earlier today HERE.  Two sources tell me that the FBI may have bad news for the Boston fraudster Oozi Cats and his Mrs as I explain in this podcast. But the meat of the podcast is explaining why Telit will go tits up and why that could be within six weeks. Enjoy


2631 days ago

Just knackered - but the reason I could never utterly quit journalism

If you do not follow my financial writings you will not be aware of the Telit PLC scandal which I broke yesterday. This is a big high profile stockmarket listed company and what I revealed HERE was just amazing. Jaw dropping. The shares have duly crashed. 


2656 days ago

Why the Federal Reserve is doomed to failure, and soon - and how to hedge against it

Jekyll Island is a real place, off the coast of Georgia, it marks the birthplace formation of the Federal Reserve System. In 1910 a group of wealthy bankers and industrialists met and formulated a plan to take over the money system. In this podcast G Edward Griffin discusses why - 104 years later - the Fed is doomed and will fail.


2660 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: there are too many Ethiopians in Sound Oil's Moroccan fuel store

I am with my father and he enjoys being part of bearcast so here is another one off. We start on the use of language and its misuse something which Dad and I talk about a lot. Thus there was Theresa May referring to THE cricket. And a fellow Tory MP who used a word she really should not have used in a phrase with a clear meaning. many said the phrase was racist. It was not it is the word that is, rightly, just not acceptable. That brings me to Sound Energy (SOU), Amur Minerals (AMC), MySquar (MYSQ) and Bagir (BAGR). I leave Shipston tonight so no more father and son bearcasts, regular podcasts will be back in September.


2675 days ago

Video: Bearish on markets, short term mega bearish on uranium - Rick Rule

In the latest video podcast from Palisade Capital, perhaps the world's best known resource fund manager, Rick Rule of Sprott, discusses the surprising lack of volatility in the markets and with the various worldwide challenges one would expect it to be much higher. He is not optimistic when one looks at the collective balance sheets of governments with their underfunded pension plans and is acting on the assumption that the markets will get more volatile.


2683 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: The misuse of language, the distortion of data and the lies told by those who hate Israel

Yesterday I noted the obsene deception practised by the taxpayer funded BBC as part of its institutionalised hatred of the State of Israel. Not to my great surprise folks came back not only to defend the BBC but to abuse words such as genocide in relation to Israel's action. The abuse of language, the distortion of data and the outright lies used by the haters of the Jewish state is appalling and in relation to Gaza I expose their fiction for that is what it is. What drives these folks? Is it hatred of Jews or something else.If you want facts not spin for Hamas this is the podcast for you.


2689 days ago

Photo Article: Frigana slashing at the Greek Hovel part 2 - Lightning stops play

To be struck by lightning at the Greek Hovel once is, perhaps, understandable but twice would look like carelessness. You may remember how, six minutes into THIS PODCAST the hovel was indeed struck but I soldiered on anyway. However, I'd rather not repeat the experience.


2698 days ago

Diary of a diabetic day 5 ( second time)

As you may remember when I was joined in Greece my by wife and her family my type 2 diabetes control went badly off the rails. In the ten days i spent in England there were days when I almost gave up. I was not dreadful, I ate no chocolate and I did take some exercise but not a lot. But I had a few drinks and some days I skipped my medication. I was angry with myself and depressed. But my flight back to Greece on Tuesday marked a new beginning. So we start the clock again.


2702 days ago

Data shows the US Economy is very weak indeed but rates will rise - Peter Schiff

Peter Schiff is a libertarian a gold bug and a hero of mine. So I listen to what he says. His latest podcast - not surprisingly - has a similar world view to mine. The Fed is now indicating it needs evidence that  the Q1 weak economic data is transitory and not a trend.  This is interesting for 2 reasons.  The Fed’s narrative has always been to tout economic growth even in the face of flimsy or no supporting data.  Now the Fed is actually admitting there is weakness.  The other interesting thing is that, although the Fed continues to claim it is “data dependent”, it has been ignoring the economic data ever since the first rate hike.  The market puts chances of a June rate hike at almost 100%.  Maybe that is because it believes the Fed will raise rates regardless of proof.


2766 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast - My heart goes out to many Cloudtag shareholders as they lose everything

So the fraud Cloudtag (CTAG) is today booted off the AIM casino. I did warn you but this podcast is for those who have lost out as a result of owning these shares. I do feel genuinely sorry for most of you. I explain why and where your anger should be directed.You may not want to hear this but I go through a few lessons you may want to learn from the disaster, for if we do not learn from when we lose we will keep on losing.


2767 days ago

Ali Zamani: Former Goldman Sachs Manager Says Gold And Gold Stocks Are Best Investment

In this week's podcast from Palisade, Ali discusses how people compare the current financial situation to those of the past, however the big picture is usually different, as the underlying economic circumstances have changed. The US has real competitors unlike the 1950’s and the demographics are radically shifting. The US deficit will continue to grow in part due to baby boomer retirements, their pensions and health care.


2767 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Photo Bearcast: Ouzo time as asset strippers crash & burn, MRS scandal and FastForward Joke

Next week may be disrupted by events in Warwick as I discuss at the end of this podcast but I shall be at UK Investor Show come what may and really hope you join me and 3,000 others there - book now for tickets to be sent on Monday HERE. In this podcast I look at Management Resource Solutions (MRS), why its RNS statements just do not add up at all and why I hope for bankruptcy. I also look at the latest news from FastForward (FFWD) which - if you do a bit of digging is a 100% rum and coke. Finally five years after certain folks turned down cash offers for Rivington assets preferring to asset strip them I bring you photos of a Master Investor show hall promising 5,000 attendees but in fact almost empty.  Photo one show c500 folks in the main hall, the stands at the same time are almost empty! Ouzo time for me, a cup of cold sick for the asset strippers. It is hard to resist the temptation to gloat and indeed I found it just too hard. It is ouzo O'clock.


2767 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Paternoster Resources why cheap could be incredibly expensive

I comment on the hopeless response of smug MPs and the established media to yesterday's terror attack on my own website in a podcast HERE. On the markets I look at expectations management at Next (NXT), at how we know or knew about the balance sheet at Toople (TOOP) covered HERE by Cynical Bear or Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) heading for 0p and covered in detail by me earlier HERE. I look at Public Services Properties (PSPI ) and what its AIM casino departure says about RTOs and contingent liabilities - which reminds me again of New World Oil & Gas (NEW). Finally I have a detailed look at the strange world of Paternoster Resources (PRS), not a stock you have to own in any way. PS Cynical Bear is not me. Can you see any typos in his articles?


2768 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: the Predictable, cowardly and wrong response of the media and MPs to the Westminster terror attack

The platitudes are raining in from Westminster. The journalists who live in the bubble that surrounds Halitosis Hall are downing us with the same nonsense. In an urge to offend no-one we are being spun lies from the Ministry of Truth. The response from the elites to the awful attack in Westminster was predictable but none the less disappointing in the extreme as I discuss in this podcast. Channel 4 is worthy of its own special condemnation for its fake news coverage of the incident HERE.


2774 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Theresa May forgets the wise words of Ronald Reagan at her peril

In today's podcast I look at Peak Club - the mad debt binge at Soho House and what it tells us about asset bubbles and more. Then I cover Theresa May's misguided proposals on executive pay before finally covering the latest boardroom antics at Bowleven (BLVN) , putting it up for sale.


2775 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - back at Pizza Hardman Darren Atwater's Emporium, Wedge Issue

I find myself back in London ahead of a big event tonight as I explain HERE. So I am working at the pizza place now known as Wedge Issue and run by hipster Pizza Hardman Darren Atwater. It is most excellent and I commend it to you all if you are in Clerkenwell, although I am not sure I get this hipster business at all. I'm getting old. In the main podcast I look at why the LSE Asylum just does not work. In terms of stocks I cover Independent Resources (IRG), Nyota (NYO), FastForward (FFWD),Challenger (CHAL), the joke regulation one sees on the Standard List, Regency Mines (RGM) and some coal assets some folks think will go into the joke that is "New Worthington". 


2784 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I am now officially at war with Advanced Oncotherapy and have bought 1 share in the POS

Yesterday I asked Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) to answer 16 questions. I regret to say that as at 12 noon today now undertaking had been given to answer the questions and that therefore I am now at war. As such as I celebrated International Women's day by having a good looking 28 year old blonde run her fingers through my hair I decided to buy one share in this POS company. Bring on the EGM and AGM says The Sheriff of AIM and I hope that other folks out there will also buy one share so that we can get the mothers on this board to answer some very valid questions. In this podcast i also look at how if I was running the fraud at Eden (EDEN) I would buy some time before all is revealed. I also comment on Solo Oil (SOLO) and on the budget and our irresponsible chancellor Hammond who is the real villain of sterling weakness, not Brexit.  


2786 days ago

Peter Schiff Rate Hike Odds Surge As GDP Forecasts Collapse

Libertarian gold bug Peter Schiff is one of my heros and his latest podcast reminds us all why the stockmarket may be hitting recorcd highs but it is clearly way overvalued.


2789 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Paul Scott vs Tom Winnifrith - the bearcast rumble in the AIM Jungle is scheduled

Yes, I shall be recording my first ever joint bearcast - if one excludes ones where Oakley has chipped in. The date is April 1, my opponent is Paul Scott. Will it be TrakM8 or checkmate? The venue London in a new bonus session at UK Investor Show. I explain more about this total one-off in today's podcast. It is 4 weeks to the day to UK Investor and tickets are 85% booked out so if you are not booked in book NOW! On this podcast I also look at Brave Bison (BBSN) and TrakM8 (TRAK) and how cost cutting can itself prompt a cash crisis. I look at Audioboom (BOOM) with a more generous eye. I look at Glenwick (GWIK), now booted off AIM, which stinks. And I look at the idea of investing in shite companies to make money, ref Red Leopard (RLH) and Cynical Bear. This also brings me to ECR (ECR) where we own shares and I now see arch ramper Big Gib is on board. Over to you Big Gob do not let me stop you!


2790 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: The cafe Nero woman on BBCQT - the silliest middle class remoaning Brexit bashing bitch in Britain

The panel on BBC Question time were, with the exception of Peter Hitchens, who was predictably superb, truly dire. A daft lefty celeb, a truly thick labour MP - wasn't this a repeat? But it was the audience that never ceases to amaze me. How does the BBC manage to find a crowd week in week out which views the world so differently from the population as a whole. Last night's episode was a classic. Describing someone born outside the UK with a non British passport as a foreigner got one hissed and booed. That is a fact FFS. The highlight was an obviously middle class Guardian reader flagging up the real danger of Brexit: English people refuse to work in Cafe Nero so who will serve her a morning frothy semi skimmed organic Fair Trade latte? . I kid you not. At every level this sums up the insanity and lies of the remoaners, a matter I cover in this podcast. 


2791 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: FastForward you are talking out of your arse

FastForward (FFWD), in which my good friend Jim Mellon has a material interest, has announced a disposal today claiming a 112% profit on its trade. It is talking out of its arse as it pumps ahead of a much needed placing as I explain in this bonus podcast.


2792 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - with apologies to Bjørge Lillelien

I am sure that after events today at Cloudtag (CTAG) you had a good idea how this podcast would start! I move on - as I await apolgies from hundreds of morons for all the abuse and attacks - to cover Avanti Communications (AVN), ECR Minerals (ECR), Milestone Group (MSG), Redcentric (RCN), Red Leopard (RLH) and SalvaRx (SALV) where it is placing ahoy! Oh yes, Aidan Earley has served  me with a libel suit. Natch I will see the bitchez in Court but I too have a little surprise for Aidan. More on that later. Smiley face.


2796 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Ouzo Photo Bearcast: Cloudtag, the fraudsters and the morons - it is downfall day for you

I waited until 10 AM before drinking a bit of my father's ouzo in celebration of the Cloudtag (CTAG) take-down described earlier HERE. That is the sort of restrained guy I am. Boy does the ouzo - pictured below - taste great and its only 51 days and I shall be back in Greece for a lot more. Today has been a 100% vindication for The Sheriff of AIM and my fellow bears and the Bulletin Board Morons and fraudsters are now in undignified retreat. I discuss what happens next, have a few new revelations and a few lessons the morons will, no doubt, not learn in this bonus podcast.If you are client of Novum stuffed into today's placing I explain how you can get your cash back.


2798 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast - have the morons started mentioning the Bill Gates link? If it sounds too good to be true

There is of course no link between Bill Gates and AIM uber dog Servision (SEV) but I be that out in Bulletin Board land that will not stop it being mentioned in a post fact era ramp. Servision had raised $2 million today at 11.4p. Before recent insider dealing the shares were 2.25p and worth 0p. If it sounds too good to be true...all is explained in this bonus podcast. 


2803 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: In (partial) defence of Colin Bird at Xtract Resources

This will not make me popular. If you want to see me going for someone who really deserves it I stick the boot into the war criminal and Brexit denier Tony Blair in a podcast on Tom Winnifrith.com HERE. As to Colin Bird of Xtract Resources (XTR) which we own thanks to the blinding stupidity of Gary Newman & Steve Moore, the lynch mob is out after last week's hugely discounted placing. I am not defending my friend Colin entirely, nor am I tipping the shares, but I think some folks are not giving him credit for some of what he has done to rescue a company that was bust and are not putting his actions in context as I explain in full.


2803 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: say what you like about Tony Blair he can, like no other, unite the Nation - We all hate him

Tony Blair has weighed into the Brexit debate with a speech that has demonstrated why, with the possible exception of Mr Rolf Harris, he has an unrivalled ability to unite the nation. We all despise him and indeed his whole wretched family. In today's postcard look at into why this is and what the old war criminal actually said why that is just so utterly wrong and indeed nauseating, at every level. Warning: this audio contains mention of Mr Blair having sex with the Wicked Witch, a thought some listeners may find disturbing.


2804 days ago

Political and Market Uncertainty Is Driving The Rush For Gold

In this week's Palisadce Capital potcast Peter Spina explains the recent market action and how gold stocks have historically lead the spot price. There is considerable support near $1100, and long term resistance at $1275. This level may well translate into resistance to the upside, once through it though, expect $1475 to $1500. He is seeing growing Wall Street and Chinese speculation in the market, there seems to be a general rush for gold.


2808 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: A tale of two podcasters, I met a sheep with its hind leg trapped in the fence today

Yes I did. It was on the way back from the mountain village of Kambos to Kalamata. Some podcasters might have salivated and regarded this as an opportunity. But I am not Justin the Clown, still smarting from rugby defeat for his beloved Wales at the weekend. But I thought it was my duty to help anyway. I digress from the main features of this podcast: Kefi (KEFI), Mila Resources (MILA) and the China fraud Jiasen (JSI). I also look at a share price of a stock where I am an insider - oh no not insider dealing on the AIM casino I hear you say. And then I update on the Dirty Dozen AIM Resource portfolio which I shall launch later today.


2809 days ago

FRAUD Cloudtag's Amit Ben Haim's got no balls - IT's OFFICIAL!

There will be no bearcast today as I am fully engaged on Vlach hunting in the Pindus mountains. One tearful reunion is complete but the big one will happen soon. The internet is not fast enough to transmit back to the UK from the little village of Anelion but I shall try to post a podcast tomorrow before I travel the length of Greece down to the Mani. Pro tem I guess you were wondering if Cloudtag (CTAG) CEO Amit Ben Haim has got any balls.


2818 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: From my Grandparents in Eaton Square to a planned road trip to the Burnley welfare safari

In this podcast I look at the utterly fascistic behaviour of lawyers Fladgates and why I am not taking the fight to them to stop an Orwellian attempt to close this website down by telling lies. I look at how past events causes us to do crazy things - that is my Grandparents and Adept Telecom (ADT). I look at madness at Beowulf (BEM) and end with news of a, very much on the cards, road trip to Liverpool and Burnley. This section contains shockingly bad language from Mahmud of Boohoo.com (BOO).


2821 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: #BoycottBoohoo, the shameful and unacceptable face of capitalism exposed

I am no fan of Channel 4, Most of its reporting is shocking. But the Dispatches programme today was superb journalism. It exposed Boohoo.com (BOO) and to a far lesser extent ASOS (ASC) for the way they treat management. Boohoo was truly shamed. Its management were shown to be shifty and deceitful in their responses to a film footage which showed quite sickening exploitation of workers and indeed law breaking. If I was a customer I'd shut my account down at once. There are legal and financial implications (bad ones) but the biggest will be reputational damage. How will the snowflake generation who are Boohoo customers react? Looker at #BoycottBoohoo on twitter and have a guess. All this is discussed in a bonus podcast.


2822 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Why Worthington morons should report me to the official liquidator

There are two parts to this podcast. I start by explaining how a liquidation works with reference to the fraud Worthington (WRN). I know some of its shareholders are obsessing about this and reckon they should report me to the liquidator. Go ahead, we are already talking. Then I move onto a quite brilliant column by Luke Johnson about the myth that is the sharing new economy and specifically how it effects uber but also the media world with evil google and the bulletin boards in my sights


2825 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: from a loving father to a 15 year old daughter who went on the Women's March - you are wrong!

The first march my daughter went on was - as a baby in my arms - the Countryside March. I discovered last night that, now aged 15 and a half, she has been on another - the Wimmins March. My views on that are not hidden. I am very proud of my daughter but she comes from a position of privilege and is wrong about Donald Trump as I explain to her in this podcast.


2832 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Leather clad Rita from Magnolia prepares to whip the naked buttocks of her shareholders again, they love it!

According to the Daily Telegraph, it is a fact that folks who use bad language are more honest than those who speak like Angels. You know where I am fucking well coming from. In this podcast I look at Fitbug (FITB), Servision (SEV), Corero (CNS), Greatland Gold (GGP), me breaking a New Year financial resolution already and also Magnolia Petroleum (MAGP) 


2834 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Grinding Poverty & Shit Internet in Wales & How the Mitie are fallen ( or soon will be)

I could not sleep and found myself scouring the interweb for data on poverty and population for the town of Blaenavon where I visited a coal mine on Monday ( see HERE). I plan a major podcast on that when I am back in internet friendly civilisation, i.e. England. On the markets I look at Pearson (PSON), Nostra Terra (NTOG) and the idea that we are seeing a market blow-off. I dismiss one conspiracy theory about market makers then move on to Mitie (MTO) - Matt Earl is da King! - and then to Rosslyn Data (RDT).


2838 days ago

Tom Winnifrith bearcast - Insider Dealing is a crime that usually does pay

I have an awful cold so cannot speak properly and the Mrs is giving me grounds for divorce (again) with awful TV choices as I suffer from my ailments. In the podcast I cover insider dealing (ref Logica), buying after a profits warning (ref Red Rock & SpaceandPeople) and why the bulls are wrong even though the FTSE 100 is at a record high (ref Malcolm Stacey)


2839 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the Delivery Man says he's a keen reader - he's also a fan of Big Dave Lenigas

And so the guy delivering a package for next door said "Hello Tom". He is a keen reader and owns shares in UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), ScotGold (SGZ) and Xtract Resources (XTR). He must be a big fan of Big Dave Lenigas as well. It was a good chat. In this podcast I look at how quickly sentiment can change ref Nostra Terra (NTOG) and Optibiotix (OPTI). I cover Iofina (IOF) and Strat Aero (AERO) and reflect on how the curse of the Sheriff of AIM has fallen on Dolphin Capital (DCI). It took a while!


2839 days ago

A Real Market Shift In Uranium Is In Play

Well that is the assertion of George Glasier the guest in this week's podcast with Palisade Capital. He spends much of the podcast talking his own book but on the bull case for uranium which seems to be getting stronger he is fairly persuasive.


2839 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: 8 years of Obama: Hype not hope

The liberal media is eulogising President Hopey Change as he prepares to leave office. President Obama is still talking about Hope. But the reality is that it has been eight years of hype not hope and it is the poor and the blacks who have suffered most under this failure of a President. I review the facts the liberal media establishment opt to ignore, and consider the real legacy of Obama in this podcast.


2841 days ago

Tom Winnifrith bonus bearcast: not all Death Spirals are the same - the L1 Cloudtag warrant catastrophe explained

I know I have slammed death spirals but they can actually be a "cheaper" source of equity funding for some PLCs. But not all spirals are the same and the L1 facility is a disaster for Cloudtag (CTAG). I explain in this podcast how the warrant kicker will crush the Cloudtag share price and when. Perhaps after listening you want to enter the Cloudtag share price guessing contest HERE


2844 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Do you think Jamie Oliver is a tosser?

The fraud African Potash (AFPO) has until 7 January ( saturday) to find a new Nomad or its shares get booted off the AIM casino first thing Monday. On the ISDX lobster pot (now known as the NEX lobster pot) it can't get a placing away - for reasons explained in this podcast - so it will be tits up within weeks. That has implications for Blenheim Natural Resources (BNR). Jamie Oliver is blaming Brexit as he shuts six of his over-priced branded eateries. But he is just another celeb tosser don't you think? I look at the real macro headwinds the UK faces. There is comment on Crawshaw (CRAW) and then a very detailed review of Lombard Risk Management (LRM) which is, I reckon a car crash in waiting.


2847 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast "Grooming" Morons, Compare & Contrast Cloudtag & African Potash - with Waseem & Mr Antar

in this bonus bearcast I compare the ramp de jour of the moment (Cloudtag (CTAG)) with that of eighteen months ago, African Potash (AFPO). It is shocking how similar the two cases are and the results will also be the same. In this podcast I reference the work of Waseem Shakoor in exposing both frauds and of my hero, Sam Antar, on the psychology of stockmarket fraud and how it plays out here


2849 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Why we must read accounts from the back forwards and Sirius vs Cloudtag

I admit that i am too lazy when it comes to reading report and accounts. I should be more of a geek like Steve Moore. In today's podcast I explain why my sloth is a sin and why we should all read from the back to the front. I also look at investment versus trading, Sirius (SXX) vs Cloudtag (CTAG). Other companies mentioned include African Potash (AFPO), Inspirit (INSP) and Strat Aero (AERO). I am now offline as I tidy up the mess created by Oakley and the different mess created by me before the Mrs and Joshua return home.


2849 days ago

Gold, the Oversold Bounce Begins

Gold and gold stocks have begun their much anticipated oversold, post-tax loss bounce. Jordan Roy Byrne provides rally targets and discusses the implications for 2017 in the latest podcast and video from Palisade Capital. 


2850 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: African Potash sneaks out more lies & bad news at no-one is watching O'Clock

No doubt the convicted criminal Aidan Earley reckons that African Potash (AFPO) is another fine company brought to its kneees by myself and the global shorting conspiracy. Actually it is a fraud which is why it snuck out more lies and bad news at no-one is watching O'clock on Friday. I was watching and this podcast is all about that fraud and what happens next.


2850 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Insider Dealer fund manager Mark Lyttleton - the whole thing is a joke

City slicker Mark Lyttleton of BlackRock is behind bars this Christmas. But not for long enough. How he sinned tells us how bent the whole City is and the joke sentence shows that white collar crime really does pay. This podcast is recorded in Shipston with my father listening. As a stern lefty he would imprison all fund managers not just the crooked ones,


2861 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Paternal Devotion sees the ultimate JK Rowling punishment

My daughter is here and I shall show paternal devotion shortly and be punished for my many sins as I explain in this podcast. Ahead of that I cover Cloudtag (CTAG), Arria (NLG), Highland Natural Resources (HNR), San Leon (SLE), Aidan Earley and Big Sofa (BST).


2861 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: Discussing Big Sofa with Adam Reynolds

Big Sofa Technologies (BST) IPO'd on AIM today at 17p - the shares are now 21p. It is the latest Adam Reynolds stock and we own "a few" shares. I recorded this podcast to discuss the investment case with Adam.


2865 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast Special: Adam Reynolds interviewed on Optibiotix & Premaitha

Earlier Adam and I chatted about Concepta (CPT). In this podcast we cover Optibiotix (OPTI) and Premaitha (NIPT).


2865 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast with Adam Reynolds on Concepta

I sat down with Adam Reynolds, the shellmeister today and recorded a string of podcasts. This one is on Concepta (CPT) a stock we own. The shares are 16p-17p. IMHO they should be closer to 30p. The next six months will see masses of news and real, material, sales and that will, I'm sure, drive a real re-rating of the shares. Listen to what Adam says...


2865 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - the Curse of Justin the Clown strikes again

In this podcast I look at Daniel Stewart (DAN) where Waseem Shakoor closed his short today. I look at the lunacy there, the lunacy at Cloudtag (CTAG) and show how it is the same folks, the sort of folks who are also preyed on by conman Darren Winters. On that note please read THIS ARTICLE TODAY - and tweet it out and link to it on Facebook and on any website you can. I look at Strat Aero (AERO), Ferrum Crescent (FCR), Avanti Communications (AVN) and then at another stock cursed by the frothing endorsement of the Clown, MySquar (MYSQ) which is a right old dog and its well spun RNS today can't hide that.


2866 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I shall keep this simple so that morons don't get even more confused

I start with a few explanations of how businesses work and how markets work for shareholders in Cloudtag (CTAG) and Optibiotix (OPTI), Then I mention two risers, Falanx (FLX) and Andalas (ADL) before moving on to Marechale (MAC), MySquar (MYSQ) and finally, in great detail, the 17 years of jam tomorrow bollocks that is Torotrak (TRK). Remember, as per podcast, - five share tips for a fiver - starts Monday at 7 AM, don't miss out sign up HERE


2866 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Shall I break a lifetime habit for Aidan Earley?

I start with the kerfuffle over Aiden Earley of Worthington (WRN) infamy. I described earlier how he has libelled me but is threatening me with legal action. He has lost the plot and I am now talking to my lawyer about dealing with this irritant proactively as I explain in the podcast. Then  I discuss why it is better to travel than to arrive and a Red Flag that links Sefton (SER) and Cloudtag (CTAG)


2873 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - a Cloudtag Special

There were no bearcasts yesterday and so today there will be two. I start with AIM casino bad boy and fraud Cloudtag (CTAG) which now adds market abuse to the list of financial crimes of which it is guilty. Why are the shares still suspended? is this the end or the beginning of the end? Who deserves to go to jail? Who deserves sympathy? All is revealed in this bonus podcast.


2877 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Staring down the barrel - just one week left for the bailout placings

I am just so tired after day 4 of the olive harvest. You can see today's report - into the lair of the snake - HERE. In this podcast I cover: Cloudtag (CTAG), Strat Aero (AERO), Andalas (ADL), the CFD firms and the FCA, notably Plus 500 (PLUS), African Potash (FRAUD), Corero (CNS), Inspirit (INSP) and Fishing Republic (FISH).


2877 days ago

Peter Schiff: QE4 is going to be huge

Is the Trump rally fizzling out? Yes it is. But is this going to be a soft landing? No. That is the view of libertarian gold bug superhero Peter Schiff who explains in his latest podcast that bubbles just do not go away gently. And we are living in a bubble.


2879 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I've been silenced on Worthington by the lawyers said the Pea Brained moron - oh yeah?

Rain stopped play at the Greek Hovel olive harvest as I report in a new photo article HERE. So is a computer work day. A BB Moron is boasting that I have gone quiet on Worthington (WRN) and won't call it a fraud, on legal advice. Let me put him straight in this podcast. I comment on Italy and then it is onto Red Rock Resources (RRR) and Sports Direct (SPD) and the issue of buying shares in companies with, er..controversial bosses. I discuss both in detail.


2880 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 550kg of olives harvested in one day, I'm cream crackered

I am utterly wiped out after day one of what looks like being a cracking harvest. A full photo report is HERE. In the podcast I discuss votes tomorrow in Austria and Italy and what they mean and why we bears are feeling good about the lack of a Santa Rally. Trump was Santa this year and that rally is over. I explain why I disagree with Malcolm Stacey's article today. I then look at a number of AIM stocks set to slide and why, as I refer to Steve's piece earlier. In focus: Avanti Communications (AVN), Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO), Telit (TCM), Boohoo (BOO), Tungsten (TUNG), Fastjet (FJET), Cloudtag (CTAG), African Potash (AFPO) and I have a few words about Worthington (WRN)


2883 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast - Explaining the madness of the LSE Bulletin Board asylum

Prompted by Waseem's very legitimate points about censorship on the LSE Bulletin Board I am asked to explain the madness and the metrics behind what is going on over on that asylum. And that I do in this bonus podcast.


2885 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: TrakM8 - disastrous interims, profits crash, cashburn horrific - 100% vindicated

"Lorne Daniel at FinnCap, PR man Reg Hoare, Nomad Ed Frisby, Broker Joanna Scott, Edison Research, Proactive Investors we have beaten them all, we have beaten them all!. Paul Scott can you hear me? Paul Scott ... your boys took a hell of a beating! Your boys took a hell of a beating!" Yes The Sheriff of AIM is again 100% vindicated and it is ouzo o'clock already thanks to dog TrakM8 (TRAK)! But where next for the shares? All is discussed in full in this bonus podcast.


2887 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Red Flags come home to roost for the Sheriff's fave AIM Turkeys

How is that for a Thanksgiving mixed metaphor of a title? In this podcast I look at denial, red flags and bending the rules on the Casino. Among the companies covered today are:  Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO), Cloudtag (CTAG), African Potash (AFPO), Fastjet (FJET) and the insider dealing, Mkango Resources (MKA), London Capital (LCG), Audioboom (BOOM), Milestone Group (MSG) and I flag up that Steve & I have a hot share tip you can access for just £5 coming up very soon HERE


2890 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Mark Gustafson are you a bullshitter? I challenge you

In today's podcast recorded with an audience of my Guardian reading father who is torturing me by reading out snippets from the ghastly left wing rag, I start with a look at Pantheon Resources (PANR). I then cover FastJet (FJET) - having a swipe at its smearing scumbag low-life PR fucking geniuses at Citigate Dewe Rogerson en passant - , Avocet Mining (AVM), Blenheim Natural Resources (BNR) and African Potash (FRAUD). Then it is onto Redcentric (RCN) and MXC Capital (MXCP) and the challenge for Mark Gustafson, Mr bullshitter at Challenger Acquisitions (CHAL).


2890 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Gold. Always believe in your soul. You've got the power to know. You're indestructible

In this podcast I discuss why Mkango (MKA) failed to impress me in such a major way last night and then I look at gold stocks in general and Condor (CNR) specifically before explaining how to assess when a cash burner will have to place.


2891 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Mkango bitchez I am coming for YOU! Kick off 6 PM

I am still in the Motorway service station at the Premier Inn but head to London shortly. For tonight it is myself and the old bank robber Brokerman Dan against Mkango Resources (MKA). Bring it on bitchez! In this podcast I also look at Aquatic Foods (AFG), NAHL (NAH), Slater & Gordon (SGH), Igas (IGAS), Redcentric (RCN) and MXC Capital (MXCP)


2899 days ago

Video: Peter Schiff on carnage in the bond markets post Trump

Folks have focussed on how shares have zoomed since Donald Trump won but what about the bond market which saw its worst week for five years? What does that mean and will it continue? Yes it will. That is the warning of libertarian hero and perma bear Peter Schiff in his latest podcast. 


2899 days ago

Waseem Shakoor: Cloudtag CEO Ben Haim lied to Justin the Clown

Bear raider Waseem Shakoor has openly accused Cloudtag (CTAG) CEO Ben Haim of misleading investors in a podcast recorded with the ever gullible Justin the Clown. Waseem writes:


2902 days ago

Justin The Clown Caption Contest Result - Drunken Sailor your entry is obscene

With Andalas Energy (ADL) shares down again today as it heads for a massively discounted placing or insolvency, Justin the Clown's chances of moving out of the cardboard box look remote. But maybe he has also invested in Cloudtag which he has promoted enthusiastically. Cripes he may soon be evicted from the cardboard box at this rate. We asked you for captions to the scene of domestic bliss below for the Vox Markets podcaster HERE and I should warn you that Drunken Sailor's entry was er...extremely distasteful and hard to swallow.. The winner is....


2906 days ago

Vox Markets podcaster, Justin the Clown Andalas Caption Contest

In his infamous podcast with Dave "rule breaker " Whitby that got shares in Andalas (ADL) suspended, Justin the Clown fessed up that he owned so many of these shares that he'd be homeless if they did not go up. They have plunged from 1.3p back then to just 0.13p now and as the company hurtles towards bankruptcy worse is to come. As such we have an exclusive photo of Justin in his new home and invite you to supply suitable captions for it in the comments section below. Deadline midnight Sunday


2909 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast Special: PR Genius Steffi, Beaufort Securities, the Vox rampfest and Solo Oil - the sordid underbelly of AIM

In this bearcast special I take apart a share price ramp being orchestrated today by Solo Oil's (SOLO) broker Belfort Securities, PR fecking genius Steffi and the rampers nest of snakes that is the Justin the Clown podcast at Vox Markets. Investors need to be aware there is a massive stock overhang and a placing ahoy. They are being hoodwinked not by the company I stress but by its crony capitalist advisers and by those for whom Lenin's phrase "useful idiot" could not be more apt.


2913 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Crooked Hillary, insider dealing and the Mrs fiasco

In this podcast I look at the Hillary Clinton bombshell and what it means for the election and shares, something I cover in more detail HERE. Then I explain insider dealing and the difference between how I treated Reach4Entertainment (R4E) and Cyan (CYAN). Finally I suggest that heads must roll at Northland over the Management Resource Solutions (MRS) scandals.


2914 days ago

Podcast with Rick Rule: Chaos in the EU - Trauma on the Peripheries

Legendary resource investor Rick Rule has recorded a podcast covering gold (cautious), potash (mega bullish) but also the looming chaos in the EU and what that means. It is thought provoking stuff from Rule.


2914 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: banking £309 fecking quid from Audioboom - 21 bottles of ouzo ahoy!

Yes my royalties have arrived. I comment on Audioboom (BOOM), Andalas Energy (ADL), Inspirit Energy (INSP) and Cloudtag (CTAG). My other podcast on why Hillary Clinton is the World War Three candidate is HERE.


2914 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard - The Truth the Western Media will not tell you about what is happening in Aleppo, Syria

We are being lied to at every level by Western politicians and the liberal media establishment about who is doing what to whom in the so called siege of Aleppo. This is dangerous and it is wrong as I explain in this podcast which is dedicated to Nadine and her brave family still stuck in Aleppo facing death every day.


2916 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: sticking it to Big Gob, Justin the Clown, The Rule Breaker Whitby and the dog Andalas

This podcast is not just about the dog with fleas that is Andalas (ADL) and the motley crew of low life and fools associated with it. I also cover Highlands Natural (HNR), Mayan (MYN) and ADVFN (AFN) for whom I have a question. It is not exactly the most blue chip of selections today is it?  The hot tip for a fiver I mentioned can be accessed .HERE


2918 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: Trump is not the threat to World Peace, Crooked Hillary Clinton is

I am not saying that Donald Trump is a patch on the great Ronald Reagan. But the way the British liberal press demonises him is similar to the way the demonised Reagan back in the 1980s. The facts are that the world would be safer with Trump in the White House than with crooked Hillary Clinton as POTUS as I explain in this podcast


2921 days ago

Precious Metals Video Update: A Low in Gold & Gold Stocks…?

A look at Gold and gold stocks and their trajectory going forward after completing what appears to be a short-term low. The latest podcast from Jordan Roy-Byrne at Palisade Capital. 


2925 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Oi! Highlands Natural is there something you are not telling us?

The Mrs is staying with the mother in law for another day meaning more peace and quiet for myself and Oakley and another day not to tidy up various messes that have been created. What bliss. In the podcast I discuss Kefi (KEFI), some very serious questions for the scam Highlands Natural Resources (HNR), Magnolia Petroleum (MAGP) and placing ahoy Strat Aero (AERO) as well as Boohoo (BOO) anj Asos (ASC)


2931 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - I am such an ffing feminist & is Justin the Clown always a red flag?

The reason for that is revealed at the end of the podcast. Before that I look at Gable (GAH), Entu (ENTU), Gulf Keystone and a stock ramped by Justin the Clown, Global Energy Development (GED). Does an endorsement from the Clown mean that the shares might not be cheap?


2936 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the Collapse of Sterling lie...I blame the Tories & the BBC

Is Sterling collapsing? Well, er... yes and no. It partly depends on where we started? If it is sliding is that down to Brexit? That is far more of a no than a yes. So are the Tories to blame? As of last week, in part yes. Is the BBC telling lies because it still can't handle the Brexit result? Of course it is. Confused? All is explained in this week's podcast. And talking of lies my podcast I mention on Syria is HERE


2941 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Avanti inches to zero and Arian - once a dog always a dog - it needs shooting!

I start this podcast with a look at Avanti Communications (AVN) where I hope you ignored the ramblings of snot gobbler's colleagues at the FT and stayed short. 0p is still looking likely and I discuss the problems IIs face today. I look at Arian Silver (AGQ), a dog with fleas which has served the fat useless bastards on the board and its crony capitalist advisers well as punters have been shafted year after year. I look at Northern Petroleum (NOP) where today's dismal results tell you that it is placing ahoy AGAIN, at Petropavlovsk (POG), Galantas (GAL), Boxhill (BOX) and at Capita (CPI),  


2948 days ago

A North American view on Potash - may interest Sirius groupies

The latest podcast from Palisade Capital sees a chap called Dwayne Dahl talk his own book but what he says about the forces that are shaping the potash industry will be of interest to groupies of Sirius Minerals (SXX). And for their sake I bring you this podcast.


2950 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - I'm selling shares ahead of a winter of discontent

I refer to a podcast I did earlier on Dr King and Donald Trump HERE. Malcolm Stacey has today urged you to buy shares HERE. I am starting to sell FIML owned shares as I am now more bearish than I have been in a very long time. I take apart Malcolm's flimsy arguments but add in a number of other points to make, what I think, is a compelling bear case.


2955 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Crashing with China, Krispy Kreme and the trainwreck CV of Lyin' Chris

In today's podcast, recorded before my father in law hogs the TV room to watch Songs of Praise, I look at what the Krispy Kreme IPO in Londron means, at signs of the mother of all crashes in China and what the CV of destruction from lyin' Chris of African Potash (AFPO) exposed HERE earlier - means. Am I a hypocrite on this matter. Er...no.


2957 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Looking back to 16 September 1929, lessons we don't learn

In this podcast I speculate on how the pace of change is accelerating and what world my son will grow up in. But more importantly I look back to 8 years ago yesterday and 87 years ago yesterday, to what happened then and the mistakes and lessons we all forget to think about as we blunder on. Yes I am talking asset bubbles and stockmarket crashes again. Malcolm Stacey take note!


2961 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast - More total horseshit from the Cloudtag lie machine today

Today Cloudtag (CTAG) has announced yet another placing and also an operational update. It is all horseshit and if you think carefully about what Cloudtag claims it just does not make sense. Clearly Nomad Cairn is more interested in banking its retainers than in verifying claims made that cannot logically be correct. That, and more, in this bonus podcast.


2967 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Buffett themes on bad companies, CMC, TrakM8 and the stinker that is Starcom

In this podcast I refer to an article I penned today on the greedy bastards that are the junior doctors HERE. My central theme is various ways that Warren Buffett would define companies as "bad" and in that vein I look at CMC Markets (CMC), TrakM8 (TRAK) and in some detail the uber ramped dog with fleas that is Starcom (STAR) which I covered a month ago -gosh my analysis is good (as you can see here).


2967 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: Malcolm Graham Wood is a bent fat toad talking cock on Pantheon Resources

I covered Pantheon Resources (PANR) twice on Monday in relation to Evil Knievil's dire trade HERE and in relation to its dire statement HERE. On iii shamed cash for copy tipster Malcolm Graham Wood has made the bull case for the shares. He is talking cock from start to finish and I take his comments apart one by one in this bonus podcast. 


2969 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: A deluge of AIM sleaze as I prepare to assemble a cot, a task from Greek mythology

In a while I must go asremble a cot. It won't be like a cot of old but is bound to have 85 parts, six types of screw, an Allan Key and instructions designed for a Nobel Prize winner. It is like a heroic task from Greek mythology and I expect to be in a bad mood soon. So for that reason and one other I record early. On the agenda: Cloudtag (CTAG), Gulf Keystone (GKP), Pantheon Resources (PANR), 88 Energy (88E), Vipera (VIP), XCite Energy (XEL) and Strat Aero (AERO) and only en passant the fraudsters at African Potash (AFPO). This podcast is long and detailed.


2970 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Ayn Rand (genius), a bimbo on the Sun Telegraph & Gulf Keystone and a stockmarket crash looms

I refer to my 8 Reasons Donald Trump will win podcast in this bearcast - you can listen to that HERE. Elsewhere I discuss the problem of a corrupted press with reference to today's Sunday Telegraph on Gulf Keystone (GKP). I then examine why I think the stockmarket might crash this fall. Finally I offer up a quote from Ayn Rand and challenge you to disagree with how, in 1957, she describes the sad world of 2016.


2976 days ago

Charge Into the First Half of This Gold Bull Market

It’s definitely not too late to get into the precious metals bull market - that is the claim made in this week's Palisade Capital podcast, by Matt Geiger. Even though the gains at the beginning of this cycle have been extreme, we still have a long way to go. These next 16-18 months should be exciting! Matt argues says that typically the real money will be made in the first half of the cycle. He recommends being aggressive in investments up to mid 2018- after that it’s likely to be less lucrative.


2983 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: Ramptastic RNS from FastFoward more horse - sell, sell & sell again

There is more horseshit today in an RNS from FastForward Innovations (FFWD), The money is running our fast. CEO Lorne Abony is in full ramping mode as he know he needs to get a placing away this fall or the game is up. The shares trade at a vast premium to NAV so what to do? Ramp again of course. All is explained in this bonus podcast.


2984 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: how the Press mugs investors - ref Lombard Risk & Advanced Oncotherapy

In this podcast I refer to my non financial podcast today on the great Olympic Con - sport is not making Britain Great again (HERE) and also to part 4 of the new series: The Chairman's Blog by Sir Benjamin Dover HERE. Then I go onto how the corrupt financial press and PR flunkies use and abuse you as readers and investors with special reference to bank closures and Lombard Risk Management (LRM)  in the Mail on Sunday and, especially, Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) in today's Sunday Times.


2985 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: Malcolm Stacey has mad bull disease & is wrong, wrong, wrong

Malcolm Stacey penned a piece earlier today (HERE) on why shares should rise. They may do so, as we live in crazy times but an number of the "facts" claimed by Malcolm are quite simply wrong. And his thesis is thus built on straw - he is wrong, wrong and wrong again as I explain in this bonus podcast.


2990 days ago

Get ready for an Autumn surge in Gold Stocks

We are seeing a few weeks of rest in the junior mining space, and many are predicting a massive rally this fall. Markets move up when there are more buyers than sellers, and down when the opposite occurs. Both the metals, and mining equities markets are extremely well bid. If there is a break in the market it’s likely to be on the upside, not the downside. That is the key message from Rick Rule of Sprott in this week's podcast from Palisade Capital


2995 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus bearcast: Cenkos fined £530,000 over Quindell fraud - assisting crime DOES pay says the FCA

The FCA will say that fining Cenkos (CNKS)  £530,000 over the Quindell (QPP) fraud shows regulation is working. Au contraire. The narrow scope of its investigation, the failure to sanction individuals and the paltry fine show that assisting crime does pay if you work in the City. It sends out all the wrong signals and is a day of shame for the Square Mile as I explain in this podcast.


3003 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: the EU Pensions scandal and why Michael Heseltine is beneath contempt (again)

There are two matters EU to discuss today and they are linked: the debate over who pays the EU pensions black hole for British MEPs and Eurocrats now we are ,leaving and the comments from Michael Heseltine showing how he views you and I with contempt. He is a vile man at every level but these two issues are linked as I explain in this podcast.


3006 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Business models that are fecked - European banks to cash guzzlers on AIM

The last podcast recorded with the audience of my father for a few days sees a few comments on how he yearns for the socialist paradise of Albania in the good old days. Whatever. I look at Nostra Terra (NTOG) and what it must do and another bear point for Avanti Communications (AVN) I had overlooked, at FastForward (FFWD) and why it is such a dog with fleas and at broken business models in both new media and the European Banks. The truth is that the Emperor's New Clothes, in both cases, really are not that impressive.


3010 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Bastards, the lawyers are always the only winners

In this podcast I start by clarifying exacty where I stand on Nostra Terra (NTOG) then I move onto Lead All (LEAL), Blenheim Natural (BNR) and China New Energy (CNEL). Then I look at Strat Aero (AERO) where there is news from Texas ( not good). Finally a stock we own, Bluebird Merchant (BMV) and I assist you with the maths on today's cracking news.


3018 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Shipston Bengal beckons

In this podcast I discuss the !Industrial policy" of Theresa May, the LSE being taken over by the Krauts - a good thing - why I am still an equities bear and a few other things. Must rush. I have a takeaway from Shipston Bengal to collect for my father and me. 


3021 days ago

All In On Precious Metals – Most Obvious Trade On the Planet! Shares to fall by 80%

Fund manager Etai Friedman says he has never seen a bigger green light in his life. It is literally the most obvious trade on the planet. The trade is so good that Etai just rebalanced his portfolio from a very small gold and silver allocation to 75%! And he’s not done yet. He expects to go 100% towards precious metals within the next couple of months. In this week's podcast with Amanda van Dyke's colleagues at Palisade Capital he explains why.


3023 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: You cant fix the property bubble by making it bigger

In a wide ranging podcast I look at the bubbles in property and elsewhere and how we create bigger bubbles as we fix smaller ones. The day of reckoning can be postponed for only so long.


3023 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - the curse of the tipster, commercial suicide

In this podcast I discuss pruning here in Bristol, an update on the Gooseberry crumble and then the lessons about how folks behave as investors or rather gamblers we can learn from the Worthington (WRN) fraud which must now be brown bread as explained HERE earlier today following news on Friday. That section also mentions Cloudtag (CTAG) and tech stocks. Then I look at commercial suicide, the curse of the tipster and Bluebird Merchant Ventures (BMV).


3023 days ago

Tom Winnifrith bonus bearcast - 14 Red Flags you may have missed At Avanti Communications

I would expect the collapse in the Avanti Communications (AVN) share price to continue. You cannot say this site did not warn you. In this bonus bearcast I run through 14 red flags which apply to Avanti and which I managed to jot down in less than ten minutes. Drat! I missed an obvious 15th: the promise to move from AIM to the Main Market. It did not happen. Companies that promise the jump but don't make it (think Quindell) are always red flagged.


3023 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - My father worries he may be a victim of the peasants revolt

On my personal website I have a podcast HERE about how Chilcot exposes the establishment/rest of us divide again and how this will create even more anger as the war criminal Blair walks free. My father, who is lisening to me record today, fears that he is in the firing line as a member of the establishment. I then move onto the omnishambles Boxhill (BOX), Portmeirion (PMP), Vislink (VLK), Igas (IGAS), Blenheim Natural Resources (BNR), lie and jam tomorrow producer African Potash (AFPO), Frontier Resources (FRI) and finally onto the fraudsters Eden Research (EDEN) where I will be asking for your help, dear listeners, tomorrow. 


3036 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 4 stocks worth 0p - Servision, CNEL, PCGE & Jiasen

Are you listening Jon Bellis at Belfort Securities? You know your form is acting for fraudsters and shite companies yet you are happy for Belfort to keep banking the retainers. This is morally wrong. How do you sleep at night? In this podcast I discuss four stocks that are each worth 0p: Jiasen (FRAUD) - broker Belfort Securities, Servision (SEV) - where are your crooked accounts? Broker Belfort Securities, China New Energy (CNEL) a fraud, broker the disgraced Daniel Stewart and PCG Entertainment (PCGE) another China Norfolk, broker Belfort Securities.


3037 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: crack whores like Eden, Golden Saint & Cloudtag as Polly Toynbee spikes Stockmarket

The worst newspaper in the world in the truth and analysis department is the Guardian and its worst columnist is the loathsome haridan Polly Toynbee. Silly Polly has today caused the stockmarket to surge as I explain. I then move onto FastJet (FJET), Teathers Financial (TEA), Tern (TERN) & Nigel's dynamite expose today and an array of AIM crack whores: Servision (SEV), Eden Research (EDEN) and Cloudtag (CTAG). Warning: this podcast contains some very bad language.


3038 days ago

If you missed it - Tom Winnifrith recording as lightning strikes his house in Greece

If you are not one of our weekend readers you may have missed the drama of the thunderstorm in Greece which hit my house. As I recorded the Saturday bearcast lightning hit the small hovel in which I live in the Taygetus mountains. It is all too audible in the podcast.


3038 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: crack whores like Eden, Golden Saint & Cloudtag as Polly Toynbee spikes Stockmarket

The worst newspaper in the world in the truth and analysis department is the Guardian and its worst columnist is the loathsome haridan Polly Toynbee. Silly Polly has today caused the stockmarket to surge as I explain. I then move onto FastJet (FJET), Teathers Financial (TEA), Tern (TERN) & Nigel's dynamite expose today and an array of AIM crack whores: Servision (SEV), Eden Research (EDEN) and Cloudtag (CTAG). Warning: this podcast contains some very bad language.


3047 days ago

A Sinner Repenteth: Ex Greenpeace boss Patrick Moore puts the case for nuclear power & GM crops

It's not our own mad star gazing Patrick Moore who, apart from anything else, died four years ago, but the ex boss of Greenpeace who has seen the light. Praise the Lord! In this week's podcast with the colleagues of Amanda Van Dyke at Palisade Capital, a sinner repenteth. 


3047 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: Teathers/Drummonds/MediaCorp scandal the darkest day yet for the useless bastards at AIM Regulation

The earlier piece on the Drummonds, Nilesh Jagatia and the Media Corp scandal needs to be read in full. What horrifies me is that it shows that AIM Regulation knew everything in July 2014 but failed to act.  The Bogus Sheriff of AIM, Marcus Stuttard, should either resign on Monday morning or find out who failed to protect investors, sack him and agree to compensate anyone who has lost money in Teathers Financial (TEA) and possibly Inspirit (INSP) as well. I warn you that I use bad language in this bonus podcast as I am furious with the Oxymorons at AIM Regulation over this appalling failure.


3048 days ago

Tom Winnifrith postcard: Almost every reaction to the awful murder of Jo Cox MP is so utterly wrong

The murder of Jo Cox MP throws up key issues that are not being discussed: accountability ( or rather lack of it ) in public services and also how we treat and view mental health issues in the UK. The reaction of MPs and the media shows what a different world they live in from the rest of us. The reaction of the left and the some in the Remain camp in using this as an opportunity to smear and shut down debate is repulsive. This is an awful event but folks need to get some things in perspective. Knowing a little bit about murder and also psychiatric issues first hand - as I explain in the podcast - I speak from the heart as well as the head.


3060 days ago

Tom Winnifrith postcard: the myth of privilege, public schools and that all state schools are the same

Prompted by a nasty tweet from Wales from a chap who spits out the words public schoolboy with invective in the same sentence as the word immigrant, this podcast is a follow up to the Cadwalladr article at the weekend. I had childhood & university privilege (public school & Oxford). But so too did folks who went to top comprehensives and Oxford, something some folks are in denial about. And that catchment area based selection is why abolishing public schools would still allow richer folks to buy a head start for their kids.


3065 days ago

Uranium is set to go boom ..the next big thing

I am not sure about that although I am a shareholder in, still cheap, Berkeley Energia (BKY) so hope this is the case. Anyhow, this week's podcast from Amanda Van Dyke's colleagues at Palisade Capital is with George Glasier who argues that increasing worldwide demand for uranium cannot be met by existing supply. Taking a new project into production is a tedious process meaning supply crunches are inevitable. The current price is so low that mines have been shutting down. This comes at a time when nuclear power plants are being built at incredible speed. That is the bull case...enjoy.


3073 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - a Globo loser wants me to work for him for free!

Jeepers what a fantasist. He is probably related to yesterday's Scouse fantasist. Get in the real world chaps. Moving on, in today's podcast I cover: IGAS (Igas), Highland Natural Resources (HNR), Guscio (GUSC), Armadale Capital (ACP), Chamberlin (CMH), Cyan (CYAN), Management Resources (MRS), Imaginatik (IMTK) and Mr Robert Simon Terry, the serial fraudster.


3076 days ago

Rick Rule warns gold equities might see a pull back

Rick Rule of Sprott is still a long term gold bull but he has warned that after a good run some of the gold equities could see some consolidation or pull back unless gold itself moves ahead again. On the upside he notes in this week's podcast with Amanda van Dyke's colleagues at Palisade Capital he discuses what happens if there is a major exploration success somewhere


3080 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast special - the delightful symmetry of Andalas & LGO Energy

There is so much delightful (for we bears) symmetry between LGO Energy (LGO) and Andalas (ADL) as both sink to a level where flippers in the recent placings must now take a loss. Right down to the CEOs both having facial hairs. It is uncanny and the subject of this podcast which also makes general points about stocks where the share price dips below a placing price in short order. It is all about human psychology.


3083 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Nicotine Clean for 2 days under 3 months

Yup I am still clean and 99.9% of the time very glad to be. But I know that if I have just one fag it will be all over. So I will not. I digress. Today's podcast covers my little internet difficulties here in Kambos then goes onto Aureus Mining (AUE), Circle Oil (COP), IGAS (IGAS), LGO Energy (LGO) and Gulf Keystone (GKP). Finally I urge regular listener Marcus Stuttard, head of the oxymorons at AIM Regulation, to read the utterly shocking Phil Edmonds and Andrew Groves tale HERE as it shows what a shite job the bogus Sheriff is doing.


3083 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I saw a snake & have a photo and this is a cracking bearcast BTW

I shall put the photo up later on TomWinnifrith.com but this is the first snake of the current greek trip - day 6 and one down!. I am a modest man, as you know, but feel that I have little to be modest about in saying that this really is a most excellent podcast covering Nostra Terra (NTOG), Avanti Communications (AVN) and a new lawyers letter,, Outsourcery (OUT) and LGO Energy (LGO) all in some detail. 


3084 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - e-Therapeutics this stinks like a pile of rotting kippers at the height of summer

In this podcast I start with Baby Bear, Graham Neary, and why he is wrong on Fastjet (FJET). The trouble is that he is being too nice. Baby, try to remember that we bears are meant to be complete and utter bastards. I then discuss my own Greek planning woes and those of Minoan (MIN). Then it is onto e-therapeutics (ETX) and today's RNS which stinks to high heaven. This is now an A1 bargepole stock. I then cover Atlas African (AAI), Andalas (ADL) - what price the next placing?  - Hague London (HNL) and MX Oil (MXO) again what price its next placing? 0.1p looks about right to me.


3086 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard - the 4 reasons I'm glad Sadiq Khan beat Zac Goldsmith in London

There are four reasons why I'm glad that Sadiq Khan beat Zac Goldsmith to become Mayor of London and as I explain in this podcast not one of them is the reason the bien pensants are giving.


3087 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - distracted by a fascist in the wind and a vet's visit

The distractions are explained in the podcast and the fascist in the wind link is HERE. In the main podcast I look at Ascent (AST), Ncondezi Energy (NCCL), Forbidden Tech (FBT), Interserve (IRV), John Lewis of Hungerford (JLH) and Avanti Communications (AVN). Tomorrow I head to Greece


3088 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 3 days to Holiday: Yippee & Wildes is a comic genius

In three days I shall be at the Greek Hovel with the snakes, losing weight as I engage in manual labour, leaving Steve in charge. Today I deal with silly emails from Brokerman Dan Levi. Plus ca change. In today's podcast I look at Metal Tiger (MTR) and Conroy Gold (CGNR), a company that really needs Metal's Midas touch. I look at Marechale capital (MAC), Fitbug (FITB), Arian Silver (AGQ), Wishbone (WSBN) and in detail Servision (SEV). And I have had a complaint to the FRC rejected. Drat.


3095 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 1 May - I feel like Leicester City

In this podcast I look back to yesterday's quite amazing UK Investor show. I explain why I feel like Leicester City and then reflect on some of the themes of the show, discussing some of the companies and some of the investment ideas running through my mind, twenty four hours later. Thank you to all who attended and especially to the many fplks who came up to say really nice things. It was appreciated.


3095 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 24 hours of hell to go

24 hours to go to UK Investor and I am screaming at all comers, I really hate the days in the run up to the show. Anyhow (it will all be over tomorrow and I hope you have a great time. Can someone bring me a bottle of ouzo to dull the pain afterwards? On today's podcast I look at the Restaurant Group (RTN) and what its profits warning says about the economy and consumer behaviour. I look at David Lenigas associated shite Octagonal (OCT) and its rum and coke statement, Nighthawk (HAWK), London Capital (LCG), Igas (IGAS) and make a general observation about oil prices and oil stocks.


3099 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast Special - Andalas past present and if it has a future

In this podcast special I look at Andalas (ADL), the lessons for folks and also the future if it has one and where should the shares go and where will they go. All the clowns are in there, flip flop Ben Turney, the Sith Lord Zak "Judas" Mir,, Dave "rule breaker" Whitby and of course the crown prince of clowns, Justin the Clown himself


3099 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 27 March - which is more shite Outsourcery or Blur?

Hello to the chairman of the LSE and all other readers of this website and welcome to the daily podcast. In detail I look at Outsourcery (OUT) the crock of Turkish run by serial business failure Piers Linney and Blur (BLUR) the piece of Turkish run by uber-poltroon Phil Letts. Which is more worthless? Discuss. Having behaved myself with no bad language at the London Stock Exchange (LSE) AGM I am aware that my standards rather slipped in this podcast. You have been warned. I also cover MX Oil (MXO), Cambian (CMBN), Hunter Resources (HUN) and the uber Turkish Rose Petrooleum (ROSE) whose RNS today screams SELL - PLACING AHOY!


3099 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Bad language, Oakley, Andalas, Linney & Isle of Man Edition

This podcast contains bad language, please be warned. There are a couple of Isle of Man related issue and I then move onto: Snoozebox (ZZZ), Outsourcery (TOAST), Cambian (CMBN), Cobham (COB), earnings visibility and consumer spending patterns, Paul Scott, Nyota (NYO), Carpetright (CPR), Austin Reed and Falcon Acquisitions (FAL).


3107 days ago

Tom Winnifrith late Bearcast: Blame Bill frigging Gates, bloody Walsall, Bodie, Doyle & Cowley

This bearcast and your newsletter are late for a range of reasons including my sickness; taking the Mrs to start a 3 AM journey to fill impressionable young minds in Finland with lefty nonsense; dealing with Bill Bloody Gates; morons from the Walsall Shit Hole and also Bodie, Doyle & Cowley, The Professionals. In the podcast itself I cover Watchstone (WTG), Rosslyn Data (RDT), Fitbug (FITB), Rose Petroleum (ROSE), SeaEnergy (SEA), UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) and in great detail LGO Energy (LGO). I urge you to read the piece today on SP Angel. Read it carefully my friends!


3116 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 9 April - what I take from the Big Short

Malcolm Stacey wrote earlier about what he took from the Big Short - HERE. I took a rather different message as I explain in this podcast recorded with my father's help in Shipston.


3118 days ago

Tom Winnifrith postcard - the week we saw David Cameron, Polly Toynbee & the elite for the frauds they are

Here in Shipston my father is competing with his old friend Maurice on who can be more reactionary. That brings up how we all dealt with some junk mail. The podcast covers how the past week has shown the media and political elite circle wagons encompassing those on both left and right. The real battle is between them and we little people, the taxpayers, the 99%.


3121 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 6 April - Taihua, Solo, Strat Aero & the clown Lenigas

In today's podcast I start with the clown Lenigas as he stoops to new lows in every respect - see HERE. I then move onto a shit company not linkd to Jabba The Hutt - Taihua (TAIH). I also cover Solo Oil ( SOLO), Strat Aero (AERO), 88 Energy (88E), Cluff Natural (CLNR) and the time Algy met a man in shorts and a T shirt (me) and turned up his patrician nose, and Nighthawk Energy (HAWK) 


3125 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 2 April - Domestic Servitude for me & the Ronnie Corbett issue

It is the birthday of the Mrs tomorrow and so tonight we entertain 20 of her mad lefty friends and no prizes for guessing who is doing all the cooking. It is her birthday but to have to cook then be nice to her mad friends as well is surely a cruel and unusual punishment for me. In this podcast I discuss a raft of tax issues including the Corbett question. Then it is a preview of "how not to be a bulletin board moron"


3136 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 23 March - More ramping of Horse Hill by Flip Flop & Others but Leni-maths does not add up

In this podcast I look at United Cacao (CHOC) and also Gulfstands Petroleum (GPX) but the bulk of this edition covers the ramping of Horse Hill stocks by an unholy alliance of flip flop, Jabba and others. The trouble is that their analysis - I use the word loosely - is based on Leni-Maths and Leni-Maths does not add up.


3138 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 20 March: Nice krauts, nasty Phil Green, Mike Ashley and Wicked Witch Cherie Blair

In today's podcast I argue that it matters little who runs the London Stock Exchange (LSE) as long as it is not the idiots in charge now. I then move onto unnacceptable faces of capitalism: slob Mike Ashley, greedy pig Phil Green and the Wicked Witch Cherie Blair


3138 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 17 March - you just cannot be Sirius

I start with two matters from yesterday's Budget which I neglected to mention in my otherwise excellent post Budget podcast HERE. The I move not to Sirius Minerals (SXX), which I shall cover in a seperate article elsewhere following a chat with Chris Frazer which left me quite impressed, but to Sirius Petroleum (SRSP) which is a dog with fleas and whose placing today stinks. Then it is onto Wandisco (WAND), Gulf Keystone (GKP) - where are my fucking apologies from the morons? - Audioboom (BOOM), Challenger Acquisitions (CHAL) and the uber perma dog Sareum (SAR) before I engage in a lengthy discussion on Fitbug (FITB) another perma dog.


3142 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - placing ahoy at Verona Pharma? And much much ffing more!

In a wide ranging podcast today I cover: 88 Energy (88E), Verona Pharma (VRP), LGO Energy (LGO), UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), Solo Oil (SOLO), the woes of Jabba The Hutt, Wandisco (WAND), Stilo (STL) and Jiasen (JSI) and I offer you a severe warning about uber-ramped Challenger Acquisitions (CHAL) where its a real PLACING AHOY


3142 days ago

Tom Winnifrith UK Budget Bearcast March 2016

In this bonus podcast I discuss all aspects of today's UK Budget from Chancellor George Osborne. It was an intensely political budget from Mr Osborne but not one I believe in very much. I failed to mention the lifetime ISA that lets help young people overpay for housing gimmick. It will not address the real issue that is asset inflation, instead it may fuel what is a bubble that bit longer.


3145 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Pre Budget Bearcast - Leave poor smokers alone, why not a todger tax on gay bath-houses?

In this pre budget podcast I look at likely tax breaks for the North Sea and who to short after the Chancellor pisses taxpayer cash away on that, I look at the budget in general and why Osborne is a failure and then I discuss smoking and taxes on smokers which are wrong at all levels - why not a todger tax on gay bathhouses instead? I warn you that this podcast uses some colourful language. Please if you listen on itunes give it a 5* rating in response.


3145 days ago

Tom Winnifrith postcard: EU immigration into the UK: either way the Government is lying - another reason to vote for Brexit

I speak as someone who supports - with one massive caveat - free immigration to the UK. But on the matter of EU immigration to Britain the Government is lying to us all and refusing to tell us the real figures. There are two possible reasons for this and either means that Brexit is the only way forward.


3146 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: EDF & Hinkley Point the sheer folly of the Governments of France & Britain

The EDF Hinkley Point Saga shows the French Government to be fools engaged in folly in the way that it treats EDF. And it shows the British Government to be fools engaged in folly in the way that it has agreed to the Hinkley Point plans. Will the nuclear power station go ahead? I hope not. The whole saga is a disaster which the taxpayers of both France and Britain will pay for as our Governments screw up in very different ways. All is explained in this week's podcast. If you enjoyed it and listened on itunes please remember to give it a 5* rating!


3147 days ago

Tom Winnifrith bonus Bearcast: Talking bollocks contest Mario Draghi vs Richard Chase

Once again if you are listening on itunes please give this podcast a 5* rating and feel free to write a glowing review. Meanwhile I discuss who has been talking bigger bollocks in the past 48 hours: Richard Chase of Nyota (NYO), Mario Draghi of the ECB or those "inners" who believe in Mario. It is a close run contest.


3148 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 10 March - Depressed like a Horse Shite pump post dump

I refer you to my bonus podcast earlier for the depression note. I ask you what is the point? back to the markets and I look at another Horse Hill pump and dump, step forward Regency Mines (RGM ) and Andrew Bell. Next to dump Solo (SOLO) then UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) whatever David Lenigas tweets. Then I look at Origo (OPP) and also at Sprue Aegis (SPRP)


3148 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: Fastjet Part2 & Citigate Dewe Rogerson PRs are all ffing geniuses

Earlier today I penned a piece on Fastjet (FJET), a company which is a crock of shit. Its PR firm, Citigate Dewe Rogerson, threatened me not about saying that Fastjet is a crock of shit but about what I said about one of its staff. I was threatened with a libel writ from Slaughter & May for inter alia suggesting that an employee was of Greek origin. This Citigate reckons is a slur as clearly it was aimed as an insult. But I live in Greece and love the place said I. But your readers do not know that said Citigate. Whatever... I reckon you do don't you?  This podcast sets the record straight on all matters including me making it clear that all employees of Citigate are geniuses, the real reason my question on Fastjet is not being answered ( 3rd time lucky in terms of asking) and why I now contemplate retirement. What a silly and oppressive place the City and Britain has become.


3149 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 9 March: Bell, D&D, PR Fuckwits at FTI & Glenwick Rampers talk balls

I warn you that there is a lot of bad language in this podcast. I start with the balls talked by D&D on Fastjet (FJET). I have put the company on the spot as to what $20 million cash available means and I await a response. It matters big time. Then there is Andrew Bell talking balls on Horse Hill ahead of placings ahoy across the board. Then those who denied placings at Pantheon (PANR) and the posh fuckwits who spin for Scancell (SCLP). Both denied my stories. Both placed today. Folks: you know where to send your ouzo apologies. I discuss those placings and also that of Armadale (ACP) - a pisser as we own those shares. Then I discuss dire results from Glenwick (GWIK), shares in which deserve to halve and which were ramped by the same sort of mothers who ramped CEB/Andalas. The result will be the same. And also a horrid profits warnig from Tandem Group (TND) comes under the spotlight. I also mention my articles today on greedy Junior Doctors ad the BBC's woeful Trump coverage HERE


3150 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 8 March: Solgold & Rose Petroleum - just doing the ffing maths!

It is International Women's Day and I ponder how to celebrate now that the Mrs has cooked my breakfast and been made aware that my West Ham shirt needs cleaning. Then to the markets. Solgold (SOLG ) announced its placing last night - as I flagged it would at the weekend HERE - next up is Rose Petroleum (ROSE) where I flagged up the timing of the placing it must surely announce soon 90 days ago HERE. It is just about doing the bloody maths. I have a detailed look at Audioboom (BOOM) and then have a new message for the disgraced failed CEO pig that is [email protected]. My other podcast to which I refer on why the sordid deal with Turkey MUST make you vote for Brexit is HERE


3152 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 6 March: Crook Rob Terry, Neil Woodford & the pig Richard Chase

This podcast looks at three men. First is the criminal fraudster and expenses thief Rob Terry and I discuss what sort of trial and what sort of punishment needs to take place and be imposed. Then it is fund manager Neil Woodford and I look at his growing biotech headaches. Finally the greedy pig Richard Chase of Nyota. If you have not yet listened to yesterday's special on this failure of a CEO please do so and send the email I request.


3152 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 5 March: Solgold rockets 43% - but all the money's gone!

Shares in Solgold (SOLG) raced ahead by 43% on Friday. But has anyone looked at the balance sheet and cashflow statements? It is just totally out of cash. All the money's gone. The RNS trail, is ramptastic and SP Angel (BTW what has happened to Mkango you scumbags) is bound to roger PIs with a post pump dump of a placing within days. This, and the idea that West Ham are the new Brazil and that all rugby players are homosexuals, is discussed in today's podcast.


3156 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast - Call Me Dave's Dodgy Dossier on EU Brexit - it is just lies

The Government of David Cameron has today published a document considering the impact on trade and food prices of an EU Brexit. This dodgy dossier contains lies from start to finish as I explain in this podcast.


3158 days ago

Tom Winnifrith leap year Bearcast: the spectre of mass unemployment & a POS who deserves it, the liar Lenigas

Warning: The podcast contains both bad language and also a lot of abuse directed at Australians.I start with the guys who run Slater & Gordon and accept that they can't be thrown to saltwater crocs who have not eaten since Christmas. shame. Its all down to geography. I then move onto the liar David Lenigas, Rare Earth Minerals (REM) and LGO Energy (LGO). Then to Bingo Bango Bongo (BGO) WTF is going on? Petroceltic (PCI) - the new Afren in every respect - and then to 4D Pharma (DDDD), Finally I dwell on the spectre of mass unemployment in certain sectors in China, the UK and the USA and what it means.

PS If you are a Slater & Gordon ambulance chasing lawyer now facing a P45 I have no sympathy - I look at the compensation you got for your clients - notably Savile victims - and how it related to your obscene fees, the costs to society of your activities and thus wish you a long stint on the dole.


3159 days ago

Slater & Gordon Beer & Popcorn Results Debacle Podcast Part 3 - why did S&G's board crash the car

In part two of this series I showed why analysing today's interims leads to just one conclusion - shares in Slater & Gordon (SGH) are going to zero or near as damn it. That podcast can be accessed HERE. Now I look at quite why the poltroons who run S&G did the Quindell (QPP) deal in the first place and why they overpaid so monstrously for a fraud


3159 days ago

Slater & Gordon Beer & Popcorn Results Debacle Podcast Part 2 - Car Crash - for S&G insolvency beckons

The interims for the 6 months to December 31 2015 from Slater & Gordon are a car crash. A$1.2 billion was spent on buying the Quindell (QPP) fraud, now the madness of that is laid bare. Slater's board should be strung up with piano wire. The shares are heading to zero or near as damn it. This podcast contains a full results analysis.


3159 days ago

Slater & Gordon Beer & Popcorn Results Debacle Podcast Part 1 - Good news for Watchstone

Slater & Gordon (SGH) interims are out and are disastrous for the Aussie poltroons. The Quindell (QPP) fraud has left S&G on its knees. But before I enjoy another ouzo I start with a look at how this car crash affects Watchstone (WTG) and for it the news is good.


3159 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 28 Feb: Getting ouzo ready for Slater & Gordon, MIDAS in Mail talks shite & Mervyn King on banksters

In today's podcast I look forward to results from Slater & Gordon (SGH) at around midnight Sunday. I explain how goodwill writedowns, bank provisioning and other matters work ahead of what will be an ouzo, beer, popcorn and coke evening of joy for me. Then it is onto explaining why the MIDAS column in the Mail on Sunday penned by the silly bint Jo Hart is talking shite on Aureus Mining (AUE). You would have thought by now that Jo would have grasped the basics of how DCF models work. It seems not. Then I end on Mervyn King's warnings of a new bank crisis. I think he may be right.


3160 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 26 Feb: Savile BBC cover up, Beer& Popcorn date with me Sunday & denial at Petroceltic & LGO

I start with Jimmy Savile as I have no apologies for running this yesterday.The BBC enquiry is just another establishment cover up and I explain why. Then it is onto investor denial at Petroceltic (PCI), not at Premaitha (NIPT), but at LGO Energy (LGO). I explain why Volex (VLX) is - and always will be - a shit company. Then I ask Rob Terry and Knob Park to unblock me on twitter as we should all have an online beer and popcorn party late on Sunday when Slater & Gordon (SGH) reports its results. I'll be up to do a special podcast and it will be fun. I hope you'll be joining me and that Rob will unblock me so he can take part too. There is also a brief comment on Nyota (NYO) where the piggery by a useless CEO is about to stop. 


3161 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 25 Feb: Bingo Bango Bongo & the lie of Business against Brexit

I end with a look at Bango (BGO) and why I would not be tempted. I start with a look at the markets and why I remain a bear avec mon ami le grenouille Thierry, despite the markets having a big up day. Most of the podcast is dedicated to taking apart the establishment managers and other lunatics who make up the 200 business-persons against Brexit. They are wrong and they do NOT speak for business. 


3165 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 22 Feb: A dying cat, a moronic follower of Lenigas & Gavin Burnell's kiss of death

A lot of references today to yesterday's podcast covering cats and Andrew Monk's puzzles (see HERE). Today I answer the money puzzles and I am afraid there is very bad cat news indeed. So I really dont care about shares and it was not a good day for a moronic disciple of David Lenigas with 9 followers to have a go at me on twitter. As it happens I have a few things to say about Jabba who I will be nailing for good within six weeks. I also look at Nomad resignations, Auhua (ACE), DQ Entertainment (DQE), Milestone (MSG), Litebulb (LBB) and then at Magnolia (MAGP) and the wider career of Gavin Burnell.


3166 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 21 Feb - a very ill cat, Andrew Monk's bloody puzzles & balance or lack of it

Sorry for the delay with this podcast. First up I am still not smoking, second I am delayed as one of my cats seems very ill indeed. Then bloody Andrew Monk of VSA has my mind in torment with a puzzle I cannot do and another where as a chemist - and a boring boatie from Oriel - he just cannot see that there are 2 correct answers.  He should have done PPE. Finally a reader demands we show balance, i.e. parrot his unbalanced view. No can do compadre. Puzzle answers in comments section below please.


3166 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 20 Feb - Who do you think you are kidding Mr Cameron, if you think old England's Done

Mr Cameron went to Brussels asking for little and came back with less. He is lying if he says otherwise and should be viewed with contempt. The reporting of this episode by the biased BBC and especially the loathsome Kayta Adler was a disgrace and reason enough not to pay your license fee. 80% of FTSE 100 bosses and the CBI said they would back Cameron even before he got his "deal". In this podcast I explain why these suits do not speak for British business and why all folks on the left or right or those who believe in liberty, freedom & truth should tell Cameron where to stick it and vote for Brexit.


3169 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast - bashing the rich, especially David Lenigas & Rob Terry

Two matters in this bonus podcast. Secondly proposed changes to pension rules. The odious twit Jacob Rees Mogg MP calls this socialism. It is not, it is fewer tax breaks for the uber rich and I explain why chancellor Osborne should go further and tell the son of privilege Rees Mogg and others where to stick it. But first, someone accuses me of being jealous of David Lenigas as he is rich. Folks used to say I was jealous of Rob Terry's wealth and that is why I attacked him. Au contraire, fraudsters and shysters will always have more money than I but it is not their wealth that angers me but how they accumulated it as I explain for Judith W who - pathetically - posts:


3170 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 15 Feb: 88 Energy, Fast Forward, Magnolia - it's all bollocks

All sorts of crap shares are going up today and some that are not crap but are just insanely overvalued. In a podcast riddled with bad langauge I discuss 88 Energy (88E), Fast Forward (FFWD), Phorm (PHRM), Hornby (HRN) and Glenwick (GWIK) among the risers and among the fallers I look at Auhua Clean (ACE), All Leisure (ALLG), Iofina (IOF), ETherapeutix (ETX), the frauds Jiasen (JSI) and Aquatic Foods (AFG) and finally I ask all the advisors (nomad, broker PR flunkies) to Magnolia (MAGP) just show shabby and dirty they feel today. If I was them I would feel sordid and ashamed. They are all beneath contempt.


3174 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: MPs lie about Buy to Let Changes George Osborne must stick to his guns

MPs on the Treasury select committee want George Osborne to reverse changes in the tax treatment of Buy to Let. They lie about why they are bleating and they lie about the consequences. As a dyed in the wool capitalist, I explain in this podcast why, for the good of the economy, the Chancellor must stick to his guns


3176 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 11 Feb: Trivial Pursuit Q, the sexual hang-ups of Swedes and Leni-maths from Neil Ritson

Warning: This podcast contains a lot of bad language and images of a sexual nature. As far as I understand it, Sweden is known for the fact that 95% of its population enjoy thrashing the naked buttocks of other folk's partners at the weekend. But it is not this that concerns me but its insane Central bank which has cut interest rates again ... to minus 0.5%. I reflect on this madness and the insanity of Janet Yellen of the Federal Reserve and then on the gold price. I look at a few gold stocks racing ahead wrongly ( Condor (CNR), Goldplat (GDP) and Patagonia Gold (PGD)) and at others I might buy. I comment on the insane dead cat bounce at Motive TV (MTV) and on the odd behaviour of crony capitalist PR man Reg Hoare of TrakM8 (TRAK) and explain why its shares are still a sell. Then it is onto the deadlines for Solo Oil (SOLO) and LGO Energy (LGO) going under as Neil Ritson tries his hand at Leni-Maths. And I also have a trivial pursuit question for you all.


3177 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 10 Feb - The Madness of 88 Energy as Hornby is de-railed

I refer at the start to my other podcast today on why the striking Junior Doctors are lying, greedy, bastards. You can listen to that HERE. Onto shares and I start with the madness of the 88 Energy (88E) share price today on a risk reward basis. Then it is onto Hornby (HRN), Renold (RNO), Global Invacom (GINV), Wandisco (WAND), Leed Resources (LDP), Golden Saint Resources (GSR), Fusionex (FXI) - target price 0p - Phorm (PHRM) and finally I ask all of you a question about Imaginatik (IMTK).


3177 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: #Juniordoctorsstrike - lazy bastards lying about their greed

The greedy Junior Doctors are on strike again. They are not saints as they imply, they are greedy bastards who are lying about their greed and about putting patients first. I have no sympathy as I report the true facts.


3178 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast - Happy Birthday Bearfacts: The next banking crisis looms

A bonus bearcast and a birthday request answered - how big will the next banking crisis be and are we about to suffer it? I offer up a few thoughts in this additional podcast.


3179 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 8 February - A scallywag to a buffoon, Ken Brooks to Zak Mir & MTV at 0.00p

A wide ranging podcast starts with comments on Eden Research, Ken Brooks and the abject failure of the FSA/FCA to protect investors. Then it is onto three shite companies starting with the letter M: Magnolia Petroleum (MAGP), Motive TV (MTV) and Mosman (MSMN). I look at Circle Oil (COP), Trinity (TRIN) and Tethys (TPL) as well as Servision (SEV) where my target price remains 0p. Then a brief stockmarket lesson for the Sith Lord on what a dead cat bounce actually means and a look at Aureus Mining (AUE).


3184 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast - China Norfolk Aquatic Foods Red Flag special

Aquatic Foods (AFG) has been on the AIM Casino for exactly one year but its shares have slumped from 70p to 15p bid. The FD walked the plank today and surely Nomad SP Angel which raised £9.3 million for this POS 12 months ago must realise that the end is nigh. In this podcast I look at the numerous red flags. This one is going down.


3186 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast - My friend you are in sheer denial on Gulf Keystone, your shares are worthless

My earlier podcast on oil was I thought very balanced but one shareholder in Gulf Keystone (GKP) disagrees as you can see in the comments section beneath that excellent Bearcast HERE. My fried you are in denial just like Comrade wildes on LGO Energy (TOAST) and those who still believe in Avanti Communications (AVN). I refer to all three stocks but Gulf in particular as I examine the various facets of this common investor trait of denial. 


3187 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 30 Jan - recorded with Shipston's Buffett

Yes once again I record with my father listening as he takes a rare break from crowing about his investment skills thanks to him owning a house. In this podcast I cover the real - and falling value of shells. Folks are just deluded if they think they are worth £500,000 even if utterly clean. Then I look at a few lessons from Peer TV (PTV) where fraud took place and I also cover Servision (SEV) once again with a warning that I have more. Those of a sensitive left wing disposition may be offended by a few jokes at the expense of my father and step mother.


3189 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast Special - GTS Chemicals, drowning in Red Flags

Capitalised at £70 million GTS Chemicals (GTS) has seen its shares more than double since its IPO on August 1 2014 and the stock is up 9% today. But this company is drowning in red flags. In a detailed podcast I list almost a dozen major red flags, just for starters, and explain why the shares are a sell at almost any price.


3191 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 27 January - Please Mr Lenigas stop lying to your mad followers

Bears are the new regulators, in fact the only regulators. Jabba the Hutt wants shorting banned. Worse still he is telling his deluded followers that shares in Afriag (AFRI) and his other dogs fell because of shorting. That is untrue as I explain in this podcast. I also cover: the after effects of ouzo, Frontier Resources (FRI), FastForward (FFWD), TrakM8 (TRAK), PeerTV (PTV), Sirius Minerals (SXX), London Capital (LCG) - in detail - and Jiasen (JSI)


3193 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 25 Jan - 2 hours after Ouzo O'Clock

Okay I am celebrating the impending departure of Afriag (AFRI) from AIM so might get a bit carried away in this podcast, there is a bit of bad langauge. Other than dancing on the PLC grave of Jabba The Hutt as he tries to spin this disaster I look at: Green Dragon Gas (GDG) - PLACING AHOY - Servision (SEV), Jiasen (JSI), TrakM8 (TRAK), Fusionex (FXI), Independent Resources (IRG) and Plexus (POS).


3194 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 24 January: Himex this is jail for Rob Terry & bad news for Watchstone + crap AIM investment companies

I am sorry for the delayed podcast but I am only just back from time in the Grim Northern welfare safari with the mother in law and thus can now let myself go with a volley of bad language.  I end with an explanation of who benefitted from the £150 million + Himex fraud at Quindell (QPP) laid bare earlier HERE and how it also affects Watchstone (WTG). Before that I talk of my annoyance on the silly blogger spats and the explain the difference between a cash shell and an investment company and why I regard our work on exposing the latter as invaluable. In the middle segment I have more bad news for oil companies such as XCite (XEL), IGAS (IGAS), Petroceltic (PCI) & Gulf Keystone (GKP) and for the sector as a whole but also for the markets. Dont blame China, we bears are still in the driving seat.


3198 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 20 January - Arguing with the UK's top share blogger Paul Scott again

Warning: This podcast contains bad language and some not terribly PC remarks about the Germans. A bit of an argument this morning with Paul Scott, Britain's top share blogger, on the subject of TrakM8 (TRAK). For once he sounded like a bit of a stale bull and I go through the bull excuses when faced with analysis like THIS. I am right on this one. I also cover Environmental Recycling (ENRT) and Motive TV (MTV) both of which are flea ridden dogs with puss ouzing from every pore and should be put down at once. Then it is on to Nostra Terra (NTOG) and Independent Resources (IRG) as well as Northern Petroleum (NOP) and Armadale Capital (ACP). I did not cover Corero (CNS) but I see its shares are slipping so should ask "when is the placing" and I gave Jabba The Hutt a break today but if you need a fix there is an LGO expose HERE


3200 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 18 January - I loathe BT, it is ffing useless

I warn you that this podcast contains bad language from the start as I discuss how - as a customer - I hate BT (BT.A) with a passion. I then move onto China Norfolk Taihua (TAIH), a brief Jabba the Hutt section on Solo Oil (SOLO) and LGO Energy (LGO) and a look at SeaEnergy (SEA). Oil disasters dominate the fallers and in that vein I cover Petroceltic (PCI), MX Oil (MXO), Iofina (IOF), Magnolia Petroleum (MAGP), Bahamas Petroleum (BPC) and Range Resources (RRL). I also have a butchers at the fun and games at Altona (ANR).


3201 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 16 January - Daniel Stewart & Eden Research the end game is zero - fraud does not pay

A detailed look at two companies, a history of fraud, panama pumps, bully boy lawyers letters and horiffic cashburn at Daniel Stewart (DAN) and Eden Research (EDEN). The end game is always zero. Warning: this podcast contains bad language


3204 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: Tutorial on market makers, spreads and a dying company: case study Golden Saint

I see that shares in Golden Saint Resources (GSR) are collapsing and the spread is now so wide you could squeeze the fat arse and the ego of David Lenigas through it. This podcast is a tutorial on how market makers think and behave in the last days of a dying company with Golden Saint as a case study. 


3205 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 13 January - Ive never met a nice South African - no that's a lie

After today's twitter harassment from Yusuf Kajee of Afriag (AFRI) I was rather reminded of the Spitting Image classic below. But it's a lie. I had a good chat with Jan Nelson of Xtract (XTR) who is a nice South African and I offer a few thoughts on his company and explain why our podcast interview will be in a few days. The it is onto LGO Energy (TOAST) and Jabba The Hutt ramping, Stanley Gibbons (SGI), Premier Oil (PMO), Independent Oil & Gas (IOG) and the China frauds. I also mention the new vehicle of Andrew "piggy" Austin of IGAS Infamy which Nigel takes apart HERE. He is not a South African but should be.


3208 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 10 January - Denial from Evil and you dear readers on Xtract & Watchstone

Evil Knievil sent me a snotty email on Watchstone (WTG) of which he is long. I think he is a bit in denial. And so to are some of our readers as they respond to perfectly good articles appearing here today by our new author Cynical Bear, notably on Xtract Resources (XTR) and Challenger Acquisitions (CHAL). All this is discussed in today's podcast.


3208 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 9 January: In denial, Paul Scott, Quindell & China nutters

I deal with three sorts of folks who are in denial. Quindell (QPP)/Watchstone (WTG) owning BB nutters who still insist that Rob Terry may be innocent and I may be guilty, Paul Scott who sees value in retail stocks and the China nutters who cannot accept that what is going on is more than a little blip. Once again I warn that this podcast contains strong language.


3215 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 2 January - Bulletin Boards, pointless relics of the past

Are bulletin boards past their sell by date? What is the purpose of them? Could they ever be monitised? A podcast discusses these issues. Now it is off to lunch with Sam Antar


3220 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 28 December - when do the AIM criminals start going to prison?

I am back with my daughter's lefty Godparents in Brooklyn, New York. My daughter is also here and so thart means a few days of no swearing podcasts. Jeepers it is hard. Anyhow in this podcast I refect on post stockmarket crashes and how and why they cause  certain white collar crooks to finally face justice. Yes Chris Oil and Rob Terry are mentioned. 


3221 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Christmas Day Bearcast - the heros and villains of 2015

Merry Christmas to you all. In this podcast I reveal my seven heros of 2015 from the AIM casino and my ten villains. Yes David Lenigas does feature as does Rob Terry, Marcus Stuttard, Roland "fatty" Cornish, Paul Scott and the firm of Daniel Stewart - can you guess which category each of them are in?


3225 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Christmas Eve Bearcast - A message praising David Lenigas and other matters

In this podcast I discuss Chris Oil's Christmas carol, part 1 HERE and parts 2 & 3 to follow. My Christmas Carol series always gives me great pleasure to write and I hope you enjoy reading them. And I beg you to fill in the Christmas win an iPad survey HERE. Then it is onto David Lenigas, Sam Antar, Petroceltic (PCI) and Wandisco (WAND) and to what little treats are in store for tomorrow. Ho Ho Ho. Finally i wish you all a Merry Christmas, none of this PC seasons greetings bollocks from me.


3226 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 23 December: The Conservative Club and its all about earnings visibility

Everything today is delayed by last minute Christmas shopping including the duck fior Christmas day and the stocking presents for the cats and by a visit to the Conservative Club as I explain. In the podcast I again warn David Lenigas and Afriag (AFRI) shareholders that I have a special Christmas Day treat just for them, just as I had for fraudster Rob Fielding of Quindell (QPP) and the convicted Nigerian fraudster Andrew O'Dua on December 25 2014 - HERE.  Elsewhere I look at Sovereign Mines of Africa (SMA), Fitbug (FITB), Game Digital (GMD), Panmure Gordon (PMR), the pensioner muggers WH Ireland (WHI), Levrett (LVRT) and the shoddy scumbags at the Mail on Sunday, Pittards (PTD) and Audioboom (BOOM).


3227 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 22 December - sheer comedy from Mosman, Rapidcloud and the Arian clowns

Cripes there is so much entertainment provided by the clowns who run shite companies on the AIM casino. Where do I start? This podcast covers Mosman Oil & Gas (MSMN), Rapidcloud (RCI), Arian Silver (AGQ), Concha (CHA), Rosslyn Data (RDT), LGO Energy (LGO), Fastjet (FJET), Afriag (TOAST), UK Oil & Gas (JOKE), Jiasen (FRAUD), Nostra Terra Oil & Gas (NTOG) and Independent Resources (IRG). 


3231 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 17 December - Concha another day of shame for AIM

I am sitting here with my father in Shipston. We have just had a long argument about the deaths of Cranmer, Latimer & Ridley. Naturally we both insisted we had the facts right. I am now 1p better off as I was right. My father has gone to the White Bear early in protest. Back to the podcast, I start with US base rates and why the UK will follow and what that means (house price crash, bad for certain equities). Then it is the AIM disgrace of the day Concha (CHA), onto Afriag (AFRI), Inspirit (INSP), Ultimate Sports (USG), Fastjet (FJET), and the shocker of a July IPO Adgorithms (ADGO). It is another day of shame for AIM.


3231 days ago

Rob Proctor of Audioboom breaks AIM Rules with Justin the Clown

A kind reader points out that Rob Proctor of Audioboom (BOOM) has committed a clear breach of AIM Rules in a podcast recorded with Justin the Clown on ADVFN on Tuesday this week following the latest dire (lack of) profits warning.


3233 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 16 December: African Potash this stinks & an apology to Doc Holiday

This podcast ends with an apology to Doc Holiday. I am happy to set the record straight on which shit Patrick Cheetham stock he tipped and which was a Malcolm Stacey blunder. We start with another request for ideas on what I should get the Mrs for Christmas and thanks Mike from Scotland but it is not going to be a boob job. Then it is onto the disgrace that is African Potash (AFPO), Bonmarche (BON), retail generally, nasty remarks about Americans, Work Group (WORK) and today's Jabba The Hutt comment concerns LGO Energy (LGO)


3234 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 14 December - boy these new painkillers are good

Heck if you are a shareholder in a Jabba The Hutt company they might even work for you. I am on new prescription pills and flying. In today's podcast I cover LGO Energy (LGO), tiouch on Afriag (AFRI) and then InternetQ (INTQ) more on that tomorrow, target price 0p. There is a detailed look at Audioboom (BOOM) and a look at Circle Oil (COP) and Tribal (TRB) which have a lot in common with 3 big name zeros I call out in the latest UK Investor Show magazine out today HERE . Finally a look at Tertiary Minerals (TYM) and Concha (CHA)


3236 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 12 December - live from Athens Airport

I start with a hint to the oppo, that is InternetQ (INTQ), fire the lazy upper class fuckwits at FTI Consulting who you employ to do PR, they are useless as I explain in this podcast. It is then onto Condor Gold (CNR), Optibiotix (OPTI), Wildes and his trading strategy in LGO Energy (LGO) and elsewhere - the road to ruin. And finally where is Malcolm Stacey's Santa rally? It seems to be er..late.


3237 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 10 December - having problems doing business in Greece, can InternetQ help me

I seem to be struggling to do business with my olives here in Kambos, Greece. I appear to have sold the oil - all bar 16 litres which I am taking back to the UK. But so far I have paid the press 16 Euro for the transaction which now sees it owning 200 litres of MY oil. Surely this is not right? Perhaps InternetQ (INTQ) runs the olive press? In this podcast I also cover LGO Energy (LGO) just to keep Wildes happy - Jabba the Hutt fave Rare Earth Minerals (REM) and European Metals (EMH), Concha (CHA), Tern (TERN), Imaginatik (IMTK), Peer TV (PTV) and the looming debacle at Chris Oil fave Mkango Resources. 


3240 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 9 December - Condor Gold & Rose Petroleum are delusional

The pain killers are really starting to kick in and so I must warn you that this podcast contains some bad language. Well quite a lot of bad language actually. On the agenda are the delusional fantasists who are running both Rose Petroleum (ROSE) and Condor Gold (CNR) into the ground. There is an apology on LGO Energy (LGO) but its shares, down again today, are still toast - I discuss what a strategic review means and why Bulletin Board morons are just so blinkered...they are in love you see. Then it is onto Iofina (IOF), Quoram (QRM) and the dog Fitbug (FITB)


3241 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 8 December - InternetQ, battle underway, LGO a RNS that says desperate

In today's podcast I update you all on the olive harvest - I managed four hours in the fields today despite still being in real pain. But not as much as LGO Energy (LGO) - its RNS today smells of desperation. For strategic review read "the game is up" and that also applies to Kolar Gold (KGLD). I comment on Avanti Communications (AVN) where the share price crumble is accelerating - remember debt is crack cocaine for management but for shareholders it is bad for your wealth. I comment on Silver Falcon (SILF) and tick off the grossly irresponsible, Justin the Clown of ADVFN and also on Defenx (DFX), rapidly becoming an IPO omnishambles. Then onto InternetQ (INTQ) where it is now "game on" but I end with Antrim Energy (AEY) where a concert party of Brokerman Dan, market abuser Chris OIl and ADVFN (AFN) head honcho Clem Chambers have just taken a 3% stake. Warning: this podcast contains bad language.


3243 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 6 December - working the fraud playbook

In today's podcast I refer you to the earlier piece on Defenx (DFX)  - here - and the critical importance of reading original documents. Then it is the fraud playbook - how companies and investors react when they are caught with their trousers down or attacked just for being overvalued. Companies mentioned include Globo (GBO), Quindell (QPP), Rare Earth Minerals (REM) and Internet Q (INTQ)


3244 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 5 December - Six oil stocks heading to zero (and there are more) post OPEC

In this podcast I discuss OPEC and the oil price. I think you should have some oil exposure via BP (BP.A) and I am intyerested in a couple of gas plays, notably Ascent (AST). But I remain uber bearish on oil juniors as I have been (correctly) for four years. Among those heading for zero which I discuss are Gulf Keystone (GKP), Xcite Energy (XEL), IGAS (IGAS), Mosman Oil & Gas (MSMN), Northern Petroleum (NOP) and LGO Energy (LGO). And there are others take may not hit zero within a year but which still face share price decimation such as Solo (SOLO) and the Horse Shite/ Horse Hill Gatwick Gusher plays.


3245 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 4 December: In Greece I fear only Vrechi

No Albanians, no work on the olive harvest yet. And now Vrechi, that is what I fear. I have yet to discuss my entanglements with Globo (GBO) and InternetQ (INTQ) with my neighbours but I am sure they will understand. I start the podcast on InternetQ and the weedy rally today. Then it is onto LGO Energy (LGO), another David Lenigas triumph. But what does Jabba The Hutt care? He sold his shares. En passant I mention UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), Motive TV (MTV) and Papua Minerals (PML) before taking a detailed look at Escher (ESCH). 


3246 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 3 December - its almost Ouzo O'clock thanks to InternetQ

Naturally I start the podcast with InternetQ (INTQ) after my bombshell report earlier HERE and the company's pathetic response which I counter HERE. Then it is onto DiamondCorp (DCP), Iofina (IOF), Mosman Oil & Gas (MSMN) and finally Rosslyn Data (RDT) - whose CEO just can't remember his career in adult films - but that is the least of his problems.


3247 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 2 December: In the Garden of Edenville no-one's Able but plenty of snakes

It is short podcast time as I am having issued sending material back to the UK. The Albanians did not turn up today so the olive harvest is delayed by 24 hours. It may be delayed again if I have to head to Athens on Global Shorting Conspiracy business. Things are starting to get interesting as I mention briefly and this is NOT Globo (GBO). Elsewhere I cover Edenville (EDL), Gulf Keystone (GKP), Sweet Group (CSG), Atlantic Coal (ATC), Iofina (IOF) and African Potash (AFPO). Warning: this podcast contains bad language and rather too many references to Britain's most talented chanteuse Ms Cheryl Cole.


3254 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 25 November - back in the UK so some sexist comments and bad language for you all

To misquote the Beatles I am back in the EU.S.S.R and so this podcast again contains bad language and sexist comments. I am off the leash again. In it I naturally mention David Lenigas ..more on Jabba tomorrow. Then it is onto SeaEnergy (SEA), Clontarf (CLON), Weatherly (WTI), Tungsten (TUNG), Odey Asset Management, Kefi (KEFI) and a Russian hairdresser with very large breasts.


3255 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 24 November - another no swearing edition

Another podcast recorded at 6.30 AM in the apartment of my daighter's 80 year old Godparents in Brooklyn. So no shouting and no swearing. The lack of swearing seems to upset more folks than it pleases and so I shall be back to normal, God willing, tomorrow. In this bearcast I cover the joke at Golden Saint Resources (GSR), how to make money on AIM wth a Peter Lynch tale, InternetQ (INTQ), Creston (CRE), Tangent (TNG), Iofina (IOF) and Chamberlin (CMH)


3258 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 20 November - We need more coverage of David Lenigas

In today's podcast I deal with reader complaints that we have not given enough coverage to the various business interests of fat Aussie share ramper Jabba The Hutt. And so I cover Lenigas Cuba (CUBA), Big Jabba's preposterous claims about liquidity on ISDX and Solo Oil (SOLO) - placing ahoy! I also look at Mosman Oil & Gas (MSMN) -  more shite from poltroons from the land where most folk are descended from convicts - Flying Brands (FBDU), 88 Energy (88), Kea Petroleum (TOAST), JQW (FRAUD), Northern Petroleum (NOP), Optibiotix (OPTI) and African Potash (AFPO). I also deal with some wanker on twitter who thinks I am a sexist and wants to have a fight with me and ask more questions about market abuser Chris Oil AIM IPO car crash waiting to happen, Mkango Resources


3260 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 19 November - Leed Resources, Solo Oil and other crap on AIM

In this podcast I once again tantalise Lord David Bick - PR bully boy to Del Boy Lenigas - a new discussion is at the end. I start with Rare Earth Minerals (REM) - following up from here - then move onto Leed Resources (LDP), New World (NEW), Poundland (PLND), Optibiotix (OPTI), Bovis Homes (BVS), Johsnton Press (JPR) and fianlly to Solo Oil (SOLO), a company associated with Jabba the Hutt.


3261 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 18 November - Globo shoot the Neds, Chris Oil Disaster looming and New World

I am asked to be nice to Globo (GBO) non exec Gavin Burnell. I am afraid that I cannot be because with reward ( and Gavin had made more than £100,000 a year as a Globo NED if one includes share sales) comes risk. For AIM to work he needs now to face risk as I explain. Then it is onto New World Oil & Gas (NEW) and why some folks are setting themselves up to lose money (again). Finally more bad news for market abuser Chris Oil regarding his latest car crash of an IPO, Mkango Resources

Warning: This podcast contains modestly bad language.


3261 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 17 November - in sights: NHS, blinkx and Jabba the Hutt

In today's podcast I start with my thoughts on the NHS. Guardian readers may wish to fast forward past that.Then it is onto assisting a twitter dickead (not David Lenigas) on Reach4Entertainment (R4E) and Nigel Wray. Then it is onto CDialogues (CDOG), blinkx (BLNX) and Havelock Europa (HVE). Finally a few more words on Gulf Keystone (GKP), Alba (ALBA) and Horse Hill.


3262 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 16 November: David Lenigas is not the only one in my sights

I am in Shipston with my father who has just won a premium bond. I discuss this ahead of spending it in the White Bear. Also how I deal with charities who call him. Then it is onto David Lenigas at the start with Lenigas Cuba (CUBA) and at the end with Rare Earth Minerals (REM). In between I look at Velox3 (VLOX), Juridica (JIL), Oilex (OEX), Phorm (PHRM), JQW (FRAUD), my anger at Reach4Entertainment (R4E), Paragon Diamonds (PRG) and I give Northern Petroleum (NOP) a well deserved kicking. Warning - this podcast contains strong language which some may find offensive. C'est la vie. 


3264 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 15 November - Paris attacks and David Lenigas

In this podcast I go back to the Paris attacks. What does it mean for shares. The truth is that I don't care, what happened is not about money. But I answer your questions anyway. Then it is onto David Lenigas: questions, questions, questions and more to come later tonight.


3266 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 12 November: Hero (Optibiotix) & a stack of zeros

In this podcast i start with two shares on the up: Optibiotix (OPTI) and Volex (VLX). One's a dog and it is not Optibiotix. There is a word on Finnaust (FAM) a caveat on yesterday's bearcast. Then onto Ascent Resources (AST) - that may surprise you - Oilex (OEX), Rolls Royce (RR), Ubisense (UBI), Communisis (CMS), Spire Health (SPI) and Atlas Developments (ADSS) where flip flop is talking more nonsense.


3267 days ago

The naivete and arrogance of youth - flip flop talks bollocks on Gulf Keystone, its a slam dunk sell

A few minutes ago flip flop Ben Turney - who has called this stock disastrously wrong - once again put the bull case for shares in Gulf Keystone (GKP) at 27p. I've been a bear from 180p all the way down. I remain a bear. My initial target is sub 10p but this could be a zero. I explain all in another mini podcast.


3267 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 11 November - cats, Lenigas & Finnaust: placing ahoy?

Naturally I start with the big news of the day - an update on the annual medical of my two cats Tara and Oakley. Then it is onto explaining who gets to define boring, spitefull and vendetta in terms of my earlier podcast on overvalued junk Uk Oil & Gas (UKOG). Then why Gary Newman is wrong on Plethora (PLE). Then onto Finnaust (FAM), Gulf Marine (GMS), Centaur Media (CAU) and POS Golden Saint Resources (GSR)


3267 days ago

Analysis - why UK Oil & Gas is a sell

A short podcast on UK Oil & Gas (UKOG). Are the shares a buy or a sell at 0.95p. At a fundamental, technical and trading level they are a sell as I explain.


3270 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 9 November own Goals and other profits warnings

Quindell (QPP) later. For now, in today's podcast I look at Goals Soccer Centres (GOAL), Red24 (REDT), JQW (FRAUD), Kenmare (KMR), Sareum (SAR), Falanx (FLX), LGO Energy (CRAPCO) and Lenigas Cuba (JOKECO)


3271 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 8th November - debt is crack cocaine and the poison is everywhere

As you can tell from the start of this podcast I am a tad pissed off with life. Anyhow I then move onto debt. State debt, corporate debt and personal debt. It is like crack cocaine. It is addictive and in the end it is lethal. I warn you what to look for in stocks to avoid this poison. I refer to Mark Littlewood's headline talk on this matter at Gold & Bears in three weeks time.


3272 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 7 November : Paul Scott, Rob Terry and Andrew Bell

I am still recovering from lunch with Paul Scott yesterday. It was great fun but I have no idea how I made it back to Bristol and now I want to go to bed again. In this podcast I discuss the idea of investing in bad companies at the right time. I look at Rob Terry's antics on Friday at Daniel Stewart (DAN)  and Imaginatik (IMTK) and discuss flip flop tipping Red Rock Resources (RRR).


3275 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 4 November: Inspirit Confetti for the fire tomorrow?

On today's podcast I start with a couple of risers: Berkeley Energy (BKY) - where's my apology Brokerman Dan? And Optibiotix (OPTI) - you know I am not totally useless at long tips. Then onto the losers: Galasys (GLS), TyraTech (TYR), Northern Petroleum (NOP). Then it is Golden Saint Resources (GSR) where I also try to help out hapless compliance officer the Northern Slum refugee Richard "Gollum" Gill by explaining the rules about a financial promotion.  I missed out FastJet (FJET) - down on weak passenger data, can anyone remember anyone involved in its IPO who might be a red flag? Then I turn my attention to David Lenigas, the boiler room and Inspirit (INSP).


3276 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 3 November - call the Financial Ombudsman Now

This podcast ends with me thanking many readers for making me laugh. Before that I look at Lenigas Cuba (CUBA) and suggest that all 2p investors contact the Financial Ombudsman now. Then I discuss the - unfashionable - idea of taking responsibility for our own actions. Then I cover the fraud Globo (GBO) before looking at LGO Energy (LGO) and Inspirit (INSP) where placings loom very soon indeed. Then I cover World Careers Network (WOR), Standard Chartered (STAN), PeerTV (PTV) and Getech (GTC).


3278 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 1 November: Globo, Big Dave, Flip Flop and the ISDX Joke

In this podcast I look at Roger Lawson of ShareSoc and his latest  statements on Globo (GBO).  Does he not realise it is game over. Bust. A fraud. A dead parrot.,Yet he still snipes athe bears and makes suggestions for the way forward. Then it is over to ISDX and its supporters - the young and naive - flip flop Turney and those with other motives, David Lenigas. I write in light of the humiliating failure of the Lenigas Cuba fundraise - see HERE


3279 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 31 October - ALL the lessons you can learn from the Globo fraud

This podcast should really be a tutorial in red flag analysis. In it I endeavour to cover every single lesson you can learn from the Globo (GBO) fraud - I hope it makes you look at your portfolio of shares in other companies in a more critical manner.


3283 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 27 October: Is InternetQ another Globo? Chemring, Dialight & More

A busy day with my daughter beckons. In the evening it is the new James Bond film. But first a lunchtime bootcamp with Uncle Chris (Booker) to put her straight on the Evil Empire, the EU. In the podcast I ask if InternetQ (INTQ) is the new Globo (GBO)? Then I look at Chemring (CHG), Dialight (DIA) - another win for the bears - Afren (AFR) gets a mention as does LGO Energy (LGO), BP (BP.), Union Jack Oil & Gas (UJO) and - just to niggle Wildes - Premaitha (NIPT) whose shares are moving ahead nicely - more to go there!


3284 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 26 October - Dancing on Graves, Globo, CEB, Eden and more

I am in a rush, as I explain in this podcast. But I am also in a good mood. I may well have a celebratory ouzo for lunch as I think of the Council House morons who bought shares in Globo (GBO) last week just because I was a bear. Enjoy poverty peasants. So I cover Globo, Sareum (SAR), Trinity Exploration (TRIN), Lombard Risk Management (LRM), Eden Research (EDEN), CEB Resources (CEB) and Scancell (SCLP)


3285 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 25 October - #Portugalcoup and a warning, well lots of them

In today's podcast I look at the Portugal Coup and what it means for the EU and the Euro. Then onto profits warnings and where I see equities going and finally a note on Mark Carney, UK base rates and UK house prices.


3286 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 24 October - Go Paul Scott! Globo + No-one Oclock round up Friday

In today's podcast I cheer on Paul Scott in his twitter battle with  Roger Lawson (see HERE). Then it is onto Globo (GBO) and where we are now. Then I look at the companies announcing at no-one is watching O'Clock yesterday: IGAS (IGAS), EKF Diagnostics (EKF), ADVFN (AFN) and Gulf Keystone (GKP)


3287 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 23 October: Daniel Stewart, Globo, Suspensions happening & hangings I call for

A wide ranging little podcast with none of the bad language ( well less) in my earlier bearcast on CEB Resources (CEB) and its scumbag CEO Dave Whitby (HERE). In this edition I cover Globo (GBO), Daniel Stewart (DAN) – with breaking news  - Northbridge Industrial (NBI), Auhua (ACE), New World Oil & Gas (NEW), ADVFN (AFN), Sefton Resources (SER) Holders Technology (HDT) and Northern Petroleum (NOP) 


3287 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 22 Oct - Flip Flop talks bollocks (again), Globo, Cambian & Big Dave's next placings

Thanks for all your messages regarding the legal triumph, I comment en passant. Then the podcast turns to the nonsense that flip flop Ben Turney is spouting. I am beginning to think that Old Malcolm Stacey is not the only mad lefty on this website. Then onto Globo (GBO) and more news on "that report" and analysis of the potential for disaster at Cambian (CMBN) even AFTER today's dire warning. There is comment on what is happening at SIG (SHI) and Travis Perkins (TPK) and then onto events at Afriag (AFRI - when's the placing - and growing evidence that the Lenigas Cuba IPO is not exactly flying. Oh... and Northbridge (NBI) when's the profits warning?


3291 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 19 October - the Great Unravel for LGO and Tribal Group

Today's podcast finds me in a panic as Oakley and I need to do frantic tidying before the Mrs returns to cover our respective sins. Meanwhile Tara the cat is also misbehaving. On the agenda - the great unravels at LGO Energy (LGO) but more especially Tribal Group (TRB) - the latter getting a thorough analysis. Then it is onto JQW (JQW), Alba Minerals (ALba) and the Horse Hill/Horse Shite prospect and Michelmersh Brick (MBH) which leaves me confused, perhaps Chris Bailey of Financial Orbit is geekish enough to assist?


3292 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 17 October - Flip Flop Wrong again and the CIC Gold Disaster

In this podcast I explain why flip flop Ben Turney is wrong about cleaning up AIM. You dont need new rules or protections just the draconian implementation of existing rules against individuals (natch including Chris Oil). Then it is onto the court case next week and finally a demolition of CIC Gold (CICG)


3294 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - analysing UK Oil & Gas and More fishiness at Fishing Republic + foxy legals update

On today's podcast I discuss why the looming battle in the High Court is so important and why the morons cheering on Julian Hamilton Barns against my foxy legal team prove themselves morons for doing so. Then onto Fishing Republic (FISH) with more fishiness revealed followed by Gulfsands Petrolem (GPX), Sefton Resources (SER), Capital Lease Aviation (CLA), Record (REC), Auhua (ACE) and finally a long piece on UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), analysing it - something its moronic bulletin board cheerleaders patently fail to do.


3296 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 14 October - lunch with Lucian, Lenigas, African Potash and dicksplash lawyers

Sorry for the delay, blame lunch with Lucian. In this podcast I discuss questions about Lenigas Cuba (CUBA) and read out a confidential email. Then there is the incompetency of the dicksplash lawyers seeking to injunct me, the new idiocy of some UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) shareholders and then onto Sula Iron (SULA), Sefton (SER), the movng to ISDX business, Eden Research (EDEN), Environmental Recycling (ENRT), African Potash (AFPO), Alba Minerals (ALBA) - placing ahoy - and Cloudbuy (CBUY), ditto.


3297 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 13 October - back to swearing at Big Dave, Fatty and all the other scumbags

In today's podcast I look at yesterday's Quindell (QPP) news, Big David Lenigas and his ramping and personal abuse (if he wants a war then I'm up for it), Golden Saint Resources (GSR) and what Roland "Fatty" Cornish should do now, Sefton Resources (SER), Galantas Gold (GAL), Auhua Clean Energy (ACE), long term AIM dog Image Scan Holdings (IGE) and SeaEnergy (SEA)


3299 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 12 October - Daniel Dunkley of the Sunday Times is a tosser

Daniel Dunkley of the Sunday Times business section is a tosser devoid of professional ethics. I explain why in this podcast and also why the deadwood press is a corrupt propaganda machine contribution to its own demographics driven demise. Then it is on to a session on value investing looking at Stanley Gibbons (SGI) and Surgical Innovations (SUN) with an en passant mention of today’s episode of Carry on up the Sefton (SER) thrown in. 


3301 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 9 October - Prof Ben Edelman has a word for us all

In today's podcast I get a little help from Professor Ben Edelman as I discuss: blinkx (BLNX), Iofina (IOF), Adgorithms (ADGO), SeaEnergy (SEA) and Sefton Resources (SER). I have avoided mentioning Paul Scott since he has declined to send me any more tips on his guidance for healthy living for at least 48 hours. 


3302 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 8 October: To quote Rambo "Don't push it or I'll give you a war you won't believe"

Naturally I have a complete box set of both the Rambo and the Rocky films on DVD. I have suggested to my Mrs and her mad lefty friends that we have a relaxing weekend in watching both box sets but for some reason they don't seem too keen. Perhaps they would settle for Delta Force? Did I read that there wil be a new Rambo film where he takes on ISIS? Bring it on. The quote is prompted by a threatening email received from the boss of a firm booted off the AIM casino. It will not wash. In this podcast I discuss Belzone Mining (BZM), aka Bellend Mining, Cloudbuy (CBUY), Inspirit (INSP) where I suspect the next news from the David Lenigas boiler room will be another placing, Sareum (SAR), Motive TV (MTV) and Getafix Stacey fave Feedback (FDBK).


3303 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 7 October - can life get any worse? Paul Scott gives me advice on healthy living

In today's podcast I reveal how Paul Scott thinks we can all attain the body beautiful. I then move on to discuss Iofina (IOF), madness, sheer madness on buy to let, Grafenia (GRA), Botswana Diamonds (BOD), Boxhill Tech (BOX), JQW (JQW), Jiasen (JSI) and the crony capitalist beanfeast tomorrow YOU are paying for at the AIM awards dinner. I am angry about that and also discuss, in anger, SeaEnergy (SEA) and Eclectic Bars (BAR)


3304 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 6 October - Mariana symptomatic of investor exploitation on AIM

I am not picking on Mariana Resources too much. Okay I am and did so HERE. But the point in this podcast is to show how the actions of Mariana in destroying shareholder value while the crony capitalists plunder and profit are just symptomatic of how AIM works as a whole. I also cover Stanley Gibbons (SGI), Paragon Entertainment (PEL), the scumbags at Mosman Oil & Gas (MSMN), Iofina (IOF), BTG (BTG) and Volex (VLX).


3305 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 5 October - Suspension is never good & a cheap joke

A visit to the quack today was not good news but at least the woes of English rugby and LGO Energy (LGO) are there to cheer me up. in this podcast I discuss Alexander Mining (AXM), Cloudbuy (CBUY), the hoods at Equities First Holdings LLC (EFH), Daniel Stewart (DAN), Imaginatik (IMTK), Wandisco (WAND), Mirada (MIRA), Range Resources (RRL), tech stocks vs mining stocks, Amanda Van Dyke and, to end, I can't resist a cheap joke about the rugby.


3308 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 2 October - plagued by Zak Mir, a fuckwit PR Girl & Paragon owning twitter morons

I had sme great news just now but cannot share it with you. On the other hand my day has been cursed. PR girl fuckwits calling during bearcast, Paragon Diamonds (PRG) owning morons on twitter and above all - since flip flop is on holiday - I have to sub Zak Mir's copy. Please God what have I done to deserve this? I comment on Paragon, Churchill Mining (CHL), Forte Energy (FTE), LGO Energy (LGO), Golden Saint Resources (GSR), Horizonte Minerals (HZM) and the loons who love CEB Resources (CEB) and why they are loons. I am now off to work on a cracking new mining share tip for Monday on the Nifty Fifty.


3310 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 30 September - fuckwit PR men & other matters

Interupted by fckwit PR men and a host of other things this is not a good day. But at least in 48  hours Pizza hardman Darren Atwater has the FSAL headache and I shall be away from acursed London and back in Bristol. On the podcast today: Outsourcery (OUT), Wandicso (WAND), Paragon Diamonds (PRG), Sefton Resources (SER), Fitbug (FITB), Koovs (KOOV), Boohoo.com (BOO), Daniel Stewart (DAN), Golden Saint Resources (GSR) and Blur (BLUR).


3312 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 28 September - Dripping with venom

I am in a very good mood today whick means that this podcast is dripping with venom. On the agenda/ hit list:  CEB Resources (CEB), EServGlobal (ESV), Rose Petroleum (ROSE), Jiasen (JSI), Geong (GNG) and Tern (TERN). Now I must go and prepare for my great debate tonight with the Evil Bankster.


3313 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Sam Antar, Wales, Globo and how do you play the UK housing bubble as a bear?

In today's podcast I reflect on the Wales triumph last night but on a bigger triumph: landing Sam Antar for Gold & Bears on November 28 - the speaker lineup is now full. Go book now as Sam is a superstar. Then onto Globo (GBO), Avanti Communications (AVN), APR Energy (APR) and how to play the UK housing bubble as a bear. And I explain why it is a total bubble.


3314 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 26 September: Defending Malcolm Stacey, Attacking CEB Resources & Zak

In today's podacst I start with an apology to India from yesterday's Bearcast. Then it is on to defend Malcolm Stacey for his column today on refugees - for once the old boy is 100% correct although most folks seem to disagree. Then it is onto Zak's piss poor analysis of China frauds (HERE). Finally CEB Resources (CEB) which looks like a totally overvalued AIM Casino ramp.


3315 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 25 September - hot gossip on Andrew "piggy" Austin ex IGAS

In this podcast I have hot gossip concerning ex IGAS (IGAS) boss Andrew "Piggy" Austin - I know that Wildes will be shouting karma!  I also look at Ultima Networks (UTN), Jiasen (JSI) and Bagir (BAGR) and have a snippet of information on Sefton (SER) regarding Jimmyliar Ellerton and foxy Carol


3316 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 24 September - in a good mood which makes me nastier than ever!

In a wide ranging podcast I once again praise the great share blogger Paul Scott, if only to annoy those Bulletin Board Morons who wish to see us be nasty to each other. That will not happen. Elsewhere I comment on LGO Energy (LGO), UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), Armadale Capital (ACP), RM2 International (RM2), London Capital (LCG), JQW (JQW), IMC Exploration and that scumbag Liam McGrattan of US Oil & Gas (USOP) infamy and what that says about Standard Listings, and also on Tungsten (TUNG).


3317 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 23 September - these folks are ALL avin a bubble

The countdown to Corrie live is underway. If you wish to understand what life is really like in the muder and drug dealing infested sexual hothouse that is the Grim Northern welfare safari tune in tonight. How can I compete with that in a podcast? But I do my best discussing Golden Saint Resources (GSR), JQW (JQW), Vmoto (VMT), Wandisco (WAND), Publishing Tech (PTO), Daniel Stewart (DAN) and Plethora (PLE)


3319 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 21 September - What a great Norfolk spotting day

So much to discuss today on the podcast. On this wet day in Bristol my life is brightened by a stream of disastrous RNS announcements. In no particular order I discuss Geong (GNG), Vmoto (VMT), Jiasen (JSI), JQW (JQW), RSA (RSA), Boohoo (BOO) - why the UK's top share blogger Paul Scott is wrong - LGO Energy (LGO), oil prices, Antrim Energy (AEY), Belgravium (BVM), Arian Silver (AGQ), Audioboom (BOOM), Proxama Resources (PROX) and in a bit of detail Seeing Machines (SEE). 


3319 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 21 September (no 1): Futility, Greek Elections and PR

There will be two podcasts today. Later on it is companies. But I start with my analysis of the Greek Election result and what it means and also a look at the creeping growth of PR and what it means - heck you are paying for this burgeoning community of parasites.


3319 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 20 September - sticking it to David Lenigas

In today's podcast I cover Big Dave Lenigas, LGO Energy (LGO), Sefton Resources (SER) and Pinsent Masons and Boohoo (BOO), ASOS (ASC) and the unsustainability of super normal margins at a general level


3321 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 19 September - Wildes is not a Bulletin Board Moron (but is wrong about LGO)

I start this podcast with a mention of my personal weekly podcast this week - The Orwellian BBC is not fit for purpose - you can catch it here. Then onto Wildes, LGO Energy (LGO), Sefton (SER) and the consequences of wage inflation and the abandonment of sound money.


3322 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 18 September - carry on Up The Sefton Resources

In today's podcast I celebate Fiji - come on guys, the Celtic World expects. Then onto how Goldman Sachs got the FOMC to carry on blowing bubbles and the to the farce carry on up the Sefton (SER) - Raylene Whitford has quit. Then to New World Oil & Gas (NEW), Ferrexpro (FXPO), Arian Silver (AGQ), Monitise (MONI), Metals Exploration (MTL) and LGO Energy (LGO - The Sheriff of AIM vindicated once again


3323 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 17 September - I agree with Bank Robber Brokerman Dan (on 1 thing)

For once I agree with former Comrade bank robber Brokerman Dan. If a company pays a writer such as Malcolm Graham Wood to write "research" he must declare it. This podcast also covers Techfinancials (TECH), Fitbug (FITB) and Motive TV (MTV) 


3325 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 15 September - Vipers in the Stockmarket Garden of Eden

Take two on this podcast as I was rudely interrupted first tme around by someone from the Grim Northern post industrial welfare safaris making his day's calls before sitting down to watch the Jeremy Kyle show. On today's show I look at Eden Research (EDEN), Mosman Oil & Gas (MSMN), Daniel Stewart (DAN), Globo (GBO), Sareum (SAR), Tern (TERN), Hydrogen (HYDG) and Golden Saint Resources (GSR). Trivia question of the day: which THREE of those companies have NOT sent me a lawyers letter or reported me to the rozzers?


3326 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 14 September - Losing my Audioboom Virginity

This is the first podcast using the Audioboom (BOOM) platform - if it sounds rubbish/does not arrive blame the IT klutz me not Rob Proctor. In today's offering I look at Haike Chemical (HAIK), Jiasen (JSI), Camkids (CAMK), ValirX (VAL) and a few other matters en passant.


3327 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 13 September: Greek Election, interest rates, and Hotel Corp - bad language warning

In today's podcast I look at the Greek Election next week. The voting is irrelevant, Angela Merkel will remain in charge whoever wins. Greece is still fucked and I explain why. Then it is onto interest rates in the US and UK - the FOMC meets on Thursday. Then asset bubbles and crowdfunding - an en passant mention for Vitesse Media. Finally to Hotel Corp (HCP) and the disgraceful smear compaihn by crony capitalist motherfucker Derek Short and Shore Cap against Marcus Yeoman. I have some bad news for Short & Shore Capital. Warning: this section contains some bad language.


3328 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 12th September - to Comrade Corbyn, Comrade Levi and Comrade Knightley

In this podcast I answer yesterday's quiz question and then celebrate the election of Comrade Jeremy Corbyn to the leadership of the Labour party. The Tories are in thrall to big business and crony capitalists and Comrade Corbyn at least ensures real questions are asked as we sleep walk over the abyss on so many fronts. I then put Comrade Dan Levi straight on insider dealing laws with relation to his latest spurious allegations about flip flop Ben Turney. Then there is a wider look at the markets.


3329 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 9/11 - Looking back & forward & a rip roaring day on AIM

It is 9/11 and I look back 14 years. I also reflect on the Orwellian way we all viewed Syria earlier this week. Looking forward, we have sold 90% of the restaurant in Clerkenwell to the pizza hardman Darren Atwater. we end up slightly ahead on the deal but I have had enough of running businesses and blame my own old age and the Tories for that. This is the start of my wind-down. On AIM its a cracking day with another China fraud kill, China Chaintek (CTEK) and more fun and games at Mosman Oil & Gas (MSMN), Redhall (RHL), Monitise (MONI), Sefton Resources (SER, Cloudbuy (CBUY) and Golden Saint Resources (GSR). And I am getting into bed with Rob Proctor of Audioboom (BOOM). Not literally but...well I explain in full. in the podcast.


3330 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 10 September - falling down the stairs

A relatively short podcast today from Shipston in Warwickshire as I am recovering from falling down the stairs. No. Before you ask, I was sober as a judge. On the agenda today: a chat with Nigel Wray, Sefton Resources (SER), Gable (GAH), Herencia Resources (HER), China Chaintek (CTEK) and Tern. I forgot to mention Audioboom (BOOM) - more on that tomorrow.


3332 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 8 September - Hotel Corp Scumbags, UK housing crash and more

A wide ranging podcast today from my rather cold garage in Bristol. Why oh why cant I be in Greece? In today's issue I sart with the disgraceful antics of the directors of AIM casino shocker The Hotel Corp (HCP) and Shore Capital. Pledge your support to Marcus Yeoman [email protected] now! Then I turn to Oxford Instruments (OXIG), SQS Software (SQS) which gets a major doing over, Fitbug (FITB), Tern (TERN) and M Winkworth (WINK) where my thoughts are more about UK house prices than about the company itself.


3334 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: You Tern if you want to...but

A play on the great Margaret Thatcher speech from 1980. If you have forgotten it the video is below. In this podcast I look at Greece and its Election. It does not matter. Whover wins the most votes Angela Merkel will still be running the Hellenic Republic after the polls close. Then onto an interesting threat to stockbrokers such as Hargreaves Lansdowne. Finally onto Tern. I do not dislike Angus Forrest but discuss issues of corporate transparency and valuation.


3362 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - seeking distraction - I am disgusted with the stockmarket

Two bad things today. West Ham kick off what is bound to be another season of Premiership disaster and more importantly my cat Tara seems to be very sick. Seeking distraction I read the Sunday financial press and feel disgusted, a sense of being made nauseous by the stench of corruption everywhere. Afren, Quindell, the financial press, it is tempting just to give up on shares. Is not the whole game rigged by the crony capitalists? It is not. But a lot of it is as I explain in this podcast. I end by explaining why my emails will go unanswered for days and twitter ignored almost completely for the next seven weeks. I have an urgent deadline.

3367 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 4 August: Marie Antoinette, QE, base rates, Sefton, Armour and more

An odd day yesterday had me reflecting on how QE and low base rates had skewed life but how that is all about to change. A bearish podcast on equity prices and UK house prices. Then onto Sefton, Armour Group and Monitise.


3369 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 2nd August - a dying and snearing deadwood press, interest rates and Wandisco

My father is at Church and the the pub and so I am able to record a quick podcast covering three themes. First the snearing and dying deadwood press - something prompted by THIS. Then interest rates. And then Wandisco. For more on Wandisco, as mentioned in the bearcast, Investor Show magazine out this weekend HERE


3370 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 1 August - The lesson of Afren & Executive Greed

In today's podcast I look at what is the critical lesson we draw from Afren's demise - that debt is crack cocaine for CEOs. Then there is the wider issue prompted by an RNS at no-one is watching O'clock Friday from Staffline of executive share options, LTIPs and greed.


3376 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 25 July - Audioboom, Avanti, Lenigas and Raspberries

And so we have another of the occasional bearcasts. Drawn away from raspberries and the good news that Chapter 1 of the novel is completed, by the preposterous David Lenigas I comment on that but then also on why I am bearish on equities and then to what sort of stocks will collapse in a bear market. I also look at companies that claim to be drowning in cash yet have debts. The podcasts covers Jiasen, Globo, Avanti Communications, Audioboom and a few other matters.


3383 days ago

Market abuser Chris Oil tries to ramp New World Oil & Gas - ShareProphets Translation service

Market abuser Chris Oil has amazingly still been offered a platform by the ADVFN Newspaper to write his semi-literate shite. Today he tries to pump New World Oil & Gas (NEW) with a ludicrous suggestion that a company with piss-poor worthless assets, a totally discredited management and c£3 million of cash could be worth £40 million. In this podcast I serve up a translation of the Oil piffle which you can see below. 


3384 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 18 July - Fraud, funding and missing Lords

My MCC card is in my pocket but I am, again, missing the Lords test on a glorious Saturday. One year... I then take this podcast to the China AIM frauds. By next Wednesday 4 will have been booted off the casino so far this year, I refer you to a superb piece out earlier today HERE. I chatted late at night last week to an emerging markets fund manager and thus offer up more thoughts on these frauds. Then it is onto how the 900 companies on AIM that need funding will get it and in this section I look again at valiRx.


3385 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 17 July, another shift with Foxy Beatrix from Budapest

Once again I find myself at Free Speech & Liberty Pizza alongside foxy Beatrix from Budapest who tells me that she is a keen reader of George Orwell. She says all the right things. I bet you are all insanely jealous of me. I digress. In this podcast I discuss Tomco, New World Oil & Gas, Frontier Resources, Fitbug, Gable Holdings and Daniel Stewart where I hear bad things abut the cash burn.


3387 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 15 July: hangover, foxy Beatrix from Budapest and Rob Terry

I am not at my sharpest, the Irish gene was at work last night.  Working through a hangover I welcome foxy Beatrix from Budepest to Free Speech & Liberty Pizza as a replacement for the disgraced witch Christina from the Carpathians. Back in the world of shares this podcast looks at Mosman Oil & Gas and JD Wetherspoon then onto Rurelec, Falanx and Jiasen. Finally, I have a detailed discussion about the Rob Terry stocks, Imaginatik (read Steve Moore's piece today) and Daniel Stewart - when the insider and fraudster is led away in cuffs as he surely will be both these stocks will collapse.


3389 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 13 July

In this podcast I start by plugging today's weekly postcard on TomWinnifrith.com-why to go to Greece NOW and a few off the beaten track ideas on where to go.  I then move onto the fate of the Euro and a discussion of what company's do NOT say that is such a red flag - reference Mosman and Audioboom.


3391 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 10 July - back to Athens for riot porn

A brief podcast as I prepare to spend a morning on the beach with the Mrs. Then it is off to Athens. She thinks she is seeing a la dee da play. I am heading there for riot porn as the Greece Grexit crisis hots up again. Is Tsipras planning to betray the Hellenic Republic? Will he get away with it? Will Greece be booted out of the Euro anyway by the Krauts? Then a few words on the farce at Sefton as Jimmyliar Ellerton tries to make it go bankrupt via legal means. And then to the con Worthington.

And fear not Champagne Charlie Gibson fans, I had not forgotten about you. Just a reminder of why the Edison analyst is a convicted felon HERE and as a bonus a reminder of how it is not only the poor he screws HERE - and a reminder of why I feel the urge to remind you all HERE


3391 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 9 July Offending everyone edition

Once again IT issues in Greece delay this podcast. I start by explianing why the reaction of Paul Scott and the craven deadwood press to the new national living wage proposed by George Osborne displays 100% economic illiteracy. It is simply a transfer of wealth from business to the State, the poor will gain nothing. Then onto defending David Lenigas and Andrew Bell from some of the sillier comments made by some folk and to explain why flip flop Ben Turney is again wrong on New World Oil & Gas. hats off to Paul Curtis for the silliest remark of the day as I stck the boot into Gulf Keystone and then also to the prep, pump and dump at Beowulf Mining. And finally I have another go at biotech dog ValiRx.

And fear not Champagne Charlie Gibson fans, I had not forgotten about you. Just a reminder of why the Edison analyst is a convicted felon HERE and as a bonus a reminder of how it is not only the poor he screws HERE - and a reminder of why I feel the urge to remind you all HERE


3394 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 8 July - George Osborne is a twat

This has been delayed by certain IT issues here in the Hellenic Republic. I start the podcast on Greece then onto China and finally to chancellor George Osborne and his budget - the guy is a prize twat. At a company level I look at Azonto Petroleum, Monitise ( TSOA wins again!), Red Rock Resources and the fraud Jiasen.

And fear not Champagne Charlie Gibson fans, I had not forgotten about you. Just a reminder of why the Edison analyst is a convicted felon HERE and as a bonus a reminder of how it is not only the poor he screws HERE - and a reminder of why I feel the urge to remind you all HERE


3395 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 7th July - Page 3 bird photo

As an experiment I tried to upload this direct, rather than via Pizza Hardman Darren Atwater, but could not work out how to upload my photo so had to use an alternative. In today's podcast I look at Greece, China (the real story of the day), Sefton, Fitbug, Phorm, Stratmin Global and fat cats. Real fat cats like Oakley not fat cats like Sir Martin Sorrell.

And fear not Champagne Charlie Gibson fans, I had not forgotten about you. Just a reminder of why the Edison analyst is a convicted felon HERE and as a bonus a reminder of how it is not only the poor he screws HERE - and a reminder of why I feel the urge to remind you all HERE


3397 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 5 July: Greece, China, Quindell & house prices

Polls close here in Athens in just over three hours. I shall shortly head off to my local polling station to have a final butchers and then to Syntagma Square to sit underneath the Greek parliament as the results come in. I shall blog away here on ShareProphets as Greece decides whether it is Oxi or nai. Pro tem this podcast covers Greece, China, Quindell and UK House prices.

This podcast is recorded in the most excellent Anthropology cafe in Athens which I heartily recommend - although it really needs to start stocking ouzo

And fear not Champagne Charlie Gibson fans, I had not forgotten about you. Just a reminder of why the Edison analyst is a convicted felon HERE and as a bonus a reminder of how it is not only the poor he screws HERE - and a reminder of why I feel the urge to remind you all HERE


3398 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 4th July, Independence is on my mind

Happy Independence day to our American listeners. My prayers are that tomorrow Greece votes for freedom and votes Oxi! But will it? And what does that mean for the Euro and shares. I note Goldman Sachs claims that a Nai vote will see global equities rise by 10%. Hmmm, I think it misses the bear in the China shop. A few thoughts brought to you from Athens in today's podcast.

This podcast is recorded in the most excellent Anthropology cafe in Athens which I heartily recommend - although it really needs to start stocking ouzo

And fear not Champagne Charlie Gibson fans, I had not forgotten about you. Just a reminder of why the Edison analyst is a convicted felon HERE and as a bonus a reminder of how it is not only the poor he screws HERE - and a reminder of why I feel the urge to remind you all HERE


3399 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Smoking Guns Bearcast from Athens - July 3rd

I start this podcast with a few developments on the ground here in Greece - tonight sees two mass demos which I shall be attending and reporting back on. Then it is on to Phorm, Provexis, Ubisense, Jiasen ( smoking gun located?) and the other China Norfolks, Netcall and Cenkos where conversation naturally turns to its role in the Quindell fraud and what the fallout will be.

And fear not Champagne Charlie Gibson fans, I had not forgotten about you. Just a reminder of why the Edison analyst is a convicted felon HERE and as a bonus a reminder of how it is not only the poor he screws HERE - and a reminder of why I feel the urge to remind you all HERE


3401 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 1 July

I forgot to mention convicted felon Champagne Charlie Gibson in the podcast. Silly me. But in case you have forgotten why he is a felon go HERE and why I am going to keep mentioning it go HERE. In the actual Bearcast I look at Sirius Minerals and Monitise and then have breaking news on the unlikely hero of the day China fraud specialist Mr Paul Shackleton and bad news for investors in Gate Ventures. Then it is onto Daniel Stewart with a bad Winston Churchill parody. Then onto Speedy Hire, Lightwaverf, Independent Oil & Gas and Phorm where the chickens are coming home to roost, at last.


3404 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 27 June - Greece, China and bubbles

In today's podcast I look at events in Greece and China and the nature of asset bubbles. I will deal with ISIS in my weekly postcard on TomWinnifrith.com later.


3406 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - 26 June

In today's podcast I relay my experience of Argos, there is always something new in life. Anyhow I now have new headphones so I hope the sound quality is better. Then onto Daniel Stewart, Rob Terry, Imaginatik, Mwana Africa, ValirX, biotech in general, Auhua Clean and IGAS


3407 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 25 June - is Malcolm Stacey Getafix?

I keep having this odd image of Malcolm Stacey. He lives among the heathen celts of Wales and is a self confessed money tree worshipper, an older man with white hair - he is Getafix, the druid from Asterix the Gaul. Getafix heads off into the woods with his sickle to hack away mistletoe to make potions. Malcolm heads off into the woods to hack away at the money tree and then brews up a potion.

He stands over his cauldron and as Delphic type vapours emerge he intones "I know, buy Advanced Oncotherapy, add more Tertiary Minerals." Sometimes it works and he enjoys a good night at the Punters Return. Other times it does not work and Malcolm realises he took cuttings from the wrong tree. Getafix mutters to himself "but the Money Tree realy does exist" and trudges back into the woods with his sickle to continue his quest. I digress.

In today's podcast I discuss whether money is important to me and whether I am really an alcoholic, look at Trap Oil, Quindell, Slater & Gordon, Red Emperor, Sefton and the POS Mosman Oil & Gas


3409 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast -23rd June, the night after

Not at my sharpest today - blame Zak Mir. In this podcast I cover ADVFN, Imagantik, Alecto, Greka Drilling, Green Dragon Gas, Monitise, Auhua, Falanx, Jiasen and its 25th June date.


3410 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 21 June - Greece

In this podcast I look at Greece as the great day of Grexit may actually be upon us as soon as tomorrow. What will happen and what shoukd happen and how will it effect the rest of us?


3413 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 19 June - Ben Turney & the Naked Swedish Virgins

My podcast starts with Ben Turney, naked Swedish virgins, Britt Ekland, Christopher Lee and pagan festivals. Then I move into Auhua Clean, Sefton, Monitise, Tungsten, Urals Energy, Sareum and the world's worst investor.


3414 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 18 June - Outing my father

My father enjoys me describing him as a deluded lefty in these podcasts but, today, I out him for some of his reactionary glories. I then move on to New World Oil & Gas, Sefton Resources, and, in detail, Sirius Minerals. 


3415 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast Special - Comrade Malcolm Stacey WRONG on Greece & Shares

Earlier today Comrade Malcolm Stacey, our token money tree believer on this website, argued HERE that Greece would not go bust and that would cause shares to zoom higher. I am sorry to say that he is wrong on one if not both counts and explain why in this podcast.


3416 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 16 June - homage to Chris Bailey

Chris Bailey of Financial Orbit is on my mind for three reasons and I explain why. One of them is APR Energy which I discuss and Chris will post on later. I also look at two China POS stocks, the fraud Sorbic and Auhua Clean Energy. Then at Thor Mining, Trap Oil and Mosman Oil & Gas. Then it is onto the boiler room stocks: Inspirit, Sabien and Flowgroup. Warning: this podcast contains both bad language and also a lot of racist generalisations about folks from Australia and New Zealand with the exception of Kylie Minogue (pictured) who can, of course, do no wrong.


3417 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 14 June: two stocks that show everything that's wrong with AIM

This podcast contains bad language. AIM is not the only 4 letter word used. I look at two big fallers today: Sabuen Technology and Management Resource Solutions. In very different ways these companies demonstrate everything that is wrong with the AIM casino and why investors will carry on getting screwed unless radical changes are made.


3417 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast Special - looking back to 2001 & the 2015 New Media Bubble

In this podcast I look back to my own experiences of the dotcom bubble of 2000-2001 you see I remember it well, the lunacy, the excess and how it all ended in 2001-2002. It ended in tears. My mind is drawn to this as I contemplate the New Media bubble of 2015 and signs that it too will end in tears. I refer to two excellent articles, one on Zero Hedge HERE and the other on this website by Matty Earl, the Dark Destroyer (HERE). Both offer real insight. And I then speculate on why New Media will blow up and on the wider ramifications.


3418 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 14 June

In this podcast I discuss why I welcome a market correction which I regard as inevitable. I explain why I view it as inevitable - following on from themes in this Saturday show - but say why I welcome it. I look forward to the day because a) as a long term investor it will allow me to buy great stocks at bargain prices - and yes I am looking at FTSE 100 stocks - and b) because it will force a belated clean out of the Augean stable that is the UK stockmarket today. I look back to 2003 for some inspiration.


3419 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast Special - 21 stocks on my PLC Death List

It is world gin day but I have not started..yet. Ahead of that this is a PLC Death List podcast special. I list the 21 PLCs that are on my list to be delisted or go to 0p by December 31 2016 and explain why. Enjoy...

The list is: 


3419 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 13 June: Greece and Interest rates

Greece is getting interesting again and in this podcast I explore who will be the big losers from Grexit and it won't be Greece. The fallout threatens many aspects of the Western financial markets but the bigger threat is interest rates which are going to rise sooner than you think. Warning: this podcast contains extreme bearishness


3419 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 12 June

A pot pouri of a podcast today starting with the pronounciation pedant, the great Paul Scott. Then onto a cracking Zero Hedge article on how we should have treated the banksters in 2008 - we should have followed Iceland. Then on to Greece, Octagonal, Trap Oil, Nyota, Sefton, Afren, Alba Minerals, Monitise, Power Capital Global and Windar Photonics.


3421 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 11 June

In today's regular podcast I look at Emerging Market Minerals -a disaster that has only partly happened today, a lot more to come on this one. Then on to Gulfsands Petroleum, Tungsten, Redhall, Mosman Oil & Gas and the conceit of City brokers.


3423 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 9th June: Biotech vs Mining Juniors

In this podcast I ponder the similarities between the two sectors, a few thoughts on following experts like Jim Mellon (biotech) or Malcolm Burne (gold) and wonder what the renaissance of both sectors says about the wider market.


3424 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 8 June - Armadale and More

Before heading to the White Bear with my father, a brief podcast. Armadale I question its maths but its shares could well be cheap even after soaring 155% today. Then onto Atlantic Coal (dog), Sound Oil, Sefton, Jiasen & Cyan.

Oh and read this brilliant piece on Asian Citrus HERE

And remember to download your free copy of UK Investor Magazine HERE


3425 days ago

Weekly postcard #115 - a weekend taunting the deluded lefty my father

I record this podcast in Shipston where I have spent the weekend with my deluded lefty father. We have now worked out how to switch on the TV and found ourselves watching Benefits Britain. That and the Oxfam story in the Mail on Sunday form the subject matter of this week's postcard.


3429 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 3rd June: sweaty wreck edition

A morning pouring poison on the frigana at the Greek Hovel leaves me a sweaty wreck. I have one more load to dump then some olive pruning and I'll call it quits. I'll do more in August. So for light relief in this podcast I explain exactly how an AIM listed China fraud works with reference to today's trading statement from Jiasen. Then it is onto serial business failure Piers Linney and his Outsourcery POS, Arria NLG and Kuala Ltd (well done Jim Mellon) then back to Ferrum Crescent.


3429 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - Advanced Oncotherapy Special

It seems as if some folks think that questioning the share price of Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) is akin to attacking the fight against cancer. It is not. But in this podcast I just have a few questions.


3433 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 30th May - Investor Insanity

In this podcast I try to explain how 2+2 does not equal 22 when it comes to injecting assets into shells and yes my case study is Sefton. I then turn to the China stockmarket bubble trying to show how mad things have become and what will happen when it ends in tears. As it will.


3436 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 27 May

I start the podcasts with some observations about a flurry of road repairing here in Greece and explain what is going on. I then move onto geo political risk which is not discounted in equity valuations and to the general abandoment of risk assessment in small caps with reference to Daniel Stewart, ValirX and Tern.


3436 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 23rd May - why not pack it all in?

It is tempting such is the disgust I feel about the market right now but then I change my mind. In this podcast I look at what is so wrong with AIM, how to fix it and also specifically at the Plus500 and Thomas Cook connection.


3437 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 22 May - Sorry Scotty you are wrong on PLUS & More

Today's main podcast covers Tungsten, Plus500 (sorry Paul you are wrong), Coms, Mosman Oil & Gas,Gate Ventures and Blur Group. Apparently it is also a work anniversary - 3 years away from Rivington. A pause for a moment's thought.

Postscript - Plus500 now suspended pending an announcement


3444 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 19 May - another snake encountered and snakes telling lies on AIM

Yes, this time it was at the Greek Hovel less than 15 yards from the building. And I was just 3 or 4 foot away. Cripes. I really do not like snakes which brings me on to Philip Crawford on Lombard Risk and Nomad Charles Stanley which today signed off on an OUTRIGHT LIE of an RNS penned by Crawford. I have a 14 year old score to settle with the tosser Crawford and so accuse him of lying to investors today. Is that not against AIM rules? Elsewhere I look at Tungsten, Plus 500, Sefton, Coms and Rose Petroleum which are all sells. Events at Rose have moved fast since the bearcast vindicating me (see HERE)


3445 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - 18 May

Naturally I start this podcast with my big news - last night's encounter with a snake: did I kill it. You can read about that HERE. Next up is a detailed look at today's news from Environmental Recycling (ENRT), formerly 3DM, then onto Tomco, Rose Petroleum, Tungsten, Blinkx, Sefton and Solgold. And then for some folks out there - including Chris Oil - I explain what constitutes market abuse and/or insider dealing and what the FCA should do about what is NOT a victimless crime.


3446 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - 17 May

In this podcast I look at three issues: the abuse of the RNS Reach system - something I touched on earlier HERE - and why it needs scrapping; Worthington and all the stink around Frankfurt listings and finally the shameless folk at Thomas Cook.


3447 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - 16 May

Oddly I had quite a lot to say in this podcast. I start on a personal note, feeling a confidence breached. I then move onto the buggers muddle at New World Oil & Gas (NEW) - really the shares must be suspended now until Wednesday. Then onto Insetco (INC) and lessons learned from a debacle we warned about and which the Deputy Sheriff of AIM covers again HERE. Finally onto the "Gary Newman rule" - his suggestion of locking in those taking part in AIM placings. I sympathise but I warn that it would kill off 400 companies on the casino. Beware of what you ask for.


3450 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - 12 May

Now on my 3rd PC in 10 days forgive the two minutes silence at the end of this bearcast...I was trying to say, more on that to follow but this little horror of a machine froze on me. Anyhow this podcast covers Reach4 Entertainment, Sefton, Hunter Resources, Camkids and the other China Norfolks, New World Oil & Gas and the growing sense of doom here in Greece.


3450 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - 13 May

Back from lunch with my old Dad who is now in Greece this podcast looks at inter alia New World Oil & Gas, Daniel Stewart and in detail Mosman Oil & Gas and Northern Petroleum.


3453 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - 10th May

Only one company mentioned today and this is Tungsten (TUNG) where I suggest there may be a bit of a problemo revealed this week. Elsewhere in this podcast I look at why the post election surge in equities simply will not be sustained and indeed should be viewed as a selling opprtunity.


3453 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - New World Oil & Gas Special

What a total omnishambles New World Oil & Gas (NEW) has become. Why were the shares not suspended last week as I advocated to howls of abuse from followers of flip flop Pitchfork Ben Turney who now - belatedly - seems to agree. In this podcast I pose some serious questions for the company and its advisers and have a few suggestions on what needs to happen. And a warning for some of flip flop Pitchfork's followers who have piled in.


3458 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - May 5th

In today's podcast I reflect on events at New World Oil & Gas (NEW) as well as having a butchers at Taihua, Tethys Petroleum, Eleco and of course the UK Oil & Gas comedy show.


3463 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 30 April

The Mrs is finally back from India tonight but her delay is clearly a breach of my human rights. Will any political party remedy this? The podcast refers back to yesterday's bonus China fraud Bearcast on Gate & Naibu (see HERE) before moving into the farce of today's two China Norfolks in the news, JQW and Sorbic. Then there are the lessons we learn from Arria, the Kenmare tale, Optare, Mosman and Ubisense which seems like a POS.


3464 days ago

Tom Winnifrith bonus Bearcast - today's developments on the China AIM FRAUDS Naibu and Gate

We have news today from both Naibu and from gate Ventures, two of the numerous China frauds listed on AIM. In this bonus podcast I translate for you what they are actually saying, point out the chinks in their statements and explain why both frauds will unravel.


3465 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 28 April

As we prepare for the London Stock Exchange peasants revolt tomorrow I consider more failings on the AIM Casino. In the podcast I also cover Rose Petroleum, JQW and Camkids ( both China Norfolks) and the latest farce at Horse Hill.


3467 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Chatting to Doc Holiday

In this podcast I look at the bleating customers of IG Index, the nature of AIM in relation to a chat with Doc, the Labour/SNP threat to Britain in the context of HSBC threatening to quit, Rosslyn Data and James Courtis Pond and again at the forthcoming AGM Of the LSE.


3467 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - Doing the maths on Sefton & why its 80%+ overvalued

There is a false market in Sefton and China fraud Gate Ventures and the FCA and AIM Regulation do nothing to protect investors. That is a crime. I discuss that at the start of this podcast and then go on to do the hard maths on Sefton based on the claims it has made and to demonstrate clearly why the shares are 80% overvalued. Ignore the hype and bluster and the twitter and Bulletin Board insanity just do the hard math my friends and you can arrive at no other conclusion.


3469 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 24 April: Sefton shares should be suspended

Sefton shares are flying again. Everyone who tweets me claims to know what is going on. There is a false market the shares should be suspended. Ditto Gate after my revelations earlier HERE.  The podcast then turns to the Horse Hill stocks French Connection, Totally, Avocet Mining, Plethora and Condor Gold (see HERE) . Oh and...Rosslyn Data Technologies....I'm coming for you!


3470 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - a postcard to my friend, the ex Sefton boss Brokerman Dan

Comrade Brokerman Dan seems to have taken offense at my earlier podcast about the end of his career as a crony capitalist as boss of Sefton Resources (SER). I send this postcard to my friend with respect. Do not deny others an opinion. I praise you mightily for what you have done but I criticise today's payoff of £50,000 and explain why it is wrong.


3470 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Oh boy I am flying today

I am in a good mood today as I launch into a podcast tirade. Under fire are: Crap Oil, Sorry Trap Oil, Edenville, Condor Gold (placing ahoy), Plethora (ditto), Mosman (ditto), Matomy Media, blinkx and then a full frontal assault on Camkids - come on Nick Harris at Allenby be a hero, you know what to do


3471 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 22 April

I start this podcast with the awesome power of Malcolm Stacey to move markets as per his share tip today. All hail Comrade Stacey. Next up is a joke statement from joke company ValiRX, Eurasia Mining, Westminster Group, Coms and then another good kicking for poor Phorm.


3474 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Highlights of UK Investor Show

In this podcast I look back at some of the themes and highlights (for me) of UK Investor Show 2015. The hall was packed and I hope that folks all had fun. There are some pictures of the day HERE and to order tickets on an early bird 50% discount for April 16 2016 click HERE and there is a last chance to win a holday at the Greek Hovel HERE.  Among the highlights for me were the Horse Hill panel, Ben Edelman on blinkx which was damming, the bears on Tungsten which was also pretty damming but the buy ideas from Mark Slater, Paul Scott and Paul Jourdan. Luke Johnson was a cracking performer and I think I wasnot too bad either. Anyhow, I reflect on yesterday.


3476 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Working with no trousers edition

I explain the trouser predicament I face at the end of the podcast. It is all to do with UK Investor Show on Saturday and I look forward to seeing you there. Before we get to my issue today I look at Ultrasis (toast), Daniel Stewart, Sefton Resources, Kromek, Igas, Horse Hill nonsense and Optimal Payments.


3476 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Daniel Stewart Nomad quits, Rob Terry of Quindell stink special

Nomad Westhoiuse has done the decent thing and quit as Nomad to shamed and disgraced Daniel Stewart (DAN) and it is all down to his links with the insider dealer and fraudster Rob Terry of Quindell infamy as I explain in this podcast. I really enjoyed recording this.


3477 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Slater & Gordon and Quindell special

In this podcast I start with a few words on Berkeley Mineral Resources and its quite amazing statement of yesterday (HERE). Hats off to Alex Borelli but why is no-one going to prison?  I then go onto look at Slater & Gordon in light of a very interesting piece of research pubished in Australia overnight by Merrill Lynch on S&G post the Quindell deal.


3477 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 16 April

Not hungover and after my first full night's sleep since Saturday I am back with my normal balanced and tolerant view of the AIM casino. Where do I start? Horse Hill, the POS ValiRx, Foxtons, Premaitha, Plethora, Telecom Plus (expect real fireworks on that one from Kevin Ashton on Saturday), Northern Petroleum and China Norfolk Jiasen.


3479 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 14 April - can I shout at Darren for you?

Has your ticket arrived for UK Investor Show yet? If not email me on [email protected] and I will shout at Darren for you. If you have not ordered yet, well you have an hour or so. we are all bar a couple of tickets sold out so will stop selling any tickets at 4PM today and put a sold out sign up at www.ukinvestor show.com - so to book: hurry up. Enough of Saturday's fun. In this podcast I look at Horse Hill (read Steve Brown's piece today!), Ascent Resources, Red Emperor, Northbridge Industrial, market madness and Sefton Resources.


3480 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 13 April

It is almost time for the "placing song" but not quite. In this podcast I look at Fox Marble, Coms, Image Scan (in detail), Blur and Tethys. Warning strong language used in connection with the total POS that used to do PR for Image Scan, itself a total POS.


3481 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Horse Hill & Gulf Keystone (R2) & Igas again

It seems that my comments in yesterday's bearcast on Gulf Keystone have sent cheerleader for the Gulf loons Paul Curtis into a bit of a frenzy. And so while he takes a bit of medication to calm down I have another go. Then, via Igas, it is on to Horse Hill where today's press coverage is shockingly bad and I have another detailed review of what on earth is going on.


3481 days ago

Weekly Postcard #108 - All those links to India edition

The Mrs touches down in Delhi tomorrow morning and that and a film we watched last night set me thinking about all those family links to India strteching back to 1856: Knatchbull-Hugeson, Eleanor Booker, the Ilbert Bill and my grandmother Margaret Booker. A personal family tour through history podcast.


3481 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Gulf Keystone Special

Apologies for overlooking the truly dreadful smoke and mirrors 2014 results from Gulf Keystone (GKP) last week. In this podcast I look back and flag up a few points the bulls might have overlooked while out on day release from the asylum.


3481 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - (over) Confidence in a bull market

In this podcast I start with the debate between Wilderides and miserable froggie Thierry on Shell & BG Group but move to the wider issue of overconfidence ater a seven year bull market. Companies covered include Tungsten, Coms, 4D Pharma,, LGO Energy, Cyan, Plethora and Vipera


3481 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 10 April: I am flying!

A good day on all fronts - although condolences due to Wildrides regarding his cat - all cat owners know how he feels today. I digress. In this podcast I look again at Horse Hill and my mind wanders back to 2003 and Avington. I look at Coms and ask if Dave Breith is an insider dealer as well as a shite ex-CEO? Then it is on to Tethys Petroleum en passant Software Radio and then the highlight of the day, POS AIM Casino dog with fleas Clear Leisure appointing Big Ray Zimmerman and his bunch of muppets at ZAI Corporate Finance as its new Nomad.


3481 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Blur shocker special

Today's profits warning from Blur is a shocker in every respect. It allows me to wander down memory lane to a date with Mellissa Hellberg in Mile End park, to a revised version of both Girls & Boys and Park life but also to examine this whole sorry saga from top to bottom. Warning: This podcast contains both singing and explicit language.

A reader from Banbury adds to the musical theme with his version of the Blur classic, Tracy Jacks, from the album Park life. The revised version is below: 


(Philip Letts) works in public company


3484 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Horse Hill & Breaking snippets on Igas & Gate

Today's podcast has to start with the runners and riders in the great Horse Hill stakes. After today's news are the shares still cheap or a stonking short. I move on to hot rumours about Igas and to a taster of what is to come on Gate Ventures. It is then onto Afren, Daniel Stewart and a return to old fave ( and sender of snotty lawyers letters) Globo


3485 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 7 April

Thanks to bloody Doc Holiday and the Mrs and her damned organic vegetable box this is my third take on this Bearcast and I have thus wasted 40 minutes of prime time working and am not pleased. In the podcast I look at Wildhorse Energy and insider dealing ( no apologies for crude racial sterotypes about Australians and how they got there), Daniel Stewart, Good Energy and Malcolm Stacey's other weekend share tips, Mosman Oil & Gas and have a detailed look at Condor Gold.


3488 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - General Election lies

This is not the most important election ever. It matters little who wins. None of the parties are going to do anything about the big issues of slashing spending on welfare, the pensions ponzi, education or the NHS. All will continue the UK's slide to insolvency. None understand who creates wealth. That is the subject of today's podcast.


3488 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast Special - Disagreeing with today's Stacey share tip

Just a little podcast on the matter of Good Energy (GOOD) - Malcolm Stacey's share tip for today. I am not - as you know - a fan of all this Green shite and for that reason but also because the maths looks all wrong to me I explain on why I would pass on Comtrade Stacey's share tip earlier (HERE)


3489 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - Grexit would be great for Greece!

This is no longer thinking the unthinkable. Greece could default on a debt repayment in eight days. Grexit - mighty Hellas leaving the Euro - is now being planned for. In this podcast I argue that Greece should embrace Grexit.


3490 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Quindell bribes, Mosman & Kenmare bashing

Happy Easter to you all. All except Rob Terry that is. In this podcast I end up discussing evidence I have of bribes at Quindell and what I shall be doing with it. I start with a demolition of both Mosman Oil & Gas and also the troughers at Kenmare Resources.

If you enjoy Bearcast you are going to really enjoy my presentations at the UK Investor Show. To book one of the last few tickets for April 18 in Westminster go to www.UKInvestorshow.com 


3490 days ago

Tom Winnifrith EU Bearcast: Big Business cannot over-ride democracy and is wrong anyway

We are being told that business does not want a referendum on our membership of the EU. That is a lie from a multinational elite as I explain. Moreover even were that true that does not mean that we the people, should not be allowed our say - after all are we not meant to live in a democracy? That is the subject matter of this podcast extra.


3491 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 2nd April

In today's tetchy podcast I touch again on Insetco, on Quindell and then move onto Coms, Stanley Gibbons, Motive TV and Daniel Stewart


3491 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Insetco bargepole special

The Nomad to Insetco (INC) quit today. I now have more to reveal on this in this podcast special and I bring to your attention the conman crook Terry Ramsden (do a Google search). This is a bargepole stock.


3493 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Worthington WTFCast - 31 March

Fraudster Rob Terry buying into disgraced and worthless broker Daniel Stewart? Labour saying it was the party of deficit reduction? Can life get any stranger. Yes it can thanks to old Mother Worthington (WRN). Its latest RNS just takes bizarre to a new level, something I discuss in this podcast special.


3495 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast Extra - explaining the difference between a ramp and a share tip

For the benefit of one reader in particular this podcast explains the difference between a share tip and a ramp, it explains pump and dump, it looks back to historic cases such as the City Slickers and explains why Bulletin Board Morons use the words differently to normal human beings.


3496 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 28March

In this podcast I start with the Footsie - er it is now at 6,855 what was that comrade Malcolm Stacey was saying about when 7,000 was breached shares had to rocket to the moon? Only asking. Then it is onto the sordid tale of Gate Ventures and its latest RNS (sorry for the poor taste Woody Allen gags) and Sorbic International.


3497 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 27 March

In today's podcast I urge you all to book your seats for UK Investor now as there are fewer than 100 of the 2000 tickets for the big day (April 18) still going. All tickets will be posted early next week. You can book HERE. In terms of companies I cover Quindell, Coms, Teathers Financial, Tower Resources, Gulfsands, JQW ( rapidly looking like my fave China Norfolk) and a POS called Messaging International.


3498 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 26 March

I have a terrible migrane and am off to bed. Before I go a podcast covering the China Norfolks, Sierra Rutile, asylum madness and Teathers Financial and in detail Corero Networks. Oh, there is also a joke from Lucian Miers.

If you like this knockabout style you will love my two ( or maybe three) presentations at UK InvestorShow on April 18 in Westminster. As of now fewer than 100 of the 2000 tickets are still available. Book yours now HERE


3498 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 26 March (A) - Rosslyn, Motive TV and Zibao Metals

There is so much to say in today's podcast but to clarify that in yesterday's podcast when I said monogamy I meant celibacy. I start with a tidy up on Motive TV following on from HERE and then onto Rosslyn Data as a follow up to HERE - I shall be contacting the FCA and AIM Regulation about Rosslyn and its loathsome Nomad Cenkos later. And then onto a special from Big Ray Zimmerman at disgraced ZAI Corporate Finance - a true POS that is Zibao Metals Recycling. Guess where it does its business? And we have the China AIM Norfolk poll results for you.

If you like this knockabout style you will love my two ( or maybe three) presentations at UK InvestorShow on April 18 in Westminster. As of now fewer than 100 of the 2000 tickets are still available. Book yours now HERE


3499 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 25 March - a busy day

Jeepers, I am meant to be preparing a romantic meal for two tonight and I have not even started. The Mrs will not be pleased but it is a busy day. On this podcast I cover China frauds -and invite you to vote on which will be the next AIM Casino China Norfolk to see its shares suspended (HERE), Monitise, Eclectic Bars, Coms and more.

If you like Bearcast, you will love UK Investor. There are now fewer than 100 seats left for April 18 so book yours now HERE


3499 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast Special Motive TV Pump and Dump

This POS is a disgrace even by the standards of the AIM casino. In this podcast I look at the history of Motive TV (MTV), its overpaid board, its confetti issuing prowess, its current financial position (dire) and tear apart yesterday's ramparoonie special of a press release. Yes, I know a bit about Greek ferries.


3500 days ago

Bearcast 24 March - a shocking revelation ( or two)

In today's podcast I reflect on all the moron comments on Bulletin Boards every time Ive been threatened with legal action by crony capitalists or outright crooks. I forgot to mention Angus Forrest of Tern in that list but it did not work out to well for him just like threats from Globo, Range Resources, blinkx, Quindell, Cupid, Sefton, TXO and now Worthington as well as the clowns in charge of the LSE Asylum all ended up badly for them. Get used to it folks, I pick my targets carefully and I win! I then have a shock revelation about TXO before going on to discuss eServGlobal, Rosslyn Data, Mosman Oil & Gas and more.


3500 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - A Butchers at Rosslyn Data

This is a single company podcast special -a detailed look at Rosslyn Data. Its shares are sliding today and I would strongly advise against bottom fishing for a number of good reasons.


3501 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 23 March

The placing song is back again as crony capitalist Steve Berry issues another joke of an RNS for Touchstone Gold. The podcast also covers Clean Air Power (CAP) where surely there is an R missing in the epic, SpaceandPeople, Egdon, Europa Oil & Gas and an update on the latest legal proceedings against The Sheriff of AIM and some comments on my over-optimistic pal Malcolm Stacey and his take on the markets


3502 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 22 March

My main podcast of the day starts with the fun and games at Quindell where it seems as if the quisling blogs are in retreat. I go over the maths again. I then look at Centamin as oer Gary Newman's piece earlier and how the Arab world has changed and how that must make us value stocks operating out there. Finally I look at how to deal with the microcaps on the AIM Casino.


3502 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 22 March Number 1 - a bit of a personal podcast

This is an anniversary week and so forgive the rather personal nature of this podcast. There is a bit of pride, triumphalism and vindication here as I set one record straight. Yes it relates to events at the Death Star. But there are also a few more general points about changing trends in the media and and about investing in people businesses.


3503 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 21 March

In this podcast I look at the Gate Ventures farce and have some very very serious questions for its low-life Nomad Roland "fatty" Cornish about events last week and his warrant. I look at the fall out from the demise of Hume Capital and the questions that raises and then also talk about my chat with the FCA last week

If you enjoy this sort of thing you will love UK Investor Show. With fewer than 200 of 2,000 seats left for April 18th book your place now HERE


3504 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 20th March

I save the best, Quindell, to the end of the podcast but ahead of that cover Gulfsands Petroleum, Igas, Gulf Keystone, Northern Petroleum, Mosman Oil & Gas, Afren, Digital Globe ( read Steve's piece HERE), Daniel Stewart, Gate Ventures before ending with Quenron and PWC.

If you enjoy this sort of thing you will love UK Investor Show. With fewer than 200 of 2,000 seats left for April 18th book your place now HERE


3505 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 18th March

A belated happy St Patrick's day and in this podcast I look at Synety - what a horrible POS - Wandisco, Hunter Resources, Imagination Technologies, Gate Ventures and LGO Energy

If you like bearcast then you will love the bears presentation and my own two slots at UK Investor on April 18. There are now fewer than 250 tickets available and to ensure you get one of them book HERE


3506 days ago

Tom Winnifrith alternative Budget podcast

George Osborne will deliver a budget of cheap bribes and minor tweakings. I have an alternative set of proposals which is genuinely radical and would put the UK and its finances back on a firm footing. In this podcast I outline my alternative Budget 2015 and commend it to the House.


3506 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 17th March

In this podcast I comment on Quenron but then move onto a detailed look at WANDisco (WAND) of which it would be an untruth to say that I was bullish.


3506 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 16 March

In response to popular demand the "Steve Berry, crony capitalist, placing song" gets another airing. In this podcast I also cover Quindell, Afren, Premaitha (which RMPC owns), Mosman Oil & Gas, Berry's POS Touchstone Gold, Coms and Alba Minerals


3509 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 15 March - Quindell again

As I contemplate the aftermath of a disastrous day of rugby (see here) this podcast covers Teathers Financial (TEA) pointing out a few home truths and then Quindell pointing out a lot of home truths in light of today's joke of an article in the Sunday Times.


3509 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 14 March

Just a quick mention of the 57 year old punk who made my week - the full article is HERE. In the main podcast I look at oil stocks and ask is it time to buy? The answer is no - Gulf Keystone and Afren could both still fall by another 75%. I look at them, Igas and Mosman. Then onto why small City brokers are ALL failing and what needs to change.


3511 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Very Good Mood Bearcast - 13 March

I start the podcast today with a little joke for Gareth at Sirius Minerals before dealing with Afren, Gulf Keystone, Mosman, Kea, Touchstone Gold, Cloudbuy, Powerhouse Energy and Gate Ventures. Steve Berry, you crony capitalist, I have a little song for you.


3511 days ago

Tom Winnifrith bonus podcast - banking profits

We banked a big gain on a Nifty Fifty share tip earlier today. And in this podcast I look at all the issues of how you should deal with banking profits or indeed talking losses on shares you own.


3512 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 12 March

My podcast today was delayed by a lot of sleep. But I hope that it is worth the wait. I discuss the next Nomad to face scandal, have some very serious questions for Daniel Stewart PLC and look at Gate Ventures, Mosman, Soco and Gulf Keystone in detail.


3512 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 10 March

Hi this is NOT Lloyd Grossman in this podcast. I discuss the court battle ahead plus also Igas, Tern, Bango - as in Bingo Bongo Bango - Mopowered, Superglass, Webis - and my old pal Jim Mellon, Golden Saint and the dog Beowulf.


3512 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 9th March

For some reason I am in a good mood. Perhaps it is that some folks have the most useless lawyers on this planet! In this podcast I look at Afren, Coms and Transense Technology and all three raise wider issues other than their company specific woes.


3516 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Thanks to many and a Message for Aiden Earley and other scumbags

In today's podacst I explain why so many AIM CEOs and also respected journalists are lining up in the fight against Aiden Earley and the fraud Worthington. I disclose one share trade by Earley that will horrify you and got one AIM CEO to donate £1000 to my legal fight this morning and explain to Bulletin Board Morons why they should support me


3518 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 6th March

First things first. If you like Bearcast you'll love UK Investor Show so book your tickets for April 18 in Westminster now as they are 80% booked out as of today. You can book HERE. On today's podcast: Quindell and the loon conspiracy theories reach new heights, Worthington, Coms, Hunter Resources, DDD, Aga, APR Energy, Daniel Stewart and ValiRX.


3518 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 5th March

I start with admin matters: I shall be served with an injunction by Aiden Earley, shadow director of the fraud Worthington at 4.30 PM and have a few snippets of bad news for Aiden. I congratulate Brokerman Dan on being named the share blogger of the year. Then to business. In this podcast I touch on Quindell, Move onto William Sinclair, Jiasen ( a China Norfolk), Tern, Sareum and Afren.


3518 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 5 March (part 1) - Quindell & Worthington

Ahead of a day of doctors and lawyers I am doing a two part Bearcast today. part 1 of the podcast covers just two frauds: an analysis of today's news on Quindell and an update on the Worthington situation and Aiden Earley;'s injunction to gag me. I guess that gagging is not working so well is it Aiden?


3518 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 4 March

I record from all the best locations - this time it is a hospital!. On the podcast today I feature Afren, Quindell, CCJs, Filtronic, Monitise and Fitbug for which I have a big question. Then to Worthington, I have the Qs Doug ware should be answering about the lies and fraud, will he give an A this afternoon?


3518 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Athens Airport special

A brief bearcast from Athens Airport. First up Europcar are bastards. Do not use them ever. I shall explain why later. In this podcast I also discuss Coms, Filtronic, Webis (tough luck Jim Mellon), what an inventory build up means, talking to the FCA/UKLA about Worthington and by the way did I mention that Europcar are total bastards and you should never ever use them anywhere in the world?


3522 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - 2nd March

A pretty wide ranging podcast today but the theme is denial with a dose of China rubbish. I cover Worthington, Afren, Coms, Edenville Energy, Solgold, Craven House, JQW, Jiasen, Qihang, Naibu, China Chaintek, Camkids, Beowulf and more.


3523 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - Worthington Wrap Up

Everything I say in this podcast is backed by the leaked emails, documents and analysis of the 22 part Worthington fraud series run over the past couple of weeks. I hope the SFO and FCA/UKLA are listening carefully as I explain this fraud on investors and the Jerome pension fund from start to finish.


3524 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 28 February - why there will be more 0ps in 2015

I was struck by something Paul Scott write the other day and in this podcast I ask first if there is anything interesting to do in Rye and then ponder how I will get up to the snowfields tomorrow. I then move onto explain why there will be far more 0ps in 2015 than there were in 2014. 


3525 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - 27 February

I feel like a drowned rat as it is tipping it down here in Greece and I have done some manual labour today. Back to business, in today's podcast I look at Quindell, Rightster (make sure you listen to the overnight special on that one HERE), Plethora, Aeorema, Kea, Petropavlovsk, Mosman Oil and Gas and do a special on Pires Investments.


3525 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast: Rightster IS a Wrongster

On February 6 2015 I asked if Rightster (RTSR) was a wrongster and flagged up material issues for it to address. On February 25th 2015 it issued a trading statement which was spun as being a triumph of growth but which was in fact a ghastly profits and sales warning. I unpick the true facts and the grim outlook for the shares in this podcast special.


3526 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 26th February

On today's podcast I try to maintain a sexy voice as I discuss Tungsten, Paul Scott, Coms, Gulf Keystone, Digital Barrier and lifting a bag of fertiliser as well as the reappearance of TomWinnifrith.com


3526 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 25 February

Sorry for late filing, a combination of Greek telecoms and several calls on the dynamite story referred to in the podcast. Today I cover Coms, Quindell, Gulf Keystone, AO World, Ithaca, Driver and the dog Sareum.

Please book your seats now for the UK Investor show now 77% sold out HERE


3526 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast - dancing on graves at Coms and Dolphin Capital

A regular podcast follows later but please allow me to celebrate two big vindications. Dolphin Capital (DCI) was the first company to send me a lawyers letter in my new role - August 2012. Its entire board has just left. I am still here. I dance on the graves of their corporate careers. Next up Coms (COMS) which has just issued a dire profits warning and worse. I have been warning you about this for months to general abuse from Bulletin Board Morons. Perhaps for all the smears, harassment and abuse they might care to form an orderly line to apologise - yet again. The Sheriff of AIM was right yet again, the morons wrong. When will they learn?


3528 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - A very special double Greek Hovel Prize Edition

I spent the morning starting fires at the Greek Hovel burning off some of the frigana I cut last summer. Photos of myself and George in action will be on TomWinnifrith.com later - but that brings me to a very good reason to attend the UK Investor Show - there are stacks of reasons - as I explian in the podcast. The show is now 75% sold out but you can book your tickets today HERE. Meanwhile I look at Quindell, the shoddy outfit that is Cenkos, Sefton Resources, New World Oil & Gas, Tungsten and Fitbug.


3529 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 23rd February

Recorded outside the Kourounis Taverna in Kambos for reasons I explain this podcast starts with Mariana Resources as I try - and fail - to be charitable. I move into Quindell, Tower Resources, Mar City, Gulf Keystone, APR Energy and Afren.


3530 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - 20 February

On today's podcast I look at Quindell (long time no speak) and Afren - the calm before the storm next week. I also look at Berkeley Minerals and at Solgold, Pinnacle Tech, Tavistock Investents, Sefton Resourcces/Brokerman Dan and long term dog & Bulletin Board darling Iofina. And there is comment on naughty, naughty Gotham City Research.


3532 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 19th February

In today's podcast I look at Afren, Jupiter Energy, Hunter Resources, Caza Oil & gas, Magnolia and the unpleasant way that Avation presents its results.


3533 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Fleeing the country edition

Just to get in ahead of the Bulletin Board Morons, I am set to flee the country to avoid the Old Bill now that Worthington has called them in. No, only kidding - my trip to Greece was planned a while ago as you can see on TomWinnifrith.com. In this podcast I look at Northern Petroleum, Hargreaves Services, equity valuations and then in some detail Kenmare. There is also a taster on the FRAUD Worthington - just a little warning for what I plan for tomorrow for Doug Ware.


3534 days ago

Tom Winnifrith snowcast from Greece

Shame on Paul Scott and other folks for thinking Greece was hot in winter. It is freezing. In this podcast I cover the actuality of snowfall in Greece and a few stories of my father, my Great Uncle David Cochrane and my own travels - including today's trek from Athens to the Greek Hovel - in Greece.

The map below might assist you in following what I am talking about. 


3537 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Investor Denial at Afren, Worthington & Quindell and generally

In this podcast I look once again at the issue of investor denial. The case studies are three companies all worth 0p per share: Afren, Quindell and Worthington. happy listening.


3538 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - No Valentine's day Love for the bad folks

This podcast mentions stocks enpasant though natch there is a swipe or two at Fitbug and Quenron. A bit of bad language fear but I try to be calm as I cover two very important matters.

1. The launch of PrimaryBid - I explain how this can level the AIM casino playing field and why  YOU MUST ALL SIGN UP HERE & NOW!

2.  UK Investor on April 18 in Westminster - book your seats HERE NOW


3540 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 12 February

I urge you all to listen to the earlier Quindell special podcast HERE as that slam dunk shows why the firm is bust and worth 0p. In this audio I also cover Afren, TXO, Gulf Keystone, Bacanora, David Lenigas, Circle Oil and Northcote Energy

To support our continuing campaign against fraud on the AIM casino (but also main market listed frauds) click HERE


3543 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 9th February - Swear Word Free Edition

I am in a good mood. Why am I in a good mood? I do not know.. But I am. And thus I am well set to be beastly to everybody but I think that I have just managed a whole podcast without swearing. Let's put that down as a first but not a precedent. On this edition I discuss oil prices and Max Petroleum, Afren, Igas and Gulf Keystone. What does blood on the streets mean for this sector. I look at Scholium, Oracle Coalfields and also why I am right to be bearish and Comrade Malcolm Stacey is wrong to be bullish about equities.

To get a free copy of the book Tom wrote with Ben Turney "The 49 Golden Rules of making Money from Oil, Gas & Mining shares"sent to you today just fill in the form HERE


3544 days ago

Weekly Postcard #99 - the lies all politicians tell us about housing and young people

It is a day for being angry. I mention in this podcast my anger at the way AIM CEOs are rewarded for failure as part of a system that just screws ordinary investors and that can be listened to HERE. In my personal postcard I look at how our politicians lie about the problems at the bottom end of the housing market and refuse to tackle them because they simply will not admit to the truth.


3544 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Petropavlovsk, Peter Hambro, Indaba - you make me sick

City grandee Sir Peter Hambro is quoted in today's Daily Mail, bleating about how prvate investors in Petropavlovsk (POG) hate him and might allow his POS company to go into administration. Good. I hope they do. I view Mr Hambro and his company with contempt. He is a rich man and shareholders have lost up to 98% of their cash.  But Eton educated Hambro just does not get this becuase he thinks he is better than we peasants. I also look at the crony capitalist knees up starting at Indaba. Jeepers these folk all make me so angry for how they abuse ordinary private investors. 

This podcast might offend some folks in the City who enjoy being crony capitalists and do not understand why their ongoing party paid for by private investors who have done their conkers is so nauseating for the rest of us. If you are offended by this podcast you can just piss off becuase I find your arrogance and sleazy ways incredibly offensive too but at least l can sleep soundly at night.


3545 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - when am I vindicated on Quindell & what to do about smears?

A relaxed podcast recorded from the freezing garage where the Mrs has exiled me pro tem. On the agenda is the question of why pizza hardman Darren Atwater is as posh as me when taking this test, what counts as vindication on Quindell (QPP) and how you deal with ongoing attacks harassment and smears.

To support our continuing campaign against fraud on the AIM casino click HERE


3546 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 6 February

In today's podcast I look at Afren, a general point about whether institutional ownership validates a stock, Hunter Resources, Golden Saint Resources, Tomco, Powerhouse Energy, Tate & Lyle and Gulf Keystone  (please note morons, TW vindicated again)


3547 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 5 February

A jolly old romp around the AIM casino today dedicated to "The Sheriff of AIM" Mr Marcus Studdart who has made the casino the most respected exchange in the known universe. Not. In this podcast I look at Afren, Hunter Resources, ValiRx, Igas, Pressure Technology, Premier Farnell, Tomco, Corero and Infrastrata

To get your free copy of my new book 49 Red Flags sent to you today  fill in the form HERE


3548 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 4 February

I am in a good mood as a mega hero of mine has just been in touch to dish some dirt on an AIM casino stock...developing. Meanwhile there is comment in this podcast on Quindell, Camkids, Afren and Empyrean Energy.


3549 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 3rd February

Both Maribel and I are feeling a little fragile after a night of boozing at The Free Speech & Liberty Pizza House. And so life is a bit of a struggle today for both of us. Anyhow this podcast covers insider dealing, Afren, TXO, Camkids, Northbridge Industrial, profits warnings, Asian Citrus and Creston


3550 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 2nd February: Free Speech & Liberty day!

Heck it is free speech day for me every day. In today's podcast I look at Sefton, Quindell, Afren, Igas, ISG, Insectco, Ascent Resources, Mosman Oil & Gas, Mopowered & Outsourcery


3551 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - is Crispin Odey Correct? Will the stockmarket crash

Hedge fund manager Crispin Odey grabbed all the headlines this week with his uber-bearish call. But is he correct? That is the sole topic in this podcast.


3551 days ago

Thoughts on the wicked execution of Kenji Goto by ISIS & our WRONG responses

Sadly the Japanese photo journalist Kenjo Goto was executed by ISIS yesterday. I offer my condolences and a few thoughts on the role of war correspondents in this podcast. But I go further - how should we react? An eye for an eye is not the answer. 62 years of Middle East Meddling has reaped a dreadful harvest for the West. It is time for a complete volte face


3552 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Announcements from No-One is Watching O'Clock and silly legals issue

There was a spate of announcements at No-one is watching O'Clock yesterday. But I was watching and so this podcast covers Worthington, Speymill, Sefton & Brokerman Dan and Afren. Moving on I look at legal and other silliness by companies including TXO and the Big Dave Lenigas vs Doc Holiday Stellar Resources affair.

To get your free copy of my new book 49 Red Flags sent to you today  fill in the form HERE


3553 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 30 january

I start on the matter of free speech and attempts by the Jihadists of the QPPSAG to deny that. We won a big victory over the morons yesterday. In that vein I urge those who enjoy Bearcasts and who support free speech to book their seats for UK Investor Show on April 18 in Westminster now HERE. In the podcast I cover Mosman Oil & Gas, Rambler Metals, Red Leopard, Management Resources and then go in big time on Asian Citrus but more especially on Camkids - target price 0p.


3554 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 29 January

In today's podcast I look at how the human mind reacts to rising and falling share prices, the case study being Quindell (QPP) which is tanking today - now at 80p, target remains 0p. I look at Mosman Oil & Gas (MSMN) and its proposed Aussie takeover which - as I explain - must now be in terrible trouble - target here 1p. I look at the pointless Forte Energy and Red Emperor and then a read through from Produce Investments.


3555 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - Disagreeing strongly with Chris Oil & Malcolm Stacey

This website is about debate. You can respect or even like your colleagues and I am a massive admirer of Malcolm Stacey for the record. But you have to tell your friends when they are wrong. The way that Chris Oil looks at Flybe (HERE) is wrong and comrade Malcolm's comments on Greece and the Euro today (HERE) are wrong at every single level. I explain why in this podcast.

To get your free copy of my new book 49 Red Flags sent to you today  fill in the form HERE


3556 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 27 January

In today's podcast I look at Afren and the next Afren (Igas) and also at Tern and a zillion reasons to sell its shares. I have some pressing questions for Nyota Minerals and look at Quindell and comment on the great news about Kevin Ashton and the UK Investor Show. And I chat about Ocean Wilsons, Mark Slater and the perils of small cap investing.


3557 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - Grand Group Investments - another China POS IPO - Red Flag Special

Grand Group Investments plans to IPO on AIM tomorrow thanks to fat crony capitalist Ray Zimmerman of ZAI Corporate Finance. The usual advisers to China Norfolks are on board: dirtbag lawyers Pinsent Masons and PR poshboy Henry Harrison Topham, I say old chap didn't your grandfather bugger mine behind the bike sheds at Eton? In this podcast I look at the other Red Flags

To get your free copy of my new book 49 Red Flags sent to you today  fill in the form HERE


3557 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 26 January

In today's podcast I look at Igas (vindicated), Quindell (vindicated), Gowin New (vindicated), Cambria Africa, Flybe, Fitbug, Coms (vindicated) and prepare to have a go again at Ray Zimmerman and ZAI over its next China POS IPO

To get your free copy of my new book 49 Red Flags sent to you today  fill in the form HERE


3557 days ago

Greece Election Results BearCast with Tom Winnifrith

In this podcast I look at the results and what it means for shares, the Euro and the political classes across Europe as well as Greece, including my brother in law set to reture on a full pension in three years aged 52.


3558 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 25 January

In this podcast I look at profits warnings, earnings visibility and equity valuations. I also look specifically at oil and resource stocks explaining why there is not yet blood on the streets but there will be.

To get your free copy of 49 Red Flags out today which I talk aboout in the podcast fill in the form HERE


3559 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Quindell BearCast special - Making Money from Nigerian fraud & Mobile Doctors scam

In this podcast I pose some regulatory questions for Quindell and the Ministry of Justice regarding the resigning compliance officer Mrs Helen Cutler, I explain how Quindell made money buying a POS business from a convicted Nigerian fraudster ( and other rubbish deals) and I expose what has gone on with Mobile Doctors and Speedy. This is all very shocking.

Tom Winnifrith's new book, 49 Red Flags, is dedicated to Robert Simon Terry of Quindell and features him prominently. It is published tonight. To get your free copy sent to you tonight just fill in the fom HERE


3560 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 23rd January

In today's podcast I look at the PR/Financial Press corrupt deal. I then move into Quindell, Robinson, Cambria Africa, Frontier Mining, what timber prices tell us about general earnings visibility, Gowin New, a new China POS that had been flagged up to me called JQW (target price 0p), the Wandisco pump and dump and Jiasen International.


3560 days ago

Quindell Bearcast - Slater Gordon and the Gotham Dragon starts to wake up

I exposed how Quindell is going to get rogered (at best) by Slater Gordon overnight HERE in this podcast I discuss how this accounting fiddle works, what it means for Quenron's (QPP) dire financial position, it really should be fessing up to that and has not and I also flag up that Gotham City Research is starting to wake up.  For the avoidance of doubt the share price target remains 0p and the fact that the shares are up today shows nothing other than the insanity of man, the bear case has just got stronger still.


3561 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 22 January

In today's podcast I cover David Lenigas firing Hume capital, TXO (toast I suspect), Jiasen & Gowin New ( China toast to come), Monitise (vindication almost complete after latest profits warning), Quindell (loons, toast to come) and Oxford Instruments (shoot the PR, visibility nil, bargepole).

To enable yourself to get a priority booking tomorrow morning to hear Big Dave Lenigas and myself on 2nd Feb register HERE


3562 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Reader Request Oilcast - 21 January

In response to emails and tweets following my macro comments on investing in oil stocks yesterday HERE, in this podcast I look at: Afren, Ithaca Energy, Hurricane Energy, Mosman Oil & Gas, Fastnet and Sefton Resources and at the idea that there is already blood on oilie street - there is not!


3562 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 21 January - Revenue Recognition and Visibility

In the regular podcast for today I look at revenue recognition and visibility. This is prompted by the comedy/tragedy of a statement from Gowin New Energy - an AIM casino China joke POS - and the profits warning from Intercede. I also look at Weatherley International, Afren, TXO and San Leon


3563 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 20 January - oil prices, oil stocks and time to revisit 0p target for Quindell?

In today's podcast I start with oil stocks and oil prices and discuss why I would not touch any of them with a bargepole - particular mentions of Tangiers Petroleum, Falklands Oil & gas, Rockhopper, Igas, Northern Petroleum and the rampers of Mosman Oil & Gas. I then move onto Quindell discussing whether my 0p target is too low.


3564 days ago

Bearcast Special: Sirius, Webis and the utter disgrace that is Director's Talk

Robert Tyerman vs Lucian Miers: the Sirius debate. I explain on whose side I am on. In this podcast I also cover Webis which I forgot to mention earlier. Notwithstanding the fact that my old friend Jim Mellon is a major shareholder I have a few words to say. The meat of this podcast is the disgrace that is Directors talk. This website should be exposed and boycotted and I explain why. The Ben Turney piece i refer to in this section is HERE


3564 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 19 January

In today's podcast I look at Sorbic International another AIM Casino China stock where you just could not make it up and I ask questions of its hapless Nomad Finn Cap. I also look at Sefton and at Beale and what that says about takeovers. En passant I mention the POS that is Touchstone Gold.


3565 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 18 January - why ALL broker notes should be 100% ignored

Topical after the LSE.co.uk blowup, In this podcast I explain how the City really works, how analysts communicate real ideas to a select few investors and why broker notes are in reality simply marketing material and so should be completely ignored.


3566 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 17 January - the frauds at Sefton & Quindell

In this podcast I look at the issue of earnings visibility with special reference to quoted spreadbetting firms, at Quindell and its change of PR and what that telegraphs to you and then there is a detailed report back on Sefton Resources and its latest omnishambles announcement.


3567 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 16 January

Today's podcast looks at Swiss Franc fallout and then at Plethora and Quindell. And with that done I can move into fascist lawyers representing morons.


3567 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Piggycast 16 January - Andrew Austin of IGAS it is time to go!

In this piggycast special I look at Andrew Austin of Igas and why he has failed as a CEO and why he has misled shareholders and is thus not a fit and proper person to run a PLC. I discuss the bid rumours and explain why they should offer zero support to the share price. Apologies for the ten second gap mid podcast - keep listening through it. The message is clear. Piggy must go NOW!


3568 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 15 January

Again I am a little late with today's podcast. Back to normal in Bristol on Friday but I have an excuse. On the agenda today, Touchstone Gold and crony capitalist Steve Berry, equity valuations, Alecto, Northern Petroleum, oil prices, IGAS ( happy anniversary to Andrew "Piggy Austin" ahead of tomorrow), Optimal Payments, LGO Energy, Enteq Upstream and Paul Scott.


3569 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 14 January

Delayed by meetings, a hangover and finally a series of IT horrors I apologise for the delayed podcast. Today I look at Quindell, Kea Petroleum, Mosman Oil & Gas, Globo, Totally, Deltex, global growth forecasts and equity valuations.


3570 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast -13 January

I start this podcast with a correction regarding yesterday's Bearcast and Rapid Cloud (but it is still a sell!). I then move on to Shaft Sinkers, Beacon Hill Resources, Quindell, Alexander Mining, Debenhams and Charlemagne Capital. The Beacon Hill hairdresser revelations referred to appeared HERE


3570 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast special - 4 oil stocks and a recruiter

In this podcast I look at levels of disclosure in trading statements and how only some companies understand who owns them (shareholders). I cover, en passant ,Michael Page and in detail Igas, Leyshon Energy, Iofina and Northern Petroleum


3572 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 11 January - the Naibu and Quindell fraud special

A bonus podcast looking at my two fave frauds on the AIM casino - naibu and Quindell. The former is now officially toast - a clear kill for me. The latter will be toast. I suggest a bit of chart watching and explain the striking similarities.


3572 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 11 January

This is a two part podcast. First I look at Northern Petroleum and its woes and explain why I have a 5p target for the shares ( now 11.5p) the a section on earnings visibility and valuing companies that might be breaking the law or ripping off their customers.


3573 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 10 January

In today's podcast I refer to the excellent Black Swan 2015 review by Richard Poulden which you should all read. I cover the issue of how low the oil price could go but also what we as investors should assume that it will be. I touch on IGAS and Northern Petroleum (both shorts). And the I look at the issue of what constitutes market abuse in the Bulletin Board Moron community


3574 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 9 January

In this short end of week podcast I look at the issue of sub critical mass companies on the AIM casino starting with Hunter Resources but en passant looking again at the POS enterprises that are Tern and Touchstone Gold. I look at housebuilders, Qihang Equiment and the three remaining Fuijian Norfolks: Camkids, China Chaintek and Jiasen


3576 days ago

Quindell: Bearcast Special: Tosca, PWC, The Daily Mail and more Biosign shockers

All things Quindell in this Bearcast. Congratulations to the morons. You are only 90% down now. Enjoy your day of gloating. Now back to reality and I deal with Tosca, The Daily Mail, PWC and have some more shocking revelations about Biosign in this podcast.


3577 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Quindell BearCast - a whistleblower explains the culture of bribery, fraud and lies

The title is self-explanatory. The contents of this podcast are most serious. hapless Nomad Cenkos can verify the lot or it can just admit that it does not give a FF about its regulatory duties.

To pre-order your FREE copy of Tom Winifrith's new book "49 Red Flags" out on Wednesday 7th January, which taks a lot about Quenron (QPP), fill in the form HERE


3577 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's Bearcast - 6 January

Why am I in a good mood? The promise of dinner with Ms Argyle next week perhaps? I do not know but it all flowed out today in this podcast. So on the agenda: BP, Tern (target price 2p because I am a generous nice guy - but don't let on as I have a reputation to protect), Asia Resource, Nanoco, LGO Energy and oil stocks again.


3579 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's Bearcast 4 January - on Elections in Greece and the UK

George Papandreou is back in the game in Greece. This is big news and in this podcast I suggest a small bet on Greek equities on bonds might be in order as a result. Do elections matter for equity investors? I discuss both Greece and also the UK election in May.


3581 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's Bearcast 2nd January

Leopards do not change their spots. In this podcast I look at the omnishambles which is the fraud Quindell, at Tern (the Deputy is going to get you Mr Angus Forrest!), at Motive TV ( I am going to get you) and at Peter Landau and Black Mountain - I am going to get you Pete Landau. There are also more words of praise for the one and only Paul Scott.


3582 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's last Regular Bearcast of 2014

A final parting shot sees this podcast cover Savannah Resources and mining juniors generally with a shot at those in Mozambique, Quindell, whistleblowers and I wish you all a happy New Year. Don't drink too much. I certainly will not. 


3582 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast 30 December

In this penultimate podcast of 2014, I look at Sefton Resources, Peter Landau, Range Resources, Black Mountain Resources, Patisserie and especially Igas and its utterly disgraced CEO Andrew Piggy Austin for whom the questions mount.


3582 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 29 December Silence from You Know Who and Noise Elsewhere

Even on a day with no news there is plenty to say. I start with President Petroleum in this podcast but then move on to look at EMED and Gulfsands Petroleum where there are similarities in terms of how failing management seeks to defend themselves from attack. And then, in detail onto Quindell where the silence is ominous re both Mr Fielding and also PWC where I hear that an interim report has been presented.


3583 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 27 December - Lessons from Citi Link

Citi Link went tits up on Christmas Eve. In this podcast I examine how management behaves when on the precipice and then suggest that there will be a raft more administrations in the coming weeks. Finally I suggest that this shows the perils of blindly following celebrity investors.


3594 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Audioboom BearCast

Just a short podcast from me on the bruising events of last week with Audioboom (BOOM) - how it reacted, how any company facing hostile comment should react and why it all really does not matter in the end if Audioboom delivers operationally. Still no coke and hookers received from Audioboom as an apology but I wish them all the best of luck in 2015 anyway. I am such a nice guy.


3595 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - blinkx Special

I look at the past year, at Ben Edelman, today's acquisition (AdKarma), the way blinkx (BLNX) presents numbers, cashflows and valuation in this podcast special


3597 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 17 December

In a wide ranging and opinionated (natch) podcast Tom covers Ultrasis, the nature of investing, EKF Diagnostics, Share PLC, Audioboom, Igas, Gulf Keystone, Gulfsands Petroleum, Northern Petroleum, Central rand and natch Quindell


3598 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast Special: How to lie and mislead investors via RNS and RNS Reach

Just a quick podcast special looking at how companies lie and mislead investors via RNS and also RNS Reach. The latter & its true (lack of) import is explained. Case studies Blur, Optimal Payments, Quindell (natch) and Outsourcery


3599 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast - 15 December, Quindell not mentioned once!

It's a first. A daily podcast not mentioning Quenron (QPP) at all. But for the record its shares dived by 7.2% to close at just 38.5p. Only 38.5p to go to fair value. Instead I discuss Ludorum, Mysale, Naibu, China Chaintek, Enables IT, Ultrasis, Touchstone Gold, Beacon Hill, LGO and why I remain an equities bear. However I reveal a very small AIM company in which we have just made a material (for us) investment.


3601 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - 80% of AIM oil stocks to go bust?

Okay that grabbed your attention. I do not believe it but that was the claim made by an industry grey hair as we chatted yesterday. Some will go under however, the world has changed. I look at IGAS, Northern Petroleum, Adriatic Oil, Spitfire Oil, Mosman Oil & Gas in particular and the sector in general in a podcast special.


3601 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Himex the biggest fraud in the Quindell fraud on 2 counts

Today's Quindell podcast concerns Himex which, within the stable of frauds that is Quindell (QPP), is the biggest fraud inflicted on investors. There are two levels at which this is a fraud and recent actions by Quenron show how desperate it is to cover this up. All is revealed today


3610 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast 4th December - Once again Angry Edition

Once again I am angry for reasons that I shall go into another time. But on that basis I let rip in this podcast at African Consolidated, Acta SPA, Quindell and then review the various clients of disgraced Daniel Stewart whose shares may be suspended soon: Valirx, Peer TV, Naibu (a cert), Pressfit and China Chaintek.I also discuss the abject failure of AIM in dealing with those individuals responsible for listing frauds.

We have 50 free copies of Tom's Book "The 49 Golden Rules of Making Money from Shares" which covers these issues and others to give away today. For your cooy fill in the form HERE


3611 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's Bearcast 3 December - China fraud MO and Its never to late to sell

Today folks in my podcast I look at the sad cases of Maple Energy, Ultrasis and Quindell on the theme of its never too late to sell and why folks just do not behave rationally. All three are heading for wipeout so why is it that we some folks hang on? I also look again at Jiasen the Chinese company I had a go at yesterday in light of a phone call received today. If anything it makes me even more bearish.

We have 50 free copies of Tom's Book "The 49 Golden Rules of Making Money from Shares" which covers these issues and others to give away today. For your copy fill in the form HERE


3612 days ago

Beacon Hill Resources - Share Price Post Mortem podcast

Shareholders in AIM casino listed Beacon Hill Resources (BHR) were almost wiped out yesterday and may still face total wipeout. Who is to blame? What can shareholders so? What should they do? I am sorry but I can offer little comfort here in a podcast on this matter. But I should say that the auditors (BDO) and board have a few questions to answer


3614 days ago

Setting the record straight on who has lost credibility & on some of the Quindell smears

Just a short podcast setting the record straight on some of those smears against me by Quindell morons - no doubt assisted by the company. And also asking who really has lost credibility here?


3614 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast special - That Quindell "contract loss" explained

Quindell (QPP) denied on Friday that it had lost a contract with a leading North West based Claims Management Company. Hmmmmm. In this podcast I look at the nature of what that contract originally meant and why the contract has not been terminated (yet) but what is really going on. The reality is that the cash crisis at Quindell and the need to fiddle its stated cash position is forcing Quenron to take actions of which investors have no idea. Let me enlighten you all.


3616 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's EVEN MORE ANGRY Bearcast - 28 November

The Albanian olive pickers have still not arrived and may well be replaced with Greek workers later today. I am now very angry. Will I make it home by Christmas at this rate? In this podcast I look at Range Resources (RRL) - suspended again and reveal the REAL story of my battle to tell you the truth about this POS - Beowulf Mining, Kalimantan Gold, Daniel Stewart, Naibu, Pressfit, China Chaintek, Gulfsands Petroleum and of course the fraudsters at Quindell


3617 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Red Flags – Bulletin Board Morons publish Real Man Pizza Accounts!

RMPC is a private company and so feels no need to report bogus profits to ramp its shares like er…Quindell (QPP). It will make no difference to the fate of Quindell (insolvency) whether RMPC survives or fails. But since some utter moron (Goldust88 from the LSE Asylum) has posted highlights of our August 31st 2013 accounts raising six red flags about me, which other cretins have plastered on other asylums, I might as well respond.

I start with the post of the moron in full. And I answer in podcast format. As you will see he not only talks bollocks but shows such profound misunderstanding of basic accounting & tax law that her demonstrates why he is destined always to lose money on shares.

The cretin posts:


3617 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's ANGRY Bearcast - 27 November

The bloody Albanians have again not turned up - will the olives ever get harvested? And so this podcast is angry and covers Transense Technology, Sefton Resources, Maple Energy, Fitbug, Quindell, crony capitalists, investing companies and the AIM Casino and why shares are not suspended that should be


3619 days ago

Quindell - can it be saved like The Innovation Group? A Bearcast Special with Tom Winnifrith

The default position of Quindell (QPP) bulls is that in a worst case scenario it can be saved as was the Innovation Group (TIG) when the fraudster Rob Terry exits stage left. They might not get all their cash back but they would not lose everything. In this podcast, I examine this proposition and conclude that it is rather different this tme and hence why 0p is the only end game for Quenron. 


3619 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast - 13 November

This is my longest podcast in this series to date as in the last ten minutes I got rather excited about the growing stink at Touchstone Gold. Before that there is comment on Quindell, African Minerals, Jubilee Platinum, Volex, San Leon Energy, profits warnings and Coms.


3619 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast Special - The Equities First scandal - jail time & disgrace

In this BearCast Special I explain exactly how Equities First Holdings LLC operates. When it sells the shares AIM directors transfer to it and why that means that ALL of the AIM directors involved have broken the law. That is Quindell (QPP), IGAS (IGAS), Cloudbuy (CBUY), IQE (IQE) and Angle (AGL). There then follows the misleading statements. But then I turn to the negligence of Nomads, Cenkos, Canaccord and Hanson Westhouse and why that should be career ending for some. And the to why Equities First and its employees should be struck off by the FCA.  This scandal is enormous and for many involved professional disgrace is the least of their worries.


3619 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast (with a sore head) - 11 November

I many not be at my sharpest but I am not pulling any punches as the Quindell scandal deepens. This podcast covers Quindell, Daniel Stewart, Cenkos, KPMG, the lies, the fraud, the implosion and what the fallout will be. I also look at blinkx ( dire results & another Sheriff win), warn you about African Minerals and look at stocks on a PE of less than 1.


3621 days ago

Quindell shares crash as the truth starts to emerge - BearCast Special with Tom Winnifrith

As you might imagine I am on a bit of a high. The writers on this website have done a sterling job in starting to drag the truth out of Quenron (QPP) and the liar and fraudster Rob Terry and his half witted Nomads at Cenkos. Today's statement is a disaster for Quindell and its shares have tanked. But as I explain in this podcast we still only have half the truth about Terry and his share dumping. Worse is to come. 


3621 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's Saturday BearCast 8 November

A few interweb problems here in Eire, so I have nipped up to Darina Allen's Ballymaloe house to book supper for tonight - a mega culinary treat for the Mrs and myself and to upload another hard hitting recording. On the agenda is Quindell and how soon its shares could be suspended for the Equities First Holdings LLC farce. Also a discussion of the whole issue of suspension and where the AIM casino will go post this scandal. There are some hard questions here for many. Then I also look at African Minerals (target price 0p).


3624 days ago

Louise Cooper, an investment prostitute and deceiver of investors - a TW hatchet podcast special

Louise Cooper of tipsTV decided to have a pop at me in this week's Spectator. Well you silly bitch you have no idea how nasty I can be. I defend myself but go on to show why those in glass houses should not throw stones as I reveal the sordid truth behind her work alongside Zak Mir as an investment prostitute and deceiver of investors at tipsTV in a podcast special. Next time Louise, Sweetie, try to take a cheap shot at someone who deserves it and at someone who is not afraid to fight back. I call this one game, set and match for the Sheriff.


3624 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast for 7 November

I have only just driven across Ireland and arrived at Ballymaloe to record this but there is plenty to discuss in this hard hitting podcast. Oh yes it is very hard hitting indeed. On the agenda: Quindell (end game) and Cenkos (lies), Coms ( a bombshell revealed), Radiant Growth, China frauds and Daniel Stewart, Sefton, APR Energy (political risk generally) and African Minerals (vindication and 0p on the cards). Ouch, its stinging all round.


3626 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast the Quindell fallout - Fleet Street is part of the problem not the solution

I am not in a fit state to write much today so I shall communicate via BearCasts. There will be a regular podcast later but ahead of that I shall run a series of Quindell fallout specials. I start with the role of the dying industry that is Fleet Street and the deadwood press. It is part of the problem of crony capitalism and corruption on the AIM casino not the solution as I try to explian here.


3627 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast 17 November, the coke, champagne and hookers are on ice edition

Tonight we party. I am a very happy bear. The Real Man Christmas party is now a V Party. that is V for Victory and V for Vindication. Quenron (QPP) is on the ropes. In today's podcast I cover Quindell, President Petroleum, Tern and my old "mate" Angus Forrest, Camkids and China frauds, Cenkos, Forte Energy, mining juniors and more.


3628 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast Special - Quindell cash Crisis, The Sunday Times - Suspension Monday?

The Sunday Times has today unearthed evidence of the cash crisis at Quindell (QPP). Listeners to bearcasts here will not be suprised by this news. So what does Quindell do now? Will the sad excuse of a Nomad that is Cenkos let it respond or must the shares be suspended at once. In an angry and hard hitting podcast I lay out what lies ahead as the shit hits the fan and the shares become worthless. Events are now moving at light speed, the word "vindication" is on my lips.


3628 days ago

Quindell, tax, fraud & Sam Antar (my hero) - Tom Winnifrith BearCast special

In this podcast I explain why companies that engage in fraud are happy to pay tax from the reporting of bogus profits. It sounds insane but that is the way frauds operate. My hero Sam Antar of Crazy Eddies infamy explians it suoerbly on his website and I discuss both Sam and also Quenron and what is going on here. I also try to explain how tax losses are used and applicable and will not be there to save Quindell


3629 days ago

The Equities First Scandal - Its going to get worse, heads will roll - Tom Winnifrith BearCast Special

The AIM Casino scandal involving Equities First Holdings LLC is going to get an awful lot worse. Heads will roll with Optimal Payments (OPAY) and IGAS (IGAS) firmly in the firing line but directors at Cloudbuy (CBUY), IQE (IQE), Angle (AGL) and ,of course, Quenron (QPP) also exposed. For the latter, at least, this is probably not their greatest concern. The sad truth is that none of the six have said enough and ALL need to clarify the clarification statements. Until they do all six firms are uninvestable. This and specific crmes are examined in this podcast special.


3629 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast Special - Himex the biggest fraud within Quindell

The most fraudulent acquisition made by Quenron (QPP) was that of Himex. It really is a worthless POS but has been used to boost profits and cashflows at Quindell simply via fraud. However it will start to unravel by New Year's day and this podcast explains why. DCD Holdings, Rob Terry, Hassan Sadiq and Elizabeth Dawson are you listening to this Cosy (pun, geddit?) little message from the Sheriff of AIM?


3638 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast November 5th

In today's podcast I look at Mosman Oil & Gas, Quindell, Independent Oil & Gas as well as the Horse Hill debacle.


3641 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast 3rd November - the Sefton lessons for Sefton, Quindell and others edition

Shares in Sefton Resources (SER) are among the big fallers today- nowat 0.11p vs 2.5p when i started attacking this fraud more than two years ago.  There are some lessons from that "campaign" for shareholders in the fraud that is Quindell. But there are wider lessons brought home by today's latest catastrophic news, viz the reality of real asset backing and the failure of auditors. I also cover Quenron and its share price and the  turn my fire on Touchstone Gold - a crony capitalist pointless POS vehicle, before discussing Globo and why its shares are so grossly overvalued -a point made in more genteel terms by Steve Moore earlier today HERE


3641 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast 31st October

Equities are up. In this podcast, I discuss why but why this is not the start of a bull market. It is temporary coke and hookers time in the City and on Wall Street but only for a while. Next up I look at: Fitbug, ULS Technology & the failings of AIM, Arian Silver and other gold and silver producers, Coms and in detail following a chat with a former bull and insurance guru, Quindell.


3642 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast 30th October

In this podcast I start with a broad macro sweep following a chat with Evil Knievil earlier. The end of QE (pro tem), interest rates and how this will all affect equities and other asset classes. I then move on to some observations some general but some specific about Quindell, Fitbug, Monitise, Globo, blinkx and Independent Oil & Gas.


3645 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast 29 October

I am feeling a lot sharper than yesterday and this is podcast is no holds barred stuff on why I am still bearish on the markets, on Monitise, Quindell, Photonstar LED, Fitbug and more.


3645 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast 27th October - CEOs on AIM stealing money edition

In a wide ranging podcast today I start by revealing that I am trying to nail 3 former AIM CEOs who simply stole money from their company's. More on that later. I also cover Touchstone Gold, Synectics, Range Resources, Concha, Westminster Group and more.


3645 days ago

Podcast Special with Tom Winnifrith - what does NAV really mean and is it a buy signal

Does asset backing mean asset backing? Not always 10p can be worth 10p or 5p or 0p - wthout wishing ti sound like Rob Terry - it all depends on what the asset backing comprises. Tom explains this key metric of investment analysis looking at 4 specific companies: Golden Prospect, Naibu, Paternoster Resources and Quindell as well as Mark Slater's share purchases after the bursting of the dotcom bubble.


3645 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast - the 7 reasons why Quindell shares should be suspended on Monday

There are numerous reasons why the fraud that is Quenron should be booted off the AIM Casino altogether but recent developments would force a responsible regulator and a Nomad who gave a dam (so maybe that does not apply to Cenkos) to suspend the shares first thing on Monday.


3645 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast 24 October

Have I mentioned Quindell (QPP) yet today? You want more? Okay it gets a mention in the podcast as does Forte Energy and the whole issue of death spirals. The Horse Hill stocks are all mentioned as is Omega  Diagnostics, the nature of bear markets and the importance of earnings visibility.


3652 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast 23rd October

A wide ranging podcast today covers themes general and specific: Northern Petroleum, Foxtons, UK house prices, Ultrasis, Quindell, Diamondcorp, political risk and South Africa, It will be different this time (it won't be), dead cat bounces and more


3652 days ago

The Pressfit scandal - the final straw: Daniel Stewart should be closed down now

The IPO of China POS Pressfit (PFIT) and its share price collapse today is yet another disgrace on the AIM Casino brought to you by Nomad Daniel Stewart. In this podcast special Tom Winnifrith examines this IPO, the parties involved and the Conflicts of Interest. Thereis only one conclusion, AIM Regulation must shut down Daniel Stewart at once.


3653 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast 22 October - No Apologies to Daniel Stewart

This podcast does not mince its words. The latest AIM Casino China POS outrage pulled by scumbag Nomad ( shares suspended still) Daniel Stewart kicks things off. And we end with another POS floated by Daniel Cesspit.


3653 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast 21 October - Quindell & Beacon Hill edition

Just two stocks in today's podcast. Both are discussed for company specific reasons. But the interest has wider application that just Beacon Hill Resources (BHR) and Quindell (QPP). The points made have wider import.


3653 days ago

BearCast Special: Deciphering the misleading or distracting RNS or RNS Reach - 4 case studies from today

The normal Bearcast will be up a bit later. However I was struck by news releases issued today by ASOS (ASC), Northern Petroleum (NOP), Blur (BLUR) and Globo (GBO) and so recorded a podcast special. Superficially it might seem like good news all round, however:


3653 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast - 20th October

The markets are down but all sorts of flotsum and jetsom on the AIM casino is up sharply? What is going on? That is the start of the podcast today - a look at some of the big risers and why they are up.


3653 days ago

BearCast 18 October - Financial Crime on AIM, Tom Winnifrith reports himself to the FCA for market abuse on Quindell

An unusual bonus podcast from me today. In this bearcast I discuss the whole issue of lies and financial crime on the AIM Casino but also the abject failure of AIM Regulation and I will tomorrow be asking the FCA to formally investigate me for market abuse on Quindell. I hope that Rob Terry will also ask the FCA to investigate me.

The nuts and bolts are in today's shock Video HERE. Either I am making it up and am thus guilty of market abuse. Or it is true in which case Rob Terry and Quindell are guilty of wholesale lying and accounting fraud. The facts back me up. And so that is why I want the FCA to investigate me formally for market abuse. If it finds me not guilty as it will then it has no choice but to act against Quenron. As such I say bring it on. I want the formal investigation and I challenge Rob Terry to ask the FCA to conduct such an enquiry.


3653 days ago

Tom Winnifrith’s BearCast 17th October

Where is that dam Quindell (QPP) video? I am really getting pissed off now, I was promised it last night and it has still not arrived. Fingers crossed. Meanwhile the podcast is back on an up day for the markets – an opportunity to offload duff stocks in my view. This bearcast covers:

Naibu, Netplay, Rolls Royce, Spectra, Sovereign Mines of Africa, Northern Petroleum and Quenron. I make general points about non UK stocks listed here, investing in stocks with no barriers to entry versus Buffett plays and about lobster pots.


3653 days ago

Bearcast from Tom Winnifrith - 16th October

I guess my warnings about equities being overvalued are being vindicated. Sorry Malcom S. and Wilderides! And naturaly I start with that. However there are other matters to discuss in this podcast:

The nature of dead cat bounces, Monitise, Quindell, Sirius Petroleum, oil stocks and my lunch yesterday and more...


3653 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's Bearcast 15th October - Oil on Centre Stage

A good day for the bears on the markets and ahead of a boozy lunch I am in good form. The podcast is again explicit in its language, this is no holds barred stuff.


3653 days ago

Tom Winnifrith’s BearCast October 14 – Quindell and much more

The morning after the night before.  That is to say my presentation yesterday on why Quenron (QPP) is worth 0p a share. The full video of that will go live within 36 hours ( as will the 3 PLC presentations) and I discuss a bit of this and other Quinnovation Group matters in this podcast. But there is more, much more.


3654 days ago

Tom Winnifrith’s BearCast – 13th October

The FTSE 100 is not plunging. But it will be coming off and some individual company share moves tell you an awful lot about the state of the stockmarket and I am not only talking about Quenron (QPP) which of course gets a good mention in today’s podcast.


3654 days ago

Tom Winnifrith’s BearCast 11th October – stockmarket & oil price crash special

Normally BearCast is just a weekday podcast feature. However in light of the plunge in global stockmarkets and the oil price on Friday I have served up a special. I make explicit warnings about how you should protect your wealth next week.  This website was termed “Prophets of Doom” by another website which has encouraged you to buy shares generally and crap like Quindell (QPP) in particular. We are being vindicated in a massive way across the board. In that spirit I urge you all to listen hard.


3654 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's hardest hitting BearCast yet - October 10

I am enjoying recording podcasts rather than videos - for starters no-one comments on how unshave or scruffy I look. So we will continue with the BearCast. And this, my fourth edition, is I think the ,most ard hitting yet. Even I think I was rather stern. I look at :


3666 days ago

Tom Winnifrith’s Daily BearCast – October 9

Everyone else seems to be doing a podcast so I thought I’d do one. But unlike that soppy git on ADVFN who keeps telling folk to buy everything I am a bear by nature and this will be the BearCast. A daily look at profits warnings, what is wrong with the economy and markets ( notably the AIM casino) and shorting opportunities. I do not mince my words. In this third edition I look at:


3666 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's Bearcast - October 8

Everyone else seems to be doing a podcast so I thought I’d do one. But unlike that soppy git on ADVFN who keeps telling folk to buy everything I am a bear by nature and this will be the BearCast. A daily look at profits warnings, what is wrong with the economy and markets and shorting opportunities. I do not mince my words. In this second edition I look at:


3666 days ago

Tom Winnifrith’s Daily BearCast – October 7

Everyone else seems to be doing a podcast so I thought I’d do one. But unlike that soppy git on ADVFN who keeps telling folk to buy everything I am a bear by nature and this will be the BearCast. A daily look at profits warnings, what is wrong with the economy and markets and shorting opportunities. I do not mince my words. In this inaugural edition I look at:
