178 days ago
The liberal media is wetting itself with excitement that a female person of colour is going to be the Democratic nominee for President. Okay, so polls only last week showed that Kamala Harris would do even worse than Joe Biden against Donald Trump in battleground states and her national popularity ratings are lower than even the senile old sniffer of the hair of young girls. The Libs reckon that Kamala will beat Trump. I hope they bet the ranch on it. I quite like the idea of Jon Sopel having to live in a cardboard box. Anyhow if you think Kamala is the answer have a watch of this video from the great Mark Steyn covering a Kamala speech a year ago. Every US voter needs to watch it before November.
548 days ago
I start with the Women’s World Cup and the BBC’s fake news on that before turning to the ghastly Packham going unchallenged on statements that are patently untrue. Finally those lurid purple weather maps showing Southern Europe turning to a desert. I discuss the Country I know best, Greece, and what the actual data says. Oddly it is not as the liberal media GroupThink would have you believe.
718 days ago
Most executions in the USA are conducted at a state level. Very few folk are executed for Federal Crimes. But apparently, according to Asawin Auebsaeng and Patrick Reis in Rolling Stone, in allowing the execution of 13 murderers in 6 months, the narrative is “Trump’s Killing Spree: The Inside Story of His Race to Execute Every Prisoner He Could.” Let me put this in context with regard to Bill Clinton.
788 days ago
You are told by the BBC and the rest of the liberal media that nurses are grossly underpaid and that their decision to walk out on cancer and other patients leaving them to die is thus all the fault of the wicked Tories. But here in chart form are the facts….
1045 days ago
At the bottom of the pyramid of victimhood are women and at the top are folks with pensises who demand that we call them women. And so the total waste of space that is the Vagina Museum, in East London, will celebrate this day by celebrating women who don’t have vaginas. How very 2022. Meanwhile in Ukraine
1144 days ago
I kid you not. Natch there is a very obviously related party stink, the valuation is a joke, the brokers behind it are scumbags and my friend Zak is a clown who doesn’t have a scooby about media and fintech M&A but do not let me put you off. This madness will at least be entertaining, if not rewarding for those daft enough to back it.
1152 days ago
The British media is, not surprisingly, full of footage of folks in Brooklyn and a few other urban liberal ghettos for posh folk, rioting and attacking cops because Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted of what they term a racist killing. Yes the two men who died were white but logic, proportion and the truth died a long time ago on the left. You will not be shown how in real America, in the flyover states, in the suburbs and in the small towns there are no riots because folks agree with the jury system and because the jury bravely defied political and media lies and pressure to reach the right verdict. But you will not be told about this. Never. You will be told this is a stor about gun ownership, white supremacy, racism and injustice.
1270 days ago
In today’s podcast, I discuss the two big media stories of the week: GB News getting no viewers at all at some stage last week and the idea that social media posters should have to disclose their identity. That is where the rent boys (non) issue comes up.
1467 days ago
Even before the shocking events of last Tuesday, I was explicitly saying that the antics of President Trump in fighting the election result were unhelpful for both his party and for America. Just like all those superior bien pensants including Lord Adonis, Kier Starmer, Anna Soubry, the entire Guardian editorial team including demented fantasist Carole Cadwalladr, Layla Moran, all BBC staffers and others who screamed at Trump that election results should always be respected - apart from one where they did not like the result – I know that democracy depends on losers accepting defeat. I am more consistent than the metropolitan elite on this one.
1510 days ago
Back in July polls showed that most folks supported Black Lives Matter. The few of us who pointed out that an organisation that wanted to defund Britain’s (unarmed) Police, end capitalism and the nuclear family and shut down jails while boycotting Israel was somewhat questionable, were dismissed by the liberal media elites as racist. They did not challenge the facts they simply smeared the sceptics. Those who dared to suggest that the late George Floyd was not exactly the heir to Mother Theresa were clearly alt-right freaks. The Premier League, BBC Presenters, Basketball England as well as the Metropolitan Police of Cressida Dick determined that we should all take a knee. But times have changed.
1611 days ago
I am travelling today back from the Greek Hovel to the Welsh Hovel so this is an unusual bearcast. I called it for Trump last time when the entire media said otherwise. I look at the latest polls in detail and beneath the headlines and flag up the 4 great uncertainties. The answer is that Trump can indeed win but I am not calling it right now. You just cannot. As to whether it matters….
1844 days ago
The BBC is today wetting its knickers in public. It sent a journalist to interview Greta Thunberg, that is to say not to challenge her in the slightest on all the falsehoods she spouts, but that journalist travelled by plane. Quick: go get Elton to plant a few trees for the Beeb. The real scandal here is that the BBC, CNN, the Guardian and the rest of the liberal media accept as gospel, obvious lies spouted by Greta. Let’s look at the terrible bush fires ravaging Oz…
1889 days ago
Labour has today said that it will, if elected, close the Gender Pay Gap by 2030. No doubt the liberal media, notably the BBC, will lap this up. But the hard data shows exactly why on this matter, as on so many other matters, Jeremy Corbyn is talking unmitigated bollocks. Two years ago I gave a lecture to sociology students at Bath Spa which gave the hard data which shows the lie at the heart of what Labour says. Naturally, offering facts rather than woke nonsense landed me in an Orwellian soup which I will give full details on one day. The lecture was recorded and with its slides is below.
2005 days ago
What next? Boris Johnson running courses on marital fidelity, Bill Clinton lecturing us on women’s rights with his pal Jeff Epstein? i despair. Anyhow, former BBC media darling, Dragon’s Den flop Piers Linney claimed to be worth £100 million despite the string of business failures we exposed here. At AIM Casino listed Outsourcery, which we relentlessly called out by myself as a POS and which went bust, Linney burned through £21 million of other folks cash. Now, as you can see below, he wants your cash to teach you about how to start and grow a business. Whatever….
2032 days ago
You may have missed it but Nick Clegg, once a hero of remainiacs like crazy cat woman Carol Cadwalladr yesterday spelled it out loud and clear – Brexit was not caused by Russian meddling and the Cambridge Analytica story is total tosh. Natch the crazy cat lady and her deluded followers dismissed poor Mr Clegg as a merchant of fake news. For them facts are an inconvenient truth, a bit like Carole’s self written life story.
2200 days ago
Having lost his seat at the last election, former MP Ben Gummer is constantly wheeled out by the BBC and other liberal news outlets as a “mainstream” Tory. That is to say that – unlike most Tory members - he wants to stay in the EU. He then trots out the most monstrous canards claiming them as facts and, naturally, goes unchallenged.
2280 days ago
As I sit with an ouzo in Greece, a country with 49% youth unemployment and where pensioners mist live on 9 Euro a day thanks to the EU, back in London, about 100,000 generally very affluent middle class folks are marching to overturn the wishes of 17.4 million of their fellow citizens. The organisers and the BBC and the rest of the liberal media claim this is a big demonstration but that is just fake news.
2289 days ago
Forcing companies to disclose the pay of men and women demonstrated two things clearly. Firstly that folks doing different jobs earned different salaries and secondly the willingness of the liberal left and the media to distort data to pursue a virtue signalling agenda, and one that lumbers business with more costs and pressures. There is a gender pay gap but its narrowing and it cannot simply be put down to sexism as I explained to the free speech loving ,angelic. multi-brained genius students at Bath Spa University here
2298 days ago
The main accuser of Supreme Court nominee, Christine Blasey Ford, is now shown to have paper thin evidence for her claims that Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her 36 years ago. Witness number two has no evidence at all and not one witness for her lewd claims of party antics and now the third accuser, Julie Swetnick has gone on NBC and admitted that she made up all that she claimed. She is a liar. So what next for the desperate Dems?
2346 days ago
I noted the other day, how Donald Trump’s approval rating among black voters was at 29% which was just astoundingly high. The latest Rasmussen poll puts that figure at 31% which, if you check the data here , makes him the most popular Republican leader among blacks since the 1950s.
2518 days ago
The narrative of folks like the BBC, The Guardian, CNN in fact the whole of the liberal media elite is that Donald Trump should not have defeated crooked Hillary in 2016. Without admitting that their gal was useless they agree that next time around the Donald just cannot win, in fact many argue that he will not stand at all. But have they actually looked at the polls in detail? If they have, they ignore them as they churn out yet more fake news.
2536 days ago
Well it is not really a crash yet, whatever the fake news media say as they try to blame Brexit or Trump. But it could be. So why are shares falling and should you buy, sell or hold? All of this as well as some stock specific observations are made in this bearcast as I prepare to head to London to see my daughter portray Harold Wilson.
2544 days ago
I start with a discussion on Neil Woodford. Should I do a "special" session on him at UK Investor Show? Answers in the comments section below please. Sterling is very much on the up. It was never about Brexit, that was a lie from the liberal media and remoaners. It was always about base rates and they are now on the up. What does that mean for us all? I look at Prezzo, another restaurant chain in the merde but it is not just about being in the wrong sector at the wrong time it is about debt and that, as I explain, has wider implications. And finally I look at the latest initiative from this not fit for purpose Government, meddling with share buy backs.
2545 days ago
I used to hate black tie City dinners and would do my utmost to escape them in my days as a crony capitalist. They were utterly boring with some prat like William Hague being paid £20,000 to tell the same tired old jokes as he did the year before, and with a lot of smug men congratulating each other after another high paid year of shuffling paper and creating no value for anyone but themselves. There were some women guests but they were usually just as boring and smug as the men. It is a joy not to have to make excuses about not attending such evenings these days as I enjoy my hermit like existence in Greece and Bristol.
2556 days ago
Until yesterday the most toe-curling interview in the history of Channel 4 Fake News was when little white liberal Matt Frei hectored a black pastor about why it was racist to vote for Donald Trump, a man the vicar supported wholeheartedly. But Cathy Newman has now trumped that with an interview with Canadian shrink and best selling author Jordan Peterson. The full 30 minute car crash is below and from start to finish demonstrates why the liberal media elitists have so completely lost the trust of the wider population.
2557 days ago
One of the few joys of the transgender madness, promoted by the elitists of the liberal media, and now raging across the West is seeing uber PC lefties such as Germaine Greer and Peter Tatchell fall foul of this new lobby, no platformed and accused of bigotry becuase they just cannot keep up. Want to avoid such a fate? Thankfully I can help.
2632 days ago
The quote is from John Humphreys on BBC Radio 4. It was at least better than that from American Muslim activist Linda Sarsour who tweeted after the Halloween attack in New York
2705 days ago
For those who do not know of Super Mel she is one of Britain's best known Jewish columnists and has written wonderful stuff for decades on anti-semitism and on the State of Israel. For the avoidance of doubt she opposes the former but supports the latter - which is also my view. She is a true heroine of mine. I have also written extensively on these topics over many years. I know that on the day of judgement St Peter will find many faults with me but on this count I reckon I do fairly well unless, rather surprisingly, St Peter stands with Ken Livingstone on these issues. But oh no, both Mel and I are Jew haters.
2708 days ago
Back in 2004 there were horrible bombings in Madrid. The attackers at that point were Al Qaeda who stated that they were attacking Spain because it was involved in the war in Iraq. The Spanish surrendered. A new government pulled out of Iraq at once. Of course these days we give guns and money to Al Qaeda factions in Syria because we have a new enemy. As Orwell might have pout it: We are not at war with Al Qaeda. We were never at war with Al Qaeda, We have always been at war with ISIS. Anyhow the Spanish surrender has done it a fat lot of good as today ISIS has killed a stack of folks in Barcelona. The reaction of the world's leaders is to show cowardice, double standard but we are all to familiar with this are we not. First up was Donald Trump.
2710 days ago
When Donald Trump spoke to the USA about his priorities for America, folks outside the liberal metropolitan hotpots of the coasts loved it. Crooked Hillary's waffle and re-hashing of ideas that have failed ordinary Americans did not wash and so Trump won. The liberal elites of the media still cannot accept it and so now simply content themselves with smearing POTUS at every opportunity. The more the Russia smears fail the more desperate they become and the more real Americans see through them. As the MSM tries to label Trump a Nazi, those of us who supported him in November look forward to an inevitable win in four years time. Truly the liberal left is pathetic. I start with the State funded UK broadcaster the BBC.
2721 days ago
Has Roger Lawson of ShareSoc not heard of the Streisand Effect? Last week his lawyers sent a take-down letter to Audioboom about a bearcast that he asserted (wrongly) was defamatory and libellous. Since the podcast is more than a year old and so was rarely listened to these days his act was pointless but, more importantly,, Audioboom had no legal liability as libel is time limited by statute. But Audioboom has no cojones just like it has no FD after the last chap resigned without any explanation given but with immediate effect the other day. We explained this tale of media cowardice in full HERE. However...
2738 days ago
Today we learn the names of all BBC stars earning over £150,000 a year. It is only the existence of an overpaying state funded broadcaster that keeps presenter pay up at stratospheric levels. In the USA where there is a free market and no state subsidies the pay for doing an easy job (reading an autocue) is falling and not that high. This is the tip of the iceberg.
How many BBC staff you have never heard of are earning £100,000, 75,000 or whatever? Quite simply pay is out of control. And who is funding that?
2740 days ago
Much of what makes me despair about life in this country appeared just before 9 AM on BBC Radio 4's flagship fake news programme Today. It started with a segment on global warming...
2760 days ago
On June 9th the liberal media warned us that those bigoted DUP types from Ulster would want to roll back LGBT and women's rights in return for propping up pathetic Prime Minister May. We Thatcherites dared to dream that the DUP might demand some proper Tory policies like privatizing the BBC or slashing corporation tax as the price for keeping the wretched Conservatives in power. What nonsense. Ulster politics is all about posture and pork barrel and the latter is the more powerful of the two.
Thus the DUP will prop up the May creature in return for an additional £1 billion being poured into the Ulster pork trough during the next two years. The DUP are, it turns out, utterly unprincipled wastrels just like all the other folks at Westminster.
The predictable faux outrage and hypocrisy from the virtua signalling liberal establishment. was loud and
2802 days ago
The uber liberal fake news outlet the Washington Post broke the story which may or may not actually be true. Given its history or Trump bashing, bogus opinion poll interpretation and all round fake news, many of us would not believe the Washington Post if it declared that the sun was going to rise tomorrow. Notwithstanding that, the BBC and other bastions of liberal Trump hating have been going to town on the "Trump leaks state secrets to the Russians" story. The liberals again demand impeachment as they do every week or so. In doing so they show their ultimate moral bankruptcy.
2853 days ago
I comment on the hopeless response of smug MPs and the established media to yesterday's terror attack on my own website in a podcast HERE. On the markets I look at expectations management at Next (NXT), at how we know or knew about the balance sheet at Toople (TOOP) covered HERE by Cynical Bear or Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) heading for 0p and covered in detail by me earlier HERE. I look at Public Services Properties (PSPI ) and what its AIM casino departure says about RTOs and contingent liabilities - which reminds me again of New World Oil & Gas (NEW). Finally I have a detailed look at the strange world of Paternoster Resources (PRS), not a stock you have to own in any way. PS Cynical Bear is not me. Can you see any typos in his articles?
2854 days ago
The platitudes are raining in from Westminster. The journalists who live in the bubble that surrounds Halitosis Hall are downing us with the same nonsense. In an urge to offend no-one we are being spun lies from the Ministry of Truth. The response from the elites to the awful attack in Westminster was predictable but none the less disappointing in the extreme as I discuss in this podcast. Channel 4 is worthy of its own special condemnation for its fake news coverage of the incident HERE.
2854 days ago
And so Martin McGuinness is dead. I welcome no death - as I explained here with reference to this unrepentant murderer of many - but equally I would agree with Norman Tebbit that old Martin is right now suffering agony in a particular part of hell reserved for the truly wicked. Martin's crime, in the eyes of St Peter and indeed many on this earth, is not so much the killing many innocent folks but a failure to accept that this was a sin, that he had sinned and to show remorse. For that McGuinness can only be viewed as evil and damned to burn in hell for eternity.
2872 days ago
This is a delight. Millionaire liberal media elitist Evan was wetting himself on the BBC's fake news flagship Newsnight as he got to interview two delightful ladies who are black and voted for Donald Trump. Evan started by saying that since black folks did not vote for Trump so he was puzzled by these ladies.
2884 days ago
The sanctimonious husband of the late Labour MP Jo Cox, murdered by an obvious loon last June, has decreed that we should all hold street parties this June to mark her death and celebrate bringing communities together with love not dividing them with hate blah, blah, blah, we all reject UKIP as they steal our bicycles and hate immingrants yadda, yadda, yadda. The media luvvies of the liberal elite live in the same fantasy world as Mr Cox and dare not tell him the truth.
2919 days ago
Channel 4 News this week is wall to wall Trump bashing ahead of the great handover day on Friday. Just now and then we get a bit of remoaning about Brexit but the main focus is nailing The Donald. Having engaged in serial fake news reporting of the actual campaign as I pointed out here on numerous occasions, with beltway liberal Kylie and little Matt Frei the worst offenders, C4 just won't let go.
2997 days ago
Go ahead Clint..make my day. And he did! The great man does not hold back on Crooked Hillary Clinton. Natch the Clinton worshipping British media who have reported any z list Hollywood liberal who rants against Trump will be reporting this in full....not!. Clint socks it to to the crooked one with both barrels...
3082 days ago
After pointing out the grave ethical failings of a Liverpool media celeb yesterday I have been met with a massive response by folks in Liverpool who have responded to my banter about welfare addiction and thieving with a barrage of twitter hate. What is it with these twitter addicts? Don't they have jobs to go to? Some of the abuse is arguably criminal and it reflects badly on a City increasingly, and sadly, known for mawkish self pity. FFS Liverpool just grow up. As I prepare to receive more harassing phone calls today I share a few thoughts about a City that I have many reasons not to hate, as it has been suggested that I do..
3085 days ago
The cry was clear as the chap attacked two female cops in Belgium this afternoon. The BBC is still not reporting the jihadist reading material of the Russell Square attacker and insisting that the chjap was simply an insane Norwegian and his acts had nothing to do with his belief in the religion of peace. We shall see. But this time it is hard to spin it. Even the BBC is using the word "jihadist" in its coverage.
3086 days ago
Airports across Britain are today being disrupted by activists protesting that #blacklivesmatter - well of course they do. All lives matter but for white middle class liberals in the media and on twitter and facebook this is an opportunity for angst, guilt and self loathing that cannot be missed. But what about the hard data?
Sod the hard data, lets just feel guilty about slavery and how everyone, especially old Brexit voters, are all racists, facts do not matter any more do they? This is Airstrip One and its 1984 every day these days. Okay
3109 days ago
Having trotted out a load of left wing tosh about how she planed to trainwreck the private sector in order to bring the nation together, Theresa May has today moved forward with her project to rebrand conservatism. No longer will it be the Nasty Party. It is now just an increasingly "silly party"
3110 days ago
Jeepers this is confusing: listening and watching Theresa May yesterday I was told that she has just become leader of the Conservative Party and will be our next Tory Prime Minister. So why was she sounding like a socialist but also a peddler of bogus religion? If this is the best the Tories can offer then, to quote a real Tory Margaret Thatcher, There IS No Alternative. TINA says it is time to quit and emigrate.
It is not that Mrs May is already speaking weasel words on Brexit. She states Brexit means Brexit but then waffles on about how we may have to accept certain things to get free trade. Mrs May we voted for full on Brexit, not Brexit light.
It was not the quasi evangelical clap trap
3134 days ago
The murder of Jo Cox MP throws up key issues that are not being discussed: accountability ( or rather lack of it ) in public services and also how we treat and view mental health issues in the UK. The reaction of MPs and the media shows what a different world they live in from the rest of us. The reaction of the left and the some in the Remain camp in using this as an opportunity to smear and shut down debate is repulsive. This is an awful event but folks need to get some things in perspective. Knowing a little bit about murder and also psychiatric issues first hand - as I explain in the podcast - I speak from the heart as well as the head.
3147 days ago
Via twitter I come across a couple of articles by lefty Guardian and Observer journalist Carole Cadwalladr slating the posh and the way that privileged Oxbridge types dominate the media and politics. Carole is good enough to admit that she went to Oxford (a year below me and at the same college, as it happens) but insists that she is not part of the elite as she went to a state school - Radyr in South Wales.
Naturally, we posh twits who went to public school are now expected to listen to every word Carole writes on the matter of privilege because she has worked her way up from the grinding poverty of living in an abandoned coal mine with her 15 brothers and sisters eating rats. Heck, as she proudly boasts, she went to a Compy after all. Except that there are comprehensives and there are comprehensives.
3200 days ago
It emerged last night that Tory MP John Whittingdale, now the Culture & Media minister, had a sexual relationship with a hooker before he became a minister. This has now prompted almost everyone involved in the sordid affair and everyone commenting on it, notably former MP Dr Death, Evan Harris, who now speaks for the odious Hacked Off body to spout complete drivel.
Four newspapers, that is to say three tabloids and the little read Indescribablyboring, knew about the affair but chose not to print details. They did so as they discovered about the relationship just after Leveson and were thus terrified of being bashed about intruding into the privacy of the MP, who was not married and did end the affair after he discovered he was dating a call girl.
That was a bad call by the press. Prostitution
3249 days ago
I have noted before how Kylie Morris, the US correspondent for Channel 4 News is perhaps the dopiest, most out of touch liberal left reporter going. This woman makes the BBC look balanced. But we can now show Kylie hitting a new low as she points out what a vile racist Donald Trump is.
Two days before the Nevada primary Kylie filed a long piece on how hispanics voters in Nevada were shunning Trump. After searching really hard all day Kylie managed to find just one Latino voter who was voting for Trump, a Vietnam vet who Kylie was thus able to expose as a weirdo. In Kylie world, latinos shared her view that Trump was a racist and none were backing him.
Now the Nevada results are in.
3503 days ago
International media services group, Avesco (AVS) has announced results for the six months ended 31st March 2015 and that “the full year results are again likely to exceed the board's prior expectations”