climate change

109 days ago

The global warming nutters just make it up as they go along: Flooding in St Malo

There is flooding in St Malo in France today and as you can see below, the cultist followers of the Doom Goblin are rushing to blame climate change or global warming as was. But, as ever, the facts, the truth, is a bit inconvenient. For starters St Malo has the biggest tidal swell in Europe making flooding all too common. In fact here is a list of the dates of major floods in the town since records began. I ignore minor ones:


128 days ago

Global warming makes your chocolate bars more expensive says the BBC: #fakenews

The team at Radio 4’s Today programme got an enormous stiffy on this scoop by the BBC’s climate change team. It seems that climate change has caused bad weather in parts of West Africa which has sent cocoa prices surging and so makes your chocolate bars more expensive. It sounds like a great tale except that it is bollocks.


202 days ago

Global Warming: a footnote from 1852 as Sweden is colder than at any time in the life of the Doom Goblin

Global warming, we used to be told, causes droughts, such as the one at Lake Vrynwy eighteen months ago. But then it rains a lot and we are told that is down to climate change as global warming is now known when it involves cold weather. With England suffering severe floods this, the cultists, insist is down to man made carbon emissions and we need to stop using planes (unless we are politicians or celebs with private jets) and slaughter all the cows to stop them farting. Well hang on, with a hat tip to Liz Kershaw, read the diary entry below:


206 days ago

Photo Article: Lake Vyrnwy yesterday - spot the drought!

There was a brief break in the weather here in North Wales yesterday. That is to say it was only raining steadily rather than pissing it down. And thus we took our house guest, a keen believer in the bogus religion of man made global warming, up to Lake Vrynwy.  I have visited this place a number of times since the summer of 2022 when a lack of summer frain saw the emergence from the shallows of Welsh villages drowned by the English infidels to create the reservoir. Ignoring a stack of facts the cultists in the MSM predicted this would happen with increasing frequency thanks to global warming, or climate change as it is known when things get cold.


281 days ago

This week's Welsh Reservoir levels and the global warming cultists having it both ways

Yesi am a geek and this is my pet subject. Outside at the edge of my garden and fields, the River Dee is running high and fast and with non stop rain for most of the past day set to continue overnight, I am braced for the waters to breach the lower orchard. And that prompts me to revisit my specialist subject of water levels in the reservoirs of the United Utilities region and especially here in Wales. 


387 days ago

Of course Grind can boycott GB News but it should not and so I am going to #BoycottGrind: Explaining again for twitter trolls

I wrote an article earlier explaining why folks should boycott the price uncompetitive seller of coffee pods and operator of coffee bars Grind. I am a loyal customer but will not be one going forward. On twitter, a stack of folks who had not read what I had written behind a paywall lined up me to attack me for what I had not said. It’s a free world, you can show yourself to be an arse by behaving that way if you want to.


474 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: No Giles McDonogh falling house prices is good news

I start with a slam dunk political bet in the wake of Donald Trump’s looming arrest – a clean sweep for the Republicans in 2024, as I explained a couple of weeks ago HERE. Then onto why house prices falling at the fastest rate for 14 years ( a misleading headline) are to be welcomed but not if you are long Purplebricks (PURP) or the housebuilders. Not that I’d necessarily go short either. Today’s ouzo is sponsored by Asimilar (ASLR). I also cover Genedrive (GDR) and the placing it will not ‘fess to although it is clearly underway. Then I look at Pensana (PRE) where yakking on about climate change and hiring stacks of lesbians from Islington seems not to have prevented a bit of a looming cash crisis. How, I wonder, do folks in London N1 describe a fat lady in a woke way? Hey Magna Carta, guess what I forgot to mention today? HERE is a clue


550 days ago

Here are some temperatures the BBC is not reporting on: can you think why?

Oddly the BBC’s climate change correspondents are not reporting on temperatures in Siberia this week. You may remember their pitiful attempts, aftering being flown in on a private plane, to show you how global warming is melting the tundra a couple of years ago. But following on from its fake news on the death of European skiing thanks to global warmingg, oddly the BBC has not been back to Siberia.


550 days ago

Lack of snow in Europe stops skiing claims the BBC, its all global warming. LIES

Today the skiing in Scotland has been stopped because there is too much snow. Will the BBC and the reast of the Mainstream Media GroupThink put that down to global warming and or climate change too? But what about those snow deprived resorts in Europe which the BBC has reported on with so much glee of late. More global warming vicar?


557 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel: snow on top of flooding prompts two thoughts

The pictures below show the elevated lawn and Ha Ha and the fields this morning at the Welsh Hovel. As you can see it snowed last night, there is about half an inch on the ground. And the fields are completely flooded. It is a wonderful view and shows my flood defences holding firm. But it prompts two thoughts.


579 days ago

Because man made global warming is bollocks – the quotes, as a greenie, I recycle every winter

One of the many things that those inside the global warming GroupThink cult are unable to explain is why we should believe 30-50 year forecasts about climate change when the ones made 20 years ago have already been proved to be utterly wrong. It is as if we based our response to covid on the work of Professor Ferguson whose forecasts of hundreds of thousands of deaths from avian bird flu, swine fever, etc had proved so completely bogus. Oh, we did because“experts” inside the GroupThink are always right… but back to global warming.


613 days ago

The Avaaz global warming grifters at it again – now it is drought in Somalia

There is a drought in Somalia. Nobody denies that fact. But the cause? The grifters at Avaaz do not care about facts  and are thus calling it out as another symptom of global warming and asking the saps they spam for money, some heading out to East Africa and some to line the pockets of the grossly overpaid liberal grifters at Avaaz. The grifters lead with a touching father and son photo from Somalia and say:


617 days ago

Tuvalu PM and Avaaz: more climate change grifters, happy to ignore facts as they seek to raid your wallet

To be fair Avaaz is not just a climate change grifter. It will spam millions of folks on any woke issue getting them to sign pointless petitions or to hand over their hard earned to support bloated salaries, sorry I meant laudable campaigning.  It is an all round grifter. A recent Avaaz spam is from the Prime Minster of Tuvalu. Now he really is a climate change grifter. He wants western money as reparations for our carbon crimes.


625 days ago

Britain needs to give a trillion quid to poor countries for our leading role in Global warming – fact free bollocks

The good news for the Charity War on Want, which has made this ludicrous claim, is that Scotland has committed to pay £2 million as compensation for its historic carbon emissions to poor countries around the world. As soon as it can scrounge the money off England under the Barnet formula, the cheque is on its way. The bad news is that the other £999.998 billion that War on Want reckons the UK owes is not on its way as we are already almost bankrupt. Mind you the useless Tories egged on by the BBC and others are still  thinking about it.


637 days ago

Fact check: the global warming grifters at the BBC, the Red Cross and elsewhere salivate as Pakistanis drown: what about 1841? Or all the other floods

1,717 Pakistanis have now drowned in the big floods this year and naturally the misery and suffering of this event should be no cause to celebrate. But for grifters like the Doom Goblin Greta Thunberg, the BBC and the Red Cross (HERE) events out East have been a cue to whip up hysteria and demand action. And, of course, money. But the facts: do they matter any more?


832 days ago

Photo Article from the Greek Hovel - for Uncle Chris, the global warming is still here

When he was alive, this was an annual ritual. Now Christopher Booker is in a better place, there is no reason for this to stop. The photo is of climate change, or rather, the lack of it, here in Southern Greece.


919 days ago

150 years of temperature from Rochester New York - spot the global warming hoax

The world is getting hotter, we will all burn to a crisp, this is not a debate it is all settled science say the cultists. Don’t be a denier, listen to the Doom Goblin Greta Thunberg, who skipped nearly all of her High School learning because she is an “expert” who can see carbon emissions. Whatever, here is some more data for you and it looks like another inconvenient truth.


949 days ago

Photo article from the Greek Hovel - some global warming in memory of Christopher Booker

My late uncle Chris loved the Mani having been there on his first honeymoon and later with his family. Every year, when I arrived for olive harvesting we’d have a chat about matters including the state of the global warming. As you can see on the two photos below, if you look carefully up into the high taygettos you can see that the first snows have already fallen. In a year when the hottest summer in Greece since 1987 was wheeled out by the BBC and others as evidence of man made climate change, more global warming seems to have fallen at this stage then it has for several years.


964 days ago

The Greek Hovel Olive Harvest Day 1 – will climate change or, as we used to say rain, stop play?

I reported yesterday that my first guests, R &S, were due to arrive that evening. I hoped that neither were vegetarian or non drinkers as many folks in sophisticated London are these days for that is not what we do here in Kambos. It is like not owning a gun, it is unnatural, freakish. As I feared R is a non drinking vegetarian.


985 days ago

Good morning Doom Goblin Greta Thunberg, Carrie Antoinette & Boris: care to explain this global warming in Mother Russia?

Man-made carbon emissions are causing the world to get warmer and we must act now if we are to restrict that growth to 1.5% or 2.5% or whatever. So say the cultists after jetting back from COP26. These are, of course, the same cultists who warned us in 1988 that the Maldives would be under water by 2010, that within a few years of 2000 kids would ever see snow again, etc, etc, etc. We can discuss whether climate change – which has always happened – is caused by man made carbon emissions with reference to the Medieval warm period or the Maunder Minimum at another point although if you want to pass Geography GCSE these days such discussions are not recommended. Those who set the curriculum, the BBC, wretched Boris Johnson and others say that the science is settled so do not mention temperatures in 1200 or you are a vile denier one step removed from those operating the holocaust death camps. In that vein…


988 days ago

How the BBC reports global warming these days - China sees 116 year snow record: A Delta minus for logic

As the wretched MPs in Airstrip One, take time off from congratulating their local community for the amazing Diwali lights, to urge us all to switch off our Christmas decorations to prevent climate change, I see that a City in China is reporting its worst snowfall in 116 years. So what logical contortions do the high priests of the global warming cult, the ghastly BBC, go through in reporting this all? The Ministry of Truth will be handing out bonuses for this effort.


992 days ago

Why believe expert warnings in the Guardian on climate change when the old ones were so utterly wrong?

The article below from the wretched Guardian is from 2004. Experts told George Bush that global warming would see most of Europe flooded as sea levels soared while London suffered a climate like Siberia. Food shortages caused by the burning planet would cause nuclear wars. The Grauniad said that these warnings from experts would force President Bush, a sceptic, to mend his ways and fall into line with the scientofic consensus.


1227 days ago

We warned about SIX high profile mini-bond schemes – now another of the suspect six goes bust, another FCA fail

The pattern has always been the same. We issued explicit warnings about London & Capital Finance, Blackmore Bond, Bassett and Gold, Buy 2 Let Cars, The High Street Group and Wellesley Finance. Companies such as my beloved West Ham United screwed over their fans and continued to support these rogues. The FCA was too busy publishing papers on the gender pay gap, Brexit, climate change or LGBT awareness to do anything until tens of millions of pounds had been lost. But heck it is was only the great unwashed who suffered.


1269 days ago

Things that became racist in 2021: fighting climate change

It joins a long list including: bras, knickers, dating a person of colour, not dating a person of colour, drinking coffee and, as of yesterday, paying tribute to the late Captain Tom Moore.


1282 days ago

Photo Article: Flooding in Northwich and global warming - Boris Johnson speaks for the fools

As my house here in North Wales became surrounded by flood waters from the River Dee, I pointed out why those linking the rising waters to climate change or, as they used to call it, global warming, were so utterly wrong. But still they persist. Driven on by his uber-woke bird Princess Nut Nuts, our PM Boris Johnson is leading the green charge today, saying: 


1283 days ago

Photo Articles from the Welsh Hovel - this time the floods do reach the house

Before tedious, Guardian-reading loons yak on about how global warming, sorry climate change, is not the precursor to widespread droughts in Britain – as we were told up until c 2010 – but now causes floods, I offer a few facts. The river Dee, as I write, is 9.624 metres deep here which is the highest since October 2000 (9.36 metres). But it is less deep and the area less flooded than in 1949 before all that global warming nonsense was invented. Rivers flood from time to time, get over it. Having said all of that, this flood is a pain as you can see below.



1283 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel: Flooding means that the English Infidels are cut off from civilization, i.e Wales

I woke up to find that we have severe floods here on the River Dee. By 9 AM, the waters at the nearest measuring station to the Welsh Hovel had burst through the 21st Century record (from 2000) which was 9m 36 cm. Right now the depth is 9 metres 61.8 cm and rising. Later on, I shall show you life at the hovel, for now here is what I encountered as I tried to drive Joshua to nursery in England earlier.


1431 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel, more of that damn global warming

I am sure that you can remember those so very dry summers of a few years ago when the BBC, the Guardian and most of the deadwood press brought you pictures of dry and parched river beds.“You’d better get used to it” we were all warned, notably by that smug bastard Rogger Harrabin of the Beeb, “This is going to happen more and more because of global warming.” Hmmmm…


1444 days ago

As Britain basks in a heatwave, the like of which not seen for 60 years, the deadwood press bangs on about global warming

Yes the UK is very hot… in August. So it must be global warming right? Not just summer and a hot one at that? As the Daily Mirror points out, it has not been like this for almost 60 years so, er hang on…


1672 days ago

As the BBC drools over Greta Thunberg another lie she tells, an inconvenient truth from Australia

The BBC is today wetting its knickers in public. It sent a journalist to interview Greta Thunberg, that is to say not to challenge her in the slightest on all the falsehoods she spouts, but that journalist travelled by plane. Quick: go get Elton to plant a few trees for the Beeb.  The real scandal here is that the BBC, CNN, the Guardian and the rest of the liberal media accept as gospel, obvious lies spouted by Greta. Let’s look at the terrible bush fires ravaging Oz…


1718 days ago

Meet Professor Stephan Lewandowsky from Bristol University and be terrified this man is teaching your kids

We are used to seeing professors and lecturers at low grade universtities and former polytechnics espousing utter nonsense as they indoctrinate young folk at what have become intolerant left wing madrassas. But you would have hoped that Bristol University would be above that. Think again, Meeet Professor Lewandowsky.


2270 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video - Keith Allaun of Powerhouse Energy Group

I rather like Mr Allaun although as you know I am not heavily into this green malarky but the world is and thus I see the merit in the shares. Anyhow Keith can explain the Powerhouse Energy (PHE) story better than a climate change denier like myself so over to him. 


2359 days ago

Channel 4 News on the Drought in Cape Town caused by Climate Change - Fake News!

Channel 4 reporter Lindsey Hilsum could not contain her excitement as she reported on the drought hitting Cape Town. There were a number of factors to blame but Climate Change was repeated many times. Her conclusion was clear, Governments across the world must not wait for climate change to hit them as it had hit the Cape as that would be too late, they must act now. Hmm. Fake news alert! We know Channel 4 prefers pious virtue signalling to hard data analysis but this was extreme.


2362 days ago

Nutso Green MP Caroline Lucas talks of Climate Breakdown - otherwise known, when its warmer, as...

Given that the world is actually getting colder, the Arctic sea ice is expanding, the word global warming was expunged from the dictionary by believers in the bogus religion some years ago. But I guess when folks think of "climate change" they still have visions of polar bears on melting ice caps, desertification, etc. So as UK temperatures plunge below zero (again) and snow - which the loons told us a in 2000 that kids would not know by now - covers much of the country (again), the believers in this religion have a problem.


2398 days ago

Now about that global warming (falling in near record amounts in the US today) - I quote the UEA, Chris Booker and the Guardian fake news paper

A friend who is the epitome of the remoaning metropolitan elitist emails me today to claim that "you really are becoming a fascist in your old age what with your support of Donald Trump and your climate change denial." The elitists always forget that labelling anyone with whom you disagree as a fascist demeans the true horror of what fascism is. But I suppose it is easier than actually debating facts. I shall deal with my admiration of the leader of the free world another day but let's look at some hard facts about climate change or , as it used to be known, global warming. I bring you three quotes:


2508 days ago

The National Trust has Sir John Winnifrith spinning in his grave yet again

My late grandfather was, inter alia, Director General of the National Trust after his retirement from the Civil Service. He saw its mission as very simple: to preserve fine old buildings and outstanding areas of countryside. For the Trust nothing else mattered and that single mission is why so many of us have supported it over the years. These days the NT has my grandfather spinning in his grave about once a week.


2512 days ago

Caroline Lucas links Hurricane Irma to climate change - tasteless but worse, groundless fake news

Harpie Green MP Caroline Lucas attempted to hijack a debate about the Government's feeble response to Hurricane Irma by banging on about how the storm was caused by man made climate change or, as we used to call it before the world started getting colder, global warming. Rightly she was slammed for being a shameless opportunist, pontificating in the face of real human suffering. But there is a bigger inconvenient truth...the humourless bitch just has not been reading her history books. Something she fails to grasp as she bleats away on twitter.



2541 days ago

The Guardian wants to erase Nigel Lawson from history - how the liberal left hates free speech & wants to crush dissent

The headline from the Guardian, below, says it all. Former chancellor Nigel Lawson's Thought Crime is not believing in mad made global warming. The BBC had the timerity to allow him on one of its numerous features on climate change in the interests of balance. Its sister paper says it should erase Lawson from history and show no balance at all when covering climate change.


2567 days ago

Reasons to loathe the BBC No 978: Radio 4 Today - linking Brexit support to fascism

Much of what makes me despair about life in this country appeared just before 9 AM on BBC Radio 4's flagship fake news programme Today. It started with a segment on global warming...


2717 days ago

Jon Sopel: The BBC is impartial, free and fair - that is a fake news lie from an elitist tosser

The highlight of the week was Donald Trump sticking it to the BBC's North America correspondent Jon Sopel who - as you can see here - spluttered that the BBC was "impartial free and fair." I guess that would be fake news then because it is patently not any of the above. Let's start with free.


2752 days ago

Aged 49 my child like obsession with snow makes me really jealous of folks in the North

If you are preparing for a five hour journey to work along snow covered roads or your pipes have just burst you may think that I am talking utter rubbish. But the lack of snow here in Bristol is really starting to annoy me. 

Over in Greece there is lots of the white stuff on the mountains above the Greek Hovel and in fact far lower down as well. The Express tells us on a daily basis that Britain is braced for a deluge of global warming. Channel 4 News


2756 days ago

Darren Atwater hit by global warming again, his bogus religion collapses

My business partner Darren Atwater is a godless liberal believer in the bogus religion that is global warming. While the rest of us celebrated Christmas he went back to Canada for Winterval but found his own faith in the book of Gore sorely shaken. At his father's house in Vancouver in the last days of 2016 the global warming was far heavier than normal and the poor hipster had to dig his way out.


2808 days ago

Things the BBC won't tell you - Greenland is seeing record ice growth as temperatures plunge

The eco-loon climate change fanatics at the BBC are on a roll with the statement that the world's temperature in 2016 will be "the warmest since records began." In fact they are on such a roll they are again talking about global warming rather than climate change. But as they, again, warn that the arctic ice is disappearing there are a few inconvenient truths.

Of course "since records began" is not very long on a global scale and it is clear that the world in 2016 will be a lot cooler than it was during the medieval warm period which was before coal fired power stations. On that basis can anyone still demonstrate beyond doubt that we are seeing "man made climate change".

But there are other problems. Here are two charts.


2826 days ago

The Guardian's snobbish liberal readers swung it for Bush, can dipstick Avaaz millennials swing it for Trump?

Back in 2004 the Guardian identified Clark County Ohio as a swing district in th4e swing state of Ohio. History shows if you win Ohio you win the White House and Clark was an uber-marginal district. So the Guardian got its readers back in the UK to call up folks in Clark. You can guess what happened next.


2869 days ago

The bloated state and the pampered rich in bankrupt Britain - the whites who say BlackLivesmatter

Lardbucket welfare slut Emma Lawlor, who was featured earlier HERE, is a despicable parasite demonstrating that the welfare state is failing. But, at least, she can say that she was born into an area where life on benefits is deemed normal. There can be no such excuse for the parasites born into privilege. I refer as a case in point to the nine "activists" arrested last week campaigning for BlackLivesMatter and against the racism of climate change by disrupting London City Airport. Judge, Elizabeth Roscoe, noted how they were all white. I note something else.

The ringleader Natalie Geraldine Twistleton-Wykeham-Fiennes ( no kidding)


2876 days ago

Black Lives Matter, Climate Change and your cash spunked - I am livid

I have noted before how ludicrous the demonstrations of BlackLivesMatter in the UK are given the incidence of Police on Black crimes. They are almost non existent. So to broaden its appeal BLM is now protesting against climate change which, apparently, is racist. Natch. But it gets worse and this is where your blood will start to boil.


2902 days ago

Louisiana Floods caused by global warming or climate change - a history lesson for the nutters?

We are told that the awful floods in Louisiana of August 2016 are caused by climate change or global warming. Whatever. Here is a report and a photo of the flooding in Louisiana. Guess the year - hint it is not 2016.


2922 days ago

BBC Radio 4 "celebrates" global warming - naturally it ignores all the facts

This morning the BBC's flagship Today programme on radio 4 came up with a report flagging up the lack of sea ice at the North Pole as more evidence of climate change or, as it likes to say when the sun is out but not when other weather types are on show, global warming. Sadly the facts about Arctic Sea ice do not bear up what the BBC says but so what? It is only YOUR cash via the regressive poll tax that is the license fee that pays for Pravda.


2929 days ago

After two days of scorching heat in a small island off Europe, the global warming nutters cream themselves

The computer models from the UEA were all wrong, the data was manipulated and the world has not got hotter since 1997 as the global warming nutters predicted. Michael Mann can stick his made up hockey stick where the sun don't shine, however much carbon he emits. It was all a scam so global warming became climate change.

As I enjoyed 40 degree heat in Greece in May and June I thought to myself, gosh it is summer and I am in Greece and it is hot, well there's a surprise. Back in Britain it was apprently very wet and cold and the global warming nutters stayed silent for a while.

But then


3108 days ago

Global Warming Sitting deep in New York - How will my daughter's godmother spin this inconvenient truth?

My daughter's American godmother happily told me in New York just before New Year that there is no snow in the City any more as a result of global warming. That night it snowed outside our door in Brooklyn. Tomorrow the godmother is set to fly back to JFK from a three week trip to Venice. Sadly for her....


3697 days ago

Are cows to blame for global warming?

I think that global warming a giant hoax. The world has been getting cooler for almost two decades and there is absolutely no correlation between the level of man-made carbon emissions and global temperature. But to humour the climate change freaks and carbon trading crooks for a second I bring you, c/o one of the City’s smarter brokers,  news of a Japanese Study that explains who is to blame…cows. 


3848 days ago

Global Warming is a feminist issue, it's driving women to prostitution – moron liberal Barbara Lee

Global Warming is a feminist issue driving women to prostitution – moron liberal of the month Barbara Lee

It is good to see that moron liberals reside on both sides of the Atlantic and January’s moron liberal of the month is California Congresswoman Barbara Lee with a claim so ludicrous it is hard to know where to start. 

This imbecile has just authored a new resolution put to Congress which seeks to demonstrate that climate change (or global warming as nutters like Lee used to call it before the Planet started getting a lot colder), is an issue that effects women more than men and so forces them to become prostitutes so they get Aids and die and thus the US Government (heading for bankruptcy, last seen) needs to do something.

To quote this total nutter, as a result of global warming, oops I meant climate change:

Food insecure women with limited socioeconomic resources may be vulnerable to situations such as sex work, transactional sex, and early marriage that put them at risk for HIV, STIs, unplanned pregnancy, and poor reproductive health.”

Oh noooooooo. 

It gets worse.


3919 days ago

Friday Caption Contest on a Sunday – Ed Davey MP is a greedy pig of an MP issue

It is almost the 5th of November and as such it is apt that we think again of our lords and masters the Right Honourable Members of parliament as they slave away tirelessly working on behalf of us. And that brings us to Ed Davey, a Lib Dem MP and an Energy Minister – indeed the man who headed our45 person delegation flown out to the most recent conference on how to cut carbon emissions to stave off global warming.

It has emerged this weekend that Davey gets his own energy bills paid for by the taxpayer as do almost half of MPs. Better still he claims more in expenses to cover the cost of renting a constituency home than it would cost to buy the house on a mortgage. Heck – that is value for money. As it happens Davey represents a London seat so why the fuck should taxpayers have to pay for any home of his at all?

As a bonus the taxpayer also pays rent on a constituency office for Davey. And a director of the company from whom the office is rented is er…his wife.

This is all perfectly legal. But does it make you think that we are “all in it together?” Austerity is for little people…it does not apply to the political classes. As such I ask for your captions for the picture below in this week’s Ed Davey MP edition. Please post away in the comments section by Friday at 9 AM.

For what it is worth my entry is:


3931 days ago

Antarctic Ice at Record Levels – Time Global warming nutters stuck their hockey sticks where the sun don’t shine

Oh dear. Oh dear. The Global warming nutters are in disarray. Their models – on the basis of which trillions of dollars have been pissed away and Al Gore has become an incredibly rich fat bastard – have been shown to be just WRONG!

I quote from Der Spiegel which cites NASA as its source:

Whenever the ice at the North and South Pole is mentioned, it is mostly in the context of melting triggered by global warming. However, the sea ice in Antarctica - in contrast to that in the Arctic - has proved to be remarkably robust. New measurements have now confirmed that. As the U.S. space agency NASA announced, the sea ice in the Antarctic has extended over an area of ​​19.47 million square meters at the end of September. That is the highest since measurements began in 1979. Why the white splendour is extending there while it is rapidly disappearing in the Arctic is a mystery.


A mystery eh? Perhaps it is because the world is er…not getting warmer. It has got colder since 1997.  So why does that matter?


4004 days ago

The National Trust – a Respected Institution losing the plot & credibility on global warming

My grandfather, Sir John Winnifrith, was Director General of the National Trust back in the 1970s. Back then its mission was to preserve old houses and historic rural areas. It got on with the job. And as such it was a body worth supporting. Folks felt the same way about it as they did about the RSPCA. But both bodies have quite simply lost the plot.

I have covered the RSPCA elsewhere (as you can read here) but I am these days as likely to give it my cash as I am to give cash to the NT. And I suspect that many of traditional “core” supporters fell the same way. Having visited two of its properties last week let me explain why.


4140 days ago

Serious question: When did global warming become climate change?

I often feel like I am in 1984. “We are at war with Eastasia. We've always been at war with Eastasia.” And so I am asked to believe that the loons have always told us that man-made emissions cause climate change. They have always said that they caused climate change.

I do not recollect it being that way. I am sure that in the early years of this scare we were told that man-made carbon emissions caused global warming.  And that there was a proven link and Big Brother reminded us that 99% of scientists told us that the world was going to get much warmer unless we changed our ways, handing over more of our money and liberties to the State.

But the world has, as we know, not got warmer since 1997. In fact it appears to be a tad cooler. Certainly it is frigging cold where I am here in Airstrip One.  And so this, we are now told, is clear evidence of climate change. 

Except that, again in my dim and distant memory, I remember it snowing in March and indeed on my sister’s birthday in April back in the era before Big Brother told us all that we were suffering from global warming. Ooops. “We are suffering from climate change, we have always been suffering from climate change, we were never suffering global warming.” Silly me. Off to room 101 for TW.

So a serious question from me, answers in the comments section below: “When did the loons stop officially referring to global warming and start referring to climate change?”


4185 days ago

Global warming now falling thick and fast in Shipston – am I travel cursed?

Every time I come here it seems to snow. My deluded lefty step mother, who ticked me off earlier today for referring to global warming as opposed to climate change, is now safely in bed. The cat & I have thus switched the heating on full blast as an inch of global warming, oops, sorry 2.54 centimetres of climate change has now fallen. Needless to say I am travelling back to London tomorrow and so expect wholesale travel chaos. I feel cursed.
