70 days ago
In today’s podcast I discuss my visit today to the Shipmans and frustration with NHS IT to get an appointment for another ailment, Versarien (VRS) and the issue of whisteblowers and then gold miners as I add to one holding and consider betting the ranch on it. I look at Centamin (CEY), Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Bluebird Merchant Ventures (BMV), Ariana (AAU) and Amaroq (AMRQ).
451 days ago
Back in 1967 when abortion was legalized in the UK thanks to Lord David Steel, the paedophile protecter, we were told that it would be a rare and unusual medical procedure. In the first full year of legal abortions, 1969, 54,819 lives were ended. By 2021 that number had soared to 214,256. So that means that thanks to Lord Steel just over 10 million unborn babies have now been aborted in the UK and this year 1 in 4 conceptions will end in abortion. These are appalling figures but some think that the numbers are not high enough. I write this today, thinking about my daughter Olaf, born at just 26 weeks almost 22 years ago weighing 1 lb 4 oz.
566 days ago
Gosh I hate the incompetence of the overpaid poltroons at the NHS. I explain my latest setback and why I am going back to bed and am in pain. I apologise for a brief bearcast, normal service will, I hope, resume Thursday
601 days ago
I start with a health update, finally some joy from the NHS and, even before that, I am starting to feel better. Then it is onto Pantheon Resources (PANR), Inspirit (INSP), and Atlantic Lithium (ALL) and share options, incentivising the dead. Then macro calls on interest rates, inflation, the real economy, shares, bitcoin, gold and oil. Details of ShareStock 2023 on September 23 are HERE
609 days ago
I start with a rant. Then I go onto look at Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL), why I am less bullish on oil than Gary Newman, Argo Blockchain (ARB), AAA (AAA), Asimilar (ASLR) and Audioboom (BOOM)
621 days ago
From King Charles downwards everyone always lines up at Christmas to praise the valiant NHS workers (greedy bastards), and other public sector workers who keep the country running at this time of year. Well up to a point.
658 days ago
You are told by the BBC and the rest of the liberal media that nurses are grossly underpaid and that their decision to walk out on cancer and other patients leaving them to die is thus all the fault of the wicked Tories. But here in chart form are the facts….
935 days ago
According to the BBC and the rest of the liberal intellegentsia the only thing stopping the NHS from being even more amazing – don’t mention record waiting lists, etc, etc – is lack of cash. But for key hires such as £100,000 a year diversity directors there are always funds. And it seems that it is not just diversity, as opposed to curing sick folk, that is a priority. Enjoy the most recent hires being advertised.
941 days ago
In one sense Tory MP Maria Caulfield is right. Anyone can get HIV but in encouraging us all to head off to the NHS, the envy of the world, with its record waiting lists to get a test is Ms Caulfield really being totally fair and balanced? Or just adding to the NHS waiting lists in order to appease certain vociferous minorities?
974 days ago
Naturally, the media love this stakhanovite hero of the NHS. Dr Eilir Hughes works in rural Wales as a GP, a profession where the average pay is already £100,700. Natch,Dr Hughes reckons that the NHS is massively underfunded by the Evil Tories and needs far more cash,not least for inflation busting pay rises all round. But before you consider crowdfunding for the poor lamb…
976 days ago
The envy of the fecking world is, as it has done every year for the past two decades, claiming that it is at breaking point and that it needs more cash if it is not to collapse within weeks of the start of the year. It is an annual ritual and, as we bang our pots and pans demanding that GPs on £100,700 get even bigger pay rises even though almost half still refuse to see patients face to face, or that hundreds of diversity directors on £75,000-£100,000 are vital in the fight against covid and need pay rises too, do we ever question the scale of waste? How much does the NHS spend on things or staff which make not a jot of difference to patient outcomes. Over to the Lancashire & South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust.
987 days ago
Former chairman of the Vaccine Task Force, Clive Dix, has given an interview to the ever more appalling Daily Telegraph. I am not sure which I find more depressing, the lack of thought in Dix’s claims or the failure of the deadwood press to pick him up on this? Let me explain…
992 days ago
I start with my personal experience of the NHS today and how much I’d like to see all GPs lined up againat a wall and shot. I am so bloody angry. Then it is onto Union Jack Oil (UJO), Chill Brands (CHLL), Tern (TERN), the fraud Supply@ME Capital (FRAUD) and Hurricane Energy (HUR)
1011 days ago
Last time I attended the Village Surgeries Group practice just over the border in Farndon, among the infidels of England, it refused to give me a flu jab unless I masked up. I started to discuss exemptions – something legally you cannot question even as a gauleiter with the NHS – but no dissent was brooked. Today I took my daughter for her one year jabs and, for her, wore a mask albeit below the nose.
1026 days ago
Some years ago I organised a conference on shares and investors in a £3 billion fraud I was exposing, Quindell, were doing threir darndest to ruin me as if that would protect theor investment. There were the usual death threats which the Police did nothing about becuase not being a celeb or an MP I am not worth protecting. They tried to bankrupt a restaurant I owned with bogus and dreadful reviews. They failed with that and I sold it at a profit. Then they tried to persuade Sajid Javid, who was the minister responsible for business and the media to pull out of the show.
1043 days ago
As Angela Rayner has discovered, being a smoker in 2021 marks you out as something of a pariah among the liberal elites. It is a sin. I write as a man who used to chuff my way through 20 a day so I am an ex sinner. But the facts are often forgotten as our betters try to stamp out this evil habit. There was, this week, a suggestion that Nanny state should charge wicked smokers a levy to deal with the inevitable healthcare issues that their habit will cause.
1056 days ago
It has been a bad day at the homestead, the Welsh Hovel, as I explain. I have also had a run in with Shipmans and other staff at “the envy of the fecking world” so am in a bad mood. I discuss Kefi (KEFI) and what is happening in Ethiopia. I know more than all the BB savants but there is only so much that I can say. Then I look at the David Beckham-linked swizzle at Guild ESports (GILD) and, by implication, Cellular Goods (CBX) both of which will end in tears and be posterboys for the bezzles at the fag end of a bull market.
1060 days ago
There was a mad old coot sitting in the middle of the road yesterday explaining how she was doing it to stop the world running out of oxygen. I kid you not. It turned out that this woman aged 61 was a retired GP. She had quit a while back to concentrate on saving the planet and the point is that after years troughing it and with a bumper, taxpayer funded pension, she could afford to quit at an age when nearly all of us still face years at the coalface.
1098 days ago
In their 2019 manifesto, the Tories said they would not hike Income Tax or National Insurance. Today we learn that an NI hike of 1-1.25% is planned to help shorten NHS waiting lists and to pay for care for the elderly. So the Tories lied. But it is worse than that. What is proposed is manifestly unjust, it is the transfer of wealth from those without to those with it.
1106 days ago
The NHS may face record waiting lists, deaths from cancers and other ailments are soaring thanks to all those missed tests, during the scamdemic plague with a 99.97% survival rate, but there is good news. After giving GPs, average salary £100,700, and other NHS staff an inflation busting 3% pay rise, those running the envy of the world had claimed that there was a £600 million funding gap this winter. But as you can see below, vital jobs at the coalface are still being filled.
1115 days ago
Thank heavens we gave salaried GPs – those not really coining it in from running their own practices – a pay rise of 3% this year. Okay, these days only 56% of appointments are face to face. The rest are over the phone or online and the number of missed diagnoses for cancer and other life threatening ailments is, as a result, soaring. The average GP works well under the maximum 48 hours per week and yet, after four years of inflation busting pay rises the data is shocking but the greedy bastards want more.
1181 days ago
At first lockdown was to flatten the curve, then it was to save the NHS – the envy of the fucking world. Now it is to achieve what? To try to eradicate what is only the 30th most common cause of death. Let’s go back to the NHS and a killer chart showing bed usage.
1212 days ago
It seems that it is not just in the socialist hell hole that is Canada but also in the work bureaucracies of the UK public sector where folks push biological lies in order to pander to sensitive trans snowflakes. On a day when we hear that Lisa Keogh, a student at a Scottish University Abertay in Dundee, faces possible expulsion for stating that women have vaginas and those born men are, ceteris paribus, stronger than those born with vaginas, both hard proven biological facts, East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust shows us how to behave. In East Lancs, it is not just women who get pregnant, anyone can.
1259 days ago
When I was growing up, the majority of the population wanted to bring back the death penalty and my Guardian-reading teachers would explain why this was a great example of why we needed elected representatives to moderate the unhealthy views of the dirty plebs. Or, as you and I might see it, to block the democratic will of the people because the liberal intelligentsia always knows best. In 2016, the people were allowed their say on Brexit and, bloody hell, the dirty peasants went and did the wrong thing just showing that decision making should be left in the hands of a small elite.
1291 days ago
The NHS, the envy of the world please do not mention Mid Staffs, is – as we are always told – underfunded and staffed by heroes. But as I have noted before, it does employ some folk to tweet the most almighty piffle out into the wider world. Today, the envy of the world addresses the BIG issue we all grapple with: misgendering. I present the tweet below, with no need for additional comment.
1302 days ago
Just wait until the professional fake news driven race baiters at the BBC, Channel 4 News and David Lammy MP get hold of this! The NHS has published data showing that almost 20% of white folks have been vaccinated the percentage of other ethnic groups is far lower. Oh no, call out the Witchfinder General of the racism industry, Mr Lammy, so that he can sniff another monstrous crime. Of course there is a rational explanation for this which is backed up with hard data but who cares about that? This is 2021 so we must generate some more grievances and talk of inequality.
1323 days ago
I can reveal that the first 50,000 masks produced by Remote Monitored Systems (RMS) subsidiary Pharm2farm will be given away absolutely free to NHS staff. There is absolutely no evidence that NHS staff are short of PPE right now so this gesture, though it will be seen as lauadable by many, is wholly un-needed. It may thus be a PR hit but what does it say about commercial reality. First things first, I hope it goes to the NHS staff who need it ,most, such as these folk.
1331 days ago
We lockdown sceptics are, increasingly, accused by the mainstream media and our political leaders of having “blood on our hands.” By lockdown sceptics, I refer not to lunatics such as Piers Corbyn who claim that Covid does not exist, but those of us who ask questions about government policies which are illogical and, in many cases, do more harm than good. Demonstrably, some aspects of lockdown mean that government ministers like Matt Hancock, egged on by the entire political and almost all of the media class, do, quite literally, have blood on their hands. Take the case of 23-year-old Kimberley Eccles.
1334 days ago
When you heard that Boris Johnson has been told by Princess Nut Nuts to give all NHS staff an inflation-busting pay rise, I bet you thought of poor nurses earning close to the average national wage of £26,000 and went outside at 8 PM to clap like a seal. But, of course, most of the staff the NHS employs are neither poor or nurses. Here are three vacancies going which, I am sure you will agree, will assist the fight against covid not a jot.
1349 days ago
The data below record the number of deaths of folks under 60 since the start of the year who did not have any underlying health issues. As you can see, Covid claimed 377 such lives. But 655 people died from falling down stairs. This is simple: we must protect the NHS even if it causes the economy to crater. When will Matt Hancock ban stairs across this land, or make it a criminal offence to use stairs? Will the Old Bill have license to enter folks’ homes to impose fines of £10,000 if they suspect that people might be using stairs? And if not, why the hell not?
1350 days ago
There may be ice on the road and pavements today or even snow as Bella sweeps the country. You may slip. You might hurt yourself. Your car may skid. You may be injured. It is vital that we all protect the NHS by agreeing to 24 hours of house arrest. Surely, even though ICU bed usage across the country is at lower levels than it was this time last year, such a National clampdown ahead of a dose of global warming, is the logical extension of the policies of bonkers Boris, the little twit Matt Hancock and Mad Mark Drakeford since March.
1361 days ago
Earlier, I pointed out that the number of deaths per 100,000 Brits so far this year is far from the highest of recent years. If you believe Matt Hancock or Mad Dog Mark Drakeford, there is an epidemic of deaths on a monumental scale and to stop that we must wreck the economy, destroy civil liberties etc. You should not believe either of these charlatans. Their next excuse for lockdown is that we must save the NHS which, they claim, is swamped. That too is a just a monstrous porky.
1361 days ago
Thanks to the certifiably insane First Minister here in Wales, Mr Mark Drakeford, boozers shut at 6 PM and can’t serve booze anyway. I can’t remember whether it is illegal to cross the border with England yet or whether the North Wales Police start arresting folks for this heinous crime on the 24th, 25th or 28th. Anyhow, we set off from the Welsh Hovel last night, four of us in the car, dashing the few hundred yards to the bridge to free England and what we found was heartbreaking.
1364 days ago
As you may know, my occasional panic attacks consist of a nightmare that I have somehow managed to go back to Oxford as a mature student but, sitting in Schools facing finals again, I realise that I have done even worse than last time and that my Desmond will be removed and I am, if lucky, heading for a Douglas. One of the papers I must face is logic. Observing recent events, if I am compared with the current crop of Oxford-educated poltroons running the country, I reckon I might come top of the class and be set for a Geoff.
1370 days ago
Back at the height of the first lockdown to beat Covid and save the NHS, I was rationed as to how much flour and yeast I could buy at any one time as, in droves, folks started home baking. As I noted at the time, if one reads Defoe’s account of the Great Plague, people assumed in 1665 as they assumed in 2020 that changes in the way we behaved would be permanent. They will not be.
1414 days ago
As per the email from my local GP just over the border among the accursed, plague-ridden infidels in England, I opted to break the house arrest, under which we in Wales now live, and cross over the river for my annual flu jab. The Mrs (pregnant), me (diabetic), and the pest ( a 4 year old) are all recommended to get jabs so we all got in the car…
1418 days ago
The poor NHS is so cash-strapped it can afford to employ Eddy as its LGBT Staff Network trans and non-binary lead. No I also don’t have a clue what that means either. The “envy of the world” is today taking time off from recording nurse led tik tok dances to celebrate world pronouns day which, I gather, means referring to my wife as “they” so as not to offend her. I mean they. I am sure it is all money well spent. Should I go outside and bang a sauacepan at 8 PM tonight to show my appreciation? OBEs and pay rises all round. They are all heroes. The envy of the world.
1532 days ago
No one is still quite clear what Olivia Butterworth does to justify her six-figure salary as Head of Public Participation for NHS England. We know that she tweets out lies about the Tories to bash them and thinks that celebrating Virtual Pride is more important than treating cancers. But what does she do? Well, it seems she attacks women who have suffered domestic violence. If this was a male employee of the NHS, an ordinary Joe administrator, he’d be getting a P45 today, but will the NHS show a true commitment to equality and fire Ms Butterworth?
1534 days ago
Those poor nurses. Hospitals with not enough PPE and underpaid doctors on 100 grand a year. The poor NHS and those wicked fucking Tories starving it of cash… Meet Olivia Butterworth.
1546 days ago
In this wild and whacky year do you remember back to the early days of the Coronavirus crisis when we were told that we all needed to rally round to give the NHS 30,000 ventilators to stiop everyone dying? It was one of those many moments when Boris Johnson thought he was Winston Churchill. Instead of little ships summoned to the beaches of Dunkirk it was little businesses across the land summoned to make ventilators to save the fecking NHS.
1606 days ago
Not only in the wider population, but also among NHS staff, it is clear that BAME folks are dying in far greater numbers, relative to the population as a whole, than they should. Yesterday I debunked the nation that NHS staff were dropping like flies (they are not) in a way that is beyond doubt connected to their employment. Today I tackle this issue which is likely to be even more controversial.
1607 days ago
Listeners, I have screwed up on social distancing. at least where my new orchard is concerned. I start with this pressing matter HERE. Then I discuss how I am bracing myself for flak for my latest coronavirus podcast on how the GroupThink mob get their maths all wrong regarding the NHS HERE. Then to matters financial: the markets and economic recovery, Eurasia Mining (EUA), Novacyt (NCYT), Telit (TCM), Remote Monitoring Systems (RMS) and Castleton (CTP)
1845 days ago
The NHS says we will not run out of drugs but why let the facts get in the way of a good tweet. It is hard when you are suffering from Brexit Derangement Syndrome like Lib Dem MEP Irina von Wiese. Pity poor Irina as she is ill with severe BDS, but she reckons we are all going to die!
2239 days ago
More money for the NHS promises wretched Theresa May, citing a bogus Brexit dividend then ‘fessing up that taxes will have to go up too. And now it seems that bone idle and overpaid teachers are going to get even more money too. But it is not as if taxes are, whatever dumb snowflakes and dumber politicians claim, too low. Au contraire.
2362 days ago
One of the big lies that our children are told in school and university and which the liberal media ram down our throats is that public sector workers are paid less than we folks in the productive sector and have had lower pay rises over the past few years. Those lies are exposed as lies with hard data as I did in my, Bath Spa lecture HERE, the "what happened next" story of which I will relay one day and which will horrify you. But the lie has worked. If enough folks repeat a lie often enough it becomes an Orwellian truth.
2417 days ago
Okay it was Julie Meyer. Whatever I think of her she is fairly hot in a weird sort of way. Anyhow I explain all in today's podcast. I then move onto IGAS (IGAS), UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), Avanti Communications (AVN), Sabien (SNT) - statement nbeeded Roland "Fatty" Cornish? And finally to Paternoster Resources (PRS) - black bag needed Amanda Van Dyke? PS My NHS Lies podcast I mentioned is HERE
2417 days ago
There are two big lies told by folks like Jeremy Corbyn about the NHS and they have been told so often most of our fellow citizens believe them to be true. This podcast explains why they are not, whatever the greedy doctors tell us. The lies are:
2431 days ago
Te BBC is drowning in stories about an NHS in crisis due to a shortage of doctors and money stories. Natch it is the evil Tories who are to blame although, the inconvenient truth , is that the Tories keep on increasing NHS spending to new record levels. There are no spending cuts. Meanwhile the refuse to report the Val d'Isere scandal.
2539 days ago
On the Today programme this morning, overpaid presenter Michelle Hussein was at the Labour Party leaders rally, sorry I think it is called a party conference, in Brighton interviewing shadow minister John Ashcroft. It is not his platitudes that are of interest but one question she asked, from which I quote exactly:
2591 days ago
I tried to look on the bright side all week. Most folks with an enlarged testicle do not have cancer. After his fondling session, my Doctor had said it was almost certainly a result of a dibetes induced condition. And anyhow the five year survival rate for testicular cancer is now 90%. And my advanced age puts me at low risk anyway. None the less, Friday's appointment at the Bristol Royal Infirmary was something I dreaded. My father and my wife shared that dread and so on Friday the Mrs and Joshua came along too for moral support.
2604 days ago
With no real majority at Westminster, Mrs May's pathetic Tories are unable to push through any of the so many radical changes this country needs to make to avoid going bust. The chances of radical change on any issue that matters are zippo. Or so I believed. You thought that the useless Cons were out of big ideas? Think again. Today's Sunday Times reveals dramatic new proposals to tackle the needs of the transgender community. I just despair.
2606 days ago
As you can see in a tweet below from a regional organiser of the UNITE Trades Union, which bankrolls Labour, the vicious Tories are at it again, trying to raise the pension age. This is all because Tories hate those who are not so rich that they do not need a state pension. So bangs on the left in a post fact era chorus. So what are the facts?
2624 days ago
She has a book to plug so best selling harpie Naomi Klein is doing the rounds of the liberal media to talk about what a complete bastard Donald Trump is. Okay she is Canadian but the accent is good enough, she is THE expert one needs to talk US politics. On Channel 4 Fake News, where they make up quotes by Donald Trump to show what a racist he is, Jon, "I hate the fucking Tories" Snow was asking the soft questions. Purring from the sidelines was Matt Frei who likes to accuse black vicars of being racist for supporting Trump.
2671 days ago
Online virtue signalling liberal pests Avaaz claimed credit for Macron's victory but said they were robbed by the Trump triumph. That was really a win for them too. Now the virtue signallers are going for a hat-trick of wins and have turned their attemntion to the British Election where threy plan to stop the wicked Tories. Indeed they have contacted me about my vote in Bristol East. Sadly their maths makes those of Dianne Abbott look like Einstein. The snowflakes write:
2673 days ago
We own Falanx (FLX) shares and are currently well over 100% up on our investment with stock at 9.5p mid. HotStockRockets readers are now 100% ahead on the share tip too. So with the stock surging on the basis of the massive cyber attack that started on the NHS on Friday what to do? First realise that this is a political scandal.
2712 days ago
Day 2 of my battle to tackle type 2 diabetes showed just exactly why there was no way I could do so without shoving my keyboard in a cupboard and changing every aspect of my life. I had to go to London to do some expert witness business for a friend. So it was all on board the 4.47 AM having done a very early morning blood test which came out at 11.7 down from 15.3 the night before. I know that post fasting measures will be lower but even so: I was told those new zappo pills would work fast!
2743 days ago
We are waiting at Warwick Hospital for a scan and to help pay the bloated wages of the greedy doctors there is a mini second hand bookstore - buy any volume for just 50p. I spot Margaret Thatcher, the Downing Street Years and hand over three 20p pieces saying "keep the change". Bargain and double bargain.
2869 days ago
The Guardian has reported that as of 2018 the NHS will offer free non invasive tests for Downs to all at risk women. This is great news for AIM listed Premaitha (NIPT) which is a leading provider of such tests. For it there is a clear financial gain but there is an ethical element here which as a shareholder but also a recent father causes me some issues.
2895 days ago
It is now just under eight months since I quit smoking and although I have put on a few pounds I feel much healthier and am determined not to go back. I am delighted to see that the percentage of adult Britons who now smoke is at a modern era low of 17% and it is falling. That is a good thing in that death from smoking related illnesses tend to be ghastly and I'd wish that on no-one.
2900 days ago
Seventy-five years ago, eighteen year old men and women were dealing with the Luftwaffe bombing our cities to oblivion, with death all around them and the stresses of war. Some had psychological stress but they were relatively rare and, frankly, who could blame them? Wind forward to today and 26% of 16-24 year old women report suffering at least one mental health issue a week. 9% of men suffer likewise. It is hard to know where to start.
2958 days ago
If men want to have sex with each other I have no problem with it. If they want to get married to each other I support their right to do so. After all why should hetrosexuals be the only ones to suffer. But a High Court ruling yesterday means that you and I and all the other taxpayers are going to be forking out vast amounts to subsidise the lifestyle choices of a vocal, and well supported, minority. And that minority will suffer disastrous health consequences as a result.
3008 days ago
So how does immigration affect multi millionairess luvvie Keira Knightley? Is she facing longer lines to get treatment on the NHS? Is there downward pressure on her wages? What about problems getting housing at affordable rates? Er no: it just means more cheap labour at her fave posh restaurants in London. Luvvie Keira and others in the 1% have no concept at all about how the EU affects those of us in the 99% , young or old.
Today Keira has released a video
3010 days ago
Sadly here in the most excellent Melitsina Village hotel here in Kardamili the only English language channel we can get is the BBC World News Channel. It is Pravda at its best. The agenda is clear: Trump = evil racist, Brexit - evil supported by racists, Tories - evil racists who hate the NHS, all of the NHS, EU, crooked Hillary = perfect. Once you understand that all reporting has to fit that narrative watching becomes easy and your anger at having to pay for this crap with your taxes sort of subsides.
And thus we flicked channels and saw a BBC chappie called Sean with a panel of four folks discussing Brexit
3055 days ago
As the greedy bastard junior doctors once again man the picket lines I suspect that wont be their chant. Instead they will change that Jeremy is a Hunt which is a pun on a rude word beginning with c and they will all giggle at that sort of joke just like the little brats used to laugh at jokes about the nasty Tories when they were at footlights college Cambridge. Meanwhile with emergency cover withdrawn patients, 79% of whom earn less than the junior doctors, will suffer and some might die.
Of course that will not bother the greedy bastards as they
3055 days ago
Hypnobirthing is apparently a way to make pregnancy less painful and stressful and so the Mrs and I went on a "taster" session with a private company charging an arm and a leg for full courses. I would rather have spent an hour watching paint dry as it was from beinnning to end both excruciatingly awful and also a really unpleasant sales pitch for old rope.
We were one of five couples. I was the only person in the room who has been through this birth process business before and the naivete of the other members of the Bristol middle classes present was jaw dropping. We started in a session where we split into three groups and had to say how many weeks we were, what our names were and what we brought us to the session. Honestly, I relayed that I thought the whole thing was a total con and I was there becuase my Mrs wanted me to be there. Our group spokesperson had to summarise what the 4 folks in our group thought but for some reason omitted my remarks.
This was a session about beng "nice" to everyone. A woman who was 28 weeks and had a face like a horse
3068 days ago
My favourite German leftie, Gisela Stuart, a Labour MP for some rat infested bit of Birmingham wasteland, was on The Today programe today explaining why we should all vote to leave the EU.
At one level she pointed out that if we were not members of the Evil Empire we would have an extra £350 million a week more to spend on the NHS. Our "contributions" she argued could be better spent at home. This got presenter John Humphries in a tangle which was a delight to behold as the old lefty just tied himself up in knots.
Rather lazily,
3077 days ago
Once again the junior doctors are on a 48 hour strike. As a reminder: junior doctors are among the top 21% of all UK workers in terms of earnings. When they finish their apprenticeship and become full greedy bastards (sorry doctors) they will - for a 40 hour week - be in the top 2-3% of earners. Most other professionals in that wage bracket (lawyers, banksters, accountants) put in shifts of at least 50% more. And they don't also expect us to worship them as saints and maytrs while trousering obscene wages.
But the junior greedy bastards want more moolah so we have a 48 hour strike. Patients (79% of whom earn less than the junior greedy bastards) will suffer, nurses ( nearly all of whom earn less than than junior greedy bastards and who will not be in the top 2-3% of earners when they hit their mid thirties) will work harder and suffer. But we are meant to support the junior saints and latter day martyrs anyway?
Junior doctors are almost entirely pampered middle class kids. Most junior doctors
3103 days ago
My father and step mother spent most of yesterday afternoon at a Midlands Hospital for a routine chat with a consultant and pick up of medication. Late in the day he and my step mother retrned home, drained after a session with the world's third largest employer which left both fuming. I had a similar experience the other week here in Bristol. Say what you like about Harold Shipman but he does appear to have been ruthlessly efficient...he clearly did not fit in well in today's NHS.
My father and step mother who are both seriously ill arrived on time for a noon appointment. The consultant granted them an audience at 12.45. The consultant who was meant to be there was not and the stand in did not have any notes relating to the previous consultation
3140 days ago
I start with today's placing news from Deltex Medical (DEMG). I do not reckon that this will be its last placing and its language stinks at every level. The money will be used for "working capital". Bollocks. It means to "fund our ongoing fucking losses". And there is more. Yes this is a bad language special. And if you are a Guardian reading loser who thinks the NHS is cash starved you will also be offended. I also look at Petro Matad (MATD), Petroceltic (PCI), Rose Petroleum (ROSE) and once again push Wandisco (WAND) for a statement. Is there a "strategic review" yet? How close are you to tits up time?
3263 days ago
For the left the NHS is a sacred cow. That is wrong. The right's sacred cow is defence but it does not think rationally. Comrade Jeremy Corby is right to say we do not need Trident and should go further and argue for big cuts in defence spending. And those on the right should applaud such clear thinking and fiscal responsibility and stop living in the past.
3444 days ago
This is not the most important election ever. It matters little who wins. None of the parties are going to do anything about the big issues of slashing spending on welfare, the pensions ponzi, education or the NHS. All will continue the UK's slide to insolvency. None understand who creates wealth. That is the subject of today's podcast.
3501 days ago
The local Tory candidate for the Bristol East Seat, Theo Clarke has just stuffed a flyer through our letterbox. The Mrs, being a deluded lefty, saw the flyer from Theo – who seems like a nice young lady – and noting the party said “it’s for you.”
Hmmm. I was hoping to see that Ms Clarke wants to slash welfare spending, introduce huge tax cuts for lower paid workers, and tackle the grotesque waste in the NHS and other branches of Government as she reduced the size of our bloated - and totally unaffordable – state. Maybe she might believe in other Tory policies like law and order or lifting the red tape and regulatory burden on small businesses? Er no….
Her priorities are:
4109 days ago
My partner is in London and so for a laugh we are staying in a hotel just off Brick Lane in Spitalfields. Needing some of my poison of choice I wandered to a small store opposite the hotel last night and asked for 20 Marlboro Light. £8.50 I was told. Sure.
A pack of 20 cigarettes costs anywhere between £8 and £9.50 if you are mad enough to use WH Smith on Network Rail.
As I fumbled for a tenner the chap said, want a cheaper pack? £5. Yup, I slurred, having had a few drinks with my partner and colourful James earlier. And so from under the counter I was offered 20 Marlboro Light from Russia as you can see in the picture below.
When I pay £8.50 normally, around £7.65 goes to the UK Government. The rest is shares between Marlboro, its distribution company and the retailer. Under this revised arrangement Marlboro probably still gets 50p. The Russian taxman gets another 50p ( or perhaps nothing) and the criminal gangs who import this stuff ( I read today that this is how many of St Gerry's former comrads in the IRA are now employed) and retailer share between £4 and £4.50. The UK taxman gets nothing.
The huge profits you can make from flogging illegal fags means that crime DOES pay. The greed of the UK Government which knows that smokers fund not only the costs of treating them on the NHS but far more besides but are an easy target as one is supposedly "taxing for a moral purpose" means that it has created an opportunity for crime. Punitive taxation like prohibition is not only regressive taxation but also a real crime generator.
So what should I do? Should I go to the police and tip them off? I do not agree with crime and suppose I should. But crime is inevitable as things stand. I guess I shall buy one more back before I do anything.
4159 days ago
Romany Blythe ( pictured) is my age, 45, and her 15 minutes of fame have arrived thanks to her organising parties to celebrate the death of Margaret Thatcher. That in itself is horrible. But to understand why Romany is such a nasty piece of work look at the story of her adult life.
There is the fact that although she had a well-paid job as a teacher Islington Council gave her a council flat in a pleasant house – a nice mid terrace Victorian job. She took it. She earned more than my staff but they cannot get such housing as they are not defined as “key workers” – they are just scum from the private sector. We shall see how “key” Ms. Blythe is later.
In June 2006 Miss Blythe bought the leasehold of that flat from Islington Council for £141,000. To fork out that much she must have been earning a bob or two. So why the f**k did she get a Council flat in the first place? Just four years later she sold the North London property for £298,000. If she had sold it within three years she would have had to repay some cash to the council. Again she took.
A few years earlier Miss Blythe had a boob job on the NHS, again she took.
And now with her new (large) boobs and the money she trousered from the council flat sale she works as a drama teacher with a workshop company that is paid by daft local councils to visit secondary schools. She specialises in ‘facilitating workshops for young, excluded and potentially criminalised individuals and uses drama techniques she has developed to explore resolution of conflict and oppression.’ Sounds a bit different to the three Rs. Basically she poisons the minds of the young and fills their head with crap and the State pays her to do this. She takes again.
This ghastly creature has never generated a cent in wealth for society. She is the sort who believes that the “money tree” can fund a society where all have rights and no-one (except wicked bankers, evil Tories, disgusting capitalists, etc.) has obligations. She is the pin up girl for the parasite class.
The Romany Blythe’s of this world, Guardian reading members of the middle classes are tied at the hip to the Heather Frost’s – the trash who live as pure welfare parasites from cradle to grave. Both classes have continued to grow in size under this coalition leaving ever fewer folks out there to create the wealth and generate the taxes to pay for it all. Those who are treated most unfairly in this brave New World are the poor who work and pay tax. They fund folks who do not work ( or who do crap non jobs like Romany) and who then get so much in state hand-outs that they can live in better houses/have a greater disposable income etc. than the workers who pick up the tab.
Margaret Thatcher understood the inequity of this. The heir to Blair, Call Me Dave just does not get it.
4299 days ago
How many clubs in the Premier League make a profit? Er.. Man United sometimes bit not much of a profit and certainly enough to justify its market valuation. But the rest are all losing money and so in an industry pursuing Hari Kiri economics it is no surprise that last year the top 20 soccer clubs in the UK pissed at £77 million on agent’s fees alone. Leading the way was Man City with £10.5 billion frittered away but it is the next few big spenders that says it all.
The next most generous were Liverpool (£8.6 million) and QPR (£6.8 million) not far ahead of Harry Rednapps’s Spurs. Liverpool have had one of their worst starts to the League in decades. QPR are bottom of the league and have already fired their manager.
4341 days ago
I cannot say with any honesty that I could speak for two minutes without hesitation, deviation or repetition on who the Christian Scientists are. It is perhaps odd that I therefore find myself writing for the Christian Science Monitor. In fact it is twice odd as I do so for free, albeit only about once every six weeks or so. Everyone else I write for (and another contract started this week) does have to come up with the odd shekel or two. But the CSM and I are discussing a few ideas on that front too.
Who are Christian Scientists? I did know that they refused medical treatment and think disease is healed by prayer alone. That would save the NHS a few bob. Apparently they also do not believe in hell either. But, founded by Mary Baker Eddy they are essentially Christians. At least they do believe in something, unlike that really weird part of the Christian brotherhood, the Church of England.
I also cannot remember how I hooked up with them about 18 months ago. I got an email from someone called Laurent Belsie who for some reason sounded to me as if she was a glamorous French American bird.