38 days ago
48 days ago
However much the Church of England or Church of Wales infuriates me and tests my faith I have always attended Midnight Mass at Christmas. “Yea Lord we Greet You born this happy morning” I sing loudly and walk out into the cold night air filled with optimism and with my weak faith replenished. Gradually my own failings and the miserable state of the world weaken all those positive feelings and then it is Christmas again. This year I did not leave after the last carol I stormed out and I hope that our sparky new vicar understands why.
62 days ago
If the Mrs and kids had their way the Christmas tree would go up sometime in September. Having explained that a live tree should only be inside for a short as possible period to give it any chance of survival I relented and yesterday it came in. We have a carol singing party here at the weekend so I could not hold on much longer. At the top is an angel made by daughter Olaf 19 years ago when she was just four. It has survived.
70 days ago
On a day when Jaya joins me on the school run, after picking Joshua up from Kings we stop off at a BP/Asda service station. I get a black coffee and the kids share a sandwich and chocolate bar in a £3.75 meal deal. It is now a ritual. Today as I waited for my coffee to pour another Kings boy came up to Joshua and started talking.
161 days ago
I make a point of buying a pot of Sabre houmous evert time I visit Tesco as it is the only product I can guarantee is Israeli and I want to show my support. A couple of times I have removed pro Palestinian stickers from the shelf, handed them to staff and complained. This time it was rather more nasty.
247 days ago
Barely a day goes by when I do not find a reason to hate the BBC even more. Today there are two.
265 days ago
Normally, in this podcast series, I start with the Ukraine war and how it is going and what that means for the US election. I give Ukraine a few minutes then it is on to Israel, the ICC and its arrest warrants. I explain why it is all wrong and why folks like Labour MP Zara Sultana are either misguided as to facts or Jew haters or both. President Biden agrees with me but it will not save him in the Election, if indeed he is still running at that point. I discuss an amazing poll out this week and how the Gaza conflict is helpful for Trump not Biden. It is looking ever bleaker for Biden.
313 days ago
When 1200 Jews were slaughtered by Hamas on October 7 my friend of twenty five years T did not write me an angry email saying how he supported my articles expressing my horror. He did not mind that 10 of them were British Jews or that 2 British Jews were taken into Gaza as hostages by the Hamas rapists. But today T has been in touch to slate me as being a “fascist” for supporting the Jewish State after the tragedy of Israel accidentally killing seven aid workers, three of whom were Brits. A man with a history degree does not seem able to understand that in the context of real fascism that is just such an utterly offensive thing to say. Our exchange follows and I just despair. I guess I have lost another friend.
354 days ago
Ghastly lawyer and academic and, almost, permanent guest on low grade daytime TV Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu loves the controversy that comes with her professional race baiting. But at some stage you would hope that her outbursts would be so vile that media bosses will deny her the oxygen of publicity. Maybe the tweet below is that tipping point as she suggests a moral equivalence between ISIS and the IDF, the Israeli Defence Forces. Her cause is Shamima Begiim who ran away agead 15 to join ISIS where she was a willing participant in evil.
365 days ago
Using this as an excuse to resign a day before the next bogus results really is wretched. As One of my oldest Jewish friends would say: Amir Ayalon, is “the sort of Jew who gives we Jews a bad name.” Hells teeth, the man only became CFO on October 2! And now he’s gone!
367 days ago
Even in today’s climate of overt hostility the bigots normally cannot quite bring themselves to demand that Jews get out, be cleansed from certain spaces. Some can, but most pretend that they are not engaged in Jew hating by calling for Zionists to be purged ,to be sent packing and their businesses boycotted. The picture below is from Birmingham University this week.
369 days ago
The week started off badly for the “Zionist” haters as the Israeli Supreme Court ruled that a gay man from theWest Bank could claim political asylum in Israel becuase his sexuality meant that his life was threatenedback home. That is the reason that there are many more members of #QueersforPalestine than there are actual Queers in what the Western snowlflakes term Palestine. Anyhow, forget about that, go die your hair blue and carry on marching against the wicked Israelis and, as you term them, Zionists becuase you can’t, yet, bring yourself to use the J word as you spit hate. Then it got worse for the marchers for Hamas.
371 days ago
Many folks have not liked what I have written about the Russia Ukraine war but it looks very much as if my prediction on its outcome is coming true and I assess what that means for shares and oil. Then to the Hamas Israel war and I make a couple of calls on how that will go and what that means for gold, oil and Israeli shares. Then onto Malcolm on ethical investing and why he is wrong to ignore bottom up analysis as he hops on another bandwagon.
375 days ago
The twice monthly Tesco shop took place yesterday with myself and young Jaya once again whizzing around the Wrexham store. Lots of cat food for the cats, grapes and strawberries for Joshua, biscuits for Jaya, pasta sauces and pork joints for the Mrs. and stacks of kale, chickpeas, blueberries, kippers, tuna and houmus for me as I continue my alcohol, sugars and carb free diet to tackle the diabetes. The fridge is bursting with curly kale which is meant to be a superfood.
379 days ago
I have just received an email in response to this article HERE. It is headed “Israeli Fascists” and ends “You are a vile and ignorant man. I’ve had enough of you. And before you accuse me of being a ‘Jew hater’,, two of my oldest long-standing friends are Jewish“. I guess that is another customer lost, another idiot who thinks losing £6.99 will make me shut up. I do not mention Israel in the podcast but discuss Caracal Gold (GCAT), Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and Technology Minerals (TM1) and the two critical differences between the Standard list and the AIM sewer. Then to the utterly dishonest release today from Hydrogen Utopia (HUI), a £24 million slam dunk sell. Oh, and I do discuss Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI).
388 days ago
As you can see below #BoycottPizzaHut is trending on twitter as the company seems to be happy to do business with Israel. The Jew haters will instead be flocking to Domino’s Pizza. Wait till they find out which company has 33 stores in Israel and is also happy to feed the evil Jews. I guess if you are antisemite pizza will soon be off the menu altogether…
400 days ago
Yes the T-shirt is about Israel and I seem to have caused a spot of bother as I dropped the kids off. Actually it leads into the real discussion which is about gold and if it is events in Israel and Gaza which are causing its spike and why I do not expect that to last. Then a few words on the fraud that has egg on the face of the FCA ( again), that is to say Regtech Open (RTOP)
403 days ago
Last night a crowd waving Palestinian flags chanted “gas the Jews” outside the Sydney Opera House. Not Israelis, Jews. Today it emerged that 40 Israeli/Jewish babies had been slaughtered at Kibbutz Aza by Hamas, many decapitated. The civilized world says “We stand with Israel.” But at the Lush store in Dublin the sign below appeared, surely Lush is sacking those responsible. Er…no .
403 days ago
I start with a few BBC/Israel matters and health advice from Lucian Miers. Then I look at Silverwood (SLWD), a disaster from the VSA Capital (VSA) stable. Then Supply@ME Capital (SYME) as the fraud approaches end game, Harland & Wolff (HARL), Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX), Doc Holliday and ECR Minerals (ECR) and Upland Resources (UPL)
404 days ago
I start with a tale of two former babysitters, one of whom is dead as of the weekend and the other who has family in Israel. I do feel rather depressed today. Then it is Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Belluscura (BELL), Chill Brands (CHLL) and Predator Oil & Gas (PRD) and flagging up an interview tomorrow with Liverpool’s finest: Doc Holliday. Questions please.
404 days ago
So in this short podcast I start by explaining confusion of birthdays and death days, long covid is my excuse. The Israel and Whataboutery. Then Optiva has not gone bust, setting the record straight. Finally a daft idea from Labour to bail out folks like Sarah Willingham. PS Sarah when is the lack of profits warning?
404 days ago
I start with events in Israel and videos now emerging which will surely have all decent folks standing with Israel and admitting that the two sides are not morally equivalent. Then onto Malcolm’s latest lunacy, Kefi (KEFI) vs Ariana (AAU) why its apples and pears and the Regtech (RTOP) scandal. Now we can see that its insolvent surely its shares and those of the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME) must be suspended on Monday.
409 days ago
We do not know how any of these 250 folk are still alive. Some have been murdered, some have been raped, some are known to being used as a human shield around the rat-hole where Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar is hiding out. My 250 heroes of the year are the around 250 folks men, women, kids, a baby, kidnapped by Hamas on October 7. They have been held in unspeakable conditions and suffer every day. Some have been released in exchange for Palestinian prisoners convicted of terror offences.
426 days ago
There seems no end to the lunacy of those who seek to rewrite history. Over in Cambridge, a minor, provincial university somewhere near East Anglia, carol singers are told that when singing the First Noel they must replace the line “Born is the King of Israel” with something about being born in Bethlehem. It is not how the carol was written, it does not rhyme but at least it might not offend some snowflake undergraduates. That the vast majority of us find this sort of thing intensely irritating is ignored. And then there is Jesus whose birthday we will celebrate in less than two weeks: apparently he was a Palestinian. I kid you not.
430 days ago
About a week ago the Daily Mail ran an article about a twentyyear old, very foxy, woman, Tamara, who was commanding an all-female tank crew operating in Gaza. Immediately some fools screamed about how wicked it was to praise Tamara who was born in Hendon while demonizing Shamima Begum from Bethnal Green who went to Syria to assist ISIS. Surely, the Jew haters argue, there is a double standard?
434 days ago
I flagged up the account below, @B6385405196, to twitter/X which says that it bans all accounts/tweets which show a hate towards a particular race, religion or ethnic grouping. I would have thought an image of Hitler with the words “Jews must be removed” fits that bill but it seems not. Twitter/X has got back to me saying “this account hasn’t broken any rules”. Hell’s teeth Elon, are you employing actial Nazis these days?
436 days ago
Another day comes and another chap has cancelled his subscription to Shareprophets, the finamcial, fraud busting website I run. He does so with a blood libel against the Jewish state of Israel. My reply telling him his soul will burn in hell was headed “good riddance”. I’d feel dirty taking money from such vermin. Lambie writes:
438 days ago
As ever, the Mrs. puts on Radio 4 over breakfast to push my blood pressure up. I suspect it is all part of a cunning plan to make her a wealthy young widow. “Just a little bit more woman’s hour, that should bring on the coronary,” I can almost hear her saying it to herself.
458 days ago
The BBC is creaming itself as the Metropolitan Police has arrested 90 far right thugs marching with the horrible hooligan Tommy Robinson and just 12 folks marching for Palestine. You can guess the narrative about today’s peaceful protest for “peace” and how the far right is the real threat to peace. Well up to a point. Robinson and his ilk are vile but what actually happened on the main march?
464 days ago
As of today, the apologists for anti-semitism who run Lancaster University are still refusing to take action against Professor Simon Mabon. They have accepted his palpably untrue excuses for tweets sent out on October 8 in which he labelled those responsible for the October 7 slaughter of 1400 Jews, the worst pogrom since World War Two as folks engaged in “an act of resistance” and which contained in image of a bulldozer with a Palestine flag taking down a large fence. As I explained in detail HERE that image was created after the 7 October pogrom and specifically referred to it. Anyone tweeting it out on October 8 as the world’s media reported nothing else must have known what it meant. However…
464 days ago
Readers of this website can be in no doubt that I stand 100% with Israel and I make no apology for saying that I am hopeful that it kills every single member of Hamas in Gaza. That is a proportionate response to October 7 such was the horror of that day. Regular readers should also know that I think that Gary Lineker is a twit and worse, a man who made £5 million from promoting the Ingenie/Quindell fraud which I exposed. But a broken clock is right twice a day. The crisp salesman says that the weekly Hamas victory parade should go ahead on November 11 and I agree with him.
469 days ago
I wrote the other day, HERE, about how I was taking a financial hit because of my support for Israel and the wider Jewish community. Hell what does money matter? I shall not be silenced. But now, perhaps, a more personal hit.
470 days ago
Sure as eggs are eggs the grifters at woke organisation Avaaz are spamming away about Gaza. Every cloud has a siver lining for Avaaz and its extremely well paid staff thanks to its gullible followers. Today’s spam starts with a picture of two kids in Gaza in tears. Yup, you guessed it, like the IRA Sinn Fein Capo, Mary Lou McDonald, Avaaz uses a picture of two Peruvian children taken in Peru to make the point. After that lie…
472 days ago
It now appears that the image that evil blood soaked old bastard Gerry Adams begging, and you could not make it up, to an end to bombing in Gaza, this one, was photoshopped. You would have thought that Adams had plenty of photos in his professional accomplishments scrap albulm of bomb carnage in Northern Ireland to use but he used a made up one. Mary Lou McDonald the head of Sinn Fein/IRA in Eire also wants an immediate ceasefire, or put anther way Israel not being allowed to take out the folks responsible for the 7 October pogrom, meaning that they wil be free to slaughter more Jews.
473 days ago
This website is free to access, it is just a hobby started as therapy at a low point in my life almost 12 years ago. You can donate to support its work by hitting the button on the top right hand corner of the website if you wish but if you don’t it matters little, the website remains free to access and over the years almost 3.5 million times someone has read an article here. Its work in recent weeks is largely writing about the aftermath of the biggest mass killing of Jews since World War Two. I earn my living by running Shareprophets.com a website which exposes fraud and other stock market wrongdoing and which charges a very reasonable small subscription. My coverage of the pogrom has seen a raft of folks cancel their subscription at Shareprophets.com and here is an email from one charmer explaining why.
473 days ago
I know, I know. Next up in this series I shall be discussing Madonna on the evils of plastic surgery followed by the Doom Goblin Greta Thunberg on the dire consequences of bunking of school after the age of 12. But we start with the evil, blood-soaked old bastard Gerry Adams of IRA/Sinn Fein. His last major tweet was on October 8, a day after the biggest one-day slaughter of Jews since World War Two when he showed his sympathy with the people of Israel by….
474 days ago
Novara Media is a nest of jew hating communists and its star reporter is Ash Sarkar who seems to have a season ticket to appear on the BBC, right now to smear Israel. That she has to resort to lies says a lot about her. In the tweet below Ash insists that former Israeli ambassador Dan Gillerman says that Palestinians are“inhuman human animals.” Now watch the video which Ash attaches and you will see that this is not what he actually said at all.
475 days ago
The UN, the hand wringing NGOs and, naturally, the western media led by the BBC and the Guardian tells us that there is a critical fuel shortage in Gaza which will see hospitals shut down. The evil Jews are even closing down the hospitals and the blockade must be stopped to save lives! The gullible idiots who march in the Hamas victory parades in western Cities each weekend repeat this canard. But it is a lie. Have you seen the film the Great Escape?
475 days ago
17 days after the worst one day mass slaughter of Jews since World War Two the Guardian ran the headline below accusing Israel of weaponising the holocaust. Words just fail me. The Guardian is weaponising the anti-semitism that is marching through the ranks of its core public sector and academic readership. Folks like the University of Lancaster which, despite promising a Monday response, has still not responded to my Saturday questions abut Professor Simon Mabon celebrating the Hamas butchers of 7 October. No doubt at Lancaster University they loved the article below. Any decent reader of the Guardian, such as my wife,will surely now boycott it for life.
478 days ago
The BBC’s Verify Unit has not had a good week. Well it never really does. It is an Orwellian Unit fronted up by someone who faked her own CV designed to sniff out fake news. Well here is an easy one for Marianna Spring and her team.
481 days ago
We are yet to see apologies from the BBC, the leader of the SNP, Jeremy Corbyn, Yanis Varoufakis and the others who blamed Israel for blowing up the Al-Ahli hospital in Gaza. As synagogues burn , Jews face fresh attacks and mobs attack Western embassies maybe such bien pensants might reconsider their actions. I do not say that the IDF is without sin but on this occassion it appears that it was. Islamic Jihad, unintentionally, was the culprit. Maybe you doubt me?
483 days ago
Little Owen Jones has this morning defended his chums who run Gaza, that is to say Hamas, from the charge of Homophobia by blaming the British Empire for oppressive laws in the rogue State. His logic is so terrifyingly illogical that Jones makes my cat seem like Einstein.
487 days ago
I am dusting off an Ireland shirt for tomorrow, supper round at the house of C, my pal from Munster and then the big game for the Old Country. I shall be hiding behind the sofa as the men in green take on New Zealand. But hang on what on earth is the leader of Eire Leo Varadkar saying? Is that a blood libel against Israel? You bet it is.
488 days ago
Jaya never met Dad. She was born five weeks after he died. But she knows about the Grandpa who is in heaven not least because of a battered green arm chair in the corner of our kitchen where I slump between articles. It was and is Grandpa’s chair. Joshua used to visit my father with me as Grandpa lay bed-ridden in Shipston. My Dad always had chocolates by his bed so Joshua enjoyed those visits and could not remember Grandpa as anything other than a bed ridden old man being, oh so slowly, eaten away by cancer.
488 days ago
When folks like Ash Sarkar, Yanis Varoufakis, Peter Tatchell, various BBC and Guardian journalists and seemingly the whole of liberal arts academia take to the airwaves or twitter to slam Israeli apartheid, to serve up fake history, to talk of Israeli atrocities as Israelis lie slaughtered on the ground, it has consequences. When Steve Bell serves up yet another blood libel cartoon in the Guardian and is not sacked it has consequences. Many British Jews now live in terror. Here is the testimony of one lady I know, now in her sixties, a most amazing, loving and wonderful woman who just does not deserve anything like this. She writes:
489 days ago
The tweet below defies belief. Yesterday afternoon reports started to emerge of the beheadings of babies in a Kibbutz in Israel by the savages of Hamas. I call folks who behead babies savages, the BBC and the Guardian do not. I am willing to be judged by St Peter for my words. They don’t believe in St Peter and think that anyone who does is an ignorant old timer so they don’t really care about that. For a while the left argued that these claims about baby beheadings were unproven.
489 days ago
I wrote the other day on this matter HERE but the BBC plunged to new lows yesterday and I single out the Today Programme, Jeremy Bowen who really should be fired and Women’s Hour for matters which had me screaming at the radio as never before with wholly justifiable anger.
490 days ago
In Sydney they lit up the Opera House with Israeli flags to show solidarity after the weekend pogrom by Hamas where the death toll is now over a thousand including 40 babies found killed, usually by beheading, at a Kibbutz this afternoon. The babies are not combatants. Killing Jewish babies is what the Nazis did to stop the “virus” spreading on another generation. Even the Nazis did not usually behead the babies. Most decent folks in the West are repelled by what Hamas did but in Australia a crowd of several hundred gathered near the opera house…
491 days ago
Without any sense of irony, the flagship radio 4 show “Today” was pushing a programme on afterwards discussing how we might discuss Israel in an objective way. Taking lectures from the BBC on that matter defies belief. Listening to Today I have never been quote so angry about the way I have to pay £157 a year to fund the BBC. It stated repeatedly on Today that
673 days ago
Listen to what these “activists” say in the video below as they desecrate and hide Israeli dates in Tesco. Words like genocide are the sort of words which mark the “activists” out as full blown jew haters. I really don’t like dates much but I shall be heading to Tesco to buy some fine Israeli dates as soon as I can and I suggest that you do to.
768 days ago
When Palestinans elect Hamas to lead them, when they vote for an organisation committed to driving the Jews out of Israel, the BBC reports that Hamas has won an election. When Israel elects a right wing coalition led by Bibi Netanyahu which is committed to a two state solution, the mainstream media reports that the frigging Jews have elected a ultra-right wing coalition which threatens to set the region in flames. That was the tone of the discussion on the “impartial” Radio 4 flagship Today Programme today, centred on an interview with Jeremy Bowen. Who is he?
799 days ago
Ammar Mifleh was a man with a career in terror which on the West Bank means trying to kill Jews. Last week he attacked an Israeli soldier, trying to steal his rifle. In that attack he stabbed the soldier in the neck. The soldier pulled his gun and shot Mifleh dead. The whole incident was caught on video so there is no doubt what happened. But the UN’s Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Tor Wennesland offers his take below.
912 days ago
As the great twitter commentator @BurnsidenotTosh recently noted, it has been announced that 15th March 2025 will be official “not pride day” with pride month resuming on 16th for the next 23 years. In that vein I bring you a tweet from Brighton where it is Pride Month, thirteen months a year.
1038 days ago
The hatred many feel for Israel easily spills into anti-semitism. And that hatred is fuelled by certain sections of the MSM, notably the BBC and its sister publication, The Guardian, and the way they report on events in the Jewish state. Earlier this week, another gunman opened fire in Tel Aviv, targeting a crowd of civilians just because they were Jews. Three died, although, as news came through, the figure stood at two. Below, I bring you the first Guardian headline and then, after howls of protest, its amended version. The question should be of the folks responsible for the initial headline.
1123 days ago
I name all those shareholders or their BB or Twitter names that Union Jack Oil (UJO) is using shareholder cash to troll in a most thoroughly unpleasant way as I exposed yesterday. I also comment on THG (THG), Cineworld (CINE), Tintra (TNT), Versarien (VRS) and then on the bursting of the Covid testing bubble with particular reference to Omega Diagnostics (ODX), Avacta (AVCT) and Novacyt (NCYT) which has its own BIG question to answer. Plus, of course, MyHealthChecked (MHC). I reference vaccination and covid rates in Israel in the podcast which is covered in more detail HERE.
1128 days ago
Of course, covid vaccines and boosters are voluntary say our leaders, it is just that we will try to “persuade” and “cajole” you all into having them. First we will start with the grown-ups and then, in Scotland at least, we will be coming for your five year olds. And of course vaccines work don’t they? Sorry did someone mention Israel?
1256 days ago
For what seems like an eternity, ever more restrictive and ludicrous rules have been imposed on us in an attempt to tackle a plague with a 99.97% survival rate on the basis that we must “follow the science.” Of course that was tommyrot.
1319 days ago
1328 days ago
Shares in Bidstack (BIDS) have slumped to just 2.95p today. There are two reasons for that but mad Jew-hating loons on the Bulletin Boards think there is a third. Of course, blame the wicked Jews for everything. Just why does this company attract such total lunatics? Do you remember cross-dressing IT freak Mike Turner from Northants?
1330 days ago
I start with a reflection on two smears from Bulletin Board Morons and about how media platforms from BBs to twitter need to respond to deal with such malice. Then a few thoughts on why the Tories are pissing off Tory voters in Chesham and elsewhere. Then I look at Versarien (VRS), Westminster Group (WSG) and at Bidstack (BIDS), breaking AIM Rules as it teeters on the edge. Oh, is that a Fat Lady I see gargling over there?
1331 days ago
Guardian columnist Owen Jones has written a detailed piece on why Labour may lose the Batley & Spen by-election. Not only is its white working-class vote deserting it but so too, it seems, are the Muslims. Around 86% of Britain’s 3 million Muslims voted Labour in 2019 and in Batley 20% of the electorate is Muslim and they are not happy. Jones explains why but fails to mention one gigantic elephant in the room.
1331 days ago
I bring you below some placards for a march next week in Chicago. I am not sure if this is a march for Pride or for Palestine, it matters little, but I suggest that those taking part may want to take my 3 part quiz for the woke community about Pride in the Middle East.
1348 days ago
On campuses across the UK, the woke mobs are still chanting “Free Palestine”. The BBC still employs Tala Halawa, a woman who think Hitler got it right with regard to the Jews, on its Middle East team. For the snowflake generation, the two great demons remain Israel and those who do not celebrate all things diverse with regard to the LGBT Community. So for the woke generation, here is a three-part quiz on Pride Month in the Middle East?
1350 days ago
Celebs, especially in America, are always calling each other “brave” when they speak out on an issue which they all agree with anyway. Wow, that is incredibly brave to call out Donald Trump as a sexist, racist, transphobic, bigot. Cue a standing ovation at the Oscars from your fellow liberal luvvies. What would be really brave is to dare to dissent from the woke GroupThink. I rarely see eye to eye with liberal chat show host Bill Maher but I take my hat off to him for this eight minute defence of Israel based on hard facts and which, with wit, he ridicules some of Israel’s critics. Bill uses facts, something you so rarely hear when discussing Israel. It is a valid history lesson for young folk today who know nothing of the history of this region. Well done Bill. This is a must-watch.
1358 days ago
For one younger reader, please note the way that those who hate Jews in this video use the words Zionists and Jews interchangeably. When folks say they do not hate Jews just Zionists, they dissemble. They hate Jews. This video puts Britain to shame. It is no wonder that so many Jews feel terrified as never before. Why do we need Israel? Because at some point, if we as a nation do not stand up for the Jews, it will become just too terrifying for many folks to be Jewish in this country and in France and much of Europe.
1358 days ago
The BBC is still “investigating” its rabid Jew-hating reporter Tala Halawa who reckons Hitler was right to murder 6 million Jews. Quite why it has not fired her 48 hours after her abhorrent views surfaced or why it hired her in the first place is a mystery to me and another reason why we should #DefundtheBBC. But it is worse. Her colleague Tom Bateman sent this tweet below just before the scandal surfaced. It is still there. I would have thought that folks at the BBC would distance themselves from such a rabid anti-semite but it appears that folks like Tom are standing by her. And that is a flashing red sign of the prevailing culture and bias of the BBC. Perhaps it is worth asking Tom if he is also a fan of Hitler when it comes to the Jews and also how he ensures that his work in reporting on events in Israel is completely partial.
1360 days ago
Tala Halawa has now locked her Twitter account. Heaven only knows what Jew-hating filth it contains. But for this BBC employee working for the BBC in West Bank, the truth is out. She hates Jews. She thinks Hitler was right. Her shocking tweet pulls no punches. So has the BBC sacked her yet? That is only one issue.
1365 days ago
The BBC, Jeremy Corbyn, Keir Starmer and idiots across the land talk of the conflict in Gaza and Israel as if the two sides were morally equivalent and indeed, in many cases, suggest that Israel is the real villain. Israel is, of course, targeting only military installations to defend its citizens from attack. Hamas opts to site its military in civilian areas to use its civilians as a human shield and to score PR goals if they are killed by an Israeli bomb. Hamas just wants to kill Jews. Any Jew. Just as many as possible. You will not see this sort of material on the BBC or on any British University campus but if you doubt what I say about Hamas then watch this video below to hear and see what it really thinks. And then ask yourself which side in this conflict wants genocide and is driven by pure evil and which side is just trying to save its men, women and children from a second holocaust in 100 years.
1365 days ago
The fashionable left wing media just hates Israel and in cases that crosses the bridge into anti-semitism. Take this headline today from the Independent which suggests that merely for making the statement “free Palestine” a school kid has been suspended. There will be folks who read the headline and instantly start yakking on about Jewish conspiracies. But what really happened? It’s grim up North.
1365 days ago
The video below shows a WPC at a Palestine rally attended by Jew-haters and others chanting “Free Palestine”. It is a sackable offence for a Police officer to express political views and after a new media pile on, this WPC has now been suspended pending an enquiry. The statement “Free Palestine” is an explicitly political statement. Some, like Hamas, take it to mean wipe out all the Jews and have a one state solution that Hitler would have been proud of.
1367 days ago
The placard below comparing the Jews to the Nazis was hoisted at the pro Palestine march in London yesterday. Nobody on the march appeared offended. So many of them hate all Jews that they are happy with such sickening words. Natch the Police did nothing and so today we have seen cars flying Palestinian flags driving through Jewish parts of London urging folks to rape the daughters of Jews and worse. The video is below.
1368 days ago
The marches yesterday for Palestine were not vast but were attended by folks like Jeremy Corbyn and will no doubt get widespread MSM coverage. But here is one photo from London everyone should see as it shows loud and clear the revolting Jew-hatred driving many to protest.
1371 days ago
In a grotesque error of judgement, I found myself listening to Radio 4’s Today programme at 8.30 this morning for its BBC news bulletin. I expected #fakenews but was shocked by what I heard as the state broadcaster turned to events in Israel.
1372 days ago
Kier Starmer is acting to purge some of the more extreme anti-semites from the Corbyn era from the Labour Party and that must be applauded. However, in his comments on events in Israel this week he sends out a clear dog whistle call to folks who hate Israel, many of whom do so because they hate the Jews. And that is one reason why, for many of us, Labour, a party where many of its foot soldiers snigger about those who respect the Union flag but put a Palestinian flag on their twitter account, remains beyond the pale.
1385 days ago
You would have thought by now that the BBC would have wised up that pushing the blood libel that Israel is not vaccinating Palestinians against covid is not such a smart thing to do after the outrage over the casual Jew baiting two weeks ago on Have I got More News for You. But oh no.
1397 days ago
Yes, of course that organisation is the state funded broadcaster and purveyor of very unfunny woke comedy, the BBC. You know the sort of comedy where a black comedienne makes a joke about killing all white people and the audience laughs because genocide is such a laughing matter. This time the programme is Have I got More News for You where actor David Tennant told a witty scripted gag about how, in Israel, only Jews get the covid vaccine and Arabs don’t. Okay it is not funny at all and it is also 100% untrue. It is just another blood libel from the woke left about those pesky Jews.
1468 days ago
Yesterday I revealed how joining the ever longer list of things that became racist in 2021 was celebrating the life and mourning the passing of Tom Moore. Who said so? A Church of England Vicar.
1507 days ago
He was made a Lord by Tony Blair but is one of the few Jew haters with whom Labour has actually parted company. He is not actually a member of the house of Lords any more having been booted out of the chamber last month because of a spot of bother with rape and sexual assault allegations. There are also a couple of child rape charges outstanding. He has form as a Jew hater claiming that when he was convicted of killing someone by dangerous driving in 2013 that was just a Jewish conspiracy. Today he has sent the tweet below which, as I write has been retweeted 253 times and liked 412 times. It is fake news with fake pictures and a blood libel against the Jews.
1529 days ago
I support West Ham with a bit of a passion, albeit from the wilds of North Wales. I bring my kids up to support West Ham, something which many folks would consider a reason to report me to social services given the misery such support often brings. So my second team is, obviously, anyone playing Millwall. The tribal feelings are strong when it comes to our friends from South of the river in East London. I really want them to lose every game if only to ensure that we never have to play them again, given what has happened in previous games: pitch invasions, fighting and even stabbings. I was there the last time Millwall visited Upton Park and it was truly awful. Thankfully, only one person died. But you get the gist – I do not like Millwall football club or its fans. But not today. Well not completely.
1535 days ago
The last sixteen months have seen three enormous deaths for me, the passing of the three most important men in my life. And there was a fourth.
1573 days ago
Last month, Ramsha Khan tweeted that having graduated from City University’s journalism course she was “now a professional journalist”. That prompted me to write an article saying how after 30 years of writing for a living, getting lawyers’ letters, death threats, buckets of online trolling and harassment etc, I guess with no degree I was not by this definition a “professional journalist”. Nor was my late uncle Christopher Booker. His Cambridge degree was in history, mine something worthless from Oxford. Neither of us was taught how to be a journalist in a degree course. It seems Ramsha is upset and has sent a threatening email this morning which, naturally, I publish in full below:
1689 days ago
Just five minutes ago, I explained at great length why everyone should support the idea behind BlackLivesMatter and why it is not the same as the statement WhiteLivesMatter. However, it becomes harder to support BlackLivesMatter – the organisation – as its protestors attack the Police and say that they wish to defund the Old Bill, or when its organisers say they wish to end capitalism. As each statue of great men such as Grant, Lincoln or Guy topples, some who may sympathise edge away. And now comes the ant-semitism. If the tweet below was sent by an ordinary citizen there would be calls for Police involvement.
1691 days ago
Yesterday, the Labour party sacked Rebecca Long Bailey from its Front Bench as she endorsed an article, in the little read online rag the Independent, by an actress who thinks we care what celebs think and which contained a clear antisemitic trope. Yet many in Labour are rushing to her defence, including Guardian columnist Owen Jones and the Corbynite journalist Ash Sarkar whose tweet is below.
1695 days ago
The latest series of the right-wing Israeli satirical show, Latma, has just drawn to a close and an email on that matter reminds me of the show’s greatest video: We Con the World, a parody of the US famine relief video dealing with “aid” ships heading to Gaza from Turkey. If you are reading this on a British University campus and want to avoid being no-platformed by the tolerant left, I’d switch the volume off now.
1708 days ago
Poor old Titania Mcgrath suffered another temporary twitter ban this week. Dare to suggest on this platform that there are 2 not 108 genders, that you have reservations about your teenage daughter sharing a changing room with a bearded “woman” with a penis, or that Israel might be allowed to defend itself and you get banned. Twitter only seems to believe in free speech if you say the correct things. Take this little gem below. Ali Abunimah has a blue tick so does twitter condemn his absurd Jew hatred which sees him accuse a Jewish activist, David Harris, of “holocaust revisionism” as he defends the desecration of Churchill’s statue in London by Black Lives Matter activists?
1842 days ago
I wonder if, in places like bourgeois East Oxford where at least one house in every street flies a Palestinian flag all year round, how many candles are burning this Holocaust Memorial Day. I suspect rather more will be burning on Friday as the chattering classes mourn our exit from the European Superstate founded a few years after the last failed attempt at European unification.
1863 days ago
I found this in Pickering in the far North of England. I am sure Titania McGrath would not visit a place like this as it is horribly white and full of Brexit supporting racists. But there does appear a voice of sanity in this sea of fascism. Meet poet Howard Owen Griffiths.
1871 days ago
My sister N is funny, kind, intelligent and thoroughly laudable. Except that like the rest of my family, with the honourable exception of step sister F, she is on matters political utterly deluded. She works for the State, reads the Guardian and her husband, who works for the State, goes on stop Brexit marches, well he did up until recently. I guess after “the people’s vote” on December 12 he might now accept that we smelly thick plebs get to have our way after all. A few years ago, N gave him membership of the Labour party for Christmas. You get my drift…
1908 days ago
The Mrs will almost certainly vote Labour as she always does, happy in the knowledge that a victory for Jeremy Corbyn will mean an immediate 5% pay rise for here and all other underpaid and overworked sociology lecturers. I have pointed out that after five years of following Venezuala style economic policies she will be eating our cats but that is one good reason not to vote Labour. Quincy and Sian are, out of pure self interest, rooting for Boris. There are numerous freasons not to vote Labour contained in its extremist and economically illiterate manifesto, but the over-riding reason why no-one with any conscience can risk Labour winning is anti-semitism.
2003 days ago
On the left wing madrassas that are the Universities of the West and in other epicentres of liberal and progressive thought support for Palestine and opposition to Israel, ranging for demands to boycott it, the drumming out of Israeli lecturers and calls for a Palestinian state “from sea to sea”, i.e the destruction of Israel are mainstream. Anyone opposing this virtue signalling will soon discover, as did uber-liberal US chat show host Bill Maher last week, that they are soon lumped in with the wicked Jews amid calls for their career destruction.
2205 days ago
In certain circles Jew hatred is acceptable, as I noted yesterday. Thus on Sunday, while most of us remembered six million Jews laughted by the Nazis some folks made joks equating Israel, the Jewish state to the Nazis. Words almost fail me when I see the cartoon below.
2206 days ago
As each anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, Holocaust Memorial Day, comes about I find it more and more depressing and painful. I think of the relatives of two of the godparents of my daughter Olaf.
2231 days ago
There are just two countries in the Middle East where Christians can celebrate their faith openly, as part of a supportive community and with no fear of having their head chopped off. One is Israel, which is also the only country in the region where there are gay pride parades. But suggesting that Israel is a beacon of tolerance in a sea of bigotry is not part of the group think narrative for the liberal media elites here in the West. So what about the other place where Christianity is not a high risk activity?
2237 days ago
Our normal lefty vicar Ian was at another Parish on Christmas Eve telling another flock about the poor Palestinians and the nasty Israelis, as we celebrated the birth of an Israeli. And thus at St Cuthbert’s we had a stand in vicar, an old man with a white beard who is officially retired and looked rather learned. And so to the sermon, witnessed by a bigger crowd than I can remember in years gone by.
2338 days ago
For some reason we found ourselves watching both the 10 O’Clock News and Newsnight last night. In the end I had to switch off and vowed not to allow myself to suffer in this way again. It started with the warnings from the convicted fraudster Christine Lagarde and the IMF on Brexit.
2500 days ago
Hamas, the rulers of Gaza whose leaders still openly talk of driving the evil Jews into the sea and who happily fly Nazi flags alongside their own as you can see below, continues to organise protests on the Israeli border. Thanks to the liberal media's hatred of Israel it has been a PR triumph. But the truth...
2507 days ago
I shall not name the Parish as that would be unfair on a female vicar who was enthusiastic and welcoming and on a large congregation of good folk but the service we attended on Easter Sunday morning was not one for the traditionalists, that is to say me. Dr Johnson would, no doubt, have viewed it as evidence that his famous bon mot on a women preaching was bang on the money.
2513 days ago
Aged nine, Mirielle Knoll somehow managed to evade the SS and their, depressingly enthusiastic, French collaborators as they rounded up 13,000 Parisian Jews and took them to the Vel' d'Hiv cycling track from where they were sent on a one way trip to Auschwitz. Mirielle survived the war.
2542 days ago
In the current climate anti-semitism has become almost acceptable in certain, mainly left wing, circles in Britain. As such, the right of the Jewish people to a safe space that is Israel cannot be challenged. We say #NeverAgain and this video explains why. I challenge you to watch and not have a tear in your eye well before the end.
2581 days ago
Last night Donald Trump handed out nine awards for excellence in fake news. He knows what the BBC is, having owned its grossly overpaid North American Reporter, pompous prig Jon Sopel, in public as you can see here. But POTUS failed to recognise our State Funded broadcaster. That is outrageous. How dare he snub the British? Is it because he is racist?
2603 days ago
I do not always agree with Richard Jennings of Align Research. He is 100% right about cats, 100% wrong about Israel and on all other matters he sits on the spectrum between those two extremes. But his latest missive to the FCA is bang on. I share his frustration.
2606 days ago
The US Congress has been demanding that America move its Israel embassy to Jerusalem for two decades. The American People overwhelmingly support it. And in Donald Trump the US finally has a President who on this matter delivered as he promised. Bush, Obama and Clinton just promised (to win votes) and reneged. Where America sites its embassy in the only democracy in the Middle East its business.
2612 days ago
No comment on the cartoon below is needed from me. I suspect that the liberals who inhabit the swamp that is British & American academia would not find this funny or even understand the joke.
2616 days ago
The first footage on the State funded broadcaster Pravda was of Palestinians throwing stones and other missiles at Israeli troops on the West Bank. The Troops responded with tear gas. The voice-over then talked of Israeli retaliation which saw two dead in Gaza after air strikes.
2648 days ago
I have never hidden my admiration for Priti Patel. She is the sort of aspirational Tory who could widen the franchise in the way Disraeli and Thatcher managed. Her parents arrived in the UK with nothing and worked hard. Priti went to a state school and modest university (Keele) and has worked hard. Her gut instinct on the role of Government, the EU, law and order and so many other issues marks her out aqs a real Tory in an era where the party is dominated by the privileged, the conceited ands the incompetent. Having said all of that I accept, sadly, that for breaking the ministerial code and for being a little economical with the truth when exposed, she had to resign. But those baying for her blood include some awful folks..meet Mona Baker who is an academic.
2742 days ago
The talents of Ruth Veronique Kats/Cats the wife of Telit Communications (TCM) boss Oozi/Uzi know no bounds. She is the owner of showjumping ponies which allow her daughter to compete for Israel. She owns a company producing arthouse films. Back in the early nineties it seems as if she, or someone born on the same day with the same name married to a man of the same name, had expertise in real estate fraud, as I revealed earlier today HERE. But still Ruth marches on, slaving away as a, no doubt well paid, employee of Telit. What does she do? Over to LinkedIn....
2743 days ago
It is just conceivable that there were two Israeli couples in Boston in the late 1980s - Uzi & Ruth Veronique Katz with the chap born in 1961 and the bird having a March 17 birthday. One went on to be the CEO and the art curator at Telit (TCM) the other were fraudsters. So what are the odds? A statistics lesson follows for you cynics (Leon Boros I am talking about you!):
2768 days ago
As the flagship fake news liberal elitist broadcaster in London it is no surprise that Channel 4 hates the State of Israel with a passion. And to that end the channel that just loves its fake news had a field day yesterday as three Palestinians opened fire on security guards at the sacred Islamic site, the old Temple. The terrorists were shot and killed but not before they had killed two Israeli guards.
2769 days ago
Dick Zinnendorf is a well known American Jew Hater. His lies and smears against Marco Rubio were a lowlight of the last election. And it seems he does not like what I write either and has sent "a letter to the editor". That would be me. Nazis like Dick may not believe in free speech but, like the Israeli state, I do so here goes. Dick, may your soul burn in hell and I shall continue to fight against anti-semitism, for the Israeli state and to expose Jew haters like Dick until I drop, however many fascist letters they send me..
2775 days ago
Following on from the "Jews caused Grenfell Tower" Al Quds day march you would have thought that the British Authorities might try to put a temporary ban on public demonstrations of overt Jew hating. Oh no. This form of racism appears to be perfectly acceptable in Britain today. Is it any wonder that across Western Europe Jews are packing up and heading to the one place they feel safe, the only democracy in the Middle East: Israel?
2775 days ago
It is really simple being a lefty. You have to be dogmatic and have a set world view. Otherwise you may be suspect in your liberalism. As such certain things are beyond doubt. LGBT and abortion issues are important above all else - these are the number 1 concerns of "real people", or at least of real people among the Metropolitan elites, not thick working class people or evil Christians because they don't matter. The USA is wrong on everything and Donald Trump is stupid and satanic. Israel is also wrong on everything. The EU is right on everything, The Daily Mail should be shut down to protect free speech. The Palestinians are always right. The BBC is a vicious right wing tool of the enemy but we'd all love to work there. You get the drift.
2794 days ago
Jew haters rarely use the word Jew when making their despicable claims and demands. A hundred years ago the word Hebrew was used to describe a Jew. My maternal grandmother, in most ways a terribly progressive and tolerant lady had a blind spot here and would talk of "the chosen people," her words laced with Irony. These days the words Jew and Israeli are often used interchangeably. Since we are told repeatedly how evil Israel is, so too must be the Jews. But the current word to use is Zionist. When a Jew hater refers to a zionist he is not describing someone who supports the state of Israel's right to exist, he is talking about a Jew. And that brings us to yesterday's Al Quds Day march in London.
2795 days ago
Yesterday I noted the obsene deception practised by the taxpayer funded BBC as part of its institutionalised hatred of the State of Israel. Not to my great surprise folks came back not only to defend the BBC but to abuse words such as genocide in relation to Israel's action. The abuse of language, the distortion of data and the outright lies used by the haters of the Jewish state is appalling and in relation to Gaza I expose their fiction for that is what it is. What drives these folks? Is it hatred of Jews or something else.If you want facts not spin for Hamas this is the podcast for you.
2796 days ago
I could just about accept the poll tax that is the BBC license fee if I was served a diet of high quality non news, as Lord Reith desired, and full impartial news. But in fact my license fee goes on paying idiots such as the tax dodging, virtue signalling, fraudsters pal Gary Lineker seven figure salaries to front up crap. And as for the news?
2803 days ago
The BBC and the rest of the liberal media cannot stop telling us what an awful, intolerant place Israel is. Regularly mainstream politicians from the left compare its actions to those of Nazi Germany. And on that note, I am delighted to see that today it is Gay Pride day in Tel Aviv.
2937 days ago
I once dated a woman who, it turned out, was a holocaust denier. That is to say she started to argue that the numbers had been greatly exaggerated. I ended that relationship on the spot. The problem is that you cannot argue with a denier.
What is a fact?
2977 days ago
No! We are attacking a company whose CEO Amit Ben Haim happens to be Jewish because that company has committed securities fraud and lied to its investors. This is a pathetic play the men - because apparently we are all anti-semites here even our writers who happen to be Jewish themselves - not the ball technique. My own writings on matters relating to both anti semitism and the state of Israel should leave you in no doubt where I stand. One of my favourite videos of recent years was recorded in Berlin and is HERE. Another article which moved me greatly was when I visited the synagogue in Corfu. This has a personal link for me.
2978 days ago
Today is the annual Christmas party held by the Mrs for her mad lefty friends, a Godless bunch who regard Christmas as having nothing to do with Christ. The normal score is that I do the cooking then, to avoid being emboldened by a few glasses of wine into pointing out that whatever they are saying is patent nonsense, I feign illness and go to bed. Let them believe
3046 days ago
There are many smaller companies on AIM that are heading for zero as they are either almost out of (other folks) cash - Avanti Communications (AVN), IGAS (IGAS) or are plain frauds like African Potash (AFPO) nor Cloudtag (CTAG). But if you are a looking for a big company with plenty of borrow that is ripe for a share price collapse look to Israeli tech stock Telit (TCM). At 278p the market cap is a monstrous £321 million, call it $400 million. That is a rum n coke.
3148 days ago
There is a report out today into anti semitism in the Labour party and at its launch the, pro tem, leader of the Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn made a remark which is simply not acceptable. While he remains a member of the Labour party, let alone, its leader no Jewish person in Britain can surely consider voting Labour. Corbyn stated:
Our Jewish friends are no more responsible for the actions of Israel than Muslims are for Islamic State
So Jeremy "some of my best friends are Jewish...but" Corbyn, I guess your old pal Red Ken Livingstone will be proud of you today.
3166 days ago
I see from numerous congratulations messages from folks who I I do not know, sent via LinkedIn, that I am celebrating another anniversary. Having checked it out it appears that www.TomWinnifrith.com is four years old. It was a very strange birth indeed.
3211 days ago
The loathsome Daily Mail has a new pin up, Gaza born Dima al-Wawi. She looks really sweet and the headline shouts out:
Hugs, tears and the haunted face of a 12-year-old girl broken by jail: The moment the youngest Palestinian to be imprisoned by Israel is freed after being locked up for two months for carrying a knife near a Jewish settlement
Broken by jail. Those wicked fucking Jews how low can they sink? Lock up = Bastards. Those fucking Jews, they are the new Nazis. Oh the knife?
It seems that Dima was not only near a Jewish settlement but actually heading towards it - she was stopped at the gate by a security guard and a local resident who
3260 days ago
It is Tuesday night in London and the News at Ten from the biased BBC reports on the stabba from Jaffa. Fiona Bruce lets us know that ten folks were stabbed including an American tourist in Israel but the identity of the assaillant is not known. Frigging hell it was a bad night for the wicked Jews - including as it happens a heavily pregnant woman - was it not and they still have no idea who did it?
Perhaps the BBC could have put this in context. There were three stabbing incidents in Israel on Tuesday. There are several each week. Without exception the assailant is from Gaza and the victim a wicked bloody Jew. And without exception the terrorist filth of Hamas will praise the attack and claim it as one of its.
Oooops did I say terrorist filth? How remiss. Perhaps I should desceribe Hamas as the BBC does "The legitimate Government of Gaza which execute opponents without trial and kills homosexuals but we dont mention the last two matters as it is a bit embarrassing. Anyhow they get vast amounts of EU aid so they must be good fellows."
Indeed the BBC could have gone one better for by 10 PM GMT the suspect had already been detained for several hours. Israel being Israel the cops had not killed him on sight or - as they do in Gaza
3376 days ago
And so I am back in Shipston with the deluded lefties, my father and step mother. On Syria, Jihadi John, supermarket waste we, rather alarmingly, find ourselves in agreement. But then they produce the Amnesty Christmas catalogue. My heart sinks.
Amnesty thinks the US is evil for executing its own citizens. The Saudis can do no wrong even though on a per capita basis they are top of the execution pops. Amnesty loves the Palestinians and loathes the Israelis. I ask where is the tea towel celebrating Gaza gay pride? My step mother is not impressed.
My father has marked me down for a book called something like
3530 days ago
The Mrs took me along to the Bristol Refugee fair today. The stalls were almost all manned by "fake charities". Before you explode listen to the podcast to see how a fake charity is defined. I choose my words carefully. There were also two stalls urging me to boycott Israel. Those manning them may not be actual Jew haters but the way that they totally ignore a series of hard facts to make ludicrous claims makes them sound like Jew haters. The whole affair disgusted me. I am sympathetic to genuine refugees and would like to see reforms to make it easier for them to seek refuge in the UK. But the actions and lies of those present today make it impossible for me to make common cause with them. To those who make common cause with the Jew haters never study history?
3628 days ago
Today is International Women's day and, speaking as a feminist, I pose a number of questions for my fellow fiminists covering Israel, Oxford, Rotherham, affirmative action, abortion, prostitution and other matters. I sense that some of my fellow feminists might struggle with a few of these questions.
3678 days ago
Imagine what would happen if Israel beheaded a woman for whatever crime within sight of the Wailing Wall? There would be mass demonstrations, the Guardian would lead a media campaign demanding sanctions and worse. This would be universally condemned by Western leaders and the state of Israel would be – rightly – slated as Neanderthal and barbaric. Luckily those wicked Jews don’t do that sort of thing.
But yesterday the Saudi’s beheaded a woman - Lalia Bint Abdul Muttablib Basim - in Mecca. Video footage
3726 days ago
I started tweeting about two and a half years ago and the number of folks following me as grown pretty much from day one – which growth has accelerated in recent weeks on the back of Quindell I suspect. Apparently I am in the top 1.2 million most followed folks on earth. Big deal.
I read the other day that more than half the twitter accounts created in 2013 are already inactive. You can buy thousands of twitter accounts for just a few dollars. Okay you are tweeting to people who don’t exist but in Willy waving contests some folks think it matters.
I am open about my twitter account. Occasionally there is some banker with folks on twitter. I have enjoyed baiting Peter Tatchell, who I admire greatly, but who can be a prize loon
3832 days ago
For once I combine my financial and non-financial weekly video postcard into one. Recorded at the Greek hovel I am turning into a home I shows off my new toy but do not say whom I thinks of as I slash away at the Frigana (I explain what that is too). But I am sure you can guess.
The subject is free speech. Starting with John Stuart Mill I cover how it is society rather than draconian laws that threaten free speech in the UK.
I relate this both to threats made to the livelihood of an Israel supporting twitter acquaintance (see HERE) but also to my own livelihood and life and why Society rather than that state needs to change to protect free speech in its responsible manner and what responsible free speech is.
3835 days ago
What is it about the intolerance of the liberal left/Islamofascist alliance when it comes to free speech? I do not deny anyone the right to say that they support Hamas and why, that is their call. They are on the side of terror, of homophobes of folks whose desire is genocide but they have the right to be heard. And that is pretty much the view of all Israel supporters we believe in a free world where folks can say or do what they wish.
In Israel one can dissent, one can speak out against the Government, one can pursue a career if female and you can sleep with whom you want. In Gaza life is very different and it is shameful that in the UK supporters of the organisation whose charter commits itself to wiping Israel off the map appear to be adopting a similar attitude to free speech.
My pal, Mr Frog (not his real name) works for a FTSE 100 listed marketing and communications group. He is a vocal supporter of Israel and of her right to defend herself. He does not celebrate the death of any innocent in his tweets or Facebook pages but he is clearly partial. And this has come to the attention of certain Islamofascists in the UK who have now swamped his employer with emails accusing Mr Fish of “racism” and “supporting child killing.”
This is clearly bogus but such is the fear
3843 days ago
Heck I believe in free speech but I do rather worry about the sheer stupidity of some of those who support Hamas, an organisation whose charter calls for Israelis to be swept into the sea. But I the West liberal opinion is pretty much behind Hamas which allow folks to spout such twitter comments as these:
Tracy @BSfromPS 32m
Ok, Winnie, whatever you say. Shouldn't you be out killing innocent children about now? @TomWinnifrith @oc_f1fan @DreyfusJames
Sir Jack Splatt @JacksplattJack 15m
@mrD80385887 Maybe Jews need to understand us, we have had enough of their bullshit, understand? @BSfromPS @TomWinnifrith @oc_f1fan
Back to Tracy responding to a tweet from someone other than me about why she hides her face on twitter..
Tracy @BSfromPS 22m
BUT, Winnifred, I would hide MINE if I were you. You look like a child predator. @DreyfusJames @TomWinnifrith @oc_f1fan
And best of all
Chris Erion @oc_f1fan · 28m
@TomWinnifrith The IDF has committed more evil crimes than the Nazis ever did or could.
I rest my case.
3843 days ago
Baroness Warsi has quit the Government so she can make more outrageous remarks about Israel. Good riddance. As someone married to a talented and hard-working Asian female who has been promoted solely on merit and not stolen taxpayers cash I have nothing but contempt for this hideous creature who has risen up the greasy pile thanks to nothing other than Call Me Dave’s desire to “reach out”
In 2012 she was cleared of fiddling her expenses. She had claimed cash for staying in a house when she did not actually pay any rent. Er… so that is okay then if you’re a politician. I call it stealing cash from the taxpayer. She should have been out on her ear then.
As for Israel, I bring you this Warsi quote from 2006. How 100% wrong can anyone be?
I think what's happened in the Middle East with the election of Hamas is actually an opportunity
3858 days ago
The abuse storm on twitter continues. The kids in Gaza are being used by Hamas as human shields for the rockets which at this very monent are landing in Tel Aviv aimed not at military targets just at indiscriminantly killing Jews. The West continues to fall for the Hamas lies hook line and sinker. Why will it not accept a ceasefire? I am not budging an inch in my views and bring you once again the excellent "We Con the world" video from the uber-wonderful Caroline Glick and her team at (the late) Latma TV. Enjoy.
3859 days ago
My views on the situation in Gaza are pretty clear but are summed up in my weekly video postcard HERE.
I have been subjected to a hailstorm of abuse on twitter. One fellow said Israel should show moral superiority by defending itself without attacking rocket sites in Gaza. Hmmm think about that one. He was one of the more reasonable fellows.
Meanwhile Social Media is flooded with pics from Gaza supplied by Hamas and dutifully carried without verification by Israel haters such as the BBC. In that vein I invited you to play “spot the difference” on one picture currently doing the rounds to show how wicked the frigging Jews are. This is an alternative to the caption contest.
Entries in the comments section below
For what it is worth my entry is: "If the BBC says it was the wicked Jews who killed those kids both times surely we must believe it."
3860 days ago
Greetings from Greece. As you can see I am now feeling a bit more relaxed in the Greek Hovel. I seem to have curbed the wildlife diversity (touch wood) and explain why I can now wander around barefoot.
A lot has been achieved whatever comrade Dan Levi might suggest on twitter. But there is a lot of work still to do so a summer of sweat and graft still lies ahead.
Moving on from the hovel I turn to Gaza, You know where I stand - #IstandwithIsrael – but I explain again why Israel and Hamas
3860 days ago
I noted the other day that there is no moral equivalence between Hamas and Israel. Hamas fires rockets to kill Jews. It does not target it just wishes to kill Jews. Israel sends in planes to target rockets. The fact that Hamas puts its rickets in schools, hospitals and residential areas means that Israel kills civilians. Hamas uses its own people as a human shield. Hamas seeks civilian death, Israel seeks merely to prevent civilian death.
Yet still folks here in Britain line up to defend Hamas and attack Israel. Have they watched the latest Hamas video posted on YouTube (now removed) in Hebrew? It is a war song including the line:
3866 days ago
Mistakenly I replied to a Jew hater on twitter today who was accusing the Israelis of “carpet bombing” Gaza. At once I was accused of not caring, supporting murder etc. by a collection of folk who just cannot see the facts.
Fact 1. Israel is not the aggressor. It bombs Gaza to take out rocket launchers which rain death down on Israel.
Fact 2. Those firing the rockets do not care who they kill. The rockets land randomly and could kill men, women or children. These rockets are not targeted at military sites just at Jews.
Fact 3. Israel only bombs Gaza when it is seeking to take out rockets not just to kill Arabs. Unlike Hamas it is specifically targeting military sites, i.e. rockets.
Fact 4.
3880 days ago
Prompted by the shocking attach of anti-Semitism in Manchester this week I ask why this form of racism is deemed acceptable in some quarters.
Anti-Semitic attacks in Europe are at the highest levels since the 1930s despite the large drop in Europe’s Jewish population that happened between 1939 and 1945. Why is this?
Part of the reason is that low level attacks – snide press comment for example – go ignored. That has to stop.
Tom’s financial postcard looks at the dangers of acquisition led growth, especially in the current climate and that video can be watched HERE
3911 days ago
On Saturday a gunman shot four people dead at the Jewish Museum in Brussels. This was an overtly anti-Semitic attack. A couple of hours later, two Jewish men were savagely beaten as they left the synagogue in Paris. Again they were targeted as Jews. Throughout Europe violent attacks on Jews and the desecration of Jewish sites, notably cemeteries, have been rising sharply for years. But few seem to care.
For this is the racism that seems almost acceptable in some quarters. How often have you seen the Star of David burned in street protests across Europe? Is anything done? Of course not. A recent survey showed that 35% of those in France held anti-Semitic views, in Greece the number was 67%. In Latvia where last month a school proudly hung the word “JudenFrei” – the term used by the Nazis for an area that had been “cleansed” above its doors - the figure was 28%. Against such a backdrop is it any wonder that physical attacks on Jews as well as less overt discrimination is on the increase.
In part this must be down to feelings in some quarters that Israel has over-stepped the mark. I do not hold that view but I am fully aware that others do and their views on the Jewish State may fuel their views on Jews in general. But in the end even if one abhors Israel that can be no excuse for discriminating or persecuting an entire community who share a faith with most Israelis but are not part of that State.
The increase in anti- Semitism in recent years in part comes from our own silence. Amazingly
3975 days ago
I was starting to panic. My journey to Greece starts next Wednesday when I leave Bristol and until this morning the passport I ordered a few weeks ago had not arrived. Worse still, when I used the Passport Office auto-tracking forms it appeared that our friends in Cardiff had no record of me at all. But the panic is over, a brand new passport has arrived, with no record of my visits to Israel or the USA and so I could now go to Kurdistan to meet Gulf Keystone (GKP) if I wanted to. I don’t.
And so in a week’s time I must kiss goodbye to the cats and head to London. The Mrs joins me on the 3rd for her birthday. Naturally I shall not reveal which birthday it is. But your clues are that it is a round number, she is younger than me and although I thought she was in her late twenties when she first chatted me up by showing me an interesting article in the Guardian, she appears younger than she is.
Then it is UK Investor Show on the 5th, a hangover on the 6th (and a day with the in-laws who are coming to London for the show), supper with Matt Suttcliffe on the 7th, a hangover on the 8th and on the 9th it is off to my beloved Hellas for three and a half weeks of walking, writing and searching for the grave of Great Uncle David Cochrane. And if it is goat milking season I shall naturally be having another go at that too.
I cannot wait. Does anyone know if it is goat milking season or not?
3978 days ago
My weekly video postcard this week is born out of conversations with deluded lefty pals of the Mrs this weekend – why is it that the Left wants the State to take more control over our lives?
The issue is the failure of secondary education & our ludicrous, unfunded and unsustainable higher education system. One deluded lefty reckons that the answer is to bring back some form of National Service.
This says everything about the left. A problem that is fixable is to be addressed by the State spending more money and restricting more liberties and still won’t fix the problem.
I also cover two walls - one in Berlin and one in Israel and what both say about the mendacity and failings of the liberal left elite in the West.
My weekly financial postcard covers the red flags of Gulf Keystone, the failings of analysts and why they fail and I issue a direct challenge to Gulf boss Todd Kozel – is he man enough to face an interview from me? You can watch that video HERE
3992 days ago
It did not gain much coverage in the UK press but last week the Israeli Navy intercepted a boat called the Klos C which was on its way from Iran, carrying a very special cargo, ultimately destined for the Hamas regime in Gaza.
This is the regime which receives vast amounts of funding from the EU every year. It is a regime which, according to the EU and other apologists for any crime committed against Israel is peace living and only acts in defence. So what was the Klos C carrying?
It was carrying missiles with the ability to hit any spot within the State of Israel and to kill Jews. For that is what Hamas is committed to. Of course when the Israeli Defence Forces intercepts ships with cargos ultimately bound for Gaza to stop deathly weapons getting through this is viewed as an act of aggression by its apologists in the West.
And so I ask you for suitable captions for this picture, the winner getting a discount voucher to Maribelle's
For what it is worth my entry is: “Fresh from creating harmony to the Ukraine, EU foreign minister Baroness Ashton issues a message of thanks to the people of Iran for their assistance in creating a one-state final solution to the problems in Palestine.”
Last week I asked you for captions to this picture of a man born with a silver spoon in his mouth who has never done a useful day’s work in his life and also of Prince Phillip.
The impartial judge (my cat Tara) reckons that the best entry came from me, viz:
"Okay that is Fergie taken care of now where should we put Boris Johnson?"
I hope that you can do better than me this week – post your entries in the comments section below.
4049 days ago
I was with someone last night who lives in one of the more liberated Arab countries (in the Gulf) and who is involved in making short films. They relayed how a film out soon will make a few comments about radical Islam. The maker has left the country in question never to return. The alternative is prison or worse. That is free speech in the Arab world in 2014.
The one Middle Eastern country many in the West like to demonise is Israel. Its former PM Ariel Sharon died today aged 85. Sitting in Bristol, I can say that for standing by and allowing the Christian militia in Beirut to slaughter Palestinians in the Sabra and Shatila camps in the early 1980s this man was a war criminal. He was a monster. And his actions (inactions) were bad news for Israel. He was a disgrace and he will, I am sure, rot in hell.
In his early life he was a war hero as Israel fought to retain one small strip of land where Jews could be safe from persecution but where folks could also say what they want, vote out their leaders, not get stoned to death or string up from a crane for being gay or opposing the regime, etc. But for his crimes in later life he was a monster and there can be no excuses made. Sharon will rot in hell.
I say this as an unswerving supporter of Israel. And the odd thing is that were I sitting in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem today I could say exactly the same thing. I could write it and post it on the internet. Such opinions will appear in sections of the Israeli press. In Israel free speech exists. Even if it means criticism of the State or its leaders. That makes that country unique in the Middle East. Yet so many opt to demonise Israel and laud the other regimes of the region that behave so differently in every respect.
4068 days ago
In the second part of the Chris Patten’s Christmas Carol, the chairman of the BBC meets the ghost of Christmas Present.
Last night he met the ghost of Christmas Past. If you missed that you can read it HERE
The story continues…
It was not the sound of Lady Lavender Patten’s refined and gentle snoring nor another panic attack about what happened to Chow Mein that awoke the good Lord Christopher Patten. But a loud noise from his study downstairs had the BBC chairman sprinting down the stairs, faster than BBC Middle East Correspondent Jeremy Bowen can say “the peace loving freedom martyrs of Hamas fired rockets on an Israeli school to protect themselves from the Genocidal imperialist warmongers.”
Sitting behind Patten’s leather bound desk with gold inlay, marked “A present from 400 million the grateful people of Europe for your Herculean labours as a European Commissioner” was another grey figure. Once again he was not smiling.
“Oh no not another of you consultant Johnnies” said Patten. The grey figure beckoned and gripped Patten’s hand. Through the air they flew.
After just a few minutes, Patten found himself gazing down on a Christmas day party.
4076 days ago
As I tap away in a local hostelry, the Mrs is sitting opposite me reading the Independent on Sunday. This really is a minority taste but I suppose someone has to. I know that I would struggle to manage more than five minutes of imbibing the Indescribablyboring’s diet of anti-capitalist, Israel hating, politically correct bilge. But…
The Mrs has just piped up that she thinks that it is too right wing…I am trying to contain my sense of disbelief. She might as well have said that Elvis Presley was sitting on the table behind me. Be calm... after lunch we head to the Conservative Club where I suspect the Indy is not on offer behind the bar.
4104 days ago
Jew hating MP David Ward (Lib Dem Bradford) is at it again. The man was (eventually) chastised by his party for comparing the Israelis to the Nazis but he remains an MP despite that little outburst. You might have thought the Jew hating scumbag would stay silent but think again.
Ywo weeks ago he opined that he did not think that Israel should be abolished, merely that it should never have been founded. The Lib Dem party leadership said nothing.
And why should they? Heck: Israel is a homeland for the Jews. It is only the frigging Jews after all.
And now for Ward’s latest outburst in which he says that the problems the Roma face in coming to Britain would all be solved if they had a “Board of Deputiies”. Hmmmm. There is of course only only minority group that has a Board of Deputies and we have all read the Protocols of Zion and know that they control the world and can do what they want, don’t we Mr Ward?
Are the Lib Dems jew haters? I think that they may be many things but Jew haters they are not. Mr Ward on the other hand….he seems the sort of chap who would fit in well with the loathsome bigots in the UKIP Friends of Palestine.
4132 days ago
I am barraged on twitter by folks challenging me to watch a video that shows that Israel is a nation of black hating racists and then to defend the Jewish State. I do so willingly because this is a crude and manipulative piece of propaganda which will be used by those who loathe Israel if not just all the Jews. It needs to be exposed.
The video appears on a website (The Electronic Intifada) which purports to give you “all the news from Palestine every day”. Hmmmm. So I see plenty of stories about what the wicked frigging Jews are up to. What about the 171 million tonnes of aid sent by Israel into Gaza last month? What about the rockets fired onto Israeli schools? What about the gays buried alive in concrete by Hamas in Gaza? I guess it was a busy news day/week/year so not time to give us that news.
So we start with the FACT that the website relaying this video is not exactly 100% balanced in its coverage. You can link to the website and that video HERE
The website then bleats about how the New York Times refused to run the video. It “did not dare”. Hmmm. Is that all part of a global Jewish conspiracy or perhaps just because it is grotesquely misleading? Those bloody Jews they control everything don’t they? Come on, I am sure you know that the frigging Jews run all the media. And the banks.
Well done the NY Timesfor not running a video which is, at best , crap journalism and, at worst, vile propoganda.
The video tells the story of the 60,000 Africans who since 2006 have fled all the undoubted miseries that lie in Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, etc. and “with the European Union having closed its doors to illegal immigrants have gone to the next best place, Israel.” Jump forward and the next scenes show Israeli politicians saying they will deal with the “infiltrators” and some Israelis making openly racist remarks about the Africans. We see Africans in camps. Natural conclusion: Israel hates the blacks. Those frigging Jews they have learned nothing from the Holocaust and just hate darkies don’t they?
Except that this is not actually the whole picture. Rewind to the 1980s
4136 days ago
God knows why I was watching the BBC but I was and found myself watching a trailer for a show on one of its channels that no-one ever watches but which the grateful taxpayer funds anyway. Gosh I hate the BBC and the bias that flows through its every vein.
The trailer opened with footage of the gay pride parade in Tel Aviv and then showed footage of soldiers holding hands and other demonstrations of how it is perfectly accepted to be openly gay and Israeli. The commentator asked “how can this happen?” How in the Middle East can we find such tolerance?
What planet is this toe-rag living on? The answer is
4142 days ago
Life is one long bizarre acid trip. I return to London and our quirky Celtic Italian restaurant in Clerkenwell enjoys its best Wednesday in history. I am sitting here listening to Despina Vandi having just sent colourful James off to bed and am now reflecting on my new role as an Islamic spiritual mentor.
4159 days ago
There are many reasons why I cannot give blank cheque support to UKIP although I am a profound Eurosceptic but here’s one for starters: the abject failure of Nigel Farage to purge his party of some pretty obvious Jew hating scumbags. I refer to the UKIP Friends of Palestine, a group with only 30 members but whose pronouncements are just shocking.
This bunch of scumbags last week announced
"The genocide of the Palestinian people by the current Israeli government is no different to the genocide of the Jewish people by Nazi Germany."
On Facebook the Jew haters state:
4190 days ago
Sadly Latma TV, the satyrical Israeli TV show organised by the wonderful Caroline Glick is to go off air. It will be very much missed. I thank all those involved for more than 200 shows for bring us some classic comedy, some very serious points and some great songs. I hope that it returns one day. It ended with a strirring little number - raise your blue & white flag.
Perhaps not the best but stirring stuff. However, who could forget the incredible "We Con the World?"
And How about "The Three Terrors?"
Farewell Latma. Thank you.
4215 days ago
Last week the EU took three decisions regarding Israel which are in short despicable and take the Jew hating stance of the Evil Empire to new levels. Led by the former CND activist and total non-entity Baroness Ashton (the EU Foreign Secretary), the Evil Empire has plunged to new depths.
The first two measures impose trade sanctions on Israel. Any goods produced beyond the 1949 Armistice lines will now have to be flagged up with specific labelling and any entity with an address beyond those lines will be deni8ed any EU contracts or funding. The 1949 Armistice lines are not Israel’s borders but merely the point at which Arab armies were halted as they tried to wipe out the Jewish state at birth. So areas which the UN recognises as Israeli and which are Israeli under International law will be targeted by the EU.
Frankly, economically successful Israel does not need money from bankrupt Europe and so can stand on its own two feet. But having to wear a “yellow star” on your goods has kind of sinister undertones.
The third measure is the truly vile one. You will remember that in the West we are meant to be fighting a “war on terror”, tracking down the sort of evil which sees rockets fired on innocent men women and children and suicide bombers head onto buses? Remember that? Well I guess it doesn’t matter to the EU if those innocent men, women and children are only frigging Jews.
The EU
4227 days ago
What is it with being Mayor of London that makes you want to get into bed with Jew haters. Red Ken was pals with so many rabid anti-Semites I lost track. But it now seems that Boris does not care who he bunks up with either. No… not that sort of bunk up. I refer to his dealings with Emirates Airline (who I am now boycotting). Emirates you are Jew hating swine and I am ashamed that Boris has any dealings with you.
4243 days ago
I am a bit new to Facebook and still have absolutely no idea what it is all about. I seem to have found a few “friends” but I am not entirely sure that a FB friend is a real friend. But I am always open to making new friends and so when a bird called Alison Schwarz said “be my friend” naturally I accepted.
A message has just popped up. “Didn’t we meet in Israel many years ago.” Indeed we did Alison & I went to visit you in Philadelphia the year afterwards – I was right (having searched your timeline) you are THAT Alison from 29 years ago. Alison admits that she is now a bit of a lefty and is married to a lawyer. I am not sure which is more shameful. I suppose dating me briefly has to be the really embarrassing bit for her. It is not what nice Jewish girls are meant to do.
But lefties can be pleasant and charming (if one accepts that they are fundamentally deluded) and we have had a good long chat. One days I must go back to Philadelphia. I think I owe her lunch at least.
4262 days ago
Trying to find out how much money the EU has given to Gaza in aid is almost impossible but you will be delighted to know that we are the biggest backers of this regime. And so just what sort of regime are we shovelling cash to? In that vein I read press reports this week where senior court official Khaled el-Batash argued that Gaza courts should have their own police, who would implement court rulings by publicly executing condemned criminals.
Public executions would serve to deter Gaza residents from serious crime, he argued. The Hamas regime has already reintroduced the death penalty for a number of crimes, among them murder, rape, drug dealing, and - the most heinous of all, "collaborating" with Israel. That charge is appled to those who who provide information on terrorist activity that is used to assassinate terrorists or otherwise thwart attacks. In other words if I report a potential suicide bomber or the site of an illegal rocket launcher to the wicked Jews I can be executed.
Some of these executions have indeed occurred without a formal trial and in public but it seems now that the “moderates” are on the back foot and that there is a push for more public executions. And this from a regime that is only solvent because of EU aid. It is always good to know that my taxes are going to such good causes.
4272 days ago
It was a year ago today that the first article appeared on this blog. Most blogs fold after a period of months but I am still here. And to celebrate a glass of bubbly for breakfast! The toast “to you dear readers for continuing to read this site”
A year ago my life looked unimaginably bleak. At a personal and health level it was a mess and I was days away from leaving Rivington Street and t1ps the company I founded. To the victors the spoils and so it was repeatedly asserted that all t1ps’ problems were of my making and that new management was turning it around. Yes I have read the interim results released at 6PM on Friday. Hmmmm. You might say that but I could not possibly comment.
That however was a former life for me. My line in the sand was drawn in September. By then I knew who my friends were. To folks such as Richard Poulden, Abbe Aronson, Darren Atwater, Steve Moore, Clem Chambers, Monisha Varadan, Chris Potts, Amanda Van Dyke, Lucian Miers, Chris Booker and Zak Mir I am forever in your debt. To you I say “cheers” – another toast.
I chatted yesterday to most of the above and life has changed pretty dramatically. At the Real Man restaurant we were losing £5,000 a month when I took it on officially in September. There is now just one of the staff at that time still working here and I have hired and fired aggressively and made a stack of other changes. Having just enjoyed our busiest Saturday in memory we are now happily making a profit, our customers like us and we serve far better food. That was achievement one. I guess that “new management line” is true sometimes. Miaow.
Achievement two was getting the UK Investor Show organised in just a few months and it went well. Now with my friends at ADVFN we are well on track to deliver an even better show on April 5 next year. And I now rather suspect we will be the only show featuring master investors happening next spring. Miaow.
But perhaps the biggest win has been in writing. It is what I do best (although I can knock out a fantastic Risotto con salsicce e funghi these days as well). The launch of the www.shareprophets.com site has exceeded expectations. After 50 days it has half as many registered users as we managed to attract in one year at UK-Analyst. More join every day. And gratifyingly more and more writers seem to want to join the team and write for us. Another two will debut this week. Meanwhile other websites…no that is enough miaows.
But www.Tomwinnifrith.com is my real love. It started as therapy but being able to write exactly what I thought without some corporate hissy fit ensuing soon became an addictive drug. The fact that I use the odd naughty word or talk about birds does not appeal to everyone – notably Google and PR prude Kay Larsen of College Group – as you may remember here and here.
But it is me. I do use naughty words. I do find myself drifting into the vernacular of my favourite TV show (The Sweeney) now and again. And I do have strong views on Israel, welfare scroungers, the EU, global warming and civil liberties. Why hold back? I had been gagged for so long that the release was joyful and still is.
But there was also a release in that I ceased to by a City insider and became an outsider. As such there was no need to kiss arse – anyone and everyone was fair game. The past year has shown me that not only is it fun to constantly expose and poke fun and to say what you want but that I can earn a reasonable living doing that and looking after Real Man Pizza. There is no need to hold back. While I might have been tentaitive at first I am now in 5th gear and will not be slowing down or getting softer in my approach.
And so looking back I reflect on those who have brought inspiration and pleasure to me:
1. The visit to Butrint (photo article)
2. Damian Conboy of Alecto hooking up with the Playboy PR girl
3. Kay Larsen PR prude at College Hill
4. Sefton Resources & Jim Ellerton – thanks Jim you have made my year ( see you in court Bitchez)
5. Taking a contrary view on the Olympics
6. Vroula – the fascist Greek athlete and defending her right to free speech
7. The visit to the Berlin Jewish Museum
8. Standing by St Paul’s for Lady Thatcher’s funeral
9. The start of the AIM Cesspit campaign
10.Going on stage with Nigel Wray and Nick Leslau at UKInvestor show – feeling I was with friends.
11. Being complimented by the Goddess
12. The Guardian and deluded lefties everywhere
13. The Baker of Zitsa
14. Albania - National Leave your Gun at home day
15. Financial PR firms & the AIM Cesspit - another fight picked
I am sure that I have missed out a few highlights.
At a personal level, many of you met my partner at UK Investor Show. She may be an utterly deluded lefty. No okay she is an utterly deluded lefty but she has been a rock at all times. She even now knows who Joe Cole is and that Mark Noble’s veins are claret and blue. What more could a man ask for?
Thank you all for reading this website over the past year. Year two starts on Monday. What will it bring?
Best wishes
Tom Winnifrith
4279 days ago
I write this from on-board an Easyjet flight to Berlin where I am going to the wedding of a friend of my partner. He is marrying a Kraut and I have been given a stern lesson about words and phrases I am not allowed to use. Kraut is one of them.
I have however packed my “It’s Time to Leave T-shirt” although my “I stand with Israel T-shirt” was left behind. Perhaps I should have knocked up a quick “I stand with Greece” number just for this trip. I have no football shirts. I do not plan to discuss our national sport with the Hun and I am banned from discussing theirs.
It seems as if most of my fellow passengers are on one of two stag parties and one hen party- all from Wales. I guess this is what Easyjet was created for. I am not sure that those on this trip will be taking in many of the sights of Berlin and it would have been far cheaper for 1 stag party and the hen party just to stay at Bristol airport, get blind drunk and shag each other. But they are all underway now, happily ordering a stream of expensive drinks from the staff.
The two grooms to be are both dressed up. One very large and gormless looking fellow is dressed as a fairy. The other smaller, but equally gormless, fellow is wearing a little gold number. Whatever floats their boat. I am sure they will have a great time. I just rather hope that they do so a very good distance from where we are staying.
4283 days ago
The beheading of a soldier in Woolwich today by two men shouting Allah Akbar is a sickening terrorist atrocity by Islamofascist nutters. Quite clearly the two nutters are very much of the home grown variety.
And so when asked to comment on this the local Labour MP Nick Raynsford rightly condemned this as an atrocity but then just could not help himself from saying how there is a multi-cultural community in his manor which sees everyone exist in blissful harmony with the local barracks. This will no doubt be the reaction of the entire political class, a class so out of touch with how we plebs feel that it cannot bring itself to speak the self-evident truth.
The vast majority of British Muslims are good folk who do not support Jihad and who will condemn what happened just as the rest of Society does. But there is a small minority of British Muslims who either actively or passively (by silence) support Islamofascist terror. And with those folks we are at war, just as we were at war with the IRA.
In those bad old days I remember being spat at as I ran on the streets in a London Irish jersey. But most folks accepted that while some people of Irish descent (like Saint Bono) sympathised or supported Saint Gerry and his blood stained friends, most of us despised the IRA and the men of violence. And as such it was perfectly legitimate to say as much.
Raynsford and his ilk just cannot bring themselves to do so when it comes to Islamofascists. This is not a race issue it is just a statement of fact. We find ourselves at war with a group who attack our very way of life. Even if we condemn Israel (I hope we do not) and withdraw from our illegal presence in Iraq and Afghanistan (I hope we do) this small minority will still attack us. And we need to acknowledge that.
If Raynsford and a political class which grew up thinking that multi-culturalism was a basic tenet of their belief system which could never be questioned, merely spout more platitudes it will alienate we plebs even more. It will foster even more of a backlash. It is time to face up to this truth. Incidentally it is also time that Muslim leaders spoke as one in condemning such acts without any caveats at all.
4338 days ago
BBC news has two problems. One is its inherent pro left, pro global warming, anti-Israel, pro Euro bias. The list goes on. But the BBC news teams are wrong on every issue that matters and do not mind showing their inner feelings. And two the BBC is grossly over-manned (should that be over-personned?). One news story can be covered by four different news crews (National TV, regional TV, local radio, national radio). Given that it is tax-payers cash that is being pissed away on this over-manning the BBC is (correctly) paring the odd job. Not enough but it is a start.
And so the unions are on strike for 12 hours. Have you noticed a drop in quality? Er..
Clearly 12 hours is not enough to make an impact. How about the news teams walk out for 15 years. Or better still forever.
4351 days ago
In 2009 Lord Ahmed, a Labour peer was sent to prison for just 12 weeks ( but served just 16 days) after he smashed into a stationary car, having sent a series of text messages while driving his Jaguar on the M1 at 70mph. The other driver died. Personally I regard that sentence as a joke. 16 days for killing someone because you were driving recklessly? I would have been thinking in terms of years.
But Lord Ahmed thinks that he was hard done by. In an interview given a year ago on Pakistani TV, which cropped up this week the total shit said that he was given a harsh sentence only because of a conspiracy by Jews “who own newspapers and TV channels”. The judge, he added, had been specially chosen because the Jews wanted to punish him for supporting the Palestinian cause.
This murder trots out the sort of nonsense you might expect in the Protocols of Zion, he pedals lies in a way aimed at inciting hatred against Jews and the Labour party is okay with that? To be fair it has suspended him but if he did indeed say this then Labour must either boot him out or it too is signing up to what is just unacceptable.
The problem is that in deluded lefty circles anti-Semitism is cool. Not the sort that denies the holocaust. It is not yet acceptable to pretend that Auschwitz did not happen when munching your bruschetta in Islington. But David Ward MP (Lib Dem) is still a member of that party despite saying that the holocaust was comparable to the situation in Gaza. As I have noted before that trivialises the greatest act of genocide of the 20th Century (if not all time) and is just abhorrent.
The left collectively has a choice. Either it decides that it is fine to bait the wicked Jews, incorporates the Protocols of Zion into 2015 manifestos and states that trivialising the murder of 6 million men, women and children is fine. Or, it shows a genuine commitment to an equality and nondiscriminatory agenda and tells folks like Ward and Ahmed that with their views they have no place in British politics.
They will not. The Lib Dems and Labour will fudge the issue. Too many of their core supporters loathe Israel with a passion. And too many of that number extrapolate that into a loathing of with wicked Jews which involves spouting conspiracy theories and hatred as if they were discussing the weather or whether West Ham will defeat Chelski this weekend.
4357 days ago
I think regular readers know my views on this one. If we have to celebrate any women on another ridiculous "Word something day" I celebrate those women who fight for the only democracy in the Middle East, the only country in the Middle East where a gay pride parade does not end with a ritual stoning, the only country in the Middle East where the press is allowed to attach and expose the (elected) Governemment and the only country in the Middle East that has voluntarily given up land to create an independent state in an area where Palestinians are the majority population. I refer to the women who fight for Israel.
Incidentally when is world entrepreneurs day, celebrating those folks who take a risk to create jobs to generate taxes that goes to pay for all these World days?
Hat tip. Order Order.
4400 days ago
Apparently David Ward is a Lib Dem MP for some GNSH. I had never heard of this prize shit until today when he opined that Israel’s actions in Gaza could somehow be compared to the holocaust. It is a free country and this nonentity of an MP can say what he wants but coming two days before world Holocaust day this is offensive and factually just plain wrong. Actually it would be offensive and plain wrong at any time.
In the holocaust more than 75% of European Jews were rounded up and systematically murdered in Death camps. Gassed, shot, burned, often used for medical experiments, European Jewry was almost annihilated. That is a holocaust.
Israel operates no death camps in Gaza. It does not attack Gaza just because it hates Arabs. It seeks to take out military targets which folks, who do openly boast of their desire to inflict another holocaust on the Jewish people, deliberately locate in residential areas. Israel attacks military targets deliberately sites in residential areas because Hamas attacks civilians in Israel because it wants to kill Jews. Any Jew will do.
4432 days ago
In the wake of the dreadful slaughter of the innocents at Newtown Connecticut the response of the liberal left has been to argue for tighter controls on gun ownership. In bankrupt Britain the usual suspects at the Guardian and BBC say “is it not time that America caught up with us and banned gun ownership as we did after Dunblane?” In the US, Obama and the other liberals want to go down the British route. They are all wrong. Guns save lives.
One can play whatever games you want with statistics. But here are a few.
4446 days ago
You meet someone. You get on fine enough. They seem tolerant, interesting and then…”It’s the Jews, they pull all the strings.” What do you say? How do you react? Clearly they cannot be a reader of this blog if the run that line past me.
There is the short term and the long term. I once dated a bird and got along well until she tried to explain that the number of Jews killed in the holocaust was greatly exaggerated and it was really all part of a plot by the Jews to secure a homeland. I did not try to argue. But that was it for that relationship. There are some boundaries you cannot cross.
My short term reaction was to go for a cigarette. Leaving the room allowed me to calm down and to think about what to say. I returned calmly and said that I had a problem with that. I was asked if I was Jewish. Aaaaaagh.
4448 days ago
Well done to Tal Gilad and to Latma TV editor in chief Caroline Glick for another hit video. Latma is a satyrical Israeli internet show which regularly churns out musical winners. Its latest offering is Blame Canada (The Palestinian Version).
It is good but not as good as the classic “We Con the World”
Or indeed, the Three Terrors (below)
4458 days ago
Thanks to my pin up girl Melanie Phillips for the lead on this. This is for those who argue that either Hamas wants peace or that it and Israel are morally equivalent. The truth is that Hamas wants a one state solution, a final solution. It wishes to destroy Israel which is why ship loads of rockets are currently on their way to Gaza from the Islamofascist Republic of Iran.
The last ceasefire started in January 2009, it took three years and thousands of rocket attacks on Israel before she retaliated.
Hamas are Jew haters bent on genocide. Watch top of the pops from the Hamas TV station Aqsa TV and please explain why I am wrong?
First up ( from before the ceasefire) is that little ditty:
‘Killing Jews is worship that draws us close to Allah’.
4460 days ago
Not only did my beloved West Ham lose at arch rivals Spurs but some of the travelling West Ham supporters engaged in patently anti-Semitic abuse. I think you know my views on Spurs ( intense dislike) but also on anti Semitism ( rabid dislike). My mind is filled with various thoughts.
I know what will have been said or rather hissed. There is a hissing noise mean to be reminiscent of the gas chambers. Adolf Hitler is Coming for you – a variant of Tottenham Hotspur we’re coming for you, will have been chanted. I remember hearing “There’s only one Adolf Hitler” being chanted at a Spurs game a long time. I cringed with shame.
4463 days ago
Radio Four’s Today programme reported on Thursday morning that the “ceasefire in Gaza had largely held overnight.” Well what does it actually mean by that? On the Israeli side not a single shot was fired. Back in the Islamofascist state of Gaza the first rocket heading towards Israel went off exactly 34 minutes AFTER the breakout of peace in our time. By the time Radio 4 broadcast this canard, 15 rockets had landed on Israel. So by “largely held” what the biased BBC actually means is that the Israelis kept to their word but the Gazans fired only 15 rockets whereas they normally average about double that overnight.”
Just imagine how the BBC would have reported it had Hamas not fired any rockets but the Israelis had dropped a couple of bombs. Would it have been “largely held” or a rant about how the fucking Jews were war mongering bastards whose word could not be trusted and had no desire for peace? Next stop for Bibi Netanyahu a war crimes tribunal in the Hague. What do you think?
4465 days ago
The Pallywood lies get better by the second. For today, lets go to Canada where the “Palestinian Association of Hamilton” (Ontario) held a rally to protest against the vile Israeli violence rained down on the peace loving people of Gaza. In order to attract supporters they sent out a flyer showing a picture of an innocent little Gazan kid covered in blood after the fucking Jews bombed his family home. You could cry. It was so touching.
The blurb on the flyer stated “ Israel has launched another offensive against the people of Gaza. In 2009 during “Operation Cast Lead” the Israelis killed more than 1400 Palestinian civilians of which a third were children. They appear determined on replicating that brutality.”
Naturally the deluded lefties of the Western press gave the rally widespread coverage buying the line about a one sided conflict.
Unfortunately, it has now emerged that “the innocent Palestinian baby” in is fact an innocent Israeli baby bloodily injured by Palestinian rockets in the Hamas attack on Kiryat Malachi.
Whoops a daisy. No apologies from the media that covered this lie. But it gets better still. Far, far better.
4468 days ago
On this website some posters who I respect greatly have suggested that Hamas and Israel are morally equivalent. That is, I think naive. Others like the BBC pretend that Israel is the “guilty party” which is just wicked. Let us be clear about is there are a number of clear differences between the actions and motives of the two sides.
1. Israel is committed to a two state solution. Hamas is committed to a final solution. A one state solution not involving Israel. Its charter states as much. Its leaders talk openly of sweeping the pesky Jews into the sea.
2. Israel fires rockets from clearly identified and isolated military positions (usually the sky) targeting military figures in order to protect its civilians. Hamas fires rockets targeting, in an utterly indiscriminant sense, Israeli civilians and using its own civilians as military shields.
4472 days ago
Whatever the BBC says, the World is a better place today thanks to the IDF.
4472 days ago
For once the BBC and the Guardian do not stand in the dock alone. It seems as if the entire Western liberal elite and press corps are united in condemning the wicked Jews, oops they meant to say Israel, for taking out Ahmed Said Khalil al-Jabari today. Old Said was the head of the military wing of the Islamofascist Hamas organisation that runs the Gaza strip today and thanks to a precise strike from the Israeli Defence Forces he is now on a one way ticket to hell.
I support the brave IDF 100% and am this evening celebrating the death of this bigoted murderer. It seems that deluded lefties across the planet have a different view.
The BBC coverage stands out for its extreme bias. No surprises there. On its website today the lead story reports:
4480 days ago
After 6 billion dollars and what seems like an eternity of evasion and unfulfillable promises America must decide today whether to re-elect President Obama or to replace him with Mitt Romney. What a god awful choice. It is just like Manchester United versus Chelski, you want both teams to lose. But after another evening with deluded lefties I think I have now decided who I want to lose less.
Rating the two men on a number of issues is a pretty thankless task but here goes on what matters to me.
4488 days ago
You and I know that hurricanes just happen. No-one is to blame and mankind just carries on. But out there in the twittersphere the left is already working out whom or what is to blame for Hurricane Sandy which is now battering New York. Just to help these simple folk along so that they can cut and paste away for the comments board on the Guardian, BBC, etc here are the top ten candidates for who or what is to blame.
1. George Bush Junior – he caused all that is evil on this planet.
2. Global Warming. I know Sandy is rather cold but it is all to do with Global Warming which was partly caused by George Bush ( see above)
4509 days ago
The Weekly Tomograph Newsletter has just been emailed to those who are registered. It contains the usual stuff, notably the Caption contest and a link to the most popular articles on this site during the past week. It also contains an exclusive article explaining why the BBC should be more or less scrapped, what would replace it and with news that another big name paedophile scandal from 1970s Kids TV is about to emerge. You really should register to receive the Tomograph every week here.
4520 days ago
I have been bashed as a misogynist for having only two women in my photos of my heroes at the top of this blog – Ayn Rand and Baroness Thatcher. Both of them would laugh of such criticism – as meritocrats they would not support affirmative action in a blog photo hero list. Neither would today’s addition to the list – the woman I describe as my pin up girl: Melanie Phillips.
4550 days ago
A court in Israel has today rejected a claim brought against the Israeli state by the parents of “peace activist” Rachel Corrie who died while protesting on Gaza ten years ago. She died crushed by an Israeli army bulldozer. It must have been a horrible death. But this photogenic girl was no saint. She was just misguided and silly and was not murdered.
In the West, Rachel has been almost beatified by the liberal elite. Alan Rickman wrote a play about her life. There have been numerous songs written and the narrative is clear: “she was entirely innocent and the Israelis deliberately killed her as she did nothing wrong.”
That is simply not true.
4553 days ago
Hmmmm, an invitation I think I can refuse. But I am tweeted by the Isreali Defence Forces (yes I follow the IDF on twitter) about a new game “IDF Ranks – The Virtual Army.” To play all you need to do is register with the IDF website and every time you read an article there, comment, like it on Facebook or share with another you win a new online badge promoting you in the virtual army.
Apparently if i am a real new media freak I could even, one day, be Chief of Staff of the Virtual Ranks, IDF.
4564 days ago
Things are hotting up in the Middle East. There are three possible scenarios for military conflict by Christmas plus the usual wild card of a revolution. There are those who wish genocide against Israel and the useful idiots in the West who would allow this. The oil price could rocket. It is all rather grim. Where to begin?
The best bet for military action is a concerted series of air strikes by Israel on Iran. The FT reported yesterday that the Israelis wanted to start before November in order to wipe out the threat of Iran getting a nuclear bomb. The West should not be intervening in this one. That is to say we should not assist Israel but equally we should not, as we are doing now, hold her back. The nutters who run Iran would make Tel Aviv their prime target if they had a nuke (they have said as much) and so Israel has every right to bomb these wicked Islamofascists back into the stone age. Secretly all the other Arab leaders would be delighted by such an outcome although publicly they will, of course, condemn the “wicked Jews”. This has to be an Evens or better bet.
Second up is Syria
4575 days ago
I rather sense that Facebook is the tip of the iceberg. In case you missed it the company has admitted that 1 in 10 of its (almost 1 billion) accounts are bogus.
Worse still, a customer has pulled its advertising claiming that 80% of the cash it paid over on a click per payment basis was for clicks generated by bots (automatic programmes). But I suspect it is not just Facebook where an obsession with headline users masks one or two issues.
I found myself celebrating this week as on Thursday I moved into the top 18 million Tweeters on this planet in terms of followers. By Friday I was in the top 17 million and by the time you read this I expect to be in the top 15 million. The power of my tweeting! My Chest swelled as I thought how, in 8 weeks, I have overtaken the vast bulk of the world’s 500 million tweeters in terms of following. Gosh I must be funny! Ahem. I then disovered that around 1 in 10 of those folks had not actually tweeted anything and had no followers at all. It appears that by the time my step sister Flea, plus my amour of 1986 Abbe and Karen, Colombia’s second greatest export after cocaine, had followed me I had already overtaken about 20% of twitter users in terms of following.
4581 days ago
I wrote HERE yesterday about how a Greek bird had been banned from the Olympics for suggesting there were too many Africans in Greece. That is racist and she must go. Well whatever, I disagree.
Meanwhile back in London where the games are now purified and in Olympian spirit we can celebrate the brotherhood of man, with unqualified sanctimony, the Lebanese Judo team has demanded that a curtain be erected in the training hall so that they do not have to see the Israeli athletes. They can smell them but not see them. That of course is not racist. The Israelis are only bloody Jews after all. I wonder what would have happened if the Lebanese Judo team had demanded that a curtain be erected so that they did not need to look at any athletes from Africa?
4585 days ago
I have written before about Joe Levy, godfather to Olivia and my very good friend. We met when he was the handyman who looked after – among other things – a house in Swiss Cottage converted into six flats where I lived with Olivia’s mother. The two houses I bought/co-bought after that were redesigned by me and Joe put my ideas into practice. He is truly a faultless human being, bar his support for Chelsea. He was born here in Corfu and is, as you may have guessed, Jewish.
Yesterday I followed the sign to the “Jewish Quarter.” There is no real quarter just a synagogue which is in impeccable condition, is fully renovated and was being cared for by a rather fat old lady who was talking animatedly in Hebrew to some Israeli visitors. Needless to say she also spoke perfect English. The building is more than 400 years old. And in 1940 there were around 2000 Jews living on the Island – among them Joe Levy then still wearing nappies.
4586 days ago
I wrote a piece the other day about the rise of Islamofascist regimes in the Middle East ( you know the sort: want to drive the Jews into the Sea, hang homosexuals, ban free speech, imprison and kill those who express dissent, etc) and what it meant for, among other things, the oil price. You can read it HERE – its exact content is irrelevant, you get my drift already. I am amazed that there was a comment posted in response which has made me so angry that it merits a full reply. My anger is only increased by my visit today to the Synagogue in Corfu which I shall write about tomorrow. So here is the post from a Mr Chris Fox and below is my response.
4587 days ago
Dr Doom, aka Nouriel Roubini, talked last week of a perfect storm in 2013. One component of that storm is a war between the West and Iran. I am not sure that it has to be Iran but there are stacks of other tinderboxes waiting to go up in that region and that has profound implications for the oil price.
As I am sure you are aware, the Islamofascists who rule Iran are trying to build a nuclear bomb. And, being complete nutters, they have also made some pretty clear comments about how much they would like to see Israel wiped off this planet. Putting two and two together (that is an A bomb + prize grade Jew hating Islamofascists) and there is potentially a problem. I do not believe the West should intervene in this matter. We should neither get involved militarily nor should we complain when the Israeli’s bomb Iran back into the Stone Age with a pre-emptive strike as a matter of self defence. The best way to support Israel and to prevent another holocaust is to let her get on with it.
4606 days ago
On June 30th 2012 the Israeli Defence Forces (aka, according to the biased BBC and liberal Western media, child eating monsters) delivered 6,950 tonnes of aid to Gaza – that is food medicine, building materials, auto parts – everything. This was not a one off gesture to celebrate my daughter’s birthday the day before. 6 days a week the IDF delivers aid to Gaza – on average circa 170,000 tonnes a month. That is a lot for a small place like Gaza. So what does Gaza send back in return?
4615 days ago
How long ago was it that we were reading in the liberal media about nice young Egyptians urging President Mubarak to quit via facebook and twitter? Gushingly the BBC poured its love on these nice young people who would take Egypt into a new age of liberal democracy. And the western powers (led by that idiot Hilary Clinton, but with the full support of our own idiots , Hague, Cameron, Milliband and the dwarves who run the Evil Empire in Brussels) told Mubarak to step aside. Some of us predicted what would happen next and lo it came to pass. It has not taken long.