562 days ago
Just how low can the liberal media, specifically the Huffington Post stoop? Yesterday it was eulogising a man executed in Florida just because this wretched killer, Donald Dillbeck, was attacking Ron DeSantis the State’s Governor and possibly America’s next President.
648 days ago
There is much wailing as the results of the 2021 Census are published and so that for the first time in almost two thousand years the majority of folks in England and Wales do not identify as Christian. Well sort of, many of the supposed godless are just like Cambridge University bisexuals. They will see the light sooner or later. Let me explain on this day before Advent.
676 days ago
About a week ago, BBC Radio 4 turned its attention to the Georgia Senate race. This is one of the battleground Senate contests, Democrat incumbent Raphael Warnock facing a challenge from ex American football star Herschel Walker for the Republicans. The mid terms are going to be bleak for the Dems and the BBC is wetting its knickers, running frit.
858 days ago
The liberal media are telling you that thanks to evil Presdent Trump loading the Supreme Court, Roe vs Wade may be overturned so meaning the end of 49 years of legal abortion in America. As ever that is just not is what is happening and at every level the Guardian/BBC/ Kirstie Allsop – with whom I was arguing about this on twitter – narrrative is just wrong. I try to explain why and – only because I am a man – have to start with my own personal involvment with abortion in order to justify what follows.
1113 days ago
Heck I would not have voted for him and warned folks he would be a disaster so don’t blame me. This journalist warned that Joe Biden had failing mental facilities during the election when a fawning BBC, Channel 4 and the rest of the liberal media insisted that this was an alt-right lie and it was perfectly normal for a Presidential candidate to refuse to take any open press questions or suffer any real scrutiny. Now folks: you reap what you sow. Afghanistan is the biggest humiliation America has faced since Vietnam. In fact it us more humiliating given the speed of the collapse from stability to helicopters on the embassy roof. And the lying by Joe Biden and others is off the scale. Surely it is worthy of impeachment, now that this is just a vehicle for political disapproval not a tool for removing a criminal President and given the relatively trivial matters that found Donald Trump, or indeed Bill Clinton, facing such an outcome?
1407 days ago
If you call all folks with whom you disagree Nazis or facists, you dilute the evil one associates with real fascists and Nazis, the sort of folks who actually murdered 6 million Jews rather than, say, voting for Brexit or Donald Trump. Now meet Renee Graham who pens columns for the liberal Boston Globe and also appears on taxpayer funded radio in uber-woke Massachusetts. Renee thinks folks who campaign for Donald Trump are like ISIS Jihadists, you know those chaps who engage in mass rape, chuck gay men off tall buildings and behead their opponents and British aid workers. You think I am kidding?
1450 days ago
The constitution is clear. If a Supreme Court Justice dies, the sitting President nominates a replacement who must be ratified by the sitting Senate which right now means a Republican President and Republican majority in the Senate. But guess what, creepy Joe Biden appears to think that the US Constitution does not matter. Anyone thinking of voting for this senile old coot should be alarmed.
1471 days ago
I called it for Trump in September 2016 when the media classes wrote him off. I am not calling it for him yet, but it is looking better and better, hence more fake news reports from the BBC and the rest of the Mainstream Media to the contrary. I examine what the polls say in detail, debunk a right-wing conspiracy theory and look at the four key variables that will determine the outcome and, bad news for the liberal media, all four trends are playing Trump’s way.
1715 days ago
The BBC is today wetting its knickers in public. It sent a journalist to interview Greta Thunberg, that is to say not to challenge her in the slightest on all the falsehoods she spouts, but that journalist travelled by plane. Quick: go get Elton to plant a few trees for the Beeb. The real scandal here is that the BBC, CNN, the Guardian and the rest of the liberal media accept as gospel, obvious lies spouted by Greta. Let’s look at the terrible bush fires ravaging Oz…
1846 days ago
Project Greta Thunberg is a fraud. I do not blame the poor 16 year old Swedish girl who predicts that we have just months to save the planet from irreversible global warming, for she is quite obviously very unwell and also being manipulated. She is part of a fraud but right now the great and the good simply sit back and bask in the glory of the liberal media as they admire Emperor Greta’s new, planet friendly, clothes.
2075 days ago
There are just two countries in the Middle East where Christians can celebrate their faith openly, as part of a supportive community and with no fear of having their head chopped off. One is Israel, which is also the only country in the region where there are gay pride parades. But suggesting that Israel is a beacon of tolerance in a sea of bigotry is not part of the group think narrative for the liberal media elites here in the West. So what about the other place where Christianity is not a high risk activity?
2114 days ago
On the flimsiest of evidence, wretched Theresa May, Donald Trump and President dans Le Closet of France would use wall to wall media coverage to bomb President Assad of Syria whenever the Islamofascist terrorists he is fighting claimed that he had engaged in chemical warfare. Yesterday Aleppo suffered a chemical weapons attack leaving 55, including eight kids, hospitalised. So why aren’t the BBC and Channel 4 Fake News all over this? Why aren't Macron and Trump lining up another air strike? Oh yes…
2155 days ago
Throughout her career at Harvard and then in the Democratic party Senator Elizabeth Warren has claimed to be part native American. In a, rather good. joke Donald Trump has termed this prissy New England liberal "Pocohontas" because she is patently almost entirely white. Put it this way…Hitler and the Nazis would, in genetic terms, have had Pocohontas down as one of them, a fully paid up member of the Aryan race. Now to prove Trump wrong as she eyes a 2020 Presidential bid Pocohontas has taken a DNA test.
2169 days ago
I had thought that Rachel Mitchell, the lawyer brought in by Senate Republicans to quiz Brett Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford was a total waste of space. I take it all back. She has just posted to the Senate her view, as a prosecutor specialising in sex attacks, of the "evidence" offered by by Dr Ford. I had suggested that Ford's statements had more holes than Swiss Cheese. I was being generous. Mitchell tears her evidence to shreds as you can see below,
2172 days ago
Naturally the BBC, Channel 4 “fake” News and the rest of the liberal media presented a hopelessly one sided account of the Senate testimony of Christine Blasey Ford and the man she accuses of groping her 36 years ago, would be Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. But normal folks can see through all this.
2175 days ago
The conventional wisdom of the liberal media is that the Democrats will regain control of the House and possibly also of the Senate in the mid-terms coming up in a few weeks and that this will be a body blow to Donald Trump. Here’s something the BBC and Channel 4 “fake” news is not reporting – the latest poll numbers are just amazing.
2224 days ago
As I am sure you can remember, the liberal media, spearheaded in the UK by the BBC’s repellent Jon Sopel and Beltway Kylie Morris and Matt Frei of Channel 4 Fake News, demonstrated, to their satisfaction, if not that of anyone else, that Donald Trump was a racist back during the Presidential campaign of 2016. The Democrats and Hillary paid a few visits to the ghettos and sung Kumbaya and all was well.
2255 days ago
I have noted time and time again that the West has been backing the wrong side in Syria. And that side is now losing ground at an alarming rate much to the joy of native Syrians. Now that mortars belonging to the Free Syrian Army, aka Al Qaeda, the folks Call Me Dave Cameron termed “moderates”, no longer pound Damascus, the Western media begrudgingly and rarely shows footage of a capital that is safe, prospering, free and happy. Now President Assad helped by Russia is seeking to seize control of the South West of Syria, the area bordering Israel and Jordan.
2258 days ago
The BBC and its sister publication the Guardian had a weekend wankfest as large crowds gathered to protest against policies Donald Trump had already rescinded to deal with illegal migration across the Mexican border. But their coverage failed to show what is really happening. They are in denial as they serve up non-stop fake news.
2330 days ago
I've always hard a soft spot for Shania Twain - great looks, great songs and then this morning she said that had she been an American, not from the Socialist hell hole that is Canada, she would have voted for Donald Trump in 2016. Shania, thought I, you really are the one. Someone in the liberal world of entertainment who dares to praise a conservative, let alone Trump faces career ruination and so Shania risked a lot.
2344 days ago
Hamas, the rulers of Gaza whose leaders still openly talk of driving the evil Jews into the sea and who happily fly Nazi flags alongside their own as you can see below, continues to organise protests on the Israeli border. Thanks to the liberal media's hatred of Israel it has been a PR triumph. But the truth...
2349 days ago
As the news broke the liberal media started salivating. Another shooting in the US, another chance to bash the gun loving freaks at the NRA and POTUS. They have blood on their hands again don't they? If they weren't such a Godless bunch., the MSM would have been praying that it was some right wing gun owning NRA freak shooting Youtube workers for banning a Katie Hopkins video. Heck, liberals are hypocrites, so they probably prayed anyway.
2351 days ago
Saturday was world #Transvisibilityday. You need a day like that becuase way under 0.5% of the world's population are never on TV, never in the newspapers, never being celebrated at the Oscars for starring in a crap foreign language film, never on BBC Question Time as the high priests of victimhood. They are never in the headlines demanding that though they have penises folks who identify as women and re part way there should be allowed to share a changing room with our teenage daughters. No, never.
2377 days ago
For more than two decades the mad dog eating commies of North Korea have been trying to perfect missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads to the USA. Us President after US President has said how cross he is and if the dog eaters don't stop being so naughty they will impose more sanctions for China and most other folks to ignore.
2378 days ago
I could not bear to stay up to watch the Oscars on Sunday night. But I have already seen the BBC and the rest of the liberal media fawning over its diversity and how the millionaire liberal luvvies took it in turns to bash Trump, male harassersment, guns, Trump again, Republicans and Trump again. How drearily predictable but then #blackfrocksmatter. But there is another matter which the liberal media is not reporting on - how America is turning off from this virtue signalling in droves
2401 days ago
The liberal remoaning elite have spent the past year bleating on about Russian interference in the Brexit referendum. Loons like, person of the people, Carole Cadwalladr of the Guardian and all the folks at Channel 4 fake News have droned on ad nauseam. Sure there were only about 1000 tweets from Russian state related accounts on Brexit but that caused all 17.4 million of us to vote the wrong way. There is no evidence but that will not stop the Russian "exposes".
2403 days ago
The veteran Labour equalities campaigner Harriet Harman is at it again. By it I mean lying. She has tweeted: "Women £8 per hour @Tesco . Men £11. The equal pay uprising continues. #tescowomen #bbcwomen. Pay inequality cannot survive exposure."
2420 days ago
In light of Cathy Newman's car crash interview on Channel 4 Fake News with Jordan Peterson, the left is now spinning Ms Newman as a courageous victim - palpable nonsense. Now Jordan has hit back in a new interview. The psychologist analyses Ms Newman's behaviour and also that of C4 spinners as well as the disgraceful behaviour of the British liberal media, notably the Guardian and the Independent. It's a long video but the Newman incident is the first 32 minutes.. Enjoy.
2450 days ago
The US Congress has been demanding that America move its Israel embassy to Jerusalem for two decades. The American People overwhelmingly support it. And in Donald Trump the US finally has a President who on this matter delivered as he promised. Bush, Obama and Clinton just promised (to win votes) and reneged. Where America sites its embassy in the only democracy in the Middle East its business.
2460 days ago
Boy did the liberal media love the defeat of GOP Candidate Roy Moore in the Alabama special election for the Senate. John Snow on Channel 4 Fake News described Alabama as the state that helped make Trump President. Le Monde described it as a referendum on Trump. The BBC was already planning the coronation of a Dem in the 2020 White House race. Fake news folks.
2465 days ago
A week ago it was ABC that caused a stockmarket mini crash by making up a story about Donald Trump and Russian collusion. 24 hours later it fessed to fake news. All those liberal Dems who had called for the head of POTUS on the original fake news, failed to apologise. But did they learn their lesson? Whaddyathink?
2505 days ago
Throughout last week direct evidence of Russian Collusion by Hillary Clinton designed to sway the 2016 election emerged. So useless Special Prosecutor Mueller - a man linked directly to the Clinton/Russia Uranium One scandal - had to do something on the Trump enquiry. Today two men have been arrested. If this is the best that the opponents of Donald Trump can come up with he is in the clear.
2505 days ago
Actor Kevin Spacey today stands accused of trying to force himself on another actor who at the time was just 14. That counts as statutory rape, is utterly illegal and there can be no defence. That is unless you are a leading member of the luvvie liberal elite like Spacey or Roman Polanski.
2508 days ago
The British liberal media are still wiping themselves down having been unable to contain their excitement as crooked Hillary Clinton allowed them to the chance to give fawning interviews as she plugged her Godawful book "What Happened?" As such they seem unable to report the big stories in US politics like Hillary's collusion with the Russians.
Instead we are treated to Jon Snow on Channel 4 and the various BBC libtards telling us that the Republican Party has had enough of Trump as two senior senators line up to attack him. The truth is that Jeff Flake of Arizona an d Bob Corker of Tennessee are the sort of Country club Republicans who backed Romney and McCain enthusiastically but did not really mind that Obama won since they agreed with President Hopey Change on most things.
2515 days ago
As she plugs her tawdry lie packed book "How I lost the election even though I was a brilliant candidate and it was everyone else's fault but I won really" Crooked Hillary Clinton tells every fawning liberal media interviewer in turn that the Russians worked hand in hand with Donald Trump to rig the poll and cheat her out of victory. After nine months of exhaustive investigations and any number of lurid smears not one shred of evidence has been produced to justify this assertion made to and by unquestioning MSM "journalists" . Indeed even the emails coming from the DNC and published by Wikileaks did not come from Russian hacking as Hillary asserts. But this is not the real Russian scandal.
2518 days ago
The OECD, aka a think tank run by and for the vested interests of the 1%, the global elite, has today urged Britain to hold a second referendum on Brexit and to vote the right way. Naturally the BBC and the rest of the liberal media is loving it and not bothering to point out one little inconvenient truth, that the OECD is a proven Brexit liar.
2518 days ago
You really could not make this up. I am almost rapturous. This is karma at its best. You will remember that Monica was an 18 year old intern in the White House. Her boss, Bill Clinton insisted "I did not have sex with that woman". Well maybe it does not count in Arkansas but I reckon getting a blow job in the Oval Office comes pretty close. In the scandal that followed B ill racked up some hefty legal bills while his wife, Lady MacBeth, fought up for exploited young women in the workplace by calling Monica a "narcissistic loony toon." Anyhow so who paid Bill's bills?
2518 days ago
Before the Mrs heads off to work, filling the heads of impressionable young folks with left wing nonsense, she switches on BBC Radio 4's Today progamme to ensure that she gains confirmatory bias of her world view. It also ensures that I stay well out her way in the morning. But in an attempt to change the way I think she leaves Pravda blaring at full volume as she leaves. And thus I heard that crooked Hillary was set to be interviewed by Jenny Murray on women's hour as she plugs her ghastly new book yet again.
2519 days ago
The Clinton Foundation has today said that it will not be returning a $250,000 donation from a loathsome man who used his position to get sex from young women and is an alleged rapist. No silly, I am not talking about Bill Clinton but his fellow progressive Democrat and erstwhile campaigner for women's rights, Mr Harvey Weinstein. Natch the mainstream liberal media sees nothing wrong in this arguing that all the money was spent on good causes. But that is a lie.
2525 days ago
The BBC was again wetting itself as it reported that Vice President Mike Pence had walked out of an Indianapolis Colts NFL game on Sunday as some players opted to insult the flag and anthem by not standing but by kneeling as part of the #TakeaKnee protest. The BBC could not believe that the Vice President had flown in an air force plane to his home state. Jeepers a VP flying in an official jet to go his home state at the weekend. Whatever next? Bears. Shit. Woods.
2532 days ago
As a prelude to the inevitable rants about the need for Gun Control and wicked Republicans/Donald Trump having blood on their hands for opposing it, the liberal media instantaneously declared the awful events in Las Vegas as "America's biggest mass shooting". With bodies not yet in the mortuary the Democrats and their buddies in the media were point scoring. But then they realised an inconvenient truth. Racists!
2537 days ago
Today;s Guardian celebrates news that global carbon emissions stood still in 2016 which, it says, "is a welcome sign of progress in the battle against global warming." There is in fact rater better news, an admission from leading scientists writing in Nature Geoscience that between 1998 and 2013 the world had only got warmer by a smidgeon. Many of us have been pointing this out for years but now, even the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change admits, there has been a "pause."
2549 days ago
You may not remember the name but surely you remember the wall to wall coverage in late August 2016 when a Polish man was "murdered" in Harlow, Essex. On the state Broadcaster Pravda Daniel Sandford led the main news bulletins claiming this was a ‘frenzied’ race-hate murder by feral youths, triggered by Brexit. Ramming home this core message we had comments supporting that agenda from the local MP and a Polish diplomat. There was no question of "waiting for the facts" as we are all urged to to after each terror attack - though we all know that it was not Colonel Mustard wth the bucket bomb in the library. The liberal media had an agenda and Mr Jozwik's corpse would support that agenda.
2550 days ago
Of course we must not jump to conclusions. That is the preserve of fake news liberal media outlets like the BBC, Channel 4, CNN and The Guardian as they report about racist Donald Trump supporters berating a poor Muslim woman in New York - or not as it turned out. So let us make no assumptions of guilt although if we had to place bet, there would be one grouping that was an odds on favourite.
2553 days ago
You may remember that last December, shortly after the US election The mainstream media was filled with reports of hate crimes against immigrants and muslims in particular surging across America. The highest profile victim whose plight the BBC , the Guardian etc reported enthusiastically without verifying was Yasmin Seweid. She was an international cause celebre.
2556 days ago
Before the US election there were numerous reports of voter fraud almost all of which were linked back to the Democrat Party, the party of crooked Hillary Clinton. After polling day President Donald Trump said that there had been industrial scale voter fraud and that without it he would have won the popular vote as well as the electoral college. The liberal media said that this was just another case of POTUS lying and in reporting him as lying they served up their version of news. It will not surprise you that it can now be shown that the liberal media was itself serving up fake news.
2572 days ago
General Robert Lee was a good man, devout, honourable and widely admired. But he fought for "the wrong side" in the US Civil war so while most Americans disagree, his statue must come down. Overnight in Baltimore a 225 year old statue of Christopher Columbus was destroyed. On this one probably about 98% of Americans would support keeping the ancient monument standing, although in the liberal media bubble the numbers will be the other way round..
2573 days ago
I noted a couple of days ago that 70% of Americans agree with Donald Trump line that defiling Confederate War Memorials and statues of General Robert Lee and attacking the cops is awful, being a Neo-Nazi is worse. It is the liberal media, who have no respect for the fallen dead, that are the cause of widespread outrage not POTUS. But now it is game set and march to POTUS and ordinary decent Americans on this debate as ESPN has just scored the own goal of the Century by banning commentator Robert Lee for covering an American football game in Virginia because his name - shared with Confederate General Lee might offend viewers.
2577 days ago
The BBC, Channel 4, the Guardian and the rest of the liberal media on both sides of the Atlantic have been gagging to interview Nobel Prize winning former US Vice President Al Gore about his latest film. But at the Box Office, An Inconvenient Sequel Truth to Power is bombing. The liberal elitists may love but the great unwashed is turned off. Why? Perhaps it is because Al Gore's net worth has soared to $200 million thanks to his work, jetting across the world to fight man made global warming. Or perhaps it is because the facts show clearly that his first opus magnus, An Inconvenient Truth, was just plain wrong.
2578 days ago
Of all of the liberal media harpies covering the US election, beltway Kylie Morris of Channel 4 fake News was the most openly partisan as I exposed time and again HERE. Her crowning glory was to make up words for Donald Trump to smear him as a racist HERE. Like her fake news colleagues Kylie cannot get over the defeat of crooked Hillary so she fights on, twisting the truth to smear POTUS. The pulling down of Confederate staues and war memorials has been one of her finest hours.
2595 days ago
The magazine written for millennial women, Marie Claire, has slated the film Dunkirk. This time it is not about its factual accuracy in having a male and white cast. This slating from the liberal media is even dafter. The tweet below says all you need to know about this 80 year old market leading title which, a former editor stated "is read by intelligent women who are in tune with global issues." You have got to be kidding.
2599 days ago
It was 50 years since the legalisation of homosexuality and 1 day since President Donald Trump said he was banning Transgender folks from the US army. And thus BBC breakfast focused in hard on issues that affect directly just over 2% and between 0.3% and 0.6% of the population directly. What else could the liberal media focus on? It was a veritable LGBT-fest and a reminder why BBC Breakfast really is just such dismal viewing.
2603 days ago
As they do their utmost to shift the debate on BBC pay not to the gargantuan overspend on both stars and ordinary common or garden autocue readers but to the "gender pay gap", the liberal media luvvies also spin the line that at least the BBC should be praised for its transparency. This is contrasted with we evil capitalists in the private sector who are deemed opaque. It is all so pathetic.
2608 days ago
USA Today loves the movie Dunkirk and gives it a rave review. Its only caveat is that "the fact that there are only a couple of women and no lead actors of color may rub some the wrong way." Saints preserve us.
2616 days ago
Having failed to lay a glove on Trump senior for getting help from the Russians during hos election triumph, the Democrats and their allies in the liberal media fake news departments tried to show he was blocking their futile investigations. That failed too. Now the Dems really are clutching at straws.
2620 days ago
The debate about public sector pay is predicated on the myth that it has gone up by just 1% since 2013. The liberal media, the Labour party and indeed almost everybody just accepts this is a fact. But it is not true. It is fake news spun and reported by those who cannot be arsed to check their facts. If you actually bother to check the data from the Office of National Statistics you will see that it is a lie.
2621 days ago
A report by the Institute of Fiscal Studies suggests that the average student is now leaving colleague with debts of £51,000 a figure seized on by the left and the liberal media as a sign that everything should be handed out for free. The right insisted that it showed how the system was working. Everybody lied.
2624 days ago
It was the second lead story on the BBC News last night. The metropolitan elitists, the liberals inside the Westminster media bubble, spluttered with indignation as they talked to liberal minded colleagues inside the Washington Beltway. It is the story everyone is talking about they agreed. Of course that was more fake news too. Out there in the real world no-one really cares what President Trump tweets or perhaps, judging by the RTs, a lot of folks like what he tweets. Unlike 99% of liberals he has a sense of humour.
2636 days ago
In the UK the narrative from the liberal media fake news outlets let by the accursed BBC is that Donald Trump and his Republicans are enmeshed in scandal, in league with the accursed Russians and loathed across America. So what if the FBI has cleared Michael Flynn? So what if there is scant or no evidence that Donald Trump obstructed justice let's shriek on about a new Watergate anyway. Fake news tells you that Trump is on the ropes and so an special election in Georgia's 6th Congressional district was hailed as a "referendum on Trump". The vote was yesterday.
2642 days ago
Tim Farron was a pretty hopeless leader of the Lib Dems. His weasel words and demands for a second vote on Brexit were laughable and the way that he kept on insisting that he was the only working class ( pronounced with no r) was just plain cringe worthy. But the reason that he has quit as Lib Dem leader is that in modern Britain being a Christian is not acceptable, at least to the fake news wolf packs of the liberal metropolitan media.
2647 days ago
The BBC and the rest of the liberal media cannot stop telling us what an awful, intolerant place Israel is. Regularly mainstream politicians from the left compare its actions to those of Nazi Germany. And on that note, I am delighted to see that today it is Gay Pride day in Tel Aviv.
2647 days ago
It has started already. The DUP, from God's chosen land of Ulster, will back the Tories and we might just have stable Government for a while. The liberal media elite who are reporting Jeremy Corbyn's "victory speech ( hint Labour lost) is enraged. The knives are out for the DUP for they stand for everything that London millionaires despise.
2653 days ago
I do not know why the pathetic liberal media, led by the taxpayer funded BBC, are bothering to interview London's useless Mayor Sadiq Khan, his hapless Mancunian counterpart Andy Burnham, stockmarket spiv turned home secretary Amber Rudd or any of the other members of the political elite after the London Bridge attack. They are all saying the same as they did after Manchester. They were lying then. They lie today. Just re-run the old tapes. There are three big lies.
2684 days ago
Dreary remoaners such as Pizza Hardman Darren Atwater and the rest of the liberal media elite keep on saying that Brexit has cased the pound to tank against the Euro. After another taunt from Darren yesterday I bring you the chart below, just to help him move out of the post fact era.
2691 days ago
Following the first round of the French Elections the liberal press was quick to spin the line" the results are a a vote against the establishment, against the elites". The spin here was that both Marine Le Pen and Tony Blair clone Emmanuel Macron were outsiders, anti establishment candidates while the traditional parties of Government had been beaten badly. This was spin. It was fake news designed to assist Macron. Marine Le Pen's job before the second round is to demolish that idea and so far she is doing a fairly good job of doing just that.
2692 days ago
On the day that Marissa Mayer, the CEO of Yahoo, increased her net worth by $187 million to c $700 million by selling the company, there was a conference in Berlin yesterday to discuss gender inequality, glass ceilings at al. Most of the big names were career politicians with zippo private sector experience. Convicted fraudster Christine Lagarde - who somehow remains head of the IMF despite her criminal conviction - was there and so to, representing the US was Donald Trump's charming daughter Ivanka. Cue: a fake news outburst from the liberal media.
2697 days ago
In the US election I flagged up the phenomenon of the "shy" Trump supporter. I reckoned that 3-4% of voters were prepared to back Donald but would not fess up to pollsters and that is why I predicted the Donald would win the swing states just as the corrupt liberal media and pollsters assured us that crooked Hillary would win. So are there shy Le Pen voters in France? You bet there are.
2724 days ago
As they prepared to lay the coffin containing the remains of the murderer Martin McGuinness into the ground in a place which the craven liberal British media termed Derry but which we know as Londonderry, the old killer's comrade in arms Gerry Adams screamed to the crowd "Martin McGuinness was not a terrorist". They howled their appreciation. Adams continued "Martin McGuinness was a freedom fighter". The fenians howled some more. But of course Adam was lying - not that the liberal British media dared to flag that up.
2776 days ago
Since 1947 The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists have once a year recalibrated an imaginary Doomsday Clock tracking how close we are to midnight, the point at which man destroys the planet. To mark the election of Donald Trump the clock was pushed forward 30 seconds to two and a half minutes to midnight. How the Guardian, Channel 4 and the BBC loved it "He's going to kill us all". Did any of these screaming hysterical liberals watch the last episode of the current series of Endeavour?
2789 days ago
As part of the wall to wall Donald Trump hatefest that C4 News is running this week, liberal media establishment posterboy milli9onaire Jon Snow last night found himself interviewing Jonathan Capeheart, a black and senior reporter on the Washington Post. Capeheart will earn a good wedge on the flagship liberal beltway cat litter of choice so its safe to assume he is a dollar millionaire. On the day after Trump won he cried on C4 news so upset was he.
2795 days ago
The liberal media is eulogising President Hopey Change as he prepares to leave office. President Obama is still talking about Hope. But the reality is that it has been eight years of hype not hope and it is the poor and the blacks who have suffered most under this failure of a President. I review the facts the liberal media establishment opt to ignore, and consider the real legacy of Obama in this podcast.
2795 days ago
Ms Daly is the TD for North Dublin and is of the Corbynite class of barking mad but when President Obama came to Ireland in 2013 she nailed him perfectly and also put a fawning media and local political establishment firmly in their place. Speaking in the Dail, Clare says it as it is and watching the video below I rather warm to the old fruitbat.
2797 days ago
Channel 4's coverage of American politics has been lamentable during the past year as I have documented many times. Kylie Morris was consistently awful but it was Matt Frei who served up the worst fake news nonsense. But the programme's anchor Jon Snow hit new lows last night as he was bested by Pulitzer prize winning Glenn Greenwald on the subject of the 35 page Trump dossier that CNN had "broken" that day.
2797 days ago
The source of the utterly unverified allegations against Donald Trump pumped out by CNN today and duly gobbled up by the liberal media elite is originally a former British spy. As it becomes increasingly clear to all - other than the BBC and C4 - that this really is fake news, the Ministry of Defence has issued a D Notice stopping the British Media from naming the ex spy. What a farce.
2843 days ago
When Lady Thatcher died many on the left could not hide their delight. The BBC and the liberal media went out of their way to cover street parties by sick individuals celebrating the demise of a fellow human being. The liberal media failed to show the widespread sense of loss many of us felt. Maggie had made ordinary Briton's far better off, turned a country that had been bankrupt in 1976 into an economic powerhouse, had restored a sense of national pride but left wing intellectuals and the liberal media did not care about such things. It just hated her all the more. And in doing so it showed how out of touch they were then, as they are now, with how ordinary men and women actually feel.
And so today the evil bastard Fidel Castro of Cuba has died.
2846 days ago
It is bad enough that Donald Trump is considering the treacherous Country Club arse Mitt Romney for a cabinet position, given all he did to betray the GOP at the Election and to get crooked Hillary into the White House. But now Trump has betrayed conservative America and his supporters overseas with his statement that he is not going to appoint a special prosecutor to look into Hillary Clinton. This is a sell out pure and simple.
2860 days ago
I am a bad winner. I wanted Donald Trump to win and I wanted crooked Hillary Clinton to lose even more and my eight reasons why that would happen, published two months ago, proved 100% correct. I was punching the air all night as I stayed up watching the results. Georgia Yeeeees! North Carolina Yeeeeees! "Racist" Trump's share of the black & hispanic vote is up on 2012 - Yeeessss!!! Take that Matt Frei you ignorant bastard. Dippy Millennials in tears at Clinton HQ YEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! Oh what fun I had and so in the cold light of day, I list the eight moments that brought me most joy from the past 24 hours.
2866 days ago
North Carolina was an uber marginal win for the Republicans in 2012 and for the Dems in 2008. It is a must win state for Trump and last night the Clinton propagandists at BBC Newsnight were still calling it for Clinton. This is despite a new poll out which showed Trump smashing it out of the park. This is massive at a State but also a National level.
2867 days ago
Newsnight, the BBC's flagship programme for liberal lies, last night saw Evan Davis in the Studio chatting to Emily "crazy poll" Maitlis in the US about an election which Evan reckons Hillary Clinton is 75% certain to win. The opinion polls tell a massively different story which the UK taxpayer funded broadcaster just cannot handle or even report in a meaningful manner
2870 days ago
We are being lied to at every level by Western politicians and the liberal media establishment about who is doing what to whom in the so called siege of Aleppo. This is dangerous and it is wrong as I explain in this podcast which is dedicated to Nadine and her brave family still stuck in Aleppo facing death every day.
2870 days ago
You may remember that for much of this year some journalists outside the mainstream established press questioned the health of Hillary Clinton. The mainstream media refused to cover it, stating that it was not an issue and that we were just mad right wing "bloggers". In MSM talk blogger means online writer who earns his living writing for a profitable enterprise. A journalist is paid by a loss making older media grouping that is losing readers. Anyhow, enough about folks like me who enjoy rising readership and run profitable businesses while er... enough said.
Then on 9/11 the crooked one collapsed and the story she spun did not stack up. Cough cough...the MSM
2870 days ago
Before the FBI did the decent thing and, in some cases, afterwards the liberal media was telling us that the General Election was a slam dunk win for Hillary. But the polls told you that this was not the case. Even without the FBI reopening its investigation into Crooked Hillary which is really bad news for her, as I explain HERE, Trump was looking good for the White House. Here's why.
2871 days ago
Make no mistake, the Democrats are flapping, they are now in big trouble as the FBI has re-opened investigations into crooked Hillary Clinton's emails. This is shocking and it is very serious and it will change how some folks vote whatever the liberal media tries to tell you today.
2875 days ago
The liberal media elitists are today creaming themselves over a CBS poll showing Trump just 3% ahead in Texas - Britain's Daily Mail says the historically solidly red State is in play. Natch the poll is utterly rigged but it also gives a fascinating insight into how big is the "shy Trumpster" vote. Indeed for the first time we can start to quanitify it and the implications are massive.
2877 days ago
Crooked Hillary Clinton is still the favourite to win the November 8 Presidential Election. But her allies in the liberal media who refuse to air damning video exposes - such as this one - showing how she is just not fit to run the Dog Pound let alone be POTUS, are already pondering what outfits to wear for the victory party. The media is telling you that the contest is over and if you are a Republican you might as well not vote as your party is imploding. Au contraire my God Fearing, gun owning, tax paying, hard working friends in the conservative family.
2879 days ago
As soon as debate three was over the liberal media had their line "Trump won't accept General Election result - a threat to democracy". It was what Hillary said and it was the line that liberal worms on our TV screens such as the loathsome Matt Frei on C4 News repeated endlessly, Frei, who likes telling black folks they are racist for voting for Donald Trump, told us all that he was truly disgusted and that this was a new low point in American politics, it threatens democracy, yadda, yadda, yadda. We had never heard this before. Except that ... we had.
2881 days ago
Bruce is in London plugging his autobiography and so is being interviewed by every TV station radio station and newspaper in town. The book talks about his battle with depression and sounds a bit depressing so the liberal media would rather have a Trump hatefest as they yack away with the Boss. Let's put this into context....
2884 days ago
There were two polls out Sunday night - one shows Clinton 4 points up and the other shows her 11 points up. With Rasmussen showing Trump two points ahead that 11 point poll from the Wall Street Journal/NBC News looks very odd. Well here's the rub - its data is obviously flawed. Why the hell was it used at all and why has the media just not picked up on this?
2884 days ago
On the BBC today, liberal media establishment poseur Andrew Marr stated that Donald Trump is what everyone is talking about. By that he meant Trump and "pussygate" and by everyone he meant the mainstream press. But is that what most folks are talking about and is that what the mainstream press should be talking about.
2888 days ago
A poll out pre the weekend debate had Hillary Clinton 11% ahead of Donald Trump as the "sex tapes" scandal was pushed as hard as possible by the Liberal mainstream media. Over here in the UK you are being told by the BBC, C4, ITV and the rest that Hillary is 11 points ahead and a slam dunk winner. That is just not true.
2890 days ago
After the past 48 hours Donald Trump needed to crush Hillary Clinton in the second debate. And the Donald did just that. He played a blinder. Crooked Hillary had a very bad day at the office.
2891 days ago
Ok the video from 2005 and a couple of recordings from the radio show of the great Howard Stern are not good for Donald Trump. But it is not - as the liberal media - want you to believe game over. Hillary Clinton is an enabler for a serial sexual predator come rapist and that is now going to come out second stage in the second debate. There are also the latest Hillary leaks which the BBC is not covering which really are damning. The past 48 hours have been bad for folks like me who support Trump but it is not, necessarily, game over as I explain in this podcast
2892 days ago
The BBC, like the rest of the liberal media, has not held back in its anger directed towards those who have used cunning wheezes to avoid paying "their fair share" of taxes like the rest of us. Whether it be a wicked capitalist like Phil Green or an evil mega corporation such as Starbucks, the BBC has vented its wrath. So it will no doubt applaud the HMRC which seems to have netted a haul of more than 100 folks earning six figure salaries who have been dodging tax. I refer of course to many of the big names at er....the BBC.
2896 days ago
The Hungarian referendum on immigration left me feeling pretty disgusted by all involved. All the players appall me.
The liberal media wags from the BBC and Channel 4 were delighted to interview a raft of fat old Hungarians dressed in national costume heading off to vote. One woman insiated in sitting on the back seat of the car facing backwards with her ample arse in the air so as not to crumple her hideous dress which reminded us of folks in old Nazi propaganda movies from the thirties. Naturally 99% of those voting wandered to the station wearing jeans and looking normal. But the media wanted to show that all those voting to stop migration were old, inbred and stupid. We have seen that agenda before.
2897 days ago
The BBC and the rest of the liberal media was creaming itself last week reporting as breaking news for several days on the trot claims by Nissan that it may cease investing in its Sunderland plant because of Brexit. That will teach those thick racists in the grim North for voting for Brexit smirked the southern liberal elite. The great unwashed have only themselves to blame. They should have listened to the London lefty millionaires from the media and academia who really knew what was best for the "ordinary people" of Britain. What the BBC and Guardian failed to report is that Nissan has form. It is the boy who cried Euro Wolf.
2907 days ago
Kylie Morris of Channel 4 News did her best to smear Donald Trump last night with her made up campaign pledges as I noted here, but her colleague back in the studio Matt Frei went one better as he interviewed the Reverend Mark Burns a highly articulate African American from South Carolina who is an ardent Donald Trump supporter. What followed was truly appalling.
2907 days ago
Of course black lives matter. All lives matter. Murder is wrong and can never be justified. Neither however can one engage in a complete distortion of the truth in order to justify wholesale looting and demands for a massive re-allocation of the pork barrel with one group gaining at the expense of the rest. But that is exactly what is happening? The liberal media is not interested in hard data on racial murders in the USA and BlackLivesMatter ignores the hard data and I shall now demonstrate why.
2910 days ago
Channel 4 News anchorman Jon Snow had the pleasure last night of interviewing a man who is not really a household name even in his own household, that is to say Tim Farron the leader of the Liberal Democrats. Farron was both inconsistent and uninspiring but it was Snow who made the real spectacle of himself, showing sneering contempt for seventeen million of his fellow citizens.
2911 days ago
The weekend saw a slew of new polls and the headline is clear: Donald Trump is surging ahead of Crooked Hillary Clinton in the race to be the next President. Two weeks ago I gave eight reasons why The Donald would win HERE and things look to be on track. The real shocks, however, are in the detail, notably how Trump is surging among black voters. How can this be? Beltway liberal media pundits like Nick Bryan and, in her US stint, Emily Maitlis at the BBC and the loathsome Kylie Morris at C4 told us repeatedly that blacks hated the racist Trump. How will they spin this now?
2912 days ago
Tabloid rag for lefties, the i, makes little secret of the fact that, like most of the liberal media, it backs crooked Hillary Clinton to beat Donald Trump. And naturally that means that it needs to spin for the old witch in its headlines and its articles. You may remember that Hillary had to stop campaigning last Sunday after her doctors said she had pneumonia. That was two hours after Hillary said she was absolutely fine with nothing wrong with her at all. Which was two hours after she collapsed but - oddly for a pneumonia patient - was kept away from hospital but encouraged to do photo opps with little kids instead. Confused? Like most Americans I know the Hillary narrative is horseshit. But back to the i.
2933 days ago
My 15 year old daughter from Islington says she is "disgusted" that her Dad would like Donald Trump to defeat Crooked Hillary this Autumn. I try to explain in this podcast why she is wrong. I neglect to mention Trump's admirable pro gay rights record and the fact that he is pro choice but such is the hysterical coverage from the liberal media in Britain that facts do not count any more. I fear that in N1 my daughter is being captured by the establishment. I am sticking with the insurgency.
2936 days ago
I remember my daughter remarking how wonderful the poisonous midget Nicola Sturgeon of the SNP was a couple of years ago, for there was a time when on both sides of the border this silly woman appeared to be the darling of the left, of the liberal media and the metropolitan bien pensants. Since my daughter lives in Islington, I expect midget worshipping was almost compulsory for her. But how the Sturgeon devotees must be recanting for as every day goes by the Scottish leader seems sillier and more disingeneous.
2936 days ago
Nearly every conservative on this planet is rooting for Donald Trump against Crooked Hillary this autumn. Those of us who loathe the self proclaimed elite, the establishment of big business, the liberal media, the career politicians, Goldman Sachs and Monsanto, the crony capitalists, the bailout junkies are even more likely to back Trump...after all just look where Clinton's funding comes from. And thus as a conservative who rails against the establishment it is no shock that Nigel Farage of UKIP is backing The Donald and turned up at a rally last night. One "conservative insurgent" supports another: and you are surprised? What was even more predictable were the social media whinings of the liberal whingers.
2936 days ago
One of the stories of yesterday was that a poor British girl Mia Ayliffe-Chung had been murdered at a backpackers hostel in Australia. Another Brit is critically ill as a result of the knife attack by a French national.
As it happens the French national is called Smail Ayad and so one would assume is of North African origin and without doubt Moslem. He shouted out the words Allahu akbar" - God is Great in arabic as he carried out the attack..
But here is how the BBC News at 10 reported it last night. The Presenter is Sophie Raworth who stated: " Police say the suspect is from France and shouted in arabic and are not treating it as a terror attack"
Well up to a point Sophie sweetest
2942 days ago
The British liberal media and many of its ideological cousins from inside the Beltway want Donald Trump to lose the Presidential election and so all pretence of impartiality is out of the window. Right now the media is ignoring the latest Clinton scandals and Crooked Hillary's refusal to come clean on her health issues. Instead the narrative is of Trump failing so badly that senior GOP figures want him to withdraw, a campaign in chaos. The only problem is that this is just not true.
2949 days ago
It appears that Kadiza Sultana, one of the three schoolgirls who left Bethnal Green to join ISIS in Syria has been killed in an air strike. At this point are you weeping? Me neither. I feel sorry when innocent folk in Europe or in Syria and Iraq get butchered by ISIS. I feel sorry for the women rounded up for rape camps by ISIS. I look at the sickening executions and despair of humanity. I view ISIS as repellent. So Kadiza is not someone i mourn. The world is a better place without her and if - like so many victims of ISIS - her death was slow and painful then I really don't care. Well done to the Russians for taking her out.
2949 days ago
Yet again the British media was last night pumping out more stories about Donald Trump gaffes. The beltway classes think that what he says is big news and has The Donald sunk in the Presidential Race. By my calculations that is about the 9,784th time that the BBC, Channel 4, the Guardian and the liberal press pack have written the Trump political obituary. One day they will be right. But so far they have been wrong 9,783 times with no apology. The bigger stories which they are not reporting are the growing scandals surrounding crooked Hillary.
2952 days ago
The liberal British press and the BBC/C4 have spent the past few days delighting in reporting that the Donald Trump campaign for President is in meltdown. This must be about the zillionth time that the press pack has assured us that The Donald could not hope to win a single primary/primaries that matter/the GOP nomination or the White House.
The liberal media has been wrong all along, reporting what they want to happen not what is happening, and so I would not bet the ranch on them being right this time.
Even the most dismal of candidates, and that would be a fair description of crooked Hillary, gets
2957 days ago
Yesterday's news was all about how the Metropolitan Police is dressing up more and more of its officers to look like RoboCop to keep us all safe. Remind me, what was the name of that Brazilian chappie the Met shot dead for no good reason? If you trust the State you would have been reassured until about 10.30 PM when reports came in of a stabbing in Russell Square in the heart of the capital: 1 dead, five injured.
2965 days ago
I hate to admit it but I really like Michelle Obama. I do not normally go for left wing women, other than my wife and Abbe, who broke my teenage heart before becoming a lesbian, but Michelle is not only not bad looking but she also comes over as funny (very unusual among those on the left) and a warm sort of human being. I really can't say a bad word about her other than that she is married to the ghastly President hopey change. Yet the idea that her speech at the Democratic convention was transformational and inspiring was just another liberal media piece of fiction.
2967 days ago
The Beltway based liberal media and the imported Brits on the BBC got it wrong again. They thought the Republican convention went badly. They thought Mrs Trump was a disaster - they were wrong, she won fans. They thought lyin' Ted Cruz hurt Trump but no-one cared what the mendacious egomaniac said. The media thought Trump's message was dark. But Trump spoke to an America that the elite has ignored and he spoke their language. And thus having been trailing crooked Hillary by a couple of points he now leads in the polls by up to 4 points.
2967 days ago
The liberal media are normally keen on immigrants who work hard and get ahead. That is unless they happen to be one of the various woman who at one time or another has been or is married to Donald Trump. And so last week the BBC, The Guardian and the rest of the beltway insiders stuck it to Slovenian born Melania Trump in a big way. Once again I am pretty sure they misjudged America which will warm greatly to Mrs Trump in the coming months and which is almost certainly now rooting for her against the beltway chatterers.
The liberal media had it in for the immigrant Melania on two grounds.
2968 days ago
Two more lone wolves struck in Germany tonight - a bloke with a machete killed two folks. The pertinent facts here according to the liberal media were that he was pinned down by a Moslem and that one of his victims was an immigrant, a Pole. Then in Ansbach a man denied entrance to a 2000 person music festival blew himself up injuring ten people outside a wine bar. The BBC wants us to know both are lone wolves. So was the killer of nine in Munich on Friday night and the chap with the axe earlier last week. All lone wolves. Meanwhile...
2970 days ago
When poor Jo Cox, the late Labour MP for somewhere Grim in the North was murdered the British Liberal media did their utomost to pin the ghastly crime to the Brexit campaign. So what if the killer had spent ages in an asylum was on medication and called social services in a right old state the day before? That did not matter. Not once was the phrase "lone wolf" used. If the liberals could not link him directly to Brexit it was enough to find a few posters erected several hundred miles away by UKIP and Leave or a few harsh words from Boris Johnson and claim these "turned the poor chap".
2970 days ago
In days gone by it was perfectly respectable to be a Eurosceptic and a lefty. Great socialists such as Tony Benn, Peter Shore and Barbara Castle lead the battle to get out of the EU in 1975. But gradually most on the left have abandoned that position. That they have done so while working people and the old, young and sick across Europe have been screwed by the EU might be rather surprising.
And thus while Greek Pensioners have to live on £9 a day
2971 days ago
Emily Maitlis of the BBC is covering the Republican Convention in Cleveland and so for her first report she tried, very briefly, to show balance but then gave up. She knows that Trump supporters are all ignorant common folks from the flyover states who are likely to be racists, because she is an educated affluent liberal. From that standpoint the report was very simple to put together.
2972 days ago
On Monday night Mrs Trump made a bit of a goof by lifting around 35 seconds of words from a speech by Michelle Obama. One sixtieth of Mrs Trump's speech was plagiarised, the culprit was a lowly speech writer no-one in the wider electorate gave a dam but the liberal British Media loved it. You could see the visibile smirks on the faces of Emily Maitlis on Newsnight or beltway Kylie Morris of Channel 4. Okay it was a bad day for the GOP let the liberals have their fun. But today is Wednesday...
2973 days ago
84 people in Nice were murdered by a maniac. A few of the victims, as on 9/11, were Moslems. The vast majority were not. But 100% of the assailants on both occassions were followers of the "religion of peace" as it terms itself. But in the world of the BBC those base truths become reversed. And thus the French correspondendent of Pravda, Lucy Williamson filed her report yesterday which opens up with the words.
2977 days ago
Somehow I managed to work out how to tune my father's TV onto the BBC News Channel. Newsnight had been too busy bashing the Tories to give more than a brief mention to a story that broke before it went on air and which now leaves almost 80 people lying dead in France. Sof dozens of dead froggies, lets remind ourselves again how across the world liberal media pundits think Boris Johnson is frightful. The interweb was miles ahead of the Beeb's flagship show once again but over on the news channel there was now full coverage.
I went to sleep at 1.30 AM by which time the BBC had at least accepted that it was not an accident ( circa midnight) and was most definitely a terrorist attack. Jeepers you don't say. One Belgian terrorism expert had stated the bleeding obvious that it was an attack by ISIS but the BBC itself was making no such claims instead insisting that we have no idea who was responsible.
Hmmm. The wicked Jews?
3030 days ago
The liberal British media could not get enough Republicans to go on camera saying how they's rather suck Bill Clinton's cock than vote for Donald Trump. Inside the bubble that is Washington DC, folks like Kylie "beltway" Morris of C4 news span the narrative again and again that the GOP would splinter and not back Trump and so he could not win. As such the latest polls show at every level that Kylie et al really just cannot get this contest any more wrong.
The headline is a good place to start on the latest ABC/Washington News poll. Trump is on 46%, crooked Hillary is on 44%. Yes Trump is winning. But its the breakdown that is more fascinating.
What percentage of Republicans who did not vote for Trump in the primaries will vote for Hillary in the General? It is just 11% ( down from 20% in March). So 11% of c40% of GOP voters are backing crooked Hillary - that would be just over 4%. The rest are backing The Donald. that looks like a pretty united party to me with pretty much everyone bar Mitt Romney, and the effete Country Club Republicans who lead the party to electoral disaster in the past two contests, backing Trump.
But over with the Dems it is rather different. 20%
3034 days ago
A new poll show The Donald leading the loathsome Clinton woman for the first time. The British liberal media told you Trump would not win the Republican nomination. Folks like Kylie Morris of C4 News could not see outside of the beltway and got that totally wrong. The same folks said with Trump the GOP choice the lyin' Hillary was sure to win. They are wrong again as I explain. in this podcast.
3063 days ago
Beltway liberal Kylie Morris of C4 News led the British liberal media, after Wisconsin, in saying Donald Trump's campaign had problems. Less partial commentators (me) suggested we wait for the New York Primary where rump would win big. Kylie covered that contest by interviewing rapid Democrats saying what a stinking racist Trump was or, yesterday, the craziest man she could find among Trump supporters - a religous nutter from Long Island blowing a ram's horn and misquoting the Old Testament. C4 viewers could be under no illussion: Trump had no mainstream support in New York State. Well here are the actual numbers from the primary.
Trump 60.5% and 89 delegates, Kasich 25.1% and 3 delegates while Cruz, the candidate the Country Club establishment want to foist on the GOP got just 14.5% of the vote and no delegates.
So what do we know now? Kylie may not have worked this out
3071 days ago
Listening to beltway liberal Kylie Morris on C4 or to the BBC's legion of taxpayer funded reporters it is clear that black Americans hate Donald Trump because he is a racist. That is a given right? No disputes it is what David Cameron might term a fact. Er... don't tell Kylie but it is not actually what the hard data demonstrates. Kylie's telling porkies again.
3085 days ago
Writing in Forbes ditzy liberal media airhead Kathleen Chaykowski explains why Bernie Sanders is winning the social media contest hands down and why, of those folks still in the Presidential race, The Donald is doing the worst. Naturally Kathleen can come to only a couple of conclusions and there are no prizes for guessing what they are.
3094 days ago
Gosh the lefty media just does not know to play this one. A white college educated liberal attended a Donald Trump rally dressed in a Klu Klux Klan hood yesterday and endeavoured to disrupt the event, making it clear that he thinks The Donald is a racist. A black supporter of Donald Trump then beat him up before the cops pulled both men away in cuffs.
The liberal media is confused
3094 days ago
If a multi-millionaire luvvie from Hollywood is in London then the liberal British Media just has to give them airtime and column inches to slam Donald Trump. The luvvies all hate Trump but each comes up with different ludicrous reasons to slate him. Today it was Glenn Close, plugging her latest London stage show, who showed what an airhead she is, thanks to the Marr Show on BBC1.
3099 days ago
This morning, the BBC and the rest of the liberal media cannot get enough of Lt General Ben Hodges who has warned we Brits that we must not vote for Brexit as it could damage NATO. What on earth is a US Soldier doing intervening in a British Election rather defies belief, how would Obama feel if a British General made the equally factually innaccurate claim that Mrs Clinton was a lying, deceitful old dyke and so urged folks to back the GOP this November?
Hodges, who is the top yankee soldier in Europe, seems to think that without Britain the EU could unravel. And if that happens NATO will unravel. Frankly it does not make much of a case for staying in the EU if we are told that if one of its 28 members quits it will fall apart.
Moreover do you need the EU for NATO? The latter was formed in 1949. A small common market did not get going until 1957 but the vast majority of NATO members were not part of that. The Evil Empire itself
3101 days ago
The liberal left British media cannot get enough of Hillary Clinton, the woman cannot put a foot wrong. That is despite all the evidence that she can barely put a foot right. On the other hand Donald Trump is pure evil. There is no need for C4 News or the BBC to examine what he says he is just evil. Really? As someone who does not believe in invading countries at random because of the mess it causes and because the pretext is almost always a lie, I cannot think how I'd vote for the warmongering liar Clinton while - if the liberals actually listened to what the Donald says they might actually agree with him.
The video
3104 days ago
You could sense how the BBC, Channel 4 News, The Guardian and the rest of the British liberal media creamed themselves last week as leading figures from the Republican establishment lined up to slam Donald Trump. For a moment the liberal media forgot that folks like Mitt Romney and John Mccain were evil right wingers, in their book anyway, and lauded them as great statesman.
As one, the only question the media pack lead by Emily Maitlis on Newsnight and the beltway liberal warrior Kylie Morris on C4, asked was "have the big beasts left it too late". That was, of course, the wrong question.
In case the liberal media had forgotten,
3105 days ago
Donald Trump's mother comes from the Isle of Lewis in the Hebrides and so the BBC thought it would be a hoot to go Trump bashing by asking the folks up in the far Northern reaches of the welfare safari to say what they thought of The Donald. Well what a surprise ...they don't like him.
3145 days ago
Over on Channel 4 News on Thursday Kylie Morris was interviewing two God fearing hard working, tax paying folks from Iowa, that is to say Republicans from a flyover state - the sort of people the liberal media establishment would rather not mix with. Kylie put it to them that Donald Trump was making the GOP race a bit of a pantomime, after all "the UK Parliament even debated banning Trump from Britain". Words almost fail me.
In America they believe in something we used to fight for in Britain, that is to say free speech. Mr Trump is clearly a very popular figure among Republicans and even among Independents. Unlike the belle of the liberal media ball, the loathsome Mrs Clinton,
3531 days ago
Naturally I am shocked over the massacre of journalists at Charlie Hebdo in Paris by Islamofascist gunmen. It is an assault on free speech, it is sickening and it must be deplored but watching C4 coverage of the event last night the cowardice and duplicity of the Western Media was there for all to see.
First up were the range of voices singing the praises of the publication for daring to challenge cultural norms, standing up to religious intolerance and to racism for fighting for free speech and calling for the Front Nationale to be banned. Er…hang on a sec…
Personally I do not find some of the crude jibes made at all religions by this publication very clever, funny or brave. Let’s face it Jews and Christians are not going to react by hacking heads off in protest, that sort of behaviour is the preserve of the Islamofascists. However, amongst the trendy liberal elite it is deemed clever and almost the norm to mock those of any faith (but especially the Christian faith) as if they were some relic of a former age, like those who support fox hunting, hanging or who believe in a flat earth. I admire those with faith. I cannot believe but almost wish I did. I find the principles of Christianity as far more appealing than those of the chattering classes.
As such while I regard much of what Charlie Hebdo lampooned about the faith I’d like to have offensive, crude and not very clever. Sure, attack the Church where it fails (like in child abuse) but to attack folks just for having faith or the faith itself in a sneering manner – how very Islington.
But I defend its right to publish this bollocks because I believe in free speech. And that is why I am perplexed by how the liberal elite think that Charlie Hebdo trying to get the Front Nationale banned is worthy of praise. Okay it fits in with the modern liberal agenda but it is hardly in the Mill or Gladstone tradition of supporting free speech is it?
That I loathe and despise everything that the party of Le Pen stands for is a given. But