429 days ago
This is laughable. The conclusion of a report out today on deaths during the great plague of 1348-50, aka the Black Death, in London is that “higher death rates amongst people of colour and those of black African descent was a result of the “devastating effects” of “premodern structural racism” in the medieval world. Natch the BBC is delighted by this study from the Museum of London. But does the data actually support such a claim? What do you think?
490 days ago
My family is a bit unusual in these parts. My wife is a person of colour and my kids mixed race. But 97% of folks in this part of the world are white, as opposed to 87% of the overall population. When we lived In Bristol, a big City, the ethnic percentage, at 16% was above the national norm. Non white folks are more likely to live in big Cities than out here in the boonies. that is just a statement of fact.
570 days ago
Usually it is black folk, that is to say those in sub saharan Africa who, we are told, are most at risk from the global warming hoax. But apparently global warming is now more homophobic than it us racist and it is the LGBTQ community, most of whom live in rich Northern Hemisphere western nations who are most at risk. I fail to see the logic here but perhaps a more enlighted reader can explain?
623 days ago
The Coronation weekend is over but as I drive around the villages around Wrexham and Chester I am struck by how much of the celebratory bunting and flags stay up. Even here on the Welsh side of the border, the red white and blue of the United Kingdom cannot be dodged. My Indian born parents-in-law, old enough to have been born under British Rule, still fly their Union Flags as do so many others. But for years flying such flags was expressly frowned upon by the liberal establishment that runs the media, academia and most of the political class.
689 days ago
Were it to emerge that women were, as my mother, one great aunt and one of mum’s cousins did, far more likely to kill themselves than men, the BBC’s Women’s Hour would be all over it demanding that action be taken. Were it to emerge that black and Asian people were far more likely to kill themselves than whites, all the usual grifters would be out demanding public enquiries, Government spending and suggesting that this was a legacy of colonialism. David Lammy, Priyamvada Gopal et al would be all over the papers and outr TV screens crying and demanding action. As it happens, the ONS has published data on suicides today.
741 days ago
Mr Vaughan used to captain Yorkshire and England at cricket and until last year worked as a commentator for the BBC at which point he was suspended following allegations from the whistleblower and anti Semite Azeem Rafiq that Vaughan made a racist remark to Asian players in 2009. That allegation made by the anti-semite and alleged sex pest is denied by Vaughan. On the other hand, Ms Begum left the UK to join ISIS, admitted to watching and applauding beheadings in Syria and condoned the attack on the Manchester area which saw a raft of young girls killed.
785 days ago
There is much wailing as the results of the 2021 Census are published and so that for the first time in almost two thousand years the majority of folks in England and Wales do not identify as Christian. Well sort of, many of the supposed godless are just like Cambridge University bisexuals. They will see the light sooner or later. Let me explain on this day before Advent.
888 days ago
Today’s Mail on Sunday carries a nasty hit job on Richard Jennings of Align accusing him of racism. You can read it HERE. The story is clearly manufactured by Ironveld Resources (IRON). I do not know enough SA slang to comment on Jennings’ words. However, amazingly the dickhead journalist not only failed to report matters showing Jennings as a supporter of poor blacks in Zim South despite having the evidence, but the whatsapp messages referred to show Ironveld driving a coach and horses through AIM Rule 11 and AIM Rule 10 so misleading its investors. I explain why that may have enabled some smart money to get out at the wrong prioe and why this should be enough to see Martin Eales and Giles Clarke fired at once. Unlike the wretched Mail I bring you the full whatsapp thread.
940 days ago
The 1973 “Roe vs Wade” ruling has been overturned which, according to the liberal media and “progressives” elsewhere, is tantamount to a ban on abortion. Of course, it is not. In honour of almost 64 million lives ended by abortion since Roe vs Wade, here are the awful facts.
1008 days ago
I seem to remember that, for some frightful faux pas, the comedian, Lee Hurst, has been no-platformed from various venues. His real problem is that he is not only funny, but also rather right-wing, which are the two reasons why you never see him on TV or hear him on what Radio 4 calls, in a blatant breach of the trade description laws, comedy shows. Yesterday, Mr Hurst utterly nailed a woman called Evie, gender she/they, a keen mask-wearer and a lesbian.
1011 days ago
Greece was often praised for its authoritarian approach to the scamdemic. You may remember the Guardian and BBC claiming that, while our evil government committed genocide by negligence, Greece’s draconian lockdown had cured the country of covid. Of course, it did not. The lockdown gave the economy another good kick but, as the table shows, Greece has fared relatively badly in terms of covid deaths.
1029 days ago
An actor even I have heard off hit a comedian I am not sure I’d know from Adam, at the Oscars for telling an unfunny joke about his wife. Suddenly politicians, celebs and all the other preening nonentities who dominate our world in 2022 piped up with their take on Will Smith hitting Chris Rock. But only the Guardian, the dreary left wing reading of the middle classes, gets to the real core of the issue as you can see below.
1077 days ago
This gem below is from a debate at the Oxford Union late last year. It is so of the age. I suggest that the speaker is the ideal candidate to become the new Comissioner of the Metropolitan Police, replacing Cressida Dick who, apparently, is not woke enough. It is that which got her “resigned” not years of being utterly useless.
1085 days ago
This week, 50,000 truckers headed in a convey to Ottawa, the Truckers for Freedom. All along the route, Canadians braved minus temperatures and driving snow to wave flags and shout their support. Prime Minister Trudeau claimed he had met someone with covid and so self-isolated in a hidden bunker. Almost the entire population of Canada, with the exception of my best man the deranged socialist Darren Atwater who has offered “Ol’ blackface” sanctuary at his log cabin in the woods, is revolted by Trudeau. So tweeting from his hideout how does little Justin describe the truckers, and in effect most Canadians?
1085 days ago
Actress and TV host Whoopi Goldberg piped up yesterday to say that the Nazis did not kill six million Jews because of racism but just because man can be evil and inhumane to other men. You see, according to Whoopi, most Jews and most Nazis were white so it can’t be racist can it? This is so blindingly obviously wrong at every level. Jews were killed because they were Jews. It was racism. And downplaying that, or pretending the holocaust was not, as we say today, a “racially motivated crime” is racist. But then in liberal circles in the West, anti-semitism and holocaust denial is not really considered proper racism any more, after all the Israelis are mainly Jews and, everyone in Islington, Hollywood or on most campuses agrees that the Israelis are ghastly fascists. Whoopi then doubled down!
1147 days ago
Many of you will have been shocked by the recent footage from London of a bus load of Jewish teenagers being abused and threatened as they went out to celebrate the first day of Chanukah. Chants of Sieg Heil could be heard. The BBC reported that at least one teenager shouted out something about a muslim, implying that they almost deserved it. As it happens what can be heard on the audio is the hebrew for “Call someone it is urgent”. Natch the BBC has yet to apologise for this vile smear.
1151 days ago
If a comedian appears on any BBC Radio 4 show the two things that you can guarantee is that they are 1) left wing and 2) Not in the slightest bit funny. “Trump, Nazi, wanker”. Cue screams of laughter from elitist London audience. And then there will be a blatantly racist and sexist one about Trump’s Mrs being dumb as proven by her accent and how she clearly slept her way to the White House. Cue more howls of laughter from the moronic London middle classes. So that brings us to Jenny Eclair…
1163 days ago
There is intense competition for this award with Professor Neil “pantsdown” Ferguson nominated for several spectacularly bad expert predictions. But the winner goes to the Indian American born head of Public Health at Edinburgh University, Dr Devi Sridhar. The media loves her as she ticks all the diversity boxes and her recommendations invariably focus on more state intervention, economic destruction and erosion of civil liberties. But her forecasting? My cats could do better. What follows, an op. ed. in the wretched Guardian , is a world beater.
1163 days ago
As I have noted previously, as we observe extreme cold in Russia and China, in “The Long Winter” by Laura Ingalls Wilder, an admrable libertarian but now like most dead white authors now officially a racist, nature warns the Ingalls family that the “extreme weather” occurring without man made carbon emmisions will be brutal. So what is in store for the UK this year?
1165 days ago
Notwithstanding the utterly false slur from deluded, Guardian reading, Cambridge academics that Laura Ingalls Wilder is a vile racist whose books should be kept away from young folk, Joshua and I are now onto the fifth of the series, The Long Cold Winter. At chapter five the first blizzard has been survived but nature is warning the Ingalls family that far worse is to come.
1175 days ago
They just think they are better than us. They deserve more pay,longer holidays, bigger pensions, to live by different rules and for us to venerate them. For the political class different rules seem to apply and there are different punishments should they break them. Take the career politician that is Claudia Webbe, a woman found guilty of harassing and stalking another woman, threatening to throw acid over her face and to send nude pictures of her victim to the victim’s kids. What a vile piece of work.
1186 days ago
I am reading this series of books to my five year old son Joshua who is, of course, of Indian origin. So I explain what Laura means by an Indian and he gets it. But in years to come the simple pleasure of reading these wonderful books may be denied us because Laura is now like coffee, women’s knickers, fried chicken, a 42 tonne rock, trees and numerous other items officially racist. Who says so? Homerton College Cambridge.
1264 days ago
Just like coffee, women’s hockey, women’s underpants, sand, covid, inviting your relatives and friends to your own funeral, dating a person of colour or not dating a person of colour or fancying Rishi Sunak or Priti Patel, a 2-billion-year-old rock in America is now officially racist and has been relocated to avoid giving offense to students of colour. I kid you not.
1304 days ago
You may remember that among the things that became racist this year were trees. They joined other alt-right offenders such as coffee, fried chicken, women’s hockey and underpants, sand and an ever longer list of shame. Now thanks to that go to publication for the racist list of shame, The Guardian, we have another hate criminal. A lack of trees.
1318 days ago
Che Guevara was the “hero” of the Cuban civil war whose face adorns T shirts of the naive across this globe. He would have been 93 today and folks like Union boss Howard Beckett are rushing to praise him, showing their complete ignorance of history, as you can see below. The left often hates history. Facts can be awkward. So Howard celebrates with the late Che showing solidary with other victims of racism, homophobia, transpobia, etc, etc. Er…
1326 days ago
Here they are, four folks who did something a long time ago and which is the odd one out and why? Your delightful quartet in this cancel culture era are: East London pin-up now resident in Syria Shamima Begum, LA Resident Harry Windsor, now ex England cricketer Ollie Robinson, and Kamau Bobb of Google. The common thread is teenage regret.
1327 days ago
Who to support in the Euros? There is no team from the island of Ireland and so it will be Wales which gets my backing as well as my normal second team, that is to say anyone playing against England. When Wales gets knocked out, maybe mother Russia is the team to back.
1330 days ago
When it comes to historical dramas, the liberal luvvies are determined to out as LGBT as many folks as possible even if those folks are manifestly straight. Ask any school kid today what they know about Queen Anne and the few who have the foggiest will tell you, following the movie, The Favourite, that she was a rampant lesbian. Maybe the odd kid will say that Queen Anne was a racist because she was involved in slavery.
1330 days ago
Celebs, especially in America, are always calling each other “brave” when they speak out on an issue which they all agree with anyway. Wow, that is incredibly brave to call out Donald Trump as a sexist, racist, transphobic, bigot. Cue a standing ovation at the Oscars from your fellow liberal luvvies. What would be really brave is to dare to dissent from the woke GroupThink. I rarely see eye to eye with liberal chat show host Bill Maher but I take my hat off to him for this eight minute defence of Israel based on hard facts and which, with wit, he ridicules some of Israel’s critics. Bill uses facts, something you so rarely hear when discussing Israel. It is a valid history lesson for young folk today who know nothing of the history of this region. Well done Bill. This is a must-watch.
1340 days ago
My wife’s family originated in India. Her parents were born there and would say that they were Indian. My father’s father’s family originated in Kent and would say that they were Kentish Men or Men of Kent. I can never remember which is which; it is to do with which side of the Medway you are born on. But when it comes to Covid and the BBC…
1371 days ago
It may have escaped your attention if you are not a member of the GAWA or do not know what it is, but for the first time ever, the Northern Ireland Women’s Team has qualified for a major tournament. And thus. this St George’s Day I celebrate by starting down the path to get tickets for Euro 2022 to introduce my daughter to Northern Irish football. As is the norm I don’t pay any great attention to the English National day but I certainly take no offence from its celebration. My wife, on the other hand, may have parents born in India but identifies, on the census, as do most folks born in Nottingham, as English. For our kids growing up in Wales this will all be rather confusing.
1375 days ago
Under this country’s bonkers covid laws you are now allowed only 30 folks at a funeral plus the corpse even if that corpse is the husband of the Queen. It was the same rule for Phil the Greek as it was for my late father.
1379 days ago
Since everything is racist it was only a matter of time before conifers joined cheese, sacking a librarian for burning library books, women’s hockey, fancying Priti Patel or Rishi Sunak, coffee, sand, pants, fried chicken, not dating a person of colour, dating a person of colour and so much else besides as being guilty of the worst of cardinal sins. The shocking revelation that your Christmas Tree might as well be a burning cross from the KKK comes from Portland Oregon in the United States of lunacy.
1379 days ago
I sort of remember that cheese was first exposed as being racist back in 2020 along with sacking sacking a librarian for burning library books, women’s hockey, fancying Priti Patel or Rishi Sunak, coffee, sand, pants, fried chicken, not dating a person of colour, dating a person of colour and so much else besides. But in case the evils of cheese have not yet been exposed, they have been now. I guess this mixed race household must start emptying the fridge at once. Naturally it is from gender fluid crazy town, aka Brighton in Sussex, that this revelation comes.
1414 days ago
Wading into the Meghan debate on behalf of her fellow liberal celeb, the unfunny American comedienne Joy Behar gives us a unique take on history. I can see that she picked up a lot from her university degree in sociology. Her essential thesis is that the Royal Family are all Nazis, which means they must be racist as Meghan claims.
1414 days ago
In my world of investigating white collar crime, there is a Eureka movement when you can prove that a company has told one slam dunk lie. It does not matter how small the lie, it is the act of lying that matters And that brings me to Meghan Markle. We can dissect her interview in detail as I started to do HERE but let us focus on what is the most glaring and obvious and serious lie she told.
1434 days ago
I know that burning books by authors who were disapproved of in some way might have been fashionable in 1930s Germany but most folks today would see it as a not altogether progressive act. But it seems that among some progressives, it seems to be an act that is coming back into fashion. Among the new liberal book burners is Mr Cameron Williams, a librarian.
1435 days ago
It joins a long list: drinking coffee, knickers, sand, covid, the covid vaccination programme, Dad’s Army, paying tribute to Tom Moore, dating a person of colour, not dating a person of colour, eating fried chicken, fancying Priti Patel or Rishi Sunak, the list goes on and on. But the Mediterranean Diet is not only racist but it upholds white supremacy as well!
1439 days ago
Just wait until the professional fake news driven race baiters at the BBC, Channel 4 News and David Lammy MP get hold of this! The NHS has published data showing that almost 20% of white folks have been vaccinated the percentage of other ethnic groups is far lower. Oh no, call out the Witchfinder General of the racism industry, Mr Lammy, so that he can sniff another monstrous crime. Of course there is a rational explanation for this which is backed up with hard data but who cares about that? This is 2021 so we must generate some more grievances and talk of inequality.
1449 days ago
It joins a long list including: bras, knickers, dating a person of colour, not dating a person of colour, drinking coffee and, as of yesterday, paying tribute to the late Captain Tom Moore.
1449 days ago
Yesterday I revealed how joining the ever longer list of things that became racist in 2021 was celebrating the life and mourning the passing of Tom Moore. Who said so? A Church of England Vicar.
1450 days ago
It joins a long list. Knickers, bras, drinking coffee, Dad’s Army, dating a person of colour, fancying Rishi Sunak, not dating a person of colour are all racist as are so many other things. And now joining an ever expanding list is remembering and marking with respect the passing of the late Captain Tom Moore. You have been warned. It offends at least one person so is almost certainly a hate crime. Don’t do it!
1451 days ago
A common symptom of severe #BrexitDerangementSyndcrome is starting to hate symbols of the UK, decrying them as Alt Right and loathsome. Greeks can wave the Greek flag, Frogs can wave the Tricolor and folks in Islington can wave the EU flag which I like burning on special occasions as they are all good Europeans. But waving, or displaying, the Union Flag is a sign of supporting UKIP or being an extremist. Or both as anyone who is not to the left of Keir Starmer is automatically an extremist. Meet Sophia Collins.
1461 days ago
Melania Trump is a woman who, fluently, speaks five languages more than most of the liberals from the English-speaking world who abuse her. Because of who she is married to, it is, apparently, acceptable to racially abuse her. Take actor Tim Matheson. Now that I have googled him, I do know who he is but all that you need to know is that he is just your normal common or garden Hollywood liberal millionaire celeb.
1462 days ago
Add it to the list of things we must shun like knickers, bras, sand, covid itself, drinking coffee, women’s hockey, dating people of colour, not dating people of colour, the film Grease, etc, etc etc. The source of this latest shocking expose is the career Euro loon Femi Oluwole. Apparently Boris Johnson has blood on his hands for insisting that covid vaccine packaging is so racist that BAME folks will refuse to take it. You could not make this stuff up.
1478 days ago
I missed this one at the time so thanks to RP for spotting it but along with drinking coffee, women’s hockey, knickers, bras, sand, covid, dating a person of colour, not dating a person of colour and so much else we now know, thanks to the Guardian, natch, that fried chicken is also racist.
1480 days ago
We start 2021 as we left 2020 – the year when drinking coffee, knickers, sand, women’s hockey, covid, dating a person of colour, not dating a person of colour and numerous other things became racist. First up this year is that old favourite Dad’s Army (the version starring Clive Dunn, Arthur Lowe, Arnold Ridley etc.).
1484 days ago
One of the great themes of 2020 has been the visceral intolerance of the left. To many of them, anyone marginally to the right of Kier Starmer is an alt-right, fascist, racist, homophobic, transphobic Little Englander freak who must be ostracised and no platformed. Those who tweet with the hashtag #FBPE who will tonight be frothing and seething in a particularly hateful manner, as some of us celebrate quietly on our own, are the most intolerant of the lot. I wish ill on no-one but I wonder what would happen if Mary, below, got really sick and had to call an ambulance only to find it was staffed by Tory voting Brexiteers.
1485 days ago
With symptoms including a form of tourettes whereby whenever a victim of this terrible disease meets some peasant-like oik, he or she feels the need to explain to them why they are stupid, ill educated, racist and xenophobic, it seems that in parts of Southern England the BrexitDerangementSyndrome pandemic is out of control. And there is a new virulent strain in Scotland whereby folks also seek to show how much they want to be independent by ranting on about their desire to hand back newly won freedoms and rights to their own fishing waters to a foreign power. On Twitter, as some of us prepare bonfires for tomorrow night’s Brexit celebrations, those suffering from this appalling affliction can be seen everywhere tweeting#FBPE and their conviction that they are right about everything and 17.4 million of us are just plain stupid.
1487 days ago
Now that we are out of the EU for good, surely the next great national campaign has to be to #DefundtheBBC. It really is a most nauseating institution. The clear liberal left bias of its news coverage, the woke and unfunny comedy and the smug air of superiority makes it almost unbearable. As it attracts ever fewer viewers and listeners, it ups the bloated pay of its staff, never questioning why folks are deserting it but instead doubling down on the sort of activities which arouse so much anger.
1491 days ago
Cripes I have a number of portraits of my ancestors who are, like me, white, hanging in my house. When my wife, a person of colour, says that they look like boring old stiffs – which I fear they may have been – what I guess she really means is that their presence offends her and is a reminder of colonialism and oppression and I might as well be displaying photos of the Nuremberg rallies.
1493 days ago
Cripes. There was I thinking that in drinking my Kenyan roast coffee this morning, I was helping to create proper sustainable jobs in Africa and allowing folks to put food on the table of their family, pay taxes to support healthcare, education and other good things. How foolish was I?
1501 days ago
It must be true. After all, it was reported in the deadwood press. In this case, it is the New York Times - 2019 average daily circulation 443,000, down from 959,000 a decade earlier -which brings you this earth shattering A grade piffle below. I just can’t think why more folks do not want to read a publication like this.
1504 days ago
In these last days before the UK confirms how we leave the EU, many of those on the losing side of the referendum in 2016 are suffering recurring bouts of Brexit Derangement Syndrome. Pity folks like Steven McKellen for he is not well. But at least he knows why his side lost.
1507 days ago
On Saturday, Millwall Supporters booed as their players took a knee in support of an organisation that most Britons (both white & BAME) think INCREASES racial division, that wants to end capitalism & the nuclear family, to boycott Israel, defund the police and shut jails. Millwall supporters spoke for the nation. Fraud promoter Gary Lineker said the supporters were racist in opposing the organisation that increases racial tension, Black Lives Matter. Whatever. Gary is a prick. Tonight Millwall face QPR in the Championship.
1514 days ago
For seven years, as I described here, I have been noting the various ways that the National Trust has pursued a costly woke agenda, alienating its core supporters, and, as a result, being less able to deliver its core mission of saving historic buildings and lands. My Bennite grandfather, Sir John Winnifrith, who ran this body as its Director General, would, I am sure, have washed his hands of the NT in disgust by now, resigning his membership. This weekend, the Trust doubled up on its latest woke blunder: the publication of a detailed report which, effectively, branded one third of its properties as racist.
1517 days ago
Back in July polls showed that most folks supported Black Lives Matter. The few of us who pointed out that an organisation that wanted to defund Britain’s (unarmed) Police, end capitalism and the nuclear family and shut down jails while boycotting Israel was somewhat questionable, were dismissed by the liberal media elites as racist. They did not challenge the facts they simply smeared the sceptics. Those who dared to suggest that the late George Floyd was not exactly the heir to Mother Theresa were clearly alt-right freaks. The Premier League, BBC Presenters, Basketball England as well as the Metropolitan Police of Cressida Dick determined that we should all take a knee. But times have changed.
1532 days ago
For seven years I have been recounting various episodes which will have caused my grandfather, Sir John Winnifrith, a former Director General of the National Trust, to spin in his grave. Slowly, the organisation he loved is destroying itself but like the frog in slowly heating water it seems oblivious to its fate. For those who run the Trust live in a small liberal and elitist bubble.
1572 days ago
Is nothing in the City of my birth, the City of lost causes, safe from the woke cultural revolution? The latest victim is the collection of shrunken heads at the Pitt Rivers Museum which have delighted generations of schoolchildren for almost a century. They featured in an episode of Lewis and are amazing but now they will be hidden from view as the Pitt Rivers tries to decolonise its offering.
1574 days ago
Last week’s New World Order show hosted by unfunny bearded comedian Frankie Boyle included a section where someone joked about killing white people. Boy how the panel laughed because that is not racist or offensive at all. This week’s show discussed capitalism.
1587 days ago
The constitution is clear. If a Supreme Court Justice dies, the sitting President nominates a replacement who must be ratified by the sitting Senate which right now means a Republican President and Republican majority in the Senate. But guess what, creepy Joe Biden appears to think that the US Constitution does not matter. Anyone thinking of voting for this senile old coot should be alarmed.
1592 days ago
David Hume was a great philosopher but, writing in 1753, he made remarks about black folks which even then were a tad offensive and today are viewed as utterly racist. Given that we now judge folks’ utterances and actions of 267 years ago by the mores of today, in the year of madness that is 2020, Hume was toast. A building named after him at Edinburgh University has been renamed. I suspect that there will be calls to remove A Treatise of Human Nature from the curriculum and so future generations will come to know the man, not as I did as a student, as a philosopher but as just another dead white racist male. So where next with the purge? Might I suggest Scotland’s national poet Robert Burns?
1609 days ago
I explained in a long podcast HERE why Rule Britannia was not racist, imperialist, or a reference to the slave trade and why the BBC has it so wrong. Songs of Praise producer, Cat Lewis, is one BBC staffer on a bloated stipend who is still battling in a way which is both offensive and ignorant as I flagged up HERE. My work has prompted celebrated composer, Graham Lack, to offer me his thoughts which I am delighted, at his request, to publish below. I wonder if Cat or anyone at the woeful BBC might be able to respond to what follows. Somehow I doubt it.
1645 days ago
My fellow Republican and heroic campaigner for LGBT rights, but also for free speech, Peter Tatchell, rarely gets it wrong. But on the matter of #BlackLivesMatter and Comrade Elizabeth Windsor, I fear that the heroic one has rather lost the plot. I assume, by his logic, that the Kings of Lesotho and Brunei are also beneficiaries of institutional racism. An incriminating tweet from the heroic one is below.
1684 days ago
More than 5,000 folks have signed the petition to have the statue pulled down, like that of non slaving Thomas Guy. But who is this beast? Okay i shall give you two clues then a multiple choice.He is a great figure from the history of the British Empire and had Indian links. Who was the alt right beast: a) Winston Churchill, b) Lord Canning, governor general in 1857, c) Gandhi d) Lord Mountbatten? Got it yet?
1684 days ago
Last week started with the woke mob coming for the statues. Often they got the wrong guy, as in this case, but we live in a post fact era. Then they came for the comedians. I had thought that the book burnings would not get underway for a fortnight or so but, as ever, the inolerance of the Marxist Madrassas formerly known as British Universities continues to be world leading.
1686 days ago
Yesterday my Mrs attended an online union meeting at her University. Natch the statues were on the agenda. She, a person of colour, suggested that they should not all be pulled down but the middle class, white, Guardian reading, classes know what black folks really want to fight racism. Thus the Mrs was in a small minority and the Union at her left wing Madrassa now has a clear policy. Why, I wonder, are folks so angry about so many figures from the past?
There are many reasons but one is, I am afraid, ignorance. I went into some detail HERE yesterday, explaining why Thomas Guy was not really tainted by slavery at all. However, facts do not matter and his statue, at the Hospital founded with nearly all of his cash, is for the melting pot.
1687 days ago
Goody Proctor saw Baden Powell watching Gone with the Wind. Quick let’s tear down his statue too. The hysteria mounts and among the keenest to eradicate history is Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of Stab City the lawless moral cesspit that is the capital of Airstrip One. In his sights right now is Thomas Guy who bequeathed his fortune to found Guy’s Hospital in London. The name stays, for now, but the statue is on its way out. Naturally the charges against him show a profound ignorance of history but when do the mob and half wits like Khan care about the facts?
1688 days ago
I predicted earlier today that the purging of statues and street names associated with figures from the past with slaving links, however tenuous, would soon see the great Liberal leader William Ewart Gladstone in trouble. It did not take long for bedwetters at Liverpool University to decide that their Gladstone Hall needed renaming.
1830 days ago
For me Laurence Fox will always be Hathaway in Lewis and as he was an actor I assumed he was a virtue signalling lefty git like the rest of his profession. Last week’s Question Time therefore startled me as Fox emerged as a true hero of the thinking libertarian right taking on the woke battalions. He even dared to call out as racist some daft professor of Ethnicity from the joke institution that is Liverpool Edge Hill University as she essentially said that as a white man Fox was inherently racist so could not challeng her assertion that folks were only nasty to Princess Meghan as she is a woman of colour.
1843 days ago
I found this in Pickering in the far North of England. I am sure Titania McGrath would not visit a place like this as it is horribly white and full of Brexit supporting racists. But there does appear a voice of sanity in this sea of fascism. Meet poet Howard Owen Griffiths.
1848 days ago
For the second time this season Stoke and Ireland player James McClean has got a match halted after what he claimed was racist chanting aimed at him, that is to say Huddersfield supporters chanting “Fuck the IRA”. The FA says that it is now investigating this racism. But so woke is the FA that it sniffs our racism even where it does not exist, as in this case, and in the process insults – with a racist slur – the vast majority of folks of Irish descent.
1851 days ago
Some of you have suffered only three years of being branded thick, ignorant, xenophobic, narrow minded and racist since you voted to leave the EU. For my family there is 45 years of hurt. But on January 31 it is all over and so I have today invested a few quid for my own personal celebration, which I will – of course – record though it will probably be classed as a hate crime.
1942 days ago
However bad our leaders are in this country, my colleague Darren Atwater cannot truly laugh as he is Canadian. And the Canadian PM, Justin Trudeau is a truly pathetic figure. His attempts to dance Indian style made Theresa May’s dancing Queen seem kind of cool. Perhaps more importantly he has helped to train wreck the economy, is mired in corruption scandals and is the crown prince of “high woke”. Seriously, Titantia McGrath could not compete with a chap who wore Happy Eid socks to the LGBT parade. Oddly, and for reasons I cannot quite put my finger on, Justin did not wear LGBT socks to the Eid celebrations. There are allegations of sexual harassment against Justin but none of this matters to the liberal media because he is just so incredibly woke. Justin can get away with anything.
2067 days ago
Like millions of others, I voted for the party which is now the largest single party from any country in the EU Parliament and which won the British Euro elections by a country Mile – Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party. The reaction of the Westminster and media classes has been predictable: “Didn’t the Lib Dems do well! This is a vote against Brexit.” You could not make it up. But they did.
2154 days ago
This article first appeared in my weekend Tomograph newsletter but I got such a big response I thought I'd reproduce it for a wider audience. To sign up to that free weekly newsletter click HERE.
As you might have gathered, I voted for Brexit. So too
2215 days ago
And they are off… the first Democrat to throw their hat into the ring as a potential Presidential candidate for 2020 is Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts. As an out and proud deplorable I can think of few, bar crooked Hillary herself who is – quite amazingly - considering a run herself, I’d rather see the Dems select. Pocohontas is everything that is wrong with the Democrat party.
2274 days ago
Jobs or Mobs. that is America's choice on November 6 and for their own sake I hope they vote for jobs and that means for the GOP. It is the booming economy which sees Donald Trump's personal approval rating at 50%, far higher than Obama's rating two years in. And it is why Trump's approval rating among black voters hit 40% this week, the highest for a GOP leader in more than sixty years. Boy how do the liberals in Hollywood with their narrative of Trump the racist explain that one? Anyhow, enjoy the video.
2289 days ago
Here we go again. Once again a big multinational has buckled to a handful of compliants and desperate not to be seen as racist, sexist or homophobic has had to make a major strategy change. This ritual capitulation by evil capitalists to a small mob of semi-professional grievance merchants is now an almost weekly occurrence. The victim here is Kimberley-Clark,, the owner of Kleenex which for 60 years has made “Man Sized” tissues.
2292 days ago
Can you spot a man in the photo below? That is to say a chap with a penis who does not have periods which disrupt his training, who has more testosterone than a woman. If you can, then you are a total bigot and should be had up for a hate crime at once because the man in the centre may have a penis, etc but says he identifies as a transgender woman so he is a woman. Got it? Not only is the man, Rachel McKinnon, now a woman but he is also the women's world cycling champion in the 35-40 category. Well done to him.
2300 days ago
Do not get me wrong. After the battles of the last few weeks I am delighted that Brett Kavanaugh has been appointed to the Supreme Court. Quite simply the Democratic Party tried to subvert the constitution with a hit job, an orchestrated smear. A good man fought back and, eventually the lack of tangible evidence and gaping holes in the testimony of the accusers meant that the Senate had to ratify. For that, and the tears of a mob of pathetic snowflakes, D list celebs, angry and snarling feminists and others with full blown #TrumpDerangementSyndrome, gives me great joy this weekend. However…
2308 days ago
I enjoyed two minor celeb twitter exchanges yesterday. First up was Paula Jones who was sexually harassed by the rapist Bill Clinton. When she flagged this up Hillary Clinton did not say that all women complaining of this should be taken seriously. Instead Clinton attack dog spokesman James Carville suggested that Jones was trailer park trash. Jones’ testimony was far more powerful than that of Christine Blasey Ford but #Metoo has double standards when it comes to dealing with conservatives and liberals Stateside. Anyhow Jones is a star. And she is a real victim. Next up was Bonnie Greer who being black and female may be seen by some as a more natural victim but as a playwright and media luvvie living in London is very much of the metropolitan elite.
2353 days ago
I noted the other day, how Donald Trump’s approval rating among black voters was at 29% which was just astoundingly high. The latest Rasmussen poll puts that figure at 31% which, if you check the data here , makes him the most popular Republican leader among blacks since the 1950s.
2361 days ago
As I am sure you can remember, the liberal media, spearheaded in the UK by the BBC’s repellent Jon Sopel and Beltway Kylie Morris and Matt Frei of Channel 4 Fake News, demonstrated, to their satisfaction, if not that of anyone else, that Donald Trump was a racist back during the Presidential campaign of 2016. The Democrats and Hillary paid a few visits to the ghettos and sung Kumbaya and all was well.
2385 days ago
I cannot but help think that underneath it all Sadiq Khan is a pretty decent fellow. And all too often, as on knife crime in stab City, he is blamed unfairly for the manifest failings of others. But he does have a penchant for wasting other folks cash on pointless virtue signalling, such as the survey showing how racist cycling was, and when it comes to free speech he does apply a bit of a double standard. A case in point was the Trump blimp flown in London yesterday.
2402 days ago
This weekend in Folkestone there was set to be a charity showing of the film Zulu to help raise cash for the arms forces charity SSAFA. Members of the charity voted to show the 1964 classic portrayal of the battle of Rorke’s Drift but, like cycling, they are clearly just racist. 28 virtue signalling busy bodies have written to the Council demanding that the showing be scrapped stating that:
2407 days ago
Stranded in the car with the Mrs, I found myself forced to listen to the Jeremy Vine show on BBC Radio 2 as it discussed Donald Trump with the author, the Guardian writing metropolitan liberal elitist Christina Patterson. Listeners who liked Trump were invited to call in so that Christina could brand them as racists because she thinks all Trumpsters are racist. Keep it up liberal moron! Every such statement makes #Trump2020 even more of a shoo in.
2410 days ago
Hell's teeth: I do not even support England, but the sneering elitism of the metropolitan elite, as exemplified by the little read Independent newspaper (below), almost makes me want to. For the avoidance of doubt, with no Irish team in Russia, I am hoping that England triumph. I would not go as far as some of my neighbours in flying the cross of St George but I understand their pride in their country and why they do so.
2431 days ago
Surigng knife crime, a housing crisis, the list of London's problems goes on and on but its truly useless Mayor Sadiq Khan is focussing on the big issues like tackling tweets from Katie Hopkins and today proclaiming that cycling is racist. He is not talking of the cheats in the tour de drugs but of those folks who get on their Boris bike every day.
2485 days ago
There is no doubt in my mind that the appalling way that the evil apartheid regime treated the late Winnie Mandela and her children is a very legitimate mitigating factor for Winnie as she trudges her way on the long march towards a meeting with St Peter. Indeed the evil of apartheid and the way it treated all dissenters and all black Africans is another factor St Pete will take into account. But I very much doubt that he will be utterly forgiving and, I am sure, that Mrs Mandela will show no sense of repentance. Natch the Guardian, the newspaper of the liberal elite, thinks she did nothing wrong and it goes further, in its usual poisonous way, as it tries to silence debate on this matter. .
2508 days ago
"You don't like black people getting rights, you don;t like women getting jobs" That is how on her recent foreign tour as you can see in the video below, crooked Hillary Clinton has now described those folks in all those red flyover states who voted for Donald Trump in 2016. During the election she slammed folks backing Trump as "the Deplorables". For many decent Americans that became a badge of honour.
2509 days ago
Yeah that Donald Trump is a racist, our sort of story, says the Guardian and thus leads its foreign news section with a story "US Senator uses Trump Pocohontas jibe to raise awareness". Dem uber-bore Elizabeth Warren, according to the Guardian: "responded to President Trump's latest Pocohontas jibe yesterday by highlighting sexual violence against native American women, a tactic she said she would pursue every time the President "threw out" such a "racial slur"
Yes Trump calls Warren Pocohontas. The Gaurdian, being written by and for humourless liberal bastards desperate to show what an evil racist POTUS is, does not tell you why. So let me help. When Warren applied for a job at Harvard Law school she said that she was a Native American although if you look at her she appears to be whiter than most members of the Hitler Youth. But the liberals who run HLS loved the diversity cred and boasted about how they had their first "woman of color" on the payroll back in 1995.
2528 days ago
The man dubbed America's pastor has passed away aged 99. It did not take the Guardian more than a few hours to accuse Billy Graham of the most heinous crimes "In his early years as a preacher, Graham expressed racist and antisemitic views" and also attacking him for his unswerving hostility to communism. In the eyes of the liberal elite, opposing a Godless faith which cased the death of tens of millions of folks is a bad thing, being a spy for the Czech secret police is a minor issue. Whatever
2542 days ago
My twitter feed is set up to track what is trending in New York. I used to live there and feel as much affinity with that City as I do with any other City, i.e. almost none. And so this morning I find out that what is trending among the the snowflakes of the Big Apple is #ReplaceLovewithAnal. Cue a series of tweets God is Anal, Jesus anals you #Replacelovewithanal etc etc etc.
2556 days ago
The Independent newspaper, a little read beacon of the London liberal elitists, hopes that we enjoy the film "The Darkest Hour" but urges its few readers to remember that its lead figure, Winston Churchill, was a racist with a string of unacceptable views. Otherwise it loves the film. Where to start?
2562 days ago
Last night Donald Trump handed out nine awards for excellence in fake news. He knows what the BBC is, having owned its grossly overpaid North American Reporter, pompous prig Jon Sopel, in public as you can see here. But POTUS failed to recognise our State Funded broadcaster. That is outrageous. How dare he snub the British? Is it because he is racist?
2563 days ago
Until yesterday the most toe-curling interview in the history of Channel 4 Fake News was when little white liberal Matt Frei hectored a black pastor about why it was racist to vote for Donald Trump, a man the vicar supported wholeheartedly. But Cathy Newman has now trumped that with an interview with Canadian shrink and best selling author Jordan Peterson. The full 30 minute car crash is below and from start to finish demonstrates why the liberal media elitists have so completely lost the trust of the wider population.
2644 days ago
A few years ago I wrote about how I felt a sense of resentment at the moral pressure to wear a poppy at this time of year. The Paddington stares of disapproval if you did not wear one were just becoming a little too sanctimonious. There seemed a race by broadcasters, politicians and other virtue signallers to be the first to display a dash of red on their lapel. Why wait for November 11 when you can start wearing a poppy in early October? In fact why not buy one in September?
2696 days ago
I have noted many times before how free speech no longer exists on campuses across the West. If you pursue a politically correct strict liberal orthodoxy you can say what you want. Anything goes. All men are animals and wannabe rapists, white folks must be ashamed of all their crimes and so are innately evil racists. Heterosexuals should be under-represented in Parliament. Trans is the new normal. Its okay to say you want to assassinate President Trump. The Jewish state acts like Nazis and has no right to exist. All those statements are, to me, obscene and/or untrue but on campuses across Britain and the US they are repeated and accepted as fine every day.
Those who dare to disagree whether they be evil conservatives such as Ann Coulter or uber-liberals like Germaine Greer or the great Peter Tatchell ho just slipped up (usually on Trans issues) then you get no platformed. Try saying something really controversial like the British Empire did a lot of good (which it did), Britain did more to abolish slavery than any African state has ever done (again true) or that climate change is pure fiction (which it is) and as an academic, your career is toast even if the remarks are made in private.
The latest lunacy comes from Edinburgh where a spiky law student Robbie Travers responded to news that the Americans just dropped a vast bomb on ISIS fighters with a facebook post
2709 days ago
General Robert Lee was a good man, devout, honourable and widely admired. But he fought for "the wrong side" in the US Civil war so while most Americans disagree, his statue must come down. Overnight in Baltimore a 225 year old statue of Christopher Columbus was destroyed. On this one probably about 98% of Americans would support keeping the ancient monument standing, although in the liberal media bubble the numbers will be the other way round..
2715 days ago
Of all of the liberal media harpies covering the US election, beltway Kylie Morris of Channel 4 fake News was the most openly partisan as I exposed time and again HERE. Her crowning glory was to make up words for Donald Trump to smear him as a racist HERE. Like her fake news colleagues Kylie cannot get over the defeat of crooked Hillary so she fights on, twisting the truth to smear POTUS. The pulling down of Confederate staues and war memorials has been one of her finest hours.
2721 days ago
The headline from the Guardian, below, says it all. Former chancellor Nigel Lawson's Thought Crime is not believing in mad made global warming. The BBC had the timerity to allow him on one of its numerous features on climate change in the interests of balance. Its sister paper says it should erase Lawson from history and show no balance at all when covering climate change.
2756 days ago
Following on from the "Jews caused Grenfell Tower" Al Quds day march you would have thought that the British Authorities might try to put a temporary ban on public demonstrations of overt Jew hating. Oh no. This form of racism appears to be perfectly acceptable in Britain today. Is it any wonder that across Western Europe Jews are packing up and heading to the one place they feel safe, the only democracy in the Middle East: Israel?
2761 days ago
She has a book to plug so best selling harpie Naomi Klein is doing the rounds of the liberal media to talk about what a complete bastard Donald Trump is. Okay she is Canadian but the accent is good enough, she is THE expert one needs to talk US politics. On Channel 4 Fake News, where they make up quotes by Donald Trump to show what a racist he is, Jon, "I hate the fucking Tories" Snow was asking the soft questions. Purring from the sidelines was Matt Frei who likes to accuse black vicars of being racist for supporting Trump.
2821 days ago
I was wandering towards passport control from where my Easyjet flight from Kalamata had landed, that is to say bloody miles from anywhere, when I heard a woman's voice behind me. "Welcome to bloody Brexit land" she said sneeringly and loudly. Quick as a flash, I said equally loudly "Or as we call it these days, the newly free and independent United Kingdom."
2872 days ago
In the leafy London Borough of Islington where smug Guardian readers live in £3 million houses they voted overwhelmingly against Brexit. Of course they did, The pious liberal elite know that only thick, old, white racist white van driving working class types wanted to leave. But the battle goes on lead by a group Islington in EU which holds regular events including one with the odious Gina Miller as you can see below. Its website is a stormer, beyond satire, with a star exhibit a poem which displays the prejudices but also the sheer ignorance of these folk perfectly. The key four lines are underlined by me:
2879 days ago
This is a delight. Millionaire liberal media elitist Evan was wetting himself on the BBC's fake news flagship Newsnight as he got to interview two delightful ladies who are black and voted for Donald Trump. Evan started by saying that since black folks did not vote for Trump so he was puzzled by these ladies.
2908 days ago
Above the main field at Butterwell Farm in Byfield was a smaller field. On one side was a continuation of the dry stone wall that separated our land from that of Mr Peter Thompson, on the other the extensive gardens that my mother worked to create. At the bottom ,separating this land from the main field, was a giant old barn which contained a wooden three-seater lavatory seat among other gems. At the top there was another barn which in turn formed one half of one side of the yard behind our house. We we worked hard to turn the barn into a fox proof hen-house. and then started to build up a flock of chickens with the odd bantam picked up along the way, for fun.
2989 days ago
I was rather fond of Michelle Obama if not of her other half, President hopey change. Okay she has a range of misguided views on all sorts of things but she seems to have a sense of humour and a pleasant enough demeanour. But there were those who criticised her generating, in many cases, a stock response from the liberal left and media: racist. If it was not racism that drove attacks on Mrs hopey change it was sexism. Now many of Michelle's defenders are now on the attack against the latest Mrs Trump, the lovely Melania.
3006 days ago
Back in 2004 the Guardian identified Clark County Ohio as a swing district in th4e swing state of Ohio. History shows if you win Ohio you win the White House and Clark was an uber-marginal district. So the Guardian got its readers back in the UK to call up folks in Clark. You can guess what happened next.
3008 days ago
Bristol is the sort of left leaning City where the patronising middle classes agree with Matt Frei that ALL Trump supporterrs are racists. They agree with Hillary Clinton that anyone voting for the GOP is a "deplorable". Naturally we Brexit voters were also termed ignorant racists by the bien pensants of the South West. Put it this way: I really don't feel as if I am in my ideologocal home here.
3034 days ago
The BBC and the rest of the liberal media was creaming itself last week reporting as breaking news for several days on the trot claims by Nissan that it may cease investing in its Sunderland plant because of Brexit. That will teach those thick racists in the grim North for voting for Brexit smirked the southern liberal elite. The great unwashed have only themselves to blame. They should have listened to the London lefty millionaires from the media and academia who really knew what was best for the "ordinary people" of Britain. What the BBC and Guardian failed to report is that Nissan has form. It is the boy who cried Euro Wolf.
3037 days ago
Self styled financial guru Alvin Hall took to the BBC last night to explain why his fellow Americans might vote for Donald Trump - because they are either stupid or racist. It was as simple as that. What a charmer.
3039 days ago
According to Labour Health Secretary and rentaquote lardbucket Diane Abbott the 17 million folks who voted for Brexit did so because "they wanted to see fewer foreign looking people on the streets". Brexit voter = racist. Interesting.
3042 days ago
The presents for baby with no name continue to flood in. Last week saw a box arrive from the colleagues of the Mrs who had taken time off from filling the empty minds of impressionable millennials with left wing nonsense, to send us some gifts. There were flowers and chocolates for the Mrs but nothing for me as I am a patriarchal white man who exposed himself as an evil capitalist in a lecture given to the students of the Mrs. For the baby with no name there was a balloon and a small teddy.
3044 days ago
Kylie Morris of Channel 4 News did her best to smear Donald Trump last night with her made up campaign pledges as I noted here, but her colleague back in the studio Matt Frei went one better as he interviewed the Reverend Mark Burns a highly articulate African American from South Carolina who is an ardent Donald Trump supporter. What followed was truly appalling.
3048 days ago
The weekend saw a slew of new polls and the headline is clear: Donald Trump is surging ahead of Crooked Hillary Clinton in the race to be the next President. Two weeks ago I gave eight reasons why The Donald would win HERE and things look to be on track. The real shocks, however, are in the detail, notably how Trump is surging among black voters. How can this be? Beltway liberal media pundits like Nick Bryan and, in her US stint, Emily Maitlis at the BBC and the loathsome Kylie Morris at C4 told us repeatedly that blacks hated the racist Trump. How will they spin this now?
3053 days ago
Like Labour front bencher Emily Thornberry, our morbidly obese three legged cat Oakley is terrified of actually meeting a member of the working classes. Thus when a man fixing the bathroom wanders in or the cleaners arrive, as soon as they start speaking Polish he bolts and hides. Maybe Oakley is a racist and does not like Poles? Actually It is not that they are speaking Polish as on the odd occassion we have found Brits who will eschew welfare to work for £12 an hour, he also runs, especially when he hears a hoover revving up.
It is not that he is scared of people.
3056 days ago
I have noted before how ludicrous the demonstrations of BlackLivesMatter in the UK are given the incidence of Police on Black crimes. They are almost non existent. So to broaden its appeal BLM is now protesting against climate change which, apparently, is racist. Natch. But it gets worse and this is where your blood will start to boil.
3059 days ago
Mr Arnold Mballe Sub, his Mrs and eight kids moved from France to Luton in 2012 so that he could study to be a mental health nurse at the University of Bedforshire with the NHS picking up the £27,000 fee for the course. Neither Arnold or his Mrs work, they are currently housed in a three bedroom house. Before that they clocked up a bill of £38,400 staying in a hotel for four months. Actually it was worse. The family ordered hotel meals of £21,000 and then refused to pay leaving the Council to foot that bill as well. Chuck in benefits and this lot have cost the taxpayer £103,000 in the past year. It gets worse.
The family want a larger house which, natch, will be paid for by the State. They have been offered several five bed houses which might see some of the brats having to share but they are young so that should be okay. But apparently that would not have enough
3060 days ago
I do not care a jot that Keith Vaz offers to buy coke for young men who he pays to have unprotected anal sex with. Nor do I care that reports are emerging showing that his pattern of behavior is not a one off. I feel sorry for Mrs Vaz who must be feeling very confused right now, not knowing which way to turn. But Vaz himself has no shame.
The oily old windbag has a history of sinning normally in the cash for favours department and in any normal job would have been fired years ago. But Vaz is an MP. And so yesterday he stood down from the Commons Home Affairs committee which he chaired. Naturally he said that he was doing so "for the sake of the committee"" not for himself you understand, Vaz makes this noble sacrifice for others because he cares. What a saint.
And naturally
3062 days ago
If Keith Vaz was holding a senior management position in the private sector, the rent boy shagging, drug buying MP would not be wandering into work today. He would be suspended on full pay as an enquiry would be underway and concluded within two weeks. Actually following numerous previous episodes Vaz would have been fired years ago had he worked in the productive part of the economy. Luckily for him, Vaz "works" in the public sector, the part of the economy we in the private sector fund. So there is no accountability.
Vaz has been caught on tape so appears to be slam dunk guilty of offering to buy illegal drugs and of paying male prostitutes for sex. Given that the committee he chairs is producing reports on prostitution right now and that he has spoken in debates at sleaze central on drugs he is guilty not only of a crime ( offering to buy illegal drugs) but of what we in the private sector term "an undeclared conflict of interest (COI)"
As a libertarian
3063 days ago
I used to have a girlfriend from India who arrived in this country convinced that the entire British establishment and anyone who went to a public school (with the exception of myself, naturally) were closet homoseexuals. If she is reading the tabloid press today she will no doubt be concluding that she was right all along.
First there is the Bishop of Grantham
3094 days ago
Clint Eastwood is today smeared by the Guardian and the rest of the liberal press as an apologist for racism. His real crime in the eyes of the metropolitan elite is, of course, that not only is he a Republican but that he says he will vote for Donald Trump over crooked Hillary Clinton in November. If you are guilty of such a crime, being an evil conservative, all else flows naturally including, in the liberal mind, a good chance that you are a racist.
3101 days ago
I hate to admit it but I really like Michelle Obama. I do not normally go for left wing women, other than my wife and Abbe, who broke my teenage heart before becoming a lesbian, but Michelle is not only not bad looking but she also comes over as funny (very unusual among those on the left) and a warm sort of human being. I really can't say a bad word about her other than that she is married to the ghastly President hopey change. Yet the idea that her speech at the Democratic convention was transformational and inspiring was just another liberal media piece of fiction.
3103 days ago
Having done their best to cover up the gang rapes and sex attacks in Cologne on New Year's Eve, I cannot see why anyone believes a word the German rozzers have to say on anything. After Ansbach I am going to double up on that assertion. One thing the German Plod is good at is ordering us not to speculate. It sends out tweets after each atrocity ordering us not to be so reckless. Good Germans obey orders, but the Police are keen to do the opposite and speculate about anything other than what we all knew to be the truth in the first place.
3104 days ago
Two more lone wolves struck in Germany tonight - a bloke with a machete killed two folks. The pertinent facts here according to the liberal media were that he was pinned down by a Moslem and that one of his victims was an immigrant, a Pole. Then in Ansbach a man denied entrance to a 2000 person music festival blew himself up injuring ten people outside a wine bar. The BBC wants us to know both are lone wolves. So was the killer of nine in Munich on Friday night and the chap with the axe earlier last week. All lone wolves. Meanwhile...
3108 days ago
Emily Maitlis of the BBC is covering the Republican Convention in Cleveland and so for her first report she tried, very briefly, to show balance but then gave up. She knows that Trump supporters are all ignorant common folks from the flyover states who are likely to be racists, because she is an educated affluent liberal. From that standpoint the report was very simple to put together.
3124 days ago
As I am with my father in Shipston the paper delivered each day is the Guardian and my father is delighting in reading out various excerpts just to annoy me. Since he is a closet reactionary they also make him despair but he has been well trained by my step mother, who actually agrees with much of this nonsense, to hide that despair. That is until he gets to the White Bear where he can read the Daily Telegraph and smile in open agreement.
On page 33 of the Guardian there is a section where a history teacher who blogs as "disappointed idealist" offers hints on what to tell your kids in school if they ask awkward questions. Today the teacher answers the question that all the kids are apparently asking about Brexit, "are all leave voters racist?" The answer:
3127 days ago
As the earnest young people, mostly loathsome students, gather in London today they claim that they march for Europe. it sounds good to be an internationalist showing solidarity with a whole continent. MarchfortheEU does not sound quite so good. The EU is after all, as even its supporters in the remain campaign admitted, inefficient, corrupt and far from perfect. Moreover it is loathed across the continent.
Switzerland has just withdrawn its application to join. In France, Austria, Greece, Italy, Holland, Sweden and Denmark there are growing calls for their own referendum and signs that in many of those countries folks will vote to leave. For what these young people fail to see is that across Europe there is a widespread feeling that the EU serves an business, bankster, media and political establishment very well but for the ordinary Joe, for the 99% it sucks.
Here in Greece, youth unemployment is 60%. It would be far higher
3129 days ago
Maybe it is just a feature of getting older but whenever I read about more or less anything to do with students and politics I find myself thinking that we should bring back National Service is a pre-requisite for those wishing to study for a degree. Of course National Service was something I dodged by about thirty years, but when I was a student only 10% of folks went to university. We were - with a few exceptions - an elite. These days almost half of young folks go to what are, in many cases, laughably called Universities and it seems that large numbers of students are pathetic, idle or stupid or all three.
The leader of Britian's students, Malia Bouattia is a 28 year old perma-student fanatic who has featured here before as a supporter oif ISIS and fanatical Jew hater. The other day she told the world that Tory cuts to higher education (regrettably there have been none) were driving students to join ISIS. She is a barking mad fanatic but the fact that she was elected as head of the National Union of Students shows just how many students live in a parallel universe based on discredited ideas and a sense of entitlement.
Post the Brexit vote, in which only 30% of those between 18 and 25 could be bothered to get of their arse and put a cross in a box, the outpourings of grief from the young people who are "working" their way through the University system have been a hoot.
3133 days ago
The BBC is creaming itself with "news" that almost three million of our fellow citizens have signed a petition calling for a re-run of the EU referendum. I am told this shows that the nation is having second thoughts. Really? It makes me think that many of us are incapable of sensible thought at all.
It seems apparent that many of the names are bogus but I am happy to accept that a couple of million of folks who are eligible to vote want us to have to vote again because we voted the "wrong way". But are these two million "having second thoughts?" One suspects that they were "remainers" before and are "remainers" now. Nothing has changed it is just that they refuse to accept the popular will.
In covering this sad episode the BBC interviewed
3136 days ago
Left wing pressure group Avraaz claims to have two million Britons on its mailing list and has tonight emailed them with one last desperate smear on behalf of the "Remain" camp. Having already used the murder of Jo Cox MP to smear Brexit within hours of the killing this marks a new shocking low.
3139 days ago
Baroness Warsi is an unelected Tory politician with a track record of dodgy business dealings who says the most appalling things to gain publicity. Today she has announced that she is leaving the "Leave" campaign on Brexit and joining "Remain" because of all the racism, xenophobia and bigotry of folks like Priti Patel and Gisela Stuart. The BBC laps it up as a major blow for Brexit. The only problem is that the silly cow Warsi never actually joined the Leave campaign.
3142 days ago
Normally those in Project Fear would dismiss anyone asking questions about immigration as just another racist. But in last night's TV debate Dodgy Dave, putting in another weak showing, found that option barred. This is a question he just cannot answer. Enjoy.
3147 days ago
Sadly here in the most excellent Melitsina Village hotel here in Kardamili the only English language channel we can get is the BBC World News Channel. It is Pravda at its best. The agenda is clear: Trump = evil racist, Brexit - evil supported by racists, Tories - evil racists who hate the NHS, all of the NHS, EU, crooked Hillary = perfect. Once you understand that all reporting has to fit that narrative watching becomes easy and your anger at having to pay for this crap with your taxes sort of subsides.
And thus we flicked channels and saw a BBC chappie called Sean with a panel of four folks discussing Brexit
3154 days ago
In today's Mail on Sunday journalist Simon Walters produced what, he terms, a "candid" exclusive interview with Dodgy Dave Cameron in which lyin' Dave says absolutelty nothing new at all. But it is the front page splash from Mr Walters that shames his paper and shows that a panicking Remain Campaign will stoop to anything. The Mail claims Vote Leave has been "infiltrated" by Nazis.
Infiltration has a clear meaning in British politics. It means gaining membership in an organised and covert manner with a view to securing power. The Militant Tendency infiltrated Labour. On the other hand the Mail has manged to provide evidence that exactly seven nazis are handing out flyers for Vote Leave. it tops this up with a few quotes from a racist online chat room from Nazis who support Brexit.
I do not doubt for a second that the seven folk mentioned are loathsome racist and jew hating pigs. They are scum but to say that them handing out flyers, not setting policy, organising a campaign or anything close to having any power, just handing out leaflets is evidence of infiltration is laughable.
Vote Leave like Remain
3155 days ago
In today's Daily Telegraph the columnist Allison Pearson describes how when debating Brexit with multi-millionaire PR man Roland Rudd (brother of dimwit cabinet minister Amber) she was told that "Allison does not want any immigrants coming to this country". The traditional retort to those to question any aspect of immigration policy is "you're racist"
As Pearson points out, the Rudds were kids of a millionaire stockbroker and then went to posh public school and Oxford (just like Dodgy Dave Cameron himself). They have never experienced the downside of immigration: downward pressure on wages for lower earners and problems getting access to schools and healthcare in certain areas or pressure on the housing list. For them as affluent employers and consumers immigration is all upside. And thus the rich and middle classes have for years branded anyone who queried our policies as racist. The most excellent Priti Patel, who also thinks current policies are crackers, came up with the same analysis.I guess Priti is a racist too. Heck so many of us who didn't grow up in millionaire households seem to be racists these days.
And that matters in terms of Brexit at two levels.
3183 days ago
Around 40,000 kids are not going to school today because their stupid left wing parents have instructed them to go on strike. The overpaid and lazy teachers, no doubt delighted that they have even less work to do as they look forward to their ten week summer hols, support the strike. Who suffers from #Kidsstrike3rdMay and why?
Of course it is the kids who suffer since they have one day less of being taught all about global warming killing all the polar bears and
3207 days ago
Listening to beltway liberal Kylie Morris on C4 or to the BBC's legion of taxpayer funded reporters it is clear that black Americans hate Donald Trump because he is a racist. That is a given right? No disputes it is what David Cameron might term a fact. Er... don't tell Kylie but it is not actually what the hard data demonstrates. Kylie's telling porkies again.
3227 days ago
It was less than 24 hours after the Brussels attacks when the Mrs and I arrived at Gawtck at 4.30 AM. Given the images we had seen on our TV screens for almost the entire previous day, being in the departure lounge of an international airport was not exactly our preferred location but needs must.
As we wandered towards the terminal a guy rushed past us in a real hurry shouting loudly down his cell phone in arabic. I gave a bit of a double take and was glad he was rushing away from me. Is that racist? I am terribly sorry
3229 days ago
I listen to BBC Radio 4 which seems to be about twenty minutes behind twitter in reporting the latest attacks in Brussels. They are co-ordinated ISIS style. They come a few days after the arrest of the the most wanted man in Europe, an ISIS terrorist. Shouts in arabic were heard before the airport blast which took place next to the American Airlines desk. And naturally the BBC is reluctant to speculate about who might be responsible. Hmmmm let me have a guess?
3231 days ago
As we have noted before, everyone round at Citigate Dewe Rogerson are PR fucking genii. That is especially those working on the Fastjet (FJET) account Angharad Couch, Eleni Menikou and Nick Hayns. You have to be a PR fucking genius to issue a release for your client when you can't even spell its name correctly as the screen shot below demonstrates. Fastjet may be a company heading for insolvency but at least its crack PR operatives are all fucking geniuses and any suggestion otherwise will result in an angry phone call with threats of libel suits, lawyers letters and a suggestion that you are a racist Greek hater.
3231 days ago
Gosh the lefty media just does not know to play this one. A white college educated liberal attended a Donald Trump rally dressed in a Klu Klux Klan hood yesterday and endeavoured to disrupt the event, making it clear that he thinks The Donald is a racist. A black supporter of Donald Trump then beat him up before the cops pulled both men away in cuffs.
The liberal media is confused
3251 days ago
We can safely say that I will never win an Oscar but just in case I do I have penned my winning speech already. It is not long but I think captures all the points one needs to make.
I thank you all most sincerely in selecting me from this all white short list. I am not worthy and have only won becuase you are all racists. None the less
3256 days ago
I have noted before how Kylie Morris, the US correspondent for Channel 4 News is perhaps the dopiest, most out of touch liberal left reporter going. This woman makes the BBC look balanced. But we can now show Kylie hitting a new low as she points out what a vile racist Donald Trump is.
Two days before the Nevada primary Kylie filed a long piece on how hispanics voters in Nevada were shunning Trump. After searching really hard all day Kylie managed to find just one Latino voter who was voting for Trump, a Vietnam vet who Kylie was thus able to expose as a weirdo. In Kylie world, latinos shared her view that Trump was a racist and none were backing him.
Now the Nevada results are in.
3393 days ago
We, or at least our leaders have blood on our hands. We support the House of Saud which in turn commits wholesale human rights abuses, war crimes, supports terrorists, exports extremism and treats migrant workers in an overtly racist way, as slaves with no rights. Yet David Cameron is taking British support to new levels. There is a better way.
3647 days ago
I was chatting to a chap in the grim North today. Snow was falling and he said that at 7 AM this morning with less than an inch of global warming on the ground the kids had been texted: School is closed. We reflected how life had changed.
Even during the winter of 1979, I cannot remember Warwick School for Boys shutting down. When we are at the junior school snow meant that Headmaster Jack Marshall would allow us to wear long trousers rather than our normal shorts. It could have been minus 5 but if there was no snow, it was shorts as normal for the younger boys.
If the rugby pitches were covered in snow we played anyway. Snow is soft. When snow turned to ice it was a freezing cross country run instead. Boy did I hate that.
The point is that the school never closed. And snow meant snowballs which is not quite the harmless game it sounds. The sixth form would amass on the centre of a rugby pitch and the rest of the school would advance from a car park to throw snow balls. And then in snatch parties, as in the army, the brutes would rush out and try to catch an advancing “nipper” who would promptly find himself having snow shoved up
3659 days ago
Imagine what would happen if Israel beheaded a woman for whatever crime within sight of the Wailing Wall? There would be mass demonstrations, the Guardian would lead a media campaign demanding sanctions and worse. This would be universally condemned by Western leaders and the state of Israel would be – rightly – slated as Neanderthal and barbaric. Luckily those wicked Jews don’t do that sort of thing.
But yesterday the Saudi’s beheaded a woman - Lalia Bint Abdul Muttablib Basim - in Mecca. Video footage
3661 days ago
Someone using an anonymous name and made up email keeps on trying to post comments on this website. The content is the same – defamatory and untrue comments about me and my business interests followed by the assertion that I am a “dirty jippo” (sic)
I make an effort to shower once a day and am not of Romany extraction and I am afraid to say that I know no gypsies. When I was a child my parents used to let a couple of hippies called Rob and Maggie camp in our field and so I have taken the reins of a horse drawn gypsy wagon. But that is the closest I have got.
I have no problems with gypsies. Nor with free speech. If this coward