7 days ago
Day five was my birthday and we did some harvesting in the morning anyway. We had been warned by mad lefty L that rains would start by noon and so had accepted an invitation to head up into the mountains for a celebratory lunch. L is a good cook and I was happy to accept although his weather forecasts are about as accurate as the Met Office on global warming. That is to say they are invariably proved wildly inaccurate.
9 days ago
In terms of the harvest there is not a lot to report. There was no rain, Tim and I ploughed on and we are on track. But Tim is a bit of a photo genius and I bring you two quite amazing photos to entertain you.
65 days ago
Unable to sleep on Dr David Viner day, I wandered late at night up the lane, turned back to face the farmhouse and then back into the farmyard. The global warming was falling fast and settling. Viner would have been shocked.
65 days ago
It was 7.30 in the evening and as the rest of the family finished supper I was tasked with walking up to the village to buy some Persil. But as I stepped out of the back door I realised at once what was happening. “Come quickly Joshua, come Jaya guess what’s happening?” I shouted. A few seconds later “it’s snowing” they screamed in joyful unison. But this was not meant to happen.
96 days ago
It was back in August 2022 that this giant lake here in North Wales hit the headlines. The summer was hot and as the water levels fell the ghostly ruins of the welsh speaking village of Llanwddyn, flooded out by the Victorians to provide drinking water for the English infidels, started to appear. Global warming! Here’s the proof screamed the BBC, the MSM GroupThink and folks like Chris Packham and David Attenborough. We were told we’d better get used to it, this will occur again and again unless we stop man made climate change. There is data out this week.
107 days ago
My thoughts are naturally with those like the sister in law of my colleague Darren sitting in the path of the massive storm about to hit Florida. We will, as a family, pray for them tonight. The liberal media and the usual suspects such as Chris Packham, David Attenborough and, when not cheering for Hamas, the Doom Goblin Greta Al Thunberg, naturally see this storm as a sign of global warming or climate change or whatever they call it these days. And thus it is described as “unprecedented”. But…
136 days ago
You may remember that I have been somewhat obsessed and have covered water level at Lake Vyrnwy, here in North Wales, many times since it became a posterboy for the global warming cultists back in 2022 .
141 days ago
We were all told it was the warmest spring on record. I exhausted my supplies of wood, keeping my family warm by the stove into April. Readers across the UK tell a similar tale. As George Orwell put it in 1984 “ The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” In this case the “party” is the Met Office and the media and political class GroupThink with, natch, the BBC at the forefront. So after that “warmest spring” what was forecast to happen next?
155 days ago
Real men have wood stores. The Mrs just does not understand what it means to me as I stack log upon log. Readers: I need some male affirmation here. Anyhow as a result of the tree being knocked down and a barn being knocked down earlier in the year I have vast numbers of logs to put in a wood shed emptied after what the Met Office termed“the warmest spring on record” when my fire had to be kept on virtually every single day.
226 days ago
I rather wish I had not bothered watering my vegetables today as God has just watered them with a vengeance. Wales really has been wet this summer which, like the drought of a couple of years ago, will be cited by the GroupThink as definitive proof of global warming.
259 days ago
As I have noted before, when one uses weather stations on RAF bases you can always prove there is global warming. But beyond the data, surely we all have the evidence of our eyes.
289 days ago
There is flooding in St Malo in France today and as you can see below, the cultist followers of the Doom Goblin are rushing to blame climate change or global warming as was. But, as ever, the facts, the truth, is a bit inconvenient. For starters St Malo has the biggest tidal swell in Europe making flooding all too common. In fact here is a list of the dates of major floods in the town since records began. I ignore minor ones:
290 days ago
I start with reader and fellow olive harvester T who is on holiday right now in Iceland. He says that “global warming is causing us some problems. Average temperatures in April are 1 to 7 and slightly lower in March. It was minus 7 at lunchtime and snowing hard. A few days ago we were at a glacial lake. Apparently in 100 years the glacier has retreated a couple of km. Elsewhere a historical notice board pointed out the glacier has advanced 20km since 1000 AD.”
308 days ago
The team at Radio 4’s Today programme got an enormous stiffy on this scoop by the BBC’s climate change team. It seems that climate change has caused bad weather in parts of West Africa which has sent cocoa prices surging and so makes your chocolate bars more expensive. It sounds like a great tale except that it is bollocks.
361 days ago
The Mrs keeps saying that buying any more books is what she terms GFD (Grounds For Divorce) as both the Welsh and Greek Hovels are now jam packed with my books, her books, and the books of my late father and Aunty Cly. But I reckon that she is bluffing as I’m a pretty hot catch and so three more books arrived this week as you can see below.
362 days ago
I have already pointed out elsewhere just how massively bodged was the data used to claim that 2023 was the warmest year on record. The dishonesty of the coalition of cultist loons, big corporate grifters and the media and political class GroupThink is not new. But here belowe two charts covering the extent of sea ice at both ends of the planet andI challenge any global warming nutter to explain to me how, if the world just suffered its hottest year for 170 years, the sea ice at the North Pole ended the year at a greater level than any year since 2019 and also above several years since 1981. Meanwhile …down South
368 days ago
I report what the media and political GroupThink just are not saying. Russian gains in Ukraine are accelerating, nuclear war is not set for next year as discussed in this podcast or in 20 years as the press report today. The Doomsday clock reset coming on Tuesday is laughable and 2023 was almost certaintly NOT the warmest year on record. I reference my article HERE and a cracking piece on the Daily Sceptic HERE.
373 days ago
Despite claims that 2023 was the hottest year on record, using spectacularly bodged data, the arctic sea ice seems to be rather off message: it is now at its highest level for 21 years. Oddly the BBC’s various global warming correspondents have yet to take a private jet to report on that. Perhaps they are all at Davos with Greta Thunberg. Meanwhile closer to home I bring you two pictures that greeted my family at the Welsh hovel this morning, yes that is global warming you see in the farmyard and on the road up to the village.
375 days ago
I now feel a bit of a wuss writing this as my pal Darren sends photos of the snow in Canada outside his rural retreat where it is minus 17 degrees. I am not sure if it will snow here in North Wales next week. My kids hope it does and so do I as if there is even a light dusting of global warming, the Marxist Madrassa where the Mrs works will shut down and we will enjoy her company all week. But I do know that it will be cold by Welsh standards and that an alternative to switching on all our hugely expensive gas radiators is to run a fire in the main living room where folks can snuggle up and watch mid rot on the telly.. And that brings me to my birthday present to myself, in the first photo below, a heavy splitting axe.
380 days ago
The Met Office keeps on telling us all how jolly warm it is as a result of global warming. I have covered how its numbers are bodged and unreliable before but I can say without lying that, here in North East Wales, I feel bloody cold. It is, after all winter, so no climate change there. While the Mrs and my son Joshua are enjoying the Indian sunshine for another few days, the cats myself and little Jaya are really feeling it as the temperature, with wind chill, falls to zero
382 days ago
Global warming, we used to be told, causes droughts, such as the one at Lake Vrynwy eighteen months ago. But then it rains a lot and we are told that is down to climate change as global warming is now known when it involves cold weather. With England suffering severe floods this, the cultists, insist is down to man made carbon emissions and we need to stop using planes (unless we are politicians or celebs with private jets) and slaughter all the cows to stop them farting. Well hang on, with a hat tip to Liz Kershaw, read the diary entry below:
386 days ago
There was a brief break in the weather here in North Wales yesterday. That is to say it was only raining steadily rather than pissing it down. And thus we took our house guest, a keen believer in the bogus religion of man made global warming, up to Lake Vrynwy. I have visited this place a number of times since the summer of 2022 when a lack of summer frain saw the emergence from the shallows of Welsh villages drowned by the English infidels to create the reservoir. Ignoring a stack of facts the cultists in the MSM predicted this would happen with increasing frequency thanks to global warming, or climate change as it is known when things get cold.
457 days ago
I am recording from somewhere new in Greece where there were awful fires last year. I discuss the arsonists and the BBC and its fake news on global warming. Then it is onto Optibiotix (OPTI), SkinBiotherapeutics (SBTX) and the dimwits who think I really did sack Gary Newman but, more importantly, today’s statement from Optibiotix. Then it is Zenith Energy (ZEN), Regtech Open (RTOP) and the fraud Tingo (TIO).
461 days ago
Yesi am a geek and this is my pet subject. Outside at the edge of my garden and fields, the River Dee is running high and fast and with non stop rain for most of the past day set to continue overnight, I am braced for the waters to breach the lower orchard. And that prompts me to revisit my specialist subject of water levels in the reservoirs of the United Utilities region and especially here in Wales.
516 days ago
Yesterday I lamented how my 250 olive trees needed a drink as it had not rained all month . As it happens it almost never rains here in the Mani in August but I am sure that the lack of rain will be attributed to global warming by the BBC’s Verify unit. On Friday, God provided a brief shower and we said thanks. Today… wow.
518 days ago
Our lunatic lefty friend L was clear: everyone says the olive harvest this year will be terrible, almost not worth doing. L likes bad news as it provides him with an opportunity to blame it on the Tories, Brexit, Global Warming, Donald Trump, the Daily Mail or Russia. In this case it is global warming and the hot weather and lack of rain this summer. But before I panicked as Jeremiah continued his monologue I needed to look for myself. For, this December, four readers of this website have volunteered to join me for a harvest: three returnees and a newbie.
544 days ago
“Resigned” from his last job at WPP after a scandal involving claims about expenses and a £300 hooker, Sir Martin Sorrell is still the BBC’s go to man as a great and the good fellow to opine on matters such as Brexit (bad), global warming (man made) and being a business visionary. Shares in his latest venture S4 Capital (SFOR) were 800p 22 months ago. They are now 116p after yet another dire profits warning. I wonder of the visionary foresaw that?
549 days ago
It is a climate emergency shrieks the mainstream media. Rhodes is burning down. Everyone is being evacuated. Three weeks ahead of my next trip to Greece I am not panicked. As I noted in a podcast last week, the headlines on this matter are wilfully misleading.
555 days ago
I start with the Women’s World Cup and the BBC’s fake news on that before turning to the ghastly Packham going unchallenged on statements that are patently untrue. Finally those lurid purple weather maps showing Southern Europe turning to a desert. I discuss the Country I know best, Greece, and what the actual data says. Oddly it is not as the liberal media GroupThink would have you believe.
558 days ago
The Poet Laureate is in the Arctic writing poems about global warming. Mr Simon Armitage was interviewed by Amal Rajan and Martha Kearney on BBC Radio 4’s Today show and it was just so lamentable. The poet talked utter tommy rot and the presenters had done no homework on hard data to call him out. It was the London liberal elite GroupThink on steroids. With data I call out the lot of them for serving up fake news and fake poetry.
566 days ago
I wrote an article earlier explaining why folks should boycott the price uncompetitive seller of coffee pods and operator of coffee bars Grind. I am a loyal customer but will not be one going forward. On twitter, a stack of folks who had not read what I had written behind a paywall lined up me to attack me for what I had not said. It’s a free world, you can show yourself to be an arse by behaving that way if you want to.
568 days ago
Sizzzling summers, wine growing, blue skies, the mediterranean dream all in the Scottish Highlands. But what would cause this? Natch: followers of the doom goblin Greta Thunberg, King Charles III, the BBC et al would scream man-made global warming. But hang on folks…
569 days ago
The mainstream media is, without challenge, presenting claims from the Met Office saying that UK average temperatures in June were the warmest on record and that this is down to global warming. Does nobody interrogate the data behind these claims with any degree of scepticism?
570 days ago
Usually it is black folk, that is to say those in sub saharan Africa who, we are told, are most at risk from the global warming hoax. But apparently global warming is now more homophobic than it us racist and it is the LGBTQ community, most of whom live in rich Northern Hemisphere western nations who are most at risk. I fail to see the logic here but perhaps a more enlighted reader can explain?
577 days ago
The month of June, now known as Pride Month, or a quarter of the 30% of the year appropriated by 3% of the community, is drawing to a close. Scenes of naked men flashing all at young children taken to parades in America this weekend just gone, by parents who should be in jail are all over the internet. I marched against Clause 28 but the overt sexualization of toddlers in this way is surely wrong? Or maybe my values just belong in the last century as the decadent est marches full steam towards Sodom & Gomorrah.
637 days ago
You may remember that last August the Mainstream Media flocked to Lake Vyrnwy, here in North Wales, to show an old village (Llanwyddyn) appearing as the waters fell and, as one, warned that this was a portent of things to come thanks to man made global warming. With data and a site visit I have shown several times on this site what total tosh that was! Now we have the latest data from United Utilities and, well, guess what?
638 days ago
If you believe in the bogus religion of global warming there are a few chants you must break into if you meet someone like me, a sceptic or, put another way, someone who looks at actual data. You must chant that “the Maldives is drowning” (of course they are is not), that water shortages in South Africa are caused by global warming (they aren’t), that Pakistan is seeing more flooding ( it is not) and, say it loudly, that the Great Barrier Reef and other corals are being destroyed by warmer seas caused by man made global warming. Among those shouting about corals the loudest is Prince William.
647 days ago
In years gone by, almost my first phone call when arriving at the Greek Hovel in spring was to my late uncle, Christopher Booker, to discuss the state of global warming in the area. This year my uncle and godfather would have been especially delighted as you can see below.
663 days ago
Back in August of last year the sight of a parched Lake Vyrnwy in the hills about an hour from where I live was a posterboy for those predicting more and more droughts thanks to man made global warming. As someone who remembers my local reservoir drying up in 1976 but refilling very quickly the next year I thought that this was media bull at the time and with data from United Utilities and a site visit I have demonstrated a number of times that I was right and the MSM was talking GroupThink cock. But the mainstream media has not apologised, indeed over at the Guardian they have doubled down.
681 days ago
Here in the last village in Wales the snow has been falling for a couple of hours. On the grassy bank outside my kitchen there is, perhaps, half an inch of global warming. On the road down to my house and other roads in the village it is yet to settle at all. But, quelle surprise, the village school has already cited ef ‘n’ safey reasons for a full shutdown.
713 days ago
Barely a day goes by without the BBC pushing out some fake news in support of the global warming cult. The headline below will have grabbed the attention of many. Thanks to academics at Newcastle University, Pravda is able to warn that millions face a new threat, 15 million to be exact could be drowned as glacial lakes burst their banks. Few will bother to read to the end of the story which quantifies the actual threat:
713 days ago
On January 6 the BBC sent a reporter to Torgen to show a ski resort devoid of snow and warned that an entire industry was being killed off by man made global warming. That was, of course, fake news as I demonstrated here on 24 January by when the website onthesnow.co.uk showed 66% of Swiss reports open for ski-ing. Now guess what?
730 days ago
Oddly the BBC’s climate change correspondents are not reporting on temperatures in Siberia this week. You may remember their pitiful attempts, aftering being flown in on a private plane, to show you how global warming is melting the tundra a couple of years ago. But following on from its fake news on the death of European skiing thanks to global warmingg, oddly the BBC has not been back to Siberia.
730 days ago
Today the skiing in Scotland has been stopped because there is too much snow. Will the BBC and the reast of the Mainstream Media GroupThink put that down to global warming and or climate change too? But what about those snow deprived resorts in Europe which the BBC has reported on with so much glee of late. More global warming vicar?
736 days ago
As I write, the snow, which has fallen for the past two nights, exposing my son for the seventh time in his seven years on this planet to something cultists said he’d never see, is melting and the flood waters here on the river Dee in North Wales are actually receding. But still my fields are flooded as you can see HERE. More importantly we now have data on reservoir levels in the United Utilities region which includes this part of Wales. This data is now the highlight of my week and again shows what tosh the global warming cultists in the mainstream media GroupThink were talking last summer.
737 days ago
The pictures below show the elevated lawn and Ha Ha and the fields this morning at the Welsh Hovel. As you can see it snowed last night, there is about half an inch on the ground. And the fields are completely flooded. It is a wonderful view and shows my flood defences holding firm. But it prompts two thoughts.
742 days ago
For what it is worth these are the 30 most read articles on this website during 2022. And there are some bloody good pieces here using the sort of hard data that the mainstream media ignores as it carries on spouting GroupThink gibberish. Enjoy.
743 days ago
I am sorry if this sounds a bit obsessive but I like dealing in facts, that is to say what has happened, hard data. Those in the Global Warming GroupThink, the followers of the Doom Goblin Greta Thunberg and employees of the BBC engage in wild speculation. And so I return to my specialist subject of reservoir levels here in Wales.
745 days ago
In August 2022 Lake Vyrnwy, about an hour from where I live in Wales, was the posterboy of the Global warming GroupThink cult as I recalled here. I took my kids to the lake today and combine those photos taken with hard data from United Utilities to show how the GroupThink are just so wrong. Not that the BBC or anyone in the Mainstream Media will report it.
758 days ago
I start with a little joke about the weather and global warming. Then I discuss Tern (TERN) and Purplebricks (PURP).
759 days ago
One of the many things that those inside the global warming GroupThink cult are unable to explain is why we should believe 30-50 year forecasts about climate change when the ones made 20 years ago have already been proved to be utterly wrong. It is as if we based our response to covid on the work of Professor Ferguson whose forecasts of hundreds of thousands of deaths from avian bird flu, swine fever, etc had proved so completely bogus. Oh, we did because“experts” inside the GroupThink are always right… but back to global warming.
792 days ago
It was about ten years ago when I sat down with my daughter Olaf, now 21 and in her final year at Oxford, to enjoy a meal at an Italian restaurant. I was greatly taken by an electric grater of parmesan and suggested to the little Trustafarian (not on my side) that I quite fancied one for Christmas. “But what about the Polar Bears, Daddy” said Olaf almost in tears
793 days ago
The global warming cultists and their publicists at the BBC and across the liberal deadwood press in Britain had a field day in the summer of 2022. On July 19th the record high temperature for the UK of 40.3 degrees centigrade was recorded. The recording station was at RAF Coningsby at the side of a runway being used by after-burning Typhoon jets. And if you suggest that that might be a bit of a fix you are obviously a global warming denier, not following the experts and might as well admit that you are a Nazi right now. A month later came the dramatic photos from Wales…
793 days ago
There is a drought in Somalia. Nobody denies that fact. But the cause? The grifters at Avaaz do not care about facts and are thus calling it out as another symptom of global warming and asking the saps they spam for money, some heading out to East Africa and some to line the pockets of the grossly overpaid liberal grifters at Avaaz. The grifters lead with a touching father and son photo from Somalia and say:
797 days ago
To be fair Avaaz is not just a climate change grifter. It will spam millions of folks on any woke issue getting them to sign pointless petitions or to hand over their hard earned to support bloated salaries, sorry I meant laudable campaigning. It is an all round grifter. A recent Avaaz spam is from the Prime Minster of Tuvalu. Now he really is a climate change grifter. He wants western money as reparations for our carbon crimes.
805 days ago
The good news for the Charity War on Want, which has made this ludicrous claim, is that Scotland has committed to pay £2 million as compensation for its historic carbon emissions to poor countries around the world. As soon as it can scrounge the money off England under the Barnet formula, the cheque is on its way. The bad news is that the other £999.998 billion that War on Want reckons the UK owes is not on its way as we are already almost bankrupt. Mind you the useless Tories egged on by the BBC and others are still thinking about it.
812 days ago
Comrade Malcolm Stacey is yakking on about buying green shite shares again today. I explain why he is wrong at four levels to do so. I reference an article I wrote today HERE on floods in Pakistan and a few years ago on droughts in Zim South, specifically Cape Town. On Global warming do not acccept what the MSM, especially Malcolm’s pals at the BBC tell you, drill down to the core facts… Today’s episode shows again that there is no “house view” on this website
817 days ago
1,717 Pakistanis have now drowned in the big floods this year and naturally the misery and suffering of this event should be no cause to celebrate. But for grifters like the Doom Goblin Greta Thunberg, the BBC and the Red Cross (HERE) events out East have been a cue to whip up hysteria and demand action. And, of course, money. But the facts: do they matter any more?
817 days ago
My youngest daughter believes that Peppa Pig is a work of literary genius. Her big sister Olaf believes in man made global warming. Joshua believes in Father Christmas and I have some belief about what woould be good for Cheryl Cole. Meanwhile, Cliff Weight of Sharesoc and our in house BB messiah PL believe in the utility of broker research. I bring you three notres on Made.com (MADE), floated at 200p last June and shares in which are now c1p.
835 days ago
My late uncle had a facebook page, thanks to his eldest son and, though he died more than three years ago, I wake up to a reminder to wish him Happy Birthday. He would have been 85 today and would, no doubt, have thought the world had become an even sillier place since his death. For starters there have been massive advances in the numbers of women with penises ands facial hair over the past three years. And our Universities have made great strides in purging Shakespeare and other dead white authors from the curriculum and eradicating folks with any link, however obscure to the evils of colonialism from the history books. All hail progress!
886 days ago
If it was just down to Ukraine or printing vast amounts of new money all of Western Europe would be in the same mess. But it is not as the graphic below demonstrates. UK electricity is vastly more expensive than anywhere else in Europe? Why?
890 days ago
Though on the payroll of the Sunday Telegraph, Chris actually cancelled his Daily Torygraph two years before he died as he found it just too ghastly: woke, metropolitan and innacurate. For a man of the countryside, of his beloved Somerset, the Torygraph had become a beast from another planet. And that brings me to the photo and article below frm last week.
908 days ago
I end with a few thoughts onb your fires back in Blighty and the relative lack of fires here in Greece and what it says about the global warming scam some folks are pushing. Then dividends, ADVFN (AFN) and Royal Mail Group (RMG). Then Morses Club (MCL) and Optibiotix (OPTI). And I admit to being bored with gold. What does that tell you as I am a real gold bull?
910 days ago
The Met Office and the BBC and the rest of the liberal intelligentsia really are creaming themselves over the two day heatwave back in Airstrip One. Okay there were not quite 10,000 excess deaths in fact there were sod all excess deaths but that was probably down to mask wearing and the mass rollout of untested vaccines. So when did global warming start in the UK?
916 days ago
With a hat tip to James Melville consider the screenshots below from German TV five years apart discussing summer weather. Then pen a short essay on how the MSM conspires to fan the flames of the false climate emergency narrative, or if you want to pass Geography GCSE at St Greta’s academy, say what brilliant journalism the Krauts are serving up.
1012 days ago
When he was alive, this was an annual ritual. Now Christopher Booker is in a better place, there is no reason for this to stop. The photo is of climate change, or rather, the lack of it, here in Southern Greece.
1024 days ago
Joshua and I drove in my battered old Belingo to pick up Jaya from her nursery among the infidels in England yesterday as it was bitterly cold, far too cold to walk. As we arrived the skies seemed to visibly darken and I felt even colder. I remarked on this to a mother waiting for her little darling and almost at once the skies opened spitting out big lumps of snow. Joshua got out of the van in excitement and left his door open so within three minutes his seat was covered in global warming. But by the time we had reached the bridge back to Wales the storm was over.
1099 days ago
The world is getting hotter, we will all burn to a crisp, this is not a debate it is all settled science say the cultists. Don’t be a denier, listen to the Doom Goblin Greta Thunberg, who skipped nearly all of her High School learning because she is an “expert” who can see carbon emissions. Whatever, here is some more data for you and it looks like another inconvenient truth.
1116 days ago
As you may recall my thirsty daughter Olaf has been brought up in Islington and has therefore picked up some freakish liberal traits such as wishing to not only rejoin but to work for the accursed EU, bleating on about polar bears and the global warming cult and being a pescetarian. That means she will not eat meat so for her late Christmas meal with us, I prepared a whole salmon, not hooked in the Dee from our garden but bought in. Starting to fish in the river is a resolution for 2022.
1117 days ago
Back in 2003,the Doom Goblin Greta Thunberg was only one. Why pluck this year from history? Simple because, as you can see below, Arctic Sea Ice is now at its greatest extent since 2003 and is on track to beat that 18 year high and head back to levels not seen since the last century. Perhaps our uber green Prime Minister, Mr Boris Johnson, might care to explain the justification of vicious, regressive, green taxes which screw the poor folks of Britain in order to fight global warming in the context of this record sea ice? Over to you Boris. You can ask a friend or even your ghastly Mrs, Carrie Antoinette, if you wish.
1129 days ago
My late uncle Chris loved the Mani having been there on his first honeymoon and later with his family. Every year, when I arrived for olive harvesting we’d have a chat about matters including the state of the global warming. As you can see on the two photos below, if you look carefully up into the high taygettos you can see that the first snows have already fallen. In a year when the hottest summer in Greece since 1987 was wheeled out by the BBC and others as evidence of man made climate change, more global warming seems to have fallen at this stage then it has for several years.
1163 days ago
As I have noted previously, as we observe extreme cold in Russia and China, in “The Long Winter” by Laura Ingalls Wilder, an admrable libertarian but now like most dead white authors now officially a racist, nature warns the Ingalls family that the “extreme weather” occurring without man made carbon emmisions will be brutal. So what is in store for the UK this year?
1165 days ago
Notwithstanding the utterly false slur from deluded, Guardian reading, Cambridge academics that Laura Ingalls Wilder is a vile racist whose books should be kept away from young folk, Joshua and I are now onto the fifth of the series, The Long Cold Winter. At chapter five the first blizzard has been survived but nature is warning the Ingalls family that far worse is to come.
1165 days ago
Man-made carbon emissions are causing the world to get warmer and we must act now if we are to restrict that growth to 1.5% or 2.5% or whatever. So say the cultists after jetting back from COP26. These are, of course, the same cultists who warned us in 1988 that the Maldives would be under water by 2010, that within a few years of 2000 kids would ever see snow again, etc, etc, etc. We can discuss whether climate change – which has always happened – is caused by man made carbon emissions with reference to the Medieval warm period or the Maunder Minimum at another point although if you want to pass Geography GCSE these days such discussions are not recommended. Those who set the curriculum, the BBC, wretched Boris Johnson and others say that the science is settled so do not mention temperatures in 1200 or you are a vile denier one step removed from those operating the holocaust death camps. In that vein…
1168 days ago
For the avoidance of doubt I am delighted that people of faith celebrate their festivals however they want but it seems that those who run our lives, that is to say the sleazy meddlers at Westminster, take a different view and that is the answer to my first question as I celebrate the wankfest that is COP26.
1168 days ago
As the wretched MPs in Airstrip One, take time off from congratulating their local community for the amazing Diwali lights, to urge us all to switch off our Christmas decorations to prevent climate change, I see that a City in China is reporting its worst snowfall in 116 years. So what logical contortions do the high priests of the global warming cult, the ghastly BBC, go through in reporting this all? The Ministry of Truth will be handing out bonuses for this effort.
1170 days ago
Just as the clocks chimed 13 the Israeli ambassador to London, Tzipi Hotolevy, pulled up at the London School of Economics to give a speech. A rabble of students waving Palestinian flags greeted her. Abuse was hurled at her in volleys like the volleys of rockets fired from others who wave the Palestinian flag in Gaza, targetting not military targets but just trying to kill Jews. Any Jews will do. But for those indoctrinated in one of the Marxist Madrassas that we used to call Universities here in Britain there is only one side in the Middle East that commits evil, that causes global warming, and whose spokesman must be silenced because free speech does not apply to them. Tzipi gave her speech but thanks to the JC, watch the video below as she left and be ashamed of what our country has become.
1172 days ago
The article below from the wretched Guardian is from 2004. Experts told George Bush that global warming would see most of Europe flooded as sea levels soared while London suffered a climate like Siberia. Food shortages caused by the burning planet would cause nuclear wars. The Grauniad said that these warnings from experts would force President Bush, a sceptic, to mend his ways and fall into line with the scientofic consensus.
1185 days ago
Ahead of the pointless green wankfest that is COP26, folks in the host City are getting hotter under the collar than a solar panel desperately seeking sun on the Clyde, over the fact that Glasgow appears to be over-run with rats amid piles of rubbish. Personally I reckon that is all down to global warming but others think that the blame can be pointed at a more obvious villain. So who is to blame? Is it:
1190 days ago
When Angela Rayner termed the Tories “scum” she was attacked for her language and then the papers snapped her having a crafty cigarette outside the Labour party conference. That was the picture then used because, in 2021, all smokers are deemed stupid, ignorant and just rather dirty. Truly: smoking is the new evil.
1191 days ago
One of the totemic symbols of global warming is the polar bear. Al Gore predicted they’d all be gone by now as he picked up his Nobel prize. In fact numbers are at record levels. Another is the Maldives. The islands were meant to be under water by 2010. In fact sea levels are unchanged and not one island is underwater. And then there are the coral reefs. I shall hand you over to Prince William…
1214 days ago
If you listen to folks like David Attenborough, Prince Charles, Greta Thunberg, the BBC or other global warming cultists, there are certain key iconic symbols of their religion. There are the Maldives which we were first told would be underwater within 20 years in 1992 as a result of global warming and thus rising sea levels. Oddly every single Maldive island is still above water, the population of the Islands has grown dramatically and sea levels are unchanged. But still we must take action because we have only 20 years to save them. Then there is the Great Barrier Reef.
1247 days ago
Shit! Unless we change our ways, there will be no animal species at all left on this planet by 2030. So says a woman showing her unusually large breasts in London yesterday. So I guess we must all wake up and take note. Greta may be able to see carbon emissions but she does not polish up quite as well as her fellow cult member and intellectual below.
1260 days ago
After Charon the next visitor due at the Greek Hovel was my friend and business partner Nicho the Communist. With Nicho is it always wise to assume that he will not turn up but on this occasion he arrived bang on time at 7 PM and we wandered through the olive groves.
1264 days ago
You will, no doubt, have seen the reports of huge forest fires hitting southern and central Greece and might just have wondered if the hovel has yet been affected. Yes and No.It is okay, its occupants are a bit jittery.
1264 days ago
The soon to be ex wife of Michel Gove, Sarah Vine, is – for reasons I have never been able to fathom – paid vast sums to serve up a weekly diet of complete bilge in the Mail on Sunday. If Mr Gove is looking for an excuse for his historic drug use, I’d suggest that having his Mrs read her column to him each week is one that would gain the sympathy of many. Today, Vine deals with Thatcher, coal and global warming prompted by Boris Johnson telling an unfunny and factually inaccurate joke last week.
1273 days ago
Another begging email arrives in my inbox from woke hustlers Avaaz. It tells me that European floods are unprecedented and a sign of climate change. Of course you and I know that German flood levels have been much higher many times in the past. It is just that flood defence work (so passe) and listening to warnings about rising river levels (so last millennium) have been abandoned as the powers that be wet their knickers about climate change & spunk taxpayers cash accordingly. Meanwhile, Avaaz wants me to look at temperatures in North America and panic. We have literally months to save the planet so how about I send some of my hard-earned cash to Avaaz so that it can pay its woke staff a fecking fortune, oops I meant save the planet. It all sounds so simple but it is a lie.
1320 days ago
Update August 24 2021: I have now been painted as a villain for writing the article below, demonised on my village facebook group. Demonised most unjustly, I should say. That mob attempt to silence someone just telling the truth is written up here.
The most famous person in these parts, apart from my cat who starred on Panorama’s Neil Woodford special and has been receiving fan mail ever since, is Eleanor Farr, aka Miss North West Charity girl. And she wants us all to give money to help her plant trees. Her green shite maths is off this planet.
1345 days ago
Some of us have pointed out for a good while that mining cryptocurrencies consumes enormous amounts of electricity and if you are into all of that global warming green shite, which I am not, then you should not be going near bitcoin. It seems that having ramped bitcoin and crypto, Elon Musk has finally noticed this too.
1353 days ago
If you challenge this narrative you will fail Geography GCSE. You will face calls to be barred from the BBC as a denier. In the Government of Carrie Antoinette and her concubinator Boris you will make no progress. The political, media and education elites are gripped by a GroupThink which allows no challenge, even with hard data. So here is some hard data in a detailed study looking at the “extreme” weather of 2020 and its causes. You may be shocked to discover that Greta Thunberg et al are talking utter horse. Enjoy.
1400 days ago
No I had never heard of the University of Winchester either. It is not quite up there with Oxford. In fact it is not even up there with joke marxist madrassas like Bath Spa. Two years ago its staff went on strike as Winchester announced it was cutting 10% of teaching posts because of a funding crisis. Last year it warned that it needed more voluntary redundancies as covid threatened. However…
1413 days ago
My grandfather, Sir John Winnifrith, loved the National Trust and was thrilled to be its Director General helping it to preserve old buildings and countryside. For him, as a socialist, part of the joy was that this would open up an opportunity for the less privileged to access the rich history of Britain. Today I am sure he is again spinning in his grave as the organisation goes further and further down a woke cul-de-sac.
1417 days ago
Kids: This is the sort of chart you should NOT include in your Geography GCSE coursework on the settled science of global warming. You see it is a bit of an inconvenient truth. Instead I suggest you show links to all those breathless BBC and Channel 4 fake News reports about Aussie bush fires in the past couple of years which you can cite as “evidence” of global warming as the broadcasters did. Or alternatively, if you care about facts rather than just getting an A* with some fake news…
1438 days ago
The BBC’s Panorama recognised which journalist exposed the disgraced fund manager Neil Woodford from 2015 onwards with more than 1000 articles, podcasts and videos. When I confronted Woodford at his AGM in May 2019, he signalled me out as the journalist who had been most “wrong” about him. Within 3 weeks his funds had been gated – as I predicted. Woodford made £40 million from the venture, tens of thousands of ordinary savers lost billions. I had been right while Fleet Street blew Woodford off almost to the end. The FCA is now looking into Woodford but 20 months later the disgraced fund manager is plotting a comeback. How do we know? The Sunday Telegraph had the scoop. This is corrupt journalism that shames our profession.
1443 days ago
Our esteemed IT genius Darren says that there are so many pictures of my garden in badgerland Wales, the latest going up last night, and that my bleatings about snow stopping play are so pathetic that we should post a picture of his garden in the socialist paradise of Canada this morning. Okay.
I have to admit that Darren does seem to have a bit more snow to deal with than I have. The global warming is everywhere and has even frozen the vast river at the bottom of the garden. Don’t tell Greta! It is, I concede, a spectacular garden view.
1446 days ago
If you want to watch TV news in the UK, your choice is essentially the BBC, ITV, Sky or Channel 4 “fake” News. All were overtly anti-Brexit, anti-Trump and are left-leaning – the presenters do not hide their views. On a range of issues including the bogus religion of global warming, the demands of the Trans community, the “largely peaceful” riots of BLM and the need to mask up everywhere and not challenge lockdown, the broadcast media sings from the same hymn sheet. For many of us who supported Brexit, don’t want our teenage daughter sharing a post basketball shower with a six foot girl with a beard and a cock called Barry, who – like just under half the Yanks – supported Trump or who might have voted Tory last time (apologies to folks here in Wrexham, I do regret it), there is no news broadcaster for us. Andrew Neil will soon launch GB News.
1449 days ago
It joins a long list including: bras, knickers, dating a person of colour, not dating a person of colour, drinking coffee and, as of yesterday, paying tribute to the late Captain Tom Moore.
1455 days ago
You on the left who think that it is only we on the right who are being censored and no-platformed, so that’s okay, will soon realise that eventually this intolerance will come for you too. You either believe in free speech or you do not – you cannot be selective about it. Today’s lefty learning that painful lesson is Joan McAlpine, an SNP member of the Scottish Parliament whose views on a range of issues put her well to the left of most Guardian readers. Natch she is also a keen believer in the bogus global warming religion so, on that basis, received an invitation to speak to a group called Teach The Future on how to save the planet.
1462 days ago
As my house here in North Wales became surrounded by flood waters from the River Dee, I pointed out why those linking the rising waters to climate change or, as they used to call it, global warming, were so utterly wrong. But still they persist. Driven on by his uber-woke bird Princess Nut Nuts, our PM Boris Johnson is leading the green charge today, saying:
1463 days ago
Before tedious, Guardian-reading loons yak on about how global warming, sorry climate change, is not the precursor to widespread droughts in Britain – as we were told up until c 2010 – but now causes floods, I offer a few facts. The river Dee, as I write, is 9.624 metres deep here which is the highest since October 2000 (9.36 metres). But it is less deep and the area less flooded than in 1949 before all that global warming nonsense was invented. Rivers flood from time to time, get over it. Having said all of that, this flood is a pain as you can see below.
1463 days ago
I woke up to find that we have severe floods here on the River Dee. By 9 AM, the waters at the nearest measuring station to the Welsh Hovel had burst through the 21st Century record (from 2000) which was 9m 36 cm. Right now the depth is 9 metres 61.8 cm and rising. Later on, I shall show you life at the hovel, for now here is what I encountered as I tried to drive Joshua to nursery in England earlier.
1463 days ago
As he sits fishing through a hole cut into the ice covering the river in front of his house in Canada, my colleague Darren Atwater describes what you see below as just “weather”. He forgets the thrill that we folks in the Old Country feel when we get the slightest sign of snow falling. So it was as I was putting Joshua to bed…
1464 days ago
It seems that one reader reckons that the lavender which arrived yesterday will be drowned by the River Dee rising as a result of man-made global warming. The water from the Dee came within one inch of the bottom of the back step of the part of the house nearest the river in 2000 at its all-time record high and in 2020. At that point, the river was, in the middle, 29 foot deep. I reckon that to reach the first lavender plant it would have to climb another 15 foot meaning that most of the house would also be underwater as would many others in the village and half of Chester and Wrexham.
1474 days ago
I wrote before Christmas of the joy when a cheddar cheese arrived from the wife and son of my late Uncle Chris Booker. Something that has happened for all my life continues. In return, I sent a Yarg as I always do. That Cheddar was about eight inches high and, as you can see below, is now almost all gone. About a week ago, four things I know Chris despised, combined to make me think of him and that Christmas present.
1476 days ago
In 2000, Dr David Viner the world-leading global warming scientist at the UEA – where they had to bodge their numbers to make their predictive graphs work – said of the near future “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.” His co-conspirator in the great hoax, David Parker, at the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research in Berkshire, said ultimately, “British children could have only virtual experience of snow. Via the internet, they might wonder at polar scenes – or eventually “feel” virtual cold”. So guess what I woke up to today?
1482 days ago
It has not yet snowed this winter in the last village in Wales. Apparently the global warming was deep, crisp and even just 15 minutes away among the accursed English infidels on the other side of the border. And in the hills above Wrexham, the global warming was deep enough to allow folks to go sledging. And thus, my neighbour C took her young daughter up to the Horseshoe Pass where she always used to go sledging when she was a girl.
1484 days ago
This rather surprises me. I was convinced that the top 30 would be packed full of waspish, libertarian or anti-woke articles. But it seems that many of the most read pieces on this website are the ones the Mrs thinks no-one reads, about life at the hovels here in Wales but also in Greece. Anyhow, here are my top 30 non financial articles of 2020.
1487 days ago
There may be ice on the road and pavements today or even snow as Bella sweeps the country. You may slip. You might hurt yourself. Your car may skid. You may be injured. It is vital that we all protect the NHS by agreeing to 24 hours of house arrest. Surely, even though ICU bed usage across the country is at lower levels than it was this time last year, such a National clampdown ahead of a dose of global warming, is the logical extension of the policies of bonkers Boris, the little twit Matt Hancock and Mad Mark Drakeford since March.
1493 days ago
Cripes. There was I thinking that in drinking my Kenyan roast coffee this morning, I was helping to create proper sustainable jobs in Africa and allowing folks to put food on the table of their family, pay taxes to support healthcare, education and other good things. How foolish was I?
1511 days ago
It is not the classical painting from last year; it is a very modern offering but of two traditional scenes.
1532 days ago
For seven years I have been recounting various episodes which will have caused my grandfather, Sir John Winnifrith, a former Director General of the National Trust, to spin in his grave. Slowly, the organisation he loved is destroying itself but like the frog in slowly heating water it seems oblivious to its fate. For those who run the Trust live in a small liberal and elitist bubble.
1587 days ago
No, you are right Big Brother, I have limited training in science but I did study logic as part of my university course. I am not sure that the grossly overpaid liberal arts graduates who staff up BBC News studied anything useful at all. Gender studies perhaps? Last night, the News at 10 Special Report was all about how man-made global warming is affecting Siberia and how we must all change our wicked ways to preserve the permafrost and save the eco-system. I do not deny that in recent years Siberia appears to have got warmer. However, and this is where logic and fact ( i.e. what HAS happened) comes in….
1611 days ago
I am sure that you can remember those so very dry summers of a few years ago when the BBC, the Guardian and most of the deadwood press brought you pictures of dry and parched river beds.“You’d better get used to it” we were all warned, notably by that smug bastard Rogger Harrabin of the Beeb, “This is going to happen more and more because of global warming.” Hmmmm…
1624 days ago
Yes the UK is very hot… in August. So it must be global warming right? Not just summer and a hot one at that? As the Daily Mirror points out, it has not been like this for almost 60 years so, er hang on…
1632 days ago
Feeling rather sleep deprived after our early Saturday morning flight to Greece, Sunday saw a collective lie-in at the Greek Hovel. Even the pest himself, my son Joshua, was snoring until well after ten. Then a morning swim. The pool is full and wonderful. Whatever time you get in the temperature seems just perfect. I am not sure how George the architect managed to fill it as there seems to be a bit of a water shortage. Now before you say global warming as some readers have already been quick to suggest, here are the facts.
1638 days ago
Long time readers will know that my displacement nightmare activity involves my return to Oxford University. For reasons that are always slightly different, the story starts with me, rather foolishly, deciding that my 2:2 was not a true reflection of my academic genius and somehow I manage to persuade my old college to take me back for another stab at it. Somehow, I then contrive to screw it all up again and suddenly I am sitting in Schools, staring at an exam paper realising that this time around, notwithstanding widespread grade inflation, I’d be lucky to get even a Desmond.
1638 days ago
The lizards who run the National Trust have announced that they are to sack 1200 staff, 13% of the workforce, to save £60 million as part of a £100 million package of cost cuts. Some homes it owns will have to restrict hours going forward. My grandfather, Sir John Winnifrith, was Director General of the NT and will, yet again, be spinning in his grave at the deceit and the inevitability of this outcome after years of folly.
1834 days ago
I remember walking last summer, as a practise for my annual 33 mile Woodlarks jaunt, past the town of Keynsham in Somerset. It is named after Saint Keyne, a welsh lady, who reputedly lived by the river, an area swarming with snakes, but through prayer turned them to stone. She was in my mind as last week I was in Whitby heading up to the ruined abbey with Joshua and the Mrs.
1837 days ago
My paternal grandfather, Sir John Winnifrith, was a Bennite so I’d imagine we would not see eye to eye on everything although, as an ardent Eurosceptic, we would have agreed on some things. I have noted before on this website, how as Director General of the National Trust, he thought the organisation’s remit was to preserve historic buildings and landscapes. Today the Trust is almost as woke as Prince Harry and wastes vast sums preaching to us all and annoying many of us who might be minded to back it. I am, for that reason, not a member.
1839 days ago
I noted yesterday how the second show in Simon Reeve’s BBC jaunt around the Caribbean had airbrushed history to create a civil war where only right wing corporate funded militias did bad things. The programme ended with the presenter meeting a very short race of indigenous people in Colombia.
1843 days ago
as someone who believes that sun spot activity is critical to the earth’s temperature I rather fear that we should all be stocking up on our thermal underwaer. But that is not what is taught in Geography GCSE or what the BBC lectures with us as “settled science.” The global warmists like Greta Thunberg believe that increased carbon levels caused by many’s activity will lead to higher temperatures. This is a prediction ( ie what will happen) but is stated as a fact (what has happened). Anyone who challenges this world view is slated as akin to a holocaust denier. Indeed I remember some Guardian reading fanatatic screaming those exact words to myself and uncle Christopher Booker as we did a presentation many years ago. But there is a little inconvenient truth, i.e the facts.
1843 days ago
My late uncle Chris would have loved this. It is one of those moments when I really want to chat to him as we would both have been laughing within seconds. It is not the fact that the UK is getting cooler but the way that in utterly Orwellian fashion the BBC and the high priests of the global warming cult, the Met Office, spin cooling as warming.
1843 days ago
I found this in Pickering in the far North of England. I am sure Titania McGrath would not visit a place like this as it is horribly white and full of Brexit supporting racists. But there does appear a voice of sanity in this sea of fascism. Meet poet Howard Owen Griffiths.
1851 days ago
The BBC is today wetting its knickers in public. It sent a journalist to interview Greta Thunberg, that is to say not to challenge her in the slightest on all the falsehoods she spouts, but that journalist travelled by plane. Quick: go get Elton to plant a few trees for the Beeb. The real scandal here is that the BBC, CNN, the Guardian and the rest of the liberal media accept as gospel, obvious lies spouted by Greta. Let’s look at the terrible bush fires ravaging Oz…
1861 days ago
There are times when I feel just why isn’t Uncle Chris here to chat. He would have loved the Panorama show in October as he generously shared in my minor triumphs. The death of Bob Willis, the General Election farce. The ghastly Greta Thunberg show. The joke that is the Impeachment of Donald Trump. Anna Soubry losing her deposit. I should have been chatting to him. When I arrived at the Greek Hovel for the olive harvest in late November I would always report to him on how much global warming already lay on the high Taygetos behind us. Those were mountains he knew well and which we had planned to climb together.
1871 days ago
There are two things you must live about this video from the Tories out last night. 1. It is just very good and makes you like Boris. 2, It is a spoof of Love Actually and so will really wind up all those ghastly luvvies who starred in the movie like Hugh “I want to gag the press so they don’t mention the hooker” Grant and Emma “justy flying in from LA to protest about global warming” Thompson who are right now urging us all to vote anything but Tory. Fuck you Hugh and Emma and the rest of you, when will you realise that we dobn’t care what celebs think and rather resent them yakking on ad nauseam as if we do? Anyhow, enjoy the video:
1893 days ago
In today’s podcast I start with Brokerman Dan on rising flood levels and global warming then it is onto The Daily Mail, Scottish Widows and sheer bollocks on the Gender Pay Gap. Then a look at the General Election polling and what it means for shares. Finally a look at Riverfort Global (RGO). You may hate what it does now but it is sustainable and the shares are bloody cheap.
1982 days ago
Project Greta Thunberg is a fraud. I do not blame the poor 16 year old Swedish girl who predicts that we have just months to save the planet from irreversible global warming, for she is quite obviously very unwell and also being manipulated. She is part of a fraud but right now the great and the good simply sit back and bask in the glory of the liberal media as they admire Emperor Greta’s new, planet friendly, clothes.
2020 days ago
Whenever someone like myself or my late Uncle Chris Booker challenged the bogus religion that is man made global warming, a constant retort of the cultists is “But you are not a scientist and 97% of scientists believe in global warming making it settled science.” That is why the BBC, Channel 4 Fake News and the rest of the liberal media do not even debate the issue now, they just state man made global warming as fact. Or climate change when the weather in question is cold. That is why man made climate change is taught as FACT in our schools. But the 97% figure is wholly bogus.
2031 days ago
A true giant of post war journalism died the night before last with his two sons at his bed side. Much will written elsewhere about his achievements: Co-founder of Private Eye, scriptwriter at TW3, Campaigning Journalist of the Year (opposing awful inner City redevelopment), Telegraph columnist for 60 years, the Godfather of Euroscepticism. The Guardian, if true to form, will have nasty words about that and about his exposing the global warming hoax.
2123 days ago
And so to the end point of the trip down Booker family memory lane with the Mrs and Joshua - a vist to the gardens at Stourhead just over the Dorset border in Wiltshire. Do you want to save £17 on an adult ticket by joining the National Trust said the lady? Er...
2183 days ago
Having started last night, as I showed here, the snow carried on till well after noon so we woke up to, perhaps, ten inches of global warming in some parts of the garden. The cat belonging to the Chav family next door went for a brief walk, as you can see below but thought better of it and is now back in our kitchen sleeping on the sofa. the little creature almost lives here now, my catnapping has worked. Joshua also enjoyed the snow.
2183 days ago
I was woken up at 6 AM by the Mrs snoring and peeked out of the window. It was still snowing. Snowballs with Joshua thought I and my heart leapt. This was the scene last night outside our front door here in Bristol with the global warming falling fast. A weekend trip to my father is, I suspect, on hold.
2418 days ago
The Hollywood liberal multi-millionaires havn’t given a standing ovation like the one De Niro got at the Tony’s last night, since the last time they feted the child rapist Roman Polanski on a big stage. Maybe Harvey Weinstein got close as they lauded his contribution to the arts, while all knowing what a monster he was, but that is showbiz for you.
2488 days ago
I shall not name the Parish as that would be unfair on a female vicar who was enthusiastic and welcoming and on a large congregation of good folk but the service we attended on Easter Sunday morning was not one for the traditionalists, that is to say me. Dr Johnson would, no doubt, have viewed it as evidence that his famous bon mot on a women preaching was bang on the money.
2503 days ago
In 2000, Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia, aka arch data fabricators and global warming nutters, noted: that within a few years winter snowfall will become “a very rare and exciting event”. “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,” he said. My son Joshua is not yet 18 months old yet, even here in Bristol, he has now experienced four periods of snow, three since Christmas. The photos below show a family playing, yet again, in a road just covered with global warming.
2527 days ago
There are at least five churches in the village of Kambos, the closest settlement to the Greek Hovel and a place with a population of 537. There might be more small churches hidden away somewhere that I have yet to find or have found but forgotten about. But the largest of the lot is the most modern and without a shadow of doubt the least pleasing to the eye.
2531 days ago
This being a family website, and since I am such a fecking feminist, I decline to bring you photos of the ladies in bikinis. but as I drove along the Kalamata seafront today they were there, on the beach and heading in to the water for a swim. Not many brave the sea at this time of year and, I grant you, those that do may be out on day release, but it is just about do-able. Down by the shore it is again in the high teens and I wander around in a T-shirt.
2542 days ago
Given that the world is actually getting colder, the Arctic sea ice is expanding, the word global warming was expunged from the dictionary by believers in the bogus religion some years ago. But I guess when folks think of "climate change" they still have visions of polar bears on melting ice caps, desertification, etc. So as UK temperatures plunge below zero (again) and snow - which the loons told us a in 2000 that kids would not know by now - covers much of the country (again), the believers in this religion have a problem.
2578 days ago
A friend who is the epitome of the remoaning metropolitan elitist emails me today to claim that "you really are becoming a fascist in your old age what with your support of Donald Trump and your climate change denial." The elitists always forget that labelling anyone with whom you disagree as a fascist demeans the true horror of what fascism is. But I suppose it is easier than actually debating facts. I shall deal with my admiration of the leader of the free world another day but let's look at some hard facts about climate change or , as it used to be known, global warming. I bring you three quotes:
2601 days ago
I popped up to see my father in Shipston on Stour in south Warwickshire last night with a view to heading on to Oxford early this morning for other family business. At 2.30 AM I awoke and looked out of my window and there was nothing to see. By 6.30 AM the global warming was deep, crisp and even and it was still snowing. It is now 9.15 and it is still snowing and the Oxford event has been cancelled. The snow is now at least three inches deep on the roof of my car and the forecast is for snow all day. The best bet, methinks, is to head for the motorway now and go back to Bristol in time to catch West Ham ladies in action at 2PM against Brislington Ladies ( my local team) in the FA Women's Vase 2nd round. Come on You Irons!
2627 days ago
The BBC was forced to grovel when Lord Lawson's disstening views on the global warming scam went unchallenged on air. For many, such as Pravda's own green guru, Roger Harrabin this is a "settled science" and thus those who dare to point out things like the fact that the world is getting colder, antarctic ice is at record levels and that the computer models have all been wrong, deserve to be no platformed. On the other hand Harrabin himself is allowed to tell blatant lies which expose his innate bias and go unchallenged.
2646 days ago
Tory MP Christopher Heaton-Harris seems to be in a spot of bother in certain circles for writing to university vice chancellors asking for a list of those lecturers who were running course material on Brexit and asking to see that course material. That is what actually happened but the BBC's senior reporter John Simpson tweeted out something rather different. This is fake news surely?
2659 days ago
Starting (natch) in the US women are being urged to boycott twitter for a day because it is sexist, oppressive, full of nasty men who want to exploit them like Harvey Weinstein and Bill Clinton, etc. Okay I made that up about Harvey and Bill. Let's not talk about Democrat rapists and just stick to the narrative that Republican men oppress and Democrats all liberate. Natch it is the left which is pushing this boycott. The wonderful Ann Coulter and, almost as wonderful, Laura Ingraham are not taking part.
2674 days ago
Today;s Guardian celebrates news that global carbon emissions stood still in 2016 which, it says, "is a welcome sign of progress in the battle against global warming." There is in fact rater better news, an admission from leading scientists writing in Nature Geoscience that between 1998 and 2013 the world had only got warmer by a smidgeon. Many of us have been pointing this out for years but now, even the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change admits, there has been a "pause."
2692 days ago
Harpie Green MP Caroline Lucas attempted to hijack a debate about the Government's feeble response to Hurricane Irma by banging on about how the storm was caused by man made climate change or, as we used to call it before the world started getting colder, global warming. Rightly she was slammed for being a shameless opportunist, pontificating in the face of real human suffering. But there is a bigger inconvenient truth...the humourless bitch just has not been reading her history books. Something she fails to grasp as she bleats away on twitter.
2699 days ago
The choice here in this part of Greece, if one wants an English language newspaper, is not a great one: The Daily Mail or the New York Times. The Mrs was planning a rest day while Joshua and I went on another road trip so bought both. On my return I tucked in.
2714 days ago
The BBC, Channel 4, the Guardian and the rest of the liberal media on both sides of the Atlantic have been gagging to interview Nobel Prize winning former US Vice President Al Gore about his latest film. But at the Box Office, An Inconvenient Sequel Truth to Power is bombing. The liberal elitists may love but the great unwashed is turned off. Why? Perhaps it is because Al Gore's net worth has soared to $200 million thanks to his work, jetting across the world to fight man made global warming. Or perhaps it is because the facts show clearly that his first opus magnus, An Inconvenient Truth, was just plain wrong.
2716 days ago
Reading the Guardian letters page is not an ordeal I can bring myself to suffer even in the interests of research into the far reaches of the deranged mentality of public sector working, virtue signalling, elitist, money tree worshipping thought. Or what goes for it. But my father, a closet reactionary, is a loyal Guardian reader.
2720 days ago
The headline from the Guardian, below, says it all. Former chancellor Nigel Lawson's Thought Crime is not believing in mad made global warming. The BBC had the timerity to allow him on one of its numerous features on climate change in the interests of balance. Its sister paper says it should erase Lawson from history and show no balance at all when covering climate change.
2728 days ago
Earlier this week it was his fellow socialist Polly Toynbee arguing for subsidies for farmers and higher food prices for the workers that would have had my late grandfather spinning in his grave. Well Sir John will have had reason tp spin again as the National Trust has joined the 50 year LGBT-fest led by the BBC, in the most ridiculous of ways. This is not to say that Sir John was a homophobe but he was Director General of the Trust.
2747 days ago
Much of what makes me despair about life in this country appeared just before 9 AM on BBC Radio 4's flagship fake news programme Today. It started with a segment on global warming...
2808 days ago
Online virtue signalling liberal pests Avaaz claimed credit for Macron's victory but said they were robbed by the Trump triumph. That was really a win for them too. Now the virtue signallers are going for a hat-trick of wins and have turned their attemntion to the British Election where threy plan to stop the wicked Tories. Indeed they have contacted me about my vote in Bristol East. Sadly their maths makes those of Dianne Abbott look like Einstein. The snowflakes write:
2817 days ago
As I tap out a few words on my laptop next to the bright blue sea it is about 27 degrees. It is T-shirt weather and the Mrs is forcing myself and Joshua to go for a swim in an unheated pool a bit later. It is hot here in Kardamili. But as you can see in the two photos below, in the higher points of the taygetos mountains behind us, the last remnants of the winter snow still cling on. These are not the highest points of the range but Al Gore would be mortified to see global warming still on the ground in the sourthnmost part of Europe in May. The computer models, global warming nutjobs like George Monbiot and the entire population of Canada, plus 99% of peer group approved scientists all predicted desertification not this.
2832 days ago
Back in early December when I arrived at the Greek Hovel for the olive harvest, the Taygettos mountains behind me were already covered with thick snow which you might think a bit odd. After all we are at the Southernmost edge of Europe and Al Gore and the global warming loons were telling us twenty years ago that this area would be almost a desert by now. Well guess what?
2890 days ago
The sanctimonious husband of the late Labour MP Jo Cox, murdered by an obvious loon last June, has decreed that we should all hold street parties this June to mark her death and celebrate bringing communities together with love not dividing them with hate blah, blah, blah, we all reject UKIP as they steal our bicycles and hate immingrants yadda, yadda, yadda. The media luvvies of the liberal elite live in the same fantasy world as Mr Cox and dare not tell him the truth.
2897 days ago
The highlight of the week was Donald Trump sticking it to the BBC's North America correspondent Jon Sopel who - as you can see here - spluttered that the BBC was "impartial free and fair." I guess that would be fake news then because it is patently not any of the above. Let's start with free.
2901 days ago
Yesterday I served up a picture of the snow capped mountains of the Northern Peloponnese to show that it is not just in the far North of Greece that global warming falls each year. I am now in the Southern Peloponnese, in fact the Mani, where the Greek Hovel is located, is the most southerly part of mainland Greece. And guess what?
2908 days ago
Above the main field at Butterwell Farm in Byfield was a smaller field. On one side was a continuation of the dry stone wall that separated our land from that of Mr Peter Thompson, on the other the extensive gardens that my mother worked to create. At the bottom ,separating this land from the main field, was a giant old barn which contained a wooden three-seater lavatory seat among other gems. At the top there was another barn which in turn formed one half of one side of the yard behind our house. We we worked hard to turn the barn into a fox proof hen-house. and then started to build up a flock of chickens with the odd bantam picked up along the way, for fun.
2913 days ago
Since 1947 The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists have once a year recalibrated an imaginary Doomsday Clock tracking how close we are to midnight, the point at which man destroys the planet. To mark the election of Donald Trump the clock was pushed forward 30 seconds to two and a half minutes to midnight. How the Guardian, Channel 4 and the BBC loved it "He's going to kill us all". Did any of these screaming hysterical liberals watch the last episode of the current series of Endeavour?
2922 days ago
In the high Pindus mountains of Northern Greece is a small village called Anelion, a place where we spent a number of childhood holidays. It was home to a man who was a friend of my father's, Mike the Vlach. It may still be, I have no idea if he is dead or alive. I was dreaming of Anelion last night and feel a very strong urge to go.
I am not sure how dad got to know Mike. I think that the first person to meet him was my father's mother Lesbia. This is a woman named after a Greek island and whose brother, David Cochrane, died falling down the mountain opposite Delphi. Greece is in the blood in our family. My grandmother had a real love of Greece and of languages and so it was she who introduced my father to the world of the vlachs.
2932 days ago
If you are preparing for a five hour journey to work along snow covered roads or your pipes have just burst you may think that I am talking utter rubbish. But the lack of snow here in Bristol is really starting to annoy me.
Over in Greece there is lots of the white stuff on the mountains above the Greek Hovel and in fact far lower down as well. The Express tells us on a daily basis that Britain is braced for a deluge of global warming. Channel 4 News
2932 days ago
Oakley is about to be petrified as the working classes are arriving. He fears them greatly. He fears hoovers even more. But ahead of that I record quickly. Today I cover Darren's bogus religion of global warming and Ariana (AAU) - the market has this wrong - Cobham (COB) - what ia kitchen sink - my dream St Valentine's Day massacre involving three listed companies which could all go bust on February 14. Please God! I also look at PCG Entertainment (PCGE) and its news today. Hats off to my friend comrade Richard Poulden. I also chide young Steve for not giving credit where credit is due to Majestic Wine (MJW) and have a few words about Aidan Earley. I thank him publicly on one matter although a lawyers letter has been received.
2936 days ago
My business partner Darren Atwater is a godless liberal believer in the bogus religion that is global warming. While the rest of us celebrated Christmas he went back to Canada for Winterval but found his own faith in the book of Gore sorely shaken. At his father's house in Vancouver in the last days of 2016 the global warming was far heavier than normal and the poor hipster had to dig his way out.
2950 days ago
On Christmas Day I chatted to Uncle Chris Booker. A wide ranging chat but we cannot help but conclude that at a geo-political level the world is going ever more badly wrong. Price Charles this populism is a real danger and must be fought. Quite right you unelected hereditary multi millionaire, lets pursue policies that favour the 1% and screw the masses. Let's stick with policies that, for a reason that a patrician fool might not grasp, are not popular in any way. As a life long republican I really do hope that the Queen lives forever.
2959 days ago
Petropavlovsk (POG) has announced results of its adverse weather-induced (are you reading Al Gore?) impact assessment at Andreevskaya East – with both negative and positive outcomes.
2975 days ago
I noted yesterday that the rain clouds were so thick that from the Kalamata sea front I could not see the start of the taygetus mountain range which winds its way down the Mani peninsula. Later in the day as I drove east towards the mountains the cloud had lifted and I could see clearly that there was already a good covering of global warming directly ahead of me in the higher reaches. It got better.
2975 days ago
As a climate change "denier" I have written elsewhere about how global temperatures are plunging not, as the BBC might lead you to believe, heading higher. You can see a recent article on that matter HERE. And thus Petropavlovsk (POG) serves up news from Russia which does not surprise me, but which might shock your average Guardian reader.
2982 days ago
Even the BBC is squirming today as the global warming myth has been exposed, this time at the South Pole. Last week it was the Arctic serving up "inconvenient truths" and now it is the Antarctic thanks to the logs of Captain Scott and the explorer Shackleton.
2983 days ago
It is bad enough that Donald Trump is considering the treacherous Country Club arse Mitt Romney for a cabinet position, given all he did to betray the GOP at the Election and to get crooked Hillary into the White House. But now Trump has betrayed conservative America and his supporters overseas with his statement that he is not going to appoint a special prosecutor to look into Hillary Clinton. This is a sell out pure and simple.
2986 days ago
In this week's postcard I look at how the liberal elite of the 1% behave like fascists at a performance of the crap uber-PC musical Hamilton in New York while in Ohio Trump voters get snowed on heavily. Oh the global warming irony. But those without jobs will not be laughing at the folly of the liberal elite on this matter.
2988 days ago
The eco-loon climate change fanatics at the BBC are on a roll with the statement that the world's temperature in 2016 will be "the warmest since records began." In fact they are on such a roll they are again talking about global warming rather than climate change. But as they, again, warn that the arctic ice is disappearing there are a few inconvenient truths.
Of course "since records began" is not very long on a global scale and it is clear that the world in 2016 will be a lot cooler than it was during the medieval warm period which was before coal fired power stations. On that basis can anyone still demonstrate beyond doubt that we are seeing "man made climate change".
But there are other problems. Here are two charts.
3033 days ago
Naturally the surname is Winnifrith. None of this double barrelled nonsense in this household. But we have now decided on three Christian names...
3040 days ago
I simply offer up two quotes. One is an opinion of what will happen based on fiction, one is a statement of fact, hard data. The subject is global warming.
3059 days ago
When you see that a conference which claims to be business focussed, as is the PRI In Person jamboree in Singapore, but is in fact "supported by the United Nations" you know that it will be a nest of vipers seeking to enrich the 1% at the expense of the 99%. At this point I quote Ayn Rand
3082 days ago
We are told that the awful floods in Louisiana of August 2016 are caused by climate change or global warming. Whatever. Here is a report and a photo of the flooding in Louisiana. Guess the year - hint it is not 2016.
3102 days ago
This morning the BBC's flagship Today programme on radio 4 came up with a report flagging up the lack of sea ice at the North Pole as more evidence of climate change or, as it likes to say when the sun is out but not when other weather types are on show, global warming. Sadly the facts about Arctic Sea ice do not bear up what the BBC says but so what? It is only YOUR cash via the regressive poll tax that is the license fee that pays for Pravda.
3107 days ago
My lefty sister N is the one who gave her husband, the kraut, membership of the Labour Party as a Christmas present. Jesting with her about the current woes of the People's Party is therefore not something that boosts family unity. But there is a new tease from my father.
3108 days ago
Oh joy of joys. In what is becoming something of an annual treat, global warming nutters travelling to the poles to show a lack of ice are being trapped by...ice. And I am delighted that the latest ship of fools set sail from my home City of Bristol which prides itself on being the "Green Capital" of Britain. So there maybe a few red faces in green City today. Let's hope no-one suggests using lots of fossil fuels sending in a rescue plane? Maybe they could borrow St Bono's private jet?
3109 days ago
The computer models from the UEA were all wrong, the data was manipulated and the world has not got hotter since 1997 as the global warming nutters predicted. Michael Mann can stick his made up hockey stick where the sun don't shine, however much carbon he emits. It was all a scam so global warming became climate change.
As I enjoyed 40 degree heat in Greece in May and June I thought to myself, gosh it is summer and I am in Greece and it is hot, well there's a surprise. Back in Britain it was apprently very wet and cold and the global warming nutters stayed silent for a while.
But then
3129 days ago
Maybe it is just a feature of getting older but whenever I read about more or less anything to do with students and politics I find myself thinking that we should bring back National Service is a pre-requisite for those wishing to study for a degree. Of course National Service was something I dodged by about thirty years, but when I was a student only 10% of folks went to university. We were - with a few exceptions - an elite. These days almost half of young folks go to what are, in many cases, laughably called Universities and it seems that large numbers of students are pathetic, idle or stupid or all three.
The leader of Britian's students, Malia Bouattia is a 28 year old perma-student fanatic who has featured here before as a supporter oif ISIS and fanatical Jew hater. The other day she told the world that Tory cuts to higher education (regrettably there have been none) were driving students to join ISIS. She is a barking mad fanatic but the fact that she was elected as head of the National Union of Students shows just how many students live in a parallel universe based on discredited ideas and a sense of entitlement.
Post the Brexit vote, in which only 30% of those between 18 and 25 could be bothered to get of their arse and put a cross in a box, the outpourings of grief from the young people who are "working" their way through the University system have been a hoot.
3147 days ago
I see from numerous congratulations messages from folks who I I do not know, sent via LinkedIn, that I am celebrating another anniversary. Having checked it out it appears that www.TomWinnifrith.com is four years old. It was a very strange birth indeed.
3155 days ago
It has been widely reported that the pompous US actor Matt Damon has opined on Brexit, branding it "insane". Mr Damon's qualifications as a political scientist or an economist are unclear. He did go to Harvard but dropped out before graduating and studied English. To suggest that he has any expertise on the finer points of Brexit would therefore be somewhat pushing the limits of plausibility.
And, as an American, no-one should really care what Matt Damon thinks about a British issue. Perhaps with his enormous intellect Mr Damon might discuss when was the last time that American citizens took heed of overseas counsel
3169 days ago
From the comfort of his £17.5 million North London home, actor Tom Conti has complained that the word luvvie, as used to describe him and certain, but not all, other actors, is as offensive as the word nigger, used by either certain black folk or white racists to describe all black people. Conti is talking out of his arse.
If one is a white racist or a black person attempting to reclaim the word in the way that certain gay folk have attempted to "reclaim" queer, then all black folks are niggers. It is an offensive term and should not be used, it is a term from the era of slavery, a term that suggests that those with a different coloured skin are inferior to we white folk.
On the other hand not all actors would be described as luvvies. Can anyone remember the word being used in association with John Wayne? Or Ronald Reagan? Or closer to home would anyone describe wife beating
3173 days ago
I kid you not, this is a lecture from the highly respected US college, the Massachusetts Institute for Technology (MIT). The lecturer was from the University of Melbourne and, before you laugh, your kids in the UK will be taught this sort of crap by their Guardian reading liberal left lecturers too. The full gory details:
3183 days ago
Around 40,000 kids are not going to school today because their stupid left wing parents have instructed them to go on strike. The overpaid and lazy teachers, no doubt delighted that they have even less work to do as they look forward to their ten week summer hols, support the strike. Who suffers from #Kidsstrike3rdMay and why?
Of course it is the kids who suffer since they have one day less of being taught all about global warming killing all the polar bears and
3215 days ago
My two sisters are a politically correct duo with a tendency to be rather earnest. Both work in the public sector and are married to half Germans - the Krauts. It is fair to say that we take a rather different view on more or less everything. Of course we are all united in having one father who turns 78 today. Happy Birthday Dad.
My younger sister in particular has "form" when it comes to uber-PC presents. I think it was two years ago that for Christmas she gave her husband
3287 days ago
My daughter's American godmother happily told me in New York just before New Year that there is no snow in the City any more as a result of global warming. That night it snowed outside our door in Brooklyn. Tomorrow the godmother is set to fly back to JFK from a three week trip to Venice. Sadly for her....
3311 days ago
It has been a warm December here in New York and the global warming nutters are having a field day. As you may be aware, New Yorkers think that the Big Apple is the centre of the Universe and that the flyover states, being populated by God fearing, gun owning, law abiding , hard working Republicans, can be ignored completely. So we can all ignore the deep snows and floods in Texas, the planet is heating up becuase New York is warmer than normal.
The local weather reprt on CBS News just told me that we have enjoyed the warmest ever December in New York. Hmmm..warmer than the Medieval warm period? warmer than, say, 1500 BC? How does CBS know? Of course what CBS means
3313 days ago
There are floods in the UK and there have been big floods in India. The evil combine of Big Government, big business, the useful idiots of the liberal press, academics on the payroll and the usual global warming nutters clutch at this straw as proof of their bogus religion. The facts, as ever, do not support their cause.
3342 days ago
Once again sincere apologies to Jabba The Hutt groupies for failing to pick up David Lenigas on anything in yesterday's podcast. Before you all get cold turkey, I have a few observations about Octagonal (OCT) nonsense today.I start with a look at React Energy (REAC) a trainwreck involved in green energy shite. I suggest that anyone who believes in this hocus pocus nonsense should read "The Real Global Warming Disaster" by uncle Chris. Then it is onto Anglesey Mining (ATM), Golden Saint Resources (GSR), Slater & Gordon (TOAST) and Northern Petroleum (NOP). See you all tomorrow at Gold & Bears in London.
3598 days ago
Step brother Tom is like all of my family ( bar enlightened little step sister Felicity) a Guardian reading lefty and so sends me an article by lunatic global warming evangelist George Monbiot from the rag of choice of public sector workers arguing that Britain is very corrupt. Moonbat makes a couple of points which I agree with but on others he is either wrong or selective. I think Britain is incredibly corrupt but my analysis is rather different to that of Moonbat. And more honest to boot.
3646 days ago
I was chatting to a chap in the grim North today. Snow was falling and he said that at 7 AM this morning with less than an inch of global warming on the ground the kids had been texted: School is closed. We reflected how life had changed.
Even during the winter of 1979, I cannot remember Warwick School for Boys shutting down. When we are at the junior school snow meant that Headmaster Jack Marshall would allow us to wear long trousers rather than our normal shorts. It could have been minus 5 but if there was no snow, it was shorts as normal for the younger boys.
If the rugby pitches were covered in snow we played anyway. Snow is soft. When snow turned to ice it was a freezing cross country run instead. Boy did I hate that.
The point is that the school never closed. And snow meant snowballs which is not quite the harmless game it sounds. The sixth form would amass on the centre of a rugby pitch and the rest of the school would advance from a car park to throw snow balls. And then in snatch parties, as in the army, the brutes would rush out and try to catch an advancing “nipper” who would promptly find himself having snow shoved up
3647 days ago
Up and at it quite early I switched the kettle on and… boom… all power on the house was lost. Normally I am pretty good at dealing with the fuse box under the stairs but today I was defeated. Leaving the Mrs (still in bed with Oakley the three legged cat) to call an electrician I sped off in the car in desperate search of a place to work.
The Arnos Manor hotel in Brislington is a building I pass most days but have never visited. It offers an excellent Wedding service and the staff here have been delightful. I have sat happily in its bar mainlining lattes and tapping away since just before eight. Situated next to the stunning Arnos Vale Victorian cemetery – one of the major attractions of Brislington – I cannot thank the staff too much here for their courtesy and friendliness.
The Mrs has just wandered in. A little man
3659 days ago
Back in Bristol and the cats are in disgrace for weeing on the doormat and the temperature is minus something. The Mrs is not sympathetic and I am back in the garage at my desk wearing a thick coat, hugging my heater and still freezing. I suggested to the Mrs that the cats be forced to join me as punishment but she said that would be cruel. And so I suffer alone.
At the tobacconists the Daily Express warns of snowfall across the country and of freezing conditions. I point this out to the Mrs on my return but she thinks this is just right wing propaganda and I must continue to work in the garage.
The Daily Telegraph warns its readers
3797 days ago
A year ago today at a house owned by the family of the great Hellenophile Lord Byron the woman formerly known as The Deluded Lefty became The Mrs. Right now she is outside tapping away at a paper for her sociology work on why capitalism causes cancer, global warming and is a construct for patriarchal hegemony for white men. Okay I think I might have got the subject a bit wrong but I am probably not far off.
I’m off to chop down some more frigana at The Greek Hovel where we are staying and then it’s switch off time. Unless there is a Quinnovation Group emergency this is a day off. Thank you to the Mrs for 365 wonderful days, it is time to down tools.
3868 days ago
The Mrs and I were wondering back from lunch by the Avon and came upon a car park at the edge of the woods where three boys cried out “help there is an escaped parrot, can you help us?” To misquote my father (a Greats Man) “A PPE man can turn his hand to anything” although catching rather confused and slightly injured escaped parrots in Bristol car parks is not my normal line of expertise.
As I got down on my front and peered under whichever car the parrot opted to hide under the Mrs called the Royal Society for Protection of Birds (RSPB). “Sorry madam that is not the sort of thing we deal with.” Hmmm, I guess the RSPB is too busy campaigning against global warning to do anything like actually protect a bird in need.
So what about the RSPCA I suggested? Again no luck. They said that we should try the Old Bill. FS we know that the Filth will be far too busy arresting folk for calling a Police Horse gay or for tweeting out comments t folks in Liverpool about how all scousers are sympathy milking, workshy, welfare addicts ( which they are) to assist.
And so as I scrabbled underneath another car and the parrot eluded me again, the Mrs tried another RSPCA number. Eventually she was told “it will probably find its way home but if you do catch it we will come and collect but we are massively under-resourced”
The first comment is a lie.
3876 days ago
I think that global warming a giant hoax. The world has been getting cooler for almost two decades and there is absolutely no correlation between the level of man-made carbon emissions and global temperature. But to humour the climate change freaks and carbon trading crooks for a second I bring you, c/o one of the City’s smarter brokers, news of a Japanese Study that explains who is to blame…cows.
3980 days ago
Naturally I rather hope that events in the Ukraine do not spiral into World War Three as I rather sense that this really would be the war to end all wars. And everything else. But always seeking solace of a silver lining in every nuclear cloud here are my ten looking on the bright side reasons for cheer.
3991 days ago
I look out of my window and next to my newly built herb garden there is a frog or is it a toad? How on earth did it get there? The garden has five foot high walls and we are a good 100 yards above and half a mile away from the nearest wetlands. And what to do?
I have locked the cats away so they cannot get into the garden. I know that Tara would enjoy “playing” with the poor creature. I am worried that my garden is now drying out at a rate of knots as the sun is shining. And I’d rather that the poor little thing did not perish. So call the RSPCA in Bristol?
That I do and am sent on a maze of key #1 or key #2 options none of which seem to complete and leave me none the wiser. I really do not have all day for this and the useless not fit for purpose RSPCA is probably too busy prosecuting a fox hunter or campaigning against global warming to actually care about a poor animal.
Reluctantly I think I must try to scoop the poor fellow up and put him on the grassy lane at the back of the garage and let him take his chances. If he perishes, I blame the RSPCA. But that he has managed to make it this far shows he is a bit of a fighter.
4000 days ago
I noted yesterday that if life on the Somerset Levels was not unpleasant enough right now, the poor bastards were faced not only with water up to their wastes but with a plague of politicians arriving to promise the earth and do nothing. The flood sound bites yesterday plunged new depths with Farage (UKIP) vs. Pickles (Con).
First up was the UKIP Fuhrer who demanded that the UK stop spending £11 billion a year on foreign aid and divert the cash to fighting the floods. One thing you may notice about UKIP is that whenever there is a problem that foreign aid cash is the answer. Want more hospitals? Axe foreign aid. Want more money for the armed forces? Axe foreign aid. Want to cut the deficit? Axe foreign aid. And so with floods in the news naturally UKIP thinks we should stop sending our cash off to Johnny Foreigner in Bongo Bongo land and look after folks back in Somerset.
As it happens I too would scrap foreign aid too
4001 days ago
Tim Yeo has been de-selected by his local Conservative association in the safe Tory seat of South Suffolk but of course it is not his fault is it? Yeo is a member of the political class and so he knows better than we plebs.
This odious slug says that the shrinking membership of the Tories now has views which might make the party unelectable. Because of their “extreme” views on Europe and climate change they have got rid of him, a decent, hardworking, moderate compassionate conservative. It is hard to know where to start.
Yeo is famed at Westminster for trousering vast sums from green firms where he is a chairman, an investor or non-exec whilst at the same time pushing for ever more draconian policies (and taxpayer subsidies) to fight climate change. What he fails to appreciate is that:
1. Firstly this stinks as an arrangement
2. Secondly
4022 days ago
Thanks to the UKIP Nutter of the Week this is a pretty easy one to enter. To win a 50% discount voucher for a party of up to 4 at Maribelle's when we open our new tapas and wine bar in February simply add your caption to the picture below in our comments section.
For what it is worth my entry is
Noah gave thanks to Nigel Farage's UKIP party for his salvation as he sailed through the streets of San Francisco
It is 2000 BC and the BBC reporter on board the ship sent out to show how global warming is causing sea levels to fall, sends back his latest treport to London
4028 days ago
Global Warming is a feminist issue driving women to prostitution – moron liberal of the month Barbara Lee
It is good to see that moron liberals reside on both sides of the Atlantic and January’s moron liberal of the month is California Congresswoman Barbara Lee with a claim so ludicrous it is hard to know where to start.
This imbecile has just authored a new resolution put to Congress which seeks to demonstrate that climate change (or global warming as nutters like Lee used to call it before the Planet started getting a lot colder), is an issue that effects women more than men and so forces them to become prostitutes so they get Aids and die and thus the US Government (heading for bankruptcy, last seen) needs to do something.
To quote this total nutter, as a result of global warming, oops I meant climate change:
“Food insecure women with limited socioeconomic resources may be vulnerable to situations such as sex work, transactional sex, and early marriage that put them at risk for HIV, STIs, unplanned pregnancy, and poor reproductive health.”
Oh noooooooo.
It gets worse.
4028 days ago
I cannot run with another caption contest based on the idea that some people still believe in David Cameron or global warming or both. So instead I offer you the photos of four well known men and invite you to say without breaking any laws of libel which is the odd one out.
The most entertaining factually correct answer wins a 50% off voucher to the soon to open new Spanish wine & tapas bar in Clerkenwell, Mirabelle’s. Prop… you know who. Post your ideas in the comments box below by Friday at noon.
Last week I asked for a caption for this photo.
The winner is Donalgarth for:
Penguin one "No I don't fancy their chances at all, I've heard that FAT Sam's leading the rescue party."
He will be sent his voucher entitling him for 50% off his bill when he visits Mirabelle’s.
4039 days ago
The last time we drove out to the reservoir at Chew Magna it was a placid little puddle nestling in the Somerset hills – barely a ripple on its surface. So it was an idea place for a bracing New Year’s Day walk we thought. Okay there is a bit of wind and rain but we are hardy folk.
I think that the rain beating down on the windshield so that you could see barely twenty yards ahead should have been a clue. As we arrived all the ducks and seagulls were huddling looking rather cold behind a wall well off the water. That should have been another hint for the Mrs and I.
The wind was so strong that this small reservoir suddenly looked like the North Sea.
4049 days ago
In the second part of the Chris Patten’s Christmas Carol, the chairman of the BBC meets the ghost of Christmas Present.
Last night he met the ghost of Christmas Past. If you missed that you can read it HERE
The story continues…
It was not the sound of Lady Lavender Patten’s refined and gentle snoring nor another panic attack about what happened to Chow Mein that awoke the good Lord Christopher Patten. But a loud noise from his study downstairs had the BBC chairman sprinting down the stairs, faster than BBC Middle East Correspondent Jeremy Bowen can say “the peace loving freedom martyrs of Hamas fired rockets on an Israeli school to protect themselves from the Genocidal imperialist warmongers.”
Sitting behind Patten’s leather bound desk with gold inlay, marked “A present from 400 million the grateful people of Europe for your Herculean labours as a European Commissioner” was another grey figure. Once again he was not smiling.
“Oh no not another of you consultant Johnnies” said Patten. The grey figure beckoned and gripped Patten’s hand. Through the air they flew.
After just a few minutes, Patten found himself gazing down on a Christmas day party.
4063 days ago
Heading home in a taxi the other night, the driver had to touch his breaks as a quite enormous foxes sprinted, in the same way that Simon Cawkwell might sprint, across the road. This fox was not the sort of beast I remember from my youth in the boonies.
Back then country fox had to live by his wits. Food was either wild game which had to be stalked or our chickens where entry to their housing required some ingenuity and cunning. And so the creatures we encountered were vicious, nervous of humans as we hated the vile killers with a passion and thin. They were lean mean killing machines.
City fox of 2013 is rather different. For a start, all the townies who think that chickens come from Tesco and that foxy woxy is a cuddly endangered species, would not think of harming this “national treasure.” Mr Fox is wily
4098 days ago
It is almost the 5th of November and as such it is apt that we think again of our lords and masters the Right Honourable Members of parliament as they slave away tirelessly working on behalf of us. And that brings us to Ed Davey, a Lib Dem MP and an Energy Minister – indeed the man who headed our45 person delegation flown out to the most recent conference on how to cut carbon emissions to stave off global warming.
It has emerged this weekend that Davey gets his own energy bills paid for by the taxpayer as do almost half of MPs. Better still he claims more in expenses to cover the cost of renting a constituency home than it would cost to buy the house on a mortgage. Heck – that is value for money. As it happens Davey represents a London seat so why the fuck should taxpayers have to pay for any home of his at all?
As a bonus the taxpayer also pays rent on a constituency office for Davey. And a director of the company from whom the office is rented is er…his wife.
This is all perfectly legal. But does it make you think that we are “all in it together?” Austerity is for little people…it does not apply to the political classes. As such I ask for your captions for the picture below in this week’s Ed Davey MP edition. Please post away in the comments section by Friday at 9 AM.
For what it is worth my entry is:
4111 days ago
Oh dear. Oh dear. The Global warming nutters are in disarray. Their models – on the basis of which trillions of dollars have been pissed away and Al Gore has become an incredibly rich fat bastard – have been shown to be just WRONG!
I quote from Der Spiegel which cites NASA as its source:
Whenever the ice at the North and South Pole is mentioned, it is mostly in the context of melting triggered by global warming. However, the sea ice in Antarctica - in contrast to that in the Arctic - has proved to be remarkably robust. New measurements have now confirmed that. As the U.S. space agency NASA announced, the sea ice in the Antarctic has extended over an area of 19.47 million square meters at the end of September. That is the highest since measurements began in 1979. Why the white splendour is extending there while it is rapidly disappearing in the Arctic is a mystery.
A mystery eh? Perhaps it is because the world is er…not getting warmer. It has got colder since 1997. So why does that matter?
4112 days ago
My father has done more than his fair share of work as Treasurer of the Shipston Parish. Its finances are okay – thanks in good part to my father handing over far too much of his dosh – but the finances of the wider C of E are a shambolic disaster. The reason is that it is a failing organisation – it keeps on losing customers to the grim reaper, other faiths and sects or to apathy and it is not replacing them.
One reason for this may be that the Church, like other once respected bodies such as the National Trust and the RSPCA seems intent on straying off its core patch. All three of these bodies have made themselves look ridiculous with their pronouncements on matters such as global warming and hunting of animals. But they just cannot help themselves.
And thus the Archbishop of Canterbury has today waded into the energy price debate telling companies that they should sacrifice profits by cutting prices ( prices agreed with the regulator) so folks are less badly off. Why not instead cut this Government’s ludicrous energy taxes imposed to help reduce our carbon footprint? Er…. Because the Church still thinks the planet is getting warmer (even though we are now in year 16 of cooling).
This is not a moral point the Church and the Archbishop is making but a political one.
4127 days ago
Having seen clips from last week’s Question Time and some of the coverage of the Red Ed vs. The daily Mail issue, I wonder if the BBC has plumbed new depths. Mired in new scandals over payouts for failure, sex crime cover ups and much more besides the real issues are:
Firstly that the taxpayer funded broadcaster produced either the sort of rubbish (everything on Radio 1 for example) which should be the domain of the private sector. If there is a demand for this sort or garbage why should the taxpayer subsidise it? If not then since it is rubbish why produce it at all?
And secondly that the news coverage is anything but impartial. How the audience cheered as the panel bashed the Mail on QT? How the BBC ignored both the facts of this non story and also the double standards in the way that Red Ed had treated those who gloated over the death of Thatcher? Why should my taxes fund propaganda? By the way is the BBC still insisting that the planet is heating up thanks to global warming?
As such I invite your captions for the picture below
My own feeble effort is:
4140 days ago
I do not normally read The Independent as it is a dire newspaper pandering to deluded lefties like my entire family (bar step sister Flea and Chris Booker) by printing utter bilge. But, for your sake dear readers, I prepared the sick bag to read one stormer of an article today. It defies belief.
The headline reads: Aid groups warn of growing hunger and disease as planet warms
Fantastic, maybe those Scottish moors I bought to grow vines on will prove a stunning investment after all?
Greatly encouraged I read on as the Indescribablyboring newspaper continued:
4176 days ago
My immediate family, bar uber-enlightened step sister Flea, are all deluded lefties and thus take the view that if Uncle Chris (Chris Booker) holds one view they should naturally take the opposite line. I tend to take an alternative view. Other than his one little blind spot (a failure to support the only democracy in the Middle East), Booker’s judgement is never wrong. On issues such as the global warming scandal, the EU and inner City development he has for decades been way ahead of the curve.
Today my mother’s brother writes in his Sunday Telegraph column about the West’s failure to appreciate the Islamofascist threat from Iran. Again he is bang on the money. Perhaps we should all have listened to the Israelis a bit more?
But he also picks up on my piece last week about the National Trust and how it is losing the plot. In that snippet he observes correctly why my father’s father, Sir John Winnifrith, would today have been disqualified from being head of the National Trust. It is a good and fair comment which my immediate family will find it hard to disagree with. But on (misguided) principle they probably will do so anyway.
To read my piece on the National Trust’s failure click here
To read Christopher’s column today click here
4184 days ago
My grandfather, Sir John Winnifrith, was Director General of the National Trust back in the 1970s. Back then its mission was to preserve old houses and historic rural areas. It got on with the job. And as such it was a body worth supporting. Folks felt the same way about it as they did about the RSPCA. But both bodies have quite simply lost the plot.
I have covered the RSPCA elsewhere (as you can read here) but I am these days as likely to give it my cash as I am to give cash to the NT. And I suspect that many of traditional “core” supporters fell the same way. Having visited two of its properties last week let me explain why.
4282 days ago
David Cameron: an out of touch, principle free, liar – a Godsend to UKIP
147 net gains for UKIP on Thursday was a political earthquake. The political classes are scared. They do not like it up ‘em.
Like most folks I was first attracted to UKIP over the EU. It wants out of the Evil Empire and so do I. Does it have any other policies? Yes. Do I agree with all of them? No. But where we disagree on matters like immigration UKIP at least accepts that the current system (easy entry + free welfare) is a joke and unworkable. UKIP would make entry impossible & keep welfare, I would make it automatic but scrap the welfare.
My point is that UKIP is instinctively right in that it sees – as do – most folks in Britain – that there is a vast problem. In its DNA UKIP is on the right track. The established parties have – for years – made it clear that the immigration system needed minor adjustments. They have lied about the scale of immigration, tarred anyone who questioned the system as a racist and then occasionally made tiny changes which stop skilled workers coming here ( who we want) in order to win grubby votes and Daily Mail headlines.
And so when David Cameron or Ken Clarke or any of the other mainstream politicos of all three parties tarred UKIP as racist in the past they meant it. That is what they actually believed. When they now say they are “listening” and must “connect with the views of those who voted UKIP” it is just another big fat lie. It is a lie born out of desperation.
And that brings us to David Cameron
4283 days ago
As I sit at Bristol Temple Meads preparing to head up to London it is 8.30 AM and just 7 of 34 councils have declared the local results from last night. But already it is clear that the ONLY clear winner is UKIP. There is little doubt that Nigel Farage’s party will make further big gains from the other 27 counts and that it is a triumph. But does it mean much?
The results are pretty spectacular given that four years ago UKIP stood in few of these seats. In other words they have come from nowhere. As things stand UKIP is on 42 seats (level pegging with Labour) and a net 42 ahead. The Tories are 66 down, the Lib Dems 15 down and Labour 30 ahead. Where UKIP has stood it has averaged 27% of the vote and should gain c20% overall – well ahead of the Lib Dems and not far behind Labour.
So what does it mean? The easy calls first.
Together with its abject result in the South Shields by-election (the worst by a major party since 1948) the locals are a disaster for Nick Clegg and the Lib Dems. There will be yet more angry beardy weirdies
4287 days ago
Just for the avoidance of doubt I am not a UKIP party member and will not be voting at all on May 2nd. However I cannot say that I am put off UKIP by Tory Grandee Kenneth Clarke labelling its leaders as clowns and anyone voting for it as a racist. In fact such a pathetic attack merely makes me think even less of Call Me Dave’s Tories and of the fat old fool that is Ken Clarke.
Clarke states that UKIP is largely a protest by folks against the established parties. He may be correct. The established parties have produced a political class which has engaged in systematic expenses fiddling and extraction of ever more cash from the public purse. And on issues such as the EU they are almost united in ignoring the wishes of most voters. They are an out of touch elite. And with his cushy non-executive directorships as a sideline and having supported every doomed Euro project from the ERM to Britain’s membership of the Euro, the fat complacent Clarke is a typical member of that class.
Rightly many of us view the lot of them with contempt. If the political class get a bloody nose from UKIP in largely irrelevant local elections on May 2nd they deserve it.
As it happens I disagree with UKIP on immigration. Listening to Nigel Farage’s speech at UKInvestor Show I winced as he touched on the issue and also on that of gay marriage which I support. My partner (female and British Asian) has real problems with UKIP on these sort of matters and I can understand why.
But the EU is an important matter for me as is the way that the mainstream parties are all committed to pissing away billions on tackling the non-issue of global warming and are failing to tackle the appalling finances of Bankrupt Britain. And I do hold the entire political class in contempt for their corruption. And so
4287 days ago
Christopher Booker founded Private Eye, was campaigning journalist of the year several times in the 1970s and as a columnist on the Sunday Telegraph and ( sometimes) on the Daily Mail he is a scourge of global warming nutters, the EU and all things that right thinking folks despise. He is also my uncle and godfather. And he knew the late Margaret Thatcher well. His speech at UK Investor Show on April 13 reflects on that and on Maggie’s U-Turns on Europe and on global warming as well as setting the record straight on her attitude to apartheid. It is a stormer.
4318 days ago
Staffed entirely by global warming nutters the Met Office finally admitted in the Autumn that the world was not getting hotter and thus that its long term forecasts were …wrong. But at least we can rely on its short term forecasts then? Er…no.
The Met Office three-monthly outlook at the end of March 2012 stated: "The forecast for average UK rainfall slightly favours drier than average conditions for April-May-June, and slightly favours April being the driest of the three months." The Met Office has now ‘fessed up and states: "Given that April was the wettest since detailed records began in 1910 and the April-May-June quarter was also the wettest, this advice was not helpful."
But maybe that was a fluke? Er. Try this one: 20 December 2012: "For February and March the range of possible outcomes is also very broad, although above-average UK-mean temperatures become more likely". This week: The Met Office confirms that it could have been the coldest March in the UK for 51 years.
I could go on and on. The fact is that The Met’s long term forecasts have all be wrong and its short to medium term forecasts are sometimes wrong and sometimes right. Now if my three legged cat Oakley was making forecasts he would be right sometimes and wrong other times. But Oakley would cost the taxpayer far, far less. Is the Met Office a) fit for purpose or b) good value for money or c) neither?
4320 days ago
I often feel like I am in 1984. “We are at war with Eastasia. We've always been at war with Eastasia.” And so I am asked to believe that the loons have always told us that man-made emissions cause climate change. They have always said that they caused climate change.
I do not recollect it being that way. I am sure that in the early years of this scare we were told that man-made carbon emissions caused global warming. And that there was a proven link and Big Brother reminded us that 99% of scientists told us that the world was going to get much warmer unless we changed our ways, handing over more of our money and liberties to the State.
But the world has, as we know, not got warmer since 1997. In fact it appears to be a tad cooler. Certainly it is frigging cold where I am here in Airstrip One. And so this, we are now told, is clear evidence of climate change.
Except that, again in my dim and distant memory, I remember it snowing in March and indeed on my sister’s birthday in April back in the era before Big Brother told us all that we were suffering from global warming. Ooops. “We are suffering from climate change, we have always been suffering from climate change, we were never suffering global warming.” Silly me. Off to room 101 for TW.
So a serious question from me, answers in the comments section below: “When did the loons stop officially referring to global warming and start referring to climate change?”
4323 days ago
And so I found my way to Oxford on Saturday to a party at the house of my sister Naomi to celebrate the 25th Wedding Anniversary of my father and step mother and also my father’s 75th birthday next week. My father and step mother are actually second cousins and eons ago when she was an undergraduate at Oxford and he a post graduate he took her to the Opera as a cousin-friendly gesture. 26 years ago they met for the first time in 20 years at the wedding of another mutual cousin. He took her to the opera again and within nine months they were getting married in Malmesbury, Wiltshire.
It was a lovely sunny and warm March day. Ireland won a six nations match that day and I mentioned that in my best man’s speech. After 25 years of global warming we gathered to celebrate that day as the snow fell heavily in Oxford. It was my father and Helen’s oldest friends (a group he refers to as the Coffin Dodgers) plus my sisters (and husbands) and my step sisters and brother, young Tom. I am middle Tom. My father is big Tom.
I was banned from mentioning certain subjects in a gathering where I suspect myself and step sister Flea (pictured below) were the only non-Guardian readers.
It was a deluded lefty hothouse. And so I bit my lip and did not say to everyone how many inches of global warming was falling in the garden or raise any other controversial issues like, er… everything I believe in. And so conversation
4353 days ago
I feel it is almost poetic. It is less than 24 hours since the king of the Global Warming Nutters ‘fessed up and admitted that the world had not got any colder for 17 years ( see here ). I am still celebrating that capitulation from the old crook Rajenda Pachauri and as I gaze out of the window at Real Man Pizza Company, the snow is falling gently on Clerkenwell. It is almost poetic. I am so glad thatI did not throw away all my winter woolies when Al Gore.Chris Huhne/Call Me Dave and the other nutters told me that winters were a thing of the past.
4354 days ago
The UN’s climate change chief, Rajendra Pachauri, who has made a personal fortune peddling this bogus science of the back of bogus data has today ‘fessed up to the inconvenient truth. Dr P has admitted that there has now been a 17-year pause in global temperature rises, confirmed recently by Britain’s Met Office.
But Dr P is undeterred and insists that this pause needs to last “30 to 40 years at least” to break the long-term global warming trend. That is prize crap on two grounds.
1. The world got colder 1939 to 1976. It then got hotter 1976 to 1995 ( a spell of 19 years). In other words on the basis of 19 years warming you can demand wholesale changes in the behaviour of humankind but to prove a reversal of a trend you need 40 years? Put another way, in the past 73 years we have has just one 19 year spell of warming as opposed to cooling. What is the trend and what is the blip?
2. The changes and vast expenses we all face as a results of demands made by the global warming nutters were based on computer programmes that predicted clear and linear warming from 1995 onwards directly linked to carbon emissions. Carbon emissions have carried on increasing. The world has not got hotter. The programmes have been wrong 17 years out of 17 so far. So why would anyone sane place any bets on their 50 and 100 year predictions being correct?
At least we see one sinner starting to repent. Who next? Al Gore? The BBC? The EU, Polly Toynbee? Chris Huhne? Call Me Dave? Line up, line up.
4364 days ago
Every time I come here it seems to snow. My deluded lefty step mother, who ticked me off earlier today for referring to global warming as opposed to climate change, is now safely in bed. The cat & I have thus switched the heating on full blast as an inch of global warming, oops, sorry 2.54 centimetres of climate change has now fallen. Needless to say I am travelling back to London tomorrow and so expect wholesale travel chaos. I feel cursed.
4367 days ago
More details emerge about liar, criminal and ex MP Chris Huhne every day which are guaranteed to nauseate. The windfarm and global warming nutter made his ex wife have an abortion for the sake of his career (she says) and there was a mistress prior to the lesbian he hooked up with before ditching the ex Mrs Huhne. This is all pretty unpleasant but is a private matter. What matters is the money.
Multi millionaire Huhne always played the expenses game aggressively – claiming for the cost of a Trouser Press amongst other things. And days before quitting as an MP – when he knew that the game was almost up – he happily claimed for an Ipad (at £700) and stiffed the taxpayer with an expenses claim. Various of his smug colleagues demand he repay that sum to deflect from the real question: why the hell does an MP need an Ipad anyway and why the hell should the taxpayer pay for it?
How many other sleazy MPs have bought an Ipad and put it on expenses?
The real kick in the groin for the taxpayer is that Huhne will get a £70,000 payoff for standing down as an MP.
4371 days ago
To celebrate the news that Lib Dem MP and windfarm and all round global warming nutter Chris Huhne is now officially a liar and a criminal we offer you the chance to treasure this moment with a new line of T-Shirts, mugs and hoodies available for immediate delivery in a range of colours.
All are available exclusively from our online store allowing you to celebrate the demise of this EU loving, global warming freak and liar and criminal.
You can place your orders for all these items here.
4371 days ago
Windfarm and general all round global warming nutter and Lib Dem MP Chris Huhne has for months protested his innocence on the charge of perverting the course of justice – that is to say getting his ex wife to take speeding points for him. Today he has pleaded guilty in Court. So Huhne is not only a liar but will very shortly be a convicted criminal too and, fingers crossed, heading off to gaol. Given that during his period of procrastination and lies he has continued to claim MP’s expenses might this multi millionaire now be required to pay them back? I doubt it. Does he get an MP’s normal payoff? I expect so.
And now we face a by-election in Eastleigh, formerly a Tory/Lib Dem marginal. It is hard not to see the Lib Dem vote collapsing given that they are nationally hated and the circumstances of the contest. In that part of the world Labour is about as popular as the late Jimmy Saville and so UKIP will be licking its lips. There is no threat of “letting Labour in” by voting UKIP in this one-off contest. One imagines that the traditional Tories of Eastleigh are not exactly enthused by the tone of Call Me Dave’s conservatism. And so this may be the day. The odds have to be on a result of Conservative, UKIP, Lib Dem, Labour and then the assorted loons, but you never know. I would imagine that round at UKIP headquarters the excitement is tangible.
4382 days ago
I am not a climate change sceptic. That is to say it is not that I doubt the theory of man made climate change. I am absolutely sure about it. The whole thing is complete and utter bollocks. And so, while it may cause some surprise round at the Met Office and the BBC, I am not that shocked that it is snowing and bloody cold in January. Weather happens. However, the political elite have been pretty much unanimous in their view that global warming is happening and have thus happily cut back on spending on things like gritters or flood prevention so that that they can piss away billions of quid of other folks’ money on subsidies for wind farms and solar panels.
The impact of these policy changes compounds the general trend of us all becoming more pathetic in the way we deal with the natural world: it is hard to imagine those who taught me thirty years ago bleating about a couple of inches of snow, citing “elf n’safey” and shutting the school down. In short I do expect the snow to have a material effect on the UK economy and you will see this with four categories of trading statement.
4385 days ago
It was meant to be the 8 PM. But it was late. I am on my way to Warwickshire on family business. The main line up to Didcot seems problem free. After that it gets worse as it is snowing again. I think I can make it though by train to Moreton-in-Marsh but that is where my problems begin. My father is the world’s worst driver in perfect conditions. After dark? In the snow? Forget it. And so how to get to Shipston-on-Stour? This is an Agatha Christie murder in the Cotswolds vicarage in the bleak midwinter – sort of Roger Ackroyd but in Warwickshire.
Perhaps I might already have hidden my cross country skis behind the railings at Moreton and just speed over the hills to Shipston? There is more chance of that than of getting a taxi. Nine firms tried, four answered and that was only to say that “it is snowing, good night.” Maybe I might hitch a lift if there is anyone else mad enough to travel on a train into rural white-out tonight?
Let’s be realistic. I have booked into the Bell Inn for the night. A roaring fire. A stiff whiskey from the landlord who keeps looking out over the wintry fields with a worried eye. The mystery blonde woman of a certain age in the corner with her plain, but attractive, hen pecked daughter. And there is a report that David Mills has escaped from Tessa Jowell’s farmouse retreat near Shipston and is on the loose. Who is that Italian gentleman in the corner who keeps on mumbling about Rubies?
4399 days ago
The Met Office was one of those bodies that, like the BBC, one used to trust. Back in the old days when weathermen were hired for having some sort of brain power ( Giles, Fish, etc) rather than for having big tits, you accepted that they might miss the odd hurricane but accepted that they were doing their best to keep you informed. How that changed. Like the Biased BBC the Met Office has been in the grip of global warming nutters for some years and this has produced ever more bizarre behaviour. Let us discuss rain.
I start with a quote from 23 March 2012 from the Met: “The forecast for average UK rainfall slightly favours drier-than-average conditions for April-May-June as a whole, and also slightly favours April being the driest of the 3 months. With this forecast, the water resources situation in southern, eastern and central England is likely to deteriorate further during the April-May-June period… This forecast is based on information from observations, several numerical models and expert judgement.
By 16th April we were warned that 32 million Britons faced drought until after Christmas:
4422 days ago
The shock revelation that my deluded lefty sister Naomi is to give her poor husband Labour Party membership for Christmas naturally begs the question what do I get the rest of my family ( all deluded lefties) for Christmas, or Winterval as they would have it. And so my Saturday musical medley starts with a classic from the Right Brothers “
That is a pretty American list. Maybe for the UK my family and other deluded lefties might start with “Letters from the Chestnut Tree cafe” available at just £5 HERE. or perhaps with a selection of “It’s Time to Leave” T-shirts, sweatshirts and coffee mugs? Perhaps for folks who talk about the Malvinas (Naomi) a “Piss off Argentina T-shirt? The mugs and T-shirts are all available HERE.
Back to the music. A couple of other offerings from the Right Brothers who seem like a sensible bunch of chaps. I shall skip over “Bush was Right” and start with “Stop Global Whining” which is pretty self explanatory but does highlight the inconvenient truth of the medieval warm period pretty brilliantly.
Next up is one for the teaching profession: “Shut up and teach.”
4424 days ago
I am again engaged on family matters and so sitting in Shipston with my father. He is aware that i am about to report back on today’s deluded lefty activities from my family. They are (with the glorious exception of little step sister Flea) utterly deluded.
We will shortly light the fire here. It is freezing. My Dad trousers his pensioner’s winter fuel allowance but amid a heated debate about global warming the actual heating is never switched on. I have tweaked the dial without telling him. It is still freezing. And so yesterday’s Guardian will once again start its useful life in a few minutes with Toynbee’s gibberish and the rest going up in smoke.
But there is, I am proud to reveal, another useful purpose for the BBC’s sister publication.
4424 days ago
Hooray, the UK is once again to allow fraccing. This is a process that allows gas to be released from shale rocks. And we are sitting on vast reserves. We could quite plausibly have discovered a new resource equivalent to 25% of our North Sea gas reserves. Perhaps there is even more as exploration to date has been limited. So I guess that means that gas bills ( $10 mmBTu) will fall to US levels ($3mmBtu) – in the US fraccing means that the country has massive supplies of gas. Er…no. If we exploit this gas fully gas prices will go up. Such insanity can only come from global warming nutters and the EU. Of course it does.
David Kennedy of the “Climate Change Committee” a Quango which spouts hot air on climate change to validate the coalitions’ crackpot wind farm policies explained it all on radio 4 this morning. If we exploit no gas then fuel bills will increase by £100 by 2010 because we are being forced to pay to subsidise wind and solar power projects. These projects are far less efficient producers of power than natural gas power stations.
If however we use that gas then bills go up by £600 per family
4429 days ago
I tweeted out a link to an article the other day with #Doha in its title. That is where al sorts of self important NGO and political scumbags are meeting to discuss how after 16 years of global cooling they are going to spend gazillions of pounds of taxpayers cash to stop global warming. Hey presto something called #Doha immediately retweeted me to its 111 followers.
You have to be a prize global warming nutter to sign up to receive some of the 6,600 tweets emitted by this beastie. But if you want to the 111 eco-loons who do indeed follower #Doha might I suggest tweeting out #Doha global warming is a con or #Doha you can stick Michael Mann’s fraudulent hockey stick where the sun don’t shine, etc, etc.
So who are these eco-loons who want to receive these great pearls of #Doha wisdom? One grabbed my eye: @Petercoville “Philosophy teacher, climate activist, London occupier.” His twitter feed is a scream – a triumph of deluded lefty garbage.
4430 days ago
I was tempted to try to find a caption to reflect today’s news from David Cameron of his new flagship policy to reach out to address the key concerns of hard pressed middle England in these austere times. That is to say, allowing gay marriages in Church.
Having won such praise for our last caption contest featuring the Butcher of Londonderry I considered that in this season of goodwill we revisit Ulster which is still part of the United Kingdom but where, in an act of pure sectarian malice designed to provoke, the Union Flag will not now be flown over City hall in Belfast except on special occasions. If there is a problem what do you do? Send for an O’Clinton of course. The family that has brought peace, love and happiness to folks in Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Libya and the Lewinsky family, can do anything and so the vile Clinton woman met up with Martin McGuinness ( who must have been gutted that the EU rather than he won the Nobel Peace Prize) to sort it all out.
But I cannot think of anything funny to say about McGuinness any more. And so I fall back on the Doha Climate Change conference where Dave Cameron came up with another big vote winner: give two billion quid to African dictators to build wind farms to tackle global warming.
In light of this I ask you for your captions for this photo taken today. To win one of our “It’s Time to Leave” (the EU) T-shirts (which you can buy here.) please post your entries in the comments section below to this picture:
My entry is:
4432 days ago
My Guardian reading father is an incredibly generous contributor to Christian Aid. But still they want more. It is after all better to give than to receive and they are just helping to save his soul. And so once a week he gets a call asking him to up his contribution. Bad luck Christian aid. My father is at a funeral and so when you called today and asked for Mr T Winnifrith I replied truthfully that they were speaking to Mr T Winnifrith and…
4432 days ago
Yup I know it is December so not really a shock (unless you are a total global warming nutter). And I know that it is a bit childish but there is always an excitement in seeing the first snow of the winter. It only becomes a pain later. And so at 3.30 AM as I work on a new book idea I look out of the window and there are huge snowflakes falling on Shipston-on-Stour.
I am again at my father’s house sorting out a few things. It is only about half an hour from the village in which I grew up. Snow lay thick on the ground and roads when I had my first driving lessons 27 years and eleven month ago with Mr Ceney. That was fun. A few years earlier snow meant a day off school if you lived in our village. Harbury was at the top of a steep hill and so it was sometimes too dangerous to try to drive down that hill towards Warwick. Yippeee off to Ufton Hill to sleigh down on a plastic bag.
And now the snowflakes are falling harder. The child in me wants them to settle. Step sister Flea’s very young daughters are staying the night and I know they’d love to throw a few snowballs at Grandpa tomorrow morning. Heck, so would I. The adult in me knows that I have to drive the Old Man into Warwick tomorrow and I am not sure I really fancy doing it on snow covered roads. I am torn.
4434 days ago
We have just massively expnaded our range of incredibly offensive “It’s Time to Leave” ( the EU ) merchandise.
We were inspired to launch the original range by those deluded lefties who were setting up an operation to sell organic, ethical eco-friendly T-shirts with messages about what a jolly good thing the Evil Empire the is.
following readedr feedback we have now expanded the range with more colours on offer (true diversity awareness) and also to produce Hoodies and sweatshirts just in case global warming does not happen.
Any orders will be produced by good capitalists (and they are German owned capitalists). The T-shirts are cotton but there is no claim of eco-nonsense- the shipping of them uses lots of carbon. And the message for the Evil Empire is clear. It is an oppressive, authoritarian, anti-democratic organisation and it is time we left.
My problem of what to get my deluded lefty family for Christmas is solved at a stroke.
You can place your orders now here.
4437 days ago
As I noted on my blog yesterday inches of inconvenient truth were falling in Northern England. Here in the South West it feels very nippy indeed. After 16 years of global cooling we have had the wettest summer in eons and now, apparently, face one of the coldest winters in a century. As the Antarctic ice cap reaches record size you would kind have thought that the global warming nutters who have forced the planet to spend gazillions following their wacko religion might shut up. But er no.
4439 days ago
Bloody hell these inconvenient truths keep on coming. Having spent gazillions tackling the threat of global warming based on computer models which used false data, it just keeps on getting worse for the global warming nutters.
Firstly we learned from the Met Office that the world had, in fact, cooled marginally during the past 16 years.
Then, having been warned a few years ago that the droughts that swept the UK were a presage of global warming we suffer our wettest year in decades.
And now, snow is falling in the Pennines
4445 days ago
Remember a few years ago when the BBC and the newspapers were full of pictures of dry riverbeds across England? It was all down to global warming and was a foretaste of what was to come. Yup. Having come up to Warwickshire on unexpected family business I was this morning keen to make my escape to Bristol by train. But arriving at Moreton in the Marsh station I was told that flooding meant there were no trains from Worcester to Bristol or Swindon to Bristol.
4446 days ago
I am staying with my father for a few days looking after him as my step mother is off in London to see wicked Uncle George. As I have noted before my family (little step sister Flea excluded) are a bunch of deluded lefties and so the paper delivered here every day is The Guardian. Imagine my horror at seeing Polly Toynbee’s face staring at me across the breakfast table in the morning.
4457 days ago
A Matter of principle – the frigging Google Puritans vs Doing What I want
I have thought about this long and hard. As you may have read on this blog here, Google for me to pay it to advertise this blog elsewhere on the world wide web (it wants my cash) but being a bunch hypocritical frigging puritans it will not allow advertisers who use its adsense network to advertise here because it reckons that this website promotes gambling and contains adult content.
You can read my take on its spurious objections to my site HERE. and about its rank hypocrisy HERE.
And so I have a choice. I can take down pictures of the UK’s top chanteuse Ms Cheryl Cole in a partial state of undress and remove any elements of swear blogging on my site and take Google’s easy advertising money. Or I can leave the blog unaltered and rely on those who advertise outside the Google network to generate a few pennies.
4469 days ago
You and I know that hurricanes just happen. No-one is to blame and mankind just carries on. But out there in the twittersphere the left is already working out whom or what is to blame for Hurricane Sandy which is now battering New York. Just to help these simple folk along so that they can cut and paste away for the comments board on the Guardian, BBC, etc here are the top ten candidates for who or what is to blame.
1. George Bush Junior – he caused all that is evil on this planet.
2. Global Warming. I know Sandy is rather cold but it is all to do with Global Warming which was partly caused by George Bush ( see above)
4473 days ago
Hell’s teeth. By accident I find myself listening to the BBC for 30 minutes and I already deeply regret it. It was a mistake that I shall not repeat. My encounter is with the Today programme and first up was the Reverend John Bell from the Iona community who is just absolutely ghastly. He makes me dream once again of Scottish independence in the hope that this dreadful man would not then pollute the airwaves of a free Britain. Scottish independence or shutting down the BBC. Bell needs to come off air.
4482 days ago
It has been a long but enjoyable week. This week’s video looks back on some of the highlights, notably the Evil Empire winning the Nobel Peace Prize and my battle with AIM listed penny dreadful Sefton Resources (SER) on Tuesday. But I look forward too.
4483 days ago
Everyone knows that I think that global warming is, as a theory, pure bunkum unbacked by evidence or science. And so it is not a surprise that Met Office data admitting that global warming stopped 16 years ago was greeted with a ‘Gotcha’ from me on Sunday. The response from one tweeter was “Yey! Keep driving 4×4’s, don’t recycle burn it, destroy forests, pollute rivers, Go man go. Must feel good knowing all a scam.” Au contraire you have got it all wrong. Being a global warming sceptic is in fact the green thing to do.
4484 days ago
My uncle Chris (Booker) is in India where my cousin Nick lives and so has missed the story of the year – the death of the global warming scam. As one of the bravest and fiercest critics of this costly farce he will be mortified. I am sure that when he arrives back in the UK on Wednesday he will be straight into battle. But data which has emerged from the Met Office ends this debate. Al Gore, Call Me Dave, Chris Huhne, the BBC, the Guardian etc – GOTCHA. It is all over for you now. How about you personally start paying back the gazillions taxpayers have pissed away on your fantasies at once.
4490 days ago
The Weekly Tomograph Newsletter has just been emailed to those who are registered. It contains the usual stuff, notably the Caption contest and a link to the most popular articles on this site during the past week. It also contains an exclusive article explaining why the BBC should be more or less scrapped, what would replace it and with news that another big name paedophile scandal from 1970s Kids TV is about to emerge. You really should register to receive the Tomograph every week here.
4492 days ago
Ceres Power (LSE:CWR) has been another AIM listed darling of the fuel cell/green pie in the sky sector. Over the past few years it has raised £65 million to fund its dreams but the dream is now a nightmare. There are some who think that this company still has £10 million and is worth something. They are wrong as I shall explain below. The shares have collapsed to 2.205p but my target price is 0p.
4496 days ago
I read in today’s Metro that we have only got four years to save earth. Well I guess I can stop fretting about my pension plan then. This dire warning comes from a collection of “charities and individuals” who say that failure to address climate change is “reckless and short sighted.”
Er, um okay.
4500 days ago
A few twitter followers of mine say that I should not feel sick that Jeremy Clarkson is trousering a £5 million windfall from the BBC. After all he is a 10 out of 10 politically incorrect fellow so why should he not screw the Beeb? Well up to a point.
Yes Clarkson sounds off in an entertaining manner. I do not always agree with what he says but since he infuriates the sort of folks with whom I always disagree I guess he has to go down as one of life’s good guys. On matters such as global warming he is bang on the money.
Top Gear is pretty watchable and so I cannot object to his £500,000 salary. It is market forces. He can command that so fair game to him. I believe in market forces.
But this deal is different.
4517 days ago
JA Solar (JASO) has responded robustly to plans by the European Union to consider tariffs on Chinese solar panels as part of an anti-dumping clampdown but it and other Chinese solar companies such as LDK Solar (LDK) and Trina Solar (TSL) just cannot win and here is why.
4519 days ago
Man has been tracking solar activity for a long time – the ancient Chinese were bang on the case. And so we have 5,000 years of fairly accurate records of solar sunspots.
Using samples drawn from ice cores we can assemble 5,000 years of records for C02 levels in the atmosphere. And trees etc allow us to do the same for temperature.
Now look at this chart below. It tracks solar sunspots versus global temperature. As you can see there is a fairly good correlation.
4520 days ago
The weekly newsletter sent out to those who have registered their addresses with this website is now out. After a three week absence The Tomograph is back.
As ever, it contains an article unique to the Tomograph. In fact this week there are two. A general piece on life and the events of the last week and what is planned for next week and a few thoughts on civil liberties in the peadophile infested old folks home that is Belgium. There is also a run down on the most popular pieces on the blog over the past three weeks in case you missed them.
You can access this issue of the Tomograph here.
You can access an archive of past issues here.
And you can register to get the Tomograph emailed direct to your inbox by filling in your email address in the box in the top Right Hand corner of this website. I am sure you can find it.
4521 days ago
Okay Mars Inc is not sponsoring the caption contest before is pompous lawyers get onto the case. That is what is termed a little joke in Britain. But Mars provided the highlight of the week. Not you understand that I would eat any of their loathsome 260 calorie, 34.6 grammes of sugar and 9.9 grammes of fat bars even though I understand that doing so will help Mars which is committed to promoting healthy and active lifestyles. Instead it was the way that the pompous lawyers acting for the dickheads who run the US giant have tried to stop some Scottish shop from selling its branded “deep fried Mars Bars.” Mars would not wish to be associated with such a product because of its commitment to healthy and active lifestyles. Yup right. You can read the full story here.
Of course the issue of Scottish health problems is not to be ignored. Life expectancy in some parts of urban Scotland is now, at 57, lower than in the Ukraine. The left blames this on poverty, evil capitalists and wicked Tory cuts. Yup right. Folks do not have to spend their welfare cheques on cigarettes, alcohol and deep fried Mars Bars. It is a lifestyle choice. Living off welfare does not force you to eat crap and drink and smoke. This is a matter of personal freedom, choice and responsibility. Giving these folks far bigger welfare cheques would not turn them into non-smoking, tee-total, tofu munchers.
The issue of accepting responsibility for your own destiny (something the Left cannot abide because the State always knows best and working class folk cannot exist without middle class lefties telling them how to improve themselves) is a matter I have discussed before and shall do again. For now here is this week’s caption contest.
4521 days ago
Advocates of green energy insist that the price of carbon fuels keeps on going up as the world runs out of them and so we must spend gazillions investing in windmills and solar panels etc. Just for the record, as new oil and coal discoveries continue to be made the facts are rather different.
Here is a chart of the inflation adjusted oil price. It uses an American crude (Illinois)
which is about the same as West Texas Intermediate (WTI) which is the standard US measure and trades today at $95 a barrel.
4521 days ago
This is not a political piece. As a libertarian I despise all politicians and parties almost equally – Ron Paul being a standout exception. This is a piece explaining the profound implications for your portfolio of an inevitable shift in the attitudes of the governing classes towards global warming.
I do not believe in man made climate change. I shall explain why and why I expect the argument to increasingly go the way of folks like me and against Al Gore and the current consensus. More critically I shall discuss recent events which show why government policies involving writing blank checks to tackle the perceived threat are starting to change and will change rapidly not only across the West but even in China.
4523 days ago
I am used to getting hostile comment when I post an internet article which says anything other than buy. If you pour slavish praise on a stock ( however crap it is) you will have praise heaped upon you. Until it goes belly up at which point you are a total loser. But if you dare to suggest that a stock is overvalued you just get abuse. I feel I must bring you some abuse I got today from America.
The article is the one I published earlier on Trina Solar. I am delighted to see that this $320 million capitalised stock has lost 6% today on the back of the piece – there is a link to it lower down on this page. The piece points out that the company’s balance sheet is a train wreck and that it is losing money hand over fist and as such the stock is not worth very much given that industry fundamentals get worse by the day. But I appear to have made two errors.
Firstly I expressed my personal view that global warming was bogus. That attracted the usual stream of abuse from those who adopted an almost religious fervour in suggesting that I was mad.
4524 days ago
Last week in this forum I flagged up two Chinese solar stocks which were, for all intents and purposes, worthless as investments. A kind reader alerted me to a third company in the same boat which looks like a stock to short with a price target of more or less nothing. I refer to Trina Solar (TSL), which at $4.51, is capitalised at $318.76 million.
I will not rehash the arguments why I am uber skeptical about China, its slumping economy or about the macro-reasons why the oversupply of solar panels is bound to continue. Nothing has changed in that respect since last Thursday
4524 days ago
A new report out today completely discredits the Stern Review, the report on which UK Government policy on climate change is based. Authored by Peter Lilley MP and produced by the Global Warming Policy Foundation it demonstrates clearly that if we continue down the present path, the sole result will be the impoverishment of British taxpayers and businesses. Critically, it does not question the bogus science of climate change, merely the policy response to it.
4528 days ago
Amid the blind rush to combat global warming, solar energy was seen as a slam dunk growth industry. Investors rushed to risk speculative capital. Governments rushed to spunk taxpayers’ cash up against the wall. And now it is all ending in tears. The only way to make money from solar now is to look for stocks to short before the situation becomes near terminal. In that vein, I offer up LDK Solar (LDK) at $1.38 and JA Solar (JASO) at $0.96. In both cases, my target price is more or less nothing. I am sure that there are other shorts out there in this sector, and I will move onto others at a later point.
4529 days ago
I argued a few weeks ago on t1ps.com that AIM listed solar wafer producer PV Crystalox (PVCS) should shut its operations at once and return all its cash to shareholders. The share price is 7.9p valuing PV at £32 million and the company (as at the half year) had net cash of 122 million Euro, £97 million. The company reported a steep first half loss. And things are only going to get worse.
The very well paid directors argue that they have taken remedial action; they operate in a long term growth industry, blah, blah, blah. The facts are rather different
4536 days ago
4552 days ago
The origin of the phrase Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics is usually attributed to Disraeli although it appears in none of his works and was first reported several years after his death. But it could be made for those who have convinced our leaders to spend gazillions tackling the threat of global warming. When I was a boy, the scientific consensus was that we were heading for a new ice age. Heretics who objected to spending vast sums tackling that “slam dunk cert” were pilloried. You cannot really win. But back to the graph below.
If you look at this it appears alarming. Frankly I can only conclude that we will all fry up by some time in April 2013. Okay, I exaggerate but there appears a clear trend. But of course this is a special from the global warming brigade so all is not as it seems. At this stage I bring in the assistance of Christopher Booker (Uncle Chris) who understands how these things are manipulated.
4596 days ago
Christopher Booker (Uncle Chris) and I would agree that climate change is fantasy, a total con. The facts increasingly bear us out. But the gits (sorry Honourable Members of Parliament) who claim to represent us at Westminster have put into force legislation forcing the UK to cut carbon emissions by 80% to tackle this “threat.”
4605 days ago
Another Master Investor 2012 DVD on offer in this week’s competition. Simply tweet me the answers and first correct answers wins. You may have noticed that it is raining a lot. I gather that during the next three days we will see rainfall equivalent to all of what is normally expected in June.
This heavy rainfall is – like the drought that proceeded it – all part of global warming. Not.
On June 6th in the not so distant past a country cricket match had to be called off. The reason (and this is a Trivial Pursuit question) was why? The answer is “snow stopped play.” Presumably the year was one before global warming was such an issue. Well what year was it and which two teams were playing?
Answers to @tomwinnifrith
4607 days ago
Cairn Energy (CNE) has today announced an agreed 450p a share cash bid for Nautical Petroleum (NPE). This is a 51% premium to the share price pre-talks but a discount to where some folks value Nautical (Westhouse reckons it is worth 550p and that a higher offer may emerge). What does this tell us about AIM listed oil stocks and also where to hunt for value.
Well firstly, even at $86 oil the bigger producers are chucking off a lot of cash. Exploration is high risk (even with modern technology) and so with AIM small-mid caps pretty bombed out it is probably safer to bulk up reserves by “drilling in the City.” Hence the recent Shell bid for Cove and Dragon’s move on Bowleven and Premier’s bid for Encore. Remember also the Total bid for Wessex which its board ( for reasons I simply cannot fathom) rejected. There will be more bids.
4609 days ago
The “ drought” of Spring 2012 is just one of those things that happen. So was the drought of 1976. So were the ultra cold winters of 1947 and 1963. This is nothing whatsoever to do with global climate change let alone global warming. In fact the earth has actually been cooling for the past decade just as our leaders plan to trash our economy with new carbon taxes to tackle global warming. But any evidence of hotter weather is always trotted out by certain parties as evidence of global warming. Hence we turn to the drought of 2012 ( remember that?)
The usual suspects were quick to point out that this was further proof of global warming. Read through this hilariously biased document to see one such claim:http://www.ukrivers.net/climate.html