The Guardian

134 days ago

The “Far Right” wins in Europe, blame Nigel Farage: translating what the bien pensants mean with this slur

By Far Right, or as they sometimes put it Fascist, they mean anyone who questions the narrative that record immigration creates diversity, wealth and is a wholly good thing, who believes that there is no shame in being proud of your nation state and its past or that there are not 108 genders and that our kids should not be sexualised at primary school. If you dare question man made global warming, giving unlimited and unquestioning support to Ukraine or suggest that the reaction to covid was overblown you may also be deemed far right or a fascist. So who do I mean by “they”?



139 days ago

Is this peak Guardian lunacy? Going to the gym will make you more likely to vote for Farage

I think the author of this piece, Zoe Williams, is a pal, or used to be, of my public sector working, lefty little sister N. But at least N is not this mad. Zoe reckons if you start working out at the gym you will become more right wing. No, this is not a parody, folks really do pay to read this nonsense.


151 days ago

Who hates Jews more: Ken Loach or the Guardian?

I bring you the tweet below from the wretched Guardian. It seems that Corbynite filmmaker Ken Loach has quit as patron of a small London cinema over an “Israeli film festival screening.” That is just a tad misleading.  The screening is of a film, a film about a festival. Yes it is the Nova festival where on October 7 2023 hundreds of young Israelis were raped, sodomised, beheaded, shot, abducted and the film presents footage of that day.  That Loach quits as he cannot bear to see his Hamas rapist pals in action is in character for loathsome Ken. That the Guardian deceives with its headline, making it sound like a normal BDS protest against a new Israeli movie is equally predictable but still disgraceful. 


174 days ago

Sheep farming not the slave trade financed the Industrial revolution!

Folks like Sadiq Khan, David Lammy, the BBC, The Guardian and all the other professional race baiters insist that slaving profits made Britain rich via the industrial revolution and thus all we white folks, including people like me with Wilberforce DNA, must pay reparations to black people even if like the ubiquitous Alex Scott they are descended from slave owners. This narrative is also taught to our kids in schools and universities. But is it correct?  A new publication out today uses what the race baiters and academia opt to ignore: FACTS.


211 days ago

Owen Jones and rape: the Guardian's man sinks to a new low of Jew bashing

Guardian columnist Owen Jones famously demanded more proof that Hamas raped Israeli women on the October 7 pogrom. There were no live videos so that was not enough for little Owen. Eyewitness accounts did not count as he knows that Jews all lie about this sort of thing. What a shit Jones is. But in case you thought he could sink no lower, think again and it is also on the subject of rape.


226 days ago

Photo Article from the Greek Hovel: the last day of the olive harvest 2023

The last day was, of course, back in December. But for some reason these photos slipped down my mental rabbit hole. So here goes, the memory has not gone completely. 


232 days ago

Supreme Court votes 9 nil that Dems keeping Trump off the ballot is illegal, they are trying to cheat and steal the election

If, or should that be when, President Putin stops an opponent being on the ballot the world rightly cries foul.  The Iranians try the same trick and we are united in condemning this bastardisation of democracy. But in the USA Democrats are prepared to cheat to steal the biggest election of all. Who says so? The  Supreme Court said just that today.


277 days ago

Photo Article: Wrexham Tories working to keep my house warm this winter

Yes, it is true. As part of our battle with the cost of living I have abandoned the use of firelighters in my wood burning stove which heats the living room here. Our Christmas guest left numerous copies of the Guardian which, at last, now serve some useful purpose. Then there is the Christmas wrapping paper.


363 days ago

Gaza and the “fuel shortage” – another myth from Hamas PR and the Western media dupes: it’s not about hospitals its about the tunnels

The UN, the hand wringing NGOs and, naturally, the western media led by the BBC and the Guardian tells us that there is a critical fuel shortage in Gaza which will see hospitals shut down. The evil Jews are even closing down the hospitals and the blockade must be stopped to save lives! The gullible idiots who march in the Hamas victory parades in western Cities each weekend repeat this canard. But it is a lie. Have you seen the film the Great Escape?


363 days ago

Even for the appalling Guardian this is a new low, but I bet they love it at the University of Lancaster

17 days after the worst one day mass slaughter of Jews since World War Two   the Guardian ran the headline below accusing Israel of weaponising the holocaust. Words just fail me. The Guardian is weaponising the anti-semitism that is marching through the ranks of its core public sector and academic readership.  Folks like the University of Lancaster which, despite promising a Monday response, has still not responded to my Saturday questions abut Professor Simon Mabon celebrating the Hamas butchers of 7 October.  No doubt at Lancaster University they loved the article below. Any decent reader of the Guardian, such as my wife,will surely now boycott it for life. 


371 days ago

Can Owen Jones really be this stupid: the Guardian posterboy blames Homophobia in Gaza on the British Empire in 1936

Little Owen Jones has this morning defended his chums who run Gaza, that is to say Hamas, from the charge of Homophobia by blaming the British Empire for oppressive laws in the rogue State. His logic is so terrifyingly illogical that Jones makes my cat seem like Einstein.


376 days ago

A British Jew in her sixties describes how she feels today – in short terrified

When folks like Ash Sarkar, Yanis Varoufakis, Peter Tatchell, various BBC and Guardian journalists and seemingly the whole of liberal arts academia take to the airwaves or twitter to slam Israeli apartheid, to serve up fake history, to talk of Israeli atrocities as Israelis lie slaughtered on the ground, it has consequences. When Steve Bell serves up yet another blood libel cartoon in the Guardian and is not sacked it has consequences. Many British Jews now live in terror. Here is the testimony of one lady I know, now in her sixties, a most amazing, loving and wonderful woman who just does not deserve anything like this. She writes:


377 days ago

How does the Guardian find such awful ghouls to employ – Bethan McKernan in Israel

The tweet below defies belief. Yesterday afternoon reports started to emerge of the beheadings of babies in a Kibbutz in Israel by the savages of Hamas. I call folks who behead babies savages, the BBC and the Guardian do not. I am willing to be judged by St Peter for my words. They don’t believe in St Peter and think that anyone who does is an ignorant old timer so they don’t really care about that. For a while the left argued that these claims about baby beheadings were unproven.


461 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: Nigel Farage, Coutts, Alison Rose, Diversity and the villains at The BBC, The FT and the Guardian

Whatever you think of Nigel Farage he is the hero of today’s epiosde where the liberal GroupThink in the business and media world are the villains. If you care a jot about liberty and freedom, on this day you stand with Farage. Because next time it could be you!


474 days ago

Of course Grind can boycott GB News but it should not and so I am going to #BoycottGrind: Explaining again for twitter trolls

I wrote an article earlier explaining why folks should boycott the price uncompetitive seller of coffee pods and operator of coffee bars Grind. I am a loyal customer but will not be one going forward. On twitter, a stack of folks who had not read what I had written behind a paywall lined up me to attack me for what I had not said. It’s a free world, you can show yourself to be an arse by behaving that way if you want to.


481 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Tingo supporters play the Jew hating card at Hindenburg & where have Bidstack's followers all gone as Tern tells a porky

Thanks to all who have donated to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks. With six days to go we are now, all in at heading for £17,000. Thanks to all who are helping a great cause but there is still time to donate HERE. Then I look at Tingo (TIO:US) and this filthy material HERE from the Nigerian Guardian, at Tern (TERN), Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL), death spirals and at Bidstack (BIDS) which has STILL not published its numbers.


502 days ago

The real sex scandal in British Media is not Phil Schofield but Nick Cohen with the FT, The Guardian and Private Eye among the “guilty men”

Yes, Schofield and the cover up at ITV is a real scandal and there is a double standard there in that had Schofield been shagging a 17 year old junior female employee he’d have been out three years ago. As he today takes to the airwaves to accuse his critics of being motivated by homophobia there is a humungous double standard. This is the Kevin Spacey defence “Look I am gay so ignore the huge power disparity between me and that teenage boy I shagged but if a male executive shags a female intern he is exploiting a power gap and must be crucified. I so support #Metoo.” I discussed the ITV cover-up of Phil and how everyone knew HERE. However…


523 days ago

Carole Cadwalladr has always been a fraud, tonight she may be bankrupted but should she now be charged with fraud?

I have covered the career of left wing journalist Carole Cadwalladr on this website for many years, starting with her bogus claims of achieving success despite educational disadvantage, moving on through all the hoax stories which earned her an Orwell prize and then onto her libel case with Brexit bad boy, Arron Banks. Today Cadwalladr faces bankruptcy as she has been ordered to pay 60% of Bankski’s costs plus 100% of her own costs plus some damages as well. If she cannot find more than £2million she should be made bankrupt. Hooray. For Cadwalladr is a dangerous and unpleasant fantasist.


530 days ago

The Bunting stays up – an enormous fuck you to the liberal establishment

The Coronation weekend is over but as I drive around the villages around Wrexham and Chester I am struck by how much of the celebratory bunting and flags stay up. Even here on the Welsh side of the border, the red white and blue of the United Kingdom cannot be dodged. My Indian born parents-in-law, old enough to have been born under British Rule, still fly their Union Flags as do so many others.   But for years flying such flags was expressly frowned upon by the liberal establishment that runs the media, academia and most of the political class.


570 days ago

Back to Lake Vyrnwy, the parched Welsh lakes & The Guardian warning of dried out rivers – anyone guess the latest data?

Back in August of last year the sight of a parched Lake Vyrnwy in the hills about an hour from where I live was a posterboy for those predicting more and more droughts thanks to man made global warming.  As someone who remembers my local reservoir drying up in 1976 but refilling very quickly the next year I thought that this was media bull at the time and with data from United Utilities and a site visit I have demonstrated a number of times that I was right and the MSM was talking GroupThink cock. But the mainstream media has not apologised, indeed over at the Guardian they have doubled down.


588 days ago

The Britain Bashing Guardian celebrates what we are good at: Loving abortion, supporting Prostitution, Divorce and casual sex

Normally the Guardian does it utmost to talk down Britain. Especially after Brexit, we are just shit at everything. But today it celebrates the fact that we are in the top 4 globally for our supportive attitudes to: abortion, divorce, casual sex, prostitution, LGBT rights and “assisted dying.” We are not quite up their with Canada in terms of killing off the disabled or those who can;‘t hold down a job but we are top 4.


700 days ago

So what about the dying polar bears and the penguins as the sea ice disappears: the biggest global warming myth of our time.

It was about ten years ago when I sat down with my daughter Olaf, now 21 and in her final year at Oxford, to enjoy a meal at an Italian restaurant. I was greatly taken by an electric grater of parmesan and suggested to the little Trustafarian (not on my side) that I quite fancied one for Christmas. “But what about the Polar Bears, Daddy” said Olaf almost in tears


746 days ago

Is this peak Guardian insanity: Liz Truss is a fascist because....

I am the first to say how dreadful Liz Truss is at almost every level, not least the way she portrays herself as the new Thatcher when she so obviously is not in every way. But some attacks on her are just hugely unfair and plain bonkers. Yes I refer to the dreadful, offshore owned, tax avoiding, Guardian, the paper that supported the slavers in the South in the US Civil War and which spouts a non stop diet of left wing bilge. Is this peak Guardian madness?


765 days ago

Voting in the MCC special ballot

When I was 16 my father arranged for me to join the Marylebone Cricket Club waiting list and a few cold winters later I found myself a member of the world’s most famous cricket club. These days the waiting list is an eternity long. As I am allergic to London, I have not been to a match in years. My in-laws are the only Indian family on earth with no interest in cricket but I keep on forking out the Country membership fee on the basis that one day I shall retire and head down to snooze in the sun watching a spot of cricket at Lords.


847 days ago

The US Abortion clock: shameful dishonesty from “pro choice” baby murderers

The 1973 “Roe vs Wade” ruling has been overturned which, according to the liberal media and “progressives” elsewhere, is tantamount to a ban on abortion. Of course, it is not. In honour of almost 64 million lives ended by abortion since Roe vs Wade, here are the awful facts.


902 days ago

Tom Winnnifrith podcast: The death of Roe vs Wade, an attack on abortion in America, or maybe not?

The liberal media are telling you that thanks to evil Presdent Trump loading the Supreme Court, Roe vs Wade may be overturned so meaning the end of 49 years of legal abortion in America. As ever that is just not is what is happening and at every level the Guardian/BBC/ Kirstie Allsop – with whom I was arguing about this on twitter – narrrative is just wrong. I try to explain why and – only because I am a man – have to start with my own personal involvment with abortion in order to justify what follows.


916 days ago

Photo article from the Greek Hovel: The maddest man in the Mani - my son Joshua

The sea might look tempting as the sun beats down, but I can assure you that, here in the Mani, it is still mighty “refreshing”. That is to say, cold. It will not heat up to a point where I would dip my toes in the water. However…


918 days ago

Greece – still lockdown loving covidiots

Greece was often praised for its authoritarian approach to the scamdemic.  You may remember the Guardian and BBC claiming that, while our evil government committed genocide by negligence, Greece’s draconian lockdown had cured the country of covid. Of course, it did not.  The lockdown gave the economy another good kick but, as the table shows, Greece has fared relatively badly in terms of covid deaths.



926 days ago

The loathsome Guardian forced to change article after its Jew hatred driven fake news headline condemned

The hatred many feel for Israel easily spills into anti-semitism. And that hatred is fuelled by certain sections of the MSM, notably the BBC and its sister publication, The Guardian, and the way they report on events in the Jewish state. Earlier this week, another gunman opened fire in Tel Aviv, targeting a crowd of civilians just because they were Jews.  Three died, although, as news came through, the figure stood at two. Below, I bring you the first Guardian headline and then, after howls of protest, its amended version.  The question should be of the folks responsible for the initial headline.


929 days ago

Can the Guardian please make up its mind on why capitalists are so fecking evil.... and as for Lloyds Bank, I despair

Nicola Bannister is an Ambassador for Lloyds Bank – whatever that means – and has tweeted the gibberish below, with a link to the Guardian. The dreary left-wing rag really needs to make up its mind.



931 days ago

What war does the Guardian think started 40 years ago this weekend?

Of course, you and I know the answer.  Forty years ago, at the instigation of a fascist military dictatorship, the Argies invaded a group of Islands that had never been under the control of their country, and where the folks all wanted to be British. That was the start of the Falklands war, where Lady Thatcher led Britain to victory. Frankly, they should be erecting statues of the blessed Margaret in Argentina, as that defeat led to the demise of the fascist military dictatorship.


936 days ago

The Guardian's take on one black multi-millionaire hitting another on TV - it's all about white racism natch!

An actor even I have heard off hit a comedian I am not sure I’d know from Adam, at the Oscars for telling an unfunny joke about his wife. Suddenly politicians, celebs and all the other preening nonentities who dominate our world in 2022 piped up with their take on Will Smith hitting Chris Rock. But only the Guardian, the dreary left wing reading of the middle classes, gets to the real core of the issue as you can see below.


941 days ago

The two minute hate at the Guardian this week is against poor people

One imagines that those writers at the Guardian who are not vegetarian eat only the finest organic ethically reared and killed meat. Price does not matter for members of the well paid metropolitan liberal elite. But what about poor people?


1028 days ago

A covid forecaster even worse than Professor Neil Pantsdown Ferguson - I bet LinkedIN won't censor Dr Susan Hopkins

What I posted on Linkedin about covid and the actions of the charlatan Chris Whitty is fact. But it is censored because LinkedIn says it went against its policy on misinformation. But you can bet it did not bother to censor Dr Susan Hopkins, the chief medical adviser at the UK Health Security Agency, when she forecasted on December 13 that by New Year’s Eve 1 million Brits a day could be catching Omicron variant covid. Sure: anything is possible. I could be shagging Cheryl Cole on New Year’s Eve but I suggest that is about as likely as the Hopkins forecast. Yet…


1070 days ago

And the award for the worst expert Covid forecast goes to BBC, Guardian and C4 News darling Devi Sridhar

There is intense competition for this award with Professor Neil “pantsdown” Ferguson nominated for several spectacularly bad expert predictions. But the winner goes to the Indian American born head of Public Health at Edinburgh University, Dr Devi Sridhar. The media loves her as she ticks all the diversity boxes and her recommendations invariably focus on more state intervention, economic destruction and erosion of civil liberties. But her forecasting?  My cats could do better. What follows, an op. ed. in the wretched Guardian , is a world beater.


1078 days ago

Rich social media lesbian stars Wegan do not need you to pay for their IVF. Neither does anyone in fact

Sonia Sodha of the Guardian is so desperate to bat for team LGBTQ that she argues that there is a “fertility crisis” which makes it all the more reprehensible that some NHS Trusts are not allowing lesbians to gain access to IVF.  No NHS Trust will allow a women who is over 40 to gain access to IVF either which – since women can give birth after 40 – is also discriminatory and makes Sodha’s imaginary “fertility crisis” even worse. Of course as its 1984 and the clocks are striking 13 here in Airstrip One we are not allowed to deal with the truth, the real facts, are we?


1078 days ago

As the FCA tackles the transgender pay gap and climate change SEC boss Gary Gensler tells it as it is about the golden age of fraud

The FCA has forgotten that its job is to protect consumers and fight crime rather than issuing woke papers on ESG issues which win rave reviews at the Guardian. SEC chairman Gary Gensler has not forgotten. In a big speech on Thursday he tells it as it is. Gary said:


1083 days ago

Feedback – back the bookbuild or – after disastrous results – it’s a crash landing in tits up alley

There are a few things that I disagree with Comrade Malcom Stacey about: all this green shite from COP26 for starters. Just how great meat tastes is another. And whether the Guardian newspaper has any useful purpose other than to light a fire is a third. A fourth is Feedback (FDBK) which he keeps tipping and which I regard as a cash guzzling, jam tomorrow generating, worthless piece of crap which serves only to enrich City financiers and has two decades of failure to boast about. So today we have (dire) results and a £10.5 million or more fund raise. A bookbuild is underway.


1121 days ago

The Great Barrier Reef, global warming, Peter Ridd and free speech denial

If you listen to folks like David Attenborough, Prince Charles, Greta Thunberg, the BBC or other global warming cultists, there are certain key iconic symbols of their religion. There are the Maldives which we were first told would be underwater within 20 years in 1992 as a result of global warming and thus rising sea levels. Oddly every single Maldive island is still above water, the population of the Islands has grown dramatically and sea levels are unchanged. But still we must take action because we have only 20  years to save them.  Then there is the Great Barrier Reef.


1129 days ago

Fake News from the Guardian and BBC Radio 4 - Covid vaccines and Brexit

The Mrs switched on BBC Radio 4 this morning as she baked a cake for Joshua’s 5th Birthday party and as I made porridge with apple sauce for the family breakfast. No-one told me that having to listen to BBC Radio was part of the marital deal. I should have insisted that not listening to Pravda was part of the marital vows some eight years ago.  The programme was “Broadcasting House” and part of it included two obviously left wing harpies and a former Tory MP who spent his career before entering showbusiness for ugly people working for the BBC so was obviously a drip. Natch most of the big news stories they picked were from the Guardian Observer.


1132 days ago

If a woman is charged with fraud that is sexist says the liberal wanksheet the New York Times ref Elizabeth Holmes

That Theranos was a gargantuan fraud is in little doubt but that its CEO Elizabeth Holmes is being charged with two counts of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and nine counts of wire fraud is, according to liberal deadwood press wanksheet the New York Times just plain sexism. Ms Holmes was the poster girl for women making it big in US business and folks trying to get her sent to the slammer are all sexist beasts. The whole article neglects to mention one salient point which is that also on trial facing exactly the same charges is Ramesh “Sunny” Balwani who is a man.  Even the bedwetting dullards who read the NY Times would surely conclude that that fact, not mentioned once in the article, rather undermines its core thesis. 


1142 days ago

The vile standards of the liberal left on abortion: New Zealand vs Texas

New Zealand premier Jacinda Ardern is a woman who, in the eyes of the liberal left who dominate the media and political classes, can do wrong. God fearing Texas Republicans are in the eyes of the same people an abomination who, in recent weeks have been branded and compared, unfavourably, with both the Nazis and the Taliban. Check twitter, yes #TexasTaliban really has been trending for well over a week. The issue driving this is abortion.


1163 days ago

Photo Article - something for all IRA apologists & Republican sympathisers to consider

Next time you get some bleating Guardian-reading apologist for the Republican cause, such as Owen Jones or more or less anyone in the BBC Newsroom, yakking on about the evil of loyalist bonfires during the Marching season, ask him to consider this photo below. It is of a bonfire erected in the Bogside area of Londonderry over the weekend.


1211 days ago

Things that became racist in 2021 No 476 - a lack of trees

You may remember that among the things that became racist this year were trees. They joined other alt-right offenders such as coffee, fried chicken, women’s hockey and underpants, sand and an ever longer list of shame. Now thanks to that go to publication for the racist list of shame, The Guardian, we have another hate criminal. A lack of trees.


1214 days ago

My Hero Peter Tatchell goes all Guardian on we mask refuseniks - what happened to free speech & liberty Peter?

The attitude of the Guardian is that if it does not agree with you, you must be an alt-right freak. If it can’t smear you by what you say it smears you by association. It uses the same – utterly flawed – logic that links vegetarians to war crimes via Adolf Hitler. And I am sorry to see my hero Peter Tatchell who has done more to fight for freedom than anyone else in Britain today, disappearing down the same rabbit hole.


1215 days ago

Smell the double standard from the Brexit-loathing remoaniacs - cannibal chickens from Europe

Five years after we voted for Brexit some folks have just not moved on. Remember how trade deals with Trump’s America would be bad as we might eat chlorinated chicken? Or Aussie deals were bad and should be ripped up because the descendants of the criminals gave chemicals to their cows? So i assume that news that the EU is going to allow chickens and other creatures to be fed animal remains, the sort of practice that caused BSE, will see the remoaniacs showing utter consistency and demanding that the UK stops trading with the Evil Empire too? Er…


1218 days ago

So the Trump supporters handed out flyers on campus with named photos of academics and a cartoon of a woman holding a gun

Alt-right bastards screamed the liberal left, this is an incitement to violence. The students responsible must be chucked out of the University, this is a threat to free speech. You can just feel the outrage, the self-righteous anger, the calls to ruin the careers of the young folk responsible, the BBC and the Guardian jerking off as more alt-right hate is exposed and they can somehow say all Trump voters are guilty by association. You know the story… except…


1219 days ago

Owen Jones & The Guardian cannot bring themselves to mention one elephant in the victimhood room in Batley & Spen

Guardian columnist Owen Jones has written a detailed piece on why Labour may lose the Batley & Spen by-election. Not only is its white working-class vote deserting it but so too, it seems, are the Muslims. Around 86% of Britain’s 3 million Muslims voted Labour in 2019 and in Batley 20% of the electorate is Muslim and they are not happy. Jones explains why but fails to mention one gigantic elephant in the room.


1221 days ago

Most Germans are related to a war criminal but 99% of Brits get a clean pass on slavery

On an almost daily basis, some woke dullard makes the claim that we wicked Brits all benefitted from the slave trade and need to cough up. Invariably, the same sort of folks say we should forgive and forget events of eight years ago in Europe, most Germans were not Nazis they say. The only problem apart from the logistics of reparations – who gets the moolah – is that both statements are not true although in 2021 I am probably not allowed to say that. Here goes anyway… let’s start with the Hun.


1261 days ago

Polly Toynbee - an article that sums up the out of touch metropolitan liberal left elite - no contact at all with dirty plebs

As Labour took another hammering in its Northern heartlands on Thursday I wonder where Polly Toynbee of the Guardian was watching: her multi million quid North London residence or her estates in Tuscany. Toynbee typifies those from the new left who dominate the media and the Labour party in her thoughts and in that she never mixes socially with the smelly, dirty, racist, ignorant working classes for whom she pretends to fight for but actually despises for their “thought crimes.” 


1280 days ago

The Guardian on the late George Floyd...oh please you cannot be serious?

Guardian journalist Joanna Walters clearly has a very severe case of white liberal guilt. Her headline on the late George Floyd is simply unbelievable. Yes Mr Floyd was murdered by a cop who has rightly been found guilty and who I am glad to see rotting in jail. The murder was both astonishing and appalling. But that does not make Mr Floyd a reincarnation of Moma Theresa. The Guardian’s desire to beatify him is just vaguely sickening.


1296 days ago

It is my dead Dad’s Birthday

I am sure that my siblings and a number of other folks who loved my dad, who died last October, will be remembering that it is his birthday today. He would have been 83.


1297 days ago

The Church Bells Ring Once again this Easter Sunday but I am not answering the call to prayer

The Mrs abandoned our church in Wales, as it voluntarily shut its doors completely during lockdown, heading to a small Methodist, mask-free chapel in England where they have sung throughout. She was raised a Methodist so it is perhaps going home, not an outright defection. The place has an active Sunday school which Joshua loves and so she is making a permanent switch. On Friday, I went there for a treasure hunt for the kids. Thirty adults and their kids mixed freely, without masks, in a field and also inside the chapel. We shook hands. We stood together. It was life as part of a Christian community, or indeed a community of humans, as it really should be. But what of me and worship?


1306 days ago

Backdoor Blasphemy laws via mob rule in 2021 Britain as the wretched Police again show a double standard

A teacher at Batley Grammar school in Bradford showed students in a religious studies class a cartoon of the prophet Mohammed. Over in France, such actions can see you getting your head chopped off and what happened next is just so predictable. A mob gathered outside the school. Had that mob included James Delingpole, Piers Corbyn, Toby Young and Laurence Fox and the protest been about lockdown, the Police would have waded in, made arrests and broken it up.


1315 days ago

Questions for Hertford College’s woke Principal about the dirty oiks and other matters

The last time I mentioned my old college was noting how it was hoisting a lecture in which my fellow alumnus, Carole Cadwalladr, spelt out “the degradation of British journalism”. No sniggering at the back please! So what if her entire career penning fake news on Brexit, Trump, Russia etc has been shown to be based on a pack of porkies? Carole writes for the Guardian so that is all that matters.


1343 days ago

If you are a prominent right winger, the Guardian's star loon, Moonbat, wants you hanged for the sins of your wife's grandpa

My late uncle Christopher Booker had the Guardian columnist George Monbiot, aka Moonbat, down as the maddest of the nest of vipers penning piffle for the loss-making rag owned by tax dodgers. Today Mr Moonbat takes aim at Dominic Cummings. His “crime”?


1348 days ago

I never thought I'd say it but Je Suis Anthea Turner

Fading celeb Anthea Turner has learned a valuable lesson for 2021 – never tell the truth if it might offend anyone. The poor woman tweeted out the common sense point that most of those who were not old or frail who have died from covid were largely obese or unhealthy from self-inflicted illnesses. I write this as a fat diabetic. What Anthea said is true but that is neither here nor there in 2021 Britain. She was quickly set upon by a pack of twitter hyenas, folks who sniff out folks saying anything that might offend anyone, including, natch, the Guardian’s Owen Jones, the witchfinder general of the woke legions on twitter. His supporters piled on en masse.  Pretty soon, Anthea, facing the ruin of what is left of her career, was forced into issuing a grovelling apology. 


1353 days ago

The left still doesn't understand free speech - tries to shut down GB News before its first broadcast

If you want to watch TV news in the UK, your choice is essentially the BBC, ITV, Sky or Channel 4 “fake” News. All were overtly anti-Brexit, anti-Trump and are left-leaning – the presenters do not hide their views. On a range of issues including the bogus religion of global warming, the demands of the Trans community, the “largely peaceful” riots of BLM and the need to mask up everywhere and not challenge lockdown, the broadcast media sings from the same hymn sheet. For many of us who supported Brexit, don’t want our teenage daughter sharing a post basketball shower with a six foot girl with a beard and a cock called Barry, who – like just under half the Yanks – supported Trump or who might have voted Tory last time (apologies to folks here in Wrexham, I do regret it), there is no news broadcaster for us. Andrew Neil will soon launch GB News.



1365 days ago

Even my wife laughed at this Joe Biden, Greta Thunberg and Guardian newspaper joke

As you know, the Mrs, the woman formerly known as The Deluded Lefty, is, like 99.9% of sociology lecturers, not an enlightened forward-thinking person like her husband. But even she laughed at this parody tweet below poking fun at three of the favourite targets of we enlightened souls.



1381 days ago

Kathy Griffin really does incite violence on twitter & the liberal media just loves her while shutting down those outside the GroupThink

Even before the shocking events of last Tuesday, I was explicitly saying that the antics of President Trump in fighting the election result were unhelpful for both his party and for America. Just like all those superior bien pensants including Lord Adonis, Kier Starmer, Anna Soubry, the entire Guardian editorial team including demented fantasist Carole Cadwalladr,  Layla Moran, all BBC staffers and others who screamed at Trump that election results should always be respected -  apart from one where they did not like the result – I know that democracy depends on losers accepting defeat. I am more consistent than the metropolitan elite on this one.


1385 days ago

The least credible Britain bashing in the Guardian, from Arwa Mahdawi

I got a bit of grief about an article I wrote about the village in which I live on the basis that it covered what I felt had happened to me and what would happen to me here. But surely that is what writing is all about? If it is to be genuine and from the heart it is about what you actually experience. This brings me to Arwa Mahdawi writing the the Guardian about what a ghastly and hostile place Britain has become over the past year since Brexit. She is utterly entitled to that opinion though it is not one that, for instance, my wife, like Arwa, a British born person of colour (and fellow deluded lefty) would recognise. But there is something which differentiates the Mrs from Arwa…my wife actually lives here. Arwa lives in New York and admits to having not been back in old Blighty for more than a year.


1385 days ago

Things that became racist in 2020 - No 461 fried chicken

I missed this one at the time so thanks to RP for spotting it but along with drinking coffee, women’s hockey, knickers, bras, sand, covid, dating a person of colour, not dating a person of colour and so much else we now know, thanks to the Guardian, natch, that fried chicken is also racist. 


1387 days ago

Bracing myself for incoming flak from the lockdown jihadists on the village facebook page

The last time I posted on the Facebook page of the last village in Wales was to say that if folks wanted to walk across our fields then they would be more than welcome to do so. At the height of lockdown, it seemed a decent offer and I had even cut back the grass so folks could do so in a socially distanced manner. That was met with overt hostility from some who saw this as an act of wicked selfishness.


1396 days ago

Reflections on the Brexit Trade deal – this is at the core of my DNA: another bonfire planned at the Welsh Hovel

I have not read the full 1500 pages of the Trade treaty between the UK and the Evil Empire. I am sure that buried in the detail are a few dastardly measures from inserted by stormtroopers from the Death Star. I don’t need to fall asleep reading it; I just look at the reactions of those who have.


1410 days ago

A 32 year history of the Maldives drowning thanks to global warming

As the BBC, the Met Office and others bang on about man made global warming, they always cite the “experts” and their “expert predictions”. It has now been 32 years since the first experts warned that the Maldives at c 1yard above sea level would be submerged. So perhaps, if it is not an inconvenient truth, it is worth revisiting that one.



1410 days ago

It's 2020 so now gardening can be racist, sexist and classist says The Guardian & Ed the tedious academic whose wages you pay

It would not be Christmas without the Guardian newspaper filling its pages with angry and unseasonal comments about how beastly and miserable life is. Anything that can provide joy to a man or woman must be dragged down. Today’s winner is a long article by James Wong “Other arts are political, why not gardening? -Gardens make strong statements even when they don’t!.”


1420 days ago

Taking a Buttock - #MeToo, Paula Dapena & the late Diego Maradona

A great woman I once knew used to joke about how it could only happen in her home City that the International Airport was named after a drunk and a wife beater. I refer to the late George Best. Should we honour a man who was a footballing genius and who also had a way with words but whose off-field activities were, shall we say, not very 2020? Lesser men who beat up women have lost their place in history. And that brings us to Diego Maradona.


1424 days ago

New poll shows most of us think Black Lives Matter INCREASES racial division, the Guardian dissembles, where now for BasketBall England and the Premier League?

Back in July polls showed that most folks supported Black Lives Matter. The few of us who pointed out that an organisation that wanted to defund Britain’s (unarmed) Police, end capitalism and the nuclear family and shut down jails while boycotting Israel was somewhat questionable, were dismissed by the liberal media elites as racist. They did not challenge the facts they simply smeared the sceptics. Those who dared to suggest that the late George Floyd was not exactly the heir to Mother Theresa were clearly alt-right freaks. The Premier League, BBC Presenters, Basketball England as well as the Metropolitan Police of Cressida Dick determined that we should all take a knee.  But times have changed.


1425 days ago

Disgraced Guardian star writer Carole Cadwalladr blames the Russians for her exposure and wants more suckers to give her cash

On Wednesday night, shortly before facing heroic Arron Banks in the High Court, fantasist journalist Carole Cadwalladr admitted she had no facts to justify her Orwell award winning fantasies that Bankski’s Russian pals did sordid business deals with him and then funded the Brexit campaign. But if you are a Guardian reading fantasist Carole still wants your money and so continues the charade


1426 days ago

Carole Cadwalladr, Arron Banks, The Orwell Foundation & fraud

Last night the Guardian star journalist Carole Cadwalladr admitted to the High Court that she had no evidence at all that Russian money was channelled via Arron Banks to fund the Brexit campaign. She will be paying my pal Bankski £62,000 of costs today but that number will rise. Carole was awarded the Orwell prize by the Foundation of that name in 2018 for her Brexit work. Massive questions must now be asked. But this is 1984, I mean 2020, so will they be asked?


1427 days ago

Calling Kambos Greece as the lockdown lies of the political and media classes, notably The Guardian, lie in tatters

I have yet to complete my diaries from the Greek Hovel 2020 so you may not be aware that I am now in business with Nicho the Communist and his son but I am am and on that matter I spoke to both the son and also to lovely Eleni at the Kourounis Taverna today. How I wish I was back in warm Kambos rather than wet Wales. Or do I? A lot has changed.


1431 days ago

First they came for the Brexiteers, then they came for the conservatives and when they came for Suzanne Moore there was no-one to save her

This week, the journalist Suzanne Moore was forced out of her highly paid job at the Guardian. Her crime was to question certain of the more radical demands of the trans agenda in relation to women‘s rights. Moore was not fired. No, this is 1984 so instead vast numbers of her colleagues wrote to management saying her views upset them. Knowing she was in peril of being written out of the script, Moore walked.


1469 days ago

Ash Sarkar has a very funny view of the country she lives in

The Guardian columnist and perennial guest of the BBC, Ash Sarkar, again seeks out controversy with the tweet below in which she describes Britain as a “cursed island”.  I wonder if the Britain of 2020 is really that terrible? Where would Ash describe as less cursed? Iran? Turkey? Russia? Overall, while we can all find fault with Britain, it also has so many redeeming features. I do not identify as British but as vaguely Irish and in so many ways I wish that I lived in Greece but I am always struck, as I drive across England, of just how gorgeous the countryside is. For that alone, it cannot rank as “cursed”.  But there is more in Ash’s tweet.


1488 days ago

Laughing with my father as I give this present to his carer E

My father is a closet reactionary who tries to hide some of his less woke opinions from my lefty sisters by continuing to order the Guardian. Its lack of intellectual rigour, fake news and all round sanctimony angers him greatly so, don’t tell sisters T&N, so he far prefers reading a one day old Daily Mail supplied by his delightfully right wing carer E. My last gift to E was a MAGA baseball cap for she is one of Donald Trump’s biggest fans and her high point of recent years was coming within a few feet of the great man as she visited Vietnam. And so for E, a new gift, as you can see below, which arrived at my father’s on Friday.


1493 days ago

Now smoking banned in your own study by Orwellian Local Council in Hammersmith, London

My late Uncle Christopher Booker did not believe in the idea of passive smoking. It was one of the few areas where we disagreed. I cannot see that inhaling other folks’ smoke can be good for you although, as an ex-smoker, I really do rather enjoy the smell of forbidden pleasure and the evidence that it causes massive harm if done in limited amounts is far from compelling. However, the two reasons to ban smoking in the workplace are a) that you may make the working environment of your colleagues less pleasant and b) that you might just be damaging their health.


1508 days ago

Dawn Butler MP - does Labour really not want a free press?

Eco terrorists from Extinction Rebellion last night blockaded roads leading to the presses where The Times, The Sun and The Daily Telegraph are printed. So many folks cannot, today, waste their cash on buying those papers. I am no fan of the deadwood press but I do believe in a free press. However, it seems that at least one MP does not and is celebrating this action. Is this not rather disturbing? I imagine that Dawn Butler would not be cheering if The Mirror & The Guardian had been prevented from distributing their rags.


1518 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel, more of that damn global warming

I am sure that you can remember those so very dry summers of a few years ago when the BBC, the Guardian and most of the deadwood press brought you pictures of dry and parched river beds.“You’d better get used to it” we were all warned, notably by that smug bastard Rogger Harrabin of the Beeb, “This is going to happen more and more because of global warming.” Hmmmm…


1518 days ago

Explaining the BBC’s reference to flags at the last Night of the Proms to a shocked father

My father is a lifelong Guardian reader but is now gleaning real news from a one-day-old copy of the Daily Mail provided by his enlightened carer E. There is talk of cancelling his subscription to the loss-making publication, founded on the profits of slavery, and while this may threaten the funding of latest restoration works on Polly Toynbee’s Tuscan castle, it would surely be a good thing. But despite this move out of the shadows, my father still has a touching faith in the Guardian’s broadcast sibling, the frightful BBC. But maybe even this has now been tested.


1520 days ago

Heroic Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon sticks it to lying MPs, the lying Guardian and the lying deadwood press in general

Tim Martin is once again this website’s hero of the day. The JD Wetherspoon (JDW) boss reports that trade is improving despite continuing assaults by those who thing we should boycott his chain because of Tim’s support for Brexit, including MPs and the loathsome newspaper founded on slave trading profits, The Guardian, who all stoop to lying. His statement today is cracking stuff.  The great man opines:


1521 days ago

Today’s utterly barking left academic you fund to poison impressionable young minds – Dalia Gabriel

Hashem Abedi, the man who blew 22 men, women but mainly children to bits and maimed many others at a pop concert in Manchester, has been sentenced to 55 years in jail. Two and a half years per life seems remarkably lenient to me. But it seems some disagree. For to be a “progressive”, one cannot be on the side of the blown-up little girls but one must see Abedi as the real victim, a man given far too long a sentence. Meet Dalia Gabriel.


1522 days ago

Photo Article: eating out in Covid Wales - has anyone got a number for Tony Blair or Matt Hancock?

Our local bistro here in Wales is a Greek South African joint so on the former basis, not the latter, it merits our support. Besides which, the owners are good folk and Joshua is in love with the waitress and it is a mutual feeling as they both share a passion for starting to talk about Christmas sometime in July. And so today my son and I had a modest lunch out.


1525 days ago

The Orwellian vision for Universities of the Guardian's Sonia Sodha

The peak years for state school entrance to my old University, Oxford, were in the 1960s. Then, successive Governments and Education ministers including, in a rare error of judgement, the blessed Lady Thatcher, started to scrap grammar schools. That ladder which gave bright working-class kids educational and social mobility was whipped away as they went along to comprehensives. Comprehensive schooling has, almost entirely, failed both the bright poor and the not so bright poor who, on most measures, fail in later life as badly as they did in the “bad old days”. But one institution has a solution… an establishment where most of the senior staff went to public schools and Oxbridge. Yes, you have guessed it…


1579 days ago

Making up blood libels about Israel is not a legitimate criticism of the Jewish State

Yesterday, the Labour party sacked Rebecca Long Bailey from its Front Bench as she endorsed an article, in the little read online rag the Independent, by an actress who thinks we care what celebs think and which contained a clear antisemitic trope. Yet many in Labour are rushing to her defence, including Guardian columnist Owen Jones and the Corbynite journalist Ash Sarkar whose tweet is below.


1586 days ago

And now the statue of George Washington topples… liberals have only themselves to blame

Yes that George Washington. The man who lead the US to Independence from Britain in 1776, a founding father, a chap who most folks admire as doing more good than evil. Yet on his statue in Portland Oregon they inscribed the words genocide and fascist. The goons at ANTIFA need to spend a few days at Auschwitz to discover what a real fascist looks like.


1614 days ago

Meet Abby Tomlinson, a whining debt loaded snowflake with a worthless degree who cant understand why she is unemployable

Abby first sprang to fame starting an online campaign for Ed Miliband. Then she went to University and her dissertation was in how wicked Tory austerity hit vulnerable women hardest. You know that austerity which saw Government spending go up every year. That one. Now loaded down with student debt she wonders why employers are not rushing to give her job offers, Mind you it seems she has penned a few articles for The Guardian and the Huffington Post whiuch she waits for a well paid post suitable for a woman with her skills and talents.. Surely there is an NHS Trust out there with a £50,000 a year post as a diversity consultant where Abby would fit in really well?  No? Abby would be a great hire for the BBC Human Resources department would she not? 


1625 days ago

ONS Covid data on deaths by occupation: Boris is “literally” sending folks to their deaths claim

After this is all over there should be a national enquiry into why our entire political and media class is swamped by liberal arts graduates with no concept of how to analyse data and the collective intelligence of a bumble bee. It should be let by my cats who have greater predictive skills than Professor Neil Pantsdown, our, until recently, expert in chief whose always wrong computer models drove the groupthink of our leaders. Let me be clear I have no time for Boris et al on this matter as I noted earlier today HERE. However…


1721 days ago

BBC stalwart Jon Sopel, whose #TrumpDerangementSyndrome is particularly acute: you cannot be serious

The impeachment of Donald Trump will soon draw to a close having been a farce from the outset. The same sort of folks who said that POTUS would have to be impeached and found guilty over Russian collusion, only for that to be dropped as there was zero evidence, then impeached him on Ukranian matters without producing one single witness with first hand evidence. Hearsay from often dubuious sources, will never score a conviction. But if you listened to the BBC’s North American correspondent Jon Sopel, who has an incredibly severe case of #TrumpderangementSyndrome, none of this would be apparent.


1759 days ago

As the BBC drools over Greta Thunberg another lie she tells, an inconvenient truth from Australia

The BBC is today wetting its knickers in public. It sent a journalist to interview Greta Thunberg, that is to say not to challenge her in the slightest on all the falsehoods she spouts, but that journalist travelled by plane. Quick: go get Elton to plant a few trees for the Beeb.  The real scandal here is that the BBC, CNN, the Guardian and the rest of the liberal media accept as gospel, obvious lies spouted by Greta. Let’s look at the terrible bush fires ravaging Oz…


1805 days ago

Meet Professor Stephan Lewandowsky from Bristol University and be terrified this man is teaching your kids

We are used to seeing professors and lecturers at low grade universtities and former polytechnics espousing utter nonsense as they indoctrinate young folk at what have become intolerant left wing madrassas. But you would have hoped that Bristol University would be above that. Think again, Meeet Professor Lewandowsky.


1935 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Gosh the Guardian is a poisonous and vile rag

I start with a few words on The Guardian’s obituary of Uncle Chris. I look at the deliberate spoof and placing at Mirriad (MIRI) answer your questions on Kefi (KEFI) look at the NEX lobster pot with its new owners and finally return to Anglo African Oil & Gas (AAOG) where a statement about THIS is needed ASAP


1938 days ago

Uncle Chris, my Godfather, friend and hero: Christopher Booker 1937 to 2019

A true giant of post war journalism died the night before last with his two sons at his bed side. Much will written elsewhere about his achievements: Co-founder of Private Eye, scriptwriter at TW3, Campaigning Journalist of the Year (opposing awful inner City redevelopment), Telegraph columnist for 60 years, the Godfather of Euroscepticism. The Guardian, if true to form, will have nasty words about that and about his exposing the global warming hoax.


1939 days ago

English writer backs USA vs Brave Lionesses for the daftest reasons: new heights of Guardian wankerdom

Led by Megan Rapinoe, a Trump hating lesbian who takes a knee to insult the National Flag and anthem, the US Women’s soccer team are naturally darlings of the liberal left, the sort of London elitists who write for the Guardian. When Rapinoe makes statements like you have to have gay players to win, which are patently untrue and ludicrous, Guardianistas rush to praise Queen Megan even more. Today’s peak wankerdom comes from sports writer Martin Pengelly who says, as you can see below, that he wants America to win and our brave girls to lose.


1951 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - egg on face as BCA gets a PE bid

The big excitement today is the foiling of the plans of the Mrs to turn our cats into vegan, Guardian-reading, little darlings. I discuss that and the arrival of the tile polishing man at the Welsh hovel - photos HERE. Then I look at BCA Marketplace (BCA), Neil Woodford, Brave Bison (BBSN), Big Dish (DISH) and Dev Clever (DEV) as well as the general market frothiness.


1963 days ago

Is Dead Ringers on BBC Radio 4 the worst possible way to spend my license fee?

Whoever is driving the car gets to choose the radio station. Thus, when I was at the wheel, I refused to listen to Radio 2’s utterly gormless Sarah Cox who earns a telephone number salary doing drivetime as part the station’s campaign to show that it does not pay mega salaries only to men. The local radio station in Cannock Chase, I kid you not, was far more interesting.  But as we headed towards Bristol the Mrs switched to Radio 4 for the 6.30 Comedy show…


1964 days ago

Jon Snow of Channel 4 Fake News suffers his worst bout of Trump Derangement Syndrome yet

Back in the Studio, Anne Applebaum, a well known sufferer from Trump Derangement Syndrome, had just made the ludicrous claim that had Donald Trump been President in the early 1940s his isolationism would have meant that the USA would not have joined the fight against the Nazis.


2038 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: Mueller out, Trump vindicated no Russia collusion, a rotten day for fake news purveyors

The past two years have seen organisations such as CNN, The BBC, Channel 4 Fake News, the Guardian and indeed most of the deadwood press insisting that Donald Trump would be impeached or forced to resign when the Mueller Report demonstrated that he had colluded with the Russians in the 2016 election against crooked Hillary Clinton. There was no real evidence for this other than a dodgy dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign.  Yet journalists such as Jon Sopel, Kylie Morris, barmy Carole Cadwalladr and Matt Frei insisted Trump was toast. The Mueller report is now out. There was no conclusion. So where are the apologies for this disgraceful episode in the history of fake news?  There are none.  The poison of fake news driven Russiaphobia has spread to this side of the Atlantic too, thanks to this dreadful journalism. I discuss this all in today's podcast. 


2103 days ago

The sheer nastiness of Brexit opposing fanatics as they celebrate the deaths of the old and the sick

I have commented before on the champagne socialist, Tuscan castle dwelling, Guardian writing, hypocrite Polly Toynbee thinking, each time, that the poisonous old windbag had reached a new depth of liberal depravity and surely she could sink no lower. And then, each time, £300,000 a year Toynbee sinks lower.


2111 days ago

Helen Pidd shows just how patronising Guardian editors are to we poor plebs who voted for Brexit

Helen Pidd is a senior Guardian editor. This tweet below shows how she and her middle class comrades view we 17.4 million who voted for Brexit. Feck me I had a pizza last night but surely I must hate Italians on the Pidd thesis. You could not make this stuff up.


2125 days ago

The Chart that shows the lie at the heart of Oxfam's poverty claims - Child mortality

As I have noted before, Oxfam, a charity that likes to cover up for peadophiles, does not care about the truth when it comes to getting money to build up its empire. For when tapping up gullible old Guardian reading fools like my Dad, Oxfam repeatedly insists that poverty around the world is increasing. You do want to fight poverty don't you Dr Winnifrith, you bleeding heart liberal, so get your cheque book out! How can the old man argue with that?


2126 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: What do Sound, Amur and Uk Oil & Gas have in common?

That is apart from being shit investments?  I discuss this with the latest news from Sound Energy (SOU) today. I look at today's rally in a context of a bear market and offer a few other thoughts from Shipston where my father stiill lies in bed, reading lies in the Guardian. Habits die hard for public sector workers. 


2145 days ago

Tom Winnfrith Bearcast: Brexit is just a small part of an inevitable slump in house prices

I see that The Guardian and others are blaming Brexit for a fall in UK house prices. But hang on! House prices are crashing in Oz and Canada and sliding at an ever faster rate in the USA. What's that got to do with Brexit. The housing bubble in China is popping - how can you blame that on Nigel Farage? I explain why lower house prices are a good thing and what is really going on in today's podcast.


2162 days ago

On this day let us remember two 17 year olds, the 51 year old Railwayman, the factory worker - 25 lives ended by SinnFein/ IRA

On this day we should remember the anniversaries of 25 folks murdered by the IRA. They were civilians, largely in Birmingham. There were two 17 year olds with their lives ahead of them, numerous other young folks on a night out in a pub, a man away from his pregnant wife who never got to see her give birth or his kid grow up, a factory worker, a railwayman, the list goes on and on.


2175 days ago

The Remembrance day massacre the BBC and liberal elites won’t be remembering & want you to forget

World War One ended 100 years ago this week and so, quite rightly, the media is giving wall to wall coverage to ceremionies and other tributes. It was a ghastly and pointless conflict but we should honour the fallen in that conflict and others and show our respect. Of course some Cambridge students and pampered Serbian soccer players at Manchester United will not. That is a sad reflection on them. But there is one Rememberance day event the liberal elites, the BBC and  its sister paper the Guardian will do their best to ignore. They want you to forget.


2181 days ago

Just how out of touch is the loathsome Guardian - no wonder its sales are plunging?

Have you ever been burgled? I have. You feel violated. As if your home is dirty. For a long while you feel unsafe in your own abode. What if they come again? And it is a crime that  affects folks of both genders, oops sorry I meant all genders. This Guardian headline  below is not meant to be ironic and is the sort of nonsense which helps to explain why  sales of this sordid rag are crashing, however many fake news articles by Carole Cadwalladr it publishes.


2189 days ago

Islingtonite daughter Olaf, Peter Tatchell, liberty and free speech

Islington dwelling daughter Olaf seems to be in charge of securing public speakers for a posh girls school debating forum. She asked if I knew any funny and controversial speakers. I offered up friends such as James Delingpole of Breitbart and Dominic Frisby but was told that they were Alt-Right, fascists or just not acceptable. I am sure you get the picture. In this world anyone to the right of the Guardian is Alt-Right and should not be offered a platform


2202 days ago

Two women sexually assaulted by penis owning “Karen White” thanks directly to the transgender madness that has infected the Tories

Karen White insists that she is a woman. She is what progressives would term a woman with a penis. Right now she is "transitioning" but is a woman. Got it? Welcome to the transgender asylum.


2265 days ago

If you were in any doubt about backing Boris and on

Two headlines from Guardian harpie Yasmin Alibhai Brown say it all. Boris for PM to deliver Brexit and the benefits just roll in at once...


2301 days ago

The England hating misery of being a Guardian writer - Dawn Foster backs Sweden

Maybe if you write for the Guardian you don't despise England in a fashionable North London sort of way you just hate folks being happy. After all this is the newspaper that, year in year out, laments the arrival of Christmas. But now it is the World Cup and the progress of England which as seen a nation party and show joy in a way we have not seen for years. 


2302 days ago

What the BBC, CNN and the Guardian just will not say about Trump, the illegal migrants & the polls

The BBC and its sister publication the Guardian had a weekend wankfest as large crowds gathered to protest against policies Donald Trump had already rescinded to deal with illegal migration across the Mexican border. But their coverage failed to show what is really happening. They are in denial as they serve up non-stop fake news.


2314 days ago

Guardian harpie Christina Patterson – the BBC fails to haul her up for the most disgraceful Donald Trump smear

Stranded in the car with the Mrs, I found myself forced to listen to the Jeremy Vine show on BBC Radio 2 as it discussed Donald Trump  with the author, the Guardian writing metropolitan liberal elitist Christina Patterson. Listeners who liked Trump were invited to call in so that Christina could brand them as racists because she thinks all Trumpsters are racist. Keep it up liberal moron! Every such statement makes #Trump2020 even more of a shoo in.


2320 days ago

Daughter Olaf berates my T-shirt and wants Mayor Sadiq Khan to be PM – should I disown her?

Not even mentioning Father’s Day, which she will no doubt forget tomorrow, my Islington based daughter Olaf honoured us with a visit to the boonies and Bristol yesterday. She was checking out the University in an open day and has decided that if things don’t go the right way at a proper seat of learning on the M40 she will, like all the other Oxbridge rejects, come here.  Having checked out the University and come away really impressed she met up with myself, the Mrs and Joshua for lunch.


2322 days ago

Surely even my father will not fall for Oxfam's lottery scam - an appeal to the stupid

One of the joy's of being in Shipston with my father is getting to answer the phone for him. "Is that Tom Winnifrith?" says someone from the numerous virtue signalling charities run by legions of grossly overpaid Guardian readers, who he supports with his cash. Truthfully I answer "yes." I am then treated to a long spiel about all the valuable work they are doing out in bongo bongo land followed by an appeal for an increased monthly donation.


2334 days ago

Yet again ashamed of my old University Oxford

My father, like his father and brother an Oxford man, despairs at the way Oxford has become a term of abuse. Seemingly a week goes by without it being attacked for being elitist, a place where only the children of the 1% attend and for being out of touch, or for it being shown to be home to very silly people. Former graduates like Robert Peston, most of the BBC and the Guardian editorial team line up to say how ghastly it is. And the spineless craven fools who run the place do not bother fighting lie with fact but just cower and grovel.


2339 days ago

The man in jail since Friday who we cant name but you all know - reasons for us all to be fearful

Since Friday a young man, whose name you must all know by now, has been languishing in prison in very real danger of being attacked by his fellow inmates. I cannot say who he is because the Judge who sent him down for thirteen months has imposed draconian reporting restrictions. But you all know his name - it is all over social media and a video of his arrest has been watched 1.5 million times on youtube already.


2352 days ago

Erdogan vs Trump - the rank hypocrisy of the British left

I think that I am abroad when President Trump visits the UK. Were I not to be overseas I would regard it as my duty to head to London in my "Hillary for Prison 2016" T-shirt to show my support for the leader of the free world. For every ghastly lefty going, notably Guardian squit Owen Jones and useless Mayor Khan, are promising to launch mass protests against The Donald.


2378 days ago

The Guardian shows its hatred of those who invest taxed income - we the hard working are parasites

I sometimes read the Guardian just to bring you delights on how the liberal left really think without you having to suffer the pain of reading this humourless left wing bilge. Readers I do a lot for you. Below is an effort from Rhik Samadder "Landlords are social parasites. They’re the last people we should be honouring". I reprint his words of poison, malice and fake fact devoid news with my comments in bold.


2388 days ago

Now about those "civilians" the "evil Jews" butchered for protesting on the Gaza border

Hamas, the rulers of Gaza whose leaders still openly talk of driving the evil Jews into the sea and who happily fly Nazi flags alongside their own as you can see below, continues to organise protests on the Israeli border. Thanks to the liberal media's hatred of Israel it has been a PR triumph. But the truth...


2392 days ago

Happy 80th Birthday Dad

My father knows why I am in New York rather than Shipston and approves so he has had to make do with a card (which has arrived) and a present (which has not). But he is aware of what it is, something that combines two of his great loves in life: Kent and cider. Fingers crossed it will arrive tomorrow.


2392 days ago

Dead heroine and villain Winnie Mandela - The Guardian injects its usual poison into the debate

There is no doubt in my mind that the appalling way that the evil apartheid regime treated the late Winnie Mandela and her children is a very legitimate mitigating factor for Winnie as she trudges her way on the long march towards a meeting with St Peter. Indeed the evil of apartheid and the way it treated all dissenters and all black Africans is another factor St Pete will take into account. But I very much doubt that he will be utterly forgiving and, I am sure, that Mrs Mandela will show no sense of repentance. Natch the Guardian, the newspaper of the liberal elite, thinks she did nothing wrong and it goes further, in its usual poisonous way, as it tries to silence debate on this matter. .


2399 days ago

Campus Cowardice & Intolerance - the death of free speech - Monty Python at McMaster

Across the West the story is the same. Offended snowflakes object - or in some cases far worse - and craven academics cancel events or no platform speakers. This is a matter I am now all too familiar with after giving this most excellent talk at Bath Spa University. It is surely only a matter of time before some liberal arts faculty somewhere organises a book burning. Today's demonstration of the Orwellian nature of the liberal arts campus of today comes from McMaster University in Hamilton Canada.


2409 days ago

Putin wins big time - Owen Jones reacts for the London liberal left - did no-one teach him any history?

Yes there were clear electoral irregularities in the Russian Presidential Election. But rather like Nixon in 1972 Vladimir Putin did not need to cheat to win.The headline number is that Vlad got 75%. Whether the real; number is 65% or 55% who cares, he won and he won easily. 

For the fact is that an awful lot of Russians like Vlad.


2412 days ago

Hero Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon slams the CBI, The Guardian, FT and others for more Brexit lying on trade & food prices

Once again Tim Martin, the boss of JD Wetherspoon (JDW) is my hero of the day using the occasion of half year results to lay into big business and the lying liberal deadwood press for misleading us all about Brexit. The great man opines:


2416 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The AIM CEO who appears guilty of mortgage fraud

I am not at this point naming him or the Nomad (individual and firm) or the NED who turned a blind eye. But this is, as they say, developing. Elsewhere ahead of a visit to the dentist I discuss the joys of reading my Dad's Guardian, Frontera Resources (FRR), Realm Therapeutics (RLM), Hemogenyx (HEMO), and Draganfly (DRG).


2416 days ago

The Humourless left - Elizabeth Warren & the Guardian savage "racist" Donald Trump: fake news beyond parody

Yeah that Donald Trump is a racist, our sort of story, says the Guardian and thus leads its foreign news section with a story "US Senator uses Trump Pocohontas jibe to raise awareness". Dem uber-bore Elizabeth Warren, according to the Guardian: "responded to President Trump's latest Pocohontas jibe yesterday by highlighting sexual violence against native American women, a tactic she said she would pursue every time the President "threw out" such a "racial slur"

Yes Trump calls Warren Pocohontas. The Gaurdian, being written by and for humourless liberal bastards desperate to show what an evil racist POTUS is, does not tell you why. So let me help. When Warren applied for a job at Harvard Law school she said that she was a Native American although if you look at her she appears to be whiter than most members of the Hitler Youth. But the liberals who run HLS loved the diversity cred and boasted about how they had their first "woman of color" on the payroll back in 1995.


2432 days ago

The Liberal media says #Trump2020 is a busted flush - have they read the latest polls? Put your money on POTUS

The narrative of folks like the BBC, The Guardian, CNN in fact the whole of the liberal media elite is that Donald Trump should not have defeated crooked Hillary in 2016. Without admitting that their gal was useless they agree that next time around the Donald just cannot win, in fact many argue that he will not stand at all. But have they actually looked at the polls in detail? If they have, they ignore them as they churn out yet more fake news.


2445 days ago

Naughty Naughty Krishnan smears the Brexiteers as Jew haters on Channel 4 Fake News

The liberal remoaning elite have spent the past year bleating on about Russian interference in the Brexit referendum. Loons like, person of the people, Carole Cadwalladr of the Guardian and all the folks at Channel 4 fake News have droned on ad nauseam. Sure there were only about 1000 tweets from Russian state related accounts on Brexit but that caused all 17.4 million of us to vote the wrong way. There is no evidence but that will not stop the Russian "exposes".


2464 days ago

NEW Video: Jordan Peterson analyses radically neo Marxist self righteous" non victim Cathy Newman

In light of Cathy Newman's car crash interview on Channel 4 Fake News with Jordan Peterson, the left is now spinning Ms Newman as a courageous victim - palpable nonsense. Now Jordan has hit back in a new interview. The psychologist analyses Ms Newman's behaviour and also that of C4 spinners as well as the disgraceful behaviour of the British liberal media, notably the Guardian and the Independent. It's a long video but the Newman incident is the first 32 minutes.. Enjoy.


2466 days ago

A few of we right wingers are total arseholes but the few have allowed Cathy Newman and Channel 4 News off the hook

My sister N is the sort of public sector employed lefty whose prime source of information is the Guardian. And since I am about the only Tory she speaks to, for there are few to no-one in her social circle, there is no-one to challenge the lies she is fed by the BBC's sister publication. And thus when I asked her if she had seen the Cathy Newman car crash interview with Jordan Peterson on Channel 4 Fake News she said "I've read about all the abuse and death threats she is getting."


2484 days ago

Imagine earning £500,000 a year for spouting utter nonsense - star Guardian virtue signaller Owen Jones on Iran

Guardian columnist and celebrated virtue signaller Owen Jones earns £500,000 a year for writing material which is, far too often, directly contradicted by facts. Here is his take on demonstrations in Iran which have left more than 20 dead.


2485 days ago

Now about that global warming (falling in near record amounts in the US today) - I quote the UEA, Chris Booker and the Guardian fake news paper

A friend who is the epitome of the remoaning metropolitan elitist emails me today to claim that "you really are becoming a fascist in your old age what with your support of Donald Trump and your climate change denial." The elitists always forget that labelling anyone with whom you disagree as a fascist demeans the true horror of what fascism is. But I suppose it is easier than actually debating facts. I shall deal with my admiration of the leader of the free world another day but let's look at some hard facts about climate change or , as it used to be known, global warming. I bring you three quotes:


2495 days ago

Blue Passport Brexit fake news from the Guardian

As of 2019 new British passports will be coloured blue as in the good old days, not EU red. This will not cost £500 million as some remoaners like James Caan claimed. It will not cost a cent. But still the fake news continues with the loathsome Guardian leading the way. Its headline today is "Blue Passports to mean red tape say EU officials" Natch this is just sheer fiction.


2499 days ago

Greedy Fat Pig Samantha Thompson of BBC Question Time posing, demonstrates the Food Bank poverty lie

A couple of weeks ago BBC Question Time went to Barnsley in the Grim North and among its audience of hand picked members of Momentum was the lass below Samanatha Thompson who bleated on about how she and her family had to use food banks and this was a sign of wicked Tory austerity causing rising poverty, blah, blah, blah.  I gather that Samantha has taken offence at some Tory councillor who noted that for someone claiming to be on the brink of starvation she is, to put it bluntly, very fat indeed. Miss Piggy reckons that this is offensive and wants an apology and maybe in these PC free speech denying times the poor chap will be forced by his party to grovel. Since I have no such pressure I say "Miss Piggy your are a fat blubbermonster and if you find that offensive how about you eat less and stop looking quite so much like a beached whale?  Of course this story gets more ridiculous.


2529 days ago

Carole Cadwalladr, the death threats, the Guardian and the Russian meddling in Brexit canard

I see that Guardian journalist Carole Cadwalladr is complaining that she has received death threats after writing what she, without any justification, claimed to be an expose of Russian meddling in the Brexit vote. Let us be clear: Carole is talking shite on the Russians, as she does on almost everything, as I noted here, but death threats against journalists are always utterly wrong. I speak as a journalist who has received death threats.


2537 days ago

Jim Mellon, the Hoxton Pony, the Paradise Papers, the lies and the tax avoidance

The Guardian's coverage of the Paradise Papers has now turned to my old friend the Isle of Man based fugitive from Korean justice, Mr Jim Mellon. The Grauniad's coverage goes far but, sadly, its journalists fall for some slam dunk lies. This all concerns the Hoxton Pony,a fashionable bar in uber hip Shoreditch. I used to live round the corner and know it well.


2550 days ago

Owen Jones on the violence of abortion - what a truly loathsome man so typical of 2017 Britain

On today's Marr Show on the BBC, the guest lefty was the loadmouth Guardian columnist Owen Jones whose bon mot was on the matter of abortion. His horror was at the "violence" of denying a woman a right to have an abortion. Words almost fail me.


2552 days ago

This is now very clear: The real Russia scandals of 2016 are Hillary Clinton's - why will the British Media not report this?

The British liberal media are still wiping themselves down having been unable to contain their excitement as crooked Hillary Clinton allowed them to the chance to give fawning interviews as she plugged her Godawful book "What Happened?" As such they seem unable to report the big stories in US politics like Hillary's collusion with the Russians.

Instead we are treated to Jon Snow on Channel 4 and the various BBC libtards telling us that the Republican Party has had enough of Trump as two senior senators line up to attack him. The truth is that Jeff Flake of Arizona an d Bob Corker of Tennessee are the sort of Country club Republicans who backed Romney and McCain enthusiastically but did not really mind that Obama won since they agreed with President Hopey Change on most things.


2559 days ago

The Real Russia Scandal in American Politics - its the Clintons, Uranium and those pesky mega bribes

As she plugs her tawdry lie packed book "How I lost the election even though I was a brilliant candidate and it was everyone else's fault but I won really" Crooked Hillary Clinton tells every fawning liberal media interviewer in turn that the Russians worked hand in hand with Donald Trump to rig the poll and cheat her out of victory. After nine months of exhaustive investigations and any number of lurid smears not one shred of evidence has been produced to justify this assertion made to and by unquestioning MSM "journalists" . Indeed even the emails coming from the DNC and published by Wikileaks did not come from Russian hacking as Hillary asserts. But this is not the real Russian scandal.


2562 days ago

OECD tells the peasants of Britain to vote again on Brexit to save economy but do you remember its lies from 2016?

The OECD, aka a think tank run by and for the vested interests of the 1%, the global elite, has today urged Britain to hold a second referendum on Brexit and to vote the right way. Naturally the BBC and the rest of the liberal media is loving it and not bothering to point out one little inconvenient truth, that the OECD is a proven Brexit liar.


2581 days ago

Ah Diddums Pampered Nick Robinson at the BBC thinks people are being beastly

Grossly overpaid Nick Robinson of the State Funded fake news broadcaster has taken to the BBC's sister paper, the Guardian, to bleat on about "guerrilla attacks" on the Beeb from nasty internet sites. Ah diddums. Poor baby.


2581 days ago

An inconvenient truth for the global warming nutters - the world is er, not warming

Today;s Guardian celebrates news that global carbon emissions stood still in 2016 which, it says, "is a welcome sign of progress in the battle against global warming." There is in fact rater better news, an admission from leading scientists writing in Nature Geoscience that between 1998 and 2013 the world had only got warmer by a smidgeon. Many of us have been pointing this out for years but now, even the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change admits, there has been a "pause."


2586 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: Uber loses London licence, a dark day for the Capital in a time of economic insanity

Uber has lost its London license thanks to Transport For London (TFL), a move applauded by useless Mayor Sadiq Khan, The Guardian, the BBC and black cab drivers. But it is very bad news indeed for London and I explain why. It is symptomatic of a new era of economic madness as is Theresa May claiming giving £20 billion (it will be more) to the EU is a good deal and our useless PM also trying to satisfy the greed of lazy and overpaid public sector workers. Perhaps the biggest sign of this madness and wish for economic hari-kiri is Labour's plan to renationalise the utilities. It is utter madness but no one dares say so. We are heading faster and faster towards the precipice my friends.


2588 days ago

Peter Tatchell on gays, Africans and Evil Britisher Imperialists - he is half right

The Guardian newspaper recently produced a list of folks, statues of whom it thought suitable to replace that of Lord Nelson in Trafalgar Square. Nelson may have saved the nation, given his life for his country but a speech in favour of slavery in the House of Lords means he is toast. The only question is who is next for the fascist liberal left to erase from history? I suggest George Washington, he may have founded a nation and all that but - like all his peers - he was also a slave owner. That will be his undoing. So who replaces Nelson?


2593 days ago

The "Brexit driven" Murder of Arkadiusz Jozwik exposes the loathsome fake news BBC & its sister paper The Guardian as true liars

You may not remember the name but surely you remember the wall to wall coverage in late August 2016 when a Polish man was "murdered" in Harlow, Essex. On the state Broadcaster Pravda Daniel Sandford led the main news bulletins claiming this was a ‘frenzied’ race-hate murder by feral youths, triggered by Brexit. Ramming home this core message we had comments supporting that agenda from the local MP and a Polish diplomat. There was no question of "waiting for the facts" as we are all urged to to after each terror attack - though we all know that it was not Colonel Mustard wth the bucket bomb in the library. The liberal media had an agenda and Mr Jozwik's corpse would support that agenda.


2597 days ago

Why are the BBC and The Guardian not all over the Yasmin Seweid story this time?

You may remember that last December, shortly after the US election The mainstream media was filled with reports of hate crimes against immigrants and muslims in particular surging across America. The highest profile victim whose plight the BBC , the Guardian etc reported enthusiastically without verifying was Yasmin Seweid. She was an international cause celebre.


2600 days ago

The fact that the Guardian and Labour MP Chi Unwurha even have to ask if racism is worse than raping 13 year olds shows the moral bankruptcy of the left

"The grooming of girls in Newcastle is not an issue of race – it’s about misogyny" says Labour MP Chi Onwurha in today's Guardian. She continues "What’s worse, rape or racism? I found myself posing that question after the Operation Sanctuary investigation was finally made public, revealing horrific abuse of girls and vulnerable young women in Newcastle." What follows defies belief.


2606 days ago

In praise of the loathsome New York Times after another edition of pure fake news & Trump Smears

The choice here in this part of Greece, if one wants an English language newspaper, is not a great one: The Daily Mail or the New York Times. The Mrs was planning a rest day while Joshua and I went on another road trip so bought both. On my return I tucked in. 


2609 days ago

What will my wife be giving me tomorrow? 4th Wedding anniversary looms

Natch, the same as last year: grief. Of course I jest. The Mrs says that she has a treat lined up for me when we return to the UK. I am more organised and on our fourth anniversary have arranged a real treat for her in Kalamata. It involves olive oil but there is no need to furnish you with the full details. In a way, our bigger celebration, is 15 days later - the first birthday of young Joshua Patrick.


2616 days ago

General Lee down, now Columbus, Lord Nelson the next statue to topple?

General Robert Lee was a good man, devout, honourable and widely admired. But he fought for "the wrong side" in the US Civil war so while most Americans disagree, his statue must come down. Overnight in Baltimore a 225 year old statue of Christopher Columbus was destroyed. On this one probably about 98% of Americans would support keeping the ancient monument standing, although in the liberal media bubble the numbers will be the other way round..


2621 days ago

250 Kent job losses as Southern Salads goes bust blaming Brexit but its all lies in the remoaning Independent

When the Brexit remoaners paper of choice, The Guardian, suffers an internet glitch there is always the lamentable Independent which serves up a daily diet of fake news on all matters European. Yesterday we learned that Southern Salads, a Kent firm, had gone bust and 250 ex workers could thank Brexit for it all. Well that is the Indy line, except that it is palpably false. It is just made up news. Fake news at every level.


2621 days ago

Al Gore's new global warming scare film bombs because the facts show the Nobel Prize was awarded for a lie

The BBC, Channel 4, the Guardian and the rest of the liberal media on both sides of the Atlantic have been gagging to interview Nobel Prize winning former US Vice President Al Gore about his latest film. But at the Box Office, An Inconvenient Sequel Truth to Power is bombing.  The liberal elitists may love but the great unwashed is turned off. Why? Perhaps it is because Al Gore's net worth has soared to $200 million thanks to his work, jetting across the world to fight man made global warming. Or perhaps it is because the facts show clearly that his first opus magnus, An Inconvenient Truth, was just plain wrong.


2622 days ago

It is not Trump out of touch on Confederate memorials but the fake news liberal media - C4's Kylie Morris smears again

Of all of the liberal media harpies covering the US election, beltway Kylie Morris of Channel 4 fake News was the most openly partisan as I exposed time and again HERE. Her crowning glory was to make up words for Donald Trump to smear him as a racist HERE. Like her fake news colleagues Kylie cannot get over the defeat of crooked Hillary so she fights on, twisting the truth to smear POTUS. The pulling down of Confederate staues and war memorials has been one of her finest hours.


2623 days ago

A letter to today's Guardian - my father asks if this is irony..don't kid yourself Dad

Reading the Guardian letters page is not an ordeal I can bring myself to suffer even in the interests of research into the far reaches of the deranged mentality of public sector working, virtue signalling, elitist, money tree worshipping thought. Or what goes for it. But my father, a closet reactionary, is a loyal Guardian reader.


2624 days ago

The BBC, Guardian and liberal media slate and smear Donald Trump as a Nazi - 4 more years in the bank

When Donald Trump spoke to the USA about his priorities for America, folks outside the liberal metropolitan hotpots of the coasts loved it. Crooked Hillary's waffle and re-hashing of ideas that have failed ordinary Americans did not wash and so Trump won. The liberal elites of the media still cannot accept it and so now simply content themselves with smearing POTUS at every opportunity. The more the Russia smears fail the more desperate they become and the more real Americans see through them. As the MSM tries to label Trump a Nazi, those of us who supported him in November look forward to an inevitable win in four years time. Truly the liberal left is pathetic. I start with the State funded UK broadcaster the BBC.


2628 days ago

The Guardian wants to erase Nigel Lawson from history - how the liberal left hates free speech & wants to crush dissent

The headline from the Guardian, below, says it all. Former chancellor Nigel Lawson's Thought Crime is not believing in mad made global warming. The BBC had the timerity to allow him on one of its numerous features on climate change in the interests of balance. Its sister paper says it should erase Lawson from history and show no balance at all when covering climate change.


2636 days ago

3 house owning Polly Toynbee, the biggest hypocrite on the loathsome Guardian, rides again

This morning Guardian columnist Polly Toynbee is in full hypocrite mode warp factor 11. It is not that La Toynbee (Badminton School & Oxford) rails against public schools or privilege. Nor that the offspring of a well known and affluent family rails against inherited wealth. Nor on £300,000 a year paid for by a paper that uses offshore trusts to dodge tax, is she ranting against inequality or tax evasion. Polly has done even better that in her attempt to retain the title of hypocrite of the year for the 24th year running.


2638 days ago

My Grandfather Sir John, a hardline socialist would spin in his grave as Remoaner Polly Toynbee demands more cash for farmers

In her Guardian column today arch remoaner Polly Toynbee took time out from tending to her Tuscan castle to bash Brexit because it will hit British farmers so badly as they lose subsidies from the Common Agricultural Policy. Natch, the BBC took time out from the month long LGBT-fest to make way to report this breaking news from its sister publication and thus Toynbee opined on Radio 4's Today Programme. It was classic Toynbee and I am so glad my late grandfather Sir John Winnifrith, a true socialist and friend of Tony Benn and a campaigner for No! in 1975 was not around to hear it. He would be incandescent as he really did believe in "for the many not the few."


2640 days ago

I am so 100% excluded from the Inclusive lavatory at the Guardian's fave cinema

It was off to the cinema today with Joshua for a mother and baby screening at the Watershed cinema in Bristol. This is the uber PC movie theatre which is oft praised by the Guardian and likes to show the sort of utterly shite films that the Guardian loves but which would make any right minded person either puke or fall asleep or both. Remember The Lobster - the worst film of 2015? Watershed audiences loved it.


2647 days ago

Abi Wilkinson - 100% Inheritance Tax moral and makes sense. Bollocks. Peak big state stupidity in the Guardian

Abi Wilkinson is a freelance journalist based in London writing about politics, inequality, gender, popular culture, and anything else that takes her fancy. She normally writes in the Guardian which likes articles about gender ( fluid, natch) and politics as long as they involve money tree worshipping and or/smashing the even half rich. Abi's latest piece really is peak stupidity in thus summer of left wing madness. Abi reckons that what we need is a 100% inheritance tax. 


2661 days ago

Tom Winnifritb Bearcast: lessons from Carillion, 88 Energy, MySQUAR and the faux political correctness of my father exposed

Here I am in Shipston with my father who enjoys bearcasts if they mention him so just for that reason I record again. His faux political correctness is exposed by the issue of coverage of women's cricket in The Guardian - the dreadful newspaper he has delivered to try to fool my family of public sector "working" lefties that he is one of them. In terms of the market I look at Carillion (CLLN) and 88 Energy (88E). Shares in both companies are collapsing today and I look at why and at what lessons folks should be learning. You could so easily have avoided losing money on both. Please note Malcolm Stacey and other Ocado (OCDO) bulls, lesson one on Carillion is for you. I also make it clear that while he may have some of the attributes of a Bulletin Board Moron as he showed HERE, Evil Knievil is not, in fact, a BBM, I was just joshing him when I suggested otherwise. En passant I look at MySquar (MYSQ) and explain why today's exposes HERE and HERE may refer to events a long time ago but are pertinent. 


2665 days ago

Is this the most shameful Guardian article & headline in history - virtue signalling as thousands of young girls are raped

 It will be no secret that I shall delight when the falling circulation of the tax dodging Guardian newspaper makes it uneconomic and it closes. Until then it continues to pump out the most odious fake news and spiteful virtue signalling junk on a daily basis. But is the article and headline below a contender for its most appalling effort in history? I think we all now accept that Muslim gangs in places such as Rochdale, Bradford and Oxford have been responsible for the rape and abuse of thousands of young girls. that is a fact. One reason they got away with it for so long was virtue signalling by rich liberals such as the Guardian's Libby Brooks who would, of course, never be affected by what actually goes on in deprived working class communities. Oh no...Guardian writers don't actually mix with the workers but they are very righteous are they not?  Read on and feel angry and disgusted...   


2672 days ago

The fake news Guardian - misleading headline on Brexit and EU workers leaving

I bet the BBC News picks up on it and runs with it too. But its sister publication is quick out of the blocks...The Guardian today runs with a raft of misleading headlines and other fake news as is its wont but the one on Brexit driving EU workers abroad wins the prize. The left wing rag with plunging sales and spiralling losses states: "Almost half of highly skilled EU workers 'could leave UK within five years". The sub head is "Deloitte study finds 47% were considering leaving after Brexit, while overall one-third of non-British workers could leave". Right, okay but hang on what did the survey actually say and was it big enough to be statistically valid?


2705 days ago

Photo Article: Okay I have cast my vote but do so with no enthusiasm at all

James Delingpole‏ tweeted yesterday: Never thought I'd say this but Theresa May's Conservatives are so uninspiring it almost makes you yearn for the useless Dave. Rod Liddle asked "Is this the worst Tory Campaign ever?" I am not sure I know the answer Rod but as I go to vote in a seat the Tories should be gaining from Labour I do so almost not caring who wins.


2714 days ago

Big Brother at the BBC will collect your data to tell your boss if it thinks what you write might breach a law

That we have to pay for the Guardian's sister outlet, the BBC via a poll tax is bad enough. Its output is low grade and often biased. But now the BBC wants to get you fired if it does not like your views. Hey George Orwell you missed this one in 1984...


2737 days ago

Diary of a diabetic day 22 - the confirmation trouser test

As you know I measure my fluctuating weight by the waist size of the trousers that best fit. 32 inches and I am back where i was at 18 when Abbe Aronson broke my heart, something that still traumatises me to this day. I was also at 32 when the Guardian newspaper, in a very rare moment of vision, described me as "the housewife's favourite" as I presented SMTM on Channel 4. 44 ( or was it 46) was my bloated peak. I started this holiday in 36 inch jeans.


2786 days ago

Bloody Martin McGuinness: heading rapidly towards death - can I say that I am sorry?

It appears that the health of Martin McGuinness, the former commander of the IRA in Londonderry or, as he prefers to be known, former deputy first minister of Northern Ireland, is deteriorating fast. His date with the grim reaper is almost upon him. Can I honestly say that i am sorry about this?


2820 days ago

Donald Trump and the Doomsday Clock: The liberal media laps up fake news "the man will kill us all"

Since 1947 The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists have once a year recalibrated an imaginary Doomsday Clock tracking how close we are to midnight, the point at which man destroys the planet. To mark the election of Donald Trump the clock was pushed forward 30 seconds to two and a half minutes to midnight. How the Guardian, Channel 4 and the BBC loved it "He's going to kill us all". Did any of these screaming hysterical liberals watch the last episode of the current series of Endeavour?


2836 days ago

The liberal left shows its love of free speech with some more death threats & by banning unheard speeches

Once upon a time, on both sides of the Atlantic, those on the liberal left believed in free speech and liberty. Back in the era of Mccarthy it was we on the right who were, correctly slammed, for stifling debate. I like to think that was an glitch in that for most of us who believe in a small state, freedom of expression is a given, it is part of the DNA of our thought set. It is the Big State loving left that wants to decide what the little people should think and say.


2850 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I earn £1.50 off my Dad, Bovis is the canary in the coalmine for housepriceageddon

One of yesterday's macro calls from the bearcast HERE is already looking good with today's warning from Bovis (BVS) which I cover in detail. I also look at Avanti Communications (AVN), United Cacao (CHOC), Cloudtag (CTAG), Harvest Minerals (HMI) and at the latest disastrous news about Slater & Gordon (SGH). Happy Christmas Aussie poltroons: wa,wa,wa wa wipeout! The article about the loathsome Guardian I reference is HERE


2856 days ago

Photo Article: My Dad gets a Christmas Card from the Guardian and it annoys him but what about Cyril the rabbit?

Among the dozens of Christmas cards that my father has hanging across the beams and above the aga and on the mantlepiece here in Shipston ,is the one pictured below from The Guardian. It thanks him for being a loyal reader in 2016 as he has the BBC's sister publication delivered every day. 


2887 days ago

Evil bastard Fidel Castro is dead: how the liberal media and British left mourn their hero

When Lady Thatcher died many on the left could not hide their delight. The BBC and the liberal media went out of their way to cover street parties by sick individuals celebrating the demise of a fellow human being. The liberal media failed to show the widespread sense of loss many of us felt. Maggie had made ordinary Briton's far better off, turned a country that had been bankrupt in 1976 into an economic powerhouse, had restored a sense of national pride but left wing intellectuals and the liberal media did not care about such things. It just hated her all the more. And in doing so it showed how out of touch they were then, as they are now, with how ordinary men and women actually feel.

And so today the evil bastard Fidel Castro of Cuba has died.


2902 days ago

Guardian writer Monisha Rajesh calls for assassination of Donald Trump - will the liberal rag fire her?

After the Socialist MP Joe Cox was murdered by a mentally ill man the left wing Guardian Newspaper was quick to blame and condemn right wing Brexit campaigners who it claimed - with no evidence at all - had prompted this act. So what is its take on the tweet yesterday from Monisha Rajesh,a writer on travel matters who the Guardian uses regularly. She thinks that President elect Donald Trump should be assassinated.


2908 days ago

The Guardian Front page fisked on Brexit mob - it is just a lie

I am with my father in Shipston and the old fool is still delighting in ordering the awful Guardian newspaper. Indeed it gives the deluded lefty real pleasure in torturing me by reading out articles which even he accepts are complete and utter nonsense. Let's start with today's front page splash: "May told to act to calm Brexit "mob" anger. Hmmm.


2909 days ago

Why does the left not support a free press if that includes the Daily Mail?

#DailyMail is trending on twitter as those on the left, take time of from their crap degrees and pointless public sector jobs to  rant about its coverage of the Brexit debacle of yesterday. The Mail, a loathsome rag, justifiably points out that the referendum promised that if we voted out we would leave. Now it seems as if that might not happen because of what three old men say. The Mail is right, the nation, or at least those who believed what we read on the ballot paper and in democracy, is outraged.


2913 days ago

The Guardian's snobbish liberal readers swung it for Bush, can dipstick Avaaz millennials swing it for Trump?

Back in 2004 the Guardian identified Clark County Ohio as a swing district in th4e swing state of Ohio. History shows if you win Ohio you win the White House and Clark was an uber-marginal district. So the Guardian got its readers back in the UK to call up folks in Clark. You can guess what happened next.


2913 days ago

Premaitha - The Guardian reports that the NHS will offer free NIPT tests from 2018: what about morality?

The Guardian has reported that as of 2018 the NHS will offer free non invasive tests for Downs to all at risk women. This is great news for AIM listed Premaitha (NIPT) which is a leading provider of such tests. For it there is a clear financial gain but there is an ethical element here which as a shareholder but also a recent father causes me some issues.


2915 days ago

Photo article: Can I now wear my Hillary for Prison T-Shirt here in Bristol?

Bristol is the sort of left leaning City where the patronising middle classes agree with Matt Frei that ALL Trump supporterrs are racists. They agree with Hillary Clinton that anyone voting for the GOP is a "deplorable". Naturally we Brexit voters were also termed ignorant racists by the bien pensants of the South West. Put it this way: I really don't feel as if I am in my ideologocal home here.


2934 days ago

Brexit has caused hate crimes against Gay people to rocket 147% says the Guardian - an obvious lie

The Guardian reports that "The number of homophobic attacks more than doubled in the three months after the Brexit vote, with toxicity fostered by the EU referendum debate spreading beyond race and religion, new figures suggest. Hate crimes against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people increased 147% during July, August and September compared to the same period last year, according to the LGBT anti-violence charity Galop." Unfortuanately this is just utterly bogus as the Guardian article itself makes clear.


2936 days ago

Will the BBC purge its tax dodging stars or is its wrath on tax evasion reserved for the private sector?

The BBC, like the rest of the liberal media, has not held back in its anger directed towards those who have used cunning wheezes to avoid paying "their fair share" of taxes like the rest of us. Whether it be a wicked capitalist like Phil Green or an evil mega corporation such as Starbucks, the BBC has vented its wrath. So it will no doubt applaud the HMRC which seems to have netted a haul of more than 100 folks earning six figure salaries who have been dodging tax. I refer of course to many of the big names at er....the BBC.


2941 days ago

Another academic who views the "Little people" with contempt and disgust - Scott Bellows

The Colombian referendum really has got the liberal elite out in force showing their contempt for the "little people" when they vote the wrong way. In the comfortable groves of academia, a haven for lazy and overpaid folks who engage in an intolerant form of group think, the sparks were flying. We have already met Dr Caroline from Sheffied University who thinks we "should never have referendums on things that really matter" now meet Scott Bellows from Durham. Scott, the Prof, tweeted:


2947 days ago

The Guardian on Global Warming - what is its aversion to the truth?

I simply offer up two quotes. One is an opinion of what will happen based on fiction, one is a statement of fact, hard data. The subject is global warming. 


2950 days ago

Bruce Springsteen supports Hillary Clinton, terms Trump a moron and the Guardian thinks this is news.

Surely after Brexit, when almost every celebrity in Britain told the great unwashed to vote to stay, a call that was completely ignored, even the Guardian realises that celeb endorsements count for nothing. Keira Knightley can lecture me from her multi million pound mansion about why I really want to pay more taxes, have more EU diktat's ruining my life and why I should wet my pants over global warming but I just don't care. I have bills to pay and rather resent someone with no such concerns telling me how to live my life. 

But the Guardian has not twigged that. After all its senior staffers in the media elite go to the same parties as Alan Bennett and the same charity bashes as Becks, Keira and Gary Lineker so they think the views of the celebs actually matter. The Guardian backed laws to stop the press exposing the hypocrisy of such celebs by exposing double standards in their private lives. It is part of an utterly out of touch liberal establishment

And thus the Guardian splashes with the news that the singer Bruce Springsteen is backing Hillary Clinton and thinks that Donald Trump is a "moron". Well there is a shock. 


2986 days ago

Guardian Idiot of the Day: Martin Kettle thinks the state can "pick" industrial winners like Olympic winners

Britain has splashed out £350 million and won a stack of medals at the Olympics. naturally the Guardian's lesson from this is that we should spunk billions picking industrial winners and we will all be rich. Gold medals for all. Jeepers do folks like Martin Kettle never read history books?


2986 days ago

Guardian haridan Polly Toynbee patronises poor people in offensive obesity attack - let them all have ballet lessons

It is no surprise that the £300,000 a year Guardian columnist Polly Toynbee views yesterday's obesity proposals as a wicked Tory attack on thre poor. In Toynbee's socialist paradise the State would intervene with taxes and advertising bans and every instrument of its control to make poor people less fat. The failure of the Tories to do this clearly shows they want poor people to be fat and to die early. Only someone writing from the rarified airs of a North London mansion or a Tuscan castle could write such tosh. This is vintage Toynbee. She opines:


2988 days ago

Talk about filial devotion: I have to go buy a Guardian in public again

For the third day, despite receiving clear instructions to deliver the loathsome Guardian Newspaper to my father here in Shipston and despite promising to do so, the Newsagent has failed. And that means that I must again head down to the shop in a few minutes to pick up the rag.

I shall explain loudly


2989 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: come on Dad it is not a hard sum!

These old folks they need mental exercise. Crosswords, jigsaws, Soduku, easy questions from their son. But my father fails on the how many days till Glenwick (GWIK) is suspended question. He says his mind is on higher things. Meanwhile I am still traumatised from being seen buying a copy of the Guardian for him. I look at Red Rock Resources (RRR), Glenwick, Leed Resources (LDP), Aquatic Foods (AFG) and China frauds, BoxHill (BOX) and naughty Lord Razzall - how is the bailout placing going your lordship? And I commend the recent work of Daniel Levi (Brokerman Dan) on Mkango Resources (MKA) where the old rogue is bang on the money. Mkango is truly worthless.


2993 days ago

Wakey wakey liberal British Media - the real breaking story is not Trump gaffes but Crooked Hillary's Crookedness

Yet again the British media was last night pumping out more stories about Donald Trump gaffes. The beltway classes think that what he says is big news and has The Donald sunk in the Presidential Race. By my calculations that is about the 9,784th time that the BBC, Channel 4, the Guardian and the liberal press pack have written the Trump political obituary. One day they will be right. But so far they have been wrong 9,783 times with no apology. The bigger stories which they are not reporting are the growing scandals surrounding crooked Hillary.


3001 days ago

The Guardian & other liberal media smear Clint Eastwood as an apologist for racism because he backs Trump

Clint Eastwood is today smeared by the Guardian and the rest of the liberal press as an apologist for racism. His real crime in the eyes of the metropolitan elite is, of course, that not only is he a Republican but that he says he will vote for Donald Trump over crooked Hillary Clinton in November. If you are guilty of such a crime, being an evil conservative, all else flows naturally including, in the liberal mind, a good chance that you are a racist.


3008 days ago

The Guardian at its delusional and nasty best: Why the EU must torture Britain in Project Pain

Every morning at around 6 AM I hear a sound at the front door, here at my father's house in Shipston, as a little man pushes a copy of the Guardian through the letter box. My father can hear the same sound from upstairs and emits a grunt of approval and prepares to start his day with a mug of coffee prepared by me and a dose of poisonous lies from Polly Toynbee and her mates. The paper is written by middle class lefties who are filled with hate for so many things but mainly the value set of the working classes a group they claim to support but clearly despise and just never meet. Each day there is stiff competition for the nastiest and most inaccurate article. Monday's winner on both counts was a classic from Joris Luyendijk "After Brexit, a game plan for the EU, unleash Project Pain"

Joris wants the EU to be as horrible to Britain as possible, 


3010 days ago

The Guardian Newspaper set to lose £173 million but sadly years away from going bust

According to reports elsewhere in the deadwood press, the appalling left wing Guardian Newspaper is set to report a full year loss of £173 million. That is the good news. The bad news is that the Guardian it is years away from going bust.


3011 days ago

Ansbach: Dragging the truth about Islamist terrorists from the German Rozzers

Having done their best to cover up the gang rapes and sex attacks in Cologne on New Year's Eve, I cannot see why anyone believes a word the German rozzers have to say on anything. After Ansbach I am going to double up on that assertion. One thing the German Plod is good at is ordering us not to speculate. It sends out tweets after each atrocity ordering us not to be so reckless. Good Germans obey orders, but the Police are keen to do the opposite and speculate about anything other than what we all knew to be the truth in the first place.


3011 days ago

In defence of a real American, Melania Trump, the liberal media just do not get it

The liberal media are normally keen on immigrants who work hard and get ahead. That is unless they happen to be one of the various woman who at one time or another has been or is married to Donald Trump. And so last week the BBC, The Guardian and the rest of the beltway insiders stuck it to Slovenian born Melania Trump in a big way. Once again I am pretty sure they misjudged America which will warm greatly to Mrs Trump in the coming months and which is almost certainly now rooting for her against the beltway chatterers.

The liberal media had it in for the immigrant Melania on two grounds. 


3014 days ago

How should a mad lefty Guardian reader react to an outrage like Munich?

Munich, Nice, Norfolk, 9/11, Charlie Hebdo the attacks are all horrible. And there is a fairly obvious common thread. It is nothing to do with ISIS, Al-Qaeda or Islam, it is how the deluded lefty reacts as he or she prays that it is a right wing crazy.

1. Tweet


3014 days ago

Liberal media darling Inigo Gilmore uses Channel 4 News to smear all Eurosceptics as being on "far right"

In days gone by it was perfectly respectable to be a Eurosceptic and a lefty. Great socialists such as Tony Benn, Peter Shore and Barbara Castle lead the battle to get out of the EU in 1975. But gradually most on the left have abandoned that position. That they have done so while working people and the old, young and sick across Europe have been screwed by the EU might be rather surprising.

And thus while Greek Pensioners have to live on £9 a day


3014 days ago

Torturing stern lefty sister N as my reactionary father comes out in style

My lefty sister N is the one who gave her husband, the kraut, membership of the Labour Party as a Christmas present. Jesting with her about the current woes of the People's Party is therefore not something that boosts family unity. But there is a new tease from my father.


3015 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: £2 for a fecking Guardian "Newspaper" for my Dad, I feel dirty & violated

I had to buy another Guardian for my Dad today. Two fecking quid of my money has gone to Polly fecking Toynbee to pay for the upkeep of her fecking Tuscan castle as she lectures me about all sorts of shite. I feel dirty for buying this rag and violated by the transfer of wealth from me to Toynbee. Moving on I cover Gulf Keystone (GKP), FairFX (FFX), Osirium Technologies (OSI) which I do not get at all and contrast with Falanx (FLX) which I do very much get and whose shares we own. I also look at WH Ireland (WHI), Servision (SEV) and Easyjet (EZJ) which gives me a chance to be rude to Andrew Monk at VSA Resources.


3016 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast The blessed Mel for Dad but Steve Moore & Gary Newman fired!

I had to buy a copy of the Guardian for Dad today and carry it home through the streets from the newsagent. How I am shamed in front of my neighbours. Meanwhile dad is reading books I own by Peter Hitchens, Niall Ferguson and Melanie Phillips and is loving them, as his inner reactionary is exposed. On the markets I look at Servision (SEV), Xtract Energy (XTR) - Steve Moore and Gary Newman you are FIRED! - Gulf Keystone (GKP), Taihua (FRAUD), Oxford Pharma (OXP), Judges Scientific (JDG) and another bad day for disgraced Roger "Ramper" Lawson of ShareSoc, Kennedy Ventures (KENV) and finally the poltroons stock of choice for today, Nyota (NYO).


3019 days ago

A Reason Not to Visit the Mother-in-law: calling a woman a "bird" in Nottinghamshire now a hate crime

Nottinghamshire Police Force ,led by the admirable Sue Fish, and working with the Nottingham Women's Centre has become the first UK police force to classify sexual harassment as a "hate crime" but what the Nottingham Rozzers define as harassment is terrifying. As the Mother-in-Law lives in Nottingham I must now steer well clear of her because I am - in that County - now guilty, on a regular basis, of acts which can constitute hate crime.


3020 days ago

Rod Liddle's Speech at the Fifth Annual Freedom Dinner - Totally wonderful

Controversial journalist Rod Liddle gave a speech last week at a libertarian bash which was quite simply fantastic. I just read it to my father who, though a lefty, could not argue with a word of it. It is very funny, to the point and a totally depressing analysis of what is so ghastly about Britain today. It is quite utterly brilliant. Read on... 


3021 days ago

Nice - the BBC really does not want to say the obvious: It was ISIS which did it

Somehow I managed to work out how to tune my father's TV onto the BBC News Channel. Newsnight had been too busy bashing the Tories to give more than a brief mention to a story that broke before it went on air and which now leaves almost 80 people lying dead in France. Sof dozens of dead froggies, lets remind ourselves again how across the world liberal media pundits think Boris Johnson is frightful. The interweb was miles ahead of the Beeb's flagship show once again but over on the news channel there was now full coverage.

I went to sleep at 1.30 AM by which time the BBC had at least accepted that it was not an accident ( circa midnight) and was most definitely a terrorist attack. Jeepers you don't say. One Belgian terrorism expert had stated the bleeding obvious that it was an attack by ISIS but the BBC itself was making no such claims instead insisting that we have no idea who was responsible.

Hmmm. The wicked Jews? 


3027 days ago

My father and the Bulgarian big issue seller in Shipston

It was Friday at noon and for some reason logistics had become muddled and my father and I were at a loose end. There was only one solution: the White Bear and two pints of cider. As we headed down Sheep Street with my father leaning on his strollator being overtaken by tortoises and little old ladies on their strollators, the old boy piped up with "Its Big Issue day, I can buy a copy off the Bulgarian lady."


3027 days ago

Andrea Leadsom's real problem is that she is a liar, her trump card is how vile are those who hate her

I picked up yesterday on the fact that Andrea Leadsom views gay folks as different to straight folks in terms of their rights to suffer the miserty of marriage. So she is a social conservative which will chime with many Tory party members and I've no problem with her coming out in this respect. These days, some leading Tory seems to come out as something or other about once a week. What is nauseating about Leadsom is that she lies about this issue. She says she believes in equality and then smailes inanely. Yet her stated views make it clear that she does not believe in equality. In the world of Leadsom it is one rule for the shirt lifters and one rule for the rest of us. Time to smile inanely again Andrea.

My biggest problem with Leadsom is thus not that she is a bigot, although


3029 days ago

Rafael Behr on the EU: The Guardian at its most pretentious and stupid

The Sad Truth: Theresa May is bad, but the others are worse is the headline in the main opinion article in yesterday's Guardian. Author Rafael Behr urges Tory members to vote for May. His qualification for offering such advice is that he is a screaming lefty. A cat offers mice advice on personal safety. Behr is a star of the Guradin in that he is not only wrong on most issues, deriving his conclusions from prejudice as opposed to fact, but he is also a pretentious twat to boot. Thus he starts his piece on why Tories should vote for May on Europe, a subject where May disagrees with the vast majority of Tory party members and voters and 52% of the wider electorate



3030 days ago

The Guardian fails to arrive, I buy my father a Daily Mail and he purrs with delight

The Guardian has not been delivered today. I have enquired at the Newsagents and apparently no copies of the loathsome left wing rag have arrived in Shipston. Maybe Guardian writers feel that like the other lazy, overpaid, greedy left wing bastards, the junior Doctors, University Lecturers and School Teachers they should go on strike. If that is the case one must only hope that it is a prolonged dispute. But the absence of the rag causes my father some consternation.


3031 days ago

If Theresa May is the answer, what is the Question asks the loathsome Polly Toynbee

Though not a great fan of the spectacularly unsuccessful Home Secretary Mrs Theresa May, anyone who is attacked by the loathsome child of privilege the Guardian columnist Polly Toynbee, cannot be all bad. And thus in her column today La Toynbee starts with the words "If Theresa May is the answer, what is the Question?" Perhaps you would care to answer that one.

How about:


3031 days ago

Back in Warwickshire, Almost Everything changes in three weeks

The first big shock was when our car pulled up outside my father's house in Shipston. Up ambled by step brother T who greeted us warmly and then up strode a rather sexy looking woman who I did not recognise at all. Had T found a new wife and not told us? The old rogue. These teachers: we know what they get up to in all their vast amounts of spare time and holidays. Reading weeks my arse. So who was this stranger?

It was only when she started speaking that I realised it was my step sister L. Shockingly she has not only cut her long hair but also stopped dying it brown and is now - like her mother and brother completely grey. It is odd how that change of hair colour and style acts as a total disguise. I must remember that, the next time the FCA tries to stitch me up and forces me to go on the run.

The was not the real shock though.


3037 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: crack whores like Eden, Golden Saint & Cloudtag as Polly Toynbee spikes Stockmarket

The worst newspaper in the world in the truth and analysis department is the Guardian and its worst columnist is the loathsome haridan Polly Toynbee. Silly Polly has today caused the stockmarket to surge as I explain. I then move onto FastJet (FJET), Teathers Financial (TEA), Tern (TERN) & Nigel's dynamite expose today and an array of AIM crack whores: Servision (SEV), Eden Research (EDEN) and Cloudtag (CTAG). Warning: this podcast contains some very bad language.


3038 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: crack whores like Eden, Golden Saint & Cloudtag as Polly Toynbee spikes Stockmarket

The worst newspaper in the world in the truth and analysis department is the Guardian and its worst columnist is the loathsome haridan Polly Toynbee. Silly Polly has today caused the stockmarket to surge as I explain. I then move onto FastJet (FJET), Teathers Financial (TEA), Tern (TERN) & Nigel's dynamite expose today and an array of AIM crack whores: Servision (SEV), Eden Research (EDEN) and Cloudtag (CTAG). Warning: this podcast contains some very bad language.


3043 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: My wife's sneering, patronising, elitist, lefty pals drive me up the wall

Some of my wife's pals are such patronising bastards. They work in the public sector, read the fecking Guardian and are so fucking self righteous they can drive me up the wall as they let it be known that they just know what is good for the rest of us, we ignorant oiks. Today they sent my blood pressure soaring as I explain HERE. Then it is onto Glenwick (GWIK) and why the poltroons can't get their maths right and African Potash (AFPO) which is worth 0p. Finally a division with my daughter & her mother, Big Nose, looms, it is Wales vs Northern Ireland.


3046 days ago

The Best of the Baroness Warsi twitter ridicule as this repellent liar craves publicity again on Brexit

Baroness Warsi is an unelected Tory politician with a track record of dodgy business dealings who says the most appalling things to gain publicity. Today she has announced that she is leaving the "Leave" campaign on Brexit and joining "Remain" because of all the racism, xenophobia and bigotry of folks like Priti Patel and Gisela Stuart. The BBC laps it up as a major blow for Brexit. The only problem is that the silly cow Warsi never actually joined the Leave campaign.


3050 days ago

The late Jo Cox MP and the Brexit Killer Lie as Project Fear becomes Project Smear

Most of the national press is now reporting responsibly on the sad death of Jo Cox MP yesterday. Any life cut short is a tragedy. A murder of any sort leaves one feeling appalled. Ms Cox was obviously a principled and pleasant woman and one only imagine how her husband and kids feel. But the reaction of far too many supporters of the "in" campaign does need comment for it was disgusting. I reported earlier of how I received one tweet saying that as a pro-Brexit writer I had blood on my hands, as you can see HERE.

That article also showed how the sad death of Ms Cox was being used by the lefty online pressure group Avraaz to push its supporters to vote to stay in the EU. But worse was to come and it came despite the fact that, by 6.30 PM yesterday, it had become clear that the killer of Jo Cox was a loner with no political affiliations at all and who had a long history of serious mental illness. 

One witness claimed 


3088 days ago

Hooray! The Mrs votes Tory for the first time ever...a small step

The first time I encountered the woman who is now known as the Mrs but was formerly "The Deluded lefty" she made her views known by passing me her copy of The Guardian saying there was an article in it that I might find interesting. Since I fancied her big time, and still do, I did not respond "you must be kidding you daft lefty" but dutifully read the complete and utter piffle and feigned interest. On our second date I did not hold back as we had a big row over affirmative action. 

But our relationship has survived. Her pals who are even more deluded than the Mrs quickly branded me as "the fascist boyfriend" for thought crimes like going to Lady Thatcher's funeral rather than having a party, for voting Tory and for believing in capitalism, Israel, freedom etc, etc.

The Mrs is this morning cheered by her news that the University Lecturers - greedy and lazy bastards - are going on strike to get even more money for doing sod all work. They better hurry up as pretty soon their 10 week summer vacation starts and they might actually have to cut into their Tuscany break to head back to Britain to man ( sorry, person) a picket line.

As a sociology lecturer, the Mrs has mad left views hard-coded into her DNA. She has never voted anything other than Labour. Until today.



3150 days ago

I bet you £100 no-one promoting IWD 2016 will honour this illegal immigrant uber-achiever on International Women's Day

What is there that the mad lefties who run the Guardian, the BBC, Channel 4 News and all the State supported quangos celebrating IWD 2016, could not see in a woman who was an illegal immigrant ( overstaying a visitor's visa), an ethnic minority (Jewish), an atheist and whose writings are so influential that she is seen as the driving force of a major school of thought? 

Surely on International Women's Day we should be holding a woman - whose family were persecuted when she was just 12, losing their homes and facing starvation - and who herself was booted out of University for not adhering to the line of an oppressive regime, up as a role model for our daughters? This woman achieved so much despite all the odds being stacked against her.

So as we celebrate Great Women today why won't the lefties tell our daughters about Ayn Rand? 



3151 days ago

The Guardian: Lies, rugby, Eton toffs and Homosexuals

The Guardian's Stuart Jeffries pens a lengthy piece on rugby and tackling in schools which says nothing in particular in a fairly tedious way. But in the way it treats No 8 and Eton College it says far more about this awful publication than about the art of the scrummage.

Mr Jeffries, a grammar school boy, seems convinced that many rugger players are toffs and thus manages to get in several paragraphs about Eton. The only minor issue with this approach is that because of the Wall Game and rowing, rugger is a relatively minor sport at Eton. To lambast rugger as a game which most public schools in England play would be accurate if rather pointless but to single out the one major public school where rugger does not dominate the winter term, is just the Guardian way. Never let facts get in the way of a spot of Eton bashing with a dose of Call Me Dave abuse thrown in for good measure.

For the record I am no particular fan of Eton or of Call Me Dave but facts do matter.

And that brings me to the author's insistence that at his grim North Midlands grammar school, as a Number 8, he was forced to bind onto the two second rows by sticking his hand between their legs, rubbing past their testicles and grabbing their shirt. At length he describes the homo-erotic nature of this encounter.

My father 


3154 days ago

I am now warming to Lord Michael Howard of Quindell too

First it was Donald Trump who I started warming too. Now it is Lord Howard, the ex Tory leader now a NED at Watchstone, the company once known as Quindell or Quenron. It is true I really am starting to rather like the man.

With Trump it was very much your enemy's enemy is your friend. If the Guardian, C4 News and BBC loathe someone he really can't be all that bad can he?

With Lord Howard, we may have crossed swords over Quenron, but he is just so amiable. Feeling bored the other day


3175 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast - The Offline #Independent is dead, pampered journalists fired HOORAY

The Offline Indy is dead. Pampered, patronising journalists are going to be fired. Hip Hip Hooray. Fleet Street is starting to pay the price of its corruption, and face up to unhelpful demographics, operational gearing and the end of subsidy as I explain in this podcast. I pray that the frightful Guardian is next to go.


3236 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard #136 - the Guardian, BBC and the British left disgrace themselves over Donald Trump

I despise Donald Trump for many of the things that he has said. I also explian why I believe he will not win the Republican nomination let alone the US General Election. But those who seek to deny him access to the UK are free speech deniers and are wrong. Meanwhile the coverage of this fascist attack on free speech and the 500,000 name petition (and non coverage of another 500,000 name petition) by the BBC and The Guardian and other elements of the press is shameful


3321 days ago

Weekly Postcard 123: Orwellian BBC News lies and misleads on migrants and public sector wages

I found myself watching the BBC News this week and it was horrible in an Orwellian way. The biased BBC has a clear political agenda and it lies to its viewers by act and omission and by deliberately misleading them. On the public sector vs private sector wage issue the sleight of hand was obscene. On the migrants it just lied. The BBC should be privatized and lets see how many of us will actually pay to watch The Guardian on screen.


3505 days ago

Tom Winnifrith postcard - is Britain corrupt?

Step brother Tom is like all of my family ( bar enlightened little step sister Felicity) a Guardian reading lefty and so sends me an article by lunatic  global warming evangelist George Monbiot from the rag of choice of public sector workers arguing that Britain is very corrupt. Moonbat makes a couple of points which I agree with but on others he is either wrong or selective. I think Britain is incredibly corrupt but my analysis is rather different to that of Moonbat. And more honest to boot.


3561 days ago

Page Three Ce n’est pas mort – #JeSuispage3

Like Lazarus, rising from the dead, Page 3 birds have returned to The Sun. Good. A small minority of the liberal elite who never read the paper anyway attempted to dictate a change of editorial policy. They have failed.

The liberal elite do not like Page three birds. They would not like their daughters showing their tits. But then their daughters go to nice private schools in North London, a good university and have nice respectable careers. A check-out position at Tesco is not their career choice.

The liberal elite are happy to deny the poor the opportunity for financial freedom because the poor are the client state of the liberal left. And while they mouth platitudes about freedom of speech or expression that is only until something is said which they find distasteful.

I find The Guardian objectionable and distasteful. So I do not buy it. But I have no right to stop it publishing opinions on a daily basis which I find loathsome.  But then I do not pretend to be part of the liberal left: I actually DO believe in freedom and in allowing those less privileged than I the chance of a better life.

Vive Le Sun. Vive les Page Three Birds.  I shall continue not to buy it as it is generally an intolerant rag full of rubbish but I am delighted that it will continue to stay that way.


3566 days ago

Back in the garage and a message to my father about the cold weather & global warming

Back in Bristol and the cats are in disgrace for weeing on the doormat and the temperature is minus something. The Mrs is not sympathetic and I am back in the garage at my desk wearing a thick coat, hugging my heater and still freezing. I suggested to the Mrs that the cats be forced to join me as punishment but she said that would be cruel. And so I suffer alone.

At the tobacconists the Daily Express warns of snowfall across the country and of freezing conditions. I point this out to the Mrs on my return but she thinks this is just right wing propaganda and I must continue to work in the garage.

The Daily Telegraph warns its readers 


3727 days ago

Sell and Short Gulf Keystone at 68.25p

On a financial level I have always been bearish on Gulf Keystone (GKP) long arguing that the shares were really only worth 30-50p – something that has not endeared me to the Bulletin Board Morons. Well I guess I was right. But what has changed to make this an outright slam dunk short sell? Answer: ISIS.

Incidentally HERE is my first red flag piece on Gulf from April 2013 with me saying sell at 154p and I have consistently argued that fundamental value was 30-50p. I would now target the bottom of that range or less.

Without doubt these Islamofascists are truly the most repellent force on this planet. Opponents or those who are not the right sort of muslim are beheaded, crucified or shot. Even children are beheaded. Although I see that in the Guardian that the ISIS flag is now also flying in Poplar East London alongside the Palestinian flag, it is in Syria and Iraq where the headway is being made.

Peering at my maps today


3860 days ago

Pizza & Beer with Matt Lofgran of Nostra Terra – my thoughts

Last Thursday Matt Lofgran, the non drinking CEO of Nostra Terra Oil & Gas (NTOG) and Gary his thoroughly decent PR man, who drinks for both of them, hosted a pizza and beer evening at Real Man Pizza in Clerkenwell.  It was fun and being a strictly salad and mineral water man I have a clear memory of what happened.  As I left, Matt & Gary were plying a party of pretty young female students with wine and having a great old time.  So we are all happy. But what to make of Nostra Terra?

I should say that – to declare all interests – Matt handed to the private investors present and to me a copy of a new book called “The Frackers.” The Mrs says that I have too many books and is always trying to persuade me to send a few off to Oxfam. Given that her default position on most matters is that of The Guardian I imagine that a history of fracking may well go to top of the Oxfam list. Pro tem, I battle to keep it and all of my other thousands of books.

At a macro level I rather think that the wave on which the cork that is Nostra floats is not heading 


3863 days ago

Yippee – My Passport is Here: Greece beckons

I was starting to panic. My journey to Greece starts next Wednesday when I leave Bristol and until this morning the passport I ordered a few weeks ago had not arrived. Worse still, when I used the Passport Office auto-tracking forms it appeared that our friends in Cardiff had no record of me at all. But the panic is over, a brand new passport has arrived, with no record of my visits to Israel or the USA and so I could now go to Kurdistan to meet Gulf Keystone (GKP) if I wanted to. I don’t.

And so in a week’s time I must kiss goodbye to the cats and head to London. The Mrs joins me on the 3rd for her birthday. Naturally I shall not reveal which birthday it is. But your clues are that it is a round number, she is younger than me and although I thought she was in her late twenties when she first chatted me up by showing me an interesting article in the Guardian, she appears younger than she is.

Then it is UK Investor Show on the 5th, a hangover on the 6th (and a day with the in-laws who are coming to London for the show), supper with Matt Suttcliffe on the 7th, a hangover on the 8th and on the 9th it is off to my beloved Hellas for three and a half weeks of walking, writing and searching for the grave of Great Uncle David Cochrane. And if it is goat milking season I shall naturally be having another go at that too.

I cannot wait. Does anyone know if it is goat milking season or not?


3878 days ago

RIP Bob Crow of the RMT – You will not be Missed in the slightest (apology for earlier article)

I have been panned for criticising Bob Crow who died today. In that vein I apologise for that piece and have amended my original piece with the change in italics. See below.

You are not meant to say bad things about those who have just died…but for fat hypocritical selfish bastards like Bob Crow, the head of the tube driver’s union, the RMT, one can make an exception. Crow died of a heart attack this morning.

Crow lived the high life as a Union boss. He was paid a huge wage and his expenses bill for fine wining and dining was a disgrace. His lifestyle did not exactly show solidarity with the workers.

Moreover under his leadership, the tube drivers have held Londoners to ransom for years, blocking change when change was needed and negotiating wages which are thoroughly unjustifiable. By 2015 a tube driver ( who takes just six weeks to learn his or her trade) will, for a 35 hour week with generous holidays be getting a package worth £52,000 a year. That is just shocking and cannot be justified.

Crow has extracted such a package by regularly holding Londoners to ransom with strike action which causes misery for us all. And then of course he also launched strike action for purely political purposes, often on days when England were playing a soccer match, so the drivers could see the game.

While trousering £150,000 a year plus grotesque expenses Comrade Crow lived in a council house paying a trivial rent. That meant he was even richer and a really poor person was deprived of social housing. In practice, such was the solidarity this fat, selfish, greedy arsehole showed with the working classes. I apologise for omitting this fact from my earlier piece.

Britain is better off without this blackmailing bastard who grew fat thanks to inflicting misery on the rest of us. While his family may miss him and have my sympathies I would be a hypocrite if did not say that I – and 99% of the population – will not miss him at all.

PS I see that uber-scumbag George Galloway is to write a glowing tribute to Comrade Crow in the Guardian later today.  That says it all.


3887 days ago

If there is to be World War Three – 10 reasons to look on the bright side

Naturally I rather hope that events in the Ukraine do not spiral into World War Three as I rather sense that this really would be the war to end all wars. And everything else. But always seeking solace of a silver lining in every nuclear cloud here are my ten looking on the bright side reasons for cheer.

  1. I do not have to worry about being on the hook for alimony for the next thirty years and any more sniping letters from lawyers.
  2. We can stop panicking about where to house the cats when we go on holiday this summer
  3. I will die vindicated in the belief that all that money the Government spends telling me that smoking will kill me was utterly wasted.
  4. As the planet goes into nuclear winter even the BBC and its sister paper, The Guardian, will stop banging on about global warming caused by man-made carbon emissions.


3890 days ago

Doing what the EU tells me

Mr Björn Kjellström, the head of the UK office of the European Parliament has written to journalists asking us to remind our readers that most laws made today are made not in Westminster but by the Evil Empire.  I am happy to assist Bjorn old boy.

Many on the Euro-poodle wing of the British Press (step forward ghastly old Guardian harridan Polly Toynbee) have for years insisted that most laws are still made in Westminster. Well Polly it looks like even your Evil Empire pals reckon that you were wrong and we Eurosceptics were right all along.

Bjorn states: "Clearly not all citizens are aware that possibly a majority of the laws that have an impact on their daily lives are decided on by MEPs in the European Parliament. That is a democratic problem, and you and other journalists are better placed than anyone to explain what the European Parliament and the European elections are all about."

No Bjorn it is an anti-democratic problem as the EU Parliament just does not reflect the views of most folks in this country.

Anyhow, little people you have been told.

I imagine Bjorn is right now being added to the Christmas card list of Nigel Farage and UKIP



3894 days ago

The Guardian Newspaper Bang on the Money – the British Chambers of Commerce 100% wrong

No folks there is no mistake in the headline. And no, I have not been infected with the mad lefty virus following my brief visit to the Socialist benefits paradise that is Wales. You read it here first: The Guardian has on one issue got it bang on the money, the British Chambers of Commerce is just wrong. The issue is youth unemployment.

I start with the pantomime villains, or should that be clowns, that is the small business organisation. 


3923 days ago

My father writes to the Guardian in Defence of Michael Gove & getting your facts right – the letter the rag did not publish

I do not understand why my father, the other Tom Winnifrith, puts himself through the torture of reading the Guardian since he admits that it is riddled with factual errors and that its opinions are generally idiotic. I think he does it at home to please my rather politically correct step mother before scuttling off to the White Bear to read the Daily Telegraph at leisure and with pleasure. 

But in reading the Grauniad a few weeks ago my father could not help but spot some glaring errors in one of its daily articles lambasting Michael Gove (who naturally has the full support of my father). So my father penned a letter pointing out the basic factual errors in the Guardian diatribe. It goes without saying that the Guardian has neither printed the letter nor corrected the errors. Pravda!

My father’s letter reads: 

Dear Sir or Madam, 

In deriding the unfortunate Mr Gove Michael Rosen refers to Horatio in Lord Macaulay's poem. There seems a little difficulty about the name. Horatio is Hamlet's friend and the first name of Admiral Nelson of whom like Macaulay Michael Rosen presumably learned at school. 

But Macaulay appears to have been studied less thoroughly. His Horatius is not "putting down rebellion" or "hacking away at insubordinate chiefs and their troops" and thus clearly bad like Macaulay putting down the Indian mutiny and those suppressing the Mau Mau rebellion in Kenya.

These are Rosen's analogies but are not very accurate ones. Macaulay's Horatius was fighting the Roman tyrant Tarquin and his foreign Etruscan allies. Should he not have done so? And should not Mr Gove be entitled to defend the teaching of facts against the teaching of attitudes which then distort the facts as Michael Rosen has done.

Even the ranks of Guardian readers can scarce forbear to jeer not at Mr Gove but at Michael Rosen.

Yours faithfully,

Tom Winnifrith



3936 days ago

Happy Birthday to Me – Closer to 50 than 40 as of today

An early birthday present from Carlton Cole and Mark Noble sees West Ham out of the relegation zone but that will not change the fact that I am today 46, closer to 50 than 40. 

I did not expect to be spending this Birthday living in Bristol, married to a Guardian reading Sociology Senior Lecturer or less than 18 months into running a new business. Life is full of surprises.

I have now been working for 25 years and in the old days would now be just 19 years from retirement. For the Mrs – who did a Post Grad - the figures are 16 and 26. So Maybe I shall call it a day at 58 and live off the State (via the Mrs).  I suspect not, work is too much fun. 

My father’s generation expected to retire at 65. My generation? It might be 58 it might be never. The one thing we do know is that it is not an automatic gold watch at 65.

For me a picnic at Chew lake looms followed by a walk with the Mrs and Uncle Chris Booker.. and then back to subbing Zak Mir’s new book. Happy Birthday indeed.


3941 days ago

The Mrs & Her Book Launch – the writing is on the wall.

“Do you want to come to my book launch?”  Said the Mrs yesterday – “It is a week on Friday.” “Wow, of course I do” said I, aware that a book she had co-authored had been published but unaware that there was a full launch with free booze and food on offer. But naturally I am very proud of her for being published.

The Mrs insists that partners are invited but has suggested that I take a laptop in case it all gets a bit too much for me and I have to head off to a quiet room. She is, of course, absolutely right. The title of the book (an impressive tome) is Globalization and Work. I looked inside and spotted an early chapter on “Racism experienced by Indian call centre workers”. Hmmm, get the R word in early. I note that one of her co-authors is a Professor of “Women’s Employment.” I think I get the picture.

I rather sense that I will be the only libertarian capitalist present at this launch and that the correct strategy is to say hello as a supportive partner (partner, not husband since I appreciate that is a term associated with patriarchal exploitation) and then make my excuses and head off to tap out a few words of anarcho-capitalism. It is wiser to leave, undisturbed, the other guests to discuss the exciting leader article on how it was all Thatcher’s fault penned by Polly Toynbee in that day’s edition of The Guardian.


3943 days ago

Prize Caption Contest – The two Ships of Fools in the Ice & Call Me Dave with Foxy Blonde issue

I am sure that for many readers of this blog there have been two highlights of the Christmas News Season. The first came from Call Me Dave Cameron who arranged a photo shoot with a foxy blonde lady who was one of the first to use taxpayers cash to buy a flat under the Government’s Help to Buy scheme ( also known as lets bribe the fools with their own cash by inflating the housing bubble to win the election scheme).

It has since emerged that this bird (Ms Sharon Ray) did not need taxpayer’s cash at all since she drives a £33,000 sports car. Better still, the Estate Agent who pocketed a handy commission for selling the flat to the foxy bird was in fact the foxy bird herself. Great photo op Call Me Dave and I am delighted that my taxes are going to such a worthy cause. 

Only one event trumps this triumph for the heir to Blair and it was the stranding in ice packs of the Russian research vessel Akademik Shokalskiy over Christmas. This ship was carrying 52 passengers (including research scientists and, naturally, reporters from the BBC and its sister paper The Guardian) and was travelling to the Antarctic to investigate how global warming was melting the ice packs.

I would have thought that they would have been more successful had they been trying to find a bunch of Shepherds, three wise men and a virgin in Cardiff City Centre. They would at least have found the shepherds. Antarctic ice is in fact at levels not seen since modern records began. I know that the computer models 


3950 days ago

Owen Jones in my Christmas Stocking – eeeek

Santa (aka the Mrs, formerly known as the Deluded Lefty) included in my stocking a book called “Chavs” by Owen Jones. The Mrs was not fully aware of quite how loathsome Mr Jones is but surely the fact that at the top of the back cover is a quote from Guardian Harridan Polly Toynbee about how wonderful this book is must have been a giveaway.

Toynbee is, as you know, wrong about everything – the Toynbee Rule.

And so the book is dreadful. Mr Jones seems to think that quoting the opinion of some frightful lefty establishes what that frightful lefty believes as a matter of fact. That is even when it has been shown that the factual evidence shows that the views of the frightful lefty in question are just not borne out by hard reality.

I can understand when the students of the Mrs (studying sociology at a former Poly) cite the author of the Spirit Level to demonstrate the “fact” that inequality of wealth causes unhappiness all round. They are just 19 and are not a self-proclaimed one-person think tank for the Left. But when Owen Jones makes the same sort of claim you wonder what fuckwit offered to publish his book? Surely it would have been cheaper to have bought a few essays from her students off the Mrs and republished them?

Jones purports to show how the Middle Classes demonise all working class folks as chavs.


3955 days ago

Chris Patten’s BBC Christmas Carol Part Three

48 hours ago, the chairman of the BBC met the ghost of Christmas Past. If you missed that you can read it HERE

In the second part of the Chris Patten’s Christmas Carol last night, the chairman of the BBC met the ghost of Christmas Present. If you missed that you can read it HERE

The story continues…

After his twice interrupted night the good Lord Christopher Patten, chairman of the BBC, was awakened by a gentle kiss on one of his many chins. Then came another and another. “Lavender” he mumbled but awoke to find that the good Lady Patten was still snoring gently beside him.

Instead Chow Mein’s now near senile successor, named - for some reason - by his staff in Hong Kong as Dim Sum, had managed to clamber onto the four poster bed to wish his master a Merry Christmas. Lord Patten took the hint and, after putting on his ermine dressing gown wandered downstairs, eagerly awaiting the delights of Christmas Day, starting with breakfast.  Quoting to himself the old Chinese motto “a man who has a solid breakfast is built to grow”, Patten rubbed his tummies and thought hard about the first meal of the day.

Breakfast would, as always, be prepared by his faithful eighty year old manservant Cawkwell. For the good Lord was a man of habit. For him merely a “healthy man sized” portion or two of freshly prepared kedgeree made with line-caught haddock and Tuscan organic eggs from the Toynbee estate, followed by locally produced bread lightly toasted ( as only Cawkwell knew how) covered with Honey flown in from Argentina with a healthy bowl of porridge to finish off.

But Cawkwell, or for that matter his breakfast, was nowhere to be seen and so feeling rather peckish the chairman of the BBC wandered into his study where he had a hidden stash of mince pies. These had been craftily concealed from both Dim Sum and Lady Lavender under a stash of printed emails marked “Saville –URGENT action needed now 2009” which he was planning to start reading after Christmas.

Lord Patten looked at the 14 foot tree, decorated last night by Cawkwell while the family watched carols from Kings but something was not right. Rummaging at the foot of the pine


3957 days ago

Friday Caption Contest on a Sunday Edition: The Conservative Club

I am yet to enjoy my formal interview at the local Conservative Club or indeed to find out whether they have fixed the Wi-Fi yet. But with snow forecast the Mrs may well have to grit her teeth again and visit the only boozer which is not down at the bottom of a slippery big hill.

The Mrs are convinced that the blue lights now in the windows of the Club (pictured below) are some sort of political statement. As a BBC watching Guardian reader she might have forgotten that Christmas was on its way. If course she has not! Only kidding.

My father (a deluded lefty) has already decided that faced with cheap beer and a short walk or expensive beer and a long walk he is quite willing to throw principle to the wind when visiting. But then if you have spent the past few years drinking at the White Bear in Shipston-on-Stour with David Mills (Silvio Berlusconi’s friend and once again Tessa Jowell’s husband now that the old bag is quitting front line politics) you will drink with anybody.

Anyhow, are there any suitable captions for the picture of “my club” below

My effort is:


3992 days ago

Friday Caption Contest on a Sunday – Jumaa Kater Saleh Edition

Don’t’ know who Jumaa is yet?  Is that

 a)      Because Theresa May has cracked down on the UK’s insane asylum laws and so there is no problem

b)      Becuase you have not read the sane Sunday press

c)       Because you read the Guardian/Observer/Independent and think that our immigration/legal aid/welfare system is an unmitigated blessing so have not been told about Jumaa?

Ok, to the chase: Jumaa arrived in the UK illegally in 2004 in the back of a lorry. He cannot speak proper English. He has never worked. He has always lived on benefits. And he raped a 13 year old girl and two other minors. He is a paedophile.

So is the UK:

a) putting him in prison for a long time and then sending him back to Sudan because Theresa May has cracked down on the UK’s insane asylum laws?
b) Sending him straight back to Sudan?
c) having jailed him for just two years it is now paying him vast amounts of compensation for keeping him in prison longer as we tried to deport him and thus infringing his human rights?

Guess what? It is c. No kidding. Apparently Jumaa has cost the British taxpayer £350,000 since are arrived here. And Theresa May is useless. Well that second item won’t be news to you.

In honour of this case I ask you for captions to the picture below. Please post your entries in the comments section.


For what it is worth my caption is: 



4028 days ago

Friday Caption Contest on a Monday Edition – Polly Toynbee and the Grim North edition

The highlight of the week was Guardian columnist Polly Toynbee, possibly the most annoying and stupid woman alive today, blaming the 2007 death of Baby P on the wicked Tories. I am sure you can spot the flaw in that pathetic smear.

With that in mind I have arrived in the Grim North, where Labour likes to keep folk poor so that they still support the People’s Party, for a weekend with the in-laws. It has rained solidly since we passed passport control in Leicestershire and so I have not ventured out to check out the poverty porn in great detail. But I guess that all those folks whose welfare payments won’t stretch to buying shoes will be feeling pretty cold, wet and miserable as they troop off to the local to blame everything on Thatcher and the bankers.

Since I am assured that no-one up here bothers getting up before midday I shall pop out tomorrow to have a look around. But in this vein, for this week’s caption contest I ask you to supply a witty few words for the picture below.


4109 days ago

The Royal baby – do I care? And Peter Tatchell who I admire greatly

And so the royal baby is born and I wonder do I really care? Do I understand the hysteria? I have to admit that I just cannot make up my mind on the monarchy although I respect the Old Queen greatly. But more on Peter Tatchell later.

As a meritocrat I can see no earthly reason why I should believe in monarchy. It is an anachronism. However when I consider who we would have had as a head of state had there been no monarch I quickly get out the bunting and start singing God Save The Queen. President Heath? President Kinnock? President Wicked Witch? I will stick with the current set up thank you.

If I am in any doubt as to where I stand I simply look at the terrible deluded and embittered lefties wheeled out by the BBC and The Guardian to celebrate the Royal Birth by saying we should abolish the monarchy. If Polly Toynbee


4111 days ago

The Real Hidden Greece

My comrade Brokerman Dan urges me to read an article in The Guardian about “The hidden Greece – the Cyclades” There are a number of reasons why I shall not do that. And the main one is that this is not the Real Hidden Greece

There is of course the obvious point that anything in the Guardian is by definition rubbish. I cannot think what a sensible fellow like Dan is doing polluting his mind in this way. But then there is the corruption of travel writing.  The economics of travel supplements are thus:
1. Journalists are often flown out by a Tourist board to be taking on a lovely jolly. It is not in their interests to write bad things or they will get few invites so they usually write sycophantic crap.
2. Supplements make money by selling adverts. Any region which has a stack of people able to afford to advertise in the Guardian is by definition not hidden but developed.
As it happens the Cyclades are well work tourist destinations.  So how about this as a “hidden Greece” trip:


4122 days ago

I am pushed out of the closet (again) by Bulletin Board Moron of the week Jellyman 2

Over on the ADVFN Sefton thread it appears that one or two folks have a few bad things to say today about Jim Ellerton and Sefton Resources (SER) following Brokerman Dan’s shocking new revelations (which you can read here) and my own expose which you can read here.

But Sefton has its defenders. Jellyman 2 lashes out at one critic with this post:

To have contempt for je and sefton is fine, IF you are a holder and are loosing ££££'s. But to spout bollox and ridicule people for losing money shows what small minded, lowlife animal fuckers you really are!!!!!! and all because your gay lovers bmd and tw ARE too SCARED to post here.

Cripes. I think I am pretty open minded when it comes to sex. My partner is after all from the Grim North and is a Guardian reader. I mean how frigging tolerant does that make me?

But a gay threesome involving Dan Levi and some unnamed BB poster? Dan is a very nice fellow but there are limits to my metrosexual liberal open mindedness.

But what is it with BB Morons that they think that being gay is some sort of word of abuse? You will remember that some other BB Moron insisted that I spent my life in gay bath-houses (I have never been to one in my life, for the avoidance of doubt).

There is nothing wrong with being gay. It is not an insult. It is not something to be ashamed of. Now outing yourself as a Sefton shareholder on the other hand… yuk. But I suppose Sefton shareholders are adults who have consented to being financially buggered. If that’s what floats their boat…


4122 days ago

Congratulations to the Deluded Lefty – New Job

I am not bright enough to understand exactly what the post entails but my deluded lefty partner had an interview on Monday and has secured a new job. Well sort of. She keeps half her old job and job shares on half a new job at the same institution of learning,

I did read the job description carefully but really cannot figure what it is all about but she is excited so I am happy for her and proud of her.  I think the post is something to do with global citizenship awareness. Whatever.

Her existing line manager tried to suggest that it was not worth bagging the extra money because "what with a 40% tax rate and all of that it did not amount to much". One deluded lefty to another:  “a high marginal tax rate discourages the drive to work hard, to get ahead and to be more productive.” Spot on.

Shall I send both the DL and her line manager an application for to join a political party that believes in lower taxes and details of how they can read the Mail online? Do they now accept that the Guardian and the party of Miliband just do not understand how an efficient and successful economy works?

For both her Damascene conversion to real world economics and for her new posting it is very well done to the deluded Lefty bird who should be arriving here in Greece in just over 60 hours’ time. I cannot wait.


4130 days ago

North Terminal Gatwick Airport – Cripes this is grim

I am terrified of falling asleep lest I wake up to discover that I have missed my 5.30 AM flight. But having said that I wish I was asleep if only to block out the sheer horror that is Gatwick Airport North Terminal. 

Everything bar Costa Coffee is shut. If I have another one of its overpriced cups of poison I shall explode. The free newspaper it hands out is the Independent which these days is almost as unbearable as The Guardian.

It is a 600 yard walk to the nearest smoking zone (a tiny shelter which can fit about 12 people and appears to serve an entire terminal).  

I can amuse myself by writing offensive articles for only so long.  My next excitement is at 3.30 when the check in desk opens. Just 1 hour and 6 minutes to go. I might just have a cigarette as a treat in 33 minutes time, if only to give me something to look forward to.


4132 days ago

George Osborne & the Spending Review – everyone is lying

And so this week George Osborne laid out his plans for how the Government will spend money it does not have over the next few years. The reactions were sadly predictable and the truth is, my friends, that they are all lying.

On the right there was praise for canny George who so cleverly snookered New Labour with populist pledges about tackling welfare scroungers and who is clearly a safe pair of hands to act as custodian of the nation’s finances. Middle England and the Bond markets are meant to be reassured.

On the left the BBC, its sister paper The Guardian and other associated loons continued the post 2010 narrative of wicked Tory cuts, back to the 1930s, blah, blah, blah.

Both sides are lying although it seems that the BBC/Guardian agenda has won as most folks do actually think that Government spending is being cut. It is not.


4153 days ago

Paying my respects to the Guardian cafe

The massively loss making Guardian Newspaper has now opened a (massively loss making) coffee shop in trendy Spitalfields cum Shoreditch. You can view webcontent there - The Guardian only natch. And sip away on fair trade coffee with your fellow members of the deluded lefty middle class. The mousemats have the Guardian logo as does the wallpaper.

At last I know that when I die where I will go. Dante's Inferno has nothing on this. I shall clearly spend eternity having to drink fair trade coffee with deluded folk tutting in sympathy as they read Polly Toynbee's latest outpourings. There would be nothing else to read forever...just the Guardian.

In this trendy neighbourhood the streets were buzzing. Everywhere was packed. Everywhere but....the Guardian coffee shop where I counted seven customers of whom one was less than one years old and so merely a victim of parental abuse. Natch I did not go inside to hand over any of my wicked capitalist dosh but stood outside to pay due respect.


4167 days ago

The Independent Newspaper, Woolwich and Britain’s out of touch liberal elite

I’d never buy The Independent. It is a sorry rag produced by folks at the heart of the Westminster media liberal bubble for an audience of public sector employed middle class deluded lefties. It is almost as loathsome as the Guardian. But the bloke in front of me on the plane is reading it and so I cannot but help marvel at its coverage of the Islamofascist atrocity in Woolwich.

The real victims? Natch it is Britain’s Muslim community “forced” to condemn the attack. No-one is forcing anyone to do anything but it strikes me that if leaders of a particular community find it hard to condemn what was a despicable act there is something badly wrong. It should be a natural reaction to condemn what happened. But heck we all know who the real victims have to be in liberal la la land. Forget the poor bloke hacked to death it is the entire Muslim community.

Nothing sums up how out of touch the liberal media classes are with the rest of us than a small diary story which notes that after News at Ten covered the attack the next commercial break featured an Army recruitment ad. The paper somehow thinks this was unfortunate and will not play well with potential recruits. But then it is not nice middle class Guardian/Indy reading lads who ever sign up to fight for their country. Most of the time such young men seem to support “the other side” or to believe that concepts of Country ( as opposed to EU Super state) are just terribly passé.  

I would sense that among the portions of society who normally supply recruits to the army the determination not to be beaten by an evil enemy will have seen an increase in the number prepared to sign up to fight for Queen & Country.


4195 days ago

Farewell Zakynthos – Am I a snob? Yes

For once I spent my Greek holiday not on the mainland but on an Island. It is not something I plan to make a habit of for reasons that I shall admit to – I guess that I am just an unreconstructed snob. It all started at Gatwick airport last weekend as I waited with my partner in the departure lounge for a flight to Zakynthos. As I surveyed my fellow passengers I noticed a large number who were young, had large numbers of tattoos and various bits of their body pierced, seemed to use the F word in every other sentence and who were loudly discussing how they were going for “the season.” My heart sank.

By the time the flight was passing over Dover my fellow passengers were already drinking. My heart sank some more.

And so to Zakynthos.


4203 days ago

Romany Blythe – Pin Up girl of the parasite class

Romany Blythe ( pictured) is my age, 45, and her 15 minutes of fame have arrived thanks to her organising parties to celebrate the death of Margaret Thatcher. That in itself is horrible. But to understand why Romany is such a nasty piece of work look at the story of her adult life.

There is the fact that although she had a well-paid job as a teacher Islington Council gave her a council flat in a pleasant house – a nice mid terrace Victorian job. She took it. She earned more than my staff but they cannot get such housing as they are not defined as “key workers” – they are just scum from the private sector. We shall see how “key” Ms. Blythe is later.

In June 2006 Miss Blythe bought the leasehold of that flat from Islington Council for £141,000.  To fork out that much she must have been earning a bob or two. So why the f**k did she get a Council flat in the first place? Just four years later she sold the North London property for £298,000. If she had sold it within three years she would have had to repay some cash to the council. Again she took.

A few years earlier Miss Blythe had a boob job on the NHS, again she took.

And now with her new (large) boobs and the money she trousered from the council flat sale she works as a drama teacher with a workshop company that is paid by daft local councils to visit secondary schools. She specialises in ‘facilitating workshops for young, excluded and potentially criminalised individuals and uses drama techniques she has developed to explore resolution of conflict and oppression.’ Sounds a bit different to the three Rs. Basically she poisons the minds of the young and fills their head with crap and the State pays her to do this. She takes again.

This ghastly creature has never generated a cent in wealth for society. She is the sort who believes that the “money tree” can fund a society where all have rights and no-one (except wicked bankers, evil Tories, disgusting capitalists, etc.) has obligations.  She is the pin up girl for the parasite class.

The Romany Blythe’s of this world, Guardian reading members of the middle classes are tied at the hip to the Heather Frost’s – the trash who live as pure welfare parasites from cradle to grave. Both classes have continued to grow in size under this coalition leaving ever fewer folks out there to create the wealth and generate the taxes to pay for it all.  Those who are treated most unfairly in this brave New World are the poor who work and pay tax. They fund folks who do not work ( or who do crap non jobs like Romany) and who then get so much in state hand-outs that they can live in better houses/have a greater disposable income etc. than the workers who pick up the tab.

Margaret Thatcher understood the inequity of this. The heir to Blair, Call Me Dave just does not get it.


4209 days ago

UK Investor Show – I hope that you had fun: a few thoughts

I am still completely wiped out. It is incredibly draining doing presentation after presentation and half way through the post event celebrations I fell asleep (ok I had enjoyed a few drinks as well) but I still feel utterly drained. And so once I have ruined a few other weekends by breaking news of a planning oil company merger involving a well-known name I think I am off to sleep again.

Thanks for the many emails from folks who said that they enjoyed the show. On balance so did I. I thought that the talks were more interesting than for many a year. They have been put on video and so will start to go up from Tuesday in a variety of places. But suffice to say you should register now at to catch many of them.

The location was not ideal. Not least that in order to feed my addiction I had to scrounge a spare packet of Marlboro Light from David Lenigas who had thoughtfully come well supplied. But ADVFN and I know enough now and the show was a success and so we are now planning for UKInvestor 2014. Watch this space – we will announce the date soon.

Highlights for me?

The young man who now writes tips appearing disguised in dark glasses to gain entry (not having booked a ticket). When spotted by Steve Moore, he claimed that he was at Excel to go to the International Cake show down the hall and made a swift exit.  

Nick Leslau and Nigel Wray – optimistic about the UK economy and as a double act far more powerful than as individuals. A lot of wisdom was shared by the pair.

Losing the debate with Richard Poulden once again. I am now 3-2 down but I really will try to do slides next year and stage a comeback.

Mark Slater. The obligatory dirty joke but the quality of his analysis of the markets and of individual stocks (three of which have been tipped by myself and Steve) was incredible.

Nigel Farage – unscripted, lucid, funny and on most issues bang on the money. I had a good chat with him and Chris Booker after the event and he is a very funny and pleasant chap. C Booker’s Thatcher tribute was bang on the money and nailed a number of leftie canards.

Above all I really enjoyed meeting so many of you who attended (particularly, I should say, David from Oxford). Thanks for all the kind words and I hope that you enjoyed the day. On stage I had more fun than I have had for years. I can say what I like these days and I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I actually enjoyed the day in a way that I have not enjoyed MI days for a long time. With the speakers, stand holders and the audience I felt far more at home than I can remember being for years.

The home team from RMPC & ADVFN staging our first show should be thanked, notably John W, Clem, Fiona and especially Mike Hodges and from our side Darren, Nigel, Sarah, Steve, Robert Sutherland Smith and Martha. It was their first run at this, the second time is always easier.

So thank you to all who attended. ADVFN and RMPC starts work on Monday on UK Investor 2014 which will be bigger and different. I hope to see even more of you there then.




PS I should mention one other highlight. The after show pool games. I defeated Andrew Bell of Red Rock. Zak Mir fluked a victory against me. And then it was the final: The UKIP volunteers against myself & Zak. They had been trying to persuade Zak to sign up to UKIP although he is obviously a bit too right wing for them. And so with the prize being that if Zak and I won they would allow him to become the party’s immigration spokesman (Zak’s views are unprintably stern on this matter, making Evil seem like a total Guardian reader) we played.  The bad news for UKIP is that Zak and I won.


4215 days ago

Margaret Thatcher – Judge her by those who celebrate her death

Unrepentant murderer Gerry Adams. Friend of extremists everywhere Ken Livingston. Friend of extremists everywhere and Cypriot property developer Derek Hatton. Workshy welfare funded scroungers having street parties in Brixton and Glasgow. Students at the NUS conference too young to remember Britain in 1979 (or even 1989) and too stupid and lazy to do their homework. Fat cat overpaid officials with unions with no members. Low-life MP (and friend of extremists everywhere) George Galloway. The Guardian Newspaper.

Let us be judged by the company we keep.

I am glad that on this issue as on almost every other issue I disagree vehemently with all of those listed above.


4215 days ago

Margaret Thatcher 1925-2013 – Our greatest ever PM

There will no doubt be wild celebrations in parts of Islington, Bristol and bastions of the Guardian reading Middle Classes tonight.  After a long illness. Margaret Thatcher has died of a stroke today. This death will divide the nation.

I am watching the BBC’s coverage and it ignores her achievements totally. It is spiteful and worthless reporting.  The left will blame her for all sorts of matters and will delight in her demise. Already I see tweets saying “the witch is dead.” Expect a torrent of tasteless and unpleasant comments and myth perpetuation over the coming days. Thatcher had that effect – she polarized opinion.

That the left hated her with such a passion was down to the fact that she delivered so much of what the left claims as its own ground. And so the left claims to represent “women” but Thatcher showed that a woman could rise to the top based on ability and without positive discrimination. The left claims to look after the poor. But whereas Milliband, Brown, Blair etc are all solidly working class, it is the Tories who have delivered the leaders from truly humble origins (Heath, Major and above all Thatcher).

The left keeps its client state poor. Thatcher gave opportunity to that client state to get a better life: to earn more based on work and ,merit by breaking Union power and abolishing collective bargaining; to own their own home via council house sales, to save more by cutting taxes. That was revolutionary and Britain needed a revolution because in 1979 after the Winter of Discontent, Margaret Thatcher took control of a country on its knees: bankrupt and with no sense of national pride. Thatcher faced opposition from a left determined to keep the poor poor and from patrician Tories who did not wish to upset the status quo. Bravely she drove through change in society by ensuring that the State did less not more.

She was not always right. In her early career it was she who did away with large numbers of grammar schools. I suspect she regretted that. She did not stand up to Mugabe in his early years when the mad old kook could have been stopped. Again, I sense that she regretted that. But on the big calls Maggie was right and that is why the Left cannot abide her.

All those Guardian readers celebrating today were, if my age or older, proudly wearing CND badges and trooping off to Greenham during the cold war. Folks like Tony Blair, Paddy Pantsdown and Baroness Ashton may pretend otherwise but the lefties were wrong about how to win the Cold War while Maggie Thatcher and Ronald Regan were right. Many of those same lefties would have caved into the Argies in 1982. Thatcher stood firm, although some of those around her wobbled. For her it was a matter of principle. Thatcher was right about the ERM and the Euro. She was branded an out of touch nationalist for her views but her views were based on pure economics and she was once again right. She was right. The deluded lefties were wrong. History is on squarely her side.

In parts of the North they say that they cannot forgive her for closing the coal mines and other State subsidised rust belt industries. But the same folk lambast today’s politicians for bailing out the banks. Thatcher understood that there is no such thing as the Government’s cash. There is money paid over by the taxpayer and that cash cannot be wasted. Subsidising an industry which just cannot make a profit, whatever the industry is waste. It is taking money from those who are creating wealth and paying it to others who are not. Whether the recipients are bankers or miners Thatcher understood that such an action was wrong.

Today’s conservatives do not dare cut Government spending or taxes or foreign aid because they are afraid of being confrontational. They have forgotten what principle means. Thatcher never forgot principle and based every decision about it.

Margaret Thatcher was without doubt the bravest politician of the 20th century. She was without doubt the most principled politician of our lifetime. She was a truly amazing woman. And she was right about almost everything.

To celebrate any death shows that you have no heart.  We should pity those who celebrate the passing of Margaret Thatcher. This woman shaped the lives of a generation. She saved the UK from the bankruptcy and humiliation of the 1970s. She engineered a renaissance of Britain which all of her successors have done their best to dissipate.

Our greatest leader, Margaret Thatcher 1925-2013 RIP


4222 days ago

How liberals (deluded lefties US style) argue - great video

I am not sure how I stumbled across this but it is a very funny political comedy video from the US. And most of it applies very much to the UK as well. If you have ever had an argument with a Guardian reader you will know what I mean


4230 days ago

25 Years On…Happy Anniversary to My father and Step Mother

And so I found my way to Oxford on Saturday to a party at the house of my sister Naomi to celebrate the 25th Wedding Anniversary of my father and step mother and also my father’s 75th birthday next week. My father and step mother are actually second cousins and eons ago when she was an undergraduate at Oxford and he a post graduate he took her to the Opera as a cousin-friendly gesture. 26 years ago they met for the first time in 20 years at the wedding of another mutual cousin. He took her to the opera again and within nine months they were getting married in Malmesbury, Wiltshire.

It was a lovely sunny and warm March day. Ireland won a six nations match that day and I mentioned that in my best man’s speech. After 25 years of global warming we gathered to celebrate that day as the snow fell heavily in Oxford. It was my father and Helen’s oldest friends (a group he refers to as the Coffin Dodgers) plus my sisters (and husbands) and my step sisters and brother, young Tom. I am middle Tom. My father is big Tom.

I was banned from mentioning certain subjects in a gathering where I suspect myself and step sister Flea (pictured below) were the only non-Guardian readers.

It was a deluded lefty hothouse. And so I bit my lip and did not say to everyone how many inches of global warming was falling in the garden or raise any other controversial issues like, er… everything I believe in. And so conversation


4247 days ago

RIP An Old Friend - Why I have written little for 24 hours

There were two reasons why I have not written a word for ages. One is Sefton and you can read about that here, the other is the death of an old friend. I refer to my laptop – the one that has gone everywhere with me for five years, lived in a rucksack as I travelled around Greece last summer and was so worn that only 10 letters were still even partially visible on my keyboard.

Yesterday evening as I finished my work with my prime lawyer, I tried to restart my old friend. It just refused. It is now an ex-Computer. And I now tap away on a new machine. It uses Windows 8 which is bloody annoying and I keep being directed to screens in which I have no interest at all. I am even being encouraged by it to read articles from the frigging Guardian.

I am sure that I will get used to it but pro tem work is painfully slow. For that reason and for the day wasted by Sefton there is no midweek Tomograph this week. Normal service will resume at the weekend.


4264 days ago

The BBC on strike – how it changed my Day

Austerity is for other people. Overpaid workers on generous pension schemes with long holidays and absenteeism rates you would never see in the private sector working in an inefficient way do not think that they have to suffer with the rest of us. Yup, staff at paedo central, the biased BBC are on strike today protesting about redundancies. This is an organisation that can often send three different news teams (radio, national TV and regional TV) to cover the same event but the bleating journalists say that paring back the payroll will compromise quality. Yeah …right.

So how has it affected your life today? For me:

1. Had I felt a craving for biased news coverage explaining all about wicked Tory cuts I would have been forced to go and buy a copy of the BBC’s sister publication the Guardian. Somehow I felt no such craving.

2. Had I tuned in I would have had to suffer even more repeats than normal. Again I resisted the urge.

3. Stephen Fry still appeared on about 90% of the programming it is just that some of those shows were repeats. The witty asides about 50 shades of lubricating jelly were probably no funnier the second time around.

4. Had I wanted my daily seven fixes of Polly Toynbee appearing on various BBC shows on various channels explaining how the Tories were so beastly to her comrades in the working classes I would have been disappointed as she showed solidarity by staying away from the BBC today. Since no other channel will give the old haridan airtime we have had a Toynbee free day on the small screen. I cannot say that I or the small screen was any the poorer for that.

On balance, why doesn’t the BBC just make all its staff redundant, save the taxpayer £4 billion a year and life can go on like this forever?


4264 days ago

Will Ed Miliband Celebrate the Death of Margaret Thatcher?

Imagine what the BBC or its sister paper The Guardian would say if a Tory or UKIP politician was seen next to a t-shirt looking forward to the death of an icon of the left: Tony Benn, Dennis Healey or perhaps Nelson Mandela. There would be immediate calls for resignations and public grovelling.

For those of us on the right, our iconic figure is Margaret Thatcher yet it is deemed perfectly acceptable in some quarters to look forward to her demise. The Labour candidate in the Eastleigh by-election has (shamefully) admitted that he was sorry that the IRA did not kill her in the Brighton bomb. And so this little snap of Labour leader Ed Miliband posing with a Labour supporter emerges.

Ed, I believe in free speech so this dickhead can wear what he likes. But just to clarify matters for me: do you look forward to the death of our greatest ever Prime Minister? Do you believe that those who admit to doing so publically have a place in the Labour party? Easy questions.


4264 days ago

The Vile Loathsome holocaust trivialising bigots of the Left @occupylocalgovernment

A twitpic is being sent out this morning by these wankers of the left @occupylocalgovernment – “ Poundland macht frei”

Arbeit macht frei was the sign above the doors of Auschwitz. More than a million Jews, gays and lefties were sent there either to be killed or to work as slaves until they died.

Poundland is a reference to Caitt Reilly, the geology student who thinks she has a right to sit on her fat arse on benefits until she finds a job of choice. The Government thought it better she work for benefits ( at Poundland) as this was a) fair and b) made her more her more employable ( she now has a job at Morrison’s. She was no slave, She did not face death. She was not persecuted on grounds of beliefs, sexual orientation or religion.

That @occupylocalgovernment believes that lardarses can sit on welfare declining jobs they do not like is their call. I disagree but believe in free speech. But to trivialise what happened at Auschwitz in this way is beneath contempt and show these folks for what they are: Vile loathsome bigots of the left.

If a Tory or UKIP official used Auschwitz imagery to make a political point the Guardian, the BBC and the left would be baying for blood. But for deluded lefties this is just seen by the bien pensants as clever artwork. I see it as the loathsome and offensive work of bigots with time on their hands.


4270 days ago

Generate your own inane Guardian comments for free

My attention is drawn to a new website designed to assist those who read The Guardian and are stuck for suitable comments to post in its online section. This is obviously not a problem I’d ever face for two reasons but for the deluded middle class lefties in my family ( ie everyone bar myself and little step sister Kitty, I mean Flea) it could be invaluable. I offer you the first three random generated comments I got as a taster of what is on offer:

My holiday home in Provence is hardly a luxury! Why are the cis-sexual backlash movement intent on oppressing my right to fair-trade cocoa? Free Gaza now!

I was just the other day updating my blogroll on my iPad 4 when I realised. I would rather vote for the BNP than let my three year old eat anything sold in Asda! Unless we send out a clear message to the Bob Diamonds and Howard Schultz’s of this world they will never learn.

We were chatting over a coffee, simple filter, not Nescafe (baby-killers) and started to think out loud. The salt-of-the-earth type jobs some of my primary school classmates ended up in just don’t exist any more. It’s time for the working class to fight back

Try it for yourself HERE


4289 days ago

Breaking News: Deluded Middle Class Lefties and Tory Toffs screw the plebs and Tesco in Shipston

An excited email arrives from my deluded lefty step mother Helen (sister of Tory Toff Sir George Young) – Stratford Council in Warwickshire has tonight thrown out plans for a big Tesco on the edge of Shipston-on-Stour. The unholy alliance of deluded Middle class lefties and the Tory Toffs has won.

And so there will no new jobs created for the plebs on the council estates. The residents of Shipston will continue to be served by two Co-ops that are not that cheap and have a limited choice as well as by the two butchers where the Tory Toffs and my dad can buy pheasant, quail, expensive lamb and pork and not care about paying over the odds because they can afford it. The plebs who were hoping for a place to get a wide choice of cheap Turkey twizzlers will be disappointed.

So no jobs and no choice of cheap turkey twizzlers for the plebs. No planning gain which would have created some affordable and rented housing for the plebs. The articulate middle class lefties and Tory Toffs have won the debate and can still choose which butcher to buy their quail from and life goes on. The Tory Toffs are naturally wicked and hate the poor. We all know that. The deluded Middle class lefties are tonight celebrating preserving the “community” and “diversity” of this small market town. But it is a community that many folks are financially excluded from. It is a diversity the plebs cannot afford to enjoy.

It has made my step mother very happy. That makes me happy. But it was the wrong result for those at the bottom of the heap. Capitalism could have assisted them. When capitalism is blocked to preserve the vested interests of those who are affluent it always makes the poor poorer.

As a non Guardian reader I am not meant to care about the plebs. That is meant to be the preserve of deluded middle class lefties. But in reality….


4309 days ago

Friday Caption Contest: Piss off Argentina Edition

If there are any readers of the tax dodging, paedophilia endorsing, Argie loving Guardian reading this blog they may enter this week’s caption contest if they wish. But I warn them now that entries such as “brave anti imperialist campaigner President Fernandez is awarded a prize for delivering economic success by following the teachings of Ed Balls” will not win.

I am sure that regular readings can come up with better captions to the picture below. The most apt caption will win a Piss off Argentina T-shirt.

I know that two readers (Jon and Chris) were wearing their shirts with pride today as was I. If you wish to buy your own T-shirt ( or mug) you can do so at my online store here.

For what it is worth my entry is: “ Following her successful implementation of an economic policy devised by the Greek Government Argentine President Fernandez is handed a one way plane ticket to a destination selected by her adoring public back home.”

I am sure you can do better. Post your entries in the comments section below.

Last week I asked you for suitable captions to a picture containing a photo of Britain’s two least wanted men.


4309 days ago

Britain’s £27 million in Foreign Aid to the Frigging Argies, I just Despair

I would scrap all Foreign Aid tomorrow as most of the cash is wasted, few poor folks benefit and Bankrupt Britain cannot afford to piss away £11 billion a year. In the greater scheme of pissing away cash £27 million is not a lot but to hand that money to the frigging Argies who are demanding that we hand over British Land lived in by British Citizens (viz the Falklands) just fills me with the despair.

Of the £27 million, £20 million is our slug of a£450 million loan from the IMF. That the Argies need an IMF bailout at tall shows why its demented President Fernandez is sabre rattling: because under her stewardship the economy has gone down the pan. But why Bankrupt Britain should have to bail the old trout out is beyond me. But it gets worse.


4311 days ago

Piss off Argentina and your tax dodging pals at the Guardian

The Argentine economy is going down the toilet. Inflation is 25%, growth is slowing fast and workers are protesting on the streets. In large part this is down to the misguided policies of the Botox-loving President Fernandez. In order to deflect attention from her own incompetence the silly cow is once again stoking up a row over the ownership of the Falkland Islands where a plebiscite this year will show that 99% of the sheep shaggers wish to stay British.

Her latest ruse is to waste Argie Government cash by taking out an advert in a British paper which makes huge operating losses from spouting piffle for its dwindling readership of ageing deluded lefties and whose (profitable) parent company is one of the smartest tax dodgers going. I refer, of course, to the Guardian. Both Argentina and the Guardian can piss right off.

Britons settled in the Falklands when they were deserted since the European political elite who rule the artificially created country that is Argentina were, at that time, too busy exterminating native Indians


4315 days ago

Reading v West Ham: Match Preview

Will Reading get relegated this season? Is paedophilia a national sport in Belgium? Do sheep get nervous when they cross the border into Wales? Is the Guardian a paper fit only for lighting fires with and using in the cat’s litter tray? Is the Pope a Catholic? Of course Reading (and QPR) are going down.


4320 days ago

I am sorry about Newtown but Guns Save Lives

In the wake of the dreadful slaughter of the innocents at Newtown Connecticut the response of the liberal left has been to argue for tighter controls on gun ownership. In bankrupt Britain the usual suspects at the Guardian and BBC say “is it not time that America caught up with us and banned gun ownership as we did after Dunblane?” In the US, Obama and the other liberals want to go down the British route. They are all wrong. Guns save lives.

One can play whatever games you want with statistics. But here are a few.


4325 days ago

Being on welfare is NOT a job

And so it is suggested by some in the Tories that those on welfare should not get cash but a card which would allow them to buy anything they wanted except booze, cigarettes and Sky TV. Deluded lefties are bleating that this is demeaning for hardworking folks who are just temporarily out of work and that the Tories thus hate the working class. Bollocks.

If you are temporarily out of work you will get another job. You then get off welfare and then start paying taxes. At which point you will resent that cash going to folk on welfare who spend it on luxuries. Welfare is meant to be a safety net not a way of life. It is not a job.

If you plan on being unemployed for a long time or forever that is fine. Well it is not actually. But I cannot see why


4331 days ago

My Family of deluded Lefties Shipston Update

I am again engaged on family matters and so sitting in Shipston with my father. He is aware that i am about to report back on today’s deluded lefty activities from my family. They are (with the glorious exception of little step sister Flea) utterly deluded.

We will shortly light the fire here. It is freezing. My Dad trousers his pensioner’s winter fuel allowance but amid a heated debate about global warming the actual heating is never switched on. I have tweaked the dial without telling him. It is still freezing. And so yesterday’s Guardian will once again start its useful life in a few minutes with Toynbee’s gibberish and the rest going up in smoke.

But there is, I am proud to reveal, another useful purpose for the BBC’s sister publication.


4332 days ago

Sterling - No Grounds for Optimism

The chancellor’s Autumn statement was spun by the Tory Party and its supporters in the press as a bit of a triumph. George Osborne was helped by the fact that the riposte from New Labour came from Ed Balls who is nor an impressive orator, appears to have a minimal grasp of his subject and who was part of the Treasury team which created many ( but not) all of the balance sheet issues that Bankrupt Britain faces. But the Tories should not kid themselves – Osborne has not delivered.

Since 1971 Sterling has lost c99% of its value against Gold. To be fair the dollar has lost 98.4% of its value too. The great experiment with the printing press has had a rather predictable result but the weakness of Sterling against not only gold but other paper currencies has been marked. This is a reflection of the fundamental economic problems the UK faces. And the biggest of those problems remains that Government spending is quite simply out of control, notwithstanding two years of “austerity Britain.”

For three years every State employee, student, Guardian reader and welfare recipient has bleated on about the wicked Tories and how they are slashing State spending


4337 days ago

Deluded Middle Class Lefties in the West Impoverishing Poor People in the Third world

Amongst too many young folks, the Guardian/BBC liberal elite and the “occupy” movement and its supporter’s Western companies operating factories in the third world are villains. They pay folks “peanuts” to produce IPods that the workers cannot themselves afford to buy. How terrible.


4339 days ago

Ha! Christian Aid: Gotcha – you called the wrong Mr T Winnifrith on the £2billion day

My Guardian reading father is an incredibly generous contributor to Christian Aid. But still they want more. It is after all better to give than to receive and they are just helping to save his soul. And so once a week he gets a call asking him to up his contribution. Bad luck Christian aid. My father is at a funeral and so when you called today and asked for Mr T Winnifrith I replied truthfully that they were speaking to Mr T Winnifrith and…


4340 days ago

IQE – A world leader from Wales (there has to be one)

Like a capitalist-supporting article in the Guardian or a Gordon Brown appearance in Parliament, AIM-listed IQE plc (LSE:IQE) is a rarest of things – in its case a Welsh world leader in an economic space. The company is a leading global supplier of advanced ‘wafer’ products and services to the semiconductor industry – which then utilises them in the chips which comprise the key components of high-technology systems. Having taken a healthy profit on the shares in August 2010, I re-recommended them at 24.75p in February of this year on t1ps, the website I departed in September having edited it for the 12 years since its launch in 2000. Following a contract announcement today the share price is 27p and the following reviews this announcement and the investment case from here…


4340 days ago

Sale of Auto Trader shares to Fund Guardian losses – Will Danny Alexander start a boycott over tax avoidance?

The Guardian has announced that it is to sell the 50% of AutoTrader that it does not own for £600 million. This is the part of the group where revenues are growing, which makes profits, which people want to read and which could be described as the “family silver” as opposed to the newspaper itself where sales are falling , losses are made, where Polly Toynbee et al produce unreadable piffle and which can be described as “offensive crap.”

The Guardian is, as you know, very keen on evil capitalists, scumbag rich people, Tories and other untermenschen paying more and more tax. It also takes great steps to ensure that it pays as little tax as possible. So on this windfall gain of £600 million what rate of tax do you reckon the Grauniad will pay?


4342 days ago

Selectively Despising Teachers and Social Workers

Most teachers are good and capable. These days there are also very well paid. And they get annual leave some of us can only dream of. I am prepared to believe that many social workers are also good folks. I do not actually have any evidence for this but I am a charitable fellow so will give these Guardian reading losers the benefit of the doubt. But it is clear that in both professions there are a good number who are what one might term “underachievers.” Perhaps one could go further and argue that some in both professions are just downright incompetent and also misguided deluded lefties who put political dogma ahead of the needs of the kids they are meant to look after.


4346 days ago

Top of the Pops – Hamas Style

Thanks to my pin up girl Melanie Phillips for the lead on this. This is for those who argue that either Hamas wants peace or that it and Israel are morally equivalent. The truth is that Hamas wants a one state solution, a final solution. It wishes to destroy Israel which is why ship loads of rockets are currently on their way to Gaza from the Islamofascist Republic of Iran.

The last ceasefire started in January 2009, it took three years and thousands of rocket attacks on Israel before she retaliated.

Hamas are Jew haters bent on genocide. Watch top of the pops from the Hamas TV station Aqsa TV and please explain why I am wrong?

First up ( from before the ceasefire) is that little ditty:

‘Killing Jews is worship that draws us close to Allah’.


4348 days ago

Sad Git West Ham supporters I despise – but the climate does not deter anti-semitism

Not only did my beloved West Ham lose at arch rivals Spurs but some of the travelling West Ham supporters engaged in patently anti-Semitic abuse. I think you know my views on Spurs ( intense dislike) but also on anti Semitism ( rabid dislike). My mind is filled with various thoughts.

I know what will have been said or rather hissed. There is a hissing noise mean to be reminiscent of the gas chambers. Adolf Hitler is Coming for you – a variant of Tottenham Hotspur we’re coming for you, will have been chanted. I remember hearing “There’s only one Adolf Hitler” being chanted at a Spurs game a long time. I cringed with shame.


4350 days ago

I give you the email address for Rotherham Stasi child snatcher chief Joyce Thacker

My hope is that on Monday morning Joyce Thacker will be clearing her desk at Rotherham, fired without compensation for removing kids from foster parents just because those parents voted UKIP. My guess is that either she will not be fired at all or will resign with a vast payoff. That is the way the State sector operates. No responsibility just gravy all the way: success or failure.

Assuming that she is still at her desk I have sent her an email with my thoughts. I hope that every one of you does the same

Her email address is [email protected]

My email reads:


You are a disgrace. My hope is that you are fired before you read this but if not here are a couple of articles I wrote about you this weekend

Thought crime in Rotherham Social Services 2012 (1984 is finally here) – the UKIP Foster parents .

Joyce Thacker: Rotherham’s Sour Faced Stasi Leader & the UKIP Foster parents scandal .

Since they do not appear in the Guardian your might have missed them. I would not want you to miss out.

Best wishes

Tom Winnifrith.

PS. If you do get a huge payoff as a reward for your utter failure and crass stupidity I suggest that you renivest £4.25 of it in a new e-book published yesterday on the increasingly authoritarian state of the UK today. It really is very funny and makes a good point or two. “Letters from the Chestnut Tree Cafe, Though crime in Britain and Greece, 1984 is finally here“ can be ordeerred direct from publisher Harriman House HERE.

I wonder how big Thacker’s email inbox will be by Monday?


4350 days ago

Thoughtcrime in Rotherham Social Services 2012 (1984 is finally here) – the UKIP Foster parents

Whether Rotherham Social Services is run by incredibly stupid folks or human beings created by genetically modifying former members of the Stasi with Guardian reader genes does not matter – either is a scandal. The case of the UKIP foster parents marks another sad landmark in the death of free England.

By way of background I have never been to Rotherham but I gather that this grim Northern town has suffered far more than its fair share of child abuse scandals. And so you would have thought that finding a pair of responsible foster parents would be a dream for its hard pressed social services department. Step forward an un-named couple in their late 50s who live in a neat detached house in a village in South Yorkshire. The husband was a Royal Navy reservist for more than 30 years and works with disabled people, while his wife is a qualified nursery nurse.

These are socially caring folk who for seven years have taken in kids of all races and been praised for being fantastic foster parents. Their record of work and service should provide the poor kids with role models and stability. They have had an exemplary record over 12 placements.

Until the other week they were looking after three kids, a baby girl, a boy and an older girl, who were all from an ethnic minority and a troubled family background. The three thrived. The baby put on weight and the older girl even began calling them “mum and dad”.

But then the Stasi arrived and said that they had received an anonymous tip-off that they were members of Ukip.


4351 days ago

Gaza: Peace in Our Time. Bullshit (I fear) with normal vile BBC spin

Radio Four’s Today programme reported on Thursday morning that the “ceasefire in Gaza had largely held overnight.” Well what does it actually mean by that? On the Israeli side not a single shot was fired. Back in the Islamofascist state of Gaza the first rocket heading towards Israel went off exactly 34 minutes AFTER the breakout of peace in our time. By the time Radio 4 broadcast this canard, 15 rockets had landed on Israel. So by “largely held” what the biased BBC actually means is that the Israelis kept to their word but the Gazans fired only 15 rockets whereas they normally average about double that overnight.”

Just imagine how the BBC would have reported it had Hamas not fired any rockets but the Israelis had dropped a couple of bombs. Would it have been “largely held” or a rant about how the fucking Jews were war mongering bastards whose word could not be trusted and had no desire for peace? Next stop for Bibi Netanyahu a war crimes tribunal in the Hague. What do you think?


4352 days ago

Trapped in Warwickshire by Global Warming

Remember a few years ago when the BBC and the newspapers were full of pictures of dry riverbeds across England? It was all down to global warming and was a foretaste of what was to come. Yup. Having come up to Warwickshire on unexpected family business I was this morning keen to make my escape to Bristol by train. But arriving at Moreton in the Marsh station I was told that flooding meant there were no trains from Worcester to Bristol or Swindon to Bristol.


4353 days ago

The Guardian Newspaper has its uses...well one anyway (honest!)

I am staying with my father for a few days looking after him as my step mother is off in London to see wicked Uncle George. As I have noted before my family (little step sister Flea excluded) are a bunch of deluded lefties and so the paper delivered here every day is The Guardian. Imagine my horror at seeing Polly Toynbee’s face staring at me across the breakfast table in the morning.


4353 days ago

Pallywood and the bloodied Palestinian Baby – You could not make it up

The Pallywood lies get better by the second. For today, lets go to Canada where the “Palestinian Association of Hamilton” (Ontario) held a rally to protest against the vile Israeli violence rained down on the peace loving people of Gaza. In order to attract supporters they sent out a flyer showing a picture of an innocent little Gazan kid covered in blood after the fucking Jews bombed his family home. You could cry. It was so touching.

The blurb on the flyer stated “ Israel has launched another offensive against the people of Gaza. In 2009 during “Operation Cast Lead” the Israelis killed more than 1400 Palestinian civilians of which a third were children. They appear determined on replicating that brutality.

Naturally the deluded lefties of the Western press gave the rally widespread coverage buying the line about a one sided conflict.

Unfortunately, it has now emerged that “the innocent Palestinian baby” in is fact an innocent Israeli baby bloodily injured by Palestinian rockets in the Hamas attack on Kiryat Malachi.

Whoops a daisy. No apologies from the media that covered this lie. But it gets better still. Far, far better.


4357 days ago

Hamas and Israel Not Morally Equivalent – the wretched bias of the BBC and others

On this website some posters who I respect greatly have suggested that Hamas and Israel are morally equivalent. That is, I think naive. Others like the BBC pretend that Israel is the “guilty party” which is just wicked. Let us be clear about is there are a number of clear differences between the actions and motives of the two sides.

1. Israel is committed to a two state solution. Hamas is committed to a final solution. A one state solution not involving Israel. Its charter states as much. Its leaders talk openly of sweeping the pesky Jews into the sea.

2. Israel fires rockets from clearly identified and isolated military positions (usually the sky) targeting military figures in order to protect its civilians. Hamas fires rockets targeting, in an utterly indiscriminant sense, Israeli civilians and using its own civilians as military shields.


4360 days ago

Why does the West’s liberal elite deny Israel the right of self defence?

For once the BBC and the Guardian do not stand in the dock alone. It seems as if the entire Western liberal elite and press corps are united in condemning the wicked Jews, oops they meant to say Israel, for taking out Ahmed Said Khalil al-Jabari today. Old Said was the head of the military wing of the Islamofascist Hamas organisation that runs the Gaza strip today and thanks to a precise strike from the Israeli Defence Forces he is now on a one way ticket to hell.

I support the brave IDF 100% and am this evening celebrating the death of this bigoted murderer. It seems that deluded lefties across the planet have a different view.

The BBC coverage stands out for its extreme bias. No surprises there. On its website today the lead story reports:


4361 days ago

Jake Berry MP, Tory Moron and Guardian writer

What the hell is a Conservative Party MP doing writing in the Guardian? Surely he must be aware that sister paper of the BBC is the spawn of Beelzebub? Apparently Jake Berry, who represents Rossendale & Darwen ( where is that?) is happy to sup with the Devil and has published a long piece arguing that the Government should ensure that those living in Social housing get access to broadband at low – or even no – cost. Er….

So let me get this straight Jake: you and I work hard (well you are an MP but I will give you the benefit of the doubt) to earn money on which we pay tax so that folks living in housing subidised by those taxes, usually entirely dependent on benefits paid for by those taxes, now get to play computer games on the Internet all day thanks to my taxes as well. Fab. Sounds like a really great idea. Not.

The moronic Berry opines


4361 days ago

France & the Nutella Tax – Crackpot Socialism at its best as bankruptcy looms ever closer

Under its super crackpot socialist loon of a New President Frances Hollande France is going bust even more quickly than bankrupt Britain. As such, nothing the Froggies do should surprise you. In France government spending is already 56% of GDP (OECD average 46%) The debt to GDP ratio at the end of 2011 was 85.8% and with a whopping budget deficit it is rising fast. 90% is the point at which debt stifles growth – a point of no return. Pretty soon you get to 120% and you are Greece.

So faced with a country going bust and spending too much what does a Socialist do? Yes, of course. He spends more. And he pays for it by a) borrowing, while he can and b) by imposing new taxes. And this brings us to the great Nutella tax. According to France 24, the latest wheeze from the loons comes in the form of an attempt to hike taxes by 300 percent% on a key ingredient in Nutella. A bill to push through the tax was adopted by a Senate commission and heads to the National Assembly this week for review.

The key ingredient is palm oil which comprises about 20% of Nutella. So how do the Froggies justify this tax hike?


4361 days ago

George Osborne puts gay Marriage at the centre of the next Tory Manifesto, forget the EU or the Economy they must be “fringe” issues.

Post the defeat of Romney it was inevitable that “modernisers” within the Tories would draw the conclusion that the way to win in 2015 is to be more socially liberal. And so today George Osborne insists that the “nice” Conservative Party will put gay marriage at the centre of its next election manifesto. Oh saints preserve me. I think I am emigrating.

As a social liberal I actually support gay marriage as well as legalising drugs and a whole raft of other measures which would horrify traditional Tories. If gays want to sign up for marriage with a one in three chance of an acrimonious divorce to follow why not allow them that right? But do I really regard it as a key issue? Does anyone outside certain metropolitan circles (where they are never going to vote Tory anyway) regard it as a key issue, one that should be central to a manifesto? I doubt it.


4362 days ago

Africa’s Hitler (Mugabe) steals $2 billion and still gets £80 million of YOUR cash

We all know that the UK foreign aid budget is a costly disgrace this country cannot afford. Across Africa our money is allowing tyrants to rob their people with the aid we pump in a real disincentive to reform. We help no-one with our efforts but Call Me Dave is so desperate to be seen as “nice” that he keeps on writing cheques. Well Mr Cameron please explain Zimbabwe to me.

A report out today from Partnership Africa Canada, a member of the Kimberley Process, the world regulatory body on the diamond trade, says that Mugabe and his cronies have stolen $2 billion from the Marange diamond fields which lie within his country. That $2 billion has been looted over a period of six years so let’s call that $330 million a year. Funds from diamond sales of that order should have shown up in the State Treasury but have not. They have, of course, headed off to Switzerland. Mugabe says that the report is false. The authors of the report say that the $2 billion number is a “conservative estimate” and it appears that Hitler’s own finance minister Tendai Biti backs up the claims from PAC.

Now what does this tell us? Well first a quick word about Hollywood, deluded lefty celebs and the film Blood Diamond starring Leonardo di Caprio.


4365 days ago

Going on Strike soon: Spain, the Guardian, The Tube Drivers – I stand with you comrades.

The Greek General strike has come and gone. A few riots, a few more businesses closed than usual but no real change. Unemployment creeps up. The 4th Reich imposes more austerity and society falls apart. And so as the workers ( or in the case of Greece, non-workers) of the world unite who is next to strike? For a range of reasons I urge some of the lead candidates to go ahead – comrades I stand along side you.

Starting with the poor oppressed editorial team at The Guardian newspaper – average salary no idea but with some highly paid columnists (Polly Toynbee on £300,000) pushing up the mean. My guess is that most of the writers on the Guardian are on £50,000 plus and heck you do not get to live in Islington and Camden if you are on the minimum wage.


4366 days ago

Slashing the Deficit by “cutting tax evasion” – The sums do not add up

A decent man asks me why I do not focus on cutting tax evasion to slash the deficit and save the UK from bankruptcy? Fair point. But I am afraid that the sums do not add up. If only life was that simple. Deluded lefties often confuse tax evasion with tax minimization and that is the problem. The former means breaking the law. It is wrong. The latter means using the system to your maximum advantage in order to pay as little tax as possible and it is neither illegal nor wrong. Why should you pay more tax than you should on money you earn?


4366 days ago

The Frigging Puritans at Google – Please Burn in Hell

We carry adverts on this site and I’d like to thank those companies who back us. But we also applied to run ads via Google and right now Google has just said that they will not because our content is unacceptable on two grounds: gambling and adult content. So we are ranked with the porn sites. This is laughable and my express wish this morning is that the puritans at Google burn in hell. Here’s why this is such a joke.

In its email Google states that

Currently, only Google ads that we classify as family-safe are available through the AdSense program. We’ve found adult content on your site.


4368 days ago

Obama v Romney, Man United v Chelski – I want BOTH to lose but on balance I go for ...

After 6 billion dollars and what seems like an eternity of evasion and unfulfillable promises America must decide today whether to re-elect President Obama or to replace him with Mitt Romney. What a god awful choice. It is just like Manchester United versus Chelski, you want both teams to lose. But after another evening with deluded lefties I think I have now decided who I want to lose less.

Rating the two men on a number of issues is a pretty thankless task but here goes on what matters to me.


4368 days ago

EU spending your money to transfer jobs away from the UK – The Ford madness

Britain is one of the four largest contributors to the European Investment Bank, a bank owned by the EU itself which lends money to promote jobs and growth in EU countries and, bizarrely, to those just outside the EU borders as well. Those who think that increasing the amount the UK hands over to the Evil Empire each year need to read on as this tale is a disgrace.


4369 days ago

Deluded Lefties and the Union Flag

Hell’s teeth I wave the Irish Tricolour at a sporting event and so I am not sure why it upsets me when folks say that the Union Flag has only recently become acceptable. I think it is a matter of who says it but also that it is so patently wrong. Saturday saw another encounter with folks who are without doubt good people. Nice people. But also, utterly deluded academic lefties. And I lost my temper. The Union Flag has always been “acceptable” to most people in this country. Indeed for most folks it has been – quite rightly – a source of pride.

The thesis of the Guardian reading classes is that somewhere along the line the red, white and blue was high jacked by extreme right wingers of the National Front and BNP and thus became a flag that could not be flown with pride. It was only somewhere between Austin Powers and Cool Britannia (1997) and Mo Farah, the Queen’s Jubilee (2012) that it once again became universally acceptable.

On Saturday, the thesis of the left was pushed even further


4369 days ago

How to Get Fired so that you can get Benefits – Blood Boiling Moment

Just a brief insight into the mindset of those who will ultimately destroy the West: the publication of a new book “How to Get Fired So You Can Collect Benefits.” This book is published by Revolutionary Books the firm that brought you such winners as A Pig Named Wall Street, and Confessions of an alcoholic who put down the bottle for revolution – a book that apparently contains the confessions of a citizen who overcame their alcoholism for the sake of the community, the people, the Revolution. If you are looking for further reading…

How about, The Anti Upper Class Fact Book. Apparently this book features 500 facts about the upper class. These facts will show the moral and psychological corruption of the wealthy.


4371 days ago

Deluded Guardian Journalist of The Month – EU Nutcase John Palmer

The winner of October’s Deluded Guardian Journalist of the Month was by universal acclaim David Leigh who argued that all internet users should pay a poll tax to subsidise loss making newspapers like, er…The Guardian. I am not waiting another 27 days to call November’s winner. Unless Polly Toynbee comes up with a real corker, the prize has to go to John Palmer who argues that the 6.8% budget increase for the EU is not enough. It needs to be more.. Saints preserve us.


4375 days ago

Lunch with Contra Man

No I did not lunch with a bearded, extremely right wing, Nicaraguan freedom fighter. But with a bearded, extremely right wing, English freedom fighter (living in France). I refer to the publisher of my forthcoming book “The wit and wisdom of Viagra man”, Stephen Eckett of Harriman House. Over for a short holiday Stephen took me to a delightful pub (the Crossed Guns) near where his parents live. The pub overlooks an aqueduct which carries the Kennet & Avon canal over both the River Avon and also the railway line – a bit of a quirk. After lunch a pleasant walk up the valley to catch a train back.

Eckett is delightfully right wing. I would pare down the BBC to its bare bones. He would scrap it altogether. I would pare back the Welfare State greatly, he would go er…rather further. When the disagreement is just how far one cuts it is unlikely to be a heated row. After a brief return to rural France, Eckett’s next stop is Nicaragua to hunt down Contra coffee.


4376 days ago

Let the Left Explain: Hurricane Sandy who is to blame?

You and I know that hurricanes just happen. No-one is to blame and mankind just carries on. But out there in the twittersphere the left is already working out whom or what is to blame for Hurricane Sandy which is now battering New York. Just to help these simple folk along so that they can cut and paste away for the comments board on the Guardian, BBC, etc here are the top ten candidates for who or what is to blame.

1. George Bush Junior – he caused all that is evil on this planet.

2. Global Warming. I know Sandy is rather cold but it is all to do with Global Warming which was partly caused by George Bush ( see above)


4377 days ago

Downton, Dallas, Ginger & Rosa

Is this the last episode of Downton Abbey series three tonight? Maybe it is the penultimate one. But it is hard to see what shocks we could have left. After all it is 1920 so unless the IRA man takes time off from grieving to join the Irish Civil War or Lady Edith heads off to fight for Greece against Turkey it is hard to see what can go wrong. Bates is on his way out of prison. The ex prostitute is settling in well at the Crawley household. Predatory homosexual Thomas really must get his long awaited come uppance downstairs while simple but honest Mary the under-cook looks set to be handed the keys to a farm by the father of the man she married but did not love just before he died.

Non Downton lovers – in this show someone important has to die at least once a series. The pompous prig Matthew Crawley is trying to make himself more exciting by picking a fight with thicko Aristocrat the Earl of Grantham but he is failing. He and Lady Mary really need to emigrate.

In Dallas, the younger generation of John Ross, Chris, Elena and the mad wife of Chris are growing on me. News that Bobby/Patrick Duffy/The Man from Atlantis


4380 days ago

Thought for the Day – Rev John Bell is ghastly

Hell’s teeth. By accident I find myself listening to the BBC for 30 minutes and I already deeply regret it. It was a mistake that I shall not repeat. My encounter is with the Today programme and first up was the Reverend John Bell from the Iona community who is just absolutely ghastly. He makes me dream once again of Scottish independence in the hope that this dreadful man would not then pollute the airwaves of a free Britain. Scottish independence or shutting down the BBC. Bell needs to come off air.


4383 days ago

The PC Obsession of the Boy Scouts

Another day and another daft PC missive from an organisation that you once respected. This time it is the Boy Scouts that makes one despair for Britain. The Scouts want to ban nicknames because that can lead to bullying. Oh please…

My brief foray into the Scouts saw some stern ex soldier take us for walks where we made “secret signs” with sticks so that only fellow Scouts could follow the trail. A few more years of that and I am sure that I too could have ended up like “Bear Grylls” who is apparently the Chief Scout today but must henceforth be known as Edward – for that is his real name. We would not want poor Bear to get put upon.

Apparently these days Scouts earn badges for things like recycling. All very twenty first century. And the Scouts now have a chief “safeguarding” officer Sam Marks who claims that


4384 days ago

Banning Page 3 is the Cry of the Insane

I have just discussed whether page 3 girls should be banned with a feminist. She was quite reasonable about it. Others are not. It is a sign of the decadent decline of or political and media elite that they even regard this as a major issue to start with. Hell’s teeth the country is going bust, our relationship with the EU is utterly broken, we have 9 million economically inactive folks, etc, etc – and yet some insist on getting their knickers in a twist about THIS issue.

Perhaps the simplest way to look at this is to see who supports banning Page 3. Polly Toynbee, Harriet Harman, the Liberal Democrats etc. That should instinctively tell you which side to be on. The other one.


4391 days ago

GOTCHA!: Global Warming is a Scam – Case Closed ( new Met Office data emerges)

My uncle Chris (Booker) is in India where my cousin Nick lives and so has missed the story of the year – the death of the global warming scam. As one of the bravest and fiercest critics of this costly farce he will be mortified. I am sure that when he arrives back in the UK on Wednesday he will be straight into battle. But data which has emerged from the Met Office ends this debate. Al Gore, Call Me Dave, Chris Huhne, the BBC, the Guardian etc – GOTCHA. It is all over for you now. How about you personally start paying back the gazillions taxpayers have pissed away on your fantasies at once.


4394 days ago

In Defence of Facebook Tax Dodgers : The Left Just does not get it

Facebook (FB) is under attack today for paying just £238,000 in corporation tax last year. I am the last person to want to defend Mark Zuckerburg’s enterprise. The shares are grossly overvalued even after almost halving from May’s $38 IPO. I still reckon they will more than halve again. But on this occasion it is the left (MPs, the Independent, the BBC – and its sister publication the Guardian) that just does not get it.


4411 days ago

The Guardian wants you taxed to subsidise its losses – tossers!

Veteran Guardian journalist David Leigh has penned a piece that will make your blood boil. I shall not provide a link as I refuse to direct traffic to this despicable publication. But you need to know what these (already) state subsidised scroungers think. Leigh wants to tax each broadband user in the UK £2 a month. The £500 million raised will be doled out to all publications classed as newspapers in 1994 to allow them to support “high quality journalism”.

This cash is needed because their current business models do not work. The Guardian would trouser c£100 million a year from this plan which would be handy as it currently loses £76 million a year despite getting a vast subsidy from the taxpayer advertising public sector non-jobs (something that could be done in-house and online at a fraction of the cost). The whole proposal stinks as does the tone of the piece from this wretched old dinosaur.


4417 days ago

Mad Teachers Unions want lessons in walking not maths

I am sure that you know my view on the overpaid poltroons who run the teachers unions in the UK. This is not an attack on teachers but on the union leaders. Their willingness to go on strike and defend grade inflation/declining standards is appalling. But today we hit a new low with a demand from the head of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) that the National curriculum be ripped up and replaced by lessons in walking. Well the ALT is half right.

Of course I’d rip up the National Curriculum and replace it with demanding standards based on RRR, our nation’s history etc. But walking? Taking a quote from the Guardian newspaper


4429 days ago

Non Job of the Week in General and Specifically

If one listens to the BBC or reads the Guardian the wicked Tories are slashing public spending. These means real cuts to front-line services which means the poorest and weakest folks in society really suffering. Ahem…it is just not true.

The facts are that Government spending is increasing in real terms (and per head of population in real terms) year on year and will continue to do so throughout this Parliament. And since tax receipts are patently not going up as fast (indeed I suspect at all) that means that the UK Government deficit and UK national debt will continue to increase. At one stroke the wicked Tories both enrage the lefties but actually do nothing to sort out the economic mess we are in.


4494 days ago

Israel and Gaza – a fair exchange? what the Biased BBC does NOT say!

On June 30th 2012 the Israeli Defence Forces (aka, according to the biased BBC and liberal Western media, child eating monsters) delivered 6,950 tonnes of aid to Gaza – that is food medicine, building materials, auto parts – everything. This was not a one off gesture to celebrate my daughter’s birthday the day before. 6 days a week the IDF delivers aid to Gaza – on average circa 170,000 tonnes a month. That is a lot for a small place like Gaza. So what does Gaza send back in return?


4516 days ago

It's raining, it's pouring – it's not global warming

The “ drought” of Spring 2012 is just one of those things that happen. So was the drought of 1976. So were the ultra cold winters of 1947 and 1963. This is nothing whatsoever to do with global climate change let alone global warming. In fact the earth has actually been cooling for the past decade just as our leaders plan to trash our economy with new carbon taxes to tackle global warming. But any evidence of hotter weather is always trotted out by certain parties as evidence of global warming. Hence we turn to the drought of 2012 ( remember that?)

The usual suspects were quick to point out that this was further proof of global warming. Read through this hilariously biased document to see one such claim:


4520 days ago

Auberon Waugh, Polly Toynbee and £1.25 Peroni for Euro 2012

Lucian Miers wins the Master Investor DVD for answering the competition correctly: North Devon 1979, Auberon Waugh and Rinka. I am not sure that Waugh was a terribly nice man but generally you do not stick the boot in just after someone dies. Rather famously, the loathsome Polly Toynbee did just that with a vile obit in 2001
